Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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YORK , March 10.
Money closed at G per cent.
JCxclmnge closed firm nt 4 82@4 90 } .
'Governments closed strong ,
! , , vl(03
SVOontinued 1 OM bid
4' couponsii..1 18 $ bid
< 4' coupons 1 132 bid
V . .Currency li'a 1 25 bid
The eto k market WAS active all the
-morning and toma large blocks of stocks
-changed hands , but at noon a large per *
lion of Uic morning advance WAS loqt ,
The tendency of the market was down *
ward. Louisville and Nashville reacted
from 774 tii 74 , and the reet of the list J@
Jjj per cent.
'Following are the closing bids ,
WesternUnion. 77J E&W 20
NYO 12L Northwestern..130
Nor. Pacific. . . . 30. Preferrel..l39
Cl' 8'.i ' PacMalL 40
A & TH 24 Heading f > 7 ,
c& A 127 S Fj > reterred. . . 40 :
D lid. W 121 St. 1'aul 109 :
Erie S3j Wabash 32 ]
Kan Tcx 23j 1'rcfeired. . . . GO ;
CHICAGO , Mnrch 10.
Preston , Koan & Co , lankorj , quote
money on call , UnlUd States bonJs for
collateral , steady at 5 per cent. , and other
caah collaterals at G per cent , , and dc-
tna id for money dull.
Ea tcrn exchange between city banks
CO to 75 cents per $1,000.
The clearings for the day were $3,047-
.SVs Extended sixes 100 }
-4k'a Coupons i 113J
4rs Coupons 118
Minnesota 4 j's * 100J
Choice city and county bonds of western
states are taken by investors to pay them
4J@5 per cent , and interest. School and
town bonds at 5@5j per cent , , and tlio
X oakod prices for Chicago city and Cook
county foreign exten led , Ac , , are as fol
lows :
Chicago 4J's * 107i
Cook cou ty5's K9i
, do7a , 892 121
Stalling sight 4B9i
Preferred , CO d-iya : , .436
C. B. &Q. 4' 83
"Waliash 5s S3
* And interest.
Omaha Wholesale Marlcot.
Friday Evening , March 10 , I
To-day's changes in the market are as
'follows :
WheatJNo. 2 advanced Jc ; No. 3 , Jc ; re
jected , Ic.
Corn advanced 2Jc.
Oats advanced Ic.
Produce receipts are reported somewhat
Increased oyer the last few days.
Local Grain Dealing *
WTTEAT.-Cash No' 2. 1 08@1 llj ;
-ca h N i. ' , 89c ; rejected , GGc.
bARLEY. Cash , No. 2 , 88c ; No. P ,
33. .
If T ? f1 'n fl7rt
CORtt Cosh No. 2 ; 47Jc.
STREET PRICES-Coni,60@45oatB ; ,
M AY $6 CO@G 60 per ton. '
TFLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade.
" 325@350 ; "Pioneer" California , 8400 ;
patent , $3 76@4 CO ; winter wheat straight
grade $3 85@4 25 ; patent , 54 505 00 ; gra
ham rye , 82 50 ; Wheat , $3 00 ; Queen
"Bee. 84 25 ; Jasper , $3 87 ; Big Sioux ,
S3 CO.
RYE FLOUR $3 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 1 10
\ . per ton , 10 00@17.00 ; icreenings , per cwt.
BOc ; shorts , per owt 1.10 ; chopped feed ,
, psr cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ;
white. 81 60.
° OTATOES Nebraskos , 115@1 20.
iSWBET POTATOES Genuine Musca-
i'fne.4 @ 5c per Ib.
WILD GEESE Out of market.
. ' "EGGS ] 7c.
* * lJiT.I"kIv Cnoic6 , 35 ; poor , no market -
ket : fair. 18@24 ; creamery , 40.
APPLES Good , sound , very scarce
t 85 50@6 CO per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , 24 25 ©
ORANGES-per box 4 00@4 25.
MALLAGA ORAPES-Per bbl.,88 50 ;
per half bbl. , $4 60.
JiBEESWAX Yellow , 20@22o.
cONIONS 1 10@1 40 perbushel :
CRANBERRIES Per bbl. , 810 00 ®
x ill CO.
/CELERY Per doz. , G5@70o.
JBRESSED GEESE Per Ib , , 9@llc.
OYSTERS Selects , 45c ; standards , 35c.
Mediums 25c ,
OHEESE-10 < ai4o.
JJ8 25 a 9 00.
Qrocen List.
COFFEE. Rio , fair , lljc : Rio , good
" 12tc ; Rio , prime to choice , ISJo ; Old gov't
Java ; 2Gi@281c , Mooba , 28 c ; Arbucklo'e ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , gooej. 45@55o
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@l5a !
Choice , G0h(75c ( ( ; Young Ilyson , good , 3G@
It. ; 50c ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
* 85c ; Japan , choice , G0@7fie ; Oolong , gaud ,
ia5@40j' Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
d.3r > @i40c : choice , 35@45c.
SUGARS. Cut loaf. 'lOic ; Crushed
lOJc ; Granulated , lOlc ; Powdered , lOJn
Kinepowdercd , IDJc ; Standard Coffee A ;
Sic ; New York Coufcctioner'a Standard
A , 93c ; Good A , ilio ; Prairie Extra 0 ,
So ,
SYRUPS. Sngftr house , bbls. 45c : half
< bls , 47ckeB8 ; , 4 gallonB , 82 10 ; choice
'table ynip , 44c ; halfbblfl , 44c ; kegH,82 10.
8plA.-DwiRht'g Ib papers , 83 00 ; Do-
land do , 83 00 ; Church's , $3 00 ; Keg noda ,
' 8TAROfI-PoarJ , 4o ; Silver Gloss , 8J
S8c ; Corn Starch , 8J@'Jc ; Hxcelsior
G'n ' . 7c : f'orn , 7Jo ,
dALT. IJuvy loailH. per l bl , 1 8" ) ; AKlr
.ton , hi sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , la , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy , 100. 33 , 365.
DRIED KRUm-OhoIre halves
.evaporated peachcsjc : Salt Lake lOicsvap.
crated Il > boxes , 13lc ; Michigan , 7Jcj New
York apples , 7ic ; Prunes , old , 6 c ; new.
,7Jc ; Onrrants. 6J7 : niLckberrics , new ,
"CHEESE Full Cream , 14c ; Part
Skim Hie.
WOODENWARE Two hoop pail *
1 95 ; three hoop palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubi
9 50 ; No. 2 tuba- 50 : No. 3 tubs. 7 60
pioneer w&shboardB , 1 85 Double Crewn
590 ; Well buckets , 325. '
LEAD-Bar , 81 65.
