Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1882, Image 1
f THE OMAHA DAILY BEE KLRVBNTH YEAR OMAHA WBDNKSDAY AiORNING , MAKCim , 1882. 2&J PROHIBITION POLITICS. The Campaign Opened in ttc Capital City , A Sound Bit of Advice to tbo Leaders of the Move ment. The Grand Army Reception to Qen Merrill and Re union Tents. Other Notoi from the Dig BM Town. Oerrwr ° Dt'crice ' f f The Ptc. LINCOLV , March 21. The first gun of the approaching temperance c. m paign in this tate has been Tired hon , in Lincoln , nnd the conflict is ex pected to ipread rapidly over tin noinliborii'C countiea. Lincoln is the conlir fmni which the ngitation al- wajBfttarts. The warfare upon the liquor interest B hero took the form o uigent rcinonsirnnccB acainat the re newal of any of the existing licenjeo for the coming jenr. THERE IS NO DnUHT but that two or throi of the drinking places in this city might bo closed \ \ \ to the benefit of the peace of the place , but the nnjority of thorn are about as orderly and reputable ns such places over cm bo. The press ure brought to boir upon the city council has boon BO groit that all ol the license potitionera have withdrawn their req'tesU ' for n , and in their ale id apphcUioua have boui made by a nnmner of unknown p r- ties who are desirous of cirryint' on the buiintps at the old stand i. While the touiperanco loaders art ) so ACTIVELY ENOAOED in an effirt to suppress the saloon interests they had bitter turn their attention to the fact that there M a rich gambling housekeeper hero , John Sheody by titino , who has pouo on unmolejtod for year , while the smaller ami poorer of his profov eionil brethren hwo boin summoned out of tntvn forthwith by our jealous p dice. The Kiinpraision of the mon- Btor evil would be a finn feather for the reformers to adorn their cipswith. Pnimituint men are not wanting here who boldly declare that the chief of p > lice connives at the mifdaeda of this spirting nlpniPiit , nnd that gimblers and prostitutes consider Lincoln A CHOICE SPOT for their operations on this very ac count. Speaking of the temperance cam paign , them is every indication that it is to bo a lively ono. The more lo- quicious of the temperance lotdera assort that they will put up a full etato ticket of their own. In such an event Finch , who is now out of the sta'o , wi 1 bo the candidate for gov ernor. Such talk as this seems ab surd , and no doubt such an undertak ing would meet with overwhelming defeat , mainly from the fact that the Id party lineo hold the people too clostly. If the qursHon were to bo closely drawn between PROHIBITION AND LICENSE in this state the fi ht would bo a close and bitter ono. The O. A. R. holds its pow-wow this afternoon and evening , the occa sion for the coh bration bi ing the re- contion given 10 General Merrill. Adj'itant-Oenoral ' and Embrv's can didate for G ivcni'ir , Aloxuidor , will f bo on hand getting the wires in work ing order. The last nf Lincoln's small pox pa tients died yistfrd-y and the county ie now fn e frnm the loathsome dia caro. Warm wi ather being close at hand , it is hardly probable that any more cases will occi.r. A ti lutjram fr.mi Washington to the adjutant general announces that the Btiiato has FAflSFD TUB BILL Innding ix hundred tentn to the BO'- diors for their reunion at Grand Island next August. The colfbrated Atkins divorce case , which ha boo'i in court here f > r the Jnat four yearn , WAS decided by JiulL'tt Pound in favor of the defendant , Mrs , Atkins , granting her § 5,000 permanent - manent alimony , and S2 0)0 ! UWJOI'H fees. The thick-headed husband will appeal to the Miprt'ine court , _ Wolf hunting is becoming a rocng- niVed paotimo hereabouts. On Sun day ono of our loral spurts ran a big , gray fellow ppvtral milea with lua hounds , but failed to catch him. AnauH. A BUN FOB The Bullion Mall Carrier Lost In the Mountains and Chased by Wolves. Wood nivcr ( Idaho ) Gazette. Thursday afternoon Qoorgo Hen- ninghouat ) . n short , thick set Gorman , who is employed to carry the mail between Bullion and Hailey at auuh times as the road is impassable for to.uns , Ibft Hailey with a sack of mail wen-lung about neventy pounds , for Bullion c.unp , which is seven milts almost duo nest of this city. As IlmininyhoiMo started down Bullion streut toward the river , niounti d on Biiowshoes and the s-ick of mail swung over his nhouldor , ho remarked , "A heavy suow