Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    R mti OMAHA .DAILY BKE : TPtSDAY. MAFCH 14 1883.
The Thrilling Border Exper
iences of a Mormon Who
Renounced the Faith.
How Matthew Johnson Aveng
ed ths Killing of His Wife
and Obildron.
Tale of Ono Man's Frontier Misfortune
Denver Tribune , Mtrch 8th.
"Matthew Johnson , Arizona. "
This inscription on the Windsor ho
tel register it was that attracted nnd
retained the attention of n Tribune
reporter last night. The words wen
written in a bold , clear , commercial
like stylo.
" What have you caught on to ?
inquired the clerk , who had patiently
I waited for some moments to turn
> i
book to arriving guests.
" Who is this man Johnson ? " asked
the reporter.
" Ho U a Mormon fresh from Ari
r.ona , I think , and , by the way , I utv
dcratand that ho has had an oxpur !
once that wouldn't look altogether
bad in print. "
" What is it J"
"Something about fighting Indian
in Arizona and losing his family in an
Apache raid well I don't know the
i full particulars , or oven the firaf
facts. I do not know , though , thai
ho is on his way to his old homo ii
Now York stale , and after many
years' life in the Mormon church lias
renounced the faith , There is an
old schoolmate of his in the city , and
ho stopped over a day to visit him.
Ah , thuro ho is if you want to inter
view him. "
The clerk pointed to one of the ro.
tunda scats. In it sat a man whoso
years would bo difficult to guess.
There was that in his appearance
which indicated n prematurity of ago
and aged habits. IIo was uray al
most to pure whiteness of hair and
whiskers. Yet his f.ico , although
slight , ! ; pinchad about the nose and
eye corners , was in its openness and
freshness that of a young man of
twenty. lie had n heavy white mus
tache , and black eyes that nervously
roamed irom object to object , no
matter what wore the surrounding at
tractions. The fact that ho had lived
so long on the frontier was suggested
by the rough cut , cheap-looking suit
of light colored clothing which ho
The man wai sitting without enter
tainment , evidently waiting for some
body. The reporter approached , and ,
after having introduced himself , at
tempted to engage Mr. Johnson in
" I have stopped at Denver to moot
an old companion of my school days , "
ho said ; "one whom I always re
garded almost as a brother Colonel
J. H. Dudley. I know that ho came
to Colorado years ago , and although
I had not heard from him for tome
time , I had reason to buliovo that ho
wua still hero , "
Juat then Colonel Dudley came into
the rotunda , and the two men shook
hands as only'long-ueparatod friends
do upon meeting.
Presently the reporter made an ef
fort to obtain the story of Mr. John-
. son's experiences among the Mor
mons and the cause for his trip oast.
He refused to toll them , but subse
quently Colonel Dudley , whom ho had
spoken to fully regarding his past life ,
recited them. The tale , containing as
it does the trials and hardships of a
man who adopted the Mormon faith ,
married in it , and years afterwards
lost bin family , together with every
thing ho had of value , is intensely in
tores ting.
Mr. Johnson was born at Oato ,
Now York , a little town in Cayuga
county eighteenth miles north of Al
bany. Ho is now 48 years old.
"When young lads , ho and Oolonol
Dudley were companions in fun and
study , both having attended the Mux
ice academy of Oawogo county. Af
ter having grown to man'n estate Mr.
Johnson gnvo promise of becoming a
Presbyterian minister , but while ho
was preparing himsulf for the fold ho
suddenly formed a liking for Mormonism -
ism , and discarding his studies one
day after a long mscussion with his
father , he lyft for Salt , Lako. This
was in 18GO , when he was 20 years
old. Ho made the overland journey
with a small party.
