Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1882, Image 10

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huradayMorningif rch 23
Dra-ARTKlCTT , U. 8 , SlO'A
OMAHA , ilarch if
River feet 10lnchtiabo > e high mater mark.
The river is filled with floating Ico.
lliclianl III. will bo prcaentcil *
Boyd'd opera fatmso to-night ,
The wind dried tip n'l ' the mud on th
streets of Omaha.
The blizzard has departed ntul Ixnutl
Jill weather followed in It ? wake.
Fred Wanlo oi ciicd a two eight
-cngttRCimnt at IJoyJ's to-tiiglit ,
Not Sunday will bo I'asfllon Sundaj
find then comes Koeter Sunday.
Oesar Wilde expreBnei bis r\tMacUfl
with 'lioyiVd opera liutiao fti general term
The foundations of the new Oinah
iNnticnnl bank nre progressing iiratofmol
The 1J. & M. boy piny at catchir
.ball during no.r ( > timc < i.
> The finest Key West , Dommtlo and li
C' ported cigars t Kulm'n. Try them , lu
Dr. Chtrlen. Dontlst , 1311 Kama
In the molfeo < : ourt ycntertlayl t\
tlrunkn were eont to 1 , and ono jroliMi
_ The friends of MIsi'LIirlo Cnldvr , oc
n > rOposo to have mo vacant ncatu nt tl
opera IIOUM noxtTTriday ovenlnR.
The opting list of cntorUinmoiits
the oitcra IIOUKC Includes Komo rcnmrkabl
fine companies.
There wo ftt'to ] a froet la t night nil
the windows about town were decorate
thU morning in a trulytcsUietlc etylc.
The Iwliert are the best judge" , an
they allnmy Wado'H candicM are tba bo
nnd freehost. UJdd'l'ollowg1 block.
Tiio noon train west ycatcrduy wns
heavy -one , having ifivo haggaco car
three 5ey ooaolici and three Rlccpora , n
full. ,
The nafo firm of Andrecn \ & Vallf
hiivo just lHit > a betiutl fill nafo in r lor M
D. L. McGuckin , the Tenth street Hqu
merchant , tit is very , handsome , and an
matter , of course , burglar proof.
Secure your -teats at once for tl
Calderwood concorti&tlioyd'aojtera hous
JFriday evening , March 21.
Five hundred dollars caeh will buy tl
stock and fixtures of the Michigan Toba
co StorelH17 tyouglaa street. Butine
good , rent lew. Satisfactory reasons glvt
for aelling. jn
t TholTJeion Eaclfio hai gentm bagga
car to Chicago to bring .west the new ra
-k Jiorse * recently purahased by. Gov , Sta
ford of California.
A 'Conundrum : .If it takes , a bllzzai
to blow.Away -companies of inlllt
andthre&of roxnlaro , what will U take
blow away Gvo thousand workinpneny
It li suggested by n friend nf OBCI
Wilde Uiat if the whitewash and plasti
were removed from the third-story wii
down of the opera house , it would be a 11
tie moro tvathetlc.
A bulletin appeared onlUouglas atrci
yesterday .calling for ono hundrc
tcaniH aud throaJumdrcd men ti > work
Long Fine. The price offered labore
wa 81.70 per day.
You fthould RO to the opera houi
next 'Friday evening end hear M easr
WilklnH * nd J-Utabrook In their com
character duet , "Sir , a Secret. "
Judging ifrom the promptness wit
which the final withdrawal of troopa froi
this city followed the resolution of tl
city council , that body commands a go <
deal of respect.
At tie Oalderwood coinpllmonla !
concert the Omaha Glee club will sing 01
of Foster's plantation melodies , , entltl <
"The Old Kentucky Home. " No ml
itrel troupe or jubilee aingeu can coi
pare with the dice club In Its rendition i
tills exquiilto old melody ,
Loir A pockct > book on Kama
street. It cotitolned currency , pensli
. drafts and drafts on the Seward Bank ,
i total of abe tt 8200. Finder will please r
turn the same to Tootle , Maul & Co. , ar
be rewarded. mar ± 5-8t
Ilev. W. A. IJp , of Blair , returoc
.yesterday from a Uip to llllnoi
whither he went to attojud the golden we <
< limf of his parent * . 'J ho wedding wi
-Uie occasion of adclljjhtful family retmliu
jtnd there were inauy gifts to the age
couple , nnd a very happy time genuraU ;
The bjippy couple were married at tl
. * e -nlnetcon , both bilug now on tl
boundary line between
lxty > nine an
, /wventy years of age. Moth are hale an
( hearty , and may yet live to celebrate the
.diamond wedding , the 7Wh aiiuiv rsar ;
-The Swedish I ady Quartette , accon
ompanted by Mies Minnie Wright , tl
.entire party rlroni Chl ? o , gave * n enU
tatninent in Kretnont March 17th , and in
-the pleasure of .appearing before a crowdc
opera luuso. I'he Indies captivated the
audience eutirelby their tv < et volet
.and juelotllous uluglni ; . They appear I
"Wah'io Ajtril 3d , und there is ome talk <
securing them for nae ntght lit this city ,
President Walsh , of tha Omaha 1'n
tcctivo I 'or Union
, > e teniay ri
ceivtxi a letter from Oeo II. Thoiurwoi
the contractor , asking him to notify tl
membera of the union that lie could git
Juiniedlaio employment la ten or tueh
stone tnasona at the hightsl uaiket prlci
.And to AH equal number of laborer * i
l,7Qt < r$2 per day , if they would com
down to PlatUmoutb , Contractor * at
jiot ottering let * thao 11,75 nowadays ,
Oornmenctfmont Day
nt the Ktedical Collate.
Bancjijot o the Fratettffii' *
. . 11 flouao.
