Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1882, Image 1

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    . 3T83W c-
. * -
'u\ \ . 1 Inl-
1 - . possiWlitios , . .V
The Last Being .for the Female
Poultry ; Wiib Saffron
Colored Pedalitios. ;
Who are .Stirring Up the SOE
rowing Sisters to a KrioVl- '
.edgedof Their Rights. . , . , .
Governor Nance , the Extra
Session , , and Om-iha'a ,
Ooncern-Therein. '
Other Mutters in the Cnpltal of the
, - , , - , State ,
Special Correspondence ot Tun tjr.r
LINCOLN , March 17' Ijincoln w tHe
homo 1Kb Head'coiitor , as a Fenian
would call itof thVwjjmah "airffija
'movcmonr , , The inhabitants ofi.t
place seem to hayo a predilection ( for
running afte iixtronio } deaa. * "iWii
bitiou numbers a very rcspectablo fol
lowing in this city. In fact it may bo
stated that 'the Lincolnito's creed
found lp bp' composed of total absti
nence , universal suffrago'andra fatap"
propriation. Meeting Mr. E. M. Cor-
roll , the editor of the Western Wo
men's Journal , the organ of the strong-
minded ladies of the state , 'your o'r
respondent thought it worth while to
put a few questions to liitn " ' 'regarding
! > < f ' '
the i \ t" J
- . . . . „ - , , . ' . vj v \
The facts ascertained were substan
tially as follows : The cause of wo
man suffrage is now ropreseiifod fin
the atate'by ' forty-seven county and
local associations , which cover about
two-thirds Votf thb territory1 of tno
stato. JSow associ.vtioiiB are being
constantly formed , acoortlingj , to , 'his
somewhat enthuaiaatic testimony , and
the work of organization will go mer
rily oiifrqmtnq.vy to election : time. ] I ' "
"Whc 40 you \6xpect. \ f p. begin' a
vigorous campaign throughout the
state ? " queried the interviewer. , -
"About sixty days before electiopfi1
waa the reply. "AVe then propose to
go ahead and complete , our organm-
tionin" , ' district1uT thiJ
evoryachooldistrict1 /uT
state. 'Tho month'prevfous to elec
tion wo shall put our speakers and
workers in the field and preoa the
matter ( o a supco ful issue , "
"You are confident , then , of.Buc- , .
' N ( ' -
"Entirely BO. I can BOO no reason
now to donbt tliat-the meaanrej will
- ' ' - > - ' -
fryM ;
"Do youg think ithat you ] cag cef ;
apoakp'ra ] enough to'o'Jnduo auch'ia
campaign aa you propose ! "
"No doubt ; wo have a large
number already enrolled1 inHhp ca'nso' .
Every counly contains numbenj of
women sg'eakcrtfwho will % . ' ' - , T" '
to the cause. "
"Are you satisfied that tho. women
of the Btato that is , a majority t > !
them , really desire the ballot ? "
"Beyond poradventurot Let me
give you a few figures ; A canvass
made in this , city to determine that
veiy question showed tliat 85 per
cent./of jthp many appealed tofdo *
eirodltho tight of auffragoi A trial cjf
the s.itud quoitlon at River ton showed
every bo favprablo
to thocaua'e.j At IJasting atido'hcr ) (
pointa the 'sahto rcsu'l'ts have been
nad/ '
' 'Di ) you proppsot'J ; oi cnurago. ' any ;
locaralliiuiCL-a witli'othor factions in
the fall elections ? " _
> > g
"Very likely , although this is not
u pai y , tnovemjjrtjt , ; in'f.any way , ' We
do notrWa'ntJ'thoj ca"U5o of piv'er al
tuIl'ra'gQ itf Of , dependent upprii-ith'cr
the republican or democratic parly ,
but to bo triumphant by tlio aid'ofj
both. It is , howuvtr , very possible
that we shall combine with the tern
peraneeor.thcwlliflnce'inovinljjttts" ; ' id
these ' fiUHvtefs wher'o1 't-tich' it itoye
would bo in our interja' $ " { . ' \ < ' 'fj ' i'
"Is the press of tlio state generally
with yon ? " , r
mytZ-i cNrAOr. TJI B ; PAI-EIIS
in tho-atato advocate our cauSe , and
nearly all publish special columns ,
edited by the loaders in tho'-difft'iy'ilt
counties,1' , , ? , . . -
The reporter ieked ho man of one
idea ty gfvp aii.estimat'o. bti the jirolm * '
ble majority which ( ho gtato would
give the amendment. To. Uiis , liotv
over , he got no response. It ia need
Jena to add that the ab6vb iconvers.i-
tion prcBonta a vrry roseate viW of
the inoveinent. There is anparenUy
very little posfibility ! of its Cfrryji/g / ,
Uiio thing tliat-will militate a ainBt i't
ia the fact that thin h to bo 5tiliui
excessively warm sumineri politically ,
This issue will bo crowded but by oth
ers in which thovcierrfnre iribro pdn-
erally interested- All indicationa
point tq about * J'o livliest scStaun-iljb-
braska ' p'bliticj iaye Jiver Irpownland
leading'poliiiciana hero express , their
undieguised ollef that the deVelop.
inonts will make oomebody quake.
Governor Konco yesterday an
nounced his intention of convening
the legislature , but stated that hi
would put it of ! as long as possible.