Arrived at Salt Lake hu was soar
married to a line of wives and nettled
under the burdensome work of sup
porting u large family. Ho bucatuo
prominent umong the elders ; ho on
toted commercial lifo mid for n time
enjoyed the full measure of prosper *
ty ; the fuitli B DC in ml uliko prohliu o
moral and phyiucal comtortu ,
Bevoiul years lu'or ho waa induced
to rcinovtt lim family to St , Uuorge ,
now settlement in thu southern po
tion of thu Territory near the A muni
lino. Ho then had three wiveu ami
four times us many children , one o
the wives , however , being the mother
of llvo of the progeny , Ho was wolf
fixud as thu money term goes , his for <
tuuo counting up into the thirty thou
sands of dollars. Dufpltd this faoi
and his apparent security agjiiiat lull
uro , ndvuraity came , and liniul ) lie
found lumnulf as poor ashun hu hut
begun , with an expensive family
wuighini ; him down. From the first
day of his suttlumont in the new vil
lagd , ' 'is star of good luok roemcd to
Jmvii < ' x-rted him , Tim fir at inUfur
i u in uji < o in thu slmj-o of sickness ,
ono of hut wives and three children
falling victims to n malarial fever
which proviled. He purchased t
larg ; stock of goods at Salt Lake ,
with thu intention of resuming the
pursuit in which ho had done so well.
The small freighting outfit to whicl :
had been entrusted the carriage of his
merchandise w a supposedly captured
and destroyed by a band of Piutu
Indians , but it was afterwards learned
that the froightorA had. taken u cross
jtrail to Nevada and disposed of the
goods ut one of the mining camps in
the interior. Dy this bteal Johnson
lost nearly $15,000. His next invest
ment was made in n tannery , a busi
nest which has since become very
prosperous in St. George. Jutt when
the minufactory promised to be the
means of his retrieving the forlun
lost , it caught flro and burned to th
around i > no night , leaving him nlmos
destitute ,
This completely disheartened John
son , and discouraged with the pros
pect of recovering at St. Oeorgo o
being again able to got the footholc
ho once had at Salt Lake , ho lookc <
around for some now place to settle
About that time the dissatisfied Mor
mons of the northern towns com
monccd to emigrate to Arizona. Th
reports came back that in the vallc'
of the Little Colorado had bean dii
covered the best of agricultural land
and fhat region was destined to become
come the future province of th
church. Johnson fell in with the ox
citcmcnf , and putting what little o
worldly goods ho had saved from th
wreck of his fortune into an outfit h
wont with his Iwo wives nnd ton chil
ilron to the promised land of the Col
orado Chiquito , The stories of the
great undeveloped proved to bi
romantic fabrications. The valley
reached , after a series of hardships
which were made sad by the drownfnf
of ono of his children at the Coloradc
river crossing , it proved to be itoll.iiif.
more than an uninviting uasto o
sand , alkali and sago brush. Of al
dreary spots on earth , it looked the
dreariest. The river was explored for
miles toward its source , but while
Johnson remained , no place had been
found that would , encourage culti
vation , or warrant . settlement
Many families wcro
taken down with dysentery ,
caused by the drinking of the rivei
water , which was the only liquid that
could bo had. Johnson's family wora
among the number , and in the deaths
which ensued another wife and six
children died , With the remnant ol
his once largo household ho journeyed
south to thu San Francisco mountains ,
in Arizona , not caring what fate that
wild region might have in store for
bin. Ho found no suitable place to
locate and resolved to bo the discov
erer of sonio desirable lind that could
bo acquired by the church. Ho kept
boldly on , crossing the arid waso of
Williamson vnlloy , and entering the
Hualpai mountains the spring of 1872.