A Biff Day For the Students on the
The commencement exercises of
the Omaha Medical College took
place last evening tit the college
building on Mason and Eleventh
street. The occasion was a very In <
toroiiting ono from the fact that I1
marked the oloso of the first senator
under the charter organizing th
chool into a college , and closed the
abora of the first class of medical
students evtr graduated in a Nebraska
nutitu'tion ,
Ill iho fall of 1880 a few physicians
ot Onmha nnd neighboring towns in-
n. preparatory Hchool under
the name ot the "Nebraska School of
10 Medicine. " Instruction was given
for five months with a complete course
tl of in the different depart
ments ot medicine and ourgcry. The
success of the school far exceeded the
roont mnauina expectations of itt
V founders , ami convinced them that
well- equipped mudlcal coljegois actu
on r.lly iletnatidod by the rapidlf incrcas
dig Copulation of Nebraska nnd con
tiguous stains and territories. "Will
ha this , the
experience factiltf organizoi
iy-1 ; and. inoorK > ratcd under the law of No
brrvaku the Omaha Medical College
and on this , tlio first annual com
Im inencomcut , it is with pleasure tha
. they can assure 'the f rofossion ant
in. students of medicine in the territory
tributary to 'Omaha ' that all arrange
vuonta uavo been completed to con
wo duct a oollogo with advantages scconc
ils to none in the western statex ,
iOd The college building is pleasantly
heat located on the southwest corner o
Muuxa and Eleventh streets adjoining
SL Joseph's Hospital. Jt is twt
i stories high , and contains two large
ly lecture rooms , chemist's room , librarj
and museum .room , patients' room
i.rt dtHuocting and anatomist's room , otc.
ctl and 'is ' 'fitted up with every con
vonlcnco that pertains to a wol
nil medical' college.
The faculty as at present consfcitu
ted -includes seine of the brightea
xacn > of tliis profession in the city o
a ntato and is aa follows : llobt. H
rs , Xavingetono , president ; Qoorgo I !
nil .Ayr/os , M. D. , secretary ; llobt. 11
Livingstone , M. D. , professor of prin
len ciplcs and practice of surgery , Platts-
Ir. mouth ; Victor H. Ooffman , M , D.
professor of principles and practice oi
< tuodicino ; George B. Ayres , JL D.
professor of anatomy , descriptive and
surgical ; BamuolD. Mercer , M. D. , pro
.ho fessor of operative and clinical surgery
se , 1 * . S. ( Loisonrin . M. D. , professor ol
obstetrics and diseases ot women ; J&-
cob-0. Denise , M. D. , profosoor ol
physiology , and clinical lecturer on
the eye and oar ; Richard 0. Moore
ew M. BM professor of matoria modict
'on and therapeutics ; A. 8. V.Mansseldo ,
M. D. , professor of aonoralpathology
; Ashland ; Douglas A. Joy , E. M. , M.
ice D. , professor of chemistry , Ann Ar
in. bor , Mich..Q. ; H. Peebles , M. D.
professor of diseases of children , ana
ird adjunct of diseases of women , David
tla Oityj John 0. Cowin , professor ol
to I medical jurisprudence ; H. P. Mathow-
son , M. D. , professor of diseases ol
the mind , state hospital for insane
Lincoln ; W. S. Uibbs , M. D , demon
tor strator of anatomy.
it. The looturo last night was hold in
the largo east looturo room in the
jet second otory of the college. The
cd spats are arranged in n Hemi-cirolo ,
nt rising in tiers ono above the other.
The pleasant room was comfortably
BW crowed before 7iO ; ! p. in. , the hour
advertised for the exorcises
to bogin. Among th6 prominent
re. visitors ironi Omaha and abroad
ilo were noted : Drs. Mattlfowson , Mitch
ell , Bowen , and Hart , of Lincoln ;
Abbott and Smith , of Frnmont ; Poo-
bios , of David City ; Stone , of Wahoo ;
Ilarvoy Link , of Millard ; Dr. Fuller ;
Homers , U. S. A. ; Knapp , of Hast
ted ings , and Livingstone , of Platts-
mouth , The pulpitandprossof the city
were both well represented , the former
iry by lit. llov. Bishop O'Connor , and
llovs. Paterson , Oopoland and Stoll-
. ing ; Superintendent Lane of the
In. public schools ; Dr. Den , of Grand
Island ; Qotil. J. M. Thayer and Mac
Of Murphy , of Plattsmouth , and rep
resentatives of TIIK UBK , Watchman.
m Republican , oto.
A At 8 o'clock the president anil
ro. board of trustees
ro.nd , accompanied by
nd the members of the graduating
class entered the looturo room
icd The latter included ; Edward Dietrich -
trich , of Omaha ; Goo. V. Ellis , ol
Dakota ; P. D. Ualderman , of low *
City ; James K. IJaddloy , of Belli
Greek ; U. H. Norris , of Greenwood
Robt. Montioth , of Seward ; J. W ,
Search , of Omaha , and Werner Ilnmiv stead , of Pappillion ,
Dr , Coflman called the assembly tc
he order and introduced Dr. S. D. Mer
nd cer , the president of the board ol
nd trustees , who was to confer the diplo
mas on the graduates.
, MK1W2H
hoer addressed the class fbriclly , saying
that the degree of M. D. properly ob
tained was a credit and a profit to the
possessor. Its duties , privileges and
responsibilities were enlarged upon.
elr The medical fraternity , the doctoi
* Baid , was the protector and preserver
In of human life. From the doctor's de
of cision there is no appeal ; his patients
nro alike high and low. rich and poor ;
his authority is recognized by all , In
mutters pertaining to his profession
, the physician has to dopand upon his
ho OW opinions und judgment , and men
vo " 'I' ' , ovo" lifo It8olf' in l o r skill.
