Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1882, Page 6, Image 8
THE DAILV BEE-COUNOiL BLUPPSIOWA , THUKSlJAV MAliCJH 23 1882. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , March 24 SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By Carrier , - - - - - 40 cent * per meek By Mall , $10 00 per Year , Office : Room Flvo , Evorott's Block , Broadway. C. E. MAYNE , Manupcr City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. There was much ice In the tlvcr nguln cstcrcKy. Dust was again on the fly , nml badly yesterday. Prang's Easter carda nt Sentnnn'n. mMtltl Last night Webber' * "Nip and Tuck company nppcnred In this city. The board of education lias elected Judge Aylcsworth as Its prcildent. The ntcwga dally attendance In the liubllc schools this month wai 1,437. The worfc of improving the interior the Methodist church began yesterday. This evening the MothodUt f jlkn have n social at the residence of Sir. and Mr * 3Cnox. The Baptist church folks have n social this evening nt the residence of Mr. and Mr * . It. S. Oole. Have you seen that fine display o Hunter tards at liushncll & Urnckett's ' ? Mchllcod tf The case of John 1'tcnon * , chargci \vith perjury , has , nfter a ntnigglc , l > coi continued until Saturday after next. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L 3i Murphy was burled yesterday fron their residence on Fourth street. The nuddcn opasin about enforcing the ordinance requiring exprcsi wagons to ptand off from Uroadway seems to have died out quickly. The wagons now oc cupy Broadway as of old. Marringo licenses were issued yester day to J. Charles Jensen \nd Miss Kiln Jensen , of Monona , ami to Lphralm Iloss , of LiUlo Sioux , and Miss Sarah Hough , of Crescent. Nothing hai been heard from the missing Frank Smith , who disappeared with $250 , which ho gained from the tale of another man's mules. It Is said that lie took a train for the cait the very morning ot the transaction. A fireman was blown oil the top of the new engine house by the big gale. Ho was not hurt seriously , having boon made of tin , und used as n weather vane. The school children will now need to Jooi out how they forgo their parent's names to excuses lor tardiness or absence. The touchers are now called on to verify all written excuses and turn them over to thosupeilntendent , and the penalty for forging an excuse is to bo expulsion. The work of c italoging and arranging the books In the publlo library is progress ing , and the public will soon have free nc- ctijs to this accumulation of reading mat ter. At n meeting of the Hound Table licld last Tuesday evening at Mrs. Hew itt's residence , null interesting study of German WAS had , and especially oi Durer. There wore several photographs , of his works presented for inspection , and the selections read were very interesting and instructive. This organization la doing much In a quiet way. ' Dean Denning , who , on belnx arrest ed for larceny here , WAS recognized by a BEE reporter as Tom Ingalls , a notorious burglar , will probably start to-day for "Wisconsin , in charge of an officer , who will see that ho is again safely placed within the walls of the state prison , to nerve out tno term from which ho escaped. The question now is what will become of the cases of the young men charged with ralidnc a row at Anderson's saloon ? Justice Abbott sent them on a charge of vcnuo to Judge Aylesworth' court. The latter deciding that three cases should n it hnvo been sent to him , has sent them back to Abbott. . Justice Abbott has previously decided that ho could not send the case to cither Justice Balrd or Jus tice Tralnoy. Judge Aylesworth hit mates that the cases should go to the last named , It remains to be seen whether such will be the final disposition or wheth er they will be sent outside the town. Yesterday the case ot Evans vs. Fairchild - child was before Justice Bai.d , and during the temporaryabsonso of the justiceBome of the witnesses in waiting began to heap abuse upon others , and a lively racket en sued. Constable Fox , hearing the com motion , hurried up the stairs , and nar rowly escaped being covered up by the witnesses who came tumbling down. Or der was then restored , and kept restored until the arrival of the justice , who