THE DAlLf JBEE-COUISTClL BLUFFS , , FMDA.V MAEOH 17 i882 THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FiiJay Morning , March 17 euDscniruoN BATES : omco ; Room Five , 56rett'a Block , Broadway. a r MAY.NE , Vnnaftct City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. M1NOK MENTION B , - The dust in the stretts I getting > cry 1r. Milton Nobles appeared last evening m"InttrvUw . " The tupreme court opens in this next Monday. The city council will now ta' < c a its cntil next Monday evening' , The Royal Atconum give their enter , iainmcnt this evening. j Prang's Eastwards nt Seaman' * . mf4dtl | Iowa Wyoming Conl handled only by J. W. Jttodcfer , No. 20 Pearl St. 1'lltf Have you teen that fine display o Easter cards at Bushnell & BriukcU'n ? Mchll-cod If 1 St. Patrick * day in the morning 'Tho society celebrate to-day by adanco this evening. 1 The city auditor hat been instructor [ V > " the city cour.cll to UMIO no more war rants. rants.It It is sail that Eurnh-m , Tulleys & * Co. , are i > lar.nlug to orqantzo a savings 'bank ' In this city , to bo run strictly as { each. Invitation * to the campGro to-night are limited , with few cxeeptl'ini , to the members of the Abe Lincoln post , and the guests from Omaha and Missouri Valley. Captain Williams has not entered ac tively on the duties of city sealer and -weigher. Ho Is holding off until he can make arrangements to tult him about the scales. scales.Tom Tom Casey , while sitting nodding in a saloon Wednesday evening had ' 880 slip. pcd away from him by some sneak-thieves. "Dutch Bill" Is suspected , all the officers ' are anxious to s.o him. H In compliance with the request of a i numtcr of citizens , Rev. Mr. Copeland , Jiaa consented to repeat hit scruion on "What the Unitarians Btllevo. " at the I Knights tf Pythias hall , next Supilay I alteration. The public library rooms are being pnt in very convenient and attractive con dition , nnil the books are being arranged as speedily as possible , that the public may soon have the benefit of the reading matter there clotcUd. i Judge Aylesworth was yesterday called to Crawford county by the eovero illnees of his binthcr , who lives there , Ho Biithoiizid JusticeProlney to eerve In his flnso In police court cases , but there wcro .BD cases to dispose of. A young man carmd Scarp , while pass ing through the park on Wednesday night , was tit nick on the back of the head by a * tone thtuwu by some uuknown person. Xinckiit ) a lump on the head was the only .injuryyjl > HReiiJMoIneB man was yeaterday JieTpf/fcntlng / a recent wife. He ran ocroui ler driving with a young man , but she noticed him Bear the Oden house , and ciriog the word to her companion , the bone waa ipoeded almost' to a ran and the fair escaped , for the present at least. - One of Broadway's business men , who waa dctal nedat lib office until a late hour Wcdaesday night , found | hlmiclf being followed by a rough looking character , lie satisfied himself by the way the fel low skulked after him that there was something wrong , And tried to elude him , ( trot the fellow /allowed BO cloicly that the I Imelneaa man pulled fur honw lively , and > thus escaped him altogether. ( < The Union Consolidated mining" com- ai ( pony have perfected arrangement * for lm > mediate work on their properties in Cole : , 1w ado and Utah and have lecured the scr w vices of two of our n ell known and enter prising citizens to look after their Inter n cuts nt the mine * , M.r , 0. T. DelCay and. I , M , MJtci ll | 'illl BUCh ! ! } ? ! } t the I snirits to ulrecl Uio w"onc , this cotflJ3ony Mt ' xnay rest aisurcd , if the wealth is there , MAi will it and thall to Ai they get , we expect Aiwi ' wi lieor grand rcaulta In the near future , wiL \ Otoey started to-day via the U. P. K. B , su ? for the mine * . ar ' The Bluff City running team cxpea ate bibj to go into training about the middle of bj * next month , preparatory to running at the on fo atato tourn ment. They c'olm to have foA th'e best truly amateur team in the atato , tli nnd the fact that they won a belt at Cedar Itaplds two yearn ago , and second prize us Instyear , together with the trophies is cc proof that they will make it interesting BC I for the boya In the next contest , especially - ti ly as tke team , as now organized , la said ' tit be the faster by lever. 