THE DAIJL * BEE-OOUNCiL BLUFFS , IOWA , THURSDAY MAKCH 9 i882 THE D AIL If BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. SUBSCRIPTION UATES : By Carrier , - - 20cont j > er week By MM ! , - - - - - - - (10 00 per Year Office ! lloom Five , Everett's Block , Broadway. C. E. MAYNE , 1'anagcr City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. DIRTY OPPOSITION. . The appearance of this page in yea tcrday's BKE rather surprised its friends nnd renders here ns it was wanting in the usual amount of fresh local nows. This news was closely gathered , and carefully prepared , as usual , for THE I3ii' : readers , but in transit to the oflico was stolen by sonio ono evidently anxious to keep THE Bi E from giving the news. The local matter was afterwards mysteriously returned to the oflico in Omaha , but of course too late for use , This is not the first attempt made to thwart f and halt the enterprise of Tnu BEK. J The skifl used in the interest of TUB 11 BEK in croasmg the river has twice been stolon. Such despicable tricks to intorf ro with the public desire to get nnd read TIIR BEE cannot stop its growth , and cannot keep its patronage from increasing steadily. Every pea aiblo precaution will bo taken to proven > von * any further attempts of this kind to deprive our renders of the newsand , stops will bo promptly taken for the detection and punishment of the guilty parties. MINOR MENTIONS. , , There are only ten boarders now at the jail. A slight snnw jeHordiy gave a wintry look to the streets. -The needed crossing over Broadway , near Second street , was built yesterday : Many emigrants are pouting through the city by the car load , bound weitvrarJ. Iowa Wyoming Opal handled only by J. W. Kodcfer , No. 20 Pearl St. VIM A. good girl is wanted tor general houtow rk. Apply to No. 117 Vine street. The now engine house Is last reoelr- ing Its finishing touches and will soon be ccupied , Some fine Norman and ( Jlydmlalo talllons for sale , at brick barn , opposite Ogden IIOUBO , It ' The justice courts , which have been practically suspended during the local ' campaign , have resumed business. Justice Abbott yesterday joyfully , joined William Sheen and Miss Mary E. r Fitzgerald , bo h of Garner township. Hazel Klrko Is booked for the 15th , and Milton Nobles for the 10th at Dohay's , IVo good entertainments. The cold snap has caused a delay to numerous'building enterprise * and masons and others are impatiently waiting for a change. Some muscular kicker , with too much election whisky aboard , smashed in the front door of the Chicago house on lower Main street. , Marriage licenses have been lately is sued to W. H. EUhuiy and Miss Lizzie ' Tifflett , to George < J < $ S ° n * * Henrietta Butler , all ofpoviioll Bluffs. A country Sunday aohool con if ant Ion la to be held In Neola Thursday and Frl day , April Oth and 7tb , an i the schools are invited to send ropresentiUivoa , The committees of Council .Bluffa and Ouiaha meet in this city this afternoon to consider a bill to bo presented to congress for the building of a wagon bridge across the river , The display of high-grade Norman an' Clydesdale stallions at the brick barn op posite the Ogden house continues to at tract many thither , and salon are re ported as lively , , --"Cranky Dill1' ' still languiihoa'in jal ! awaiting trial for stealing George Fergu son' * valise. He claims in extenuation ol the offense that he Is Insane. Of court * if he eays to , it must bo so , whether It is or tiit. \ . , . j It ia getting to be quite common fo drunken follows to fire off. their revolvers ( , , * * they roll up and down Broadway a1 the su | posed still hours of the night. A few arrests and penalties might have t healthy influence , ' „ pfByer Olougji in Jii's nlghj. rounds came acrpea. ; , inan nnd woman in a yer ; i. indecent condition on Buicroft ntr et nea ' . ISroaJway. , Tb man was arrested ant 'gave Ills name an Alex , Diblo. lie was Cnnl $10 and cosU and. being ihoit of cash A ihlp with hull , masts , eta , all 'mad' ' up pf ribbon * and silks , Attracts attention of all who pa's by Harknesa , Orcutt I Co.'t dry goodfrglare on llroadwsy. Thu firm is gaining much praise for its unique displays In show windows. A horse and buggy driven by John Willy , made a 1'vely runaway Tuesday The hone dashed north on Glen avenue and would he gone crashing into a