Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
UA1IA BJij. ! & WEDNESDAY MARCH 15 , 1882 , THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUDUSHINQ 00. , PROPRIETOR. CIO Fnrnh.-im , bit. 8th and 10th Street * . TERM * OK SUCSCltlPTION. n copy 1 } Mr , In A-lrttnce ( postpaid ) . . . 810.00 months " " . . . Boo nonth " " . . . 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , IMS CARD CHICAGO , ST. TACl , MIXKJIArOLIS AM ) OKAIIA RAILHOAD. tc ro Omahrk rawcncer No. S. 8:30 : n. m. Ac- tommoJUIon No. 1 , 1:0 : ( p. m AirlvoOmMrt PaMongcr No. 1 , fl.SO p. m. AcuorutnotUtlon No , S , lo.W a. m. UiVINd OMAUA IA8T OR COUTH BOURD , . , D. A ( , . 7UO a. m. 3-tO p. m. C , it N. V , . . 7:40 n. m. 3:40 : p. in. t' . , 11. 1. 1 ! 7i40 a. tn. 8:40 : p. m. K , C. , St. J , i 0. ! i. , loftvoa at 8 A. m. and C:30 : m. Arrives at St. Louli at 6BOit. : m. and K2 to , W. , HI. I * A t1. , IwkTCTat 8 . m. and B : < 0n. Arrives i HI. Louis Kb 6:40 : ft. m. and 7:30 : on C. Si il. In Net ) . , Through Exprcsa , 8:50 a. in. D. & M. Lincoln Kxprcsa 0:10 : p. m. U P. Ovr.rlnml Express , 12:16 : p. in. 0. 4 U. V. tor Unceln , 11:45 : a. m O. A U V. tor O ccola , 0 40 a. m. U. I' freight No. 6 , 6:80 : a. m. U. P ' ttIjtht No. 0 , 80 : a. tn. U. I * . ftelRht No. 18 , 2.M ) p. m. D. K trtljjht No. 7 , 6:10 p. jn.-omlRrant. . . . 1' . Denver e prcs ( 7:36 : p. m. U. I' . Irclcht Nn 11 , 11:20 : p. m. Tf. J1. l ) .nr Irclcht , S25 ; p. m. AlMUNG-fBOM lA&T JUSD fOUTTU U K i. O t.'JO . m. 7:26 : p m. . & N. W. , C:4f. : a. m. 7:26 : p. m. O. K. ; . fcP..l'J5 a. m. 9.05 p. m. K. 0. , il. Jru SiO B. , 7:40 : a. m. 6 : 5p. m IVJUV1MI 1TKO * THE KIST A.ND 80UTITWM1 , i. i. R. V. ( ram Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U. P. Ptclrlo Kxpresj 3:25 : p. m. II i. M. In Nib. , Through Bxprcm 4:16 : p til. U. fc U. Lincoln Express 0 40 a tn. D. I" . JJcnvor oxprcw , 7:31 : n. tn. U. P. trelght No. 14 2M : p. m/J U. P. So. 6 6M : n. m. KralR ant. D. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. m. U. P. 1o. 8-B.OO p. 10. O. P. No. 12 1:40 : a. m. U , P. DeiWur Irrlfht , 1:10 : n. m. ' O. & It. V. tuliwl , or. 4:4 [ > p , to. rflAfii sxrwium OMAHA AAV Lwo Omftha at 8.00 , 6:00 : , 10.00 and 11:00 : ni.J 1:0 : 2,0V , 3.00 , 4:00 and 6:00 : p. to. Luue Council Bluffa at 8:25 , V:26 : , 10.25 and 1:26 f. m. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : ami 6:25 : p. tu. Bun > 'Bj-j The dummy tuxros Omalift M B.OO nd 11-CO n. m. ; 2-00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. ill. Leave * Council 1IH.ITO M. 9.25 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:2E , 4:25 : and 6:25 p. in. Through and local poMODitcr trains botwccu Omaha and C'oumll Blulls. Luft\ Omaha 0:16 : , 7:15 , 8f : > 0 n. m. ; 3.40 , 6:45 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive Om&hA-7:10,11S5,11:45 : : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , 140 p. m. Opening anc Closing of Mrlls. worn , optir. oLoax. * . ni. K iu. a. m. p. tn. W 11.00 8:00 6:30 : 2:10 : 0 , R 1. h l'MlSc.n:00 : 9.00 6:30 : 2:10 : o.ll.fcO. . . . . .11:00 : :00 6SO : 2:10 : U 12:30 6:30 : 5:40 : Sioux City ind IVISc. . 0:00 6:30 : 2:40 : Onlrn Faclilc 1:00 : 11:40 : OmUm .H. V 1 0 11:40 : B.fcll. luNcb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6.00 7:30 : .B. < fc M. Lincoln 10M 6:00 T7. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : J. P. Dcmer Exp 0:00 : 6:30 : O. . Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : _ .iu Local mails for State of Iowa Icavo but once n day , TU : 6.30 a , m. Office open 8und.i\8 from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TII08. F HALL P il. Business BirectorY. Abitract and Real titnto. J01IN L. MoCAQUE , oppoelto Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 18th Street. Architect ! . DOTKEHE & MKNDELSSOHK , AROHlTECTS Room It. Crolgbton Block. A. T. LARnil Jr. , Room 2 , Ciclchton Block. Boots end Shoes. JAMFS DRVINE & CO. , fine Boota nnd Bhotn. A good assortment o > dome work on hand , corner 12th and Ilarnoy. THOS. ER10KRON , B. K. cor. 16th and Dcratfaa. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 606 10th Btrcet , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Rewiring dono. Bed Spring * . i. F. LA KUIMER Manufacturer. 1617 DonpUiat. Books , News and Otatlonory. i. I. KKUBUAUP 1016 Farnham Stroot. Butter and Eggs. McSUANK d SCIIUOEDEU , the oldtet B. and E. lious In Nnbranka cntcbllfthcd 1876 Omaha. OKNT1IAL REbTAUUANT , MRS. A. RVAN , , toctbw rt cnruor IBtlmnd Uodpe. licit Heard for the Money. Satisfaction Quarantotxl . Boarifby the Uay , Week or Month. Good Toruu for Cttui Furnl"hml Mnnrng Supplied. _ Road WaROnt. WU SNYDKH , 14th und Ilarnoy Otrecta. Clothing Uought. 3. ITARRIJ will paj higliO'jtCf.uh price for eecond hand clothlui' . Corner 10th and Fcrnhr.m. uowo un. I JOHN DAUUER 1SU Farnham Street. Junk. U , BUP.TUOLO , l\c.i \ nnd Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cemont. ; JOSTER U 01UY corner oth and Douelait ; Lampi and Glassware. [ J. BONNER 1809 IWojdiB St. Ococl Variety. Merchant Tailor * . - Q. A. L1NDQOEST , * & Oao ot our moit f cpular Merchant Tullors li ro- ealTlnK tbe latest tlaalzns for Spring uid Bummir Uoodj for gontleracna wear. Btjll li , durable , nd prlotu low oa e\cr 215 IBth bet. DOUIT. & Farn. Millinery. MBS. 0. A. r.lNQURVholeoalo and Retail , Pan. ey Goodi In treat variety , Zophyra , Card Boards , Ilottery , Ole > ea , Oonvtv , die. Cheapest IIou < e Iu IheWeat. Purchae ni en\o 80 per cent , Order br Mall. US Fifteenth Street. rounary , JOIIN cor.Htb& Jarkeon < t Hour nnd Feed. OMAUA CITT MILLS , 8th and Farnbsm Hta. WelahauB Itioa. , proprietors. Uroctrs. t , HTEVENS , 21st botn ecu CumlDg ami lur T. A. MoSIIANE , Corn. 23d aud Cumin ; btreeta. Hardwaie , Iron and Gleol. OLAN & LANOWOUTUY , Wholesale , 110 tnf IU 16Ub street A. HOLMES corner 1Mb and Oaltfornla. ( Harness , 8 adles , &c. B. WEISI 80 IBth St. b t Faro. & Ilarney HOteli , AMFIELD HOUSE , Oeo. Canneldeth & Farnhau DORAN HOUSE , P. U. Gary , DIB Faniham HI. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F , Slaveo , 10th St. Southern Hotel Oui. Hamel th iLeavenwortb KUHH & CO. rbumadeti , Fine Vane Uooda , Oor. Ititn and DonxIM treota IT. i. WHITEIirVTiolcsale & Retell , 16th it. a FIELD , 202 * florin Side Cumin ; Street. PARK , Pniwtet , lOUl and Howard HtrceLj. Dcntlits. OU. PAUL , WIUlAuis' Clock Our. Uth k Doltc. Ury Qoodi Notions , ttc. JOHN II. F. LfllMANH & CO. , Hew York Dry Qooda Btore , 1810 snd 1315 K rn- himetrftt ' j. a Enowold also boota and ehocu TLh & PadBc. r-uruuure. T. F. GROSS , New and Qcjocd Hand Fnrultuie i Btoves , 1111 Dctieln. nitrhtct cash price ' 4 for aecond hioi irooct. UONNER 1899 Dswls it. Pine BfOOdi , IK. t free Worm. OliAEA FENCE 00. T , TRIES * fC ISlSIUrneyB ! . , ImprOT * it Boxet , licr and Wood Kcnces , Offlca i t , OouQtdi Pto * and WalaaLI ClR r and Touncco. h FRnsCUISi , tiiMitibcturtrn 01 Clgau nd VMioIc al Ut-ilcrsl n Tot o , lEOSDotigUs V.JVLOHKV2EH nmnnfjvctur r1410 _ Farnhmn Florist. 'A. Danhgbuo , r.Utit , nitflowe ecod , uojait * fltc. M. W. cor. 16th .inl UourlM ( trcet * Civil Engineers .ind Surveyor * . ANDRKW ROSEWATEU , Crclghton Bloe't ' , Town Snrvcyj , Grade nadSevrrtro Ryotemt a Spccliltj. Commltolon Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL L1S.1I1I Dodge Street. B , CEK.MEU. For df tills e o Urge Ed'rtrtht. mcnt In Unllr and WcekU , Cornlco Works. Western Otirnlce Works , Manufacturer * Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Trading. Orders from any locality promptly o > cutod In the bwt manner. Factory unj OiUT. Uia itarney St. C. SPECHT , 'rtoprletor. Qshnnlrcd Iron Cfcrnlcco , Window Cur * , etc. , manufacturo-l and pot up tn any part of the couitrv. T. SINIIOLU 18 Thlrlwmlh rtrccl Crockery , J. BONNER 1S09 DouzlM etreet. Good line. Olotltlng and Furnlf.lilnjj Goods. OEO. H. P1.TEUSON. Alio Hats , Caps , Eootft , Shoe * Notions and Cutlery , bOi 8.10th Btrcet tTerrlgerators , Oanfle.ld's Patent , C. r. GOODMAN Uth St. bet. Fare. & Harnsy. Show Case Manufactory. O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dcnlcr In all Llmlj ol Shon C\ife , Upright CASOO , a 1317 Oasa Qt. FRANK L. GKrtHARD , proprtctcr Omaha Know Case manufactory , SIS South 10th etroct , lx-lwecn Lca\cnworth and .Marcy. All goodn wirrantcnl flrnt-cliw. Pawnbrokoni. UOSKNFKLD. 