I I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. t I H ( I I ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , FRIDAY AlORNING , MARCH 24 , 234 CHIN AM AN MUST GO f Iho Anti-Mongolian Bill Passed by tlio Houso. .Limiting the Influx of the Rice and Bat Eating Rous tabouts A Very Decided Response to the Appeal of the Pacific Ooast. Shiphord Resumes His Testi mony and Brings in Senator Biuir's Name. Miioolbuiconi NotM of a Nntional Character. CONGRESS. KatlonM At ! > clito < 11'resi rilOOKEDlNOS IN TUE SENATE. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 23. Mr. Guorgo reported from the committee mittoo on agriculture the original bil to inako tlio department of agriculture an executive department. The life saving service bill came up and salaries were fixed at 81800 for superintendents iu the lake districts. Mr. Brown's proposition to mak salaries of station loopotaGOOinsteac of $300 was lost. Mr. Fryo made a strong protoclioi speech in reply to Messrs. Beck anc Williams. The latter , in a sheri speech , answered the criticism on his position. Mr. Vance offered an additiona section , that in the selection of com missioners representation bo given to each interested agent and manufac turer in proportion to the capital iu Tested and the number of persons en gaged therein. It was agreed to take a vote to-morrow , when Messrs. Milloi ( N. Y ) and Sherman will speak on the subjuct. At 3:35 : p. m. the scnato wont into executive session and at 5:25 : p. m. adjourned. The Indian appropriation , bill was reported , with amendments , m the executive session. A. L Morrison , of Illinois , was confirmed marshal of New Mexico , and Enos J. Ponnybackor collector of customs for North Carolina. The session was protracted by a fight over the nomination of Cooper for internal revenue collector of the Sixth North Carolina district. The vote stood 22 ayes to 24 nays on con formation. The democrats and David Davis voted "no" and Messrs. Logan and Cameron withheld their votes. A motion to reconsider was resisted and filibustering threatened and began. Finally the senate adjourned while the motion to reconsider the rejection was , ponding. " - , 4 ' " ' ' ' t % ' ' 'Watmoagh'and-Se'abnry w'ero n taken up. PEOOEEDINO3 IN TUB HOUSE. The house resumed consideration'of the Chinese bill at 10 a. m. Messrs Morse and Joyce opposed , the first contending it was un-Ameri can and uncommercial , the latter that it violated the treaty. Messrs , Dunnell and Orth also op posed the bill , the former on the ground of violation of the treaty with China , the latter it wan contrary to the spirit of the constitutional amend- montc. Mr. Rosocrans , being ill , was ac corded permission to have his views in support of the bill printed. The speaker appointed Dawson , ot Iowa , a stenographer of the house , vice Hayrs , removed. 1 hu committee on ways and moans reported favorably the bill permitting whisky to remain in bond an un limited period , limiting wastage to thirteen gallons a barrel. Messrs. Sherman , Hazlcton and Pachico favored the an.i-Cliincsa bill bec.tuso California understood the subject best and asked it. Mr. Townshond , of Illinois , sup ported it because it was a democratic measure. Mr. Robinson , of Massachusetts , spoke against the bill after correcting the report that Ohincao shoemakers had been driven out of Massachusetts , Ho proceeded to indicate the various amendments { o reduce the time to ten yuan ) and omit the section mak ing it apply to Bkillcd laboiora , Ho did not think it was nemairy to cliantre the passport system , n aug- ROBUdbyMr. Kisaon , but hold tJuit limitation of immigr.Uion to twenty jcura wuiild be a practical uolauin of the treaty Mr. Camion , of Illinois , spoku in support of the bill , llo uM few on the floor would absolutely oppose it , and ho did not think the amendment improved it. Mr. Page closed the debate appoU- inp to the republican p.vrty , with which ho had worked for years in the house , in support of the principles on bills as declared in its platform and the sentiments of the late president. The vote on the amendment roduo- ing the time to ton yoais stood , 100 yeas , 131 nays ; that on the amendment - ment reducing the time to fifteen yeara , 8 ? to 99. All other amend , ments wore then voted down'in their order and the bill , passed 177 yeas to G5 nays. The nays were Messrs. Anderson , Barr , Bragg , Briggs , Bruwno , Buck , Camp , Gaudier , Carpenter , Chase , Crape , Cullen , Dawes , Dcering , Ding- ley , Dunnell , Divight , Farwoll ( la. ) , Grout , Hall , Uardonburg , Hammond ( N. .Y ) , Harris ( Mass. ) , Ilaskoll , Hawk , Henderson , Hepburn , Hooker , Humphrey , Jacobs , Jones ( N. J. ) , Joyce , Kasson , Lord , McCoid , Morse , Norcross. Orth , Parker , Ranney , Rico ( Mass. ) , Rico ( Ohio ) , Richard , sou , Ritchie , Robinson ( Mass. ) , RUB. Eoll , Ryan , Shultz , Skinner , Spooner , Stone , Taylor , Thompson ( Iowa ) , Ty ler , Urner , Updegraff ( Iowa ) , Wads- woith , Wait , Wulkfp. WarJ , Watnon , White , Williams ( \Vi > . ) , Adjourned at 6 p. in. SHIPKSKD. TUB HENATOll'fl NAME 18 DI.A1K. S'atioiml AnTcltt J I'tct * . WASHINOTCIN , March 23.Sniphon ] produced a copy of the miftsin ? letter to the president dated May 20 , 1881. It was merely a presentation of the case the same way as presented to Blaine and llurlbut. Shiphord .ad mittod the mysterious senator was Blair of Now Hampshire ; ho also slated ho had made overtures to an other member of congress to act as counsel of the Peruvian company. The member refused bocaueo the matter - tor would necessarily come before con grcss. Shiphord refused to name this niombor. Adjourned until to-morrow. Mr. Shiphord has the neuralgia. CAPITAL , NOTES. Mitloiii ) Associated 1'rcwi THE OUANTS UAT 1IOMB. " WASHINGTON , March 23. General and Mrs. Grant hold a reception in the red parlor this afternoon. The attendance was largo of army and navy , government officers and their families. MISCELLANEOUS. I The anti-polygamy bill has boon signed. Rear-Admiral J. P. - Spottd , com manding tl.o South Atlantic station , died on the 9th iuit of uppoplexy at Falkland Island , Patagonia , and * as buried there. The star r6utoa cases are adjourned until Saturday. Several important changes will bo made in the quartermaster general's department shortly. The order for Cadet Whittakor'a dismissal from the service waa issued to-day. Rear Adimiral Scott , retired list , is lying very low in this city. Republican senators think Toller's name will surely bo sent in as necro taiy of the interior department before long , but that delay may bo caused by the arrangement of succession in the senate. Chairman Harris says that the re port that the naval committee agreed to recommend $2,500,000 to complete monitors is incorrect. Another mem ber says the rocommondatian was re considered and the matter is still an open question. Another admits such matter was agreed on. lilqnor on Reservations. National Associated Press. ST. PAUL , March 23 Sumo time ago the United States court con demned a quantity of brandy intro duced by Frank Patches into the northern part of the state. This judgment was reversed by Judge Me- Crary in the United States circuit court here to-day , who held that in the introduction of liquor no territory should bp classed as Indian country unless within the limits of a reserva tion. The defendant must IIHVO the benefit of .the doubt.e5istta' in - < , the case. The decision is important as settling a much disputed question in this section. A SALVATION SPREE. Th Warlike Evangelists Again Taking Up Arma. The Kneo-JJrlll , iho Blood and Fire Brigade and Sharp Shooting by Soldiers in the Salvation Market. Philadelphia Prcsa. Thisstrange compound of blasphemy and sensation appeared in the adver tising columns of several of the city newspapers last Saturday : SALVATION MAIUCET Fifth street and Germantown avenue. The Sal vation Army will hold a Real Siilva- : ion Spree to-morrow , led by Shout- tig Annie , from Baltimore ; Captain Pilgrim ; Charlie , the Silvation Won der ; Captain .Too , Iho Salvation Car- hunter , and Glory Milt , the Hallelujah Drummer. Knuo-dnil at 7 a. m. , sharp , and at 3 p. m mid 8 p. m. the blood and flro brigado. Sharp shoot- ng by the soldiers , The Btiiiguiimrg promises contained n this extraordinary notion , which contained beaidos that the recently allayed Salvation Army fever : is it-am breaking nut in the city , led a crowd to the scene of action yister- dnjr afternoon. Salvation market was easily identified by the presence of .wo stalwart policemen at its door , and the liberal display cf banner * ) n its windows , announcing "Salva- iou for jou ut 8 o'clock to- li ht. " Within , upon rude bonolus , ho only Beating accommodations of ho hall , waa seated a mixed company of 400peoplolargoly made upoflcurioua ookcw-on , with u liberal sprinkling nf erioua , devout looking fjcoa , mid icro and tliuro a roor , dissipated rretoh whom the strange surroundings lad awed into reflection. Tliu con- rasts of dress and nf countenance roro many and striking. Shortly after 3 o'clogk , noise with out caused all eyes to turn toward ho door-way , through which there ininodiatoly strode , at a brisk gait , a short , thick-set man of thirty , in ' cap and uniform , chouting a'salva- ion army song ut the top of his oico , Ho was followed by a Btrangr [ Jing procession of twouty-fivo men , vomon and boys , bearing aloft a red lag , and each vicing with the leader n power of lung , but with little at- empt at agreement in tune. Mount- ng the platform , where scats had > eon reserved for thorn , the army mtered upon the "Bproo" of the af- prnoon by singing from the ealva- ion army song book a hymn with the efrain , "Then a noldier I ulmll be Happy In Eternity , " 11 which many of the audience joined , standing-upon the front of the plat- orm during the singing , and marking imo with the most violent arm gym- rustics , were Iho four loaning war riurs of the "blood and fire brigado. Captain Irons , Captain Light , Captnii Pilgrim and Shouting Annio. Th l.nt named are women of nbou fifty jcatfl , both of swarthy com plcxion , evidently iuurod to at the atmocphetic variations of out-doo : campaigns. In speaking , they cxhib Jted almost maaculino poncr in voici and ge&turo. Captains Irons nut Light arc both undersized , but goo ( shunters , and prone to violent haiu gymnastics. Captain Irons is recklessly lossly frco with his "h's. " and when ho speaks the other Captain stands a his side , supporting him with smile and voluble "amons" and "hallolu jahs. " TUB KNF.R-DUILL. After the opening hymn , knco-dril was gene through with , each of tin leaders praying with unction , Ihei companions punctuating their utter aticos with sighs and groans , center lions of face nnd body and ngonizo ( intorjoctioiiB. The songs , however gave fulKir vent to those noisy pro penalties which are a largo pirt of tin Outfit of these enthusiasts. The nerds while not alwaya distinguished by tha delicacy which might bo looked for ii spiritual song , are wonderfully direc and never forgot to rhyme. Hero if n couplet that was aung with mud fervor ; "Sty old compiut n , faro you well ; 1 will not go with joU tolhell. " Another favorite hymn had this reference eronce to the gentleman below : "Tha devil nnd mo wo can't ngrc ? , For I hate him nnd hu hntea me. " This vindictive spirit cropped ou in another song , beginning : ' 'Wo'll rll the old chnript along , But we won't lung on Lehiud , " And then continuing : 'If tha devil's in the way we'll roll it o\or him. " These worn sung with the swayiiif of the body , stamping of foot anc clapping of hands , and that p cculii delirium of ccstacy characteristic or the colored brethren. Occasionally , Shouting Annie would clacp Captair Irons' hand , and others , catching the infection , would proceed to congratu late their neighbors in a promiscuous fashion. Sandwiched between the songs were impassioned exhortations based on the Bontimonts just sung. Captain Pilgrim and Shouting Anir'o were most vehement in their appeals , charging up and down the platform , throwing their hands aloft , and anon casting themselves into their chairs and burying their faces in their hands. At intervals they stopped short and broke in upon some familiar hymn and thus the services alter nated. "I'll Meet My Saintrd Mother Over Thero" was sung over and over again , finally moving many of the audience ' to tears the only pa thetic touch 'in iho whole scene. TESTIMONY OF THK IIKCHUIT8. When the now recruits ot the army wore called to rise and give testimony , ono poor follow told how glad ho was that the salvation army had como around. Ho didn't go home with a black eye on Saturday night any 'moro. rf.h"othor , Captain 'Joe , the'cinlvaCion carpenter , had boon gathered in by the army. "I don't suppose , " said ho , "there ever was a worse man in Philadelphia than mo. " "Never killed anybody , did you , Joe' " interrupted a voice from the audience , "fto , I never killed anybody , but I was an awful drunkard , and no drunkard can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven , " an swered Joe , "Praise the Lord ! " shouted Shout ing Annie , and immediately impro vised : "The nn'oon-keepers ' thoy're a-cryinjrout 'Cause the Salration Army la a-goin about. " A young girl on the platform tasti fied : ' 'I mean to go to heaven , and I don't ' caru what the people say ; they ( can drag you to hell , but they can t drag you out. " "Amen , " "Praiso God , " "Hallelujah , " came from all over the platform , and then the en thusiasm found rent in the strain : "I tumbler ! in the fountain And He wnshedmy idns away. " Two young men Blattered into the hall at this point and begin inter rupting the speakers with maudlini ? blasphemy "God bless those young men , " said Shouting Annie , immedi ately starting up a aong , Presently the young men subsided into u drunken s'upor ' , only to awake moro belligerent and demonstrative than ever. Ono of them attempted to embrace - brace Captain TIOOB , but found himself - self in the fit rom ; nrms of a policeman who hurried him oif to the atation house The inevitable collection came oirly in the proceedings. Shouting Annie passed the lint around among the n.oii with an appealing , " you got anything for the Lori , l.idH I" The harvest of cash was scant , and piincipally copper. "Charlie , the Salvation Wonder , " pioved to bo n proiocious youngster of ton yeara. Ho sang , ' Only an Armor-bearer , " in a bhrill , piping voice , and them proceeded to exhort the jioople uith all the earnestness of a practiced pulpit orator. At the conclusion of the "Sproo , " Shouting Annie had a heated argu ment with a sister who upbraided her for selling hyinn-bonka find other lit erature on Sunday. "It's all for the Lord , " explained Annie , but her questioner was still unsatisfied , nnd took her leave of the shouting Bistei , with u vague idea that somebody else was the recipient of thcso Sunday The Country Who that has ever lived anytime In the country Iiut must Imvo lieard of the vlr- lues of Burdock as a Mow ) purifier , Bun- noon HLOOD I'ITTFIIH cure ( lyiipopHla , billousnecaand all dlsordern aristnt' from Impure blood or deranged liver or kidnevs. Price SI.00 , trial bottles 10 cent * . mch21.lv SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Ronowor , " greatest remedy on earth for impotence , lean ness , sexual debility , &o. One dollar at druggist's. ' Depot. 0. F Good M , (5) ( ) AN AWFUL ACCIDENT. Bursting of the Boiler of a Ferry Boat , Ono Man Blown Oloan Over n Block and jMaahed Into , An Iminonao Depot Sot on Piro by the Explosion and Tota'ly ' Consumed. Two'Boata Lying Alongside the Ferry Boat Bunk by the DebrK Careerof nn Unlnoky Hoi ; Train National Associated Prens PiiiiAU Li'iiiA , March 23. The boiler of the Btcnin passenger ferry boat , Henry 0. Pratt , plying between Philadelphia and the Atlantic depot , Walnut street wharf and the depot at Koghrca Point , Oamden , N. J. , ex ploded at the wharf. T o of the crow were blown tojror roof on the other side cf the street into thn water. At the end of the street , R block uway , un anchor lodged in the telephone wires. Tlio boiler was lifted and grazed n second and third story ware house an Delaware avenue , 200 foul from the sccno , and in falling denial- ishod and sunk two tug boats. The explosion , occurred at pier 8 , Delaware avenue. Portions ot the boiler were flung across the avenue , striking Nos. 132 abd 134 , occupied by Kelly , Lovoll ' & Co , ship olmnd- lew , and Hugh < Fitzgerildinos , destroying the second nnd third iitorios , and scattering bricks , etc. , in all directions. The body of Go * . Scully , captain of the Pralt , was thrown over an entire block auainat wall on the west side of Water street , a mass of shapeless pulp , burning coals wore'thrown from the tiro-hold on to the roof of the hand- Borne depot of the Philadelphia & Atlantic railway , COO by 300 foot , covering the pier where the boat lay , and burning it to\tho \ ground in an houas. Coals were also thrown aboard the steam tug Ella , and she burned to the water's edge. Five men aboard the Pratt at the time of the explosion were killed. The engineer , named Lyon ; Barney McCann , nged 15 : George Scluiin , fireman , ' aged 20 ; Thomas J. Maloney and Patrick Flanagan , The engineer's body cannot bo found ; it is supposed it wont down in the hull. Barney McCann was a deck hand ; Flannigan was fireman nnd Maloney - loney was captain of a canal boat which the Pratt won during the day to have towed downtho river. AN DNLTJCKY'joO ' | TBAIN. ( - , , , CUIOAOO , Jklarr JiyiO r'A' snrios of , disastrous accidents occurred last night ou the Fort Wayne road. A stock train consisting of thirty cars of hogs was run into at the Forty Third street crossing by a Grand Trunk pas senger