Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    UAILY JtfiilJW : THURSDAY MARCH 16 , 1882.
010 F rnham , bet. Olh and 10th Street * .
at com-1 yc rln dr nce ( ixwlnkld ) - - - $10.00
monlhi . . . 6-00
tionth " < . . . 8.00
Lnve Omnhi-Pwencer No. 2 , 8:80 : . m. Ac-
- iommod&tlon No. 4 , 1:0 : If. m.
Arrh OmMm rasscnger No. 1,6:10 : p.m.
- Mrenmmodttlon No. 8 , 10:60 : n. m.
dirnia OMAHA uun OK seem BOOXV
0. , U.-lt o. 7:40 : . m. 8:40 : m.
R i N. w. , 7:10 : tk. tn. 3:40 : p. m.
0. , n. I. & p 7:10 : . m. 8:40 : p. m.
K. 0. , St. J. i 0. B. , loaves at 8 K. m. nd 0:80 :
nu Arrives at St. Loula t 6:30 : a. m. and 6:68 :
* ni.V. , St. L. ft P. , IrnvcaatS . m. and 8:10 : p.
AtrlVM a St. Lovili at 6:40 : a. m , and 7:30
. a. t , ) ( . In Neb , , Through Kxprmi , 8:60 : a. m.
0. i M. Lincoln Kxprcs * 6:20 : p. tn.
0 P. Orctland Exprosa , 12:15 : p. m.
O. A H. V. for Lincoln , 11:46 : a. m.
O. A n V. for Otcoola , 0:40 a. m.
V. P freight No. 8 , 6:80 : a. m.
0. P ' rcluht No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m.
f II. P. frcljjht No. 13 , 2:60 : p. in.
V. P. freight Nn. 7 , 6:10 : p. ru. emigrant.
* . P. Dcmer oxprcis , 7:35 p. m.
' - O. P. frolpht Nn 11. 11:30 : p. m.
O. t' . Denver freight , 8:25 : p. m.
0. B. ft O t . m. 7:25 : p m.
. * N. W. , 9:46 : a. m. 7:25 : p. m.
XJ. a. I. &P..P:45 : a. m. 9:05 : p. m.
tf. C. . St. JDO to n. , 7:40 : a. tn. 8:46 : p. m
i RBI mo mow TIII wmr AKD socrrrffur.
O. 6 R. V. from Lincoln 1.08 p. m.
C. F. Pacific Express 3:56 : p. m.
. B 4 M. In Nab. , Through Express 4:18 : p in.
B. & U. Lincoln Eiiprc * * 9.40 a m.
U. P. Denver express , 7:36 : a. m.
D. P. FrclRht No. 14-2:50 : p. m.T
C. P. No. G 6iO a. m. Emlz ant.
D. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. m.
V. P. No. 8 9:00 : p. ui.
O. P. No. 12 116 ! . m.
(7 , P. Ucnror , freight , 1:10 : A. m. ]
0. & R. T. mixed , ftr. 4:45 p. m.
Leave Omaha at 3:00 : , 0:00 , 10:00 : and 11:00
m. ; 1:0 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4.00 and & :00 : p. m.
Leave Council Ulun nt 8:25 : , 8:26 : , 10:25 : and
1:26 a. m. ; 1:26 , 2:25 : , 8:26,4:26 : : and 5:25 : p.m.
Bun Jays The dummy leaves Omaha at 0:00
And 11:00n. : tn. ; 2:00,1:00and : : 6:00 : p. m. Leaves
-Council Blufle at 8:26 : and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
and 6:25 p. m.
Through and local pansenger trains between
.0maha and Couui II Bluffs. Leave Omaha 0:15 : ,
tub , 8:60 : a. m. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , 6.00 p. m. Arrive
' -Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:15 : ,
140 p. m ,
Opening ana Closing 'of M lls.
oris. CLOSS.
a. m. p. tn. a. in. p. m.
W U.OO 0:00 : B:30 : 2:40 :
, K I. & I'arlflc.lliOO 6:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
Chlu o , C. fcQ . 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
Bloui City and I'aciHc. . 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
-JJolon Pacific . ioo : 11:40 :
Omaha fe It. V. . . : . 4:00 : 11:40 :
TS.ftM. In Nell . 4:00 : 8:10 :
O tnaha it SIoiix City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30
B. AM. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6:00 :
C. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:80 : 11:00 :
J. P. Denver Ex p . 8:00 : 6:80 :
O. | Bloux City & MM . P. . .11:00 : 2:40 :
Local malls for State of Iowa le v but once a
Uay , vlx : 6:30 : a. m.
