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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1882)
IHRMM B I TB > i IXAtlA' BEK : ' THURSDAY MARCH 9 , 1882 , 7 THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUDLI3HINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 910 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streets. TERMS or auBscRimoN. na cop ; 1 yearIn dvancopo ( tp ld ) . . . $10.00 months " " . . . 6.00 month " " . . . 8.00 RAILWAY TIMS TABLE , mi CARD CTIIOAOO , BT , rAtifc , MnmRAroits ARO ( OMAHA RAILROAD. Leave Omaha PaMcnfter No. 8,8:30 : * . m. Ac- tommodatlon No. 4,1:0ip. : m Arrive Omaha Paweniter No. 1 , 6:20 p. m. Accommodation No , 3,10:60 a. ra. WMTIHO OMAHA 1A8T OR MUTH BOCKP , 0. , D. & 0. 7:40 : ft. m. 3:10 : p. ra. 0. ft N. W. , 7:40 : a. tn. 8:40 : r. m. U. , U. 1. it P. . 7:40 : a. m. 3:10 p. m. K , C. , Bt. J. & C. 3 , Vcavot at S ft. m. ted 6:30 : m. Arrives at Bt. Louis Kt 6:30 : . m. tad 6:52 m. m.W. . St. L. k P. , leaves at 8 a. m. ani 8:40 : p. Arrive * n St. Lbufe t 0:10 : a. m. nd 7:80 : m . _ WXST oa Bocrnwwrs. * D , * M. In Nob. , Through Hxpr < - i , 8 ! w > . . iu. B. 5t At. Lincoln Express 8 JO p. re. U P. Ovrrlixnd Rxpres , 12:16 : p. in. 0. i II. V , for Lincoln , HUB A. ru l > . A : R V. for Osceola , 9:40 : a. m. U. P freight No. E , 6.SO a. m. 1 , P ' rclght No. 0 , 8:20 : ft. m. 17. P. freight No. IS , 5:60 : p. m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant. . , P. Denver rxT ss , 7:35 : p. m. U , P. freight Nn U , 11-30 p. m. V. P. Denver troicht , 8:26 : p. m. AUMVINfi FROM IASt , 0. C. & Q t-CO a. m. 7-15 p 01 I , .t N. \\,9.45 a. m. 7V6 ! p. ui i , -t , I , * P. . 9:4 : $ ft. Hi. . ) 06 p. ru , , * . C , , St. Joe AC 11 , , 7:40 : k , . . n-.4bp. in tvuvwo TROU tun csi iyt > u < niTim < t. , 0. * R. V. from Lincoln l.CSp. iu , ! n I' , t'ftitkc Express 2:2S : } ( . w. J A M.lo Nob. , Through hxprcw f.ibt / S. 4 M. Lincoln Exprcw U'40 A m , C , P. DoitrvrKn > pro88 , 7Su : a. iu. 0 , P. Frotirht No. 14 2 60 "p. m , U. P. No. 6 GiO : a. in. Einltr ' " ' * U. P. freight No. 14,12:16 : p. m. U. P. No. 8-9:00 : p. m. U. P. No. 12 1:45 : a. tn. 17 , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. m. 0. & R. V. mixed , nr. 4:45 : p. ro. OUVirr TRAINS BSTWBKN OMAHA AHP . DOa.lCU , BLUTF8. LO TO Omaha at 3 00 , 9:00 , 10:00 : ivnd ' 11:00 m. ; 1:0 2.00 , 8:00 : , 4.00 and 6:00 p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at 8:25 : , 0:26. : 10.25 and 1:85 : a. m. ; 1:26 , 2:28 : , SZ6 : , 4:25 : and 6:2fcp. : m. Bun4ajs The dummy leaves Omaha * t 9.00 * nd lloo : o. m. ; 2.00,4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves Council DIuHe at 0:26 : and 11:26 : a. nl. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 : r end 6:26 : p , m. Through and local pawenger trains b twcon I ; Omaha and Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha 0:10 : , TU5 , 8:80a. : m. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , 80 p. m. 'Arrive Omaha 7140,11:36,11:46 : : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 , 140 p. m. Opening anR Closing of M lls. B.ODTB. cfr-ra. a. m. p. m. . m. p. ru. Ohlc L'0&N. W 11.00 0:00 : 5:50 : 2:40 : Chicago , H l.ti PaUDc. 11:00 9.00 DlSO 2:40 : Chicago , B.&Q 11:00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : rTabaeh. 12:80 : 6-CT 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific 9.00 6 80 2:40 : Dnlon Pactflc 4:00 : 11140 Omaha&R. V 4:00 : 11:40 : B. * M. In Neb 4:008:10 : : Omaha & Sioux City. . . 6.00 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln - 10-30 6:00 : D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. 1:80 : 11:06 J. P. Denver Kxp. . . . . 9:00 : 6:30 : 0. . Sioux City & St. P. . 