Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1882, Image 1

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For Sale By
' nt , Ifou o 3 rooms , full lot on Dfroe near
'Suth iitrcct , tlP60.
177 , IlnuBo 2 roorei , full lot on DonglM n
seth r rect , 9700.
176 , UVuilfiil ml donee , full lot on Can real
10th slrrot , 912,000.
174 , Two houstnandl lot on Dodfd near 9th
street , SI 600. .
170 , Homo three room * , ( wo closet * , etc. , half
lot on 21st ear lira u blrcct , 5SOO.
172 , Omi nnd onu-h lf f lory brick house an
twn lots on Doug1an near 2ith Uriel$1,7(0.
171 , HOUBO twn roonn , cllu-tcrn. pfaibte , e'.c
full lot near I'i rco and 13th utro t , IHM.
179 , Ono anil one half slorj hcu-o six rootm
and well , h lf lot mi Convent street near Su
ll r ) > avenue , f 1,360.
No. 170 , llou o three rooms on Clinton street
near shot loner , 9325. '
No. 1OT , House an83x120 feet lot on
street neir Webst r sttuui , J3CU ) .
No. 108 , llnun of 11 t'o s , lot 33xl2J feet On
10th mar Hurt ttr.ct , $5,000.
No. 107 , Two story hoin' , 0 room'4 clOFct %
Rood ctlar , on Ibth ttieet near I'crpltton' .
No. If 6 , New house cf (1 ( roomp , half lot on
Irani n-nr IHtli B.iict , 91.V50.
No. 101 , Onu and one lull stor ) hiuco B room ?
on 18th street > var Lovoi worth , i3,6UO.
N , 101 , Ono nnd nnctui ? i-tory I onto of 1
rooms nuar Hannconi Park , f ltXll.
No. 16S Two hiupeo A rooms tach , closets , etc
on Hurt stteet mar 25th , ? 3fflO.
No. 167 , house U roi inn , full lot on ICth street
nrar Lcueti ortli , f/-100.
No. If 0 , llou-f 4 lartrt ) rooms , 2 clos ta
half aero on Hurt ftroo near Dut on , $ l,2tO.
No. 165 , luohoiiMX , onu cf 6 and ono ol 4
room , on 17th ttntt near Mnrcy $3 , tC.
No. 164 , Thrcohoua < , onof 7 nnd t o oft
rooii b eich , and corner lot , on Uosi ntar Htb
Btrott , $ ' ,000.
Nr. 163 , email homo and full lot on Pacific
near 1'ith .truct , i,5W.
No. 151 , Ono Ktort hoose 0 rooms , on Leaton
worth nor 10th , $3,000.
No. 160 , Ho BO th ct- rooms and lot 02xlH
r oar 2Gth ami Farnh m , $ . ' ,600.
No. 148 , New houMiof ilftht room' , en 18th
tro'tinar I avenworth $3,10 * .
No. 147 , llousa of 13 rooms on 18th itrcot
near Marcy , 85vOO.
No. 140 , lion e of 10 rooms and 1 jlots en 18th
treet ne-r Jliny , &I.OW- .
No. 145 , Hou-o t o htgo rooms , lot C7x210fee
onSheruan a\cnua(10th ( strctt ) near Nlchoiar ,
No 143 , House 7 roomx , barn , on 20th sticct
near Lcii\cn orti , $2,000.
Nn. 142 , lion 06 ro.m , kltch.n , itc.on 10th
street near N'ichola" , $ lb75
No. 141 , Hou.u 3 roon. s on Douglai near 20th
street , $150
No. 140 , I ariie hou o and t o lotn , on 24t
near Farnhmus-re.t , * 8,0 o.
No. 189 , II' ' we 3 rooms , lot 00x1661 feet ,
Douglas near 27th ntroct , 91,600.
No. 137 , House 6 room * HI d half lot on Capita
\enue near 2J < I s net , ? ,30J.
No. 13d , Iloube Mid half acre lot on Cumlic
street mar 21th 9-60. . .
No. 131 , House 2 rovms , full lot , on Izard
No. 129 , Twi. hoii-c ono of 6 and one of 4
rooms . , on leased lot onVob t r near 20tb Btrott ,
> fjlt
'No. 127 Two story I oueo 8 rooms , half lot on
Wnbater near 19th S3 6'O. '
No. 126 , HOIIM 3 roonia , lot 20x120 feet on
20th a ro t near louUiiWft.
No , 125 , Two i tory hou-c on 12th near Dodge
atriet lot3x04 feat I,20Q.
No. 1.M , Lar e house and full block near
Farrham and C'en rul mn ct , 88,0uv.
No. 12) , llomu 0 loomsiind Urge lot on Saun-
dcr a rectntar Ilariaiks , ti 1W.
No. 12llousd U rooms and half lot on Web
ster neir 15ih sln-cl , S1.6UO.
No. lib , IIouno in room ) , lot 31x90 ( cot on
Capitol avuiiue nur,22d miuut , 82,953.
No. 117 , Ito u S joiiis , lot 3Jxl2J fee % on
Capitol avtmiic mar 22il $1,600.
, .Nn. 114 , llqusu-l rooms ou Douglas ntar 20th
Ittraet , $750. , "
No. 113 , Homo 2 roinis , lot 00x9 } feet on
near Cumli g ttrect , $ f < 0.
No. 112 , lirlO. hoiirtu 11 rooms anil half bt on
C.fl neir 14th strut , fini .
No. Ill , llou-uia roonnionDavonport | ntar
02th Btre t , t7n o.