Offlco open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory ,
Abitract and Real titate.
JOHN L. MoCAGUE , opporito Poet Office.
W. B. BARTLETT 817 South 13th Street
Boom 14 , Crolghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , CieUhbon Block.
Boots und Shoot.
dine Boota and Shooe. Aeood aaeortment of
( homo work on hand , corner 12th and narney.
THOS. ERIOESON , 8. E. cor. 16th and Donglai.
' M610th itrcet , manufacturea to order good work
Ulr prlooa. RcD&lrln ? done.
Bed Springs.
i. f. LARRIMER Mannfocturcr. 1617 DotvlaiBt.
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Famham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UaaHANE it 8CUROEDER , the oldest B. and E.
> feoueo In NebroBha entabllnhed 1876 Omaha.
> Dthwost comer lOthand Dodgo.
Beat Board for the Money.
Battgfactlon Guaranteed
Board by the Day , Week , or Month.
Good Terms for Cash
Furnlihed Unnmg Supplied. i
Uarrlnget and Road WoKons.
WU 8NYDER,14th and Ibrnor Street * .
Olothlnc Bought.
. J. ttAHRI3 will pay hlghcetCoah price tor gecond
JunJ clothing. Corner 10th and Farnh&m.
Jewo en. ,
JOHN BAUMEB 1811 Farnham Street
Junk ,
H. BEBTI10LD , Ram and MoUL
Lumbar , Lima and Oement.
& G1UV corner Oth and DougUs St .
Laipps and Ulasiware.
.J. BONNER 1809 Datuloa St Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
'One of our moab popular Merchant Tailors la re-
icelriug : the latest dealing for Upring and Sommvr
'Oooda for gontlemeu'a ' wear. Styllih , durable ,
and prlcco low aa ever 31518th bet. Douir.&Faru.
URH , 0. A. RINGER , Wholeeale and Retail , Fan-
oy Goody In grout variety , Zophyrn , Cant Boards ,
uoaU'Q't Gloves , Corfcota , tic. Choupcet nouae In
i the Wast. Pnrchaeora save SO per cent Order
, { > r Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
Hour and Feed ,
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham SU. ,
n * Ilroa. , proprietors.
t. al"EVKN8 , 21st between Cumlng and bar
r. A. MoBHANE , Qorn , 23d and Cumlnir titrects.
Hardwaie , Iron nnd Bteol.
OLAN & LANGWORTHY , VholOBale , 110 anc1
112 16th street
A. HOLMES corner Ifith and California. B
Harness , Baddies , &c.
D. WEIST 20 18th St bet Faro. A lluner.
. AttriKLD IIOUSB , Oeo. Cuuiold,9tb & Farohaw
DOIiAH HOUSE , P II. Gary , 911 Farnham St. T :
BLAVEN'fl HOTEL , r. Slavon , 10th Bt
Southern Hotel Out , Ilamel 9th & Leavonworth
Drugs , Holnta and Ulls.
fnaruiactata , Fine Vane Goods , Oor , Utn and
Doarui .treeU. i
W. J. WlllTKIIOUPE , Trbolraalo tt Retail , 16th Bt. r
0 , FIELD , 2022 ttorta Side Cumlng Street
PABR. Dmgidat. IQtn and Howard atreeU.
.OB. PAUL. WUlIama' Block Cor. 16th & Dodge.
Ury Goods Notions , fcto.
flew York Dry Good * Store , 1810 and 1811 Fam >
hJira itr < ct
L. 0. Enewold also booti and ehoe < 7th & Pacific. Ia i
& t. GROSS , New and fieoond Hand Furniture
nd Stovoa , 1114 DcmrUa. Illgbeot ctih price Fo
aid for second band toooi. FoBi
CONNER 1809 DDQfJ ( t. Fine goodi , &c. Bi
frrco Works.
-OUST , TRIESCO UlBlUrneySt. , Impiori
ud Ie Boxes , Irrc and Wood Feuoea , Offic 23 ,
floct , OoonUn PUM and Walnut aa
Olg r * and Tobacco.
