Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
' f fi OMAHA DAljuY BEE : FRIDAY. MABCH 10 1883. //LIVELY LAND WAR. Tlrglnltins Attack and Capture Don Butler's Surveyors. The people in the upper part ol Bath county , Vn. , nro in n state ol wild excitement over a series ol pitched battles which hnvo boon going on in that county botwcon armed bodies of countrymen and n surveying party headed by Capts. Campbell , Stront * and Barrett. About n yoni ngo Gon. Benjamin T. Butler , of Massachusetts , gained possession of nn immense tract of land known ns the Wilson survey. The land in cludes several thousand acres stretch * ing across Hath county , Vn. , to LiTlies' Mill , beyond the border of West Virginia. Much of it embraces mountain fastnesses which hnvo boon the stronghold of illicit distillers , nnd bands of those daring mon , who , after the wur , boasted that they would never surrender , retired to the almost impregnable abodes , whore they led n wild and independent life , enjoying the occasional exciting skirmishes which wore forced upon them by the revenue forces. The Wilson survey , which Gon. Butler has gotten hold of , is Inrgor than n Gorman principality , nnd embraces some splendid land. During the latter part of last month ho began to pny Bomo attention to the property , nnd sent n full corps of sur veyors to divide it. The party , nbout twenty strong , began their task early last week and proceeded for several days without molestation until they reached the vicinity of Dillin's mill , when their presence began to attract the attention of some of the door hunters in thnt section. When the object of'the survey was known , nnd when it leaked out that Gon. Butler was endeavoring to perfect arrangc- , monta end got / POSSESSION OP THK LAND , Lho excitement , became intense , nnd the intelligence spread from cabin to cabin. The hardy mountaineers nnd farmers began to gather together very rapidly , nil armed nnd ready to resist what they contended was an invasion of their rightful domain by n genera ! against whom many of them had once fought , and for whom few of then : had any lovo. Law or no Inw , they determined to resist the surveying party. Messengers were sent toapt. ( . Campbell with the information that ho nnd his party must clear out or the place would bo made too hot for thorn. Th'o surveyors , rfho were well armed , took no notice of whnt they regarded ns idle throats and continued their survey , but nt the same time notified the hostile parties that it would bo well for thorn to attend to their own business. The mountain eers and others then began to got ready for n fitrht. Wednesday a com pany of nbout fifteen of them , well armed with double-barreled shotguns , attacked the surveying party. Camp bell nnd his companions , however , were well prepared tor them , nnd , ns soon ns they came in sight , warned them to como no nonror. As the purveying voying camp nt this time occupied a commanding position on the moun tain side , and their force wna Inrgor than the attacking party , the latter withdrew for reinforcements. Their force was recruited rapidly , and yesterday torday they again moved on the surveying - voying party with n force of seventy- five men , their cry being : "Down with Bon Butlor's land sharks. " THE 6UKVKVOK8 W 11E WAUNED of their approach , but did not retreat at that time , ns they believed that the trongth of the attacking party had " boon exaggerated. They , howorer , "If look the precaution to intrench thorn/ solves well in their position. Yester il day at 12 o'clock xtho twf parties met , and a sharp engagement tmailod , over 100 shots being fired inn few minutes. It was a kind of Indian warfnro , the besiegers' force being scattered und keeping behind th'o trees. The sur veyors nofd their oamp behind n na tural fort of boulders , nnd for a time prevented their assailants from gain- nig on them. Three of the moun taineers were wounded in the engage ment. Ton of the assailants were then aont out , and managed to creep through the undergrowth until they obtained a position higher up the mountain side behind the surveyors , nnd then they had an unobstructed range at them. The surveyors wore surrounded , for when the skirmishers behiud them began to pour shot down on them they had to throw themselves on their faces thus uncovering their front , nnd giving their assail ants time to charge up to their fortress. This was done , with n triumph - umph yelling of "Charge 'em boys ! " Campbell had time to raise his white handkerchief on the end of his ram rod as a sign of