Inasmuch as Omaha is
to get her city charter amended , this
haidly seems like juBjioQ to her. , Iy )
the time the legislature meetB , and'tho
paving bonds can be placed upon the'
market the suiuuicr will be about
gone.The rmotjo ' fcf a1 ; change Df yp ug
on the-gfpun'dB 'orpreludieo ' Baring
been orerruled in the Uolianan coco ,
liia trial will begin Wednesday , March
22nd. Ghapinan and , Bocaon , of
Plntfairiouth cc nduct Ihe defense. ;
District Attbrnoy Lsunbortson
leaves' Washington , 'Saturday iii con-
nootioli with business on 'tho star
route ciaos which como up in May.
Judge Woolworth is now there on the
name business. > *
Work on the cost wSng.of Ihb 'Capi
tel is progressing nnfly ; tho'wintor
having been very . -'favorable. The
lionao of representatives will occupy
the noflf hall in the wcatwing when
the extra soaaion is called.
WASIUNOTON , March J7i The j ° > ni
resolution authorizing thogovernmoni
to participate in llioAmsterdam ex
position of 1083 was .reported. .
T/iobill / passed Riving 810,000 to
coKitfnub work on Davis Jslaiid dam ,
in the Ohio. . . - . ' (
A bill authorising the issue of arti
flclaroycs to soldiers and o fliers' was
. The bill passed allowing Senator
Butler Sil.GOO and ICollogg $9,60 , ex
penaes of oonteeting-a scat. ' *
fclThopoatoflico appropriation bjll was
called up iii committee o ( thcT whole
Rud 'an iamondino7itT authorizing the
poahnaBtor general 'to ' pay motley or
ders up1 to fiv"6 years 'fronv dale was
adopted. With the exception of the
franking privilege amendment the
amendments were adopted. Another
division was taken and that amend
uiont adoptedby.41. to 15 and thoibill
' ' '
pansed.i . . . . " * '
' „
" 'The' resolution offered by Mr. Sher
man to print 30,000 copies of Blaino's
memorial address was referred.
The bill for the protection of forti
fications \yaa passed.
The tarifTcnmmiB3ipji.bin waa.takcn
up and JJIr.lPendlo o'nph'ddresBeit the
senate , , urgjng the"prcsont : System
ihotild bo atncndcdjjit once , as It { vas
irroijulaHy , linjostlJ Vn y unfifrly
made and intricate and voxatijus in
its operation.
Mr. Morril alao delivered a speech
iu'favor of'whicluho'c'riti-
ciaed-tho domodrafio' policy o h tar id
for the past two years.
t , The tenalp-wonHn'to ekeoutivoiBOs-
eloh-nnd 5idjourneo'at G:4Q : tj. in" un
til Monday.
"Mr ! Pagd riidvod 'to diepenso with
he regular order ot private bills and
continue discussion of - < the 'Ohi
Oili ; , , Defe.atddTayes'r jGJTl [ . 'fcayp ,
' ' ' ' '
Not 'the ri'e'ceslJnry Iwo-t'hir'dd m the
fTh'o hcuso then took up the private
: alcndurfur the day. Uills providing
or the erection of federal buildings
at Concord , NJI. \ . AuguaMo.i
? raukfortKy.v Jilferaon City , 'Mo. ' " *
'Ipntpulier ' , Vt. , and Minneapolis ,
ill authorizing the purchvuvof
land adjacent to the custom house at
.Providence wos-ilso passed , c
JTho' houBep'stent all the1 ftftcrnoOri *
on private bills , rejecting Hovoral pri-
Tatp'clalma ' ' o ' eJtof.M ; S.Ti ? ,
* '
'A'bnivwasv'rcpo'rted"froin/tiie ways
and niear.B qo imittop ainondinf ( tljo
ipternaireTefnue'lawB.\ { ' ia tKe Oar-
lisla vbill already sent in these dis
patches with tho.clauao.which : reduced
th'o tax.on hiakey.sirickeh-bnt' ' ; alao
ono relating to the importation of
Drench1 liquor and the rights'of vine
gar in'akersHo distil thcir 'own low The amount of Son'd required
of diatillers IB also increased Xho
? iUinb . ! of make * nO ' .Quango in the
Lax collected' on whisky ! but extends
the bonded period to five years.
A communication was received
[ rom the B < cretary of war"ip resp'on'so
bo the resolution of Mr.lCing > ( Di.- ) ;
stating the numbei1' of 'p'oraona thyui
far' relieved ! in thuf overflowed disr
tric' i. to bq mbout 75,000 , to ( Whom
17 JOOt ) ' rations' have boon sonF. The
supplies on hand will la t in ArkAii :
&a8 , filissnsippi.and LoiiUiana until
the 20th , and in Tennessee and Mia
souri until the ttOth. , The , sufferers
are ostiinitod as follofffi : Missouri-
22,000 ; Kentucky , ,800 ; Tennesioo ,
UUO ; sllllnCis , 2'OOOj Missiwippi , 30-
000 ; Arkansas , 20,000j Louisiana ,
25,000.nuliuf Jiaibcon1 > gr8htc'd [ a * j
2(5,000 ( jratibns' ; 1I
' - '
TenncBsce , .2.000 ; Jyihaisiippi , 250-
OpQ-i Ackunsaa , lilO,000 ; Louisiana
10,000. ' NoJ more aid will bore
ceivcd iii Illinois or Kentucky. See
tetary ] Jjincoln ' to jaV'rkanifiB , Mia.
