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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1882)
L THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA FRIDAY MORNING , ] MAROH'l7 ' , 1882. HA * West tor bolnR tbt rnort direct , quickest , an safest Una connnctlngr th gntA Hetropolln , Old OAOO , Mid tha Rmux , Nonm-EXTniw. I ) r j kid Sotrm-Kurraui Lara , which terminate ! h'ere , with KANSAS Cm , Liuvimron'n , AransoN , Cocxcib Bujrrs and Omni , th * Comitaoui Csrrau from which nutate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrate * the Continent from the Hlssaai Hirer to tha Fadflo Slop * . Ths CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND fe PA OTFIO RAILWAY I ths only line from ChlnaKO owning tract In Kansas , or whloh , bjr IU own rood , rencha th . . rpolnta abote named. No tuiwiaa IT CAaUAa * No Musrna oosRBcnoml No huddling In 111 TcntllatoJ or unclean con , M every passenger carried In roomy , clean and TsatUaled coaches upon Fast Exprona Train * DAT CAM of unrivaled magnificence , PDLLMJUI PALACI SLBKrao CiM , and ourownworld-tamont Dnaxo , upon which meals are servwl of nn mrpusod excellence , at the low rate of Sivicrrr Fnn Cram won , with ample time for healthta enjoyment. Through Can between Chlc ro , Peoria , Mil traukce and Missouri Hirer Points : and close con nectloni at all poInU ot Intersection with oth roads. We ticket ( do not forget thli ) directly to even place of Importance In Kansas , Nebraska , Blaci Hills , Wyomlnif , Utah , Idaho , Hnrada , California. Oregon , Wnahlcfrton Territory , Colorado , Arlzoni and New Mexico. Asll beral arranrementi regarding baegafre at any other line , and ratoa of fare alw ays vi o ai competitors , who furnish but a tltha o the coin- fort. fort.Don and tackle of sportsmen free. Tlcieta. maps and folders at all prlndp * offlcca In ( ha united States and Canada. R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Vice Prort 4 Oen. Gon. Tkt andPus'rAg Manager , Chicago Cblc&iro. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 285. For levying a special tax for the costrnc < tion of side walks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha : SEC , 1. That the several sums set oppo site to the following described premiie ? , to-wit : Albert M. Henry , lot 11 , block 1 , Hen ry & Snelton's addition , Omaha , § 51.00. Nathan Shell > n , lot ll.bbck 2 , Henry & Shelton's addition. Omaha , 854 00. A. K. Dufrene , M. CO ft. of W. 193 f- . nf Iot3 , north side of Farnam St. , Capi- tjl yMition , Omaha , S2C.40. J. II , Sullivan , E GO ft. of W 198 ft. of lot 3 , north ei le of Farnam St. , Caitol addition , Omaha , $20.4' . A. 11. Dufrene , E 185 ft. ot E 251 ft. of lots , north side of Farnam St. , Caiitol addition , Omaha , $74 00. E. L. Etnery , W. 83J ft. nf lit 2 , north side of InrnatnSt. , Capitol add- ! ' Omaha , 833.40. A. B. Dafrene.iE 72ft. . of the W ISO ft. of lot 2 , north side of Farmm St. , Capitol addition. Omaha , 829.00. Being the cost and expense. ? , approved by the City Council for the construction of sidewalks In front of und adjoining said premises by Chailes Gardiner , in pursu / ance of a contract enteied into by the / ' City < of-.Oinaha with the vail Charles .Gar diner , and after the failure of tha owner thereof to do the same , after due notice , re and the same ate hereby respectively levied an i asso-ised against coon of raid' lots , parts of lots , and premises , payable to the City Treasurer within thirty (30) ( ) days from this date. SBC. 2. This ordinance shall tabe effect and be in force from nd after its passage. Paised March 7,1882. THOS.H.DAIf-EY , Pres'tCity Council. Attest : J. J. L. 0. JEVVETT , City Clerk. J. E. BOTD , Mayor. The above tax becomes delinquent on the 7th day of April , 1882 , oft.r which date tea per cent penalty and interest at th- rate of 1 per cent per month , payable in advance , will be added. 4t TIIUMAN BUCK , City Treasurer. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 284. Forlevjlncra special tax ( or the construction and repair sldouulkj. lieitordtl cdby the Ci'jr Council ol the Clly of Omaha : SBC. 1. That the several sums sit nproilte to the follow Ine described proinlies , ilz lliriiT. Murphy , lot C , block 100J , Omahi , t3'.4\ JlntU T. Murphy , lot 7 , block 100J , Omiha , S'6.4' . MirlaT Murphy , lot 8 , block 1001 , Oraiha , \ 3.80. Joanna 0. WrlgM , W. 22 It. of lot 7 , block 74 , Om ha , (8.80. V auk Murphy , lot 3 , block 80 , Omaha , 960.80. lolman & tly , N. Jof 1 11 , block 20j , Omaha , $20.40. Jno. A. Crclgbton , S. 1 of lot 1 , block 200 , Omaha , 82U.4U. \ Ncls Swans n , B , 1 of lot 5 , block 2CS , Omuha , $31.20. ' - C. Tnutlus. lot 0 , bl-dli 2CS , Omaha , WUO. ic Christian Ucrtitttn , K. } of lot 7 , blotk SUB , Omaln , 813.20. T. H. Uttoche , W. 1 of ht7 , block 263 , Oiinha , ' . T ! Taylor , \V. 09 ft. cf lot 8 , block 134 , O.naha7.00. . Daniel Or UK , lot 3 , M"ck201) ) , Omaha , ? 