Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1882, Image 1

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    4 t
Little Important Business Trans-
aotGuin the Senate ,
The Anti-Chinese Bill Again
Taken Up and Discussed
by the HOUBO
Bx-Minister MdOluro Detailing
the Treatment of Ameri-
j cans in UhintJi
Tue Testimony of Shiphord
Concerning His Scheme at
the Investigation ,
oollnnoonx Notes of a National
National Associated 1'rcsn.
T-'ny.isiHNQTON , March 22. The life
saving service bill was taken up ,
Mr. McPherson offered on amend
ment that the secretary of the treas
ury bo authorized to regulate the
. compensation of crows and the num
ber of surf men , none to got moro
than $ GO a month. Lost.
Mr. Halo's amendment to the life
saving service bill was adopted.
The morning hour expired , cutting
oft further consideration of the bill.
The annual consular and diplomatic
appropriation bill was taken up and
passed with amendments by the com-
I mittno.
. The life saving service bill was
f taken up again ; the salaries of district
superintendents as proposed in the
\jiil \ wore reduced to. the following
. amounts : First district , Maine
and Now Hampshire , § 1,600 ; second ,
Massachusetts , § 1,600 ; third , Rhode
Island and Long Island , $1,800 ;
fourth , Now Jersey , § 1,800 ; fifth ,
Delaware and Chesapeake bay , $1,500 ;
sixth , Chesapeake bay and Capo Fear ,
$1,800 ; seventh , the eastern coast of
Florida , § 1,200 , ; eighth , Gulf of Mexico -
, /ico , $1,500.
' " After executive session , adjourned
at 5:20 : p. m.
The senate in executive session con
firmed Samuel Blatchford , to be asso
ciate justice of the supreme court ;
John 0. Aluhlenberg , of the array , to
bo paymaster , with the rank of major ;
Maj. James B. Potter , to bo deputy
paymaster general , with the rank of
lieutenant colonel ; Win. H. Gill , to
be military store keeper , with the
rank of captain.
A resolution was passed asking the
secretary of war the amount of money
received by the Mississippi sufferers.
The opponents of the Ohineso bill
asked Mr. Page to agree to the time
j > r offering amendments. Ho ro-
y/pliod he would fix a time after coo-
\ # suiting with friends of the bill , but
'did ' not propose ti > have a flood of
amendments and consume two or
three days voting on them. He
would admit a reasonable numb er.
The house then resumed considera
tion of the bill.
Mr. Washburn ( Minn. ; took the
floor on the ground the coming of
Chinese was an injustice to laboring
. / Mr. McClure , ' who was minister
Jhina under President Piorcs ,
ipported the bill , holding that no
feeling of reciprocity existed between
the two nations , and that the history
of their relations show there never
will bo. Ho gave many instances of
the ill treatment of Americans by the
Chinoao , and related instances to
show the intellectual inferiority of the
people , many of which incidents came
under his own observation while trav
eling in China.
Mr. Kasson spoke .in favor of his
amendment to the bill making the
term ten years instead of twenty , do
ing away with the passport system and
omitting the clause which makes the
bill apply to skilled labor. Ho op
posed the bill because it takes advan
tage of the confidence which the Chi
neao reposed in the United States by
the late treaty and ho wished not to
live to see the day when American
faith would bo classed with the term
. "Punio faith. " California demands
rSTTomothlng more reasonable than this
The house then took a recess until
10 o'clock debate
to-morrow to continue >
bate on the bill.
WAHHINOTON , D. O. , March 22.
The Shipherd investigation was ro
burned. Shipherd stated while on the
journey to Washington from the house
of a. senator whom ho refused to name
the senator enid Shepherd's claim , il
endowed by the government , woulc
give tha government u grand oppor
tunity to open commercial relations
with South America. The senator regarded
garded the whole matter in the light
of commercial annexation. The senator
tor desired him to go to Washington
and see Blaine and explain the matter
to him , the senator promising to
arrange an interview for the pur
pose , and Shipherd went to Washing
ton. "The senator kept his word.
The senator declined to accept a re
tainer on the ground that if the secretary
tary took the matter up it might come
before congress and as a member o
congress he could not concientiously
take a fee in the case. After the secretary
rotary did take the matter up and i
became understood it would bo sottloc
by the state department then ho
.took a fee , but four months later returned
turned it when ho learned that aftei
all the matter could not bo sottlec
without going before congress , ho
returned the fee without any deduo
tion for actual disbursement. Bout-
well was retained as counsel on ac
count of his freshness in intornationa
law through his position as counsel o
the United States in the court o :
claims in a French-American case
After several weeks' examination
Boutwoll pronounced the claim good
without a flaw and entirely satisfac
tory , and declared himself ready to
submit the matter to the president.