sisstnpi ! Tennessee fuul'Miesuuri will
. x . HO no ( Iit , oil win o t > eatitnatu the
neas , ofppuisiana. ;
Adjourned at 4:30 : untU.4o nprro.w. ,
Xational AMDciatcd I'ICED
* WAfjiii.virpNJVIarcli-17. Secret ;
i rcliniihuyHtmtBoiU to fhochkirriI _ . ]
of , Ui > 'f.o'roigti. alPurs cominttf oo'u bopj
of a loiter to Minia'or Morton , in
whicli.h'J ways ) i < ) 'bad no correspond'
eneo with any United Statoij , I'crn
Viiin , ! jilo iiOcFriJiic ; .olllcjala reliving
. \ing to 'OhileaiiM'oruviati ' affii'm , ex
cept an intprviow . acught by.l'rp3iden
Gravy , ! which'wuB'rojorJod [ ] uo the ( lej-
partmoii't nnd'ciillcd for tho'rop'y-or '
Secretary IJIaiueTlio contract for
the cale of nitrates' nmdu by Mortor ,
Jiliss & Co. was made by Mr. Blisa
during hia'Morfon'ti ) abaenco In the
ordinarycpyrBOof busiiieas. f v
> 'I'lio repubiicfin caucus 'to ' be held
ucj f Mpnday , niglt ) haa no object
other than the selection of a campaign
Secretary Hunt expects to bo well
enough to resume Ilia duties next
General and Mrs. Grant will arrive
at the White HOUBO on Tuesday , the
guests of the president for a brief pn
riod ,
. Attorney General Browstcr this
'afternoon accepted the resignation ol
W. G. Cook , special aounsol in the
btar route cases.
'found atMart' AW
dratrgul for "Bough on Hate. " It clc r
out ratu , mice , roaches , flle , bed bugfc ; 1C
' *
' *
. - , - . . 'I''cs"r. ' ' * '
Military ; Aliiiiic8 { jFormod bBet -
many and Austria ,
To Act Against Ruseia When
Such Action Bee
Gorman Agents Closely Watoh
ing the Work of the
Wbilo Riusian Emissaries arc
Known to bo Stirring
Up the Strife.
Misoollnn'ootui Npw that Came
National'Associated ? rcM. .
LoxnoN , March 17i The Irish
World to-d. y sayi : "flio decisions
of the Sr. Peterchttrg commisMon
render a million Jews homolcaa with
out subsistence. The decisions nro
warrant for a repetition oMhp out
rages legalized by the commision np-
pointed , * to' investigate them. The
RUBB-Jewish connmUeo * ' here re
ceived information of outrages too
hprribjo for publication-
> . A caucus of coiiBorntivca to-day resolved -
solved to oppose Gladstond's. cloture
measure , the success of which is
A idispatoh from PotftrsbuVg"
says a popular deniojiatratiou against
Gcjmans'in Russia is approhdndcd.
Tito rumors of Austrian annexation
of Bosnia and. Horzigovinia are said
to bo premature , but in the best in
formed political circles arp not doubt- ,
ed. Austria has had tlm.iiitontion of
antiBiing'-t oth over ! since , lhotreaty
of Berlin1 ! . . ' , , ' " * * - 1
The St. flames. Gafeatto.tosday coff- !
and Austria have concluded a milit ry
and diplomatic allianocifor the pur
pose of' actingjiagain&tii-lluaaia ) if'fho
futurcy c urgoi of it thai { j government
roiulera such aconipination neccaa iry
The "whole' " is
"atirip&plferiJ--of lEuropo
now > filled with rumor of pohiing
trouble. The "Gorman government
through consuls and 'military ' ropro-
sdntativciu isrr.cloaely' wntdhifig1'tlio
hiovoments of 'Slavophilq ' a enta. Tho'
provinccs.of Bosnia .and . Herzegovina
are in a state of vi61ent Bgitation.
llussian emissariea afo'linown to bo
among , the'pedplo-of the provinces in
cdnaiderablo inimbcrk ; they seem to
b'flv well , supplied , .with money. Iii
Yiouna tlirt War _ feeling-is strpnit. In
Berlin'public. " opiniun isv gr atly
divided ; .oh the subject and tlio in
fluence of the anti-Bismarck is
- party
. _ _ _
f f ' * ' i' *
' ? A Times dispatch aaya that nothing
has hitherto been received fioni St.
Petersburg to show that'the czar .did
not welcome' Oen. , Skobelt'lf on-his re
turn , from Paris with the-same faror
he- showed on 'his. * return. , from
the Turcoman campaign. Evidence *
of this favor may have been less open
but if they wore to some extent secret
they were' none , the lees oxprosslvo.
The Times , dispatohi'fto'wi , on" to .Bay.
that the' latest account of Gen. 8kobo-
Jeff's interyietr' with" the cz V isfrom
Myself , irho at' military % \ .
Petersburg explained ; | o .hlfl Viother
officerii Ko" novo ? B ttSij uarouect-
ingly and that the czvc fully shared
his opinion but could not1 venture
openly to espouse them , fearing to
ofiend powerful Germany.
