THW OiviAixA. DAILJT BJWK : FRIDAY MARCH 10 , 1882 THE DAILY BEE CMAHAPUOUI8HINQOO. , PROPRIETORS 010 Farnham , bet. 8lh and 10th Streets. TERMS Of StinSCRlITION. BB con ; 1 j-rftr.ln dv nee ( postpaid ) tlO.O months " " . . . 6.0 month " " . . . 8.0 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Ml CARD CHICAGO , ST. FAUL , MIKKRArOLU AN [ OMAHA RAILROAD. L te Om&hft t'nwenffcr No. 2 , 8:30m : , Ac commoilatlon No. 4 , 1:0 ( p. m Arrive Om ha PiMencor No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m Accommodation No , 8 , 10:60 : a. m. UAVIKa OMARA 1ABT OR COCTtn IOCH9. a , B. t Q. 7:40 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. C. A N. W. , 7 MO ft. m. 8:40 : p. m. a , n. I. & P. . 7:40 : a. m.s-8140 p. re. L K. C. , St J. & 0. B. , leaves at 8 a. m , and 6:8 : in. Arrive * at St. l < ouls at CSO : a. in. and 6:5' : ' m. ' W. , St.L. A P. , leave * at 8 a. m. and 8:40 : ti Arrives a St. Louis at 0:40 : a. m. and 7:8i : m WKST OR BOtrrnWMTK. .1 , 4s U , la Neb. , Through Kxprcss , B50 ; . ra II. t M. Lincoln Eipros * flSO : p. n. U P. Chorland Express , 12:15 : p. m. 0. 1 0. V. tar Ltn.oln , 11:16 : n. m. O. < fc H V. ( or OscooU. 0:40 a. m. 'o. r frelcht No. 6 , 6:20 : A. m. ' V. P ! night No. 9 , 8 : 0 a. m. \ \ P. freight No. IS , 2:60 : p. m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 p. ni. emigrant. „ I' . Dcmer oxprco , 7:35 : p. m. C. P. ( relrht Nn 11 , 11:30 : p. in. U. r. Denxcr freight , 8:15 : p. m. ARMVIKQ MOM IAKT AKD ! KCm. < A 3. A Cj * :00 a. m. 7:26 p ni. . ' , N. V. , 9:16 : R. m.-7r-'i p. m. C. K. I. M',9:16 : a. m. D : < | i. ni. < C , , St. Joe & 0 B. , 7:40 : * . m. f : i p , n uhiviMt FROM m a irm M > rouiir > .i , < - > > tu V. from Lincoln 1.0 j i > . m , . 55. I' . 1'adllo Express Orti | > . m. hi Mi In Neb. , Through Kxi. | w 4.1- ! ! p < a , r ) . .1 U. Lincoln Kxprcw 9:10 A ni , 1C. 1' . Denver express , 7:35 : a. In. J. P. Fieltlit No. 14-2:5U : . nl.1 } U. P. No. t ! 6:10 a. in. Kmlit uit. U. P. freight No. 14 , 1S:10 p. m. O. P. No. 8 9:00 : p. m. U. P. No. 12-1:46 : a. m. V , P. Denver freight , 1:10 ft. m. 0. A R. T. mixed , ar. 4:46 p. m , DOMKT IRAIK8 BKrWBXM OMAHA AKD Leave Onuha at 5:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 m. ; 1:0 2:00 : , 80 , 4:00 and 6:00 : p. m. Leave Council Muffs at 8:26 : , 6:26 : , 10:26 : and 1-.S6 a. m. ; 1:86 , 2:25 : , 8:26 : , 4:26 : and 6:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy loaves Omaha at 0OC : and 11:00 : a. m. ; 00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m , Leaves Council Bluffs at 9:26' : and 11:26 : B. m. { 2:26 : , 4:2 : ( and 6:26 p. m. Through and Jjcal passenger trains between Omaha and Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha 0:16 : , 7:46. 8:60 a. m. ; 5:40 : , 0:46 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40 : , 11:36 , 11:46 : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:16 : , ] 40 p. m. _ 1 Opening n ! Cloilng of MHI . 0. , Sioux City * ; Bt. P.11:00 ! :4C ' Local uialh for State of Iowa luava but once a day , Tit : 6:30a.m. : Office open Sundayo from 12 ra. to 11) . m. THOS. P HALL P M. Business Directory. Abstract and Real tstate. JOHN L. lIcOAGUE , opposlto Post Office. W. B. BARTLETr 317 South 18th Street. Architect * . DOFREKK & MENDELS301IN , AKCniTECrrS Hcom 14. Crelghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. CioUbton Block. Dcoti and Bhoos. JAMK3 DxVINE & CO. , Tine Boots and Stood. Avosd nsaortnicnl o ! homo work on b&nd , corner 12th and HarD 7. TH08. KRICKSON , S. E. cor. 10th and Douclw. JOHN. FORTONATUS , 205 lOtb etrtot , inanutacturea to order good work t r lr prices. Rcualrlpgjlone. Bed Springs. J. F. LARIUMER Manufacturer. 1617 DourlaBBt. Books ? News and Stationery. J. I.JFRUEIIAOP 1016 Fnrnham Street. Butter nnd E&gs , McSHANE d. HCHROEDER , the oldest B. ncl K. SIOUBO In Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. CKNTKAL RESTAUBAST , U 1IK3. A. KYAN , onthweet corner ICth&nd Dodge. Cost-Board for the Money. ' JUtlefictlon Ouanntsod * . Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cosh Furnished Rnnms Supplied. Carriages and Road Wagons. -WU SNYDEB , 14th and narney Streets. Clothing Boufiht. a. HARRIS will pay hlghostCosh price for second _ h nd clothlnr. Corner lOtb and Karnhun. i Jewe en. ' JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Htreol. Junk. H. BKETllOLl ) , Rags and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OR.iY comer ( Stb and Douglas tits. ' Lamps and alassware. .1. CONNER 1309 DoueUs Bt. Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . O. A J.INDQUE8T , One el. our moat rcpular Merchant Tailors Is re- Mlvlqg Uie latest iloak-us for Cprlng and Suminur floods iXfcntlomenV ( ) wear. Styludi , durable , nd prlco * low as over 216 13th bet. Doug.&Farn. " " MlUlnery. kdiS. 0. A. 1UNQK11 , Wioleialo nd Retail , Fan- ! ts floods In great varletr , ZophjTfl , Card Boards , floury , Gloves , Cortota , &c. .Uieapost House In the M"e t. Purchaacrs uvo SO per cent. Order by Mill , llfi Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNEAHON8 cor. 14th * Jackson fltt Hour and Teed , OMAUACITY IULI , 8th and Farnham Sts. Bros , , , proprietoro. f > Grocers , A t HTBTKK8 , 21st bctwoon Coming' anil lur * T , A. UcSKANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Btreote. Hwdwair , Iron and Otoel. JLAH I t'tAwawomiry , wioicuJo , no ant1 U2 lEtb street v A. nOLMES c0rnar ICtb and California. Ciaodlcs , &c. 0. W'KIST ! 0 18th Ht. bet KaraUarnuy PORAN HOUSE , P H. Ctry , 913 Farnhjim Bt RAVEN'S HOTEL. F , fllaven , JOth tit. Southern Hotel OUB. Uamel Oth &Icavcnwcrtb Halnu 'jo oils. KUHV A CO , - ' K' " " * ' ' " " ' nr " ir.rrk.unft' " ) . ' ' ClUI ' < Utl i | Vt.J , VVUClEUOUfK , ( , itstliirt. C. FIELD , 022 North Bide Coming Btrent. PARR , Dtufijlat. lOtn and Howard Streets. Oentliti , OH. fiUL , Williams' Block Cor. Uth & Dolga. Uiy Goods Notloni , ttc. JOHN H. F. LEHMANN & CO. , M w tork Dry Ooodn bcore , 1810 and 18H inn- htm itr et. b. 0 , Envwold also boot * and shoes 7th & Fadflc. * ruruiture. A t. ORObB.Neiv and BovonJ llaud fuiultulre od fitovcs , 1114 Dowlas. HIgbwt cath price aid for second hand goons. BONNER 1809 Doofl * St. Finn KOodk , * c. ferceWorki. ' OVAl'.A. FENCE CO. V8T , FKIE34CC 1213 Harnoy St. , ( mrroTO ( fee Coiei , Iirr and Wood FencM. QfEc Mice * , CODDtcii rtoo Dd Walnut fl Olftars and Tobacco. WEST ' FRtTSCBCR , manufacturer * el Cigars and Wholcmlt Dealers ! n Tobaccos , 1805 Douglas K. V. LOUKNZKN mannfatturer 1418 Farnham Florist. A , Donaghna , planta , cut BoVtrs , Meds , oqae etc. N. W. cor , 16th and Dourlaa streets Oltll Engineers and Surveyor ! . ANDRKW ROSF.WATKR , Crelghton Block Town Surreys , Orads and Sewerage Syttrmt Specialty. Uommlsslon Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL LIS.1414 Dodge Street. D B. nEF.MKR. For JcUlli so * largo advertise mrat In Dallr and Weekly. Cornice Work * . Western Oornloe Work * . Manufacturers Ire Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Rootling. Ordcn Ironi any locality promptly executed In the bes manner. Factory and Otllco 1218 Harney St. C. SPROUT , Proprietor. Oalvanltod Iron Cornlcos , Window Caps , etc. manufactured and put up In any tart ot th country. T. SINIIOM ) 41 Thirteenth street 0 rockery , ) . BONNEIt 1S09 Dougiu street. Good line. Clothing and Furnlthlng doods. OKO , H. PRTERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 8.10th street. Refrigerators , Canfleld'a Patent. 0. F. OOODMAN llth St. bot. Fare. A Barney Show Oasa Manufactory. 0. J. WILDK , Manufacturer and Denier tn all kinds ot She Cases , Upright Cases , & > . . 1317 CMS fit FRANK L. QEHHARD , proprietor Omah Show Case manufactory , 818 fioulh IBthstrcc between Uutvonuoitu and Marcy. All goo < warranted fln > t-elMw. , KOSENTKt.l ) . tn'V > l ict. Fat , Utovei rtui inwaro. \ . IWKMKSTKR , wIiT In Stonx tn J Ti/iH-urs , and Uanulacturt nf Tin Roofs nlnl all kdil < i of BulUIng Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNRR , 1809 Doutfas Bt. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Setxl Drills an Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians and Burgeons. W. 8. QIBBS , M. D. , Room No I , Crolgbto Block , 16th Street. P. S. LE SENIUNO , H. D. Masonic Block. 0. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postoOIc DR. L. B. QRADDV , Oculist and Aurlst. 8. W Uth and Farnham 8t Photocrapnert. OEO. HKYN. PROP , d rand Central Oollorr , 212 Sixteenth Street , nutr Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt noga guarantcon Plumbing , Qas and Btoam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 216 12th 8U , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. ? ITZPATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street. alntlng an aper anglng. HENRY A. KOSTKK8,141 Dodge Streol. Shoe Stores. Phillip Lang 1320 Farnham st. bet ISth & 14th Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. New an Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , botieht and sold on narrow marring. Uatoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tha new brick block on Douglas Street , hag ] u > t opened a most elegant BCCJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 670 16th Street. Undertaker * . C1IAB. RIEWE , lOlie Farnham bet. 10th & lltd SO Uont Stores. P. 0. BACKUS 1205 Farnham St. , Fancy Good COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. McOULLOOH , Room 4 , CrclKhton Block , Fifteenth Street. Ianl0-3m H. M NNWEILEK XC.A.XX.X&O kJD Employment Agent Railroad Oatflt on Short Notice. kllth St. , Near Farnham. ml-evl-t , THE KENDALL PLMTIMIAOIIHE DRESSMAZERS'COMPANION , It plaits from 1-16 of a n Inch to width In the coarsest felts or flneat silks It docs all kinds and style of plaiting In use. No lady that docs her own dress-maklnir can ( .Hard to do without one as nlco plaiting is neverout of'fashion , If teen It Dells Itself. For Machines , Circulars or Agent's terms address CONGAB00. . , ' 113 A-dinna St. Chicago , HI. FAST TIME I In going East take the GMcago Morttest- ' cm fTrtUns leave Omalm 3:40 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. m. For ifull InformaUon call on II. I' . DUE V Tlckel Atfcnt , 14th and Farnham Sta J. UELL. U. P. Hallway Depot , or at JAMES T CiiAUK , Oener. Ague } , Omaha jalTm&e t ( W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OfFiCb tiunl llooiua ( unutaln ) in Ilumuom now liulldlnK' , N w iiornKp Kftafntli nd i.rnham flt * > rt -DB. F. SOHBBBR , Physicaan and Surgeon. ClWON10 , ISEA8Ea. IUIEUMATI8U , Etc. , A SPECIALTY. " _ No. 141Z Fornhamet , between 14th < nd 13th , Oiiinta Nub. )28eo" ) NOTICE. O. (1 , De < lre. ) ol the Hrm at Price , McDermott b Dodge , AI Pluir&cra and ( ! as Kit er , at Omaha , \an diasolvoJ as t 0 , U , Dodge , who assigned to Thomas trice all h't ' ) InteruiE Sept. 20th , 1681. nd Thomas 1'rlco asiumud tbe tlilrJ share of inllaliiltlej for dili U 0. IjJu. In < x * ' ' " n of said trnnsf r 0. Q 1' L . T. JACKSON PLAN' A Graduate from /Jnlteielty of Pennsyl vania at Philadelphia of the Cliwu of Uiv. ) Tcndfru his jirofiwlnnal ivrvlocHtotJio cltlzonn it Uiu.ilm and uJI oLKim utojli K the tinio , pru- llr.vlii ) . I' ' .hoi H'4 ' t from 4' ' ymf u. 1 CrltllU , kiMl Cll JUUH Of * IllJl tilllU hu .JJCllt ill ; outh America , from which country ha kas Just returned , gaining whilst hi the provinces many cnudlte for various diseases common to this tountry from the uatlit * of tl.e name. The Doctor makes a specialty of all Chronic Mnetscs , particularity UIONO of femalca. He nuy < e found at hln room'at the Planters' House , rncjr of Dodge and Sixteenth Streets. * SOSTON MARKET , Ouming Street J. J , IOBES , Propr. and Salt Meats of nil | Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. , in Season. PREMIUM