Broadway store front , had he not flipped AB it was he took a tumble , and steppe * with u tllglit wreck. Yesterday the Siott-lUobardnin case were disposed of by Justice Abbott. Join Lludt looking after Scott's intercuts , en M ) nstcr & Adamu for KlchimUon. Scot was charged with utealiug Itichardaun pocket-book , and wan on trial ncqutttec , llkhardion wiui then tried on the chars of j > rjury for having nworu to the Infer inatkn charging Scott with larceny. He too , was acquitted. It U strange how a little authoril spoils a innu. Thoto who Imvo bee made fpcclal policemen at Omaha , an rtationed on the B. & M dump , with tl Btara tied to their buttonholdi.coufoundya with others who are loafing about , bootln pawew-by , and using Insulting lang uige. Several persons who have com i ? over to this city oompUin that In pautto it. the dump they were Insulted , and that so- called special policemen were M bad M the crowd tUndin ? about , Many of the subsc'lbers to THE BtK who have the paper i-'ellvercd by { carrier will find it to their advantage to place a box in some convenient place where the carr'er can deposit the paper , and have it protected from storms. Such an arrange ment would often save annoyance , and can be provided at n nominal expense , Iho news of the death of little Marlon J&ldy , which occurred In Chicago last Sun- tiny , has called forth a general expression of sorrow and sympathy among the f'lendij of the f&hilly. Tj&st week Msas Eddy wad hero visit ng her slater , Mrs. George 1'orks , and old friends , and her little daughter was in perfect health ui > to the time of Mrs , Eddy's return to Chicicro. About that time the Htt'o ' one wai Inkcn sudden * ly andsorlotialg 111 , and In two diys death ended all. The eases of the young men charged with raiting A row and shooting In Ander son's saloon some tine ago , have been cor- tlnucd from time to time , and took one morn adjournment yesterday , the ca s bo ng continued by Itecorder Uurke until fudge Aylesworth takes the scales next week. The s tine young men were also to mvo a hearing before Justice Abbott yes terday on the charge of assault with In tent ( to kill , but these cajcs were also con tinued , Frank Cotton , supported by E , E. IJaiyo's dramatic company , Is putting in a week's entertainment at Dolmney'ii , Mon- 1 iy evening "Our Boys" was glvoo. On Tuesday night the co npany presented 'Divorced , " ind last night Cotton appeiT- ; di " .losh Whltcomb. " The entertain- nents thus far given hat been of a popular md taking nature , and the patronage IK temllly incroising. Cottrm has shown oino strong points , and is an artist of real versatility. The company furnishes ; n excellent support , and with a varied repertoire , permitting of a change of pro- ramme every evening , the public Is uf- ' ordcd an excellent chance for amuse- ncnt. STIRRING UP STRIFE. ir folk of Vaughan'a Contesting it the Election. IDt wo respect That It Will End Where It o Began , In Smoko. 81tl tlw For twenty-four hours past there v' ave been rumors of all sorts of exng- orated statotnonts to the effect that Inyor Vaughnn , not satisfied with ho result of the election , proposed to , ontost it. With some tlicso rumors xcitod only laughter , and with moat caused only wonderment ns to what lossible grounds he could have upon i'hioh to base a contest , while with a 'ew it aroused a fear lest Vaughan hould , for purposes of his own , start contest merely for the sake of oxci te nant , and to lot himself down easy , von at the risk of arousing scones of iinordor and strife. Yesterday afternoon Mayor Vaughan , in being called upon' by TIIK UEE re- lorter , frankly told his views of the natter. Ho said ho had boon think- ) ng about it , but had not decided That to do. Ho had aflidavita and in- ormation that minors had voted ; that non who had no business to vote had jast ballots ; that mon hud boon hired o vote ; that ono minister paid $3 jaoh to men to vote against him , and hat other corrupt practices had crept in. Ho claimed that there were mough of these votes to make n mango in the result. Ho thought that , perhaps , there could not bo enough of these votes shown up to give him the mayoralty , and ho would not take the time or the trouble to hunt up enough. Ho had spent all Lite time ho could afford to and did not want to bo mayor if ho could for the ; now council