v/ * U I , JOW.A , MAKCH J5 i882 THIS DAlLf BEE. COUri.CL ! BLUFFS. "Wednesday Morning- , March 15 sunsciurrioN UATKS. lly Currier , - - - - 20cont < ptr nctk. BjrlUll , - - - - - - 810 ( XI per Yc r. Office : Uoom Five , Everett's Block , Broadway. C. E. MAVNE , Vnnijrer City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. M1NOK MENTIONS Prang's Knstor cartln nt ScumnnV. mMdtl 1 Iowa Wyoming Coal handled only by J. W , Jtodefcr , No. 215Pearl St. Flllf Ilavo you eccn that fine display of Easter canls nt Uuilmell & Br "kclt'ii7 Mchll-cod tf Occar Wilde is booked for a lecture here on the 21st. The mnrnlnff tritn on the Hock Inland wan nbout an hour late yesterday , Mr. Sludebackcr , the victim of the K j ? Urecfc ftwaiilt , It now convnlcecln nnd his recovery is nmtircd. A marriage license waa yesterday Is. sued to Kdnard Ualfgan and Miss Matt ! McMullcn , both of this city. Mayor VauKhnn hns offered a reward of 850 for the arrest of the jicily who as Miullo I and robbed Mrs. Htibbard Mon day night. Vniighau protnlco- Mart * newspa per. He says It will bo nmult but lively like n flea. He should wait until ho can deliver them by llcrdlcs. There is no place decided upon yet for holding the new superior court. The up per part ol the now engine home 1 pro posed , also the old council chamber. Those Interested In the wagon bridge enterprise thould renumber the meeting of Echo committees and Incorporators In Omaha thfs afternoon. This city thould bo fully represented. Abe Lincoln Post No. 10 , Orajd . Army of the Republic , have arranged to welcome tliolr comrades of Omaha and Missouri valley , nrouml a jolly camp fire to bo lighted Friday night. [ The Iloyal Arcanum has postponed HB cut attainment fiom Wcdnetday even ing until Friday evening. The arcanum now numbers sixty-fire members , and is a thriving institution , with bright prospects. A colored wench living near the high school found that her revolver had been stolen by a frail white man yeterday. She chased him up the hill , and got close enough to hit him once with a club , but lie then gained on her , and atlajtaccjunU aho was still chasing him , The Library association , nt Its regular monthly meeting , decided to employ Mrs. Davenport as librarian at u monthly salary of $35 , and to soon engage an assistant at $15 per month. It wai also decided that when the library Is opened to have the hours , except Sunday ? , from 2 o'clock to C o'clock In the afternoon and from 7 to 9 o'clock in ttie evening. Mrs. Hubbr.rd , the victim of the , street robbery Monday night , wai yester day qulto comfortable , considering her in/ jury. The only wonder is that the blow did not prove fatal , but UiU Is explained in part by the fact that the forcu of the blow was broken partly by her hat , which was crushed BO as to Indicate that the brick in the hands of tlio rufllan struck thai In part. A gentleman from Avoca In this city yesterday reported two new cases of small pox at that place , an 1 one death on Mon day night. It is thought that tha disease wras imported' by three strangers , who lately came there , two of whum hired out at farm hands , n short distance out of Avoca , and one remained in town. All throe soon came down with the small pox , and It was one of these two , living about throe inilea.out , who died Monday night. YeBlerday morning the remains of the late Conductor Ed , Tluirber , wore taken to their last resting place iu Urustpn. Tlioro was a , brief sort ica at the residence , con ducted by Itov. 0. Ilamlln , of the Oongre. gatlonal church. A special train over the 0. , 13. & Q. took the remains the family and friends to Creiton , a largo number of this city's Ijtijliiow men joining In paying mute respect to the dead and tender sym pathy to the IMug , There WAS n large number of elegant lloral tributes , among which word several designs peculiarly fit- tlngjand touching , The flro bolls tapped on alarm yester- terday forenoon , caused by the discovery of sinoko issuing from the roof of Hurry Lelandji saloon , No , 152 Broadway , The Blull City Kteainer made the quickest re- Hponae over made by It , the team being out on the way I ofore the bell struck. There proved to be no use for the fire brigade , though , as a few palls of water squelched the blaze. ( The origin of the fire is unknown. There was very Hl fire In the utoye , and the f moke and blaze originated In ft place on the roof for from nnd flue or chimney. . The damage WM ominal. for some time past thu expressmen have b en allowed to Maud on nny btreet or corner to ihelr liking , without regard to the ordinance. Some complaint has been