WKST & FniTSCHER , mnn ( cturer of Clnn.
nd Wholtmt * Doalenl n Tobacco * , 1805Joufla ) .
ff. F. tiORKNZRy miinnfitrturer 14l6Fi > rnham
A. Dona hae , plinto , cut flowers , noedi , iXxiaew
etc. N < W. cor. 16th and Doucliu ttroetft.
Civil EnRlneer * ind Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSKWATMl , Crclfthton Block ,
Town Surreyo , Grade and Sewerage 8yit ma ft
Uommlnlon Merchant ! .
JOHN 0.VH , 1,18,1414 Doij.-o Street.
D D. UKKMER. For detolla txt large a < lvertUe-
i-oot In Dallr and Wcokb' .
Oornlca Worka ,
Weatora Oornlce Works , Mamifactmera Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Kooning. Orders'
from any locality promptly eitciited In.the beet
manner. Factory and Office 1213 Harney 8t
0. SPEC11T , Proprtslor.
Iron Oornlca ) , Window Cape , etc. ,
manufactured and put up In any part of the
country , T. BINIIOLD 416 Thlrtotnth street
J. CONNER 1309 DouulM ttrect. Good line.
OlothlnK and Furnishing Goods.
OKO. II. PKTERSON. Al * > Hat , Cape , Booto ,
8hoo Notlona and Cutlery , 01 S. 10th street.
Refrigerators , Oanfietd'i Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN1 llth St. bet , Farn. & Uarnsr.
Show Case Manufactory.
O. J. WIU > E ,
llanntacturcr and Dealer In all kinds o ! Bhow
Caaoe , Upright Cages , ft > . , 1317 Can St
FRANK L. OKRHAItD , proprietor Omaha
Show Case manufactory , 818 South 16th street ,
between Lcavcnworth and Uarcy. All goods
warranted first-class.
ROHKNFKLD. 10th St. . bet , far. A Par
Utoves ana inware.
DixJcl'lu Btovcs Mid Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin lloofs and all klndl of Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER , 1300 Douitlae St. Good and Cheap ,
i Seeds.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Heed Drills and
Cultivators Odd Follows Hall.
Physicians oni Surgeons.
W. 8. OIBBS , M. D. , Room No t , Crelghton
Block , 16th Street
F. 8. LF.ISENR1NO , a. D. Maaonle Block.
0. L. IIART , M. D. , Eyt > and Ent , opp. poatofflco
Oculist and Aurlst. S. W I6th and Farnham SU
Photograpners. .
Qrand Central Gallon' ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic IltU. First-class Work and Prompt-
noaa guarantecn
PlurnblnK , Qai and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPT & CO. . 21012th tit , bet Farnham
tnd Douglas. Work promptly attended to.
D. 7ITZPATKICK , 1409 Douglas Street.
aiming an aper anglng.
1ENHY A. KOSTKRS. 141 Dodge Street.
Shoe Stores.
Phillip Lang 1320 Farnham at. bet ISth & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. New and
iecond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods ,
fee. , bouirbt and sold on narrow marvins.
In tna now brick block on Douglas Street , has
Just opened a most elegant BeeJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
every day.
Caledonia " J FALCONElt 679 16th Street.
Undertakers. '
JHAS. RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet 10th & lltd. '
00Uent , Store * .
0. BACKUS 1S05 Farnhura at. Fancy Ooodi
Proprietor ,
1213 Barney Street ,
, - - - .
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Specht's 'Patent ' Metalio Sky
light. :
Patent Adu | table Ratchet Bar and )
no ol goods ,
Irestlngs , Balustrades , Verandas.tOfflco and
Bank Rollings , Window and Cellar >
i Guards ; also
Peorson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. :
ILEE & CO. .
lole Manufacturers. OM AHA.
&enius Eewarded ; ctti
OH , tl
lie Story of the Sewing Maohino , tlPi ]
A handsome little pamphlet , blue and gel < < WW
YO , with numerous engravings , will be Wni
any auult penrti calllii ( ? ( or It-at any branch hiU
sub-oltlce ol The HInger Manufacturing Com- hiy (
my , or will bo Bent by null , post paid , to y <
IT person living at a distance ( rom our oUlcet. ui
Tlio Singer Mannfaoturing Oo , , hi tr
'rincipal Office , 34 Union Square , tli
( eblS fr
DOW open to the publla with a full supply ol ' "
Cut Flowers and Plants
or Sale. W will lie glad to nave the publlo
call and tcoui , > "
ouqueta or Any Floral Design Made 1)1
to Order 1)1b
( Ay Ore n House , 8. W. Cor 17th and Web- fr
CT , one block ( rom 16th street cars. Nursery , tr
street , opposite Foit , Jas. Y , Oralv , Florist trTi
id Landscape Gardner , 'FebS-Cm , Ti
York County Crop.