storm is approaching and I must make huato or I'll ' lose the way. " The course taken from Hailey to Bullion by anuwdhnea is over the mountains , and the well worn trail is easily followed except during or just after a storm , whun fresh snow oblit erates the tracks made by the shoes. Honninirhouao had gone as far a the road which turns off to the Warm springs , about two miles , when a blinding storm get in blowing almost A gale. All signs of the road and tr H wcro aoon obliterated , and as the oullino nf the mountains weie not dis inguishablo through the descend ing snow wnd 8l0st LlHnniiighniiso was f > tctd to go considerable by gunss. M ftcnlculft intr the Istanconvcr which tie had traversed ho turned off the reid toi ( teen , ascended tin bleaV wild mountains to the north , and must hive followed the precise course of the unfortunate Allen who pcrishec on a similar trip a few weeks ago. Upon reaching tbo hiithost point no familiar land mark mot his vision anil not daring to descend without hiring sure of the way , ho wandered about for hours in nrarch of aoino clue t < his whereabout' , Night sot in coir ft'id dreary , and , aa ho waa about to give up horn exhnu ) ion and lay down to rest , the dismal howl of n wolf waS borne to his car. Roused by thin ominous sound , fear leant strength to his weary inu elt-p , and ho started along the ridge ho know not whith er. Soon other wolves wore hoard , and from the distinctness of tin eotindn , h know thny musl' have ocentetl him and were on hi * trail , Now thorouahly awakened toK'gcnso of danger , ho hurried forwardjwdd- 1y ] ) conng out in thn datkneos , hop ing to see the friet dly light of- seine rancher's 01 minot's c.ibiu. Nearer came his pursuera and ns no liyh' n ] pared the howlinsj , snarling tienda upon his track sucmc.d to be sounding his h knoll. Soon hit could their loud hroathing and the pit , pat , pit of their many foot ns they cime awiftly over thornzon ( snow. With his ejea stiring Iwild'y ' into the great black , blankiboforu him , and the perspiration UBUIIIL' from every pore liku riin ho hnstoned forward. At last ho felt instinctively that thn gatnu w.u up , thai his pur suers wore upon him , and as lib was about to halt and face thenla wolf sprang upon the heel of his HIIOW- shoo and throw him In his great fn'clit ho had not thought of dropping his heavy burden of mill , but as ho fell it was hurled many jarda aw ly and immediately o * tihon by the fiinishing wolves. T.ikjni ; ad- Mintage of the moment Hennhehuuso ' struck' licjlu , and drafting some pv wr from his pocket , act lire to them , ind the glare of the ( limes frightened the wolves. This gave him time to noiiiit hi-i shoos , and turning thorn Iowa the stoop innuntiin side , ho flow 'orward with the speed of tho- wind , cnowing nothing of the coumo before lim , whether it led to safety or over a precipice hundreds of fool in depth An angry snirl told him that the uni uals were airain up > n hii track. In about twenty seconds ho p'aced half .1 nile between himself and pursue a ind na ho rode out into the valley he joliuld a light only a short distinct ; die id. Screaming for help ho push ed on and wis HOOII met by tlio in- nates of Yirgil Lnmb'd cabin. As they , came up to him he fainted from exhaustion und was carried in and oared for by Mr. und Mrs. Lamb. The wolves c ime close to the cabin , jut after a few howla they retraced their steps anddisappeur@d in tl.o darkness. We learn that Honning- louie ia ull ri ht- again , except a little ore OBS of the muscles from ovur ex- > rtion. He aflirms , however , if he jacks any more mail for Uncle Sam n thtso parts it will be done during unshine. Cropi National Astociuttd I' . e ? . KANSAS CITY , March 21. - From all over Kantaa come reports of the nest flittering diameter itv relation o the crop | roHpeots , AVheat is at east a month in advance of the Boa- on. and never looked better The unusually mild winter and frequent rain-r have iven plants an opportu- lity to spread and strengthen their roots , and now us the weather crows wunn the blades are pushini ; rapidly , living promiue of a plentiful harvest Tuch of the spring train has be'en own and a largo breadth of corn ground p'owed , and in some instances corn baa been planted , file fruit iroapocis are most encouraging , und inless unlooked for cold apells occur hero is every reason to expect a ruit crop BO al undant us to