Shiphord sought an interviewbut did
not secure it. II chad a talk with
Gen. Adams about possible commer
cial relations with Bolivia as an annex
to the Peruvian scheme , but nothing
came of it. No official of the United
States was interested in the company ,
except that ho ( Shipherd ) had em
ployed as counsel with no expectation
of benefits front his oflicial position ,
W. H. Robertson , collector at Now
Adjourned until to-mnrrow ,
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , March 22. Senator
Anthony has introduced a bill to cs-
ablish thooflicoof assistant secretary
of the ravy. /
The report that Teller will bo ap-
lointcd secretary of the interior ia
ho only topic of conversation to-night
and is generally credited. It is said
Teller has telegraphed the governor
of Colorado to appoint Representative
Belford senator. Ghafloo docs not
want the sonatorship. Toller's In
dian views are not in harmony 'with
; ho present commissionora. Price ,
who will resign , and other prominent
oflicors are to bo changed.
Bale is talked of for the navy as a
icaco ottering to the stalwarts for
passing Chaffeo by. f
The house committee on railways
and canals has agreed to report a sur
vey for water communication with
ke Michigan and the Dotroit.Kvor.
The nomination of A. L. Morrison ,
of Illinois , to bo United States mar
shal of Now Mexico , was sent to the
senate to-day.
Secretary Lincoln has , under the
appropriation , authorized 500-
000 rations to bo aunt to Arkansas ,
200,000 to Mississippi , 300,000 to
Louisiana and 70,000 each to Now
Madrid , Charleston and Gayaso , Mo. ;
also 100 hospital tents for use at Mis
sissippi City.
Mrs. Grant received many callers at
, he White House to-day.
The president's dinner to-night was
attended by General and Mrs. Grant ,
Secretary Frclinphuyson and wife ,
Judge and Mrs , Gray , and others.
There was Marino band music , flowers ,
Congressman Block is a little bettor
. Allen's condition is
to-night. un-
Fatal Rnllrond Accident.
National Associated Press. |
BISMAUCK , Dak. , March 22. Ru
mors of a terrible accident on the
Northern Pacific road , forty miles
west , reached hero. shortly before
midnight. At that hour it was stated
hat a passenger train had gone
; hrough the bridge at Sweet Briar ,
ind thirty or moro persons were
tilled. The telegraph wires being
down , a special enginbwith assistance
was seat from this point. ' Fromjdia-
patches received car.y this moraii.g
by special train , it is learned the 'ac
cident occurred at the crossing ot
Hart river , twenty miles east of
Sweet Briar. A snow plow had just
passed safely over the bridge. A con-
itruction train closely following ,
3roko through , carrying four spans of
; ho bridge with it. The cars caught
! ire and two men burned alive.
Seven others are reported killed out
right , and eleven or twelve seriously
injured. A passenger train was im
mediately behind the construction
; rain and narrowly escaped.
ST. PAUL , MINN. , March 22. The
following are the names of the killed
and injured : Killed Tlios. Grady ,
no friends ; Geo. Mauhier , Marysvillo ,
Its. ; Thos. Wilson , Ole Johnson , J.
McCormick , Wm. Watson , Jas. ,
O'Brien , of Degralf , Minn , ; M. Mo-
Andrews , relations at Pittaburg , Pa. ;
Seriously injured Goo. Miller , arm
broken , head cut ; T. 0. Barry , in
jured internally ; twenty-two others
slightly injured , The coroner will
hold an inquest at the scene of the
accident and the victims will bo buried
there. Many of them wore burned
beyond recognition. The injured
wore brought to Maud an , where a
carpenter shop is fitted up with cots ,
The company is doing all in its power
to make them comfortable. The ac
cident was beyond all human fore
sight and under the circumstances un
National Associated 1'rcsu.
ILuiiusBuna , Pa. , March 22. The N
democratic state committee decided
to hold the next convention at liar-
risburg on Juno 28th ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 22.
The democratic convention to-day
nominated the following ticket for
municipal oflicors : Mayor , Gee , M.
Shelby ; treasurer , Louis P. Evoland :
auditor , Jno. 0. Shea ; city attorney ,
P. QMcGrath ; recorder , H. Fenny ;
supervisor of registration , Otto Soitz.