He camped in the valley of the Hual
pai river , and finding the soil good
nnd the climate congenial , built a log
cabin and settled at a point four miles
From n , fort which the government had
iust established. Making n trip to
L'rcscott , he .converted nome of his
property into money , and returning
put in n small crop. Ilia ranch bo-
: time a favorite station place for the
freighters running between Prescott
ind Ilardyvillo , the government
steamboat station oil the Colorado
river. The patronage of these people
induced him to open n small tiupply
itoru , which soon became very profita
The future again assumed n form of
prosperity ana happy promise , nnd
Johnson , with his wife , two daughters
ind boy , the remaining three of his
family of twelve children , settled
lojvn to a liff of comfort and domestic
Mijoymont. The summer past , the
fall came and with it a lull in the
Weighting patronage. The Mojave
ind Tonto Apaches had revolted at
thu Verdi reservation , a hundred
miles to 4)10 ) oust , and were raiding the
; ountry in small bands. Most of the
freight trains had been withdrawn in
: onsequonco , and many of the settlers
tlors along the roads had vacated their
ranches and gone to the small towns
nnd forts for protection. The Indians
killed and slaughtered and devastated
those valley homofa which were unpro
tected. The Fifth cavalry and de
tachments of the Twenty-third in
fantry , under command of General
Crook , pursued the Apachon and
fought thorn by their own tactics ,
but the Indians remained in
actual possession of thu country
throughout the winter months , John
son's ranch , which had acquired the
title of the "Four Mile House , " was
considered safe against assault because
of its proximity to Fort Huulupai ,
Ono early morning while the father
was absent at the military post deliv
ering n load of potatoes to Major
Crittcndon , the band of Mojave In
dians , of which Dolshay was chief , attacked -
tacked the ranch , outraged the
mother and tortured her and the
three children to death. When John
son returned his cabin was in flames ,
and the blood of his dying family yet
warm. Standing there in the midst
of that scene of horror and desolation ,
ho registered a solemn vow that not
until thu awful wrong had been
avenged would ho again sloop. Al
most oruzud he went back to the fort
without oven waiting to inter the re
mains of his wife and children , and
briefly told the iiwful tragedy. With
in fifteen minutes n detachment of K
company of the Fifth cavalry were
mounded , under command of Col.
Miison , and on the trail of the copper-
skinned devils , Johnson going along.
A parly from the fort went to thu
ranch and buried the four mutilated
Night nnd day.for forty.oiuht hours
thu cavalry pursued the Apachua ,
Johnson leading thu olmso like an in-
aplrfd bloodhound. From the trni
of thu letronting band it was learnei
that theio weiu only coven of thu
JndiuiiB. On the mornini' of the
third day the cnvnlry entered , the
Black Hills , at thu headwaters of the
Yerdi liver , thu home of the wilci
Apache Mojayos. That evening camr ;
was madu near the Yerdi , and a scout
ing party further followed the trail
which appeared to bo only a fuw hours
old. ) ti a small clump of cotton woods
and nrar u mm shy portion of the river
the smoke of thu Indian files wua dia <
covered , It wni too late to attack the
Indians , an the d.irkneua would utTurd
thum un escape. They hud apparent
ly located with the intention of re
maining a fuv days and hunting , so
the assault was dtfeired until ( be
morning , thu cavalry coming up , ho -
over , and putting out sentinels. On
one of the posts Johnson stood keeping -
ing vigil through the night. In the
morning , just aa the BUH was creeping
over the eastern horizon , and the
Apaches wore , bestiring them
selves , the cavalry swooped
down upon them. Surprised in their
stronghold , and with their arms scat
tered carelessly about , the Indians
could do nothing better than fly ; and
flv they did toward the river , the sol
diers picking them oil' ono by ono in
in the chaise. Delshay was more
cunniug nnd self-possessed than his
followers , making up the river through
the thick cottonwood , The six In
dians were killed before ono of them
had reached the stroom , but Delihay ,
the seventh , had such a start that the
cavalry almost gave up all hope of
overtaking him. They spread out ,
however , nnd made a skirmish throng !
the coltonwood forest. When they
brought up in n little glndo up thu
stream a couple of miles they wore as
tonished to find Johnson loaning over
the do d body of the Indian chief
hacking nnd cutting it with a huge
bowie knife , in insane frenzy. L'ho
body lay upon the river bank as if it
had been pulled out after the ii.flic
tion of ( ho death wound. The head
was nearly severed by n stroke of the
knife , nhd Johnson had scalped it.
It was many minutes before his
fury had spent itself , the soldiers never
interfering with the horrible satisfac
tion which the widowed husband anc
childless father won taking for his
wrongs. Finally , when he had grown
calm enough to explain , ho told how
hu had seen the Indian making up the
river , nnd resolved that none should
cftcano ho followed as best ho might.
