Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 8
. < THE OMAKA JJ.'ULV BE ) : WEDNESDA 15 I'lIK DAILY BRK OMAHA. "Wodnesd iy Moraing March 16. Wonthor Hoport- ( Tha following observations nr3 tnkcn hi tbe ame moment ot time ftt all the < ta- tlotunMced. ) . Wlft UWAIHMRHT , U. B. Sl8 Al 8 llVir.ll , 1 OUAIIA , Karch II , 1882. (14B ( ; p. m. ) I iritlOIK. S"IS a a o i i > .07 5 | w DrltV Cheycnno. . M.CO 45 W 48 W flrUk riltte. . . . . . NW Omfchk 29.74 W Ttpkton. . . 2i.7 sw U hl JDei Wolnn. 20 8 3S IS Fresh 30.01 37 IK llrluk 2903 S liK tlsk Bt Urn ) ) . . 33.04 49 * K tlrlsk Moorheut. . . 29.81 3J 3K llrlik Vincent. . . . 31 B Froih fil > ipxrk. . . BufOiV. . . . . a PI Krrih loudy Cmvor 31.12 NW Kreih Fair Dcalrood. . 2J02 Fresh u'jinow Awlnlbotnc niter 4 feet 7 Inchci bore high water mark nd Irnon. LUOAL. Tlio "School for Scandal" will he prow - * w nled nt loyd' ! to-night. The cooper * nt the Willow Sptlui < g -distillery me out on n strike. The laborers at llio Omaha nail works have received n mine , and now got $1,70 per day. -ruttlnff the tin cornlca on the Grand Central is the Uio r/nclfcd by the work men yesterday. The jury in the Kostcw case did not "agree to disagree" but diiagrced without nny a rceinent. ' } Two Michigan ofiloora pissed -througl the city 'Monday wltti a defaulting Imnk cashier caught in California. -The funeral of Goo. 1 * . Armstrong will take pi ice at 3 p. in. to-day and will bo attended by every union in the city. 'Fannie Da venporl'd ' coming to Omaha is a welcome event to nil , nnfi the Rale ol Heats Is olready.qulto largo ifor to-night' * entertainment. John C. Lucia has withdrawn from tha bond of Edward Walsh , president of the Libor unicin. llobort ( Slenn taken hi * place on'tbo b'ond. ' Oscar Wilde will appear nt Boyd'n opera house , Tuesday night the Slut , under the auspices of.tho Social Art Club. Sub ject not yet announced. Tlio cases against Nicholas Knhn , the Mill aril BAO > n keeper , were continued in the " District Court yesterday , the de fendant being in bed nick at homo. The next classic concert of the "Phil- " omntlican club < wi 1 talio place on Thurs day evening , at Max Meyer's Mimic hall. A very fine programmewllf bo presented. The Omaha nail works turned out 3,003 Itcg't of nails during the last two week's ] making a profit of $2,000 , This is the best two week * ' work ever done lit this factory. The young ladle * of the First M. 33 , Church wit ) hold a sociable this evening at \ \ the residence of Mr. G. T. Walker , north west corner of Douglas and Seventeenth streets. streets.Heal Heal estate transfers are active and although the chrk'a offlca la crowded with efficient help they cju't keep the records up. Oraah i has .n genuine real estate boom. All members of tbo Bricklayers' Protective - toctive unton are requested to meet at their liall at 1 o'clock , sharp , to attend the fu neral ot George Armstrong , t W.JJ. MII.LH , secretary. Five hundred dollars cash will buy the stock and futures of the Mich'gan Tobac co Stare , 1-117 Douglas street. Uusiness good , rent low. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. -Tho remninn o' young ( Burn- , who died on the emigrant train near Fremont i , recently , wiiro forwarded to Amazona , Mo. , ycstirday , by the American Ex p're&s comp my. There will be no meeting of the Lnnd League on to-day ( Wedu dsy ) evening ing , as the hall w.ll bo occup'od ' by the Grand Army of the' Hcpubllc. Y. W flray , president , Michael DInneen , a son-in-law of John IConnolly , died nt Ills hunt on Jacksot .street , between 9th and lOthMreots , yes i terday. The deceased was 27years of age .The funeral unties will be given heicaftor It was stated t reporter of Tax BKE yoitoniay that the whole force of uieclmn , Ic , and laborer * at the U. P. shops would turn out in n procearton to attend the funeral oral of the man who was murdered by th militia' Sunday night A inan named Leavcmrorth , who ha < just been discharged frout the Llncol' penitentiary , was arrested Monday by a sergeant of the regular army , and brough to Omaha handcuffed. Ha is rharged will stealing a government uorte. The special grand jury caUcd to inves tlgato tho-case of Wa'.nlj ' Fonda , , et. al. < wa einpaimelle.1 yenterday with JJyroi Jteed as foreman. Chag. J. Green In act iug M prosecuting attorney and hag sub ( rxuBwd o large number of witneuev. , TrOne of tbe nillllainea from flutfou , , named Crouln , WOK cued Monday on i summons from Judge Stenberg's court for A board bill , which he contracted in IUSO while Jie was a member of the graud Jury in this city , Pat Kord is tba oampUUtknt Kor.tho next clastic concert of the ThilomAthlan Olub t Max Mefer't Hall , A limited number of itagle ndmUiiun tick. * \ will be Bold at Mac Meyer & Bro.'a .muslo utoto , Tba same muit be taken before Thvrtday noon in order to insure * eat . mar4-3t A picture of the proposed Omaha Chamber of Commerce baa been put on .exhibition in the drug stort ) of Dr , N , A. Kuhn , corner 15th and Douglas. The itructurj is of stone and brick , five etotieg ' high' , 200 feet wjuare , and will costSOO , . 