cumpon- ate in a good degree a * , least tor the almost total failnro ot last year. FostcfHco n Nohrnuka during the wrok ending March 18 , 1882 , fumuhid by Willum Van Yluck , of the poatoflice depart ment : NAMEH CUANOl'n. Norn , Washington county , to Vuco- m ; West's Mill , Snward county , to Sorvul. rOSrMAHTEUS AITOINTKP. VDillor , .Irfierson county , Alexander Noon ; Furt Ojlhoun , Wsliiimton ounry , Mies Nettie Khidc ; Iain , iminders rnunly , Solomon Nintltn ; ohnson , Nt'iinhi conn y , John T. liishi } Pi inviuw , Pinrcu county , 0. f. Frost j Rivertun. Fr.uiklin county , A. J. Bonjainin ; Yucoma , Washiiig- oi\ county , II. Dillro'o. Iowa and Noliraaka Patents. The following patents have been ssuod to low a and Nebraska inven- ornlast week ; IOWA. W. Ireland , Oak Springs , nnd ( I. W. Bowen , Centreville , tru a-bridie. W. W. Watkins , Bellevue , cir. coupling. NEDKAHKA. F , Sanderson , Friend , rotary cloth- noHBUror. M ry L WhaU < y , Lincoln , coverinz ho slot of cable-roads , The Elder's Onto Still In Donlit ST. PAUL , Minn , March 21. The jury in the case of Elder Atwater , tried at Menominee , Wis. , for adul tery with Miss Kate Northrup , re tired at 4:30 : yesterday afternoon and came into court this evening stating they were unable to agree upon a ver dict , nine bung for acquittal and three for conviction , The roiult was what had boon expected , very few be lieving a verdict could bo found. Calicos , rauslina , etc , , at Wiig & \Voatberg' , oor. I0th and Jackson. MISSISSIPPI MISERY. Dovernment Belief Being Rap idly Distributed. Number ot Families Slowly Dying of Starvation and DisoAsu. Proopeot of the Water Going Off in a Couple of Woeka And thn Ontlnok Brialttrnine far thoAfillotod People. Sutlnrml Ai" ct t d I'ren. MFMPHM , Tcnn. , March 21. The steamer Gen , Bernard parsed down to day with 50,000 rations for the oYciflow nufT rers. 'I ho oflicorH rppnrt havini ; found nine fnmi'it ' s nt a land * inc forty miles nbovo on the Arkanais aidtt , all without a mouthful to cat and slowly stnrviuir to death. One of the children had j ist died of pneu monia and another of scarlet fever , which has broken out atnoni ; th < in. None. ha l any money to buy supplies , and the Bernard furnished t\o rela of bread and other supplies. At some places cattle wire si en in the second stories of houses. The water fell eighteen inches at Opceolrt , nine miles ahovo , and two foot .U Coutiril Bend , fifty milea be- low. The 11 iod here in about ovir. The water is uonerilly receding and dry l.uid is beginning to bo vUib'o all the way to Aikannas City , 300 miles south It ia expicted jho water will run off in tun days aulBoicntly to allow plowing. The western edn of the flooded country in the St. Frnnois river b it- toni is bfitig rapidly relieved. vThu steamer Pan * C. Brown , just passed up , reports havine moved uuvural dea tituto fnmtlios to ilicot of Hifoty , and ilso much stuck. ' I'ITSOIIS on hoard BHW five corp es of white men floating in the river , three being together in an eddy of the current. > LITTLE KOCK. Ark. , March 21. \ special to the Uemnciat aa\s : Tor re IIP , at the mouth ot the Wliitu rivoi , civu'J in hist night. All the busiiifcn louses and aaloms in t > wn , which wore in my , tumbled into the river. Terrene ia a cnalmi * point fur Misdin si | pi and other stenmere. The coil Bulges tire safe. IVrreno was built iftor Napoleon , nt the mouth of the Ai leans is river , t imhlod into the Mis sissippi 12 or 13 years ago. Tnere u he ivy rain a orm here ast night , .tnd all points along the ArkunctiH river heard from. It is not ikely , ho ever , to ulfect the liver. The rheris fulling an inch ovurj BIX hours. ' At Arkansas City , Col. Wot'd oni tfonorul maiiauer of the Little Hock , Miosiisippi River and Texas rmlwuy. ias ? ent a , l < igo force of men to rti- piir the snbmoreod portion of his toad , and fxpeola to run trains to Arkansas City by Saturday night. MILLER'S MASQUERADE. The Man In Petticoats Fails to Perf rm His Promi oa of Marriage to Miss Prest.y. He Tnlio * n Sad don FJlght from Swoctbcait , Iisncllord and Dttootlvos. SThoro have boon some soncational developmentH miHo in the oi e of the anticipated nwrriauo of Charles II. Miller , the main nuequeiador , and Miss Nettie M Pmshy , reported in the Tribune of yesterday. Alillcr ib a gay youth from Chicago , who ha- * loon livit g in Denver tor the paM in f male ntiiro He liai worked n the houses of many of the inortt prominent citizens in the capacity of i cliainhorraaid , cook or irl , ind in the experience is BuppoHtd to lave had numeroUR thrilling ud wn- urea. Ho mot , Ms ; < 1'ronhy hil working at Mr. Fiith's , on Cipitol lill , arid the intimacy which vpranp ; up roaul'od in lovoand promiwed mar- luge. The couple > ont to Contrul 3'ty , Miller retHining his femaln ha. nlinitnta. 