THE DAlLf JBEE-COU OlL BLUFFS , 10WA , FE1DAV MAECH 24 i882. TIIK DAILV BttE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Mo , uinpr , March 24 SUUSCUII'llON UATKS : By Carrier , By Mall , - ill ) 00 | r Yi : Office : Room Hlvo , Bverett'a Block Broadway. 0. E. MAYNE , Marimr Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. M1JNOH MENTION a. I'rnngV Kimt r cnrdi nt SenmanV , mf-ldtl A new flour In being laid in tlic hull ei the court house. A Mimlcr of prairie Bcliooncrs en livened the appearance of Hroadwuy yr It r Jay. Jay.Have Have you Been thnt fine dlnplay o Kfifltor innln at Ikuhncll & . Itinckctt'g ? Mclillcod tf Tde hlrott fprinVlers nreneudeJ batllj on IJroudwMy nil other prlncljiat ktrcetc where th. ) dtitt l blinding all nnd c-iiisini havi o ainonB dlRiilny < ( Knodo. E I * Cm eld , the youn ? man wlr gnuthcd tliu clock r.t Mrs. SeotlV , * ni yestcrilay fivcn n contract for $13.85 or the cilyV stone pllo. P A tniirtcil convonU'm tinier the di rection of MJjH Alice Mitchell , of Chicago , is to open In the vestry of the I'/tHbyter- Inn church next Monday. The young ladles of the l'rcnliyl rian church are p cpatlntf a ort of Ocar Wlhle entcrtalninent , to bo Riven nt Do- haneyV , Thurmlay evening of next wick. The barn o1 Chariot Shield * , In Mnr- din township , li repotted an having been destroyed by fire nt nu early hour yester day morning , together with lour hurHcs. Among those who were ycntenlay taxed the nccustoiiud $8.85 by Judge Alye worth for being drunk were S. .1. JelTri.i , Sweden , and Alex. Stewart. P The remains of joungUcchur , who wan killed at the > aril of the Chl'ogoit North- wstern road the othe.- night , wat yottur- day [ Bent to Applcti n , WIs. , wh ro the WIJOMIH ! niotlior live" . A tilight lihzo in reported at bavin , ; occurred nt the residence of Mr. Davis la Keg Gro k c.irly j csterday iiiiirntne' , by which ilia houeo w Romewhat damaged. The prosiiects.of n | ir6sicrous Young Men's Cli istian Asnocl.ktlon in this place are very bright. Already over fifty rmmcti have been secured in euppiirt of the enter prise John PiiTrtonp , who cliiniH to have seen Snoddi rly tiHinult and rob Mrs. Hub- bard , has not only got hlmnolf into trouble on tl-p charge of perjury , but It Is Haid tint the officers have got hold of evidence pnlntin ? to him the no that robbed a matiotnlxmt % ld > . 1'leraons would evi dently have done better to havp kept his mouth shut Th3 case of the ot-ite va. 1'orler , in which a decision was given by the supreme court , ta r.itlicr a nenxntional onu. Dr. Porter , i f I.oMara , was charged with assault with hittnt to commit ratio on a rexpect blu young lady of that city , and was tiled , convicted und Bentcnced , The Bupietmi o urt reversed the rulings of the judge aud tent back the case for u now trial. Wtlllatn Onglum , living on Mr. Everett's farm about four miles northeast of the city , mot with a singular accident while proceeding homeward Wednesday evening in u farm wagon in which wera also two others. Among the purchases made in the city was a pound of gunpow der , which became Igultid bya cp.'irk from A pipe , and explo ed. Mr. Ooglum was slightly Injured , and his comrades got somewhat singed. There Is n strong feeling in favor of a high licence nj stein hero , and a pressure is bclug brought 11 bear on the coum il to place the amount ns high an $1,00 , The low license and laxity in giving license hftvo caused a marked increase in the number of disorderly places and low dives , and there should bo a change which will forci ) the doggreU out of existence. The pronent council is expected to make a radi cal change in favor law and good order , and ouo of the most important of tl.o stepi leading to this change 1 < n | .reat rntra In the umount of license rcqulrtd. A special ngent of the postofllco de partment was in the city lately , looking At the poatoffico facilities hero , and uu at tempt was made to secure some larger and mure convenient building , but none could bs found which vrns deemed mil'ablo. It WAS therefore dicl led to retain the present building , and to use all of the main floor for po tofllco purposes. The t ink store lut'a removed , and other changes have followed. Yesterday the 1'o.irUtrtot entrancn was dosed ormunently , In order that the western portion of the building mi/ht ha fitted up for the use of the clerks , thui giving only