waa not to his liking. Ho ilso wanted his time for himself so chat ho could got out and make some money. His friends had pushed him forward and insisted on his running , und ho had done so , but now ho > wanted to stop out. If there was any contest it would not do to put him in , but to put Dr. Lawrence in. Ho . claimed that ho had enough aflidavita now , of men , who said that they had been bought up , to give the election h to Dr. Lawrence in cuso ot a contest , b and if the latter wanted to take hold ii of the matter , Bowman could not t' take his seat. Mayor Vauglmn said li ho had iv lawyer now looking 'up the h matter to sou how it was best to pro1 ceed , whether stop the council from o canvassing the vote , or whether to proceed against Bowman by a quo i warrunto. d Mayor Yuughan suggested : "If I was you I wouldn't agitate tha matter much , but wait until wo BOO what is to bo dono. You know I've a crowd of friends whom it is almost impossi ble to-hold back. They pressed mo into the race , and ttioy stick right by me , except when they get bought up or filled up with whisky so that they are made to vote for Bowman , think ing they are voting f6r mo Why , last night , they heard that a lot of fol lows were going to got out a mock hoarse and coflin for a parade over my defeat , and some of my friends got five feather beds' and placed thorn in ono of the busino's block's , prepared to rip them opou and tar and feather every man concerned in the insult. I can't hold them back , if they got ex- citod. Bo don't agitate the matter very much. " The interview U given for what it is worth. It is safe to say that the whole talk is simply for the purpose of letting himself down easy among his friends , who hang about his oftloo muoh of the time , and whu gra p eagerly at any straw or claim that Vaughan is not wholly routed. The talk about a contest rather satisfies them for the present , and if this talk will serve as any balm for a few days it will probably answer all the purpose for which it was started , Firnt National of Newton. National Associate J I'riwj. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 8. The First National bank of Nowtou , la. , has boon authorized by the comp 1 troller of the currency to commence buiinoss with a capital of $50,000. THE OUTLOOK , The Citizens Seel Cheerful Over the Prospect of a Decent City Gov ernment. A Chttnco Which Those PJacocl In Power bhould Improve. On all Hides nro heard expressions of satisfaction at the result ot the city election. Many would , of course , have boon bettor pleased if certain ones of their particular favorites haM been nloctad , but taken all in all there is a general contentment. This arises in part from the fact that Yaughan was so completely laid out , ho being 1C1 voles behind the nominees in the race , and that not ono distinctive Vauglmn candidate was elected. It arises also in part from the fooling that the now administration will bo a gicat improvement upon the old , and there will bo some marked changes in favor of decency and order. Mr. Bowman haa been made mayor by a majority of 3i only over the re publican candidate , Dr. Lawrence , lie must concede , and it is understood that ho duly appreciates the fact , that had it not been for republican votes ho would have been defeated. Did ho need any incentive to exorcising his prerogatives in a non-partisan manner liis would provo n sufficient ono. Ho ivill hava for his council a body of non who , viewed from a political itatidpoint , rank as five republicans md ono democrat , another check to my partisan policy. These nowal- lennon rank well as citizens , and thay ivo promise of being ono of the best oarus had here for years. The now aldermen are : First Ward , Alexander Wood ; Second Ward , D. 