The acreage of flax inork oounly ,
says The Tnbuno , this season will not
bo ono half as great na last yonr. This
crop paid Tory poor returns , nnd many
farmers nro discouraged with it. Th
acroigo of wheat will also bo Icsa ha
formerly , while that of corn will b
grontly nugmontcd. Quito a largi
uninbor of our fanners nro Dotting
nice little Btnrt in stock.
The Ornpo.
11. A. llawloy writes to The Sulto
llccistor that no fruit is moro stir
nnd none moro profitable than
thrifty grapevine. Farmers can ni
well have nn ncro of grapes ns an acri
of other crops so far nn trouble is concerned
corned , nnd bo sure of a profitable re
I urn for their labor. 3hooso a pice
of rolling ground or slope , to sccun
perfect drainage , then got the plant. ,
or cuttings of the Concord variety and
with ordinary care success is assured
in our Nebraska soil nnd clininto
Grape vines should not bo allowed io
prow like n rose or n currant bush , al
in n mat , but carefully tied up on t
wire fence , or other trolli , or oven
fastened to the side of n building ,
Allow but two or three vines to grow
from the samp root nnd if trained to
stakes ono is enough. This plat
gives the vines room , air nnd sun
shims , which they must hnvo. Prun
ing is ono of the most important items
connected with the business. Every
vine that is allowed to grow should
bo closely pruned every year , in the
winter season or onrly spring , before
the sap flaws , to prevent bleeding.
Lot the main vines crow in length ns
fnr as they nro strong und cut off
every branch within nn inch of the
joint. This will bo nllthoy will need
in the way of pruning , nnd is much
bolter than summer pruning , which
scalds the vines by the hot sun being
lot in too suddenly. Plow or culti
vate every spring between the rows
and then mulch with old straw to keep
down tlirf woods nnd the ground moist
nnd cool , nnd you will have grnpoa in
nbundnnco. The grape , vine produces
all the fruit and folingo on the green
branches which will branch out from
every point in the spring.
How to Draft.
Gcrmantown Telegraph.
The cherry tree can bo grafted now ,
as the sap of this trco begins to run
early , and there is small clianco of a
cherry scion growing after this has
taken . placo. The apple nnd pear can
bo ' sot nt any time up to the middle or
even end of May , if the scions have
been ' carefully preserved and have not
yet started to sprout. There la no
danger of a graft not growing if the
stock bo split so that so that the bark
shall not bo bruised , nnd shaping the
acion wedge fashion both ways , preserving -
serving also the bark uninjured , and
placing the rim of the wood of both
stock and scion exactly together , or
at least crossing onch other so that
the sap can intermingle. Wo prefer
two eyes or buds to a graft , nnd would
rathtr have only ono than moro than :
two. Ono year's wood should always /
bo used when it can bo obtained , as it
is moro certain . to take and grows
moro vigorously , and the graft should
bo cut from bearing branches. ;
Wo wi h to remind these preparing
grafting wax , that wo have found four
parts of rosin , ono part of beeswax nnd
ono part of beef tallow to bo the best >
proportions. Melt thorn together in [
a skillpt , which is best , or n tin cup ,
add mix well It should remain in
the vessel and used as needed. .
Twenty or thirty scions can bo waxed
trith ono beating up. When much
rafting < is to bo done , a little fire
For heating the wax should bo made
ni the soot , between the bricks or
Silk Culture ,
ro the Editor of TnB Bun.
As the subject of silk culture is ro-
eiving considerable attention in the
Jnitod States I thought n fey items
'rom this section might prove Jntor-
isting to your readers. I liyo near n
olony of Russian Mormon ! tea a class
f Russian citizens who formerly ro
lidod in Germany. Their religious
sonvlctions wore , such , however , that
hey could not servo in the Army.1
Ibout the year 1800 the German Gov- >
irnmont insisted that they should
iorv < ; or leave tha country. The Czar
f ftnssia then offered 'thorn n tract of
and in Russia and promised tooxempt
ihom from military duty. They ox- .