surrender , and so saved the lives of many of his party , The camp was nt once taken posses sion of , nnd , although the party of Virginians and West Virginians which composed the victorious fee were excited - cited , they offered no violence to their prisoners. They simply warned them to leave the country , nnd noti fied them not to como back unless they wanted tar , feathers aud brim- atone. Particulars just received hero nro to the olToot that seven of the combatants were wounded in the skirmish , but it is believed none wore mortally hurt. The surveyors at once beat a hasty ratroaL and nro now on their way to this pTaco , having given up all idea , it is . understood , of attempting to continue the survey. The people in this section are much excited , and iuilst that they will not submit to what they term "Ben But lor's Innb-grab. " Gen. Duller , it ii understood , hns a clear iitlo to the vast tract , but he will have trouble iu getting it. The civil authorities may up appealed to , and possibly the Vir ginia and West Virginia volunteers called out to aid the surveyors in completing their survey it necessary. V or of Suffering. Mra. Barnhart , corner Pratt aud Broad way , Hu.fT.tlo , WM for twelve ye r suf ferer from rlieumatlrtu , and after trying every known reinodySi.ltliout avail , won entirely cured by TIIOUAV KCLLOTIUO Oi mar7wlw The Omnua Dance. From Tbs United Sen Ice. The performances of the day open wih the first part of the "Oinahn Dance , " participated in by mon nnd .women , the former furnishing the or chestra , the latter the "corps do bal let. Upon the gross are seated cross- legged a dozen young men , surround ing a largo drum , upon which they boat with , ' sticks , whilst a few yards off fifty or more equaws , formed iu i single file , nro dancing in a circle nround a tent , keeping time with the music , nnd chanting in a weirddismal monotone. In turn , each of the jroutif men springs to his fcot , and rushing te a camp fire , over which are suspended largo pots , plunges in his naked arm , nnd draws' forth a piece of moat from the seething , bubbling , boiling water , Those performances nro repeated nt intervals until noon , when an hour ii taken for dinner , consisting , for the participants in the dancoof dog-moat , this repulsive food being regarded by the Indians as the greatest delicacy afforded by their cuisine. Interest is increased when , at 1 o'clock , the mul titude reassemble * ) and the grand conclusion of the Omaha Dance is be- gun. In rapid succession moro than a hundred braves bound through the crowd into * the open. Each Wears a breech-clout nnd n head dross of gaudy colors , nnd their sinewy , lissome bodies ies , otherwise naked , nro painted , some with allegorical pictures , sug gesting battle and murder , others with legs encircled by stripes , and rough drawing of nnakoi , lizards and death's-heads in blue , black , yellow and red covering their arms , black and breasts , whilst to the untamed , wild boast expression of their eyes tenfold ferocity is ndclod'by _ the bright vermillion with which their faces are streaked. Every warrior has either gun , bow or war club , and many wear shining breastplates and nrmlota or anklets of brass , with jingling bells attached. The braves are then form ed in a circle , about fifty foot in diam eter , in the centre of , which are the drum and drummers , and a the signal all commence danc ing , some with the lightness nnd grace of a ball-room swell , others twisting their bodies into grotesque shapes , keeping time the while to the pounding of the drum , and uniting their strident voices in n frightfu medley of sound , like , moro than any thing olio , the yelping chorus of i thousand curs. Outside , four gorge ously dressed braves , mounted or ponies painted and richly caparisoned , form a guard ofhonor around the dancers. Meanwhile , toward the drum and back , again and again , the latter go , their motions o&ch moment growing more rapid and furious , and the cho < rus louder and harsher , till , worn out with the violent exertion , they drop jut ot the ring ono by pno nnd seat .homsolvoa in their cross-logged rc- ipoctivo places. The beating of the Irutn has now ccatnd , and those war- ibra who have won renown in battle luccessivoly riao to their foot , and , in ew and dignified words , boast of their iunuing in council nnd exploits in var. When those interesting and nodcst _ autobiographies have boon ioncluded , and the breasts of the roung men fired with a noble desiree o imitate the deeds of men so heroic , ho dance is again