000 , Ed , Parker , 15 < q. , wa In the county court Monday to au wcr to a writ of habeas corpui , ( the charge being the aWuo- tlon p/'hls ' two daughters from LJj wife , from whom lie ha i separated , and who was living in PottawaUamlo county , Iowa , The details of the abduction were given iu THE ! ! KK loveral days ago , The case was coin. j > romied ! by Mr , Parker , agree In ? to b tnift and * nltliful husliftnil nnd quit drinkIng - Ing If his -ttifo w mlil Ht\J with Mm agnln. Mts , 1'atlcor con"cn(4yl ( to try him and tlio , wo left the court t nn amicably togelhtr. Tlio next classic c nccrt of the Phllo- mathean Cl .b . taTces place on Tlmruday nlglit nt Max MeyerV Hall. It will have MI exceptionally finoiiroprnmnie. This Is the so < > ml concert of the present scrlc'- The third will le gh en In Uoyd's ' opera house. Her. W. A. Co. c'and , pastor of the Unitarian church , hni been invited lo de liver an a Idrein on the homicide of George Armstrong , in which It is expected he will deal with the labor troubles in an Impar tial way. The reverendRentlcmanhai not announced his acceptance. A pcrgcnnl of one of the militia com panies wan kno Iced down on Tenth street almit noon Mooday. Ho became involved In an altercation with byntnnicr and another - other mnn hit him. The peccant attempted to draw hli revolver , but was restrained by the crowd. Upon the recommenJftUon of his post commander , nnj that ol hl troop coin- mimclcr concurred In by the Commanding ( Department of D kot , private Charles Mlllotto , livop M , Seventh Cut-Ai ry , who recently mtrrcndcred asad Fcvtcr , Is icstored lo duty wKhout trial. Ha will be Kent to the ntatton of his troop by the Comtnnndinc Officer nt Fert Sandcrs- W. T. Somoimllgmnt , who falls to ten lib ) rw.nt1 , denies Til r UUF.'H sta'emcnt ceanling the Injury to Mr. Prank Vrlck , Sunday tvcniiiR. TIIK KKK had no motive In making tha raport to utito aught bul truth nnd it taken the word of Mr. Hcrmr.n Kundo to-dny for the matter in | > rcforenca tn the Indignant but anonymous Individual who B.iys ho owns the liorso Mr , Kilik drove , -frof. Mdwfttd A.O'lJrlcn , of this city , has hud an autograph communication from Mr. Uoticlcnult to produce his cxccllcn p-ieco , "Tho CoReen Dawn , " coraplcto for the benefit of the Union Catholic Library. This la a great favor on the part of the din- ttlngulehcd author who has heretofore re fused to Roll that privilege for luve or money. There is tome difficulty exper ienced now in filling up the ojale. In the dtst'ict crurt yesterday the against J Terry Siert were called , Walter Bennett , Esq. , appearing for the defence. A number of important wit- were absent , nnd , although the State's attorney nnd the court vvero both anxious 11 biing tli9 ca-ca to an immediate trial , Mr. Dennett In bin argument placet the matter In such n light that the tria WUB postponed un II the Juno lenn. This IH virtually a victory for the defendant , who will probably continue selling liquor an before. Quito an exciting episode took place thU morning during the hotting of the caioof Parker Vs. A. 1) . Smwdon , admin- Litr.itor of i ho estate of Jono" , deceased. The suit was for a physician's bill for fcrvices rendered a young woman In accouchement , tha deceased being alleged to bo the father of tha child. Mr. Fred Wirth , a witness in the < U3 > , was brough befora the court on n writ of attachment , nrd'in the course of'tho testimony was afked if ho was not atone tlmo caught by Ills wife ( n flo rante delicti ! with the mother of the child. "It's ng d lie , " shouted the witness. The court rebuked lilm feverdly and said be ought to bo fined hoavlly.for contempt. The matter-how- over , created no llttlo merriment in the crowd , If- If A'lom had had a game of "Fifteen" placed in bin hand At nn early period of niii existence , ilia whole course of history midit hnvo been materially nit'red for the bolter , and if bill usneiiK , ind'E ' lton , sick hvadnche or dyspepsia were uu Known , Si-HiNrt ULOSSOM would not be neoJed. Price 50 cents , tilnl bottUslO cents. 11-lw WOODEN PAVEMENTS. What Knfrlnoor Rosewater 'Will Pro- oont to tlio Board of Trade. As announced in n brief personal in THK BEK , City Engineer Boaowater returned on Monday from his extend ed visit cast , nnd brought with him nome valuable suggestions regarding Mo paving question , llo would havu presented tlioao to the board of trodo on Monday ovonini ? , if that body had held a mooting Eeea than a quorum of tlio members however , , were pres ent and so the mooting adjourned to next week Iu a brief oonrersation with a re porter , Air. Rosownter stated that ho had examined , during his visit , into tlio pavings of the streets of Cleveland - land ) Cincinnati , Dutroit , and other prominent eastern cities. Ho hoc found that , on the whole , where mod- urn pavements wore used they gave the best satisfaction anil wore consid ered the beat and cheapest. While this pnvemont might not bo substan tial enough for flow York , Boston , or Philadelphia , they answered the purpose - pose well in all the cities tirut named. In Detroit , especially , lie was told thai the experiments by that city had eat- i iiod the residents that the wooden pavements would last for ten years ol good service , and/ then could be re placed at luss cost / for both pavings than that of atone. They were cleaner , lens hard on horses , and in .many respects much preferable to macadam or stono. Mr. Jloaowater's suggestions will doubtless bo of considerable - sidorablo value to the board of trade when that body meets to hear them. Resolutions-of Condolence. At a rigular mooting of Omaha Lodge U. D. , K. of P. , hold March Dth , 1882'tho/ollowiny was umuii. mously adopted : Whereas , In the providoncu of God death has invidpd the homo of our brother Adolph Hnrtwiz and taken from him his bolavcd father , IlcBolyrd , That wo , the member * of Omaha Lodge U. D. , K. of ! , , extend to our brother our sincere sympathy in the loss ho has sustained. Resolved , That those resolutions m placed on record and published in . / ' " llEE d a copy trana- nittod to our brother. . CII , Q , IviuusK , Ooranuttooj-j HBJWY HOHNBBJWEH , I ClEOHOB LlKDE. "JlOUaTToN KAT8. " The thing dwlred found at last. A.It li-u M f < .r "Bough on 1UU. " It clear > ut rav , mice , roache * , flies , bed hugi ; 18 THE SITUATION , Work on the Dump ( grounds Practically Stopped. Preparations for nn Impoaitg Funeral for George P. Armstrong. The Arbitration Committoa Finds the Authoritioa Helontless. Outrages Porpo cvatod by Die solute Soldiery. TbolEvonta of iho Post Day Sum tnarlzod. The pjitrt. twenty-four hours hav been , rather quiet , so far ns the pro codings t the Burlington it Misaout dump a'ro concerned , and the cxcito mont in the matter is gradually sub siding. The militia still held the fort in the old Catholic church , whore they wore Monday furnished will bunks , instead of having to sleep 01 the hard floor. The grounds and al approaches thereto are guarded by sentries , whoso boata extend as far ft Ninth atroct , pn both Howard nnc Ilarney. No crowd is permitted to assemble , and no disturbance has taken place. The principal interest yesterday has centered in the proceedings of tin coroner's court , which nro publishcc in full on the third and first pit o * . The regulars were on the groutids again promptly yesterday and the same precautions nro exercised as dur ing the past three days. i'lioro is ono bad feature of tin present military occupation of Omalm und that is the disorder occasioned b ; soldiers and militia who are permittee to go about town nnd drink until the ; bccomo belligerent and insult and us B.-iult citieens. A number of sucl cases are reported , and it would seem that the military authorities ought to take some notion in the matter. Sol diers are only human , nnd it is not to be expected that in such a time the ] catt bo turned loose , when saloons an running in full blast , and no gotno of them at least , creati trouble. About 1 o'clock to-day ai old man was assaulted by a guard at the intersection of Ninth and How ard , knocked down , shamefully am brutally beaten with the musket , am driven across the street at the poin of the bayonet. A witness to the af fair is confident the guard was fntoxi catod and unfit for duty. Other cases , still more aggravated , when the soldiers wore on" duty are reported and the officers would do well to linii to the smallest degree the number given leave to yo about the city. A company of regulars have beer placed on guard ever the Willow Springs distillery , a rumor having been circulated to the effect that thai property was threatened by the strik ers. There was probably no author ity , whatever , for the rumor and the precaution was needless. ( THE HUUIAL Of ARMSTRONG. The funeral of Oeo P. Armstrong , the victim ot the Sunday night row , has boon fixed for 2 p. in. Wednes day. All the various trades ui.iona in the city have been notified by President Walsh , of the 0. L. P. U. to moot at their respective halls at 1:3 : ! ) p. ' m. to day and march from thence to the residence of the dee-cased to at tend the funeral. The obsequies will no doubt bo attended by the hirgesl concourse of people that ever attend ed a in this city. A meotintf of the executive committed was ap pointed fi/r yoieeidiy to arrange the programme for tlio funeral cere monies. HTONK8 ANU OllAVKL. The Lincoln .lountul tuys , in its no count of the "Omaha War : " Monday morning , as a construo'tiem train ol the B. tt M. men were going qut o the city to their work , they wore ) compelled polled to pass a train loaded with U P. gravel men , who , as they passed throw giavol' and Htonea at them , Roaamnster Taylor , of the B. & M. reported the indignity to the road master of the U. P. , who promises to make it hot for his men. " THK aUILTV MAN. As yet nothing has transpired te indicate who the guilty patty in the Armstrong murder was. It is atatoe that the man is known and has beoi sent homo to avoid trouble , and that oeventcon men in all , connected with the affair , have also gone homo. The Lincoln Journal locates thus far : "II wo doomed it good policy wo woulc like to give the guard's name who wiped blood from his bayonet. It might surprise many of the Journal's readers in Bonnet. We were an eye witness to the scone , and know whal wo aay on it. " The correspondent who writes this from Omaha signs his name " \Valt" and if ho is as unrelia ble in this statement as in the most of his account of tlio allair , 1m would bo of average knoweldgo with most of Nio o who have testified before the ooronor'a jury. WOKK HTOM'KD. Work on the dump was practically ceased Yesterday. The statement in yesterday's BEE that about ono hun dred men were nt work , was given upon the authority of ono of the of. ficere , bu it was afterwards proven to bo untrue. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon - noon only thirteen men nnd nine teams could be soon from the bank above the dump , and they were not pushing work at a very rigorous rate , Yogterday about twenty-five men went to work. Among them , however over , were two members of the Oina- Iia Protective Libor union , who had ! ? i nPP.lioati ° n for employment Monday , Aa soon as they were able to got among the mon , they commenced doing Borne ollbctivo talking , the re- Bult of which was that at uoon , all ot the men except three stopped work nnd rcfuiod to refused to resume again. This practically etops the progress of operations on the dump and the ques tion which the the Labor union now want j the contractor to solve i , "What ore you qolug to do about it ? " ProBidont Walsh , of the Labor union , called at THE JEB office yas- .erday und requeatod it to bo stated Hmt Hon. John 0. Oowin and Col. E. F. Smytho had IrW-n retaine' b _ lho executive comnriUM pncar jn tno ciscs AS cpuutiol. The pr'oljmjnUT ( ox. nmiiifttir.n , which ww nxed for Thurs- nay , ffill probably not be. held , as the action 01 th& gt-Aiiu jury will render it unnecessary , The 1) . it JL. ofllcials are reported to have denied that the men who quit work yesterday on the dump , did so beciu ( i they were influenced by the strik-crs. They are stated to have ' o'j'it work for another reason and that they will resume operations this morn * ing. MOni ! BOYCOTTING. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted , at n recent meeting of the Labor Union ! Whereas , The firm of West & Fritschcr , cigar manufacturers , did upon the llth day of March , 1882 , discharge from their employ all mo'.7i bers of the Cigar Makers' 'union therefore bo it Resolved , That the Omaha Laboi Protective union , in mass mooting as semblcd , cJo hereby declare the ac tion ot said firm os detrimental to justice and labor ; therefore bo it further thorResolved Resolved , That wo withdraw nl patronage from saloon keepers , pro cers , or anyone OBO ! selling cigars manufactured by said firm. The following is the report of the committee on arbitration , which was accepted and adopted : REFUSAL TO COJU'ROMISB. To O.Tlcors nii'l Members ot the Omaha Protuctlvt Union : GENTLEMEN Your committee , op pointed for the purpose of arbitration respectfully report : That they waited on Mr. Stephenson - son ; told him they were willing to malco legitimate and fair concessions , and to moot the other side- half way and compromise the mutter and save the city from the presence of troops and even the dungur of trouble. Thai wo were not strikers ourselves , but workers receliuc'more wnges thai tlioao demanded by thuso out on the. strike. Ho positively declined to arbitrate , compromise or udjust 01 any terms or make any concessions wholevor. Ho finally stated that ho was unwilling to pay more than § 1.G ( per duy , nnd that ho would only cm- ploy about twenty-five shovolors niiei titty teams at that figure and nothing else , as his contract would not justify the payment of nny more , and your committee withdrew. Your committee are reliably in formed that Mr. Mattin Kennedy has oilorcd to take the contract oil' Mr. Stophonson's hands or from the B. & , M. railroad company , or n'lybodj else , lor the same figures , und pay the men $1.7D per day , and the teams § 3.50. Understanding that a com uutteo had waited on the smelting works this morning , and that the pro prietorfl had taken the s.imu position us they had before , we deemed it un necessary to call on them. X'our com mittee having consulted eminent counsel in this city on the subject , earnestly .recommend that this labor protective union appoint a committee , two of the members to bo prominoni attorneys appointed by the president , with power to compromise this trouble by splitting the difference between the pi ices olfured and the prices de. mandcd. Behoving this to be fair and cquit able and a move that will , command the respect and confidence oi the community , save thestato and cily great expense , and also terminate the present condition of affairs , wo have nothing further to offer , subscribing ourselver yours respectfully , Chairman , TIIOS O'BitiBN , P. T. McuriiT , DAN O'KEEFI : , J. M. OAKKOLL , T. M. MULCAUY , . Committee. MA YOU BOYD'S POSITION. In n somewhat extended conversa. tion with a reporter of THE BEE last evening , Mayor Boyd was very cour teous , and explained quite fully his reasons for the call of military to