Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
i'HJi ) OMAHA DAILY JFBIDAY. MABCH 17 1882- JUDICIAL JUGGLERY. Peculiar Freaks of the Blitu Goddess at Lincoln , Political Point * and Bntinoi Brief * . Th6 Bet. LINCOLN , March 15. LancaaU Justice Jias some rather peculiar fca turca nbout it. In iho district cour hero a day or two since a man Tvh put a bullet through another's ' heat was unanimously acquitted and mucl congratulated over his escnpo from i mlliclous prosecution. The day fol lowing a cold and heartless wroch who hnd stolen a horse horn , was son to the ponttontiary for six years a hard labor. It is a little hard t < account for thojo inscrutable decisions unless it bo because the horse belonged longed to a prominent lawyer hero while the man who was killed sconi. to have belonged to nobody in partic ular. There were a great many miti gating circumstances in the case o liorso stealing , and it is probable tha nn effort will bo made to have the verdict changed. In the murder case of Dontnan vs. Cokoloy , the jury is now out , with the prospect of bringing in a verdict of manslaughter. The murder oc curred last 4th of July , Cokoloy was proprietor f the St. Oharlps hotel hero , find Ddiiman was bahaving in a disorderly manner about the premises. In an attempt to put the latter out , Cokoloy was cut slightly in the arm ; erysipelas set in and. ho died tbroo days later. Another case of smalt pox has ap peared hero , the victim being one J. .E. Brady , a carpenter. lie is well isolated and at lait accounts was blos soming finely , with good prospects ol getting through all right. The number of firms encaging in the money-lending business hero is something remarkable. At least a dozen different , parties are deriving a prosperous traflio in loaning on chat tels at 2 and 3 .per cent pur month. It looks rather bad for the prosperity of Lancaster county to see so many of her farmers and other settlers obliged to sccuro aid on such terms as those. The Burlington and Missouri land office has bdon doing a thriving busi nessall winter , owing the mildness of the season , A largo jiost of settlers is looked for in the spring , all over the state. There is some stir over places to be filled at the coming city election. The number of candidates for the mayoralty is logion. The present incumbent Wright is train ing for the legislature next fall , and will not seek a ro-olcction. For police judge , Dales , Ban Cobb , A. K. Webs - s tor and Jo. Bro.vvn are in the hands of their friends. The 'board of trade hero has just began to receive regular Chicago quo tations and puts and calls will soon bo sold on the floor hero. The Methodist members , headed by Burks and Imhoff , winched a little at the 'idea , but they were overruled. Ana us. [ Gorman Ladles. , The Dresden correspondence of The ; Saa Francisco Argonaut thus depicts the Gorman women : "Tho iirst Sunday was specially noticeable as a day of pleasure and /recreation. 1 Families , ns a whole- , ' cither wont out to walk in the fresh air or received friends at homo. The .clatter 'of Gorman in the adjoining room bespoke visitors for the after noon party. A table neatly spread with a snowy cloth , and provided with a delicate china cup and saucer for each guest , stood in the middle of the room ; around it ranged the seats of the visitors. A fair-liairod young artist on the tiflit did some elaborate inoedlowork ; hpr neighbor , a teacher , waa crocheting ; the old ladioo of the party , without exception , were knitting. The handwork , BO mechanical through long years of practice , did not in the ' 'least interfere with the conversation , that turned for the most part on clas- aical plays that had boon seen and on. joyed , classical musia that had boon heard and appreciated , and line pic- turcs that had boon soon and studied. Of course , the surroundings and op portunities in a German city would give occasion tor auoh topics of con versation ; yet the rare intelligence and keen judgment of those Gorman ladies would put to shame the flippant , shal low conversations heard in moro pro- tpntious circles of their American -sisters. The coffee pot held the pluco of honor in .ho centre of the table , and frequently \vont the round ? . Through a long afternoon this little company worked , and chatted , and drank coflbo , each member ot the party looking aa comfortable and hap- .pyaa though it were a pleasure to livo. 