1U" . Daniel Orlgr , lot 4 , block 201J , Oumha S5.68. Helen O. Kr ema > , N. J of S. 3-5 ol lot 1 , blOCU ll.IOmaht5.6 > J. Miinis 0. Ncldhk , 8 , 1-5 ot lot 1 , blsik 11 , Om.ha , 92.15. Alvln enuuJ-rs , lot 8 , block 11. Omah * . $41.13. JcJin Cholma.i , K. j of lot 1 , block 4 , Kountze & Ruth's addlt on , Oionha , $24/80. Henry Gibson , K. J ol lots block 4 , Kountzo & Ruth's addition , Ounba , $20.0Q. AUK. Kountzo , lots , block I , Kountzo i. Ruth's addition , Omaha , $20.00. Ulijan Dunn , bt 4 , black 4 , Kountzo & Ituth'd addition , Omthi , $21.00. M. K. Sulllvao , lot .0 , boc't 4 , Kounlzo A Until * ' addition. 01 aha , g' Amirow K. Johnion , lot 11 , block 4 , Kiuntie & Uutli'n addition , Onnh , 9.0,0 , 8a ahMcQuIrr , lot.27IIo ba-h'sflrtt addltlcn , Om\h , $2f.OO. W. 0. llartholi mew , lot 21 , Hotbach'a first , ( Jdlilon , Ouaha , $21.00. Edwin Haney.lot 4block IB. E. V. Smiths ad lltlon , Oinalit , $2ri.60. IVterMeli lot 8 , block IB , E. Y. Smith's add ! tion , Ouuli , f Jfl.80. Helen Given , lot 1 , block 13 , K. V. Smith's addition , Omaha , $3 $ . < I7. Jimss Ueoncr , lot 10 , block 13 , E. V. Smith's aldltlou , Omalu. $39.00. Lot 10 , Koun'zo's sorani addition , Omaha , 27.00. tot 11 , Kountzj'd leoond addition , Omaha , Lot 16 , Kountzj'a cccond addition , Oiriha , 8H.W. Urld et Martin , 1 t 0 , Eouth Om hi AikTtijn , S17 b2 \V. it , Moore'i reserve , SO ] ft. , S uth Om ha , 123.38. Ilolnit I He cast and expenees. ppnvci by the City Council for the c instruction and rrpalrt of the sldttHftlks in front of mid adjalnlng a d p e- uiliei by Charles Gardiner In purnu nco of a contract entered Into by the City of Omaha.uith th * said Charles Gardiner , and after the tat ure of the O'uer thereat to do the ame , alter due notice , be and the fame are hereby reflectively levied and assessed aganit each of said lot , pir sof lot * , and premhes , pa ) able to the Hty Trouurei w thin thirty (30) ( ) days from this date. SEO. 2. This ordinance thall take.eifec. and le in force from and after its passage Tiioa. II. DAILT , IVs't. City Council. Taared March 7 , 1882. Attest : J , J. L. O. JEWKTT , City Clerk. J. K. BoiD , Mayor of Omaha. CHINAMAN'S ' CHAMPION. Barfleld's Oongressional Suo- cossor in Behalf of the Pigtails , His Maiden SpoeAl } Bein r rooted Against Anti-Mon golian Oppression. He Believes a Chinaman Has as Much Bight Hero as a White Man. And if He Hasn't , Why do You Employ Hirr , He Perti nently Asks. CongrotiionntFrooeedtagB nnd tlonal Matters. CONGRESS. National Associated 1'roM. rnOCBKDINOH IN THE SENATE. WASHINGTON , March 10. Mr. Harrison risen called i-p the bill appropriating an additional $100,000 for the reliol of the flooded districts , nnd it was passed with the house amendment. Mr. Logan addressed the senate on his bill to appropriate the entire in ternal revenue receipts from the manufacture of distilled spirits for education , to bo distributed among states and territories , according to population. The amendment reported from the postofGco committee to the postoflico appropriation bill provides for sub sidizing the lines of ocean mail steam ers , the service to bo distributed one- fifth on the Pacific coast , two-fifths north of Philadelphia , and two-fifths south of Philadelphia. Mr. Logan's bill was referred to the committee on education and the sen ate proceeded with consideration of the postoflice appropriation' bill. Senator Plumb , in explaining his amendment increasing the fist mail service appropriation to050,000 , said hitherto the service had worked to the almost exclusive benefit of New York newspapers and persons having communications with that city. The committee , ho said , felt it more in consonance with the interests and wishes of the-people tc add to the ap propriation in orrtur that Chicago , St. Paul , Cincinnati , St. Louis , Now Orleans and Boston might enjoy the benefit of _ those facilities in common with Now York. The amendment was agreed to after debate. Mr. Edmunds offered an amend rnent restoring the franking privilege io senators arid representatives on let ters or packages cent lining only writ- tea or printed matter , weighing . .over two ounces. ( ; Mr. Ferry opposed the amendment on the ground that it would lead to a revival of the abuses which existed under the old franking laws. After a short debate the amend ment was carried yeaa 40 , nays 13. Senators voting in the negative were Messrs. Cockrell , Coke , Concer , Farley , Ferry , Hill ( Oal. ) , McMillan , McPhonon , Maxay , Pendloton , Ran som , Siulsbury and Sherman. The senate went int executive ses sion , and at 5:55 : adjourned. PBOCEEDINOS IN THE HOUSE. At this merning Mr. McLi'no made a point of order that the speaker last night was in . error ruling regarding the controversy 'with Mr. Money ( Miss. ) . The sneaker read a state ment that ho did not intend to repri mand , only the idea was to chock dis order. It he was on the floor of the house he would support the resolu tion. tion.The The resolution was then withdrawn. Taylor , ( Ohio ) , successor to Garfield - field , delivered his first speech in the house , speaking against the Chinese bill. ID was delivered extempor aneously and was listened to with marked interest , members from both sides gathering about and standing during the entire hour of tlio delivery , warmly applauding him and many personally congratulating him at the jjoso. lie opposed the bill because- was unnecessary and dangerous , and only jiutificable. on the ground of self-defense. If they were Voters ho claimed this bill would not meet the support it does. The claim that they ; ono ; into competition with and injure ; he labor of the country was cheap and baseless. They had built railroads wlion no other labor could bo had and reclaimed lands none other > v < juld attempt. It is doubtless true they did not come here desiring to remain , but by coming here and giving a large amount of labor for a email sum of money and going back with the m > ncy and leaving the labor , had they wronged this countrj ? "If there is a right that b sacred , " euid the speaker , "it is that nun may go where he chooses to labor for his bread. You talk of their leprosy and their other forms of diseases and yet you employ them to was'i cloUirs you put upon your body , you employ them in yoir houses. L-t them alone. D.m't em ploy them and you will yourselves shut them out and drive out those who are here. What will it bo ncxtt I sound the alarm to the foreign born population of our country. It is a strike at their privileges. Whore will it end ) Who can tell ) Lot th' < sj who remember the scenes and preju dices of 1851 answer. You are sow. ing the wind and you will reap the whirlwi d , as the ways of God ara unchangeable. " Mr. Blount followed , claiming that the system of slavery under which the Chinese came hero was one of the greatest objections to their coming and that this system U recognized and en couraged by the Chinese government. The debate will bo continued. A resolution was adopted directing the committee on foreign affairs to require quire Shipherd to produce copies o all correspondence had with any mr tie * touching any attempts to induce the United States government to rec ognize the Peruvian company. A resolution was also adopted re questing the president to communi cate to the Isicaraguan governm nt the necessity for a convention be tween the countries touching ad justment of Nicanvguan claims. .Adjourned at 5:10 : p. m. CAPITAL NOTES . NutlonU Associated Picsa TUB WHISKY BILL. WASHINGTON , March 17. The re publican caucus having sat down on the internal revenue bill , the sub committee did not reptrt it to the ways and moans committee to-day , but a full committee heard a delegation tion of diatillora who favored leaving whiaky in bond , with a provision thai no allowance bo made for leakage after eight years. KOBKKTSON'S SUCCESSOR. Secretory Folger saya , regarding the rumor that Collector Robertson , of Now York , is to bo displaced by Police Commissioner Frencn , ho has hoard cf no change. Well informed persons , nevertheless , atatu Robertson will bo displaced by some person in sympathy with the administration , MISCELLANEOUS. Senators Farley and McPhersondo- clinoto _ servo on the democratic con gressional campaign committco. It is privately assorted that Special Attorneys Cook and Gibson have re- Mred from prosecution of the star route cases , BO that Goo. Bliss , of Now York , is Attorney General Browster'a only special assistant now. Gun. Mojga expresses the opinion on the project of raising the donio of the Capitol 50 foot , in order to make room for a library underneath , that it would bo a daneorous and fatal enter prise and that the proportions , of the building forbid tearing down any purt of the structure. The Joaasotte Roicner * . National Associated Press. WASHINGTON , March 1C. Mrs. D.i- nonhower , mother of Lieut. Danon- iower , to-day received a letter from tier son dated Yakutsk , Siberia , De cember 30 , 1881. It contains nothing now but mentions that nowa that Gar- Sold had been shot oil a train near Long Branch by