Dr. Mercer , in conclusion , spoke of f
student lifo and its training , and on
behalf of the faculty , nnd by the an-
nt thority of the state
of Nebraska , trom
lie whom its charter comes , offered
ire to each his diploma , which ho said
meant not only that they wore qual
ified for their lifo work but that they
were of Miami character such tlmt the
faculty felt warranted in thinking that
they would never regret having sent
them forth , as representatives.
'f. V. HAI.DEMAN ,
ol { he cList .of ' 81 and ' 82 , then do-
° v' which wna
well written ana ' * to the o
ingly spoken. lie g" 1ocived
n.nd kindness that nftt * peni , , ' .
? institution and assureu
n alw l
the class would j
appreciate acultytlmt would it. crown Ho h ° Pcd. ? akor"UV (
of the founders of the ins itutio' -nd
that his Mma mater might * efM-MO the
first institution of thatkr -n the
west. The speaker ad ew j himself
innppropriato tcrm < t > lia students
and class mates , * rfn oiOBOil Bmid con
siderable oppl ugo , ii0 Wfta the re
cipient of a. fury handsome boquot.
Miss itrbucklo , ono of the lady student -
dent , presented each of the graduat-
lliR olnss with a beautiful hoquot of
cftlla Hllics and choice cut flowers , in
token of her love and good wishes.
coNFKnniNo OF rnizEs
came next and consisted of the ,
sontation of n valuable gold ro'ec' lj
offered by Prof. Gco. B. Ay.os , 43
- Charles F. Webb , of Denver , Col.
The medal was a heavy ono nnrbou
r tifully engraved. On ona sid.o VMS
skull nnd cross bones wit'nin n laurel
wreath , with the inscription : "Award-
od March 22d , 1882 , to Ohas. P.
Webb for best nnatomicfjl work. " On
the rovcrno wns written "Omaha Med
ical college , session of ' 81 and ' 82. '
The speech was inado "by Prof. Ayrcs. !
Honorable mention wns made of llugli
r II. Norris and Geo. Y. Ellis.
> The Abbott priza , offered by Dr.
< L. .1. Abbott , of Fremont , wns n fifty
dollar set of instruments , and is given
for "tho fullest und report ol
clinics. " Dr. Abbott made n vcrj
neat spowh in presenting this-to F
D. Hnldenian , Esq.
iruor. it. n. XIVINOSTON
then made n very pleasant and tollinc
addiosa , nnd the nssombly dispersed
to reunite A short time later at the
Withncll house.
At about 0 o'clock the faculty ol
the -college , the graduating class , and
about 50 guests gathered in the pleas
ant parlors of the Withnoll house
where n moot delightful soirooof nboul
an hour was hold. Among those
present appeared the following gen-
demon from out of the city , ninny ol
whom were accompanied by thoii
wive- :
Doctoro M. U. Knapp , of York
Hart , of Lincoln ; Bowen , of Lincoln
Mitchell , of Lincoln ; Link , of Waterloo
lee ; Abbott , of Fremont ; McCroa , oi
Council Uluffs ; Smith , of Fremont
Donaldson , of North PJatto ; Gibbon
of Weeping Water ; Hall , of Weeping
; Water ; Thomas , of Weeping Water.
Also among the invited guests from
this city were Rev. Dr. Stalling
, Rev. Dr. Copeland , Hon. Jam us
E. Boyd , mayor ; Datus O. Brooks
- of the Republican , Hon. Edward
, Rosewater , editor of THE T3isu ; P. BI.
MacDonagh , editor of the Watchman
, Al Bpronson , city editor of the Re
publican and the reportorial loprc-
so ntativo of THE BEK.
At about 10 o'clock the guests were
if ushered into the handsome dining
- hall whpro the tables were very elabor
ately laid nnd handsomely decorated.
Dr.1 Livingston and Plattsmouth
, president of the medical collegograco-
fully presided
After the company wore seated
, Rev. Dr. Stolling was { called upon tc
. ask blessing , which ho did in a very
appropriate and impressive manner.
. The feast which followed was of the
most elaborate and sumptuous char-
actor. rho following was the splen
did menu presented to the guests :
, Fried. Scalloped. Haw.
Hoof. Pig. Turkey.
llam. Tongue.
Chicken , Lobster.
Saratoga chip. I'otataej. lieetv.
Mlnco I'le. Lomcm Pie. Pound Cake
Fruit Cako. Cocoiinnt _ .
Jelly Tartu. St. Julian Jol'y. Cream „ I'uila
Charlotte UuBse. Lemon Ice Cream.
Oraugos. Apples , llahins. AsuorleJ Nuts.
Ten. Coffee.
The first toast was : "Medical
legislation for the protection of the
people and not for the bonolit of the
physicians. " Hon. E. llosowator re
sponded :
It may bo in accord withtho eternal
fitness of things that I should bo call
ed upon to respond to the toast. If
I had boon called upon some years
ago , when I was connected with legis
lation of this character , I should have
resented it. Eleven years ago I was
sent to the legislature from this coun
ty I then thought that the doctors
needed protection against quacks. I
found it up hill work to do anything
with a bill drafted for that purpose.
I was confronted at every point.
, They called mo"Obstctrio"Roso water.
When the bill had passed the house
and got to the senate , it was moved
to have it referred to the committee
on internal improvement. It was referred -
ferrod not to that commiHoo , but
to the committee on highways
and bridges. The bill was finally
passed. I enrolled it myself and my
friend MoDonagJi , then clerk of the
house , returned it to the senate after it
was signed by the speaker. I went
back to Omaha for a tow days and on
my return found that the bill had
boon emasculated. The penalty clause
was left out and the bogus bill had
been signed by the governor. The
opoakor Collins who had signed the
bogus bill was liable to Impeachment.
Ho promised to have the omitted sec
tion added , but failed to do so. Col
lins became a quack doctor a few
years ago , and is now superintendent
of the boys reform school. Ho is just
the man to run a reform school.
