1JB OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , ftlfiiCH M 16 * . Deere & Comp'y. MANUFACTURERS OP PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , ' Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS i Council Bluffs , Iowa. fline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere ft Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Gutters , &o , , MoliuePump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , Moohanicsburg Maoli , OoBaker Drain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Ool Advanoo Hay Rakes , Juliet lanufaoturing On , Eureka Power and Hand Sliollers , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellers , Road Scrapers , fto. Moline Scale Oo- Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN .All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 3TEELE , JOtitiSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and AM Grocers' Supplies. r A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for KENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLI11 ft BAND POWDER GO , THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND S Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital _ . . - - . _ _ - 830C.OOO. Capital Block , - - - - - _ $1,000,000 tu Value of Shares , , - - - - - - - $25,000 -STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DU. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummlne , Wj anting. WM. E. TILTON , Vice-President , Cummins , Wjomlng H N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming , A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cutnmlna , VTjomlng. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. 6. liratncl. A. O. Dunn . . . . B.N. Ilarwood. Francis Leavens. Goo. II. Falos. Lewli Zolman. . . . . Dr. J. C. U'atldna. no22meEm OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock : UP- ° Om Ji , Veb. W. B. MILLARD. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , COMIV1I 1111 FAENHAM STREET , OMAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. -WHOLESALE- LUUBEB , COAL & LIJ On River Bank , Bet , Farnhain and Douglas Sis , , DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo X. O 0 UEOS 9 1020 FarnhamJJtreet , KTJE3 FASHIONABLE OANDY PULLS. PULLS.'c Novoltloa In Bonbons nnd Confections TUo Danger of the Cara- inol Hnblt. New York Sun , Wo are filliii ! ; a great many orders for molasses and sugir candy pulls , " laid a Broadway confectioner. "Pull ing candy is a fashionable ntnusmnont this winter for grown people as well as children. Children's candy pftr- ties are usually simple afternoon nf- f.iirs. The candy is bought ready to , bo pulled , half a pound to a person being the quantity usually or dered. Wo inako the candy for10 cents a pound , ahd deliver it in sninll tin boxes. At aToning candy pulls for adults it is fashionable to have the candy made in the kitchen after the guests have assembled , Wo send out our molasses candy hand , and usually a bon-bon maker besides. While the guests are busy pnlling the candy they are entertained by watch ing our mou making rations sorts of fancy confection , candied nuts , cream Ijon boiis , and glace fruits. Usually the hostess makes a rule that whoerer tastes the candy wliih pulling it shall pay a forfeit an effort to save the guests' appotitio for the supper which follows later , and a good oxou-to for the game of forfeits which cmln the OVOIUIIK'S amusement. When the , patty hare pulled their hunk s of candy until they are white they ire up stain for a dance , while our men finish their candy making , and put the bonbons up into fancy boxes , which nro given to the guests when they go homo. " "Whatdoes this kind of entertain ment cost ? " . "We charge § 10 an evening for each man wo send. They take with them utensil * and materials , and wo charge for materials used. " "Aro there any novelties in candy ? " " ' 'Buttercups,1 an orange cream candy , is ono of the newest and most popular confections. There is always a Steady demand for chocolates , and wo have several new \nriutics. Eu- genie drops , a combination of choco late and French chestnuts , are much liked. Wo sell a great many coffee bonbons. Wo make some of strong black coToo ( for use as a dinner