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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1882)
- i.JU.JCjOMAHA DAILY BEEFRD Y MARCH' iO 1682. FINANCE AND COMMERCE FINANCIAL , NK\T YORK , March 9. HOKKT * . Money closed at 4 per cent. Eichnnge doted firm nt 4 82@4 90J. Governments closed strong. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Currency G's , , 1 20 Vt coupons 1 18) ) 44's coupons. , i 1 13i 6rsContlnued , 1 03J 6'a continued 1 00) ) RMLHOAD BOKDS. Pacific railrotd bonds closed ts followi Unionists 115 C1 1C Union Land Grants 11G ( si 1C Union Sinking Functoff'd at , , 1 18J y Centrals 114 © 1 15 BTOCK8 There was * renewed depression on tt lock market and a sharp- pressure to se at the opening to-cUy , u'/ider uhlch { trio declined i@28 per cent. , , led by the Ml couri Pacific , l ) lawrt , LAckaw n , Western , New Jersey Ctntrnland Ncrll rn Pacific. , On the afternoon , kourd there ws marked change for Uie bettor , and price began to advance -continued to rise t the close , when the prices , < > f the duy wet generally current. "Kie " mlviuoo < or tli day ranged from J@C p.r cent , Tim granl est advance and activity , WM in the L. JN 8. , Missouri Pacific , ( De-aver AUIofiranili Northern Pacific pref erred , To * * ] It Pi < c fie , Kansas & Tex , Krio , Wubasl Western Union , New Jereejr Central , Ne' York Central , DeUwiro & Western , Mi waukee &SU Paul and Union 'Pacific. ' Following ate the closing 'bids. ' Am DU Tel. . . . A3 NJO. . 85 " \VesUrn Pac. . . . 424 t Northwestern. . 130 O &O . d9i rrefmrol..l3J 1st pfd . 29 ; 3f & W , pfd..i 51 idpfd . -2H NY 0. . . . 131 O S &H . 461 Nflr.lVcifio. . . . 3C OP . 88. . IVeferrod. . . . & Col Coal . 41 N sh& < 3 . 5 ? O-O &IO . 90S NY-E' vated..lOE O O 0 & I. . . . 8 } O&W . 22 C&A . 128J- Ohio Gent . If D &BG . 03 OUo . 3 ( DL& W . 122i Omaha * . 31 D&H . 100 P/tf erred . . . . 9C Brie . 851 OroNuv . llf K&W . 284 OroTcans . K ETenn . 10J Ohio South'n. . . 1 ( Preferred. , . . 18 PaolioJL . 35 Adams . 140 PD&E . 2 ( Fargo . 126 PulUPal. Car.,12 ; American . 92 H&tD . . . . . 12 ( Il&W P . Ill H&StJ . T Dx&B . - 1J Preferred. . . . U P . IU K&vP . 41 { IB&W . 35 Kan & . Tex . 28i HI . 13C LS . 113 ? Heading . C ( L&S N . 73J San From ; isco.34 L N & 0A. . . 51 Prefern id. . . , 4C M L S&-W. . . 424 1st Prefer red. . . .84 M P . 92 St. Paul . 10P Michigan Cen'l 81 . M & C . 48 StP M& M. . . 11 M&E . 121 T&iP. . _ .3 < J Man. Beach. . . 291 Wabash . 8S M&O . 21 Prefern sd. . . . 5ii Manhattan El. . 57 Western U'nioa , .77 Preferred . 92 HTATB BONIW. Tennessee 6'a declined to46o from < J7 < .and recovered to 46 jc. BTOCK BALE. " . The following were the aalesi of thi COMMERCIAL Omaha Wholesale B arbet- OmoB or Tax OMAIIA BHC , 1 Thursday Evening , March 9. ( The ilollo wing ore the only channel re ported in to-d&y'-a market. ' Wheat , if o. 2 , advanced 2Jc ; J o.-'S od'- vanced 2e. Rye advanced 2c. Oati Advanced jc. Potaasiam , Iodide , per barrel , .declined J5o. J5o.Efgs adranced'4c. ' During the , last few days of cold weather , the receipts in eggn have been light. Local Qraln Daallng * WHEAT. Cash , No.,2,1 , 08@1 lOfc cash /o. i , BSic : rejected , 65c. BAELKY. Cash No. 2. 88cj No. 3 -63c. 63c.II YE. Cash , C7c. r-r CORN. Cash No. 2 , 4Cc. OATS. Cash , 215n. .8TREET PRICES Com , 40@45 ; ota , ( Rg45. Rg45.AY < 6 00@6 SO per ton. Provisions. It&OUR Hpnng wheat , straight grade , $32fi@350 ; "Ploneet California , 4 00 ; pateni. 83 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight ( Trade $3 5@4 25 ; patent , $4 505 00 ; gra- aru r > e , $2 50 ; Wheat , 93 00 ; Queen Bee . W 25 ; Jasper. 13 87 ; Bt ? Sinux , .43 GO. RYE PLOUll-$3 25. IILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt , 1 10 per ton,16.00@17.00 ; < creenfaga , per cwt. SOe ; shorU , per cwt 1.10 ; chopped feed , p-sr cwt. 1 it ) ; meal nolted , yellow , L 40 ; white. 81 60. OTATOES Nebraskas. 1 I6@l 20. dWBE'PPOTATOES-Genulne Miueo- ine,4 @ 5o per Ib. WILD GE1WE-0 ut of marlat. JKGGS-17C. BUTTER -Choice , 35 ; poor , no market - ket ; fair , 18 ( 24 ; creamery , 40. APPI'ES Guod. sound , very scarce LKAIO'NS ' stuaiyj' r box , w 2 ® 45) ) . MALLAUA iHlAf/ib Per bbi. , 8 60 ; per half bbl. , 1 60 , BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22o. ONIONS 1 10@1 40 per bushel. OEANBEHllIES-Per bbl. , $1000 ® ilCO. CELERY Per doz. , G5@70cv DRESSED GKESE Per Ib. , fltgllc. OYSTERS Selects , 45c ; standaixls , 35c. tediums 25o. DRESSED CHICKENS-Steady at 10@llc. DRESSED TURKEY8-12J@13c. CHEESE 100140. OASE VALENCIA RANGES- t8 23 a 9 00. Qroce'rs Lilt , COFFEE.-Kio , lair , llic ! Kio , good 12Jc ; Rio , jirime to choice , ISJc } Old gov't Java ; 20i@28ic , Mocha , 28io ; Arbuckle's , 15Jo.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Olioice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45cj Choic * , C0@75cj Young Hyson , i We ; choice , 65c91 DO ) Japan 1 35o ; Japan , choioa , 60@75ci Oolt . . , S5@40j OolonR , cho.w , 4055 > 8oue d , 8540o ; choice , 35(3)15 ( ) 8 UGARS , Cnt loaf. lOlc ; Cnwhc- lOJc ; Granulated , lOlc ; Powdersd , lOJf 'Finepowdfred , lojc ; Standard Coffee A Die ; New York Confectioner's Standar A. 9Sc ; Good A , 9Jo { Prairie Extra C Jo. Jo.SYROPS. SYROPS. Sugar house , bbls. 45c ; hal bis , PC ; kepi , 4 J rallons , $2 10 ; cholc table tyrup , 44o ; hallbbls , flo ; kegs , 62 H SODA. Dwlsht's lb punern , $3 03 ; D ( land do , ? 