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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1882)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKIDAY. MAICH ? 24 1682 , A QREA ? GRAZING GROUND , The Profitable Conditions oi Cattle Raising in Montana , With a Wealth of Na tive Cured Grasses. Some of the Oattlo Kings of the Terri tory find What They are Doing as Beef Producers. It is conooodod by every practical and impartial observer that has been over the ground that Montana fur nishes bettor facilities for stock rais ing than any other section of the continent. The native grasses aru moro nutritious , cither green or cur ed , than any other known. Even in the higher altitudes stock may range and fatten thoughout the yean From the time the bunch grass springs up under the early showers , and glowing sun of May and develops to full ma turity in Juno until the early July drouth cures it on the ground , it is a perfect paradise for stock. The val- l.-ys and basins are adapted to grazing at nil seasons , for oven when the winter snows Ho deep upon the ground native cattle follow the exam ple of elk and door and their own inborn instincts to nourish , themselves on the natural product of the soil. A natural protection is also afforded stock against the winter winds by the bluffs that horn in the valleys of the streams and by the earthquake rents of the mountain and the conolcss oE the foot-hills. During the rambles of a representative of The Pioneer Press over the mountains and through the valleys of Montana last autumn ho observed cattle everywhere and uni versally sleek and fat. They scorned to require no care and apparently re ceived but little attention from their owners the brand nlono being the only evidence of ownership observ able. Yet they were comparatively Ui mo and tractable. This con dition of things was particularly mark ed in the mountains. As Into as the 1st of October hundreds of these cattle tlo were tound chewing the end of contentment at an altitude of 0,000 feet above the lovpl of the sea. lligh up in the mountains were beautiful parks and basins covered witli a lux uriant growth of bunch and otlio vroasca , with trails loading to "sal licks" and streams of pure' water from springs and molted snow. In pursui of game which use the trails in com mon with the cattle , ono would encounter counter herds of as fine looking stock as can bo neon on the rich pastures o" Illinois at the oamo' season of th year. year.Tho The stock interests of Montana i but in its infancy , but the following figures , prepared by Major Mcllrath of Miles Oity , for The Nowk Yorli Times , will bo instructive to the road crs of The Pioneer Press : THE LAKOE3T MONTANA ATOOK KAIHKBt are these in the Judith basin and the Sun. river valley , in the oldest sot tied part of the territory. Hero in eastern Montana the industry is of course , now , and the figures rep resenting it would make a small show ing by the side of the statistics of thut older community. I have boon at sonio pains to ascertain for the readers of The Times the extent to which it .has bbon development in the last two years , and the following maybe bo accepted us an accurate and pretty nearly exhaustive summary of tlu > subject. * Beginning with the valleys of the continents of the Yellowstone from east to west , the first herds are found on the Pow der river. About fifteen miles from the mouth of that stream Alfred Meyers & Brother have 3,000 head of beef cattle. They are all fat and in good condition and are being sluilgh torcd weekly , and the moat shipped east from Miles Oity by the the North ern Pacific railroad. They hare not fed at all during the winter. The same firm have also 3,000 head of sheep , which are likewise in excellent condition , and will bo shipped hence shortly to supply eastern tables with excellent mutton. TJio only loss dur ing the past winter was ono sheep. Mayors & Brother last year had the contract for supplying the Fort Keogh garrison with boof. They issued 2,000 head to that post and also shipped 200 car loads cast. About thirty-fivo miles from the mouth of Powder river , J. W. Strovoll has between 400 and fiOO head of stock cattlo. Near the mouth of Mizpah creek , Perkins HUB soil has 2DUO head of line Merino hoop with thoroughbred rams , half Merino and half Ootswold. His losses during the past winter have boon loss than fifteen head. Near the crossing of the Dcadwood road a man named Sclway , formerly of Bcavorhead county , in western Mon tana , has 3,000 head of sheep. Near the mouth of the Little Powder river the St. Joseph's