3 Deere & Comp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers iri AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. iiino Wagon Do , Farm and Spring Wagons , Dooro&Mansur Co , Corn Planters , Stalk Outtors , &o , , MolinoPump CoWood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Do , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , Moohaniosbnrg Maoh , Oo. Baker Grain Drills- , Shawnee Agricultural Do , Advance Hay Bakes , -'Joliet ' Manufaoturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Sliellers , Whitman Agricultural OoShellers , Road Sorapers , &o , , Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , ' A , 0 , Fish Eaoine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN . .All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. SDEIICTD aEOXC. O 'OT..A.rE.OQ-TCrElS. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN BFIour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of 'CIGABS MAMiCTUBED TOBACCO. Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFL1H & MUD POWDER 00. W. B. MILLARD. B. JOHNSON. MILIARD & JOHNSON ; i / COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! [ 1111 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , Bi STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. tlB sp THE JELM MOUNTAIN to ti tiat at atm Si ; Si"I "I AND WI ' pcBi Mining and Milling Company. Bi fa . . . . _ . . . _ lnff Capital jaw , . ,000. . . . . . . Hiock , , , Capital - - - 81,000,000 . . Par Value of Sharoa , - - - - . . . $25,000. haM hawi STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE wipe Mines Located in fiBAMBL MININQ DISTRICT. po . ho 'XOXIJEC.S9 ' hoBi DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Gumming , Wyoming. ha Wil. B. TILTON , Vlce-Pioeldent , Gumming , Wyoming yo E. N. HABWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. yoBi A. 0. LUNN , Troaaurcr , Gumming , Wyoming. BiM ou Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louts Miller W. S. Ilramel. A , 0 Dunn. bo B.N. Uarwood. Francis Loaveng. Ooo , II. Falos. Lowla Zolman. th . . . Dr. J. 0. Watklna. oo22mo5m OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale ol Stock : Bn * " ° n i , . NCU. rei 111 ! FOSTER & GRAY , iaBi i ha WHOLESALE- yo 001 sol LUMBER , COAL & LIME , six pa kn On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , , toi coi Bi gel -DEALERS IN- ve HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK CO , II br on L/ Fire and Burglar Proo II an CO ! I/1 / tir we bo ab frc : la O O 3E { S8 9 Sc O . kii 1020 Farnham Street , do , 4 * 9 r ma CORNER IN QUILLS. Ono Result of the OompeUUon tor Vncclno Virus Points. New York Sun. "Thoro has boon Ditch a demand for vaccine virus that seine shrewd fellow actually getup a corner in quills , " snid Dr. H. S. Bogort , house physician of the Eastern Dispensary , EMCI Market. "Most of the quills used by physicians nro Austrian quills. These raised in this country nro not general' ly largo enough. An ordinary quill will take four 'points,1 or slips. First the feather end is cut off ; next the other end , leaving a tube of the clear , hard , transparent , horny part ot the quill. This is too smooth to retain the vinjs , so it is scraped at each end to make it rough. The ends are them dipped , and the quill is split into tour slips. They are sold at $10 per hun dred. Single slips are sold at twenty- five cents each. As there have boon more persons vaccinated within the past six weeks than in the preceding ton years , the demand for mulls has raised the price from $11 to $12.50 per gross. A very good substitute for quills is made from ivory chips. Ono dealer recently gave an order for 100 , of these ivory points. Each ivory point will vaccinate two persons. Sometimes glass tubes are used to dip in the virus ; but they are moro expensive. "Tho lirst arrangements for sup- plyina bovine rirus at wholesale wore made by Dr. Morton , of Boston , in 1872. The first to adopt it in Now York was the Now York disdensary. The next was the h'.istorn dispensary , but the board of health got vaccine virus from H farm at Patterson , N. J. The virus used in the