one entrance to the pub lic , that being on Main Htreat. The change ban been made by order of the. department , go that If any one Is dUpcped to giumhle they tho'tli ! find fault with the potters tha * be. Tneru wus much mirprlso and not a little grumbllnt ; heard yeaterilay among thosd who li'ivo been in tlm habit of ining tlie western cutrnuco to the poitotlioj , and who found themselves compelled to go around the block , The change makes A block's difference to many In walking , but while they ard thus inconvenienced , the postnfuco employes will have more rojin lu \vhloh to handle the great amount of mull matter ulilch crowdithls olllcn dully. KOUDINQ OUINAMEN. Bomo Bad 'Mullcuna Oot Away vrlth Ilia Trunk , Money and Jowolry. Johnny Chinaman who keep n laundry - dry on North Main street near the crook , was victimized by burglars tomu titfio Wednesday night. Tlioy BUO- cooded in foroini ; up liia window , and took out his trunk , carrying it onto Washington avenue , where they pro ceeded to nnsrvck it T hey found in it about five dollara In inonoy and a gold watch , together with some trlnk- eta and clothinp , for which they Boeined to have no use , The money and watch are ttill at largo as ara also the plunderero. The Chinaman was yesterday carrying on an exoitod hunt * but with not much BUCCOU. i S i i CRUELLY CRUSHED , W. J. rhillipB Instabtiy Killoi While Coupling Oarw. A Mild Censure Inserted in the Core nor'fl Verdict. Tlio Bccuiid fntnl accident wliicl hns occurred in this city this v cel by coupling tats befell W. J. Phillip yusterda ) uftLtnoun , in the jard o the Chicago , 'Ruck Island it Patfifii railway company. Phillips waa on gi tJ in coupling cars at the time u : the accident. There were two can coming down the switch without 01 engine. S. F. Wllley , another em- pi aye , wan standing on the end of out of these curs , uinl Phillips stood by the track changing linke. Willoj called out to him to he careful or lit would gut caught , and thu next he saw of him , I'lnllipa v\as caught be tween the bruku : iud the duadwood , and fell , Onu wheel ran over him close to the thi h and thu other wheel an on him. Whim Phillips was taken up ho was found to ho already dead and badly mutinied. Coroner Ford wan summoned und imiuebt was held. Mr.Villoy tea- tilled substantially ns above , nud C. F. Tutllo , the only other one who saw the accident , corroborated his statement in full , Ho heard Willey call to Phillips to look out. It was brought out in the evidence that the curs which Phillips wus coupling were of thu cab torn iuakuyoiniiig toother very closely , and one not familiar with thcii peculiar build was very liable to get pinched butwten them in attempting to make a coupling. Thu eoroner'a jury conii ttd of H. 13. liroivn , 0. S. Clark and 0. I. n t. Thu verdict was : "That the said \V. J. Phillips came to his death by Voing canj/lit between two cars and run over , while in the act of coupling in thu yards of the Chicago , llock Island & Pacific railroad in said city. No blame attaches to the railroad company , except in the use of foreign cars , which the jury regards of unu sual ( Innuorouti construction to those not familiar with them. " Thu mangled remains of thu unfor tunate man were placed in charge of his brother and taken nt once to thu home ol the deceased on Pierce street. Mr. Phillips was a young man who had many and warm friends in this city , and the community throughout will sympathize sincerely with thu wife and children upon whom this blow has come 20 suddenly , Mr. Phillips was mi active member of Phoenix hook und ladder company , and was also an honored Knight of Pythias , lie has been for some time switchman in the umploy of the 0. , R. I. & P. railway company , and was proving himself u : areful and faithful employe. Tiio ex tent of his acquaintance and the num ber of his friends causes the accident M give an unusual shock to many. OFF FOIt PRISON. Cho Escaped Convict , Tom Ingnlla , Starts Back to borvo Out His Term. J. MoEwon , one of the officers of ; ho Wisconsin state prison , arrived in , ho city yesterday , to take back with lim Tom Ingalls , < the escaped convict , vho was found in this city by the in- itrumontality of TUB BEK. McEwon irocooded to the jail to see his man , ind make sure that ho was the ono ranted. Ingalls had no idea that an jflicor was coming after him , and was iomplotcly