3 00 ; Church's , $3 00 ; Keg jodi STARCH. Pearl , 4 hi BlUer Gloss , 8 ( ErSJc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Kxcelsio is loan. 7c ; Com , 74o. SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl. 1 85 ; Asr ton , in sacks , 8 DO ; libls dairy CO , 5s , 3 4 ! bbls dalrr , fto. < 365. DRIED FRUITS-Cholce halvei evaporated peathei.7oSalt ! L kolOiovaj : ; Nei ne I5c CHEESE Full Cream , 14c ; Pm Skim , U4o. WOODENWAUE Two hoop pMli 1 05 ; ttireo'ho ' p palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tul 9 50 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 M : No. 3 tubs. 7 61 pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Crawt 2 90 : Wellbwckct , 3J5. LkAB-Bar , $1 65. SPICKS. Pepper , , | 10 | Allcplce , 19 < Clures , ' 40c ; Nutmeg , 81 Ofli 25cjO 8KU Mwoo 31 fO. MATCHES Per caddie , 90o ; roun caws , SW1) ! snunro capm , $5.10 , PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , ' 12J , jhoico'lnrtl , 14 Jc ; dried hcef , ISjcj shouu era , 9c : hnnis. IHr : bacon , sides , lie. > TK\V PICKIJES Medium , In barrcli Ff OOi Uo In half bbls. .1 25 ; smalls , In bbl 12'OOdo , In haifbbh , 7 CO ; gherkins , i bbls. 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 CO. VINEGAR Pure , apple extra , 16i tnira apple , 13c : Prussinir nuro airan , 16i 'HOMINY New , 95 00 per bbl. BEANS-iSIedium , hand picked 81 I mr bushel ; navy , SI 00 ; calef navy , 64 0 ROPE-Staal , J inch and larg r , 8j ( , ' . APSCirk's Savon Imperial , 831 'Kirk's satic < . J30 ; Kirk's standard , 8 Gl 'Klrk'awti Russian , 500 : Kirk f-Kntoca. 20 Kirk's Ptuirio Queei (100 ( cakes ) . 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55 ( OANDKES Boxes ; 40 Ibs , Ifl oz , 81 10cboxea ; < 0 Ibs. , 16 oz. . Ga , ICc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 341 'Western , 275 ; North' Stac , 00 ; Lewi lye. 4 eOjVTewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pcnnsylvaain cans , 4 doz in caee3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cast 1'90 ; Anchor Ball 2 dot in CMC , 1 IX ) . FIELD SEED Red clover , cholc new , $000 per buahel ; mammoth clove new , (7 00 ; white clover , now , $14 CK vl olfvclover , now , $12 60 ; dkike , nov 81300. Timothy , .good , 'now , $3 01 blue grant , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue eras clean , " SI 25 ; orchard graeo , Q2 50 ; rea toj choice , ' 1 03 ; millet , common or Missour 80c ; nullet , Germ&a , $1 00 to $1 2 ! Hunc riun. 80c. HEDQESEED Oeago orange , 1 to bushels , $5 00 ; onage orange , ' 10 busheln < over,1 $ S 50 ; honey locust , -per'lb. , 35c ; p < 100 Ibs S25 00. FIS J-Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbl S > 75 ; A'o , 1 white fish , DOUb hf bbB ? , 6 ? < No. l--whito fish , in 10 Ib.kitR.llUO ; faniH 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , pi keg , 1 55 ; Rusuian Bardines , I7Cc : Colur bia rirer salmon , per 1001bs,4 } 00 ; George Bank'-codfish , 6c ; Gen. boneless codnsl OJc ; Ixaeless fish , S c. MACKEREL Half bblsmessnuckere 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1-ex shore d < 1001bBS60 ; hf bbl8-fatifanilly &o , 1 ( Ibs , A 00 ; mess mackerel , :12 : tlb .kite , 2 2. No. 1 ez shore , 12 Ib Ho , ' 10 ; vNo. l shon 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 7oo. CANITED GOODSOystera , 2 1 ( Fieldb ) , pr case , $4iOO ; do3l Ib ( Field's per case , 2 50 : do 2 tb.-fltaiidard ) , ' per casi J 60 ; del Ib ( standard ) , per.-caee , 2 0 ; d 2 Iti ( tiloc&r ) , per case , 2To ; do1 ! Ib ( ( lock per cftHC , 2 00. Onionc , 3-80. Salmon , Ib , perdtzen , 1 631 70 ; dolZC ) , perdoze 265 , Sardines , Bmall'f-iTj.i imported , or quartelioxes pec box , i4ic ; Amecicai quaiter/l > oxcs per box , flic ; "da half boxe perboz 21Jc. Lobstom , 1 'Ib per dczei 180. Tcmatoea , 230 ; 'do i lt > p ( cose , [ &IW1 ; Com. 2 Ib ( Mourn1 ah per ease , 3 20 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; A 2 tb ' ( Yarmouth ) , ptr case , 3 string beans , per caao , 235 ; I Lima bean per eaae , > 220. Sucootoih per cose. 22 ; Peas , common , per -case , j2 OOjpor.s , choJci per cae , 4.50. Blaok&orried , 3 Ib , per cast 280 ; tr T.'berrios216 , per -aose , 2 VS raspberries. 2 Hi , , per icase , 2"7530 ( Damsaa3'i Ib , per case , 45. Bartlct > ears per -case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlebei ries pearjcaac , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib pa eixe , 3 SO ; do , choice , & Ib , per cace. 4 ft' Oroen gtgep,2 Ib per casi , SIX ) : da choice , Jt > per CMe l CO. Pine Ajpules , 2G > ffpTcaj * 4 00@5 75. iPeaches , 2 TO , prrcase , 3 Ifl itio 3 Ib , case/.G 00@G Oft ; doiple ( ) , 3 Ib , pe itfjuje.385 ; < lo ; e , 6 Ib , per dozen , iSfD. RICE Carolina , 78c ; 3 > > uiiUna , ' @ 8lc ; faie.6@ < 33. PEANTTTS Roasted , choice , . red Ten fn 3see , 9cpenlb ; fancy & ! te,10o per Ib raw white Virginia raw , illc ; rotated 11-J.c. Dry Good * . tCROWN CCttTONS A lantioA-Sic Aypleton X , 7e ; Atlanta A , fie ; iBi > ot' FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 44 , 7o ; ( ( labat W 'tc ; Chittenaogo/A. 6c ; Ureat LFalla E Sic ; Hoonier , CJoifilonest WMJh , 73cfin : dian Head A , BJc ; Indian Standard A , lc ; < rndian Oncluvrd d. w. ( 8 c ; 'Lawrence JLr7c ; Mystic River , 7ic : P < jquot A , . 89s Shawnut LL , 7cUtica ; ( O , Sic ; -.Wjiclius ett'B. ' 71c ; do A , % ; do E 4 , 12io ; WaV cotfc 1)3 , 8Jc. BTNE BROWN'OOTTONS-AUandale 4-4 : 7Jc ; Alligator 3 3c ; Argyle d-4 , Tjo ) Atlantio LL , OJc ; Badger Stat * X < W , 7c | Jcnningion C 4-4 , C Jo ; Buckeye B. 4-4 , GJcc 16 , 7Jc ; do E 39. SJc ; Pocasset 0 4-t , 7o ; VVamsutta4-4 I3o' BLEACHED COTTONS Androscqg- Kin L 4-4aOcBlack8toneA ; A in perUl fle ; odohalf bleached 44 , fla ; Cabot 4-4.j ITi4elity4.4 , 3cFruit ; of UmLoom.ll ; * -an Arlo4.4,13cdo ; Water Twist,10JoGpe ; t TolkQ , lOJe : Indian Head shrunk 4-l,121c : Loniale , lOJo ; do cambric 37 , 13c ; New fork Mills , ISc ; Pequot A , We ; Pepi crell G Twills , 121c ; Pocahon aa 4 , 9Je ; 4,4 , RJs ; Utica , lie ; Wamsu tto ) X X , 13c. DUCKS TTnUeacbed Atl * ilc , 10 o V 7c ; Baltimore do , ICe ; Lone Star , 8 or- , 2c : Bar-pe. 18c. UuOKS ( Colered ) Albony K fcrown. ic ; do 0 , iirali tie- doH. . stripes and > laids , I2ie ; do XXX brown and ilrab , tripes and plaids , 12fa ; Arlington fancy , 9cj BrunawicJc brown , 8Joj Chariot fancy , 2Jc ; d extra heavy , 20c ; Foil River irown , extra heavy , 11 ic ; Indiana A irown , 13c : Neponset A brown , 15c. TICKINGS Am oskeofi A 0 A 82 74c ; do XX blue 32 , ISJb ; Arrowanna , Jo ; Claremont B B , ISJci Conestoga ex- ra , 17ic : Hamilton D , 11 Jo Lewiston A 0 , 15cj Minnehaha 4-4. 