Eastern dis pensary comes from my father's farm , in Rockland county , , N. Y. About throe calves a week are used. Each calf lasts about ono week , and as fast as ono is cured another is inoculated. "Tho competition to sell the points or slips to physicians is so great Homo- times purchasers ou their way to the farms are interrupted by vendors who soil at reduced rates : Some of the wholesale druggists now. keep vaccine points constantly on hand to supply the demand for the bovine virus , which is now generally used. At first the supply was limited ; but since it has boon found out that there is money in it , the number that embark in the business is increasing. ' 'Tho use of bovine virus in Eng land was not so successful as in this country. It is assumed that animals are healthier than men , and that the bovine virus is loss likely to transmit disease. I do not know that that as sumption is founded on any accurate investigation. There have been Bomo monographs written questioning the fact. Statistics show that one-third of the population of Now York was treated gratuitously in ono year. There cannot bo the slightest question that , since the introduction of vacci nation , small pox as an epidemic has disappeared. " "Balm in Glloail. j rhero Is balm in Gilead to henl each gaping wound ; In THOMAS' ELEOIHIC OIL , the remedy ia ' found. for internal and for outward use , you freely may apply it ; For all pain and inflammation , you ; should not fail to try it. t only coats a trifle'tis worth its weight in gold. A.nd by every dealer in the land this remedy is sold. ! Iar-7d-lw MRS. BRBKZY ON LENT. Reminding Him of the Season. Irooklyn Kagla , "Mr. Breezy , I suppose you know ibis is a season of prayer , " said Mrs. 3reezy , cracking an egg with her peen , andcarefully , dropping its con- onts into her egg cup. "Yes , dear , " said Sir. Breezy , put- ing a final lump of sugar m his coffee , nd stirring it up , as ho gazed at the norning paper , braced against his lasn of water. "Wolir eaid Mrs. Breezy , with an ipward inflection of voice. "Well ? " echoed Mr. Breezy , half ray down the money column. "Well , " said Mrs. Breezy again , 'you understand what I moan , I sup- i : Not exactly , dear,1' ' said Mr. Jreezy , absently , as ho wondered how ar : Wabosh was going to tumble , any ay. . > ay."If you will stop reading that paper ialf second I will " lit a explain , said Irs , Breezy. "But , of courao , every BO rife , after the honeymoon , must ox- "l1 ; ioct to take a secondary position to fill .or husband's morning paper. Mr. foTl Tl iroozy , loayo tl\at paper alone ; I to ave something important to say to teD D ou , " abruptly concluded Mrs. troozy , leaning back in her chair. thm "Yes , dear. In a moment , " said m Ir. Breezy , vainlv trying to figure vu ut the real meaning of the recent CO oar movement as laid down by fu lie finance man of the favorite shoot. 00 "Now , at once , " said Mrs. Breezy. to "Yes , my dear , " said Mr. Breezy , fobe beef Bsignodly pushing tfi paper from ie m ! , and looking up "Mr. Breezy , as I said before , this ! of a season ot prayer , " * aid Mrs. Iroezy. "It ia Lent. " "Is it , dear ? " asked Mr Bivcy , tak- ig a furtive glance at his pap < -r. "Can it be , Mr. Breezy , tii.it you ha ave BO far forgotten the toacninga of lie our youth as to bo ignorant of the tin jming of Lent ? " asked Mrs. Breezy , vei jttling herself for it good talk. "I he now your mother , poor sou ] , did all Bill no could to bring you up in the true am trl ath , but whore are you now ! " "Right here , " said Mr. Breezy , ut- minting a faint smilo. "Mr. Breezy , if you are going to 3inmenco your circus didoa I shall rep the subject right here and " foi "Suppose you do , dear , " said Mr. of lieezy , making a movement toward st ( utting up. toi "Mr. Breezy , you will oblige mo th ery : much by keeping your oat until tii have finished , " said Mrs. Breezy , ot ringing the handle of her fork down th the tailo with a vigorous rap. "Wo an now at the beginning of Lout , and th hayo made up my mind to try and nu anvert you before it is over. I'm vo red of living with a