1 a uC herifT ilctcalf yesterday ut started for Mt. Pleasant to take to tl\o \ t asylum there Mrs. Uewtrohm , the woman B whose suddin insanity has alre .dy boon V 'staled In TUB BEE. The condition oJ the V family thus left motherless is deplowbl/ . a The husband Is Jeft with four children , a the eldest of which is a drl of nlue yonr * B of age and the youngest a babe not yet V lour month ? old. The poor woman raved t wildly natll yesterday , v/hen she seemed a TOore calm , ' and It Is to be hoped that she i t will kave her mental condition improved t 7 > y Iflio treatment. ' The new council patterned after Des ( Molnes In most of the prorlslons of the or- c dliunce defining the duties and fixing the salaries of city officer * , but oa the mayor alty they fell beblnl. Ihey fixed Mayor Bowman's salary at 8600 , Just oue-half'of wiukt the Mayor of DesMolaes receives. MrY H. 6 ly ba brought to this city * n/l pUced In the barn opposite the Ogden a lot 'of Norman Clydesdale utal- 1IoM , wbloh attract attention and excite tie wonder of many of those Interested In ktpolr. ' To ? i&tD an4 weight of these horses are great enough to excite wimdenneat , for Instance in the case of one , a mere twit , wbkh weighs 1,400 pounds. A still gfttttr wonder I * , though , tbat borse * of M h dza should be so well proportioned and so faultleu IB form. No one who Is Interested la any way In stock should fall t to see tb * e bom * . i SNODDBRltY'S SNARES. The Myatory Around the Hubbnrd Assault Caeo Thickens. Jim Snodclcrly still lies in jnil on n of being the rufllan who knocked down and robbed Mrs. Hub bard , The officers JwvQ since hU &r teat bocn hunting nbout for evidence and nfl a result thcro acorns to bo a thickening rather than thinning o the mystery , and it seems probable that out of the complicated clues now obtained thnt the right party will bo shown up , though that right patty should not provo to bo Snoddorly. A young fellow by the name of Pioraon claims that ho saw Snoddorly follow the woman , and that ho saw him knock her down and run. Ho did not report the fact nt the police station until the next night , and gave aa his reason for delaying thai ho was the only witness , and having nothing to substantiate hit story ho feared tliat ho would only got himaolf into a muua about it. Pjorsoa tolls quite a plausible story about the affair , bul would have gained more credence il ho had told what ho claims to know at the stand , instead of waiting until a reward was offurod for the conviction of the guilty patty. Pieraon nlao claims that John Godfrey know all about the affair and could lull a good deal if squeezed. There waa certain circumatancos aurrounding Piorson'h conduct and statement that have ex cited uuspicion , and the police have deemed it boat to lock him up. A youtig man by the name of Allen strengthens these suspicions by stating ; hat riorson tried to got him to swear io certain facta which would strengthen ; ho caao against Snoddorly , tolling him that if ho did so , ho ( Piorson ) would- divide with him the reward of § 50 offered by the Mayor. Allen claims that thia offer was made by Piorson the aamo night that Piorson told the po lice tbat Snoddorly committed the act. Alton flays ho was so drunk the next day that ho did not toll the po- ice of Pioraon's offer , but was sober enough yeaterday to toll hia story. . . Still another party concerned is John Godfrey. Officer Ouaiok wont with Pieraon to Omaha Wcdnosoay aat and hunted up Godfrey and irought him back hero as a witness. t is claimed that Godfrey was over- icaid to admit that Snoddorly had proposed to him to go into thoechomo if robbery , but that Godfrey had ro used to take a hand in the matter. Io kept closo-mouthod about the ! niFdir , however , and his rnticonco , ogotlior with other suspicious circumstances have led to his being ockod up also. Godfrey admits that 10 was with Snoddorly on the night of the robbery , but claims that they were in a saloon together playing cords from 8 o'clock until 11 o'clock , and ns the robbery occurred about 9 > 'clock , ho claims for himself and Snoddorly nn alibi. Snoddorly'a story differs still more , io that the present situation is that ho police have throe men in custody , mch of whom is said 'to know more or ess about the affair , and whoso stories differ so that no just conclusion can a > o reached , though it is probable that rat of the gong enough will finally oak out to sond'tho ' guilty party over the road. Daaoui opDuaiouis. A Bloody Row Among Some Dirty Cave * Dwellers. In the eastern portion of the city there dwells a tribe of rather diiord- orly and disreputable men and women who have dug