SPICES. Pepiwr , | 19 ; Albpice , 19c ;
iO lovea , 40c ; Nutmeg , 81 00 ; 25cCaunu ;
Aface 8100.
MATOHES-Per caddie , fXo ) ; round
canes , 87.65 ; square CIIKM. 85.10 ,
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12U
aholce lard , 14ici dried beef , 13Jc ; ihould-
era , Oc : ba > ns , IHc ; bacon , sides , lie.
NEW PIOKLES-Medlutn , In barrel. ,
(9 00 ; do In half Mils , 6 25 ; emails. In bbl ,
12 00 do , In half bbls. 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bbla. 14 00 ; do , In half bhls , 7 50 ,
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lOci
jmru apple , ISc : PniBuinur wire aunle , lOc.
IfOMINY-New , 83 00 per bbl.
11EANS Medium , hand picked $1 20
per bushel ; navy , 81 00 ; cMef nnvy , $4 00
llOPE-Sisftl , i Inch und Urg.r , 8 ®
Ooiihich , 9c.
SOAPS Kirk's Snvon ImperiM , 330 ;
Kirk's satin , 13 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 G5 ;
Kirk'a whi Russian , 500 : Kirk's
Eutocft. 20 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cftWn ) , JO : Kirk's rnivgnollft , 4 65 ®
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi ox , 8s ,
lGcboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , G , IGc ,
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 840 :
Western , 2 7u ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
POTASII Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In CMio ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case , 160.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
new , 80 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
now , 87 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
M alfa clover , new , 812 50 ; nlsike , now ,
81300. Timothy , good , new , 83 00 ;
blue gras * . extra clean , 8160 ; blue grans ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , § 2 60 : red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet. German , $1 00 to 81 2o ;
Hungarian. SOo.
IIEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushel * , ? 5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over. 84 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 85c ; per
100 Ibs. , S25 00.
FIS J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
8 75 ; A'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , G 70 ;
No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib klU , 110 ; family
10 Ib kits , 83oj New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum
bia rher salmonper 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen , boneless codfish ;
9ic ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
MAOKEKEIi Half bbls messmockerel ,
100 Ibs , 812 CO ! hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , 8.GO . ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 601'm ; 3 mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 225 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib dn , I 50 : No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family. 10 Ib do 76c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 11
( Field's ) , nor case , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 60 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
j GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , j > cr case. 2 30 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per cane , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per cose , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , ]
Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
2 05. Sardines , small fsh , imported , one'
quarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American ,
quarter boxes rcr box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21Jo. Lobstew , 1 lt > per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 8 Ib per
cose , [ 3 HO ; Corn. 2 Ib ( Mountain )
cose , 3 20 ; soaked com , ' 2 10 ; do
rr Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 33) ) ;
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 25.
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
2 80 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 76 :
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case. 2 75(5)3 ( ) 00.
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 CO.
Grpen gagcs,2 Ib per case , 3 CO : do choice , 0
Ib per case,4 60. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case. 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , G 00@6 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
case.385 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 7@8e ; LouUIann , 7
< S81c ; fair , G@GJ1.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten
nessee , 9cpcr Ib ; fancy white , lOc per Ib ;
ra'v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roosted ,
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , SJJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Clnttenango A. GJc ; Ureat Falls E ,
81c ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 7Jc ; In
dian Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8c ; Indian Orchard d , w. , SJcj Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 74o ; Pcquot A , 8jc ;
Shawinut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 6c ; Wachus-
ett B , 7jc ; do A , SJc ; do E 48 , 12Jc ; Wai-
cett BB , 8Jc.
4-4 ; 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Atlantic LL , Gic ; Badger Stat ( X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-4 , OJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6 jcc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8ic : Laconia O
39 , 8Jc ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-4.
lOc ; Pepnerell N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do R
36 , 7c ; do E 39. Sic ; Pocasset O 4-4 , 7c ;
Kin L 4-4,10cBlackstoneA ; A in perial 9c ;
do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4 , 83 ;
Fidelity4-4 , 94cFruit ; of th Loom , 11 ; do
can.bro4-4,13cdo ! ; Water TwiBt,10ioGreat ;
Falls Q , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4,12'c :
Lonwlale , lOic ; do cambriu 37 , 13c ; New
York Mills. 13c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperell
N G Twills , 124e ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 94c ;
PocoBsct 4-4 , 84c ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS TTnbleachod Atlantic , 10 o '
17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8 or. ,
12c : Savxpe. 18c.
DUCKS ( Colered ) Alb my E brown.
8c ; do O , i Irak lie : do XA , stripes and
plaids , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Brunswick brown , 840 ; Chariot fancy ,
124c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A
brown , 13c : Neponset A brown , 15o.
TICKINGS Am oskeag A C A 32
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanna ,
94c ; Claremont B B , 15Jc : Conestoga ex
tra , 174c ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lewiston A
30 , 16c ; Minnehoha 4-4. 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32. ICjc ; Putnam -
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Sbetucket S
lOJo ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 84c
DENIMS , Amoskeak , blue and brown
lG4c ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; Arlington
blue Scotch , ISJcj Concord OOO , blue and
brown , 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXX
do do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , ,
OJc ; Mystic River DD stripe , 104c ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , 15jc ; Uncasvllle ,
blue and brown , 13Jc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 54o ; Eddystone
lining , 24 inch double face , 8jc ; Garner A
glazed , Bo : Manhattan glove finish , CJc ;
Newport do Gc ; do glazed , CJc ; Pequot do
6c ; Lbckwood kid finish , Gc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros- ;
coggin satteen , 8Jo ; Clarendcti , Gjc ; Conestoga -
toga Hatteens , 7ic : Hallowel , Be ; Indian
Orchard improved , 74cNarr ; > gansett , 74c ;
Pepperill sattwn 9in ; Rockport , 7o.
PRINTS- Aliens , 64o : American , Gjo ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Sc ; Coclicco , To ;
Coneatoga. Gic ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
G4@7c ; Eddystone. 7c : Gloucester , Gc ;
Harmony , 54c ; Knickerbocker , C4u ; Mer-
rlmao D. 7c ; Mystic , 64e ; Sprapnes , Gc ;
Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro -
bore , 5Sc : Oriental G4c.
GINGIIAMS-Aiw'gkcag , 104c ; Amos-
keag dress 12 J.1 Argyle , lOJo ; Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 7ic ; Highland , 8tc ;
Kenilworth , 840 ; Plun kett , 104b ; Sus
sex. 8c.