'i'lim wan in Siptemher a t rinr A year l.itor they returned o thia city and t-toppad at ( hu Lin- dull , ruiiHterii ( g uiicl living in the n nu room ai touiiiii. From the jiiiilell tlio Dociiliiir pur w < * nt to the iruiiflvsick , and there rmniiiiPd a cnuplo of dajs. A elmmbHrirmid DMOOVFIIRU TUB OWJ IMIMAOY rhoh ! oxistid , and cnininuniuie.d Mio Act to the < < IIlc . Miller u il .Mis * ? roshy loft poromptorily. The r lanii'H jot Htand nppoMtondub' of § 1(1 ( out the hnoks of the hou o 'I'liua tlie couple Hoparitud , and oaoh no.'opted a position us torvunr. Muanwhilii Uio ntimacy continuid : Ihny met c'an- destiuely , and corresponded ulmoit daily. About a month ago Milh > r and MH ! ? ns by went to the Lindull in'iin , mid existered in the sdino miiiiiur u i thuy iad bofore. They piid only a fuw lollara of the accumulating bill , and hree days since THEV HUIJDKNLY DHAI'rKAKKD , oa\ingalarge and well filled trunk n their rooms. Mr. August Flies * uppo ed that the two were couniim in repnsented , and mvor innuioed that xn impostor had buen tmturttincd 111 the couple until ho yestord'iy'n ' expose of the C.IBO in the Tiilinnu. It was therein yivnn us MtlUrV sUtu * nunt that ho had rictus in Chicago in bunk and real oatito. Miller stood /nod for the Lnuloll bill , which wis 570. Mr , Frieze inum.diately ob- lained the services nf Djtect've ' Chan. Hawley in the morning and laid in wait for Miller at the First National bank , where it was presumed ho would call to have cashed an alleged DRAFT OK A CUKHQO BANK. To return to the detail * , which led to tlio atrar-Bo love , it appears that Miss Presby believed that Miller was wealthy ns ho roprosrtitcd. She placed the utmost confidence in every thing that ho naid nnd promised. In the marrisgo ho anticipated an oasj , happy homo. Her oonfidonco won undoubtedly misplaced , and ( ho , it would sot in , is the gioat sufToror in the affair The couple have awaited the arrival of $000 for several dtiyn , Miller repre senting that the draft for that amount on his bank account was on route , He had the draft on Thursday , it appears , but for an obvious reason could not get it casliod , Yesterday morning Mist Prvsby Went to the bank to as * certain why the money was not forth coming , nnd only then learned THE rKHFIDY OF THK MALI ? 1U8QUKH- ADCK She returned to whore thry were rooming , nt 174 Twelfth street , Went Denver , only to find that in her ah- Konco tlio lover and intended husband had incontinently skinned out. Then there was a weeping and n wailing. Also a pulling ot hair that Oth Ho mi ht well copy in his mur derous disposition of the fair DOMU ! inonn. Only the lovo-disappointuil maidmi aid all the hair-pulling. Slut threatened to commit all sorts of dan gerous deeds , including n bntli in the Plttto and the taking of a dose ol plain morphine. While thus the liimentt d her folly , cursed the deeor- tiou i f her lover and THIRD TO LOOK DH VTII IN Till ! FXCK the detective arrived withpaptrs inn suit for attachment for the Lindell hotel bill. Meanwhile Miller had wandered in to the heart of West Denver and ob tained a female app-rol. Hu sent word to hia lady to meet him on the nandy ba ik of the Platto. Captiin Han ley was present when the mis- .sonBIT arrived from Miller , and , to. guther with a constable , nco nnpaiiied the lady to the supposed sylvan ro- treat. treat.Millor Miller was not found , however , that it to say , not tanuibly tound. When iho east bank of the river was reached a human object was seen on the oppo site aide , niving a hat in ' the left hand. The creature was pursued DOWN THK niVEn until it , she or lit1 , disappeared so myiitiriously that not even a tiail could bo found. Mi n Proeby'nnnoun- ' cod in writing home her intention to rtuictdo , but Ihu officers instated that who return to the city with them , which she did. At last report Miss Prrsby had gjun out into the streets Mich iho deter mination to die. / It is truly u strange case , The a ) , leged matt u an oddly constructed her maphrodite. National Amorlati I l'rei > . PHOCKEIIINOM IN THK BENAT1 ! . ' 'WABUINOTIIN , Maich 21 Mr. Xlor- van niaou iiBpofch on the tunll com- mitision bill , p inting nuttho neci'usi'y for reti-ion and ln'pliiiz . 