begun , nnd when it itsjioight nn Indian boy of fourteen , iding n beautiful pony , pushes rudo- y into the circle , nnd is at once our- oundod by the excited nnd noisy lancers. They dance and yell around ho horse nnd rider , grasping the ormor as ho rears nnd plunges by the nano and tail nnd bridle , until the ioyt seemingly nnxious to leave the urging crowd , makes n pretence of 'scaping. ' "When near the outer cdgo if the dancers a visiting Indian shoots , n arrow inlo his thigh. Whereupon ho youth , turning in apparent fury , triko the assailant with a stick , ana lion dismounting , turns the pony ooso , to bo caught by the squaws and inndedi over 'to the visitor , whose iroporty ho i.ow is. The boy is then ; ivon in charge of the squuwa , who , iftor dressing his wound , twine a haplot of loaves around his brow , and lance nnd sing about him till night- all. Mra. Ira Hulholland , Albany , N. Y. , rriten : "For several yearn I have Buffer- J from oft-rocurring bilious hstulaohoa , oiistlpntlon , dyspepsia , and complaints eculinr to my sex. Since using your Bun * ocic Ir.0or > BiTTKita I am entirely ra ' ved. " Price 81.00 , trial slio lOo. mcli7dlw Towed bys Shark , err , Albtny (0 ( . ) News , * Heading across the bay of St. Si- ion's light , the man in charge of the 'heal hailed "Mr. Tift nnd directed his ttontion to something ahead of us. 'ho ' object turned out'to ' bo a shark's n , so large as to bo a matter of won- or to the sailors aboard. The boat apponed to bo provided with a shark no-a uianilla cord about a half inch lick , with a largo hook tied to a race-chain. A small picco of beef 'as [ quickly put on the hook , n float ut on the line made fast to the cap- tnn. AS wo neared the fish the tin isappoarod and all eagerly watched lie float. Suddenly the line tighten- d , the float disappeared , nnd the oadway of the boat was checked and 110 man nt the capstan yollud out : 'He's ' hooked 1" 1 have been a fishing , but I never aw the like of that. The follow rose a the surface of the wave and looked t us. Ilo had about seventy-five ards of line out by this time , and ao ually in a second ho made a rush and umpod clear over the bow of the Lonnier. The ladies then got under holler and all hands helped to hold liat lino. The fellow , when ho failed 9 oat us up , made for the ocean , nnd urly made ( the waters foam. After bout a mile's run he began to tire , nd the boat was headed for the beach u Jukol Island , Gradually wo pull- d in the until the boat touched the teach , nnd then ono of the hands radod aslipro , taking the end of the inu with him , which ho madu fast to i stump , and came back for help. Fouir of us got on shore and com- noticed to pull Mr. Shark uahoro , It 111 took could do.uud two rifle balls to wet , to land him. When 1 toll you hat ho measured seventeen feet ton ind a half inches from tip to tip you vill know what n job wo had.Vo letormiuod to provo that wo caught his ahark , to wo gave two nogros § 1 o cut him open and cot lib head oil o that wo could got his jaw over lome. His tooth are wonderful , be- ng about three and a quarter inches eng , nnd so strong that ho actually lattonod out the ire hook. The no- ; rees made quiet a prize. In his tomach they found eleven illvor JIox jan dollars nnd ono Spanish doub jon , gold , and u whole lot of brass uttoiiB. A Qoraeoua Qrldnl Cliambor rookljn Ea ! . A gorgeous bridal chamber has been uupletod for the rooojition of a bride who has never known the want of mon y and by whom $100 is spent with as Jittlo thought u many people would n ten cent picco. The walls are covered with heavy white satin , tuft ed with gold buttons , ajid mirrors are interjected hero nnd there. The ceil ing is painted in tlio most artistic manner nnd the curtains nro of white silk , embroidered in gold and rich colorings of floral designs. The curtains - tains nro mounted on gilt poles , nnd , when drawn back , disclose lace-drop curtains that cost $ GOO a window. The portiorcos are of white silk plush , with dado embroidery matching the curtains. The furniture is treated with the same material as the curtains , nnd whnt little of the framework is found to bo heavily gilded. Draw Poker as ft Disease , lludion Register. Draw poker is a most fascinating yet deceiving gamo. Ono of the po- culiartics of the gnmo is that the bo- giiincr , as soon as ho finds out that ono certain kind of n hand boats an other , ntld that n blufl' , it successful , beats nny hand , thinks ho can play the gnmn bettor than any man. If lie holds A poor haild once , nnd beta big on it nnd