8 OMAHA JJAiIA BEL1 : TUESDAY , AUBCIJ 14 168 3 DAILY REE. OMAHA. Tuesflay Morning Maroh 14. Woat ] * r Report- ( Tha following observations are taken at the name moment ot time at nil the sta tions named. ) WW DsrAMMClir , U. B. 8tO it , 8 RVIC , J OtfAni , March 13,1832. (1:46 ( p. m. ) f LOCAL BREVTTIbJB. The BS'C of tlckots for Ojenr Wilde will otwn 'WoJnefcUy morning at thi operA hotitc , John ff. Philhln loft for the east f Sundy for a month's vltlt at his old homi The 'trial of Henry Stert , charged w four IndiotmcnU with ilUposlng nf 'th nrdent without n license , wai taken v\ \ in district court ynstorday. The presence of the ROTornor nl other state olHcials has mido tits Withnel housa n cooler of nltroction for politician froirvall over the htatc. The Siert liquor cnso WM called jet terduf , hut the ilofcndhnt not ltln liresent the phcrirt was nnierej to htlni him-in under arrest at 1:30 p. m , Wado's candy store now op n. ' Choic liand-mftdo Creams and Caramels special 'tiro ; 1401 Dodge otrcct. Oomo and sc -us. W6ht3-2t tflvo drunka were dispojeU of ii iJudK * Benoko'H court ycstonlay , nil c whom paid. Thice disturbers < > f th ( pcaoo went over Iho hill. Ed. Tuttle became rnixed'Up consider ahly OB poor wlilnky Stndny nni proceeded to domollth all the windov , vglass he could conveniently 'reach. Hi ' was accordingly h mled in , Fanny Davenport uppenri at KoytlV "Wednesday night in the "School forSc.m dol. " Fanny is the only lady in the world who owns a gUis dre 7 , and BIO has one ao fine that it looks Hkosatin sprinkled with diamond dust. A sergeant of ono of the militia coin- > panics was kno-kwl down on'Tenth street . about noonyo'torday. lie heoame involved in nn altercation with a byetatrler nnd an- 'other man hit him. The serf-cant i attempted to draw his revolver , but was restrained by the crowd. James and Charles Whitney , . the well-known base balllnta , left for Boiton -Sunday , where James h s n Beacon's . ngagem nt M pitcher for the' Boston i Hue Doll club. The latter wlll'be ' romem- i'Jha curre jiftcher who created uch a furore list Reason IB the east byhia 'WOBdflif ill'delivery ; s * ' Koitler hall , in whlcU thi'meetlng * of , aboring men have beenrecea yhelii , * - paciouiT "Blructufb "antj "Vary oora4- modiousand convbint ! in its appoint ments. It h a gaod stage , which is fitted with appropriate scenery. The hall is brilliantly lighted and well ventilated , and a capital place for either social , dra ? / ; matic or literary entertainments. , CONSOLIDATING ROADS. -Tbo Waboah Syatom to bo Divided Detwoon the Union 'Poclflo and Missouri Pacific. The Intcat railroad gossip ia tli.it tho'Wabash BJsi cm is to bo cut-in LnlvcB , and ono part 'Consolidated with the Union Pacific and the other with the Missouri Pacific combina tions. According to the report lho ' Union ) Pacific has already or will no- . qulro the old St. Louis , Kansas 'Oily . & Northern system , which compriaoa a line from St. Louis to Kansas City , . another to Omaha , a third to St. ( Too , And a fourth to Ottumwa , aggregating considerably over ono thousand milos. ( Under the laws of Missouri - thoVft - bash and the Miisnuri Pacific cannot rbo coiisolidati-d. The reason < fnr this is jn the fact ; that tlio Missouri iPuoiDo .and the trans-MissinHppi portion of the Wabash are parnllul roada. Tho' report soya G uld and his frinnds m the'Union Pnoifio hnvo unitcd'to overcome - come thu only-obstacle in Iho way of n consolidation of the Wabaah with the Missouri 1'ncifi'i i Grand Hally of Sunday SchoolWork - . ore. .1 There will bo fceld in the Firot M , . IE. church of this ity n Sunday school I" convention , conducted by Dr. J. iH. < Vincent | beginning on Wednesday Droning , March 1C , and continuing -till Friday evening. This will afford all Sunday school workers a rare op portunity of gottit'g the benefit of : Dr. Vincent's instructions in the im portant work connected with the Sun day school. Bo stands at the head ofSunday cchool workers in the Methodist .church , and it second to uono in any denomination. Ho ia an eloquent speaker and a genial , warm * hearted Christian genUman. The .clergy and Sunday school worker * of the city are most cordially iavited to Attend these meetings. All the Chris tian people are included in this invi tation. Rev. A. JL Gillett , " of Wis consin , is associated with the doctor , -and will bo present. Ho will umko the opening address on ) Vednoaday evening. Subject : "Tho Bund y ohoel a national defense. " Free to all. * X If Attain had had a game of "Fifteen placed In bis hand at ai eirly period of hu existence , the whole course of history inly lit have been matt rUlly alt red for the better , and H bill unnesx , fnd'irrtttin , Mck'headiche ordyni psla were UIIEOOWU , "flpuma ' Iu > Eoou would nnt be neJed. J"ricu ( X ) ctuts , trial bottlu 10 cent. . H-lw I ( i ti A CRIMSON CURSE. The Blood of an Innocent MM Shod Without Oaueo. Goo. P. Armstrong Dipo Fron the Effeota of Bayonet Wounds. The Coroner Summons a Jurj to