Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
FfxiUAY MARCH 17 , 1882. THE DAILY BEE C.MAHA PUDUSHINO CO. , PROPRIETORS. 610 F rnh m , bet , Oth nd ItHh 8tre t . TERMS U 8UftCntrflON. ni cony 1 ye rln kctvknco ( postpaid ) 110.00 monthi " " . . . j.X' ( uonth " ' < . . . 8.00 " RAILWAY TIME TABLE , ix i CURD eniCAoo , ST. riut , xiititiurotB AST ( OMAHA RAILROAD. U ve Omihi ruganper No. 2 , 8:30 : * . tn , Ac- tcmmod tlon No. 4 , IK ) Cp. m. Arrive Omh Fuaentrer No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m. -icoommpdntlon No , 8 , 10:60 : k. m. LUVTO8 OMAHA ( ACT OK SOOTH tODKD 0. , B. A 0. 7:40 : . m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. 4 N. W. , 7:40 : k. m. S:40 : n. m. C. , R. I. & P. . 7:40 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. K. 0. , St. J. & 0. 3 , leaver t 9 v m. and 6'30 m. Arrives at .It. Louis U 6SO : ft. m. Mid 6:6 : ! m. m.W. , St. I , . A P. , Ion * es Kt 8 ft. m. And 3:40 : n Arrttei St. I/lull ftt 8:40 : A , m. and 7:30 : tn wwr UK sournwmn. D. M. la Neb. , Thronjli hipre-n , 8:60 : fc. m , B. ft M. Lincoln Eiprow < J to p. nt. U P. Orcilntid Kimiwi , IJ.ldp. m. O. * R. V. for Llnoln , 11:46 : . m. 0. Si II V. lor OnceoU , 9.40 ft. m. C. P freight No , 6 , 6-30 ft. m. 0. P1 wlRht No. 9 , 8:20 : * . m. t . P. rrelRht No. 18 , 260 p. m. U. P. freight No , 7 , 6:10 : p. m. Mnlgnnt. . , P. Denver upre , 7SS ; p. m. D. P. frelfht Nn 11 , H'M p. m. U. P. Denror ( rol bt , 8:26 : p. m. AST Ann ROOTS. 0. B. * G 6:00 ft. m. 7Si : p m. , k N. W. , :45 : . ru. 7:2 : * ) > . m. C. R. I. if. . 9:45 a. m. 9.-06 p. m. E. 0. , Si. lot It a B. . 7:40 : ft. m. :4S : p. m HOM mi VEST AND SOFrnwiST. 0. ft IU V. from Lincoln 1X8 p. m. U. P. Pacific Exproe 3:28 : p. m. B h M. la Neb. , Through Kiprwu 4:16 : p D. * M. Lincoln Kxprots 9.10 n m. C. P. Prnver cxmctw , 7:36 a. m. U. P. Freight Ko. 14-2:60 p. m.7 C. P. No. D t > :20 : a. m. Ki-jlf aot. C. P. freight No. 14 < 15:16 : p. m. H. P. No. 8-9.00 p. m. D. P. No. 12 1:45 : a. m. U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : . m.1 O. & R. T. mixed , dr. 4:46 : p. tu. Buvirr TRAINS BITWIIUI OMAHA ADD oowui. BUTTS. tear * Om&lia at 8:00 , 9:00 : , 10.00 and 11:00 tn.i trf ) 2.00 , 3:00 : , 4-CO anil 6:00 : p. m. Lonre Council Dluffi 4t 8:26 , 6:26 : , 10.25 and lit . in. ; 1:26 , 2:26 : , 8:26 : , 4:26 : and 6:26 : p. m. Bun-ays The dummy leavu Omaha at 6.00 nd 11:00 a. m. ; 2-00 , 4.00 and 6.00 p. m. Leave * Council Blu f at 9.26 and 11:25 a. m. ; 235 , 4:26 : and 6:26 p. m. Through and local ptwcnzor trains between Om-ha and Couudl BluOa. Lea\o Omaha 6:16 : , 7:46 , 8:60 : a. m. ; 8:40 : , 6:46. : 6:00 p. m. Arme Oninha 7:40,11:36,11:46 a. m. ; 6:10 , 7:06 , 7:16 , 140 p. m. _ Opening &n < i Oloilnj ; of M llt. AOCTZ. orra. OLOSI. a. n. p. m. a. m. p. m. Oblcaco&K. W 11.00 9:00 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , R 1. & P&clSc.lltfO 9:00 E:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , B. & Q 11:00 9.-00 6:80 : 2:40 : Wbo h 12:80 6:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 9.-00 6:50 : 2:40 : Union PftdQe 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha &R. V 4AO 11:40 E.fcM. In Neb 4 0 8.10 Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6-00 7:80 : B. AM. Lincoln 10:80 : 6:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. , . lSO 11:00 : J. P. Penrer Kxi 9KK ) 8:80 : lit Sioux City & Oft . P. . .11:00 : 2:40 : Local mails for State of low * leave but once a dy , vlt : 6.30 a , m. Office open Sund&yi frrm 12 m. to 1 P. m. THOS. F UALL P H. Business Directory. Abstract and JOHN L. MrCAOUE , opposite Poet Office. W. R. BARTLETT 817 South ICIh Street. Architect * . DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS Room U. Ofclgbton Block. A.rT. T AB.O Jr. , Room. ! , Cielghton Block. \ OooU and Ohooi. JAMBS C YINE & CO. , Floe Bootf ftod Bboeo. r A good uaortmecl home work on hind , corner l th ftnd Bftrner. IE03. ERICSSON , 8. K. cor. 16th ftnd DonjU * . JOHK FORTONATOS. BOB 10th rtroot , mwiulwrturw to order good work l Mr price * Recelrtnr done. Bed I. r. tARRIMKR Uftnnfftctnrer. IE1T DonrUirt. Book * . New * and 3t tlon ry. J. t FRDEBACF 1016 r rnham Street. Butter and Egg * . UoSHANE & BCHKOEDER , the oldert R ftod K. boniM In Nebnuikft establUbod 1376 CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. BTAN , toathwMt ooroer ICthftnd Dodn. Bmt Board for the Money. BUrtctlon Oaftnnteed. Keftl * ftt ftll Horn * . Boftrd by the 0 y , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cfteh. Fnrnl"h < 1 Rnnmn Rappllod. Uarrlage * and Roaa W KOn * . WM 8NTDKRI4Ui and Harner Streets. Clothing Bought. J. HAKRIJ will pay hlghestCath price for eecond hftnd clothlnr. Oornor 10th ftnd arnham. Jewo en. JOHN CAtTilEK 1811 Fftroham Street Junk , a. BET.TI10LD , Rftin ftnd Metftl. Lumber , Lime and Dement. & GR&Y corner tjth ind Douglw Ota. LAinpt and QloMware. J. DONNEB 1S09 DotatUl St Good Vftrlety. Merchant Tailor * . 0. A. LJNDQ.UE8T , One o ( our moat pcpuLu Merchftnt Tfttlora It re- ceh1n < the Utost ileaizna for Spring ftnd Summer Ooods ( or gentlemen * wear. Stylldt , durable , and price * low u ever 716 18th bet. Uoutt.&Fftni. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RIKOER , Wbolenale tnd Retail , FftU- cy OoodB In great variety , Zopbyn , Card Doarda , Hnalery , OloConoU , &c. Cheapeot HOUM In IhoWtat. 'Piuclmscrs ea\o 80 per cent. Order by Mill. 116 Flftoouth Street. ruunury. JOHN WEAEKEi.80KS cor. Hour and Feed. OMAIIA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Bto. , Welshani liroa , , pn > ] > rteton. Qrocen. Z. BTEVKKS. Xlst between Camlng ftnd Irftr T. A. MrHHANE , Corn. 2Sd and Cumlng Street ! . OMIOWUIB , Iron no Utet i. OLAN & LANQWOItinr , Wholesale , 110 ftnc1 112 Utb > tr t A HOLMEO corner 10th nd CtallfornU. Hrne t , 6 odle , tto. B. WEI8T 80 18th Bt bet F ro. 4 IHrney Hotel * , ANFIELD UOUSE.Gw. Uftnfleld.Bth & F mbm DOBAN HOUSE , f H. Gary , Bit FarnhftmBt. BLAYEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Booth rn Hole ) Out. H mel 9tb & Lea von worth Drug * , Pklnt * and UllB. KDHK & CO. rbirtaacbU , Fine Vane Ooo-li , Cor. UtS ftnd Dourlx ( troeU W. J. WHITEHOUf H , < Vbol Ie & RcUIl , 16th it. 0. FIELD , K > 22 North Bide Onmlng Street. HARR. PrnavIM ICHi * nd n w O ntl ta. OB PAUL , Wllliwwi' Block Cor. 16th & Do-lge. Ury Qoodi Notion * , tto. JOHN H. r. LEitVANN k CO. , Hiw Tor * Dry Oood * Stort , 1110 and IBM Faro- himitrket Ik 0. Koiwold alw boot * and ahoei Ith A Padflc. ruruuuro. A r. DROSS , N w aad Btoood Iland rurnlture nd BIOVM , 1114 DcngUA. Ulfheot ca h prtot aid lor wcood h oS roooi BONN KB 1 08 Ptiotrla rt. Hn coodi , fca. rtrcwWorla. OV4EA FEHCX 00. 0BT , rUM * CO intHan Bt. , InpMT * 4 It * Sox * * . Irre acJ Wood FMC * * , 0 w Wat , OMatiM ? U and Wataat. j LiJ. Olgart and Tobacco. ft FRITSCDF.Rmannlactur r ot Clfrirft , tad TVhokir.lo Dcnlcnl n Tobaccos , 1S05 Douglas V. F. LQREXZEK mannfatttirer 1416 Farnhum riorlit. A. Donnhne , pUnto , cut flowers , seeds , ooqnetc ttc. N , W. cor. 16th ftnd DouclM itreeta. Olvll Engineer * ftnd Ourveyor * . ANDRF.W R09EWATER , Crelghton Block Town mmeyt , Orftde ftnd Sewerftge Syitems i Specialty. Uommltilon Merchant * . JOHN O. WIL US.UH Dodge Street. D B. DF.KMKR. For dctalli * t Urce ftdrtrtbe- ment In Dnllr ftnd Weekly. Cornice Work * . Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Oornlco , Tin , Iron ftnd Slate Roodlng. Orders from ftny locality promptly executed In the bo manner. Factory and Office 1S18 Harney St C. SPECHT , Proprietor. 