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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1882)
iFJNANGE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , March 14. MONET. The money market closed at 5G per cent. , Exchange closed firm at 4 8Gi@4 00. 'Governments closed firm. ( lOVKlUtllENT BONUS. Currency G'a. . 1 25 bid 4's coupMis t 18 bid 4V" eoujwni 1 13j bid O's contirued. . . . . . 4 1 00 ; D's Continued 1 02 bid RAItnoAII BONDS. Pacific rallroid bonds closed as follows : Unionists 1 1 @ 1 16 Union Lnnd Grants 4.11I > 1@1 1C Union Sinking Fund I 16@l 17 Centrals 114J@1 15 HTOCKrt The stock market to-day was active but irrogu'ar ' ; ther Lelng frcqueut changes from firmness to d pro < slon , and vice vcrta. The mnrket rinsed strong at an advance In the general list tor the diy of J to 2 p r ' cent. Denver & Rio Grande , Jers y , 'Central and Louisville & Nash\ille were xoptl ms to the general list and closed lower. The first named closed 4J per cent. 1 > wer and the latter 22 , Following aie the dosing bids. WesternUnlon. 79i H&SU 00 Adam 138 Preier ed American 92 K n&Tex. . . . IJsV U. S 72 K&W . . , 28J "Forgo 125 Louis , ft Nash. , 73 'COO & I . . . 77) ) 113 J OO&IC 9j K 119 C B&Q 120 Norlhwcsi-m.ilSO NYO 130 ? Preferrel..l394 NJO 78 O&W 22 } 1. 0 133 ? Ohio & Miss. . , . 31J Ohio Cent 18 } PaoMall 40 Nor. Pacifi 31 Quick liver. . . . llg Preferred. . . . 70J Preferred. . . . CO OP 88 * Reading 64 Union Pacific. . 110 J III. . . ? 1301 N YElvatcd..l04 San Francisco. . 35 Met. elevated. . 87 1st Preferred. . 45J Manhattan El. 639 Si. Paul. 110 A&TH . 24 i Pieferred..l201 Preferred. . . . 65 SlP&O 32 O 8 . 45J PreferreJ. . . . 99J O&A. . . , . . . .128 Nash&O 58 D&H . . .109J M LS&W. . . 43 D r. fr W . . . .120 Wabaah 33J D&RO 5 Prefeired. . . . 67 tgrie ! 36. STATIC BONDS. Slate bonds dull. Thu committee of the Tenneaa bondholders in this city have not yet received i ny reply to their ultimatum which was forwarded to Gov- crnor Hawkins last week In which they agree to take new bonds without tax , re- co\erable feature or to accept Coo award of CO@CGc and cancel the balance. CHICAGO HONEY. CHICAGO , March 14. Preston , Kean & Co , banker. ' , report the local money maikel st ady at G@7 per cent. Offerings of paper on a fair scale .and readily taken at above rates. Ea < tem exchange between city banks was firm with sales at 75c per $1,000 pre mium. The clearings of the associated banks were $5,900,000. HNITKn STATES BONDS. 4's Coupons 1172@H8i 4J' " Coupons U33@l 4 Sh's Extended sixes lOuSfalOli ,3J's Extended five 102j@102 | OTHKK BONDS. Sterling : , 60 days 488 * .Storling.jilght 489X * Ghicao } 'a 107J Chlcago4'a ' 05 Cook cou ty5's 1'9J ' Cook county 4J's to seller 10S WahashS's , Chicago Divlsl.n 82V ' Northwestern 6'a 99f C. B. ftQ. 4'a 86 ] COMMERCIAL. ' ! - , Omaha \VTiolesalo Market. OrrioE or THK OMAHA BBS , ) KH Tuesday Evening , March 14. J 'The only changes In to-day's market are as follows : No. 2 heat.advanced 2c ; No. 3 declined } c : rejected declined 4c. Barley No. 3 declined Ic. Corn advanced Ic. Arbuckle a couVo declined § c , Local Grain Deallnci WHEAT.-Cash No. 2,1 16 ; cash N > 3. 9Hc ( : rejected , G'c. li/iRLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 8Sc ; No. P , RYE. Cash. G7c. CORN. Caih No. 2 , 49o. OATS Ca h.32o. STREET PRIOES-Corn , 50@45oats ; , .30045. HAY $6 rO@6 60 per ton. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , 325@360 ; "Pioneer" California , $400 ; .patent , $3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight .grade $385@4 25 ; patent , $4 60@500gra- ; 6am rye , S2 50 ; Wheat , S3 00 ; Queen Bee. $4 25 ; . Jasper , $3 87 ; Big Sioux , $3 50 , KYE FLOUR 3 25. Aliljl.SJ.'JF1 'S Bran , per cwt. 1 10 , -per ton.lG 00@17,00 ; tcreenlngs , per cwt. SOc ; shorts , per jwt 1.10 ; chopped feed : , oer cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; white. SI GO. POTATOES Nebraska * , 1 20@t 25. dWEET POTATOES Genuine Musca- Jne.4 © 5o per Ib. ' WILD DUCK-61 25@l 10. - . BTJITEK Creamery , 4'1@4' ' > c ; choice roll. 36@38o ; c. mmon ro'l ' , 2C@28c. APPJ KS Good , sound , vary scsrce at { 5 60(3 ( 060 per libl. LEMONS Steady ; per box , e-1 25 ® 4Ci. ( 0ANGES-per box 4 25@4 50. t MALLAOA ( JRAl'ES Per bbl.8 60 ; iperlialf bbl.,8450. BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22c. ONIONS 1 10@1 40 perlbughel. CRANBERRIES Per bbl. , ? 10 00@ ) 11 00. CELERY Per doz. , 05@70o. DRESSED GEESE Per Ib. , 9@llc. OYSTERS Selects , 46c ; standards , 35c. 3Icdinma 2-1c. DRESSED OIIIOKENS-Steady at RESSED TURKEYS -12i@13c. OilEESE-10ai4o. CASE VALENCIA RANGES- 48 25 a 9 00 , Grocer * . Lilt , COFFEE. Illo , fair , lie : Rio , good ; 2c ; Kio , prime to choice , 12ic ; Old eov't ! v i 20J(2281c ( , Mocha , CSJc ; Arbuckle's ! , 36o. 36o.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55o Choice , 00@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c Choice , 60@76c5 Young Hygon , good , S6@ .60c ; choice , 65c@ l 00 : Japan Nat Leaf , fl5c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c : Oolong , good , 85@40 ; Oulong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong , tteod. S5(3i40c ( ; choice. 85@45c. 8 UGARS. Cut loaf. lOJc ; Crushed lOJc ; Granulated , lOic ; Powdered , lOJo Finepowderod , lOic ; Standard Coffee As ; 91c- New York Confectioners Standard AV&Jo" 0 A. ° 1 ° 1 > rftlrle Eltra ° - { o. o.SYRUPS. . Sugar house , bbla , 45c ; half bin ' 47c : kees. < i gallons , $2 10 ; choice Uo'lelK c , fiaff bbla , 44cj keg , & 210. SODA. Dwlsht's Ib papers , 9 $ 00 j De- land do , 83 00 ; Church' * , $3 00 ; Keg ioda , TABOn-P rI , 4 Jc : Silver Gloss ,81 jo ; Corn Starch , 8j@9c ; Excebdor IMS , 7c ; Cora , 7io. SALT.- Dray loads , i > er bbl , 1 85 ; Ash- ton , In Backs , 3 60 ; bbls dairy CO , 6 % S 45 ; bblsdMrr. 