OAIAJIA BtK : SATU RDA * MABCH 26 The Omaha Bee Published every morning , c pt8nnd y , The only Monday morning dully. CKKMHBYMAIL One V r $10.00 1 Three MonUw.f3.0C Bli Months , 5.001 One . . LOC WEEKLY BEE , published or- ery Wednesday. BMRM8 TOST PAID t- OnoYe r. $2.00 I ThreeMonlhs. . 61 dlx Months.- . 1.00 | One . . K CORRESPONDENCE-All Comnmnl. tallotu relating to News and Editorial mat- era ohould be addressed to the LntTOB 01 Tn * Bra. BUSINESS LKTTEKS-A11 Buslnew Letters and Remittances should bo ftd- tressed to THR OMAHA PCBLTBHINO COM- fANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Chock * and Post- jfflce Order * to bo made payable to the order of the Company , OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs , Ei ROSEWATER. Editor. ANornr.n Nebraska liaid district nnothor Imvon of rofuRO in sight for footsore political pilgrims. THE approval of the anti-polygamy bill by the president mokoa it a law. Two important legislative measures have boon passed by congress at the present session , the anti-Ohincao im migration bill and the anti-polygamy bill. ACOOUDINO to the Omaha llorald the principle of compromise ought al ways to bo appealed to in advance of a strike. When the principln of com promise was urgad in Omaha the Herald - ald denounced the proposition. TEN daya hence our citizens will bu called on to elect six ward councilmen and the members of the board of edu cation. Who are the coming men ? Do citizens most intorustodjin the growth otjfmhf > and the ofilcioncy of our publjtfMtWs lot this election go by dofauH ? IN view of the fact that only throe members of the board of education are to bo voted for at the coming city olcqffcn , would it not bo well to BO- candidates at a non > partizan l mooting ? The management of * $ tf pdfelio schools should bo kept free from political bias and only competent and reputable citizens should 611 those positions. i * No BDTTEII evidence is needed to show the growing influence of sound views among men who control in the counsels of the workingmen of the country than is furnished in the numerous strikes that are : occurring in Now England and elsewhere in which violence is every where avoided. Herald. And no better evidence is needed of the sound views which controlled Omaha workingmen in their Into strike than the forbearance and the peaceful i conduct of the strikers under the shameless abnso heaped upon them by the editor of the Herald who as usual is trying to take backwater on his in cendiary remarks. THE CAMPAIGN OPENED. ' Five years ago last month the mo at memorable aonatorial campaign in the s history of Nebraska was formally opened by a murderous assault upon ino. The would-be assassin was in- dieted , convicted and sent to the pen itentiary. The cowardly conspirators who planned and instigated the us- .nault aworo themselves froo. The po litical desperadoes that wore foiled in ( heir , effort at assassination through the * murderous assault of Dick Ourry have opened the campaign of 1882 with another deadly assault. For more than two weeks those minions of monopoly have kept up a perfect shower of vicious and violent abuse , of which the following extract from the Republican is a specimen "Tluln , Mot attl RoHowator are synonymous town that will forever evoke the hearty desecrations of the lovers oi order. With blood and carnage , death and destruction , the jabbering jobber of Tm : BKK mil be happy , , Oat'i any man , Rosewater excepted , with 'tho power of a daily press to aid him , bo so blind and fiendish an to encourage , cocntonanco and abet a mad mob to acts of violence that en dangers every dollar's worth of prop < erty in a ntato's metropolis and the Urea of all who dare by word or deed defend their own ? . Gould anything bo more vindictive or villainous ? The strike of , lim Stophonson's workmen took place on Monday , Feb ruary 27th. On that day I was at Washington , in attendance at the me morial services to Gorfiold , I left Washington on Tuesday night , Fob- ruaiy 28th , and was at Pittabury on March 1st , the day when the sewer gang was raided , I did not hoar about the strike until I reached Omaha Saturday , I re- inainod at hoiro all day Sunday , started for Pleasant Hill Honda ] morning and delivered an address U the Saline county Furmcri' Alliance in the afternoon. I returned tc Omaha Tuesday , and was called upoi at my residence by the secretary o ; the Labor Union , Tuesday evening , wiUi uu urgent request to attend the workingmou'fl mass .mooting at the Academy of Music that night. M ) apoech was published next morning , It reads as follows : Mr , Chairman and laboring men ol Omaha : After an absence of foui weeks I rfturn to find the working' rnen of Omaha engaged in a very im- portaat struggle. Although 1 ia not vtry familiar with the causes whicli brought about this struggle , I do know that to carry it out you are right in co-operating. I can say now. us herotuforo , that my sympathies are with the workingmen of Omaha. [ Applause. ] The working men have as much right to associate for mutual protection as those who have capital. You have M much right to withhold your labor as