made that tliesu express wagons block the utreet and Impede business. Mayor Vnughau hiu allowed the ordi nance to bo dead letter , claiming Uiat he preferred the wagons to tttnd on Broadway , as It inada the street look live lier. A change was made yesterday , tbo chief of police maktnp all the expressmen comply with the ordinance , wljich pro vides that they cannot stand on Broadway nor.un Main street , except on North Main above the fl t alley , A general howl was rallied ' among the expressmen , but It seemed > * to'effect nothing r s The annual meeting of the Council Bluff * Building and Loan nisoclation wai Jiejd Monday evening. The reportu pi the vef l o iBcera allowed a iuo t satisfactory condition of affair * , there b'efug a rapid yet healthy Increase , and the prospects being very flattering. , Ty \ , Uodefer , the president , wo lu the chair ; J , P , Oassadf , IJd Mott and Sainuol Leonard were cho cn director * ; T. A. KIrkland was ro elected secretary , and John Bennett re-elected treasurer ; 0. F , Adams wai chosen solicitor , The rdporU showed a paid up caiilUl of 13,000 , and that eyery dollar iuvMted in the uterpriie had paid for the year 11 percent. With this practical proof of the wl e management and urnfit of tbeenUrijrise , it was deemed adrliable * to take steps ft > r A further increase i > f the DiuIneM. thus afTordiug u excellent dbinca for those desiring ; to make invest- .went * , either J xe or in ll. THE , COIN COLONY. Prosperity of tlio Now Town in Paeo County , Iowa , Present and Possible Pros pects in the Way of Rail roads in the County. The Now Town of Northboro and the People That Are in It. Notes in Oonornl Front the Flonr- ifthinR PlnooR Correspondence of The Oimhft Uco. COIN , Page Co. , In. , March 7. Page county is ono of the boat wn tercd nnd most fertile in tlio stnto and its great richness of soil , oarlj settlement , intelligence of its people and the rapid development of its boundless resources by railroad en terprise linvo brought it conspicuously to the notice of eastern capitalists within a very few yearn , nnd pvorj- where the littln towns nro springing up in unthoufjlit-of places , adding to the nugroijato value and expansion the commonwealth. COIN is n growing young city ol ,400 or 500 inhabitants , 05 miles from Oinahrt , on the Wnbasli , 0 nulo ? from the Mis souri a'nto ' line and about 30 from Nebraska City on the Missouri river. The town is situated on a beautiful bluff , on tlio right bank of the eastern Turkic , with the rich valley stretch ing awny to the east and south , while still beyond this the native timber , the cultivated farms , and the grove topped hills in every direction , mak ing up the picture in all its grandeur and completeness. A little more than two years ago , when the Wabash rail road was conslruotod through Page county , and a station was hero loc.itcd \nd christened , it was an unbroken prairie , with few farm improvements in sight ; but the location was too good to bo loft long unoccu pied , ana the intelligent enterprise of Young America soon settled hero. From many of the older and leas bril liant villages caino a colony of young business men of steady habits , health , money and brains , the principal ele ments of success , while from the mid dle states there followed well-to-do ( armors to occupy nnd cultivate the surrounding fields. The tone and pa triotism of the eariy settlers , whose influence is to-day felt in every part of the otato , and ro-echood from every pulpit and lyceum platform , in "story ind song , " is readily noticed by the irmful of nowspanora in every homo , the church spires in every hamlet , the brick school houses on a thousand hills , the " 80,000 majority , " and the classical and illustrious names of the sixteen townships comprising the jounty , among which are Washington , Morton , Harlan , Pierce , Buchanan , Fremont , Lincoln , Douglas , Grant t\d Coliax , while some of the results are shown by the public buildings. A long list of largo mid , costly bridges of both wood and iron , thousands of dollars in the county treasury , and the farm lands , with only fair im provements selling nvory day to good Illinois farmers nt ยง 40 per acre , while \ network of railroads almost encircle the county , and several are being con- itructod across the central portion. THE VEW KOAD : rossing the Wabasli here , is now being - ing rapidly built by the 0. B. & Q. , ind may form the main line for heavy Freight from Chicago by way of Hume- tton , Olarinda , Coin , Cornincr. Mo. , Ncmohft and the Republican Valley to Denver and the Pacific. The heavy Dxcavations , light grades and gentle curves , show that it is wall adapted for a principal roadway or a great trunk lino. J. Stubbs , for many years the principal contractor for the "Q , " hns a largp force of men at work along this line , and average citizen ex pects to hoar the iron horse of the "Q" whistling his challenge to the Wnbasli before the wheat harvest. Tn company with Mr. Samuel Sherman , nno of Mr. Stnbbs' foreman and con tractors for many years , and who has just returned from an extended tour to many of the railroaa and engineer- hip camps in Colorado , wo wore intro duced to Mr , James Shcahan , the superintendent of the road , who proved to boa Ponnsylyanian from the "homo of the Buck Toils , " and a veteran rail road contractor , well known among the camps of the Sunbury , Philadelphia - phia & Erie , Lake Shore & Michigan Southern , and the Atlantic & Great Western , and a trusted lieutenant of Gon. Jack Casement , popularly called "Mild Jack of Painosyillo. " By the pplitoncss of tlio superintendent wo visited the various camps along the line near Coin , and inspected the heavy works , the corrals , the touted villages , the now and ingenious im plements , and the hundred fine teams laboring as quietly ns clock work. KmiTitnoiio , six miles southwest on this now roud , is a now town of nearly ono hundred , ind already has several stores and shops , and is surrounded by n class of wealthy stock growers and beautiful Farms , Coal , wood and good building stouo ire abundant in the county , and many 9f the farmers are following the exam ple of Mr. J. W. Turner , president of the board of supervisors , nnd build. Ing their now barns with good stone baqemont stabling. TUB TOJVN ho * every promise of being a place of much moro importance than was , perhaps - haps , at first supposed , and if the now road should become , as anticipated , a trunk line , it may in u few years BOO larger hotolu , magnihcont shops and prosperous manufactories utthis cross ing 01 the two great lines , and , like UufltUo , a trroat business center bo- Lwoon Now York and Chicago , dispute title to u share of the wealth , outer- priso and commercial impoi-tanoo with the "capital and the metropolis" of ; ho country , TJIK 1'IIESENT GROWTH largely duo to the American pluck indboldnesa ( of enterprise so noticea- jle in all thcso western towns. The : loan , now trading houses , the well- cept streets , the manly , cheerful and gentlemanly appearance of these sober , cnonrotio young men nt once com mands respect , nnd impresses the Rtnuigcr with the power of intellect over nruto force , nnd the great advantage - vantage that a cultivated gentleman has over the low-bred and undiscip lined , nnd those who follow the old paths because their fathers did it. \Vo \ linvo hero n half dozen STORES of general merchandise , two each of groceries , hardware , farm Implements , fltcnm elevators , drugs and livery gtable ? ; a bank , lumber yard , jowclry store , furniture house , bakery , barber , newspaper , mill millinery , harness nnd shoo shop , vvngon nnd blnckamitli shops , three-physicians , school houao and churches , nnd nearly everybody reads Tun BEE. i. VOUNO 1IHAHS HAND discoursed some fine music this evening - ing on their wny to join a happy wed ding nsBcmbly. but the order and quietness of the village was not bro ken by n single ahout or a word of nut- law rufllaniem , for the city fathers very quietly and promptly put such "lowd follows of tlio baser sort , " am" the tramp element lo work on th ntreota ns the must convenient mean of utilizing their "pent up energy , and save the labor of honest men , As wo leave the train nnd waude past the great piles of timber scat tcrcd about the depot , and turn ou attention on the hill before us , on of the first objects which * attracts th eye is a largo aotnKN BEB invr on the corner , elevated on a 'post , a the emblem of Iho town no doubt. Just cast of it is the livery stable o Olark A Son , who nro enterprising Nebraska farmers , nnd can turn ou a "spanking team" in n "few min utes"and "satisfaction guaranteed.1' ' Just west on the corner is the larpi drug house of J. Lay , jr. , the head quarters of the medical profession o this city , and ono of the finest build ings and drug stores in the country , while the gentlemanly proprietor is esteemed no ono of the solid , enter prising men , who leave the parental roof nnd mother city to make a for tune and n name by force of cliarnc- ter nnd sterling integrity , and who nro always looked up to as lenders in those emergencies which often call out our beat talent , in commotions of civil , political and commercial enter prise 3. On the third comer is the bank of the late representative , the Hon. W. E. Webster , who died this winter while n member of the lower homo of the state legislature. It is ono of the institutions which are financially solid , and the cashier , Mr. T. 0 , Beard , although a young man , can tench some older heads lessons of po liteness and business courtesy , al though the honor nnd confidence bestowed stowed on him by his business nssoci atos and the community at largo rests easily without turning his head. While on the fourth corner wo see the gonornl merchandise store of Andcr son , Baldwin &Co.in the building formerly occupied by the pioneers nnd veterans , S. M. Crooks & Co. , so well known all over this pirt of the ntate , and at present the proprietors of u largo steam elevator hero. Messrs. Anderson , Baldwin & Co. nro soiling n Inrgo amount of goods , and have facilities - , cilities for supplying their nlmro of the purchasing public and keep trade at homo These all belong to Tun DEE family , nnd as wo look for moro of o"r patrons wo find the enterpris ing linns of Wm. Reeves & Co. nnd Pollock & Love , both occupying largo , well filled houses and busy as bees. Prince & Heed and Delk & Hester are dealing out groceries with lavish hands , happy and cheerful , and greeted your correspondent ns a brother. The Wallace Brothers nnd W. A. Woodworth , two thorough-going , on- Drgotio firms , have largo general stocks of light and heavy hnrdnarc , and keep up Huch a "racket" in tinwaro that they can bo found as easily as a cow with a boll on. The Wallace Brothers itlso keep n full assortment of lumber , iu.d the safe blown open by burglars last fall utill stands in tlio corner wait ing to bo traded off tor n now ono. Elliott & Son and Anderson Brothers - ors have placed themselves and their implement houses on opposite sides of the street , seemingly to eye each oth er , while they give every man n plow : > r a threshing-machine "as the BEE tloos , " . Uox & Monroe can supply any "physio or pills , patent medicine or squills , " or "fill n proscription to a T ; " while the Do well Brothers "do- well nnd glue" their furniture together so it can bo warranted , and that is why they sell such largo quantities II. Woton prides himself that there IB no place m the city where fiuch a "equaro meal can bo had , all at once , " as is found every day on his restaurant table , and ho should hang out the sign ot "Ban * nor House. " W. 0. Chosnoy , the popular wagon maker , has been turning liis attention to the manufaotury of cutlery , and by the results of some of his practical ex periments , which we saw , wo think hia investments in that direction will certainly prove a paying enterprise , if ho would extend his operations on a largo acala with ample facilities for [ manufacturing in quantities , and should at once furnish J , I. Nunn , the popular nnd gentlemanly barber , and Andy Miller , the "loading" meat vender , with some ot his bo t articles , that they may bu subjected to the lest of practical UNO , The jewelry business is monopolized izod by Prank Jeflbrdo , who has a larger stock of silverware and time keepers than is found in many such Bstnblialunonts in older cities , and ho regulates them by the dinner boll at the City hotel , where they have to bo prompt , if they feed the throngs who [ rather there ainca the house was re opened by the now proprietor. Brother llozello , pf the Coin Eagle , wo found cheery nnd full of ttoik , publishing the "oillcial ortrun af the city , " a spicy , bright paper , well patronized and growing in strength ami popularity , as it well deserves , like Dr , J , 0. Burton , whom wo mot in the twilight gray of morning , wending hia way homo , while he rushed for the early train. The doctor is a graduate of several schools , including Bellevue , ' Now York , nnd has had n number of years af successful practice , und we judg by his continued absence the twenty- four hours wo were in town , and his short calls , that ho has the heft of tjio practice , for ho had no trouble to find the necessary eajzlo wo wanted before ho joined our family. Coin needs Aomo manufacturers to utilize the fine wntor power , nlso a good denti t , n lawyer , a brickyard , a creamery , nnd it expects to build n good achooi-houso and over BO many now buildings this season. The bank hns juat moved into its now nnd roomy quarters , and is very much of a model arrangement , only that it is not brick , as it would have been if the brick could have been purchased. The Maaons and Odd Fellows ex pect to join the Grand army and