train. Fully half the hogg in the stock train were killed at this point , though ifot much damage re sulted , to other property. After the wreck was cleared the balance of the stock proceeded south until it reached Fifty-Fifth street , whore it was run into by a Fort Wayne passenger train. Engineer Oliver Hibbard , of the pas senger train , was killed , and several cars wpro thrown from- the track. WluUJ'L.ogs escaped in the first acci- doirorrro | finifliol up iu the second. ' wontyllhousand dollars' worlh were killed altogether. Mexican Noir , Ml xico , March 23. Count Joan ne , Italian minister , committed BUI- cide by shooting himself with a pistol financial troubles wore the cause. L'ho remains wcro buried in the State. ilis wife belongs to a Baltimore fami- y. Countess Joannio with her clul- diflii will return to the United SUtta. The government hus deposited 8111,82:1 : with Monte do Peedad for he payment of the nott inat.tllment > { the Amoucun debt. Tlio Fourteenth battalion of feder- il troops Inn been ordered to Loco- unco , near the Guatemala border I'hia notion wait ' .ikon hy the ijovrrn- ilu-iit in order lo bu prepared for any ainoigoiny lli.it may urine in rcgiitd to he < ettluiiietit of the boundary dis- > iite between Mixico'and Guatemala , uid to give protection to tattlers. Mans Mooting on tlio It-tali Situa tion. t'Mloml A 4oclutu 1 1'iiun. NKW YOUK , March S3. A call igned by over a hundred leading citi- OIIH , Bcveral editors and propiiutors > f a number of leading newspapers , udges of com IB , etc. , hivi been ieaued o the citi/.eiiB of Now York , irrespac- ivo of political opinions , to moot in ; rand demniutnition ut Cooper insti- ute on Mondiy evening , April 3d , to irotest against the arbitrary action of ho British government in holding in irisonB a number of men who are citi- : ena of this republic , aomo of whom ire unoonviclpd of any crime andjiaTO- > eeii in confinement for a year or nero , and demand that our govern- ncnt extend theeo men the full pro- ection their allegiance to it guaran tees. _ Au Itinerant Prone or | ; uod. National Aawclutod I'trta. ROOK , March 23. An itin- eront preacher and land agent known as Rov. Paul Bagloy , claiming to have boon a missionary in China , attempted od to deliver a lecture on the Chinese question at Olarksville last night. As 10 lelt the platform ut the close of .ho lecture a shower of rotten eggs 'ell upon him and spread thomsolvea ill over him. Ho fled to the depot , hid himself in ft freight car and reach ed this place an odorous , aa well as ridiculous spootacle. He had remored none of the vile stuff from hisolothinf nor person. On setting ofT the trail ho ruahod to the executive office "What's thoinattci ? " asked Governor Churchill. "Look " said at me , Ror B.U'ley. The reason for the assault is not ascertained. Tlio Flood * . National Aw > ocli ( < nl I'rcon. YAHOO CITT , Misi. , March 23. The City of Yazou came down last night from above , where it has been to relieve sufferers. It went up as hitjli as Sharkoy on the Tallahatchio , 250 miles above hero. The condition on the Tallahatchio is much bettor than on the YaEoo. Above Honey Island , 217 miles from here , consider able land is above water , whore much stock , has been saved , but up to this point the land is under water and the IOPS of properly is immense and the Buffering terrible. The condition of the people along the river batik is bad enough ; many are on the point of starvation , but in the settlements back of the river the situation is de plorable in the oxlrmno. On the trip down tlio steimer picked up five white families of six persons oach. One of those had had nn food for thirty hours. The river is failing at ail points. It is hoped that the worst is over. _ _ , _ _ Ohio ivnd the Snnclny Law. N ttlonM A-HocUU > il 1'rcw COLUMIIUH , O. , March 23. The convention called to consider the Sun day law nnd the closing of r.aloons met at the city hall this morning with nearly one thousand uologntes pica- unt , representing denominations and pirtics of all flections of the state. Gen. S. A. Hurst , of Chillicothu , was made president. In the aftornoon'Riuh ml Smith , of Cincinnati , wafl made permanent chair man and one vice president of each distriet WH chosen. Resolutions were idoptcd declaring the necessity' of moro 8tringtit | laws for Sabbath ob servance. Tho" reading of a letter from Theodore Cook , of Cincinnati , uid speeches consumed the remainder jf the session. A doloir.itinn consist- ng of the chairman r.nd vice presi dents of the convention convoyed the resolutions to the scntiti ) In per sonnel and earnestness the convcn- .ion was remarkable. Illinois Crop Pie < ] inot . nal Awooi.