COTTONADES Abberville ISJc ;
Agate. ' Oc ; American , llo ; Artialan , 20o ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jo ; Clarion D' and T ,
17jc ; Deccan Co.stripeaDandT.lGc ; Key-
stonu , 134c ; Nentuuket , lOo ; Nonpareil ,
IGo ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc ; Royal , 10J i ;
Subsex , 12c ; Tioga. 124c ; Waclmsott nhirt-
in jheoks. 124c ; do , Nankin , ISJc ; York.
plain Nankin. 12Jc ; do , checks , etripes and
fancy , 12Acj do , 8 oz , 20c.
do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22cj Continental ' 0
'J '
7-4 , 19c : do 4U" , ICb ; Penperon' 90 , " 29c ;
do 67 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 00 35c ; do
58 , 22io ; ao48 , 17o
Glgart nd Tobaccoi.
CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
$ ? " 5.00 ; Mivfid , M5.00 ; Snod llnv/ma ,
8&0.00 ; Olearllavaim , $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glo ; Our Rope ,
fine quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 21
Ib , butts , COc ; Horse Shoe , pounds ,
21 Ib , butts , GOc ; Glt ! Edge !
pounds , 21 Ib , butts , ( X ) ; Army and Navy ,
jHJunds , 65c ; Bullion , jwunds , GOc ; Ixiril.
lard's Climax , pounds , Glo ,
FINE CUT In palls. Hard to Beat ,
75c ; Golden Throw ! , 70o ; Fountain , 80oj
Favorite , G5c ; Itocky Mountain , Wo ;
Fancy , C5c ; Dainy , 60c. In tin foil
Oatlinn O. 8. , 5 Ib boxen , per H'G3c ; Lori-
Illard'o Tiirer , G5c ; Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All grodus Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated Islackwells Duiham , 1C
oz51o ; Dukes Durham , 1ft oz , 60c { 'Seal of
North Carolina. 1G oz , 1G ; Beal of Nebnu.
ka , 1C oz , SSc' JKiie Jack , 4 oz , linen bagH
perlb , 51.35 ; MarburK * Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 6 5o ; Dog Tail , t > 5c.
Palnti Old and Varnlthei.
PAINTS IN Oil/ White lead , Omaha
P. P. , CJc ; white lead , O.P.4,0 Co .RP.Ci
pureG ; Man > 4lllesgrcen , Itto 5 Ib cans , 20c
French zinc , ( nsin * e l. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French Tine , in varnish MSI ,
20c ; French rlnco , In oil a-ist , ICoj Raw
ana burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13. ;
refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black , l ° c ;
l ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. & D. , 14o : P.xrlg green. 18o ;
Indian red , 16c : Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan
tlrb , 22c ; American Vcrmllloil , I. & P , , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D 0. , 18o ;
vellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , lr ; patent
Dryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak , darken
on C , walnut , chestnut and tub 12o
Dry ° alnts
White IcAtl , Gic ; French line. lOc ; Paris
whltelng 2jcj whiting pilders , IJc ;
vhltlng com1 ! , lie ) lampblack German.
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; I'nw-
sian blue , 45c ; nltramarinc , leo ; vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , ( burnt , 4cj umber , raw ,
tcslcnna ; , burn t , 4c ; eiennn , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Pnria grcew Com'l
< 25a ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; vermtlllon , Eng , , 70o ; vermillion -
million , America , * 18c ; Indian rod. lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
' o : Venetian red Am. , 13cj red lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20oi chrome yel
low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochcllo , 3c ; ocnre ,
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , IJcj
Winter's mineral. 2Je ; lehigh b o vn. 2Jo :
Spanish brown , 2&c & ; I'rJnco's mineral So ;
VARNlSHES-Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
81 ; furniture , U. 85c ; coach , extra , 81 40j
Coach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 60 ; Japan.
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , S'l 50 : fmrd
oil finWi. 81 30
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 1 1 Jc ; 160
headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 17 < * > * lieiulltght ,
per gallon , IGJc ; crystallite , per gallon , 19c ;
linseed , riw , per gallon , 02 ; Unseed , boiled ,
per gallon , G5c ; lard , winter st VI , per gal-
lonv 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , C."o : castor ,
XXX. pr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 li > : Hweet ,
per gallon , 85ot sperm , W. B. per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; ncatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri-
eating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 15c ;
o'dcn inacblno , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , SO : sperm , signal , ] > er gallon , 80o : ter-
pcntine , per gallon , GJc ; iinptha , 74 , per
gallon , SOo ; 61 , 20o
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rotes , 83 40 ; plow steel , special
cost , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; i-peciaU > rGprmanGc ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , Bet.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 7Co ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c : rivets , per Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , So ;
iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 35 ;
Burden's muleshocs , G 35 ,
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75
Cd , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , C 00 : 3d ,
fine , G 60 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; ( id , casing ,
475 : 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
finish , 4 76 ; 8d finish , 6 00 ; Gd finish , C 25
half kecs , lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , 81.83 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 8G.40 : do. , half
kcga. 53.48 : do. , quarter kegs , § 1.88 ; Blast
ing koCT. < : Fuse , ner 100 feet COc.
BAi BED WIDE In car lots.8 30 per
100 ; in loss than car lot , 8 65 per 10J.
Horses and Mules ,
The market is brisk and all grades are
selling well at n < ilielit advance in pi ices.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices range as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common drait
horses , 8100. to 150. : Extra farm horses ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
890. to 8100. ; Extra plugi , 8GO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , 820. to S40.
MULES. 15 to 16J hands ( extra ) , 8125.
to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 14 | hands , 876. to 100. ; 134 to 14
hands , 500. to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 230 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 , proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits.
187 proof 1 24 per proof ( ration ; re-distilled
Y kittles , 100@1EU ; fine blended , 1 60@
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; K-n-
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imparted , $ U 00@1600 ;
domestic 1 404 00.
GINS Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; domestic ,
1 403 00.
RUMS Imported , ' 4 50@6 00 ; New
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 50 °
i 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imrorted per cose ,
260031 0Am3T ! j , case , 1200 ®
1800 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00
WINES Rhine wine , per case , C 00@
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
We , quote lumbar , lath and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following price * :
under , $21 ( < 0 ; 18 ft. , $22 00.
TIMBKRS-10 ft. and under. 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ftV823 } 00 ;
20 ft. , S24 00 ; 22 ft. , 827 CO ; 21 ft * $27 50.
FENUING No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 822 00 ;
No. 2. 820 no.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
board * ) S18 60 ; No , 2 , 817 00 ,
STOCK ! BOARDS , 12-in. D , 823 00 ;
12-in. C. 835 00 ; 12-1n , B , S40 00.