100. SO 05. DRIED FRUITS Choice halve * , raporatcd peichMt,7cSaU Lake 10jciv p- orated 5tt > boxr,13Jc ; Michigan , 74c ; New York apples , 7jc ; Prunes , old , GJc ; new , 7c Currants , 07c ; Blackl rrles , new , 15c. Cream , 14cs P rt Skim llic. WOODENWARK Two hoop pall , I 95 ; three hoop pails , 3 20 ! No. 1 tub * 9 50 ; No , 2 tubs , , 8 60 : No. 3 tubs. 7 50 pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn , 90 ; WellbuckctM , 3 25. MJAP-Bfir , 81 65. SPIOKa-Pepiicr , 19 ; Allcplce. 19c ; Cloven , 40c ; Nutmei ; * , 61 00) ) 26cCaRsiii ; , Mace SI 00. MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; round casen , S7.n.r > ! satiaro cases , S5.10 PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 13 * iholce lanl , 14Jc ; dried beef , ISJcj ihouliv era , f > c : hams. l ! c ; bacon , sides , lljc. NKW PICKLES Medium , In liarrcls , $9 00) ) ( lo In half bblg , 6 25 } smalls , In bbln , IZOOilo , In half bbls , 7 CO ; ghcrklni , In bbN. 14 00 ; do , In half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 16i tmro apple , 13c : Prusalnff uure nnulo , 16o. HOMINY Now , JJ5 00 ner bbl. BEANS M edium , hand picked 8 20 per bushel ! navy , S 00 ; calel navy , S4 00 HOPE Sisal , 4 Inch and largsr , " SOAPS-Khk's Savon Imperial , 330 ; Kirk's satin. 1 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 65 ; Kirk's whl Russian , 500 : Kirk' * Eutoca. 20 Klrk'fl Prairie Queen , (100 ( caU'pR ) . JO : Kirk' * magnolia , 4 55 ® CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 1H or , 8 , 16cboxos ; 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , 8s , IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis' lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , In case , 3 35 : Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case , I HO ; Anchor Bixll 2 doz In case , 150. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. $700 ; white clover , new , $1400 11 alfft clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , now , 61300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , $160 ; blue grass , clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 : red top , holce , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , Gorman , $100 to $125 ; Hungarian. SOc. HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 95 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per lOOlbg.,52500. FIS JL Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , $ 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 6 70 ; No. 1 white-fish. In 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family 10 Ib kits , 83c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum bia river salmonper lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen. boneless codfish ; 9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Half bbls messmackcrol , 100Ibs , $1250 ; hfbbl No. lex shore do , 100 Ibs 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kite , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 60 : No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 75c. ' CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 b' ( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , a 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 1 60 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do 2 It ) ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack o'i 'i ) per case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 'in Ib , per dozen , 160@170 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen 3 65. Sardines , small r'sh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , perbox , 21io. Lobsters , 1 , Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 Ib per case , [ Slifl ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain ] ) per case , 3 20 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmoulh ) , per case , 33 ' ; string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans per case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 25. Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 460. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75 ft raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 275(3)300. ( ) Damsons , 2 E > , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per case , 3 50 ; do. choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. Green gages,2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do choice , . Ib per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 ft , per case , 4 005 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 310 : do 3 ft , case , 6 00@6 50 ; do , ( pie ) . 3 Ib , per cabe.385 ; do pie , 6 ft , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 78o ; Louisiana , 7 (3V8lc ( : fair , 6@61. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , 9c per Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted , Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8jo ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , Jo ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chittenango A , 6c ; fereat Falls E ; 8Jc ; Hoosicr , 6jc ; Honest Width , 7Jc : In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard .nA , 8Sc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jo ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 71c ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5Jc ; Wachua- ett B , 7Jo : do A , 8Jc ; do E 48,12Jo ; Wai- cett BB. 8io. FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allendale 4-4 : 7jc ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LL. 6ic ; .Badger Statp X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4 , Gc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJcc : eppero , , 7Jc ; do E 39 , Sic ; Pocasset 0 4-4 , 7jc ; BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog- dn L 4-4,10cBlackstoneA ; A In perial 9c ; do do half bleached 4-4,9o ; Cabot 4-4,89 ; Fidelity4-4 , 9JcFrult ; of thrtLoom.ll : do can brio4-4,13odo ; WaterTwist,101oGreat ; FallsQ , lOjc ! Indian Head shrunk 4-4,12 ! c : Lonsdale. lOJc ; do cambriu 37 , 13o ; New York Mills , 13c ; Pequot A. lOc ; Pepporell N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9ic ; Pocasst-t 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta O X X , 13c. DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o ' 17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8'or. , , 12c : Savi'ge. 18c. UuOKS ( Colered ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do C , .Irab ) lo. lo VA , strlnea and plaids , I2ic ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12ic ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; D runs wick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana verA brown , 13cs Noponset A brown , 15o , TICKINGS AmoBkeag A 0 A 32 17Ac ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrownnna , 9io ; Claremont B B,154c : Conestoga ex tra , 174cj Hamilton D , Uio Lewiston A 30 , 15c ; Mlnnenaha 4 . 