'JL'tUTl JLlJLiJX JLTJLJJU. t THE DAILY BE : CMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETOF 010 Farnham , bit. Oth and 10th Streeti TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Be copy 1 yc rIn advanc ( postpaid ) 910 months " " . . . t month " " . . . 3 RAILWAY TIME TABLE TMIOAKD CUICAOO , ST. PAUL , MINSKAI-OLIS J ( OMAHA RAILROAD. Ixiare Omaha Passenger No. 2 , 6:30 : a , m. . CO nrnoJatlon No , 4,1:0 : ( p.m Atrlve Omaha PM enffr | Xo. 1,8:20 : p. Accommodation NO , S , 10.60 a. m. HAVIN8 OMAHA IAST OB SOUTH HOTJKD. 0. , K. ( k 0. 7:40 : a. m. S-40 p. m. 0. A N. W. , 7:40 : ft. m. SUO p. m. 0. , U. I. & P. . 7:40 : it. m. 3:40 : p. tn. K. C. , St. J. i 0. B. , leMes at 8 ( v. m. Mid C m. Arrh cs&t St. Louts nt 0:30 : a. m. Mid C m. m.W. , St. L. & P. , loaves nt 8 n. m. and 8 : Arrhcs A St. Louis i t 6:40 f . m. and 7 i , WRBT OR BOirtUWMTS.1 K. * M. In Neb. , Through Exprem , Si'-O B. & II. Lincoln Express < i:20 p. m. U P. Ovtrland Exprtm , 12lb : p. lu. 0. Jk R. V. for Lincoln , 11-.4& a. ru. O. * R V. for OscooU. 0:40 : a. m. U. P freight No. 6 , fiiSO a. m. a. P ' rclght No. 9 , 8:20 a. m. O. V. frolpht No. 18 , 2Wp. : ) m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant. . ,1" . Doiner expreM , 7:36 : p. m. U. H , frclrht No 11 , 11:80 : p. m. U. P. Den\er freight , 8:26 : V ? m. AnMVlNO FHOM lAtIT A.ND COCTn. t. U. * C' 6:00 : a. m. 7:58 : ( i m .1 'i \VM ( l:4S : ft. m. 7:21 : p. tn 0. H. I. iP. . ' 4Bvm. 9.0bp. to. n. c , St , Joe ttO n. , "Ufla. m.it : h , PHOM Vlln ( fttlTAKD MtTUWklt 0. II. V. from Lincoln 1.0 $ p. m li i' . I'm t Hr J xtircss S:2f : > p. n P * M. In NcK , Through Kxjifbri tilt p B. I M. Lincoln Express 9.40 n m tji P. Dim cr fJrrc.ii. 7:36 : n. tr. L T. Freight Xo. 14 J.KJ p. iu. U. P. No. b 6:10 : a. m. Kmlit kin. U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. m. U. P. No. 8 0.00 p. m. U. P. No. 12 1:46 : a. m. U , P. Denier freight , 1:10 : ft. m. O. & R. V. mixed , nr. 4:46 : p. in. BDMIIT TRAtKR BITWIIM OSUU * AHP COUNCIL Le vo Omaha at 8:00 : , 9.00 , 10:00 : and 11 m.i t:0 : 2.00 , 8.00 , 4.00 and 5:00 : p. m. Leave Council Bluff * at 8:26 : , 9:26. : 10:25 : t 1:26 a.m. ; l26 , 2:26 : , 3.25,4:26 : and 6:25 : p. Sundajs The dummy leaved Omahn at 9 and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lea Council Bluffs at 9:26 anil 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:26 , 4 and 6:26 : p. m. Through and local passonecr trains betwc Omaha and Couiu U Bluffs. Loa\ Omaha 6 : TUB , 8:60n.m.i 8:40 : , 6:45 : , 0:00 p. in. Arr Omaha-TUO , 11:86 : , 11:4,6 : B. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7 : 140 p. m. Opening anrt'OloiIng of Mf III. ROCTS. orra. OLOSI a. m. p. m. a. m. p. . W. . . . . . . . 11.00 .9.00 Ohlcr-zo , R 1.1 Paclflc.ll:00 : 9.00 5:30 : ! Ohlc | o , B. & Q 11:00 : 9.00 6:30 : S Wnbanh 12.30 6:30 : S Bloux City and 1'ftdflo. . 0.00 6:30 5 Onion PociHc 4-00 11:10 : Omaha 4 : R. V 4oo : 11:40 : B. 4il. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha b Sioux City. . . . 