SIDING A , 821 03 ; B , 821 00 ; 0 ,
FLOORING , 840 00 ; B , $37 CO ; C ,
$32 00 ; D. 823 00.
SHINGLES No. 1 , 81 76 ; 6-in. clear ,
82 75 ; star , S3 25 ; extra A , $4 00.
LATH No. 1 , 83 60.
SHIP LAP-Plaln , 823 00 ; O. G. Nor
2 , 824 00 : O. G. No. 1 , 835 00.
OEILING-l-in. No. 3 , 82500 ; J-in
No. 2. 837 00 ; 2-in. No. 1 , M2 60 ,
FINISH ING-l-in. No. 3 , 837 50 ; Lin.
No 2 . 50 1-in. No 1
Ill & , 813 UVt J"1II Al J , SIB 60.
THICK TINISII-S18 00@ ! > 5 00 , ,
T A R RE D FE LT Per 1 b , 3s. '
STRAW BOARD-Per id , 3c.
OulldlrR Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk perbn , ,
35c. Cement , bbl , 82 CO. Iowa planter ,
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Taried
felt 100 Ilia , 83 M ) . Straw board , . 84 CO
PAPER Straw paper , SVo ; rog paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manlla paper , IOcj
news paper. 80 ,
COA1 , Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
Morris Run Blosnlrarg , gl'J ; Whitcbreaat
ump , 80 f 0 ; Whitebrcost nut. ? 0 f 0 ; Iowa
.map . , $0 50 ; Iowa nut § G 60 ; Rock Springs ,
88 ; Anthracite , all sizes , 812 00@12 50.
Jarbolic , COc ; Acid , Tartarlc. We ; Baluam
3opaba ! , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , Hunnafnui , pe
li , 1 Ic ; . Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonldm ,
per o$100 : Chlorofonn , per Ib. 100 ;
Do\er's powdera , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epson. I
salts , per Ib. SJc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
45c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 2lc ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per rfal , fl 30 ;
Oil , C'oBtor , No , 8 , | -r n' ' . PI / . ; Oil
LHl\f , cut < 1 frl fi > \ ' \i \ I I ( . < .IIIIHI , r > 0i
Opium , STt - t , ihiiu./ii , i1 , < 4. Nv . i , 1. , & H. ,
i > er at , b'2l | j I'litaB ium , hulldi' , pur Ibj
5235 ; Balucm , per or , 40o : Hulplmtu of
Morpliine , iior oz. $4 00 ; Sulphur flour ,
per Ib , 44c ; Slrvchi.lne. tier oz , 81 CO ,
Mi rlno unwashed , llplit , 1lf81Goj ( licovy ,
13@Uc ; medium unwiuhud , llglit , lb@,2Cc ;
washed , choice , 3'2c : fair , SOc ; tub-dingy
and w. , 28c ; hurry , blackand cotted woou
2@Uc tens
Hides f-urs , Etc.
HIUKS l.reiin butcher's hide , ; 01@7o
cured 71 c ; hides , green salt , port cured 7o
hides , Gic ; dry flint , Hound , 13 < tf,14c ; diy '
calf and kip , 1 2(3,1. ( 1c ; dry salt hides , Hountl , <
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 ft * . . c ; 4
green calf , wt , under 8 llw , pur skin , Wo ; 4
Kroen i > elt8 , 50@$1 25 ; green lamb Mm ,
81 1C125 ; damaged hides , two-thlnl rate ,
cut scored and one grub , classed two-
tllrds rate , ) branded Wiles 10 ier e iit. til ,
Coouiklni , No , 1 , 4 ; No. 2 , 0c ; No , 3 ,
'J0 < ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1. 0c ; No. 2
30o ; No. 8 , 15ci No. 4 , Co. For , No. 1
GOc ; No. 2,25a Hkunk , No. 1 , blwk !
C5cj nhort Btrltx ) , 40n : narrow atvipa 'irc ;
truad Btripe , lOo. 'fallow , Gc ,
Oak dole , 38o to 4i'c ; hemlock see ! , 28o to
36c ; hemlock kip. Ma to 1 00 ; runner , 7
G5o to bOc ; hemloik calf , 8'u to 120 ; him.
lock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak uj per , 21o ;
Alligator. 4 00 to CO ; cilf kid , 3Jc
Grciten kid. 2 60 to 275 ; oak kip , HOe to
100 ; oak calf. 120 to 13' ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 5r ; F ench cilf , 1 25 to 2 01 ; rm-
wtts. 5 60 to 7 60 ; lining , 0 00 to 8 60 ;
top Ings , 9 1 0 to 10 CO : B L , Moroccn , SOo
to 35c ; pehblo O. I ) . Morocco , 35c ; ninion ,
HARNESS-NO , i f.t rok , 43c ; NO 2
d.i , 40c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 4t'c : No. 2 do ,
37c ; No. 1 Milwftukef33c } N . 2d - , 3Gc.
Council Binfffc Mnrhnt.
Flour Crjotol Mills Golden Sheaf ,
300 ; CallfomU Purekft , patent , 38 ; best
brand of Kn a , 3f > 0fc3 DO ; Kntws and
Missouri flour , 3 60@4 25) ) graham , 8 70 ;
rye flour , 3 40.
Bran and Shorts IB 00 pet ton
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat-No. 2 , 8112t ir > ; No. 3 , ? 2j ;
rcjctod , 62o.
Corn CO.
Oats No. 2 , 40cj rejcctoil , 35c.
Barley No. 2. 90o ; No. 3 , 75o ,
Hay L.MHO , 5 00@C 00.
Wood-5 60S ( ) 7 00.
Live Hoga 5 25@5 75.
Cattle-Hhltming , 4 00@5 00 ; milch
cows 30 00@45 00 J > r heads butcher *
Block , 3 00@3 60.
Sheet ) 3 75@4 25.
Ollliles 5cj OS hides , 7c.
Wool ir @V5.
Butter Creamery , SOo ; In rolla , wrai-
l > ed , 2oc : mils not wrapped , 20.mlxcd ;
co OTV. 1520o.
Eggs Packed , lOc ; fro h , 12Jc .
Potatoes 1 10@1 30 ; Salt Lake , I CO.
Onions 1 25Ca 140.
Dressed Poultry Chicken" , lOcj duckf ,
lOc ; gctse , 80 ; tur ev , I24c.