When ho got through the timber ho
found the trail , and although it was
done witli much dilliculty , ho suc
ceeded in tracing it to thu river bank.
There it becatno lost , nnd knowing
that the Indun could not have crossed
the stream without having been seen
on the opposite side , which waa open
and donudedof trekfl or underbrush , ho
soncludcd that thu Indian was secreted
in the bank. While walking down
the bank a head was protruded from
a pool near the shore. It waa Del-
shay taking air. Stealthily Johnson
approached and before the Indian
could realize that the avenger was
nigh , ho waa grasped by the hair and
ins throat was slit from ear to car.
Johnson then pulled the body out of
the stream , and was wreaking hia re
venge upon it when the cavalry came
The remains of the Indiana were
njlowed to rmnain where they 'had
'alien , prey for the buzzards and
coyotes. The soldiers took the
louchos nnd munitions of wir ns
rophica of the raid , and just ns thu
mrty was about to leave the scene ,
Johnson , by a deft operation , took a
trip of skin from off the spinnl line
of the dead chief's back , which ho yet
irosorves ns a razor strop.
When the fort was reached , John-
on requested to bo employed in the
icouting service and was engaged. Ho
lecatno the bloodiest and most relent-
ess of the border ecouts , and figured
imminently in nil the campaigns
gainst the Apaches up to the recent
no wliich General Carr led , earning
ho title of "Apache Matt. " After
ho murder of his family ho lost nil in-
orcat in Mormoniom , and ia now con-
ont to taku up the broken thread of
iia first religion. The intervening
ears have satisfied his revenge , and
1 though ho is no * what ono would call
cynic , his strangely terrible oxpcr-
once has madu him taciturn and
Mr. Johnson will probably leave for
is old homo in Now York State to-
'or Cough * . Colds , and Throat Dls-
orclorH ,
Jso "Brown's Bronchial Troches,1'
inving proved their oflicncy by n test
f many years. marlO-doodlw
Consumption , Coughs and Colds
Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given
way in trial bottles free of cost to
iio afflicted. If you have a bad
ough , cold , difficulty of breathing ,
oarsonoss or any affection of the
iroat or lungs by all means give this
wonderful remedy a trial. As you
nluo your existence you cannot
( ford to let thia opportunity pass.
Vro could not jaflbrd , and would not
ivo this remedy nwny unless wo
snow it would accomplish what wo
Inim for it. Thousands of hopeless
asoa have already been completely
urod by it. There is no medicine in
lie world that will cure ono half the
asos that Du. KINO'S NiwDISCOVERY
vill cure. For sale by
C ) Lsii & MoMxiiON , Omaha.
Proposals for M Itary Supplies.
Cmer OiMKTr.iuiuBTKk'H Omen , V
OktAHA , NebT , Much 7 , 18)2. )
Soiled proposals , hi triplicate , subject to
ho UHiia ! conditions , will bo rec'heilnt
hlii ollico until 12 o'clock m. , on Tues.
[ ay , April 18 , 1882 , or at llio same hour
( illowlrm fur the difference tntlmo ) , at the
itlictk of the Quartermasters nt the follow-
ng named st , tl n < , nt which pi IK efl nnd
line they u ill be opened In thn presence of
> icMer , for the fiiruinhinK and delivery of
tlilltary Mipiiliea during the year com-
nenclng July 1st , 1882 , anil e ding June
SOtli , 1881 , a * fnllowH : Wnoil , Uiiy nnd
Jhnro'inl , or such of stitdimpjlcs an inny
)0 required nt Oniiih lci ) ot , Pott Uinahit ,
Ait Nlubrarn , V rt Shinty , Chrjenn
) cpot , Fuit llutbol , Vort S unite , J-'ort
Heelo , Kurt Hall , Foit DimulnH , Fort
Jatutron , Foil Holiiiisoii , J'nrt Hilduor ,
Airt La nmle , Fort I'eUrnnun , Fort Mo-
vlnnoy , Foit Wu l akle ami Furt Thoin-
bur h.