000 7:30 : B. & H , Lincoln 10.30 11:00e U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . , 1:80 11:00 D. P. Denver Rxp 90 u O. , Sioux City li St. P..11:00 : - Locftt malls for State of Iowa leave but one day , viz : 6-SO a , m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TI10S. F HALt P H Business Directory Abstract and Real fcttato. JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposite Peat Office. W. K. BARTLETT 817 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECT Room 14 Crelghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cielghton Block Boots and Shoes. JAMES DIVINE tt co. , fine Boole and Shoes. A good assortment bouie work on band , corner 12th and Hntncy. THOS. ERICKSON , 3. E. cor. 16th and Douzl JOHN FORTUNATUS , 006 10th street , manufactures to order peed we I fair prices. Repairing done. _ Bed Springs. 1. T , LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douplaa Books , News and Qtatlonory. 1. 1. PRUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. UodtlANE & 8CHKOKDEU , the oldest B. and house In Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MK3. A. RYAN , comtw corner ICthand Dodge. Best Board-for the Money. Ectlsfactlon Quarautei Meali at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cai Furnished Rnnma Supplied. Carriages and Road Wagons. WM UNYDER , 14th and Harney Streets. Clothing Bought. 4. HARRIS will pay hlghestCash price for seco bind clothtnp. Corner 10th and Farnham. uewe era. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEBTI10LD , Rags and Metal. - Lumber , Lime and Cement. JOBTKi & QIliY corner 6th and Douglas & < La-'npaand Qlaatware. ' J. CONiNtR 1309 I > ou las St. Good Varlet % ' Merchant Tailor * . O. A LINDQUE8T , One of our uout pcpular Merchant Tailors la i wlvlnj ; the Utest dtelgns for Spring and Sutum Qoods tat gcitlomui wear. Stylleli , duraJbl and prices Ion as ever 216 13th bet. Dougr.&Far MJIIInery. URfi. 0. A. RIMER , Wholesale and Retail , Fa cy Goods In greet \ arlety , Zephyrs , Can ! Board ' Hosiery , Qbv csCorset , &c. Cheapest House Ibo West. Purtlasers sivo SO per Cent. OrJ by Mill , llj Fllfonth Street. " \rounory. JOHN WEARNE&80NS cor.Utb&Jackione Hour and Food. OMAHA CITY UILIS , 8th and Karnh.ro Hb Welahans Bros. , propHetors. Unjcnrt. JL hTKYENS , Jlst beivucn Cumlng ami liai 1 , A. HcSHANK. Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Street Hardware , Iron and.SUal , DLAN & LANQWORTHYVboleaJe , 110 at 1U 16th street A. corner loth and California 4 Harneis , Saddtit , &c. B. WK1ET 20 18th St. bet Faro. b. Uaine ' Hotels V ANHKLD HOUSE , Ooo. Cunfleld.Uth & Fftrnb * . BORAN HOU8K , P II. Ctif , 913 Farnham 8 bLAVEN'S HOTKL , P. Sla\en , 10th St. gouUiern Hotel Qua. Ilamcl Btb & Leavcnworl Urugs , Paints nna Ulii. KUHN & CO. ft 'liU f.no Viti " > od > , uor 1r r > i ti.v it tii , . W.J. WHITtnOUfK.WhoIeaale&Rotall.iethi 0. FIELD , 20 2 Morth Side Curnlng Strte PARR , DruggUl. ICth and Howard Streeta. " Oontlst * . DR. f AUK WilliamIMock Cor. 16th & Volga , Dry Qoodi otlon , ttc. JOHN II. F. LEUMANN & CO. , Ken York ; Dry Oooda Store , 1910 and IBIS Fan him struct. L. a Knewold also boota and shoe * 7tb & Paclfli ruruiture. & 5. OROflB , New and BtJOnd Hand Furnltur rd 'Kovoa , llli Dcn UHlgheat cwh prlc aid lor tocoud Itn ) itoooi. BONNKR 1809 Una/la it. Flna yood , tu ' Ttrce Work * . , OMaEA FENCE CO. BD8T , FRIES 4 CO WlSHarney St. 