hoathen. Yes , ro erse than a heathen , for you know ropa otter than to go on believing all those BO bsurd things about men springing fo om great horrid apes , and ull that feW ! ind of rubbish. % ro "Don't you prefer a whoo ] ape , fir oar , to a single rib ? " asked Mr. he Breezy , th "To think that you should bo a tu lau like that miserable , awful Ingle- alt roe or Ingorsol , or whatever ho calls himself , " continued Mrs. Breezy , paying - ing no nttontion to her husband's re mark. ' 'It ' makes mo shudder. Why , he doubts everything , and so do you. Ho even doubts that Jonah was swal lowed Ly n whale " "What's n whaler , " said Mr. Brccr.y. "Isn't ' it about limo at yi fir nge , Mr. Breezy , that you got over the habit of making puns on such serious subjects ! " naid Mrs. Breezy , slnppjng her napkin oh the table and pushing back her chair "Suppose you should die to-morrow What do you think would happen ? " "You'd collar the insurance , " said Mr. Breczj' . "Mr. Breezy , you nro just gone ! lost ! " cried Mrs. Breezy , through her tears , as she swept out of the room. "Lot'a sco , where was I ? " mused Mr. Breezy , aa ho once moro took up his morning paper. The RJulitSortof rnl Jacob Smith , Clinton Street , DulTaln , mys he ha * used SriUNO BLOSPOM in his fnmtly M a ccneral medicine for cisci ot indigestion , biliouMiess , bowel nnd kidney complaint' , and dUordcre nrliing ! from Impurities of the bio d ; ho speaks highly of its cilicacy. Ttico BO cent % trial bottles tles 10 cents. ln-7-d-lw Suiciding on a Tint Market. \ \ nil Street Mewl. A Now YorV-or , who was waiting at a railroad junction iit the interior of the s ate , had his attention attracted to a young man who was walking up and down the platform with a re volver in his hand. As there u oru no signs of game in the vicinity the Gothamito halted the young nuin and asked : "Why do you flourish a deadly weapon around in this careless man ner ! " "I'm ' going to shoot inysulfl1' was the prompt reply. "In live minutes I shall bo a corpse I" ' Anything wrong ? " "Yes , everything ia wrong. The girl I woa to marry at U o'clock to day has given mo the shake. Pre cisely at a o'clock I shall blow my brains out ! " "Now , I wouldn't do that , " coun selled the other. "Tho market just now is flat. Wait for a rise. " "Market market. What market do you moan ? " "The market for calf skins , sir. It hasn't boon so flat for five yeara. If you have any eye for business you'll wait for a reaction. Ihoy must ad vance. Calves ate scarce , the Euro pean market is abort , and if you'll hold on for thirty days I'll guarantee a riao of ten per cent. ! Always do business in a business manner , young man. Don't bring your calf skins tea a flat market. " The young man sat down to think it over , and as he was eating a ham sandwich when the train came along an hour later ho ia probably waiting for a better market. Malno Now * . Hop Bitters , which are advertised in our columns , are a sure euro for ague , billiousncsB and kidney com plaints. , These who use them say they cannot bo too highly recom mended. These afiiictod should give thorn a fair trial , and will become tt tt thoi t by enthusiastic in the praise of their t curative. Portland Argus. mar l-d2w -Cairo. Nearly all the cake produced in the establishments for the manufacture of linseed oil in the states this side of the Mississippi river is exported to Great Britain , where itn value is moro highly appreciated than it is here. The like ia true of the rcsidium of mills at the aouth , where cotton-seed oil has boon engaged in , at Omaha and other places in the far west. The ex pense of shipping the cake to Liver pool and Glasgow was so great that it waa , offered to farmers ana feeders at somparativoly low rates. During the paat season they have used it largely , ind are well pleased with the result. Some find that here is economy in lolling corn and buying oil-cake , rhoso who have plenty of means , lowovor , uao the corn they raise , and purchase oil-cake in addition. They ind it a most desirable food for all cinds of stock. Farmers who make luttor mix oil-cako meal with