'lliat ' debate would lead to that usult. The bill amending the act to pro vide for the ralu of the remainder of the reservation of the confederate Otoo and Minonri Indians in Nt- liraakaMid KUIBIIH wis | iiu e.d. Adjourned at 4:55 : p. in. PUOGEEDINUH IX THE 11 0 USE. The Chinese bill ramu up in recular order , and Mr. McCtuiu nrguud that the duiiao p ipulatiou of Ohiuii ren dered u teiuhncy to migrate danger- OIH , and ilia' tlio Puoidc coast wai en titled to be heard. Mr. Riyno opposed ( he bill , argu ing that t'lii ' Hunt of American labor in" ' I'O protuutod. Mr. Soranlon ( P. * ) favored the bill L > ouatt ! c iniinned pro and con u-itil - shortly before 5 o'clock , whim ho minority of the o > mmittou on ter- ritoi o < preset ! oil a report adverse to the admission of Dtkota us H n'.ute. At 5 ( > . in. the house udjournud. l /'J . I'roii' , . SA.V FIUNCISUO , March 21. ' \i the Vtirysvillii city olootion ye-tterlay the roi > iiblic < tnn m.ide a clean swnep TIICIOII , Arizona , was ucc Mafiily ) illuininiitud by gas last night for the irbt time , The HIIOW blockade in the Sierras IIUH bifii cleared. Five hundred and enventy eight wan cuts IMVO hum ( .worn out nijainst Sunday law violaUin in this city , COLUMBUS , Ohio , March 21Hit - Biijin mo c < urt nfustd a nmndamiu it | m/.tiiifi S iit ( < Supt rintoiitloni ol Ii ptinii rn Mo < ro sought hy the Fi lelity Mnlniil voinpanv of Philxdul- ) hia , The gionndit of the deuisxin ivan that the c imnany'H InifiniBS wan lot in ncooid with tin * Ohio atututi . SimHo u to JJornoy. NMlnnal AivioriMnil I'tiKi KANHXS Cirv , Mo. , March 21. H t'liutor fV. . 1) iM y Hpttnt to. lay in the uity mill left tonight fi < i duw Mexico , liu wuu nrt ! < ) inpiniid by 0. \Vuoluoith , ( Sioux City , kiid J. H liorfi.tll , < > f PuniiHylvanid , who are he ivy at'ioUiuUlor-1 in the groxt LMttlo coinpHiiy iccunUy or- jimz'-d ' , whichiakiH in thn Durney ranch nit 1 all the un ck. Mr Dormy was not disposed to talk much about Mm titur route buHinoHS , but said tlio indiotinent found Agaiimt him WIIH bamid upon oiparto loitiinony which would ba quickly scattered when the CH I < c uno t < trial , for which ho will bo ready whnnever the government id , Miirloii Ift ullo co. * tlnnal A'MKiatul I rc't. NKW VIIHK , Miro'i 21Billed The Aluikrt lor Liverpool , Auivitl The Unllia uml the , Kng- lund from Liveip ml. AMsmtinM , Miirch 21. Sailed Tim Pttllux for No * ' York. QI .H OW , Mm oh 21 , Arrived The KUto of Oeoruia from New Yoik. LOBNB , March 21. Bxilod On thn 10th , the State of Florida fioin New York. LIVKBI-OOL , March 21. Arrivtd The Kyypt from Now York. FOREIGN NEWS , Celebration in Paris of the Pardon of Nihilists. fho Coronation of tbo Czar to Take Place Enrly in Bianmrak Busily Eagngod in Preserving the Peaoo of Europe no Says. Miiopllaueoni News that Oatno Over the Oablo. Vitlonul Aftsoclitftl 1'rcm. PAIIH , March 21. At n dinner uiv n in thia city last evening , at which i number uf prominent gentlemen were present , Victor Iluuo , in reply ing to n toast took occasion to loan ) the czar and in nn emotional rpeech 'hanked him fur the pardon ot live condemned nihilists. MADUID , March 21. Cortes WAS -ponod to-day. Tlio opposi ion do tided to attack the financial policy of ho government nnd alto the commor iiil trraty nilh Franco. BKHUN , March 21. It is reported that a deputy of the Prupsian diet , | ) rivnte1y apeaking to Prinen Bisnurck the question of intelim ! nthxiis ol iho government , wns tuhl by the lit- tur that all his time and strength were occupied in ( ireserviiig the peace ot Europe. Whether or iiut ho would succeed , the prince did not nay , tut intimated that the aspect of affairs was quite serious. , Sr. PiTKK.snuito , March 21. Tlio coronation of the czir has been fixed to take place at an early day in Au gust. LONDON , March 21. In the housei of commons la&t evening , during do- bite on the now rulia of pncoduro , thoMarquia > f liariinptDii intimated that ihe government Mould stindor full by the cloture pro msila. With out coming to any conclusion on the rules further than deUt ing the mat ter , the huuso adjourned , VIENNA , March. 