Nebraska needs legislation to pro
tect it against quacks. There are
probably two or throe hundred in
this state ni > bettor than Mumoy and
Aldrich. It is a great crime against
humanity to trillo with human lifo.
1 ho last legislature passed a bill , but
i. falls short of what is needed.
Legislators are always afraid that
some old woman livintj in the neigh
borhood will bo barred from minister ,
ing to the wants of the sick that it is
exceedingly hard to secure proper
legulation ,
There is no legislation worthy of
mention yet , but you have made the
first stop. I hope Nebraska will soon
have laws on this subject as well An
other states.
"Our Guests" was next , be' '
spondcd lo by Rev. Father
In compliance
* * * * 'ju uur
t t i
i ual nn(1
od friend Pro * -
consented * . ,1'CBSor Deniao , 1 ] , ave
vnaJkc f Wlth VOI7 8 ° rt notice , to
" mo ° n80 to tl
; act * " rcaP toast char-
c . izcdonyourprogra'jmnoa8 i our
guests. " I have no h- Ration in as-
Burnieyou , that it is peculiarly grati
fying to mo to find 8\ch , genial evidence -
donco of your ph"janthrophy around
these tables , wit'4out the fOMt risk of
any surgical Oporations. Ladies
and gonilerr in the unavoid.
able absence f ' Very Rght { Rev.
superior. nm gritificd with the op
portunity feffortlo(1 ( m0) Of congratulating -
ting yo' jr faculty and students on your
mark' -collegiate success since your
mar vjramtion. I am sure I am only
° * /nvssing in a feeble manner the
T/wqr substantial interest taken by my
. 'fllfhop ' , my colloagueain the ministry ,
'i ' .y follow guests and my follow citi
zens , i.i the progress of your young
aud promising institution in this con-
. tro of social and commercial impor
- tance. Aa clergymen are popularly
n supposed to bo instinctively bolicitous
1 regarding the souls committed to their
- charge , it is often a cause of humila-
. tion to us to bo found
leas ncalous about souls than physi
cians charged with the physical care
of their patients. Gentlemen , if your
. souls are , by a figure of speech , in our
hands as caro-takcis , it is gratifying
to us to find our bodies at least per-
. Fonally as well cared for as your souls.
This is a very satisfactory balance ol
power oil the part of your guests ol
religious denomination. From my
association , during a long minittcrial
, career , with medical men I was often
shamed into greater zeal by their
ollorts in favor of their patients. Lol
mo take leave to give a word
, of advice to your graduates and younj
doctors and regarding the paramounl
importance of close and persevering
study of the best niodical works ; anc
should they fail to gain a niche in the
temple of fame , they will bo sure to
have made an indelible mark on the
grateful hearts of their fortunate
Ladies anJ ccntlemon , on the parl
- of our guests , our follow citizens tl
this city and state , I wish you a cor
dial greeting and may your college bo
found worthy of our anticipations in
: the interests of afflicted humanity.
Ilev. Mr. Cotoland was called upon
; to respond to the toast : ' 'Tho effects
of the higher development of the in
tellectual faculty upon the anatomy
; and physiology of the human race. "
, Ho said : "It has fallen to mo to fill
the place of Prof. Aughoy of the
state university. I know but litilo of
Anatomy. When it comes to the ef
, fects of the higher education upon
the anatomy of man I am at sea.
, This toast led to my remembering the
. discovery of certain differences in the
jaws of the present race of men and
; that of the mound-builders. It ap
peared from recent discoveries of
mound-builders' skulls that the tooth
which usually came late in life now
came early and remained longer. The
human mouth is smaller now , but \V9
talk longer. Thcro arc also
changes in the brain , its
, texture etc. Brains in the past
were about as largo as now. But now
the convolutions are very much
deeper aud the tezturo finer. With
moderns the brain dome has been
coming forward and giving the hieh ;
forehead of civilization.
To the toast of "Omaha , " Mayor
Boyd said :
TLEMAN : It is buc a few hours since ]
know that I was expected to respond
to this toast , and while much might
. bo said about our thriving and pros-
parous city , I came not hero prepared
. to speak of her advantages or pros
pects. Certainly no city in the Mis
souri valley has a brighter future be
fore it than ours. Surrounded by a
country whose soil is as fertile as nvy
in the world , with a climate equal to
. any in the same latitude , with u min
ing and grazing country behind
us depending to a great extent
, upon us for their supplies.
there is nothing to hinder ourgro > vth ,
nnd wore it not for the Into unfortu
nate agitation of the labor question ,
the present year would have witness
ed more extensive improvements than
any previous ono. I trust now , that
quiet is once aioro restored , and that
the acrimony engendered ajminst the
officers ot our city and county , fur
performing their duty , and protecting
laborer * in their peaceful pursuits ,
will soon disappear , and.tht . t capital
ists will use their moans' in giving em
ployment to labor at remunerative
The Omaha of to-day is quite difi'or-
eHt from the Omaha of ton years ago.
Each year wltncssoth the erection of
a bettor , a more substantial , and amore
moro beautiful class of buildings. Our
public buildings and our schools
especially are superior to those usually
found in cities the size of ours , and
the Omahu Medical College , the
school in which you , gentlemen , uro'
interested , although of recent origin ,
is an honor to its founders as well ns
an ornament and a valuable accession
not only to our city , but to the whole
state. . Pone say * "Tho proper study
of mankind is man. " You , ircntlompn ,
arc making the study of mankind
tho.lubor of your life , for the noble
and glorious purpose of administer
ing to the body diseased. With your
profession surely knowledge is power.
The greater your knowledge the great
er your power for good and the less
liable you are to make mistakes. Wn
are lold that to err is human , but
your profession should never err. You
have the advantage of other men , however -
over , in that the sun shines upon
your successes , while the earth hides
vour blunders. The physician should
bo a man entitled to our utmost confi
dence. Ilo visits us at a time when
all restraint is thrown aside , at a time
when our actions and language are
IK ) t influenced by cautious considera
tion and ho often hours
and sees many things that
unless kept secret and inviolate would
ruin many happy households. While
aa I said with the physician knowl
edge Is power , with his patients ignor
ance is bliss.
The profession should never bo fol-
owed as a physio giving , money mak
ing business. A physician should bo
unselfish , full of kindness and the
very aoul of honor , and you gentle-
JLV\S- >
_ - _ - =
' . .aroaroaUhonorablotnen.
.at ! & study , nnornor purpose than
that of healing his ills and advice from
mo might bo something like your own
medicine , easy to tjivo , but bitter to
tire taste.
Gentlemen , 1 am glad to bo with
you in the banquetting-room. I thank
you for the honor , and wish you in
yourundortaking the greatest success. "
The next toast was "Tho medical
profession in the volunteer army. "
Gen. Thayer responded as follows :
Recalling the very pleasant and kind
relation existing between your presi
dent and myself , 1 asked to bo excus
ed from making a speech to-night. I
was very flatly refused. Our p08' "
lions have reversed. There wai a
time when I was the superior. Ho
never asked to bo excused when there
was duty to perform and fighting to
bo done. 1 am embarrassed by not
being accustomed to speaking , and
of a retiring disposition , which my
friend Brooks will vouch for , as wo
are a good deal alike. I desire to ut
ter a few words of admiration and
commendation to the gentlemen win
have established tlm Omaha medica'
college. Until to-day I did not real
ize what they are doing. It is an
honor to Nebraska , and I trust tha
its first fruits shall bo duplicated and
increased many fiold. 1 can bear tea
timony to the efllconcy of the
medical department in the army
There nro many departments ant
each is necessary to tno complelcnesi
of the army , Without a orgwellan
ized medical department no army wil
stay long in the fiold. The mcdica
service of our volunteer army was the
iuporior of that of any of the armies
that have fought the great battles o'
the world. It was the duty of tin
medical men to be around constant ! ;
and to accompany the ranks to
bear the sulFeriiiK and the dyinj
to the roar. They were often ii
imminont'poril , when shot and shol
tore through the hospitals. All honor
to them. May they bo honored b ;
your kind attention und may they bo
successful in making their college ono
of the permanent and great institu
tions of Nebraska.
To the toast "Tho press as a moans
of instruction in the eanitary laws applicable
plicablo to the daily lifo of the com
munity , " Datus 0. Brooks said- Edi
tors are supposed to bo well posted on
this matter , as they are generally
piutly level headed. The press gen
orahy finds out what is necessary to promote
mete and encourage for public health.
Who over thought of asking an editor
tor to look after the matter of water
works and sowers. A mistake has
evidently occurred in the asaigmnoni
of my toast , and accordingly I must
ask to bo excused.
Mrs. D. C. .Brooks responded to
the toast , "Tho practice of medicine
aa an occupation for women , " She
stated that she should prefer to say
something complimentary to this col-
lega enterprise , and the co-education
of men and women at an institution
established in Omaha. The dawning
of. this glad era is coming in this
"Tho physician's wife" called for
response irom Mrs Dr. Matthowaon.
but she delegated her powers to Dr.
ColFman. Ho advised all young phy
sicians to got nurricd.
Mrs. Dr. Matthowson then arose
and congratulated Dr. ColFman upon
his improvement since his marriage
about eight years ago. She then unit
that she was aware that there was the
greatest field for a physician' *
wife. She related a very inter
esting story concerning the experience
with her husband at the retiremenl
of the union army under Gen. Banks ,
after their defeat. She thought there
ii as much work for women in this
world as for men. She was glad to
see the ladies present and hoped to
see them graduate with as high hon
ors as their brother students.
Mrs. Matthowson's remarks , al
though entirely extempore , were en
thusiastically received and she was
very heartily applauded.
"Tho medical profession" wao
handsomely responded to by
Dr. Abbott. Ho said that no
body of men have grow batter
represented the interests of Nebras
ka better than the physicians. This
state has a great future before it. II
is destined to bo the great agricul
tural state of the Union. The cli
matic influences of the state develop
peculiar diseases , , and it is much bet
tor that wo have physicians who are
educated on our soil.
"The Omaha Medical College" was
responded to by President Livingston ,
and "Tho Clam of 1882" by Dr.
llomstoud , after which at a late hour
the banquet came to a close.
81. CO at Eeonoy & Connolly's , 512
ICtli street. m22-tf
Dr. A. H. Dorns , founder of the
celebrated Lamartino Vaccine Farm
at Fond du Lac , Wis. , is now propa
gating pure Bovine Virus at Lincoln ,
Nob. Ton Ivory Points , $1.00 ;
Crusts , § 2.00 ; cash with the order.
Only physicians supplied.
A. H. DoniusM. D. ,
fob22oodlm-m o Lincoln , Neb ,
eiDe Meyer's
The antidotal theory , now admitted to bo
.he only treatment which will eradicate Qatar
rhal Poison.
Rev. Chaull. Taylor , 140 Nobla street , lirook-
yn , N , Y. . 'One package effected a radical
euro. "
Rev. 0co. A. Rttls , Cobleskill , Schoharie. Co. ,
. Y. : 'It restored ine to my ministerial I
xjrs. ' ?
Rev. W , II. Sumner , Frederick. JId. : "
results In six cases In iny fiuully , "
Rev. Goo. K. Pratt , St. Stephen's Rector
Phi a. : "Quito wonderful ; let me dlstrlbut
four 'Treat ! o , "
Chu. H , Stanhopo , Newport. R. 1 , ; "I MM
oo deaf to hear the church bells ring ; hearing
- "
Georgu W. Lambrlghr , 73 Blddl * street , Haiti-
more , Md , ; "Suffered 0 years ; perfectly
cured. "
Mrs. M. E. Shenney , 302 ! Sarah trect , St.
Louls ; "The tint natural breath in 0 year * * "
Mrs. J , W. Purcell , Golden City , Col : "Usad
only rue package ; entirely lurixl ; sufferud 24
Wr.F , N. CUrk. Dentlit. g Monttomery street ,
San Francisco : ' 'Suffered 16 jeara ; purlcctlj
mrod. " etc.
Dr. Wei Do Meyer't Popular "TREATISE"
on Catar h mallixl < rc . Ths great Cure Is de >
Iverod by Drunlsts , or by O , B. Dewey & Co , ,
Itt Fulton street , New York fer I 00.
LostA black and white setter
PUPDV abe , , , tr , , ni-nnths old. A
liberal reward will bo 'pnio. ' * " fe $ '
turn to Oco. U. Fitchctt , * w btt
Mary's avenue.
i .
Where good goods nro sold at low
pticcs people will go. That's the re.v
son Ilubermann , the Jeweler haa cus
tomers all day. tf
IONKT TO LOAN Call at LAW Otnce of D
M L. Thomaa Room 8 Crtlehton Block.
Q9 fi fififi LOA * At 8 pet ccntln
nt > cvtU UUU terert In iumi.or82.600 nd
npwardi , for S to E Jan. on Brst-clMa city and
( arm property. BRMIB KKIL EatAtx and Lois
Aaixcr , 16th and Dourlns SU.
ANTED To Rent a hou c of 6 or 6 rocm
AddrcsX. ( Mills office. 610-80 *
'ANTED Nurpc girl at Solomons , 120
Karnham street. 467-23
" 1TTANTKD A'fdrl for fteactol honsework
VY Apply to Mm. D.V. Toiualln , ChlciRO
between JlBtnnJ 22nd. 616-21 *
'ANTED Boj about 10 years o'd. Apply
W atthoOtn&rnBhlrtFator } . 214-24
ANTKD Family of ( rood clntidlng to nJoj )
W achlU without any compensation It ,
lull mat 8. Chrlstlaruon , Midnlfc. No. ROOlCth
sticct , between Cumingana Hurt. 613-6"
- Men fur lallro.a ! otkIt
WANTKD-60 Finplojmo t Agent , llth E |
near Fcrnnm. 607-24
\\J ANT * D-100 tcami for Ilallr/ad rrk
VV 84.00 per day. II. llamucl'cr ' ,
ment A-ctt [ ) llth 6t. nrnr Farnham.
WANTED Situation as book-Keeper by
nun wltlifc\crnl Jem c'xiutle ice. Thar
oujlily undnrstntidj single at il double entry
nnd U n rapid and correct accoiitant. Addrcs
Book kcc ] > er this olllcc. C10-24'
WANTED-Anac'lvo boy. App'y to Ibrtl
wlch Ilros , A. Co. , 1113 Harnay st.
620 22) )
\T ANTED-llnlnffrocm girl atMaus' Itef
Yl tauraiir , 1018 Uoilga at GIB 22
W ANTED ACarpeuter , Inquire at Edho'i
& Eilckson. Cll-tf
WANIED-A - for kitchen > ork , mue
Lo n good cook , wushei uu i Ironcr , an
a'aoa second girl want d. Ilcfcranco requlrci
Ilcst of wages. Apply south-cttt corner o20t !
and California ite. 618 24
WANTHD-SUuatlon by girl to do gen
oral housework or cook In private faml
ly Call 1201 Chicago and 12th street -130-23
ANTED Flriit clew cent and pant
makers Meiralf lire * . Council Illulls
500-30 *
ANTKD-A boy , at314 s ulh lOlh street
Age about 15.
TT7 ANT ED A Rood man , willing to ma ) .
Vr hlnifccll useful about a hotel , ono wh
has had some experience prefered. Gooc
wages paid. Apply at Newspaper Union , cor
12th and Howard meet. 501tl *
" \TTANTED-To borrow ono thousand della :
VV to bulM houfo and wl h to arrange t
pay It In monthly Installments. AildrcsM
uce office. spl 4S9 2 *
W ANTED A situation as f\rat cla's cook
Enquire at 1411 Chicago street.
pl 49J 22 *
Good oundress nt foutliwe ?
WANTED ICth and Ilarncy. Wacen J1 pe
week. spl 468 22 *
'ANTED To rent an Improved farm noa
Omaha. Aildrcos , COS 13th. 400-23 *
\TTANTFD Good pastry and meat cook
YY at the Niagara house , Tenth street , be
twcen Faruainariil Douglas. Apply Imme
diately. 404 31'
-A rapid and accurate sborthaci
WANTED situation. Good p nman
and undcreUt.dg general ofllro wor . Addnsa
Stcnop , Bxn efflce. K8-42V
ANTED Boarders at tbc Oarlleld hocae
W N.W. corner 14th and Jack ion St9.
414 U
Good girl. Ac ly at 1086 North
898 U
WANTED A gouu gin irr general house
work , also a nurse girl , northwest cor
ner 23d and liurt streets. ' 333-tf
ANTED Funding bridge and tchool bonds.
W H. T. Clark , Beflovue. S8-U
"TTTANTED t children aa boarders in a nolec
YY school , at 10th and California St. L. B ,
LOOM1B. 767-tf
WANTED iltuatkn aabook-keeper , by a
gentleman , 21 jeara old , who epoik *
German atd English , la any Rood penman
and book-V coper ; was engaged m Uachlng In an
eastern buflncsj college ; can give ho t cf refer
cnces Also a .voun ? nun 17 yeais old , who Is
a student ol the Ia\cnport Itiialncss ) College
wll'go to work In Omaha. Address F. O. , 00-
W. Fourth btreet , D cnpar ) , Iowa 4BO 24 *
llboEUS' BOOKS WANTED To kTep e\tn
v3T inga in return for trade. Pi 0. Iox ! 602
KENT Print furntnlicd chamber , close
EOU bay nlndou,003 N. 17th St.
T71OII11KNT Ilou.Hc4 rooms , south end 1011
Jj $8.00 per month. Enqulru of J. S. Mc-
Cngue , opposite poetolDce 409-tf
HENT-Nlcely furnishcil rooms , 1018
Eon street , up stairs. Enquire on prem
I 03. spl.48432
Mary's Awuue. 4SOt (
KENT Forty acres of land to rent , three
FOR from court hau > . Bell & Ame > , 1608
Farnim. ' 76 24
MEM IS rents houseslots , farms , stores ,
J3 rooms etc. Offices 16th and Douglas SU.
RENT N. E. } , Pec. 0 , T. 16 , K. 11 , un.
FOU \ Dauglns county land. 1) inlloi
from K. U. station. Inquire at 2118 Duvcnport
street. 483-tt
T OU RENT One front room , furnished ; at
JL1 313 N. 17th St. , cast side , bet. Davenport
and Chicago , A. Ilospe. DOS-tf
EOH RENT Nicely furnished room. Anplvst
1220 Farnham ot. 213-tf
T710R REET-Btoro room In brick building , N.
J } E. corner 10th and Cuinlng. C. F Good ,
man , 1110 rarnhim St. 203-tf
171011 RKNT House on Snermiu t.-cnuu ,
J1 rooms , with i table AuilvtoN. W Me
rill. S07 B. 12th St. 207.11
f OH 11KNT Furnieouu nun , uoin , N. E. cor.
J1 Oil. and Jackson. 62-tt
T710U KENT House of right looms. Enqulrr
I1 J. I'hipoa Itoe. 1612 H. Fifth St. 077-tf
17011 RENT S ( urnuteU roouu > n\er i <
J ? chants'Exobknve.N , t cor. 16th and DciU
RENT Nicely furnished rooms with oi
FOR board. Reasonable prices. 2018
Cass St. *
J ? 10th and Davenport bt 006-tt
T7MJRNI8HED ROOMS Within three blocks o'
JD postofflce. Inquire at 1618 Dod/e. 026-tf
TnOHSAI.E A gooil block o ( general mer-
1) ) chandhe , will Involco between four and
me thousand dollars , or will oxtlitnge lor
land. Address. B. O , Thomas , r lrbury. Neb
60(5-30 (
OR SAI.1) ) Ono almost new Organ ( lioipon
E time. Inquire at 31 * South 10th strrtt.
SALE-Oro fruh cow and call. Di-
1 } nulru southwest corner IBth and Hazard ,
' ipl 495-tf
SALE Saloon utoc * and fixtures and
POIt glten , good location. Enquire ol L ,
U. Spencer , northeast corner llth and ilarnej.
spl i O tf
I71OK bALE Housiol two roomi and corner
Jj lot , near 18th street. Car * I'rlco , W50.00.
McCAOUE , Opp. postofflce. ipl. 483-lf JlYi
HICNT llulldlnif suitable for retail bui-
EOU in good loiatloit-chiap. IkCAQUK
Opp. | x > tomce. epl 4S6-22
IT OR SALE H les and horses at Rcdmsn'g
1 16ih street barn. pl 477-27 *
17OR t ALB Five arcs of land on Mtundo
I'St'tct , with fine rcsdccco , barn and other
frnpro\em ntn. Price $2,500 : terms c j.
47Mf W. R. Kart'ett , Heal i > t U > Agent.
SALE , Jlorsrg ft * auction. A lit 0f ,
FOM onn # Norman flj'lfa Je SNllonj. iift
( H.toteroffircl ( In thft Vest nl the Trick If/itn / , ,
opposite the Ogden House. Qouncll Muff < , Thurs
day , r rch 23J. Terms of tale , eight month *
time nltb approved security without Interest if
paid when due , fho per cent , off for cash.
Pml8 * V. H.BEELT ,
T OTS , llOeach , $ & down and $5 per month
Jj BEMtS , Agent.
T7IOR BALK A hew house and lot , ! 6th and
JJ Poutlai St. laqulre to A. Bouman , 20th
and FarntiAm eta. 418-lm'
I,1011 SALE A Plan0(6 octaves ) , In excellent
Jj o nd'tlon ; < cry cheap. Inquire at this ofDco.
.lOKS/iLK tirencreiof land , S story frame
hoaee , barn 2 wells and other Improve
ments , cost side of Saundtrs street , near Fort
Omaha. Call at this offlc . 401-lt
f .lOR SALE Large hous % t lots , 08x132 cftth
J.1 Inquire BthAnd Dorcas , rear C. F. Good
roan's residence. Oco Fullman. 383-24 *
"TTOR fAI.K House and corner lot , cheap
JL1 Price , eiOOO.OO cash or JllOO.OJ on time.
McCAOUE , Opp. Post omco. 209 U
" | 1.ORSALE House with 6 roomo , barn and
L1 long lease of lot , on 16th St. , bet Durt and.
Webster. Inquire at Edholm & Erickson'g.
356 tt
TTIOR SALE Car load of M blackey mules
J } broke. Apply of J. W. Skinner , Coin la ,
820-lmo *
jTOIl SALE 32 residence lots on finS near 16th
JJ street. Price , $360 to 8560 each. Icons
easy. McCAQUE , Agent , Opp. Post Office.
800 tf
BEAUTIFUL 85 per moi'th. BEMI i ,
16th ainl DoutfM Sts.
[ null SALK At Hall n feed mill , t car Military
L1 Bridge , 76toniofNo. 1 baled haj. Wlllbe
ilclhcred to .iiy put of thccity Alai ground
feed at the 1.\M-et c&di prico.V. . H. McCOY.