Guitcau has just reached them. CHICAGO , March 10. - Lieutenant Schwatka , ono of the Arctic explorers who participated in the Franklin search expedition of 1879-80-81 , is in the city , and in an interview this iftornoon said that Lieutenant Do Long was considered a very able man in the navy. He had participated previously in the Junita uxpidition. De Long and his party could not pos sibly have survived , as they had only two days' provisions. The present search party will proceed down the coast when the snow leaves the ground , and shortly attar the rivers are open. It will bo best for them to return , by the same route , but th y may possibly find their way out to the Pacific coast. News of the searching party will probably reach us by the middle June. The Slotuc Ijteserve. National Associated 1'renn ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 10. The novement was inaugurated and a largely attended meeting of cattle nen and others of the Hills held at Deadwood for opening the great Sioux reservation for stock grazing , the cattle men proposing to pay the [ ndians at the rate of ten cents per tiead of stock. The reservation is the best for crazing in the west , its 45,000 square miles affording room for one million head of stuck. Gen. Cook , agent at Rosebud , thought arrange ments could bo easily effected. If the movement is successful at least 300- XX ) head of cattle will bo dr < ven into Dakota this season. A committee was appointed to soliii ; the co-operation of railroad companies and negotiate the ontalif posiiblo. It is behoved there s sufficient authority in the statutes to enable the committeu to deal directly wii h the Indians. Sorceaiit Mason. Natlon l Associated > roes WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 10. [ t is positively stated here that an application for a writ of habeas cor- ) us will bo made in New York , and hat Mason will bo released , The > reposition has boon made for a popu- ur subscription to place Mrj. Mason and the children beyond want. CHICAGO. 111. , March 10. IVitions iraying fvr the pare-on of Sergeant tlason have been distributed to all tarts of the city and it is estimated ' 5,000 persons have sinned. ExU - lorinan Jdnes will transmit thorn to Washington on Saturday. CKNTUALIA , III , March 10.--A 5 cent donation has boon started for the ) oncfit cf Sergeant Maaou'a family , Fho First National is the cuttodun of ho funds. A largo fund will bo uised , nnd a petition will be for warded for the pardon of Sosgeant lason. Political. N'atlonil A i'Delated Vram. CINCINNATI , March 10. The repub- ican convention to-day rcnominatod fudge Force for the superior court , and other men for unimportant places. There are prospects fur two lomocratio tickets ono by the com- nitteo of twelve moss mooting , and the other by a convention. NEWAUK , 0. , March 10. G. L. Stewart , chairman ot tlioiutionalpro- libition committee , has issued a cill 'or ' a national convention in Chicago on Wednesday , August 23d , instead of the 30th as announced. KANSAS Ciry , March 10. The greonbaokerB of this city nominated a full ticket for city ollices to-day with Goorgb M. Shelley at the head for mayor. They hopa to get the democratic convention to endorao their nominees. Tonnecsee Legislature. National Associated 1'iexu. NAHIIVILLE , Tenn. , March 1C. The governor has issued his call for a special session , including therein set tlement of the state debt. THE IOWA LEGISLATURE. Rushing Business for the Oloso of tlio Session. The Rodi&triotinc Bill Agreed to by the Conference Com- , tnittco find Adopted. Defeat c fan Attempt to Oarrr a Measure Through the Sen f ate Over a Veto. t The Department of Industry Bill Again Defeated in the House. Ho r bo New CoBRrotsloaal D * - trlet * nro Composed. Iowa Ziegltlatnr * . " " ; SpcdaltoTunllsK - DBS MOINES , I * . , March 10. The conference committee reported agree * inont on the congressional district bill , which was adopted by both house * . It virtually adopts the son a to bill , ex cept it acts Audubon county into the Ninth district , Monona county into the Eluvonth district , and Xossuth county into the Tenth district. ' ' Bills to amend the pharmacy lairs BO as to secure better enforcement passed both houses. Ttib bill to fix the supreme courl a' DCS Moincs passed the senate. The bill to establish a department of industry occupied most of the day in the house , and was defeated. The bill passed yesterday to legalize all defective acknowledgments of. deeds ai.d mortgages made since the state was organized , and vetoed ; by the governor , came up in tlio Bennto , and failed to pass over the veto. Final adjournment was postponed until to-morrow noon. National