holes in the oido of the blufTa , and by placing boards at the entrance have provided themselves with aorta of burrows in which they ; in Bomo way or other manage to live and breed. Wednesday afternoon thcro 1 was a bloody war , which was tlie culmination of the ill-foeling whiolt has long existed between two families. Clay Adams and his part ner , Jonnlo Damonford , were rnlking along 1T 1 when a little boy belonging to Frederick and ; Lovina Lcjflonor pegun calling names. This started the row among the four. Clubs worouscd until Adams woman was laid out senseless with two or three outs in the head. Loflonor had a scalp wound as the re sult of a spoku wielded by Adams , and each ono was bloody and badly , broken up. The quartet was capturedi the officers , and had their wound * ' oared for in jail. Yesterday t' ( a four were brought before J' ' co Abbott , who , after hearing enough of the matter to satisfy htm th jt waa about an oven thing all Around , fined each of the nion.$50. of course they ; could not nn < \ pay , jn default were sent to jail for nfton ( dnys > The jus. 00 * h.unrt mellowed wlion ho came to ( consider the cases of the women , and : ho gallantly released them , on the uround that they were drawn into the fight by the mnn. The Ltfloncrs felt ugly , and wanted to got Adams nnd his woman into still further trouble. They wanted a warrant at once for Adams and the woman with him on a charge of. big- ainy , claiming that Adams uiod to run hotel at Atlantic , and that ho deserted - sorted his wife and baby , and eloped with the dojoo'.cd creature who shared the dugout with him. Adams laughed a at the charge and the woman kept mum , while Justice Abbott told them that ho would sue to that matter alter the terms in jail had been served. AB Adams and Loilouur are locked up to gether in jail they can fight out their dillcronccs thoro. EXPRESS EXPRESSIONS. Low. A. Reynolds Given an Elegant Testimonial Dy His Friends. Mr , Low , A , Reynolds , the bill maker for the express company at the transfer , hoi decided to accept the position of agent at Sherman , Toxai , One of the chief causes leading him to make the change being the popr con dition of hia health , which he hopes thns to improve. HU friends learn ing of this took steps to give him i iitimonial of their regard , and accord Jgly a delegation of thorn called upon him at his office , and through Mr. George P. Stobbins , the auperinten * dent , na spokesmen , presented him with rn elegant gold hunting caao watch. Mr. Stobbina * words were few but to the point , and a further ex pression oi the esteem felt for the ro was given in the form of a let ter , accompanying the watch and sixty or more frionda , Upon one cose of the watch was engraved , "Presented to L. A. Reynolds by hia oxprcsa friends. Iowa nnd Nebraska , March , 1881.1' ' Mr. Rcynolda wna completely surprised by the gift , and was taken so completely aback that ho could give but little more of a verbal expression beyond - yond a simple "thank you , " but the donors know that much honoat appre oiation was crowded into those words brief as the wore. Mr. Reynolds is ono of the oldest and most valued employes , nnd dur ing his stay of ten years in the posi tion ho now loaves , has won many friends outside as well as inside of buaincas circles. It is to bo regretted tlmt ho deem it necessary to make the change , but the beat wiahea of many will bring him much increase of proapcrity , if wiahoa are of any avail. Changing Owners. The following tranafora of real eatato are reported from the county records by J. W. Squire & Co. , ab stractors of titles , real citato and loan agents , Council Bluffs : .T. Froror to Robert Dado , cj nw , 9 , 74 , 41 81.280. J. P. Casody to E. McGavorn , lot 3 in 1 , Oosady's add. $250. J. Madden to II. H. Field , lot 1 in 9 , Enbank'n second add , city. $250. W. P. Webster to Wm. Marquardt , part of Idto 10 and 11 in 3 , John John son's odd. 81,000. J. Froror to W. Husz , aj nw , 4 , 74 , 41. 81,080. J. Frorer to T. J. Jones , no BO , 9 , 74 , 41. 8800. J. Froror to A. Bruhn , nw so and no sw , 9 , 74 , 41. 