use the largo hall on the second floor as n lodge room , and their flourishing con dition is no moro of n wonder thnn the 830,000 worth of freight nnd ex press goods handled , nnd the $3.000 tnkon in for local tickets nt this rail road station , durinc the paat year. Wo mot hero J. S. Tain , who with John P. Irish nnd Judge Kinney own ns much of Iho democracy of the state ns nnybody , nlthoinjh not members of the legislature. The colonel is ono of the well known and respected , as well ns successful business men of Pottn- wnttomin county. Council Bluffs nnd Omnlin busi- nen men nro here in full del ogaiton , conspicuous nmong whicl wn notice representations fron the grocery house of Stcelc & John' son , the oil houao of R. 0. Stcolo Johnson , the drug house of Goodman , the gentlemanly nnd energetic A. J , Manuel of the Metcalf Bros. ' tobnccc house , nnd the wide-awnko Sam Hay ; of the Omiilm spice mills , who are an honor to the houses nnd the city they represent. The throng * of teams in the streets the crowded business houses , the no tivity in nil departments of trade ( except cept grain ) , and the commercial nijonj with his crip , toll plainly that Coin is n "livo lown on the prairio" nnd "Tho Buffalo of Page Counly. " BUCKETH. MRS. HtJBBARD'S ASSAILANT. Jim Snoddorly Arrested Last Night , Charged wltli Being the Man Another Heinous Crime for Which He Is Wanted. Jim Snoddorly , a notorious fellow hero , was nrrcated last night , charged with being the assailant of Mrs. Hub- bard. A partner of his is said to have squealed on him. Much indignation is 'felt , and the prisoner was slyly slipped from the calabooso to the jail , lost violence should bo attempted , as there is somotalkof lynching. Hnod- derly has been away from the city for some months. A most heinous as sault was committed on a young lad , of which Snoddcrly was accused , and ; ho skipped. THE NEW COUNCIL. It 'Holds Its IFlrst Mooting1 and Ap points Important Committees. The now city council met tor the first time last evening , Mayor Vaugliau presiding. The mayor elect not having qualified , the ordi nances defimngitho duties and sala ries of c flicera , summaries of which have already been given in THE BEE , were read and referred. A committee - too consisting of Aldermen Nowall , Wood and the city attorney , another committee consisting of Aldermen Seedentoff , Gouldon nnd Newell , was appointed to make a report of their finances as early as possible. Another committee consisting of Aldermen Shugard , Wood nnd Eiclior was np pointed to report nil uncompleted contracts with the city. Adjourn ment was then taken until Wednes day evening. PERSONA ! . . Detective Hazen , of Omaha , was In the : ity yesterday. II. T. Wilson , the buslnesx manager of : he Holman Knglish Opera company , was u the city yoitorday nnd ntoppcd nt the Dgden. Orville DoKay starts to-day f Jr Uintuli jounty , Utah , to look after Iho interest ) } f thai Union Consolidated Mining com pany , in whicli several citizens here have .took. Iowa's Capital. Mall Cur. The total vote polled wnn1,488 , which represents a population fur Dua Moinca of 20,028. But Iho records show that tlioro wore over 1,500 voters who did not vote. This given the city over 30,000. Dos Moinea , a city of 30,000 inhabi. tanta , the capital and metropolis of [ owa , wns run for the month of Feb ruary at an expenao of only 811,105. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTiOK. Sjiociil advertisement * , 11 oat , Pound , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent iVants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted hi thlf lumn at the lour rate of TEN CKNTti 1'KIi .INK for thu first Insertion and FIVE CKXTs i'Kll LINK lor each ub e < iucnt Insertion Leave ailvortliementa at our olllco , Kooni E , E\ereU' lllock , Broadway. To buy houmand lot on monthly WANTKD . Addresi X , Kce olllco. inatlS tf. \TrANTr.D-Carpentsr who will take h'e ' pay YY In inimthl ) Installment ! , to build two imall cotttb'o. AdJrott II. U. , Bee tfflce. marlS tf. | 7\OK \ RUNT-NIca front office , up talr . En. 1 } quire at Ike office. Council Bluff * , marls tf VTtrANTED.