11:00 : 2:40 : Local matin for State nl lawn leave but once a day , viz : 0.30 a , m. Office open Sunday b. from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TITOS. F HALL P M. Business Directory. Abstract and Real tstate. JOHN L. McCAGUE. opposite Post Office. W. B. BAKTLETTS17 _ South 13th Street. Architects. DUFRKNE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14. CrUghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Crelghton Block. Boot * and tihoes. JAMES DBVINE ft CO. , iTIno Boots and Shoos. A good assortment ol laomu work on hand , corner lath and llarney. THOS. ERICKSON , 8 E. cor. 16th and JOHN FORTUNATUB , 206 10th street , manufactures to order good work Ml fair prices. Rcoalrlug done. Bed Springs. F. LARRIMEK Manufacturer. 1617 Douclaast. Books , News and Stationery. J. 1. FKUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. iUoSHANE & 8CHKOEDEK , ( be oldest B. and E. fbonio in Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAORANT , MRS. A. RYAN , , l > r > mhwect corner 16ti nd iDalre. Beat Baud tor Oca Money. Satisfaction Guarantee- ) . ] V tali * t all Honro. Board by the fay , W elc or Month. Good Terms for Cosh. Furnished Rooms Suppllod. Uarrlage * end Road Wagon * . 8NYDERUthandlarneyStrooU Otothlng Bought. I J. . CABRIS will pay hlgbe.tCaeh price for oocoad b. md dothlnr. Corner 10th and Farnham. Uewe en. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. U. BEBTHOLD , Rags and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. fOSTES & OR AY corner 6th and Douglas Hta. Lainpiind Ulasiwxre. i. BONNEB 1809 Doudtas St. flood Variety. Merchant Tailors. a. A .LJNDqUEST , One ol our meet popalir Merchant Tailors js re volving the latest deaUna for Spring tnd Bummer Goods ( or gontlcmen wear. Stylish , durable , and prices low M ver 21G 18th bet. Douir.ftFani. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. R1NGKB , Whola ale and Retail , Fui. py Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Caril Itoardi , Boslery , 01 oven , Coruete , &c. Chovpcet House In the West , purchasers save 80 per cent. Order by MAIL m Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WKAIUK & SONS cor. Hth & Jackson Bta r'Jour and Feed , OUAHACITY MILLS , 8th and Jfomhsm Welshans Bros. , p/oprtetare. Qrocer * . Z. STEVENS , flat between Cumlug anil Ixar X. A. UcSHANE. Corn. 23d and Cumlng atrcets. Hardware , Iron and Bteel. JLAN & LANOWORTBY , Wholesale , 110 ani1 112 UUi street A. HOLMES corner 1Mb and California. Harness , ( paddles , &c. . \VK1BT 20 13th Bt. bet Faro. & Ilarney , MotoJi . 4NFIELD HOUSE , ObO.CaDfleId,9Ui& Farnham 00UAN HOUSE , P II , Gary , D18 Farnham St. SLAVKN'S I1UTEL. r * . Sin-fin , 10th fit. BouUiotn Hotel Ous. Ham61 Pth Jb Leavcnwortb Drug * , Pnlnunna Ulu. KUU.V 4 CO. . Vr. i. VTU1TK110 aP < ' , iVholesale & Aotall , Uth t. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. PAIUt , Uruiftd't. 10" > trul Howard Street * , Ui - Dentists. .DR. PAUL , WIUI m < rt Flock Cor , 18Ui & DoJge. JA ' ( A Ury Goods Motion * , tto. JOHN U. F. IEIJMANN & CO. , K w York Dry Goods Btore , 1810 and ISIS Farn- of ofdli dli L 0. Xnewolu alee booUwd ehoea 7th & PactBg. pe be ruruuure. rcl A F. GROSS. Now acd 0tvtnd and Furniture rei : ad Stove * , 1114 Dctuuu. Illgtw * cash price CO aid for second hacd ycooi. 1 EONNEH 1$09 D twli it. Finn Dli f free Works. OUAUA FENCE CO , flUHT , FHIE3 4 CO ISlBIIuneySt. , Improve d Ice Boxei , Ircr and Wood Fences , Offlca illci. Oounldf flat and Wtloot jl Cigars ml Tobacco. ffRST ft PRIT8CHEU , manufacturcn of Cigars , nd Wrntemls Deftlftsl T Tobftocos , 1SO& Douglas. ff. T. W1RKN2KN rmnnfacturet 1418 Farnham Florist. A. Tonkghn , fUnt , cut flower * , s eds , ooqnets ete. N. W. cor. 18th and Douflag street * Olvll Engineer * and Surveyor * . ANDREW ROSF.WATER , Crclghton Block , Town Surveys , Grade and Sewerage Systems a Specialty. * Uommlttlon Merchant * . JOHN Q. WH ; LIS.1414 Dodge Street. D B. BKEMER. For details see large adverMno- ment In Diltv and WftkU' . Cornice Workt. vVoat m Corrtlce WortM , Manufncturers Iron Oomlco , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofllng. Orders Irom My locality prornptry cw cutoj In tb ] bttt manRer. Factory and OlliconiS Harney St. C. SPECHT , Prn ( > rletor. Oah-atizcd Iron Cornices , TVIndow Cap , etc. , manufactured and mit up in any pare of the country. T. BINHOLD 411 Thirteenth ttroct Crocko-y , J. BONNER 1S09 Douglaa street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Uoods. UKt ) . II. PETERSON. iJso Hats , Oips , Boots , ahoag , Notions and ( XlUafy , 804 8. lO.h street. Retrlgorntor , > C nfIeld's Patent , 0. P. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Harney. 8how Case Manufuctcry. , O. J , WILDB , Manufacturer and Dtalor In all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Casei , ft - . , 1817 OIUM St. FRANK L. OEnTIARD , proprietor Omaha .Show Cano imnufn ory , hI8 Soxith 16th struct , between Ltnvonwcith and Mtncy. All warranted flrnt-cl < ' ROSKNPKIiD. 10 riit. . , bet. far. if Ilti Utovnt MHO , mwara. ' A. UUKMlCSTUlt , vrsand Tlriwarauid Hanaf ctUK./j / of Tin Roofs 4tvd all lutl cf Bui Idlng Wotk ! Odd Fellows' Block. { J. BONNER. 1809 Douiclaa St Good and Cheap ! Seed * . i J.'EVANS , Wholesale and RoUII Seed. Drills an < t Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians and Burgooi i * . W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 1 , Crelghton Block , 16th Street. I P. B. LEISENR1NG , rf. D. Mas < mlo Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye an < t Ear , i ipp. postoffloo DR. L. B. GRAODY. Oculist and Aurlet. S. W 16tu and Farnham Sta Photograpner * . GEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. Pirst-clasa Worl i and Prompt- nosa guarantoon Plumbing , Qas and Etenm Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. , 21012th St. , I > et Karnham and Douglas. Work promptly attoi idod to. D. 71TZPATRICK , 1409 Dougl as Street. dinting an aper an Ring. HENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 l)0 ( l e Street. Shoo Stores. Phillip Laai ; 1320 Farnhamet. bet. 18th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas Bt. New aul Second Uacd Furniture. Uousa Furn Ishlng Qoett , &c. , bought and sold on narrow mar pins. Ualoon * . HENRY KAUF4TANN , In tne nuw brick block on Douglas Street , > bas Just opened a moat elegant Boxi Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 1 ! every day. " Calodonu " J FALCONER-C79 IDth Street. Undertakers , CUAtt. RIEWK , 1011 ! FarahamJjet. . 10th & lltd. 00 Cent etores. P. 0. BACKUS 1201 Faraham St. , Fancy Oooda NERVOUS DEBILITY , A. Chuirantood. Dr. S. CAlVcst s Nerve and limln Treatment Aspedflc for IljiterU , Dizzliicsr ) , Convulsions ] Nervous Headache , U ntal Dop/esslon , Loss of , llmxwy.epenntttorrhCTM.Impotoncy , Involuntary , Emleaiens/Fremature Old A to , caused by ovn-\ \ exertion , e K < abu&o , or avor-lndclgenco , which l < ? ada to misery , decay * nd < 4oath. One box will euro reoon teases. a b bos contains one month's trcatmeat. * Ono ilollxr. a box , or six boxes far1 five dcfilare- ; cent by mall ipropoh'on receipt of price. We guarantee BIX boxes to cure any ca e. with eaeh ardor recelv i by usior olxboxes , ao- componled wiih five dollars , will send the pur chaser our -written eoaroateo to return tbs monuy if the treatment does uot etltct a cure. G. S. oodmtn , Druggist-Sole , Wiolesalo and Retail'Agent ' , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at regular price. d&wlr PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! A sure cure for Blind , lileedta , Itrllng1 and Ulcerated Klcs bai been discovered by > Vr. Wit- Utm , ( an locUaammedv/ , ) called 'Dr. ' Wllluun'a Izdlan Olnrjaent. A angle box h s. 'redthe wurst chronic casof of 26 or SOyaacs tUcding. No 003 need suScr fire minutes atter applying this jcaaderful soctblrjg medicine. Lotions , vlnstru- DMita and J otu rija do more harm than good , William's Olnlmeut absorbs th < tamers , allays tia Intense itc&ingCpartlcuIaaly at night after Ulng warm In bei , acta as a poult Ice , gtviia in' stao ) and painlcas.r.ilcf , and isprepfiiad only 'or PU , Itching of theiprlvate parts , aad for.iotb Inc a'je. OaiA what th Hon. J. U , Ccfflnberry of Olore- and-toyB about Cr.vWllllam'fl Indian JlleiCtnt- jnent : I have used ; ores of Files cueeg , And It cffordfl mop easure insiy that I have never f ouad anythkig which ( favoeuth Immediate aodponm Esent'tillef as Dr. Willlfim's Indian Ointment. Focaale by all dniggliki or mailed on receipt .QO. .QO.HENKY & > < JO. . Prop'nu , CLBVVaMD , OUIO. Qoodnun. , l v H Brnplopent Agent I Railroad .Outfit on Sl rrt Notice. llltb Sfc , , Near Fonzham. ml-eod-tf THE KENDALL DEESS-MAKERg' OOMPANdJf , It plalta f/o.n 1.16 of a a inch to idtli in the c.Mrocst felts or finest nllkj II does all kinds and utjleof plaiting In use. . No lad/ that docs her own dress makfui ; tcin lord to tto without one u nice plaltm ? ii ever out f fashion , If teen it cells Itttilf , for achlnee , Cbculary nr Agents terras nddrws C70NGAR & GO , . 113 A.lauiHSt. Cliieatco , HI FASTf TIMEJ , In going East take the ! Mcago& Northwest- , Trains tuuvo O.iuh * d.4i ) 11 in and 7:40 : a. m. > r full Inforrratlon call on H. P. DUE' , . Ticket ; tent , 14th and Farnham Sts J. BELL , U. P , tllway Depot , or at JAMES T CLARK , Goner- Alien ) , Omaha fulTmio tf R. T. JA.OKSON 4 Graduate from the Unlveielty of Pennsyl vania at Philadelphia of the Ctaes of 184U. ) Tenders till professional services to the citizens | Oinaha and all other * needing the name , pro- eating hli claim therefor from 40 jeaiV ox rlence , sixteen j Lara of v. hkh time he spent Jn uth Am rli , Irom which touutry he haijunt turned , faJjiln ? whilst In the pjrovlncti man ) "t ( nitdlf for various dUuisca common to Uiw cli untry Irom tlio natlui of the taie. 'Ml file Doctor jnako a specialty of all Chronic i. loun , particularity thow of fimaloa. Hoiiiay , found at liU roouu at the I'lantcro' Uouuo , lul iitr of DodL-8 and Sixteenth 6trn.U , * in nZSuodlwAma " " * ' " ' . " 'BLACK.DRAUGMT" ciirca ' * ' ' S. SitJon nnU'JuMrlburil' AQBIOULfUBB. Does Corn Pay ? , \ writer in the North Dond Dul- discusses the profits of corn ns n crop tvhon put on tlio market in the natural state. The nvorago. yield of corn in Nebraska has been thirty-six bushels to th aero , and the average ) price about oiRhtcon cants , which would makxj the product worth about $ G.CO par ncro. Now lot us oo , whether it pays to raise corn in Ne braska' ; plowing p r orn . $1 50 HarrowiBg , mnrklns RD I il ntlnB , , , fid Seed 20 Ildrrow-ttigoncoand'OdUivntlng three times 1 50 Hushing and ctlbbinjc 1 M Kent or interest on J iul - . . , , . . 1 GO Total-cost of an nero 020 Average vnltioof au acre ' 0 50 Profits 30 This does not include luuillug to market. Exprnoncod farmers Assort 4lmt an avorap ; of 30o ipor fbusliol must bo obtained to make it a ( profitable - able crop , uulcss marketed i in the clvipo of beet nd pork. ! 3room Conn. J. 11. IJtirtol , of Ilarltiu < rounty , iurnishca The Alma Herald-RIHIIO in- ccrostuig fasts concerning thii > tin- portunt crop. Experiment tn its culture injurious counties bivVu boon very successful. The price of the brush ia good , yielding lastryear over cloven dollars clear profit per aero , while this might have been , greatly in creased by a difleroniinuumor of work ing. Thr seed also should xllraw the attention of the farmer asin. o3d sub stitute for corn. They told i is about the same or a little 'bettor. And if sorao enterprising oapitalisto should engage dii the matiufaxcturo-of brooms it would greatly enrich > thotn , and they would ever hove ono of the best of markets the went. The "work about broom corn is ncarlyall done byhcndj thereby , do ing vray with .expensive machinery and employing plenty > of laborers , this , of course , can < .only be a benefit to a * eommunity. Time of planting < ranges from the wen -fifth of Aprilto the tenth of May , and ou old round. Wo all know that tliLs-country iseubjcct to hot winds in the summer season , and veryhot weather will curl the brush whenryoung and tender and make it rough , which gcadeg it lowsr in the iQiirkrt. This will bo avoided by earlyiplanting aa the brush ill have to foc'ii in the -cooler part of the sea son. After the formation of the hiuali brootn corn will stand per- hiapti , mere hot wuaiher and drouth t hau-tny other plant without injury itarill look fnceh and healthy when corn > i3 wilting. A good crop can be li-id from late p uiting ; ovon. as late as .the twentieth of-Uuno willfdo. C&co should be taken that the soil is iwoll pulverized and smoatfivbeforo planting. It wilhbo.v.