81,500. ! PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nobleiwero guests of the Ogden honso during their stay bore. J. H. Nicholson , e 'tor of the Weekly Sun , published at JancsyillcVs ! , was in ho city yesterday , en route for Denver , Conitablo ll eea ans oxpccti soon to go o Omaha to attend to some street railway mlldlng ar.d repairing , which will taku ilm several weeks. Ho was formerly su perintendent of the city railway bore , nnd . hreo years rgo was engaged in like raslntes at Omaha. At that time he > romscJ ! to complete certain other worker or Capt. Marsh when wanted , and is now iclil to Ills promise. AFTER LONO YEARS. Marriage of B Man Whoso Suit Was Rejected Forty -Eight Tears Ago. The editor of the Butte ( Mont. ) inter-Mountain was recently initiated nto the benevolent order of "Forty jiars" of the west. Ho is evidently candidate for an advanced degree , judging by the following yarn : The particulars of a case wherein lotion is discounted have recently : ome to light. A romance in real life , n which the first act was played near ly fifty years ago , has , just boon irought to a happy termination by the union forever of two fond hoarta , which a cruel 'fate has separated by a distance of 1,600 miles for half a con- ury , lacking two years. Porty- eight years ago , John Saunders , one of the wealthiest cattle kings of Montana , who waa then a poor routli , with nothing to recommend Urn but a spotloBs reputation , n 1 > JMVP icart'ond a love for the beautiful and lure , became enamored of a Ken- uoky belle , whoso lather was a rich man. His tenderness was recipro- sated , but the parent of the young ady refused hia consent (9 ( the mar- iaqo , and was inexorable. Younp " Jaundors was powerless to olungo the change the old ' man's mind , and was no honorable to j JOBS his auit in a louenhold where - ' hi-j 'presence was un- velcomo. Ho ' t'iereforo sought nn ntorviow with f , o giri'a parent , who or the twon , < y.third nnd last time old him to r'4fmndon nn hope of mar- mgo , as f ar ns jj8 daughter was con- orned , 0.4 the differono in their social poaitior jj Wn9 an inaurmountablo bar- lor. ' ' flow much are you worth ? " asked jo young lover. "I could transfer my property into million dollars , cash , " was the muphty reply. "Very well , " answered young "To-morrow morning 1 eave lor the wcat to carve out a for- uno , and when I can size up to your million dollars I will return and claim my bride , for I know aho will bo true. " The young man kept hia promise after a long and painful interview with Ills' Iimtwornta , nnd with a small outfit struck out bravely for ? the western territories. Since that time forty- oi ht years have elapsed , during which with varying success ho has. dipped into various enterprises from the HritUU iino to Sonora. Ho came to Montana in early days and embarked in the cattle business with a firm in Helena , with such remarkable success that the iirm now own nearly 20,000 head on the Toton. About mouth ago Saunders figured up his assets , concluded ho was worth A cool million and immediately left for Kentucky , Ho found the love of his younuer days waiting for him , contl dent and hopeful of his final arrival The two were married with as little ceremony as possible and expect to be sufficiently huppy for the remainder ol their lives as to compensate them for long years of hope deferred and sopa < ration. They will arrive in liutto thii evening and take rooms at the St. Nicholas , and after a short visit wit proceed to their now home , in the Toton valley , whore the groom ii greatly respected. The Inter Moun tain cordially extends congratulations to the happy pair. By th untlinikinc llun'o ' k bos been con iklered a we'd , and IU luxuriant , growth unpleaiaut flmell , eta , has rendered It U those "net knowing it * virtue * " a uul iance. and yet the root IIUH long been no kuowledgea by lavtnti M most inralutbl M a diuretic , nerlrnt and blood purifier Bur-lock Blood CltUrs embody oil iU good quaUtUf , Price fl.O7) , trial * ize 1 cent * . IOWA ITEMS. Burlington contributes $1,000 the southern flood sufferers. The price of wild land in Eniniel county hu advanced from 52 to $4 per acre. Thu first thunder and Ik'hlmiK ? o the season awakened Glenwood Mon day morning. Wright county luw MX nowppapcrs , nnd claims A population of 8,000 , and growing rapidly , Orcfiton saloon keepers have a bkck list on which the names of bums are blazoned in rod ink. Active nao of the telephone led to { the recapture of throe prisoners who had escaped from the jail atOccorah. Maurice Brown , a wealthy DubuqGe Catholic , will build and donate to the city a hospital for the incurable iu sane. Preparations for gold mining on the Briscoo farm , near Ottumwa ; are progressing , and the parties engaged in Uio work ore confident of their ulti in ito success , On the night of March Oth , at 3wau , Marion