scares cut nn old veteran , when ho rnkca in the money ho cocks his hat on ono side and thinks how rich ho might hnvo been if ho had learned to play poker before. Ilo wonders why everybody does not give up business and play poker and get rich. As ho counts over the chips ho has won so easily by n simple dis play of nerve , ho says to himself : "This game is good for yours truly. Henceforth hard work nnd mo will dissolve partnership. " Ho keeps on playing. When ho wins his hat ia cocked on ono aide and when ho loses ho wears it straight. At first it is ono Bide most of the time , then ho gets to wearing it straight pretty frequent until ho finally loacs every dollar ho hns got and goes out nnd clubs him self. Countrymen who think they can play n pretty good game of poker find themselves in largo cities , nnd they nro not contented till they got into n gnmo , nnd nine times in ton they get so everlastingly scooped thnt they can't toll their own names till they leak nt it pasted on the inside of their lints , However good n mnn plays , there is always some ono that plays bettor , and they nro always lay ing for n follow Hint can't play as well XH they can , wlulo the countryman is \lwnys laying fur sumo ono that can play bettor. There is no gnmo better : alculated to tnko the conceit out of n nan than poker. Wo hnvo had it ; nkon out of us seventy-five dollars' rorth by n cu n that didn't ' seem to niow half as much ns wo did. A man hns to have the conceit taken ) ut of him nbout cloven time * before t will stny nut , but nftcr ho hnu once jot it eradicated from the system ho lover catches it again. Ho can live right nmongst it , whore nil nround lim nro down with it , and he will not ako it not if ho knows himself. It s na though ho had been vaccinated , ind very likely ho has. If you have Mi idea you uvu n good pokor-player , .hero is no hope for you till you got ; ho conceit \vOrkod out of you , and the loonor you got it out the better. , Some can got it out by losing $100 , ithors have to luuo n farm or A house ind lot. In Hoinu canes it takes years ; o got it out , und in other cases it can ao got out in ono evening. Do not lolay having it taken out , ns long as your system is in the condition to retain - tain the seeds of the disease , but hunt tor games that you can get into , till JTOU lose enough , then call yourself a nomimontal , colossal , enigmatical ass , ind jump the gnmo. You will never ; hink as much of yourself after it is ) vor as you did before , but you will bo vorth moro to society. Ma I no Now * . (4)A Hop Bitters , which nro advertised n our columns , nro n sure cure for tguo , billiousness nnd kidney com plaints. Those who use them say they cannot bo too highly recom- nonde'd. Those afiiioted should give : hmu n fair trial , and will become thomby enthusiastic in the praise of iheir curative. Portland Argus. mar l-d2w What a uryoyor MiBHod , ) ctrolt Free Preen. A surveyor who was running town hip lines in n now county in this itato lost fall was engaged by a farmer 0 survey the line between his farm ud that of a neighbor. They had a ino fence , but had engaged in sever * ! lisputcs as to whether it was on the lividn. The surveyor was making iropnrntions when the owner of the thor farm approached and inquired : ' "What are you going to do now ? " "Find the oxnct line. " was the ro- ly.At At this the man wheeled ami wont fT on the gallop , and ho was scon no lore until the line had been run , The urvoyor and the first-named farmer ad just completed the work when the thor came up to within about ton foot f thorn and naked : "Well , have you got through ? " "Yes. nil throuuh " "And is the fence o foot on his " ' arm ? "No ; ho has two foot of yours , and ho fence must bo moved so that you an have it , " The man sprang upon a stump , faced , thicket about live rods away , and oiled out : "You there Reuben und Jnmos nd Samuel 1 The survey is made nnd ro are all right ! Vou kin shoulder horn shot-guns nnd go back to the aw-mill , and if you jnoot the old wo- iian coming with the pitch > forlc you : in toll her to turn back and git up & quar' dinner for the surveyor1 ! GREATEST REMEDY KNOYN. . Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con- umption is certainly the routobt nodical remedy ovir | ilucoduthiu Uio each of suffering humanity. Thou- ands of once helnloss sullerors , now oudly proclaim their praise for this rondorful discovery to which tlioy 1 wo their lives. Not only docs it post- ivoly euro Consumption , but Coughs , /olds , Asthma , llronchitis , Jluy ? ever , Hoarseness and nil nlTcotioiu of ho Throat ; Chest und Lungs yields t once to its wonderful curative pow- r oa if by mugi r. Wo do not ask you o buy u largo bottle unless you laiow rlmt you use getting. Wo therefore arnestly request you to call on your TUgL'iats. Isa & MoMAiioN. and got n rial bottle free of coat which will eon Inco the moat skeptical of its wonder- ul merits , and show you what a rogu- nr pno dollar size bottle will do , For ale by lah & McMahon. (4) ( ) A remedy with ucT A representation M lion- letter'sStomnch Hitter * Icrcrvca a ( air trlol li jou ftt dyipcptlc , your m l dy will cientuall ) jlc d to It ; It foil are feeble , lock flesh anil Ice despondent. It will.both build and cheer } on up Iton aroconittlpatid It will nllot o y ou , and II Mlloui , healthful MlmuUlo Tour liver. Don'l ilcspo n but tnnko this cllort In the right dlrcc < tlon. ' For Rftlc by all dnijrpUts Mid dealers generally , > , t fchisto ml Gentle Women 'Wliof&nt glossy , luxuriant nnd wavy tresses of abandant , bcantiM Hair mnst nso LYON'S KATHAIRON. This decant , cheap article always mates tlio Hair crow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cores gray- DC8s.rcmoTcs dandruff and icLing , makes the Hair SiTong , giving it a curling ( cadency ana keeping it in nuy desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kuthoiron. The.Great English Epmedy 'TKADt ' Never falls to cuio s'crvousDobilltj , VI- tnl Exhaustion , Emls- ilons , Seminal Woak- nessc8LOSTMAN- HOOD , and all the \ II effects of youth- Jful follies and execs- fes. It stop ? pernia ncntly all weakening. involuntary loss sand drains upon the sjs- tem , thrlnovltab'o re- , , , ult of these evil prac tices , which arc BO destructive to mind and body and make llfo miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It'strcnjthcns the Ncrvcs.llraln , [ momorjf Blood , Muadcs , Digestive and Kcpro- ductlvo Orguns , It restores to all the organic [ unction * their former vigor and vitality , ma- > lnjr llfo cheerful and cnjojabla Price , $3 a bottle , or four tltnca the quanilty $10. Bent by cxf rcss. sccuro from , observation , to any addrcia , on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D , sent , except on receipt ot $1 as a guarantee. Letters rj- questing answers must inclose stamp. Dr. Mihtie's Pi adelion ire U j lx t and cheapo yspcpsU and bllllous euro 1 1 the market. So y all druggists. Price Mcon v TR MIKTIR'B KIDNRT Hr.uitDT , Cures til Kind of Kidney and bladder coinplalnte , gonorrhea ; glout and leucorrcca. For ealo t y all dauyg ets : tl a bottlo. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Jaii26-lY _ _ . _ To Nervous Sufferers , THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Ib la a positive euro for Spermatoirhua , demlnk ( TeoLucos. Impotancy , and all .dhjcaseo rc-rjltlcc from 8ol-AbiiBO , ia Montcl Anxlnty , Loss * U mory , PaliiH In the Back or Rldo. nd disease ) ' that load to Consumption an. bpecUc MoJIclao It being unml with wonder ful success. _ _ Pamphlet * I'nt free to Ml. Vr'ilto for tbeui and get full par- Iculars. Price , Specific , HIM pat package , or ilx pack igos.for"3A 00. Address all orders to Ii. HIM80N MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and ICO Main St. IluSalo , N , T. BoM In Omaha by o. F. Goodman , J , Yf , Bell. [ . K. Ish , and all Jrumclitcoveryvvbere. J. G. ELLIOTT & GO. Plumbing , torn & Gas Fitting ! AOKirra ron Furbine Water ' Motor. ALSO JODHKHb IN Pampi , Pipe Fittine and Bran * Goods- 3or. 14tli nnd Hnruoy , Omahaj Nob. A WITKR MOTOR IK Co.Nmur OPKIUTIOS. KESMNEDY'S EAST - INDIA en i eo 3 a-S ITTI.ES & 00. . ; olt Maaulauturdru. OMAHA. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW nt.ori < CHE OOCIDENTAL J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor 3orner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , JSTEB. . ? iwp Dollars M Day , ) on suffer from Djirxpiila , use DORDOCK IJLOOD DITTEnS If you are iffllctod with Biliouincoi , ut nUADOCK ULOOD CITTER8 It ) on arc prostrated with ilck Hraulnchc , Uko BUItDOCK BLOOD BITTEM If your novel * are disordered , rcfiiUto them will nuiiuocK IILOOD nirrens If your Wood Is mpure , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you hat o Indigestion , you will find an antldotx n BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS f you nro troubled with Spring Complaint * , or adlcate them with BURDOCK IJLOOD BITTERS , ! f your Liter U torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS f your Liver la affected , you will find a turo ro- itoratl vo