Mormon Convert * .
National Aiuociated 1'iesa.
CHATTANOOGA , March 22. Elder NI
Morgan , presiding elder of the Mor-
mor church for Virginia , North Care pj
line , Tennessee , Georgia , Alabama j
and Mississippi , left to-day for Utah d
with 100 cconvorts gathtred in the m
above states. At Nashville ho will vj
bo joined CO or 7& moro.
Bentenoe of an Imbecile Com-
National Associated Trias.
, March 21. The gpv
ornor to-day commuted to life imprisonment
prisonmont the sentence of Galus
who was to bo hanged at Chicago ot
Friday , The commutation was mad
on representations that Galus is ai
Roipitod ,
National Associated frcsi.
WILMINGTON , Del. , March 22-
The governor has respited Joremial
Harngan , sentenced to be hanged on
Friday ext for the murdtr of Denni
Bhoa , until November 15 ,
Being Gratefully Recoiyefl by the
Suffering South.
The Only Trouble Being that
the Supplies are not iu
Sufficient Quantity.
Report of Ono of the Oommis-
sionera to Investigate the
Extent of Destitution.
Showing a Demoralizing Con-
dition of Affairs in Ark
tinman * and Animals Living and
Dying Together.
fatlonal Associated I'roes.
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , March 22.
Nine days ago Lieut. Sam Chur
chill was commissioned by Gov.
Churchill to investigate in company
with Lieut. Satterly , agent of the
war department , the condition of af-
'oirs and distribution of supplies in
ho overflowed districts of this state.
Ho returned last night , and has made
a lengthy and minute report of his
observations. Ho found the larger
lortion of Desha and t ivo-thirds of
Chicota county under water , and
housands of their inhabitants in ap-
jailing destitution. Some scones wit-
icssod were heartrending , In places
bsolutoly everything was swept away
ly the floods , leaving a once prosper-
us city without a mouthful to oat or
, ny living thing near them. The
, 'overmnout ' supplies saved hundreds
rom death by starvation , and thou-
ands from terrible suffering. The
tories circulated that undeserving
artics received much of the sup-
) lies ho found untrue except in ono
nstanco. The area of country sup
plied by the commissson at Arkansas
3ity , Desha county , is ton miles long
nd seven miles wide , and contains
ivor a thousand destitutes. Ono
housand more rations are wanted
hero immediately. The rations is-
ued were thrco pounds of salt moat
and a pock of meal per week. At
? orine , Lieut. Churchill found the
upplies ] injudiciously distributed to
unwinding points , some receiving
rations for a month and others not securing -
curing , anything. Around the mouth
of the Arkansas and White rivers 250
loople are yet unsupplied and suffer-
ng. At Redford , Desha county ,
which is the distributing center of an
overflowed section of 31 by 13 miles ,
. ,200 people look for food. The en-
ire number of destitutes in Dosha
county is estimated at 3,500 ; in Chi-
iota county Lieut. Churchill estimates
ho number of dependants for subsist
ence on the charity of the government
aa 4,000 , At Gainosland and the sur
rounding county .the suffering ia most
ntenae. Supplies * will be issued .at
all available points , but moro are
urgently needed. Hundreds are liv-
ng in the second stories and on.roofs
ot houses , and wherever little knolls
are found above water cattle can be
eon dying and the rest starving. In
one store built high on stilts and sur
rounded by water he found all living
ogether a largo family , among whom
vas an old woman at the point of
leath , fifteen mules , several cows and
number of other animals.
From St. Francis , Miss. , Critton-
den and other counties of this state ,
similar tales of misery and distress
reached here some days ago. General
tfangam , commissioner for the state ,
estimated the number destitute at
17,000. tt is now claimed they will
aggregate 20,000 people. It will take
hroo or four weeks before the water
eaves the plantations , and oven then
hey will bo dependent on outside
aid for support. The loss of stock ,
Lieut. Churchill' says , l.os boon so
reat that with what remains farmois
yxn scarcely till one-eighth part of the
iand usually cultivated. The largest
break in the Mississippi river is juiit
below Gaines , in Chicota county ; it
is eight miles long.
YAZOO CITY , Miss. .March . 22. The
river has fallen about two inches.
About 500 persons have arrived hero
during the last week ; 500 more are ut
the camp ground and fed principally
thF citizens. The demoralization of
labor ia complete. All say they do
not intend t-j go back to the bottoms.
National Associated Proas.