des sert , which are liked by many who pretend not to have a uwcot tooth At this season , wo make up a good many confections containing licence and hoirhoiind. " "Aro caramels as popular as over1 "No. Dentists and dentists' bills have frightened people out of eating them. Dentists claim that chen ing caramels often draws out or loosens sound fillings in the tooth. There is probably some foundation for this opinion , which seems to bo becoming general. But caramels can bo no more injurious to the teeth than mo lasses and other gummy confections that dissolve slowly in the mouth. This prejudice docs not disturb con fectioners. If people do not buy ono kind of candy they will another , and they are not likely to bo satisfied with plain stick and sugar candies. Wo are as well paid for the Quo grudes of soit bonbons the dentists approve of as for any other candy. Wo make soft cream and maple sugar caramels , which are accepted as a sort of com promise by lovers of caramels who are careful of their teeth. " "What will be the novoltiea in Easter esgs ? " "It rather early to know yet what designs the large manufacturers are working up. It is said some candy cocoanuts are to bo rpade , the outside of chocolate , thelnsido with pulp and milk of soft cream , flavored with co- coanut. They can easily bo made good , but will bo expensive , as they will not keep. No kind of confection gets so quickly stale as chocolate cream. Flours of various candies , natural in shopo and color , are also promised for Easter favors , but are not yet in the market. These fancy pieces seldom taste as good na they look , and probably all candy lovers prefer a pretty bon-bonnierro filled with eatable candies as an Easter greeting to sugar daisies and sun- . flow era. I Death of Mr. Jamos. Laramie Boomerang. Wo are once more pained to an nounce the death of Hon. Jesse James. Wo epoak of him as Honora ble Jesse James because it is possible ho may not bo dead yet , and wo do not desire any old personalities raked up in case ho should still bo at largo , The icgular semi-annual death of'1 ' Jesse James has been a causa for national sorrow for some time. His obituary hus been written seven or eight times by the faltering hand th it pens these lines , and wo arc still young. Death has marked Mr. James for its own a good many times , and now ho has buen again butchered to make a Missouri holiday. The soil haa been drenched with his gore from Maine to California , and the green grass waves above his ashes in every portion of our great land. No man has perished from the fnco of the eaith HO ubiqui- tiously an Mr. James , and no Ameri can citizen has yielded up his young lifo under such varied and peculiar ' 'rctiiMBtftiices Lay him low whore the bobolink blossoms on the sweet potato vine , and phut him in the valley where tlio pocau waves , Born of humble and obicuro pa rents , ho rapidly rose to tlio proud eminence of America's leading tliiuf ( and murderer. When death marked him as its victim the last time , ho was as prominent a man as Henry Wnnl Hiipchcr or HOPCOH OonkMng 1JU KeniiH t > k a iill'-r ni i it it is true , Inn h w.m .t i.a > ii < > * u p.under- ur which thrown thu proud achieve ments ot our modern bank cashiers back into cold and clammy oblivion. Death haa once more stilled tbo pulse of a man who , were it not for hia lit- tlojjccentricitti's us a human butcher and grand larceny connoisseur , would have made an elegant humorist or statesman , Had ho been loss of any enthusiast , and less radical as a murderer , ho might have shone in the boat society , Had ho plead emotional ins'iiity the first time ho got up asurprise funeral , instead of making an outlaw of him self , ho might now bo alive , loved and respected. Bat he was ignorant of the law and thought tliat when t murdered all the man drat-class pas scngers on a train , ho Mould bo dealt harshly with and ostracised. That is where lie committed a grave error. Ho went from bad to worse , and noon ho lost all respect for himself/ Yellow fever nnd the Jumea boys have been a great BCuunvgo to this ' country. The mortality from thwio combined diseases lifts been frightful. Now that Jesse is dead once inoro , wo feel hopeful that the