10th St. . ' bet. far. ft Hai Utovea una mwnro. A. , Duller In btovra and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin UooM and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellowe' Block. J. BONNER. 1300 Douzlss Bt. Good on l Cheap. Seed i. J. KVAN8 , Wholesale and RotAll Seed DillU and Culttratord , Odd rellowa Uall. Phyolclano and Gurcoons. W. 8. O1BIJ3 , II. D. , Rxim Ko I , Crelzbton Block , Uth Street. P. 8. LKISKXRINO , O. . D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eje and Ear , opp. postoffico DR. L. B. URADDY. Oculist and A\irl t. S. W 16th and Farnham Sto PbotoErapncrt. OEO. HUYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Uall. Flrat-clota Work and Prompt- nosn irui\rantccp Plumbing , Gas and Qtoam FlttlnR. P. W. TAUPT 6 CO. . 210 12th St , bet. FarnhMn and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATJUCrT , 1403 Douglas Street. alntlnc an per 1ENRY A. KOSTKR8.141 UodRo Street Qhoo tf tores. Phillip Lanf ( 1820 Farnham si. bet 18th & 14th. bocond Hand Store. PERKINS b LEAR , 1418 Douelas St. . New and Bacond Hand Furniture , llouso FurulslilnpOoodo , &c. , bouicht aud notd on narrow marrlna. Ualoons. HENRY HAUFMANN , In tne new brick block on Dou laa Ctrsct , hia ] ast opened a moat elegant Beei Hall. Hot Lunch'from 10 to 12 every dr.y. " Calcdonu " J. FALCONER 879 10th Street. UndertaKon. OHAS. RIEWE , 101'J Farnham bet 10th ft lltd. 00 Cent Stores. P C BACKUS 1206 Farn hum St. , Kaccv noodk PILES ! PILES ! P1LES1 A Sure Cure Found at Lastl * .No Ono Wned2.8i ff r ! A rare cure tor lillnd , Blooding , Itching nnd Ulcerated Piles hoa boeu diacovtrcd by Dr. Wil- Him , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Wllllam'a Indian Ointment A binjle Itox IIM cured the wont chronic c.uca of 26 or 80 \ e&ra standing. No one need suffer five minutes utter applying thin wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , lustra- mcnta and cloctuarlua do raoro barm than good , Wllllam'a Ointment olworlw the tumors , r.ll.iyB the Intense Itcliiutf , ( particulanly at nl 'lit aftur getting warm In bed , ) acts 4 poultice , stant and ixilnlosfl rollef , and Is prepared only for Piles , Itching of tbe prhato , and for noth Ing else. Head what the lion. J. ti. Ccrliubcrry of Clovo- and aaya about Dr. Wllllam'a Indian Pile Olnt- mtut : I ba\ou9ctl scores of Piles cures , and It affords mop euuru to Bay that I hav a never found MI } tblui * v , tilch gao such linmodlato and portn * nent relief ag lr.Vlilim'a Indian Olntinont for sale byMl drutnli ta or mailed on receipt price , il.OIt. il.OIt.KEI KEI RY & CO. . 3rop'w. , CLlVIILAilD.OiiO. For eale by 0. F Unodinan NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cnrn Ganrautcoil. Dr. E. 0. WuifH Ncno ana llialn Treatment A specific for lljsttrla , Dizziness , Convulslona , Ncrrouu Headache , Mental Depression , Loss of MemorySperimtorria ! > iIropoteny ( Involuntary Emisalona , Premature Old Atu , caused by over- portion , self abuse , or oicr-lnduhjcnco , which iuadii to misery , decay rind death. Ono box w 111 ; uru recent cases. Ka h box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box , or elx hoxo * for five dollars sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee tix boxes to euro any case , with each order received by ua for elx boxes , ac- ompanlcd with flvo dollare , will send the pnr- ha9cr our written guarantco to return the money If the treatment does not cff ct a euro. C. S. Goodman , DruirgUt , Solo , Wholesale and total ! Apront , Onuirm , Neb. Ordem by mall at rnirular price. WESTERN E C. SPEOHT , Proprietor , 1213 Hainey Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF { : , SALTiMED ffiflB Cornices , . Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , BON § SLATE ROOFING , 3peclit'8 Patent Metalio Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar and BRACKET SHELVING. am the general State Agent lor th * above no ol goods. IRON FENCING. v IrMtlngt , Balustrades , VerandatJOfrlco and f Dank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also V QKNEUAL AGKNT 1) ) ° Pearson and Hill Patent Inside Dltnd. W. S. GJBBS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , loom No4 , OroiRliton Block , 15th Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA , OWCE IlODBSl 10 tollJ A. M. , 3 to 8 P.M. lephone coouccted with Central Ollico Geo. P. Bern is I'H H IEAL ESTATE AGENCY , I'V IBth and Oodjjo Oti .t.Omaha , Neb. j Ills eency upw KWOUH. bioktMite bu Ines nl XIM utipocuUts nd thmfrip oriuetat I U onoki we Insured to nn < Initeid III t A THRILLING TALE , Forty-P'ix Days Adrift on the Ooeaa in on Open Boat. Tha&nrxitaRofllioShip "Milton. ' 9. P. Chronicle. The Btoninor Nowburn arrived lasl week , having on board Captain Mc < Arthur of tltlt British ship Milton , his wife , ( heir two children , the carpenter tor and n seaman. The Milton was i \vocdon ship , built in Nova Scotia owned in England , loaded with coalt from Newcastle and bound to this port under ehnrlor for wheat On the 22nd of Inst December the cargo was discovered to bo ou fire , and find * ing it impossible to extinguish the flumes , the ship wna abandoned , in latitude 3 degrees north and longitude 110 west , which ia duo west of the United States of Columbia and some thine over 1200 miles south of Cnp St. Lucas , Lower California , the nearest land. A TI1IIILLIKO The story of suffering and peril ' 'which UK-BO people relate is not sut * passed in interest by anything in the terrible ruinnls of shipurcck. ltt ri vals in remarkable incidents and 'tho fortitude nnd devotion of the womnn Ohnrlcn Reido's thrilling story ol shipwreck in the Smith Pacific. The story of the loss of the Milton has al ready been told in a sailor's way _ by the survivors previously brought into port. JJpon the arrival of the Newborn Captain ilcArthuriuul his family took a carrmgo and drove to the , Devon House , on Market street , Which is a resort for Boa captains and whore rooms had btfon engaged for them. A reporter of The Chronicle called there soon1 after their arrival , and was shown to their rooms. The Captain had gene down town to telegraph to the relatives of himself and wife in the cast the news of their safely. His wife , n matronly looking lady , witli n little rosy-cheeked , blue-eyed chubby boy in n sailor suit at her knee , and three-pound baby on her lap , received the reporter. She is a pleasant , mild spoken woman , with light hair , gray eyes and cheeks on which the roses were struggling out through the tan of her exposure and the pallor of her terrible suffering and sickness , al though she was very weak and reduced in flesh. "You have had a terrible experi ence ? " said the reporter. "Yes , indeed"shereplied , "Ihope hutnin being may never have the like again. " Then in compliance with the request of the reporter she told the story of the , voyage and its turcs. THE ILL-FATED VOYAGE. "Wo lott Newcastle on the Oth of August , and , until the ship took fire , had as pleasant u voyage as ever I had and I've sailed in the Milton every trip the over made. I was on her when oho was launched two years and a half ago , at Maitland , Novia Scotia , at the head of the Bay of Fundy. That is my native place , aud my hud- band's , and my parents and little sev en-year-old daughter live there now. Ono week m Copenhagen , while I wus on shore , is the only , time I. ever lived out of her while slio was afloat. 