DISTRIBUTION. The i uoky Numbers 0790 , Ct.ive pinno , O. E. Fox , I'almyrft , Neb. GSS4 , Invincible throshlncr mncliino , Al- bers U. ISoono , Glenwootl , In. 13763 , Grntul pinno , Adlon 13ontty , Aurora , Neb. G35C , Gold Meilnl thresher , A. A. Hnr- vov , riymontb , Neb. 1018 , 1'itti & Sons thresher , John Gib- on , 1'lyrnouth , Neb , 045 , Whitney Marsh twine binder , A. T. Donne , Table Hook , Neb. 10H9 , lwis header , J. S. Walter , Gcr- m.intmvn , Kni , 637-4 , Grand M'lor organ , M , U. IJiul- son , Dayton , Neb. , 1973 , Mossier Hohmnnn oRico tinfe , Daniel Keedwell , Humbolt , Neb. 7500 , M ftiiny mower and render , 1) . Everett , Unndllla , Neb. 14109 , 4-ton Howe scale , Gco. 1'lckup , 1'mvo City , Utah. G935 , 4-tnn Victor scale , Mr . J. Y. Craig , St , Joe , Mo. 3045 , t'nrlor onjnn , H. B. llroblmni , York , Neb. 21738. Portable grist mill , Wm. IJcn- nlnp , Shelby , In. 1. 342 , Grinding mill and corn shellcr , A. li.lley , Omaha , Neb.- 12074 , Grinding mill cob grinder , Mrs. Amr. Hart , Council Hluirx , la. The following nnmbera drtw lots In l J3SO,7sT. A. Olstrom , Olarliula , I . G : > 09 , T. S. Hlshop , Stanton , In. 473I a II. Smith , Angelica , N. Y. 3397 , A. J. Leluml , Alrxnmlr n , NT b , 4949 , i ) . A. Sargent , Nebra-ku City , Neb. 0745 II , H. Tellers , Waco , Noli. 14114 , A. W. Widdlfield , Chi'liey , Neb. r.24t ! , T. S. Mll ! , Half Day , 111. 053 , David B. Shine , NellRh , Nob. 281C , M. II , Trio * , Ekoilosburg. la. 7G7C , John Hollenbaok , Table Kock , Neb. 3993 , Gco. N. Phillip * , Chester , Neb. 876 , P. M. ISoyer , Ellndalc , Kaa. 3015 , M. C. Mitchell , Aurora , Neb. 11855 , D. H. Lorinp , Omaha , Nob. 10.40G. Kobert RobcrUon , Lyons , Nob. 342S , II. C. Wise. K'uby , Kansas. ' 8,550. J nines Murphy , Forest City , Nebraska. 13,115 , W. 0 HUI , Blue Springs. Neb. 1,300 , Maitin Peterson , Plumb Creek , Nebraska. 5427 , Wind Mill , Jol u Charles , Warsaw Nebnwka. 2334 , Wind Mill , James K. Mercer , Harvard' Nebraska. 2188 , Ware Houeo Scale , D. J. Baker , Clatfnda , Iowa. 21GG , Double Grinding Mill , J. V. Shea- lack & Co. , Wymurc. Neb. . 0409 , Gold Watch , Robert Stewart , Geneva , Neb. ' 13413 , Gold Watch , Geo. King , Brown- ville , Neb. G540 , No. 4 Pulley Mill Giindervith bolting attachment , H M. Bricker , High Creek. Iowa. 10910. Leach Wind Mil ) , T. J. Lott , Central City , Neb. 13502 , Standard Mower , M. M. Ship- man , Weeping Water , .Vel . 0 48. Calclivell wagon , I. T. Long , Creighton. Neb. 2518 , Silver plate tea sett , Samuel Mo Beath , Clayt-n , Neb. 13015 Grinding mill , A. Keirle , Rock Springs , Wyoming. 0.171 , Hookins mower , J. P. St. Clair , Hopkins , Mo. * GU58 , Lady gold watch , J. C. Brown , Nebraska City , Neb. ' 2212G , No. 5 grinding mill , Adelia Young , St. Charles , Idah . 7722 , No. 4 grinding mill , Jaa. Adams , Stirling , Ills. 2G94 , Sulkei- plow , J. R. Whiting , Spring Creek. Neb. 13905 , Sulkey plow , Josl Brandon , Southlund , Mo. 1872 , No. 3 Cockle mill , C. H. Murphy , Table Hock , Net > . 13G3G , NI2 Triumph steamer. R. G. McFarlam , South Bend , Neb. 523 , No. 11 powerund farm mill , Patrick Murphy , Schuvler , Neb. 4G59 , No. 1 Triumph Steamer , Hyrum Millet , Plainvipw , Neb. 3713 , Ctumpion Corn Planter , Joseph Jklyer , Glenvilli1 , Nob. 2U2 , Life Scholarship Omaln Business Collie , D. Run e , Millard , Neb. . 21529 , Rotary Corn Planter , W. S. Chamberlain , Wyinore , Neb. ' ) he following numbers drew Singer sewing machines : 14031 , Elder E. Root , Elmwood. Neb. 7941 , T. W. Lenkor , Eldrldge , Inwa. 3371f A. Simfcay , Manafield , 111. 3171 , Henry Hanks. Bismark , Neb. 9214 , N. P. Johnson , Stromsburg , Neb. 9824 , James McVickers , Purple Cane , Neb. 13J78 , E. T. Cochrane , Harlan , Iowa. 5203 , T. B. Boalnw , Buckeye. Neb. fiGOG , Fred Connomyer , Oinaha , Neb. 9079 , L. M. Woods , Stromsburg , Neb. 7270 , H. W. Valiant da , Colorado. 