taken hack when MoEwon itepped into his cell. Ho eyed him m instant , and recognizing him at nice , exclaimed , "Well , Jim , is that pou ? Well , I'm glad to BOO you any- ivay , " and ho proceeded to inquire all xbout it , when and how ho was to bo silken back. ' Ho expressed a readiness to go , having got tired roaming about the country dodging ollicors and pick. ing up a precarious living by nil sorts sf crooked work. At least , thu was the aiib.itanco of his talk. The jflicer at oncu took him in marge , and started by the first train hack to Wisconsin , whore ho has lovi-ral yearn yet to oorvo. Ingalls lan been at work in this part of this xnintry for a ( .hurt time , and has boon : unneted with other thieves and : rooku , and pretended to give more or less "pointers" regarding various DthoiB , hut us his wont of those were woven from his own imagination and For the purpose of bli.uling thu officers und foret-mli } . ' hi companions rather than nny help in bringing fliom to justice. JUMPED FROM JUSTICE. rho Ciiluuooao Fulla to Hold IU Inmates - mates , und Tlioau Who Wnnt to Light Out. A few weeks ago some of the prie- mart locked up in the city calaboose nado a successful break for lihortv through the ivar door. Yesterday icon another jtiil break occurred. 1'hu ofllctrd were all at dinner and ulvantago wua taken of their abboiico liy ono of the prisoners taking a case knife , furnished at tiinu , and by nserting this through the crack of the leer , succeeded in tilting the bar , thus unfastening the door. This let the prisoners ( uitintojtho [ oftico , ami throwing up a window , two of the prisoners crawled through , dropped to the ground ; outside and huriiod oil' . I'liey were noticed crawling out of , ho window , but thoao seeing the oo- jurronco did not interfere with them , ind they had no trouble in getting iwuy , The two who thus got uway wore named Whiting and Propsoli. Whiting was arrested the day before liy Officer Barhyto , charged with being Irunk. Yesterday morning , on being Drought before Judge Aylosworth , ho > leaded not guilty , and his trial was tot for two o'clock in the afternoon , jut ho did not wait for it. Bill Propsoll , the other ono who : scupod , is better known u "Dutch Hill , " nnd was arrested yesterday 01 the charge of vagrancy. It is under stood that ho was also wanted for get iug away with n roll of hills from i man sitting nslcpp in n saloon , and thi evidence was being gathered for this There were four other prisoner ! ii the calaboose serving out tcrnm fo drunkenness nnd other minor offenses but none of thoao scorned disposed t < take the choice offered them for cacap ing.Aftnr Aftnr the horses wcro stolen the stable was locked , of course. Th ( pin faxtcning the bar and which hat fallen into disuse , wan immediately r stored to its usefulness , and wil prevent any further cecnpo of Uiu kind , bat some other part of the calaboose will next bo found weak enough to puncture. The city noode some better and cleaner place to kccr i's prisoners. The present hole jus tifies anybody in breaking out , and nt a cage it is strong only in its smells. Opposing1 the Bridge Enterprise. The Nonpareil , of course , objects tc the proposed wagon bridge across ( hi river , connecting this city and Omaha. This opposition surprises no onu familiar with the policy of that paper in opposing enterprise and prognss , and in especially opposing nny enter prise which its master , the Union-Pa cific , discourages , Neither is it a sur prise that the Nonpareil seeks to stir up ill feeling between the two cities , vhon theiu is u growing sentiment in favor of union in all matters which nil ! help both cities. It says : It is fcafo to say , however , that Council Bluffs is in a f.iir way to too many inoro years of experience nnd public sagacity pass over her mu'nici- pul head before her sister city has suc ceeded in convincing her that it is a wise move to endorse nnd aid in carry ing out the pet scheme of Omaha's shrewd people. This is not the first time that the Nonpariol has maliciDiisly and falsely termed the enterprise nn Omaha scheme. It knows , and has known from the very start , that the enter- ( rise wna suggested first by Council Blulla citizens ; the plan was originated hero and the Omaha citizens in vited to join in it , which invitation they accepted. The official documents proving this fact were