J3r. PnTEKSBuno , March 17. The
Baltic is reopen to navigation and
a'ctivo propftratioiis are going on. at
different ports for resumption of buei
ness in connection with its. carrying
It is reported that Gon. SkobekfT
hoi rccdivcd forty-three clwllengOB
from Germany to fiyht duels iircinao-
quonco of hia uutiJuriniiii ( rupinrka in
recent speeches.
-k ' . Emigrant.Up Dl/6rs * . I * f !
ST. PAUL , Minii.j TMarch. 17" Wm.
FilzRC-rald , an- emigrant from Kitiff'-
ston , Canada , on his way to Grand
Forks , D : T. , on the St. Paul &
Omaha road , was robbed on the cars
'pff250.while aaloep , the perpetrator' *
being three well drosnod yoitiiff men
with whom ho had formed speaking
acquaintance *
About the snmo time nnptbor pas-
B.eiicor , a young man , while , on the
jilatfnrin , had hjs arms' pinioned OIK
ten dollars taken from him by'two '
mon. llobbcrs are gutting urfcom
fortably numerous on omiifrant trains.
- - -
Death of So mo Amatoar
ST. JoHEJ-ir , Mo , , March 17. A-
hugn cavern in this city , carved out of
a Blind hank , nnd used by Imtf n
young boys us u place to upend thuir
loiaurd time , cnvod in. burvintr Jiick
Kull , aped 1C ; Allen Hhixlefl , < ) ;
Mon'conwy , 'A ; John Jtoiitt'omury
14 , nd Fisk G irri&li17 - All , won
duad when found. No'oue ' witnemici !
the acci.loQt , aii'l it is not knpw'u hon
long they .werb bujiud. - | , j , ; > . , .
Tito My terjr of a YuangGirl.
'KUIorial AwocUtea Pietf.
tCuicAao , March 17.Emm'a Pnr
ker , who myaterJoUsly' disappearct
frt.Jii her homo in this cilyiuti d ys
ago and waa thought to nave beu
abducted bythe prJpribtrfr' 'of ' ti
Italian dago shop , has 1/oon lieiCri
frtiu in Minneapolis' , Mlnni It1 ii not
yet known how. or under what cjr
cumetances eho reached ( bat city ,
Book , r
N tlonil A ocUt d irtn i ,
ST. PAUL , Minn.- , March 17 , The
trial of Jlov. Woaley J. JCnopp , form
erly of SViscbnsin , - charged with
adultery with Mits' Northruj ) , otio ot
tha members of his flock , began in the
circuit court at MohbmoeVii. . , to
day , Judgo'Bnndy presiding. This is
one ot the greatest scandals tver had
in Wisconsin and both parties declare
; the matter will . proopd to ( ho
bottom. Tlio older .was once triot
nnd acqutitcd by nn ecolesiastioal tri
bunal , but this < did not satisff 'no
qtiaintancfs who'hayo'gf pd .evidence
ot the pastor's guilt and immediately
had him arrested 'with a view to have
the matter .sotttoil , in a way satlsfao
torylo public opinion.
Special to Tim UK * .
DKH MoiNKs , March . 17. in the
house the senate bill fixing thb supreme
premo court at Dos Moiilcs was re
ferred to the judidarjnoofflnvntoo.
logicaf survey , o { the B ate was lokt- ; '
The Roiiato-bill coding- th'o United -
ted States lend in'Council Bluffa for ti
postofltco was passed. '
The senate biH'jjivlng lo clotkft of
county courls fees for ( fccordirgJinBr-
riagesf bijths"nnd > de11
heilth law , was , passed ; oT
In the Bdtiato the < liouBp Wll . cni ;
powering second-class cities to .build
jails passed. * . { f ' > ,
States liinds in ; pounciHBluird for-A
) stofldppi\&scdj ( jjJjBj-JJ/ . ' .r
A rosolttlfojttjtVasjjdoptod.-dcciarliig
that the prohibilton-'ainliiilimont was
intended\ \ 'only to' the ' "
'acturo anu- ale o "iiqBBf 'dVj i UUfui-
' . " * ft"il t Pi K ( k ll S.
within state. : '
ago thisj | KM
In joint convention trustcoa of the
Agricultural college were elected f 0. ,
11. Willard , of Lee ; N. G. G.atton , of
Allamakoo ; 0. F , Striker , of Union.
For'regents of thdsta'to'uuivorsity
H. H. Burroll , of WiwhinRton ; D.
N. Richardflon , of Soottj1 Thomas S , ,
omary resolutions were
speaker Strublo woro-oaoh presented
vith a.pjold watch andvqhatn and their
rcapcctivo clmira and'gaVels.
" /At-liSO llio legislaiuro ndjournod
> ? . . . i > > ' .
mo ate. , , . . > . ; , *
' Illinois Ruilroai ItcKulatlon.k
Natlonx ' . , . ' .