In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS , f you hate any species of Humor or Pimple , fall lot to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS , f you have any i/mptom * * f Ulcen or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will bo found tn BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the ays- Urn , nothing can equal ' BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervout and General Debility , tone up the yBtcm with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 1.00 p i Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 CU IOSTEE , MILBURK , & Oo , , Props , BUFFALO , N , Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish A McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo. Tola great tpcclQo cures that most loat&somo disease SYPHILIS Whether In ita Primary , Secondary Removes alltraccs of A'orcury Irom tbo sys tem , Cures Scrofula , Old Sores , Rhouma- ' tlsm , Eczema , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Carol When Hot Springs Fall ! Malt era , Ark. , May 2 , 1881. \Veha\ocascnln our town who lived at Hot Spring and were finally curcJ with S. S. S. Memphis , Mcnn. , May 12 , 1831. Wo have sold 1,290 bot'lcs ' of S. S. S. In a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded phjslclant. now recommend It as a positive specific. S. Louist Illo , Ky , . May IS. 1881 S. S. 8. has given better wUl. fact ion than any medicine I hao ov cr sold. J. A. Kl.f INCH. Donvoi , Col. May 2 , 1881. E ery purchaser ipeaks In the highest terms ofS. S. S. L. Mcissctnr. Richmond. Va. . May 11,1881. You cnn refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Uaro net or known S. S. S. to fall to euro & case ef 8) phllls , when properly taken. H. L. Dcnnard , I , . , . , , n- . EHWarron. ) Perry , The above signers aroecntlemon of high stand ing. A II COLQUITT , Go\ernor otOoorglx IF YOU WISH WE W IL TAKE YOUKSE CA TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy of Ittlo book 'Me833j.0 to the Unfortunate. 81.OUO Reward " 111 be paid to any chemist who ill flnd , on amlysls 100 bottles S S. S. , one particle of Meraury. Iodide Potas sium or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Ga. Pries of regular size reduced totgl.75 per hot tie Small size , holding half the quantity , price , $1.00. Sold by KENHAUD & CO. , and Druggists Genen aflv. ORAIG'S OITY GREEN HOUSE Is now open to the public with a full supply of Cut Flowers and Plants For Sale. Wo will be glad to nave the public . call and Bee us Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Green House , S. W. Cor 17th and Web ster , ono block from 16th street cars. Nursery , 23d street , opposite Foit Jas. Y. Craig , Florist and Landscape. Gardner. Fob2 dm. OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK1Th)1.arcalTRAQEMARK , , . English rem- edy. An un failing euro > for Seminal Weakness , Spurmator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all Dlscascstliat' follow as a GEFORETARINtLoequenco of AFTER TAIIHQ. holf .Abuse ; as Lots of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Fain In the Back , DImnesa of Vlilon , Pre mature Old Aga , and many other Dl easea that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Gra\o. 3TFull particulars In oar pamphlet , which wo deslro to Bond frco Irmall to everyone , jt3TTho Specific Medicine la , Kld ) by all druggists at 81 per package , or 6 pack \yc for $6 , or will be Bent free by mail on real pt of the money , by addressing THE QUA 1ED1C1NK CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. r ( Ui QJ , if l l oc7mo-eod ay If joumructnfln lt jojn ir of uuHneivreaV * mku or lot- , cnedbytiectralnoj : tarntolUiiRorerr.i jour duties Told HlKUt work , to ros ( tinmlantsund u bmlnuerveftaf Hop Bitters. u Hop O. ilucittlou or Uvn i < c rou ILri ) ur rind or ulngle. oM or youiifr , euITc'rliirroir. . uoorheiUlt r laiiiru flip on txvlf tick UCM , rilr ou Ho ilttera. Whoever 1 on are. TllOUMIlQII Illn Al. ahenoitr you Iff I naall/ from \ > mc tlmt your iTrteia fonu of [ ( lone * needs cleaiutaK , tatk- itlwtuitlng , or | B-Ol , tk Hop HcpClttert you rfir * prj < il , kldnt\l \ O , I. O erui'nurucam U * n b oluU i > mfni ilUe e land lrrcit i jf ioauiarA : , blr cnrt * fo " , ( f | > "lloOll tlnitilreDiiv * KfnYA' mil i UA i dlild ] Vou will u" Ii . cuiw'if jriiiute it.r W Hop Bitter * lfyoa reiln > - fin. eoui wrftk uuj lowtplritrd.trj nlr NEVER Circuit It i It rnn-y UOtBITTIV nvo your FAIL TU W. llfo. It hn& , aiivod hun * H , lc.l rS 1 urods , A Toronto , ( kot. 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