'f. Encher ; Third Ward , F. 0. Newell ; fourth Ward , E. L. Shugart ; at argo , J. B. Gouldon and Win. Sied- I intopf. The city has given an overwhelming najority in favor of the establish- lent of a superior court horo. The argonces of the majority is duo much o the fact that many " > f the tickets rero printed "For the establishment if ; a superior court , " without any dis- onting clause , so that many cast heir votes in favor of the court without hardly knowing1 that they otod ' upon that question. Still there ras evidtint among these conversant " nth the question , a decided majority n its favor , and the result would lave been virtually the same , in any vent , though the majority might tavo been less. Th\ ) election of E. E. Ayleaworth nakos him the judge of this now , ourt. The court takes the place of : he justice court , and has also in cor- ain coses concurrent jurisdiction with ho circuit court , and many appeal ases from justices' courts go directly hero. It is an important court and ts success depends largely upon * hb iiannor in which it is conducted. W. S. Mayno has boon chosen a * ity solicitor ; John Clawson as city rcaauror ; F. A. Burke as auditor ; 3. W. Jackson , city marshal ; Thomas foatovin , city engineer ; J. P. Wil- [ iams , superintendent of markets. ) Thesp men , who have thus boon laced in power , are all well known , md the now administration as a ) vholo starts out under very favorable ircumstancea. The better classes of ho people , without regard to purty , eem inclined to give them their con- ' tdonco and support , and if they meet ho expectations and work honestly md faithfully for the best interests of ho city , they .will rutnin this confid- inco and support. If not , woo bo to hem. The people will watch them ilosely , wilLrojoioo with every move hey make in favor of good Kovorn- ncnt , and will bo just aa ready to cry tut with indignation if there is any ihowing of weak-knees or long finger * . The now administration has a ; ilianco to do a" grand work of roforma- ion , and the people expect it will bo lone. It may not bo possible to itamp out completely and at once the gambling places , houses of ill-fame md saloons , but it is possible , and'tho ' ; looplo demand it , that the oity gov- rnmont shall so fearlessly handle all torts of evils that indecency * - law- ossnoss may not rulo. Virtuoun .vomanhood and innocent childhood ihniild have at least as much right iDpii the streets as bawdyism and awleaaness , Winch is more than has been granted , for while obscenity and indecency have boon allowed to ' have their own way to a largo extent , virtue and innocenso ttavo not boon protected from insult. I'he now city government has a jlmnco to revolutionize things in many res poets. The people look to thorn in confidence that it will bo iono. Shall it ? The old council moots to-morrow nftornoon to canvass the vote , and will then adjourn nine die and to an oyster supper , The now council will meet next Monday ovonitu. in regular so esion unices called together earlier for a special session. Deals In Dirt. Tlio Allowing transfers of real es tate are reported from the count ; records by J. W. Squire & Co. , ab stractors of titles , real estate and loan agents : 0. R. I. & P. R. R. to P. K. Hotrick , sw J no 85 , 70 , 41 ? 3CO. J. D. Edmundson to J , Evans , jr. , B& no 30 , 75 , 30-81,200. J. G. Bardsloy to Betty Bardsley , sonw 20,77,42 $400. J. B. Lewis to G. M. Sohollhanmor , wJB < v D , 74 , 38-82,000. B. F. Bringolf to B. Dontlor , n frax'l i " nw 5 , 77,40-83,050.00. W. "S , Davenport to 0. W. Foot , part o ] aw BO 12 , 75 , 40 83,500. G. W. Sword to J. U. Taylor , wi no nnd oi nw 0 , 77 , 30 83,320 , W. Downs to G. T. Ward , part of B i nw 29 , 70 , 42-81,000 , Morriman & Crawford to E , D. Stewart , se BO IB , 77 , 40-8010. J , F. Fosi to J , Mackland , undivi ded J of o st J nw , 35. 77 , 43- 8200,07 , J , M. FOBS , guardian , to J , Mack land , undivided | of east A nw , 35 , 77 , 43 8533.33. JL A. Bantu to L. D. Woodmancy , no no no 28. 74 , 39 8225. S. Smith to G. M , Smith , BO no 27 , 74 , 39-81,000. BOTTS BEFORE BtJRKE. The Charge IB Read , Ball Fixed , uncl tbo Accused Locked Up. Yesterday afternoon Joe Bolts , the notorious negro charged with being the chief participant in the Keg Creek assault and robbery , was brought here from Omaha heavily ironed and in charge of Marshal Morse , of this city , and Qfllfcr Edgerton , of Omaha , lip Was taken before Recorder Burke , who read to him the charge of assault witti intent to kill , fixed the bail at 82,000 , and continued the case until Wednesday the ICth. Botta wns un able to furnish bail in any amount and was accordingly committed to jail. Bolts learned hero for the first time that. Sturtenbackor , the man nhot and robbed , os not duad , and that there was a possibility of his recovery. Ho know that Walton , the important witness in the case , wns lodged in jail hero , but ho did hot have the satistac