No. 110 , llri < k house 5nil lot 22x132 fcot on
a-is strict ni-ir Kill , ; 3,00) .
No. US , I argj lioujo ou Harncy near ICth
strmt. 81,600.
No 109 , Tttohou ui and 80x132 foot lot ao
Cas4 mar 14th ntreet , % ' . , Mi.
No. 107. llomoft rooms and half let on Izar
near 17tii tr cl , fl.'iiO.
r o. Hti. Hoii oiiid lot 61x188foot , lot on 1IU.
neir I'lcico i-tnet , fOJO.
No.1 6 , Two.toryliouM 8 roiras wlthljlot
on bew.ird ntar Siun < UrHttivut , S..SCO
N" . 103 Onu and one ha f ntoiy noueo 10 roomi
Wclist r ntar IGtti Btruet s2,6W.
No. 102 , Twn houHo 7 rooms each and J lot on
14th near Chicago , -f4,0 0.
.No. 101 , Hou.e 3 rjomi > , roll r , etc. , 1J loll on
South menuorear 1'ac tic bttoa , Xl.OiO.
No , IIK ) , Mouio 4 roonid , coilar , etc. , half lot
on Izard itrcot mar JO h , $2OJO.
No. 'J'J , Very Urno hnn-o aud full lot on llai
ney neir 14tn ktroo , f ) 00' ' .
No. H7 , lATtsa houfe ol 11 rooms on bhcrman
uvenue near dark * tr < tt , make nn offer.
No. IM , line and onu half u ory houno 7 rooroi
lot 2IOx ul fett , Btablo , etc. , oil bhtrmao ave
nue ntar linte , 7t 00.
No. Hi , Large brick house two lot on Da\tn
port i reet near IDth * , < WO.
No. 9J , larfo ho eo and full lot oil Dodo
near U < h tro i , 87.00 > .
No B9 , Lnr u hume 10 rooms half lot on 20'h
No. 83. I arge liomo 10 or 12 rnonw , beautllu'
cornerlotonOimH ar20th , S7COO.
No. 87 , To ttorj J.outo 3 rotnw 6 acres o
lai d < 11-iaui dent street mar liarrjtko , e..OOO
No. Hfiltt.i otjrejumla usi .nee o luibcd
half lot.ncir iluion and luth btrcet , etop.
No fa4 , two btur * hou o B rooms , tlow ts , o'c ,
wlili 6 acrojot gr > und , on Hiundira btrcotncar
Omaha ll.rr.ickn , $2 600.
No. tS , lluupeof Urooic , half lot on Capitol
avenue n rl2th utrcel , ! , l < X ) .
No fc2 , Ote and 01 o hall mory' ouse , 0 room
' full lotou I'lcrco ntar 20th stitet , 8lbiO. (
No. 81 , ' 110 2 story houseu , oneol fland one
0 rnoms , ChltaKO bt. , nuar 12ih , 3,003.
No. 80 Hoii8J4 rooms , clOhcUi , etc , larce let
on Ibth stre t mar White Uad wrrks. 91,300.
No. 77 , Largo house of 11 rooms , cloietn. eel
Ur , et ; . , Kith II lot in Farnham near 19th street ,
' 3OCO.
No. 76 , Orcanlono-half story house of 8 rooms ,
lot 60x8i ftet on Casanou 14in street , ? , tOO.
No. 76 , House 4 rooms and biueniont , ( la
101x132 f et on Marcy 8th street , fd76.
No. 74 , Large brltk house and two full lota on
Davenport hoar l&tu etrett , 815,100.
No. 73 One and ono-ha f story tiouie and lot
30x182 feet on Joc son near 12th street , $1,800.
No. It , Large brick house 11 rdoms , Ml lot
on Dave port near 16th street , 96 OJO. -
No. 71 , l. bou o 12 rooms , full lot on Call.
ornU near 20ih street. S7OiKl.
No 65 , Stable and 3 full lota on ran in street
near Saunden , 42,000
No. 04 , To story frame bulldlne , store brlow
and ioom < above , on le-uoJ lot oij DDUUU uear
16th street , (800
No. b3 , lluuse 4 rooms , basement , etc. , lot
01x2Mfeet on Ibth Btreet mat Nail Works
' to. . 02 , New house 4 rooms one story , full lot
on Hartley near 21 > t street , f 1,760.
No. 61,1 ar0' bjuto 10 rooms , full lot on Bur
ne > r2l.t street , S3.000.
No. bO , HOMMI 3 ro aa , half lot on Dvenporl
near 23U strcit , < 1,000.
Ho 69. Kour housc and half lot on Oansncar
JSth utreU 82600.
No. 68 , Homo of 7 rooms , full lot Webster
near Ust street , 42,600.
16th and Douglas Street ,
Democrats in the House Rosor
to FJlibnstoring ,
To Defeat the PaeBago of th
Senate Anti-Polygamy
Which Haekell Had Galled Up
and Moved the Previous
The Letters of Declination
* .
FronfOpnUlinp : arrl Ed
MlioollaaeOfm Note'of n Nntlonn. '
Xattontt AwvUtwt I'rtm.
WASHINGTON , March 13. Mr. Conger -
gor presented a joint resolution of the
Ipgislatnro of Michigan urging mem
ber * of conercw to 'devise mentis for
Iho oxtirpatioh of Mormoiiiom.
Bills wernt foportcd favorably defining
fining the qualifications of territorial
dolcuatca to tlio jiouso , nnd for the
erection of apoatoilic at Indianapolis.