-vtoil 1'resf SrniNOFiKLn , March 2L Informa- ion from nearly all qimrtnre of the state represent the crop prospect as unusually flattering , and winter wheat looks well and plowing is al ready well advanced. In some parts of Southern Illinois apprehensions ire expressed for the fruit crop , but n general it promines well , except n the drouth stricken counties. Farmers report stock in 10 to 20 per cpnt. bettor condition than at this .imo last year. Mall Robber Arrested. Hitlonal AaaocUUd 1'roM. MILKH CITY , , M. T. , March 23. PoBtofllca.Inspector Soybolt nnd Dep uty Ui.ftoJ r. tuiO5SMl5tiA2i : y * arrested Hurry Minter at Kurazvillo , on the Yollowatono river , for robbing ho mails. Minter and two others on the night of February 18th .atolo a wuch from the stage and obtained a ot of checks and drafts from the mail. Minter confessed to forging signatures on the checks stolon. Tbo Waboo Nownpapor Raiders- Tothil'dltoro/ WAIIOO , Nub , March 20. Sin : I noticed in your paper of March 17th a communication from this place con- cerninet the trial cf the raiders on The Independent oflice , signed "Ayurs. " Now Ayers evidently is mistaken as to the facts in the caso. It ia true that ; ho parties arrested were taken before Justice Mongol. It is also true that .hoy swore out a uhaugo of venue and , ook the cuso before Justice Marsh. IDxaniinution w.is had before 11111 of one of the parties , and upon tearing nil the evidence in the case ind the arguments of the counsel , ho bund theru wusfiiot prob.iblo cause 'or holding Iho prisoner ti answer for ho otliiiiee. Jlo WUB , therefore , di - charged. After discharging him , the state dismissed the other parties , but hey wore rcarrestod in \eryHhort line after being dismissed and vero tukun before County Judge lillteson , waived examination , uid he put tivo ol them under $800 Hinds to appear before the grand jury it the next term of district court , and ho other two ol the p.mius were ab out in the army of the Missouri ut Oinulm. It is evident that Ayers had butler ay down hia pen and go to making iver pellets it hu can't toll n atraight- r story. JOKIICU MAUSII. Flroi. i&tlanal Astoclatwl I'rcm LieAVKNWouni , Kua , M.ireh 23- A flour dual explosion occurred at A 15. ILwms & Co , 'a mill hero today - day , fpllowod by afiiu that destroyed hu mill , the elevator adjoining , and other property. A. B. Havens , Frank ) 'D.iy and Win. Biummor , who wore n the mill , were badly burned nnd larrowly escaped with their lives. The total loss wus $75,000 ; insurance on the mill , $21,300 ; on the elevator , 832,100 ; other property , gOOO. Cox'n Cn.no. Sttlonal AtuoclaUd I'risd. ST , PAUL , March 23. The state senate held its last session to-day ai a court of impeachment and formally recorded judgment in tlio case of Judge Cox of the Ninth district , 'ound guilty of drunkenness on the jonch. He is removed from oflico and disqualified from exorcising judi cial functions for throe years. Cox expected just such a termination of lis trial mid says ho is not cast down ; lie intends to practice law at Grand Forks , D. T. Railway Affair * . National AnocUtod I'rta. CHICAGO , March 23 , It U the pro vailing opinion that the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific railroad wil BOOII gain control of the Chicago , 8t PAII ) , Minneapolis & Omaha road The purchase of this mad by tin Rock Jslan explains why Vice Prcsi dent Cable secured about nil the fcto-ik of - the Chicago , Portage t Superior line , nnd also why ho received sucl strong support from the Chicago , St Paul , Minneapolis < t Omaha road , which has for a long time been nftoi the Portage & Superior lino. The loss of the St. Paul & Omahu will prove a eorcro blow to the North western rondj as it was ono of their most valuable feeders. The loss will bo immediately made good , however , by n now line built by Iho North western from Elroo to St. Paul. II tlio sale goes through the Hock Island ll gain 2,500 , miles of road. Mnrlno Intelligence. NKW YOUK , March 23. Sailed The Suovia or Hamburg , the State < if Nebraska for Glasgow , the City of New York for Liverpool. SOUTHAMPTON , March 23. Arrived The Strassburg from Baltimore for Bremen. ANTwr.ni- , March 23. Sailed The Jnnbroydol for Now