the city , and stated what ho would do in the future. The mayor said that ho had hesitated for sometime before Bonding the disp itch to the governor for n-stsbtanco. When he did BO it wan at the solicitation of n largo num ber of the most influential and intel ligent bus-mesa men of the city. He requested , however , ho stated , only the presence of two or three regular companies of regulars , and BUg esttei that the military vould neiihor bo ncctasary nor of advantage to the preservation of order and protection of property. Ho thought that it wna for the best interests of the workingmen - men of the city in the future that no further opportunity for a breach ol the peace bo allowed. Wlum the militia were sent , hpwevor , ho was unable to do otherwise than accept their services. Regarding his intentions as to hold ing of the troops ho said : When the laboring men assure me that there will lie no disturbance , and that any man or number of mon cin go to work where , when , and at what prices they please , then the troops will bo withdrawn , * and not till then. I hope this will cuma speedily , but until that , if it bo a year , the military n ill bo re tained on duty. I shall alao prohibii any processions or demonstrations of any character that are not confined to ono place , as I believe tlioy are pro ductive of evil , and afford opportunity to the lawless element to stir up trouble and promote riotous proceed ings. " The mayor uaid also that ho hat acted in accordance with his best judgment and conscientious construc tion of his duties and his oath. TUB VPNBBAL , All members of the Omaha L. P. U. , will assemble in a body at Turner liall at 1 o'clock to-day in order to attend the funeral of the late Goo. Armstrong , the first victim to bayonet rule in Omaha , All other unions are ) requested to moot at their respective liatls and make arrangements for at tending the funeral. It is also re quested that all business men in the city who are opposed to military rule , and have respect for the martyr and loner for the act will close their sov- ; ml places of business during the pass- ng of the funornl cortege. ED. WALSH , Pros. 0. L. P. U , IN EXONERATING VEHIUOT. About 4 o'clock p , in. yesterday the ury in the case of George P. Arm. troug , who was killed Sunday night , amein with the following verdict ; 'Wo , the jury , do find by all the BVI- [ once presented , that George P.Arm strong came to hi * death by a bayonet wound received from ono or more of our state militiA , names lo us un known , while in the porform.inco of their duly , " ntlESS I'ARJLDE. A very fine dress parade was hold by the militia last evening. The band of the Ninth regiment , U. S , A.camo down from Fort Omaha nnd played several fine pieces on the grounds just before the parade , which was thu * postponed until about G:30 : o'clock , fho band wont through a regular programme and the militia officers were invited to bo proson.'c , it being out of compliment to them on the part of the regubyr officers. During thp parade , which was wit nessed by quite a crowd of ladica nnd gentlemen , Judge Woolworth'a team , 'Siilch ho was driving himself , became frightened and upaot the carriage , throwing the occupants out. No ono was seriously hurt , and the judge hold on to the lines and prevented a runaway. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. A Three Year Old Boy Shot Through the Head. Uauslntr His Instant Death , A terrible accident occurred this afternoon , just befora 1 o'clock , in the roar of Elondrickson's store , corner of Ninth and Loavonworth streets , by which n bullet was sent through the head of a little child of Peter Hanson , killing him almost instantly. Nols Christian Anderson , a Dane , about 20 years old , was cleaning a Colt's old-fashioned navy revolver , near n window at his homo , which is in the rear of the obovo mentioned store , nnd the little boy , who was only between 2 and 3 years old , was up on a footstool on the outside to look on. Anderson was whirling the cjlindar of the weapon , not knowing it wai loaded , when the hammer slipped from his thumb , and discharged - od it , the ball passing through ho window and hitting the child in the left eye , and passing through came out about the center of the buck of the head. Thofaco was bad ly cut by the broken glass , and around the bullet wound is the marks of burnt powder. The weapon was a very largo one , with a barrel eight inches long , and carries a 45-calibro ball. The ono that killed the boy was the only ono in the revolver. Officer Hill , who was near the scene of the accident , immediately took charge of tlnj mutter ) and telephoned to Coroner Jacobs. Anderson is thoroughly frightened. Ho has been in this country about two yearo , and speaks but little En glish. The Hansons live next door. The little boy'a mother is crazed with grief , and it was impossible to Irarn any further particulars from her concerning the nfiUir. The boy lived but a.few seconds after the accident. The coroner's jury inves'igatod ' the case pretty thoroughlyand came to the verdict that the boy came to his death through