speed ily disposed of tie case , thu result being in Fairchild's favor. ' PERSONAL. llev. Father McMimoxy ban been reelected - elected tioatmrer of the Land League , Harry Webber and his "Nip and Tuck" company stopped yesterday at the Ogden bouse. The name of Oscar Wilde flouriuhed like a big sunflower on the register of thg Og den house yesterday. ' - Officer EJgerton , of Omaha , was in the city yesterday. Dr. II. S. West , of New Orleans , Is In the city , a guest of the PaciGo house. John A : Tibbs , the general agent for the Bankers' Life Association of DCS Moines , was in the city yesterday arranging for the establishment of an agency and the opeu lag of business here , This assoolation is a co-operatlvo one , on the assessment pUn , , but lias one entirely new /uature , it l < o ng jnade Bolid by a guarantee fund , J'ach policy holder has to deposit a certain amount in caul ) , which , if ho drops out , Is forfeited to the company , * otherwise it I * paid to the heirs in addition to the amount of the policy , Home other Jess imprtaut cLaugea have alto bean made from the usul co-operatlvn plans , Judgoa George G. Wright and Charles 0. Nourso , of DOB Moiiiea , anJ General Benjamin F. Butler , of MawachuBotta , huvo boon retained by i ho Farmers'SUto Protective Asso ciation to defend the barbed wired of Washburn , Moon & Co , BRIDOE BUILDING. A Bill Agreed Uoon to bo Presented to Congress For a Wngon Bridge Across the Missouri. Another mooting of the committee nnd incorporfttora of the wagon bridge ontcapriao across the Missouri nt this point was hold hero yesterday after- noon. Tlicro were present , ns roprcsonting Omahn , II , G. Clnrk , 0. P. Goodman , J. A. Wnkofiold , II. 1'undt , John Evans , Thomaa Gibson , and proxies roprcsonting Herman Kountzo and J , A. McShano. As representing Council Bluffs there wcro present , W. F , Bnpp , J. T. Hart , L. 0. Baldwin , T. McCarger , J. W. llodofor , A. 0. Graham , Marshal Key , Dr. McKuno , Mr. Smith , and a proxy for Mr. Molcalf. Col. Supp presided , and Thoa. Gib son acted as secretary. The bill which had been prepared by Col. Sapp , and a synopsis of wh'ch ' has already boon given in THU BEB , was read and dis cussed , The amount of capital stock was iixed at ono million dollars , the same to bo divided into shares of ono hundred dollars each. On motion of Mr. Hart llm clause limiting the number of shares hold by any ono person was stricken out. A committee consisting of Messrs. McCnrger , Gibson , IIArt and Frank Murphy , was appointed to fill up the blanks , loft in the bill for the fixing of rates to bo charged for foot passengers , teams nnd street cars. After somoin- formal talk as to what those should bo , the committee was given full pow or to fix the tolls , and after in- suiting them in the blanks , to join with the chairman , Col. Sapp , in for warding the same to Washington to bo presented to congress. The bill was formally adopted by a unanimous vote and adjournment was then taken until such time as the chairman should call another. POLICE PIOK-UPS. Some of the Oflonclors Who Have At tracted the Attention of tbo Olllcora. S. J. Jeffries , a shoemaker nt Wood- aino , waa vuaterday' taking in the town. Ho took in too much of it and : ; ot BO rockicss as to cauao trouble. Officer Morse arrested him and locked him up. There wan found on his per- 1011 n sling-shot , tljo possession of which ho explained by saying that ho had heard such hard stories of Coun cil Bluffs that ho doomed such a weapon necessary for his defense. Some of his comrades had made him believe that human lifo and safety run below par ? hero , and ho had bettor take aoino such thing with him In hia walks about the town. Ho barely escaped trouble also with counterfeit monoy.A horrible Jcnricaturo of n silver dollar was passed by him , but no more counterfeit money was found on his person , and as it appeared that it { had boon shoved off upon him while drunk , and that ho h'ad passed it while in the same condition , no charge was laid against him , Ed Cnnfiold was yesterday on the warpath , and it is claimed that in a visit to Mollie Scott's ho smashed a clock and stole some napkins. Officer Ousiok accordingly collared him , and placed him behind the bars. Ole Noilaon , a plain drunk , before