( AasocUtoJ 1'rcss. , - ' i
SIUUKOI.IEID ; Lij . , M rch 17 ; . For
oir.o time vth"o. JUjncMafoar'd ' of rail-
oad and warehouse.
lave been onga3 < 6''d'6n''a > 'rovision of
ho classiQcatioQ in the prisjpt
chodulo of rftt Vqi froiphta. , To-djiy
hey , complo'tbd th'o rovisior and sent
t to the prinlbrBI'-It IB Ibasod on
complaints o'rmariufactureia , and al-
t-ges that undor'tha soheduUrof rjitss'
ho roads hav.O : adoptedluo.toaximum
charge allowed , andathairutes for their
hipmonts are consequently higher
han before. The wyjsipji ; Will not
( ( Toot gr lu rivtos , but 'it talcoi'ia.largo
ist of ttrtibleaT oGt qt tho-vdasBi
under x tr Inch th'ey hayo hordlo-
pro boon rated and p'ir.os ] thorn
) i olMtf'i M which the 'ra'w-y 'ftvo low *
or. Manufactured , articles -and roh-
iral inb'roh'andiso , and particularly
urnituro in all forma of shipment ,
agricultural implements and vehicles
will bo chiefly' affected. There are a
oif oxceptiQliB. ffhtch , as- ice in'car-
oads , which will rate the sam u
oal ; the Bohodulo therefore is fixed al
short haul rate at live miles. The
oviaian adds u haul pf twg miles 91
o 3 at 40 per cent , loss than the fire
mil6 charge and a haul of1 over two
nil oa and not over four at 25 per pent.
ess than the five mile charge. This is
nr'nll freuzhta except coal , on "which
ho rate will bo. . 25 and 40 cents
respectively per ton for each of the
wo' shortcut hauls. The revision will
> 3 publishod.about the 25th inst. nnd
bo iu'foicj on and after April 10th. ,
1 ii * ? *
A Murdorong Italian.
Vttlonal Auaoclatcd I'roM. t
. (1)ALT1M ( UB , MaroU 17. John Bran-
zmlaro , an Italian scissors grindorj
nnd his wifqJ > lia , .quarrojod ihis ;
.afternoon about ; sQm jtJiningj'/natte ?
ind the hu'sbindl' ( > beconring enragcil
feofcod ImtcHot . and * brushed' in iji
wif u'abkull , and after isho had fallen
to the il < yir. < lrcw. a 'knifcr.aiidis tubbed
her in thb ubdomoa , his threo. littlp
children who \yoru in the room in the
meantime bogging him to desist.
After having , us lie thought , killed
liis wife ho ilrow a pixtol and tliot
liiiiMulf in the abdomen , They wuro
taken to the city hospital and are in
a dangerous condition. BmKzUlarri ,
who is about -10 yours of ngo.rocontly
from Washington
Natlou 'l Ar to iiat'td I'raa.
IlAHiUHiiuua , March - 17.Frank
Itimburgor , who , with Kin brother
lionry , ii to bo hanged' here on Fri
day , for Uw murder of David Trout
man , lus writttn a touching U'ttor to
Goviiruor Hoyt , aokint < that ( ho life
of liunry bo spared and seiitouce b
ciimmittiJ to imprieoninent for lifo
Ho stja no whore , in it aid jn tlio
Biblu that two lives should bo nnc
rilico'l for no ; that ni fur as the mur
dcr is cDiicerned , his Irotlior is in
noceut , mul say.i that he hiuinulf i
i > uilty nnd willing to sulfur tlio pun
The Tobnopo Convoutlcti.
" ' '
. ' ' '
f n
D. 0. , March 17.
The tobaccii ouyuntiori this , after
noon directed its executive commit to
to'rcnmiii huro and give v < > ice to i.
vl vd bffuro the cwnmittoca. Th
' r Miiiatiou was extended to embrace
ull sections of the country and late it
th'e afternoon theconventionAdjournri
sine die. Many members loft thl
A Boy Uuinteniionally KiUed-
Nfttlonftl AwoctaUd Press.
KKVT OULEANH , March 17. Last
night Oapt. Wilde , United States BO
cret service , borrowed a small rifle to
Bcaro boys from plum trees. It wa
afterwards Itarned ho bad eonta bal
through the brain of Albert Weot , a
boy 1'J years old , Wilde gave him
self up.
The General DosMtation Has Not
Boon Half Told ,
Starving People EagerlyDp
vour the Dead Bodies of
Animals Floating Past.
Having No Other Mode of Ob
taining the Necessities to
Sustain Life
While Others in the Back
Country Must Perish for
Lack of Relief *
The Doom of tlu > .Dwollori in the
Xinad of Plon < y.
Notloinl Associated VrvM.1
YA OO CITY , Miss. , March 17. The
river lacks six inches of the high
rater mark of 1807 and rising. Ono
lundrcd dwellings are ovcrlloivod arid
deserted and ninny business houses
washed out completely * Refugees
are daily arriving and the 'destitution
s appalling. Th'o loss of property
{ annot bo estimated. Over 0,000
nulcs will bo drowned on the tipper
Taltahatchio. Boats nnd Imetily con
tructod ilats are bringing'down large
[ uantitios of stock , and constant re
torts are coming 01 lives lost in on- .
iuavoring to escape. The , hills are
tiled youijg door and boars , driven
rmn the swuiupa by the water , , ami
oyeral have , bbon seen in the out-
kirts of town. The town of SUlatia
s entirely submerged ; not a house is
iaiblo and the people are camped in
ho range of hills , beyond.