233-lm *
EOR'SALD-Illcjcle , 4'Mnch ' Standard Colum.
bio. Apply Union Klc\ator. 2fl3-tf
EOIl SALE A No. 1 ftiian of heavy dralt
horses. Enquire oi 0. T. Paulscn , at Peter
UOOB' . 'MlMf
OH SAMC Ilouso mi J full lot lit loua.
JF VIUII | VllVi lJt I KWVt $1250. Easy tcrmg ,
cCAaui : , opp. poet ctnco. I6tt
170R SALE nest building lot In hhlnn'H od-
J < dltlon , 142 feet cast front by ISO dot depth.
JlcCAOUE , Opp post office. 11 U
TjlOK SALE 2 nice counters and u silver piatcd
Jj show cases , nt Goo. II. Peterson' " , RM Kotith
10th St. 74 Mf
"IpOH HALE Or will uxcha RO tor Ouiiha pro *
J ; | Iperty , an Improved sec on of land adjoin-
IHR a station on U. P. U. U. M. DUNHAM , 141J
FamhamSt. , Omaha. 720 Smt
) 203-11 con.
Pounds otchoica country butter for solo
cheap ; also fresh milk ciciy iliy at
Hcal'u Grocery btore , corner ICth nnd Dodge.
> E1IIS sola houses , lots , farms an1'
> Office , 16th and Dougla * Sto.
119 tf
t ALEO HAY At A. U. Bander's Food Star
) 101S Harnoy Bt. sl9-tf
"VTEALE'S Celebrated blue grass posture two
JJN nnd ono half uilles out * ! cast of Fort Cal-
noun will li-i pen for colts and hoieea at the
old intcs Yearling per month 60c , ftwo year old
old 76c , three } ears old and upwards ono dollar ,
salt included. S nton from Apill 16th to NOT ;
ember 16th. Special Kites to txlra < aluaclc
slock. l.uvlJ Ncalc. 609-241
CITttAYnD-Ught bay horse with black
| O main and tnll nd while , about 4 years
old , two round rings branded on left hip.
Finder will receive n llln-ral rewurd by return
ing the seme to WcSh mc'i live y stable.0022i
SToLEN OH SlIlAYED-From Ceo. Fltchctt ,
corner t. Marj'sa\enueanilI'orvcntttrcet ,
a setter pup about 3 months old , white with
.ome black spots nnd black ears. When lost
had collar ith owner's name on Any ona re
turning flann toabo\oo < ldri 8 will bo suitably
regarded 4S7-tf
STUAYED S colts : last sion In Omaha ; One
jeirs , bay , face and one hind foot white
weighs about 760 ; one 2 years , bay , star , and ono
hlnu foot whlto , weighs about 760 ; ono last sum
mer colt , sorr 1 , white f ice , very small. . i.for-
mation of them will bo , rewarded flvcn at.Ho-
man's Livery stable , Omaha , or to Val oy. Neb. ,
< 70d2twit E-Cowlcs.
8c ft maple trees f raile , 10 to 12
icethlgn , one milo west of Fort
Omaha. Ircss W. C. AInswortb , Omaha.Neb.
470-1 *
Q nflA wi" DUV na" Interest In an es-
O.VUU taollshcd buiiness , paying 40 per
cent. For further 'nformation apply or addroas
W. C. B. Allen , 1116 Farnim street , Omaha , Neb.
J , scalei are again In perfect order. Call on
Mr. Vai Onnan at stock jaids , 10th St. , cot
Capitol nvcnuo and Davcn art Sf. Plenty of
} ard rocm and stabling. * Itrl'gHt straw in hale
or bed ticks. E EST.inROOK
425 tf
fordof CU > tlani , O. , the old popular and
skillful manufacturer of artificial limbs of the
latest improved plans , has opened a branch
mechanical fcurjcry Inultuto a No. 1C ! ) bouth
14th street , Onmhn , Neb. , heroho Is prepared
to furnish liuitsoi e\erj do cilptlon. J-lelotons
and supporters lor paralyzed nnd deformed
limbs , trusses , shoulder , brae B and supporters
for fimile wcnkucsH , itc. 109 South 14tb ft. ,
Omaha , Neb. J. S. CUAWFOKI1.
PIANO AND OIIGAN Instnictlon by Miss. E
S. 1'arli.t , S. 20th ftt. , below Pierce. 04-rf
J7 lso decoratlvo jiaintlng. MUS. D. R
WAUDNElt. room 1 , Jaeob's Bioclc. 642-t
Maps , 82 60. OKO. V. URJ11S.
> OOMS And Hrst class table board , at 2011
\ , CasaSt. ml-lm *
"ANTED 2 unlurmehed rooms for man and
W wife , mutt bo moderate in pricn. Ail.
dress n. . Bee otllce. 207-tf
JL are In frequent receipt of applications for
epi rutors. BELL & AMES , 1603 Farnham ,
Ayents Remington Tpe-Wrllcr. fcblg-apl
SAVE RENT Choice of 80 full lots to lease
near ffrelghton College forMo nor year.
Ltuxtcr L. Ihonms S , Uto. , Roum H , Creighton
Block. iO'.tf
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth Streetbctwp n K-vrnhun
andllarncy. Will , with the aid ot ur < JI n
spirits , obtain for any one a Klauco at tbe past
and presoat , auii on certain conditions In chu fu
iure. Boots and Shoes made torilrr Per'cl
4lticn cu r atuod aifiB-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder n r varies. A marvel ol pur
ty , strength and wholcsomencsa. More ocono-
iiilcul than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be
sold in competition with the multitude of low
cst. short weight , alum or phosphate ponders.
Sold only In cans. KOTAL BAKINO POWDM Co. ,
OS Wall BU , New York