opted his oflor and have lived
n Russia up to the time they omi- ,
'rated to the United 8taton < which
vns about seven years ago. Many nro
itill in Russia , but several colonies
an bo found in this country in Knn-
as , Nebraska and Dakota. The mul-
jerry wan introduced into their colo-
lies in Rusaia by tbo Czar for the pur-
oao of silk culture and to facilitate
ainfall. He compelled his subjects
o buy those trees of the government
ouch landholders muiit plant a cor' :
aiu number. ' After cultivating thorn
intil they Jearned their value they
'oluntnnly propagated thorn very extensively
onsivoly , and learned that silk cul-
uro was not the only consideration
n raising them. They found tliotim-
or very desirable for fuel. It also
urnished the finest material for cabi-
lot work ; and fence poatn mitdo from
would outlast those i > mlo from
ithor timber. Tha tree son < liocamo
ho most highly prized of an ) Russian
imber troo. It also bore cdiblo fruit ,
rhich wag marketable in Russia.
Vhon the Munnonites came to thin
ountry they brought the seed of this
roe with them. They nlao brought
ho Bond of several other trees , but
ilantod these more extensively than
U others combined. Many treen that
ro pay extravagant prices to obtain
roro loft in Russia by these people ,
nd tha few they brought are now acTi
roes to nursery men hero. The null- Ti
orry grows quito rapidly. Trees , Tiol
(10 seed of which was planted six ti
oow ago , nro now twenty feet high , frhi
nd ) argo enough for fence posts. T he him
roe resembles the npplo tree in its m
abit of growth. Tlio Russians say of f
lioy grow quito largo , often reaching 01a
lie height of fifty foot , nnd from three : a
five foot in diameter. They bear u
ruit very young , frequently coin- ot a
loncing when two years old , nnd thwl
ear every year. Last season the wl
rocs were densely Joaded with fruit , en
nd farmers came several mlles to th
urclmse it for doaHort. It varioa in BU
aver from ncid to Hwoct color , jot OU
lack and reddish white , 00 per cunt Fein
tiing black. Aa the tree is different in
rom any tree wo know in this coun- ofat 1
ry , wo call U RuBsian Mulberry , at
'he b rk itf grayish white , and the
branches droopihg. ITio Monnonifes
also use it nn nhcdgo plant. It makes
n bountiful hedge , nnd stands shear *
ing na well as nny tree. Professor
] Judd , of the Iowa col
lege , says it is pVopanated moro readi
ly from buttings thnil nny mulberry
with which ho la Acquainted , The
Monnouitos hnvo interested them-
eolvos in the silk business to some ex
tent , nnd hnvti somtj cocoons for sale.
If parties nro sufficiently interested to
make furtherinftulrios they can nd-
< Jl' 8S _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' '
Early Potntoos.
Philadelphia Record.
It will BOOH bo time for putting in
early potntoea , nnd the old favorite ,
Early Rose , still holds its place nt the
front. It may bo inferior to some of
the now varieties , but thcro ia ono
thing in favor of the Eirly HOBO thnt
nil will admit , nnd thnt is the uiunl
certainty of n crop. There arc but
few exceptions regarding the reliabil
ity of the Early Hose , and it must bo
A very unfavorable fecnson , indeed ,
when they do not. reward the grower
[ or his ( rouble. 'Another peculiarity
is thnt when the tdps nro dead the
potatoes nro there , nnd this cnnnnt bo
aid of nil others. _ The Pcnchblow ,
which is n Into variety , first gives n
very vigorous growth of vine , nnd
form the potatoes nftorwnrd , At
times they BhoW no signs of tubers
until almost nt the period of maturity
of vine , nnd they seem to hurry up the
tubers ns if they had boon forgotten
They nro good keepers , nnd nro hard
to bent ns a livtd vnMotv. The bugs
are very parting to'tho Puorlwss , nnd
attack that vnripty in preference to
others , yet slighting none. With
the first growth pf the potato nbovo
ground tlio biicu begin work.
At this stage the bugs should bo
picked in preference to sprinkling
with Paris green , as the poison is
somewhat injurious to thu vines when
very young. If hand-picking becomes
too difficult , which is noticed on the
appearance of the hatching of tint
ecus , the Paris green must bo applied.
Always mix it with fine dry plnsUr in
preference to fl nr , ns the planter is
very beneficial to' potatoes.Vo
form rly alluded to the fact that some
growers claimed that .their crops had
been increased by the use of Pnrip
green. What really increased them [
was the piaster , nnd it is a doubtful
question ns to whether the bugs nro
nn injury or a benefit on that account.