20c ; Omega super xtra 44 , 28c ; Pearl River 32. lofoi Put- .am XX blue etrlpe , 12o ; Hlutuckct 8 0c ! do Hf 13c : yeoman'lil'ie 20. 8J- IJENIilS , Amojkiuic , bluoauil brown flic : Andover DD blue , 15c ; Arlington ilue Scotch , ISJcj Concord OOO , blue and rown , 12ic : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX o do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , , lie ; Hyutio River DD stripe , ICJoj Penrl Uver , blue and brown , 15jc ; Uncaaville , lue and brown , IDJe. CAMBRICS Barnard , 51c ; Eddyntone nlug , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A lazed , 6c : Manhattan glo\e finish , RJc ; Newport do Go ; do glnzeu , CJc ; PequoC do c ; Ivockwooj kid hniah , Cc. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros- ; oggin Btttteen , 8J ? ; Clurendca , Cjc ; Cones- , ga satteena , 7c : Hallowel , 8cj Indian irchord improved , 7ic ; Narr > ganiiett , 7ic ; ejiperill satt < vm Oin ; Rockport , 7Jo PRINTSAliens. . OJo : American , CJcj .mold , 7c ; Berwick , 4oj Cocheco , 7c ; onestoga. CJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell , l@7c ; Eddyitone. 7c : Gbucenter , Cc ; lannony , 61o ; Knickerbocker , CJoj Mer- . PJ Mystic. 6Jo ; Sprawes , Ocj Sonthbtidge , Cc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; bens 5Jcs Oriental 6Jo. GINGHAMS Amwkwur. lOJc ; Amo ktvj dress 12 ArgylA , lOjc ; Atlantic 9e ; Cumberland , 7icJ Highland , 8jc Kenilworth , 8o ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sni sex. Be. COTTONADES Abbervllle 18Jc Agate , We ; American , lie ; Artistnn , 20c Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; .Clarion D and T 17c ; Decc n Co.stripes DnndT.lCc ; Kev stone , 13c ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil ICc ; Ocean D and T , ISjc ; Royal , 1G | - Sussex , 12c ; Tiogn , 12Jic ; Wachusott hlrt In ? shocks. 12JCS do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York plain Nankin. 12Jcj do.chock * , stripes am fancy , 12Jcj do , 8oz,20c. SH EETING S Andrtucognln 10-4.27 Jc da 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; ContlnenUl ( 42 , lie ; Fnilt of the Ixxim 10-4. 274 ; Nci York mills88 , S5c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 58 , 22Jc Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Penuot 10-4 , 28ic ; d 7-4 , lOc ! do 49 , IGc ; I'eiiporcll 90 , 29 < do 07 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utlav 96 85c ; d 58,22c ; do 48,17c OlR r * and Tobacco * . CIGARS. Seeds , 816,00 ; Connecticut $25.00 ; Mixed , ? 35.00 ; Seed Havanr S50.00 ; Clcarllftvann , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Uul < 24 Ib , COc : Spotted Fawn , Olcj Our Rep < fine quality , G2c ; 8Ur , pounds , 2 Ib , butts , COc ; Horse Shoe , pound i 24 Ib , butts , COc ; Gilt Edg < pounds , 24 Ib , butt * , CO ; Army and Navj jKiunds , 65c ; Bullion , pounds , COc ; Lori lard's Climax , pounds , Glo , FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Ben * 5c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain. r-Oi Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mmmtnin , dO < Fancy , 55e ; Daisy , 5Uo. In tin foil- CntlhiB 0. S. , " Ib boxen , per U > C3c ; lor Illnrd's ' Tii-sr , C5c ; Diamond Grown , lido. SMOKING All grades Common. 251 R3c. Granulated Blackwells Durhnin , 1 uzfilc ; Thtkcs Durham , 10 oz , 50u : v l c North Carolina , 10 at , 46 ; Seal of Vfbrm kn , 10 oz , 38c ; LoneJnck , 4 oz , lln u l-agi perlb , 51.35 ; Marburg/Puck , 2 oe , ti oil , 5 5o $ DOR Tall , 65o. Palntt Old and V rnlthe * . PAINTS IN OIL-White lead , Omah P. P. , 6ic ; white lead , O.P.&O 0 .S.P.f puro.O-'catarsilllosgroon , lto 5 Ib-cans , 2 ( French zinc , gi : < rti sealj 12c ; French zin red seal , He ; .French nnc , In varnish ass 20o ; ( French rince , fn oil asst , ICc ; Ra and burnt umber , 1 ft cans 12o ; raw at burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke crown , 13 ttsfmcd lampblack. 12c ; conch black , 1 ° Nory black , ICc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussli blue , 30c ; ultranutpmo blue , ISo ; chron green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutt green , L. M. & D14o , : Paris green , 18 Indian red , 15c : V-onetian red , 9c ; Tusd iln > , 22c ; AmcrtcJm Vcrmlliod , I , &P , , 18 otiromo yellow , It. , M. , O. A : D 0. , 18 yellow ochre , 9c ; golden oehro , 1 < ; pat dryer , Go ; graining colors : 'light ' oak. du 03. f , walnut , cbsntnut and ub 12o 'Dry ' ° alnu White lend , 6Jc ; .French cine. lOc ; Pr.i whltelng 2ic ; whiting gilders. 1J vhitinc com I , lie ; lampblack Gcrtr.a town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pru cian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , Ibc ; van < tyk brown , 8c ; umbcrjbumt , 4o ; umber , ra < 4csienna ; , burn t , 4cclenna , raw , Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris grcc&con 25c ; chrome -green , N. V. ' 20c ; eliroi green K. , ISc ; yermillion , Eng. , 70c ; vc million , America , 18c ; Indian red , 10 rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , read , Cooksor * ? Jc : Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lead , 7J chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome y < low , K. , IZc ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochi JTrench , 2 c ; ochre , American , ' 1J "Winter's mineral , 2c ; lehigh , 2J Spanish brown. 21c ; Prince's micem ! 