Investigate the Oaeo. The Day fc the Damp a Verj Quiet 'Ono. The .Militia in Their Quarten in the Old Ohuroh. The 31mblem < of Peace and th < Spirit of War. A.'fipoolnl Grand Jury to Walsh * ina Ills Comradoo. All night "Sunday night there won tcmorstnat . Geo. P. Armstrong . wTio wos'bnyonoted during the troubl at the du up on Sunday evening wa < ! oad or in a dying condition. Thi wna Ron or ally nccreditod ns ruin in ouly. A Bur. reporter called at tin militin hmvicks about 11 p. m. , am mitdo inquiries of the cunrds but wa given to understand that Armstrong liad not-been in the bnrrack * , ns reported ported , and that nothing was knowi of nny cno having received any aorioui wounda. Yesterday , however , It wai lenrnod that the wound had bocn si flovero aa to provo fatal nnd that thi body-was in the handa of the coroner The facts , ns nearly ns they could bi ascertained proved to bo about as fol lows ; After the disturbance preceding dress parade , ns described above. Mr , Armstrong slnrlod to cross Ei htl slreel , which hnd just boon cleared bj the militia. The two or thrco preceding coding collisions between the tniiitit nnd citizens had aroused the feeling ! of both parties. On reaching about the center of tlio street the old mar wai slopped by n uunrd , who ordered him back , at the name time pointing liis bayonet at him , as waa done with all who crossed. This probiblj aroused cither the fear or anger of the deceased and ho aiezed the gun cither to wrest it from the soldier or ta avert it from his body. Ho then turned to luavo , and what followed ia not positively known. Ono witness Bays thnt n militiaman clubbed his musket nnd felled him to the ground. A wound on his forehead Booms to boar out the theory thnt ho fell on _ hia face. The sarao witness Bays that the next ho saw was the butt of n musket in the air , ns if'the guard WAS bayoneting the prostrate man. His oldtat BOH , Qeo. D. Armstrong , wns standing near by and ran to his father's rescue , but waa driven back as stated above , by one of the guards leveling his Bockodimusket at the crowd. Arm strong waa then assisted to his feet md led by the guards inside the yard about the old church and into' ' the south wing of the brick building. Ho expired inside .of fifteen jnlnutes after the _ occurronco.- ' ' ' ' It'waBele'omoid'b'eBT not to make the natter public for fear of a disturbance md nothing was known to his family sr others for Bomo time after of the sequel to the encounter. About 9 > 'clock Ilia youngest aon , Wm. E. Armstrong , relurned homo and learn ing of Iho" affair , wont wilh George to iho barracks , which tl y reached through the kind assistance of a block watchman. They were not permitted to BOO their fatnor , but were informed ' .hat ho hnd boon hurt nnd waa asleep. In the monntimo Coroner Jacobs md been notified , nnd nb'out 11:30 : vent down to remove the remains to ils undertaking ; rooms. When the ; wo sons RMV the wagon nrrivo Iho i-x- ont of their loss nt once flashed upon hum. The body wna removed to the loronor'a rooms nnd but few know of ilio death of the victim until yoj- onlay morning. At 10 o'clock the jury was empan- : elh > d and aworn in. It consisted of ho following well-known citizens and luaincss inons W. J. Kennedy , 0. B. Rustin , Jhsrlei H. Goodrich , F. J. McSlwne , iV. H. Sharp , nnd Dick McOormick. After viewing the body it wns con- iderod advisable to hold a post mor- om , and accordingly an adjournment raa taken until 3 p. m. The crowd rhioh hnd assembled were permitted 0 pass through and view the re tains , The bodybore but two sars which w ro apparent to casual observer. Onu of those us upon Iho fort'hend and Boomed to nvo been received by n fall upon aomo Dugh object. Thu other was the lain mark of n bayonet wound which imu up under the loft nrm , growing as distinct as it approached the loft roast. It would appear that the dead inn was pierced buttvoon the shoulders 1 tlio back , und thnt the bayonet used through ui a diagonal direction i u point bulwoen the arm and loft jpplu , probably piercing the heait or ings , and causing death by internal Dinorrhago. HUclothing was salur- od with blood. The faoo were a dm and peaceful * vpresaiou as if ho id only fallen asleep. The deceased WM citing sixty yoirs ' ago , and had boon in Omaha since 507 , He waa a copperamith and leet-iron worker by tradn , and orkod at dtflorent tiuioBcn the Union acijfio shop * and in iho Willow ? ringa distillery , being jui engineer thu hitter place for some timo. Of to he ha * not worked at anything , ho had three full-grown boja who tinted him in his declining yeara. o loaves n widow and the three boya. f the latter George D , Armstrong is the employ of the United States press company , Thomas P. Arm- rony is a fireman at the U. P , trans- r , and William E. Armstrong is an iployo of The Omaha Post , and wiu r many years employed in TUB BKK ice. &lr. Armstrong was a nuiet and itTonsiyo old nun , and had a great my warm friends throughout the y. fo arrest was made