The tariff commission bill was taken
up , and Air. Sinter inndo n speech in
support of speedy action on the ques
tion of tariff. At the conclusion of
his speech the pennto wont into oxecu-
H session , and rcmnincd therein un
til fi p m. , and adjourned.
The following were the confirma-
: ions : Win. H Scruggs , of Georcia ,
o bo consul nt Panama , and Pay master
tor .Ino. A. Stevenson , to bo pay in-
ppctor in the navy , The mission was
irotrnctod in discussion of Stevenson's
lotnination. The naval cpmmittro
irosented an adverse report , Mr.
Voorhees opposed in n stroiiE speech ,
and the vote vr a about 2 to 1 on con *
irmati'n. 'Jf
The upenlcer announced as the
inuso committee on woman snTrace ( ,
'Bsrs. " Gamp , . White , Shsrwin ,
Stone , Hepburn- , Springer , Vance ,
Uulrlrnw nnd Stoclfslacer.
The army opprojwjaUon bill , appro
priating 829,000,000 ; papnerl. It con-
ains a claufo nmkinfr retirement at
ho ngrt of C2 compuhnry , nnd one
ransferring the Leo raid claims from
ho war dcpirtmont to the court of
The bill to establish a mint at St.
join's wns favorably reported.
Mr. Hnskoll called up the nnti-
) olygamy bill. Tha > flemoorats claimed
t should co to tha cojntnittoo of the
whole. " Tho'spoAkewleoidod the bill
teed not go to the committee , and order for present considora-
ion. 5 i"
Mr. Hnskcll moved the previous
This was opposed by the democrats ,
vho desired \n \ oftvr amendments.
Thia wns nt 4-30.
Mr. Hiif-kfll pressed the motion ,
md the democrats resorted- fili-
) ijstoriiig , refraining from voting ,
demanding roll cill on every vote ,
. TJio repuhlicins wanted the
) ill passed ns report e.d. , dusiring to
et the credit of its passage as a ro-
Mihliean. meaBtiro , the democrats do-
wiring to amend nnd make it stronger ,
Mid so cot credit for the bill. Fili-
teiiiiif continued until 0:00 : p. in. ,
vlien the hoiieo by uniinimnus vote
ook a 'recess until 11:30 : a. in. to-
'itlnnal A'undated I'rw.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 13.
ho president gives'fur publication
lie following letters of doclinntion by
Crinkling nnd Edmunds. From this
t will appear tliat the published ru-
nor tint the president had heard
othmg from Oonkling a week ago
lunday was erroneous. It may bo
nthontically stated that the president
never authorised such a stutumont ,
tid in fact ho had no ouch convcrsa-
ion with any ono about it :
NKW YoilK , March 3 , 18S2.
[ r. I'rcilclcnt ;
A'venco ' prevented prompt ncknowl dic-
lent of yiiur two ostecmoil letter ? , wliilh
-fre founil here awaiting my return fr un
Jtlci. The li'l' ! ( , ' and unexpected hrnnr
on im fioby mloollm ; mo in nnHnelatn
iistlce of the Hiipremc court of the United
Uttrs ik Krently vnliieil. It will over 1 > n.
latter of prltlo nntl H-\tl < fneti n thit you
nil the senate ik'gircd inn tit fur HO gmve
nit exalted n tnut But for reaimis ulilth
nu Miuil1 nut fail to npnrtuinte , f HIM
constrained to I'lwline , Thfluih u ( 'ont
n nml8 onmy lime Jmt iiou pi event me
iceep ing vour cordl J Invention t nisi a
ew il.ivx with you in Wai > hiii tnii , let inn
lold tlila us n | 'lo.ii > ura deferred lint not
I have the h nor to 1 u , sincerely your
bedlenfc xervun' ,
( Signed ) llof-coK CO.VKUNU ,
WAHIIIKOTO.V , 1) . O. , March ( ! , ' 82. f
Ir , President :
I have receive I tliro'tsh the uecrctary of
late your very flatterinir offer of the a | > -
> olntinent of asso-late ju tice nt the nu-
ireino court. I thank you sincerely for
Ills highly valued proof of your good
pinion , but I feel , for reason ? that I iiavf
xprea&ed to Mr. FrelinghuvBon , that I
ught not to accept it. I nhall cheilnh this
murk of your kindness and good , opinion ,
hough I did not need thU proof of it , an
one of the most plcasint nf my life ,
1 am , air , faithfully yours ,
CiEO , F. KnilUNDS.
1JU MAHS. AVE. , March 11 , 'a2.
Mr. I'resldfnt :
I am deeply toirhed nt the manifest
onildera'ion ' you have shown me In con-
lection with the awuclata justice liip , but
urtlier reflojtioii lias not enabled me to
lun e the tiewd I exjire ed to Air. Kre-
With sincere hope that you have ex-
> erlfneed i o embarra > iiieiit fruni the de
ay your kindne has caused , I am , faith-
U'ly your * .
( Signed , ) OKO. F. KIIUUHIM.
\atlomU Au.eUtod I'reni.
WABHINOTON , Kerch 13. Judge
Ulatohford 1ms boon nominated t (
fill the vacant place in the Unitec
States supreme court , and John Uus
sol Young , of the Now York Herald
as minister to China.
The statement published in Lon
don that the president and secretary
of state had suspended negotiation
with the copy right convention o
Great Britain is incorrect. Apropos !
tion will bo formulated to both conn
trios , and it is now being printed am
will soon bo submitted to parties in
tercsted in the negotiations.