Judge Aylosworth yoatorday morning , was fined $8.85 , a raise of 82 over the accustomed § 0.85 which has boon BO common in Itocordor Burko's court. Three free lodgers were allowed yesterday the privilege of preparing inoro stone for the city's ' use. The case of young Forogravo , ar rested for disorderly conduct , has been continued until to-day. POINTS FOB THE POLICE. Some or the Rules Laid Down for Tliolr Guidance. Among the rules laid , down by Mayor Bowman tor the guidance of the police are the following important ones Loafing in or about saloons , gamb ling houses or houses of prostitution , is strictly forbidden , and its practice will subject the offender to dismissal. When necessary to visit any house of prostitution on business it is required - quirod that no familiarity bo had with persons there , but the business in hand attended to precisely as other places. HSoc. 11. Members of the force against whom any of the following charges may bo sustained , shall bo promptly dealt with ; Part 1. Drinking any kind of in toxicating beverage while on duty. Part 2. Leaving his boat , or failing to report at the proper time , or being absent from duty without permission of the chief. Part 3. Wilful maltroalmont or ubuso of a prisoner or citizen. Part 4. Neglect to treat the chief , or members of the force , and all other persons civilly on all occasions. Part D. Immoral conduct unbecom ing an officer nnd a gontlnman. Part 0. Communicating informa tion which may enable any person to escape arrest , or communicating any information or orders ho may have re ceived from the chief without pormis- aion. Part 7. Disorderly conduct , diso bodionco of orders or rules , inatten tion to duty , sleeping while on . duty , laziness or lounging on boat , or nog- loot to appear neat nnd tidy nt all times. THE BUPHEME COURT. The Following Decisions Wore aiyon by the Supreme Court Yesterday. Pool VB , Gaylord , appolant , DOS Moinoo county ; motion to sot aside ailirnmtion overruled , Blair town lot and land company vs. Rhodorbook , uppolluntHarrison coun ; motion to nfllrra overruled. Webster county ya. Henderson ; raor tion to stnko to bo held and consid ered with arguments on rehearing , Minor vs. Blake , appelant , Jones county ; on rehearing case reversed. Miller , nppolant , vs. city of Con- tcrvillo , Appanooso county ; reversed. Bruloy vs. Hose , nppolant ; Hardin county ; reversed. Gear vs. Schrio , appelant , DCS Moines county ; affirmed. State vs. Kelly , appolant , Cherokee county ; reversed. Bolster vs. Post , nppclant , Appo- noose county ; reversed. State vs. Knowles , nppalant , Powo- sheik county affirmed. State vs. Miller , nppclant , Powo- sheik county ; affirmed. Leonard , appolant , vs. Linong , Wa- polio county ; reversed. Abbott , appolant , vs. Sartorio , Blackhawk county ; affirmed. Thanks to Mayor Vaughan. To the Editor of The Bee. I desire through the columns of Tin : BEK to return my sincere thanks to Mayor Vnughan , of Council Bluffs , for the lot in that city , -which waa so delicately nnd generously tendered - dored mo ns a mark of sympathy nnd condolence in the qrcat boroavment I have suffered in the loss of my hus band. I shall over gratefully remem ber the givers.MUH. MUH. 0. P. AHMSTONO. Missouri Valley Horns. P. E. Hall , general manager of the S. 0. & P. railway , nnd J. M. Whitman - man , division superintendent of the 0. & N. W. railway , voro in town yesterday. It is learned from good authority that the S. 0. & P. railroad will bridge the Missouri river this summer with out doubt. Miss Hollslnndofcis in Chicago on n visit to her brother. A. D. Peck is in No\v York city on a visit. Lon Palmer , of Council Bluffs , is night "owl" at the Northwestern depot - pot now. G. Changing Owners. The following transfers of real catato are reported as taken from 11 o county records by J. W. Squire & Co. , abstractors of titlea , real estate nnd loan agents , Council Bluffs : J. S. McCallistor to A. P. Tonny , lot 9 in 1 , Hogg's first addition , city ; $1,800. W. H. Field to H. F. Field , w lots 1 and 2 in block 4 , Eubanks second end addition , city ; S250. P. Judson to fi. P. McMononoy , lot 0 in block 3 , Judson'a first addi tion , Ncola ; $1. O. Shcon to D. Huffman , undivided 1 of s A " , nw } , G , 74 , 39 ; and un divided" * so J no I , 1 , 74 , 40 ; 81,000. D. W. Huffman to 0. Sheen , un divided I n J nw J , G , 74 , 3D ; § 800. 