yesterday j the man who did the stabbing was not , known , and it was thought bcs l < * make no move until the coroner' jury had returned its verdict. It ii stated that thcro are several person who can positively identify the mat if they see him , ono of these boinj Mr. Henry Dohle , the shoeman , wh is credited with having drawn revolver in the defense of the o1 < man after ho had been struck down There are conflicting expressions c opinions , some alleging that it wa 'down right murder and others , o1 pocially these who witnessed thj at fair , claiming that it was the natuti result ] of the conduct of the tahri which precipitated n row , of whicha ) innocent man was , as usual , the ur fortunnto victim. There ia no deut but that the crowd was unnccessaril aggravating and insulting an while all know that Mi Armstrong had no conncctio with the disorderly proceedings , it i an unfortunate fact that ho attempto to cross the street at a moment jui succeeding the collision between th crowd and the militia. AT WOIIK AGAIN. At 7 o'clock ycalordny the B. ( M. put its men nt work again on th grading having n larger fotco than o Saturday , probably one hundred an fifty men. The militia wore the on ! troops on duty until abou 8:30 : when the rngulai again arrived from Fort Omaha , hni ing marched down. Thi > y brough with them the Grilling gun nnd how itzur , which were stationed , ns o Saturday , to command the npproac to the dump. Guards were stntionc about the grounds and on Harnoy tin Howard street ns far west as Kintli with instructions to nllowno crowd t assemble. Everyone was poi milled to pass along th streets but no two or thrco coul gather together in anybody's nimo ii the vicinity of tlio work. This waa wise provision , and hid it been ndopt cd Boontror had the orders of th O. P. L. U. been followed , the terri bio tragedy of last night would hav have boon averted. ' IN THE QUA11TEU5 * , The entire militia force are quar tered in the old Oatholio church mon recently utilized as a school house. BKE reporter was permitted to RI through the buildings yeatordaj moming nnd see the cumfortd bio ( ? ) arrangements. The men fo the most part had bunked on thi floor , a few enjoying the luxary of i wisp of hay to rest their heads , upon , The rest had an army blanket bo tivoon them and the hard fljor. ' ! you think this ia nny fun for UR , " saic an officer , " > ou nro mistaken. It ia n < picnic. The most wo could got i ! paid at nil would bo $13 n month , anc wo can make moro than that by slay ing at homo and bo comfort' ' ibly lodged and fed be. side. I am losing $ K i day by my absence from bushiest md would like to get nway as soon nc possible. These boys are all laboring men , the most of them farmers. Wt jomo with mi hostility to the people t > ut in response to a cull which wo are > bliged to obey. Wo do not-believo t is the workingmen who assail us with insults and.hur ) clyds. and Bricks it us. It ia the doing of ro'ughs and ; huga iwho never do n day'a work inyway. " In regard totho , .killing of Sunday ivoning , they Bay it wna not -inton- .ional , and do nat know who flid it , md would not give the man up if they lid , aa ho was actirig underjoidtr in ' ' ' " " * itteirrpHug'to clear'tho'gro'uiiitar OUlilOUd BIOUTH. Inaidotho qunrteran tow were sloop- ncr , others diillim ; and preparing for tinner , some tenting , and atill other" nerely lounging about. It was a cu- iouH sight to see the soldiers libido the walla whuro the voices of ho worshiper or echnol children hnd lorotoforo echoed. The figures aoly- ug tho. last mateinnthical problem , till remained on the blackboard , the aaps lay stacked in the corners with ho gunsmuskuta were from thu hooks uspendcd where little hoods , cloaks nd overcoats had hung. In the ofii- iora' qunrtera , the frnmo building outh of the brick , the picture of Jopo Leo XIH liutkud clown complac ently on equid of militia and regulars nd ofliccrs wlio were consulting on ho situation nnd minding fraternally ogothcr. In the back loom of the amoi building an image of tliuBIi-sacd Virgin and other church property was lasaudtith the aims and munitions f war. The little wooden cross which aur- lounted the brick chuich , nnd which id been bloasud by Bishop O'Gor inn , wad taken down yesterday nd taken away by the church uuthori- es. It hud looked down on 10 Bconcs of the past week , 10 emblem of peace and eel will and not a ( bunting ilug ulding its place above the iimraluill- ig of troopj , the angry violence of 10 people , and last ot nil. the shed- ing of innocent blood. When tha irkncss Buocooding the tragedy had : von way to the light of morning , it ns taken down , lo ho no longer a ockcry to the notions of men. AT NOON 10 various companies were mua- irod and muroliod elf under ms to dinner , companies A , nnd < J dining at the infield house , and the rest at the ? pt restaurant. The regulars reamed - amed at the grounds and ate their tions of hotcoileo , etc. , from steam , g kettles. 