Live Chickens 2 25 per
Oillc.Mio. Mirch 10 ,
Flour Dull ; a few stray lots wt-re taken
but not much dilnc : coinmoii tit clioiut
wontotn spring , 4 60@6 50 ; Minnesota ,
500@7tO ; patents U 7f > @S 'r > ; winter
who it , 4 5'iaOOO. ' (
Wheit For No. 2 Rjiiing the market
was quiet and ncttvo but tiadlng i-eutero 1
prlnoipally in the more deferred futuren ,
with none diing moro thnn oiunl. In
teller Juno tlio feeling de\elupid wai
stronger and pricoi further udtancedall
round , with the Improvrcmcnt most
marked in .1 uno 411 1 July ilelKoryjjpecul.
l\o [ influences were ogaln the lower and
nhor's gen-rally anxiotu t > provulu for
their out ' .jli'Unpt contract" . The mirkut
openo 1 about | © lo holier anil will ] some
fluctuations uilvanccd an additional ] jc
for May , 21s24o ( for June , and 'JiiJc !
for July ; receded a trifle , hint hually
clostd about 1 Jo hlglirr to-- April , lie fr
May , 2Jc higher for Jtiuu , aii < l Ijo li glier
for July , on reisulur lioanl Mid on call
at 1 291 f"r Mnrrh ; 1 : i2 for Auril ;
1 24 § for Maj ; 1 ! i \ > , r June ; 1 174 for
JuU101i10J fui the ; r.juuted ,
Corn A fair sp dilative I inines re-
po ted , anil the ftelihc una himur and
piic'x \\cro ndviiine.i ] ( ago aiid tlio im
provement \vns m < derutvlyell inniu-
taineil. The dlTeriuici uru quite l.berul
and tliu ilemunil to hi Him ts fairly iiutivo ;
on call No. 2 clo d at o91 for M r li ; G4c
for Apr I ; G44 fur MIIJ ; IM it4 ii for
June ; C4 c for July ; reject o , tiUjjj.Ulc. (
Ont < 1' inner und demand good , with
offuringH moderate ; No 2 cloud ntlie
for iMutci41iu ! for April ; 43jc for May ;
42c for .lime. '
Rj e Quiet ; no demand ; No. 2 , 780c ! )
for April.
Barley-Entirtly lost ; No. 2 , 1 00 cath ;
No. 3 , 7 to for March and April.
1'oik Fairly active and higher ; me s
closed at 1C GO ® 10 GD for cr.tli ; 1C 55
for April ; 1C 81) ) for May ; 17 12J for Jui e ;
17 22J f > i July ; 15 f.O for the year ,
Lard Steady at a higher ian0'e , closing
atl03o@10374 for cnshLO ; 40 fur June ;
10 75 for July.
Bulk MeaU Active cud firm ; chart
ribs , 0 00(2,9 ( 10 for cash ; U 95 for Maich ;
OKI for April ; 920 for Ma > ; 930 for
June ; 9 374 for July.
Whisk ) -Quiet at 118.
Butter Dull and Mow ; crcameiy , choice
to fair , 18c ; fancv , 38@lOo ; fair to good , 32
@ 57 ; dairv , clioice to tancy , 30@3JL ; lair
to RO'd , 25@i'0c.
Eggs--The receipts were larger and the
demand moderate ; maiket eat > yatl8@19c
per dozen for strictly iresh.
Reo'ts. Shlpm'ts
Flour . lVf,18G 14,937
Wheat . 9,447 8.0JO
Com . , . 37,412 02,591
Oats . 39,026 41.7M5
Rye . 4,808 5,121
Barley. . . . . . . . 20.474 10.C97
Cbioago Iiivo Stoolc
CHIOAOO , March 10.
The Drover's Journal teports as follows :
Hoga Receipt * , 7,000 houd. Market
more satisfactory and huslnesa fairly ac-
tUo tluoughout. Cimuuun to good mixed ,
C 90@6 40 ; heavy packing and chipping
higher and stronger ; ( ales of fat packing
at 5 G5@5 75 ; clu ice heavy uliipiIng
droves at G 7C@7 (0 ; 1 ght ln > gs in good
demand and hiuher ; nearly all Bold ; prices
ranged at 5 90@G 40 ; skip ] und culls ac-
Cattle Receipts , 3,500 head ; ship.
piki ing cattle were active and strong- and all
ki inds of gocd beeves commanded firm
rales ; cojimon to fair qualities , while not
quotably higlier. weru mu' h easier sold ;
common to fair aliii pinf , 5 15@5 40 ; good ,
5 45@5 80 ; choice , C 85(0.6 ( 25 ; export , G 30 ;
mixed butcher ock fairly satisfactury ,
and trading was in. live at Rtion prices on
good to choice drovers , whllo the UBS de-
virablo kinds were faiily active and held at
Hteidy prices ; stock cnwe , 250@4 75 ;
bullu , 3 ' ' 0@n 00 ; steera , 4 90@5 35 ; stock-
era and feedtrH in fair i-upply itnddemund ;
ch-'ice - gradeii especially wanted ; Htockem ,
3 3U@i CO ; feeiiem , I 60@5 20.
She j ) Receipt1.400 head. Market
talily odhe nnu uteady. Common , 4 . ' 0 ;
fair , 4 tO4 95 : medium , C 00D30 ( ; good ,
B 40@5 GO ; choiie , C C05 ( 90.
NewXorlc J rodnoa
NKW YOHK , March 10 ,
Flour Storidy and quiet ,
Wheat-No. 2 icd , 1 24@1 33i ; No. 3
white , 1 28 ; No. 2 red , for April , 1 3 @
1344 ; for Aluy , 13 1344 ; for June ,
Corn Opened J@Jo higher , but closed
weak with pirt of the advance lost : tin-
jrnded mixed , G8@72c ; No , 3 , G'J47Uc ;
steamer mixed 7lli(7J ( ( ; No , 2 white. 80o ;
No. 2 mixed , lor March , 7i'lo ' ; for April ,
Rya-Qul t iiml steady at Sl Blc.
Barley Dull ; No. 3 western , BGo.
Pork Quit t ' ut v ery Htrong ; new Hjmt
me H , 174DO/)1760 ,
Liird Htion ; ? , tctivoand higher ; 100.4
for cath ; 10 GO fnr March.
I'utroleuin Wc.ilc and nominal ; United ,
79.jc ; orudj in liarrela , 02ffl73i ( ; ; refined in
jui rein , 7Jo abkcd.
Dry Goods Mnrlrot.
NKW YOIIK , Match 1" ,
Then1 Ii Int ; u nmHtuiitlnM of mtltjtv
Intfl ) i > i Iy in j'-'iijinj ' , ' bruiilifH ol
ti.idf , liir u fulc of pi i tMuud Jopartiiient
I'ooilti littva been made by | uitilpal firm *
In uimuioii goodu , Cominl ( . < irm houtui
are doing a steady , though moderate
ImniuenN , , ind there Is a fair cull for leal-
in. niaken , woolen go d < bv. huvrri on
HI. nl , imil iliionh | i odium , if iiuUrn me
placud vhh tM\ fillip Bi'liiiineii.
St-Loiii Hyo Stock ,
St. Jyoula , March 10 ,
Cattle Market steady and unchanged ,
with demand fair for exporta at G G0u ( ; > 25 ;
choice tliippum , 5 60@5 95 ; mudluui to
choice butch iH , ! 73 ( X ) ; nitho8t icker < ,
25C < 4 75 ; native cous and heifers , ZfiWa }
CO ; Receipt * , 6 , 100 luiad ; ehlpuicut * , ! ,
49.'l head.
Ilo , Market flow and llvht and move
ment inoiji-ratv ; luht , 6 ' 0(35 ( T ; YorVen1 ,
ri9raOOji ( imckhi' , 6 75 ( 0 10 ; tutcheis'
andbolecte , (105G ( 10 ; pig * , 6 1.0&5 7" .
Ei ) t ] jiboi-ty Live Stock.
EABV LIIIUUTY , Pa. , March 10.
CattleNolhm , ' doing ; receipt * , 1230
he.i'1 ; ehlpinoiitH 11,212 head
lldL'ti Finn ; ro eljiU , l,800hfa'1 ; i-lilr *
mmti , 1,500 h a ' ; Philadul.hiMl ) 7 Mfe
40 ; Yorken. , (1 ( 25@K 3J.
Shrep Nothing doing ; receipt * , 200
head ; tblpuicnU , GOU head.
St. Iionlt Produce.
. , , . . ST ; LoUH > Mftrch 9-
1 * lour Market tteady and firm ; fancy.
0 H > @G 8 < 5J | ch > 1 f , ( ilO@fi.20 : familv
B7i@580 ( XXX % nowe 50 ; XX , 476
Wlitst Sln.fKmi'MslKnN'u. . 2 ll'Jl
( 'I,0,1 ! ' " l " * lor M" L' ' " ' for Ajt II ,
1231 for May ; 1 ISg for Junrj 1 08 for
the year ; No 3 red , M7 : Nn. 4 , 1 10.
Corn Active and higher ; GOjjj for
cwh ; GOJc for March ; C.sjo for April ; liOJo
forMi > ; GOjo for June ; CJIJo.Iuly.
Oaf Firm but ilullj 49o f. > r < u h ; 42o
fnrMkichi 42le for April ; 4IJe for.Mav ;
I2S i lor June ; 37c ( or July.
KeCJulit m\d inic'innxcd ' st SOc.
Barley M w nl 8J@9' , ' .
Lead Dill1 md lowe- ; nft , i " 5.
Butt r tjuiil ; o inipcry , 1 1@4 Jc ; dairy ,
37s38o. ( .
\Vhijky Steady all 17.
Etfgi lliuherut 17o ,
H x Sed Svadyutl30.
Pork I'd m hut rl" > v ; 1775 for cn h ,
Lanl-Slowat 985.
Ueo'tK. Hhlinnt' ,
Hour . 4,010 " .Bin
Wheat . 0,016 2i ,4G1 , !
Corn . .V.200 10,411
O. ta . 9,380 13,800
Barley . . . . . . . . none noun
Ivje . 600 none
Gliiolmmtl Produoo.
CINCINNATI , Miircli 10.
Mctw Pork Firmer at 17 60@1755 ,
Lird b'lrin ; p line team , 10 14
BillkMtaU- Clear * l lc * UIJ'J M 76.
Bacon i Icar tides , 10 lV'.06l ) .
Flour Firmer , fitinlty , 5 CO&G 90.
Wheat Iu good de.imud uml ttondy ;
No. 2 red , 1 27.
Corn Iu bctttr demand und firmer ; No.
2 mix eil , ( Hi ,
Oi\U Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , Iii4474c.
Rye Dull uml wc.vk ; No. 2 , JKc. )
Hurley Dull and iiMy ; Nn. 2 fall , 97c.
Whisky-Steady ut 1 1G.
Buffalo Live Stook.
EAHT BurrAU ) , Mnrch 10.
Hog ! ) Slower ; receipt * , 30 caw ; hl | > -
niciits , iO earn ; likht Vorkers , C10@G20 ;
pigs , 5 IU.
Turpoutlno Marliot
WILMINOIXJX , N. C , , March 10.
Rosin Quiet ; btra'ncd 1 8"4 ; goml ,
Spirits-Firm at 4 9J.
Baltltuuro .Proclnoo.
BALTIMOIIE , March 10.
Flour Firm.
Wheat-Southern , steady ; fultz , 1 28@
1 32 ; Longbetry , 1 3s@l 42 ; No. 2 red )
whiter ttroug at 1 311 ' "r caah ; 1 dl@l 314
for Mnrch.
Coin White southern strong at 81o ;
yellow utea iy Ht 70o.
Pliilaaolphla iProdnoo.
I'lliLADKt.ruiA , M-irch 10.
Wheat Firmer at 1 S24@l 334 f"r cosh ;
131@1 33J f r Mnrch ; 1 33 for April.
C. rti Firm at 704@71o for casa and
March ; 70 @ 71c for April.
Oats Firmer at 521o53o ( for cash ; C21
@ 53o for M rch.
Rye Quiet at 8Gc.
Sacramento mills patent Ibur ( red
brand ) . Our btHt Eureka patent flour
( blue branil ) . The only patent flour man *
ufactured on the Pacific coast. Woclalm
it is the wluttst , stiongebt and bcHtfnmily
flour in tliu stat * . Atk your grocer for it.
Tiy it and jou will usu no other.
E. M. McCiiKAUY & Co. ,
T. J. EVAN , Agent ,
Crystal Milli , Council Bluffs.
Bnoklia'i iuuiou Ualre.
The boat salvo in the world tor outs ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , aalt rheum ,
fever sprca , totter , chapped hands ,
chillblains , corns and all kinds of
akin eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed
antoed to give perfect satisfaction in
every case or inonoy refunded. Price ,
2oc per box. Fur sale by
Ton & MOMAHON. Omaha.
J , II. Davir , of Gfbbou , is iu the city.
A. 0. Ayrca , of Gibbon , arrived in the
city jesterday.
J. W. Divis , of Oil City , is o guest at
the Withmll.
W. H. B. Stow , of Lincoln , arrived in
the city > o
Lawnnca W. Miller , of Durango , Is in
Omaha on a brief bujinotis trip.