0. H. Seymour to J. Ssymour , Jr. , lots 1 and 2 in block G , lot 7 in. block 8 , lot 2 in block 13 , Mulhn's subdivi sion , city ; 8100. D. 0. Blower to J , M Palmer , lots 12 and 13 in block 10 , Kiddie's sub division , city ; $2,600. J. H. Hoyoo to J. Murchison , nw \ nw ] , 17 , 74 , 38 ; 8480. E. 0. Waldo to J. B. Mcginness , undivided of w .BW \ , nnd no | sw J , 34-7G , 43 ; 8200. IOWA ITEMS. Clarinda wants a public library. Three cases.of . small-pox are re ported at Avoca. Oakland has decided to incorporate by a majority of 23. A largo first-class hotel is to build at Greenfield the coming season. The Iowa state came mooting will begin nt Clear Lake July 11 , and con tinue ono week. The Catholic church which is now building at Fort Dodge will have cost when completed § 05,000. The sum of 8018,806.55 was han dled by the city treasurer of Burling ton last year. Cedar llapids thinks she has reached a point in her history when sewers and paved streets are anecessity. John A BollnmnlandjMiss Elinor L. Filds of Creston , joined in the mar ried majority on the 19th , Oakland , Pottawattamio county , will build a 83,000 school house the coming summer. Eleven hundred dollars was realized the first day's sale of seats to Booth's performance in Davenport to-night. It cost 82,500 to gut him thoro. Oakland boasts of ono of the boat bands in western Iowa. They are going to take the cake at the Musca- tine tournament next summer , A man who had traveled over 5,000 miles with n ono horse conveyance was in McGregor last week. Ho loft Boston a year ago and is now on his way back. His wife accompanied him. While a party of men wore hunting near Mt. Ayr recently , ono of their number was shot and insfantly killed by the premature discharge of ono of the guns lying on the carriage sent in front of him. John Con rick , of Masonvillo , Dola- waru county , who somotiino ago at tempted to murder his wife by cutting her throat , nnd then ran away , but was subsequently captured , at his trial last week plead guilty of the crime , nnd was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary , Mrs. Con- rick will probably recover. Eleven prominent citizens of Dav enport hayo formed an association called the "Davenport Live Stock company , " for the purpose of carrying - ing on the business oi raising horses , cuttle nnd sheep in Now Mexico , whore a largo tract of land has boon recently purchased for n ranch. Ar ticles of incorporation have beontaken | out , the capital being placed nt $50 - 000 , with the power to increase to ? r.ooooo , , Some ynars-ago some philanthropic gentleman sent out a car load of cast off boys to Iowa , and ono of them , named George Wilson , landed in DCS Moinoa , Mr , It. S. Hughes , of Bloomfield - field township , took him to raise , but the innate depravity of the youth was too much for the good man , now de ceased , to oppose , nnd lie gave him up. The boy came into the city and very soon found his level among a I class of bad boys. During the past two years ho has boon arrested sever al timei for petty pilferings , and yes- tcrday was sent to jail for thirty days for stealing goods from n shoo shop on Walnut street , DCS Moines Beg- ister , Some our readers will remember Mr. Sherman Work , a young man who came to Page county last summer - mor from Pennsylvania. A few months ago ho went to Kansas , where ho secured n farm nnd will there make his homo. No sooner had ho settled down there than ho wrote to the tcirl ho loft behind him in the old Keystone - stone state and a few days ago she joined him at his now homo , where , after she had rested a day or two from her lon journey , the marriage ceremony was performed. True love laughs nt distance as well ns lock smiths and poverty. [ Clarinda Star. A man in Dos Moines sent a letter around the world. It made the trip in 100 days. The postage was fitteon cents , equally divided between Unelo Sam , John Bull and the Mikado. Murder and Snlcidoi N&tlonM Associated 1'rcM EMMBTHDUBO , la. , Mirch 22. A horrible shooting affray took place ton miles north of this town , Charles Cornelian and Fred Miller , Highland Scotchmen who