nkinitnod nilk , and feed it to their calves and igs. It ia largely fed to cattle and .hoop intended for the market. With o ittlo doubt the use of oil-cr.ko will ir > eon extend to the great plains. The . rent difficulty in raising cattle and heop there consists of the scarcity of oed at certain seasons of the year , 'ho past winter was very favorable PEA stock-raisers in the far west. uring the previous winter , however , ho loss of cattle and sheep was onor- IIOUB. This might have been pro- 'ontod to a great extent by the use of oncontrateu food , of which oil-cako urnishos an excellent example , It osta too much to take hay and grain ! famishing herd , but an equivalent or them in the form of oil-cako can inorod with little expense. A small ortion of it will keep lifo in animals D they can obtain a limited amount "rough fodder. " Novoif Too Late to Mend , o Thos. J. * rden , William street , East iulTalo , wi HOB ; ' Your BruiNa BLOHSOM au worked na me splendid. I liad no an- D etlto ; used to uleep liadly and pet up In morning unrofreoliedj iny breath waa erv offenaive and I uulferod front Buvere EA eadache : ; since lining your Spring llon- in all these vyinpt'iina Imvo i nlnbei } , nd I feel quite well. " Price CO cents , 1 rial bottles 10 cents. ' Pal I Many JlngllDBT Death Bolls. cn elena ladeponilent. ro 1 BIr. Filnon of Beaver Crook Btartod 1We r town yo tordny with a wagon load A'i grain. Nhht came on and the term was blinding. To make mat- jra worse the horses gave out. Ho lion unhitched tlio hones , and , gat ing onto ono of thorn and loading the thcr , again started for town. Again lie hortea got into a deep snow drift nd Air. Filson waa unable to make liom move. Ho waa now becoming iiimborod witli cold and also became ory sleepy , a dangerous uign. IIo osolvcd to go back to his wagon and iass the niulit in it , aa ho had loft onue blanket a there , Fortunately him he was unable to find the ragonj we nay fortunatolyj from the oaapn that if ho had sucooodod in inding it there is small doubt but thai would have frozen to death during ho night. Finally , In despair , ho urned toward town , becoming moro leopy and numb orory moment * After a , fitrugglo of two or three hours which only the grcntcot exertion o will power enabled him to sustain , h reached the lower end of llodnoy * stroct. Hero overstrained imturo cave j nnd the despairing man fell to tin Kiotiud , where lip lay in an almost un conscious condition. Ho know thn ho was freezing to dontli , but was un ftbled to longer fight off the over powering desire to nleep. Strangi visions appeared before him am strange sounds rang in his oars. Ai ono moment thousands of sleighs will thuir jingling bells seemed to pas round and svor him. Ho seemed to hear music and song in the distanci mid bright , many colored lights slioni before him. Providentially at abou this time two men passed along tin road and , although believing hiti drunk , they rubbed him , got him onk his feet and managed to got him to hotel. Shrnwtlnoftfl nnil AMllty- Hop Hitters , so freely advertised ii all thu papers , secular and religious are having a largo * ale , and are sup planting all other medicines. Then is no denying the virtues of the lloj plant , and the proprietors of thesi llitters Imvo shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters whoso virtues are so palpable to over ; ono'a observation. [ Examiner nut Chronicle. ninrl-ii'Jv Bill Nyo'a Photograph. While at Cheyenne a short time ape Mr. C D. Ivirkland , the photo graphic artist of thai thriving oily , made some experiments in still life , nnd the results are very satisfactory. Knowing that our hair was vcrj light and seldom , ho didn't try to photograph it , but made us put our cap on , BO aa to partially shade the glistening wealth of brow. The pioturo in a very satisfaetorj ono , and would impress uyon n stran ger with the pondoious'strongth ol purpose , the indomitable will , the logical power nnd inflexible appetite of the subject. Mr. Ivirkland is an artist ot great accuracy of touch , and BUOWH a genius and aptitude for catching the true expression in n way thnt is bound to succeed. The only thing about the picture , however , which is in any way objco- tionablo is the expression on the face , of n settled melancholy , and which , ol course , the urtist is not to blame for. Th'ia temporary sadnosH was the result of our being compelled to look at a largo printed card , while the cainon rotunda was getting in its work , amen on which was the ghaatlj motto : 'Pictures must bu pud for whoi the negatives are taken " Some would not be ulluoted by this cruel blow , but a somiiim imturo like ours is crushed by such thingHas that and it is a wonder thut wo did no burst into tears and lenvo Mr. Kirk land looking through hid Gatling gui at our empty chair. Years of So fforlng. Mrs. finrnhart , corner 1'rntt nnd Brood way , Buffalo , was for tuelve years n suf ferer from rheumatism , nnd after trying every knowu remedy without avail , was entlre'y cured by THOMAS' KCLEOTIUO OIL maiTwlw JOHN HTABI.KR , Resident. Vlco I'rca't. W. 8. DEIHIIER , See. r.ndTroas. THE NEBRASKA HAMAOIDMB 00 Lincoln , MANTJFACTUKEIIS OP Corn Planters , Harrowi , Farm Rollen , Sulky Hay Rakei , Ducket Elevating Wind , mllli , &c. Wo are prepared to do Job work and nmnulac turlrg for other parties , Addrus all orders NEI1IUSKA MANUKAOTUUINQ CO. LINCOLN , NUB. lanmO-B Genius Kewarded ; , on , Hhe Story of the SewingjMaohms , A hanJsomo llttlo pamphlet , blue and.7li' | ' savor , with numerous engravings , will be GIVEN AWAY any nuult | > us-n catling for It , at any branch gub-ollko of llio Binder Manufacturing Com- any , or will bu sent liy mall , | > oat l < aU , to .uy peraontllvlnff at a distance from ourrolficf * . Tlio Singer Manufacturing Do , , Principal Office , 81 Union , Square , NEW YORK.fobia fobia il&w 880. SH9R1JLINE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , _ t , Joe & Council Bluffs gTr -rTT.Tpr.irt > M JF * U Till OMJ.T irect Line to ST. LOUI3 AND TUB KA8T Prom Omaha and change of catt bet'win OuuJta and t > % . tnd but one bitwocn Oil All A and NEW YOIUi. Daily Passenger Trains ABTEKN AND WESTM. * GITIKd w > J.K6S CUAIIUK9 will IN ADVANOB of ASA OTI1 Kit LINKS. This entire line U uralpned with PnUmtn't tbce Sloeplnn ; Uan , PUce JJay CoachM.MIIl i'i ifety fMlorn and Coupler , and thw nJcbrated routlnxhoiuQ Alr-lrrio. tfl-d j that your ticket readi VU nANSAS * , IT. JOBKl-J' Ii COUNCIL QLUWB Uall ml , via SU. Joneph and fat , Louis. Tickets far wla at all coupon lUtlons In tit 'cat. } , X. UAKNAUD , 'O.DAV/ES , den. flm.t. , St. Jowph , Wo | Gen. i Fow. arid Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , llo , Mtur DoibiN , Ticket Agent , 1020 Ku-nham ttrcet , A. 0. 1)mlHD General Ai-tnt , _ nUAIIA. NK BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street J J JfOBESPropr , , , , , Yeah oud Salt Meats of all Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. , in Season. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ARBAOU BLOCK , DEWEY & STONE , FURNITTJ E ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P E T 8 I G R O C E R SI Special Attention Is Once More Called to jthe Fact thai oo. . Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing Goods , - 4 Hats and Caps Wo are prepared to meek the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles nnd Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring In Connection . RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St BUTTONS ! i BUTTONS ! JUST RECEIVED THE Latest Novelties 200 Styfes to Select from. From llcent to $1.50 per Dozen. ' GUILD & McINNIS \ 603 North L6th Street. EDHOLM & ERICKSON WlBOLESALffi AND ) RETAIL JOBBERS OF , _ . . _ . _ . | , 32 6 * . . fj .T" yyy j * * TJ/J * -T riSiMM rMiii. 'rw- > - ivr > k' j T * * - ! ' * ' * ' * .A. * * oo < M K JEBLEES' ' TOOLS AM MATEEIALS ALSO WKBTERN AGENTS FOH TJIK SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN OIL'S PROAN& SpectaclBB of the Oeloliratod STAE TINTED MAKE are sold ex elusively by us , DIAMJNDS IN LOGE VARIETY Also full line of Shoot Music , Eastern Prices Duplicated , EDHOLM & ' ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp , the Post Offlco , OMAHA , - - - NEB. > s