4201V. . H. Pickam , Omaha , Neb. 16GG , N. W. Nelson , Valparaiso , Neb. 239G , T. B. Skedmoie , Maple Landing , Iowa. 4087 , Paul Martin , Brown vil e. Neb. 4153 , F. A. Richards , Ashland. Neb. CG40 , A. 0. Leacock , Hawleyville , la. 10 14 , Joe. 'Pace , Herman , rfeb. 8502 , J. W. Afford , New Philadelphia , Ills. 4165 , Thos. Ritchie , Florence , Neb. G798. Pair Berkshire Pigs , Mrs. M. A. Spauldinp , Riverton , Neb. 12909 , Pair Berkshire Plgi , Frank D. Hunt , Hartford. Mich. 10014 , 30 yards "Brussels" Carpet , R. C. Moore , Blue Valley , Neb. 5289 , Set farm harness , John L. Elhart , Gibbon , Neb. 1MD7 , Set farm harness , A. 0. Rohan Newcastle , Nob. 3508 , No. 3 grinding mill , Mlle A El well , \Vcsley , Iow.t. 7304 , No. 3 grinding mill , Thos. Fraser , Sit. Hone. Iowa. 13787 , No. 2 grinding mill , Geo. A. Ste vena , Tie Siding , Wyo. 2 73 , No. 2 grinding mill , John J Muth , Haddnm , Kas. 13201 , Rotary washing machine , Joseph Jenn , . helby , Iowa. 10.344 , Rotary washing machine , I' . B Plicda-leau , t reighton , Nel > . 2-4 1L , Uuse burner coal vtove , Dante Mack , Postvllle , Neb. 1519. Bane burner coal stove , Win. Fny > ler , t iear ater , Neb , 2989 , oo nk stove J. D , Hume , Harvard , Vcb. 201G , cockle mill , Jacob Souttor , Sco la. Neb , 10,423 , Wind mill , Mary Smith , Ores ent City , Iowa. 23251 , Walking cultivator , John A ( belter , GibUjii , Neb. 1115 , Extei8iou top cook store , Dr. De jap , Musko a 1 , Mich , ( > S08 , Exteubioti top cook stove , El * rav , Humboldt , Neb. 4514 , Spring cultivator , Andrew Day , 3cawford , Iowa. 5SCJ8. Set Irving' * Works , A , P , At- im. , O'Dell , Neb. The following imuibern drew nilvsr stein inder watches ; 111E8 , J. U. Vuninda. Fremont , Neb. ; i. 3 , n. u njii. . . H'ei ri'- , A'cb ; . 11'178'JI. IIo k. Ljston , Ind. 8121 , C E. ( Sonera. Arizona , Neb. 7G89 , Levi Davis , Hnniboldt , Neb , 6048 , M.P. NelBOi ) , Valley , Nfb 21"J , W. B. Whittaker , Dewitt. Neb. SKA , John S. Kennanl , Kxeter , Neb , 11914. D. R. Lake , MInden , Iowa , 10J88 , I , . Vanneis. Khabino. 111. 10537 , David J'liillips , Onawa , Iowa. 11223 , O. Nelson , Rlchlnnd , Neb. 7460 , A. H' Ebert , Menanha , Wis. 793 , , f . H. Haakiiu , Clarin-lj , la. 9a72 , J W. Duohams , Koch , Ohio. 1401 , 0. Shroy , Ringold , Neb. 1205J , S. M. Smith , Grant , la. 12" > G7 , T. Grej , Aurora. Neb. 8798 , T. P. Jarman , Ginnore , Neb. 78 1 , D. J , Yoed r , Hubbard. Oregon. 5451 , H. 0. Htryker , KlningB , Neb. 6538 , JUHICM Jurdino , Auhland , Neb. 12072 , W. S. CralK , Cralif , Neb. 70 , Jaint-n Dnktnburry , f'remout , Neb , UG29 , JIarry UowJnnJ. PJatUmoutb , eb , 349. , E M Brown , Tiffen.Towa. 10980 , G MoClure , Glentllle. Neb. 6178 , II D Andrews , Weeping Watci JNeb. 61G9 , J B. Hurdy , ] jfRan , In. 4001 W M Lowe ; Waco , Neb. 6316 , T G Craig , Walnut , Ift. 72G8 , ,1 H Ilennekcr. Nodaway , I < 11484 , Mary Waloott , Red Oak , I . 1937 , John Littleton , Florin , Ift. 13434 , J M Atkinson , York , Neb. CG93 , N B Durnewelt , Bennlneton , K 8050 , A 0 Blldcrback , Cummnlrigvllle UG9 , F E CMdwell , Bellcvue. Neb. 9299 , E Wllh rJ , Hmtrlco , Neb. filCS , Joe Brann , Fricdcnpcn , Nob. 8279 , Order on L. B. Williams & Son , J. M. Sheppartl , Papllllon , Neb. h 8380 , I lulu top cook stove , Leland Higgins - gins , Conlre < rlllo , Neb , 10791 , Plain ton cook sloyo , F Hull- hiirxt , C car Creak , Neb , 7705 Plain top cook stove , B. F. Ilardtn , Raidin , 111. 3089 , 14 Inch Plow , E. A. McCutclnon , Inmnii , Mob. 14GI , Deere Plow , Wm. Moglo , Grcoley , Colnrado. The following numbers drew Rtlvor watches , key nindcrsi 687(1 , E. A. Jenko , Imogrne , Iowa. 6902 , Gilbert Miller , Menlo , Iowa. 12ar > 0 , A. W. Woodawortl ) , Bainbrulge , Neb , 1273TI , E , M" . Maiker , Platte Centre , Neb. 9G58 , Isaac Hcuig , Utlca , Neb 12181 , Geo. R. Bates , ValparUo , Neb. 13135 , J. H. Loomis , Shelby , Nob. 1"231 , Jno , Paul , Shelby , Iowa. 10103 , J L , Schln r , Blue SpVings , Nub. 4408 , J. " , Wheeler , Hlll Ulot H , 6278 , E. 11. Steiming , Odell , Ilk 4794 , W , II , Corey , Super ! > r , Nob. 3,377. F. H , IltMiimlllo , Corralvlllc , U. 723 , ,1. I. . Hull , W.ih.