tion of seeing1 or talking to him as the ofiicors carefully placed them at a safe distance from each other in the jail. Ho has made several variations from the story which ho told as pub lished in THE BEE. Ho sticks , how ever , to the main point , and insists that ho was the least instead of the chief o ! the thrco offenders. Murray and Doc Bettor , alias "tho Kid , " the two other participants , are still at largo. ELEOTION OaLINESS. Thomas Hills Badly Beaten and Bruised by Midnight Rowdies. A brutal assault took place near the corner of Broadway and Pearl streets on the night of the election. Mr. Thomas Hilla was proceeding home ward in company'with two or thrco others , when a party df young follows pretty full of budge , yelled wut , "Hurrah for Vaughan. " Hills ro- aponded , "Hurrah for Bowman , " and had hardly got the words out of his mouth before ono of the crowd which bad yelled for Yaughan hit him in the Face ; another kicked him , and he was knocked into the street , , trampled upon and badly thumped. Ho was so badly used up that ho was unable to jot out of doors until yesterday , and svcn then ho was lame- sere and his "ace badly marked. Warrants were issued for Ohailes Jacobs , John Col lins and Robert Fosdick , and they ivero arrested yesterday afternoon. Fhey claimed they wore .not the parties concerned , and the question of identity entered mainly into the con- . oat. Jacobs and Collins were dis- harged but Fosdick was found guilty md fined $30 and costs. a Iowa Legislature. Special to THE BEE DBS MOINES , la. , March 8. In the A icnato to-daybills ; fora department ! of ndustry , to provide for a aoniKannual laymont of taxes and to locate the itato fair at DCS Moines and purchase rounds therefor , were defeated' A ill passed making provisions of the ish law apply to bays and inlets of ho Mississippi and Missouri rivers. . In the house the bill passed , requlr- " ng railroad companies to stop all rains at railroad crossings. The bill [ 'or the reduction of the legal rate of nterost to 8 per cent was defeated ; itoo Aldrioh'a anti-railroad pass bill. PERSONAL. Hon , J , T. Baldwin left yesterday for Den Moioea and will then go to St. Louis , ntouding to be ab ent n week or BO. Col. and Mrs. Charles Bo0'ardus , of Pox on , 111. , are stopplnu at the Ogden house , md are intending to make this city their permanent residence. , R. S. Wires and Frank Pilate , ropre- lentinc the Hazel Kirke company , were In he city yesterday arranging for an appcar- mce of the company here. A Uough , Cold , or Sere Throat should not bo neglected. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are a simple rem- sdy , and will generally give immodi- ito relief , mh2.1w&wlt COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIGE.-Sp clal advertisements , n Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Hent , Vent , Boarding , etc. , vrlll be Inserted In thl jolumn at the low rate of TEN CENT3 PER LINE for the tint Insertion and FIVE CENTS PEU LINE for e ch mbaequent Insertion Uwo advertisements at our office , Room B , Emett'alllock. Broadway. HALE-A lot oryounfihleh grade Nor- FOIl u and niydealo ttalilons , Juit nrilveU Irom thn cast. Call at brick barn , opposite Ugdou house. marU-Bt TTT C HSB3 FdR 8ALK-A rarlood of flue horses rl and marcs , roctntly from Northwestern Missouri , for sale at Mason Wise's stable. , mch7-4t BALE < JK JlJ T-An almost new pool POU ' for tale or rent. Address L. , Box mo , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 28Ste d To rentasnull cottage at enc . WANTED 0. M , or enquire t ° ce- \17ANTEO To rent A ton room house In VV some good neighborhood or two smaller houses di C/ side , Addjress l > . O. Itox 707. Council Bluffs , or applp t BM office. Council llluffs. . < a-u Everybody In Council Bluffs tote WANTED Tin BM. 40 cents per week , de llverod by carriers. Office , Hoora 6 , Everett s Blocit , Broadway. XTTANTED To buy JOO tons broom coin. YY Vet particular * addrvss Council Bluff ! 011 SAtB old'paiwrs 400 ixsr hundrud , at I ! 