OIUOAOO , March 17. A special dig-
mtch.from llelona , Ark. , says .half
las not been told about the .inunda-
ion of the Mississippi valley. Fur a
distance of a thcnmnd miles it is
under water to a width of from ton .to
0nb , hundred and twenty miles. No
uoh flood has pcoured in .history . no-
prdtng to the accounts of old river
men. Several old pilots and captains
unite in saying that the ovoi flows of
802 , 1807 and 1874 did not-coinparo
with thu Hoods whioh , are now laying
Yd 8 to hundreds of thousands- acres
f , the most fertile land the nun over
lionoion. ' 4'hp deluge has. averaged
rom 10 to 25 ihchus'on a dead lovcL
nsignificant creeks have swollen
o the proportions of. raging rivers.
'hrouah southormMUsouri * anffllh -
ola it has not boon BO bad ; but In
, TonncssebV.Arkundas , Mjp-
ndlioulaiaha the 'dcatru'ctioti
a and foads , to .say nothing ;
f buildings Vniothou property.bus
eon immonetfand beyond' computa *
ion. The auffbrinVsof the -popula- '
Ion of > t\w \ MiBsisiippl and * Ar ?
cansu , inundated , districts have
ipt been oxBRgorjiUd or adequately 'da
j -
'honaands of .faihilios livin
back from thd 'jrirtT 'in llt
mentsfor § 0 , 30 , 40 and , oren 60 .miles
n the , lntOf lor have been ant off /rom
pccoffor the , reason that they have
no means of letting the world know
heir situation and Dccauaa those who
re aafo cannot roach them with pro-
isiooB. The , loss of life Is , already
mown to have been largo and the
owost eaUmalo .places . the , number at
one hundred. The government relief
> oats csnnq't reach the places whew the
sulfering is the grestt-st. They can
only a few of the landin a.
Thousands of human beings are | oft
ike drowned rats to perish. D-ipt.
3orville of the steamer Dick Junes ,
who has just arrived from , the St.
Francis nnd the sunken land * , tcj ! ! a
ale of woo moat incredible. There
a. no pommunication between those
limits and Helena and thus fur no aid
las reached iho people Jrpm without.
The people of those districts arochigf-
y white ; they cultivate a good
rude of cotton iuwero well
ill' . Now they are drifting about oil
raHs with no sustenance whatever ,
ncfnally starv'iim and even devouring
dead boasts that .have been Heating
; n the water for.uovcnvl days ; as their
aroaBSCs pass them they uro oogcrly
otight after and devoured ; the bodies
f the dead animals have liuyo slieea
cut from them , where those Btnrvmg
liavo been butchering them. For
three hundred mika Ihcro ia not
viiiblo a. spot of land except lour
Indian mound i which visu ao -
that their tops nro out of water.
Ttw OULKANH , March 17. There
iB o approhonbion of un ovoillow <
li'o1olty. . The lovcos can stand a fee
more water and ore not likely to re
cove that much. They are putnillw
nightly to prevent hUcinntu to cu
them. 1'oint Goupou crevasse ha
widened to 1 , COO f cot. Witter is pour
iug through 12 foot deep floodinu ih
faleo river antl grosso-teto anuntry. 1
there are no rains along the llvd rive
the condition will brighten. Tii
* orat is cuiibidered pacscd Thii
morning a break ono luiiidrod fee
viilo occurred in the levee live nnln
below this city which will probabl
lloud St. IJonmrd parish.
WAsiiiNaroN , March 17. Member
of cuiigrvu from the ovei flowed ds
trict niot this uftunioon and , afti-
electing Air. King , of I juisiana
chairman , considered the house bil
for relief in thu Missusippi valley a
amondud by thu senate , and dicidup
niter aoino diacuesion to accept i * pry
visions. The scnafo aniondmcn
strikes out the portion permitting re
pairs of levees , which they had hopuc
to carry.
The secretary of war this afternoon
directed Uo.COO ndditional rations b
tent to Bufferere 'in ' Missiisippi ,
Run Over and Killed ,
lf tlon l AuocUUd fiat.
RRADINQ , March 17. Frank lltcso
an employe of the Reading Railroad
company , met with a horrible ac
cident at Sinking Springs this oven-
ing. His foot caught in a frog as ho
was crossing the track and before he
could extricate himself an express
train ran over him , crushing hia entire
right leg and cutting elF his right arm
lie was brought to his home in thi
city and as physicians were giving
him whisky ho laid it was of nn use
that lie wan dying , and immediately
expired. Ho loaves a wife and fam
Mnrinn IntelHfconoo , ,
AmocUtal I'rMi ,
AxTWKitr ; March 17 , Sailed The
Pictcr De Cornoning for Now York.
Arrived The Waoaland from , Now
SouiJiAHiTojf , March 1,7. Sailed
0n the 10th , the Hamburg nnd the
Elbe , both from Bremen for Now York
, QUKK.NHTOWX , March 17. Bailed-1
Tho.Brittanlo from Now York.
LivKtirocL , March 17. Arrived
The Samaria from Boston.
Nation * ! AmocUted I'rrM.
NKW YOHK , Mnrch 17. There wcro
1-10 failures reported to BradaJrfets
during the pai week , a decrease o |
W7 from the prior week , and 10 less
than in the corresponding week lust ,
year. The only region wnnh showed
on increase was New England , al
though very slight. The failures
generally'woro of much loss'import
anco than of the preceding week ,
, , . . A JliMonlly Editor.
.National Aiuoclatv'U rrotm.