21 umtrian ofli- c'uilb auto that Europe ui diilouutibta | nru likely to conveiio u conunaitor the purpose of settling the Boanian- Herzignviiiiaii question. LONDON , Maruh 21. .V inenraice from the qlluen regal ding the nuptinl urant from the governniunt to Piince. Leopohl in hit , approiiohiiig mairiago with Princ Bs liuleni of Waldeck , was read iu both houses this after nooii , and will be called up for con sideration on Tl u siay ! next. The United States ovornmonh has adhered to the Uuiiev.i Rod Gross convention. _ OSCAR WILDS. The Qro t Bjthotic Lecture nt Boyd'a Last The opera house wis filled with a cultivated and intolliuont audience last nixht to sec and hear Oictr Wilde , , \io \ ojlobratud diaoipb oFjoitholiuani , who has been attracting so much at tention throughout the country dur ing the pist fo-v w.oki Promptly at eight o'clock Mr. Wilde appeared and was heartily r.-otod with applause. He was droieod very oxiiuisituly but withal bocoininyly. In opening the leoturo , ho said that n oveiy great country there ia pro duced every ytar a certain amount nf iirtiHiiu work , and that ho i-hoiilil fiunk | of tlio moil and women who iiavo thn power and the knowledge ind the faculty to priduco it. The beautiful ol lifo which wo oill ut IB not for us to learn or c'too.'o ' IM wo will , but it is i very necessity of our lives 1'ho great dilliulty yon have to con tend with in America if you want to produce uny art at all ia not a luck of intorcHt in nrt , not a luck of love for art , but that you do nut hold the ImnJiordftamim in the tiuht ponition tnd do not recognizu him _ ua ) ou nhimld. You num ruinnUte him into IIIH nulil poiition and until jon do so irt will bo Luiih'ntd to the few. Thia lit the riaion I contend thut you un not a practical puuplu. 'I Jio Hpoiker liero denciibed his ini- uriHaioim > f many Amei lean IIOUMIJ , iiudly deidnmd , unnnuetl with p ior riihlo , lilhd witli hoiiibk iktid dibli"ii- nut fitriiiturj , orinuiKMiioii with vul- gir paper upon the walls and vu'gtr ' carpets upon Die il or. Wo do not want to bo lo 1 iiatr.y ty a r-hillow opposition to wlntl in beautiful. The woilc of boiuty slioivu that the mull who did it is a man and tot a machine. D < > not tiiink you can ( 'ot any good woik done from in y if the handicraft unites you huvo good mid b a t ul d B'gnu. ' The bout iiuaonin you utn have is not the muaeuui founded by.tho geologist or , /oologist , but tlio museum of the tine urtH , of discing and dosorativu art WJiat you need in America ia u aohnolof dmign. It il not enough to live in healthyourroundmsg , but yon mint have an art school. D. not sk vour dy-i ner to for > oti bi'iiutilnl honw and thun lice him in a clitary , uninviting , . iinml room in which to do it mid from winch ho will derive nn iiiBpir.i- linii. Ait n quire' * u dour , htalthy utmosphiro , h .iihy | and joynuu stir- rounding * . 'J ho liundicnitu man mid thd ar mt ant inseparable. Pait them aii'l you rob b-ith. \No roM'ioiu'o mauhinery whun it relieves man from labor which is ig noble. The steam engine nd the th P'U/HH ' uro only buiotioiiJ to civil- it i turn in the manner in which they uro used , Tho.Jupineno ttrtini , in placing i i'liaUipray ' ( f flowurs or u bird h flight upon hl fan or icreen under stands first where to place them l < - oleaBo the eye. The American yotinir lady dccoratoa her coup tureen with n beautiful moonlight scene nnd her soup plates with a prica of sunset tcoiics. Her desire for the beautiful is right , but her material in wrong. Thia ia incongruity in art. The speaker clrsud with nn appo l to his audience to regard the beautiful in art aa they would regard the beau tiful in nnturo. The establishment of art school ? , in which true taste nnd sympathy of color and form should bo tatixht , would tend lo elevate , purify and 01 en produce pure thought nnd correct morals. Beauty waa the essence of goodness , and its cultiva tion in art would make in indeed n great and intellectual nation. TliE UNION SPY. Preparations for Tina Grand Spectac ular Drama , For several weeks past Col. E. B. Temple , the author of the great mil- itaty allegorical drama , "Tho Union Spy , and who hat been ongtged in the work of producing it in all pnrta uf tlio North formany yearn , has boon in Omaha making propiirations to { ivu it at Bo d'H opeia house , undur the auspices of Cnster Post O. A. U. , if this city. A caiuful selection of i ho c.iHtu been nude , and d.til } wild