country can bi1J populated without serious delay. Heretofore it has been an uphill job , and such men as Dr. Hayford have felt ' at times aa though ihoy vould sink down and die of discouragement But now ( hero is hope ngatn. The yellow foyer is subdued and Jceso , lames ) i again reclines on his bior. Tlio census should show a rapid mhanco in the next five years , and boom in a way that will rnnk * diner nations sick. Mnlnn Now * . . ' Hop Bitters , which are advertised' ' n our column * , are a sure cute for ague , billiousncss and kidney com- laints. Those who use them say they cannot bo too highly recom ended. These nfliicicu should give thnm a fair trial , and will become thcioby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative. Portland Argus. inar l-d2\v Gold-Crazy Nouroes , From the Kutuil * Dulletln , The crazy old negro , Thompson , who loft such a fearful hole on the banks of the Chowalla , Alabama , has been considerably reinforced in his now Hold of operations on the Itev. Bam Fantroy'a place five or six miles out. Uo now has five frrsh recruits , among them a colored carpenter named Arnold F.uiiiin , and a colored shoemaker. They have been digging vigorously for the past two weeks for a basket of gold uhich old Thompson roundly asserted is at the bet tom of the hole in which they arq digging. They are now thirty feet below the surface , and are cutting through a strata of the hardest kind of red sand rock. Old Thompson says they \\oulil have found the treasure abovu this rocky strata but for an uu- fortmi ito occurrence the other day. Ftinnm naa almost in night of the basket of gold , and WHS diguing vigor ously , when he made a miss-lick and liurt his foot , and ho sat down and , \ent to "kussin , " and f-lio treasure immediately sank ten foot deeper and strniuht through u bed of rouk aa hard 113 flint. Dliraullo Diolu. ' your Spring Bli K-OIII U certainly iliink i H effects aie wonderful ; ail the dy-pentic R > ni ) > tiitiia I comp nliicil of liajaiinlicd _ ; inv \\ifu In nlni uitlmsi- in i r isd of it ; Bhe WM ( liili nie'l by lioH nntl pimples on licr fnce , niut liml continuous heailtche. She is nil rUht HIU , and all imiight y criiptioiHliavu vnn- ' "hcil. You may reltr nil d ubtm ? par ies to inu , "K. 51. WIU.IABIHON , "lllks'rcct " , Uulutlo. 1'rico CO cent" , trial bottles 10 oentx. LIST OF LETTERS in 1'ostoflico during the week ending Mnrcli 11 , 1882. OKMLEJ1K.V. A.Ilen II J Alateln J Bljore L Bo.dJL Bo wen J H Burns < T B-Migtson J Bishop W F IJcrKstroui WO Bullenberg M' Brown M J Beyer M laker U Brown S B Barker J Bogga T BenRtson A. Buiien J Buckwauld L Chlaholm P L 'url ' on M Caldwell C Cunningham A CrenshawT C Dahl L-3 Donald J Drost M Davies B DovoirW Dee J Kd.crtou K Ekhind A Frank L Fahnestock F S Ferguson C E Frankle B Folfne P Fisher J A Frank A Gfiuld J Gmnenpon O 2 t Gr. nqvlat O N HallJF * Hlmnan J H ' llenneseey J Button II D Huumdluk H Hannkuche U 2 Hussey L Henderson A Hearroa L Huckli.H . M S Hurwity M Ilnycs S Hudinn W Hamilton 0 L llnrvev J Hugglna P W Ileler 'F Hvath A Hiuks L Jeell L B Johnson L t'ohnaui O S Jewell K Johnson A Jansen A K sler Knapo 11 U * Lefllngwoll O A Lacy \V P Lee A hyiunn T B Leavitt T Leflin wellT Mills T Molluer S Martin II D ] Momgun W Molin V A Martin J Madnen H Mahoney O MntthewH C E 2 Mathews C Mfniconcia E A Jlillur M K Mnrwlmll D B Miles A F Me Jowin H E McKenzIe O S McTajett T MoKee D M MoDoaald .T II McK.yTH . Noics O II Newhuus F Nnbe lt O'Connor T Pjtzer M 1'earson 0 I'ickett W 1'attrich II Itfiistrom C A JtatlijeiiH C KIce S lllley T Hdgerc II 1 > KOHB , T T Kobb J Koberpou 11 L-3 Smith T Sehneliler C KunioiiM 0 E Suliclklo M' Siinulo S 0 0 Smith W A KcrnjjgH T W StevciiRon O HhheiHl ! L SIiumoiiH F T Khafer F 0 Hperrow II Ktel/iimmi II Bnihh J Ktoplioiiu u J A Salmon A H Thornton TO Turner Jt Tielamlerl' Tlmyer 1) T Watkii B . ) L Walfcl A Woodmlf WB Wnllaco W Wrott ! G W Wwtphal F Ward t. W Webter O U Wickenbern G Wairen O II Wood \V C LAIHfH. Barge M lsa .1 E ] J 1 ] Mrs J Boitrmn Mlsi J Brown Mrn H ClilWn | MJHH 0 L Ch iniht-ri MM T Campbell Mm Callnm Miss 0 C.inienin Mi * * A Caiiey MlsH M Oowin MJ.s F n Mm . , .jMmN Kverent Freeman Mra S J Kojter Mra Jj Golilaben ; 