stock companya Mis souri concern , which made its appear auco here last yearhus between 3,000 and 4,000 head of cattlo. From a point sovonty-fivo or 100 miles up the Powder river , all the way to its source in Wyoming , the valley is extensively stocked ; but I havo. had no opportuni ty yet of obtaining the names of the owners nor the extent of their herds the shipments from that region hav ing heretofore boon made over tin Union Pacific railroad , This seaaoi it is believed , however , the trallio will avail itself of the greater facilitU'i offered by the Northern Pacific at till place. jfEiT IK aiooiurnicAL : OJUIHU comes the Touguo riVer valley , As cendiug the stream from its mouth the first herd of noteworthy diinon sions is that of Brandonborg & Vai Oaakon , who lute this yaar handled from 1,200 , to 1,500 head of cattle Mr. Brandonborg also owns a herd o sheep , and iu December and January last ho shipped 0,000 head from Mile's Oity to Chicago by the Northern IV cifio railroad. The next herd is that of the well-known cattlo-king , Coi Cobra , who has nearly 4,000 head hero and about 6,000 head iu western Montana. Messrs. Scott & Hanks , have over 4,000 head of Texas cattle further up the Tongue river , their range reaching clear over the Little Powder river. Then comes Poindoxter & On , who last year handled 1,000 head of cattle , mostly steers , which they ahippod by mil to Chicago. They also had 1,000 Jioad of ehoop , one-half of which were sold for mutton to the Miles City community. At Sprinn Creek , fifty miles up the Ton quo river , Bur- fiend Brothers brought 5,000 sheep in last year , which they have succecdpd in wintering thus far without any loss. Beyond that there are no largo herds until the head waters of the Tongue are approached , which ho in Wyoming , and consequently do hot relate to my theme. On the Yellow stone river there are as yet few herds of any dimensions this side of Big Horn river , though there are num bers of ranches whoso owners keep herds of from seventy-five to one hundred head. On Sweeney creek , thirty miles west of Miles City , a man named Lo Potrio has 400 head of caltlo. Further up J. 0. Guy has about 70 head , and W. B. S. Hlg gins about 100. At Huntley there Is a herd of about 800 head of cattle , and on a creek near that place Messrs , Poindoxtor & On have herd of 0,000 head of cattle. Beyond that point there is nothing noteworthy in the cattle line until the Crow agency is reached , at Stilwatur , whore Tom Kent grazes about 1,200 head of cattle , Thence westward the herds are mostly owned in Bozoman. Nelson Story has 0,000 head of cattle ranging trom Lake Basin , through the valleys of the Sweet Grass , the Big Timber and the Little Timber , over a wide expanse of country. Alfred Meyers & Brother have OjOOO head of stock cattle on Shinlds river , reaching to the Little and Big Timber and the Sweet Grass , Near the Shields river 11 Mr. Grannis has 800 head of cattle ; Mr. Lindley , 1,200 ; S. P. Heron , 700 : Wright Brothers , 1,000 ; William Anderson. 700. The foregoing com prise all the herds of OATTLB ANDHIIBEPIN KABTEUN MONTANA of which I have boon able to procure any data. Doubtless before another year has passed the figures will bo much more formidable. Nearly all that I havo'onumoratcd were brought here during last year. Another in teresting feature of the business which has not heretofore received newspaper recognition is the extent to which the cattl' ) tradp is benefited by the arrival of the railroad. Until within the past few months Montana cattle were driven either to the Mis souri at Bismarck or. to eomo point oi the Union Pacific road by the tedious route across the Wyomitrg wilderness. Since the Northern Pacific road has reached the Yellowstone , cattle have boon trans ported by that route for the supply of eastern markets as follows : Messrs. Ilobson it Sweat , after driving the html nil the way from the Judith basin to Miles City , shipped 1,200 head ; Con Cobra , 1,500 ; Martin Brothers , 2,000 , ; Wright % Fratt,800 , A. Samples , 1,200 , ; Mr. Lindloy , 300 ; Poindoxter & Orr , 1,000 ; Meyers Brothers , 3,000 ; Dm Floury , 1,000 , 0. Clark , 1,500 ; total , 1-1,000 head. This year , when the road has been built further westward , many , and probably all the largo western Montana stock raisers who haveherto- fore sought eastern outlet by Wyoming trail , will avail themselves of the readier facilities offered by a railroad running practically alongside of their ranges. I have dealt at mi oh length upon the material condition of the stock industry in eastern