-o , Neb. 4778 , H. M. Stover , Keebini' , Nfb. 11994 , H. vt. Soldner , Oniahu. Neb. 811 , has. T. Eock mi , Conkiing , Neb. 0599 , R. E. Reuse , D < r Creek. Nob. 13951 , G. H. Burton , Vnlloy View , la. J801 , W. H. Auatn , darks. Nob. 2013 , D. D. Johnson , \ \ ecping Water , Nob. 6G01 , J. 0. Elsler , Cedar Creek , Neb. 1411 , Ji.o. Selonsky , Rockt.ort , > . Y. 4599 , A. V. Ormstc.l , Friend , LVeb. 429 W. 11. Sellerc , Syracuse , Nob. 33GO , M . Win Overtoil , Xsnla , Neb , 0910 , A. Crotzer , Alcatl , Nob. 1)3915 ) , Fred. A. lloacli. Momcncc , Nob. 6013 , Jaiob nn y , Yank ton , D.T. 77 0 , T. P. Richards , Elgr < m , Kansas. 1358 , Clias. Mack , Shoililun , Nev. 10950. Geo. F. McGrary , Cummlngs- ville , Neb. 12 70 , Scnnlon & Shields , Kearney , Neb. * 99G , Mrs. D. Al. Wagoner , HarvarJ , Neb , 12003 , Wm. HaniCrestin , la , 1038.'i I'hl lip Swiinew , Juniata , Neb. .953 , W. J. 11 i ko , Coutral City , Neb. 1S2.31 , V. S. Abrulutn , Tnlloywoo.l , I * . 13lS.j Siilini Bru , : , Harlau , Nd . 2150 , Kendull Pluitiug Machine , John Bruce , Supeiior , Noti. 13510 , Set Dickon's Work , T. L. Mono. Imii , H Htinj8 ) , . > eb. liSGl , t5t Di.-keu'H WorJ.T. . .Mar in , Wymtro , Ntb. SI448. Set Dickon's Work , W. Will ! . , Wa erloo , Neb. ' 4305 , Set Dickon's Work , T. M. Haw kins , Drysart , la. / 10210 , Plow , L. C. Joy , "Watervillc , Knnsat ) . 8070 , Plow , D. W. Crop , Shenandoab , Iowa. 49G , Plow , Uriah Kilpatrick , RSsin B , Neb. 458 , Plow , AXY , R. J. Print , , Milledy ville , la. B&I4 , Pl.iw , AOC , W. 0. Holler. ' Blue Valley , Neb. 34Q8. No. 2 plaiting machine , A , D. Griffith , Depart , la. 10 > 49 , No. 3 section harrow , Frank-Mil , ler , Fluwerdale , Neb. 4Gjl , Webster's Unabridfied Dictionary , Sam Obey , Big Springs , la. 1768 , Webster's Unabridged Dictionary , Joe Tiumble , Waterloo , Neb. 5128 , No. 2 section harrow , N. B. John sun , Olean , Nub , , 5589 , silver plate cake basket. Jno. S Beck , Elenwood , Nob. U3G2 , silver plated cuke basket. 0. E Mitchell , Kcnesuw , Neb. . 6918. s Iver plutod cake basket , Jno Cook , Detr Creek , Neb. 13G83 , silver plated cake basket , Jno V Bariclle , Almu , Neb. 7o7o , silver plated cake basket , Lucindi Davis , Clinton Rock , Ind. 2820 , Idoz. sllvtr plated spoons , Franl Brown , Pacifus City , la. 13GG3 , 1 doz. silver plated spoon , Tim Mullock , Nelson , Neb. 0403 , 1 dofc. silver plated spoons , W. S , Cunmngl am , Burnett , Nab. 8188 , 1 doz. Hilvc-r plated xpoona , Ed ward Aply , Blanchard , la. 10052 , 1 doz silver plated spoony S. H , Albright , Lewis , la. 12359 , 2 setts wagon skeins , Henry Gottscb , Everett , Neb. The following numbers drew one share of Galena Mountain mining stock : 7807 , H. O. Meyer , Meto.If , III. 9102 , Dow Graves & Co. , Dow City , la. 2118 , U. Grouse , Loyal Hill , Neb. 374 , F. R. Randall. Beloit , Kan. 52G'J , J. D. Smith , Springfield , Neb. 9140 , M. Caranhun , UlyBsen , Neb. 4942 , H. Allen. Brainard , Neb. 1 3789 , W. H. Booker , Neligh , js'eb. 329 , Jacpb Zimmern an , Blair , Neb. 9781 , lonus La < * son , Utica , Ntb. 8114 , H. U. Chllds , Grant , la. la. ' 7719 , 8. O. Grubn , Sttrllng , III. 38CO , B , F. S.ump , Davenport , Neb. 7059 , E. 1C. SVemr-le , Hastings , Neb. 5927 , J. 1L Fiak , Bedford , Mont , 1220 , I. J. Rusbell , Wnhoo , Neb. 1300 , Jas. Welday , Falriield , la. 7093 , J. W. Hafen , Geneva , Neb. 9230 , Win. A. Voltz , Huuiboldt , Nob. 1071)9 ) , Wm. Keuny , Shtlby , Neb. 5573 , David Read , CottonwooJ , Neb , 518J , S. P Parish , Ceutrerillo , Utah. 9455 , P. J. Frunzen , Guthrie Centre , la. 0109 , Jus. Harding Lincoln , Net ) , 7176 , P. L. Green , Bulls City , Kan. 7D18.I. R. Comotuck , Novenvlllu , la , 2001 , G. W. Doreey , Tecumsdi , Neb. 7209 , Jas. Gibant , fiaiulusky , O , 839 , Jno. Sommerville , Kearney , Neb. 13075 , Fred Naber , Waco , Neb. 6502 , John Lout-man. Columbus , Neb. ' 13131 , A. J. Davis , Wuhoo , Neb. 13590 , W. N. Hall Oakdale , Neb. 6792 , Mrs. E , McConuell , Cofrcevllle , ICu . 