came from Scotland laat season and bought a farm of the Scottish-American Land company on Jack crook , mot at the house of W. II. Dawson. Cornelian and Miller sonn became onqacgod in a dispute and Miller called Cornelian a "damn liar. " Cornelian retired to an adjoiniilg room , procured n revolver and shot Miller twice through the head , killing him instantly. He then placed the revolver to his own head , sent'two bullets through the brain and fell dead in his tracks. Botli men wcro of violent temper. Small Fox. National Affoclated Press Diis MOINES , March 22. A sup posed case of small pox discovered in the county jail to-day. Court , which was in session , war adjourned , the county offices wot'o ' vacated , inmates of the jail were vaccinated , and rigid ' quarantine established. Tlio court house square is centrally lccat- od in the city. 1 Tbo Condition of the Joaunotto. National Associated Press. WASHINGTON , March 21. The re port from the board which examined the ! Jeannette previous to her depart _ ure has never till now been published. It shows a lack of confidence by the members of her adaptability for the cruise. After examination and before her repairs , alterations and trial trip , the board said : "For an extended cruise in the Arctic , it is not possible in our opinion to make her practically adapted for such service ; " but after the repairs , etc. , the same board with out commending her seaworthiness , said : "So far as practicable wo are of the opinion that she has been repaired and placed in n condition 'for service in the Arctic ocean. " Sergeant Mason. National Associated Press. NEW YOIIK , March 21. Sergeant Mason has secured the services of Lyddy Bros. , counsellors , of this city , and they have made a motion before the supreme < * ourt of the United States for a writ of habeas corpus and a writ contiovari , asking for the unconditional discharge of their client. The motion is madn re turnable on Friday , and upon that day Lyddy will appear before the supreme court at Washington , and present argument for a writ of habeas corpus. Hon. Nathaniel 0. Moak will appear as associate counsel. The board of aldermen of this city , to-day passed n resolution asking the president to pardon Mason. Republican Congressional Coin- mittoo. National Associated 1'icsi. WASHINGTON , March 22. At the republican caucus last night the fol lowing congressional committee was selected : Alabama , Smith ; California , Pa o ; Connecticut , WaitjFlorida , Bis- bee ; Illinois , Davis ; Indiana , Calkins ; Iowa , Allison ; Kansas , Ryan ; Ken tucky. White ; Maine , Halo ; Mary land , Wnrron ; Massachusetts , Russell , Michigan , HubbcllMinnesota ; , Wash- burn ; Mississippi , Ljnch ; Missouri , Van Horn ; Nevada , Jones ; Now Hampshire. Brings ; Now Jersey , Roboson ; Now York , Hiscook ; North Carolina , Hubbsjj Ohio , McKinley ; Oregon , GeorgePennsylvaniaFisher ; ; Rhode Island , Aldrich ; South Carolina lina , Maxoy ; Tennessee , Houk ; Vir ginia , Dozondorf ; Wisconsin , Pound. Louisiana , Colorado , Nebraska and Vermont , have not boon elected. States having no member or contest ant will not bo represented. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , u Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To llcnt , Wants , Boanllnff , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CKNTS PEf. LINE ( or the flrbt Insertion and FIVE CUNTS SfKtt LINE for each , sulidofjucnt Insertion Leave adv urtlscmenU at our otllco , llooru 6 , i\crett' : lllock , Broadway. would recommend Joe Suiulol aa the bo > t hand In the dtv at lUtlng out true * . He liaa a tery fine lot of maple * , bsxoldern and SAI.E-SSO. aio Mexican Nattojjol 81.000 coupon bond ; vdluo and hlitory Unknown. A. I ) . I'AOKArtl ) , mSO-7t Wcston , Io ft. > -To buy houmanil lot on monthly WANTEI AOilrci * X , Boa otflce. marlS tf. - who will take hl pay In monthly Installment * , to build two iniall votUges. AddrcM M. 0. , lieu olllce , ' marlS tf. HKNT-Nlce front olllce. uptalrs. . En. quire at Uco olHce , Council IlluDa. marlS-U ANTKD.