placed In the hands of the Nonpariol , and still , in the very face of this , it had no1 ; enough sense of truth left to state the facts , but nt once denounced it as "an Omaha schema. " Then its attention was again called to the fact , and fur ther proof given , and hence its repe tition of this slur upon our citizens is uvidontly full of malice and falsity. The facts , ns known by the Nonpa reil , are kept back ' by it , and the worthy citizens of both Council Bluffs ind Omaha are ruthlessly nusropre- lonted. As all know who are convcr- lant with this enterprise , it originated lore , nnd Omaha joired by invitn- ion. In all the meetings most of the mggc'stions as to how the bridge ihould ho built came from this city. Fho bill was drawn here and approved jy Omaha citizens. The represonta- ; ives of Omaha favored the ioining of a railroad bridge ivith a wngon bridge , while ; ho Council Bluffs projectors of the [ ilan objected. The Omaha gentle men made no fight upon this , and on Sliding that the citizens hero preferred limply a wagon bridge , acquiesced inppily , and the adoption of the plan proposed by this city was by i unanimous vote of the gentlemen oprcscnting both cities , as they deem- ) d a wagon and foot bridge an entor- iriso which would prove beneficial to joth sides of the river. Harmony tnd good nature has characterized all .ho . proceedings , and it ill becomes any ournal pretending to represent this sity to attempt to work up any bad eoliug in order to hurt an enterprise ] ccnuao the Union Pacific may bo op- > osod to it. The citizens of Council Bluffs do lot enjoy being termed such soft loads that "n pot scheme. " can bo vorkod without their knowing it , and hey also object to having their Oma- la friends denounced as schemers and lishonost , especially after having in 'ited them to join in an enterprise or the convenience and upbuilding of > oth cities. The Nonpareil in troat- ng its own citizens us fools , and those .cross the river as rogues lus over- 'cached ' itself in its enthusiasm to orvo the Union Pacific. THE SUPREME ! COURT. The following decisions were rcn- lered yesterday in the supreme court : Mundenhall , appellant , vs. Bnuta , larrison county. Affirmed and judg- nent against sureties. Patrick , by hoira , vs. Moore , np > jollant , Pa e county. Motion to af- inn overruled , IJimsmi vs. Sorr , appellant , Polta- vatanno county. Affirmed 8 pur cent lamagett and judgment against sure- .ies , State vs. Porter , nppollnnt , Wood- > ury county. 1Uversed and remand- ; d for new trial. Ciawson vs. 0 , , II. I. & P. railway , vVnyno county. Aflhmod. lleusch , appellant , VP. 0. , B. & Q. railway company , DM Moines county , iffirmod. Whnrton ; vB.'WliHvton , nppolantj Iiuper oounty. Affirmed. Wing vs. Page , appellant ; Linn joutity. Reversed. Slocumb vs 0. , B. & Q. Railway Dompnny , Des Moines county. Af- irined on plaintiffs appeal and re- rersod/on defendant's appeal. Fitoh vs. FJynn , appellant ; Lucas : ounty. Appeal dismissed. Buldoyior vs. llaynpr , appellant ; Henry county. Affirmed. State vs. Brown , appellant ; Guthrie sounly. Affirmed. Morgan v , Morgan , appellant ; Ap- .miioosp county. Submission set wide , it appearing that plaintiff was dead before case was submitted. Whitney vs. Franklin county , ap- lollant. Appeal dismisaod for want > f prosecution , The treasurer of Clinton has paid ) ff 813,000 of the city's indobodnoss linco the l t of March , 80,000 in 7 ind 8 per cent , special fund ordora , ind $4,509 in 10 per cent , bonds , while only about 8100 in common or- lers are outstanding thus reducing : ho entire debt of the city to about 8600. MISSOURI VALLEY MATTERS. Serious Accident In the Rallron Shops-Petition for Maeon. CorrtflionJcnco of The Omahn llec. JIissouiu VAI.LEV , In. , March 22.