At midnight Representative Black
is still alive but the dec tors say dcatl
is not far distant.
Illinoln Cattle nud HORI.
N'ntlorml AcwclMo
Si'itiNOFiELD. March 13. A nipor
will bo issued to-morrow from the II
linols department of agriculture
allowing the incut i , > puct of the ctnlo
for ft term of yonr ' < -ludiiij * 1881.
In the Inttor year the value of fat cat
tle , fat lms/8 ad ) slier p marketed wan
about $404000,000 , The number of
fat cattle marketed last year was
greater than 'for any proceeding year
except 1880'but' the averaga weight ,
1,12U pounds , was loss th"n for any
onu of the preceding "nin ycara.
The number of hops mnrkcrrd wa
about 000,000 loss than f6r 1 80 , and
the average weight , 2-tt po .ids , was
ono pound loss th ' feu that year.
The average , price , tfj'lJo per IOC
pounds gros , was greater Ih'ii the
ivorago price for cither of the four
years last preceding. Them have
icon oloTon years since ISOf , ni
which the value of fat hogs in Illinois
iaa exceeded that for 1881. The
vnluo of shrop in Illinois has only
> eon exceeded nnco since 1870 , nnd
; ho entire iiumbor of sheep irt the
atato 1,088,000 is greater than in any
, 'ear since 1873.
Elootrlo Briefs
Nntlonal Awoclatrd 1'rcsi.
KANSAS CITY , March 13 'tireenup
Bird , Sr. , .one of th-s best known
) uainPBs men in the southwest , died
yesterday , aged 72 years.
INDIANAPOLIS , March 13. It has
scon decided to hold * mass mooting
on the Mormon question. on Wednos
lay next. Governor Porter will pro >
HKAWNO , March 13 .JolmWycko ,
chief enpincer of- the Emmons fur
naces , while on his way to the Eist
Pennsylvania depot last night , was
cnockcd senseless bv two unknown
men and , robbed. His condition is
GnEKNsnuBO.Ind , March 13. Mra.
llo'Slroy , aged 10G , was burned to
death in the burning house of Wm.
Stewart , near here.
WASHINGTON , March 13. Rev.
father Boyle , pastor of St. Matthew's
loman Catholic church , died in this
city this afternoon of apoplexy.
ATLANTA , Ga. , March 13. J. H.
Pledge , until recently traveling tor
liimar , Rinkin & Limar , of this city ,
was killed by a railway train near
Sussotto , Ala , this morning. Ho
ainted and full between two cars
while the train was in motion nnd was
ustantly crushed to death. He leaves
a wife and two children.
Ciiioao , March 13. George Sco-
villc delivered a lecture this evening ;
at Fairbnnk hall to a small audience
of his friends , the subject being :
'Modem Politics and Some Notes
Upon the Great Trial. " The affair
wan not a success fjnnnuially , and the
cc ure was commonplace and uniii-
BOSTON , MASS. , March 13. The
anti-polygamy meeting hold in Tre-
mont temple to day was attended by
jlov. Long. Strong anti-polygamy
pecchei were made and resolutions {
urging immediate action bycongress
vero adopted
PITTHBUIIO , March 13. Mrs. Schur-
ng , Arch street , Allegheny , cut her
, hroat from oar to ear with a case
ctiifo , buh did not sever any impor-
ant blood vessels.
Seven men worn crossing the Ohio
ivor near McKoe's ruck ut 0 p. m.
'lit ! boat capsi/.ud and two of the
lien , Wm. Murphy and Nick Murri-
nan , are missing Snmo swam asluiro
nd others were picked up.
CHICAOO , M.irch 13. Paddy Ilynn
i as rotunfod fiom Milwaukee with
51,000 , profits from his exhibition
here , and will open a siloon on Forty-
bird struct in this city. Ho and 0 < ipf.
Jalton give a fistic entertainment to-
narrow evening
LITTLE ROCK , March 13.A clan-
cstinp marr ii'ju creating u big
ensition ocuunud hero thin ovuiiinu.
'ho dauL'hter of United -Statrs Diri-
lict Judge Oaldwoll , in npjiosition tend
nd entirely unexpected by her par-
nts , wns secretly nmrned to ( juo. W.
iT.irtiu , clerk in a uiUAic store , by Dr.
Vulch , Presbyterian miniHlor , It i n
HSU of love prolonguJ through , year * .
inth are some yuan beyond thuir
CiiroAoo , March 13. The Union
Veteran Clu b this evening passed a
csolution endorsing Jonathan Ilyno ,
f Dixon , III. , for United Sutes pen-
ion agent at Chicago , vice Miss
weat , whose term coon expires ,
VOUBR 8ot ldo.
tlon I Asfcoclatcd I'rev *
WABIIIKOTOK , March 13 , Young
Soteldo was arraigned to-day and .
lead n'ot guilty to the charge of mur-
er of his brother , A. M. Sotoldo , :
ilonday next was sot down for * argu )
ment of a motion to quash the indict {
tlonil Awoclntcd I'rcwi.
WiNNKi'KQ , Man , , March 13. A
> i tire is now raging hero. It broku
out at midnight at McEuory & Cur-
au'a grocery , on Miin atroot , do-
troying tl'at building , and Hlao these
occupied by B. Wolf , millinery ; J.
Adams & Son , tailors ; Zinkon & Co ,
mots and ahocs ; William Hunter , II.