county. In a saloon brawl , Phillip Porter , the keeper , was Fatally stabbed by a hunchback named Pope Johnson. The Statn apportionment of school funds shows Gas * county's youthiul population to bo 0,014 , which entitles Her to 81,800.79. The State Register aoya in reply tea a correspondent that Iowa sent into the late war 70,300 soldiers , 440 of whom were negroes. Edward Stephens , of Prairie City , las become the fortunate possessor ot $2 $ , ICO back pension , and will here after receive 824 a month. At recent " " Yin- a "taffy pull" near - on the family cat WDB fished out of a .wo-gallon kettle of the mixture , and taffy was given to thu poor. Fourteen suits have been started in ho United States court againjt Iowa makers of barbed-wire by the monopoly ely which claims'tho solo right to manufacture. A linseed oil company , with a capi tal stock of 8100,000 , has been or ganized at Boono. Halt of the stock s to bo paid up and used in the ertc- ion of the works. The B. 0. R. & N. company own lixty-fivo enginpa , which are now bo ng gradually supplied with new fire > exes at a cost of § 500 each. Moro ngincs are needed and have been con- racted for. Rev. Mr. Reynolds , of Stuart , has > con figuring on it , and estimates that ijJO ( drinks of whieicy are swallowed u that town every week , on a basis of our drinks to the pint , and a dilution of ono-half. In Dubuque the other evening the laughter of a respectable family eloped with a masher , but a telegram caused their arrest in time to save the oolish girl from anything more than an indiscretion. Jennie Darr , daughter of a farmer residing four miles south of Indianola , wai standing near a bonfire one night aat week when , by some means , her droas caught fire and aho was burned so severely as to cause her death the next day. In Kookuk the other day a fellow vas arrested for distributing a pamph let entitled. "Tho Married nnd Un married , " which was nothing more than a filthy advertisement tor a no torious specialist , and fined $100 for circulating obscene literature. Patrick Gomerdy was instantly tilled at Mt. Pleasant last Saturday , le was feeding homos in one of the cars of a freight just pulling out from he station , when the car He was in with two others left the track and rolled down an embankment. None of the horses were hurt. A young lady at Pomeroy , Colhoun ounly , Tiho felt herself sgrieved be- auso a druggist there had Hold her > rother some liquor , created consider- bio excitement by entering the drug gist's store and smashing counter and > ottlcswilh uller recklessness. As "Ublig PCntiment was strongly with ho lady , she has not been prosecuted , A thorough examination of the accounts of T. J. Alexander , treas urer of O'Brien county , covering n > ori d of four years , disclosed the act that the county was in his debt ust 87 conts. During the time he md collected back taxes for eight and , en years , superintended the IBSUO of $200,000 $ in bonds and received into , ho treasury over 8100,000. The state superintendent of public natructions has issued positive in structions to all county Mupprinton- dents , directing them iu no instance ; o issue certificates to females under 17 years of ago and to males under 19 , 'pars of ago. Under the code ho has : ho power to make this order , w Inch s a very wise and just ono , and county superintendents have no op- ion whatever but to obey. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPEGIA1 NOTICES. lost , fcrouJ , 'to Loal ) , i'ur Sale , To Hunt WanU , Boarding , etc. , will bo Insert * ! In tbU column t the low ratool TEN CENTd I'Kr LINE for the flrst Insertion and F1VK CENTt PEll LINE for each wlndjuent Insertion Leave advertisements at our otllce , Itoom 5 , K\erttV > Illock. nroaJy. . ANTED To buy hou iul lot on monthl ) W jojrocnts. AdJrcii X , Leo office. mT1 - who will UXo h s l' y In innntWy InstalliwnH , to build two uitll catUk'cs. Ailara I M. U , , lieu < Ilia i. marl a tf. 1.1011 HENI Mca Ironv otll . up utain. K j \ \ q ilfa at Pco olB"e. Pound liluffi. umrla-tf Xir . - tor goi.cral hou > o work , W App'yat ' 11T Ylia itroeU in rlOtt 'ANTED To rentimill eotl ( f * WAN T.Mw qulraatII ! lti | \ \ , ANTKi-To root-A ten room houta in \ \ ioiuo coed neighborhood 01 t osiatjl r houiei Wde bildo. . A'ldrew P. O. IWx 707. Council lluff , cr aj > plp at BM offlw , Council iiii.rr. 40-U - In Council BluBs Ute WANTED-Evenbody ccnU per week , df llvered by carriers. OiBu , Uoom 6 , Everett * Ilnc ( , llroadwsjr. 