20c ; Oiiicga super extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32. IGjc ; Put nam XX blue trije , 12o ; Shetucket S lOjc ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8Jo "DENIMS. Amoskeak , blueand brown IGic ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington ; blue Scotch , 18io ; Concord OOO , blue and brown. 12ic : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , . 9ic ; MyBtlo River DD stripe , IGic ; IVnrl ! River , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uncasvlllo , blue and brown , 13ic. CAMBRICS Barnard , 51c ; tone lining , 24 Inch double face , Sic ; r A glazed , So : Manhattan clove finish , 6Jc : Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do 5c ; Lei kwood kid finish , Go. COUSKT JEANS Araory , 8c ; Andros- < x > K"iu Biittt-en , 8 ; Clarendc o , Gicifonea- toga gatteens , 7ic : Hallowol , be ; Indian Orchard improved , noiNarr gansett , 7io ; Pepperlll salU n Bin ; Rocknort , 7io PRINTSAliens. . GJc : American , 04co ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Sc ; Cocheco , To ; Conesloga. GJo ; Dunkirk , 4o ; DunnBlI , CJ@7 ° J yaoye. 7c : Gbutester , Oc ; Huniiony , fiio ; Knickerbocker , OJoj Mer- rimao D , 7c ; Myatlc , BJo : Spranies , Co ; Soulhbrldge , Co ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; larl- bore , 63c : Oriental 6JC. oiKGHAMS-Amoskeag , lOJc ; Amos. kee dresa 12V Anryle , lOic : Atlantic , Oc : Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8Joj $ ; Kenllworth , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJo ; Bus- sex. 8c. COTTONADKS Abberville ISjlc } ; Agate , < Wo ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20cj Cairo D and T , IS.ic ; Clarion D and T , 17Jo ; Deccan Co.slriiiesDandT , ICc ; Key- atone , 13ic ; Nantueket , 19o ! Nonpareil , ICc ; Ocean D and T,13ic ; Royal , 10J 15 Sussex , 12cj Tloga. ISJc ; Wachusutt unfit- In ? jbeckg , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York , plain Nankin , 12icj do , checkn , Btrfixxi and fancy , 124c ; do , 8 oz , 20o. BHKKTINGS Androacogdn 10-1.27Jc ! do 1M , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; ContinentRl 0 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New York mllu.08. S5o ; do 78 , 30ci do 68 , 22icj ; Pembroke 10.4 , 25cj Pequot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do 7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , IOCS 1'enperell 9G , 29c ; do 67 , 21c ; do 67 , Me ; Utica 9C , S5c | do 68 , 22jc ; do 48,17 < J Olcort and Tobaccos. CIGARS. Seeds , $15.00j Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , $50.00 ; Clearllavana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. G dden Rule , 1 Ib , GOo ; Spotted Fawn , Gle ; Our Hope , fine quality , G2c ; Star , { Mtands , 24 Ib , butt * , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army nnd Navy , pounds. 65c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc : Lonl- laH'a Climax , pounds. 61c. FINE CUT In palls. Hani to Beat , 75c ; Golden Threw ! , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ; Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , ( > 0c ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Calllns O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori- Illard's Tiger , C5c ; Diamond Crown , GOo. SMOKING All grades Common. 25to 33c. Granulated Ulackwells Durham , 16 OB 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 or , 60c ; Seal of North Carolina , 16 or , 46 ; Seal of Nebras- k . 16 oz , S8c ; Lone Jnck , 4 or , linen baps porlb , $1.35 ; Mnrlmms'Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 6 lie : DOK Tall. 6Sc. Pnlnti Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , rJc ; white lead , O.P.&O Co .S.P.OJ imre.Gfliilarsilllesgrccn , Via 5 Ib cans , 20o French zinc , gi n seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish sst , V 0c : French zince , In oil nsst , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ! raw and burnl Sienna , 13cs vandyke brown , 13 , . ; i-efmed lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lpc ; h'ory black , IGc ; drop black , ICc ; Pnisslan blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18cj chmmc Krcen , L. M. A D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. ft D. , 14c : Parii gteon. 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , cj Tuscan Urt , 22c ; American Vcrmillod , I. & P. , I8c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. ft 1) ( ) . , 18c ; vellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , Ify patent Ilrj-er , Go ; graining colors : light onk , darken on t , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c Dry "alnti Whlto lead , GJc ; J onch rlnc. lUo ; Paris whltolng 2jc ; whiting gilders , Ijc ; uhitlne conVl , lie ; lampblack German- lo\vn , 14o ; lampblack , ordinary , 80 ; Prus- slan blue , 45c ; ullramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umberburnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4csienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com 1 25c ; chroma green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12o ; vermlllion , Eng. , 70c ; yer- mllllon , America , 18o ; Indian red. lOc , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson a ' jc : venellan red Am. , lc ; rod lead , 74c ; chrome yellow genuine 20o : chroma yel Vltl Mtl > J V * v * T f Kv w > > wy / low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , . . . . . * J11O11 tJ * J Tii * < quf M. - " - w VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; furniture , U. 