nightly znhiarstln resorted to , to niitku the rendition perfect in every detail. All the stage and tcunio iccesiiorius are brought in to play , miniature gun bo its lave bt'Lii made bomb sheila maiui- 'actured and to make the battle scones nero reiilixtic , it dt-tuil * > f rogulnin rein Fort Omaha Invvo beun kindly > ennitiotl to lakopirt. It is putting i mild to say that no such | . > < if ct and drilling u driiniu has over licenplaytd xforo an Omiiha audit net ) . Col. rumple is not only a anliur and an luther , but a remaikably line actor , ind h-j baa the i-epuluilon of being the jeht man in the country at handling amiiti urs. Tno play is billed hero for thruu nights , Monday , Tuos- Ui.y and Wtdnusday nt.xt for the ben- ilu of the i tims' and ornhans * lolltif und , Among the BCOIIOS and inct- iutits are thn following : A northern loino in 1801 : war declared ; the Bjiint of the hou ih ; filing on Purt iSnmter ; npii < ing uf the north ; recruiting - cruiting for the war ; owkwaid sijuad dud ; niaichiiig to the front ; tliumght jivoimc ; uiand roundf-j contra band dimci : giand tuview by the gin- unit ; lebels advaniing on Shiloh ; the c.iptuiu of the union a , y ; ehargu on uliil out post ; spy roleaaud ; the skir- nihli ; grund b.utioscomnigtit ; scune on the iMitlohtld nf Shiloh ; gunboata bliellii g the woodp ; horrois of Ander- aunvillo prison ; home avam ; soldiers' u urn ; giund tableau ; surrender of THRODGH.THE SNOW BANKS. Arrival of P.iajongrora From tbo Blocked Trains on the Central Pacific , The overland train from the ( rest ant ovoniiiL' was about four hours late n arriving at this city. This delay was caused by the enow blockade on ho Contrul P.icilio railroad , which ma prtventid any t ruin a from getting through to O den until the day be- ore yeaterday. The first train to pull hronyh wan cloven hours belli id schedule time , and the run of the Jnion Pacific train in which seven inurs nero made up was quite credit- able. able.Tho The first train through the snow Iriftn contfinod all the piiBsrngors r.un three trains which had been blocked at Iho same point. There were about 100 h'rtt class possoi gers tnd about us many who traveled I'cond class. Among the former was il. Bur.utt , French consul to1 Sail ' 'ranciaco , who is on his return home ward. Aruutyot diittinguiahud leal- mm on iv round-the-world tour wore on ) iiird , und expressed their ideas of American nnow Llocltadea in no very oinilimenUry | terms. Among the iiln r piifBoni'iTrt WUH an old aea cap- am n nned Voycey , who was on hm way cai-t ifter n dlsistrous voyage off he I'.icitio coast , in which ho hiid lost UH vonool und been obliuod to 11 mt uliuio vtith liix crew in opuii boaia All i-xpa-Hsed tlioin o1vea m havint ; ) een yr atly miii'iyed by the delay , mt thuio wxa no Bulloring , ar.d they were limit kindly and courteously reatud by the riilroad employia. Vni.tlier ir.tin is still blocked in the HIIOVV , but it is oxpecled tlnvt its piB- onj-'urii will got through by to-morrow irnrxiday , if no more snow fulla to noro.uti Ihu blockade , 1'hn birthing Spinners. Nitloii * ! A aaclat J titta LAWIIENCK , Mius. , March 21.A nags meeting of i-pmnors wai hold aat evening and n union formed , oyor our hundred signing , It was unani- noualy voted not to return to work until aesui unco was given that the old wages would bo reaiored , Superintendent Paikur informed a cowuiitleo appointed to wait on him the un thorn ii'ii would maiutain their piwition , but the mills , were ) pen to all who chuao to go to work. Weavers to iho minibur of six bun died uUo a hk ld a meeting , and a c immitteo reported Superintendent Stone as Bujing thut the inuaogoru di not o < ire to run the upper mill for a month. No compiumlso. would bi miv lo eave on cornoratiou terms , am those who refused to return tomorrow row would be discharged. Peter McCoy , editor of the Catholic Herald , und other * addroa od tin muotiiife' , urging calmness and a re turn to work , but the majority die ii"t nympathitu with the speaker * The meeting adjourned till to-Joy t decide what course to punuo , ANTIPODEAN ADVICES. Drouth in Some Placea and Freshets Elsewhere , General Prosperity and In creased Railroad Building in Now Zoalind. Froah Gold Di coverlee Made in the Province of Now South Wales. Sonornl Nnvri from 1hn Sontk olOo Conntijr. National Awoclntcit Prt * . SAN FiuKciNCo , March 21. The stcamidiipHMlandiii