'Do the American ladies knit ) ' asked ono of the party , a question probably suggested by my curious gaze directed on her work. 'Not on -Sunday , ' was the only answer my limited vocabulary in Gorman would allow. 'Not on Sunday1 ! This was a bombshell. The clicking of noodles stopped , side conversation ceased , work and hands rested upon the table , all eyes turned on mo , and an expression of astonishment ap peared on every face. Most impres sively came the question 'Waruml1 ( Why ? ) Perhaps the answer savored a little of maliciousness. 'They think it wicked. ' 'Wioked ! wicked ! ' ex claimed oil with ono accord. Each looked at her neighbor , and echoed 'Wicked ! ' Asked ono : 'Would the Americans really think wo were wicked could they eeo us to-day , sit ting with our frbnds , enjoying life , and at the same time busying our ifingcra ? " The hostess came to my 'relief by Baying : 'Oh , the American JJadies from the west are not so Bohrecklich fromm ( terribly pious ) a the ladies from the east , ' and turiidd the attention to the omnipresent coffee-pot that again went the rounds. Boon the lamps wcro lighted and the -cheery company departed , " & Suggestion for a Now Style of Con gressional Record. If congress resolve to act upon the suggestion made by Senator Miller ' that The Congressional Record bo , < iuued as a iteekly and sent to every family in the country , some modifica tion ouphtto bo made of the contonti of The Record. The paper is mucl too heavy and dismal in its prcson condition to bo welcomed inthe ordi nary American hoHsoKbld. 'Porhap it might hive a ptmld department and if so oho of the1 first puzzle coulc take the shape , of an Inquiry how i happens that so many congressmen got rich on $5,000 year. The depart inont of answers to correspondent could bo enriched with references to letters from ofllco-Reokers and the do partmcnt of household economy coul < contain explanations of how the members borsrank their shirts home through the postoflico so as to got thorn in the family wash. As for the general con tents , describing' ' the business pro ccodings in the senate and the house , wo recommend that these should be put info the form of yors'e. Wo should treat them , say , something in this fashion : Mr. Hill Introduced a bill To glvo John .Smith a petition. Mr. Bayord Talked himself tlrtd But said nothing worthy of mention. This would bo succinct , musical , ant in a dogrco impressive. Thoyoungosl readers could grnip the moaning of it , and it could easily bo committed to memory. Or a scene in the house might bo depicted in such tonns as those : A very nlilo speech was made by Cox ol Minnesota , Iteipcctinjj the nc'coistty of protecting the black voter. Two. indignantly responded to by Smith ol Alabama. Whoso abjuilnablo talk was silenced by the Rpeiker'n hammer. Pho.i Atkinson of Kansas rosa to make an explanation , 5it WAS pulled down by n colleague in a state of Indignation. And Mr. Alexander , In n speech about in surance , Tnxo 1 the patience of hli hearers pretty nearly past endurance. After which Judge Whltakor denounced the reciprocity L'reaty with Hawaii as a scanJU'.ous mons trosity. It would bo advisable , of course , to vary the motor as much no possible in order to pro vent the monotony which vould otherwise dull the interest ol ho reader. After giving the proceedings in the louse as above , something of a moro spirited nature , perhaps , could bo inserted - sorted into the senate reports. Sup- lose , for example , the pugcs devoted o the senate should lead oif with something of this kind : Chen up row Smith of Florida , tha bout ' of the debitor ? . And he gpoko about his measure for pro tecting alllgntorr ; : Ie ehowe I how tourist shoot at them without regard for reason , Vnd mked to have It made a crime to kill thorn out of season. Chen Brown ho mo > e t amendment by in- hortlng n brief clauHo Compelling al.igators not to operate their jawa ; Jut Smith ho up and said of him who thought the subject comical. That Nature , when she gave him sense , had been too economical. Vnd Brown , responding briefly , wished to say in tliU connection That Smith , In guarding reptiles , had an eye to s It-protection. L'heaSmlth ho flung a volume of the mes- i ge and reports , Vnd Brown was laid upon the floor a go id deal nut of sort * . Of course , versification of The Con gressional Record would require the orvicos of'a pobt laureate of rather unusual powers. If congress shall * c- copt.seriously the suggestion * which we make with an earliest desire to iromoto the public interest , wo shall ronturd to recommend the selection pf ; ho swofit singer qf Michigan ( M tfW that occupant of the laureate's office. -Our Continent. TWO ANCIENT DUELS. A. Romlntsconco of the Washington Hotel Recently Demolished In Now York , alburn's United Son lea Mig&ilno. A singular and fatal duel was fought onio years ago in Now York , by the ate Stephen Price , , well known in England as a firmur lessee of Dinry jane theatre. Benjamin Price was onsidored thn handsomest of his fain- ly , though his brother' ' Stephen was tot to bo dojpisitd , either as regards oed looks or abilities. Benjamin ono veiling Jhad escorted a very pretty voinan to the Park theatre , when , the performance , a British Ilicor in an adjoining box took the iborty of stariui ; her full in the face , iho complained ot it to Bon Price , rrho , on its repetition , seized the ot- ender by the nose with "his finger nd thumb , and wrung it most effect- ally. " The ofiloor lot't his box and vent to Bon Price's , Ben in answer o a knock opened the door , when the ID cor , whoso name was Green , asked Jen whut ho meant , icmarking at the amu thao that ho mount no insult to lie lady. "Oh , very well , " replied [ Jen , "neither did I moan to insult ou by what I did. " Upon this they book hands as sworn brothers , and omo tirno after Mr. Green wont to Canada to join his regiment. The acts of the affair , however , had eaohod Canada before Mr. Green did , nd.of course , got noised about. An Ulcer of his regiment , having a pique gainst dim , was particularly active in iriug the scandal , and brought the uattor so strongly before his brother ollicors that ono of them , a Oapt , Wil- on , insisted upon Green being ostra- ized unless ho went back to New fork immediately and challenged 'rice. Green , however , being noshot , e was allowed time to gat up his istol practice to a tavorablo standard ud , having practiced for live hours ally until ho could hit a dollar at ten aces nine times out of ton , then ho amo to Now York and challenged Jon Price They fought at Hobokon. 'tico boiiiu killed at the first fire , The seconds immediately decamped , nrhile O roon , who had obtained leave o go to England on urgent private flairs , took a small boat , crossed the Ivor , and got ou board u vessel in the my ready to sail for the country , 'rice's body was found where ho had allen , with a piece of paper attached o the breast , on which wore written he following words : "This Is Bouja- nin Price , boarding in Ycsoy street , few York ; take care of him. " The body was brought to the city quietly , and ho was buried in Now York. The death of Ben Price was , how ever , but one-half of the tragic trail- action that resulted from the pulling > f Mr. Green's noso. Some years aterOapt. WiUon , who has already joen referred to , arrived in Now York roni England on his way to Canada and put up at the Washington hotel , There ono day at dinner the convera * tion turned on the death of Bel Price and the manner thereof , whei C pt , Wilson , who had joined in th conversation , took credit for havinj been mainly instrumental in bringin about the duel , detailing all tho/pVr ticulars connected therewith. > Thi statement was carried immediately ti Stephen Trice , who was lying ill 0 the tout at home , Bis friends aaic that ho nt once implicitly obeyed tin instructions of the physician , and , ob taiuing thereby a short ccftiaiiou a the gout , was enabled to hobblu ou of doors , his lower extremities bcinj swathed in flannel His first count was to seek the Washington hotel where his inquiry was : "Is Capt , Wilson within ? " "lie in , " eaid the waiter. "Show mo up to his roomsak Stephen , and ho was shown up BO coraingly. ' Hobbling upstairs with much diffi culty , cursing alternately as ho wen the gout which caused the pain auc the captain who was the cauxo of hit having to hobble , with equal vehemence menco , ho at lust reached Capt. Wil son's room , his fo-t cased in tnocca sins and his hand grasping a stick , Capt. Wilson rose to receive liim wondering all the time who his lame visitor could bo , but his mind on tha point was soon relieved. ' "Aro you Capt. Wilson 1" said tin stranger. "That is my name , " replied tin captain , "Then , sir , my name is Stophdt Price. You sec , sir , I can scarcely put ono foot before the other ; I' ' an nfllictod