3 VARNISHES-B rels per gollo Furniture , extra , 31'10 ; furniture , No. 31 ; furniture , IT , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 4 -Coach , , 8120 ; 'Damar , SI O ; Japa 70c ; asph<um , 70c-thollac ; , $ S 50 : .ha -oil finish , 81 30 OILS IW carbonv rer gallon , lljc ; 1'i headlight , per gallon'I2Jc ' ; 175"1lieadligli .per gallon'IGic ' ; crystcline , per gallon , 19 ( inseed , rivw , pergollec , 02 ; linseed , boile per gallon'lC5c ; lanV intereti'd , peru Ion , 1 00 ; I'fo. 1 , 85c ; No. 2CSc ; caste XSXX. p callon , 1 90 ; No. 3't 15 ; swee cr galloutU3c ; specie , W. Bvper galloi 35 ; fisV " " . B. . per gallon , OOc ; neatsfoo extra , per rallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubi eating , z ro , per galloc , 30c ; summer , Ifi ( olden maokine , No. 1 , per gftllcn , 35c ; N 2 , SO : speran , signal , tier galloc , 80c : U pcntlne , per gallon , ' -C4c ; naptha , 74 , p gcllon , 30c-G4 . 20c -Heavy Hardware U t. Iron , rates. $340 ; plow steel , sped coot , 7c ; cDuciblo , 8c ; Kccfalu CIermanG ceet tool do. 15@20 wagon spokoa , se 22C@3 OOjirabs , per eat , 125.felloes ; , saw < dry. Ii40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle eaen , 75c ; auare outs , per -"Ib , 7@11 wafehers. pcnlb. 8@16c : rivets , per Ib , 11 coil-chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8 iroa wedgea , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harro toetk , 4c ; botseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; sprit steti , 7@8c ; Burden's boraemlioes , 5 3 Butiden'ajizQJkishoes , CtSD. NAILS 1C to 20d , 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 37 6d004d-425 ; , ; 3d , .eomnuaf , 500:9 fine , C 50 ; ciinih , all eiacs , -25Wd , casin , 4 75-Cdeosiaf , 4 50 ; 10dcasing , 4 25 ; K finish , 4 7 > 8d finish , 5'iGO ' ; ( xFSulsh , 5 2 half btse , lOocxtra. SHOT. SUct , $1.85 ; fiuck allot , ? 2.1 < Oriental Powder , kege. $ C40 : do. , ha kegs , .48 ; do. , quarter tegs , 31/38 ; Bias IDS. kem. 83.35 : Fuse , oer 100 feet SOo. BAI.'BED vWIUE It car lofa .8 30 p < COO ; in loss than car lota , > 8 55 , par 100. Horses nnd Mvlei. The merket ia brisk and all .gmdes ai calling well at * olluht advance i in pilcei Tbe demand 'for txottd her oa .oxcteda tl supply coDflldordbly. Priotfl > range ai fo lows : Fine sing j drivers , ? lfX ) . to 300. ; Extr draft horses , $170. to 225 , ; Commas drai howefc , $106. it o ! ! . ; Extra farm Jiorsei 8110. to 125.JCommon togoadfarmJiorsei S90. Co 910CL ; Extra plugi , 800. < lo 76. Comncon plu a , 920. to $40. MTJSLES.-15 toODJ hands $ extn4 812S to 150. ; 14 } < o 15 bauds , 8100. to 140. 14 to 14 } hauls , 75. to 100. ; 18 } to 1 Ivands. CCO. to 76 Llquori. ALCOHOL 167 proof. 2 30 per < wln gallon ; extra California spirita , 187 proof 1 3D per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 { iroof , 124 per proof Ballon ; ro-diatillei rfcitWes , 1 00@1 SO ; fine blended , ICOg 3 50 ; KtAitccky bourbonn , 200@700 ; Ken tuekv and Pennsylvauia ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Impe ted , W 00@10 00 lomesUo 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 C0@6 00 ; dementis L 40(33 ( 00. RUMS Imported , 4 iO@0 00 ; Nay 3 uuland. 2 00@4 00 ; domeatiq. L f > 0@3 5 ( PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- L 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported j > er cane , 16 < JO31 OjAmsrUia cose , 1200(2 00 , CLARETS Per case , 4 B0@10 00 WIKES Rhine wine , per case , C 00@ 0 00 ; Catawba , per cose , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WIIOLKaAlE. We quote lumber , lath and ihingles on are at Omaha- the following prices ; JOIST AND SOANTLING- ft. and inder. 821 ( W ; 18 It. , $22 00. ' TIMBERS 10 ft. and under. 82200. TIMBIJR AND JOI8T-18 ft. , 823 00 ; 0 ft. , S24 00 ; 22 ft. , $27 50 ; 24 ft , 827 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 in. , 122 00 ; To. 2. 820 tO. SHEKT1NGK . 1 (2nd ( common o.d1860 ) ; No i. , J17 00. STOOKI BOARD.V-2-111' * 2300 ; 2-in. O. S35 00 ; 12-in. B , WO 00. SIDING A , $24 03 ; II. S2I 00 ; C , 1800. FfOORING-A , 840 00 ; B , W 50 ; O , 32 00 ; D. 823 00. SH1NGLKS No. 1 , $1 76 ; C-In. clear , 2 75 ; Htar , 83 25 : extra A , SI 00. . LATH-NO. i.83 rx ) . SHIP LAP-Plain , 82300 ; 0. . 0. Nor $24 00 ; O. G. No. 1. $35 00. CEILING a-iti. No. 3,82500 ; g-lii. fo. 2 , 837 00in. ; . No. 1 , * J2 50. FINISHING -Mu. No. 3 , 837 60 ; Hn. To. 2 , $13 60 ; Lin. No. ] , 818 60. THICK FINIHH-8l800gariOO. ! TARRED KJJI/r Per Ih , 33. STRAW BOARD-Per 1I3c. . BKAH CREEK LIME 81 23. PLASTUR PARIS- y . LOUISVILLE OEMENT-82 00. BulldlnK Material. LIME P r barrel , 1 85 ; bulk perbu. , o. Cement , bbl , 82 50 , Iowa plotter , bbl , 93 60. Hair p r bo. 850. Tarm felt 100 lb , 13 50. Straw board , $4 00 PAPER Straw paper , 85o > rag paper 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manlU paper , lOc news paper. So COAL-Cumberland blactormlth , 812 Morris Run Blossbnrg , $12 ; 'NVhltebreas lump , $0 fO ; Whltebreost nut. $8 TO ; lowi lump , $0 60 ; Iowa nut 60 ; Rock Springi (8 ; Anthracite , all size * . 812 00@12 50. Drup-s. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Acid Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartnric , OOo ; Balnati Copablat > erlb , 76o ; Bark , Sassafras \ Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75o ; Clnchonldtn per 0 * , 8100 ; Chloroform , l > r Ib , IOC Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; Lpur salts , per Ib. Sje ; Glycerine , pure , per 11 45c : Ixjad , Acetate , ppr Ib , 24c Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per M " 1 30 Oil Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil Olive , per pal. 81 60 ; Oil , Origanum. 