Montana that I shall not bo able to enter into particulars concerning the methods and profits pt the business. These are the details in which investors are chiefly interested. I will state briefly , s the result of n comparison of notes taken from a number of , conversations with leading stockmen of this region , that , in regard to cattle , the AYBKAOE COST OF KAISINO 8TKK11S , exclusive of investment and interest , is about $1 per head yearly , so that a four-year-old steer raised from a calf costs about § 4 , probably a little lees. the native Montana cattle sell hereby by the heard at from 818 to 820 per head , and Texas born cattle at from $14 to 10 per head. The average yearly increase of stock cattle is vari ously estimated , the percentage vary ing in different seasons. It may bo accepted as from 50 to 80 per cent on the female portion of the heard. The average profit in the territory on stock raising is computed at from 20 to 30 per cent per annum on the in vestment. In some exceptional seasons it has boon nearly one-half greater than the last named proportion. Sheep require greater care than cattle , but if successfully handled the profits are considerably larger. The average increase - crease of the herd is about 75 per cent. One prolific herd in the terri tory produced over 100 per cent. , but n extraordinary production of twins was necessary to accomplish that achievement. The production is the measure of the profit in sheep raising as the sale of the wool , which is ar ways in eager demand , defrays the whole expense of maintaining the herd , and sometimes exceeds it to the extent ' of § i or ; 81.26 per head. Sheep , thuro'fore , begin to yield a revenue the first summer after they are driven upon a range , while a herd of young cattle must be maintained at least thrco years before any profit manifests itself , It is evident that Montana stock raising rests upon a solid basis as a legitimate field of en terprise , widely separated from the character of wildcat Hpoculatinn in which many oastora capitalists have trained themselves to rt'gard it. Con- clunivo evidence is furnished of this m the readiness with which the rich banking houses in Helena and Bozeman - man and Virginia City loan money to cattle men of their vicinity. There are numbers of stock raisers in that part of the territory who can obtain from the b.inks anywhere from 850- 000 to $100,000 , at any moment , and onno other security than their own personal obligations. A Good Hpusowlfo. A gooa housewife , when she is giving her house its spring renovating , should bear in that the dear inmates of her house are moro precious than many houses , and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the blood , regulating the stomach and bowels to prevent and euro the diseases nriainu' from spring malaria and miasma , and she must know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bitters , the purest and beat of medicines. [ Concord ( N. Hg Patriot , ml7 .d ( Oil the Hook. ' "Do you moan it , father ! " Vivian Maturity looked steadily into Ms father's face as lie ppoko thrs * words looked fairly and fully into the face of the keen-eyed old man whoso potted idol ho had been oinco' ' the days of his babyhood those dreary , desolate days when the black pall of his young wife's death had fallen over the life of ho who was now looking nt his only child so fitcrnly , Myrtle Severn had been his early love , and his only one , and as slio lay in her coffin white and silent , never again to speak his name in the en- doanng tones that fell with such tender - dor cadence upon his ear , never again to wind these soft arms around his neck and put up the little rosebud mouth to bo kissed , ho felt that there was naught in all the wide world that could over make existence a pleasure to him again , But after she had been laid away to rent forever planted with loving care in the little dell beyond the car barns , where the willows wave their spread ing branches over the green-clad earth , and the soft breath of summer kisaes into life the modest violet , the white-faced aster , a.d the blushing sunflower and the nurse brought to him the child in giving birth to which the mother had died , a change came over the strong-willed man , and from that moment the great love Aristides Mahaffy had borne his wife was trans ferred to the boy. Time had touched Arislides with refrigerating finger , and from the locks that wore once a sun nily-golden hue tlioro peeped forth now and thou a thread of silver gray a tiny limestone on the pathway of life down which wo all must travel , and ever and anon a twinge of gout in one of his base ball fingers would warn the old man that ho waa Hearing the homestretch , and that ere many sum mers had come and gone he must leave the busy , rushing world forever , and bo only an item in the books of the Probate Court. Thcso thoughts passed rapidly through his mind na lie stood near an open grate in the richly-furnished parlor of his Calumet avenue man sion , the ruddy ulow of the fire leap ing bravely up ( lie roar of his pants turn making u.rHiigo shadows around his Wauketuu { feet. His son his bright-eyed Loy had said that heir ir < ts about l marry Ethelburta O'llourku , a il whom the old man know only as a lu hionablo belle , and of whoso better qtuihtiea ho had never * heard , and in u moment of passionate anger ho had told the boy that if his determination WAH persisted in disin heritance should follow. It was this thrtut that hud o.iimod Vivian to utter the words with Inch this story bo- pins."Yes "Yes , I moan it , " replied the father , "Marry this girl if you choose , but if you do not a penny of mine shall you havo" and leaving these bittorly- cruel words floating around the room ho stalked savagely from the apart ment. * * * * * * Two hears h wo passed. So have seven or c' ' t horse curs , but the one for wlikh Vivian is waiting finally eome.s along , and soon l.inda him at the door of K. . ictus O'llourko'ti house Ethclborta iu .sitting in her boudoi Hughtonedurd for room ) sowing some foamy lnuo into the neck .of a velvet dress as the young man entered. "I have bad nuws for you , my dar ling , " Vivian says in Bad tones , while a don't-blufi-or-jou-willjjo-eallod look comes over bin face. Bertio ncnthcl her little dimpled hands confidingly in liia , "Toll it tome mo at once , sweet , ' she said "only with you alive and well nothing could bo so v ry dreadful. Vivian looked lit her with a wonderful - dorful grave tenderness in his blue eyes. eyes.Ho waa sizing her up. "My father and I have quarreled , and ho has disinherited mo. I havo" and hero his voice quivered slightly "boon given the g. b. on your ao count. 1 am abog ar , Bertie. " Her soft , dusky eyes grow wider and moro serious. "Yes , " continued the sucker , "lam poor. But I wouldn't care if it wasn't for you , darling. It means that I must give you up , forlcannot ask you to share lifo with mo on a thousand a year. " She looked at him with a rich crim son flush surging into her cheeks. If it had been a afll Vivian would proba bly have gone under , but a flush could never scare him. "Vivian , " said sho. passionately , "do you think I will lot you give mo upl I love you too well for that. A beggar or it Prince , you are the same to momy king , my lo\e ? . " And he folded her to his heart with a great , almost speechless tenderness and joy. "My darling , my precious , " ho whispered. Three monthu later ; on a golden .December afternoon , with a blue sky as in Juno , there w.ia a grand wed ding at the O'Rourko mansion. As Vivian and Ktholburta were imtonnir the carriage that waa to bear them to the depot , she looked at him with a weirdly prcoiouj smilo. "And so you would not deoort me , darling , " ho said , "oven when you thoiiKut that I was poor1' "No my precious one , " was the re- ply. " 1 learned long ago that a uckor once off the hook will never bite again , and your father and I put up the job BU ui to laud you a little quicker , " Tonukcn _ ftr BITTERS IlMtottot' * eioiMdi liters li the tresthouicj hold inoJIcliio of DID An crlcau ( icoi'lv , anil I t ken u'r > uhero ia ral guarU Btaln ( t Icp ilemir * anU oiiUcino ! > , a a ivuiiUv or jipvpea lillllouintw mil Imvularltlei rl the bouo'i , * ft cur /or chill * tnj tutor ml rlieumkt fc I mtH'ts , M a KMlatlru in nervous ca , < ? an K n < ral Intltftorant and rmtoratlve. For aalu by all Uiuw UUanil Ura'.eii ifeaerally. Groorgo William Curtis on Oscar Wlldo. Harper for April , The fun leveled fit Mr. Oscar Wilde , when not cparso and ungentlemanly , as in the instance of the Rochester students , as reported in the papers , is not undeserved. A man who wishes to show the worth of the modern renaissance is bound , first of all , not to make it or 'himself laughable , Moro eccentricities of dress or conduct - duct are sure to prejudice any good cause. The cheapest distinction ic that which the tailor or barber can furnish. The "mission" of Mr. Wilde to this country 1ms boon quite lost under the accidents and incidents of his career. What kind of a coun try did ho suppose himself to bo about to visit ? Had lie lectured quietly in America , ho would