-UIrl for ircncral hou e otk. YY Apply at 117 Vluo trcet. marlOtf \TrANTEl ) To rent a smtll cotlag * at once. YY Addrew 0. M. , or enquire at office. To ren A ten room house In WANIEU eood nilKhborhood or two onller IOUBCI mdo li ? ttdo , AddreM I * . O. Uox 797 , : ouncll Bhiffi , or applp at Bun office. Council nrrANTED-Everytxxly In Council Blulli lo YY to ukeTiiHBBi , 0 conta per week , do Uerod by carrier * , OflKe , Uoom 6 , hwette ilocn , Broad ay. ntrANTED To buy 100 ton * broom corn. YY for l rtlcula addrew Council Mu-i Irooin Factory , CounUl BluOiilpj a neil BALK Old paperi < 0o per hundred , a < I ? The Bee office. Council UlulU 27-tt 110 UIUCK-MAKKIIS. FOB SALE 6 ftcrea or 1. wqrooJUnd adlo'nlnif the brlck-jard I ol lanner & Hal ie ' oa Upper Broadway , toe aiUiular * auph to I > a\ld Italnes or t Hanner a fflco at the Board ol Trade ronni , Council BluOt cM Hin ITrANTED-Uoj , with poui , w tarry p YY Inquire at BM office , Council BluB FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones , ' You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STOEE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Glass , too. It payo to go there. " "Where did you say it was ? " BOSTOJ TEA COIPY FINE GROCERS , 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St , OOUNQIL BLUPFiJ. IA. -Sl lfw W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Eoad , Track , Coach & Livery I FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SHERMAN , Business Manager. W.M. ClIlllSTOt'IIEa , Mechanical Maragcr. _ 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluflg , la. * The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY , We keep everything you want in First CLss , Ghoioe , Glean GEODESIES and PKOVISIOflS It will pay you to look our es- tab'ishmont ' through- Every thing sold for Cash , aud at the veiy ilosa&t margins. We have a line of lOo CANNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern and West ern Goods put up All Canned Goods r < duced 10 per cent ; Send for our Pnoesi Uriot attention paid to Mail Orders , Ageuts for Washburn's Super lative Flour. F , J , OSBOME & 00 , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OGUco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo nlu special attention to . Stamp Mills , Smeltiag Funiacos , 110ISTEHS AND OENEOAL MILL MAOHINERY , HOUSE .FRONTS. HBNBRAL REPAIR WORK nill receho prompt attention. A general as- > sortmcnt ol . Brass Goods , Baiting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Ooal , OHAS : HF NDRIF , Pros ! dent J. M. PALMLlfiU , UKALKIl IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MAURT3R & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qlaaa , Pine French China , Sliver Ware &c. , 110 BttOAUWAT COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KELLEY & M'GRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Blutrr Drs. Woodbury & Son , 30 3EJ WT3 ? X S3 ? S , * Cor. I'curl & let A > . COUNCIL BLUFFS. Y. S. AMENT. JACOB SIMS. AMENT & SIMS , Ittornoys & Oounsollors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFfl. IOWA. , ORCUTT & CO. , RY GOODS AFD CARPET HOTOK Broadway , Gor , Fourth St , , Council Bluffs , Iowa ? . . lnar-2-Sm W. , Weber. Liudenitin , J. Mueller IP ' and other Pianos , $200 ttnd upward. 'Burdett , Western Cottagot Tabor nud Paloubet Organs , $60andupward * Musical JVC cal MerchanoiHO of every diecription. Italian Striufjs a specialty ; iniportod direct. Musio Books , Shet't-Muisic , I'oys , Games , Fancy Geode , WholeoaJo and Re TJ tail. Pianos and Organ a gold fur Cosh nnd on Time , Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica S & tion. Correspondence Solicited. _ _ Address : o d. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. CJ COUHCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHREB & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dcalcra In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention ( rlicn to all cons'gnmcnU. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . "W" . HI. ZFOSTZEIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In ihclr season. Orders promptly filled rml delivered to Express office tree ot charge. Send fov Catalogue. IB : . DEALER IN- ! Y , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. METCALF BRO S. , , \ , WHOLtSALE DEVuERS IV > Hats , Caps,1 Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves * CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , nnd a number ot Well' Improved Farms , both in lo'NVa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNK , over Savings Bank , - COUNTOIL BLTJP 1 f ' The New Style's for 188 ? . Largest Stock in Western Iowa. f SAMPLES ! Jtflf * 11 PEARL STREET.-COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WE CAllItY TIIK LAKOE8T ST OOK OK F1NB BOOTS ISHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , All Ml Orders Promptly Attended To anfl . Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which lias Begun to Arrive. Z. T. 'LINBSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. lOWi WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,