arrived from Syd- try nndAiukUnd lira morning bring- up later colonial exchanges. Extremely hot weather in reported nun tlio Covvrn district. Tlui Loch- un river ia only n chnin of wntcr Kilo1 * . Grnaj ia diaipptmrini ? . The Iro'.ight extends over Now South Wa CB. Newcastle coal companies ncrco to chnrgo ten shillings a ton attho pita. V partial strike of colliers ia an- lounctd. Heavy floods arn reported in Tlulloo iver , Queensland , and frtahcta in otlnr pl.tco . ! . Tin1 scarcity of water in the country lintiiciaof Victoria IB becoming rorjr erit us. The j-ovornmnnt ordered th railway dttpmtnont to place rpocial vator trains on the line for the towns where tlio scarcity of water in most elt. In otlur towns centrifugal > uinps Imvo been created to bring valor n long distance. Tlio Mniu cabin uorn s Cook straits , Tow Zoslcnd , IH broken. A Ooulbourn , N. S. , dispatch , Vibrnnry 20th , aiiys thn droui/ht con- innes unabated , and most dire ro- ulla are looked fur. A he-ivy west- rly gale blew on Friduy , and fresh res nro raging on all tides. Thcro s much Mcknoss. Advices from Now ZotiUnd apoik n glutting terms of thit prosperity lid progress of tint colony. The government in not building railroads wt oiiouuh in the north of tlio island , tut private enterprise is ub tut to mild an cxti naion of lira Waikats nilroad into tlio interior. Fresh gold diacnvanoi have boon undo in Now South Wales and Qrtenshind. Phylloxera is spreading in Victoria , Ithouuh all vines for a radius of weniy miles around Goelong have icon destioyed. Sydney has been proclaimed a clean , > ort. No mnro CUPS of mn ° ll-pojc. The first election iu Sydney under ho local option law has been held ; of eight wards , seven have decided that 10 nioro liconno bo grunted flir public nouses. Quo hns , by a small majori- y , decided that other licenses may 30 granted without offiinso'to rate 333 ers. In conacquunoe of this vote n seven wards of the city , there can ie no more hotels or runewal of li- cunaen for a period of three years. ) nly 731 votes worn cast against is- uinp licenses and 280 fur it , n total of 0,890 votes. The public viewed it with inditTorenco. A BIG TRANSFER. Ton Thousand Head of Cattle to b Grazed in North Pnrk. Mr. Haw , of the firm of Evana A luiis , of. this oily , who'miko cattle aiding a business , has just inado the mrohaso of the largo herJ of B.ilch & J icon , at Larumio City. This herd which grazes among the oothills about oightuun milea from , jiriunio City , is composed of about (1,01)0 ( ) ml ho transaction represents b ut 81:00 : 000. Moasru. EVUIIH it ITiiaa will put thia arge herd in the North P.irk thia uiiuner , whi < ro they have hud a largo umber grazing during tlio past win- ur with quite satibfuotory result , Ithough the snows during tlio winter mvo been much heavier tliun might )0 desired. However , as a conso- iionco , now the spring fetid is excel- jnt , and the cattle urn more than taking up fur their enforced absti- enou during the winter stimuli. Tlio p uk la a fine grazing ground uring iho summer , a fuut Ions ; nppro- iatod by immense numbers of anto- opt ) , deer , elk , ito , which have nmJo t until liito years u favorite hunting niund , both f > r Indiins and whites , lowuver , the experiment of ui.itur- ng stock there hus been regarded us t doubtful expediency un il ui.hin ID paitt two yuira , when it has been uccounfully done. Fulled. allon&l AsBoOatod Hrcas. NEW YOKK , Maich 21. Dispatches- received by Bridatroot'a ntato that T. 1. Mala1 ? , banker , ut Freeport , Pa. , ias suspended. Ho was ulna iu the oiil business. The suBpension of John Rilston & Op. , b inkers' , ut Eldorlon , Pa. , is an- lounced , tlio result of the failure of Ulston , MtQuaid & Co. , banker * , at JVirview , Pa. * Snail Fox * SfcUcnU AnocUUxl Vrow. iwiNOTiBU ) , III. , March 21. Tha utato board i i liealth has inform itiun of one death from small pox in Poim township , Sdulby counly , and ot a , now cast ) of vurioloid anU one of small i > ox at Q. tincy. There are two mora ses of uull pox to-day in Spring- tiuld. The Country. Who that ha evw lived anytime In tb country but must have heard of the lr- tui > 4 ot Burdock u * a hi od purlfi r. Bo - DOCK llLOon Lirrana cure dy pepi > , | jilluu ne a anil all dlxorderd aristae from impure Wood i > r deranged liver or kldne ) * . Pi Ice 1.0J , trial bottlw I'J ' cenU.wchnlw wchn-lw FKKKOU'H Goto MeDAi OOIWKB.