NKW YOHK , JVIarch 22.-Phillip
Van Ronnestoar , aged 40 , rich and a
member of the old Knickerbocker
family , was found dead in his room
at the Brunswick Hotel , w tro he
lived , this morning , with a bullet holt
through his head and an English bull
dojr revolver in his hand. His wife
and ho had been together at the min
strels Tuesday night. She occupied ! *
suit of rooms on the floor above , while
ho lodged in the single room when
Moxm'i Sentence to be Mitigated
National Associated Prea * .
WASHINGTON , March 22. The ap
plications for Sergeant Mason's par
don , have been referred to the war
department. < His sentence will be
mitigated to dismissal from the ser
vice. ,
National Associated Presa.
NEWTON , N. II. , March 22. Goo
Currier's shoo contractor's shop
this place burned to-day , Loss , $2 !
000 ; no insurance. The stock I o
longed mostly to Haverhill parties.
The Illiuoln Legislature in Extra
National Associated Ptuwi
SPKINOFIELD , 111. , March 22. A
largo number of members arrived to
night. There is no doubt that a quo
rum will bo present in both b ranch c
when the legislature moots in extra
session to-morrow , No reorganiza
tion is expected , but a caucus of re
publican senators appointed a committee
mittoo to-night to report to a cal
caucus to-morrow morning on th
ubjoct of icnato employes looking to
ucii reduction as may bo feasible.
The governor's message , which will
> o delivered in the afternoon it is un-
lorstood , will tftko strong grounds
n favor of enlarging the Illinois it
klichigan canal and transferring the
amo to the government , and also in
aver of the construction of the lion-
nopin canal ,
Jmpondjlngrv JntlRc.
fatlonal Associated fret * .
ST. PAUL , March 22. The senate ,
which for. eighty days hns boon sitting
R9 a court of impeachment , trying
charges of drunkenness and lewdness
ugainst E. St. Julian Cox , judge of
ho Ninth district court , took final ac-
ion to-day. Ho was found guilty on
uticlo 2 ry a vote of 28 to 10. There
ire eighteen articles in all , but this ia
ho principal ono and was a test vote
\nd settled Cox's fate so far na the
onato is concerned. The whoto mat-
of , however , is subject to review by
ho supreme court. The impeach ;
nent has cost the state $35,000.
'hero are eighteen articles against.
Cos , and ho was found guilty on seven ,
vliich insures his removal.
Tlio Pacific Hills Strike-
lotions ! Associated 1'rces. ,
LAWKKNUE , Mass. , March 22. The
ity lias boon perfectly cjuiot to-day.
The weavers' relief society hold a
icoting and voted to hold a .mass
icoting to-morrow in order to demon *
trato a bettor idea of the nature ana
oquircmcnts of the situation. A
ocrct meeting of the spinners was
Iso hold this evening. The strikers
an easily hold out for a month. The
rcasuror of the leading savings bank
ays the operatives have not begun to
raw on their deposits , but on the
ontrnry the amounts deposited this
reek are as largo as usual ,
Miscellaneous Telegram * .
'atlotiivl Associated Press.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 22. Camps
f engineering parties on the Northern
'acilic road have been raided to such
n extent , stock driven off , supplies
tolon , etc. , that Gen. Terry has given
liom military protection.
WASHINGTON , March 22. A dis-
> atch from Agent Miles at Fort Reno ,
ndian territory , states that the gpv-
rnment ordeg compelling a reduction
if rations to Indians will probably
ause an outbreak , as they will not
ubmit to enrollment. Commissioner
'rice ' answered tolling him to obey in-
PIIOVIDENCE , R. L , March 22 , The
uprcmo court decided to sell the
Ipraguo property at auction on May
th , the first payment of 25 per cent ,
o be made May 13th.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 22.
'ames Ashworth , who on the 14th
It. resigned the collectorship ofV'ih.-
ernal revenue there , died this morn-
ng at Gainesville , Fla.
ATLANTA , Ga. , March 22. A fight
ccurred in a saloon hero to-nightfin
which a young man named Win ,
Gregory was shot anal killed. It ia
upposed-'tho shoo ting. \ as done by
Tred Cole , but such is not known too
> o true.- " *
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 22.
fas. Y. Cans was acquited of the
nurder of his brother-in-law , Wm.
Whitney , lost Juno. Whitney was
ho son f Myra Clarke Gaines.