with the gout. My object it coining hero is to insult you. Shall , have to knock you dcwn , or will yet consider what I have said a aufiioien insult , and act accordingly ? " "No , sir , " replied iho captain , sinil ing ; " I shall consider what you hav < aid quite sufficient , and shall act no cordingly. You shall hoar from me. ' In duo time there came a message from Capt. Wilson to Stephen Price time , place , and weapons wcro ar ranged , and early ono morning a boat loft Now York in which wore seated , face to face , Stephen Price , the cap tain and two friends. They all lauded at Btidloo's island , the principals took their positions , and Oapt. Wilson fell dead at the first shot. The captain's body was interred in the vault 'thero , itid Price andtho twosecondsroturned to New York. Capt. Wilson's'frionda in America thought ho had departed suddenly to Canada , and his friends in England i nought ho had -dither iiod suddenly or had been killed in n luol on his way to join his regi ment. Mirabllo Diotu. "Your Spring Blossom is n SUCCORS. ] certainly think Iis effects ate wonderful : til the ay.-poitio symptoms I complained ) f havd vanished ; my wife is also enthu-I- istle In | r Ise of It ; she was dlsrlguro'l by jlotchca an 1 pimples on her face , and hail i continuous headache. She ia nil right low , and all unnight'y eruptions have van- nhod. You may reter all ( Iuubtinglpar- ; lcs to me. ' "U. M. WILLIAMSON , "Klk s'reet , Buffalo. " Price CO centc , trial bottles 10 cents. HOUSEHOLD PINANCB. : ho Trouble Extravagant Wives and Moan Husbands Male * In the .World. 'hllaJclphU Record , Ono of the peculiarities of the pres- mt social system is that relating to-tho 'money question" between husbands aid wives. Although with the imp- ial oath , the husband does with all lis worldly goods tho/winhvdowvftoo , jfton'tiro memory o2 tna'obligation lies with the word of promise ou the ips. When a man takes a woman to 30 his wife ho assumes the broadest > bligation to provide for her comtort ind support. A man of wealth is > ound to enable a woman to sustain lorself creditably in the circle in vhich they move ; the poor man to idininistpr to the comfort of lid family as far as within his noans , The ethical code docs not ) bligate the affluent man to indulge tis family in profligate extravagance , tor the poor man to make provision or his family inconsistent with his ncomo. Thu inconsiderate and reek- ess waste of money by some woman irovidod with unstinted means , and ho endeavor of others , whose moans .re . limited to a pretentious display TO equally to bo condemned. There .re sumo men who do nut realize , or , , t any rate , who seem to forget , that heir wives have any rights in money natters nhich they are bound o respect. A wife to this sort of a msband is much the same as a sorv- nt. Does she require money for ftmily necessities , she must render ccount for the expenditure of every out. If shopping is to bo done , she aust go to bun for money to pur- hue oven a spool of thread r to pay ear faro. This is humiliat- ag to a sensitive woman , yet such in- tancos come under observation every .ay. A nun of delicatb sensibilities rpuld himself feel humiliated that his rife should bo placed in such a posi- ion. And ynt the man who never dinks to provide his wife with small hango is careful enough to keep the r hero with in his own pocket to supply lis cigars , his drinks , his luncheons , nd other incidentals , regardless of the act that a woman , ton , has daily inci- iental expenses. The "moan man" reals his wife in this manner out of mro cussedness , There are others , lowover , who make the grave mistake if not recognizing the ability of their irives in pecuniary matters , and treat hem as though they were children vho do not know the value of uonoy. Thosp two classes coinpre- lend all married men , for the man vho is too ttingy to give his wife the noney which is hers by right is mean. Vdvice would bo wasted on him , but ticking might have potent efiect. As o those men who question the finan- : ial shrewdness and ability of women , mreful observation should convince hem that as a gonoial thing good vivos are over more prudent , thrifty ind economical financiers than men , . 