60 Opium , 85 25 ; Quinine P. A W. & It. & S. txsr oz , $2 40 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11 82 15 ; SMacm , per or , 40o ! Sulphate o Morphine , Vcr oz. 84 00 ; Sulphur Houi per Ib , 4ic ; Strvchnlne. net oz , 81 60. Merino unwashed , light , 14@16cj htaj 13@15c ; me < llum tmwashod , light , 1820c washed , choice , 82c : fair , BOc ; tuli-dlna ; and w. , 2Sc ; hurry , blackand cottwl wool 2@Cc loss Hide * f-ur , Etc. UIDES-Utcen butcher's hide , ; Gi < 8i7 < cured 7Jc ; hides , green salt , part cum ! 7 hides , Clc ; dry flint , sound. 13@14cj dr ; calf and kip , 12@13e ; dry salt hides , round ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Iba. . 10@1U green calf , wt , unilor 8 llw , pet ktn , Wr green pelts , 60@S1 25grcen : lamb skin ? 81 10@125 : damaged hides , two-third rale cut scored nnd ono grub , claused hvi : tllnlsrat < s ) branded hides 10 i > cr cent , ill Coon sklnNo. . 1 , 45c ; No. 2. SOo ; No. C 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. I SOc ; No. 8 , 15c ; No. 4 , Be. Fox , V > . 1 COc ; No. ' 2 , 25c Skunk , No. 1 , Wack 65c ; short stripe , 40n- narrow strlo | 'I'x broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , Co , Lea her. Oak solo , 38c to 42o : hemlock 8i > ! c , 23c t 3Gc ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runnel 65o to SOc ; hemlock cilf , 8'o to 1 20 ; turn lock upper , 23cto26o ; oa < u per , 21i alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; c lf kid , 3V Grelsenklil , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak ktp , bOo t 100 ; oakcHlf , 1 ' . ' 0 to 1 3D ; French kit 1 10 to 1 5F ; nch calf , 1 26 to 2 00 ; tin Botts. 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 6C topi ings. 9 1 0 to 10 00 ; B L. Morocon , 30 to .Vic ; ppiiblo 0. D. Morocco , 85c ; simor 2 f 0 to 3 00 HARNESS -No. 1 Mar oak , 43c ; Node do , 40c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , JOe ; No. 2 < ! < 37c ; No. 1 Milwaukee. 38c ; No. 2 do , 30. Cotinoil Bloffi Market. , COUNCIL BLOTFS , March 9 , Flour Crystal Mills Golden Shea 3 ( tO ; CuKfcirni.i ureko , patent , 38 ; bei brand T Kin-as , 3 < " > 0 < i3 30 ; Kansas an Missouri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 8 71 rye Hour , 3 40. Bran and Short * 15 00 per ton Chop Com 2i < K ) i > er ton. Wheat No. 2 , Si 12 ; No. 3 , 72o ; n Jectcd , 52c. Com 48. Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 35c. Barley No. 2. 90o : No. 3 , 75o Iliiy Lio-e , SOO@C-00. Wood 5 50 ® 7 00. Live Hogs 5 25@B 75. Cattlo-Shlmiing , 4 50@5 00 ; mile cows 30 00@45 00 < per head ; butche : stock , 3 00@3 50. Sheep 3 75@4 25. G Hides 5c ; G S hides , 7c. Wool 1D@25. Butter Creamery , Oc ; in rolls , wra ] ped , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 20cfmlx ; ( colors , 15@2Cc. Eggs Packed , lOc ; fresh , 12&0 & . Potatoes 1 10@1 SO ; Salt Lake , 1 50. Onions-1 25@1 40. Dressed Poultry Chickens , lOc ; duck UOc ; geese , > ' 8c ; turltoys , 124c. Live Chickens 235 per dozen. NowXork Ifrodnoa NEW YOBK , March 9. Flour Steady and-qulet. Wheat- Opened il < olic ) higher , unse lied and feverieb , and closed with part the advance lost ; No. 2 red winter , 1 3 ! i@l 33 ; No. 1 white , 1 80 ; No. 3 re March , ! 80 J@131i. Corn Higher and unsettled , cloaii very strong ; ungraded mixed , C3@07i No. 4 , 09@G9ic ; steamer mixed No. ' 69J@71ic. Oata iA. Rhode higher and modsrate active , Rye Firm and In'falr request. Barley Dull. Pork-iQuiet but strong at 17 25@17 3 ! new mess. , Lard Strong and active at 10C2i f cash ; 1050 for Marcluand April. Whisky-Nominal. Petroleum Dull , weak and noraina 'United ' , 7ic ) ; cruueiin barrels , refiuedln barroU , 74c9ked , Goeda Market. NKwTToitK , March 9. Despite the incleiueucy in weather -vei lair business in staple and departaei goodn was done by eome leading jobbe to-day , and theru is a decidedly betti feeling in this branch trade. The demarj at first lianda have beenimostly reitrictc to.-auch Assortments as are needed for r newuliin jobber * stock , iond some larj tccasaotionsiwith exporterg and conzoc orsjjro reported. In cotton goods thei woe A fair business in leading market bleached goods and hrown and colored co tons were unsteady though moderate > di inand. At firtt hands iobblni trade hi been fairly native , goou iiacking buuinei having been accomplluhed byJarger housei Agents have made the following revise prices : /Bleached / cottonv. Warren AA , 4-1 12eiD l.kwaro AA , 4-4 , 4c ; Maxwell , 4- ' Ju ; Eruit of the iLoom , Jc ; Mcionrille , 4- < lOc. Olnolnjintl Prodooe. ClNOINKATI , March 0. Pork 17-50@1776. Lard Nominal ; p > ime kteau , 10 10X < Bulk Meats- Clear sides , 900@9 62' ' . Boron Fair demand ; clear tildes , 10 4 ( SilO 60. Flour Better demtnd ; family. G 25C 700. 700.Wheat Wheat Dull and easy ; No. 2 r d , 1 2 @ 128. Corn In bettor detuind and firmer ; No 2 mixed , G3c. Oats Firmer ; ND. 2 wired , 47c. Rye Dull and easy. Barley-Dull and weak ; No. 2 Ml , 36 1 00 for choice. Whisky Steady and unchanged At 1 LO Cotton Market- Nuw YOBK , March 9 Cotton Sheet' cotton steady ; midlaiu uplands quoted 1-10 higher at 11 B7J ; salei atai 1,700 bales for export , 334 bales tc rplnneis , and 400 biles were delivered on contracts. . Futures Cloved firm and 5-100C 100 Joactr than yestird.iyMarrhll ; 86@11 87 ; Aitiil , 1199i ; May , 12 17@12 18 ; June 12 3 @ 1235 ; July. 18 l@12 62. Pbllaaeiphla Produce. PJIIUDKLPIIIA , M rch 9 , ' Wheat Pinner at 1 31J1 33 for cash ind March ; 1 Ulj@l | 32 } for April. Corn Ktwier at 69felj9Jo for ca h ; C8J JOUiafurJf roll. Oatd J uUr ut SO Dliofor cu.b ; I0j 3)rilc for Marcli , Rye 80c , Baltlmoro Frodooe. JJALTluouic , March 9. Flour Finn. Wheat -Southern , firm ; fultz , 1 28@ . 82 ; Jxmsberry , 1 38gl ! 