- A painful accident occurred last evei iug at the S. 0. & P. s'-ops hero t Mr. Frank Stevens , a young machir ist. While beating some heated iron n splinter flew ofl and struck him i the light vyo , cutting the ball in twc Ho will lose his eye sight enliiely i : the stricken eye. Charles Tnylor , a car repairer , win ! coupling in the NorthVtcatora yard U ilay had his right fore finger bad ) , mashed. A pwtitum to President Aithur asking thu pardon of Sergeant MHSOII Aiib put in circulation to-day by tli Northnoftlcrn'a young man , Mr. Pot row , and was sitmcd by n long list u gentlemen , embracing almost over prominent business man in town. 0 all to whom it was presented only twi refused to sign it. FAY. PERSONAL. J. W , DoSiha , a well known ntturne ; nt llnrlan , ws In the city yesterday. il , J. Wipe , of Washington , D. C. was jcdterday rcgintcred at the Ogdui liousc. Win. D. Lucas , of , Iowa , was it dm city . c.U-ulay , luokiug after BUUII mining interest ! ) . J , O. CJiipiimn , muster mechanic of the Norlhwcfttein at Clinton , wan yeatctda ) . .t thu 1'acitic. T. F. Khen , of Cincinnati , connectei ! with the carriage manufactory of Duvis , Gould & Co. , la 'u the city. J. K. McNuil , trainmaster of the lllin- til Central , u itli hcailquartcru ut Waterloo lee , IOWA , wiu in tlm city yenterday. K. U. Ayrci , of DUB Moines , \\as hire yebturday un insurance bublnesu , with whuh he is jirominoutly cunnuctoi. U. 1' . M.idlajii , of Nebraska City , prom inent in insurance circles , was yesterday it the 1'acific. J , W. Somea , Who U largely interested n mininc ; otitcrprises , arrived here yestei- lay from New Mexico. P. G. Ballmgall , of Oltumwn , pretidont > t the state association ot hotel keepers , vas in the city yesterday , a guest of trio L'adfic house. The petitions for the pardon of Mnson vho attempted to ehoot Guiteuu , have ro- leived about a thousand signers in thU : ity , and wcro forwarded last night. IOWA ITEMS. A Sioux City auctioneer ; bears the luggestivo name of Perseverance Wil- iam. iam.DOJ DOJ Moines has unpaid water wai- ants outstanding to the amount of ? 50C95.73. About § 70 were the total receipts if the Baptist ladies' "house warni ng" at their beautiful and commo- lious now church in Creston. TJio eow-catchorfof a passenger .rain coming into Muscatinu the other lay picked up a fat hog and carried it nto the city tilivo , though somewhat rippled. Muscatine during , the past three rears has reduced Us indebtedness to ho amount of § 37,976.71. The pros- nt indebtedness of the city is $377- 76. 01. There were 141 convicts in the Ana- nosa penitentiary during February , nd the state treasury has paid out 11 , 134.57 for their support during hat period. The city assessor of Davenport haa icon taking the census. Ho iinda the otal population to bo 23L71 , against 2,002 as returned under the federal eiiaiiB two years ago. Captain Powers' projected trip to hiloh haa boon abandoned on account f insuflicient accommodations , both -jr transportation and after their ar- ivcil on the historic grounds. An old miser was found dead m his OUBO at Dubuque la < it week. Ho died rom want of food and ether comforts f life. Ho had not taken a warm leal for months. Ho loaves property stimated at $3,000. A man named Wood , of Iowa City ias served a notice on Wupollo county , hat if it does not pay him $1,000 for he use of n "Koad llccord and In- " of Acres Blackmar ; ox , puichased , b Co. . that he will commence suit inmedifttoly after the April session of ho board of supervisors. } QUNGIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. . S | > tcial mlvcrtlatineiitu , .1 oat , KoiinJ , To Loan , ror ° Kal , To lUui r'aiitd , Doaidiiifc' , etc. , will 1 > 0 Inserted In tin jluinn at the low ratoolTKN CKNT3 fbh INK for the Brst Inaortlon ami K1VE OUK1 > Kit LINK ( or ciuu gubeuiuoiit Insurtlou AViia < lvcrtlacuii.iit at our oltico , Koom ! , iM-rttt'it lllooK. llroadmiy. _ . , i wjuUl nuoiiiiucnilJou sanilol us thu bo l V > li.iu J la tliucltfat hcttliitf out trues , lie a < i a > ir > Hue lot o ( map us , InxuldtraonJ thcrthata trcotoii Imud. Cc 710H SAMi S5\ ( iu Mexloni .NutloUa * 1COU . ' toupun tioniluliuuiid hUtory iif'l < "nwu ' ' A. I ) . 1'AUKftMW , Wcotou , Io . _ _ .TTANTED To buy lioutnand lot on monthly IV imjiutnU. AUilrcus X , liiootlice. ' ' ' * _ nmil3 tf- , TTANTKO Carpcntor who will take his pay r\ In monthly Installment ) , to build tuo nail cottages. Adjruj M. U , , 1'eo ' clllcj. HOH BENT Nlco ( rout olllce , up talra. K - J qalra at IHo ollke , Council Illultu. uiarlStl TrANl'KD , Ulri lor Kvnvral houfe ork. > V Appy t 117 Vine l root. nmrlCtt 117"ANThf > To tf nt m H cotliiyi at ciico. \ y AdJruta C. M , or i > cjulru nt HKK nlllio. iirANlKI1 To tent A ten room hou u In lnouio good nclchborhooJ oc.t oemiller ou e tide bMo , Addrott * I1. O , Itox 7U7. 'on ' null JJluOj , or pplp a * llus otllco , Council lulln. _ - iArANTEU Kvcribody In Council lllutl * If VV to take TIIK C . 