3apt. Scott , of CompanyA.of York , isterday received a dispatch from 0 sheriff of his county announcing at George Flex whom , Ihe boya aay is never known to work , had struck , d asking him to return with hia mparAr at once. Oapt. Scott ro- ted by telegraph that he was ready compromise on his return by turning er to the said Flex , all the dirty jks in the company. He aont tlio wsago at the sheritTa expense. TUB COhTHiOT. Iho announcement was made at the IBS mooting on Jefferson square nday , that BI , W. Kennedy , fan ilflaid that ho would take the con ! ct of grading the 11. & Bt , grounds the Bamo terms of Mr. Stephenson 1 pay the men $1.75 per day und , ko money out of it. Yesterday ' , Kennedy made the offer to .authorities , but was ormod that the B. & jr. pron0sod io its own work , and did not want iiiro any one or ro-lot the contraot Mr. K.ennedy is responsible , finan. Jy and otherwise , tor any enter- prino ho undertakes , it will bo sect that there is no intention of A com promise on the part of the B. & M. A FINK MAN TO TALK. Edltnr oflliKr.r.K : The manager and owner of tin street car line his considerable to sn ; just now about the necessity fo troops to preserve propoity and pu down the "rioters. " Ilo ia n fine mai to talk about laborers and rioters. II pays his drivers gl.GG n day am makes them work every day in th year , and onan average of fourtoci hours n day. If they worked but tei hours a day , as a laborer does , the ; would Rot not qutto $1.20 a day Oapt. Marsh ought to shut up his ba zoo , or pay his mon higher wages. 0. NO msTtmiuscE. The executive committee of th Omaha Viotectivo Labor Union mo in secret session early yesterda ; nnd remained with closed doora unti nearly noon , Their deliberations wer not completed and therefore they re npoctfully requested that no publica tionlof a portion thereof bo mado. 1 is probaplo that some meditation wil bo determined upon. It was decide < o hold a mcoting yesterday ii Kcssler'a hall , where a roprosontatioi from each woikingmon's union in tin city will bo present. Able speaker ; will bo in attendance , and the meet ing will doubtless bo very interesting CONCl'.UNIKO ARMSTHONO'S DEATH. The committee deliberated at lengtl over thu unfortunate affair at tin dump Sunday , where Armstronj was killed It was iiirilly dolurminuc to appoint President Walsh ns a committee mitteo of one to engage legal conn sol and attend to the investigation o thu caio , and if it bo dour nod udviaa bio , to cause the arrest of the soldie : who bayoneted the deceased. I'KAUP. AT ALL HAZAltUS. The moat interesting business o the committee meeting , however , t ( the public nt present was the rotusur ing dutunninatipn on the part of thi members to maintain pence nnd goot order at all hazards. The lenders ol the union have resolved upon n purolj non-combntant campaign , and thej fool fully capable of controlling tht union , most of the members of whicl are peacefully inclined. o. A. n. DENIAL. The G. A. R. boya utterly deny the statement that Furragut Post tendered its services to suppress the disturb ance , and say it was a newspaper fab rication. NO AIU1ITRAT10N. The committee on arbitration called on Supt Holdrego to-day , nnd ho re fused to enter into any negotiations with them for a settlement uf the dif ficulty. HUMORED SHOOTING. It was rumored late yesterday day that a saloon keeper hod benn shot by a militia-man , but no con firmation of thu report could bo .ob tained. BOYCOTTING. D. A. McGuckin , proprietor of thn saloon on Tenth , between Furnam and Harney will not sell liquor to thu soldiers. Ho tolla them hu wants no blood money. A KFKOIAL GRAND JURY. The following petition waa yester day afternoon prusonted in the dis trict court : " To the Honornblo DNtrlct Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of NeliMska within and ( or the County of Dongla-viu the said Stated The.utulerei&rett 'would'rospeclfully represent to the honorable court that on the 8th day of March , A. D. 1832 , it and within the county of Douglas , and state of Nebraska , ono Barney Shannon and a number of other per- ions whoao names are now to the un- iersigned unknown , unlawfully nnd naliciously assaulted , boat , wounded md ill-tio.ited Charles Jones , John Datoman , Goo. Armour , Richard Nor- on , and others , without any cause or awful excuse , while they , the aaid loraoiia aasuulted , wore iu peaceublu Jisclmrgo of their duties ; that eaid as- aulta were made with clubu , atonen md < jlher deadly misslios , and mndo mder such circuruatuncen 0.1 , hud loath resulted , it would have been nurder. And tha undersigned further repro- onta to the court that the peisoim unking said assaults were aided , butted and encourago'd by a combi- lation of parsons numbering several lundrod , who at the time of the said ssaults were personally present and 11 the prosecution of an unlawful en- [ rnrieo , that of preventing homut nd peaceable citizens from lub.iring ) r the support of themselves nnd unilica. And the undersigned would further present to this honorable c.iurt