42 ; No. 2 red vlnter. steady at 1 29 for caeh and March ; .31J for April. Corn Whita southern firmer at 80c ; ellow , firmer at SOo. Buffalo Live Htook , EA T liux/Aix ) , March 0. Hogs Dull ; recelptf , 19 cars ; ship- tieuts , 22 cars ; Yorkern , 6 15@0 30 } Kood Turpeatiito & urket < WILUINQTON , N. O , , March 9. Ronln Dull ; utralned 1 90 ; good , I 95. SpiriU Fif in at 4 9J. T r-fite dv t 1 80 , I > lv0 Stock. EAST LIB RTT , Pa. , March 9. Cattle Steady and unchnnfjedjreceli ti lUhealjAhlprrcriti 102 hciwl Ho x Knlr ; rj elpt * , 1,200 h ad ) uhli ment . 1.200 hea ; 1'hiKnlelr-hiM , 7 2v 735 ! Yorker- l > < fth 4' . Shrep F.rin and unchanged ; receipt ! 400 head ; thipincuU , none , CALIFORNIA FIXUR. Sacramento mills p'atent flour ( re brand ) . Our brit Knrt'ka patent floii ( blue brand ) , The only pitcnt flour mar ufactured on the Pacific coast. Wo clftjt It Is the whitest , strongest and bet f.iinil flour In tht ) state. A k your grocer for II Try it and jrm nlll use no other. K M , McC'ncAiir & Co. , Sacramento , T. J. EVANAjirir , Crystal Mill. , I u.cll Bluffs. Bnohun * ivrnlcn Salve. The bust niilvo intlio world for outc imiisos , gurus , ulcors. snlt rhuiini fuvor sores , tuttur , chnppod Imndi cliillblaiiiSj corns nnd nil kinds c akin eruptions. This salvo is gunt iintoud to ivo | iotfvct Bntisfnctiuu i ovury CASLui uionoy rofundod. I'ricc oo per box. For aalo by i ii > V MoMMioN. Omaha. CHILDREN'S ' WATOUEE Why an Arknnana otorckoopor Dl Not Toke Two Mutitntod Coins. lltlo Ho k.AiV. ) Yostorduy an old man entered Lutli < Hock sti.iv , and taking froi liis pocket tin old buckskin poucl ho emptied two coins un the countoi and then , after regarding the silvt for a few moments , Bald : "Mister , I wfnt to buy BOIUO good to make a dress. " "That money is mutilated , old goi tloman. This twonty-fivo cent piec haa notches filed in it and this fift cent piece has been punched. Yo BOO , they have boon abused. I can take thorn. " "Abused , " said the old-mai "Abused , " and ho took up the fift ; cent piccu nnd looked nt it tcndorl ; "And you won't take it on account i the holes. Heaven grant that I di not have to offer it to you. Ypa ago , when my first child was a _ litt girl , I punched a hole in this coin ar strung it around her neck. It wi her constant playthiiiR. At nigl when she wont to bed wo'd take ifo but early at morning she would ct for her watch. When our John yi didn't know John , did you ? N Well , ho used to como to town a goi deal. " "Whore is ho now ? " nskod the me chant , not knowing what to Bay , b desiring to show appreciation of t old man's atory. "Ho was killed in the war. I s that when John was a little boj strung this quarter around his noc Ono day his watch got out of fix , said , nnd ho filed thcao notches in. Ho and his sister Mary that was t ! girl's natno used to play in the ya and compare their watches to BOO they wore right. Sometimes Jol wouldn't like it because Mary's wa * was bigger than his , but ulio won explain that she was bigger than hii and ought to have a bigger watc The children grow up , but as th had always lived in the woods they we not ashamed to wear their watchi When a young man came to sou Ma once she forgetfully looked at h fifty cents. 'What are you doin asked the youug man , and when s told him she was looking at her watc ho took it as a hint and wont hon After this aho didnot wear her wat in company. Well. Mary and t young man married. John went in the army and got killed. Mar ] husband died , and about two yen ago Mary was taken sick. When h mother and I reached her house si was dying. Calling mo to her bo she aaid : 'Papa , loan over. ' I loam ovec , and taking something from und her pillow , aho put it around my noi and aaid : 'Papa , take care of n watch. ' " The old man looked at tl merchant. The eyes of both wo moist. "Dim you aoo tlmt boy o there on the wagonj" ho said. "We tlmt 10 Mary's child. I wouldn't pa with this money , but my old wil who always loved mo , died this mor ; ing , and I hayo como to buy hoi shroud. " When the old man wo out ho carried a bundle in ono hai and the "watches" in the other. The Right Sort of ra Jacob Smith , Clinton Street , Bulfal cays he has used Sl'IHNO BLOHHOU in I family OH a genorpl n edlcino fdr cases Indigestion , biliouMicm , bowel and kiclni compluintx , and dlvorden arising fro Impuritleii of the blood ; ho speaks hUrli ! of its oflicacy. Price 50 centH , trial bo ties 10 cents. in-7-d-lw Reporting Society Nows. New York Hour. There is often a protuiiso of disgui on thu part of society poopls that pul licity should bo given their affair but this is generally all put on , nn frequently the greatest puins.iro take to secure the coveted newspaper m tico , The dcscrip' ' ion of the dross < a bride who was married in Grac church no * long ago appeared in leading newspor. The bride had wri ton it hoHulf. In fact , she revise the entire account of the wcdditif as she happened to know a man o thu paper , who obtained for her th copy at an early hour in the day. NEVER GIVE UP , If you are suffering with low an depressed spirits , loss of appetite , gor eral debility , disordered blood , wea constitution , headache , or any disoas of u bilious nature , by all means prc cure a bottle of Electric Hitters. Yo will bo surprised to see the rapid ini proveinont that will follow ; you wil no inspired with now life ; ntrongtl und activity will n turn ; puin and 111(4 ( ory will cease , and henceforth yoj will rejoice in the praise of Electrii Bitters. Sold at fi - tnki a hotllu b ; Ish & McMahon. 0 NO'J'IOE ! It has often como to my notici lining the l.tat three years that cus boiiiors entering u certain store and in juiriug if it vu Hubennaim's , wen informed that it was. This in a fraui upon thu customer ) ! and me , und . ' ivutn the public against it. My pluci s at the COUNKK OF DOUQLAfc \ND 13TII STJIKK'J'H , and I have nc loiiuectiou with any other store. 