'ANTED To buir 100 tent broom earn TT ror pttUculir * addrcu Council BluBi Broom Factory , Council Blufl * . loir * . 653-Mtt _ OU BALEr-Old p p r 10o jMti buudrwl , P Th Bw oltlct. Council Uliiflt. 7'U mo BKICK-UAKER8. FOU 8A.LK-6 rc 01 I or of Und adjo'ning the brick * * * ! I ol lltnner * 1U1 . ' on Upper BroaiwaV. For pattlculkrt apply to DM Id UUne * or to ° n J. < offlca t the Bord u Tr l rormt. Council BluB * . _ 77&- M 8m 'tirANTliU-Uoy , with pony , to oun W1 YY Inquire t Uts office , Council I'luBi. octlt-U FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr , Jones. You seem in good humor this morning , " "Yes , I have bsen to the BOSTON TEA STOEE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Olass , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you Bay it was- ? " BOSTOK TEA COMFY FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St , OOUNOIL.BLirFPa. JA. W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURE ! ! OF , Road , Track , Ooach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. STIEOMAN , Business Managfr. \VM. CHRISTOPHER , Mechanic * ! Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs. la. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep everything you want .0. First Chs % Choice , Clean jROOERIESaiid PBOVISIONS [ t will pay you to look our es- iabiishmant through. Every thing sold for Cash , and at the very tloeakt margins. We have a line of lOo CANJNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern nndWest- jrn Goods put up All Canned 3oods reduced 10per cent , Send for our Prices , Strict attetion paid to Mail Orders. Agent * for Washburn's Super lative Flour , F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , , . 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , OOUNOIIi BLUFFS , IOWA. We give ipcchl attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will reecho prompt attention. A general M- e rtmcnt ot Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Coal , CHAS. HENDRIP , Pres'dont ' J. M. PALM.EU , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AtfO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. & ORAIG- , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glasa , Fine French China , Silver Wore &c. , 810 BKOIBWAT , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IQrVA KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth 8t , Council Blu < Drs , Woodbury & Son , x xi 330" "a ? i s a ? i Cor , Pearl 4 Ut Ave. COCNCIL BLUFFS. W , B. AUKNT. JACOB BI11S AMENT & SIMS , ittornays & OounBellors-at-Law , ODTJN OIL BL0FFP. IliWA. HARNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS APD CARPET HOUSE , Broadway , Cor. fourth St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa , mar.2-m J. MUELLER'S Jhlokering , Weber. Lindeman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Oottago , ! Tabor' and Paloubet Organs , $60andupward. Musi IMI cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , i'oye , dames. Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT ZL , tail. Pianos arid Or trans eold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica S tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : o d. MUELLER , I 103 South 6th Street. O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , EOHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , P0EOBASINQ AOENTS , And Dealers In oil kinds ol Product ) Prompt attention iflvcn to all coni'gnmcnU. N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W. ZE3I. IFOSTIEIR -WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly flllcd and Catalogue delivered , to Express office free of charge. Send (01 OOTTlVGXXJi BJ Jb'Jb'fcf , HI. E ! . -DEALER IN- PAPER , BOOKS = STATIONERY , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. . M E T C A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IV Hats , Caps , Straw' Goods , and Buck , Gloves , CHICAGO PRIDES DUPLICATED. xo REAL ESTATE AGENT , 3aa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both inIowa , and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUN'OILi BLUP ELEGANT ! ELEGANT ! The New Styles for 1882. WALL PAPER ! Largest Stock in Western Iowa. SEND FOR SAMPLES ! Geo. R. Beard , 11 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WE OAKRY THE LAROK3T bT OOK OF F1KK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , ill Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive , Z. T. 'LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA M WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,