.CHICAGO , March 17. A npecial from
Watsika , III. , says J. W. Johnson ,
editor of the Sheldon -Gnzotto ; and
ono of tho.imjst prominent Ciindidatoa
hvat winter for appointment as minis
ter to Sweden , was arrested lost.night
for forghig ondoraoinqnts to a note of
? 1,100 , , uion 'which ho secured the
money. lie escaped from the oflicora ,
who are after him.
National Auoclatcd Prrss.
LOUIHVILLK , ICjV"Marci ! 17. Isaac
Turner ( colored ) , Hentonced to bo hung
to-day at Lexington , Ky. , for murder ,
WOB about to bo conducted to the gal ;
Iowa this afternoon when'a telegram
waa received from the governor grant
ing a respite.
atlonal Pro.u' Asioclillon i
"SVAHUiKaroN , March 17. Popular
ubsoriptions a o b'oinft widely tilled'
ore for thoroliof of Ssrgoant Arasmi.
V public meeting for the a.vmo object
rill bo hl-ld next Tuesday ;
itloni Auodatcd l'r < * . -
MAKIETTA , Oi , March 17. A coach
m the Olovoland A Marietta1 jumped
ib" , track * Bfove i mljes trom here ;
ovoral , Tpasbengera , 'wofo : * injured
x > uial ran
Ul L/VIIM H U * ' \VJf I * * B- ' * * J I * 1 * fc f _ w
t. i'uul ( formerly * -BUporiiitendont of
10 CatiadtmrPu.cUicfj waa'elcctcd Vice-j
ident..i ' ' " " " *
. . , .
( Emigration * to IhV noz'thwoat is BO
leavy that thil'-follijVg stock of the
Northern PaciB'o'and Bf Taul * Mad-
tob rnilway compontoii is ihadiquato
o supply the dpmano'i' ,
'DKaMoiNi ; March'ly jA pung
man named'Joliu W. Smilly , in at-
eraptiug to board a 'moving freight
ram at the Rock Island depot , was
mslicd by tramps falling between the
tara and mangled BO ho cannot live.
BAfcXKSTpK , Pa , , March 17.
Iakcd robbota entered the house of
atnuol Lewis and after binding him
nd wife with a stout cVml , ransacked
ho IIOUBO , broke open trunks and
) uroauB , and Becurod $2,000 , No
taco of the rctroatiiig robbora.
SAN FUANCJSIIO , March 17. An at-
empt this afternoon to send back
Chinese harlots 'who Arrived on the
tcamor Aujur from Hong Kong re
sisted by' haOeus corpus.
NEW Yonic , March J7.-St. Pat-
ick'a day passed'oft'quietly hero dur-
ng the , diy. ' There was a largo
i.irade of uniformed , societies and at
light the Hibernian aociety held a
janquot at Musib hall.
Pretty Women In the Laco.
Vcw Y rk Litter ;
For Eovcral years there has boc" a
conaidorabJe niuiinfac'uro of real lace
n this city by French , fiurmin , En-
[ lish and Iris-h women , lleproduc-
; ions of old luces are being imvdo for
louse decorations , and'oxiiuisito bita
or personal use , one yard liaving jusl
b&en cohinletcd f Jt a ball dress that
coat 850. Mrs. A. T..Stewart has a
, , irgo fortune in laces really an well as
MIH. John Ja6ob Ahtor , Mrs. S. L. M.
Uarlow Mr . llelinont , Sr. , nnd sov-
erul other. ' . Mrs. CyruaV. . Fiolt
Ims a lace overdress whJo'i cost severe
nd dollais. A beautiful bal
worn by n leader of fiishiun re-
cfiitly was made of white cashmere
trimmed with lucoa that reaembled
cob webs anil white ostiich tips
Mrs. William Astor , it is said , lu
IfiO yards of a rare kind of Yalou-
cionncs lace , Another craze in laces
is to have historic piecou. One laciy IB
happy in pawing a white point laea
court train that belonged to ( laugh
ter of ( Joorge the Third. Some of the
( ace * owned by tlio Eimresu JSugine
have Ijcen Bold hero. Several year *
ago , before the line laoea were ao c n -
mon Iu ro , there waa u lady ill fwhwiabjo
society who ulwiiys ticiluu ino enVJ
of her JoinpiiirK1 uc u lintancea m aim
slvnoat ulwajs wore the tame costume
a niui'tiillcoiit white round point lace
bvonreB | a nd Bjruy gf d'amanda that
readied fruin liur throat nearly lin'lf '
* uy JibvYii tin flynt of tlio dress ; the
hud Irekidril abroad , and had > inudo a
B'tidy k\M \ yitl.eitiou of rich lacea.
Ileing x > f h stately figure and having
the till uf walking gracefully , she ba
catntt the oynoBures of oil eyes Wi hho
fiUttly pio.uenalid across the ball-
rooifi two or times in an erctiing1 , but
nercr dancing.
If A'lam had had a MJoe "I. "Fifteen"
placed U his hanil al V i e'jrly period ui
hid exlattnco , ilmwitule oourie of lilutory
niliibt have beve maU'rially nil-red for the
better , uul Ii lillljUBiietui , iud'gt-till n ,
nick headaoho ordyejiei > i were uuKnown ,
Hl'lUNO DuifBoli wuuld not Le needed ,
.Vric W otuVi , tilal bottle * 10 ee&bi.
That- Wages Paid are Not , What ,
They Should Bo , . . .