Geo. A , Draper , of Chejenno , is a guest
at the Wlthnell House. ,
Tlios. N. Wood , of the U. S. marines ,
arrived in Omaha last evening ,
Governor Nance has commissioned M ,
tl. ItedCeld , of Omaha , notary public.
W. O. Keith , of North Platte , arrived
n the city yesterday and registered at the
M. N. Grant and J. W. Downey , of
Laramie City , arrived in Omaha yester
Win. L. Lay , of Oil City , nrrlved In
Omaha } o teiday and registered at the
S. J , Alexander , of l.inco'n , arrived In
3rnahn last evening and will remain in
.own for a few duys.
cif ra '
Jacob Smith , Clinton Street , Buffalo ,
PUJH llullIlX llblcl brillWJ lil.OHHOM ill Ills
family rte a general n edlcine for cacei of
ilidigt etioli , bllloutnei , dowel and kidney
comphiintK , mid ditordun arising from
impurities of the blond ; hoHpeakn highly
of its rflicaoy. Pi ice CO cents , trial bottle
tle * lOcuntB. ni-7-d.lw
_ | _
Sktlonal AuMclatod l'n a.
OAIKKONIA , 0 , March 10. James
Carpenter's grain warehouse nt this
place was totally destroyed by fire ,
ivith a largo quantity of wheat , corn
ind oat . Some of the grain stored
ihtiro belonged to other parties. The
Ire was incendiary in its origin. Loss ,
$0,000 to $7,000. _
Labor Tronbloi.
Hr LoOfH. Majch 10 , Tlio labor
troubles HI St. Louis continue. The
iiautcr piinlord tn-d v join in refusing
in advance from § 2.50 to § a.OO pur
lay's wagis and ever 500 mun are out.
Th" Hhnitumknr strike ia about ended
> y coiiconuioii of the omployors.
An Elepemeut.
S'utlonal A/uwclatcil IVtun.
KANHAB CITY , M.iroh 10. Dr. A.
W. Ked ors and JlissV , Cmnmings
eloped from Mlnnoapolia , Kaiis. , yes-
; ordny inorning "d arrived hero to-
iitht. ; Tlio ludy is but eixtoon yoais
if ngo , ( ho danghtor of a banker of
; hot placo. llodfjors liad been for-
jiddun the hoimo by the girl's father ,
MV. Cuminingii wont on n business
; rin to Nobiabku a fnw dayu ago , and
Itodl'i'ia then induced the girl to plopo
with him. Going to an adjoining
county , \\n \ \ mudo oath tliat the lady
vn 5 of age and induced u minister to
perform tlio nmrriano ceremony. The
bndo's father telegraphed hero to ar
rest his son-in-law for porjury.
The Czar Did Not Want to SOD
Skobeleff ,
Gottiuf ; Heady for the Trial of
t.e : AesiiBsiu ol the
Th Dublin Partner of Patrick
Bjan Ar oatod Under
the Coercion Act.
Miocllnuoou * News that Game
Ovnr the Cable.
Natbtul ItfH AsiOcUtlon.
LONDON , Mnrch 10-A dispatch
from St. Petersburg BII > B the minister
of war told Skobulolf ho was recalled
for n branch of discipline ) iu creating
disturbance and excitement nbroad ,
Tliu report in General Igimtoll' told
Skobeli.ll the czr had noitiiiig in } > nr <
tieul.iltu sny to him.
MncLeaii , the innu who tlrod nt the
queen at tlia Windsor railway station
tiio otiiur il y , ( us been formally committed
mittod to tuku Ills trial on n charge of
high tiviison. This committal was
Hindu on the order ot the examining
magistrate at Windsor and the grand
jury will still have to pass upon the
GtBO and lind oji iiidictmot.t. The
town otVindaor , where the offbn&o
was committed , ia in Berkshire , of
which the iissizes town IB Heading ,
whore tliu tnul will piobably bo hold.
It la understood that the Uetonao will
bo insanity.
DUBLIN , March 10. Jus. Rourko ,
business partner of Eagnn , treat urerot
the land league , has booa arrcatud un
der the coercion act on the charge ot
LONDON , March 10. In the house
of commons this evening n number of
Irish members' condemned the arrest
of JIIB. llourko , business partner of
Mr. Kigali , ycatorday , and contendid
that llourko a only ofibnao wan part
nership with Mr. Eagan. Forster re
pudiated the allegations and an ox.
cited discussion ensued.
Lord Salisbury is disposed to adopt
the bill restricting professed atheists
from scats in parliament.
Messrs. Pendlo & Waite , dealers in
woolen goods , this city and Now York ,
have tailed ; liabilities , $25,000.
A dispatch from Capo Coast Castle
says that fresh disturbances have
broken out on the Gold coast and that
serious trouble is anticipated.
PAUIH , March 10. The French
chamber of deputies rejected the reso
lution by 380 to 70 censuring the
ministry tor Bonding troops to Bcsscga
during the miners' strike there.
LONDON , March 11. A St. Peters
burg dispatch says that it is rumored
there that the Austrians have crp
turod several Russian officers serving
in the Bosnian insurgent ranks ana
have shot them without court-niartial.
National Associated I'rosi .
NEW YORK , March 10. There were
177 failures in the United States reported
ported to Bradstroot's during the past
week , an increase of 2G over the preceding -
ceding week , and 47 moro than the
corresponding week last year. The
middle states bud 45 failures , Now
England 20 , southern 58 , western 51 ,
California 17.
Iloports from St. Louis statu the
liabilities of the Ncysonburg shoo
company , which lias failed , are $157-
585 , of which $03,103 is accommoda
tion paper ; assets are valued at $00-
000 The company offers a compro
mise with creditors at 20 cents on the
dollar , which is now under considera
Dispatches from Now Richmond ,
Ohio , say 0. O. Soitz , dealer in dry
goods , has failed ; liabilities , $20,000.
Telegrams from Somerset , Ky. ,
state Mo Death & Owens , general
traders , have failed. Liabilities $30-
000 ; nominal assets , $20,000.
KANBAS CITY , March 10. J. Dud
ley Smith , a dealer in general mer
chandise in Kansas City , Kansas ,
made an assignment to-duy to M. B.
Brake. Axsota about $3,500 ; liabil
ities $8,041.88. The bank of Kansas
Ci4y is out $ COO and the bank of
Shelbyville , Ky. , will lose $1,000.
Brief Telegrams.
National AnsotiutoJ 1'rum ,
GEORGETOWN , O. , March 10 , Mr.
Alexander King. 05 years of age , wus
shot and probably fatally injured by u
nephew who wan showing how ho
would act it assaulted , vhon his pistol
wont off.