-oll to cultivate or pl xr the ground shortly bcfrro , in or.denio keep tLe .woods down. The seed , inly bo drilledintrows turoa feet eight r three foot , , znd ten inches apart. I have tiied the RocHord planter and it Las . done excellent work ) crmo. lueeditho largest , pin ion lost year. I had a qood stand but all the seed was .good. The eoed should bo carefully tested before planted , and if not , cJl good mere nliould.Lo planted. Ono good soodj to ovoryi three inches willto about right. ( TJiosood should not be planted too 'deep ' ; , rom ono to two inches is deep enough The ground .should bo wali smoothed in order to get the seed all ono .dqp h. This is uacossary to iiuJiotthe < crop come in .even and ma4 tuso atitho same time.Sod will pro- ! duoo a good crop , probabb/ not an largo a yield per aero as old ground but uali yjust as good ; if planted will bo a sure .crop. It may be pJnted in hills throe rfoat each way iid from throe to vo good seeds in a till. [ The sod should > bebroken early And ab&ut three inches deep and the eod planted with a apado. Ten acres put in this way will .yield inoro than thirty acres planted .any .other way. It is impossible iasociiro a good stand by-drilling on nod or plant ing with a planter , unless the sod is pulverized , and -this is hard to do. The npado is to my knowledge the best machine to plant with , oil sod. Nebraska Cows. Hubbard Hart , of Blackbird , Burt county , claims that Nebraska can dis count Iowain the butter-making lino. A. { armor in the latter state boasted of having made 1,920 pounds of butter from the milk of ton and one-half BOWS , two of them two-year old heif- ors. Air. Hal't says ; Wo milked eight sows through laat season , three of them heifers , and raised eight nice solves and made 1,040 pounds of but ter from them , vnHich , if lean figure lorrectly , beara a balance in favor of tlio Nebraska cows of a fraction over Ivo pounds to the head. Bpat Means of Testing Seed Corn , i . a lenty Wallace Iu Wintereet ( In. ) Chronicle , If our farmers would avoid some of ho mistakei of last year , ihoy will est tluir seed corn. The amount of eod necessary is so small that no ono AH afford to hare the slightest doubt f its vitality , T.Up only way is to uafc it by pluntiuR it in mcnst jaarth ud keeping it continually moist in a 'arm place. Somt ) corn will grow , ufc o feebly that it should ba rojcct- d. There is high and low vitality in lant * as in animals , and only the igorous growers should ba selected o > r seed. But there is auothor matter a.b I equal importance , Theru ixro breeds f co'rn at well as 'Ivo etocfe , nnd tlio rnii r iaVIMII ; g IIM linn * ? nO jiowa t1 in rub corn , There is a vast field for isoarch in the matter of grain 01 in ceding , and , whilst the or- 1 naT farmer has neither theme IK mo nor the facilities for export * uitil til outing largely , ho can at least select iriotics that are Adapted to the cli- ate and that gives promise of vigor- If is yield anJ note thoreeulls. Some- th lies there is great improvement by lei ango of soil and climate. Last year ) planted two kinds of corn , both timed as thoroughbred , side by side , nn le nnp was raised nearly ono hun- ste ad miles north , the other nearly as coi r uouth. The results were largely prmc < favor of the southern corn , and yet , mc believe had the season been uif- cii1 ent it wou'd have boon quite the ter forse. Tlio .northern corn acous- tomed to a shorter season ripened early , whilst the southern corn , accustomed to a longer growth , made the most of the dry season , About twelve years ago wo brought some corn from the oltl homo arm in Pennsylvania , and planted it in Oodnr county , Iowa. The season was very dry nnd the result was n surprising yield and tlio adoption of that variety inthe whole neighborhood. I/vst fall wo oeloctod sotno