accidental discharge of a pis tol. The old story "Didn't know it was loaded. THREE HANDSO WE DISPLAYS The Ladles Have a Treat at Three Prominent Store Opening's. Many and varied were the hand some specimens of feminine headgear which set off the- pretty faces of a crowd of ladies at each of the three brilliant store openings held on Far- nam street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streota List ovnning. Of these "openings" but ono was strictly so , that being S. P. Morse & Co.'a now store on the south side of Fur- nani. The large double store was brilliantly lighted and wus most mag nilicuntly decorated. In one window waa a gorgeous display of hosiery and fancy wear , while tlio other ono was resplend ent with many pieces of beautiful and costly dreas goods. Within about twenty courteous clerks were in at tendance to explain and show the splendid stock of goods. Nothing was Bold und the delighted visitors were obliged to restrtin their impulse to puichaso until to-day. Among the other decorations of the store was a magnificent floral horecshoo , which hung over the foot of the broad flight oE stairs leading to the salesroom above. No Jess beautifully arranged , though not on so large a scale , was Hick- man's , a few doora further east. One window was entirely taken up by a profusion of beautiful artificial flowers , which were arranged in a luithetic manner. Mr. Hick- man waa at the door to bid all visitors welcome , and funnvull. Tlio display , especially of artificial flowers , among which were u gorgeous pillow of roses and u handsome stand of plants , us natural us life , was most beautiful. On one side of the ntnre were arranged the hosiery , lace , gluvo and other de partments. Each was presided over by un irresistibly attractive lady clerk , all of whom were anzioun to show the goods. Hero also nothing was sold during the evening. Across the street Samuel Burns' splendid Btoro was tlio third object of universal attraction. Rare , costly and beautiful aotts of China and crockery ware adorned all of the stands. This storeiwas , like the others , bril liantly illuminated , and the taste used m arranging the display reflected great credit upon Mr. Burns and his assistants. WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do n ot recommend patent medicines , but when wo know Df ono that really ia a public benefao tor , and does positively euro , then we consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitten are truly a most valuable medicine , and will surely cure Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney complaints , oven where all other reaa- odiea fail. We know whereof wo speak , and can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at CO cents a bottle , Jth it MoMahon. (7) ( ) BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Gets per Ib , at mi4.5t WM. GBNILKMAN'S. CATARRH Tito Only Known Real Cnro. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONt rONKY TO LOAN U ll at L w Omce of I ) , I L. Thomas HfloroS Uiolzhton lilwk. TO LOAJ < At 8 per contln n. tor" ' iuiMof 12,600 am upward ) , for 3 to 6 yean , on Ont-clara city urn farm property. Bums IUit Emra and Lo * , istb and loucl 8 Sts. ' HELP WANTED. 'ANTED. Flrnt-clam barber Immcdhtcly , , hlzh et a ci paid. J , J. Good , 32 1'car street , Coun II IlliitTj. tt ANTKD-Bonrdorsnt the ( UrfleM hocse , N. W. comtr 14th and Jackirn St . 414 tf TED-A family of ( rood ttmdlnjr to WA nilopt a lltt e uln six month ! eld. ChlU cm bo teen it I hlld'd Ifo pltal. 322-14 ' A ROJd clrl Inimoil fttcly , ono WANTK' cooK , at No. 410 N. SO.h St. , l ct 0 loigoanUCiSJ. 410-14 AVI ED A ( fjod dining room girl , ntUOS a.j St. 4 10-tf . UMrn. A. Elou1117 N. 16U WANTr.n competent drees makers. None otlior need apply. 430-18 20 men for nllrwl work. II , WANTBU Mamiw.llir , Ulo cntli otct near rn ham. * UANTKD To urchnsa a T c' ct f r u O \\'o. Ui < tidl Id I'm In i'I Ago all out tn l > o foifciUiil. Ad.nuta . : AinlffO , DKK OlUce. 421 14 | ANTKD-Ooo. ] c'rl. An ly nt 10S5 North ICth street. MIW. J. Jt. COU.SSMAN. S93-tf To furnlihcd rooms with boird WANTED o family , within B bl ckaof post office , by go tlcman , ullo nnd thlld. Addrosn C. K. S. oca olllvc. 330 14 > / ANTED 2 or3 unfurplchod rooms between Ull > and 13 h Stu. ana llar'.oy and f-cavcnworth. References p vcn. Addr s W. F. haffcky , 4S3 luth St. 4',2 ' , 14 * \\"r A > TliD Qotjd girl to cook , wash and Iron ; VY reference n < ] Ulrcd , heat of wajccs. Ap ply nt eouthoist corner of 2jth Uallfornla strrcts. 3 = 0-11 WANTED gooJ gltl to do irencral. housi. or In a small imiill t. Cull , \\lth refer ences , nt 25th nnd Douglas street ! , ruchlltf " \T7"ANTED A good Irl frr general house YY work , also a mirso tlr ) , nurthuoit cur ntT 23land Buttslreot * . 3:3-tf > Tii ; ) A tow ruonoy men to join tut ) to WA buy the Dim hi Inn a d Nail Works , \\hlch will he S3ld under U. S. Manhall salci on the 23tl of this moi.tti. If. UBltTUOLD , Prop. Oiuahi Iron and Afctai Yard. 3jJ-ll ( iKn lo leaBO i liouia ( if 6 to 10 roomt WAN ono to three yean. Miibtbo located betwe. n Izth and IBih btro ts , ni.d Harnty and COM streets Addr < .B3 A. 11. Fitch , 714 North 18th streo * , c ty. 310 tf "TTrANlFD On the tlrbtdiy of May , a hou o VY of 8 or 10 room * within 8 Mocks of Fo t Olllco. AUdrote J.