10098 , F. E. Robinson , Harlan , la. 2490 , Jiinu Rico. Hpnngville , Utah , , 14027 , .Mra. M. J. Atkins , Battle Creek , Mlili. ' 1891 , John Emlsh , Wurrior'n Jfarch , 11740 , L. H. Sitter , Nellgh , Nob. 9052 , J. H. Fibber , Red Oak , la. 3330 , B W. B.'ttnLKueiie , istlj. 32UO , B , P. Price , % orthBend , Ntb. 9998 , Jacob Lurk , Hooper , Neb , 11507 , Jucob Doeabe , Harlnn , la. 1732 , l.ewi Bode , Shenandoah. la. 8551 , Thomas Llndsey , lluys , Neb. 11690 , H. W. Burr , . Cromwell , la. 1089 ; ! , W. 0. Snider , Plattsmouih , Neb. 5177 , L. W , Nmvham , Axtaud , Neb.l It78 ! , ClmrleHllotterman , MIUrd.Neb. I'.l'iA , Al x , .Jl lr , Arljoui' e , Ntb. 191 0 , W. H. Hill , Bluir , Nei. . 13874 , Edward Trennan , AnhUnd , Neb , 1088) , 11 , Latlmer , luogcne , L > . " 3818 , E. Flnegan. Unadilla , Neb. G7 3 , W , S , Miller , Clarka , Neb. 701' , O. H. Sulilcr , Malyern , la. 127.W , C , W. Kimbull , Haslings. Neb 7100 , James A. Corr.l , Randall , KaH. OI1C , J. Jt. SlniiiiB , Hastinxi' , JNeb , The following ntiniljuM drew one bolt of jouiadalo mufclin : 107b3 , J" ( er Huffman , Keowa , la. 13012 , Nellie Kniitb , Korth Englhh , la. 1113 , Mm , KopblolWoymouth , Levcn- wth.'Col. 6110 , 0 , 0 , jUtUnhoiise , Hastlnga , 'eb , 4010 , Fred , ThompuoD , Harpy Centre , feb. 3370. I. Knorr , Gleiiville , tf.jli. 9031 , M , D. BonnfK , Ulysses , J\T b. 4819 , HaDiuel Eccles , Beatrice , No.1) ) . 1810 , W , P. Cuunlnulium , " "eb. 8JF. C. HMO , Silver Creek , Neb. 0100 , T W. Adklns , City , Neb 11209 , I. W Grey , Sherman , W/d. The following numbers drew one dozsr silver-plated Ua'poonss 3G8 , H U Ho nford , Marycville , Mo. Old. A M In Ir * . Albion , Neb. 11,552 , John Dimon. Blue Springs , Neb , 12.917 , D AL I/ung , Arthur , Mo. 8,207. I W Manly , Council Bluffs , Ir. . 0,832. Thos Siul , Ue l , n , I . 8,318. John F Ke-llcr , Stanton , Wk 3,472 , Martha h Thoma * , Farmers City , io,7CC , A A Brown , Orixtbi , I1I . 1,802 , J W Walker , Urlgtiam City , Utnh , 3U')3 ! , oval churn , P J Snook , Wymore , Neb. 0.051 , oval c'mrn , W K > rr , Syr cu p , Jscb. 8,333. oval chum , JIM Hulls , North oup , Neb. 2,2.0 , milil baiul ring , Wm II Ycager , Kinlln , In , 7-l-ll > , Rold band ring , Kcubcn Maxwell , Liberty , Illf. MM , gnlil band ring , E E Chub , York , * 12.-181 , KoU band ring , 0 T Beaver , FMUCIty , No- > . 3.-101. Henry Licurtnco , Utica , Neb. 'I he following number ; drew one dozen brooms : J20i : , Sam Lewis , Ashland Neb. 131411 , Henry SleUter , Tlbbetnvllle , la. 11330 O. Ueiigcr , DellKht , Neb. 13(118 ( , A.T. Ayers , Solomon , la. 77 8 , It , A. Smith , O'Kobojl , la. CiOO , 11. 0. Ilownnl , Akron , Neb. 107(39 ( , Abram Snook , No a Spring ! , la. f > 78 , . W. Ellis , Waco , N.b. 7884 , Uobnt Lane , Gait , HID. lir.43. I F. Scoriold , Br. wnvllle. No1) . WOO , . J. Miller , \Valnut , U. 13337 , C. B Ferguson C.auicll Bluff * , * 4m , lIleM , Boll Crock , N'eb. 1UIS1 , Mr E. Sunxhliio , Wett Polut , Neb. Sim of the Fnthom VIsltod the Chlldrou 1'hysiclatn say that scrofulous taint rnnnot be eradfcattd ; we deny It "in toto. " If you ga thronuh n thorough course of Burdock Blood Bitters , your hlnod will get as pure m you can wish , Price $1.00 , trial siza 10 cents , mtfdlw CORNICE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Hainey Street , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . MANUFACTURERS OF ftlLTABBH ) IEOB Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IE01I gSLAT&EOOFIHB , Speoht's Patent Met'ilio 8ky- liRht. Patent Aduitablo Ratchet Bar end BRACKET SHELVING am the general 'Stita Agent fortlionbo\i lie ot Kooda. IKON FENCING. Oreitlngt , Baluitradei , Vcranda , | Omce am Dank Railings , Window and Cellar Quardi ; also GBNEKAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. Benius Rewarded ; .on , The Story of the SewinglacMne A handsome llttlo pamphlet , blue and , gel 001 cr , with numerous engravings , will bo GIVEff AWAY to any uuult peniTi calling for It , atany brander or sub-ottlco of The Singer Manufacturing Com pany , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , t < any person living at a distance from our ofllces The Singer Manufacturing Oo , , Principal Office , 34 Union Square NEW YORK.feblS feblS d&w Real Estate 5,000 . PIECES Lt. OF P ROPERTY ! For By JOHff I. OLAEEE , S , W , oor , Douplas and 14th Sts. _ _ fobB-coditt BYRON REED & CO. EHTA1LISUII > Real Estate Agency IN NKBl'ABKA iieoi | * uiiuplbte tbbtract of title 10 IU ftUtIP Om h n DoiiylM notmtv m vt Sioni City & Pacific - _ THE BIOUX OITY KOUTH Runs a HoliJ Train Ihroiigh from Oouncil Blufla to Bt. Paul V/lthout Changs Tlmo , Only 17 Hours it is THE dllORTKdT ROUTK OOUNOIL BLUFFS FO ST , PATHMIHNEAPOLIS DUMJT1IOK HIM- * Ch i rf | l nilr.V Ic Northern lo i HlnfitMou.tti ( ) U. , . .l lil < .l'l 0il'p | < a AJ a Otrj.I- . t Autoii tlo Air-Litio ' Phtlonu fjouulur and lludor : and for HPEED , SAFf.Ty AND COMFOKT Is unsurpassod. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE bet noon Kan us City and St. Paul , via Council BluOa and jloux City , Trains leave Union 1'adflc Tranufcr at Coun- : tl Dluffs , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kaiieai City , St. JODCpli and Council llludu train fiom the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:36 : p. m. , kiid at the New Union Doj > ot at fit. Paul at 12:30 : I100U , rKN HOURS IN ADVANCE OP ANYiOTJIKB ROUTE. tarllcinenibcf lu taking tbe Sioux City Route ou get a Through Train , The Shortest Line , [ ho Quickest Time and a Comfortable lUde la the Through ! 'art between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND BT. PAUL. tsruce that your Tickets read via the "Sloui 3lty and Poclflc Railioid ' J. S. W. Superintendent. Ocn'l Pass. Agent. ' . 11 UOHINiiON , Asu't Ocn'l Pass. Afc't. , Missouri Valley , Iowa , J. . 0'l JyAN,8outhwc } tern Agent , pound Bluffs , IOWA INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AHD CLOCKS TO UK REPAIRED IE ItT GIR -A. "VI IN" G- TO BE DONE OIU- JEWELRYtpJJFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others S T-A. T IE ! IB1 .A. X IB I received all of the SIX" FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , . f. for the Best Jewelry , ( own make , ) For the Best Engraving , - For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having liUoly enlarged my workshops and putting in now . .nd improve * . it ohinory , I hope to still moro' ' improve the quality and finish of our ork and fill orders withjnoro promptness than IB Usual. I1 My McMo b'trt always boon and always wjUJsp : "First to gain supurlor ties and then ndvortiso the fact not TJoTbro no wild advorluom'onta Seme unprincipled dealers bolng in the habit of cenyiiig my' onnouncomonts , I would bog you , the reader of tins , to draw a line between such copied ndrortisotnonta and-thoso of Yours very truly , A. B. tl.LMMHN The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , | Neb. , Sign of the StriMngr Tovr J. A. . . , WllOLKHAI.K AND I. UAH DKALER IN ttt urrrvi Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOIDIHGS , L\m \ , . VSTATK. AOBNl KOR MILWAUKF K W Near Union Pacific Deoot HAVE DECLI.NED -AND Is the first to make the announce ment , to his custorners and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH Af D WINDOW i Always sold at the lowest Market , Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. ' , , . J , B. DETWI LER : I3I3 Farnham Street. OMAHA. - - - - NEBRASKA. BUTTONS BUTTONS JUST RECEIVED THE Latest Novelties 200 Styles to Select from. From 1 cent to $1,50 per Dozen , GUILD & McINNIS 603 North 161 h Street ; „ . , ;