the manufacturer IIM to withhold the product of your labor , or the banker to withhold the loan of his money , and you have ns much ritht ; to fix n price upon your labor as employers have to fix a price upon their wareu. Now comes the question of discre tion. Labor is gauged by the de mand and supply , and by the cost of living. The question what it costs to maintain' lifo and to live in decent quarters is essential , Every American workingman is en titled to sufficient food and n comfort able homo. The second question is the supply and the demand. At present the demand for labor every where is greater than the supply. Hence workingmen who are disposed to work tire nowhere starving. The only question is , for what can the laboring men work ? You have a right to say what you will work for. It is a notorious fact that the capitalists and great monopolies always cry out "commu nists and "socialists when A gather ing of this kind assembles. As I said yesterday to a mooting of ftnoprs , the true conservators of propor4Nmd the peace of this country are the pro- iuccrs the men who dig out of the soil or who shape the pruduotu of the soil. I don't ' believe the workingmen of Omaha are any moro desir ous of destroying property than , \io \ men who are . en gaged in manufacturing , railroading , ind other enterprises. I take it that 3110 have just as great rights'and in terests ns the other The only de struction of property within eighteen pears since I have lived in Urn aim , vas ( by men hired by corporations ; o cut the throat of BOIIIO other corpo ration. Wo have seen those cor porations maflflinp men on lower Far- lam street to destroy the property of each other. Wo have seen the flood- rates of the Missouri opened ay accident that resembled de sign and the whole river front loaded to destroy the property of some corporation. I take it you will not bo guilty of any such vandalism. You should leave this to thcmo who claim ko preserve , conserve and gather in all the property this country produces. I hope there will never bo any oc- : asion for saying that you are out laws. I trust your present contest may bo amicably Bottled , I hone that you will soon bo at work _ in the line of prosperous producers. A iroat ? many business mon of Omaha and outeiJo of Omaha liavo their eyes upon you. I would mot urge upon you anything that would retard the growth of the city , rhoro is no doubt but that many con tractors are anxious to know what the ruling wages will bo this soaflon. It is well that the wages ruling should xmtinuo through the season in which they wore adopted. When the ruling irico of labor can bo determined , I : iopo that the agitation , will cease. I cannot say what the price of your labor should bo. You yoursolvon know the value of your own labor. It would bo well if you could , como to some understanding with .tho mon who employ labor. Arbitrate , and then go to work peaceably. Butabovo all things , maintain yourselves as American citizens , who do not re- niiro the surveillance of officers. Lot each of you appoint himself a special wlicotnan and see that law and orde * ire maintained. Now , can anybody extract blood and carnage from this speech ? It is Mio only speech I have made to work- ngmcn since my return and the only gathering of workingmen I have at ended although T have since been repeatedly invited. The so called riot on the dump occurred Wednesday iftornoon , March 8 , and next morn- ng the following editorial from my ion appeared in TUB BKB : The labor troubles m this city have reached a crisis. The turbulent do- nonstration at the J3. & M. dump causes serious concern for the public lafoty , oven among the most ardent 'riends of the workingmon. No mater - , or how reasonable the demands of vago workers may bo , they cannot ustily a resort tn force us a moans or obtaining concessions from cm- iloyors. No matter how earnest the desire > f workingmen may be to enforce .heir demands by peaceable moans , they are confronted by the fact that public poaojtlaH boon violated by an jlTort to prtMtnt others from working. These riotous proceedings may be no par ! of the programme of the laboring men's union. Their loadoas have time and again lublicly urged strict compliance with law , and they disclaim most em phatically any intention to create dis turbance Bui it is evident they can not always control the body of labor ing men , , and consequently lay them selves liable to the charpo of organ izing mobs and labor riots , Having failed to maintain law and order with his imported special police Mayor Uoyd deems it his duty to ap peal to the governor for military pro tection , For our part wo'do not hesi tate to express a doubt as to the wis dom or necessity of calling out thn militia , because wo believe the labor troubles could and should bu amicably adjusted by arbitration. There may bo nothing to arbitrate on the part of the B , & M. road ns Mr. lloldridgo maintains , but such a course might prevent fresh labor troubles during the building season , In our opinion , an amicable under standing with workingmen and an adjustment of a scale o f mechanic * and laborers' wages for