THE OkAJBADAILY BEJfiEEID. . YMAi\CJL 24 , ibS2. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , w FINANCIAL. / NKW Yonis. M.Mch 23. MOHKT. The money market closed at 4 per cut , Ktcliangc closcel firm at 4 S7@t 00. ( .ioxerninenta closed ftrin , iiovEitNMENT no.sns , Currency G'a , . .1 20 blel 4' coupons 1188 bid 4)'a coupon * 1 14j bid Va continued. . . . . .103 bid O's continued 101 bid HAILltOAD BONDS. y - Pacifies rallroiil bonds closed as follows ! Unionists 1 IfiJ ® ! 153 Union Land Grants 1 15JsH ( 10 } Union Sinking Fund offered at , 118 @l 18J Centrals. . , . 1 14jf ( H lf > BTOCKH Ihe itock market to-day waa actiro and itrongduting the morning , and prices ad- Tanccd sharply , but about midday under iial j to retlizo , prices reacted. During the afternoon th market was Tcry itregu- lurand closed generally nt a decline fortho day of t to 11 per tent , , the Western Uni < n , Lake Shore and Missouri Pacific were exceptions to the genet nl Hit being well unstained throughout the d < > y , nnd closing ut about tha bent figures. Among epecl iltic * Cll otgo , Columbus & Indiana Centrrtl , Col irado Con ) , Hichuioud .V DAL- Tille , and Terminal recorded some limrkul changes. In the general list thu [ irimipal dealings wore in Jorbcy CcutrAl , Deu\er it Ri. Grande , Texas Patific , Wettern ion. .MUsouri Pacific , Mihvaukuo & . St il , Kau-ui & 'IVxas unit Louisville it Niiclmile. HTATE liONDS Tcnnemoo.s advanced to 50e from SALES. The followini ; were the aalea of the most jMtiya stocks to day. Totil sjlas , 450,000 tiharei. W U T 38400 Preferred. . . 100 CC&I C..10UOO St Joe pfd 8rjOO a ti. k Q . . . 200 K &T 13 NYC 5800 L. E& W 3000 N J 0..30400 Ij&N 9100 10 300 La 2GLOO Ohio Central. . 7 0 Northwestern. 1100 Mich Cen 33400 Preferred. . . 200 JT P , 1800 0 & W 90U Preferred. . . 12100 O&M 100 Cent'l Pao G80i PM 810U Union Pao. . . . 3800 R Island Met. Eler 300 San Francisco. 100 Man. Kiev. . . 300 Preferred. . , 9iO A&T11 100 St. P&um . . 9GOO OS 2000 Preferred. . . 13400 C&O 100 St Pauls . 9300 O& A 1(5700 ( Ai. L. S & W. 1000 Det H GOO Wabasb. . .17500 1 > & 11G..7870J Preferred . .17500 JMo K5.0 Mo Pao 2 UOO CHICAGO 110NKV , OHICAOO , Maicb 23. There was a sharp movement in govern- uienU ; < t8 and 4Vs advancing 1 par cent. , 4'it touching thelifghcat pointeverreached. The general market wus irregular , with ( lightly higher prices. Tiading in rail road bonds was brisk , in municipal eecur ities investois demand higher rates of in < trcst and Kansas and Nebraska bunds j more freely taken. Money is comparat vely pasy. The de mand for money isactivotho current rate being from 5@7 per cent , on demand loans dfomG@8 per cent , na time ; loans ac cording to the chaiactcr the c. 11 iteral and stamliug of the party. KorEign exchange stronger and more freely offer d Orders for currency were liirger. The clexriugB of the associated In like were ,590,000 UNlTEn BTATK8 flONDB. 3Vs Extended sixes , 1881 . 101 Sl' Extended fiven , 1881. . , . . .102 @ 103J ' 44'a Coupons . ill Knns IH 4's Coupuns . flifi © 118 District f Columbia , 30m . . , .107 OTHER JiONDH. Minnesota tate 1JV , and interest. . . 100 faterling , night . -1&9 Sterling , GO < l y . 48G C. M. &St. P. T . . . , .120 Chicago & Pacific. . , . 10'i DiibtuiUB . 103 C. B. &Q.4V . . . . . M U. & M. JnAeb. 4'n . Wab if h 5s . 64 Chicago & Northwestern I/H Jacksonville fcH.E.O'H. . . , Omnhu V/jiolosulo Mnrbot- OKKIUK cw TIIK OMAHA BKF , i Wednesday Evening , March 23. / The only clmiiget In to-day's market ar i liaud Jo. Com Declined Ic. Oa'n , Declined jjc. Local Uraln WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , llCjf ; ca h NJ. 3 , 93c : rejected , G74c. BAULKY. Cash No. 2. 94o ; No , ? , 89a. UVI5.-Cash.C8c. CORN.-Cash No. 2 , fiOJc. nATS.-Caah,3V. STREET TRICES-- Corn , 50@45 ; oats , 50@45. HAY ? G f 0@G 60 [ per ton. _ Provlsloni. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , S325@360 ; "Pioneer" California , 3400 ; patent , $3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade $3 85 © i 25 ; patent , S-i OXgS 00 ; gra- tarn rye , 82 50 ; Wheat , 83 00 ; Queen Bte & 25 ; Jasper , ? 3 87j Ug ! Sioux , FLOUR--S3 25. V M1LLSTUFFS Bnvn , ber cwt. 1 10 per tonlG 00@17.00 ( tcrteningg , per cwt. * 0c ; Biiorta , per awt 1.10 ; chopped feed , p < sr cwt. 1 20 ; tncftl bolteil , yellow , 1 40 ; white. $1 CO. ° OTATOKS Nebraska * , 1 25 1 35 ; Imported Scotch Champions 1 GOfal G5. dWBIST rOTATOES-Uenuine Musca- tine. 4 @ 5o j > er Ib. WILD DUCK- 25@t f 0. 1JUTTKU I'renmory , 40@4''c ; cliotce roll , 33@35o ; crmtnon roll , 2G@2Sc. APlMjKS Good , sound , very ec\rco tt 6 50(3 060 per libl. LEMONS Steady ; per box , 34 2' > @ 45(1. ( 45(1.OKANGKS OKANGKS per box 4 25@i 50 HKKSWAX Yellow , 20@22o. ONIONS 1 10@1 40 per bmtiol. CUAN1JEU1UK3 Per bbl. , ? 10 00@ CKliKUY-rer dor. , ? Bo. UllKSSUDGKUSIi 1'er Ib. , Oailo/ OYSTKHS Selects 45c ; sUmlarels , 33o. Mediums 23o. DJtUSSKU OHICKENS-Stendy fit 10@llc. UKiSSii : ) TUUKEYS 12l@13o. CHKKSE-10ai4c. ( TASK VALENCIA RANGES S3 23 A 0 00. Grocer * Lilt. COFKEK. Illo , fair , lie ! lib. good 2o ; lllo , jirliuo to choice , 12Jo ; Old cov't a\a2l5i@28lc ; , Mocha , 284c ; Arliucklo's , IGj. IGj.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55o 'holco , G0@75c ; Imperial , Rood , 40@15c ht'icu , C0(5 ( < i7fic [ Young Hymn , good , 3G@ ills ; cholco.Gr ctSl 00 > Japan Nat Leaf , Ho ; Japan , choice , C0@7f > c ; Oolong , pout ) , t"@IO ; Oolong , cho cc , JOfeM ; Souchong , ' .ioJ. 33(3HOc ( ! choice , H5ftl45c. dUGAHS. Cut hmf. lOic ; Crushoit OJo ; Granulated , lOJej L'owderod , lOJn inepowdored , ll'jc ' ; Htumlard Collco Aj He : New York Oolifoctionor'a Standard .V. 93c ; Good A , nc : Prairie Extra O , ' . Sugur hutwe , bbln , 45c ; hull bis , 47c ; kegs , \ \ imllotiH , $2 10 ; choice able syrup , 44c ; half bbls , 44c ; kegs , 82 10. SODA. Dwight's Ib papers , SH 00 ; Do- and do , S3 00 : Church's , S3 00 ; Keg * oda , 't@44 < . 3TAKOH. Pearl , 1J ; Silver Gloss , 8\ glSicj Com Starch , 8J < a9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn. 7o. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash- con , in Back * , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , EM , 3 45 ; Ibis dairy. 100. 