0 sourse , thoHo whom this coat does noi it need not put it on , nor copy tJjii lotlco. Very reapoutfully , mci,2t } { { A. B. HUBERMANN , inmriHQ A JURY. DlfMculty of Qottlntr Twelve Men Wh Hnvo Formed no Opinion In the Kostora Cnso. Up to the noonndjournmont yestei day the court had been unabloto socui a full jury in the Hosiers case , thoug up to that time 124 names had bee calkd and the stnto had exorcise five of its six challenges nnd the dc fonso 13 out of 1C allowed them. Tli following named constituted cloven c the jury stood nt noon , S. Morteneor Louis Springborg , J. M. lliggs , Wnkofiohl , 0. A. Collins , D. 0. Ehlori William .Harrier , 0. llincs , T. 11 Penney , J. S. McCormick , Ohnrlc Silholm. The followed nnmod constitute th list called yesterday : John Me Crcary , Charles Snlholm , E. B. Wood S. Mortonson , Chns. Newell , Thos Gibson , LucicnVoodworth , Gonrg Higgins , John H. Braokin , Paul Noi ion , llarolil Thompson , C. E. Hod field , .lamoH Bpniior , John II. Schrot trr , K. L. Eaton , M. H Uiailon , Join S.Villess , Robert Harris , T. 0. Elj .1. L. Luvott , M. II. Carlton. Georg H. Kitcliutt , L. P. Longproy , Williai Nicauirtii , T R. Pinn y , Richard Kim ball , . . E Uirtjer , Thoodiro Bock , H 0. ThoniHH , Frank Sasstrom , J. H Stein , J kcub Kauirman , II. Nowmati John Taylor , Louis Foist , D. A. Mol "nit , Olias. Scgnim , Ed. Muulinioi : Woodman , James Grill'etli , Frnn Dollono , John Potty , T. W. llcod Henry A. Iloiuan , Chas. Woymullei J. J. , D H. Kcoilor , W , "V Morse , .1. J , Nobes. The jurors , D.uuel Sullivan and IS N. Crary , who wore brought Uofoi the court on attachment for con torn ] : on account of not responding who their names were called Wednesday after being summoned by the shoril were asked what they had to sny i explanation of their conduct. Mi Sullivan Raid that ho was present fc about an hour during the nftcrnoo but came in after his name had bee called and that ho understood would bo called but once ; besides 1 : said that he was unwell and could n < longer remain in the court room. I ] was excused by the court with ropr mand. Mr. Orary had no satisfacti rily explanation to make , nnd ho wi fined five dollars and the costs of tl attachment , with a warning to 1 careful in the future. t The panel being exhausted tl sheriff was directed to bring in fif additional jurors , nnd the court toe a recess until 1:30 : p. m. A-jtrry"WaTimpannolod and swo about an hour after the convening the court after the noon recess , co si sting of the following uamod pi sons : S. Martonson , Louis Spnn borg , J. M. Higgs , Schuylor Wnk field , G. A. Collins , D. 0. Ehlo : William Harrier , T. R. Poinu Charles Salholm , H. D. Hills , C. Westerdahl , W. J. Anders. In ore to find this number of men who we satisfactory to both sides in reply the interrogatories propoundi about 1GO men wore quest iom the majority of these excused boi thus relieved of n grave rospc sibility by reason of their having p viously formed or expressed an op ! ion as to the guilt or innocence of t accused ; two answered afllrmativi the uuostion as to whether they w < biased or prejudiced for or agaii the prisoner and about half a doz were excused on account of being c posed to capital nunishmont. The following list of witnesses n called by the district attorney , me of whom answered to their names : . Johnson , Valentino Adams , Frai Kenniston- . Whitney. W. Rio Jerome Penzol , M. Calm , Nell King , George Graves , George Ha Blanche Dame , Miy Hall , Charl Carey , Dr. J. H. Peabody , Juli Treitschke , E. A. McOluro , H. \ Geiselman , John Shields , Lulu Lon G. W. Warner , Max Gladston Henry Grebe , L. F. Hazon. The district attorney opened tl case to the jury at some length , bi defendant's counsel when asked 1 the court if they desired to make i opening statement , stated that tin did not. Ia reply to an inquiry of representative of the Bun as to d fondant's'list of witnesses Mr. Cow : said , that they had no list of wi nesses and didn't know , in 'fnc whether they would bo required call any. TUB TESTIMONY. The taking of testimony on the pa of the state was then entered upoi the first witnessed called being Em Johnson , whoso evidence has alroac ] been published in this paper as take upon the preliminary oxaminatiot 10 now facts being elicited. Valentino Adams was the next wi ness called on behalf of the atati nothing of importance being elicited Henry YOBS , the architect , testified t the correctness of a plan of Troii schko'a saloon building , which' wt being used in evidence , and was su < coedod by Frank Konniston , who , i will be remembered , was arrested c the time Koster was , on the charge c being an accessory to the killing c Hammer , but was released for lack c testimony against him. The oxamim ion of Konniston naa quite brief , cor idoring the near connection ho ha previously had with the case , William Rich , a young Englishmat was examined at considerable longtl especially by Mr. Cowin for the d < fenso , who tried to make it uppon that ho had testified quite diuorenti ; at the preliminary examination , bu nothing of importance was brougli out ililioriiij , ' from his U'K'iwpny ' hut toforo published ia TJIK BEE. James E. Whitney was then called The only important point elicited i : his testimony was a statement to th effect that immediately upon the fata blow being struck ho had run to th tloor of the saloon and out upon th street , when ho saw u man running ii the direction of .the Withnoll House which man ho took to bo the prisoner In the examination of the next wit ness , Jerome Ponzell , u little spat oo currod between counsel , Mr. .Burn hum asking the witness if ho had no made a certain statement when test ! fying before the grand jury , to wliiol question Mr. Cowin objected , adding "I have heard about this bulldoziiij in the grand jury room , " wheroupoi Uurnham retorted , "And I havi leard about your running off witnesses n this case. ' "You never heard of my