that lero now exists in the city of Omaha 11 unlawful combination of men hose avowed object is to prevent oaceablo citizens from working nt toil' honest avocations unless thu ild persona working shall comply ith the conditions which tha said ulanful combination may p-cRcribp. hat they set the law at defl nice , and te said assaults made on the 8th day ' March aforesaid is thu legitimate id imturnl outgrowth nnd ruault of 10 workings of said unlawful combi- itions And said petitioners represent thnt 10 state of tcrrnrism exorcised ovar wabiding citizens of Omaha by the trsons constituting said unlawful mbination is so great that the mu- cipal authorities of said city of nahaare powerless , and on thu Oth , y of March , 1882 , the mayor of id city waa compelled to call -upon o executive of the state to assist o said mayor to protect the lives of izons and prevent the eaid city > m being overrun , and that there- ro ( ho laid governor of the state rooted the attorney general of the ito to proceed to the aaid city of naha , and in conjunction with the itriot attorney of said district to co such atepa aa might ba necessary bring the offenders to justice andre ro them punished for any violation the law. \nd your petitioners further rep ent that there is now no grand y in session in this county of utjlas , and the undersigned there- o ask that this court order a special nd jury to inquire into any offenses ich may have been committed hint the laws of the state. 0. J , DawoiiTU , Attorney General , N. J. BDBNIIAU , triot Attorney 3d Judicial Dis- al riot , Nob. 0 'ho ' court granted the prayer of the ta Honors , and tha following grand II jurors were summoned lo act : Mil ton Rogers , W. V. Morse , J. B. Det wilor , Samuel E. Rogers , A. L Straiie , Joseph Barker , F. E. Bniloy Byron Reed , M. Oumings , C. L Frilschor , Henry Llveseyj Oeorgi Thrall , E. N. Smith , Joseph Redman Charles Ohilds nnd W. W. Marsh. This tnakca the third grand jur ; called for this term , a state of thin/ / probably without n precedent in tin rocorda of any court of Nebraska. MEETINGS YESTERDAY. A meeting of the employes of thi smelting works who struck , waa hole yesterday aftorneon at 2 o'clock n Kcsslor's hall. About two hundroc were present. A resolution was drawr up on the part of the smelting workt employes , elating that if the officer ! of the company would bo willing tr raise the pay of mon receiving lesi than $1,70 per day to that sum , nnd further , if they would raise the pay ol the men running the furnaces 25centt pur diem , that they would bo glad tc resume work immediately. The rose lut ions will bo presented to tin officers to-day , but it is doubtful ii the conditions will bo favorably ro < ceivod. LUT nVKNINO , n well attended mooting of the Lv borers'Proteclivo union was heldnl Ihti same hall. President Walsh presided sided , and in opening the meeting made , in some respects , the best speech of the many ublo impromptu fiT'irtu ho has produced since the movement began. Among olhor tilings , ho said that ho considered Mnyor Boyd indirectly responsible foi the crime committed last cvcnintr , when Armstrong was killed. Hotel- psrnphud for military assistance when in reality ho hnd made no effort to miiintain order , do did not per sonally appear upon the scene of notion when ho should have been there , nnd when his presence would hnvo prevented any violence. What have the militia been brought to Omaha for ? To take the lifo of a defenseless old nun , ono of the oldest inhabitants of the city ? Men nro not safe in the streets , nnd no mun can walk Eighth streetn pub lic hightvay , safely , if the militin are allowed to use their weapons without restraint. If no ono else would take steps to have the man who oayonoted Armstrong nnd killed him arrested and punished , the speaker assured the meeting that ho would do it himself , and , if the man's company would not give him up , ho would cell to his as- ustnnco thu residents of the city to buck him up. If Mayor.Boyd hnd called upon the union ho would have ibtained assistance in m.iintaim'ne ; aw and order. Why waa ho not at the dump on Wednesday lost , nnd showing by his presence that ho was desirous of ineetintr public excitement with firmnesa and calmness 1 Wo lave passed n resolution condemning hu militia , but it does no good. We must impeach Boyd and Miller , and heir placta should bo declared vacant. ! propose to stand firm , and I want ill uf the workingmen of Omaha .o do the same. Do not fear or waver. iVhnt ia it if the executive committee ire aent-to jail ? There nro thousands of others who are ready to step in andre ro able 'to fill the positions. In ro- iurd to Armttrong'a death , to which ho aoeakor again referred , ho said hat the verdict of the coroner's jury must not ba waited for. At thia juncture the reporter of the lorald entered the room , nnd was in cited to "theplatform. One of the reaaons why the speaker was in the mil was that ho desired to demand .ho arrest of the militia man who ) aynnuted Mr. Armstrong , and ho vnntod also every workingman in and iiitaidq of the city to turn out on iVo'lneaday ' and attend the funeral of he deceased. The speaker hnd been n fnvorof arbitration , but after thia tilling ho w a not. 'ONDA ' JIKSIONS I'KOM THE COXIUITTEE. M.ijor W. A. Fonda reaignod hia lOBition PS u merahur of the executive ommitteo. In so doing he Raid that 10 had not tha time to both look after ho union without his own business uttering irreparably. Another and lore important reason was that the ommitteo should bo composed as f.ir H possible of nctu.il workingmon. 'ho ' resignation wua accepted , and a oto of thanks extended Major Fonda jr liia active nnd able part in thu ork of the c HI HP. Thomas O'Biiun presented the nion with a check for $50 , $30 to bo ned for relict nnd § 20 for the de- tiiBo of the men arrested. Mr. 'Brion was npixnntcil on n committuo > nibitrato and c infer with the B. it I. John Oarrol Hindu n npeech con- irniug the condi ion of affiirs. He so rccnmniondcd arbitrition. Mr. Knight , of the moulders' union , > eke tenderly of thu man who was lied nnd of hia family. Ilo paid tut this was no time for hesitation. Iiey must go ahead nnd success mild surely crown their efforts. Birncy Shannon stated thut ho ishcd to resign from the executive 'innii'teo ' ' , nnd hit ) resignation was 'cordmt'ly ncctp ed. A r..sjlotioiiviia adopted , to the lout tbnJ all of the workingmen in D cit > tnrii out on Wednesday , and vitn fie Council IJluffd workingmen o Kniijlit pronoiud lhat the city uncil bo invited to attend. The following tijiulicant resolution is iidofited ; lloh lived , Thnt the executive com itt.ee bo ohurjL'ud with all powers to t in any way necessary for the good d welfare of the union , The secretary , Joseph 0'Mah ney , signed , nnd D C. Morrison was icted secretary , a vote of thanks ing tendered Mr. O'Mahoney. It was resolved to have a grand rude on the occasion of Armstrong's neral. * * The meettng adjourned subject to 3 call of the committee. Shrewdnos dnd Ability. Qop Bitters , BO freely advertised in the papers , secular and religious , > having a largo sale , and are sup- inting nil other medicines. There no denying the virtuoa of the flop nt , and the proprietors of these tiers have shown great shruwdnesa i ability in compounding a Bitters , ese virtues are BO pnlpablu to every 3a * observation , [ Examiner and w roniclo. marl-d2tv EASTER OARIM Ol Hospo's. A fine lot of Easter OlI di of the newest designs now on OlI i at A. Hospo's Art and Music Ils. mchll-3t I Doiplied. By theiiiinlkni'13ur(1ocVh | ! been con- BidereJ * wo tj ) ftnj n , Iuxotl nt gr.mth , ut > l > U&sant smell , etc. , has rendered it tc those "n t knotting lt virtues" ft mil- * ance , nnd yet the root hug lontf Icon ac knowledged by savants aa most Invaluable s a diuretic , aperlrnt nd blwxl ptulHer. Hur ock Blood Hitters embody nil its good qiialitiei. Price { KOI , trial size It cent' . WORTHY OF PRAISE. Aa a rulp wo do not recommend patent medicines , but when wo know of ono thnt really is < v public bonefac tor , and does positively euro , then WQ consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitten are truly a most valuable medicine , and mil nuroly euro Biliousness , .favor and Ague , Stomach , Liver nnd Kidney complaints , oven where all other rem edies fail. We know whereof wo speak , and can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at BO cents a bottle. Tsh & MrtMnhnn. ( ? ) CATARRH CURE. The antidotal theory , now admitted fo be the only treatment wklch- will cradlcnto Cntnr- rhal Poison. llcv. Chiui. H. Tnjlor , HO Nohlo street , Ilrook- lyn , N. Y.l "One package cHectcd a radical cure. " u"ev.0co. A. Hils , CoblcsUll , Sehoharle. Co. , N. Y. ' : It rootorcd mo to my tnlnlstorlal 1 Rev. W , H. Sumner , Frederick. Md. : "F.ne results In six ca c < i in my family. " > { * 9 EI'ratt. . St. Stephen's Hector Phi a. : "Quito wonderful ; lot tuo dljtrlbut your 'Treatl o , " C'hti. II. Stanhope , Newport , n. I. : "IWM too deaf " to hoar thechuich bolls ring : hoarlnjf restored" ' George W. LambrlRh * , 73 ISId.ll . s'rrot , Haiti- mcrS' . , " "Suffered 0 yean ! perfectly Mrs' . H. K. Shcnnoy , 8 22 Satan utreot , St. Louis : "Tho first natural brenth In 0 years- " Mrs. J.V. . 1'urcell , Ooldon City. Col : "Ui d rnly no package ; entirely .urcdj Buffered 24 ycnra. " Br. F. N. Clark , Dent lit. 8 Jlontprompry ntroot , San I " ranclsco : "Suffircd 1& years : perfectly cured , etc. DfWei De Meyer's Popular "TREATISE" on Catar h milleil free. Thy grtal Cure Is de livered by Uriicglsts , or by D , B. Dewov & Co. . 182 Fu ton ftrcct. New York ( r I OO , SPEGIAL NOTICES. 10 LOAN MONb . O.VKY TO LO.VN-Call at r w Umce of U. L. Thcma UoomB Cn'lirhton Illoil- . 