not have bean re lentlessly chaffed from one end of the country to the other. But nobody would then Fiavo ever heard of him , and no one would have qono to hear him , says a cynic of the club. Yet the greatest of Englishmen who have come to us have not found it neces sary to cultivate an external odditv , and Americ.ins who have been chiefly nitod in Eiuopo for peculiarities of costume or any iorm oi extravagance have not most honored the name of their native land , nor incst strongly oommondcd it to respect and admira tion , "My young friends , " said a wise teacher to his pupil' , "If God give you talents remember not to bury them in & napkin. But if Ho give you only a napkin , don't think 10 to flourish it that it will seem to bo full of talents. " Gentle Women Who -want glosay , luxuriant nuil wavy tresses of abundant , licautii'ul Hair must use LION'S KATUAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes iho llair prow freely and fust , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and idling , makes the Hair E long , giving it a curling fvudency and keeping it in niiy desired position. Eoau- < if ill , healthy Hair is the sure resnlt of using Kathairon. TRUTH ATTESTED. SotaoImportniithtntoinovtN of "Wei Known People Wholly Verified. In order thut the public may fully rcillzo the Kcmitncnest o ( the statement" , ,11 \\e\l \ ns the power and value of the article ofhicli the ; Bpcnk , wo publish her > n 1th the fic-slinlle aln | - turcsof parlies nhoso sincerity is licjoiul qucs tlon. Thu Truth of thceo testimonial : ; U ntoo lute , nor can the facU they aunounto bo Ig nored ' OUAIIA , Nun. , May 24,1SS1. H. II. WAIINKII & Co. : UunSiit : 1 have freiucntly used Warnor'a Sato Klclnoy nud Liver Cure .or local affcctlou * attendant upon nevero rhnumatlo Attacks , and havoalKBVH derived hcneflt therefrom. I have alco used Uio Hate Ncmne with natlsf-ictory re sults ) . I crlntiJcr tkokUvi < xllctiiO3 y.orthv of conOdeurn Udputy Treasurer"1 OMAHA , NKD , May 24 , 1:81 II. IT WARNBR & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : GUNTH : I Imvn we lyour ( Sato Kidney and Liver Cure thin Bprlng as a ler Im Igorator , nnd 1 find It the beat remedy I o\ct tried. I have used 4 bottles , ard It ha.1 mode mo fed better than ever ] aid before In tbo U. P. U. Hhops. OMAHA , Nno. , May -J4,1881. II. II. WARMER & Co. : > , * SIRS : For nioro than ID yiars I have rjffured much In.orivcnlenco from combined kidney "and liver diseases , snd have been' ' unable to'/work , my nrin y orgin > alia facing affected. I 'ricd a great many medicines and doctor" , but I grow woreo and worto day by day. I was told I had Ilrluht's Disease , nnd 1 wished myxelf dead If I could not have speedy relief. I took jour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing molding else was ever known to cure t ha disease , and I have not been disappointed. The uicdlelnu has cured me , and I nui perfec ly Hull to-dar , entirely through your bate Kidney and Liver Cure J wish vou all BUCC es In publishing thlt valur.Me remedy through thn world U. I'.lt. It. Shops. Thoun.1' ds of equally ttron ; crulorBcincntunany of U cm ui cwca here hoH | > uaa abandonvd have been voluntarily cl\en , Khoulng the remarkable power of Warners Pale KMnoy and Llvor Cure , In all dlsca'csol the Klilnejc , liver or urinary or- rana. If uny ouu uho rcado this has any pnja- leal trouble- renumber the great remedy , mo CJRAYT. SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK Thp OrcatTRADE MARK KiiKll hrcin- - udy. An un failing euro i for Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhca , Impot- cney , and all alloi oi AFTER TAKING. o ; as lx s of Memory , Unlrerstl Lati tude , Pain In the llach , Dlmnce3 of Vision , Pro nmtura Old Ape , and many other ll caws that load to Insanity or Consumption and a l'rem - turaUraM ) . XirKull particulars in oar pamiildut , which we dulro to send free I v mall to ev.'ry one. friTTho tipuUflc Modklmi Is told by all ilniK'h'Ists ut 81 per paek KO , or fl packmen for j& , or will be sent frco by mall on rea utof the moiu'j , t > ) oddronlnr TIIKOIM JKPICINKflO Biiffrlo , V. V. or * ' I X fit | . i 7'nc-ar d D. S. 8ENTON. ATTORNEY -Al' OPERA IN NEW YOEK. By Richard Grant White , Is one of the richly llluitratotl article * In the April OK.VTUUY MAOAZINH. S. KALISH , THE STAR TAILOR. 1 Door W , of Orulofcsliank's , Has now * flno complete Stock of Spring Good * connlstluK of Kicncb , KnitlUh and the Cent Do- Prices low or ( ho lowest. uih _ ° IT ) on suffer from Djcpcpmn , use BUIlDOCn. 