3alrftnUed Iron Cornlow , K Indow Caps , etc. nanufovtured ftnd put up In ftny part ol the wuntrv. T. SINIIOL1) lie Thirteenth street Crockery , J. CONKER 1509 Douglas street Oood line. Clothing and Furnishing Oood * . JEO. H. PKTKR80N , Ate lUta , Cap * . Bool Ihocs. Notions ftnd Cutlery , 804 B. 10th street Refrigerator * , Oanfleld' * Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN llth St bet. F rn. & Harney Bhow Oase Manufact6ry.l 0. J. W1LDK , Uftnatachirer ftnd Dealer in ftll kinds Ol Show Cases , Upright Cases , ft' . , 1817 Can St FRANK L. QKnilARD , proprietor Omaha Show Cans manufactory , 818 South 16th street , between Loavcnworth ftnd Mftrcy. All goods warranted Pawnbroker * . ROHKNFKLD. 10th St. , bet. Far. * Har Utovc * and mwara. A. BURUE8TER , Dealer In Stoics and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roots and all kinds of Building Work Otld Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1B09 Douglas St flood and Cheap. Seeds , J. EVANS , Wholesale and HcUll Seed Drills and Onltttators Odd Fellows Hall. Physician * and Burgeon * . W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Raom No 4 , Crelghton Block , 16th Street P. S. LKISENIUNO , U. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye ftnd Ear , opp. postofflce DR. L. B. QRADDY. Oculist and Aurlat. 8. W 16th and Farnham SU Photographer * . GEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-clan Work and Prompt * DOSS trunmnteon Plumblnn , Oat and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. , 216 12th Bt , bet Farnham tnd Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. riTZPATHICK. 1409 Douitlu Street. aiming an aper angina. HKNHY A. KOSTKRS. 141 Oodfce Street Bhoo Btora * . Phillip L.\ng 1820 Famhatn st bet 18th & llth. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1116 Douglas St. New and lecond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , tc. , bourht nnd sold on narrow marrlns. Baleen * . HENRY HAUFMANN , ; n tno new brick block on Douglas Street , has Just opened a moat elegant BOM Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 eveinr day. Caledonia " J FALCONER 679 16th Street Undbfiakerb iilAS. HIKWE , 101S F&rnbam bet 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Store * . ? 0 BACKUS 1MB Farnham St. , Fancy Goods WESTEKJS CORNICE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , DMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IBOB Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEON i SLATE EOOPIHB , Specht'a Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. am the general State Agent for the above ne of goods. IRON FENCING. > e tlnc , Balustrades , VerandasjOfTlce and Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. KtNNtDY'S EAST - INDIA ILER & CO. , Sole Mannf aotarftra. OM A.H A. "IRAJG'S ' OITY GREEN HOUSE Is now open to the publlj with a full supply of Cut Flowers and Plants For Sale , We will be glad to tia > e the public call and < e us Bouaueta or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Orecn How , S. W. Cor 17th and Web it block from 10th itreet cars. Nursery. 23a itrcet , opposite Koit. JOB. V. Cralp , Horut and Landscape Oaniner. Keti2 < lin. W. S. GIBBS , PHYSICIAN AHD SUEBEON , Room No. 4 , Orelffhton Block , 15tL Street. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , Oirrica Hocusj 10 to 12 A. u. , 3 to 5 p.u Itphone connected with Cfntral OtRoo Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodge 8U. , Omaha , Neb , Tbli Rtncy do 4 orucrtTa brokeragt budnMa. DOM otipeoDlate uid therefor * any bargain nA ibal atftat lnanlFrft/4 LA AVk41 ItUatAaU COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. McOULLOOH , /Ecom i , Orelgbloo Clock , ItftctDtb Btrott UolO-ta A QUEBR DASH. A Man Who Chancoj His N tne Every Five Minutes , natto Inttr-Mountkln. Lnat night , nt the very \ritchinc hour of 10 o'clock , City Marshal Vonablo arrested n man named Henry Boyle for flghtinp. It voa too Into for n trial , and aa Boyle was able to giro security for his * appcarnnco , ho was allowed to do so. Soon after his arrcat ho got into n row with another man , who roundly abused him nnd against whom ho this morning deter mined to swear out a warrant. So ho repaired to the office of Judge Wilcox nnd stated his grievance. " \Yhat is your