running off witnesses in this case , " said Cowin. "I have heard of your running off witnesses In this case , and I have men lore who will swear to it , " responded Jurnham. Hero the court interfered and put a too to this war of words. Pcnzell was the last witness exam * nod , t nd his testimony did not vary natorinlly from that heretofore > tinted. Mrs. Ilnmmor , widow of the do- cased , wns present in the court room luring the afternoon , accompanied by n couple oMndy friends. She took a nry lively interest in the proceedings , udging by the clone attention she nanifested , nnd at ono time gave way o her emotions , Most of the time , towevor , oho kept her feelings under ontrol and will , doubtless bo n regu- ar attendant upon the remainder o ho trial , which will probably not bee o 1 ngthy ns has boon generally sup * > oscd it would bo , judging by the npld manner in which the oxamina * ion wns conducted ycsterdny. MAKING HANDS BEAUTIFUL. Cosmetic Uiovea nnd Thlmbloo to Qlvo Shnpo to the Ends of ' the Fln era. " Jew Yoik Sun. In one of the side streets up town s the oflico of a "Hnnd Doctor. " Tht xterior of the house has no sign or oor-plato to attract the notice of the oneral public , but it is evident .that ho fashionable world has been in- ormed of the doctor's whereabouts rom the number of richly dressed ooplo who frequent the oflico. Curi- aity induced a reporter to visit this ilaoo l&st week , The servant who uisworod the door boll showed th isitor into n front parlor , whore a oung woman stood ready to receive tationts. The reporter pulled out an intosthotic-looking hand from a racket and confessed a desire to have t made a thing of beauty. She ex amined it critically and said : "Your hand has boon badly nog- octod , and needs treatment. The skin is bad in color , the knuckles ook dark , and the nails are dreadful , [ f you will bo seated until the doctor s through with the patient ho is now .roating , ho will attend to you. " While waiting , an examination of the curiosities of the oflico was nmus- ng. In n cose on ono side of the room wore wax models of hands of all shapes and sizes. Fat htutds , thin bony hands , some with long fingers , some with short - hands as they should bo , and halida as they should not bo. Opposite these a show case contained an assortment of soaps , salves , and lotions , and n lot of gloves , coarse and clumsy , that seemed strangely out of place m a place devoted to hand beauty , The young woman said : "They are cos- metic gloves. Those are only a few of the kinds that wo use. The doctor prepares others suit the 'needs of different patients. These nro prepared to whiten the hands. They nro spread inside with n preparation of yolk of egg , oil of sweet almonds nnd tincture of ben zoin. The double wrap at the wrist oifectually protects the cuff from being soiled. The gloves next to thnm are to soften the hands ; and the lining is saturated with a mixture of honey , myrrh , wax and rose water. The gloves in the corner are still more powerful. tfThoy coiitain na strong agents as can safely be applied to the hands , nnd cannot bo used when the skin is chapped , scratched or broken in any place. They are lined with a preparation of tartaric oil , lemon juice , oil of bitter almonds , brown Windsor soap and sbrao other ingre dients. " Spmo nufl'od-out bags looking like boxing gloves proved to bo bran mit tens , and the attendant explained the use of a box of curious-looking silver thimbles about two inches long : "There are finger tips for shaping the ends of the fingers. Tapering lingers are not an impossibility. Ladies are willing to undergo incon venience and injury for the sake of tapering waists , but make no effort to improve the eh > po of their hands , " As a lady closely veiled panto out from the back parlor and left the I loom , the doctor announced himself ready to attend to another patient. The treatment was begun by scouring V the handd with line white Hint sand , soap and water. Then followed the bran bath , which is merely rubbing the hands with bran until thoroughly ] ry. Stains and dark lines about the tnuckles were then touched with some icid on a bit of chamois skin , and the lands wore anointed with cold cream ind held in warm towels until dry. This process being completed , the doctor rotiuostoU his patient to sit bo- "oro n table near a window , and , seat- ng himself opposite and opening a case of ivory instruments , ho asked : "Aro you superstitious about nail spots ? " "No , What do you mean ? " "It it an old belief that whjto spots upon the nails bring good fortune , while block ones are considered un- ucky. Both are ugly , however , and you have no prejudices I will re move them ; " and BO saying ho applied a block , pitchy substance that smelt if sulphur to each spot , and during ho ten minutes ho allowed it to ro- uain there employed himself in push- ng down , with a dull , ivory instru- nont , the skin growing around the )390 of the nail. When the salvo was oinovml from the nails the fingera were dipped into a pink wash , and hon polished with n powder nnd h.imnm Hldn brunli n til uauli nail lionu like u conch shell. By this time it seemed as though cribbler'a cramp had seized each fin ger , and a strong desire was felt to hrust the aching hands into the ) ocketa , "Character is shown by the ahupe t the nnils , " s.iid the doctor. "NYhun liey are long and narrow it is a sign f dullness , and when curved they ndicate rapacity , Short nails imply joodness. You do not unVot that , I oo , " said he , as he tightened his grip pan the lingers and commenced filing ff the nnils nt each corner , leaving mm as sharp and pointed as the iamb nail of n scribbling dervish , Thu reporter declined any further ttention and , paying the doctor a ollar , departed with his beautiful lands in his pockets.