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , Si 20 ; Damar , SI 50 ; Japan. 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , S3 60 : hard oil finish. SI 30 , , . , OILS-110-carbonper gallon.lljo ; ! 50 headlight , per gallon , 12ic ; 175' headlight , per gallon , IGic ; crystollne , per gallon , 19e ; linseed , rnw . per gallon , 02 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 65c ; lard , winter s { 'd , per cal- Ion. 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 65c ; castor , XXX , ppr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , gallon , 85c : sj erm , W. B. , per gallon , nr ; fish , SV. B. per gallon , 60c ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri cating , zero , per sallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ; co'den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c : tcr- pcntlne , per gallon , We ; naptha , 74 , per gallon , SOc ; Or , 20o Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates. S3 40 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; crucible. 8c : t.pecial rGerman,6c ; cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloe , sawe ' dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llo ; washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4o ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c ; Hurden's horseshoes , 5 35 ; Burden's muleahoes , 6 35. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 U 10 , 375 6d , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 6 00 : 3d , fine , 6 60 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; fed , casing. 4 75 : 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; 6d finish , 5 25 half kees , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , $1.65 ; Buck shot , $2.10 t : Oriental Powder , kegs , $6.40 : do. , half kecs , $3.48 : do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast- Inir. keira , 83.35t Fuse , oer 100 feet fiOo. BA BED WTKE In car lota , 8 30 per 100 ; in less than car lota , 8 55 per 10 J. Horses and Mule . . The market Is brisk and oil grades are selling well at * ilieht advance in pi Ices. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as fol lows : ol.ra Fine ulnglo drivers , 8150. to SOO. ; Exlra ; draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common draft horses , $100. to 160 , : Extra farm hones , $110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses $90. to $100. ; Extra plugr , SCO. to 76. ; Common plugs , $20. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , $125. to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14 i hands , $76. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands. $60. to 75 Liquor * ALCOHOL 187 proof. 230 per wine gallon ; extra California spirita , 187 proof , 1 3'J ' per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled T Hrkiea , 1 0001 5u ; fine blended , 150@ ) 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 : K > n- tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , $ tf 00@10 00 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; domestic , 1 40(33 ( 00 , RUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New Entsland. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 hO@3 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 754 00. CHAMPAGNES Imrorted per case , 2600@31 OjAnwrlMJ , case , 1200 ® 1ROO. CLARETS Per case , 4 60@10 00 WINKS Rhine wine , per case , 0 00 ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLESALE. We quota lumber , lath and shingles on can at Omaha at the following prlcen ; JOIST AND SOANTLING ft. and under. $2110 ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMHKR8 W ft. aii'l under. 822 00. ) TlMBIilt AND JOIST-18 ft. , $23 OCj ; 20 ft. . 824 00 ; 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 24 ft. , § 27 50 , KKMJ1NU No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 022 UO' ; Nn. a. 820 ' 0. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boirdK1850 ) ; No. 2 , $1700. STOCK ! D , $2300 ; I'-ln. < } . $35 00 ; 12--n. B , 840 00. HIDING A , $24 OJ ; B , 821 00 ; 0 , $1800. FLOORING-A , $4000 ; B , $37 60 ; 0 , $32 00 ; D , * 23 00. SH IN/LES-Vo. 1 , $1 76 ; 0-n. ! clear , $2 75 ; Htur , S3 25 ; extri A , $1 00 , LATH No. 1. S3 50. him LAP-Plain1. , S230C ; 0. G. Nor 2 , $24 00 ; O G. No. 1 , $35 00 , UEILING-i-in. No. 3 , $2500 ; 2-In. FINIS' MNl5 "l-fiirNo 3 , i 37'50 ; 1-ln. NI 2. $ W > 0 : Mn , NI 18' ' " THICK FlNI.SH-hlf-0 . 00. TAlltEI ( ) KKLT I'el , b. 3j. STRAW BiARD-l'er li3o. . BI-'AR ORKEK LIME 8125. PLASI'KR PARIS WM. LOUISVILLE OEMENT-$200. Bulldlrg Malarial. LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; bulk perbu. , 85o. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , $2 60. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , $3 60. Straw board , $4 CO : PAPER Straw paper , 8Jc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; m nlla paper , lOo ; newi paper. 80 COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run Blosuburg , $12 ; Whitebreast lump , $810 } Whitebreaat nut. $0 ' 0 ; Iowa [ lump , 86 60 ; Iowa nut $6 50 ; Rock Springs , 88 ; Anthracite , ull sizes. $12 00@12 60. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Acid Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , OOc ; Balnam Copabla , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , Hasjafian , , pe Ib , 14o ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonulia , per rtz , $1 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100 ; Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 40 ; Epscn : talta , per Ib , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per > Ib , 45c ; lyead , ' Acetate , p r Ib , 24c ; Oil , Cantor , 'No. 1 , i > er al , PI 30 ; Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil , Olive , ptr f al , $1 50 ; Oil , Origanum ,60o Opium , 95 25 ; ( WnJne P. AW. A R. A S. , VKT oz , $2 40 ; I'otamJum , Iodide , per Ib ; $233) ) Salacm , per V40c ; Snlphate of Morphine , per oz. * 4 00 ; Sulphur flour , perl Ib , 4Jc : Strychnine. > cr oz , $110. Wool. Merino nnwwhed , llrfit , 14@16c ; heavy , lS@16c : ; medium unwashttl , light , lS20c ; wash , choice , 32oj fair. SOc ; tub-dlnay and w. , 28c ; hurry , black and coiled wool * 2@6c less Hld t tun , tte. HIDES brecn butcher's hide , J cured 7Jc : hides , green MIL psrl cured 73 hides , tile : dry flint , found , IFWJUc ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry fftlt hlilm , sound , ll@12c ; green calf , wt , 8 to 15 Ibs. . IW green call , wt , under 8 11 , pei < kln , green iwlti , 50@S1 2)5 green lamb nklns , | l 10@l2. > : damaged hldcn , two-third rate , cut ncored and ono Rrub , clos'iod wo- tllrds r tPbrandotl ) hides 10 per cent. off. Contiftkins No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. a , IfO.j No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , f > 0c ; No. 2 , , No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , Sc , Fox , No. 1 , yyoi No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , block , w > c ; short stripe , 40r.j narrow utrlpo 25e ; broad stripe , lOa. Tallow , 6c , ten her. Oi k solo , 38c to 42o hemlock sc.Ie , Ma to QCc ? heminck kip. SOc lo 100 ; runner , 6" o to SOc ; hemlock o > lf , 8 c to 1 i0 ! ; In in. lock uppir , 23on > 2Cc : < > ' pfr , 2lcj Bator. 4 00 to 6 C0 cilf kid , 3V : ; Grcincn kid , 2 50 to 276 ; onk kip , 0o to 1 00 ; oak cxlf , 1 VO to 1 3' ; Trench Ml > , 1 10 to 1 55 ; F onch oilf , 1 ' > to 2 03 ; ru > - sett * . 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 tu 8 60 ; topi ings , 0 1 0 to 10 60 ; B L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , .Vic ; pimon , 2fOto300 A RN ESS-No. 1 tar oak , 43c ; JMJ 2 do , 40c ; No. 1 Ohln ak , 40c : No. 2 ilu , 37c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 3c ; N . 2 l > , SCe. Council Bluffd Mnrltct. . Buirxs , Marcli 14 Flour Crj-Htal Illls Golden Sheaf , 3 60 ; California I ureka , pntcntj 3 S ; best brand of KHII-RS , 3 50@3 00 ; Kansas and Missouri flour , 3 604 25j graham , 3 75 ; rye flour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 15 00 per ton Chop Corn 22 50 per Ion. Wheat No. 2 , $112@115 ; No. S , 72o : rejected , 52o. Corn 52. Oats No. 2 , 40o ; rejected , 3"c. Bnrloy No. 2. 90o : No. 3 , 75c Hay L o e , 5 00@0 00. Wood-5 60 ® 7 00. Llvo llogn-fi 25@5 75. Cattle Shipping , 4605 00 ; milch cows 30 00345 ( 00 per head ; butchers Block , 3 00@3 50 , Sheep 3 76@4 25. G Hidca 5c ; G S hldeo , 7c. Wool ir @V5. Butter Creamery , J0o ! ; In lolls , wrap , ped , 25c : rolls no wrapped , 20 : . .mixed co orn , 1520c. Eggs -Packed , lOc : fnuh , 12Jo . Potatoes 1101 .SO ; Silt Lake , 161. Onions 1 25@1 10 Dressed Poultry Chickon-i , lOc ; ducks , i0c ; getBC. 8c ; tur eve , l'-4o Liio Chickens 2 25 per do : Chicago l-roanoe. OIUCAOO. M rch 14. Flour Dull nnd n elected , nhiii | > eni not buying and jobber * inertly oto iugtin oc. caaiouiil lot. Common to choice western springcxtr B , 40'@G75 ; Minnesota 500 @ 7 00 ; patenls , 7 00@8 25 ; rje flour , 5 00 @ 5 25 ; buckwheat flour , 4 HOQ5 50. Wheal No. 2 spring was iictlvo in a speculvtlve way and the feeling dovel ped was unsettled and prices irregular. The market was governed wholly hy specula tive influences. At the opening a weak frollng was developed and price. ) were about li@lic lower , ruled weak and de clined un additional } @ic. At this de cline the demand became more active and prices gradually recovered , advancing 2c for April and If@ IJo for the more de ferred futures , then fluctuated and finally closed about Jo lower for * iiril , Jo lower for Muy and 40 for June and July on the regular board , and closed on call board at 1 34 cash and March ; 134 } April ; 1 27Z May ; 125 } June ; 1 22J@1 23 July ; 102J the year ; No. 3 quiet at 1071@108 ; re jected , 80@8oo. Corn A good speculative business was reported but the feeling was greatly un settled . and prices ruled somewhat irregu lar. The market opened comparatively steady at about the closing figures of yei- terday , but under the influence of lilietal offering * the market weakened and prices receded J@gc. Later , however , the leJ mand' was more urgent and pric a gradual ly advanced U@lgc , and ruled comparatively tively steady to the close. { Shipping lo mand was quite active for all piadea < in c.ill board and No. 2 closed at Gljc a h and Mirch ; C2Jo April ; 67c May ; GGJc June ; G7j67ic | July ; rejected steady and firm , Gl4 < 3,61Jo ; high mixed , Clc. Oats A. liado easier and lower ; No. 2 closed on call board at 41Jo for March ; 42Jcfor \ pril ; 448@44Jc for May ; 43Jo for JnnoS92o for July. Rye Quiet and neglected ; No. 2 , lOa for ca h ; SOc for March ; 8Go for May. Barley Inactive and nominally un changed ; .No. 2 , 1 UD for c'Bli ; No. 3 firmer at 74@75c for Match and April , Pork In good -demand and offerings | fair ; mess closed strong and steady at 16 874 @ 17 00 for cafh ; 16 8 > for April ; 17 07j for May ; 17 25 for Ju. e ; 15 80 for th year. Lard Closed steady at prices 5 @ 7Jc under th opining figures ; ID 45 ® lO 60 for cusb ; 10474 for Apiil ; 10 C24u)10 ( ) 65 for May ; 10 72J for June ; 10 80@10 S2J for July ; 10 210 27i for the year. Bulk Meats Stead ) ; short i ibs closed .at 9 20 for cash ; 9 17J for April ; 9 27 J for May ; 9 40 for June. Whisky Quiet at 1 18. Butter Sleady , with light de naml for common and medium gradea and other grades In yo id request : croamoiy , choice to fancy. 37@40c ; fair to good , 32 @ 35c ; dairy , choice to fancy. 30@35c ; tair to go > d , 23@28c ; frtah made packing stock , 18@i'8c ; ladle packed , common to good , 18@32c ; grease , 8@ll > c ; roll , 13@26o tor common to fair ; 28@30o for good to choice. Egg4-OII ringo liberal und demand mostly from the local trade and mnrket weaker ; sales of strictly frt-sh at 10@17a. Roo'tn. Shipm'ts Flour . 21,219 17,905 Wheat . 1 > ,663 13,053 Corn . 61,311 80,90.1 Oats . . ' 2,574 109,330 ' ' ' " " " " ' ' ' Rye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.850 71450 Barley _ . . 13,478 13943 " * St. Iioni * Prodaoo. ST. LOUIB , March 14 , Flour Unchanged , but w ak ; . 