1. Taafonnd , G | Krankfurtor , grocers ;
2 , O. Emproy , furnishing goods , and
2. M. liable , baker It la impossible
o give the loss at this hour , The
inlendid brick building occupied by
ho Bank of Montreal is in flames
If the firemen do not succeed in stop
ping the conflagration at this poih
the greater portion of < ho buslncs
part of the city will bo in imminon
danger. i
LATER.- The fire exhRustod iteel
after making B complete fewoop o
Main Urcot from Oiitsrio bank to tin
Montreal bank , with the exception o
the hotel adjoining the former unmet
a ructuro. Loss eftimatod at $5C00
insured for about $5,000.
NRW Ontr.ANS. March 13. A fire
in Meridian , Miss. , Saturday niitht
destroyed Parker A IIofTur's foundry ,
communicated with n cotton com
pros * , destroyed 200 bales of cotton
and damaged the press Total lors
§ 25,000.
BintiBFonn , Mo. , March 13 The
Highland house nnd Sea Vlow hoiisi
were entirely destroyed by fire to-day.
LORB on the former , ? 50,000 , latter ,
SJO,000.T , , .1.1 , I I '
The "Trupoa" in Lincoln Qoc
sip on the Situntio'ipSttvr '
CorrcuporvlCTico ol Tim RnuT
LINCOLN , March 13. Qiucoln pee
pie view with considcrablo pmplacon-
cy the manner in whichOmnlm is tear
ing her hair and rending her nether
garments over the alleged riots In that
city. The capital can well afford to
mnka merry over other plncos that are
nfilicccd in this manner for the reason
that there is never going to bo the
slightest danger of anytjiing of the
kind occurring hero. Wljcro is the
remotest danger that Lincoln will over
bo the seat of manufacturing indua-
Lrics snfliciont to turn out oven a cor
pond's guard of riotorsf There has
been much interest expressed , how
aver , iu Omaha's tribulatioit. During
Iho fintt two or three days of trouble
there , the superior oflic rsinourstato
militinworo kept busy with rushing
betn-eon the toWraph cflico and the
ituto houso. Adjutant General AIox-
nndor , AsHistnnt Adjutant Genera ]
lloggon , Colonel Colby and ether
titled heroes kept bobbing up so nu
merously that the very ntmosphoro
seemed permeated with the odor ol
carnage. When the final dread sum
mons came and the callow troops wore
nistlcd off to * the front , there was
really n fueling of despondency about
own lest , perchance , nome of them
might not return. Not that there
wns felt to bo any serious
danger from the rioters , but
ho effects of a taste of Omaha buciyo
and n sight of the metropolitan elephant
phant were too well known. The
veracious correspondent sent up by
L'he State Journal sends down the
) lood curdling intellifbsCo that the
sacking ot banks and newspaper ofll-
: es was n portion of the programme. .
Jeriously , the course of TDBJJKE ] _ is
ookod upon here as by all moans the
most conservative and proper ono to
Htrmio. The attempts nf the ether
mpers to nbnso the strikers , and over
estimate their power and intentions ,
com like ndding additional fuel to
ho troubles. Mayor Boydhns shown
limself unexpectedly weak when
< tllcd upon to fnca nn cmorc < ncy : ,
Sven our own Wright would ha\o
aced the music better than Boyd ,
md would have securud an cndorse-
nont from the Methodist church af-
ernards for doing BO. When it
omes to n question of statesmanship
n the mayoralty , Wright can give the
tvorld odds. It wns suggested hore-
boutn that Alexander wns only too
lad that the opportunity arnno to al
ow him to spread himself a little just
it this juncture. It might lend to a
tracing up nf his gubernatorial boom
f ho can sitisfnctorilyshnw to the law
oving citizens of this state that ho
annot bo monkeyed with. Regard-
ng the matter of the strike , it in a
jity , as TUB DEE siys , that Tnuzilin
iVas not in ctmnro when thin question
roso. The broad , liberal poliov
Yhich characterized the nnnngemcnt
f the road under his administration
s not going to bo r.irriirl out by his
uccossor. If a Hi tin policy had b"nn
iscd at the outset by railroad ofliciila
hn trouble would have beoii ohooki'd ,
'Motions hhvo been filed in the BO-
nllod "fltar routo" C MPB by dpfend-
nts' counnid to qutsh ( ho indiclmunt
liiiat Clary , alio a pirn in abate-
nent ai regard a Corhin and Iddingi
nd a plra of miBiiomcr as toi/ardn
Unrbin , Judi'ing fiom the nt'itudn '
nken bv Juduo Dutidy in tt.o past in
onnrction with Ihiso cases , it is not
irobablo that tlio statin of the mut
er will ba attend buforn the dtifund-
nts appcrr for trial. Mr Limbcrt-
on and \Vobnteratoboth dnicr-
ninodthata ccinviclion shall follow
heir efforts , but they have cot to
ravel at n f.iator gait than they did
lero in the < < amo caio or they will got
wdly loft. AKQUH.
Tlio Jeannette Rcscne.
National AwocUtod I'rcu.
PUILADELVIUA , March 13. Mrs.
ifolvillo to-day received a letter from
ler husband , Lieut , George W. Mel-
tille , of the United States navy , on
ho Jeannette expedition , dated Irk-
itsk , Russian Siberia , January
, in which he says ; "Aftbr tinny
rials I arrived here yesterday , and
aii muster but thirteen man out of
ur original thirty. I have telo-
raphod askinif toromain to soaroh fore
) o Long nnd the others who perished
it the mouth of the Lena river. '
Femitln Haulier Sent. Up-
VUloiul AuwclaUxl 1'riM.