They have brought plaster into use on
potatoes , nnd tlio consequence wo
reduce moro potatoes than formerly ,
§ espito the bugs. In using plaster
always put a sprinkling on the ground ;
nround the plant na well na on .the
vino. It will be an additional benefit.
Ashes are excellent for potatoes , nnd
should bo broadcasted after the good
is in on heavy ground or scattered on
tlio rows on aanky soil.
Regarding the now varieties , it is
best to procure only a pound for ex
periment. Try them side by aide
with old-established , well-known vnri- {
3ties. The reason is that no farmer
an recommend to another nt n dis-
B ;
/unco which is the moro preferable
rnrioty , ns soils and other conditions
uay not bo the same. A western
lapor publishes a now > nothod of got- ;
li'ng ' the beat results from potatoes
rhrch is worthy of trial. Wo give it
mly for what it ia intended by theme
mo who discovered it , which is that
therg would use ic and report results.
t is a well known that early potatoes
ire not always fully matured , and the
mrger ones are often taken from the
lill while , the smaller onus
irp loft. This robbing process
njures the growth of those
oft , and they nnvor arrive at perfec
tion. If the grower , however , will
lig up all his potatoes largo and
inmll he can aulect the larger once ,
md market them , and then itnmodi-
itely use the small ones for seed 'by -
nitting thorn in the ground for a sec-
md or late crop , They should bo cut ;
n half and put in thickly , as many of
hem will not sprout. After they dro
ip they must bo thinned out if too
hick. If pu't on the same ground as
he first crop a fertilizer is required in
iddition to that originally applied.
Yo are not familiar with the nbovo
irpccss , but will experiment with it
his eoason , and give our readers the
onolit of it at the proper timo.
' Batting : Out Fruit Trees.
A common mis tike , says Tlio Ooun
ry Gentleman , is to plant a general
.ssorhnoiit at once , and give little
ubaoquont attention either to cure
nd cultivation , or to making useful
Editions or replacing vacancies. The
roes , are retarded in growth by neir-
BCt , a portion of them perish , those
rhich survive bear small and pier
ropa , and the owner loscawhat inter-
at ho had in fruit culture. It would
to bettor to sot out fewer as a begin-
ling , nnd take the best care of them !
ly continued cultivation. A dozen
rees under such management would
ivo moro fruit than half n hundred
nth neglect , the crop would bo larger
nd finer in quality , and the owner ,
rould bo ( jr.itifiud and encouraged [
nth the result , lie would find out
ho dillbronco between good and bad
ruit , his practical knowledge would >
10 increased , nnd ho would bo pro-
lartd to rnnko some yearly additions
o his orchard or fruit garden ,
iuch knowledge would bo far batter
han that obtained' by the owner :
n looking at hia trees once n year ,
r committing their care entirely to a
lirod portion who knows little about ;
horn. In short , the owner must
uka hold with his own imndi without
lores , and thu interest cniuted by V
ulturo and pruning will not bo at all
jssoned by the loads of polden and
rimaon-chookuii specimens which
noli good management will give him ,
Thu planter who makes frequent
ddltions to hia collection , to supply
ucancicB in the yearly circle , or to IUIW
bUln the most desirable now vario Ih
la , may purchase them by ordering ft
rom the bust reliable nurseries , or if ill PI
0 has moro of time and skill than In ij ;
loans , ho may himself niiso n portion at
the young nursery trees to bo sot atmi
Lit. Asa general rule , however , hem afl
m buy trees much moro cheaply than an r.c
can raise them , because it ia done r.cV
a large scale by men who have V
loroughly learned tjiuir tradn , and
ho , with all tlio necessary appliances ,
tn work to bettor auvantango
mil these who are deficient in
ich matters , It is well , however , for
ich land owner to have on hand n
iw trees of his own raising not for H
nmediato profit , but for the purpose
adding to his practical knowledge ,
nd moro especially for increasing Ida
iterost , Ho may procure a ftw doz-
en , or a few hundred , seedlings of
different kinds , of a nurseryman , nnd
having sot them out where they can
1)0 ns well cultivated ns a rqw of cab
bagcs or tomatoes , ho may graft or
bud them at his leisure , lint still
bolter in some cases it may bo to pur
chase a small supply of young trees
which have already made n year's
growth nftor budding and Rr.\ffing.