'ut money in your wife's purse and end her out shopping , and she will , line times out of ten , make ono dol- ar go as far again as you will. Hun- Irodo of prosperous men to-day owe heir success to the counsel and ad- 'ice ' of their wives , to whom they mve confided ; nor are they ashamed o acknowledge it. Many are the > ankrupts who would have continued n prosperity had they but followed ho advice of .their wives ; they will ell you so themselves. Every day vo see noble wives , who are cast upon heir owii resources by the failure o some reckless speculation on whic ! their husbands entered , assum grave responsibilities and dtspla wonderful powers of energy and cal culatlon , Every day wo see womo ; whose entire lives have been of do Bicstic devotion left widowed and dea titulo , with the burden of a famil ; upon .their ! inexperienced shoulders display a'persevering industry , thrif and financial discretion which ough to put to shame any man who woul < question the judiciary abilHy , o Wdrrian. Lot every husband conside ; his wife entitled to a fair sharp of hi income for personal and family ex ptfascsf avoid mpddling with ths in terior details of iho homo , trustini implicitly to iho judgment and management agoment of the wife , and the cosci will bo rare where the result will n be greater domestic happiness , as wol AI pecuniary advantage. "HOUGH ON HATS. " The thing desired found at lost. Ael druggist for "Rough on KaU. " It cleai out raU , mice , roachfp , fiiEgbert Imgs ; IF A rcmtJy with BUC * > a rcprwnlatlrn as Hos- Utttr'sHtcmiich Bitters Reserves ft fair trial II jou aio dyspeptic , your malady will eventually ylo d to It ; K you * ro treble , luck flesh and feel dcnpondcnt. It nlll both build and cheer you up ; if MJII are constipated It will nllcio Jou , and II tillloui , healthful stlmulkte vour liver. Don'l clo o n but make this cDort In the right direc tion , For sale by all drujftlsU and dca'crg generally. fo'i ' Stn ml _ Real Estate 5,000 PIECES OP PROPERTYI For Sale " By JOM I. CLAEKE , S , W. oor. Douglas and 14th Sts- _ ° _ fub8-ood-tf To Nervous buiterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or. J. B. Simpson's' Specific II Is positive cure tor Upermatoirbea , Remln * iVeoknu * . Irapotwicjr , and all dli b M resulUiu : ( ram Srlr-Abiuo , M Mental Anxiety , Loan aociory , Pulns In the Back1 or Side , uui dlsowei u.- , . rrru th t Idd t < 1 CoruumpUos o 8peclfl ( Uedlcln * li being OJnil with wonder < fill IUCC6M. _ . Pomchleb nt free to til. Write toi them and get fall par iculari. Prfre , Specific , tl.OO per package , or six pack at'cs for io.CO. Addren all onlen to B. SlllSON MEDICINE CO Nc8 104 and 1C Main St. Buffalo , N. T. SoH In Omahi by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , I. K. tab. and all /rusrslitaoreryKhoro. _ I . < fAw M. R. RiSDON , rjen'l ' Insurance Agent Phoenix .Aesurarvo Co. , of London , CaahAiactta . , . { 5,301,604.00 Vcbtchesscr , X Y. , Capital. . . . . . . . l.COO.WO.O-i fho Jlcnhanti , of Kewark , K. J. , Capital . 1,276COO.O SlardFIro , I'blUdclphla , Capital. . . . 1,200,000.0 firemen's Fund . 1,239,016.0 Hrll'sh America Assurance Co . , Office , Boyd's ' Opera House. Sioux Oity A Pacific . SIOUX OITY ROUTE Run a Solid Train through from Oounoll Blufts tc St. Paul Without Ohang * T'ma ' , Only 17 Houn IT n THE HUOKTK3T ROUTE reon COUNCIL BLUFFS ro or. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTU OR BIHUARCB nd all point * In Northern Iowa , illnneaou and Dakota. ThU line Is uqulpped with the Imprnvec Vretlnghouse Automatic Air-brake and Ullle i'latfonn Coupler and Buffer : and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMPORT i uniurpaatod. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car un through WITHOUT OIIANOK between Kail laa City and Si. Paul , via Council Dluli and loux City. Trains leave Union Paclflo Trauifcr at Coun- U Blufli , at 7:36 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kansar 'Hy , St. Joseph and Council llluffa train from ho South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:36 p. m. . ud at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 oon. EN IIOURS IN ADVANCE OT ANTiOTIIEIl KOUTE. jtarRemeuiber In taking the Sioux City Routt ou get a Through Train. The Shortcut Line , lie Quickest Time and a Comfortable lUde In thr Titouch C'ara between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. tZTBee that your Tickets read via the "Sioux Hty and I'acltto llallroad " / 8. WATTLES. J. R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Uen'l 1'asa. Agent. P , K. ROBINSON , Aw'l Ocn'l Pas * . Ag"t. , Missouri Valley , Iowa. J , II. O'BRYAN , Souths cttern Agent , Councl Illufli.Iowa BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street J , J. JfOBESiProjr. , ] Fresh and Salt Moats of all Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. , in Season. Q Q3ME3E1' Olarkson & Hunt , Bucveeaiv * to UlchnJj li Hani , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , Om b K b. TJ | ff ift JjlTTtRS Mrs. J. O. Robtrteoni PltUburtr , Ta. , writes ! " 1 WAI Rufforlnr from general debljlty , ivan of ap petite , constipation , etc. , BO that file was a bur den ; after using Bnrdoclc fllood Bitten t felt bet ter than for yean. I cannot pr&lso jour Bitten too much. " n. Olbbs. of Buffalo , N. T. , writes : "Voui Burdock nlci Iltt ! n , In chronic dl ea eiof the blood , liver a.J kldneyi , hate been slgnalls marXed with sflcxiofs. I have u cd them myicfl with best rcoultx , for torpidity of thellicr and In CMC of a friend of mine Buffering from dropsy , the effect was marvelous" Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y. wrltcsr' ! hav ( been subject to nt-rloiu disorder ot the kidneys , atnl unable to attend to hunlnns ; Uiirdock Blood Bitten relieved tno before half a bottle Mas used I fuel confident that they will entirely cure me. " ' i A'cnlth Hall , Blnghatnpton , N..Y. , writes : "I sulTcrcd with a dull pain tfcrsush niy ell lunif and shoulder , Lonttny spirits , apiietit ; and color , and could with Ulniculty keep up all day. Took jour llurdoik Blood Bitters as d | . rectcd , and he fc.t no | ln since fint week af < ter uslnc them. " Sfr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About four years ngo I had an attack of bilious fever , and ne > er fully recovered. My digestive organi were weakened , and I would bo completely pros trated for days , After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters the lmpro\cmcnt was m vl Ible that I was astonished. I can now , though 61 yean of age , da a fair and reasonable Jay's work. 0. Blacket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada [ rcsbyterian , Toronto , Out. , writes ; "Ferycars [ suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. 1 used your Burdock Blood Bitten with happiest result * , and I now find mvnelf ID bettor health ban for yean past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a euro for bllllousncas. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : 'For several years I have Buttered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com- ilalnts peculiar to my sex. SInce using your Burdock Blood Bitten I am entirely relieved. " Price , SI.OO pet Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 OU FOSTER'MILBURN & Co Props , , , , , BD7FAX.O , N. V. Sold at wholesale by lob & McMahon and 0. F. Goodman. Je 27 eod-me Tnls great ipeciflg cures that most lo'aUiiomo 1 disease' i .1 Y < SYPHILIS 'Whether ID lt Primary , Secondary Removes all traces ol a crcury irom the sys tem , Curea Scrofula , Old So-01 , Rheuma tism , Erzcina , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Care * 'When Hot Spring ! Fall ! Hah cm , Ark. , May 2,1S81. Wo have cases In our town who lived at Hot Sprlnj. and were finally cured with S. S. S. UcCAMMON & MURST. Memphis. Monn. , May 12,1881 Wo have sold 1,298 bet Ics ol d.S. S. In a year. It has civ en universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend It as a positive specific. 8. MAMsruLD a CO. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1831. B. S. 3. has given better sati faction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A , FUXNIK. Uonvci , Col. May 2,1881. Every purcha cr > peaks In the highest tcnst oS. S. U. L. McUietor. Richmond. Ta. . May 11 , 1881. You can refer anybody to ua In regard to the vaorlts of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. ' Ha e never known R. 8. S to fail to cure a case f f Syphilis , when properly taken. The oboe signers areuentlcmsn of high utand- ng. A 11 COLQU1TT , , Qoveruor IP YOIT WISH WIJV LLTAKEY1UKSE CA TO BE PAID FOIl W11KN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy of Ittle look 'Muesa''O to the Unfortunate. 