-Martin , this olHco. 201-11 ANTtl ) To iood harne * ) nukcrt ; steady W work. E. STACII , York , Neb. 2S Imo * Funding bridge ocd nchool bonds , WANTED Clark , BellovTio. . 0-tf . " \T7"ANTED 4 children as hoarders In a ccloct YY school , at 19th and California St. L. B. LOOM1S. . 767-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 1)0X110 REST 1024 Cass St. R 41810 Pen KENT N. E. I , Fee. 0 , T. IB , R. 11 , un improved Daujila * county land. 1J mll 4 from H. It. station. Inquire ut 2113 Davenport street , 423-tf ton KENT Mice largo furnished south front Jj room , 1904 Farnham , above Iffth 377-14" TnOR BENT House of flvo rooms. Inquire of Jj Francis Hobhlni , hlnn's addition , few blocks north ttroct car line , Eanndors St. 324-16 * OU IIENT Furnlshid ana unfurnished rooms , northwest corner 2Cth ai.d OISB streets. 387 IB' RENT House and barn and 4 acres FOR 'iind ' , 1) ) mile ] w s : of poatoillcc. inquire at 1B1H Dim nport etrt-ct. 800-14' OIl HUNT A ( food M u-c , 11 Mimu und barn , 7 acres ol land most'y of fruit and \eietablC9. Norio but responsible toi-ant i.ced apoy. N , J. f JI1T1I , 0110th ot 310 U KENT One front room , furnished ; at FOK N. 17th St. , can side , bet. liavui ; and Chicago. A. llctiie. 09i tf 71OK HBNI'-B5 to $70 per month ; lu o two ; story ntw brick iiouio wlih ar.i , wash and coal house , water and all modern In-provorajnts. Heady ilnrch 2 111. M. Toft d. K. t'or. 12th and Farnham. 4i'4 ' > :8 UE T-IIouso ol 0 rooms on I'lerco.'bot. I1OH and 7th Su. Jnqulro of C. P. Uirkctt. TTIOR RENT House on lth ttroet , noir How- J ? frd. Rent , $20. Apply at Western Nens < puper Uunloii. 408 tf U"NT Houio of rooms , convenient lo JTHK s Knualre first houte north of Wlthncll lloutc. 400 14 Kiv > T Two nicely furnished r ems wall Eull , bath room acd gas , at 1718Uodffobt. , Om h . 343.14- oil HbNT suit of nicely furnUheJ rooms L southeast uorner 20th and Da eDportSts. null I > T Nicely furnished room. Apply at Jj 1220 Farnharu et. 213-tf UKET Store room In brick bulldlnir , N. FOR . corner 10th and Cuminff. C. F Good man , Ill Farnhiin St. 203-tf TTtOU RKNT House on Sherman avenue , J ? rooms , with itablc AplytoN. W Ma 111. 307 S. 12th St. 207.11 i.MIS ; rents lieu e , lotH , lurnw , ttoriH , Jan. , roomi etc. Otlluit 15th aucl iJoudlnsBts. r.1011 KENT Kuniuni'u nun tuoin , N. E. cor. L' Oth and JtcKson. 62-tf Ilf.NT llou o of right looms. Kmiuln Full . I'hlpBS Roe , 1612 B. Fifth St. 677-tf ; UENT i furnlsbed rocm ever tli-i LJOi 1 , : ui.ol 'Kii.hs.useN.E cor. I6th Mid Dcd ; . iiKfjT Nicely Jurnlahod roouu with m without board. Ueaoonable priced. 3018 man FOR DALE SALE A new bouio and lot , 261 h and ITOlt . Inquire to A. Bouman , 26th and Farnhara bU. 418-lm * SA'-E Horse and b'lggv. Inquire Mrs. 1 Thumb , Green TrcoHoutc. S-20 OR SALE A Good cain ( f Houei. II. 1 JUtnwellcr , 61tn h ttrctt , nc r Far ham. OR SALE A l'la-o ( a octavei ) , In exccllont F on ; veryche.p. Inquire thin omce. SALE-Fire acre vf land , 2 etory frame FOR , barn 2 wells and other Improve- nisnU , cast side of Saundern strcot , near Fi rt Omaha. L'All at this olllce. 401 tf SALE Homo with dent roouu , cellar , EOU and well , two full lots. Jlest b r Lain In Omaha. Only l,70' . W , II. Robertson , No. H17 9th and Hickory 8U 40318r 1,10H SALE Large house , 2 loti , 01x132 rach _ T Inquire 8th and Dorcas , rear U. F , Good man's rciMeiice. Oco. Fullman. 3 > 8-2t' T710RSALE Alotot young high trrade Kor , Jj man Clydesdale stallion * , juit arrived from TTeeasL. fill at brick barn , oppoaltd Ogdcn House , Coutn.ll llluffs. " ' 376-17 bALK Houte and corner lot , cheap FOR , 10CO.OOcash or (1100.01 on tine. , Opp. i'Mt Office. 09 tl nOH SAIK.-A lot of v. . K > .i h cpl * N'r- L' man ClydoodilB etMlluus , J.Ht . arrlf ed froi iholiirt. Call .t brick Ifirn oppoiltt O < ilca House. V. 11 8KKIY. _ _ _ _ _ . SALE HoiHOWllh 0 rodmn , K m and } FOR lea e of Iftt on IBIh St , bet. Uiift and ; Webster. Inquire at Edhnlm & K/IcVson'n. SALK-Car loid of fat Mackc ? rnuloi broke Aily [ | of J. W. hklnncr , Coin la , 320-lmo * 1.011 SALK CHEAP Furniture c.mploto.for housckccpl K for man nnd wife or umal /amllr. / Terms riuh or ( food scctirllj , 1S12 Bur t eot. Rci'.on , IcnUng the cltf. 82010 el houses , lots , furmi an' ' " BEMIS , IClh nnd Douglas 8tt. TTIOR FALE 1,600 young oraded ewes In lamU 1 < Addrcw HODIJ1SAHOK , 3 0 d8twlt Omaha. SALE 32 residence lots on and near 16th FOR . Price , $350 to tHO cah. Term * . ( asy. WcCAdUK , Agtnt , Opp. Post Offlc * . 30' vt. T710R SAbfc At liall Iced nil I , i > car JIHIUry L' IlrldRO , 76 tons of o. 1 buled Y\\y. \ Will be delivered to any nail ot the city Alsi ground feed at the lowest cath price. W. H. MtCOY. 233-lm' FOR SALE Illcycld , 41-Inch Standard Colum bia. Apply Union Ele\ator. 2G3-tf Il SALE A No. 1 span of heavy draft , horses. Enquire ot Q. T. Paulsan , at 1'ctor Uoos' . 17 SALK House mid lull lot In Kood loia - U tlon. cheap. 