These may bo often obtained nt low
prices. A supply hko these , as they
will bo in two or three years , will bo
found exceedingly convenient for filU
ing vacancies and making additions.
Such management will not bo rob'
bing the nurserymen , for the man who
thus becomes practically interested in
fruit raising will bo much moro likely
to apply to nursor . additional
supplies , than ho who gives no niton'
tion , nnd has no knowledge of the fine
fruits. The additional information
derived from books nnd periodicals ,
will enable any ono to bring around
him the trees nnd plants which will
afford him n supply of delicious luxu
ries through the yearly circle. Such
a circle will begin with strawberries
in June , cherries in Juno nnd July ,
raspberries nearly as early , the first
peaches and plums by the 1st of
August , and later sorts for moro than
two months afterwards ; pears from
August to the following March ,
grapes for nearly the saino period nnd
apples through the entire circle ,
Oonornl Hems.
A ( loxiblo paint for canvas is mndn
ni follows : Yellow soap , 2J pounds ;
boiling wntor , 1J gallons ; dissolve ;
grind the solution wiiilo hot with 1125
pounds of good oil paint.
It requires nbout 0,000 young fish
to stock n pond of ono ncro in extent.
Of llsh weighing from ono to two
pounds 1,000 to the ncro is n liberal
estimate , nnd thcso will require arti
ficial feodimr , unless the pond is very
ricli with food producing vegetation.
It has been ascertuimvl that whore
eggs are sold by the pound that they
vnry in weight from ono to four
ounces. The nvorago weight of ono
dozen pegs is twenty three nnd n half
A celebrated French breeder , who
For many years held first rank in the
tirt of fattening sheep , vhen urged to
livulgo his secret , replied : "My ro-
jrot ? I hnvo none ; it is only a ques
tion of fnro. Induce animals to eat
ibundantly of n l.iruc , choice variety
3t well-prepared food ; that is all there
is to it. "
Ono of the latest theories advanced
s that apples are nuuo nutritious
hnn potatoes , and in Cornwall , Eng. ,
ivorkmpn say they can ' rk butter on
ho fruit than on the v gut blo.
Reports from the grm1 peach-grow-
ng districts represent tlm prospects
f the coming ) peach < as univor-
lally favorable. The gru k-orsof Now-
snstlo county , Dolawntv , in the The
iiVilmington Every Evening , are
uotod as saying 1 hut I ho "buds are
ill right , " and "two-thirds of the
isks nro safely passed , " while the
amo paper publishes similar advices
rom , the Delaware peninsula and the
instorn shore of Maryland. Sum-
named , the present prospects incli-
ate moro than an average crop over
ho entire peach-growing region from
rhich the middle- Atlantic seaboard
ihicfly draw its fruit supplies.
The Drovers' Journal , of Texas ,
lays : Largo corporations with fabu-
ous capital have been < ind are now
aoing organized in Texas and the
lortliwost for the purpose of handling
sattlo on a huge scale. The business
ippoars to be.not only a lucrative one
jut ono also of comparatively small
risks. At leant it is n rare thing in-
load to hear of failure among ranch-
non while tales of immense wealth
undo within n comparatively short
-imo , whore the capital stock of on-
orpriao and good judgment the iwo
reat essentials in stock-growing , as
n other things is not limited , aroiof
ihnoat daily recitation. The almost
miform advance in price , of stock cat-
lo , which amounts to about ? 5 per
load , does not seem to lesson but
other to increase the activity in the
aarkot for well-located stocks and in
ion tacts for hooves. ,
How's the Baby ?
"How's the baby ? " "Hla croup Is bot.
or this morning thank you. We gave
on odviHoi ) , doctor , ami shall give lilm
ome mom In nn hour or i > o. " ftext dnv
ho doctor pronounced the youngster
ured. 1-l-lw
* Bnakun'a .arnica Ualvo.
The bust salvo in the world for onto ,
iniisos , sores , ulcers , salt rheum ,
over sores , tetter , chapped hands ,
hillblains. corns and all kinds of
kin eruptions. This salvo ia guar
ded to give perfect satisfaction in
ivory case or money refunded. Price ,
5o per box. For sale by
Ton , fr MnMAHON. Omaha.