varieties that pleased us from the same place , and will re peat the experiment and report the 'results. ' Vo throw out these sugges tions , which wo know arc in the line of thought of n good many -of our best farmers , and wo hope there will bo such wide experimenting with va rious kinds ofcorn AS will furnish a basis for further progress another ( year. How 'to Start rvn OrcTJCird. Prof. J. L. Budd , the distinguished professor of horticulture in the Ioa Agricultural college , gives the following - ing advico'oa ' to tlio best variutiee of trees for n young orchard : Plant the Ores Pomior or Haas , largely , in fact , solely , in ono case , and top graft it after it has become well established. Ho believes , from atiorios of otpori- inentfl at the Iowa agricultnralordhard , thatihore nni ninnyTariottes of Rus sian winter upplofl which will gnnv lururiac ly niid 'boar ' profuiulv throughtiut nil that rwrt of thu ooun try known as the narihwoat. "Uoinnig " from n very high liltit"do there is no doubt/of thopurftrt hardinrssof thosn applos. Their loitvcs are thick ami strong and rumain on the trees until thoy.are fully ripe , so the trees are calculated to endure all the oxtroincs of heat and cold in this climato. M&ny-cf the varieties are Very dovi > v bio , as wall for cooking or eating at homo as for mnrkut purpoK'a. Our best sumtnor cooldu apple is'tho Duchess of Oldun burg n Uussiau < variety , which may bs-c.icd to have tin equal-among any of tho'Varietios grovrn in the woat and northwest. Tlio.iliuxa p GcosPomior , is not-surpassed in hardiness by any variety known in this lattitudo. In factvtwo boliovc it is itself a Iluinsiati wjrioty. It "w < ) d romi it'white after thf cvureat vvinmra , hun most of our other iroii-fclids uroiithor black onuct by treat < ic killed outright. In * year or two it will botxMjy to secure f-cionc of the Rwjiiut' wuitor apploa at many of our iiunnritis or from the ox- purimenta grounds of our cullugea. Let these bo top-worked Uiiou-tfio Gros IPomier and we sludl iutvo . .utrv _ tvinsonabliiiiiMUiaiiuu of choice and purioutly hardy bfjuin trees nt no very distant day , ( ProL Budd is not without hope tiiat wo aluill.yot sccuroifrom north ern lEuropo or Asia a race of hearty poaches and Uio blight-proof pears. Ho comes to ilioao conclusions not only - from his own experience as a pomologist , but from comparing views with leading orchardists attd other in telligent and experienced men in northern Europe. Another idea was gleanpd in this conversation with the intelligent pro- fcEsor.which wo.will sot down in this ploso , though tit pertains to timber culture .and not to orchardry. It is thio * tfliat ono of the most valuable upocios of timberfor forest culture is the Abele or silror poplar some- timoa though incorrectly called silver intplo. Tlio leaves are . those of the maple , but it beloaga to itho popUr variety. It is easily grown in fact , once established can h&rdlyibo killed out. Standing nlonc , .aSiitdooi when used as n or namental tree , it is ant to throw up suckero .or .sprouts , which often be come on annoyance. In such cases its brandies spread out hko thcwo of an apple troo. But an groves ithas an uprigkt .oroct growth , and thono is little or no 'trouble with Iho suckers. The best the matter is that it is a rapidly goowing , .beautiful . titu- > bor tree , &ich rrakes yory oed boards almost equal to fine for most purposes , The , wood also takes on a very beautiful polish. The treoii perfectly healthy , grows rapidly and tokes care of itself -srould bo a1 capital idea to plant it in groves , along hilliidos , or upon any waste or cheap land. Probably it would do exceedingly well oa lands front which other timber has boon put away. It will' grow from editings , nnd wjion the trees liavo been cut down < the roots will Bond up shoots unougt to occupy all the vacant places. From all this we 'conclude that the Abele is a species which for- jst cuftinitors cannot afford to over look. General Items. Keokuk , la. , claims distinction as .ho biggbst egg