will also be received nt thU
otlico up to the dny nnd hour above
il , f or the cloHvuiy on the earn at thu
> i hit nearo-t to tlio H inert on the- line ( if
, hu Union 1'nclfio llullwny , of tljjut thnii-
Fiuuli tiiim of Co 1 , ( if 2,210 pouncla to thu
; nn. Also for delhery nt the Oumh.t lj.
not. nr t ttallniiB tn the iiuitn line of the
Union Pacific Huitway east fr < in Ke.muy
I unction , of l\u > million pomuli cum , and
ono million pound a oati > . lilcU f r ( irnlu
sliouUl htato the rate per 100 puuuJs not
pur biibhul.
l'rnpt > 8ali for either dim of the Btorea
nentjuiu'd , nr fur ( mnntltie * less than the
whnlo re < | uml ! , uill bo ieoived , Knell
> ro | > eMil thnuld bo in tiiplicate , tepuralt
'or ich at tide at each tlnlton , and nmnt be
lUX'ompiuiied by n bond In tlio gum of fivu
mmlre.l dol'arii ' (8.100) ( ) executed htrl tly in
uicurdanco with i htt printtd intt nutioiH , upon the blank ior'ii furniulud nndtr , nn r nit dngtliut the
mrty maklinj the p n1 all uvt
ylihdraw thu vntua within blxty di \
loin | ho iluto nnnouuced f r opening
hem ; and that If sa d pioposal U accepted
and a con ti act for the Mipplie < bid fur
awarded thaenndcr , hu wIJ , ithin ten
It VH f-vfliriM/ lifi d of Ili < > n rnMl ,
iprtn.tlid MILU I , 'tifiiu.luu 4 o niuJe wit.i-
lu the hlxty day ! above mentioned , ) ac
cept the name nnd'furnlub good and mitti-
elent Buretlo * . atonce , for the faithful per-
fonnauee of the contract ,
The ( iovvrmnent roservea the right to
reject any or all propoujld ,
A preference will be given to art ! lea of
domiitlc prrKtuutloii.
Ujank propnaiU , ancj printed circulare ,
stating the kind nnd estimated qunntitlea
of Wood , Hay and Clmrcual required nt
auch btatlcn , wd civhu full InbtnioUont
nu to the minnoot bulldlug , coudltiuns to
ba observed by biddi-ra , atioV term of con
tract , etc. , will lie furnUhed on np.
plication to thU oflioe , or to the Quarter-
uiatteni at the v.irloua ttatioiu namuJ.
Knvelopes cent iulng propoeali chould
be marked : " 1'ropoaaU for. . . .
, , . at , , . , . . . . .
and odUretucd to the undenlgnej or to tie
rnpectlve Pott and Depot QuartermaiiUni ,
M. I. LviiiNoroN ,
mch7-Ct Chief Quarteruuutter ,
A rcmtcly with uticli representation M HOB-
tcttcr'n Btotnivch Hitters t'cncrvcii a fair trial Jl
jou ft'e dyspeptic , jour malady will eventually
jlo d to It ; tf jou nro fpeblo , I CK flesh and foci
dcrpomlcnt , It III both liulld and cheer you up
\t\on aroconsllpatdl U will relieve jon , and I !
billons , hcalthlul Btlnmlkto \ our liver. Don't
dcspo n but rnaVo thl ) effort In the right direc
tion.Tor aalo by all dnJZl t8nnd < le 1cr generally.
feh'Stn ml
Who -want glossy , luxuriant ;
nnd wvy tresses of abnndnnt ,
beaniii'ul Hair must nso
elegant , cheap article always
makes the Hair crow freely
nnd fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests and cures grayness -
ness , removes dandrnff and
inching , makes the Hair
B jong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
niy desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Kuthairou.
The Great English Kcmeily
Vc\cr falls to cuio
SScnoua Dcbllltj. VI-
t'il Hxbaustlon , Kmls-
-lnns , Seminal Weik-
IJHOOD , and all the
j \ll cfiicta of youth'
llful lollicH nnd exec-
l-ci. It etopi pcrmi
ancntly nil weakcnlnir.