-Ulrl lor general houfo work Apply at U7 Vine etrcet. marlOtt YXTANTED To rent a small cottaga at onco. 8 VV Addrcw 0. M , or cnoulro at BKB olllce , lebll tf To rcnt-A ten room house In WANTED teed neighborhood or two smaller houses side Ctldo , Address I' . O. Box 707 , Council Blulfa , or ai'l'hi ' at Bxx olllce , Council Blulls. Blulls.WANTED Em > body In Council Blulln lo WANTED TIIH ] ! , 0 cent ) per \ \ llivrotl by carrier * , Oltlw , lloom ( i , Emvtti To buy 100 tons broom corn , WANTED address Council Bluff , Broom Factory , Council BluBi , IQBO. 6S8-29U riOK SALE-OId MjicrtlOfl p r hundred , ' > Thg Bee office , Council BlulJ * . to8T-tl ' ITrANTED Boy , with pour , to carry j pcrf W Inquire at l ) office , Council DluOi. octlS-H TOO UTTERLY UTTER BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Publlo in FINE GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples nt the Lowoat Prices , Freah Roast Cofiees , Ohioce Drawing Teas. Boston Tea Go. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN - MANUFACTURER OF - Road , Tradk , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. H. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CHIUSTOPHEa , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Blutl'a , la. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY , We keep everything you want in First OLss , Choice , Clean QKOCEtllBS and PEOVISIONS It will pay you to look our es tablishment through- Every thing sold for Gash , and at the very closast margins. We have a line of lOc CANNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern and West ern Goods put up All Canned Goods rtduced 10 per cent , Send for our PnoeSi ! triot attention paid to Mail 1 Orders. Agents for Washburn's Super lative Flour.j j ( F , J , OSBOFJIE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OflJco and Works , Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo gh a special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , I10ISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods. Baiting , Firing , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Goal , OHAS , HENDBIB , President. Mrs Smith , where did you go the * fine Chandeliers ? " BIXBY & WfiOD'S , THE PLUMBERS. ' On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMEJR , PEALEH IN REAL ESTATE AN 3 LOAN AGENT , COUMCIZ. BLUFFS , IOWA. MAURER & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rloli Out Qlasa , Fine French China , Silver Were &c. , 810 BHOADVUT , COUNCIL BLUFF8 , IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Bluf" Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor , 1'carl & l t Aio , COUNCIL ULUFFB. W , 8 AMENT , JACOB SIMS. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , OO UNCJL. BLOFFfl. IOWA. ! HARKNESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. tnar-2-3m - - JMTTFT T PP'1 i Ohickering , Weber. L-indonmn , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , ] Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 and upward. Musical 3VC cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , i'oye , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ tail. Pianos and Organs eold for Gash and on Tune. Stock is largo , full and com plete , Musical Journal tree on applica S .A. tion. Correspondence Solicited , . . Address : .A.El J. MUELLER , I El 103 South 5th Street , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention chen to all consignments. N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . SI. IFOSTIEIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTIC - Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and dclhcrod , to Express office free of charge. Send lot . Catalogue GOTTNGXX. O FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc. Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. IOWA WYOMING COAL. HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR & REYNOLDS. f07 Main St. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves , \ CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa , and a number ot "Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , COTJN'OIL BLTJFS I The New Styles for 188 . WALL I Largest Stock in Western Iowa. SEND FOR SAMPLES ! Geo. R. Beard , 11 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. , I a-IE WE OAHHV THE LAUOEST STOCK OF FINE BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW , Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive , Z. T. 'LINDSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,