BOSTON , March 13. Mrs. Mnrv K.
lowe , prdnidont und manager of the
lofunct bogus womnit'H bank , was son-
oncud to three years ut hard labor in
ho house of correction.
tfttlonil AwoclitoJ l'fiB .
WAHHI.SOTON , March 13. Qui
eau having acquired a suit of now
slothet ) , has boon offered 8100 for the
uld suit by a curiosity buyer. Ho
uki $160 ,
Captain Jim Davis Killed by
Moonshiners ,
Who Lay inAinbueh For the
Hero of t he Revenue
And Put More Holes in Him
Than There are in n
Bravo to Recklopsneeo , He
Owed Hia Death to Hia Ig
norance of Fear.
Anil Pnntotl Awny Junt nnlEvory ,
lioily Hurt P.-ojiUcstoil.
NivttonM AMocbtnt Pnm.
NAHHVILLI : , Tutin , , March 13.
Captain Jniuui M , Divis , special deputy
uty United States inarxlml , was am
bushed , shot and kil'od ' about two
miles from McMunyill , whiln out , on
n raid on moonshiners. Ho wan fired
upon from the bushes. Tom Viokow ,
who was riding by his side , made
hasty llight. L.ivis ) foil from hi
hurno nt tlio first shot , but rose nut ]
started back ton aril his other men ,
Campbell and Cat heart , who \\ero POV
eral hundred yards behind. Davis
was thru shot down ngnin by cnn-
cualtid parties. Campbell nnd Cath
cart came un , and sa\v several men
eomo to tlio roadside nnd fire upon
Dxvis , with pistols close to his head ,
' 1 hey tired ono sh it each at the party ,
but seeing that D.VVIB wns dead , ami
that tlio contending force wns too
largo for them , they retruitod and
mndo their way to town. The coroner
ner , upon being notified , nummonod
a jury and wout out nftor the body.
His head and skull were literally shot
to pieces , nnd twmity odd holes nro in
the body besides these in the bond.
An entire lend from n shot nun
was fired into the left shoulder , the
wnd being in the shoulder.
D.wis tired three shots without of-
tret luforo ho was killed. The par
ties had evidently been in ambusl
Bomo tune , as n rude fortification o ;
logs was thrown up , and the twigs to
the road cut away. D.ivis wns a very
ulliciont officer and a terror to moon
shineis nnd other violators of the
law. Ho wns bravo to recklessness ,
and his many bloody nffrnys gained
for him the reputation of being almost
without feeling in shedding humar
blood. As a Tonnessoin ho Boomed
to tnko pluasuru in hunting down bis
follows , nrid has moro than n half
dozen lives to answer for , many , it is
claimed , being unprovoked murders.
Ho has been under indictment for
murder a number of timus , but al
ways managed to evade punishment
by having his cnsos transferred to tbo
United Status couit. Ho has boon
written up in Hirpor'a Weekly in ro
mantic style , and had a national rep-
utaiion. His death occurred just in
/ho way it has been for
years prophesied ho would die.
National Afaoclatoil 1'itxn.
LONDON , M\rjli 14 The queen in
n letter to Sir Win. Harcourt , ays :
"Boforo leaving for Mentiono , to
which plnco I am going to seek n
> eriod of quiet , I must express ( nm
ny heart the iludo I foul fcr the
oyalty and affection called forth by
tlio recent event , nnd also for the
symp ithy evinced by sovereigns and
moplo of ether n.itiima. " In c molu-
lion pho Biiyu she hopes to the last
lour of her lifo to continue to pro-
note the prosperity of the country
Glndstonu has refuaod the request of
n section of the liberal party to modi-
y hia clnturo propooals.
Kupotts from Berlin that General
Skoboh'ff ' has buon ntrostod by order
if "tho c tr for his rocout spouoh , and
otilliii'd in Fnrtrosu Wilua. It is
ousidorcd doubtful hero.
HtiMK , Much 13. I'ho pope has.
cxiieHncd | las object ! m to the pro-
) uaud viMt of the ompuror of Austria
o thu king of Italy , if it in to tnko
ilncu at Itomo.
VIKNNA , March UTho Austrian
ovt'i'iimi'iit in about to convoke n HUHHJ'OII of tlio dolugatioiifi to
inn md a further credit liir oxpotisos
D c.irrv on Iho war in Bosnia ,
atloufcl AswKialcil I'reu
Till ! HACK 1'AY 8TII1KK.
CJIICAOO , March 13Tho ntriko on
ho Illinois Midland road has undt'd
.id . freight triiint are aijaiii moviiiu.
'ho inuii say thuy will got their back
> iy to-morrow.
CIIIUAOO , March 13. Amnsi meet-
ng of the strikers of the North Side
oiling mill hold this afternoon wan
addressed by John Pope Ilodnutt and
others during a session of four hours.
G believed a compromise will bo
effected soon. _
Iowa Women and the Buttrntfo.