I involuntary loss sand
liming upon the sjs-
1 cm , the Inovllab'o rc-
. „ , "suit of these ovd prac' '
Ices , wh cli uru so dcstrue ivo to mind and body
ind make Ho mlscriblo , oltcn Icadlnir to insani-
y and death It 8'ron'thcn3 the Nervcsjlraln ,
memorjf Blood , MHS les , IilRcntivo andllepro-
luctlro Otj ns , It restores 1- ) all the orirailc
unctlcni their former vigor and tltallty , ma-
ing Ufa cheerful and enjojablo. Price , S3 a
jottlo , or four times the qnan'ity $10. Sent by
xprcss , eccuro from o'js'rtation. ' to any address ,
n receipt of price. No. 0. 0. I ) , sent , exicpt
n receipt nf $1 as a guarantee. Letters n-
, ue tlnf | answers n ust Incloaa flump.
Dr. Mintie's P adehon
ire tt ) best and cheapo yspcpsla and bllllous
tire 11 the market. Ha y all druggists. Price
iOcer V
: ures ll Mndot Kidney and bladder complain to.
ronorrhca , gleet at d leucorroca. For tale ( y all
aug Bta : $1 a bottle.
7180llvoSt. , St. Louis , Mo.
English rem-
eily. An un
failing cur *
i for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhea , Impot-
cncy , and all
fnllnttf tL JL
_ . . of AFTER TARIHQ ,
Jell-Alinse ; aa Lots of Memory , Universal Lassl-
.ude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Pro-
nature Old Ago , and many other Dlreairs that
cad to Insanity or Consumption and a I'rcma-
ure Orate.
< 3TFull particulars In our pamnhlot , which
vo desire to send frca 1 r mall to everyone.
QTTho Specific Medicine Is told by all druggists
> t II per package , or fl pack vies for ? fi , or will
> e sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by
Buffalo , N. Y.
ir ti'i ' > ' ; . F Ooodr oc7roe-erd
It phltii Mti of a n Inch ro
H lit tb In the toun > o t felta or Illicit silk i
llclomr.ll klndiandetjlo of plaltlnu in IHO.
No I&dy tliat iloes hcroun dross inakln can
> ( Iord to do Mlthout oiio as idea plaiting In
ie\irout of fsMilon , Krofii It fell * It'ell. For
yaclilnca , ClrcuUru or Aycnt'H tcrino adilrcaa
11ilnnifl.St. . ChicaKO , 111
In going Kaat tile : the
UMcago Mortlivest-
" .Trains Imvo OmalnS:10p. : m. and 7:10 : a. m.
'or full tnloiumtlon call on II. 1 * . DDK' , . Ticket
iKcnt , lllli nnd r.unlmin Hts. J. IIKI1U , I' .
ItlUay Depotor at JAMKS T. CLARK , ( K-ncr.
Acini. Omaha. jilTinSe tf
Matter of Application of Dot'cf Tlilosssn
for Llinior Llcuu * ,
ptlco iii Imreby Riven thnt Dotlef
riiioBEcii (111 upon tno 10th dtiyuf March ,
A. 1) . , 1882 , iSle h app la ktlon to the
loanl ( County Omniisslmi-Ta of Doujr-
Hi County , Nubraxka , f r license to soil
Mult , Buirituoiu ami Vinous Iiiiu > i , at
ilillurd hi Mi larJ I'ri-cinU , DnugljH
i'liintv , Xebt 'Uit , fn > tn tin I' * , dnv nf
Aiiiii.'lcBJ. totholkt ilaysjf Ju'y. 183A
If there be no obi ction , remonstrance
nr protest filed within two wcuUa from
March 10th , A. D. . 1882 , the wild 11 eusn
vill besruuted. DKILKK THIKSSON ,
Apt Ijcant.
TUB OUAIIA IEK newspaper will pub.
ish the above notlcu for two weeks at the
nxpenso of the applicant 1'hu Comity of
Douglas is not to Le charged therrwllh.
JoiiK lUuiiEii ,
inclill-2t County Clerk.