576 ' 00. o. 2 red , 127 for otnli ; 1 2UJ for M ch ; IS. for Anl | ! 1 20 for May ; 110 for June ; 110110J | for July ; 1 03J fur year ; No. 3 red , 123 ; No. 4,113 , Corn Strong and higher : Olo'ior cub ; G5o for March ; 65jo for April ; GOJo i for M iy ; GC o for June ; G7io for July. Oats liuint , but firmer : 47o for caeh ; 43o for Mnrih ; 4 fr April ; 45o for May ; .Iji to Juiu ; S3j for July. RID L i * er and dull at 80J@83c. Barley- Quiet but tiruifr at .0@75c. Lead V ry dull ; no demand ; noft , 4 75. Uutt-r AVealc t 40@4 o for creamery ; dairy , 35@38o. EKBH-DuIl at ISJo. Whisky-CJulet at 117 , l-'Jux Seed-Wo kutl 20. Pork-Slow aid dull ; 17 25 for cash : ; 17 2.1 for March ; 17 05 for April ; 17 40 for May , A/ard-Dull at 10 25. Rec'ta. Shlpmt * . jflour . 6,123 4,370 Wheat . . . , , . . 17 891 0,851 ! Com. . . . . . . . . . 20,025 38,637 Oats. . . . . 40,637 3,817 Rye . , . none 2,311 Barley . . , . , . . _ " ° "Q none Chicago Lira Stock. CuiOAdo , March 14. The Drover's Journal lejwrta w folluwu : HoRs-Receljts. U.OOO head. The general - eral market was strong nnd higher , Puck ers bought freely and paid at lihjh nt 725 for some extra jiorkers , but thuy were not very anxious to buy the coarse , rough lock , though the supply WBJ so urnull that an early clearance wan made. Common to good mixed ranged 6 lOfeG CO ; heavy packing nn-l - chipping , 665 © ? 20 , ' IM' ' dflphlsftnd l .d hogV , 720fo'7 0 , The timrk t for llglil ho f , at n rntiije o ff r > j fl \ GO , wn MI activity , and off rllKpt i j stnft'1. tri'lin , v cr > rmo\rr. Jriw VM aifrn M' ' < li , tei ; . ii > < mi I culN f"t * 6 COftf. 0 < C ttlo Ktt. ipKI : :00 ) . . < l. -\H ifr tliccixttl' market sn i-trhdr , m ( frtf fy nctlve , but not to nhnrp a i n Mmidny. Light nnd inrdlnm wolgli' c ltl of k'-rirt fle h were ncarco and n 1d rp . * ! ly. The rocclpln Inclmlid ft HbtrAl i > harr > of tflni' ' ch Ice , wilh some f ttra citll ; filr nhip- ping cattle , 5 2' . ( ri W ; ntotlltin' , A 60 ® 5 70 ; good.ri 70(315 ( ; ch - IcWQn 15 } rstra , 025 ; exorlr | iTi/rt ! fi ; mixed Llito iff * PUH k. nctivo and ottniT ly held ; C U PJ.t Aft : tin I , : t lOfc-'i ' : otf em , 4WXiftS ; Hrfhl s'o Ifio lower on < < i mint ' urctwmH Imi ( if stock , rfliwing 3 li ' ( a I f > r . Sheep Ueci 1 * , 1 , t < l hea I. Mnrkot weak on account nf ivor-Mipf > 5y : tridn slow ; cm itnoii , 4 00(311 ( 75 ; ROIK ! , 5BO@ riG5cholcp : , fi 6@580 Peoria Proiluno. PKOIUA. Match Hi Wheat Not enough receipts of Roe < l mill ! Corn Yellow , G % : high inlx l , ( Nljc ; mlif ' , Olc ; .No 3 , 021 ; ] ctod , C2i uo grade ! , Me ; ttnmrrcliantab e , 45c. Oats Finn nnd hlkher : strong demand ; No.R' a while , -16 ; t ejected , 4"Jc. RvcFirm ' and n little higher ; : No. 2 , 8l USHi ; ; rejected , 83J Uarlev Firm ; 'm sales repor ed. H'ghwlnci Vltmatt 10.Rcc'K Rcc'K Slilp'tJi. 2Vn , 460 none 1 Con 30.0(10 ( 27,000 Out * K'.nw ' 7,00ff Rye 27 H.OOO Uarley 2,770 unelgnti H-ghwIncH noun 630 Cincinnati Product- . CINCINNATI. M-rch 14 Murt < Pork Firm t 1750(511775. ( Ltrd Nomlnnl ; piiinu team , ll)6i. ) Bulk Meats- Clear slfltM 9 t-5@9 87 } . Baron Fair deii.and ; clear tiles , 10 50. Flour Mnrkft firta and in fair demand ; winter fxtn-ly , 5 6065 60. Wheat Kirm ; f lr mll'lntt demand ; chr.lco No. 2 red , 1 31. Corn Fair and fairly active ; mixed sample , 64c. Oats Urm ; light supply ; No. 2 mixed , 48 Jtye Dull ; > lm le easier ; No. 2 , 90jc. Barley Dull nud eabler ; No. 2 fall , 110. Whisky Firm and fairly active at 116. Kansni Cltr Prodnoc Mnrbct. KANPAH CUT , M srch 14. Wheat -Weak and lower ; No. 2 cash , 1 l- > ; April , 1 15@l llij : No 3 Cash. 05Jo ; March , 92c ; April. 93i@93flo ; Mav , 933fe95 ; June , 8G cj No. 4 o.hh , S.'Jc ; March , 821. Corn Weaker and lower : No. 2 mlxo I March , Me ; April , 02c ; Alay , 02@f.2Ji Tune , 611c ; No. 2 wh to mixed March , 70- ; April , G8ic ; * iay , G9c. Oat No. 2 ca'h , 4iic ; Marcn , 4Gjc ; April , 46Jc. Roo'ts. Shipm'ts. Wheat . 1032 10,729 . Corn . 9,805 5,794 Oats . 823 2,703 , ) Liverpool Produce Marbot March 14. Breudstuffs Firmer. Flour American , 10 < @ 12i. Wheat Winter , 9 < 4d ® < 0 < ) 4d ; white , 9 4d@9a Od ; spring , 9a 10j ; club , 9 * ,8d ® lOa. lOa.Corn Corn 5s 11 Jd for new ; 6s 2d for eld. Pork 77s. Lord 5s Cd. Receipts for the lost throe dnys 196,000 centals , 154,000 being American. Tolocto Proanoo- TOLKPO , M srch 14. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 , 1 27J cah ; 26 ! March ; 127 April ; 1 274 Mays 1 21i June ; 114 July ; 1 10J August ; 1 09 the year. Corn Inactive ; No 2 , 05a cash ; SJ @G6io April ; G'igo May ; G7cJune. Oats Unchanged. St-Lool * Xilye Stock- St. Louis , March 14. Catlle Demand relive and prices : strong with an upward tmdencv ; ofleilngs very small ; exporters , 6 00 ® i 25 ; go id tote cholc * ehippera , 5 50@0 00 ; medium to choice butchers , 5 00@5 90 ; native stock- era , 4 76@5 23 ; native cows and heifers , 400@500 ; reotlpte , 1,086 ; ehipmentp , 22 Xf. + fftr i Market very strong and active and higher ; demand Rood but supply small ; light , 500@623 ; Yorker * , 0 10@0 25 ; puclting.6 [ 10@6 80 ; butchers' and selects ! , 0 80@7 2Uj pil- , 58593 ; receipts , 694 ; shipments , 450. Kansas City Iiiro StooTi. KANSAH CITT , March II. Cattle Rectlpt 558 head ; ihipme.ts , 467 head. Market utron ? md soive alMond Mend y'n i > rices. Native shippers , 475 @G 00 ; native atockers and feeders , H 50 @ 4 25 ; native cows , a 25@4 .5. HORS Receipts , J.559 hea I ; shipments , 791 Head. Matket strong and attire at Monday's i rices. Good to choice heayff , 6 20@0 60 ; mixed packing 0 00@G 20 ; light Bhipping , 5 60@6 00. En t Liberty lityo Stoob. EABT LinitnTr , Pa. , March 14. Cattle Quiet and unchanged. Hogs-Firm ; receipt * , 900 h-ad ; ship- mento , 2,600 heal ; Phlladolifhias , 7 2S@ 7 0 ; Yorker , . , 4 B' ' @H 75. Sheep Fair and a nhade off ; receipts , 2,800 head ; thlpuiaats , CnuheaiU Cotton Market NKW YOIIK. Murch 14 Colton Spot cotton t-tea-iyiit 12 1-16 for midland uplandsj > ales. 505 baleUospinnora ; 600 bales on npeeuatlon ! and 4M ) bales delivered livered on contract * , Fuluroa Closed easy ; leading months 10@12o perUO. Cleveland Market. . , M'nrch I.lite Petroleum Firmer ; utandard white , 1 10 test , 7o. _ _ CALIFORNIA FLOUR. Sacramento mills potent flour ( red brand ) . Our bent Eureka patent Hour ( blue brand ) . The only patent fl'mr nan- ufoctured on the Pacific cowt. We claim It in the wluttst , utiongcut and beet family flour in thu Btate. Aok your grocer for It. Try It and you will UBO no other. K. M. MoCiiKAitv & Co. , Sacramento , T. J. EVANB , Agent , Cryatal M lllst Council Bluffs.eb3 eb3- Donations to Chlld'a Hospital In Feb ruary , 1883. Mrs II. M. CuldMoll,3nightBhirt8j ; MIM Soiiliio Robert- glass pitcher ; Mm. J. M. Woolworth , crib and mat tress ; 1 nurniou bottle ; Mrs. J. Her- bach , Mm. P. M li | ugh , Mr. Harris - ris and Mm. R. H. Olarkson , provis- ionBj Mr. Slioars , illustrated papura ; Mr. A. Donaghuo , planta value ? J 5D ; Konnard , Bros ft Co. . drugB , ? 10 ; Kuhn&Co. , drugs , 8739 ; J. W. Bell , dniR. , ? 5 80 ; Dr. J. 0. Pantor & Co. , drugs , 81.05 ; Baxo ft Co. , druiTB. 82.25. Oaah epecial for drugs ; LoeS'riod & Co. , 2 ; A. Polack , 81j If. J. Uatngo , 81 ; A. D. HorflO , 8J.OO ; J E. Uoyl , 1 ; Her & Co. , 82. Cash use not BPf ciGod. J. & 15. . Dor- Chester , Nebra k , through Rev r.J. , I'atorson , 89 ; Mrs. Swnuul binUh , Uoatrico , Neb , through Rev. T. O'Oonnoll , $5 ; Mr. B. F. Bmith , Beaten - ton , Mass. , through Jhahop Olarkuon , JCO Frccldic n d Lee Robinson , BvuiLako , Dftk. , through BMion Olnrkwn , fO CO ; Mrs. II. M. , Oal l- well , 82 ; coutribution liox , 81.50. SAKAH , SIHTKK IN IB. * ' A SAVAGE CHARGE , rfl ro * Not of Bayonets , But by the t Jaf1go to the Grand Jury. Trj ' ' 'iff to Investlgnto Mosars. Walsh , Fondn. Et Al. Thff following in I ho charge of , T Jge k. RO ) delivered to the grand jury roceiil 'j' ' omptnneled lo look into 7 tllO * ncta of ollcged violence : Oj-NTrKKB.V O1 THK OlUNII Jt'llV You liiv lv. ' nclrctod from the body of Dbuirlft * c\ ' " " ( y to inuiro | into ntul prwont ofTc\u < " comiiiittetl with in thu rVimtH if I ho county in and for which you Imrr Ix on impannoHodand sworn. : Tllo o th J n ha\o taken ro- ( l in > 8 yoit to keep secret all that shall PRM in youraesMom' . The testimony of witnesBof , the vo'ca of individual nunnbors , netion upon bills ignored .lilt thcBO nnd like raattors aro- not to lx > diaoloiod , unless you are required in n court of justice to make them known , The slate requires me'ft'so to call to your attention the lawn rolntivo to-fer HCB , caininu and nolMiol h nils , and the ch i tr < upon tliow mil jecla are . . . . L. . . t l Mitl\lnlMf ) * A Huhmittod ft > r your consider a ation , ) lint \t \ in not mainly fit the invrsli- gnti-m ol Hiich o ( Ton sun that , no ir thu cliiso of n bu v i\d lili'irious ' torni of court , iiftr two grand juries ; Imvo . performed thuir duties and booti dis- ' ohnraud , you hnvo boon summoned fnun your various employments nnd required to devote your tu > .v > nnd at- totition .to public affaire. Tuforma- lioii tins b'on nflicinlly communicated to this court , I bat. within the Inst few days , liirgo bodies of mon , ath rod in riotous nnd tumultuous assem blage * , under the leadership of reck less demagogues , Imvo attempted by intimidation nnd violence to prevent ; certain other citizens of this state , pcncoablo and well disposed , fronton- gaping in their lawful occupations and in honest labor for the support of themselves and their families. Liberty and the pursuit of happi ness are inalionnblo rights of m in. The trainers of the constitution and laws under which wo live hnvo by sol emn enactments guaranteed these righto to nil citizens of the United Stntf s. Magistrates , jurors , and all officials clmrgod with the maintenance of order are recreant to their duly , neglectful ot their oath of ofHoo and rocardlcss of the public welfare , if they do not , so far as lies within their power , conserve the peace nnd protect all persons m the free exorcise of their right to prosecute their chosen callings in such legal way as shall seem good to thorn. If these fundamental prin ciples nro habitually disregarded , our system of government is a failure , our laws a scorn , and our boasted free in stitutions a mockoiy. No philanthro pist can avoid sympathizing with men , however misguided , who sock to bet ter their condition in life , but where their efforts tnko the form of tramp ling upon the rights of others , dis turbing municipal tronquility , intimi dating peaceful citizens , sympathy must yield to the love of order and duo regard for law. A mere unlawful assemblage and such forcible interfenco as I have mentioned are misdemeanors cogniza ble In the first instance by another tribunal than this. But it ia repre sented that in the pursuit of this un lawful undertaking felonious assaults have been committed , Thia in your duly to inquire into. And should you in the progress of your investiga tion find that any person or persons have assaulted another with intent to commit a murder it would bo incumb ent upon you to present such crimoby proper indictment to this court. You ihould cause to bo summoned before you such witnesses , if any , ns can to - Sal to the fact of such assault , and also that you may bo able to judg of the intent with which it was committed tlm mitted , those who can inform , you of thomombors directly engaged therein , its violence , the wapona used , the cries uttered , the throals employed and nil the circumstances connected therewith. And you are inatruolod , moreover , that if such a felony has boon com mitted by persona engaged in an un lawful assemblage and in pursuance ifd its general design , all who participated in such assemblage nnd aided and n abetted i. the execution of auoh design ) - sign , are equally guilty , whether actually perpetrators or not. All those who assembled themselves to gether with an intent , It may bo , lei commit a more trespass , the