MKMPIIIH , March 10 , At Dyers- '
bing , .Jim Biddlo Ferguson was shot
and killed by Bill Lloyd. An old
grudge existed between them nnti For-
, 'ti8in threatened to kill Lloyd , lie
entered Lloyd's saloon , when the lat
ter discharged the contents of both
barrels of u ahot-gun into Ferguson's
body , causing instant death. This is
the third man Lloyd lias shot.
CINCINNATI ; , March 10. At Lock-
land , Ohio , last night Joseph E.
Smith pointed a pistol at Charles
Grismoro , a boy , and snapped it in
fun. The pistol wont oil" , the ball
entering the boy's forehead. Ho died
this morning. Smith know the pistol
was leaded , but thought the hammer
would fall on an empty chamber ,
PAHKKUHJJIWO , W. Va. , March 10.
The ctteuir.or Sldnoy this morning
tiurst her steam connection pipe , kill
ing two inoii and injuring several
others , nuuies not known.
I'lidiMX , Arizona , March 10 , T.
A. Tuttlu IIUH qualified , and ho on-
lorod into the duties as governor yes
terday afternoon at Proscatt.
Ac il GratltuJo-
FLINT , Midi , , Juno 22 , 1881.
II.V , WAHNKUclsCo.s SUM txm
72 yuaiH old , and have not boon so
well in 20 years nsluin to-day , thanks
to your S.tio Kidney and Liver Cure
the best remedy in the world
mch7-dlw In a
The Sohomo of a St , louis Con
cern Given Away ,
Colonizing the Finest Part of
Dakota with Negro ,
Homesteaders ,
That They May Buy Their
Claims and Monopolize
the Choice Region.
AH of WMoh , of Conwo , the Inno.
cent Initil Grabbers Donv-
NUIonil Anoclated Press.
OHICAOO , March 10. A St. Paul
special to the Times says that the
story of n big land steal ban been put
out by ono of n party of forly negroes -
groos who had tickets by the Manito
ba line and left last night for Lari
mer o , their purpose being to preempt -
empt and tree claim government land.
It is claimed the men aru sent north
and tlioir expanses paid by two
St. Louis parties , Mr. Larimoro
and J. Wi Booth , who are interested
in the lands on the Devil's Lake
branch of the St. Paul , Minneapolis
it Manitoba line and know their valuo.
According to the statement of the no-
grooa the pro-oinptora are to got pos
session of the government lands by
perjury and then soil out their
claims for n nominal sum to the St.
Louis firm , who in'.turn would sell
thorn at n largo profit or keep them as
larijo farm * . The latter course would
Veep out from settlement largo num
bers of people and defeat tlio object
and purposes involved in thoJ.iwa of
congress in encouraging occupancy of
vacant lands. Some of the finest
lands in Dakota are involved in this
ST. Louis , March 10.-J. W.
Booth , of thii city , says in regard , to
the alleged land steal by him , Lari-
moro and others that this story told
by the negro and transmitted from
St. Paul Is false in ovary pirticular.
Ho says : "N. G. Qrcon , Larimero ,
Oscarlown and myself form the Elk
Valley farming company. Wo own
40,000 acrea in Dakota and have in
vested 8125,000 in the enterprise.
This land was bought of actual settlers
and I have hero" exhibiting a long
list "a complete statement of from
whom wo bought the land and what
wo paid. "Last winter our superin
tendent , Mr. Shortridgo , foreseeing
that wages would bo higher in that re >
gion this spring , advised soiiding'somer ,
negroes from this section , and wo
hired a gang * of negroes and sent them
up , The gang wus got together at
Mncon , Mo. , and started about Feb
ruary 9th. 1 have hoard of no trouble
about the negroes , but I suppose some
of the people there are envious of our
largo designs , and so started this
story. "
Railway Affairs.
National AModkted 1'rem.
SEATTLE , Washington Territory ,
March 10. The city council has
granted the right of way entering the
city front to the Oregon & Transcon
tinental and Columbia & Puget Sound
railway companies. 1'ho companies
are bound to complete railway'con
nection between Seattle and eastern
Washington Territory accroas the Cas
cade Mountains or via Portland
within ton years. Other companies
may also stretch tlioir lines along the
city front upon equitable terms.
ST. LOUIH , March 10. An inter
view is published hero to-day with a
prominent railroad official , in which
lie says ho Las reason to behove that
Jay Gould will soon relinquish his
hold on all the lines of the VVubash
system west of the Mississippi river ,
giving the control of them to the
Union Pacific managers. This will
make St. Louis , it is claimed , the
eastern terminus of the Union Pacific
road , and restore lo that road most of
the freight traffic now going over the
southern roads controlled by the Cen
tral Pacific ,
ATLANTA , Go. , March 10. Some ex
citement was created in business circles
here to-day by the announcement of
the formal ofinion of the attorney
general of the state to the effect that
the 810,000,000 bond given , by the
lessees of the Western Union & At
lantic railroad and under which the
road has been operated for cloven
years is illegal. The bond is signed
by suvoral railroad , officials as officers
ot their respective lines and not as
private individuals , which under the
opinion of the attorney general they
had no authority under their charter
to do. The governor of Georgia has
ajkcd for a now bond-and if not given
in sixty days will commence suit for
possession of the road , as it belongs
to the state of Georgia.
Tlio Qultonu Exooptiou.
N&tlorul AsBoclatud I'rcss.
WASHINGTON March 10. Judge
Porter arrived in the city to-day and
with Col.'Corkhill proceeded to make
a final examination of Mr. Scovillo's
bill of exception in the Gutteau case.
Tlio Great Eoat-Rlver Bridge.
March 31st , 1883 , is named as the
time when the great East River bridge
will first be ready for use , The bndgo
has cost , up to date , exactly $13,49(3- (
893,74 , , Whether or not that much
money has been put into the bridge is
another question. The modest sum
of ono and a quarter millions moro
will , it is thought , complete the
work. At u meeting of the trust
ees Tuesday the mode of transit
was decided upon. The cars are
to bo drawn over by an endless wire
rope kept in constant motion , and are
to run on the circulating system that
is to say , they will bo drawn over on
ono track and back on the other , being
switched by motors from track to
track at the termini upon elevated
platforms. Under thin plan trains
would move at the rate of ten miles
an hour , and could carry 7,000 pas-
nongora ench way in mi hour.
Bo on the look-out for Brown's
New iry ) Goods Store opening , whioh
will takes place about Wednesday ,
March 15 , at No. lllOFaralum street.
Plenty of Fresh Poultry at Mots' &r