CnicAoo , March 22. Fifteen now
: asos of small pox are reported to-day
and seven deaths. The coldorwoathcr
ccasions the reappearance of the dis
EHIE , Pa. , March 22. The mother
uponor of St. Vincent hospital hero
lied this morning , aged 51) ) . She
oundcd the order of Sisters of St.
'oseph ' , to which belonged the diocese
) f Buffalo , N. Y. Sha came to Erie
n I860 , when she founded a largo
rphan asylum of her order. Site
also built St. Vincent's hospital and
vas wonderfully successful.
SALEM , Mass. , March 22. Oapt.
Tohn Bertram , sea captain , died to-
lay , aged 86 years. Ho was a pri
vateer in the war of 1812 , was cap-
urod twice and taken to England ,
lo traded extensively with Patagonia ,
Madagascar and other distant parts ,
lo left property in Salem , railroad
stocks and western property estimated
ted at 85,000,000 to 810,000,000. Ho
iad married throe times and loaves a
widow and throe daughters.
March 21. A flutter of
excitement has boon caused in social
circles here over the rumored immo <
dime marriage of Sir Hugh Allen to
Miss Gordon of this city.
BOSTON , March 21. President
Arthur has pardoned Royal B. Conant ,
sentenced March 5 , 1880 , to five
years' imprisonment for embezzle
ment while acting cashier of a national
bunk of this city.
IlAiuusHima , Pa. , March 21. The
board of pardons which was in session
here to-day had under consideration a
calendar of 22 cases. The session
lasted until a late hour this evening ,
when it was found that six persons
committed for minor offense had boot :
granted pardons. The board refusot
to grant any interference in the cases
of Jonathan Mortior , of Snydercoun y
or Henry Rumborger , of Dauphin
county , both sentenced to bo executed
on Friday next.
Throat Piieojo Often Commence
With *
Cold ( , cough , or unusual exertion o
tC the t voice. These incipient symptom
are allayed by the use of Brown's
Bronchial ] Troches , " which if neglect I
ed often result in n chronic trouble o
the throat. mar22'dw-lw
A fortune may bo spent iu using lne !
fectual medicines , when by npplylu
TIIOHAH' KmcTiuo : OIL a upcedy an cure can he elfecteii. In case
of rheumatkin , lame back , bodily alhnenl
or palm * of every description , It affords It
stunt relief , inch"Mw
Star Route Counsel.
National Asaoclated I'teta.
March 21. Coun
seller W. W. Kerr loft for Washing
ton to-night , and will resume w0rk i
the star route coaoa ,
Remarkable Statement Made by
Emperor William ,
n Response to an Address
Congratulating Him on
Living So Long.
Ho Claims His Crown is a Di
vine Symbol of Absolute
Authority ,
4nd it Was Never Intended it
Should bo Taken Away by
Ilioollnuoons Now * that Came
> Over the Cnblo ,
atlonal ANKXlatal Frees.
j-nubin , March 22. Prince Bis-
itirck has decided to submit his bill
ir a tobacco tax to reichstng , and if
ofoatcd to dissolve parliament and
ppcal to the country. The bill vir-
Uftlly gives to the government a mo-
opoly of the tobacco trade , and in-
ires to it a very largo revenue.
* The emperor is receiving telegrams
nd addresses from all paiU of the
ountry congratulating him on the
olebration of his 80th birthday. The
nfyoror made a very notable speech
n reply to an address by a doputat on
f'tho conservative committee of
oichslng. lie said times jvero very
orioue ; anarchy threatened both
ovorcigns and people ; the worst doc-
rincs were promulgated , and well-
ntontionod people were led astray.
[ o declared ho considered it noces-
ary to again remind the country what
10 crown in Prustia was ; it was a
; mb l of absolute authority given
y God , and not to bo taken away by
The speech created u great im-
rcssion upon those who heard it.
LONDON , March'22. The king of
taly , in his reception of the French
mbassador , spoke in most kindly
ornis of the French republic , assur-
ng the ambassador Italy entertained
10 best' feeling for his government
nd that not only did Italy porcpivo
gns of war but cordially desired
The Lincolnshire handicap for 1,000
ovoroigns each , 10 sovereigns for
rst , was run to-day and won by Pou-
it , Master Walter being second and
iuchnan third.
DU'BLIN , March 22. An explosion
E dynamite , occurod in the police
etoctives * chamber in this city yes-
orday , completely wrecking the
lace and also several houses in the
icinity. Fortunately nobody was
urt. No arrests have been made.
* Sr , PETEiwpuna , March 22.-The
fficers of various Russian regiments
lave tendered an ovation and dinner
o'Gon. SkoboloQf.
, March 22. - ' There
3Vi-V > con renewed shocks of earth-
nako at Chios and the people have
Akcn refuse in tents.
BERLIN , March 22. The economi- *
al council which was 'formed ' specially
y Prince Bismarck to carry the to-
acco monopoly bill , yesterday re-
urnod a vote of 30 to 32. Prince
3ismarck , who was expecting a unan-
mous decision in favor of the bill ,
eels its defeat keenly.
The National Xoitung publishes a
ispatch from St. Petersburg saying
hat the general stuff of the llussmn
imy reports that it is impossible for
Russia at present to wage offensive
ar and that in view of existing com-
lications they recommend the instant
trongtllening of their whole line of
ofenso , oipccially at Warsaw and
thor points , against an invasion.
LONDON , March 21. A message
rom the queen regarding the nuptial
rant from the government to Prince
ieopold in his approaching marriage
nth Princess Helena of yaldeck ,
ras read in both houses this after-
eon , and will bo called up for con-
idoration on Thursday next.
The United States government has
dhorod to the Geneva Rod Cross
onvontion ,
Railroad Matter * .
National Associated t'ruaa. VtSf
YOUNOHTOWN , 0 , , March 22. This
oniiiK's News-Register says that 0.
H. Andrews has sold an interest in
ho Pittsburg , Youngstown & Chicago
ailroad , in course of constraotion bo-
.ween . Pittsburg and Akron , 0. , ' to
Jommodoro Garrison , of Now York ,
GUrrison is building a r.iilroad known
as the Wheeling & Luke Erie , from
L'olcdo to Wheeling , but has conclud
ed , rumor says , to build to d point
mar Akron and there join the Puts-
jurg , Youngstown & Chicago , This
vill make a direct and short line from
I'oledo via Youncfstown to Pittsburg ,
whore connection can bo made with
ho Connellsville branch of the Balti
more & Ohio for Washington and
KANSAH CITY , Mo. , March 22.
Another railroad is about to reach
out an arm to clasp Kansas City.
The engineers of the Chicago A
Northwestern are at work surveying
a line from DCS Moines in this direc
tion , and those who profess to know , a
say the branch will be commenced
early this spring and bo pushed forward -
ward to rapid completion.
WINNIPEG , Man. , March' 22.
Langdon & Shepard , of 8U Paul ,
contractors for the next 500 miles of
the Canadian railway , are here in
close consultation with Gen. G , II.
Van ' Horn , relative to their contract ,
which is to bo at once vigorously entered L
terod upon. Track-laying begins 200
miles west of Winnipeg , and. they
expect to constiuct and iron at the
rate of 50 miles per month ,
Considerable excitement has been.
produced hero to-day from a report
that the Dominion government have i
decided to prevent connection between
the Manitoba & Southwestern railway
and the Northern Pacific at the inter
national boundary and that the Ca
nadian element recently out-mancuu-
vored by the Oregon Transcontinental
company have by linking their fur-
tunes with the Canada Pacific syndl
cato succeeded in depriving that enterprise
torpriso of iU land grant of over
0,000 acres per mile. Should those
two events occur the road is'practical '
ly useless as a railroad enterprise.
CITT OF MEXICO , March 22. The
state government of Michoan has de
clared forfeited , on a technicality , the
state contract with the Mexican Na
tional railway company for the build
ing of a line of railway irom Morolin ,
the capital of the state of Pasohuro.
The company will , in case the state
takes advantage of the technicality ,
appeal to the federal court for juris
diction in the matter. There is a
strong probability , however , of the
difficulty being amicably adjusted
without resort to the courts.
DALLAS , Texas , March 22.-0 P.
Huntington passed north to-night cu
route ' from Now Orleans , Rumor says
ho hns boon negotiating for the pur
chase ; of the Houston & Texas Central
in railroad , but the result is unknown ,
Uj the Pierce and Uu. tinuton combi
nation they jointly build a road from
El Paso to San Antonio. Huntington -
ton is there to use the Sunset route to
Preston , thence by the Texas and
New Orleans road to New Orleans ,
making a complete route to San Fran-
csco ,
Dominion Now * .
National Au clatc < l I'rcii.