Associated Press. DBS MOINEH , March 10. The legis lature came to a dead lock on the congressional apportionment bill , and the t < mo for adjournment was extended - tended to 11 o'clock to-morrow. The jonferenco committees of iho two louses agreed upon the bill substan tially as adopted by the senate , and tho. measure passed both houses. It makes the districts as follows : First district -Loo , Dos Moincs , Louisa , Washington , Jefferson , Henry , Van Buron. Second Muscatino , Scott , Cedar , Clinton , Jones , Jackson. chanan , Blackhawk , Orundy , Butler , Browor. Fourth Clayton , Allamakoo , FayJ ette , "Winnfeshiok , Howard , Ohicka- saw , 'Mitchell , Floyd. Fifth Johnson , Linn , Benton , [ owa , Tama , Marshall. Sixth DAV s , Wapello , Monroe , Mahaska , Keokuk , Jasper , Powo- shiek. Seventh Polk , Dallas , Outhrio , Adair , Madison , Warren , Marion. Eighth Appanooso , Wayne , Lu cas , Clarke , Decatur , Ringgold , Tay lor , Adams , Union. ' ' Ninth Page , Fremont , Mills , Cass , Montgomery , Pottawattamiu , Audu bon , Shelby , Crawford. Tenth Storey , Boon ? , Webster , Hamilton , Hurdin , Franklin , Wright , Humboldt , Hancock , Cerro Oordo , Worth , Wiunobajo , Kossuth. Eleventh Greene , Carroll , Mono- na , Woodbury , Ida , Sac , Calhoun , Pucahontas , Buena Vista , Chorokou , Plymouth , Sioux , O'Brien , Clay , Palo Alto , Emmet , Dickinson , Osceo- , j , Lyons. Goitran. National Associated frera. WASHINOTON , Marohi 1C. Scovillo arrived from Chicago to-day and the attorneys and Judge Cox began settlo- nont of the bill of exceptions. ' TIlO IiOVO'Bi VMIonal BoLiVAU , Tcnn. , March 10. The :3ii. : llatchio river is now higher than t was in 1805 , The embankment restlos of the Chicago , St. Louis & tfow Orleans railroad for a distance of a nnlo has boon washed away. All lardrntin county bridges on the upper and lever levies , except ono across channel are gone. , siil.K fOK , March 1C.-Register Uruco has received letters and tele grams allowing the aid received is in- Hiilliuiont for the needs of the joded \ district. Signal boats explore the country and save puoplo from drown- The postmaster at Yazoo Oily in- 'orms the post matter general there is ; sufljiing there. SPUINOHCLII , III. , March 10. Qov , Diilloin to-day said , in rofurenco to .ho nt'ack on him by Cuiigressiuan Townshond in the house of roprowm- at i vt a yesterday , for not on ho people of the sUto to aid the Hood uilfdrtrs in Illinois , that ho never had received an intimation from any of the local authorities of the coniitips directed either by drouth or iluods that they dusuoJ him to apj > cal to the charitable people of the siuto for as sistance. In several instances ho had made inquiry whether ho should muko such appeal for them , and received the answer that they did not desire it , and that they were able to take card of themselves , some of sthpm even o ing so far as to protest agUinst his do ing or saying anything ttiat could in dictto that they were seeking the charity of the state. LITTLE ROCK , March 10 , Hur. drods of people ( mostly colored ) are gathering at Arkansas City in dug outs seeking for rations. Their noedi and tippeaU for succor are distressing. The boat with government rations is expected there to-morrow. The water on the overflowed lands is falling slowly , but oven if thn decline should continue it will bo five or ix weckf bpforo the people in the ovot flowed districts can hope to commence mak ing crops , and numbers can do noth ing then , for stock , seed and farming implement * have been swept away. Ohio Xiegitliitnrc. National Associated free. CoLUMtum , March 10. In the house , Utdlcy'B bill retraining tippling places wat- defeated , reconsidered , referred and passed. Vallandingham'i bill for water work at Dayton , was introduced. Bloch , that boards of health in se cond grade first class cities nay em ploy scavengers. Oroon. of Shelby , repealing section 3G53 , relative to insurance companies. Thorp , appropriating $ .10,000 for uniforms for the national guard. Puokrin , making a husband's silence for three years presumptive proof of death. Corey offered a resolution for ad journment from April fith to February Oth , 1883. In the senate nothing WAS done. Triiweokly adjournment to-morrow. Attempted Rnpo. National Press Association. LITTLB ROOK , Ark. , 15. A myster ious shooting case occurred lioro last night which ballljd the police till this afternoon. Miss Mattie Davis , dauehter of a Presbyterian minister of Tennessee , lived about a year ago in the family ot Prof. E C. Bockton , a school teacher at Malvorn , forty miles from hero. Both mot in the street yoatorday and went to the house o i a prominent lady