) es Mulneu H' gUter ,
Well , the Iowa women who want
the suffrage have indeed won a victory
of which they may well fool proud ,
and the news of which they may bo
jardoned for sending by liuhtning to
tfother Stanton , Bister Anthony and
Cousin Phwbe , The alato sonata
agreed to the resolution , which had
iroviouoly paused tlio house , to sub-
nit a constitutional amendment to
Htriko the woid "malo" out of the
constitution , The house agreed to it
uy a strong majority , the senate by a
vote of 27 to 18 Indi-ud the staunch
friends have boon so many that we
do not sec how the ladies will bo tblo
to fuintsu thorn all with the bouquuts
that always go to the heroes in this
good caUso. The proposed amend
ment will h ve to run the
gauntlet of another legislature in two
years before going to the people for a
vote. We dislike very much to mar
the happiness of this joyous hour by
fasting so much ns a shadow of the
tiniest cloud over the bright sky now
spanning over this causo. But wo
very much fear that thin legislature i >
giving the word of promise to the ear
of the cause only for the next logis'a- '
hire to break it to its hope. Once be
fore , wo believe , thov carried the
amendment through both houses ol
ono legislatureand through the lower
house in the second , to find defeat on
the very threshhold of success by the
rofuial of the senate to approve. Vfr1
can remember wl RI a bitter disap
pointment it wo * to the women then ,
and it may bo Providence has another
such in store for them still. And yet
faint heart will never win fair lady
the ballot.
Who Will Bca" Several Pair
and Every body Hbjo They
Oomo Aoroas ,
Dandy Sharps Who Work Photo
Coloring1 , Hotoln , Boat-din ? HOUBCU
tuitl KiUlrond Rackets.
Omaha and Council Blulls have ap
patently been ftro for somti time from
thosj laud pirates , conlidonco men
and railroad sharpers , nnd the vigi
lance of tlio officers has somewhat re
laxed. Within the past few dajn ,
however , it has ticcomo known that n
new gang of tricksters and card-sharps
liavo como west for their health , nnd
have bcoi > quietly working their little
gnmos as best they could , while keepIng , -
Ing on thu lookout for larger stakes.
Tivo casua of misplaced confidence
ere reported on Saturday by arrivals
on the miturn roads. In thcso in
stances the old rnckots of n "valua
ble package , etc. , " and a fraudiilant
chuck on nn easturn house worn
worked successfully , nnd in nuither
instance wns thu victim able to find
the sharpers who had played him.
Among the "slickest" as well as
the moat successful of thcau cliapa nro
thoMi who prnctico only small dodges ,
and thereby protect thumsolves to a
great extent from punishment by BO-
voro penalties. "Throo ot u kind" of
thin stamp have been hanging around
Omaha nnd Council Bluff * for a
number of weeks , "working" both
towns to the extent of their ability
They travel under the names of Joe
Howard , Ed. Howard and Charlus
Botz , and represent themselves ns
photograph colorers. Wlutoyor
talent they may powesa in this line
of business is uncertain , bat it is cor-
that they are peculiarly skill
fill in jumping board bills , gotthn ,
money under false protpiiBOi and put
ting up schemes of various natures to
boat whomever they happen /to rui
across , rogcrdloss of . condition or
sex. In Omaha about a year
ano these same parties plei |
their numerous and respective Mta
lions and will doubtless bo romem
bored. They are pretty well knowi
also through the western country.
The game c'mnootod with the photo
graph coloring . . ( insists in beguiling
younc men , nnd women especially ,
into tlio bulief that they hnvu extraor
dinary gifts in an artistic direction ,
uld for tho'privilege of a few lessons
each is'mado" to pay nccurding to his
or her Gullibility nnd financial condi
tion. After the "artist" has
boon flittered into the opinion tlmt
iroficitiucy in Iho business has been
ittnined the "profi-wor" diimpjioirs
with his tuition fee. It is then that
ho nspirnut for nttiotio fame ditcovurs
Jiat in iralily ho or BIO knows noth-
nc except , t lint somfbody hnu been
'ooh'd , Where orders nro obtained ,
md numerous instances may bo men-
ioncd , each giver of nu order is
charged recording to the capacity to
lay and the value placed upon the
( holograph , not according to any uni-
orm rat i for the work required to
color the picture.
When business is slack in the pic-
nro line those dandy sharps resort to
ithor schemes for raising .tho wind.
During a recent stay in Omilm of six
r seven woolts the three pirtios
nuni'd changed lodjring nnd boarding
ilai-i'U four tim -s and in each instnuco
ini stnted to have left their bills un-
laid. Among ether things , they put
ip n "dcy Koods box" uamo on a cer-
ain inerohnnt in this city , from which
h v ro.i'i/.ed ' 810.
The box hiokud well from thu out-
ido , but upon lining emptied
ouiid to contain , bomclh few Inyars
it cloth , only worOih-ii. rnj.'j. In the
n'nnlimo tlm b"'U U kor ( f the trio
who Imd obtniiid'l thu ' boo Ho" skiji-
ped for Io and his pirtrn ra in
rioknry full' vcd him. In Council
Jlulli they victimized Mis , lilia'x ,
who kcopa n b urding house on First
VPIIUO in that oity , for several weeks
nurd , nnd "work d" other parties in
arious ways ,
Tnko it all in all , the ways of these
onfidonco chaps are devious and pist
lading out , and the loss tlio publjo
mvo to do with men of their smooth
ongues and polished address tlio moro
nonuy the sumo trusting public will
lave to use for other purposes.
Another Pedestrian Contest.
National AnDOcUUxl Prou.
OIUOAUO , March 13. Parnon Davies -
vies is making arrangements for n
grand pedestrian contest to take place
it the exposition building in this city
n May , in which will outer Frank
Hart , Harry Vaughn , Pete Punch-
otte , John Huyhoa , and possibly Nore-
nno , Sullivan , Vint ana others.
National Awoclitcd 1'rciy.