nnmol" said the Judge. "Goo. Peyton , " replied the former Mr. Boylo. Ills Honor thereupon wrote out a complaint ffhich ho then asked the complainant to sign. Pey ton took the pen nnd without a mo- ment's'hositation attached his signa ture Win. Harris. "How's this ? " said the Judge , "you say your name is Peyton and still sign Harris. This court will stand no trilling. Sign your name immedi ately or up you go for contempt. " Harris again took the pen in hia trembling fingers , signed "Dttniol Jarvis , " nnd handed back the paper to the Judge with n look that was child like and bland ; but his Honor tora up the document nnd threw at thu man of many aliases n paper weight , which narrowly missing its intended victim , panscd through the frame * work of the house likn n bullet , and burkd itself two feet in the ground on ; he opposite side of the street. Jarvis - vis loft the sacred precincts of the court and within a few minutes the nan whr so head ho had mansarded ho night before , entered and wanted o swear out n complaint against his agrtssor. "What's his name ? " askdd the Jourt. "Peyton , I think , " was the reply. "Peyton , you think , " rejoined the vourt. "iNow , let mo give you n lit- le advice. That fellow's numo is Joylo , Peyton , Harris nnd Jarvis , ? ho only way to make sure of him is o swear out four complaints which rill cost you apiece as follows : Mj COB , $10 ; the fees of my eminent riend , Blackstone , the city attorney , 115 ; marshal's foes , $5 ; wear and tear n shoo leather in making the arrest , :5 : ; incidentals , $5 ; total , 40 for one omplaint. For four complaints , my riend , the sum of § 1(50 will bo iv- uirod for the arrest of Messrs. Boyle , 'oyton , Harris and Jurvis , and al- liough they tire one and the same nan , maybe when ho is nailed to the ross , so to speak , hois just as likely o prove that ho ia somebody else , lly advice is that you leave this case ovorely alone. You have no use for 11 ii. Neither have I. Let us leave lim to heaven and to those thorns hat in his bosom dwell to goad nnd tine ; him. This Court stands ad- ourned. Women Wanted. Utilulo Boomerang. Aa n result of the publication of an rticle in those columns some time jo under the above head , n perfect oluge of letters has been turned oose upon the office from women all ver the country who evidently mis- ook the drift of the editorial upon Vyoming's want. Instead of answering all these let- era Bopaiately and personally which ivould DO utterly imposeiblo without ine stenographers and twenty-seven oarae-hand writers , wo wish to sny liat the original statement was correct nd written in deadly earnest. Wyoming wants women and wants' ' fiem bad , but there is no very clam- rous demand for sentimental fossils ivho want a bonanz a husband and n ass from the effete east. This paragraph probably puts the iboeh on about 75 per cent , of those who ha7e written ns so tar. A young and rapidly growing terri tory is of course largely populated by non , but they are not as a rule mil- .onuires with a bad cough. Most of hem are healthy and still retain heir mental faculties. That is the enson they do not care to import n lordo of weak-minded gushers and urn them loose upon a thriving mu nicipality. Ono soft-eyed hyena who Ins no oubt boon ignored for thirty years , writes us a poetic epistle which ought o melt a mora obdurate heart than ours. It is written OP. six pages of eolscap in violet ink nnd blank verso , ivory word has an ornamental tail on t , and the t's are crossed with n deli cate little hair line that looks like a Saratoga wave on a ball of but tor. lor soul goes out to us in thankful- leas in a way that has created a cool ness m our family which it will take : ears to fifoce. The idea of cooking largo rd ] doughnuts in hpt lard , or wringing out heavy underclothing in snnp suds and hanging fii m out in thu back wrd on a cold day , does not seem to occur to her. There arc very few