market in the world ; 10,500,000 osgs were shipped from ihoro during last season. About 140 exiled Jews in Now Qr- oaiiB have organised iho first agricul- iural colony of Bussian Israohtes in Vmorica , to act as a pioneer for mom- ) era of the race driven from their tomes by Russian persecution. ' Fowls of all kinds should bo taken 0 their now cjuarters before they lay heir first eggs. They should became .ccustomod to their now surroundings nd companions some tinio before hey begin to lay. Animals of all inds should bo removed some wooka ioforo the females drop their young , t is dangerous to move thorn long istancoa near the titno of delivery , , nd there are some objections to loving them afterward , Covvo , marotf nd sheep are attached to the places hero they drop their young , espeo- illy their first-born. The tubers of sweet potatoes are ot planted as in the case with coin- ion potatoes , They are propagated f moans of sprouts that appear from ic.seed planted in tlio hot bcd , When lo/jji'iuis ( ire fjom * is. lo eight X- lUiub long they arc o | < u mzu to .sot ; - Jt. 1'hvy need npt bo started earlier XC this Jttitudo than May. and should ) t bo trijisplantod till the soil and C r become quite warm. The soil tor I tis crop should bo quite rich and etty dry , Jt need not bo plowed oply , but should bo well pulverized , it is made tueJlow to a great depth RJ o potatoes will bo likely to grow ) g and epindling. The value of cheodo as a food is not Is npurly understood in America Beef- iak frop from bono is vary similar in KOI nposition to cheese ; batlt/tro muscle jducors ; beef , however , pontains Bo ire than double the viator which BUBO contains , and , boa idea , the lat- t' j'f uirt-s no cooking , stoi lthofgh Auierican butter has oatftb- H3a AtiJ lishod An excellent roputntion in Europe - rope whore it i rola'.ivoly'as high as the best brands of homo manufacture , the optcnmnn citizens of Brazil do not accord i. iho imnn position , In Rio Jnnur.i thu Uvniili mid French butter has the preftrouco , Ono day lost week a single freight train brought out of Northern Ne braska fat cattle to the vahto of S20 , 000 , The cattle wcro consigned to eastern parties , A now usn fur sorghum seed has boon discovered. Glucose can bo niftdp from it as well M ftoin corn , . and it is estimated that 1,250 , pounds can bo nmUi from thu soivl grown on < ono acre. It 11 h .tight that the dm- covory will , by tlio added profits tin's- ing from the sale of glucose , make thu culture of sorghum for sugar a profit able business. W. II , Allen , a stock man at Equal ity , Nob. , objects to the assnrtions of railroad circulars and local papers that western Nebraska is a good farm ing country , but as a stock raising country it has no superior. The real objection is that the farmers are crowding the ranches and curtailing the sue of the nviigo , A bill to establish a bureau of ani mal industry , to prevent Mio exporta tion of diseased i-altlo and prevent the spread of contagious disease , is Mowr before congress , and favorable action is looked tor. Nothing adds moro to the appearance - anco of % farm-home than a broad of luxurioun ureun gr : > s % upon wlncli-ciui ! and tusto mu displayed. 11. it at once a plousiiig sight , and cnti bo niiidc it profiublo iiivu&tmunt , An Indiana inventor has patented a straw-stacking machine. Sorghum seed is readily eaten by poultry , and is bettor for small cluck- ens than corn Prices asked by American breeders of pure bred Polled Angus cattle are as high as $850 for cows and $1,500 for bulls. Plump and very saleable chickens can bo procured by crossing a bantam rooster on ordinary common hens. Thoj' are not largo , but of good qual ity. ity.Tho The Holsteins are rapidly pushing the Ayrshiros aside , being hardier and better adapted for thu butcher when their milking qualitios-aro no longer desired. Bluegaass is somewhat delicate whonvvory young , but after it gets a good hold it usurps the soil , cleaning out all other grasses. It should not bo postured the- first yoar. Professor lliloy thinks that immun ity from the ravages of the Hessian fly may bo expected for several years , as thoiheat and drought of last 'sum mer killed largo numbers of them. Siac < aftho Fntlicrs Visited ou the Children I'hj-oiclaiu say that scrofulous taint cannot be ertdfcatcd ; we deny It "iu toto. " If vou go through n , thorough course of Uurdock Blood Bitters , your blood will get as pure ai you can wish , Price -1.00 , trial BZB ! 10 cents , mrfdlw Real Estate 5,000 PIECES OF PROPERTY I For Sale By JOM M. CLiEEE , S , Wcor , Douglas and 14th Sts. " f.bS-ood-tf BYRON REED & CO , OIiUllST UTABUtmilU Real Estate Agency Ui JS'KnilAHKA 1 i lu > ji ownpltiiH atwtrbct ol citfo it ilti < -r i In Onufi * " U'liiflbi cnilnty mfvvt W. S. GIBBS , PHYSIOIAN AN1 > SUEBEON , Room No4 , CrelRhton Block , 15tli ' Streot. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. OFFICE HOUIIH : 10 to 12 A. M , , 3 to 5 r.n , leplione connected with Cintnil Ollico M. R. Ben'l ' Insurance Agent Lo. , of Ixmclon , CouliAescttn , , . , . , , . , , . . . SS04t04.00 Vcsfolicswr , . Y , , Capitol , . , 1,000,000.00 'he Mi- ' -Mit , of Kcwnrk , N. J , , Capital . 1,278,100.0 lard FIre , Phllidelphlit , Cai'Hal. . , , 1,200,000.0 Ircmcn'a Fund . , . , . . . . 1,230,015.0 rltlih America Aeauronci Co , . . . , , 1,000,000.0 Offloe , Boyd's ' Opera' House , n. W. DO AN I. A. 0 , DOANE & CAMPBEbl , Vt torneys-at-La w Dexter L , Thomas , OTORNEY-AT-LAW llooni B.Cul , hton Plock1 'IE ' OCOIDEHiL I. I. PAYNTER , \ Proprietor orner 10th and Howard Streets , DMA IT A , NEB. itfl .Two Dollars Per Day , OElIB'S ' OITY BEBEN HOUSE now 0 ] > cij to the jiulillo with a lull mippl/ Cut Flowers and Plants t Bale. We will be glad to nave the public rail anil see ui uquots or Any Floral Deelgn Made to Order ON THE saOHTKST NOTICK , Ity Oroen Houer , S. W. Cor 17th ncl Wib- - , ono block from lOtll fitroot curd. Nurtory. street , 0walt8 | | t'oit , ( ' " V. Cr lT ( , Klorui Laudnuixj ClarJncr. J'cb'Cin. . INVITATION TO ALL WUO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO HE ItKl'AIRKD TO BE DONE Oil JEWELRY t MANUFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors'/ * For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best -Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) ' FOR THE BEST G-OOIDS DISPLAYED , E TO. Having Intuly onlargud uiv workshops and putting In now nd improrou chinory , I hope to still inoro improve the quality and finish n ( our ork mid fill onlora with moro promptness than is usual. usual.I' My McHo hns always boon and always wULkpJ "First to gain suporlor ties mid then navortiso the fact notpufoto no wild advortonomonU Seine unprincipled dealers botng in the habit of Copying ra ; arnouncomonts , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw n line between such oopiod advertisements and thosu of Yours very truly , jj j A. B. The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , \Neb. \ , Sign of the Striking Tawr Sloci , Opera House Clothing Store ! J" . IF. LTJlsTID. Daily Arrivals of Now Snriiig Goads in Clothing and dent's ' Furnishing Goods 1 GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am selling the Celebrated Wileon Bro.'e Fine Shirts , known' as the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made' ' . 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. mloodlm J. A. WAKEFIELB , WUOLKHALK AND ItETAIL DKAI.Kil IN Lath , Shingles Pickels , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , iYJtUJIHUv ) ( MT8TATK AOKNl FOK 11ILWAUKEK OKMBNT COM PAW Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA. CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY . Jl' J /I O .1 ! -AND J. B. Detwiler Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and * * ] the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , \lways sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest -stock and make the Lowest Prices. Drders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. . ! r , B. DETWILER | | : I3I3 Farnham Street. JMAHANEBRASKA. , * - - - - . ' f