where Mattie haa boon employed some month ( as seamstress , and after spend ing a short while in the parlor she wont into another room , secured a revolver and returning opened fire on Bookton. While running to escape one tall struck him on the back of the head. The wound was not danger ous , but bled BO profusely as to leave traces in the house and alone ; the yard. Mattie , terrified at the dnod , also fled and for awhile hid in an adjoining shed. Both wore arrested to-day , the professor on the street , and Mattie hiding in a ncjjro cabin near the woods at the outskirts of the city all alone and trembling with fright. She says Bcckton attempted to violate her * person and influenced by terror and indignation she used the pistol. She is a comely girl , about 18 yeers old , and as far as known with a character unblemished. Both her paronU are dead. Buckton , wlio is married , denies the assault , but is in jail on default of bond on a charge of attempted rape. Sou 11 Fox. Nat/onal / Associated Press. PANAMA , March 0. Small-pox has again appeared _ horo. There are 8 cases in 'one house. ' Bomo deaths are reported. 'Kio officials , aa usual , are . ' . over MXTciaei oTotlbirs who Bied In' the foroicn hospital hero since Janu ary 31 , 1882 , not including those who died on the line and at Colon , 49 of whom have boon buried at Colon. Besides those who died on the line , nearly 000 laborers have died. SOUTH BETHLBIIEM , March 10 Virulent small-pox is increasing to an alarming extent , Nine deaths are re ported to-day , and 150 cases. All the schools in this and neighboring vil lages are to bo closed. Boseoram and Ghiokanrongo. National Associated Press. iNDiANAimiH.Ind. , March 10. The Times to-morrow will publish a state ment from Gon. Rosecrans to hia brother , Bishop Rosecrans , written shortly after the battle of Chickamauga - mauga , in which Gon. Rosecrans pitd hie army was routed. Ho deprecated further bloodshed and euid ho honed some means would soon bo found of putting an end to the war and settling the difliculty by arbitration. Railroad Matters. National Associated Proas. CUICAOO , March 1C A mootinc of the Illinois Railroad Protective Ratu association was hold to-day. The as sociation expressed iUulf as desirous oi joint action in support of its laws. It adopted tariffr on business from Pitts- burtr and Bufl'ilo. 0. > business from Buffalo it adopted the middle and western states classification and on business from the seaboard to crosj [ joints in Illinois tlio trunk line cbsti- ication. . lutolllgonco. National Associated I'rtm. NKW Yoinc , March 10 , Sailed The Gollort for Hamburg , the City of Urusscla for Liverpool , the State of Nevada for Glasgow. AKTWKKI- , March 10.Sailed The Montreal for Philadelphia. GtAfsaow , March J10. Arrived The Circafsia from New York. QUEKNHTOWN , March 1(1. ( Sailed 3n the irnh , the City of Montreal , 'or Now York. Lincoln Murderers. Sj-ecbl toTi.K HEE LINCOLN , Neb , , March 10. The motion for a change of venue in the liuhunan case- was overruled and the case sot for trial Wednesday. Donman , who murdered 0. Kelley , was sentenced to nine years in the penitentiary. Tbroo Month * for Murder. National Associated I'icas , KANBAS CITY , March 10. W , D , ( Hasten was convicted to-day of manslaughter - slaughter in the fourth deuroo , and sentenced to throa months in the county juil and $503 line. Gaston was a saloon-koopor who committed a cold bloolect murder , Indication * . KaUonal AMOcUted I'rew. WASHINGTON , March 17. For the lower Missouri valley : Rising tern- poraturo and fair weather ; Bouthwost winds ; lower barometer , followed dur ing the night by local rains wild slowly - ly rising barometer , FOREIGN AFFAIRS , An Uprising Expected in the South of Ireland To-Bay , According1 to It formation Given the British by Their Informora. 3kobnlGfi nt a Banquet Do olares the Ozar Encour aged Him. Humor that the Ozar and the Nihilists | Havd Formed an Alliance. Tao Now * Generally that ICnmc Ovorkho Wlron. National Associated Prom. LONDON , March 10. Irish inform ers have warned the government to prepare for an uprising in the south ) f Ireland , which they say is to take place on St. Patrick's doy , and that a iiasa meeting will probably bo hold , placards having been distributed with ; ho worda "Bo ready" painted on .hem. The government , believing that there is some foundation for the itatoments of the informers , is mak ng arrangements to moot any out- jroak that may occur. A reliable correspondent telegraphs rom St. Petersburg that a reception was given SkobtltfT for the purpose of | iving him an opportunity to make a brmal statement in relation to how .ho czar regards his