3s , 3 G5. DRIED FRUITS Choice IiaUop , evaporated Benches , 7c : Salt Lake lOJcivap. orated ) tbboxei,13Jc ; Michigan , 7c ; Now Voik apples , 7ic ; Prunes , old , CJc ; new , Tic : Currants , GJ@7o ; Blackberries , now I'ic. I'ic.CHEESE CHEESE Pull Crtutn , I4c ; Pai. kim 11c. WOODENWA11E Two hoop pails I 93 ; three lioop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub ) fiO ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 50 oiorict-r wiwhboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn , ' 00 ; Well bucket * . , 325. LEAD Uar , SI 05. SPICES. Pepper , | 10 ; Allspice , 19cj Cloves , 40c ; Nutine ? * , SI OQ : 25cVassi , Uaee SI 00. MATCUES Per c-wldlo , ! )0c ) ; round "aM's , 87.0" ) ; snuaro cnsei , § 5.10 I'KOVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 13j. .hoice lard , lljc : dried beef , 13Jc ; should * era , 9c : h.vns. 13c : bacon , sides , lllo. NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels , f , ' . ) 00 ; do in halt bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , in bbl * , 12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 1C' : pnro apple , 13c ; Prussinc uuro nnnle , IGc. HOMINY Now , S5 00 per bbt. BEANS Medium , 'hand picked 81 20 par bushel ; navy , $1 00 ; calof navy , S4 00 ROPE Sisal , 4 inch and largsr , 8@ 9c : J inch , Oc. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Iipporial , 3 30 ; Kirk's satim 3 30 ; Kirk's standard. 3 65 ; Kirk'n wlii Russian , 5 00 : Kirk's Eutoca , I ! 0 Kirk' Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 1 G5@ CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , li > toz,8n , 16sboxca ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Go , IGc. LYE American , 3 10 ; Greenwich. 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 , .50 . ; Lewis' lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 1 doz. , in case , 3 Si ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in caae , 1 50. FIELD SEED lied clover , choice new , § 0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover uow , $7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 11 alfav clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , new1 , 51300. Timothy , good , new , ? 3 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue grass , clean , SI 23 ; orchard grass , 82 50 : red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , $1 00 to $1 25 ; Hungarian. SOc. HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels' , 35 00 ; psage orange , 10 iiushols or over. § 4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , S5c ; per 100 Ibs. , 82500. FIS J. Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , S * 75 ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , G 70 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum bia river salmon , perlOOlbs , 8 00 ; Georg 'i Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless ood.'it , , 9 c ; boneless fish , 5ic. MACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel , 100 Ibs , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kite , 2 25 ; No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 75o. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; doll Ib ( Field's ) , ' per case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 1 GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do 2 tb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 Ib , per doEon " 55. Sardines , small full , importe'd , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , quarter boxes fcr box , He ; do half boxes , per box , 21c. Lobsters ' , 1 Ib per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per case , [ 3 IK ) ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 3 20 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 3 31 ; string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans per case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 25. Peas , common , ] > er cage , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , i 50 , Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , jwr case , 2 75 : raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00 , Damsons , 2 It ) , per care , 2 15. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00 , Whortleber ries per case , 2 80 , Egg plums , 2 Ib per uae , 3 50 ; do , choice , a Ib , per case. 4 50. . . I ISV/IU * " t" * CM1 > 11I P | U llJ'Ui WtUlJ.U do 3 Ib , case , 0 00@i ( fX ) ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per cahc.365 , do pie , G Ib , ixirdoiun , S 50 , RICE Carolina , 7S6c ( ; Louisiana , fair , G@GJ. PJiANUTS KoaRted , choice , rod Ten- neHH w , 9cj > y Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ; ra'v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , lite. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ; Aiipleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Uoott FK , fi c ; Bucktye LL. 4-4 , 7e ; Cabot W , 7Jc ; CliiUcnanco A , Uic ; Fall * E , 8Jo ; Ho < * icr , Cic : Honest Width , 7Jc ; In- clfan Head A. ic ; Indian Standard A , 3c ; Indian < } rch rd d.v , , 8jc ; Lawronro LT ( , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic ; ] 'e < juot A , SJo ; Siiawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 54c ; Wochus- ctt 13. 7r ; ( V A , 8Jc ; do E 18 , I2 s ; Wol- ott JJI5 , 8i < FINE BROWN COTTONS A lleudalp M : Vic ; Allii * tor 3-4 , Ik , ; Argyle 1 I , 7 ; Atlantio LI , OAc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-1 , 6fc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gicc Indian Orchard AA9-8. 8Jc ; Laconia O 39 , 8lc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9)c ; I onsdale 4-4. lOc ; PeppereU N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 71c ; do R 30 , 7Je ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; PocasuH 0 4-4 , 7fc ; WauiButtal.4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog- tin L 4-4 , nio : BlockstoneAA in perial 8c ; do do half bltached 1.4,9c ; Cabot 4-l,8i ; Fidelity4-4 , 9icFruit ; of theLoom.lO ; do can brio 4-4 , 13c ; do Yater Twist , 1 0c ; Great Fulls Q , lOic ; Indian Jlead shrunk 4-1 , 12c ; Ijpns'Jalc. lOc ; docambrio 37 , 12Joj New York Mills. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Penperell N G Twills , 12JC ; Pocahontos 4-4 , 9ic ; Pocassyt 4.1 , 8JC ; Utica , lie ; Wanwutta 0 X X , 12jc. DUCKS-Uiibleachwl-Atlantic , 10 o = 17o ; lialtlinora do , IGo ; Lone Star , 8 o/ . , 12c ; Savupo , 18c. DbOKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown. 80 ; tla 0 , ilraU. Jlc : do XA. , atrjpea and plaids , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripe * and plaids , 12Jcj Arlington fancy , lOc ; Dnin wlck brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12Jc ; ilo extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A brown , ISc ; Neponset A brown , 15c. TICKINGS Am oskcnp A 0 A 82 17Jc ; do XX blue S2 , ISJo ; Arrowanna , 9ic ; Clnremont B B , ICJc : Concstoga ex tra , 17Jcj Hftinlllon D , llo Lewiston A 30 , 15c ; Minnchaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega sntxr extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGJc ; Putnam - nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotticket S 10c ; do S3 12cj Ycoman'a WHO 29 , 8Jo DENIMS. Amo keak , blueand brown IGic ; Andovcr DD blue , IBJc ; Arlington blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord OOO , blue am brow n. 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do do iljc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , , SHc ; Mvstio River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl River , blue nnd brown , lf > lc ; Uncasxille , blue and brow n , 13&c. & OAMBHICS--H rnard , 5 o ; Kddystona lining , 21 inch double face , 8jc ; Garner A glazed , Bo : Manhattan glove finish , GJc Newport do Oc ; do glazed , 5 Jc ; Pequot dc 5c : I tkwood kid finish , Go. CORSET JEANS Amoty , 8cj Antirov coggin pattcon , 8 Jo ; Clarcndc o , GJcJ Conestoga - toga ratteens , 7Jc ! Hnllowol , 8c ; Indian Orchanl improved , 7io ; Narr ganiictt , 7Jc Pepperill sattocn 9inj RockjKirt , 7Ja PRINTSAliens. . Cicf American , GJc Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , We ; Cocheco , 7c ; Concstoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunncll , GJ7cj Eddystone. 7c : Ghucenlcr , Gc Harmony , fijo ; Knickerbocker , CJc ; Mer- rimac D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jci Sprorues , Gc Soutlibridgo , Gc ; do. Gingham1 ? , 7c ; Marl- born , 5Jc ; Oriental GJc. GINGHAMS Amoskcaif , lOK'J AI UI- kc i ; ilress 12Areylo } , lOJc ; Athmtio , 9cs CuiuberlnnJ , 7ic ; Highland , S t ; I Kenih > oi-tli , Sic ; Plun kett , lOJo ; Sua- J sex , 8c. I COTTONADES AbbervilUI3jc ; I Ag-ito , ' < 0c ; American , He ; , 20ei Cnim I ) and T , 13ic ; Clarion I > and T , 17ic ; Deccan Co.strix-s | DandT. IGo ; ICor- tone , Kijc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Noni.aieil . , IGo ; Ocean I ) and T , ISjc ; Royal , IGi ij Sussex , 12c ; Tiogo , 12ic ; Wachusctt shirt- ini ? jhecks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York. plain Nankin. 12ic ; do , checks , stripes ami fancy , 12 c ; do , 8oz , 20c. SHEETINGS Andnscog8nlO-4,27ici ! do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0 42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1. 274 ; Now York mills 9S , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22ic ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-4 , 284c ; do 7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperoll 90 , 29c ; do G7 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 9C Xr > c ; do 58 , 224c ; do 48 , 17c OlKon and Tobacco * . CIGARS. Seeds , 315.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , § 35.00 ; Seed Havana , S50.00 ; ClearHavano , S76.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 21 Ib , GOo ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope , first quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 2 Ib , butts , GOc ; Ilorso Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 IV , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc : I/oril- lard's Climax , pounds , Glc. FINE CUT In mils. Howl to Beat 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc Favorite , G5o ; Rocky Mountain , GOc Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 5Co. In tin foil Catlins 0. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori Ward's Tiger. G5c ; Diamond Crown , GOo. SMOKING All grades Common. 25 to S3c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , It o ? 51 c ; Dukes Durham , 1C nz , SOc ; Seal o North Carolina , 1C 07 , 1G ; Seal of Nebr.-vs. ka , 1J ( or , 38c ; Lone Jack , I oz , lineti bogs perlb , 81.35 ; Marburgsf Pnok , 2 oz , tii oil , 5 5c ; DOR Tail. Cue. Paints Oils and Varnlshct PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , Gic ; white lead , O.P.&C Co.S.P.Oi pureG ; Marsjilles roen , lljto 5 Ib cans , 20c French ziuc , gisen sc.d ; 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish assc , 20c : French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; Rav and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw am burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13- lefined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l ° c i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. < feD. . 14c : Paris groon. 18o Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan drt , , 22c ; American Venjiliod , I. &P. , I8o chromo yellow , L. , M. , 0. k D 0. , 18o yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; paten Ilryer , Gc ; graining colors : l&ht ! oak. dark oat , wftlrmt ; chestnut and ash 12o ' Dry ° alnt White lead , GJc ; French ilnc , lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jcj whiting gilders , IJd v biting com'l , 14c ; lampblack Germantown town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; JL'nuj stan blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; umber , Jburnt , 4c ; umber , raw 'lcsienna ; , burn't ' , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4e Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com' 25c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom green 1C , 12c ; yennillion , ( Eng. , 70c ; ver million , 'America , 18c ; Indian red , 10o rose pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian read , Cookson's 9fc : Venetian red Am. , Ijc ; reJ lead , 7Jc chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , lie Winter'o mineral. 2ic ; lehijjh brown. 2Jo Spanish brown. 24c ; Princo's mineral So VARNISHES Barrels per gallon Furniture , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1 SI ; furniture. U-85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 Coach , No. 1 , f 1 20 ; Dainar , $1 50 ; Japan 70c ; aspholtum , 70c ; ehollac , $3 50 : ban oil finihh. SI 30 OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , Hicl'50 ; headlight , i > er gallon , 12c ; 175' headlight , ner gallon , IGic ; crystoline , per gallon , 19c linseed , raw , per gallon , G2 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , Grc ; lard , winter st 'd , per itul- Ion , I 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , G5c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 35 ; fibh , W , B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 76c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; hummer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; ter- pontine , per gallon , G4c ; naptiia , 74 * , per gallon , 30o ; Gl' , 20o Heavy Hardware LUt. Iron , rates , $340 ; plow etcol , specia'i ' cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; fpeclalurGermanGc ; cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , net 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per et , 1 23 ; felloes , gawot dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; xquuro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc washers per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , nor Ib , 11 < 5 coil chain , per Ib , G@l2c ; malleable , Be , iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , ' Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoe * , per keg , B 00 ; spring steal , 78c ; liurden's horxo.hoes , 5 ; i.r ) Burden's muleshucs , G 35 , NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , S 75 Gd , 4 00 ; 4d , i 23 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sUes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing. 1 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 1 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , fi 00 ; W finish , 5 25 half kutrs , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 62.10 ; Orientil Powder , kegs , $0.40 : do , , hall kcfcs , 03.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , S1.88 ; Blast Iiiif. kou's. 83.31 : Fine , wer 100 feet 50o. BA BED WIRE In tar lots,8 3T per 100 ; ia less tlmn car lots. 8 55 ucrlOU , Horses and Mules , The market is brisk and all gradon aru fccllinguell at 11 llihtadvanco in p > itug. Thi ) ( feiat.iui for gooil hones oxceedM the supply considerably , Pricea range M lol- 'lows ' : Fine aingls drivers , S1SO , to 300. ; Extra draft horees , $175. to 225. ; Common dra.'t liorsev , S100 , to 150. ; Extra farm houee , 3110. to 125 , ; Common to good farm horse ) S90. to 8100 , ; Extra plugi800. . to 7fi , ; Common plupH , $20. to $40. AI ULES. IB to 15i hands ( extra ) , 12 % to 160. ; 144 t * > 15 handt , 8100. to 110. ; L4 to 144 luavii , 375. to 100. ; 13) ) to 11 . * t ! o Uquor * . ALCOHOL M7 proof. 2 CO tier wine gallon ; extra California splritH , 187 } > roof , 1 3 > ) per proof gallon ; triple renuod spirits , 187 ini > of , 1 2-1 per proof gallon ; re-diutilled vfcUkies , 1 00@1 5U ; fine blended , 1 fX ) @ 2 50 ; Kentucky bout bone , 200@700 ; Ken tuckv and l'eim v'lvixnlu ryeu , 2 OO&l 00 BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@10 00 ; domestic 1 10@4 ft ) , GINS I.T ported , 4 JXX5JO rtO ; iloiueutlo , 1 403 00. RUMS limwrted , 4 W@G 00 ; Now England. 2 ftO&l 00 ; domestic. 1 60@3 50 PEACH AND APPLK JJRANDY 1 7G@4 00. OHAMPAGNES-Imrortecr per COM. 2000@91 0An rt- a , case ' 1200 ® 1800 CLARETS Per case , 4 fiO@10 00 WINES-Rhine wine , per case , G 00 ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per caw , 4 00@7 00. Lumber , WHOLESALE , We ijuvte lumber , luth and shingles on caw ftt Omnha at the following prlce : JOIST AND SCANTLING - 1C ft. and under , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00. TIMBERS 18 ft. nnd under , $2300. TIMI1KK AND JOIST-18 ft. , $23 OP ; 20 ft. , $21 00 : 22 ft. , $27 CO ; 21 ft , $27 CO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. , $22 00 ; No. 2 , $20 1)0. ) SHEETING No. 1 (2nel ( common boird < ) 818 CO : No. 2 , 17 00. STOCK ! BOARDS , 12-in. D , $23 00 ; UMn. O. $35 OOi 12-ln. 1110 00. SIDING A , $24 OD ; B , $21 00 ; C , $18 00. FLOORING-A , $1000 ; B , $37 50 ; C , $32 OOj D , $23 00. SHINGLES tfo. 1 , $1 75 ; 0-ln. clear , $2 75 ; tnr , $3 2. ; extra A , $4 00. LATH-NO , i. $ .1 ro. SHIP LAP-l'laln , $2300 ; O. G. Nor 2 , $24 00 : O. G. No. 1. $3T 00. OElLING-3-in. No. 9 , $2500 ; i-tn. No.2 , ? 37 00 : Z-ln. No 1 , SI2 50. KINISIIING-Wn , No. 3 , $37 50 ; l-lo. ND 2 , $13 CO : 1-ln. No 1 , S 8 50. THICK FINISH S4800(3-5500. ( TAUUED FELT-Perlb. 3d. STRAW HOARD-l'cr If3o. . RIIAR CRHEK LIME $125. PLASTER PARIS-$2 .Ti. LOUISVILLE OEMENT-J2 00. Uulldlr-K MiUrlnl. I L1M13 rtr barrel , SI 35 ; bulk perbu. , .5c , Cement , bbl , $2 CO. Iowa planter , libl , $2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarred felt 100 Ibi , $3 50. Straw Uard , & CO PAPER Straw paper , 8c ; rag paper , Ic : dry goods paper , 7c ; manlln paper , lOcj naxvi pauer. 80 COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12) ) Morris Run IJIobure ; , $12 ; Whitebroast lump , $0/0 ; nut , SO fOj Iowa lump , $0 50 ; Town nut Jjl ! 50 ; Rock Spring * . 38 ; Authrncitc. nil pl/e * . 812 00@12 M ) . DRUGS MN'l ) 'CHEMICALS Aclol Carbolic. 5CK- ) Acid , 'I'aitnrio , 'Kcj ' ) Balwim , Copabla , per'lb ' , 75o ; Ihrk , Sasfafins , inr Ib , 14o ; Calomel , pot 11) , 75c ; Cinchonlnw. per or , $1 00 : Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ; Dover's powilerx , per Ib , 5110 ; Epscn snltii , per Ib , 3ie ; Glyeii'iiuc , pure , per Ib , 45c : Load , Acetate , pur Ib , 24c ; Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 3l ( { Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil , Olive , per pal. 31 50 ; Oil , Origanum. COo Opium , ST. ST. . : Quinine P. & W. & R. A S. , per o ? , 52 111) ) Potassium , Iodide , per Ibt 82 3T ; Siilncm , per or , 40c ; Sulphate ol Morphine , per oz , ? l OOj Sulpnur flour , peril ) Hi : Strvchniiie. nor oz. 31 CO. Wool n > uimnslml , light , 14 ( < 916c ; heavy , _ ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; washed , choice , .12o : fair , SOc ; tub-ulngy and w. , 28c ; burry , blackaml uotted wooU ' . ' 'tplie 1CE8 Hldot Furs , Etc HIU1UJ IKUI buichft H rtlUo , ; Oiw7'J cured 7jc ) billon , grt < cnmlt. . pjirt cured 7o hlikis , ( ic | ; eh > flint , fiiind. 131 Ic ; dry calf mid kip , VJ@13c ; diy tail hldei'.Bonnu , llffll'-'e ; erven calf.vt. . S to15l ! . . 10@llc ! green calf , ut , linden 8 llw , pei skin. 50 ; gicem pUU , fnTiijSl U js git u lamb skiiiu , 51 101 25 : ilamogud liiiiptwotbird rate , cut Turuil and 11116 fiiub. olnnod two- tl IMS rntfl , ) branded hilles 10 per oontj nil. Coon sKins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , M. ; No. 1 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. COo ; No. ' . ' , iJOi. , No " , , loc. No. ) , fio. Kox , ' "No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 2jc . iikunn , NK. 1 , blftJt , G5c ; short Rtripe , 40c ; narrow stripe l5c ! ; broad stripe , lOc. 'Jallow , Gc. Leather. Oak cole , 38c to 42c : hemlock sole , 28o to 3Gc ; heuucck ktp , We to 100 ; runner , G'lc ' to fcOc ; hemlock c'df , 8"o to 120 ; htm- lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oaV u < per. 21u ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@3" > ; GrcUeu kid , 2 CO to 275 ; oak kip , 8Uo to 1 00 ; oak cnlf , 1 liO to 1 3(1 ( ; 1'renoh kip , 110 to I 5Fiench ; calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- bcttB. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; topmnga , 9 10 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOc to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; shnon , 2rOto300. I HARNESS-NO , i ft oak , 43c ; NO 2 elo , 40c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 40c ; No. 2 do , 37c ; No. 1 M ilwaukce , 38c ; N ! . . 2d3Gc. . CoiinoU BluiT * Market. CODNOIL BLUFFS , March 23 Flour Crystal Mills Golden Siicaf , 3 GO ; California Eureka , patent , 3 80 ; best brand ofi Kantian , 3 50 < Sj3 90 ; Kansaa and Miasouri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 8 < 75j rye Hour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 15 00 per ton. . Chop Corn 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , 6112@1 15 : No. 3 , 72o ; rejected , 52c. Cora 52 , . , Oatn No. ,2 , , 40o ; rejectci.1 , 35o. Barley No. 2. 90o ; No.,3 , , 75o Hay Loose , 5 00@6 OOJ Wood 5 50 ® 7 00. i LivoHogH 525@575 , , , Cattle Shipping , 4 50@5 00 ; milch cowa 30 0045 00 'per head ; butcheia , stock , 3 00@3 50. ' i ' Sheei ) 3 75@4 25. G HielcH 5c ; G S hides , 7o. AVool 15 ® . Butter Creamery , SOc ; in rolls , wrap ped , 25c : rolls , not wrapped , 20 ; ; mixed colors , 15@20o. ICggs Packed , ' .Jc ; fresh , 15o. Potatoes 1 SO ; Salt Lake , 150. Onions 1 25@1 40. Dressed Poultry Chickens , lOo ; dtickif , lOc ; geese , 8c ; turloys , 12Jc , Llv e Chickens 2 25 per dozen. Cliluago JbTodnue. OniOAap. March 23. Flour In moderate demand and quoU- bly firm ; common to choice spring weal- ern , 4 50@G 75 ; Minnesota , C 00@7'00j ' patent brands , 075@825 ; winter wheilt flour , G 00@7 00 ; rye , 4 85 , ' AVhcat At timoH there was some little excitement and activity in No , 2 spring , but generally speaking the market rultel quiet nnd the feeling weak. The weather was warm and spring-like , and the ooiri- blued influences created more desire to re alize , OficringH wore liberal early in the day , ami the market opened l@Hu per bushel lower , ruled heary and declined an additional Jo , then ruled stronger and ad vanced Italic per bushel , but again weakened , declining 14.c. then fluctuated and finally closed about 1 o lower for seller for May , Ijjo lower for June , and 1 Jc low. er : nr July on the regular board , and on tlio call ho.-xrd .it 135 for cash and March ; 1 352 f r April ; 1 30 for May ; 1 2 g for June ; 1 25 for July ; 111 @ 112 for Aug. u t ; 1 03 ® i < ' 3J for the year ; No 3 , I 08jj rejected , H84c ( ) , accorulu ; to location. Com 3''alr ' business reported , and the market ruled comparatively steady nttu ) io decline Spee-ulntors purchased moder- utely , and Hhippeis Ivuvlit fairly of all grades. On call board No 2 clohed at 02 © 2Jo for Marsh ; 02Jo for Apill ; 72@U8o f r May ; G8g < | , G8Jo for Jimf j G8u for July ; CGJo for the year ; high mixed , 0 ( } " ; re jected , 03ic. Oats Quiet nnd slow. On call No. 2 closed at 41-/112o / for Match ; 12o hjr April ; 4IJ < 5jll o for Mi-y ; 43j@l3Jp fijr June ; 41Jo for July , Rye Steady and quiet , and wale light. No 2 at 82o tor April ; 87c for May. r Barley Inuctltc but generally firm. No 2 , 1 02 ; No 3 , 82@83ip ' / ( Pork In moderato demand , closing it ( prici-fl i-ligbtlv under the opcniiif } Mess closed ot II ) 7C@1G f > 7j fur cash , ccvnllng t-i ( | ii ntitj ; lGS2i for April ; 17 07JW ( ! 72L'i for May ; 17 35 for Jun * ; 17 U ) tat July , , Laul AUivx and ittt\ , cl r a' . 10 M ) © 10021 for cash . ml AIJI | | | 10 77Jte 10 8) ) for May ; 10 08 for June ; llOOicfr July ; II 05 for August ; 11 074 for Septem- bar ; 10 60 for the jojr , Bulk Meats-Easier. Short ribs closed at 0 37J@9 40 for ca h ; 9 37J for April ; 0 45 fc.r May ; 0 65 for June ; 'J CO for July. Whisky-Quiet at 118. Butter" In good request and lightly pf- fere'l. Creamery , choice to fancy , 38@10o ; fair to good , 32@35o ; dairy , cltoic ? to lancy. SO@3G . ; fair , to KOMI , 23i ( 8o ; frf li inado packing block , 18@i8e ! ! | lowgraden , 10@13o ; grease , 7@9o ; toll , ir > @ 20o for cointrioii to fair ; 28@SOo for good to choice , Eggs - Quiet and inclined to bo weak. Strictly fresh , W@lCjc , ' Rcc'ts Shlpm'U Flour. . , . , . . . , . . , , 14,150 12.041 Wheat 21 058 7,801 Corn 64,253 32,000 Oats. , ; , ' , , , ' , 49,648 84.77/5 / Rye. . ; . 037 2343 Barley , , 7,152 ft,822 N w Yorh NKW YORK , March 33. I'lonr ' Dull and n uludo lo vpr In mime . . .utancffj Minurmttn extra , 4 6t@R ) < > 0 ; city mill tx ft , * > , % OC i8l * # : southern flour In fair r iiurt nnd vorv ttrong ; common to choice i xlr > , 5 20@8 00. Wheat-Oi cued Iju2je ( lowsr , heavy * nd unsettled , rloilng liriuer ; No. y reel. 1,391 ® ! 414 ( No. 1 white 1 S7@l 87J ; No. 2 reel , Mmch. I SOtol I0j tin April , 139J@1 40J ; do May , 1 31 © 140. C orn Caih lot * better ! option * du 1 nnd weak ; No. 2 mixed , 74j0'7f'lcj No , 2 whitS7@8rj ; N . 3 mixed April , 7 1 y74Jc ( dn Mny , 74J@7CJo OatH Hlslior Riin vrrr fir ; No , 1 white. 67Jcj No. 2 el. . , foifoWc : No. 1 mixe , , C2jc ; No 2 mixed , fiSjJtJflMjcs icilwe ttri , VJ- & * > ,1Ji { mixed , .Murch , ilve-Quiet but II m : CAn iU , 'J3o , Hnrlor Stnnie and In f lr ilem mil. Pork-Dull and weak ; now , 17 37i@i 170 } , Linl Dull and lower : 10 f-0 for C PI and Match ; 10P2i@10'J" ) ( or April. \Vhiky-NoiiiM 1. I'elr'lcnm Market \ny firm nnd lie- niand nlr ; united , 81 Jo ; crudei in bar rel' , fiji ( 7Ji ; nautili , In b rr-b , G o aski'd ; re lined hern nil I In Diltimore , in b rr N , 7gc ; do PhUadclpliii , 7Jc St , LouU Prodnoo. ST. Louis , March 2X I'luur Qutof i ml weak ; drmnhel light ; ffinoy , G 4CG 70 : chfiicp. G 1PR.G 20 ; family - ly , 5 00@1515 ; XXX , 5 50 ,6 , 05 : XX , ' 00 © 1" ) . \Vhpi t Denroiscl an I lowur ; No. 2 reel , I ( V2 for o oh ; 131J for Murchj 1 31J for A rll13.'t ; feM y : 12.1 for.Tnnr ; 1 O'.i ) ! for Julyi I CGI for August ; I 05 lor the jeir ; No. 3 , elr , I 25 : No . 1 Hi- t'orn-Diill , i m settle d nmt 1 \\ct ; 07c fur CA > ! I ; H7o fur Mnrclr G Jc for \pril ; il'So for Miij li'Jo for June ; GSJo for Jul ) i filio for the ytar Oatu > Vtfec.teil ! nnd Irtwor tn srl't ' 47io for cash ; I3o for Murch ; I4 < J for April ; 4JVc for Mny. ItjoStion.crnt 80tiiSi' ( JUiley Nominal m d unchanged let 8"c. Linl Woik und noml nl at 4 G2i for refiupd. Butt r Steady ; c-camcry , 40@ < 2c ; dnlrj,35(3)38o. ( ) EitgR Quiet and bte.tdy at 13)o. ) \Vhmky Steady nt 1 17 F..IX Setel lemaml good ; rnlex at 1 3r , > Itoo'tn. Shlpmtx. Flour 3,8-R C.178 Wheat 7,742 7,032 Corn , . 18,525 20,117 Oats . . 14,100 4,441 Kje „ G03 Barlov Chlonajo Live Stock. CHICAGO. Murch 23. Thu Dro\cr'f Journal ii-ports as foil ws : 1 log * Recclpti , 17,600 heml , The mar ket H3 slow but about steady ; ollrrlngt pool ; common to good mixed , G 30@G 70 ; t.ea\y packius ; and shipping opcuc I linn but closed weak , and lower , ranging G fcft @ 7 10 ; light hogH , ohk-lly G f.5@G ! JO ; skips and cullc , fi 30@G 25. Cattle Receipts , 7,40 ! ) head. The mar ket for fat cattle us etcady ; offering ! * of all grades \\cru liliernl ; CDIIIIIIOII shipping , 6 40 : Mr , 5 G0@ " > 75 ; midium , 5 83(8,5 ( 9"i ; coed , G Or @G 10 ; choice , fl lfi@G 45 , ex- jiort , G 607 fiO ; inix'tl btitchern' xtock in good demand , firm and etendy ; oiiws , 32 @ 5 10 ; lulU , 3 75@4 50 ; etr rs , 5 15 @ 5 50 : stocketH a d feeders , slotd weaker or light cattle but K'H'd hcav } tuck in good ilemand nnd nteaOy ; the t nuo in p/irci WOH 3 50@4 60. Sheep -Receipt' , 4,500 ; mwrket steady and bout unchanged ; roaunon , 4 75 ; fair , 525@.r ) 50 ; niobium , 5 G55 7 < * i ; good , choice , G 20 ® , 30. City Produoo Murlcot. KANHAB Citr , Murch 23. TThcat Weak and lower ; No. 2 cnah , 1 17 ; ' pri ) , 1 18 ; N ( > . 3 cuHh , 99s ; March , 98Jc ; April , 99c ; May , 984c ; June , 92c ; No. 4 ca h. 87ic ; May , 85c. Coin . - Weaker . . nd lowur . . . . ; No. 2 . tnixeil ' 704c. Oats Ni > . 2 cafh , 4GJc ; March , ' 17c. i Reu'tn. bhipm'ts Wheat . f , . 2.GI4 2,160 Corn . , P 32,251 33,590 Oats . none 1,881 Rye . none noue St.Louit , X.ITO Stock. i St. Louis , M'urch 2. ) , Cattle Active , stionir and higher ; de. maud brisk but uupply small ; exporters , G 25@G 7 : good to cl.oito nativeg , G 00 $ U 15 ; mnillum to choice butchern' , 5 OOfu 025 ; natho stiickor" , 3 75@4 80 ; native cows and heifer. ) , 4 50@5 00. Receipts , 7G2 head ; Hhipmentu 82 , Hugs Strong and active and an tipwani tendency ; light , (1 ( I0@fi Y ; YnikeiH , 0 50 @G 70 ; Baltimore' , G G5@0 75 ; packing , G 20@ ( ! GO ; butchers and select , G G5it ( 7 10 : pigc , 5 90@G 10 , Receipts , 3,1-35 head ; xhipments , 1G07 hoad. Pork quiel and lower ; 17 50 for cash ; 17 7 < > for March. Lard nominal at Eit Liberty liive Stooli. EAST LlnmtTY , Pa. , March 23. Cattle -Nothing doimr ; receipts , G12 ; BllillUH'Iltff , GIG llogs Firui : ro oipts , 1 COO ; nhipiuonls , 1,000 ; Philadelphiafi , 7 50 < tf7 GO ; Workers , G 75 ® 7 00. Sheep Firm and unchaiigtd ; receipts , 200.hipm ; nts , 800 ( Baltituoro Produce. HALTIMOUK , March 23. KlmirQuiet. . Wiieat houthern steady ; fullr , 1 35(31 ( 1 45 ; Longbutry , 1 43@1 47 ; No. 2 icd winter weak and loworat 1 35 for cauli and March. Corn White southern firm r.t PGc : yel low casior at 78c ; mixed western ( lull at 7fiJ@7Jo. Tolorto Proituoo 'I'oi.tDO , March 23 Wheat Quiet ; No , 2 , 135 for cinh ; 1 324 for March ; 1 32 § fur Am ! ] ; 1 33 for May ; 1 30JJ for June ; 1 15J for July ; 1 12 for August , 1 H for the year , Corn Inactive ; high mixcd70ic ; No. 2 , 08@G9o for caali on ' futures. Oats Dull ; No , 2 , 60c for cash ; 49o for May. Kansas City Liyo Stook. KANHAH Cm , March 23 , Catt'o ' Receipts 430 ; HhipmcntH. 270 ; market ti eng and active ; fi@10o higher native t > hir > pcTB , 5 00@G 2o ; imtho ntuck- orH and feciieiH , .I50@t2"i ; natlvo COWH , 22.1@123. Jlogi RccelptH-l,018 ; i < hlpmenti > , 3,493 ; market tlntv und r.igglbg and 5a lowr. to choice heavy. G40@U 1' > \ mixed G10aC3'5 ( ; light BliTpjiing , fi 70@ I'nnrin Produoo. PIZOIIIA , ? r eh'A Curn NVw , quiet and r { < ! , iilgh mixed , < ! 5inliGej ( mixo , ( * rlajjfu. ( ( J'iiiii < md iiuctivt ; Nu , i nhite , . RyeOuiot and easy ; N , " . 2. 854g80ij. ( ; Ilighwlnes Unchanged at 1 10. Ileo'U Sbip'U. Wheat . 1,375 none Corn . . . . 34,000 60,000 0 U . , . 15,850 6.25f ) Ry . , . , . 900 none Barley , , . , . . . 550 1,200 Cotton Market- NKW YOJIK , Murch 23 Cotton-Spot dull at 12 3-1G with vale * of 110 bales fur export and 3,338 bales to spinners : futures oloet-d barely steady and fur leading montha 3-100 lower : Miucti , 129 10 ; April , 1213-11 ; May , 12 31-82 ; June , 1250 ; July , 1201-08. Dry Good * Market , NKW YoitK , March ' . ' 3 , Dry goodri were steady , though there was a moderate demand for most detcrip- .linn of fashionable good * firvt lmutln , Md a good m ny ontera for rcntgortmpnts were ccelved from distributors in the country > Vtnniland telegraph ; jobbing trade ft effl gem rally than a thurt tinm ago nit some leading houses are doing sit nfnc- ory business owing , in a preatmea .ute , tea a continuance of nn unuMinlly brisk d mantl or department goods. Cltiolnnnti Prodnoo. CiKoiSNATi , M-irch 2S Mem Pork Steady , ,7 76@18 0' ' , with ebbing s ilei , Lsrd IMmo team. 10G2J. Bulk MraU Fair inquiry ; clear sides , lOtOatked. IHcon Fair demand ; Cle-\r side * , 10 G21 , Flour Better dcmnnd for low grades , > lt nthrr brands were ftfady ; winter amlly. 6 80@G 00. U heat A sludo laeler ; No. 2 1 30 , miles Cora Demand god ; No. 2inlxed ( , 714 @ 72o Oatsth o demand and llrm ; No. 2 nixed , f8c Re Quiet and i-aay ; No. 2 , 90ic , ales. Hurley 1 inn and supply light ; No. 2 fell , HO. Whiskey Firm at 1 1 . Liverpool Prodnoo. LiVkia-oou March ' 3. 1'lour American. 10 (3ll2 ( < i. Whoit-Wlntcr , 9 fHlfiillOl fkl : whttp. 9i Gdf 9a W ; i-pring , 9 1,10 club , 9 < i 9d © lf > 2d. Corn 1 lit for new , nmUU 4Jd for old. Poik - T7 * . > ' .3H Gd. fliilnUolnhln Proilnoo. I'liiLiUKiviiiA , Mirch 23. Whiid-Kinn ' 37.tal 39J for caih and Math ; 1,57'oU 38 f. r Atnil. Corn--to > at 74j@7' > jo fur'caoh ami March , Oati ritm at & 3 < § 6Tic for ca h and Mnrch R > o Nominil. PlttuburK Oil Mnrkot. PiTrauiiKO , Mnroh 23 The oil lun'tnt op n.d at 8K\ ( and clonnl at noon at 81 Jc ; April delivery , 82c ; May , 84c ; June , Wlic ; Now York , 7Sc ; Antwerp , 18 frunc * . Shipments - monts Unlt'il , 1J.4G2 barrels ; on tide water , 3,798 bairol ; chxrte n , 4G- GG8 barrels. Pittnbur kales , 3,305 barrels , Pittsburg exi h tnge stock , 1 CO. Turpontlno Mnrkot Wtuiurarox , N. 0. , March 23. Rosin Klrm : stra'neil , 1 85 ; good , 1 90. Siririta Firm at 1 73. Tar Steady at 1 75. Buffalo Llvo Stock. EAfoT BuFi'ALO , Mnrch ! Kj. Hogs Shade llrnicr ; good to ohoico , G 90g)7 ( ) 10 ; liyht Yorkorn , G 75@G 8 ; good iiHciiiini weigh H , 7 15 ( ,7 GO. OALtFORMA FLOUR. ' 'ncrainpnto millfl patent flsur ( red brain I ) . Our bent ICureka patent flour ( blue lr.uil ) . The only intent Hour man- ufncturul on thu Paciiic i-ooat. We claim it is the whitest , Btroiigest and br t fiimily flom in th BtattAck your groicr for it Try it And jou will tiso no oilier. E. M. McCliKAliv d Co. , Sacramento. T. J. EVANS , Agent , Milln , Oi.ui cil Bluifn. Jinur.a Salvo. The bc-ht s.ilvw mthuworlilfor oute , bruisun , aorus , ulcore , a.vlt rlioum , fever aorcOj tcttur , cliuppod Imiidn , chillbliuns , corns and all kinds ol skin eruplioiif. Tliih eulvo is guur untuud to giro porfucl eutisfiictiou in ? tc'tuiulod. Pnca u\erj cuuoor uionuy , ' 5ii p r "bos. For Br.lo by 1 & SIoBlAiioN. Ouialiu. PERSONAL. Misi R. N. Wilkin'i , of Blair , is in the city. , J. V Glorer , of Louia\illo , Neb , , is in the city , Giles P. Rucder , of Sheridan , nriivid in Omuha last evening. A. S , Begg , of Council Bluif , wis in Omaha yesterday , H. K. Stcole , of Denver , is In the city. Ei ! Phimmcr , of Lincoln , is In Omaha em a bnsinbsa trip , Hugh McCargor , of Crete , is iu the city on business. H. V. Riorson , the good-natured man from Beatrice , ! < a guest at the ) Crcighton House. S. W. Raw , of Elkhoni , ( who U by no means "tresh" ) , arrived in the city yester day and put up at thu Cielghton House- . J. H. Mockett , of Line-nil ) , is In the city. Ir , Gibbons , who halln from \ \ ceping Water , ii at the ) Mutropolitaii. T. M. Rublee , of Arraphoo , came to the metropolis lint evening mid put up with mine ) liost WIlHon. B R , Stouller , of Bclle\ue , aimed in Omaha jculeiday , He will bo found at the Creightoii. T , G. Cowglll , of Pine Ridge , arrived in Omaha yesterday and i topped at the Withnell. J. C. Cowglll , of Miles City , is in Omaha , with his brother. Hu is at the Wllhnell li'juno. ' Col. Dan Huston , wife and two daugh ters , arrived in Omaha yesterday. They ate registered at the Withnell. W. W. Crone , of ClinUn , la , , arrived In the city yesterday unl put his auto graph on the Metro ) olilan's book. William Laude nnd wife , of Columbus , armed in tlio city last evening and regis tered at the Metropolitan. J , L. McCoimell , ef Linojlti , arrhcd yistcrdny He will be In Omaha a day or two on business. Henry AwUrfou , cf Waho , is in thu jity , stopping at the Metropolitan , It IB Biisplcloned that lie Is looking for something - thing bslrnglng to John Hlcon , Geutrul ( Juo , W. Ilgm , who captured Sitting Bull nn-l his band , arrived In the city lust evening on his way to Wn hln ton. Ifo m nt tlio Withiipll F , W. Grummond , reureiouting H. W. Weatcott k Son , of Blughamton , N , Y , , arrived from the eist last evening Ho is at tiu ! VYilhneU. Among iho arrival * ) registered at the WItbnell yistcrday are : W. M. CJlne , of Hastings ; C , M , Youngs , of Helena ; J , L. GaldwelJ , of Lincoln ; Jas , W. Stllliuan , of Green River City , Wyo. Ter. ; J , F. Fish er , of Wyoming , Tlio Persecution of tlio Jews in Russia , From a Russian Point of View , See the. April OENTUIIV MAGAZINE. Aitilui | v u tfDiun Jnuj ninOUVO JO BNIM 'Land ' Lcmguo Mooting. A largely Attended land league mootIng - Ing WAS hold on Wednesday evening At Kuony's hull. A proposition W'A ' submitted to unite All Irish societies. After A full di-ciission it was deter mined thnt the question was informAl , ns the land league , AS it now exists , H A union of nil societies And superior o A ! ! . This WAS the only question of tnportanco brought up It WAS dis cussed About two hours , with the above dotcrminntion , The tegular nuotiny of the laud league will bo ickl next AVt'dtu sday ovttung , ns I UA ! . it is nxpoclcd that Hun. T. . ' . O'Connor , M. P , who recently coturod in thit city , will return o OmnliA in n short time , And U 3 intended to uivo him A grand re ception. rtoglstrntlon Notice State of Nebraska , Douglas county as. Notice H huroby given to the electors ol the Fourth ard of the city of Omuha ( hut I nill sit in the atoro of E. NVytnnn , Fifteenth street , thrno doors south of the nostollice , on Moti- lay , TuciJay , Wednesday , Thursday And Friday , Mmch 27th , 128 h , 2f ih , ! 0th and 'tlat , 1882 , for thu purpose of registering the electors of said ward. In witnoia whereof I hereunto sot ny hand thin 17th day of March , A. D. 1882. JOHN S. WOOD , ml7to31 Hcm'strar. Proposals for Pavin trootn in the City of Hiiklcil proilc-fa'a will l iccclvcil by the under- BIKIHH ! until Hututihy , Alirll Ullil&82 , 1 ? o'clock nom , tor the jm ilnir ol liiijlaR street nnd the rroeB ft reels lict ccii T ) ugltui nnil Fnrnham ( rom Ulh to lOih ttrnU , li.eluJlii Oth and 10th altfctii. 1'lrst , Corn fovuiJutlon if concrete 9 Inches In thlckiion wltho. nupcritnicturo compose 1 of a crcootcl coilar block 8 Inchcn In length sot with a < ) > lmlt a d nnd. ht-coiul , Fur n found tlon of concrete 9 Inches In thlcknno with n Mi ) > onitructmo rompoKcd of ctco'ota t plno plank H Inches In Irn tb , net with nurhalt and sand. Thin * , I > orn foundation of cl nn ro > rtc MIH ! or Rrn\il 12 lnchc < In thlcktiai lh a miner- ktructnrc ( tinnwnj uf rular block h InJiei in Icnutli ami not Icea than 4 nor more than blnchc * In ilKinctrr toboictnlih n | ihalt mid Hin-1. The winil ( r Kraul lor ( outtilixtiou to lu thoroiujdlf nniliUHi or rolled. All the work to be I'onu In neo iltxnocUi ( ! nrccincntlon and t ml or the dl- reitit'ii ot the city inglne < r , AUo , thocltv will consider proposals lor \ wIng - Ing with Kim blocks or nny other material , or uti.v other inoio iff uin-t ruction. All ptovo | iln or bids xlmll bo ncroinnanled bf thu nanuH of proponed uurctlo' , who , In the cxint ot contract belli ) ; Awarded lli enter Into n bond nlth the cltj of Onmlm for thu