A Cnro Qtuuanted > ,
Or , K. 0. WixiVt Nurvo uiU Ilialn Treatment
ipoclfle ( or Hyutorla , Ulizlnotu , Convulnlons.
ferrou ) Hoadactie , Mental Uopreanlon , lam ol
einory.Spormatorrhuift , Iinpotcnjy , Im oluntary
in'iwlons , rrenutiiru Old Aiio , cauMxl by ovir-
tertlon , soil buna , or over-lnJul ence. which
adg to mlnery , decay aud death. Ono box will
ire recent cases. Ra b box contain ) one mouth's
ootmont. One dollar a box , or nix boxvti ( or
ve dollars ; mint by mall prepaid on receipt of
rice. Wo guarantee nix boxim to cure any caee.
rith each order received by us ( or ilx boxes , ac-
imjanled with flvu dollari , will Beud the pur-
ia cr our written vuaraotoe to return thu
looey II the treatment doei not ftt ct acuro ,
0.1 , Ooodman , Druwlit , Bole , Wbolenal * and
etall Agent. Omaha , Nub. Ordorv by mall at
( fular price ,
Sure Cure Found at Laatl
A sure cure ( or BlIudyTileedljJK , ItchlDg and
IceruUxl rilcthaabwn JlBCOiereUby Dr. Wll- '
am. ( on Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's
idlaa Ulntment. A single box baa cured thu
ont chronic coooa ol J5oi IQyuari etandlnif. None
no ri xl suffer Oyo uluutva tlter applylnt ; til (
ondndul BoothlnK rnvdlclne. Lotions , luatru <
nd cloctuoJlMi do more harm than good ,
'IDUm'd Ointment abeorbn the tumon , allays )
10 Intense Itching , ( nartliiilaaly at night attor
ttln ; arm In bed , . ) . fccU . ui . ai > ouUlc , trlvea In-
' ' - - j - - '
ant and palnlcua relief , and Itpitpauid only ter '
IK * . Itching of thu private parts , and ( or lu/th '
? il\60 \ ,
[ lead what tUo Hon. J. M , CctBnberry of Ouve-
nd bay * about Ir , WUIUra'a Indian 1'lle Olnt-
out : I rmvs mod ecorM of HIM cures , and U
Torils ine p wture to say that I hae nevu lound
wthlny which gave eucn Immediate anil porma
nt relict as Dr. William's Indian Ointment.
For Bile by all dnifurlsta or tnallo < l on receipt
rlco , 91.00.
For rale by 0. Y OooJmin.
W. S , GIBBS ,
Loom No4 , Oreljjlitou Block , 15th
OrriOK Houiioi 10 tola A. u. , 3 to 5 r.u ,
lephune connected with Central Office
Manufacturing Company ,
finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks ,
The only andjl jltional plato thnt
original firm o/ ' '
ia giving for instance
R o g o r s Bros ,
stance - single
All out Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon a
Knives plated triple thickness
with the gro'atoat
pUto only on
of caro. Each *
the s o o t i o s
lot being hung
on a Bcalo while whore expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure n full deposit -
making a single
posit of silver OD
plated Spoion
wear as long asa
Wo would call
a triple plated
ottpocial atten
tion to our see- one.
Rival. Orient- Tinned
All Ordenln th Went should be Addreiuod to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Largest and Best Assorted Stock of any Retail
Cigar House in the City.
In- the Market.
"Special Discount By Box"
First Door N. Opera House. mScXl2w
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to jthe Faet thax
Bank foremost in the West in Assortment 'and
Prices of
j ,
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps
iVo aro'proparod to meet the demands of the tr&do in regard to Latent Style *
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Oonneation . f
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St
i'ino Watchoa and Clocks. Pianos , the Stock and others.
Miuncmtls at luiportora * Price * . Organs , Whitney & Holmes.
owolry , most Artistic Sty lea. Music Books , Shoot Music.
tilvorwaro , an Elegant Stock , Accordions , Violins.
ipootacloa , Eyu Glassoa , &o. Flutoa and Fifes , Guitars.
pora Glaaseu , Ohoicu AdBortmenk. Musio Boxes , Harmonicas.
in Boat Stylus. Vollin Strings , Guitar Strings , Ac.
'inu Ropuiriiig a Specialty. Inducements Superior to others.
'ricea in Plain Figures. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. "
i copy none uf our competitors STVTIiKS or advertisement ) we politely ro-
luest a return of the coiapllment. '
) pera House Block. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Ho , 1408 larnham Street , Omaha , M.