execution whereof causes a felony to bo com mitted , and to continue together , abetting ono another till they have actually put their designs into execu tion , are principals in the felony uY , Malicn in such cases is implied by the law in all who are engaged in the un- luwful enterprise , whether the fo- loniouB act was by the hand of jho accused or otherwise is immaterial. tl.jf All nro responsible for the acts of ouch if done in pursuance nnd fur * thoranco of the common design. So , in the quaint Jangujgj of an , old writer , "Where divers persona rusolvu generally to resist all oppress ors in the commission of any broach of the peace , and to execute it in such a jnannor as naturally tends to BO tumults and affrays , as by ng a violent disseizin with grout numbers of people , and in so doin < / Jmppon to kill a man , they are all guilty of mur der ; for they must at their peril abide the event of tnoir actions who willfully 111o fully engage in such bold disturbance * of the public peace in opposition to and obstruction of the justice of the nation. " Nor is the dootnno an unjust ono. It ia necessary , in order to provoni riotous combinations from committing crimea with impunity. If the officers of the law should bo called upon teem detect the particular agents by whom such a felony ha boon perpetrated in a confused combat of this kind , it { would perpetually defeat juatico and enable guilt to defy detection. There fore , to all engaged in the unlawful assemblage the law declares , "You are equally involved in nil the conso- quoncca of your assault on the public peace and safety. " Gentlemen , you have aworn that you will proaont no person through malice , hatred or ill-will , and leave no puraon unprosontod through fear , fa vor or affection , or for any reward or hope thereof. Your rosponsibjhtioa are not light nor your dutiua easy. To maintain judicial calumets in the midst of popular excitement ; to weigh the testimony of the witnesses before you coolly ; to judge impartially ) not to allow yourselves to bo awnyod by popular prejudice or prevailing fear ; to dilitrontly inquire into and true presentment make of all such mnttt r and matters as ahull bo given you in chirgo or otherwise come to your knowledge touching the present ser vice. These are the obligations rest ing upnn you. I have nn abiding confidence that they will bo dis charged honestly , thoroughly , fear lessly nnd impartially. FBKSONAL. , _ Samuel H , Stuatt , of Htrito City , h In Omaha. K. M. Denny , of lli\tr , is In Omaha on n brief \islt. Hon. K. M. Barlbtllcft for i > brief trip cast ycrterday. ; D. F. Hout > , of Jnulata , Is a micst at the Motropolilan , P. l > . Smith , of St , Kdward , arrfred In the city ln t e\onitig. E. N. Snyder and 0. J. Smith , of Fott McKlnncy , are in the cfty. Wallnco Wheeler , of IUnc6ln , Is In the city , n i Kuest at the Wltnctll , 3. L Mitchell of Xebn-wkft , City , 1 * In Omalm on a brief bii < lncss trip. J. H. Julicston , of Crctft , was among the arrivals in tlilt city latt crculng , John Hi. C'osclj of Choyccn , Is ia the 'city , having Rrrlvtd yesterday afternoon. K. Fist , of Plattamouth , united in the city yeslenlaj > and put up at the Metro politan. ,1. D. Crans , . of II isllngs , arrived in town last night , aiul > put up at the Metro politan. . G.-G. Palmer , of/0akdile , , la a euost t the Metropolitan , wruro ho registered last evening. M. W. StonMJ D. , of Wah < w arrived - rived in the city yesterday. lie is nt the Wlthnell. 0. Ill Morrlll , of 3tromsburg , arrived in town last evinlng- and put up ak the Withnell. John Barsley , of Fremont , who arrived last evening , is a Ruoat at the Mstropo- ! ! tan hotel. L. T. Calkins , of Fremint , arrived in town last evening and registered at the Metropolitan hotel. Charles S. Burr , of Sh'f nantloah , Im , arrived in the city last evening , and slopped at the Crcihton. D , G. Courtney , of Lincoln , arrived in Omaha last evening , and vie wed'the ' field of battle from the middle- Klghth > street. K. Woibrell , < f Stockholm , Sweden , was among the nnivals in the city last evening. Ha la stopping at lh < Metro politan. Mrs. K. M. Crowley , who has bctn visiting her tons in this city for a few weeks , returned to lUcbmoml , V a. , last evening. AlHo Van Heynold ; the oharroln ? soubrette - bretto wh i has been delighting audiences at the German theAtre for several weeks past , departed yesterday. Dr. John Bell , the genial ani popular Tenth street druggist ; near the Union Pa cific depot , U quite 111 at homo. His many friends hope for his recovery. . Constable Rodney A. Butcher , who broke his leg by falling off Military bridge about two months ago , was down town yesterday for the first time. The Injured limb is improving slowly. Colonel James K. Philpott , of Lincoln , arrived In Omaha lust evening. Ho went to the seat of war , and claims that he was roughly used l > y the militinm > n on guard. Ho afterwards paid THK DEE office pleasant i all. Hon. Chris. Hartman returned last evening from Kansas City' wherfl ho haa been vlelling his brother , Charles Hart- mam Mr. Ilartman brought with him a splendid pair of horns from the head of ft Texas stter. They aw four feet an'l'ten ' Inches across , and beautifully poliahed. Liquid Gold. Uan'l Plank , of Brooklyn , Tloga Cb.r Pa. , describes t than "I r do- thirty miles fur a bottle o < TiiOMAfl' EOLKOTUIO OIL , which effected the wonderful cure of crooked limb in nix applications ; it pro > oil worlh uioretlmn geM to m . " Iw Gentle Women "Who vrant glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful IIair must nso LION'S KATUAIRON. Tnte elegant , cheap article always makes tiio Hair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures gray- DCSS , removes dandrtuT and i1tiling , makes the Hair 8 rong , giving it a curling tvTidency and keeping it ia tu < y desired position. Beau tiful , Iieallby llalr is the sure reeult of using Kutuairou * Real Estate 5,000 PIECES * OF PROPERTYI For Sale By JOHN M , CLMKE , S , W , oor , Douglas and 14thSts.