1) ( Jrefr K JullHQII J ( illfik Ming C B ral ) lionry Kuima A Jlayward Mrx A Jentry MM JI M Kohle Miss M Kelly L LUerinon Mrs H Llppe-t Mrr JJ Jjirwon Min O Al rii NMi. C A Nel on Mrn iM uwinuli Mliu J > 1 .Vl'cllBlBOIl Midi M I Nillsun A J'ttem n Midi ) A AMm Mm ( A Ho-d - ICH N Stuart M a M E to StewaitMraO Ktcm Mrs E J Hobmldt E Self fiat Mm A SaclfR.MrHS Tiwtlom Mrs 1) Tliraelur C W loox Mrs O II Wells Mrs A WJnu MM H D Wella Mrs 0 Will ! iui8 MIH C 0TllOHAH TllOHAH I'outmaater , Baclmu'viruica Halve. The bcft sulve in tlio world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , ] ( A chillblrtins , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This ( talvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in of every case or money lefundod. Price , 26c per box. For sale by T n to IVfoMAiinv. Omaha. Dexter L , Thomas , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 10 Boom B.Crtljbton Clock' i& MAfrt n v * ' < cf j ; ' , * , * " > lv ° ? Vt ; ' Hit.i"v' ' " ' > "nl rr i3sc 3KTsajsx" irzjypfr : sHff1 5 l * < \ * > - , isiv " < * 'k-- i * - PJ-- , rt-r l ritUjwHiHT " / / < if. : ? . - . M. jj . : { -j \Vmlfor \ buinii nit uio.1 .c. qa'olt.nt , n MrMtlnaeonnectlnith.i ! , . \lttioi 3L ! > . CIII CJAQO , nnd the TAptmt , Kostn -Rumiin , I u j anil SOUTHittKRi Lmm , w , with KAKRAR CttT , Li vitwoRi , Arcnisoi , OOCKCIL lUcim and OMAHA , the Covunciil Ctvr - > from nhtch ntdUUi EVERY LINE OF R0AD that penetrarrs the Continent from thi Hlnont Klv n to the r dfc Moiw. The OJ1IOAGO K001C ISLAND/ PA. OIFIO IIAILWAY tn the onljUna from ChlcA o owning truck In KMII , or which , by 1(4 ( own rend , rrftchM th ivilnts txo mmod. No tnXNsrmu ! xr CAR&IAOII No viMiNfi cotNKnnoKit Na hudilllnx In 111 vcntllitoj or unclcnu CMK , M e crv ivui rarilcil In roomy , clran And ventlUtcd upon FMt KinrrFS Tr lnf DAT Uj n ot unrh IM miRninfcince , PAdAm Htniiriva C/.f . and our o n wotld'fvnotil [ ) : i no OAIM , uivin which mcalo rc norrotl ol un- mri'vwcd cicollencc , it the low r to of SIVK.VTT iCIOTS itutt wlkhftniplo tlmalor hotlthfu 'i ' > ] oj incnt. Ilirnuih ( hn hotnun OHnito IVortfVA railii > 4 nn > ) Mluioiirl HUer IVjInti'nnd 0)040.0011 ) octinin nt ll polnb nl hit. r < ' ti Hh Athni , 1M1 < 1 , 1V \V < i tlckol ( dn net lonjot inn olrictly to ov rt iiUcs ol ImjiorUnefl In UMMI . Velrtukft , IHvJ lllllil , Wjomlnif , UtAli. ld.iho , SU .L' . , CrtflWiii Oif-ori > n'mhlncton Totrltoty , > ' "pr Jc' , Ar\rt \ > m nil New Mexico. Ad i brrftl arrMuJcint-iils rt/Htiliiir | hi < jnj"ti K , ny other line , ml rMon D | Nulr-liT.- < L. v uoia | > otltors , ho furnish but > , ! lha o tlio oaii tatt. IVj D m 1 lu Uu of fjh./umon free. tlclicts , IIIAIVI nnd fo'.i < cn > At all prlnclp ell itn In the CnltoJ Rlitu and r > nni . 11. It. OAI1I.K , K. ST. JOHN , ' Oin. Tkl Chla > ? n Sioux Oit & Pacilic . - - . THE SIOUX OITY KOUT1 Runs a RilldTrtln llirou li from Council Blufla to St. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hour * IT is mr.Ks Tiitc snourKST noun : PROU COUNOIL BLUFFS TO OT. PAUL , MINNBAl'OLIQ ' UtM.irni OR DISMAROR jwlhta In Northern Io . Ikllnnotiota nd OakoU. Thla line U cqulpim ! wltli tbo lmnro\ Wuatlnjhouao Automniln Alr-tirako tnd Mlllo Plitfonu Coupler and liuCor : anil for SI'KKl ) . SAPKIT AND COMFOJIT is nniurpaMcd. Pullmin Pat co Hlooplnff Oar run through WITHOUT CIIANOi : liotuocn Kan oas City nnd St. Paul , \ la Council llluda and Sioux City. Iralnsloavo Union Pailflc Transfer nt Coun cil Ulufls , at 7.36 p. tu. dilly on nrrhol of Kansas City , St. Joseph and Council liluffs train from the Botith. ArrUIn ) ; at bloiix City 11:36 : p. m. , and at the Mew Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 noon. KN nonua IN ADVAKOK OP ANYiOTiiun IIOUTK. jty llcmcmbcr In taking the Sioux City Haute you cct a Tlirough Train. The Shorteit Line , the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Hide In the Through < an botw ecu COUNCIL BLUFFS AND 8T. PAUL. KTHco that your Tickets read via the "Sioux City and Paclflo Ratlioad " J. 8. WATTLES , J.H. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Ocn'l ' 1'asa. Afrenl. P. a KOBINSON , Ain't ( Jen'l POSH. Ag\ , UUaouri Volley , Iowa. J , H. O'BKTAN , Southwoitern Agent , Cniincl "ninth. low * 1880. SHORJMLINE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , , Jo e& Council Bluffs U TOI OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TUB KABT From Omaha aud the West. No change of can between Omaha and ai. uoalr nd bat one between OMAHA and NEW YOUR Daily PassengerTralns RUCUINO A1X EASTERN AND WE3TEKN CIT1E8 with LE36 OHAUOi:3 and ADVANCE of AIL OT1IEK LINKS. Ibll untlro line la equipped with Fallmani Pttbco Slocplng Can. Pulico laf Coachoi , llUlor's Safety Flutlonn and Coupler , soil the celebrated Wosungbouao Air-brake. /iiTcco that your ticket roads VIA nANSAB ClTtf , iT. JOSEPH ii COUNCIL DLUFfS U 11 road , via Bt. Joseph and Bt. Loulv. Tickets tor gala at all coupon stations In the Went. J. F. liARNARD , > U. DA WES , Gen. Hunt. , St. Joeopb , Uo | Con Paw. and Ticket Act , tit. Joucph , Mo. Aniif HoRUUt , Ticket Agent , 1020 F rnhain street . A , B. II1UM1KD ( Jontral AL-OD ! , nUAIIA.HK KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA * 1T T1B ILKR & 00. . ol Alanufactureiu OMAHA. Benius Eewarded ; S ' OR , The Story of the Sowingjlaohino , A handsome little pamphlet , blue and goli cover , viltli numerous engraving" , will bo GIVJ3N AWAY any luiiilt ixmtii calling ( or It , at any branch luu-olllcu ol 'Iho hlnuf r llar.ulacturlnif Com- pauy , or will bo vent by null , pott paid , to any pcmon living at a dlatanc * from our ottlctt. The Singer Manufacturing Oo , , Principal Office , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK. ( eblS d < tw DR. T. JAOKBON FLANIfi ' Graduate from Iho UnUerilty of Pennayi t anla at Philadelphia of the Clau of ItttU. ) Tendera his profenlonal fervlccstotho cltlioni Omaha an ] all othora needing the tame , pro dlcatlng lilt claim therefor from 40 yearn' ex perlenui , nlxtecn jcar of which time hu fcpeut In houth America , from which country ho has Juat returned , gaining ubllet In the proxlncca many rcuitilln for various dlKOnu ) common to thlt country from the natlvca of the tamo. The Doctor make * a ipoclalty of all Cbront Discuses , particularity these of females. He may found t his rooms m tlie Planttn' House , comer of Dodge and Sixteenth Street * . ' INVITATION I TO ALL WHO HAVE fr TL7 A inra/nnrTTrnirr'i M TT wr iev'tiTy& WATCHES AMD CLOCKS TO BE UEl'AIilED IN" GIB .A. "V" I INT G- TO BE DONE OR tobe be WJiile our Work is bettor , our Prices are Lower than all others 0730:13 I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , EfO. linving lately oiilarjoil ; my workshops and putting In now Mnd""lnipro\ . \t ohuiury , 1 lu > iiu to atill more improro tha quality and finish of our ork anil till onlurs with more promptness than is usual My Mcllo line always boon and alwaya wj io : "First to gdin aaporior ties mid then auvortiso the fact not fJofbro' no wild advortiaomonta Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my ocnouncomenta , I would bog you , the reader of tins , to draw a line between such copied advertisements mid these of Yours very truly , 2r A. B. The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , the Striking Towr v Is Once More Called to ( the Fact thax Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of CLOTHING , , vn H i i t * FOB MEN'S , BOY J1 AND CHILDREN'S WEAB. ALSO.A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing , Goods . , Hats and Caps Wo ftro'proparcd to moot the demands of the trade la regardt | ( Latest Styl i and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in'Oojin etjou' BESPEOTPT LLT , w M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1801-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th 35 BDHOLM & KEioxsoN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBBERS OF OO JEWELEES' ' TOOLS M MATERIALS ALSO WESTERN AGKNTSJOU TIIU y/JEREGAU / ORGAN CO/8 OROANS. Spoofcaolos of the OolobraM STAE TINTED MAKE are sold ox elusively by us , DIAMONDS IN LARGE VARIETY. full line of Shoot Muaio , Eastern Prioos Duplicated. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp , the Post Office. ' NEB. OMAHA , - - - J. A. WHOLESALE AND DHALKU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT ' ' WBTATK AQEN1 irpn UJLWAUKKB OEMKNT COUPANYJ Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA ,