Deere & Oomp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , / Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. lilno Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur Oo , Oora Planters , Stalk Oufctors , fto. , Moline Pump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and SoodorR , Moohanicsburg Mach , Oo-- Baker Brain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advanoe Hay Bakes , Met Manufacturing ObEureka Power and Hand Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Oo. Shellers , Road Sorapers , fto , Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN .All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEELE , JOHNSON & GO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN iFlcur , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and . . All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , f Agents for BBNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDEE 00 , THE JELM MOUNTAIN G-OLD s- - AND" J-JLj - Mining and Milling Company. Working Capitol . _ . . . . . . _ _ Capital 3 : ock , . . . . . . $1,000,000 . i P r Value of Shares , - - - _ 825,000. k JSTOCS. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL , MININGDISTRICT. . \ DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyouiliijr. 4 WM. E. TILTON , Vice Proaldent , Cummins , Wyoming E N. IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cummlnc , Wjomln ? . A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. S. Cramcl. A. 0 , Dunn E. N. llarvrooJ. . Francis Leavens. Oeo. U. Faloa. Lewie Zolman. . . . . . Dr. J. C. Watklus. Do2moEm GEO , W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale ot Stock : IV > ' " ° n o , & . Ncb. W. B. MILLARD. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! 1111 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . REFERENCES J OMAHA 3SATIONAL BANK , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , DEALERS IN i HALL'S SAFE AND LOOK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo x. o o : KBS 9 c o 1020 Farnham if Street , CHE AH MAIL SERVICE. Moro Glory Than Pay In the Recon Lottin.s. Helena Herald If carrying the mails in Montana under the now Jottings commencing July 1 , 1882 , is a criterion by whicl to judge of tlio Star llouto letting elsewhere , the Government for the next four yoara will hare tin cheapest sorvich yet performed. A comparison of _ past and present pay with that which gees into ctleot 01 several routes in Montana after July next shows an extraordinary margii of difibronco in iavor of the Depart nient. The following n.-o noted M ox atnples : Service from Martinsditlo to Ben ton , 140 miles , three times a neok Present pay , § 3,280 ; pay after July $3,098. Hozoman to Miles City , 030 miles , daily : Present pay , 880,000. Fu lure pay , § 2,000. Previous contract let to 8. 8 , Huntly , three trips pur week aud long schedule , § 32,000. Virginia City to Husiuman ( readvor Used ) bid oft by Oilmtr S.thabnty ii Oo. at § 3,330. Present sorrico , per termed ty Hugh Galen , § 4,700 ; form er ; by Huntly , § 8,000. Dillon to Helena , 140 milea , daily Present pay , § 19,000 ; tuturo pay $5,900. Helena to Bozsman , 110 miles dai ly : Present pay , § 4,200 ; future pay § 2,700. , Two former contracts lot to Huntly , § 12,000 and § 20,000. Helena to Bunton , 140 miles daily Present pay , § 8COO ; future pay § 4.200. Helena to W. S. Springs : Presen pay , § 4,000 ; future pay , § 2,300. Running through the outiro list o lottings for the Territory , wo find tha the pay on the whole number o routes amount per annu m to no mo than is now paid on rlio ona route from Bozeman to Tongu rtvaf. Our people seem to liavo the cj iracl crnza , and are apparently disooscd to do much of the mail service for the ensuing four years for n sum next to nothing. At this rixto , four year oonco , wo may expect the cnorul rut hi mail lottinga to command a round drcmlum. fPalpitation of tbo Eonrt. .1. M. MUjit , Syracuse , N. Y. ( wiitc- ' "When I first commenced using yuiti BUUDOCK BI.OOD Birrniw I wivs troublei with mittoiing itiul imlpitntiou of the hojrt. Ifvltweak and kn.miiillth n numbness ot the limbo ; time using , mj heart has not ttoub ed uio and the nutul ) Ing sensatli n is all fconc.1 1'rico ? 11 0 , triul size 10 cents. l\v Grain Pipe Linos. Ww ren ( ? ) corr. New York Poat. Tho.success of the experiment of con veyingotlby pipe lines from ono point to another has inapiiod somo'ingen ' ious and energetic minds to the study of the problem of the transportation of grain irom the prairioa of the Hour- islnng west to tha grain elevators and mills of the great commercial centres. Several year * have transpired in tx- perimonts to this end , and it is claim ed that the results attained fully de monstrate the entire practicability of the project. The process has been patented , BO much confidence is being felt in ita utility. The originator of this wonderful and important inven tion is a western man , Mr. A. K. Williams of Minneapolis , Minn , the inventor , expects to obtain from the ueo of machinery , which ho is ordering at Titusville , in thia state , a current of air moving at the rate of from 11 to 100 miles an hour. It is hardly time to explain the invention ( as it is not complete ) , except to say that it is a combination of well known principles of pneumatics and mechani cal philosophy. Tjto exhaustion of air in the reqeiyer creates a current through the pipe which communicates with the open bin of grain , carrying the -grain in suspension through the : ontre of the pipe , the compressed air brining a cushion around the outside. There is no attrition ofthq kernels , each grain being impelled in its indi viduality , like chaff before the wind. It may occur to the scientific mind that the resistance of the air may have somehow to bo overcome in extended distanccfi , but it in assorted that a Force of relay pumps can ho inserted at necessary intervals. It ia under stood that the experiment has been made for a distance of 500 foot , and proved an entire success. The next iost will be a full railo. Mr. Williams arrived in litusyillo from St. Paul , Minn. , a short time ago , and is busi ly engagod'in completing his arrange ments for the manufacture and pur chase of pumps and fitting suitable to the development of the experiment. "Tlioro' . Nothing Ltlto Thorn. " DAVENPOKT , IA , , Juno 2 , 1881. H. H. WAKNEB & Co. : Sira I auf- wed for years with weak kidnoya , riliousnoaa and constipation. Your 3afo Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pilla relieved all thceo troubles ; in deed there's nothing like them. mchlSwlw. MAUTIX F. OKEELEY. Bound to Enjoy Hlmaolf. rr.'okljrn Eagle. Ho waa a seafaring man , and ho jushed his way past the people to ono of the bust seats in the parquet , re- ( ardleas of tender toes and atary hats , do plumped himself down next to a very weak , blond young gentleman , who norvoualy pulled away his over coat and felt around for his beaver un der the Beats to BOO if it was still in- act or flattened out under the ample eet of the Bailer , "It'a all right , shipmate , " said the ailor. "Just double your jacket up 'un ling it atweon us , 'un I'll stow mine niuo atop of it , " and ho flounced an old tobacco-BcontoJ. coat half way across the mild little gentleman's rousora , and throw hia hut on top of t. "Lend us your paper , lad , " he ontinued , taking the programme un- , eronionioualy from the youth's hands and blinking over ita contents. 'What's the ahow. anyhow ? " "Sir , I'm not acquainted with you , d " "Courao yor not , hut I don't object or making a friend o1 yo for the even , ng , " aaiu the sailor , alajiping the weak youth vigorously on the leg , and zpectorating dangerously uoar hia latent-leather shoo. "No use o' landing on d'a'plin 'un manners when vo'ro nalioro , ha mo lad , " and the land came down upon the youth'B high more vigorously than before. "But my dear air. I- " "I'm not yer dear air , " raid the sailor , poking hi * limbs out under the seat in front of him and taking a f rcsh chow of tobacco , "call me I to , lad } just Iko tint's enough. ' At thia moment the curtain wont up on "Olivette , " fcnd the old sailor be came all oyca and oars , much to the relief of the mild young gentleman. Very aoon , however , the old salt WAS nodding his in time to the music. Then no commenced keeping time with ono foot , then with both. "You'll oblige mo very much by keeping jour foot still , " said a gentle man just behind the mild youth , "Beg pardon , " said the mild youth , "but it'a this partr next to mo. " ' What's in the wind'naked ? the sailor , looking over his shoulder. "Keep your tect btill , " nid the gontlemmi behind the mild youth ; "you're disturbing everyone. " "See here , you , " sid tin- sailor , "I paid for this berth , 'un I mean to en * joy the show , so stow j or talk and give us n chance to take inthomuaic , " aud the old anllor started in again with hia heel and too dtumming. By thia time others about them were glaring at the mild youth , who grow red and white by turns , and at Taat appealed to the sailor to atop. "Sito hero , aopnyj" said the sailor , "I came ashore iuraraokut , 'un I propiBd to enjoy it mo own way. 1 ijot lots o' money stored n < iy in my bolt , un I can pay my own way , and when I can't do that I can fijln , " and ho commence t tu pull oil * hia coat , "Hero , uiholl tuliei ! ' cried thu mild youth , Bprhuiiii : to his feet. "Put'em out Put'en'i out ! " came all parla of the house , in id BOOH two ushers ruahod down the aisle , followed by n fireman. ' Conic , young fellow , " called one of the ushers , "out of that. " ' It's not my huilt ; u'sbut the blund ynuth wasmion hurried tluough the ntalo and oat upon the Mdowallc , while the old sailor Btttled back in hie scat , took n fresh chow nml concluded ho would now "bo allowed tor enjoy the Miiyiu' in peace. " Mnlno Now * . Hop Bitters , which ate advertised in our column1' , are a sure cure for ague , billiouaneaa and kidney com plaints. Those who use them say they cannot , bo too highly recom mended. These alllicted should give them a fair , and will become tho.-by enthusiastic in the pruiao of their curatitfo , Portland Argus. mar l-d2w BITTER BRETHREN. AN FCCLKSIA8T1CAL SCANDAL. NKW YORK , March 7 [ Special. ] The Rev. Samuel D. LHiiman'a suit again&t William H. Hare , Protestant Episcpftl missionary bishop of.Niobrara in Dakota and Nebraska , § 25,000 damages for alleged libel , waa brought to trial to-day. The alleged libelous , matter is contained in a pamphlet is sued by Bishop Hare , charging that Mr. Hinruan , while misaionary among the Sioux Indiana , had been at vari ous times intoxicated , and had been guilty of criminal relations with vari ous whits ) and Indian women , and had sndeavorod to lend astray Indian and lialf-breid maidens at the mission. Thodefenao is that the communication waa privileged , that the changes were matter of common rumor , and that the defendant believed them to be truo. The plaintiff and defendant sat within two feet of each other , but did not seem to bo aware of it. The Her. Mr. Hinman is 43 years old , haa a bronzed face , dark hair and eyes , and full brown beard. Bishop Hae has a profile almost as austere as that of the duke of Wellington. In opening the case for the plaintiff , Mr. Haley Fl ik , of Arnoux , Ritoh & Woodford , said that Mr. Hinman had been a mission ary to the Indians since 1861 , had en dured great sufferings and pirils from violence , privation.'nnd sickntss , had ; ranalated the prayor-book into the Dakota tongue , and had incurred the enmity of Indian tradora by his dovo- : ion to the interests of liin people. Ton years after his- labors began , he and Bishop Hare were candidates for ; ho now missionary biahobric of Nio- > rarannd by a majority of two votoa in scarcely more than half the house of bishops Biahop Hare waa elected by political intrigue. Ho had failed of graduation at college , and after nearly running two parishoa had become - come an assistant minister in Phila delphia. Ho had not been six months n the country when ho first accused Mr. Hinman of immorality , told him 10 must leave the country , and called on him to confess , with Bishops Whipplo and Clarkson , Bishop Hare told an investigation , and signed the verJict acquitting Mr. Hinnun. Four /oars later ho renewed charges of im morality against Mr. Hinmon , and March 25 , 1878 , dismlsaod him. Mr. tliuman appealed to the ecclesiastical courts , and the trial has boon continued until thia time. Mr. Fisko read oxtraota from Biahop Hare's pamphlet , which woe mvately printed , marked "Pri vate , " and sent to the members of the misaionary board. Ono charge was a eta'errent * haf th ; hv.s n-th- or of on Indian school had complained that Mr. Hinman , while visiting her school had Scandalized her older girls by beckoning to them in a suspicioua way from his window in the twilight , and that ho had abashed a pretty half breed young woman , her assistant , by saying to her ; "I love you. Won't you walk with mo to-night ? I want to tclk with you. " "Tho liouso moth er will tell you , " Mr. Fiako said to lie jury , "that she never told Biahop Uaro thia story , and that what she did toll him she did not believe to .bo rue. " Bishop Hare mentioned the Kiiv. Dan Horaans , a native presbyter .a a witness to the common belief in Ur. Hinrnan'fl immorality , "Mr. lomana is dead , " said Mr. Fiako , 'and he received his last holy com- nunion from the hands of the Ilov. ilr. Hinman , in the presonca of liahop Hare. Furthermore , Bishop laro says : "At the general convention of 1877 Bishop Whipplo remarked tone ' . no that stories were again afloat ro- lee ing upon Mr. Hinman'a character nd that Mr. llintnan muat bovto aay. he least , a very imprudent man , ' ' Jut Bishop Whipplo will testify that laro said to him , instead , and further omplained to him rf the mn-rar- nont by Mr , Hinman ot a loan of 500 at the very time that ho had in ii pocket the money , \\ith interest at ' 0 per cent , Bishop Ilaio's charge hat Mr , Iliuman was found in incul patory circumstances with an Indian woman rests on the testimony of a young man who will tell you that Bish > p Hare Viribod him with mono , and ii doiilid by the woman and the htisb.uid , Shu Ins aineo married The woman w ho , it is cl.anred . , con fessed that Mr. Hiiiinm aeducfd hr under promise of marriage , was atvi ou. of the conn try by bishop Hare a ioonai _ the made the cturgo public , and it is Impossible to got her ad dress. PitOIlATE NOT10K. SUte ot Nohr vnkn , Doiuki CountM : At i > Count ) Coutt , lifM it th rountjConn Room , In imt tot wM Uountv , M irJi Irt , A D. 1832. frumnt , A. M U.lADWIUK County Judre. In the nuttvr ol the o < Ut of William Uil-n tlrcvucd : On fNnllnir ami ( Ulnir tha tctltion ol CMhar- Ino t'tUu , Al.lowol . ( Mill o Mill , prftyliiif thitt An Initfuntvnt. flint thti day In thl ixiur , miy bo duly nlowi-1 , | ) h ) il tnd vrt > l toilfti nd I r tna l.xt l I ami $ tmno > ol f Id il cccil , urn tint the nuy lie * pp lutt-d eircu Ire 01 Ml. ) en tate Ordered , Th i MifhMlh , A. D. 1R32 , t 10 o'clock . m. , liiMilrno | < lor hoarlni mid | > tltlon whrn all jwroon * lntorc t < sl In mid niitt ( r mm appear Hi County Court to b * held , In and lot < ald County , and ho r eftUM why the linjor o petitionernhotildnot ho Knntc < l ; nnd tint nntlo of thoiicmlency oliuUd petition and the hoArlni hereof , lie plvcn to all jwrconi liit < rrato < l In \lt matter , bv imMIMilnp a copy ot tlili onlnr In Tnr DM MIA DAILT linn , A newnpajwr prlntoil In mli County , tor three tucccwlr * wocki , prior to mlr d y ol ooirtn ; . ( Atrnocopv.1 A. M. C1IADWICK mar every 1hr 3t Uountv ' " < Matter of Application of IM c ( Tliic seu for Llinmr Llci in * . NOT1CK. Xntlco Is lieroby Ki\"ti thot Thicken did tijion ti o 10th day of March A 1) . , 1 S2 , tile h H npp ic-ktlou to tie ! IJoonl of County mmhisIon'Ts f Done Int County. Xubrakiv , fr lIciMino to pell Malt , Siititimmnnd Vinnui l > lritfir < i , nt Milhvrd In Ml lanl 1'rcclnct , Douglw County. Ncbr ka , from tl-o 1st dnul VIM 11 , U82. t.i the 1ft tiny rf Ju'y , 188J If there b-j no ol > | ctlon , rcinuiHtrance or prutc't tiled within two weeks fcoti M.ireh . 10th. A , U , IBS' ' , the 8-vl.l . II cut uill bcKratitisl. DKII.KF THIKSSON , API llcnnt , TIIK OMAHA BKK newfi | > iiar will pu i ] Uli tlio nluvc notice for two works nt the iiXjjfino of the apnllcnnt lho Count.y u Dmiglai h not to bu chnr d tliorrWIIIi. JoilirlV\\j > iKn , 2t County Clerk. ii. Employment Agent Railroad Ontflton Short Notice. lllth St. , Near Farnham. ml-o'd-t S. KALISH , THE STAR TAILOR. 1 Door W , of Oralokshank's ' , Has now n flno comp'eto tock of Snl"e consist ! trolProici , KnttlUh nml I In. Inn Do motion. Prices low or the ITO. L tnhlU Iv SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS , Joe BoOcman lion removed to No SIR Snull Thirteenth trcut , botwcen Farnham am Douglas. Ho now has a flno , roomy store with an oxtcntl\o Uiriir uunufftclor ) In rear. Jan" The Great .English .N'uvcr lulls to unc IVcrvnua Debility , VI | Ul Kxhauntlon , Kmls liloni , Seminal Wcak- IncmeJi.LOSTMAN tlHOOD , and all the j \ 11 effects of jouth lful follies and oxcca . It ( tops | Knn Illontly all weakening , llmoluntnry loss sn"i IJ mini upon the BJB- I'om , the Inovltab'o re- . , „ "eultof these evil prac ilcen. wh'ch ' are to Jotruo ITU to mind and body and make lifo miserable , often leading to Inianl- y and death It strengthens the Ntrvcs.Uraln ( memorjf Wood , Musofcn , Plso .tivo and Ilopro ductlve Ore nn. It rodtoro * ti all the organic functlrni thulr former vlffor and vitality , ma inir life cheerful and enjojalilo. frlco , Ma bottle , or four time * tr.o quan.ltyJlO. . Bent by express. Bocura from absfrratlon , to any address , on receipt of prlio. No. 0. O. V. soul , oxccpi on receipt of 81 oa ft cuara tco. letters r > quottliiK aniwuri must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mint ie's Dandelion Pills arc tt I best and cheapest J)9j > e | > sla and blllloui cum j the mark. . t. rd ! bj all drurftlets. I'rlcu 60 couu. PR lllSTIK'B KlUVKY HrMhDT , OKPnKTICUM , Pi i r CHI II In I of Kiilmiyiui I ti'iuldcrrotuplAlnto , ; o nrrl en , ulot t il luiicorrina. for ir.le } ul Ifuiiir eta : 81 a bnttln. LMIUIril ! UKUrtCAL I T'TITF. ' 7 ISO * a St. , ht. loiiU , MJ. Fur i a'o 111 Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN' . Jan26-1V 10. W. DOAN * . A. 0. C1MFBJLL DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attor neys-at-Law Proposals for Army Transportation. HlADqCARTKa'S PlPARIUKKT Of TI1H PfiTl * , ) CUIKT UDARTEnOIABTKR'H OrriCI , > OUAIIA , NoH 3 Kb 16,1832. ) Healed propoiali , In triplicate , gnbject to the usual coidltfonii , will bo recelroil at till * olllco until 1'J o'clock noon , on Thursday , April Siulh , IHtt , or at the earno hour ( allowing f < r the dif ference of time , ) at the offl < of the Dejiot Ouar erm t r at Cheeniie aud Cg-den , tt which placet and tlmoth i y will bo opened I betmecncoof bidder ! , for the wagon trans. porUtlon of Military Hupplloi , on thu followlni : dctcilbed Itoutoa la the Uipaituient or the I'jat'c during thtflf oil year coinmeuclnif July 1 , U82 , and ending Jane 80. 1883. From Long l'ln . NebraiVa , or nearer station on Hloux Ult ; and I'oclflo 11. It. , to Foit Nlobra- F/om Bldiiej , KebrMk * , to fort Roblneon , No- FromChocnne ) Pcnot , Wyam'nit ' Ttrntory , i IUIM t. iatU , and MiKlnnej , Wyon Inir Ttr. FrJiuKookCroek. Station , U. f. K. R. , < o Fort ) Fettrrmau and MiKluiiey , Vtyom ng Tcr- From Fort Fred , Fttelei , Wyoming TerritS'V , to "crt Wmhaklo , Wyoming Territory. From Park City , Utah lorrltori , or from ita lions nn the mMn line Union 1 > . clflc rallnay , to Fort Thornburgh , Utah Territory. From Jllltord , CUh. to Fort Cameron , Utah I'.oxiaali | for tramportatl n on any or all of the routo4aboia namud will bo roro vcd , Ttio n \ornriiuilrceirvco the rlflit to rtjccs any or all pro poaa > . Kaih | > rc pcisuti mutt be In trlpllcUe , rnpa atu for each route , anil areomi'Milo I by a bond In the < inn of fit o Iniiiilnd ( H 0 n ) iloll ( H , xicut- tili'rlurly ' In n.conhneo with t > o prmttil in. tru tlopn an ] upon tiio II nk 10 m furnlshud iindirtbla a.Uir fnoinuijt , irii rjnt > uiiii { that the pur y tnaklii * thu i roXMil | > 1 I lot thdraiv the mi ) w thin sxty da > from ( he date un. no ini-ud for o | > < iilnu thuiii ; and that If 8uld pro- iKiulli aicootid a il ft loi.hract fur thunervice iil't ' fir. aw idol tlioiimndur , liu ulll , within ton ilaisafto Iniinif i.otlliu'l uf tiu nwaid ( provided mill notlllca I n bo undo within klxty da > s I'MID inent | . > "u ] )3cce | > t tl'u ' rnino und liirnUh n il aid ruiHcimt urttlo , nt OIKO , for the Wlhful pcrfirmaiito of tlio cuti rut. Hun pro , ( i-al < , f. ri f iiniirikit , MM print- idiliu In * Hu'lntrt a vitlintt > l wui 1 1 u. of lUpplltV O I/O IHMrlHlWl , UlllJ I.IUIK lUl III- 'onnit'on ai to the muniiir of b .1 Ink' , < oii | | .Ions to bo obacncd by bldilirn. und urinn of onlractand layincni , will hufiinil > li d 01 a illutlon to tiili oilli.o , or < o lli'i itllroi of U.o Dupot Quartcrnm 'er , at ( lie > .uii > < nd Oc'ion Kinconoi co.iUlnlng pie o * N bo.ild lu narked " 1'ropoi.iili for Tr u | iit tlon froui - to - - . " U , r M OINi.TON , t ( 1 1 I fui , i crn mtu GUABDIAN S SALE. The sole of lands of minor lielr * du'y adioit'i ' sdlnTM OwAUAUAii.TH K by A. U. Wjma- , 'Utrdlan , to take plato o i Ftbruiry 18 h , 182 , jut whkh lu btou ddayvd by Ilio I'lnei ' cf tbo ittornor In eharo | will bo bold at tbo south leer of the Court llouna lu Omaha , Douglas Co. . Ute of Nebraska , between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock a. w. , of tb id ( day of March. 1882 , A. U , iVVMAN , Ouarillan. COLLEGE SPRINGS , PAGE COUNTY , IOWA. All x. McOreggor . . . .Gonoral Morohandiao . /olm / Cross , .Books and try Goods lleiiilorfion Kros , it Oobb , i. . . . , . . , Groceries and Moat Hilda ill < t Co. , , , , , . .Grooeiica and Meat Hinni'll Hroa , , t . . . * . . . . , Drugs 0. A.N hittiti , iM. . DM Drugs and Groceries C , M. Johnson , Hardware < 'l-i ' n UniR i .Furniture Mori HUH it Slii'timm , .Uarb Wtro Fence Company A , Stuiitrin it Co. , .Cnceso Factory Charles h t imll , Flotol and Livery .l eopti lit iiiincer , * ' Hotel and Livery C. M. Hoe s , M. D. , Physician Jiitncs Hull , M. D. , Physician and Lawyer 8. 0. Marshall , A.M. , President of College J. W , Mclvinloy , i .Treasurer of College John Ulnck , . % Blacksmith. .t. .T. T. Love ' . HlnckMiiith and Wagons LI. N. llijbinson , , . . .Editor of the Vigilanlo PILLSBURY'S BEST ! Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. always gives satisfaction , because it msko ? superior article of Bread , and is the Chear > est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. Vv. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. tP i * " ' JEH CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FARNHA.M STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store , AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L BRASH , - - 1308 FA8NHAM ST. ttitthvr t BASWITZ & WELLS , , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. , Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of SPRING GOODS ! . ' i And invite the people to call and examine ' Goods. ' 9 Good Goods ! ' Low Prices ! AND SQUAEE DEALING AT THE "Opera House Shoe Store. " tanSliI3m TS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY -AND- J. B. Detwiler Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock ar , > d make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J B. DETWILER . I : I3I3 Farnham Street. OMAHA , NEBRASKA.