WARIIINOTON , March 14. For the
lower Missouri valley : Warmor7 fair
wcuthor , southwest to southeast
winds , and falling buromotor.
Now Spring Goods in Suite , Cos
tumes , Mantles , Dolmans and Jackets -
ets , at Olms. McDonald's Ladies' Em
porium of Fashion , 1408 Farnham
ThoM , E , Church Sratk Divided
Against Itself ,
Sonoation Oroatod by a Soath-
orn Member of the Minis-
tore' Oonferonco ,
Who Declares the Loaders are
Busy Preparing Per Another -
ether Conflict ,
And Would RO to WflrTo-Mor.
row if Tboy Thought They
Gould Succeed.
StnriUoR Stntcmont From an Un-
c.xpoottd Source.
Nutlonnl A vclilcd TrcM.
I'uiLAiii'.i.riiiA , irarch 13. A son-
Ration was created at tlio mooting of
Methodist Ministers' association to-
dny by the speech of Oolo.iol J. G.
Hryaut , of Atlanta , Ga. Ho said the
lost can so was still alive in the south
ern states .md was bcini ; pushed sys
tematically. Tlio Southern Historical
society at Richmond was the nucleus
around which its adherents were now
rallying. The Methodist Episcopal
Church Southr who are trying to or
ganize colored men out of their ranks
into n Boptrato bed } ' , would go to war
to-morrow if they thought they could
succeed ; consequently tlio two bodies
nf tlio Methodists Smith , ono about
80,000 , loyal , the other representing
the rebellion , about 700,000 strong ,
can no more unite than oil nnd water.
The lenders are to day as busy pre
paring for another rebellion as they
worn bi > fnre the last and when north-
urn influence has given nut in the
south , it is only a quot'ioii ' of time
when the whole colored population as
well nn the white will bo a unit against
the north.
nnt Maion-
NatlonM Aiwociatwl I'rum
WASHINGTON , March 13. It is bo-
linvnd that the president will pardon
Mnvm on the ground of being insane
at the timrTof the shooting.
BUFFALO , March 13.A petition
was circulated hero this afternoon ask
ing the ptcsident to commute the sen
tence of Sergeant Mason , and was
largely signed. The expression was
universal that the sentence is too se
SrniNaFiELD , III. , Miroh 13 Pe
titions Ivivo boon circulated here to
day , and extensively signed , among
all classes , asking the president to
pardon Sergeant Mason. The petition
sots forth that for all practical pur
poses the demands of justice have al
ready been satisfied , nnd the conoral
requirements of military discipline at
tained by the prompt und conspicu
ously impartial trial by the court mar
CnioAoo , Marph 13. The Union
Veteran club and the Nineteenth Il
linois veterans this evening pissed a.
resolution petitioning the president
and orotary of war to sot aside the
verdict against Mason.
Thr Floods.
National Awclntod I'retu.
NHIY OLKA.NS , March 13 A. dastardly -
tardly attempt was made Saturday
night to cut the levee within the city
limits. On Sunday a timely discov
ery was made. The cut was filled
und an ovoi flow of a largo portion of
the city waa prevented. The per
petrators are notyot dfscoverod.
WASHINGTON , March 13 Govern
ment steamers nro distributing sup
plies along the Mississippi. The state
: omniissioners have boon requested
0 report if supplies on hand for
Mississippi , Tennessee and Arkansas ,
will last till the 20th inst. Fivo-
1 mid red thouaind rations nro ru-
quested from New Orloann , 26,000
wuro Rent to Mound City , Ills. , and
10,000 to Kentucky , where 600 poo-
do are BuUoring. Further nppropri-
itions arooxpuotod from cotisrrow.
Registrar Bruce has received a lot-
.or from Greonvillp , Miss. , showing
in appalling stnto of allairs and com-
ilnints that relief sent to Vickiburg
loua not promptly roach the sulLtrord.
- - * ww IV
Bouils for n Railroad.
'illona ! At onattd'ran. \ .
WIUIIITA , KM. , Mirch 13. The
coiin'y n'lmmisai'inors of Ilarvoy
ominty h t/i ( just iiinv.M id the vote
of the o1 i ) ity mi the locunt propoai-
ion t i HI 1 thH S' , L utiH , Ft Scott &
Vioht'.i mi I o i ncoouut of allowed
fv.u 1 ilent , VD'OJ cant by employees of
lui Santn. l < 'o load. The votes of
iodgowick Ciiy , and \Val-
011 were throvvr. out , ' 1'lioy declare
he bonds carrioil by 750 majority.
L'ho Santa Fo company say they will
take the matter into the courts and
irevont the issuing of bonds by a
nandamus. _
Marino latelligenoe.
National AsuocUtod Preu.
NEW 5TORK , March 13. Arrived
The Uolgonland from Antwerp , the
Newport and the Nankin from Ha
HAVUE , March 13 , Arrived
On the 12th , the Labrador from Now
Sailed The Vaudalia , from Ham
burg , for Now York.
LJVKIU'OOL , March 13. - Arrived
Thq lialtic , from New York
PLYMOUTH , March 13. A'rrivod
The Oimbria , from New York , fur
Hamburg. _
National Associated I'rekK
WATT JUNCTION , N , B. , March 13.
tSamuol Llndaa , aged 30 , temporar
ily insane , became financially embar
rassed and attempted in the presence
of hia'family to blow his brains out ,
but was prevented by his wife. Ho
then drew a razor and cut his threat ,
dying in a few minutes ,