'LOOD niTTERS. If you nre Afflicted with Biliousness , use BUHDOCK HLOOD BITTERS If you uro prostrated with tick Hcndachc , take BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Bowels are disordered , rcjul.itu them with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jour Blood In mpure , purify It with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It you have Indirection , > oti will hndnn antldoto In BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If YOU are troubled with Spring Complaints , or- adlci\to them with IIOUDOCK BLOOD IllTTKItS. If jour Liter Is torpid , restore It to healthy action with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If yotir Liver Is affected , you wilt find r > sure ro- fttoratlvojn BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any tiymptoms oi Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy wilt bo found In BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality ito the sys tem , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , CI.OO pel nottlei Trial Dottle * 10 Ctt FOSTEE , MILBUEN , & Do , , Props , BUFFAI.O , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish A McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 ood-mo Tnls great specific cures that most loathsome disease "Whotlior in itn Primary , Secondary or Tortlnrv Stiiio- Hcraovos all traces of J'crcury Irom the sys tem , Cures Scrofula , Old Sores , Rheuma tism , l > zcma , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Curon Whoa Hot Springs Fn.ll I Malcm , Ark. , May 2,1881. \Vcnmocaocnln our ton n who lived at Hot Spring" nnd were finally cured with S. S. S. McCAMMON & MtlRBY. Memphis , Mcnn. , May 12 , 1881 Wo have Gold l,2f > U botlles of S. S. S. In a j car. It has given universal sitlsfactlon. Kalr minded physicians now recommend It its a positive bpcciflc. S. MANBPIKLD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13. 1881. S. S. S. has given better sati faction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. FI.KXNKK. Denvei , Col. May 2 , 1831. Every purclia er ( peaks In the highest ttrmi ofS. S. S. . L. Mctsjctnr. Richmond. Va. . May 11 , 1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. ! Iaro never known S. S. S. to fall to euro a case Cf Syphilis , when properly taken. The aboto signers arogentloman of high stand ing. A II COLQUITT , Gcncrnor of Georgia. IF YOU WISH WC W LL TAKE YOUKSE CA TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy of Ittlo book 'Message to the Unfortunate. 81.0OO Rnward i" be paid to any chemist who will find , on analysis 100 bottles S S. S. , ono particle of Mercury lodUo Potas sium or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Oa. Prlco of regular slro reduced to gl.7fi per i > nt tie Small size , holding half the quantity , price , 91.00. Sold by KENNARD & CO. , and Druggists Ccnerallr The Graat English Nercr falls to cuio Nervous Debility , Vi tal Exhaustion , Emis sions , Seminal Wcak- ncsaes.LOST MAN HOOD , and all the evil effects of youth ful follies and execs- jcs. . It stops perma nently all weakening. Involuntary loss Band drains upon the sys tem , the Inevitable re- , , , suit of these evil prac tice * , which are BO destructive to mini ! and | > ody and make life miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death U strengthens the Ncrvcs.llraln , ( racmorj ( Blood , Muscles , Dlgoetlvo and Repro ductive Or.Miis , It restores to all the organic functions their former vigor and \itallty , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , S3 a 'tottlo , or four times the quantity 310. Bent by express , secure from observation , to anyaddrcsa , on receipt of price. No.O. O. D. sent , cxecpt on receipt of 81 as a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tr > best and cheapest djupopsta and bllllous euro In the market , Hold by all druggists. Prlco 60 cents. DR HINTIK'H KIUSKY HKMKDT , NKPBKTICDM , Cures til Undof Kidney and bladder complalnto. gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. For tale i.y all daiifg sts : SI a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olfve St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Ealo In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. Jan6-lv . To Nervous Sufferers THK GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY Dr , J , B , Birapsoii'H Specific It U i , positive euro lor f Ltir.acoirhtw , f i nm i WeoXo fS , Impottnr } , and all ilUeaTt. rcsu.Un from .idt-Alu e , B JlonUl Atixlutj , I AM Unj.rry . . , Palm Iu the . Hack . cr Blilo ' itiul iidwe ! _ - - . , , - ) | IvV ) ( ll i-'i V ' ibc1" " u * a - . ' § tl . > b1 : ; :1 ' /i. i ll l | N t'l-f ' * * i ) * * ' ' " U" lie - . Priii , , , > , i. n ) . , > 1.M y } X.n . , ! , < ) ' ' IVRM for ' v t " i i U. blUbO : . MliUiLlht vu Nc . 