81,000 Howard ! be paid to any cliem t who will Hud , on ami ysls MO bottles i S. 0. , one rartlclu of Mercury lodldo Pqtta- turn or any illncral substance. SWll-T SPECIFIC CO. ropn. Atia'iiB , Oa. Price of rceular size rodticcd to tfl 75 per nt le Small s'ze ' , holding hilf tno uuautlty , , 91.00. SoldhyKENKAIII ) &Ci > . , and Druitclit" t wnerallv OKAY'S SJPJBGIlflU MUDlClNE' TRADK MARK English rcrn eiiy. Anun. failing cure for Seminal Weakness , Spormator. rbea , Impotency - oncy , and all Dlbeaeesthat o AFTER TARIRQ. Self-Abuse ; us lx s ot Memory , Universal Lasal- ude. Pain In the- Back , Dimness of Vl.lon , Pre maturn Old Ace , and many other Diseases that ead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema * ure Grave. AfKull particnlars In our panvnhlet , which we deelre to send free t r mall to every one. jarTho Specific Medicine Is told by all druggists at tl per package , or 8 packing for $5 , or nil ) be sent free by mall on rest ptof tha money , by addroeslnr THEGHA 1EDIC1NECO. , Buffalo , N. Y. If ' ' OooH * ptm .wd otlmJni.iii.wcak' ened by tlie strain ol rour duties avoto itlluulantsand u Hop Bittera. rlra or slnRl * . tld or Itoor health or UnpuUU DCU , rtly ou Ho p itter * . Whoctef yon are. - Tbciuanot me li neT r you feel naully r r o m tltat your iritctn form jf KI one * ml' needs ckansins , ton- tiitt In it or itltuul . .U HOP . { vpjlu , kidney 0,1.0 fjriu'iwirwcftfH- an Ktaclutt , dueate I mint and trreutta of Iho .totuaeh , tile cure tot , ( WIIY ( . tlooJ druukenouss Uir or nm < I O8e of opiate , You wlU tin tobacco , V c-undif JOVJUM n&rcotlca. Hop Bitter * IfToakreHm- w a k and NEVER in may anvo your FAIL llfo. It tin * co. , saved hurt * Bwteiltra I arada ATotoolo , Out. THE OOOIDENTAL d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAIIA , NEB. Two Dollars Per Day , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? , HOTELS. PROPRIETORS TOIFAV ' ARUNOrON. , , . - . MelNTIRE , SARATOGA HOTEL , P. S. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , N H COMMERCIAL HOTEL WJOHN HANNAH , etremTburjtJiNc HALL HOUSE , ? > . W.HALL , ' Louls lll ' " OITY HOTELj * OHENEY * CLARK , "BUIrvNeb.1 COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL 5/8EYMOUR , Nabraska City , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.Na COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , NebJ COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. feTOREY. Clarlndo , Iowa END'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , Neb. MORQAN HOUSE , E. U GRUBB , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Oreston , l , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Extra , lat REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , AllanUfc , la , WALKER HOUSE , O. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. OITY HOTEL , , Dl B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMIN03 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. AVERY , etnnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL , J. W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlancliard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Chenandoah , la , COMMEROAL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Nb. BAGNELL HOUSE , CHAS. BAGNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUOKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdalQrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb , DOUQLA& HOUSE , J. S. CUNHAM , Olarkt Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , C. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb , I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLIJTEBY AM NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stook very nearly Complete c. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha , H. M. & M. PEAVY ( - CLOTHIERS ! r 1309 Farnham Street. Jan20pod-mtf6m WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER too'DEALER ] K < - \ Wall Paper 'and Window Shade Ss > 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. FiBHOLM & EEICKSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBBERS OF JEWELERS' ' TOOLS AND MATERIALS ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOR THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN GO.'S ORGANS. Spectacles of the Celebrated STAR TINTED MAKE are sold ex elusively by us , DIAM3WDS IN * LABGE VAEIET7. full line of Sheet Music. Eastern Prices Duplicated. sxi rx > DHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp. the Post Office. OMAHA , - - - NEB. "EOTHI & CTonsrimS : , Wholesale Lumber , Ho , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , 1 .3rao A. O 1 ? SOT r- ( POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACHINE , BELTING , nr HALLADAYiWIHD-MILLS , GHURCHAND ! SCHOOL BELLS A. L. SEANG-,20,5 ? * * * * St. , Omiha ,