OTTAWA , Out. , March 22. A moot
ing of Irish members of parliament ,
both Catholic and Protestant , was
hold last evening , atwhich resolutions
of sympathy with Ireland were con
sidered. It is understood the rcsolu-
tiotis , as originally submitted , wcro
considerably modified and that it was
finally decided to consult with Sir
John MacDonald before offering the
The minister of customs has not
yet given his decision regarding the
duty which it in proposed the Pull
man Car Company shall pay on nil
articles brongtit into Canada as sup
MONTUKAL , CAN. , March 22. Horace
ace Crundall , a Nova Scotia civil en
gineer , and sixteen mechanics , loft
for the west to-day , onrouto to the
Hawaiian islands to construct a ma
rine railroad for the Hawaiian gov
The editor of the Post has boon
committed for trial for criminal libel
on Mr. MoNamoo in connection with
charges against the luttor of Fenian-
Bnrlio , the Bank Roobor.
National Asuoclatod 1'rcsa.
ST. PAUL , A14IHII. , March 21. There
is some doubt whether William Burke ,
alias "Billy the Kid , " the notorious
bank robber now in the Minno.ipolis
jail , will after all meet with justice at
present. Sheriff Houcks , of Albany ,
N. Y. , accompanied by a deputy ,
arrived to-day. The dopuiy went to
Minneapolis . and identified Burke ,
while the sheriff wont before Gov
ernor Hubbard and produced his
requisition papers from Governor
Cornell , which wore referred , Burke
is hold in $20,000 bail on the charge
of being a fugitive from justice.
Lively * times are pronusedtto-inorro f ,
when Burke and counsel will 'have 'a'
hearing on motion for a writ of habeas (
corpus , and the governor is expected
to decide as to the requisition , Burke
has the best criminal counsel in the
state , and friends who have plenty of
money are determined to get him
out of his scrape if possible
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 22. Burke ,
alias Billy the Kid , the famous bank
robber , was brouaht before the mu
nicipal court of Minneapolis to-day.
By preconcerted arrangement the
charge of beinc a fugitive from justice
was dismissed , but no sooner had the
handcuffs boon removed than another
pair was clasped upon his wrists , ho
being informed of rcarrost on a war
rants issued by Governor Hubbard for
robberies in Albany and Niagara
counties , N. Y , , and delivered into
the custody of Sheriff Hauck and Detective -
tectivo Halo , of Albany. The threat
ened oflor of a habeas corpus was not
made and Hauck and Halo loft for
Albany this evening. Enough crimps
are charged to the Kid's account in
Buffalo and Albany county to send
him up for twenty years , to say noth
ing of bank robbeiios in Cleveland and
Immigration to Manitoba.
National Associated Prcup.
WINNIPEG , Man. , March 21. Throe
emigrant trains Irom Ontario brought
in over a thousandsettlerB from Ontario
in the last forty-eight hours , Mid the
regular trains a swoil number will
every trip now mndn from St. Paul.
The growth c l ihin city in nmrvolouj
The city is crowded with stran-.ur
who find it diflloult to uet neconiiuo
.lull .tips I' ' w ii'smili u.wn
silled Ly iU" cold vm. ut. 'louse '
lout ha- ( { ' 11 up t ( iibuJjiia li ures.
Prt'vislulis > i * fet i i dear th.a ox-
tortiuimto iu ( M an > demanded fur
b'jnrd nml Imping.
Tail End Collision.
National Associated Prow.
ST. PAUL , March 22. A heavy
freight train broke in two on the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road
thrco miles east of Lake City , Minn. ,
at 3 o'clock this morning , and before
flagirian could bo sent back another
section came along and collided with
the end of the broken freight and
completely destroyed two freight cars
and seriously damaged the engine.
No ono was injured , The passenger
duo here at 2 a , m. W B detained
several hours in consequence of the
National Prosi Astoilatlon ,
CHICAGO , March 22. An enthus
iastic meeting of Irishmen was holt
this evening at Wall's hall. Severu
strong Bnscohos were made denouno
ing United States Minister Lowel
for his action and expression toward
American citizens imprisonccl iu Kil
mainham jail. The resolutions won
deferred until Thursday evening
when a monster mans meeting will b
hold to adopt a resolution urging th
president to recall Lowoll.'J
Capture of Anotlior Ono of the
Blue Oat Bang ,
Who , ( who Detectives Claim ,
Came From Washington
Territory to do It.