101 and ion Mutii St , nuCtlo , N. Tr Sol-1 ill Omalu by C , V. Ooodmiu , J W fi'l ' , J. K. lull , an Jail itUfirkUfv-jijrwtK'r , i .rM BYRON REED & . CO. OLUIHT EaTABLUUVi ) Real Estate Agencjf IN NEUKAHKAt ii n i.tu < i'k'tB kbatrkCt of title Iu Kik n Om&lit n Douylu countv mavt DR. P. SOHBRBB , Physician and Surgeon. OHRONIO DISEASES , RHEUMATISM , Ktc. , A SPECIALTY. OlUco No. HIS Farnham St. between 14th and 16th. Omaha , Neb. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * . HOTELS. ARLINQrON , SARATOGA HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , ENO'S HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , VORQAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOI EL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , COMMERO AL HOTEL , DiQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKIN8HOUBE , BALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , GRAND PACIFIC , WOODS HOUSE , DOUGLAS HOUSE , EXCHANGE HOTEL , PROPRIETORS J. 0. MclNTIRE , J. S. 8TELLIHIU8 , JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL , CHENEY & CLARK , J. O. MEAD , . ( SEYMOUR , P. L. THORP , A. 0. OAARPER , Q. W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. U ENO , O , B. HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. L. GRUOD , SWAN & BECKER , JUDKIN8 & BRO , , GEO. CALPH , O.M. REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 8. BURGESS , Dl D , WILLIAMS , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , JL. AVERY , J. W. BOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , * CHA8. BAGNELL , WM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , B , F.STEARNS , J. NORTON , JOHN ECKERT , J. S. DUNHAM , O. B. HACKNEY , TOWN ! ' I Lincoln , Net. V Mllford , Neb. . ft' j Stromtburg Ne Loulivllla Blair , Neb. Nell h , Neb. y Nabratka City , Neb Weeping Water.Ne Hardy , Neb. Greenwood , Nebl Clarlnda , lows , Eremont , Neb. Athlnnd , Neb Atklnion , Neb. Guide Recd , Neb * Crcilon , l , Red Oak , In , ' Extra , la. Atlantic , la , Audubon , la. Ncola , la. Harlan , la. Corning , la. Blanton , Burlington Junction , M Dlnnclmrd , la. Shenandoah , In , ' Dayld City , Neb. . College Springs , la. Vllllica , la , Malvern , la , ldaQrove , la C Odebolt , la * Columbus , Neb. Otceola , Neb. Clarks , Neb. Ashland , Neb , W. B. MILLAIID. F. 13. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frnits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Baushers Lard , and Witter Mills .Flour , OMAHA - - NEB. , - - - . BEEEBEirOES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. TO ALL WHO HAVE TO JBE REPAIRED , 2sT GK , .A. "V 1 Gr TO BE DONE OR While our "Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now . .ad iiupnivtx. ; < chinory , I hope to still moro improve the quality and IhiiHhif nui ork and fill orders with moro promptness tha n is usual P My Mctlo has always boon and always wi "First to gain aupunor tiee nnd tliun advertise the fact not ere no wild iidvortisomonl. ' Seme unprincipled dealers bomg in the habit of copying my announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and those of Youra very truly , . v , A. B. HER The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. . Striking TOTPT 71oci , JEWELRY AND fHUSSG HOUSE. ANGELL , BO WEN & WHIT E. Fine Wutclios and Clocks. Pianos , the Stock and others. Diamonds at Importers' Prices. Organs , Whitnuy it Holmes. Jpwolry , most Artistio Stylos. l\luaio \ Books , Shoot Muaic. Silverware , an Elo&int Stock. Accordiuns , Violins. Spectaolea , Eye Qlassoa , Ac. Flutua and Fifes , Guitars. Opera Olnescs , Olioicu AnHortinont. Music Boxes , 11 Eiigravinx , in Host Styles. Violin String * , Guitar Strings , Ac. Finu Hepairing Specialty. Inducements Superior to others , Pi ices in Plain Figures. Our Motto , "Plain Figured. " * 3TAs we copy none of our eoni | > otttard STYLUS or advertisements we politely request - quest a return of Ihti coinpliuieuc. Opera House Block. ANGVELL , BOV/EN & WHITE. tucnisat R. J. 8AXE , Has opened a New Hat Store in Opera House Block on 16th St. , wnere oan be found all tlie desirable Styles at Moderate Prices , A complete Spring Stock has been bought and will arrive in a few days , A Full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods will be added soon. R. J , SAKE , FASHIONABLE HATTER , CVFraP A. 3BCOTrjJ3J3 333C.OC3BC. Hair Ooods , Notions , Ladies' ' Furuishine ! Uoods , Ulsters , Oironlars , and Suits , so-7