1 he UMOffica. Council Plufla. se27-tl rno BIllCK-UAKE 18. FOIl BALEpr L more of land adjo'nlnis ' the brick-jard oi llanner & JlaUe.1 ou Upper Droalwar. For particulars apply to David llalnen orto mnner's officeMItoa Board of Trade " .OounclUllurla. Boy , * lth pony , to carry p p r WANTED at fi offlae. Council Blutfu. octlS tf . - Notice. Owlnir to Ihe Imrneiue tuoceu ol th new Gelatine Bromld" Inttantaneous Proces * it th. BxwUtor ( Ultory , nith " t.Ooun , ell Bluff * , th prOprlOor ilwtlroi Uioso withlna Children1 * J'lcturc * to cull b t c n the hours ot 10 nd 18 o'clock . m. . M o | or to the Pre of Dmlnm iuch Mrmgement | * necomary to ' J. BARKE , Proprkto FACTS WORTH KNOWING "Good morning , Mr Jones. You seem in good humor this morning , " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find , anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I ctin Save Money now out of my salary , and Live Pirst-OlaBS , too. It pays to go there. " "Whore did you eay it was1 BOSTOJi TEA 001FY ' FINE GROCERS. IB Main St. and 15 Pearl Sfc , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. DONT FA L TO SEE THE STOCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 102 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep everything you want n First 01 IBS , Ohoioe , Oleau JEOOEBIES and PEOVISIONS t will pay you to look our es- ablishment throughEvery - .hing sold for Gash , and at the rery closest margins. We have line of lOo CANNED GOODS , bid we also sell the finest Im- lorted Goods , Eastern andWest- irn Goods put up All Canned leeds r * duced 10 per cent. < Send for our Prioesi Strict attention paid to Mail 3rders , Agent ? for Washburn's Super- ative Flour , F , J , OSBOBNE & 00 , , 62 Broadway , Opposite Ogden ouse. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFAOTUllERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND JENER AL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , 30UNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We give special attention to itamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND IENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. ' 3BNBBAL REPAIR WORK rill lecelve prompt attention. A general as sortment of 3rass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR tonnflry , Pig Ii-un , Ooke , Ooal , OHAS , HENDRIE , President. MAURBR & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Gloss , Fine French China , Sliver Wore &o. , 110 BROADWAT , . COUNCIL DLUKFB , IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth 8t , Council Bluer * Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor , J'carl 4 1st Ate. COUKC1L BLUFFS. W , 8. AMENT. JACOB 81113 , AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFP.iH [ WA , W. W. SHERMAN , - MANUFACTURER OF - ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY Fine Work a Specialty. wu. 124 South Main Street- COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices , Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Jmokering , Weber. Liindeman , J. Mueller and other Pianbs , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , ! Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $60 and upward. Musical - 3VC cal Merchandise of every discription. .A. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal Irep on applica S tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. a IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER , & CO. , . Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention irlvon to all consignments. NOB. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . IFOSTIEIIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTIC Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants n their ciwon. Orders promptly filled nnd delHcrcd to Express office free of charge. Send foi Catalogue. . jE3. - DEALER IN - PAPER , BOOKS * STATINERY , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. - First National lank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; WJlliam P. Harvey & Co. , Culver fe Co. , Chicago ; E A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. M E T O A L F BROS. , . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. cocnxroxx. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , v and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLUFF HARKNESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , WE &AHRY TUB LARGEST STOCK Of FINE BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VEKY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which aas Begun to Arrive. w - TP'tr J&r ffl ! Zlfp . IslI HDHiX O6 OU. , 412 BEQADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA | And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,