20 ccnU | wr wiek , de lend by carrier ) . Olrke , Room 6 , E > trctti ) HOCK , Broadway. TTANTEU To buy 100 tons broom com. \ ' \ Kor i rtlculat mlJrcoa Council Uluffi loom ractoxY , Council llluOt , lee a. CM-89tl 7\OU \ BALK Old iva | > cri 40o per huiiJrixl , at J The Bee ottlca. Council Ulufl . eil-tt octlS U TOO UTTERLY UTTEB " 3ST3E3CE7 MT7OO BOSTON TEA GO , Are Supplying the Aesthetii Wants of the Publ o in FINE GROCERIES , With Evo-y thing in Staples nl the Lowest Prices , ill Roast Cofiees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Go , 16 Main St. aud 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. b. II. SHKISMA.V , Husn84 ! ! Manager. WM. CIIBIblOl'HEa , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs. la. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY , We keep everything you want n First OLes , Oboioe , Clea-i GKOCErilES and PEOVISIOfl < 3 't will pay you to look our es- tablishmtmt thro Jgh- Every thing sold for Cash , and at the very closabt inargbs. We have a line of lOo CANNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern and West ern Goods put up All Canned Goods r.duced 10 per cent , Send for our Pnoes , ' Uriot attention paid to Mail Orders , Agents for Washburn's Super lative Flour. F , J , OSBOBNE & GO , , 182 Broadway , Opposite Ogden Houee. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo k'U o opcclal attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND ( JENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods Bolting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Ooal , CHAS. ELENDRIf , President Mrs Smith , where did you o those fine Olmudeliers ? t - AT BIXBY & WOOD'S , J THE PLUMiiERS.J On Bancroft or ( Fourth . treots- ) J , M. PALM.KK , DKALKIl IN REAL ESTATE AISTO LOAN < xG-ENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MAUIU3R & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qlasa , Fine French China , Silver Warp &o. , 30 CuoiBWAT , COUNCIL J1LUTK8 , IOWA. ' KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St , Council Glut" Ors. Woodbury & Son , Cor. 1'owrl & Ut A > t > , COUMJ1L11LUFF6. W , B. AMENT. JACOB SlUB. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , CO UNOIL BLUFFP , HARKNESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY GOOD AFD CARPET HOUSK Broadway , Cor , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-Sm - - J. MUELL tnckering , Weber. Ltndetnan , J. Mueller ? ° tfhorTxrPla 08' $200 and upward. Burdott , Weatorn CottaRe * Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 andVpward Muai- cal Merchanaiee of every diecription. Italian StriugB a epecialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toys Games , Fancy Qooda , Wholesale and Re tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is largo , full and com plete. Musical Journal ireo on applica tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , 103 South 5th Street , El COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. f , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCEASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol 1'roduco 1'rompt attention irlren to all consignments. N08.22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. . IFOSTIEIR _ - WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE - Out Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders prompt micd and .lelUcrcd to Express office free of charge. Send foi \ Mirrors , Upliolstery.Ptpairirg , Etc , Wood T d Metallic Coffina , " 4 JO Broadway , Cur. Hi-aiit bt. , Council Blulls , Iowa. IOWA WYOMING COAL. HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR & REYNOLDS , 107 Main St. METCALF BROS. , x . WHOLISALK DE/UKRS / IN > Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves , CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MA.YNE , over Savings Bank , - CPU QIL BLTJFS ELEGANT ! ELEGANT ! The New Styles for 1882. WALL PAPER ! Largest Stock in Western Iowa. Ll PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. VfK CAIinV THE LAUOKST STOCK OF FINE i SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. ill lail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. tiall and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which las Begun to Arrive , Z. 'T. ' UNBSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ind WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARIHDA IOWA ,