York. QUEBNSTOWN , March 23.Sailed The Adriatic for Now York. LiTKtirooL , March 23. Sailed The Illinois for Philadelphia. Now Jonoy Logiilatnru. N tlon l AmocutoJ I'rrm. THEN-TON , March 23. The govcr nor threatens if the legislature ad journs without providing for state liimnces , he will call them together in special session before they got out of town. Miftcellnnoons Xntloiml AtHOcIAtcd I'rea * . FJIANKFORT , Ky. , March 23. El- IB , the Ashland murderer , tins made a confession completely exonerating Noiil and Craft , CHICAGO , March 23. A dispatch was received in the city this morning announcing the supreme court at Ot- -nwa had decided the probate court of 3ook county was legally established and authorizing its continuance. NAHHVILLB , March 23.A man lamed Robt. Patton was run over by a switch engine in the East Nashville jouiavillo & Nashville railroad yards and killed. The bouy was out in trfo. PJIILADKLPIUA , March 23. Rov. Samuel IInil' , judge of election in the L'enth ward last February , was arrest ed on tlio charge of fraud and forgery of election papers. jJPnovinnNOK , R. I. , March 23. inistus H. Cook , broker , has failed. Twenty thousand dollars of checks 'orgcd by him are il ready discovered. ATLANTA , Ga. , March 23. At the coroner's inquiat over the body of \Vm. Gregory , who waa shot and killed last night , it was shown that Win. Davis did the shooting. He lias been arrested on the charge of murder. those of Miss Bozwell , who disappeared pearod mysteriously seventeen years ago. They were identified by a piece of jewelry found with thoro. She was in a delicate condition wnon she loft , and the bonca of an infant were found with hers. It is not known whether she suicided or was mur dered. CHICAGO , March 23. The mana gers of the Women's Christian Homo have leased quarters in Ihis city for the accommodation of transient visi tors. It is to fjo known aa the Tran sient Homo , Tlio supreme court in the case of Rigby vs. the City of Chicago has da- clarei the city liable for damages to property covered by the erection of viaducts , cutting oil * access to streets that were previously open to traffic. LrrrLEllocK , March 23. Dr. Zenno Barnum , of Baltimore , Md. , aged about 20 , died suddenly at 11 o'clock thin morning at the Capital hotel , of heart disease. Ho arrived hero last night from Hot Springs on his way homo , He waa accompanied by Dr. Lockwood , of Baltimore , who takes charge of tha remains. Ho had been ill for u long timo. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 23. Ar- ticlcB of incorporation of the Vienna Mining company , the principal stock holders of which are Winona capi talists , were J filed with the eecretary of state to-day. Capital , $15,000,000 , but this includes the old VieniKi , of Idaho territory , The president mid board of directors are Col. A. Degrofl' , of St. Paul , mid P. L. Ooloman , Henry J. O'Neill , S. y. Hyde , A D. Ellsworth , 0. IT. Herry , B. II. Langly , C. S , Boinior and F. A. Johnson , of Winona. Si- PAUL , Minn. , 23- The North ern Pacific railroad company lui lei Iho contract for the Snake river bridge , to coat $750,000 _ Tbo Cblll-Poru Situation. National Amoclatoil I'tvea. WASHINGTON , March 23. The Post to-morrow will publish an interview with Bluino , which says that the gen eral result showii in the latest phase of the Chili-Peruvian question is pre cisely what he had predicted when Tresoott's instructions were i evoked , Tlio uction of Iho Chilean authorities tihows that Peru is to bu despoiled and dobirro'l , mid the profits divided with English bondholders and speculators , The Chilean treasury department asks Inds for a million tons ot guano from Peruvian beds , the c.irgo to be paid fpr in English money at 00 days ; one- half goes to Chili and one-halt goes to English bondholders and Chili binds herself to deposit 50 per cent of the proceeds ot the guano sales in the Bank of England , Blaine fur- Iher says Trescolt was expressly for bidden by Frelliighuysun lo say i word about this thing. Naturally enough when Chili found the Unitoc States was sura not to Interfere aho look all she wanted. Forty joins' ' trial tu proven " BLACK o bat Urn tntdiciuein FOREIGN AFFAIRS , Bussia Expelling the Jews Oat of Spite , Doing Dotormiaod to Allow No Intreforenco by Outaide Parties and Protests. Victoria Before Parliament Asking for a Marriage For- tion for Leopold. A New Vi'Byptian Ministry Pos- aiDle , to be Decidedly