true nnd fnlthlul per'ormanco of Knld contract. Iho oltv cotitcll romncs thu right to reject i\n > n il nil lilJs. l.n\olo | > uicontnlnlni ; iiropo ls o bldi nhnll o "Projininls for 1'avln , ; ninslan Street a' il Ctoss StroetH In th Cly cf IMUal A , " ad- .i J. c. ni 'ii , March 10th , 1H32 City I lent. iiiOTION : : lly virtue of the nuthorlt ] vcetrd In ii'O , I , JCIIHM IX l.OMl , Major of tht01t\ Omaha , d * hereby | irocialni to tliu n'mllficJototn ' of the lltyif Omihn nnd of the iua.tcUvo nnrds tluroot , that an niinu.l city ulictloii v\l > l be held In cald cltv on TuonHy , April 4th , 18(2 , for the elrctlon of tlic tollowliif ( iiilctrs , viz : dlx ward uouii < .lhnen , ono from inch \\nid , i-icli loeerto for the term of tv\o y nm. Tlireo nicmbcn of board of iduintlon K.XI h toecrto for thu term ottwojiurH. A t tilth tlino , In actonlx cc lth n resolution of Iho City Council , th ro will bt mlm Itted to Iliu ( | iiflillrd vntcra ol Ht d city the following question : hhill the city ! < n o Jtffcr. Hon uquiro for thu cncton ofn millili to lie U8C < I na market IIOUKU and i.ltj hall ? 'Iliu pollH nt said annual city cl i-tl-ti will be 0 | ) ll nt 8 o'clock n , n < .and bolcpt upon from thnt hour until 7 o'clock } < . m , and i o lai tri r , nnd > it the fallo-lnn' plan8 In thu roijioclUu wtt'dc , lit " Tirm , o'nid Fillx Slnyin's roicr } , , tor , Tuith street near Iitavinnrorth tri'tt. ' i-oi.ond Wardt + Wnl cnz hoUl , Loa > cnuorth xtriet , botnicn 'Jlilitcot.tli nnd Konrtu Mh ttrcit IhlrilVnrdUr. . Iljd ' otllcc , touthweiit oornor Twelfth nnd DoujfUj Hirtitu. Kotirlh Wnnl Count } Court Home , north- emit toriicr,8lxeent' | uii < l rnrnam utreetf. F'fth Ward Holirca' hardware i-toro , norfh- went comer Sixteenth nndC'nl f rnlt ftrcct. Sixth Wonl-Ueldilck'u dtu ( , ' t ire , No 20U tiumhiKCtnct. Miutli Bide , be'wo.n Tuanili'ih nnd ' 'wiiity.flrBtfctrcut' . In wltncifl uhorcnf I hivoho ito fct my hand nnd r.itii-cd I ho real ol eald tit ) to tic iilllxnl , . this 10th daj of Marth A. U. , 1S8J. J E. 110VD , llavor of thu City of Omaha. MchlfltoAnrlU. Proposals for Army Transportation. IlEADQUAUTKll'H Dxl'AKTMPNT OK TII It PrATTt , ) ClIIKP I'lIAnTKIiniAHTKll'H ' OmCK , > OMAHA , No ) ) . , lUrcli 1C , 1BS2. 1 Si ul u.l proposal ! ) , In triplicate , a'tbjcct to tho. usuil conditions , will bo ncilvul at thin olllctn until 1'2 o'clock noon , on Thurday < , April 20th , 18I > 2 , or nt tbu name hour ( allowing for the dif ference ) of tlmu , ) nt the o liken of tbu Depot Quar crina'tcri ) nt Cheyenne and Cfden , at which places and tlmu th < v will bu opened It thu presence of bidders , for the wagon trans portation of Military Huppllcn , on the follow hit Oencrlla'cl Houtcs In the Department or the 1'lat'o diirlti ) , ' thu lltuil } ear commcnclni ; Juljr 1 , IfBJ , nndt-ndlriK Junu DO , Ifti3. From Lonn' J'lno. Nubmiikn. or nearer station on Ulonx It ) and Pneinc II. II. , to hoit Mobtn- rn , Ncbi k Fro h Hid u > , Ktbrnskg , to Fort KoblnBOnNe- l > r > " > , I'lomili ' oune Depot , \Vejmlni , ' Tirritorj , to Vorw Krau Fettirmann and Mikfnnu > , \V\o i Intf Tur , Fr > MK.K Crw k Stitlon , U. I' K n. , fo ForU I'uUrniuM unil McKlm.rj , t < } bmnK l r- rltory. From Kort Fred , fitcclo.Vjouilrif ( Territory , . to Kort Wuohakle , W\imliir1Vrrlti.ry ) , From Park City. Lluh lerrllon , or from tta- lions on the nnlnllnu Union I1 eiflc rullnay , to- Fnrt Thornburuh , Utah IVrrltory From llllfaril , I tab tn 1'ort Cnmcron , Utah , I'.oposala for trinn : | > oratl ( n on any or nil of the routcunbotu named will bu recviud. The Ou\crinnciit rtutrviii tl u rfcbt torujictaii } or KJCI ! prcujicwalt mint bo In triplicate , Erpa ate fur tuili routv , nnd iceoinp.iiiled by a. bund In the bum ol fl\u IninJrcil ( ffiOO On ) eloll irj , i xucut- J i.clBtrlclly In i.uonlauu ) with tl o printed in. ; ktni tlouN aiul upon ti.u I Unk fa m furulsheel under tlila ad erilseincnt , uuoranticini ; that thu P/ir y nmkhu thu | iropo nl iliill i ot withdraw thu nnil ) w thin u'xty da ) from Ihe clato anne no inceil for opening them ; nud tluit if eald pro- poial la auuftcd and H contratt for thu scrrlcv bid fir , nwjrduJ tl.ereiuuler . , he will , within ten cla.M ) alter bcln ' otllkd of ilio auaid ( pro\ideel such notillcu'lui bo madu within tlxty days nboro muntloncdaiceiptthe , ) rnmu and furiilth vo d nnd Bufllcieint vuretlut , ot once , for the filthfii ) perlonnincci ol the con niU. IllanV projo-alu , furm of eontract , an ) pilnt- edelrtuUru-itallnif t o c&tlnintcil imantitltu t snpplliHlo be trantpirleil , and clvlni ? fu 1 In- ' iorinitoii ! an to the manner ot hldulnj , ' , eondl- t tloim to be objtncd b ) blilders , and tcrmi of iiinlri't and payment , will liu furnUhcd on ap- ilkktlon to thUolllce , or to Iho olllrui of the Hep t Quurtcrmiu uiu , at i.Iiejmno and Otfden , ) . in elope * io tilnliiL , ' pie osala tihould be- eiil ' I'ropo-nl. for rraiiBixiititlon from to - - . " M I , UIDINUTON , uhlD.flt ( Jlili-l Onarternu.-ter , P. OBOS'I.S K.Mt TIIF { 'VhTlilKVI' N OF r.U . Ki OK ITY -ti\\iU. \ . ( UMAIIA > t.U , bbl , | Bcalcd propontlB will Iv received atthoolllce of the uiidorelyncd until Tcenlay April 4th , Ib82 12 o'elotk neon , lor Ihu tonfetiuiilon oi BOWOH in North Ounlu a follows ; jjlfcut brUkfcuwcrT S.fett 6J fitt brkk wr w and 728ol6 } fe-ct bilck eewer , located on lurfi ttrott btt ( .ili 16th and 17th , orel on 17th be tween Jiard and Nicholas , belwueii 17th nniH 21tt strei td , together with all nicettai } nun. liolen , lamps holud , mid e-alch ba Inn , cs per plain and spoelllcatlons In the city Kuglnoi olllco. I'roiKi alsto bo prcparud upon blank 8 furnlthuctby thu city Knylneer. Illas will also bo reeelifd for tha conntructloa ol a timber out- Mi cmiraein ; the furnl bin ; . ' nnd driving of 1UO oaK pllet maronr lean 6 feet lei , IX to 8 Incliia. mid J.60' fott cf cull lumber uu per plain andipcclL'fatlons In tha Eiigln e ottlce. Woik to beu'ln on or bcfaro Juno Ibt , and to bo rom- iiiac * ! December M 1832. I'aytnoutt to bo made monthly In railiwurfniils , 1 $ per i ut to buruseneJ until llnnl ooinpletljii. and aceupt unco of work by the proper tuthoritlcg. All ! i i ! blda to b accompanied by the nlgimture ol | ro 5 I psed turetloi > | io111 in event of awarding cf ciinract outer Into bonda of the i Ity for execu tion ol the vork In the turn of (30,000 , J. J. L.O. Jmm , 2 , ' City Clerk. . alf. f ,