Pay Taxes , Rent Housee , Etc ,
ir TOD WJLM TO irf o RBU
, Booro
Jlrs. J. O , Rnlicrtxon , rittaburi ? , Pa. , writes : "I
wni guflerlnjf fromjrcneral debility , nant of ap
petite , con tiiatloii | , etc. , no that llfo was a lmr
den ; after \uing \ Burdock Dlood Bitters I felt bet
ter than for joxre. I cannot praise your Bitters
too much. "
R. Olbhs , of nuffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Vout
llurdock Bloc Rlttem , In Lhronlo dltcascsof the
blood , liter auj kldnois , hate been Blnallt
marked with BUCCCPS. 1 hat o used them m ) self
with bent results , for torpidity ot the liter find In
auo of a friend ot mine cimcrlng from dropsy ,
the effect was man clous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : ' ! have
been subject to serious disorder of the kltlnejs.
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood
Bitters rclletcd mo before half a bottle w M used
I feel confident that they will entirely euro mo , "
Asenlth Hall , ninghampton , N. Y. , writes :
"I suffered with a dull pain through my eft
u UK and shoulder. Lost my spirits , ftpjictlto
nnd color , and could with dlltlculty keep up all
lay. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters as di
rected , and hae felt no pain since first week af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
our years 050 I had an attack of bilious feverand
never fully recovered. My digestive organi
tero weakened , and I would be completely pros-
rated for days. After using two bottles of your
iurdock Blood Bitters' the Improt cment was so
t-lbla that I was astonished. I can now. though
Cl years at ago , do a fair and reasonable day's
0. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
'rcsbyUrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Ferycars
suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used your llurdock Blood Bitters with happiest
esulttf , and I now find mvpclf in bettor health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' -Ihato
used Burdock Blood Blttcn'for nenous and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone
requiring n euro for bllllousncss. "
Mrs. tra Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
'For sot cral years 1 have suffered from oft-rocur-
Ink' billions headaches , lyspcpsla , and com *
ilalnts peculiar to tuy sex. Since using your
Jurdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relict ca. "
Price , 91.00 poi Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ct
, , , , ,
Sold at wholesale by leh & McMahon and C. F.
Goodman. Jo 27 eod-mo
Tnls great ipecitlc cures that most loathsome
.VTiotlior lii Iti . .
J * A A * * * ! Primary f Secondary
or Tortiarr titnrjo.
Komovca all traces of - the
ofercury irom BJS-
tcin , Cures Scrofula , Old Soi cs , Hhouina-
tlsm , I > zcma , Caiarrh or any
Dlood Disease.
Cores When Hot Sprincs Fnll !
MaUeni , Ark. , May 2 , ISS1.
\VohavocasesIn our town who lived at Hot
prlnj { and were finally cured with S. S. S.
Memphis , Menn. , May 12,1881.
Wo have Bold 1,206 hot les of S.S. S. In a year ,
t bos given universal satisfaction. Fair minded
hysiclana now recommend It ns a positive
peclflc. 8. MAKtriKLD & CO.
Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881.
8. 8. S. haa given better aatl faction than any
medicine I hao ever sold. J. A. FLIXNRR.
Denvei , Col. , May 2,1881.
Every purcha er i peaks In the highest term ,
f S. 8. 8. L. Melajetor.
Richmond. Va. . May 11,1881.
You can refer anybody to ua In regard to the
taerita of S. 8. S. Polk , Miller & Co.
live never known 8. 8. S. to fall to cure a cue
I Syphilis , when properly taken.
II. L. Dcni.ard. ) „ o
EllWarren. j-Perry , an.
The abet e slgnera are t-cntlemon of high stand *
Governor oldcorgta.
Write for particulars and oopy of Ittlo
book 'MeHsatro to the Unfortunate.
.81 , OOO Howard will bo paid to any who will find , on analjeU 100 bottles
i S. 8. , ono particle of Mercury. Iodide Potas-
lum or any Mineral substance.
Atlanta , Oa.
I'rlca ot regular size reduced to $1 75 per i < nt
le Small size , holding half tbo quantity , price ,
Sold by KENNAHD & CO. ,
nd Drugglsta Ooneraflv.