10 l-OA At M pur CBiitln- . toreat In aum'.of J2.500 and ipMards , f or S to 6 years , on first-tiara city and ( arm protwrty. Bams USIL KBIITB nd LOAN VacMY , lath and Dourlm Sts. HELP WANTED. WANTKD A sltuitbn as aocjuntant on eliiKloordouolo intry bcota by an ex- icricaTd yoiinif man. Ilcsl of rofcrenciB as to .hvnctcr at d abll.ty. Address at once. 1' . O. Sox 463 , City. S87.13 * vv : ANTED aoailrl. An ly at 10S3 North 10th street. MIW. J. M. COUNSMAN. SOStf ITTANfEO T o furnished roimi lth-board > V In rrlva o family , within 6 blocks it peat ifllcc , byge tlcn-an , wile mid .hlld. A'ldrew ! . E. S. hea ollk-o. 3 914' ITTANTKO 2 competent drew-ma < rj , Mrn. TT A. Rcu. None otber need app'.y. IBth , Dd Dodje bts. 403-14 nTA"KTEI ) A min to make picture fnmcs , W at Putterton'a. Crclgbtoa HI , rk. 407-14 WANIED-Onrentcr and ciblnct maVer ; only uood hands need apply , ahop baik f the < 5raud Con ral. . 3Ji.l3 [ T7 ANTED 2 or3 unfurnished romna l-otwc-n W 'Jth and 13 b 8t8. ana llarnay and * a enworlh. References c > en. Addrs 8 W ' . llaffcky , 433 luth St. 412 K * rtTANTFD Bco d and tvrn furn ehcd rocms V connecting , wanted by vcntleiuau and ifo and ton. Address ' -M. T. C' . , " P. ) . Uox [ 7W"ANTED-T o or throe girls tj Icarn thu } V drcw-ii klnv but-lnud. Apply to M J urtlo , 813 Sauuuvru street , North Omana 881-18' ANTED-Oood Klrt to cooK , wash and Iron ; TT reference required , hcss of wars. Ap- ly at bouthoist toroor of 2jth atd California TPets. - 3EO-I4 ifonoral housu- war Ina email iMiillr. GUI , with refer- itcu , at 25th and Douglas streets mchlltf .TfANTKU-A . peed ( .Irl f r Reiifral ho-in- I T work , aUo a niirso ulr | , n thwe t cor. iriSland HintstreoM. 3 a.tf A man to * ork 1321 Dou laj street. 3 4 IS 17 AM ED In pnnic nice prhat- family err r > boarding houie a furnNlic 1 > nlt 01 rooms 1 one \\Tfu \ room not too far from bu < lne n con' r , for a manlea ioup e. AdJreu A. JI FunH , uo ollice. 3g tf p-noreiy fV atll rtl.jjcr'd , litli.St. t07-tf V'ANl'KH A few money mm to Jclii me 10 buy the Ou.ih Ir n a il Nail World , ti Hi will lie 8311 under U S. Mamhull snlu , on e Zstn of thb mo. . th. If. IIKUTUUI.D. 1'rop iiah. Iron a'ld.Mftai Yard. 33MB \TAN J : lo Isai-o i home of 6 t' 10 roonu 'V lorono tolhno yc M Mint be lo.oted twocn Utb and lih | ire ts , aid llarmy ai.il JHBtreets Addrmu A. II. Fituh , 714 North ih striu' , c'ty. 3Q | tf \TA VI VD-On thu llr t d .y rf M y , a hou 8 J of 8 or lUrooim with'iiS ' l'lnc < ii of I'.wt Hco. Ad < ) ro < s J. liurtln , thU olllcu Imu'J ) i * / A TiiU TAO itooil ha > nuw luUcriilvudy T work. K. bTAUII , York , Nuu. 21 Imu' ' ' t uiiiliurf brlilKt uuil nUiuol i.n-Ml . VfAh't'Klt , Bdlovue , 10-tf fTANTED 4 children as b-ardcrg In a select uTl Y school , at lUtti and California St. L. Ii , Tl 767-tt FOR RtNT HOUSEH AND LAND ' tn IOH HENT-Furnlth d and unfurnished rooms , noitliwt'bt corner 2Ctli ai.il . O ta uta. 38715' I Oil IIE.NT To un'urnMie 1 r'onn , cori er 17ti ! and Chicago tt cqUf. Appl ) In le on. 88913 1011 RENT llriuo and barn and 4 acres cr niid , 1) ) mlliii w s : of pottottluv. i < ) nlro ISU Davmport strict. > OU. 4 Oil RENT llouiu , 6 rooms clo-em , wo I , c'ltorn , ccmaittd cellar. Inquire 1V07 Pa- Cltreet S05-13 * . 'R UEhT Mco Urge furni > hed touili front room , 1W4 Farubain , aboro Ittth. 377-11" OK HUNT A good n u-e , 11 roonu and baru , 7 acres of land tnoit y ol fruit and etables. None but retponslble tei ant need ly. N. J. tUlTII , 04 10th Ut. 810 tf OK KENT One front room , furnished ; at 313 N. 17th St. , cast slut , be ! . l > avrnport I Chicago. Alloipe. . DOS tf oil RhNf-tofi to > 7i > per moi.th ; Urge two- itory luw brick 11 u e l h an > , wu > h and I house. Hater and ah modern In iirowuieijU rfly March * vlh. ii. Toft B , EV Tor. lith Farnham. 404 ; g OR RE T-House of 6roomion P.crce ber" et ! ) and 7th Stv. Inquire of 0. f. lllr 40914 JR IlESJT-Hoiwo on Uth itreet , near How. "fd. Rent , $20. Apply ut rteitcrn J < evu cr Uunlon. Mt nnNT-IIon o of 5 raoint , convcn'ent ro bu.lnos Knqjlre first hou-e loitaof Imoll Home. ' ' util , > : * ' WWy 'urnWied r.ms witti board , bath room ai.d gu , at 171Bl odKeBt. , * * ' 3JS-14' > K RKNT-8uU ol nlc ly furnmhB.1 roouw mlc Ity , soutbout uorocr 20th and Datcoport 8U. old te t "J-RE TNlcelfurnUhed room. Apply at tS 1S20 Farnbam ot. { \t-V ioa "nion nEET Store room In VtfV bnlldlnR , JT. JU K. corner 16th nd Cuuiltijf. 0. K Oood- nuui , 1110 Futnhim St. 103-t ( 11KST lloii o on Hhormkn Mcnna , FOR " , with Uble A , ply to N. W Ms fill , 807 8. l h St. _ 807 tt KENT Furmsneu iiv mom , N. K. cor. FOR nd JieXson. 62-tt 1 House off Ighl loom * . Knqtilr * 1 ? J. I'hlpw Hoc , 1518 8. Filth St. 977-tf RKNT S fiunlfhtd roonn mtt tl l FOR nX Kxch iueN. K cor. Itlh nJ Dudg > Of ; RENT Nicely furnished rooms with or F without board. Reasonable prices. 2011 CataSt. * * " * * _ FOR BALE tLE Fire ere if land , Srtorjr frame FeilS , bit n 2 wells anJ otier linprore- m nt , < a t side of Baundi ti itrt-ot , near Furl Umaha. Call at thu offlee. 401-tt 171CK SALE Homo with rich * roonn , rrllar . ; elste n and well , two full lots. ItcM b r La'n ' In Omaha. Only (1.70 W. II. Ho'verUon , Oth and Hickory St 4CZ IB * 77KR SALE Large houi * , 2 lot * , 01x132 r-achA JL Inquire 8th ftnd Dorcas , rear C. V. O-mil- inan's residence. Pen Fullman. _ 33S-4' ! ! ir\OK8AIK-Alotot \ ynung hljrh pnda Nor- .U .tnitnClfJcaUlv i.Ulllon , just rnrttJ from Ihe east I nil at lirlck barn , oupoiltj OgiKB HUUM , Council Uluffj. 876-11 BALE. A'lotot vmine hi h irra > le Nir- I.1 man CIdcJ lo stallions , J ist nirheJ fror * " ° * U * * b'tck b ° oiiK > slt Oji Hini V- fl SKKI.Y , marie Of rvnii.fii'v- - FOR 8AT.E-A very desirable bur-asre hltw , , . rY0" o"hii , one block oucNido city llmltB , wlthKOoil lencc , Dome fruit anrl plenty of > liade trcii. 1'rlcj 81WX ) . Apily to II. Jl ( rln- ili- , West > maha 3'7 13 1jURSAt.B-Ilou a with 0 roomn , barn end L1 ony lca o f lut on ISth St. . I et. Hurt anil IVebslcr. lliqiilro t Eilinlra & L'rlcknon's. 865 tl IJtOK SALE Cr lovl of f t Mackoy mulei K broke. Apply of J.V , eklnner. Coin Ia , S20-lino * POIl SALE CHEAP Furniture c mpluto for liounukfcpl Klorn-ni Mul mfn or emal ftmlly. Tcrmi u h or good m-curlly , i < ia llur teat. Bca > on Ica > li < ( ; the city. 3il 10 POil c ALE 1WX > jounp irrarcd U CB In lamb. Addrow HODUIS & KUK , SJOdbtwlt Omaha. POH f-ALE Homo and crrncr ; ot , Uieap 1'rlco. SlWOOOcosh or 61100.01 on timo. IcCAOUL ; , O.p. ( I'oatOIUcc. 203If , SALE 32 reKliJonco lo's on nnd near lOUi FOH . 1'rlco , 6350 to $ , (0 ( U.h. Tenns asy. 11 cC Ad UK , Agent , Dip. 1'oft Offlco. 303 tf * - 4 [ 710n bAl.h At Hall Iced n.l I , iicar Military L1 Bridge , 76 tons of No. 1 IxleJ hay. Will be UU ercd to any pitt of the city Alsi ground oodat the low ctt cath price.V. . II JIcOoY. 233-lm' SALE nicycle , If-lrch Staudard Colum- L' bla. Apply Union Elexator. 03-tf 71OR HALE A No. 1 Kiiaii of Heavy drat * J horwid. Knqulru ol 0. T. I'aulson , at Peter 009' . v24ll-tf ilUH SAl.h UUUBOilllU full lot In Kooil loot- * tlon , cheap , f'rico , i 1250. Easy terms. CCAQUE , Oip. post clllco. 1EU TWR SALE HfBt building lot In bhliitfa ad- : d'tlon , 142 feet.cast front by 120 feet depth. cCAQUE , Opp postofflco. H tl T10R SALK OR RENT A grocery store nnd ; butcher shop , doing a good business. In- Jlrsjitjthls office. _ 912-tf flOR SALE 2 olre counters and 2 silver platud 1 ' thaw casoa , at Gco. H. Peterson's , 804 South 'thSt. 741-tf 71OK HALK or will oxcha ge lor Omaha pr - ! porty , an Improved cc on of land adloln- a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , 141S imhara St. , Omaha. 75) Qutl- pOB SALE A peed xcnyuapoditr | r f Warranted to drive single or double. inl lire of Goorga CauHcld , CauUcldJiou.-o. riovlg-tt _ - . MIOOEUUANEOUB. i" . ft JlKW Kii lost , coftincnto doroait on > M / Flmt National Rauk of UniQlii. In the 'gbbrho ' d of 10th AI d Ca tl ar S's , Koih'n icr Oar en , i-nuth omalm. Iha abo\ rnward II he i a d at Fir-t National Hunk ami uoquii- faymunt lia been stopped. 890-13 * EinVARUMAdEHr , T.01'J KJTOSALOSS -I warn all saloon- \ X Keepers nncl "liquor dealers not toiull , ic , liquor or beer In nny form or any quantity niv huilu d , 0. E Mihnsteii If not complvnir this rvquetc I will tw the offender for $700 na/e an quluklv m possible , and any person , in , In the r home or other phces , treats him tiilnk wli | be made ti suffer to the fallout < x- it uf ( he law MR ? . M. 0. II U1XSTEN. ) mln. March llth , 1S32. 400-16 10R TEN DAYa-I , am offering two gnii frame io't-kvo buildings , M-o my oilloo 1 1'rB ' on Uith stiojt , to ba removed by April , will be 8oM ' rpAHQiialily cheap , and part of iinontou tlmuif don riM.N'ut ( irsilc aflur li 21st , Jainus F. llorton. 3)0 South HtU. S80-18 _ _ I KOCBflY HOOKS WANTED-To kcp rvcn- T tnxs In return for trade. P. O. Uox MM. _ lOOSlrfAnd first chvs UMu b > nrd , at l ll Cam St. * j ml liu _ _ i/ANiKV is unlurnikhc'J rixiniufur uunand V lfo. nin t be modtiaU , la iirlci' . Ad- n II. . lite olHco. _ vp.tf { SntUCTlOV ON T\Ti-WimEK8-W are in fruqiiont lee ipt of aiplliatloin for rutors lihLL , AMKS , 1600 Farnlium , Mits Itemlnyion Tpc-\Vrltor. feblS-lm \VK IlrNI Cliokuof 80 lull lota to IC.IHB near Croinhton 0"lU-iu for # 20 per jcar. tier L. Thomas & Uro. , Itoom B , UrcUliton ik. _ _ 20tf Ol'ti , m ucuch , $5 down and $5 p.ruioiitli fcMI" , 20a-t ! ESTABKOOX & COK BICK FOR SAUE-T. Murray. IAM > AMU UnlJAN Iliolriicuun Ly JUM r . B. farrl t , " .20th ft. , lieliiw I'll HM. 'ii.tf UI'M-IIKD IlllOSIS FOH HKST \\"Lot7' inth and Buvciipurt t. Vik.it UHMailht ) U l' ' MlYitmil Cliroo IIIO'KS uf IKntolllie. Ingulroat IM'I Del u v-tt JHTKAlTa JN lUA ON I'ntilu io O lao ilocorathu ( aliitini ; . ill'-J. i , > l HUN Kit , room l.Jai'/ili'M 111 Ii i t AI.BU HAy At A. 11. 1018 llarney ht. DWAKD OF PALMVSTEllANIJ CONDI N'ALIST , 493 Truth Htrcst , between Fnrnbara llainey. Will , with the a'd of ( ruarJIan itu , obtain for any 0110 a ylanco at thu I > AI prusont , and on cirtaln conditions In iha fu HootJt Ami Shooa made to ; rder. I' , rfrot bsolutely Pureu i lowlier uf tfr T rc . A nwrul ol pur rcojjth nd wiiolcnoiuireM , Mora ctxro- th n th ordlntry Vlndi , and caiinrt W n comnoUilon tilth t ) < e multitude cl low hort weight. lnu > or pho phate pc dcre. '