Anti-European. Mldoollanooai News that , Com * Over the Ca Wo. Sotlonul Anoctateil I'ross. VIENNA , March 23. Nine soldiers of the Prosbrajaiisky guixrih at St. Petersburg , always supposed the most ioynl of all the czar'a ' regiments , have liooii arrested , with clear proofs of nihilism. A. very arbitrary order was promul gated in St. Petersburg to-day , com- inanding Jewish apothecaries to re linquish their business. This order was isiucd by the chief of police , but it is understood General IgmtiofT di rected it should bo promulgated. Hero the order is construed as a do * janco of the remonstrances which mvo boon made by English , Gorman , French and Austrian Jews against the icnecutions to which their coro- igionists in Russia have been sub- octod , and a declaration that Russia till pay no attention to appeals made .o her by all the rest of the civilized vorld on this subject. General Igna- iolF is now the real ruler of Russia , and his word overrules every thing. EconoinofT , president of the council > f the state of Bulgaria , has tendered lis resignation , which 1ms not boon iccopted. The other six members of , ho council are believed to bo ready o resign if the president leaves hit otlicu. ST. PiSTKiisnuna , March 23. The zar lias ref lined to sanction Gen. Ig- natiofTa proposal to expel .Tows from. villages and small towns in South lussia. LONDON , March 23. A dispatch. rom Cairo sayx that a chauqo in the Sgyptian ministry is imminent. The lew cabinet will probably bo made anti-European. In the house of commons this after- loon the message from the queen re- ; arding the marriage grant to Prince jeopotd came up' for consideration and during the discussion that ensued Hadstono proposed to make the grant 210,000 annually in addition to the irlnco's present annuity of 15,000 - ind to empower the queen , to provide 'or Princess Helena , Prince Leopold's . event of the death of the prince. PAIUB , March 23. Outside brokers leclara that they will not negotiate -I. - Bouto'ux shares of the now bank , rhioh is to take the plnoo of the Jnion Gonoralo , and official broken ay that they will not grant them set- lomouts. The Illinois Jutional Asuotlatod I'/eua. SriiiKaFiELD , March 23. The leg- slaturo met hero to-day at noon , with a quorum in each house , and ho governor's mossngo was road. lesolutlons wore offered and referred n both houses for the adoption of the ulos governing the regular session , and the legislature adjourned till to- norrow. _ _ Probable Indian1 Outbreak. National Awwclatod 1'ruua WASHINGTON , March 23 , Com- nandant Randall , at Fort Elliott , ad vises Indian Commissioner Price that f the order to Agent Mills bo carried out an Indian outbreak at Reno la irobablo. Commissioner Price says hat as congress has cut down the np- > ropriation ho has to out down Indian ations. _ _ Sorffount MUHOH. National Acaoclatod I'rcsn. WAHIUNOTON , March 23. The writ of habeas corpus and cortiurari of Ma- on will bo presented to the supreme court to-morrow. Economy. A fortune may bu upent In using inef- tcttml uiullciiica , when by applying 'JIOMAH' UcLbCTKio OIL a apeeuy ami ujmw.ioil euro can I > u effected. In cases f rhumiatUin , lame biclc , bodily allmeuU r pairs of mery description , It atfonls in- taut relief. mchSl-lw The trains , with track material , are low running on the nov Milwaukee ino to Coon Rapida , 1G7 miles west if Marion , At Coon Rapids there invo boon found splendid gravel beds hat will make the work of ballasting oomparativoly easy nnd very fine. L'hey have had a rock-c"ti3hor at work it Stone City for some time , which crushed 100 cars of rock per day , and nuch track has boon ballasted with hut. The track is in excellent con- liton , and the rails are the finest Bes- senior , The stations aio provided with nicely built and commodious mBsonger depots and freight houses , ind the platforms are 100 feet in length at each station , and substantially - ally built. Each station is ulso pro- Tided with a dwelling for each suction Foreman , BO that ho may have a com- fortiiblo homo. The base of supplies will bo removed from Marion to Perry at ouco. The work has progressed [ inoly , nnd the open weather has boon ot great value to the company , - Sioux Oity Journal. The city council of Dos Moiuoa haa concluded to purchase ono hundred acres of ground , on the east side , for a now cemetery , The laud ii located two miles north of the capllol , anu the city pays Dr. J. F , Kennedy 9131 OK acr for il