A Possible tlenerol
Throughout the Country
iu the Spring.
The Only Doubt Being the.
Stntun of the Locomo
tive Engineers.
Railroad Employe ? , However ,
Remember the False ,
Promises of .1877. '
And are Snld to Bo Ready for thi >
OF TltOOlltK.
_ i in tho'
Pennsylvania coal region , coupled-
with the labor troubles at Pitlsburg ,
malia and Chicago , create intense in *
tcrcst amonp the labor and trade-
juloiiB of this city and vicinity , and , .
from , present indications , it is not improbable -
probable that within n few .weeks.
: here will bo a general and concerted
lotnand for higher wages , horo. The
Bticklayors' union of this city , one of
, ho largest and most , influential of
.ho many labor ( WBociationa in"
ho east , at a secret mooting here last
week resolved to demand an increase
> f CO cents. On the &amo day inoot-
ngs of. oilier lab r associatibno have
> cen hold , and from , all that can. bo
earned they have agreed to
r have made aucli nrrangumonts that
his step will bo talsxm at _ the propor-
.imo. . In order tin secure "unibii and
mrmony in all branches , efforts aro'
> oing nnvdo to hold n monster masa ' , "
nooting next week , at whioli the laljiir . * i
litostion in all its .aspects will 'dis-- ' 3 }
us3ed and tho'domands of thola.iior- , * ' ;
ng mon pot forth. With this ohd'ih ' ,
iew , conferences have been and .aro
till being hold , nnd the , promoters of
ho scheme are con lid out thai when
ho fnml move shall' liavo been made
here will bo ho failure. ' 'A loading *
nombor of iho International Workfc .
n incn's association''said to-day that ' fc , ' ' .
hero , was not. the least . doubt , thit * . ,
* lfinV" I T 5- | ' * ! ) * '
hero d- . .
f r
a > A uwtisiNo , qy LIIIOR , ' „ ,
, h rou/hontfh ! - .country' this spring ; * < ;
lo is. , in coinmutication'i with : th&xo * .
abttr vunionjn allj the. principal.cit - - : . i
Cs 'ofj tHe union , .and prDfeasc * ; to .
tno.W reherpof , .ho , jipoiks.Ho' la , .
idwtivorin 'doubt at. present in regard .
bUhQ'fittltudoof ; ; .tho .brotherhood of
oobmotivo engineers- and t speaks
its' ) president. ' From tiiia it was Tri-
forred that , if efforts > have boon made
to induce this all-poworful-flasociation ,
to join in the contemplated strike , it
has been unsuccessful , "If those
men , " ho Boidj "would stand by their
brethren , our enda would bo gamed ;
but I fear that Arthur has grown too-
rich to load u hand. " Other mem
bers ot the international laborers'
union who were found in Justus-
Schwab s saloon .expressed the bolioE
and railroad men in general woulu ?
strike for higher wagoi when the sig
nal was given. "Arthur , " said one ,
"may have been bought off , but ho-
does not reprosfnt the railroad em
ployes of the union. They remember
tlio promises which were nude in the
great strike of 1877 , which have
never been fulfilled , and are ready to
strike hands with us when the time
comes. In the next strikq there will
bo no mincinj. of nutters , and mo
nopolists will bo made to learn that' , ,
all , the laboring man must .live and"
hive seine rights whiuh even they
ute bonud to retpect.v Wo do not de
sire blood ihed , but , if force ia brought
to biar ! , as lit the CSBO of the workingmen - '
men of Omaha , then
It was said baforo by the capitalists
and monopolists that whan the timea
were good they would advance the
wacea of their employes. Have they
done as they promised ) No ; yet tho.
country was. never ao prosperous as it , ,
is to-day. Provisions and ro - > t are as
high now BB they were in war times.
Who made it so'l"
LAWIIKNCE , Masa. , Marc1 ' J'iyi'fi'l > -
entire force of cotton tp'OJlor3 at the
Central Pacific mH | tCfiok to-d y , t.
utopplrg 33,000 Bpir .die + and frames.
A nicotfng of sttikt' Wn3 jloid ju tho. . .
City hull thu uf'Vjj , , proiil0a over
by Peter M Oany , oditer of the
Catholic llf-fuld. There is great ox-
cicemont over tlio strike.
LAWKKNOB , Masa. , March .17. r
After receiving their pay to-day
thirly-fivo rhig opinnors , employedin- ,
the lower PuciliomillH , left then ?
{ r mca ftliu ! rotirwl from the inilla ,
n. . I ? -"Jifw Jiames. They
thus Btoppinj , ' t.0 " . , ij , ; - Botio
all give us a reason fo. - , ,
that the Pacific authoitit.
boarding house keepers not to
tha strikers from the Upper
Muttpra nro at fever heat.
Fir * * .
l AasocUUxJ l're i. ; 'i-o * i1 ' - >
Si , I'AUL , March 17. A lar'go firo'
ia raging in Furibiult ; Minn. Jib
started in the Birron house block ,
The poatotilce is gutted , and at last
accounts the fire waa still raging with
the prospect of a serious conllagra- ,
Kutlonal AMOcUUd
WASIIIXOTON , Mstdi 18. Sontfle
lower Missouri valley ; ClouJU'weathr
er , light rains , southweai wJliut-shift-
ing to west , with coolerwejUhtr , riling
barometer ,