Paris speech. Skobolcff , replying to the address of welcome , purposely worded to give an excuse , said ho nlennt all the Paris speech , and at thn time was prepared or the consequences. lip had had an ntorviow with rho czar since his re- urn. The czir approved of the whole speech , and advised against vithdrawing or explaining it away. Skoboluir , in conclusion , intimated ho czar asaurod the only reason why 10 did not openly approve the speech ras because Russia at pro.sont do- > ended on Germany in diplomatic ro- ations , and it would bo unwise to create a rupture. PAUIS , March 10. The conference > ctwopn the French premier M. Do froycinot and Lord Lyons has result ed in an agreement lor resumption of .ho Anglo-French commercial treaty icgotiationa and commissioners will )0 at once appointed for that purpose. The queen of England nil her way ; o Monitonp , arrived in this city to day. Special precautions against any danger nave boon taken all alongf1 the rou * < * ? < i , VIENNA , March.10. It is reported 011 undoubted authority tho/jzar and iiiliitist leaders have come to tm under standing. The czar is to extend clem ency to nihilists now under arrest , prevent the death penalty where pro- lounced and lighten sentences of exiles in imprisonment , The nihilists guarantee a cessation of efforts against ho czar'0 life. The czar is already moving about without the usual safe ; uard and haa abandoned his soclu ion. Fire * National Associated rru . NEW YORK. March 10. By a fire this morning E. A. Peck , shoes , War ren street , lost $40,000 on stock and $70,000 $ on buildings ; Ralston & Co. , shoo findings , same building , $5,000 on stock ; Kepler & Co. , adjoining Building , owners of Puck , $0.000 on stock ; and Meyer , Merkle & Ottman , ithographors and owners , $0,000 on stock and $5,000 on building. A fire in the furniture warehouse of Warren , Ward & Co. , East 20th street , caused a loss on stock of § 7- 000 , building ? 2,000 , and caused eighty girls employed at Lord & Toy- or'g , adjoining , to rush in a panic to the street with many scratches and much tearing of clothing , but no more serious injury. Insurance on War ren , Ward it Co.'a slnro , $10OJO. Coucoiii ) , N. II , March 17. At 2 t'clock this morning a fire broke out n the third story of the frame furrn- , uro factory of II. Clou h , The main xiilding and contents n'trj destroyed ; also a two story wooden store houst illed with furniture , a largo quantity of lumber , a sin ill atablo and a IIOUEO > ccupiud by a dozen families. The jro da'magod Ford it KtmbaH'a foun dry , the old Portsmouth depot and ho building of Hiuvav it Morgan. OloiiRh'a loss , § 20,001" , " ; insurance , $2,300. Bon-ALO.N. Y. , .Match 10' Patrick O'Hara was burned to death at an early hour this mouiing by fire which destroyed hia oaloon , the Citizens' Ro- iort , on Dulawaro avunuo. National Toliaopo A socltitloii. S'atlnnul AM > oclalid ft mi. WASHINGTON , March 10. The Na. Tobacco association adopted solutions protesting against the mBdugo of the bill permitting the aalo > f h'af ' tobacco to consumers fieo of duty , Suloldo. National A'HOilatod PIMM. Nnw YOIIK , March 10. Christian Laaso , ai-ed 24 , a native pf Noost- bedo , Denmark , shot himself through the head and cut his throat with a r.zor tUs morning at the resident of hii uncle , Arnold Junglect , be cause a Jureey yirt wouldn't marry I im until his salary thnuld bo large enough to support both. Killed a Barkeeper. National Associated Vita * . MOOUEIIEAD , Minn , , March 10. Last night Edward Quinn barkeeper at the Grand Pacific hotel , a desperate - porato character , was allot dead by a young man named M. J. Whelan in the bar room. Nobody else was present. Whelan went to the county jail and gave himself up. He Bays Quinn threw a glass of beer in his lace , and knocked him down with a billiard cuoand ho hot Quinn through the he-art in self-defense. Bleeding wounds on Wholan'a face and head corroborated the statement. Quinn had a wife and daughter in Cin cinnati. Ohio. Public sympathy is with Wholan , who has the reputation of being a quiet. Inoffensive young man and is well liked. Destructive Storm. National Arsoclatcd 1'rtM. LirrtK ROCK , Ark. , March 1C. At thrco o'clock yesterday afternoon. a rain and hail storm visited this city , but not of a character BO unu sual aa to create much comment. It sped on southeastward along the Arkansas valley , and in its course as sumed _ the proportions of a cyclone. When it reached Arkansas City , al ready the victim of the overflow , it appears to have concentrated ita strength there. Several houses were lifted off their foundations , and hurled into the surrounding water * . The