1 had my pldeet child , a daughter aged 7 , and my oldest boy with the others ou board with me , but sent them homo a year ago hist fall , and the littio boy died a few weeks after getting ashore. Well , as I said , wo had a very pleasant voyage of it so far as weather was concerned. On Thursday , December 21st , I think it was. just after dinner , the mate came to the cabin , and said that the coals in the hold wcro on fire. Tno Captain was confined to his bed with rheuma tibia , and could scarcely move a fin- . gor. I dressed htm and he got up j and set , the inun to fighting the fire They worked all the uftomoon un until 3 o'clock the next morning , bu could no't control tho.fuu. " TI1K SHIP AHANDONED. "Tho Captain was afraid that th ship would explode with the fras fron the burning coal continued in tin hold , and as it was plain the slii ] could not bo caved , ho took to th three boats. Ho got out 'water pro visions and bedding , as much as IK cjuld to furnish the boats. They lay by the vessel until she burned to thi water , for she seemed company to us out thcro alone in the Pacific- . She was a fine ship , and wo loved her as our homo , and it seemed such n pity > to see her go to ruin right there before - fore our eyes. Wo oven lost sight of our own position in thinking of it for time. When she was gene wo squared away for Capo St. Lucas , BI 1280 miles away. The weather was t' ' warm and that saved UH from sufTering > jold when the wali-r drenched us tc iho akin , as it frequently did when the wind blev hard and the boat took , t rtater. We hndcanvna to blrotchover , the part of the boat wo slept in at 1 light , but I naed to beg the Captain o loivo it offBO that [ could look ut ho stars us 1 used to do , and wonder f I should over sco the folks nt homo ig. in. In the morning there would jo a great stcnm from the bottom of .ho bout , caused by the sun evaporat- ng the water that wo had shipped , ind this soon rotted the bed clothes somplotoly. The mate's boat wo lost light of on Christmas day , and the ither a few days later. Before the econd boat loft us wo took the second nato out of her into our boat. A HAIL IN WIGHT , "As the days were on our provlsons uid water got low and wo Buffered freatly from thirat. On the 10th of Fanutiry , when wo had been twenty- ive days in the boat , wo sighted a rOB8ol. Wo thought uho was coming or us. The crow wore exhausted for rant of water and could not pull auch. Wo wcro on daily allowance if a cupfull , and only throe gallons oft. The Captain , to encourage ho men to do their best , gave them 11 but one gallon when wo saw the hip tuck. Then wo thought the ves- el was coming for us , but BIO was neroly tacking. The next we saw of ) lor she was standing away from us. 'he Captain and all hand * stood up nd ehoutod till their voipes failed , nd wo waved signals , but the ship ere away from us , aud finally disap- eared. It was awful , and our water ms nearly all 'gone , Then it seemed trango , too , that it never rained. Vo had a little rain on the first-threo ays after taking to the boat , but none fterwards for a month and a half , Boomed as if a squall would come up and go all around us , but not a drop of lain touohnd us. luqjwM or THIHST. "After the disappointment with that vpr/sol wo had to depend for wat er ou what the Captain oould get by condensation , and our suH'ufihgs from thirst were terrible. The Captain made n condenser out of a tin can a d a piece of pipe. Wo had a chest that wo broke up for firewood , nnd took everything out of the boat that could b6 burnt without disabling her , and wo used to sit and watch and count the drops as the condensed water dripped into the tin. Ho could mnko but a little over n pint in twenty-four hours , nnd that had to do the whole of us. My tongue got thick and stuck out between my cracked lips nnd I seemed burning for water. I used to got a little relief by binding my head and throat with cloths dipped in the sea , but still the thirst kept rag ing worse and worse. It was madness itself. My little boys began to cry for water , and my two year old b.iby , Frnnkiolay moaning out of his pnrch- ed mouth , and'dicd in my lap of hun ger and thirst. It was too much , too much. As I lay in the bottom of the boat with the little sufferers , and heard the swish of the sea against the sides of the boat , the memory of every drink I had over enjoyed cimo back to tantalize mo. I don't believe that I ever took a drink of cool water from my cl'uldhood up to the moment of leaving the ship that each circum stance did not como bick to my mind distinctly. And to look at all that water around us , so blue nnd clear and cool \ylicn \\o dipped our hands in the sea , it seemed very strange that wo should bo dying of thirst. " TUB LAST MKAL. "Had you anything to bat ? " iiiquir cd Iho reporter. "Yes , wo did , " broke in the chub- by-faiod little boy , who was playing beside his mother on the sofa. "Wo had ham and the big flying fish. " "That was the last Iheal'wo had , " said the mother , smiling at the boy's earn stucBs. "Just before wo reach ed Cerrus island , where wo were pick ed up by a schooner , wo had'oaten up everything but Iho shreds loft on n ham , when a big flying firih leaped out of the water and fell into the boat , and wo ate him up greedily. Before that wo had eked out life on a scant allowance of canned meats. LAND AT LAST. "Wo had reached this .stage and the carpenter and one of the seamen hnd followed Prankio , when on the Gth of February , I think it was-wo reached a little barren island off the coast of Lower California , St. Roquo , I think. [ St. Hoquo is an island close to the main shore , 280 miles north of Magdalena bay. Wo were tearing down for a landing when wo saw n schooner making for the island. The Captain reported that ho saw a sail , and then wo lost sight of them and thought wo were tb bo disappoint ed again , and the Captain lowered the sail and wo were in despair , but thought wo would wait till morning and might then see her nnd attract her notice. About two hours later wo sighted her again * tacking in. The Captain hailed her , but they gave us no answer , although they came on un- Lil wo were about a boat's length from them. The men had actually not strength enough loft to pull the boat that remaining boats's lengthi They asked us in Spanish what wo were do ing there and the Captain told them wo were starving and dying for water , they hove a line to us and took us in , ow , but soon slacked the line and lot us drift away astern. " TAKEN FOll riTATES. "Then they took mo nnd the boy on ho boat , and judge of my consternn- , ion when they pulled off with us to ho schooner and loft the rest in the boat. The Captain of the schooner gave mo n little wine and T told him I wanted him to go back for my bus * band and the others ; but ho hesitated. I learned from what I overheard them saying in Spanish that they thought wo wore piratesand that there wcro moro of UB around the island , and they be- , 'ixn to got their knives ready for resis tance. But they wcro finally satisfied , ind took us all aboard and treated us foi-y kindly , supplying our wants , riiey were bound to Cerras island [ 85 niles up the coast from St. Roquo ] foi lomo material for dyeing which they ut there. They took us along , and vhen wo reached Cerras wo were for- unato enough to sight the steamer Newborn passing south. The Captain ullod us onb to her and hailed. Ho old Captain Hunting of the Newborn mr story , and asked if ho could take m to some port on his way. " 'I take you clear back to 'Frisco , ' aid ho. So wo sailed on the Newborn Q all the ports in her route , La Pnz , r zatlan , Guaymas , etc. TOUCHES or s "When I came to go ashore my rung th failed and I couldn't wnlk down he gang-plank , fcrr then I seemed for he firet tiio | ) to think of these nt oiiiL' , and I felt homesick. When I ai in the boat and they were nil suf- jrjng , und some dying around mo , I idn't boom to fuel that way , and I avd merely to wonder whether , as I ty and looked at the stars , I should vur scu them BO again ; but I hardly ried at all , not oven when the child ied of hungc and thirst in my lap. .scoined hardened ; bub the moment put foot on shore it was all changed , nd had to cry. I must oven now. " The woman wiped the tpars from T ' or tanned cheek as she spoke. "How old WAS the little boy you st ? " asked the reporter. cc "Two years , air : but wo didn't lose im. Nay , sir , wa didn't lobe him ; im ; not oven his little body , for weave ave thitt with us , now , in a little tin i jflin that the Captain made to keep r ; and ho will bo buried ashore , " "Did you never lose hope in all Dur torn bio experience ? " "Nay , sir ; I can't say that ever I nnplotoly gave up hopo. I know . wo were under good protection id in safe hands , for I counted that od flaw and cared for us. But I did t some discouraged two or throe men when I thought of homo , and ( A hen the little child died I thought it ight bo uj well to go with him and ko the trouble all oil our hands , " ofd d ! How's the Bnbf ? pe ac } : "How1 * the babyV" "Ilia croup U hct- re r this morning , thank you.Vo K ve reto in some of THOMAS' Kcuonuo OIL an to iu advised , doctor , and ahull give Mm toDl me more in on hour or BO. " A fit day Dlo o i 10 doctor pronounced the youngster CO ired. H.J w 'MFsT. ' " ' &rrS ? rf % nr - ' vrwt for bflnir the mo t direct , qulckm , wj lcjt line conncctlnK the ereit MMropnM * , Cllt CAOO , and the EAStmtw , NORTit-KA lu , I HI nd 8ouTit.EArKiin , which tcrmlrmtct herf , with hAKBAs Crrr , L AV roRTn. ATCIIIIOR HLCPM Nnd OMAHA , th i'j < < Mk&nAt from which radiate EVERY LINE OF RSAD Wilt i jndtralM Iho Continent Irom Iho Miaou.- River to the Pacific Sloiw. Tl-ii 011IOAGO HOOK ISLAND A 1M- OIPIO RAILWAY U the only line from Chicago o nln trad ! In lUnwu. or whloh , l > y Itfl o n rosd , rrnchio th ralnU&liooiiAincd. No iBAxumrji nr L'ABP.IAOK No MiMiiro posNTictioisI No hudJlIn.T In III ventilated or unclean care , M c\cry pa < ( ! nscr tirrkxl In roomy , clean indcntlhlcl cairhw upon ITMt KxprcM Trilrn , DAT OARJS ol unrhMc-d magnificence , PcLtMAV PALACX RLXXFIMO CAR . Mid our own trorldmout DmiNO CAM , inun which incnln are ttnvof \ im- urpjwcd oiccllonco , at the low rote of BnvHvtT Fix * CK.M uni , with ample tlmo for hcxUhlti onlO ) mcnt. ilirough Cam botvccn Chicago , PcorU , 1111 waiiUco and Mlcanutl Kltcr lolntiirtiid close con ncctloni at all polnta ot Intcrtcctlon with otbrr roadn. Wo tlchet ( do not forgtt lhl-dlrpctlj ) to ever ) place of ImporUnco In Kiuoo * . N hrMk , D'ncl ' llllliVyomlne , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , California , Oregon , Washington Territory , Coionda , Ariicnt and New Mexico. Anil 1)crM arrangemcntn regarding bvwgc u any other line , and rAtco of faro alnayt iui rw ai compclltore , who furnish but tithe o tbe com " " forU Does and tacalo of aportsmtn free. Tlckcta. ruapn and folJcrg at all prlnctpn olllcca In iho Gutted ( lUtoo and Oamla. H. 11. CAllIn , K BT. JOHN , Vice Prts't ft Don. Oen. Tkt aadl'i'3'rAp Managnr. Ohlnivco Chlcucn. Sioux City a Pacific . THE SIOUX O1TY J OUTli Uunn a Solid Train Ihrotuh from Council Blulla to St. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hour * IT n XOflQS MILKS THK linOUTKST KOUTE COUNCIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , JIINNEAror.18 DULUTIJ OR I1ISMAUCK and all point * tn Morthcin lowu. Minnesota acO Dil.otv This line Is equipped with the Impro ctl Wcstlnghouso Automallo Alr-braho ami Ulllo 1'htform Coupler and Uuftcr : and for Hl'KED. SAFETY AND COMFOUT 1 unsuniaascd. Pullman Calaco Sleeping Car runthroUKh WITHOUT CHANGE betn con Kan sag City and St. Paul , \la Council BluQg and Sioux City. Tnlns Icavu Union Pncino Transfer nt Coun ell liluffs , at 7:36 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kanaar City. St. Joseph and Council IHiH train from the South. Arrh lag at Sioux Cltj 11:36 : p. in. , and ot the New Union Depot at St. Faul at 12.3C noon. 1KM HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANTOT1I1C HOUTK. O"Rememtcr In taklufr the Bloux City Kotiti jou get a Through Train. The Shortest Line , iho Quickest Tlmo and a Comfortable lltdo tn thr Through i am hetnocn COUNCIL BLUFF3 AND BT. PAUL. jTJTbeo that your Tickets read via the "Stoui Olty and I'adfld lUIlroad ' J. S. WATTLES. J.K. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Qen'l 1'asa. AL'Ciit. P. E. UOU1NSON , Asa't Ocn'l Paax. Atft , Mlsnourl Valluy , lown. J. II. O'imYAN , Southwottem Agent , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Councl lllugn. Iowa 1880. SHORTJ.1NE. 1880 , KAHSAS CITY , 3t , Joe Council Bluffs a tni OJLT Direct Line to ST , LOUIS AND THE HAST From Omaha and the West. I j change of cars between Omaha raid tit. xyiuV aud tut cnu between OMAUA uid NEW TOKK. Daily PassengerTrainf lUSTEUN AND WESTK11N CITIES with UK OUARUES arid IN ADVAKCK of AIL OTUKHL1NE . fhltt uiitlru Una Iu cauippiid with I'r.Xco falccp'ri ' ? Chrp , t'aUio lay Conchui , aaKtv Platform nnd Ugupler , nnd the ccIobraUi Weotlui'houjK ! Alr-brsko. jytce Out jour tlcmt niaris VIA nAKS/.f UITlf , T. JOSEPH Ci COUNCIL JILUUTH Ito I ) roiU , via Kt. Joicph and St. loulr. Tlolic'.s for cilo &t all coupon dtatlouO In tb Wool. J. K. BARNAUD , A ( J. 1UWL.3 , tJcil. tiui.t. , bt. Jraeph , Mol Ocii. PatM. and TIcl.ct / . Joatiph , Uo. Auuv Uor.Dir , Ticket Ager.t , 1020 Farnliani street , A. B. UAKHAKU Oenoral A cnt , OUAIIA. NR KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILJER fie CO. , iolu Muunfaoiurers. OMAHA. Genius Eewarded ; Oil , 'ho Story of the S9wlDgMaoliino , , A handsome little pamphlet , blue and gob * it or , with numerous engravings , will be GIVEN AWAY any ouult person calUn ? for It , at any branch tub-office of The ijlnger ManufacturlntrOom. uiy , or Hill tie sent by mall , post paid , to ly person llvlnif At a dlstanca from our olllcM. The Singer Manufacturing Po , , rincipal Ofllco , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK.febis febis d&w 3. T , JACKSON PLAN ! ? ' Graduate from the Unherstty of 1'cmu/i. \wilaat I'hllodclphla of the Cliso ol Ibl'i. ' ) Tundcra his profusslonal tervUostotho cltltenk Omaha an lull others ncudlngr the same , pre- catlni'his claim therufor from i9 ) ears' ex rlence , ttxtveii jcars of which time ho spent In uth America , from which country he lias just turned , yalulniTtthllttlnUio provinces uiam lUicdlcs Tor > arlous diseases common to this tuntry from tbe uatlvcu of tbo name. Tlia Doctor makes a specialty of all Chronic Iseitbei , particularity those of females. Ho uiuj found at his rooms at tUe Planters Homo , ruer of Podve and tiliteonth Btrculs. 9 Manufacturing Company , -MAKKtt1 01' Finest Silver flateil Suoons and Forks , The only andfj Uional plato that original firm of ] 1 is giving for Instance Hog of s Bros. stance - single All ou * Spoons , Forks and plated Spoon a Knives plated triple thloknoao with the greatest plate only on of caro. Knob the a o o t i n A lot being hung on a scale while t wlioro oxjx ) d being plated , to to wear , thereby inauro a full deposit making a single posit of silver up plated Spoon thorn. thorn.Wo as long asa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our soc- Illvnl. Orient TioooJ All Ordon In the West nhould b Attdrnuotl in . B. IfUBSEMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , , OMAHA , . NEB. I I GS RS ! IMPORTED AND.DOMESTIOI . Largest and Best Assorted Stock of any Retail Cigar House in the City. FINEST 5c A Nil IQc CIGARS - In the Market. STOCK COMPRISING OVER FIFTEEN WELL KNOWN ; AND POPULAR BRANDS , WHICH WE OFFER , _ AT COST I * IJEE3EB LOWEST POSSIBLE MARGIN. H. , " Special Discount By BOY , " SCHROTER & BECHT'S Ffrst Door N. Opera House. Ii)3cod2w ) BUTTONS JUST RECEIVED THE Latest Novelties . 2CO Styles to Select from. From 1 cent to $1,60 per Dozen , L'JT CIN.NI8 60S North 161 h Street. JEWELRY AND MUSIC HOUSE. ANGELL BOWEN & WHITE. . tine Watches and Clocks. Pianos- the Stock and others. Diamonds at Importers' Prices , Organs , Whitney & Holmes. JuwolrVi most Artietio Styles , Musio Books , Sheet Music. Silverware , an Elegant Stock. Accordians , Violins. Spectacles , Eye Glasses , itc. Fluta and Fifes , Guitara. Dpora Glasses , Ohoico Assortment. Musio Boxes , Harmonicas. Engraving , in Boat Styles. Vollin Strings , Guitar Strings , Ac. Pine Repairing a Bpcoialty , Inducements Superior to others. Prices in i'luiii Figures. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. " ttTAa we copy none of pur competition STYLUS or advertisements we politely re- Iucst a return of the compliment , 3pera House Block. ANGffiLL BOWEN & WHITE. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER JN- i Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.