household- * hero as yet that are able to keep their own mvnte poet. Wo try to keep up with ho onward march of impiovement so 'nr as possible , but wo nro most of us still too gross to give up our meah and gorge ourselves on H stanza of cold porin on the half shell. The day may come when wo will bo jligl to sacrifice beefsteak for diviio ifllitiiB , but it will be some little time before that poiiod is reachi-d. ftTlio ciisp , dry air is such that luui- ; or is the ohiuf style of yearn in Wy omiiif. , and a good cook can pet ? li.5 ) or month , where n bilious pout ivould be bothered like sin to got a job at $5 par week , That is the reason wo arc wri-iiiy these torso nnd perhaps ungallitnl words. We want to ducourugp tin immigration of a large majority < - \ those who have written us on the sub ject. They are too fresh and tno yearn ful in their nature , Ono of then opens a four-colum letter to us with these words ; "BooM iuNO , thou hast spake , Thy words hast bursted upon mine ear. " Now if wo have been the cause ol any such funny busineis as that , wi are sorry and asharooft of it , Wo fee that we have done something that we would give $2 to undo. Wo wanted to do the territory some good and to encourage a class ol women to come to this region who would know enough to construct a buttonhole on an overcoat so that il wouldn't look like the optic of a crocs eyed hog. We wanted to throw ou an invitation to womankind to come hero nnd locate , but wo did not know that such people ns responded , claused themselves as women. Wo do not consider woman n drud o or n slaro across the nape of whoab neck the ovcrahoo of the tyrant , man , is plant ed. Ono thousand times nayl Wo look upon woman , however , ns useful in the grcnt struggle of life. Generally she is on ono side of the struggle nnd the tyrant man on the ither. Ono thing , however , is soitlod. There is not mich n mad rush at pres ent for Hank verso makers ns there is for women of sound sense who can mnko n pie that will not tnato like n stove lid veneered with cod liver oil. In using those cruel words , wo do it n order to silence this ubiquitous howl on the part of thoao modest violets lets who expect to cot off the train hero and moot n confined invalid at the depot with n carriage nnd n mar riage license. The old man with the hcctio flush and n life insurance policy for $150- 000 is not at present ransacking the four corners of the globe for a little roaobud 39 years old who don't know enough to boil n tcakottlo. The young lady who thinks that the men of the west don't recognize the qcnuino article when they see it , is laboiing under n temporary delusion , Of course the men wno live in Wyo ming are heathen ns a clns * , nnd lot their hair grow long nnd deserve the pity nnd commiseration of m ire cul tivated people , but they would need n good deal moro genuine sympathy if they were linked for nil time with some of the t.inid gazelles who have written us ou this subject. AnJEatbotlo Influence. Puck. "Yoseir , " ho said , "my grandfath er was a very peculiar man. Ho was extremely sensitive to influences that do not generally affect the other men. His peculiarity was that his tempera ment changed according to the hat ho woro. And ho were nil kinds of hnU. " "Ho must have boon a good many varieties of ono man , " said the listen er. er."He WOB. Now , for instance , when ho were n Derby hat ho was merely common-plnco. Ho behaved himself like nn ordinary man , and had no special characteristics nothing calcu lated to attract the attention of a bull- doc , if I ir > ay BO express it. " "Well , there's nothing peculiar about thaV "No ; but just listen : When ho put on a slouch hat his character changed entirely. Ho became ruffianly nnd deeperato , and swaggered around like n hired bravo or an ndvanco agent out of a job. His best friends were afraid of him , and ho only had to put his sombrero on to .keep away the most onorcotic bill-collector. " "If