terrible force of the hurricane was unexpected. No lives ire reported lost , but the inmates of the hpuiscs overcome wcro saved with difficulty. A dozen or moro houses altogether are wrecked , among them the thirst residences in the county and .that of Deputy Sheriff Ross , just com pleted. The storm appears to have begun northwcs of this city and com menced to acquire destructive force soon after leaving us. Mr. Horace Allis , general passenger agent of the Pine Bluffs rpad , reports it as violent sixteen miles south of hero , whore ho was caught in the storm. At Pleasant Landing the steamer J. A. Woodson , of the above road , had her rigging torn away. Near Pine Bluff , forty miles south of hero , a mule was killed by the boating of hail atones. This ought to bo good proof of the force of the storm. Along the route of the storm much damagu is reported but no further particulars. Latest dispatches from Arkansas ' City saya the storm was 'not BO violent lent or destrustivo aa at first reported. John's ] Rocolloatloni. National Associated Prcn. OHIOAOO , March 10. Hon. John Wentworth , bettor known as "Long John , " delivered a free lecture this evening at Central Music hall , before the historical society and an immense audicnco. Mr. Wentworth being an imprcsKivo orator and a good story teller , he afforded his hearers a rare treat. His Bubjict was "Personal ' Recollections When I was in Congress with Adams , Calhoun , Clay , Benton undWobstor. " The speaker first en tered the house in 1843 , and after de scribing the Washington slave marts , ho said : "I entered congress under ono vico-prcsidcn , Tyhjr , came out under another , Johnson , and served under another , Fillmoro. It has boon the mission of all our- vice presidents when acting as president * to deeply ( impress upon the country the terrible losses it met with in the doa'.h of , tlio president.It was once my fortune to be the first norson' ' ft * ? aijutjunce to'a ioo'pre id6nfcih r' ' death of a president. " "Upon otirV reaching the White House wo were informed that the president had jtut ceased to breathe. On my way home I overtook the vice president and told him the news. It is difficult and per haps uncharitable to describe R vice president's feelings under such circum stances. The next day at noon I saw him inaugurated and ho commenced removing the friends of Gen. Tyler moro summarily than over did these of Harrison or Johnson of Lincoln. His grief at the death of the president was assuaged in that way. " Demonstrations ] in Fklla- dolphla- National Associated i'rtsr. PHILADELPHIA , March 10. A great demonstration took place to-night at Horticultural hall of workingmen under the auspices of the Knights of Labor. There was a street procession of 3,010 men wi-.h bands , fireworks , transparencies and labor mottoes. Speeches at the hall were made by Orongressman Brumm , John Winton and Mr. Patten , president of the Da- trait trades' council. Resolutions were adup cd asking for tha estab lishing ot a national department of. labor , a bureau of lubor statistics , eight hours a legal day's work , abolishment ishment of the contract system of convjct lubor , day work instead of contract on national , state and muni cipal work , compulsory education , and prohibiting employment of children under 14 in nnnufacturing , mining and mechanical pursuits. Shot by a Crank. National Associated Press. UTIOAN. Y. , March 10. Dr. Gray was ahot in the fuca to-night as ho sat in his oilico reading by flenry Reim- flhaw , of this city , who has boon par tially insane for the piab two years. ( Io thinki he is an ambassador from heaven sent by to rcmovo Dr. Gray. The doctor is not seriously injured. Ro mshaw nave himself up. Death of u Roclup. National Aiuouiatod I'roar. ST PAUL , March 10. An old man M llenry Sohrocdor , a scissors grinder hero for years , was found dead n liis room , where were discovotod aluiblo surgical instruments , medical books a'ld a medical diploma with the numo of T , E. Ht-nklo ; also , a book .bowing a deposit of $5,000 in the German NUiorial bank. It is bo- iovod , for sonio reason he had changed lis naina for the purpose of living the life of a recluse. The mystery is not yet solved. Eleotrlo Brief * . WASHINGTON , March 10. The star route cases cjino up , and were ad journed until next Thursday. PKOVIDBNOE , R. I , , March 1C , In the republican state convention to day Gov. A. H. LUtloficld aud the present state ticket except the attor ney general were ronominatod. SumuolP. Colt waa nominated for at t erne ir iieral. KANSAS Cm' . March 1C. Prof. D. U. A. Nero ( colored ) , principal of tha Lincoln tchool , has been indicted for bigamy and has tied the city.