- - , tcrstcl'liiirorcr
year ilutles ovoli1 nlctit workt to r l
tUimlnntsand uifc toii > brain neivrnrl
Hop Dittora * ! . Ufcfc Hop'B.
iltjcitllon or illnaliia tlun i ir you are uiaj
rl J oi tlni'Ie. ulu or - youne , itworlnp f rot
ivoorbf altb or Unul > n flip on a NC
ucis , rtlj ou Hop CltteM ,
vnifxivet yonur * . '
from wmt
irljcnuvcr you Uoi nanlly
your.BTttcm form . ( (
that .
ni-cds ckMinsinK , ton- dU&Mi tliat intKli
Irif PI rtlmulatlnar
tlliout < iox/i-
-.nice Hop
o , i. o
nrui i b KQ tbSGllltk
r aim , nd Irrfttlhta-
of lh v bloail i , no ? drunkenness lila cure f o.
tlvtr oi > ienc 1 uia of opluir
Ygu < vllt tie tbbaooot o
onrcdlf youiiK
Hop Oltters
" rlkta. tknd f o
jil > "weak anil
| ow plrUc ltry NEVER
It I It may
eave your FAIL n'ru cu.
llfo. It Mat ,
ftnved him Botheitcr , R 1
ur dn > * Toronto , Out.
To Nervous Sutterers
Dr. J. B. Simpson'a Spocitic
II la a | Mtn ecure for > iH.pratouUtA | , Scmlna
iVitkiu * * . lu polaucy , cud all disown rcwultlnf
Item BU/'Abuas , an Menial Anxiety , Lo&gi
Unr.ory. Vulns In the Hick or Mile , auJ disci
- that load to
Ity an
. . . .lyrratt
l U ti | BlfC
ModUlne U
with ttundei.
ful succom ,
ullp .
' '
'price , Bpodflc , VI.00 per package , cr U pack
ages for K6.CO. Addrets all order * to
Nos 101 and 106 Main BL Buffalo , M. Y.
BoH In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J , W. Bill ,
J , K , III ) , and all Jruiir'.oUcvcry wUcro.
Employment Agent !
Railroad Outfit on Short Notice.
! St. , Near Farnham.
ARLINQTON , J. . MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb.
SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIU8 , Mllford , Nab.
HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllla
COMMERCIAL MOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb.
GRAND CENTRAL 5.1SEYMOUR , ' " . Nabratka City , Nab
MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , \ ; Weeplng Water.N *
COMMERCIAL HOU8E A. O. OAARPER , ' * < , Hardy , Neb. '
GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Htb\ \
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. ) * Olarlndn , Iowa
END'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb.
MOROAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBD , Guide Recd , Neb ,
SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER , ' ' * Oreiton , li. * J
JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. K
HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.OALPH , ' Extra , In. * i
REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , - J
WALKER HOUSE , 0. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. *
COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURQE88 , Neola , la.
CITY HOTEL , Dl B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la ,
PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMIN08 , Corning , la.
NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY.J fitanton ,
PARKS HOTEL , Shenandoah , la ,
MERCHANTS HOI EL , J. W.RBOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M
COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , In.
OOMMEROAL HOTEL , Dayld City , Neb.
COMMERCIAL' HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. r"
BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdalGrove , la
QRAND PACIFIC , ' J. NORTON , Oolumbuu , Neb , '
DOUriLAB HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb.
EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. B. HAOKNEY , Athland , Neb.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
1309 Farnham Street.
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
Largest and-Best Assorted Stock of any Retail
Cigar House in the City.
In the Market
"Special Discount By Box. "
First Door N. Opera House.
Opera House Clothing Store !
Daily Arrivals of Now Soring Goods in
Clothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods
Ami Sold At
I atu selHntf the Celebrated Wileon Bro.'a Fine Shirts , known
as ttie BHoT f'ltfujf ' nnd Moat Durable Shirta Made.
Practical Sausage Manufacturer ,
Family orders attended to with despatch , and everything -
thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at
No. 210 South Tenth Street