the season would be very denirnbln for all concerned. Wo believe that an ngreo < wont made by workingmen for a piven time under certain conditions will b lived up to as faithfally as a contract between builders and capitalists , Thofau who desire to suppress workingmen - ingmon by bayonets should remomboi that cheap labor under coercion h in the end than voluntary well Before Governor Nance nt the militia or makes roquisl . for regulars , every available of. fort should be made to secure a peace' able adjustment of these labor trou : bios. J IB there any blood , caruago pt 01 rain in this editorial ? Not n line hna appeared in Tun BHB since that day justifying disturbance , violence or 'orco and I defy any of my traducers , o cite a single sentence from any edi torial in THR BKB that incites mob violence or bloodshed. On the con trary , from first to last I have coun selled arbitration and concession. To cap the climax of infamy , the scoundrels who have opened this cam paign of defamation by publishing the most outrageous lies concerning my alleged collusion with the so-called riota and mobs have the audacity to claim that public sentiment in this state is unanimous in oondomnation of my course , The Republican prints- nearly two columns of extracts , looming with per sonal abuse and slander , which is palmed off as the "unanimous voice" of the state press. The whole atnto press quoted from comprises justaoven papers. Each of these is edited by notorious monopoly cappers who con sider it part of their duty to villify and slander mo. Pirat among these I notice the North Platte Nobraakan , edited by the ronugado Church. When this shyster was n candidate last year for -legislature the charge was made and sustained that ho had stolen n counterfeit $20 greenback that had boon put in a bible by his room-mate , passed the counterfeit note in payment for his board bill , and when detected had to replace it with genuine currency. I had magnanimously refrained from publishing his disgrace last year , but my generosity has boon waatod upon a villian who docs neb know when ho is well treated. Next comes , ho Fairmont Bulletin , published jy Calkins. This miserable fraud ilayod capper for the B. & M. last summer in wricking an anti-monopoly paper , the Lincoln Globe. After ho lad wrecked that paper ho defrauded lis workmen by boating them out of , heir wages. Among those defrauded printers are John Voddor to the tune of 825.00 ; D. Myers , 838.00 ; A. Orolo , $30.00 ; II. Pickott , $70.00 ; J. Malloy , $10.00 And this pink of ournalism has no aympathy with strikers. Next in order , if not equal in ras cality , is John 0. Santee , of the Knox bounty News , and Noovis , of the jlonova Review who are in excellent company with Church nnd Calkins. These rogues , like Tray Blanche and sweetheart , nrn all barking at my loels. I have exercised as much for- icaranco as any ordinary human could ) ut forbearance has coascd to bo a virtue , and if these malignors hanker nftor an aotivo campaign they will hid mo prepared. ' E. ROHHWATEK. A UAJOIUTY of the judiciary com mittee of the house has finally agreed to report favor ibly on Valentino's bill , o give Nebraska contingent congress man , but there is no more show for that bill to pass than there is for Val entino to become his own successor. The committee has boon grossly im posed upon by downright perjury. The only basts the claim for a contin gent congressman rests upon is the Kutonso that the census of 1870 was ncorrcct and fell many thousands bo- ow our real population. Affidavits which can bo procured for a drink of whisky among the cowboys on the rentier have boon filed to sustain this iretonso. These affidavits declare hat Uio census-takers of 1870 wore afraid to take the census in the west ern and northwestern sections of the state , nnd the number of people thus omitted is estimated by state census returns taken two years later. 3ut why didn't the people of Ne- ) raska over hoar of these errors in the census ? They had a legislature in session in 1871 and again in 1873 and .875. The logislatuao of 1871 made the apportionment for legislative nnd udicial representation for five years. iVhy wasn't the shortage in census returns brought to their notice ? Why did not they rectify the so called error n making their apportionment ? Why s congress asked to give representa tion to people whom their own state disfranchised ? Why did the legisla ture of 1871 adopt the national census in apportioning representatives for the constitutional convention hold in the same year ? Why was there no men tion of this pretended shortage made in the legislature of 1876 , when the convention was called that framed our present constitution ? Is it reasonable to presume that those mistakes in the census wora not discovered until after Pat O. Hawos filed his claim for con tingent congressman ? Will it not be just as easy to discover shortage in the census of 1880 in 1885 by com paring the national census with tlm state census taken two or throe years later ? NOTICE TO WEARERS OF SPEC TACLES. Our attention ha * been called to the fact that others are representing to the public that they are sojling the Stur Tinted Spectacles. This is an unmitigated fraud. The celebrated protectors to that valuable organ , sight , can only be had at the loading jewelry establish ment of EDI10LM & EHICKSON , opposite the poBtofiioo , they being the sole agents in this section. Then to those who are sutl'oring with smart ing , tired and watering eyes , throw away your glosses at once , na they are only injuring your sight , an ( * repair at once to loading jewelers and secure a pair of those genuine Star Tinted Classes and secure immediate relief. & ERIOKSON , o popular Jewelers , opposite the Poatollico. M15tf. HENRY TT. X.ONCFIXLOW. The nov of the death of Henry W , Lonfellow , which occurred yesterday At Cambridge , Mass. , will bo rocoiVnc with general aurpriao emd universal re gret throughout the country. It ii less than three weeks ago that five thousand school children of New Eng land , united in comomornting tin happy arrival of the sovonty-fiftl birthday of the vonorabln poet , am joined in congratulations over thi prospect , which aoomnd assured , of i number of yca.a yet to como ot usefn activity. Mr. Longfellow's life has beet coeval with the most productive porioc of American literature. Ho wa borr in Portland , Maine , on February 27 1807 , and nt the ago of 14 ontorec Bowdoin college , from which ho wai graduated in 1825. Supplied by hit father with ample moans for pursuing the lifo of n student , in the following year ho accepted the position of professor fossor of modern languages nt Bow doin nnd immediately sailed for Eu rope , whore ho spent four years in preparing himself for the duties of hie position. His studies in continental languages during this period bore rich fruit in nftor years , in n number ol vigorous translations from the Span- iah and Italian , which now form one of the most valuable portions of hie colleotod works. Returning to Bow- Doin , Mr. Longfellow dovrttod live years in discharging the duties of hie professorship , during which time he contributed several articles to the "North American Review" and pub lished his "Outre Moro , " which atonco attracted wide attention. Among a small band of Now England liUratcitrs ho waa already known by the fugitive pieces which had found their way into journals and magazines , among which wore the "Hymn of the Moravian Nuns , " "Woods in Winter , " and "Sunrise on the Hills. " They were marked by a grace of style , a polish ot diction and a transparent lucTdity of thought which gave their author at once a place among the small brother hood of American poots. In 1835 Mr. Longfellow was appointed pro fessor of modern languages and hellos lottrea at Harvard college , which po sition ho-continuod to hold until 1854 , when ho resigned to give way to Jamoa Russell Lowell. The seventeen years uf his Harvard professorship wore the most fruitful period of his literary and poetical ac tivity.- During this time ho wrote and published "Hyperion , " "Voices of the Night , " "The Spanish Stu dent , " "Tlio Belfry of Brugea , " "Evungelino , " "The Golden Legend , " "Hiawatha , " "Poems on Slavery , " and a number of araaller and loss pre tentious .productions. Later worke wore "The Courtship of Miles Stan- dish1 "Talea of n Woyaido Inn , " "Flower do Luce , " "New England Tragedies , " "The Divine _ Tragedy , " and "Three Books of Song.The Hanging of the Crane" and "Moruturi Salutation , " a poem read at the fiftieth anniversary of his class at Bowdoin college , wore the last extended pro ductions from the aged poet's prolific pen , Since his ret'r jrau t from the duties of his professorship , Mr. Longfellow continued to roMde in Cambridge where ho occupied the old Washing ton mansion until the time of hie death. The writings of no American pjot are BO widely known in his own coun try and more highly esteemed abroad than these of Longfellow. His very popularity is used as an argument by critics against the intrinsic worth of his versos. But however much origi nality in thought or novelty in ex pression may bo denied to the author , none have ventured to question the grace , the polish , the sweetness of his metrical compositions. If ho failed to create , ho never failed in adorning. Though ho seldom put into metro thoughts absolutely now , of all other American poets ho succeeded most admirably in putting our best thoughts into the best language. It is as the poet of our quieter and less restless moods , appealing to the instincts of a universal humanity , kindled by wide sympathies and touched with tender emotions that Longfellow's place in our national literature will bo lasting and powerful. The melody uf his verso alone proves him to bo a genu ine poet , nnd there nre paisagca in the "Araonal , " the "Building of the Ship , " and "Household Poems" which are unsurpassed in this respect by any in English verso. As a translator Longfellow ranked among the first. He has given to the English Hpcakiny world the boat translation extant ol Dantes "Divine Tragedy , " while few of the continental htcitituros hi\vi horn unnoticed in his elforts to rcppt duue in English the uwcotcat songs ol ether nations. Other poota will arise of greater creative powers , possessed of more concentration of thought and perhaps ot loss conventionality , but there will always bo seasons when the poems of Longfellow will bo preferred to these of the grand old masters , when nu anodyne is moro grateful than a stimulant. For above nil others "Hii aOug b ve power to quiet Th * restless pulse of care. " Ledlos Fine KID BUTTON SHOE * at 81.60 at Eoeuoy & Connolly's , 512 16th street. m22-tf MEDIUM FRAUDS. The Bogus Spirit of an Indian Brave Oipluredat Erie. A Modidno Man of Flesh and Bonoe Captured. Ktle dltpttch to CleroUnd Leader. The Foster-Fox spiritual frauda were thoroughly exposed hero at their first public aeanco , and the rioh har vest which they had anticipated was not theirs this time. Dr. Foster ap peared before n largo audience , and , in n deeply injured tone , complained of the injustice done him by the Spir itual society of Erie , nnd the newspa per correspondents who had telegraph ed all over the country that ho was n fraud without giving him a hearing. The richly-endowed lady at his side , Miss Fox , had boon made to aharo the pflium of these villainous dispatches , aho who was oa chaste as ice and ns pure ns BIIOW 30 pure that the nngela were nblo to manifest themselves through her in n moro remarkable way than in any living medium , etc. It was infa mous to condemn n man unhnard ; it was unlike Americans to do. The Cleveland Leaner and the Spiritualist society of Erie had denounced him an impostor , but in their teeth ho coat bark the asser tion the wicked , slanderous Ho ; he would lot the audience BOO that ho was a true spiritualist medium , nnd that the dead can return to their loved ones , etc. By his dignified man ner ho won the sympathy of his audience , and when this point was reached ho proceeded to get his committco of investigation. He called out from the list the names of four prominent citizens of unimpeachable integrity to serve on the committee. The nomca were not responded to , na thopaopIoVoro not proaont * a fact Dr. Foster waa well nwaro of. Ho was then about to select a committees himself. A CUT AND DIUl'.D ONB , when Rabbi Stemplo sprung up and nominated The Loader man , who in turn nominated Rev. Stomplo , with Mr. John E. Boyle , editor of The Sunday Graphic. Dr. Foster did not look approvingly upon such n committee , but the audience - enco insisted upon the selection nud the two took their seats on the stage , whereupon Dr. Foster informed the audience that , owing to the sudden in disposition of Miss Fox , several of his best manifestations would have to bo omitted irom the programme. The conditions were such that the in visibles would not bo able to ma nipulate the elements in Miss Fox's composition. The Leader man asked if the trouble did not originate in the committee , to which Dr. Foster indig nantly replied , "No , sir. " SBVERAL MISERABLY TOOK THICKS of charlatanism were performed that the committee thougr.t to bo of too small importance to trouble them selves about , and then the grand cab inet manifcHtntions commencod. The spirit of a Tuscarora Indian was to enter the cabinet in which the bound medium and one of the committee were to'be seated , the latter blind folded , "for his life's sake , because no man can see God and.livo. " Dr. Foster andMiss , Edith Fox had a decided objection to The Leader man being selected for the honor of sitting in the cabinet , bat the com mittee appeared to think that if there waa a risk of seeing God in that cup board and dying , The Leader man was boat prepared to go. In vain did the two mediums protest that the presence of such A VINDICTIVK HKEPTIO would drive nway good spirits and at tract demoniacal influences , to the great danger of all their lives. The committee would not lot up , and into the cabinet the Loader man wont to moot the disembodied spirit of Weop- mg Willow , the Tuacarira chief. The curtains were closed , the lights wore turned down and the materialized hand of the Indian descended with rather spiteful force upon Urn reporter's head. The hands of the spirit passed over hia facn , causing him to wonder if Indian angola wear signet rings similar in shape to the ono worn by Foster. ThoAUdienco heard ' a sharp movement iC ho cabinet , 'and the next momoiir ester and the reporter appeared , the latter as the captor of the apirit , which , of course , waa the impostor nt hia aide. The fraud waa then explained to the audience and Dr. Foster WITH CONSUMMATK IMri'KKNC'K , walked boldly to the front and stated that ho had intended to expose spiri tualism at the close of his eoanco. He had intended to toll his hearer * that all Spiritualists were either knaves or cranks ; that if it were possible for & departed wife , mother , or child to re turn to the earth , the great God would surely lot them communicate to their loved ones without wanting them to fit at pay some medium the paUry foe of 85. Was it posoible God wanted pay for hia fnvora ? After Foster waa through with this little but sensible speech , the Loader reporter confronted him with a list of names of people booked for private seauces to bo given at Foster's parlors at various hours for three days follow ing the exhibition of that evening , nil of whom had boon promised a com munication from their dead ones at from 83 to 85 n head Ho waa asked to reconcile his speech , whur found out , with hia acta and intention. Amore moro contemptible cur waa never soon , Ho WU1NEP KOU NKWSPAl'EU t'HAKITY because "wo must all live , you know1 The extraordinary hold which spir itualism has taken hero caunoa then vultures to hover over the ci y , but your inrrispundeiit propnars to inves tigate every ono tl at fHleH herc--t-o hu indorsed as true , or denounced as false by the spiritual society. In justice to tbo spiritualists it should bo said that they invite investigation , and , in a letter addressed to the cor respondent of the Loader , they say that if the reporter succeeds in de tecting fraud in a medium indorsed as genuine , no one will bo moro grateful to the Leader than they , because they will be protected in common with the public. Buoklin'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Cut. ' , UruUe * . Sore ) , Ulcer * , Halt Ilheuin , Fever More * , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns , an < i all skin eruptions , and posi tively cures pile * , It li guaranteed to give eatlsfactlon or money refunded. Price , 25 centa per box. For ialo by Scbroter and Decot. HONEY POK THE LADI1S3 New vests pointed , Bullet bntt ns prevail. Guipure loco Is revived. Puffed flounces nre ttylltih. Kcru tints remain popnlar. 8m * 11 culls nre becoming , PufTcd nlepvcfl nr iltsomied. Printed fabric * replace brosadcfl. Small iimntlcn find inaU furor. Surplice necks remain In vogue. ( 'hnngeable sllka combine four colors. 1'olonrvlsea ate draped to foroi pjvniers. Hooks nnd eyes fallen many drosnea. Dull jet U not o nQued to mourulng. 1'ulftfd plaitron * xtcnd to th wnls line. Small bugles innko up now jet trimming Jet curtains are on black straw bonnets Shirred bn que will bo Men on auramo dresses. 1'lptng folds nnd cords of untin nro re vUcd. Cuirass banques re pretty for plurnt missed , Kcru batiste neckerchiefs have polka dnta nnd pcallopcd edges. Ked bronze Is ne.v ( or buttons i.ml buckles on chameleon Bluff * . Snnhts are no wide nnd long tbnt no otber Hklrt drapery is needed. Handsome parasols have frills of lace , nnd others n bunch of flowers on tlio top. Shining rows of gold , nilveror _ bronze Bimll shells are seen upon the briins of new F.cnch bonnets nnd bain. A piem entitled "Three Kisses of Faro- well" lint been received from n young lody In Iowa. Tbe old gontlemaa aeema to have lomo home rilher early that evening. Theio nro many haid tasks for woman In this woId , but few which t-ho finds It Impossible to perform. Still there never wan a woman who oiulj keep a fur-lined circular from flying open and stowing the Newly imported fc'rcnch woven under- wcnr of all kinds , white i.r in pale-tinted ci lore , fit the form perfectly , and are without fieama or one unnecessary fold or eren wrinkle. Theeo goods nre purchased very largely by stout people , both1 men and women. " A ahrewd Grand Rupidi girl caused a re art to bo circulated that she will have 821COJ In cash the moment she becomes of age. She U BOW get ing fat on oyster supi.ers , icecream , and invigorating influ ence * by buggy rides tendered in profusion by the wealthy dry goiids nnd grocery clerka in that town. The poke bonnet , shorn of its exagger ated propurttonx , will atill be the popular shape for tbo large class of ladled who moke ono handsome "beit" bonnet answer for n season. This bonnet , neither very small nor extremely large , is becoming to nearly every tnce , nnd ean bo made very eleirant or exceedingly simple , as taste and length of puree may illct.te. Very few prettier girls have I ever seen than oue who a. it near me an evening nut long ago nt table d'aot at tbo C ntinental , Philadelphia. The loveliest of auburn hair , beautiful features smallest of mouth * , and prettiest , of teeth ail combined tn m ke her exce'edinglyattractive. Turning to a queer-looking little old lady at her side the suddenly exclaimed : ' 'Oh , me , ain't them mince pies beastly -New York Hotel Mail. While the new Itusslan minister to IVauhington , Baron Str.mve , was the rep resentative of Ills country t t Tokio , his wife becime deeply interested in the col lection ot Japantse ceramics. Teapots were her _ espenial delight , and she found herself signally successful in a. cumulat ing choice specimen * . But when her col- lectioulnumbered nearly 800 , she discov ered t- > her dismay that the child like and bland Japp were manufacturing the pots especially for her , each ono being made more attractively grotesque and more venerably antique in appearance than its predecessor , it seemed a pity to blight the new. ' .industry , but nevertheless , Baroness Strouvo's collection of " .mtiquo J.ipuneso rirt" was from that day no locger open to additions in the teapot line. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. "The Blao'c Crook" U shortly to be rovlvtd ut Niblo'f , by the Kiralfy Broth ers. ers.Mr. Mr. Defoisez , of Paris , is negotiating to bring a Fren , h opera company to New Orleans. Madame Sarah Bernhardt is looking ex ceedingly ill , nrtil it is thought in I'.iris that nhe cannot live much longer. Liezt's symphonic poem , "Hungaria , " wai given tor the first time in London at the second concert of the Philha > monic Society on February 23. Mnssenet'b new opera , "Herodlade , " first brought out at Brussels , wat per formed at Milan on February 22. Mndjeska has recently had great success at Warsaw. This actress rovititH America next KO BOH , under the management of John Stetson , Miss Kicnpson , of Chicago , now in Paris , has accepted a propositio i for u concert tour throughout the Unlto.1 Staten in the full and winter of 1882-3. The receipts at the Detroit opera hou e on March 13th and 14th , when Kdwin Booth acted there , as Hlchelleu and Ham let , were $1,003. "Hamlet" drew the bet ter of the two houses. ' 'Old bhipirutes , " by Uibert Griffin Moiris , has panned its 200th consecutive representation , and la g nerally accounted a thoroughly natlnfactorv piece of the domestic kind. It will shortly be pro duced In New York. Tbe Cincinnati people are beginning to make preparations for t' ' e May Musical Festival , which houo uf the two great gala seasons in that city , the other being pig sticking tiii'e. ' Emma Abbott and her opera company were iu Cincinnati rcceutlv , the repertory comprising "Patience , " "Olivette , " "AUr- tha1 ' 'Chiiaea of Normandy" nnd "Paul and Virginia May Marotzek , who suci dore Thomas an director of tl c jllego of imuic , ha * thrown tlou in a huff ml gone backtj He claims that nis wife WJB not treated with due retpect , which la probably owing to the fact that his wife was not included in the contract ho had with the t incln- nail concern , Maretzek ha had a pretty rough time of late yeara. He < a undoubt ed ! ) a musician of great merit ; he lias done more for music tlian Theodore Thomtis has , for he is not only uti inter preter and a performer , but also n com poser. Hi < opera , based upon the legend of Slojpy Hollow , I- a be utlful work , one which eu'ltles him to u high rank amoug modern composers. But a mellower or other , Marctrek has sever te med to "catch on. " HU iliiuppoiiitm'-ut : ! 1m. u illbjjruntl.'i uml H u ixl bun ninl varpul him unit tliw r t-t uf liislife will l > e > pent tlm fn u t rf Vrd n , r illiuit mmikinil. Uosal. tha iiUKudian , will go buck to It.ily ulth uioro fleas in hU ear than ducats in hiu puma. HU company went to pieces in Cleveland , which , by the way , is the chief theatrlca1 graveyard In Ameil. ca. The manager s Id ho had lost nine teen thousand dollar * by the venture nnd wai completej ! cleaned out. Hngaj had to pay the expense * of his di tre aod com- pai.lunsback to New York. The critlcd speak of Jtosai aa a graceful artist but quite Interior to Salvnl. The fact that he spoke his linen in Itallon while tin rest of the company gpoka in Knglhh detract ed largely from the merits of hU perform- anccn , as viewed and heard by American audiences. Salvini and Bernhardt sue- succeeded In this country because each was superlatively great , but no one with only moderate or even fine ability can hope to be favorably received here in foreign drama. Italian opera would not be pre ferred here but for two facts ; First , the bent ilngeri will sing tnly in Italian opera , and , second , Italian opera doe ) not depend for Its charm either upon the word * or upon the plot of tbo libretto. A POETRY OF THH TIMB5. . r * One by Ono. One by one the ropes fa1 ! , One by one the duhlers go , Mince pies fade away In Spring , Boya begin to play base ball , When the gentle Summer coined , With its wealth of blooming floworn , Then ft pickntc gently sprout * In the sylvan dells and bowers. Let ui never waste a day , Let us always forward push , Or pome other duck will talce Myrtle to the rnatlneo. Summer. Two summer weeks oh. short the time ! How swift the sweet days roll ! Then every morning brought a row , And every night a stroll , These two were never seen apait , tNo matter whnt the weather , r t or rain and Bhluo , in door or uut , But brought these two together. WINTER. On Beacon street they meet andpas < - A bow , and that N Ml. Says the , "The fool I met at York- Hope he won t come to call. " He sees her bow and lifts his bat , PobtencfH to ths letter. SOTS he , "By Jove , I've seen thatglrl , I wonder where 1 met hcrl" Harvard Lampoon * PE PP'uRMENr DHCTPB. Should Uussia and Austria go to war somebody U going to make money on wooden overo ats. N. Y.Com. When a inan'e chestnut curls becln to turn gray , it means that he is fifty j e < rs old. But when they begin t > turn black that' means that he IH nlxty. Paris pa per. per.The The morning h the best time of day to ilck buckwheat ciko * . A strong healthy man can pick fifteen fromadixh nt a single sitting , eo we've been tyld. .loe cream is now served in molds to re- EomMo a paiaUB. Phis won't do.The inly way that will wean the girls against t U to make it resemble onions. Phila delphia Chronicle-Herald. The first brigade of Illinois militia is withouLn general. ThU account-t for the ioiy attitude of Europe. Louisville Cour- er Journal A man who detected u piece of bark in lia eaugngo visited the butcher shop to enow what had bicouie of the rest of the dog. The butcher was BO affected that he coull giro him only a part of the tale. Courier-.Iouin.il. The most remarkable case on record is bat of a Yankee soap man , who , in a via- ent storm at sea , saved himself from death > y taking a cake of hisuwn soap and wanh- ng himaclfwhore. . It ix a mystery to inobt people how t o uauy doctors inaku a living , but the mya- cry is solved when you come to think that ho undertakers may give them a commi-t- I u. [ Lowell Citizen. An Oregon man fell on the icy walk mid jroke his nose , nnd when ho came tn sue or damages the jury held that his looks mil be in improved thirty per cent. He hertfore got nothing , and will devote his ime to improving the looks of the jury. Boston Post. Popular conversation upon the ftrry loats : "Yes , sir , March is a bad month. ' 'I've been doctoiing for muscular rheuma * ism ; up half the night. " "How's your old ? " "Not a Lit better. Yes , my out's somewhat easier , but not much. Teirible pain. " "Ever try wasp stingst" 'O , yes ; n good. " New York Commer cial. cial.It bos been discovered that some ex el- ent counterfeit half-dollara are being made by. the Chinese of San Francisco , vhicb contain only iC cents worth ot M- 'er. Ameiicau counterfeiters can nerer jope to compete with a inoon-cyed leper who will work for only ID cents on thu dollar. ' "Is there a letter hero in a scented en velope for my wife ? " he asUed the pj > t- mas er , while the green fiie from lib o.es . nade the office look like n leafy forest' 'Yes sir , " answered the postmaster , as he landed it out. The jealous man tote it open at once , when la and bcholdl it xvas he mil iner's bill f r fifty del arn. No ucceeding ch pt re. .New Arithmetic It is tAenty-six rods rom Smith's house to the saloon where he akes a nip ix mornings per week. In i teen ye. H how fnr has he walked ? . . . . low many boys three feet tall will it take .a . climb over a wall live feet high and arry off a bushel of harvest apples ? This mist be figured hy the rule of three two > oys and the ol I man's dog. . . .If it takes a boy twelve years ot age twenty-two rain- itea to bring in six small sticks of wuod , low long wilt it take him to walk a mile nd a half to se a circus procession ? ' 'ree Press. The widow Flapjack , who keeps a fash- enable boarding bouse on Austin avenue , s in tin habit of giving h r board ra > ysters for dinner on Sunday , but last Sunday , In tead of getting tto ysters , me of tne boarden only got one'How 9 this , Mre. Flapjuck ? he askel iu wild .ismay , "I usually get two oysters , but only find one in my plate. " ' 'I reckou he cook forgot to cut the oyster in two his time , " responded Mrs , Fliipjap * , re- mi viiu the oyster from his pi te with her ork. That'H what be got for "kicking. " 'exas Sittings. Sittings.TMPlJil TMPlJil "I see that Mr. Miln does not believe n a Great Spirit , and I also notice th.it le has been otfered ueveral good jobs. It s seldom that the paleface gets left. " sitting Bull. In uinaeueuce | of the overflow in the tliaslnsippi valley Talmage will postpone is proposed lecturing tour through that ection. How wonderfully does Pruvi- ence temper the wind tn the shorn lamb. Texas Sif lings , A cro.v that could speak a dozen wordi ilainly has just died ut Bedford , Mass. le might haVH litcon.e famous but for bii booking profanity , which made his seclu- ion necessary. His early education bad een bad. The Kev. Mr. Swing sara "that a novel s the world's truth with a beautiful .vo.uun . walking through it , " Generally , we may add , with a man after her. Christian Union , Jasper , the Kichmon I preacher who caches that the "sun do movf , " has a ills- Ifle in the Uer. Adam flurger , u Lu- icraii clergyman of Perry county , Ohio , .vho is preaching a sermon taking the ame view , { At a church festival at New York the rled oynters were npolled and condemned snni-t forfnod Th pin s and beiiero- eai uuiugeirby it ti rin a Iute I , emit theme o the Old Ijidleo1 Home wilhoutinentiun- ng the sou co f.imi whli.li they came. L'bus another unostentatious act of charity a registered above. ( New York Evening i'ost. i'ost.Rowland Rowland Hill once declared that he vouUl be willing to receive contributions if money for the spread cf the gospel if itfered by Satan himself at the end of red- tot toiiL-s. And an old colored preacher u Wa hlngton during the life time of L'had. Stephens showed similar liberality if opinion. Meeting the grand old com- noner one day , the preacher said ; "Mis'er itebeiid , ou' chu'ch la pow'fully in debt , ah. an * would y ' please gib us a HP , sab , llsmo'nln ? " Old I'had thoughtfully put iU band In hia vest-pocket , pulled out a mndred-dollar bill , and handed it to the : olored brother , nay Ing , ' There , take that , [ won It last uight playing poker , " The ; rateful Ethiopian took the money and Hiwed low iu acknowledgment , na\ir ( ? , Thank yo' , Mla'er Stebens. De Lofd nnves In a royite'iout way his wonde'i to ' ' ' w'fo'ui.1' * . ' | |