Ho Asserts His Inuoconco and
Says Ho Will bo Able ta
Prove an Alibi ,
P.Bl the Officials are Convinced
They Have Uot Hold of the
RiRht Man ,
The Worlf of Thlnln ? Out the Des-
porndoos Progressing Well *
National Associated 1'rcss ' 1
KANSAS CITY , March 22. Another 'I" '
of the parties suspected with having
participated : in the famous Blue Cut
.rain robbery was arrested near Inde
pendence this afternoon. The last
victim is Henry Bugler , a younger
brother of John Bugler , already un
der indictment for the same offense.
The : arrest was made on the Blue
Springs & Independence road , about
two miles from the residence of the
prisoner's : mother in " Cracker's
Cieck" about 2 o'clock p. m. by Do-
: ectivo Gorham and Deputy Marshal
Holland. The warrant was * sworn
out before Squire Horace Shelley
oun the morning by Mr. Oorlmm , and
tin ; oflicials lost no time in going
.o . the Qlcndalo neighborhood , where
, hey expected to find their man. They
wont first to the residence of Mr.
Uu > lor , but not finding him there
nado a search in the vicinity , coming
upon . him upon the public road near
thi Litt.o Blue bridge. Ho was taken
at . unco to Independence- ar
raigned b'-foro Justice Shelly for ex
amination. He entered a plea of not
; uilty and waived preliminary hear-
ng. The justice fixed his bail at
3,000 , conditioned for appearance
joforo the special grand jury next
NIonday . , but being unable to give
said ball , the prisoner was committed
toW jail. Bugler has been absent in
Washington territory since April , 1880
until about one week ago , and ho sayo
that ho can prove conclusively
Jmt upon the date of the
train robbery ho was at work in Walla
Walla. If he can prove this of course
! iia innocence will bo completely
established , but Detective Graham ,
who worked up the case against him ,
says this story is "thin" and "won't
wash , " as ho has fully as much if not
more proof of his complicity in the
robbery as against any of the others.
The ofilcials do not deny that Bugler
bos boon in Washington territory dur
ing the greater portion of the lost two
years , but say that they have strong
proof of his having made an ex
cursion to.thi locality for the
_ jry. Buglo"r Ukoa his arrest with
the utmost nonchalance and ia by far
the most unconcerned of any of the
parties who have boon yet-arrested.
Marino Intelligence.
National Associated 1'resA.
NEW YOUK , March 22. Sailed
The St. Laurent for Havre , the Bu-
tavia for Liverpool , the Devcnia for
Glasgow , the City of Para for Aspin-
Arrived The Chateau Seville from
Bordeaux , the Wiolund from Ham
burg , the Nevada from Livoipool , the
Franco from Havre , the Castor from
SOUTHAMPTON , March 22. Arrived
-Tho Main from Now York for
AMSTHUIHM , March 22. Arrived
Tho'Edam ' from Now York.
HAMUUKO , March 22. Arrived
The Silesia from Now York.
A NocltUo Forty In That City and a
General Oloaniner Out of Thieves.
Rawlins , Wy. T. , has boon infested
for some time with highwaymen ,
thieves and blacklegs , who have ter
rorized the authorities and made life
decidedly unpleasant for the more
respooroblo citizaui. The Depreda
tions of these thieves have become so
bold of lahi that the patience of the
resid.ints limi'.Iy give way , and a mur-
iler-uiiil loonery in one of the p'rmci-
p l Hlieotu thu "Mlmr night was the
, . .t iitniiv win. h broke the camel's
. \ iluturniiiiiH vigilance committee
lined themselves and after an oxcit-
ng chase , un Sunday night they cap-
ured two of the most notorious of the
jutlawa , An open air court was in
tituled , the two prisoners were con
victed and wore summarily swung up.
"lie scone of the double execution waa
n the stock yards a short distance out
of the city , where the IwJ criminala
wore hung from a tall p ) st.
After accomplishing this rude act of
ustico the committee retuinod to the
iity and in a public place posted on a
ilackboard the names of six other
well known desperadoes , with a noti-
ication that they would bo given
jwolvo hours in which to leave the
city forever. It is needless to say
that the individuals thus posted took
immediate stops to skip. Among
thorn was a near relative of a promi
nent gentleman of this city.
It is expected that Rawlins will
have peace within her borders horo-
nftor , or the vigilantes will know
why ,
The Country.
Who that had ever lived anytime In the
country but must have heard of the vlr-
tues ofMurdock as a blood purifier , Bim-
DOCK tt-ooi ) 1 ITTERB cure uyspeiwia ,
blllousnem and all dUordew arising from
Impure blood or deranged liver or kldnoya.
Price 31,09 , trial bottjes 10 cents.