1'rlco , $1250. Easy terms. McCAOUK , Opp. post LfTlco. Htl 7710R SALE Rest building lot I" 8hlnn's M- Jj dltlon. 142 foot cast trout by 110 feat depth. iicOAouc , opp. pojt t.mco. u tr "IJIOR SALK OR RENT A grocery store nnd ) JU builder shop , dolncAgood business. In quire at tlilt olfice. _ _ Oia-tf SALE 3 nlrS ) coiintcru and 2 iliver jiwtoiB 1 show cases , nt Oeo. II. I'ctoicanV , 801 South- 10th Ht. T4LU Ii KKSIUUNOK LyTS-IOO onch , $ S ( Joni and 85 per month. 16th and Douglas SU. 710H HALK ur will exuin go lur Omiim ( jr > . - j porty , an improved sec on of land > adjoin ing a station on U. P. K. II. II. DUNHAM , 1412 FanihamSt. , Omiha. * ' _ Wimfr TsALK A peed BcTon-j'oar old h.irw- Warranted to ilrlvo Blngle or double. Kr > V qulro ol Goorgc Caaflsld , CanO ( Id hnvuc. MISCELLANEOUS. T OST Ono gloxo with rar-ringi. flnJir rc-- JU warded , Icnvo at McVltttc's , 1101 : "arnham street. 423-14' BUTCIIUIISAND STOCKSlrN My cattle T10 " nro ogaln In perfect older. CJlo"n ) [ Mr. Va i 0 man at stock ja ds , lOih S-t. , oot. Uapliol.ivcinio and DAVCII art Sf. Plenty of jard rotm and sUbllng. llought strav In ' 'ale or bod-ticks. E.EST.iBHOOK. 425 tl X K /-1OODSHOEMAKUR On r.palrlug. Stcaly \Jf work. A. VV. FU .LRIED& . 412-li BOA D tn private fatnt'y for gontlenun and ' little gill. Knqutrj 1312 Dougiai bt. 413-14 rpAKUS UP Hv the subicrlher on Feb. 1 th , JL 18b2 , near West Onialu , Neb. , 1 bay nmre about 1'2 i cars rid , l bay male colt abjut 2 years old , 1 bay hottc io'i ' about lcar old \\lth halt er on his licail. Ontcr Is icqucalcd tl pay chirgcsand tal.oprjpcrtt. R. tt.CAi'Pi : 1KR. 411-14 * ' NhW XOll OMAI1A Dr. Cri - SONEl'IIING , O. , the oM popjlar nnd sic I ful manufacturer of limba ( if the latent Improved plans , liai opened n branch ln chanlcn' ' furt cry Institute a No. 1 < 9 south 14th Btriet , Oiualu , Nub. , where ho Is picptrcd to furnish lluil so c\cry do c Iptlon. Mcletons and eupporlcrs tnr paraljzeil and deformed llmhn , tri'8'0" , xhoulder , bjac s and supportvrs for f m la weakness , tc. 109 South lnh St. , Omaha , Nth. . J. Sv CRAWFORO. UOtwlt * Proprietor. > T Between IIiibfrniini.VHlora nnd 1'u.r 10 enpirt ht. , n solid hvir ii , ' r hi ell injjrar- cd ' 'I- . ' . . " ' ' | | 1'leaie ictiiin tj Ilubcnnann'n juwelry etorc. 1 * . i\ IIEVRILo3t. . ccrtlfldt } do.oslt on Si I \ t First. National Hank nt Oinahi , In 'the nolghborho d of 10th ai d Ca-.ll ar S's , Koth'a I3e < r Gar on , kouth "malm. The abox'u riiward will bo vail at Fir- National Rank and noquce- tlonna-ked. .Payment ha born stoppa'l. 89i-13 ( * KUWARUilAGKK -VTOTIOK TO SAU'OKS-I warn all saloon- JJN keepers and liquor dealers not to sell vine , Hqu ror beer In any ftrui o any quantity to my huslu d , C. E Malmnten If not complvnff \ to this request I will sue the offender for 700 dnmaxo aa qulckh as posslb'e , and any person , V who , In the r hon-e or other pi ces. treats him , on di ink will be made t > si.flcr tn the f ullont < z- tent uf the law. MRS. M. O. M iLHSTEN. Omaha , March llth , 1882. 400-16 BEMIS1 NEW CITY MATS. 10o Mountid llapa , S2.50. GhO. P. BK1I18. "rioIl TEy DAVH-I am ottering two fro > d C frame co'tao bulldi gs , ul'o my olllc liU'M'igon ' ' 10th utioit , to'bu removed by April 1st , will bo sold reasonably cheap , , and part of payment on tlmoif , das red. Not f rsile after March 2Ui. James F. Morton , SOD South loth. fSO 18 _ fROCEIIV BOOKS WANTED lo ktcp eitn- \Jf IUKS in return for trade. P. O. IJrwliOZ. T > OOMSAnd nrst-class table board , at 011 JL\ ) Cans at. ml lui' _ _ 'ANi bW 2 unlurn sho.i ruoinsfcrinaiiupd wife , mmt bo model ate iu prlcu. Ad- drcsj H. . lli-o olllce. _ V97.H TNsniucnoN ON TYI'E-WIUIEHS-W 1 are in frequent rcc.Ipt of application * ) for optratora. UKLli It AMES , 1608 Farnham , Agents Remington T > pe-Wrltcr. fcblS-im AVE RrNV Cljoico ot 30 lull 'lots lo liuuo near Crelghton Colleyo fur$2n per Dexter L. Thomas & IJro. , Room 8 , Crclghtoo Block. _ | _ jiOtf L 1O IS , iiUfacii , B downanU fi per month l KMKAirunt. . J3 KICK 203-tf Flirt STAIIIiUOl { 4 COiC. W J3B B HICK FOR SALE T. MurrayT lld-tf ) . ANUOiiUAN Instniciion by .IIHH b. r IIA.SO , H. 20th ht. . heloiv I'lufcj. in t' TniWWISHBD HOOiJB FOK RKXV-H , VV. etor. J ? 10th and Davenport 11 I. .TUKMHIIKU KO.iMU > \ ittiin IhruJ biUt'Ko ol J } loatolHca. Inquire at IfilO Pod e IN ( JRA1U.N r Jtilt decorative pMnsinif. AHPNEIt. rooni 1 , Jam BAUi : > HAY At A. U , dunJerV . . . dtoi lUl'J lUrniy 51. _ i'i- EJDVVAKJU K.UEHL MAOmTEtt'OF PALMrHTERY AND C02ID1 TIONAMBT , 4DS Tenth Btrtet , UetwooB runihivui und Ilauicy. Will , with the lid of KunrUUo splrlU , obtain for any ono a plancc at 'bo t > .u and prosiwt , amlcu certain coidltioiu In tbe ( u , tir : . root4 iiJ bboew made to : < di' , P ( fi > ; l , . .l. , rnn putriiltl" * ! Kll .tm Absolutely Pure- ThU powdtr never rirles A nunel of pur ty , strength and hol tomtnei . Wore icrro- ulo I thin the ordinary kinds , ar.d cannot bo old In competlllon with the uiultliude of | OK > cat , short weight , alum or phoiphaie powder * . Sold only in cans. Koui lUiut I'OWDU Co. . 08 W l | St. , Ntw Tork