I were like that I'd have n felt hat riveted to my head , " said the ol-hor man. "Then , when'.ho'put on a cap with a vizor ho became simply low. Ho used to hang around bar-rooms , al though ho was n strict temperance man , and he consorted with car con ductors and statesmen , and that class af people. " "So long as ho didn't associate with poets it was all right. " "He never got so low as that. But you ought to have seen him when ho put a silk hat on. The moment ho appeared on the street in a beaver he looked so respectable that people used to come up fi > him and ask him to accept the chairmanship of mass- me'efings or to servo aa a director of charitable associations , and on ono occasion ho was actually arrested on suspicion of being a bank president. " "How in it , " inquired the other man , doubtfully , "that we havenevcr iVard of your grandfather ? " ' He died youne. The way it hap- ) enod was this ; He once went out in a silk hat , and a man came along who nistook him for the receiver ef a sav- ngs bank who had received all that was loft of the unfortunate depositors' noney after the smash-up. This man struck him on the head and broke down the hat. It then resembled the liscouraged looking tile aways worn ) y inebriates on the etago. True to us peculiarity , my grandfather nt once became profoundly intoxicated , although , as I have said , ho never had drank a drop in his life , and ho died n fifteen minutes of delirium tro- mene. " "Let us ndjourn to the nearest bakery , " said the other man ; "nnd I will purchase the establishment for ,00030 Chinese Coming' , fan Fracclsco Call. The steamship Oceanic , arriving in this port last Wednesday from China , brought Captain B. F , Shcrburno , master of the ship Importer , and his family. The Captain , in conversation with a reporter on the Chinese ques tion , eaid thnt in his opinion there had never heretofore been euch , effurtu mi'do to promote the exportation nt Chinese from Hongkong to the United States us are being put forth at pros out. Immonue numbers of coolu's mostly from the Canton district , are being sent to Hongkong from the in terior by native ngonts , where they are taken charge of hy white agents of sto tmship lines. Great competition exists between these rival lines for this class of piKBongors. When the Cip tain left Hongkong there wore char terud ono ehij ) , two barks , and two stodinahips to iond coolies for Portland , Oregon , eight large vessels chartered by D , 0. Mills to carry about 4,000 to Viotoriii , B. 0 , , and the steamships of the regular lines were strenuously on. delivering to secure a conplcmont ot thii same class of passengers. The Tokio had pontponed sailing for two weeks to enublu her to socuic a com plete load , thu coolies being unwilling to sail until after the New-Year's fes tivities. From the Captain's opinion it may bu inferred that within three months' 30,000 Chinese will bo lauded oa the Pacific Coast from China. Baakllu'i arnica Sal TO. Din boat , aalvo in the world for outs , biuises , pores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , ohillblainSj corns and all kinda of skin eruptions. This aalve IB guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every caao or money refunded. Price , 25o per bos. For sale by Omaha. "WINEOrCARDUl" four times * H makes a happy household. GRANT'S MEXICAN RAILUOAD3 Colossal Enterprises Fostered by the Ex-Prosldont. Now Orltunn Times r > mocrl. The very mnccnitudo of the various projected American railroad enterprises - prises in Mexico has caused doub s to ariap in the minds of many practical business men of this country , andnlso of our sister republic , as to the probit- bllitv of their boinq carried to a sue- c estul termination , The collapse , era a least the suspension , of .the Palmer- Sullivan syndicate has caused those doubts to become moro serious , while railroad men are numerous who have asserted that Grant , Gould nnd Huntington - ington have undertaken moro than they can at present achieve. Otncrnl Grant's company hw di- otdnd upon the Hue of their road from i o now port on the Gulf const , San Anton Ltznrdo. to the City of Mexico , via L'uobla , nnd from Puobln south to the city ot Oaxftca. From this latter point to the Pacific const the line is not yet definitely settled on. Three practicable routes nro presented from OUXROA to llunfulco and La Lngunn , but which will be eventually chosen cm not bo nuthorntivcly stated. Meanwhile General Grniit is prepared to bigin work at the now port , while plans for buildings , workshops , etc. , have boon pasacd upon , and orders have boon given to warn the task ol unuliim thu line from Sun Anton to Ptiobla. The Gould-DcGrus road , from Laredo to Mier , nlont ; the Rio Grande , nnd from'tho latter point in n direction almost directly south to the City of Mexico , has been surveyed ; thu plans nnd maps hnvo been sub mitted to the Mexican Government , nhilo the company is impatiently awaiting the ncajii of the Mexican authorities to begin work immedintuly , In fact , General G. M. Dodge , Presi dent of the construction company , has had n force of 500 men lying idle on the banks of the Rio Grande for nearly three months , awaiting _ the approval of his plans by the Mexican minister. Mr. Uuntmgton's enter prises , which comprise a vast system of railroad building in some fifteen or seventeen different Mexican states , may bo considered upon the fiamo favorable and formal footing Numer ous surveying parties are at work along the different divisions of the lines , while the Huntingtou syndicate confidently anticipate to have their construction patties in the field before the end of three months. Mr. Nick el-son's company , the Central , hnvo already conbtructod and put in oper ation 1 GO miles of road from the City of Mexico to the classic town of Quorotaro From thence the greater portion of the line to Loon , situated in the center of the republic , is known to bo graded. The company has already doi o n great deal of work from the northern tcrminii * of the line , Laredo , to the south , nnd con fidently anticipate the completion of their entire line from the City of Mexico to the frontier within two years. Thus it is plainly evident thnt these thrco gront Amoricnn enterprises in.Mexico are formal , and that their promoters are lending their utmost energies to the accomplishment of their gig intio undertakings. For 7broa Distoanei niitl Coaebf. "Brown's Bronchial Troches , " like ill other really good things , are imi tated , and purchasers ehouid bo caro- fu' to obtain the genuine article prepared - pared by John I. Brown & Sons. marl5deod-lm wlt ALMOST CRAZY. How often do we BOO the hardworking ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Imagiho his foolinga tvhen returning homo from a hard Jay's labor , to find hi family pros- krato with disease , conscious of unpaid lectors' bills and dobta on every hand , [ t must be enough to drive one almost : razy. All this unhoppinoss could bo woidod by using Electric Bitters , which expel every disease from the system , bringing joy and happinoHs to thousands. .Sold nt fifty cents a bet Ho. ' - * 'cMnhon. (8) ) Blood-Stalnod Gold. A heap of blood-stained old nwni > the intrepid adventurer who has the nerve and strencth to enter a gloomy cave near the village of Mount Nebi > , ten miles southeast of Young town , 0. It once belonged to nn unfortu nate peddler , who was murdered by a compinion. They had sought refuge from a tempest in a cave , and the un suspecting peddlur disclosed the treas ure in his possession arid then cnlmly dropped otf to sleep , Tired nnturo s sweet restorer had not hnd time to effect any considerable restoration when the wakeful scoundrel inserted a knife into his bedfellow's heart. So far , BO good , but unf ) rtunatoly the blood , with a lack of considera tion , ran nil over the gold nnd lavishly imbued the murderer's person. Ho thereupon skipped nut of the cave , loavinK the money behind him , nnd not long nftenvnrd , upon his death bed , confessed the facts just recorded. Since then various nttempta to secure thu treasure Imvo been made , but tone no purpose. Fulling rocks Iwyo blocked up the entrance to the cavt- , nnd a stnlnnrt ghost koorm gunrd , Tlim disagrcoablo apparition hns thrown eevoral persons into nn ndj.i- cant brook , nnd up to the present moment holds the fort against all comers , FliEK OF COST , Du. KINO'S NKW DIHCOVKUY for Consumption , Coughs nnd Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given awny in bottles free of cost to the afllicted. If you have a bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or imy affection of the throat or lungs by nil menus give this wonderful remedy a trial. As you value your existence you cannot afford to lot this opportunity pass , Wo could not aflord , nnd would not give this remedy away unless wo know it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of honoloss cases have already boon completely cm od by it. There is no medicine in the world tliat will euro ono half the cases that DK. KINO'S NKW DISCOVEUY will euro. For sulo by G ) ISH & MoMxnoN , Omaha. How's the BabrT "How' the baby ! " "Ilia croup U bet. ter thla morning , thank you. We K ve him aoroeof TIIOVIAS' KciEOinio OIL aa you ftdvlted , doctor , and bball give him tome more In an hour or ao , " ftext day the doctor pronounced the youngiter cured , H-lw WM. ROGERS' * 4 .K Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF TIIK- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , m The only and | jHional plate that original firm on ' is giving for Instance Rogers Hros. stance single All ou < Spoons , Forks nnd plntcd Spoon n Knives plntod triple thloknosa with the greatest plate only on of euro. Each the B o o 11 o a lot being hung on n scale while whore expo d bolng plated , to to wear , thereby insure n full do- making a single poait of silver or plated Spoon them , wear as long asa \Vo would call a triple plated . o.spoolal atten tion to our HOC- one , Rival. Orient. Tioaad All ( Jrdtrt In the West should b Addrtraed to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , - - - - - NEB. Special Attention Is Once More Galled to jthe Fact thai Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of L I FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps t Wo aro'propared to moot the demands of the trade In regard to Latest Styles and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Pounoptionjl ; ' ' 1 RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1308 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th 3t SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Men's. Boys' and Children's , Ready for Inspection -AT- Palace Clo thing House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1310 Farnnm Street , Near 14th. M\rlOcod. JEWELRY AND iOSIG HOUSE. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. Fine Watches nnd Clocks , PinnoB , the Stock nnd others , Diamonds nt Iniportura' 1'ricos. Oigana , Whitnuy & llolmos. Jownlry , most Artistic Styloa. Musio Hooks , Shout Music. Silvurwaro , an Uln ant Stock , Accnrdians , Violins. Spoctaolua , K > u Glasses , 1(0. Fiutes nnd Fifi a , Guitars. Opera OliiBBca , Ohoioo Asaortmont , Music Hoxoa , Harmonicas. Engraving , in Host Styles. Voilin Strjnps , Guitar Strings , &o. Fiuo llopiiring a Spcciulty. InducemontH Superior to others. PiicoB in i'lain Figures. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. " 4JTAB wecoiiy nonenf our compet'tors STYLK3 or advertisement * we politely re- ( jiieat a return of the compliment. Opera House Block , ANGffi LL , BO WEN & WHITE. S. W. WYATT WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALER IN rLath , Shingles , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS AUD MOULDINGS , 15th and Ouming Sts. , OMAHA , NEB ' . -.W