'Immoy jd Iw Boi , life and Wood FekXiei. . Offlc Oljcars and Tobacco. WEST * FRITSCn EH , manufacturers of Clgi and Whol ( il Dwlersl n Tobaccos , 180& Doiil If. F. LORRNZRH manufacturer 1418 Farnb * Florist. A. Donaghue , jilanU , cut flower * , iU , ooqa eto. N. W. cor. 16th and DouclM streets. Olvll Engineers and Surveyor * . ANDRF.W ROSKWATKR , Creifthton nio Town Survejj , Grade and Sewerage Sfntetnl ' Specialty. _ Commission Merchants. JOHN O. W1L L1S.KU OoJfro Street. D D I5KKMER. FordrUlli w Urge adrertl ment ( n D llv and Weekly. Oornlca WorKs. Wet rn Cornice Works , Manulactureri Ii Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofllng. Ord from any locality promptly txpcutcd In the b manner. Factory and Office 1218 Harney St. C. SPKCHT , Proprietor. Galvanized Iron Cornlcoo , Window Caps , el manulacturod and put up In any ran of I country. T. 8IN11OLU iio Thirteenth street Orockery. J. 110.NNE11 1509 DonelM street. Qood line. ClothlnR and Furnishing Uoods. OEU. II. PKTERSON. Also Hate , Capo , Hoc 3hoa8 , Notions and Cutlery , 80 1 8. 10th street. Refrigerators , Canfleld't Patent. 0. F. QOODMAN llth St. bet. Fatn. & Ham Show Case Manufactory. O..J. WILBK , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Bh Cases , Upright Cases , 4' . , 1317 Caw St. FRANK I. . OKRHARn , proprietor Oral Show Cao niwutactory , 818 south 10th iitrt between Lcan orth atnl ilMy. . All RO loth x' ' t. far , ft l : Utovea nti M\x re. A. UtRMKSTI'.K , aiid Unuur.j , nd ManufacUl of Tin Roofa i d nil ktnil. of Building Wo CKld Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1809 Douslaa St. Good and Che Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills i Cultivators. Odd Fellows Hall. _ Physicians and Surgeons. W. 8. O1BBS , , M. D. , Room No t , .Cielgh Block , Utb Street. P. 8. LE1SCNR1NO , il. D. Haaonlc Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eje and Ear , opp. postof DR. L. B. QRADDY. Oculist and AurUt , B. W IBth and Farnham Photograpners. OEO. HEYN , PROP. Orand Central Oallorv , 212 Sixteenth Strool. mnr Masonic Hall. Firat-claea Work and Prom tieea guarantccp _ Plumbing , Qas and Steam Flttlnff. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 218 12th St , bet. Fatnh and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZl'ATHICK , 1409 Douglaa Street. alntlng an aper anglnK. HKNRY A. KOSTKRS. Ill Dodge Street. Shoe Otores. Phillip Lanjr 1320 Farnham at. bet 13th & 14 Second Hand Storo. ' PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douclaa St. . Now I Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Ooc &c. , bout-fat and sold on narrow inarrlns. Baloons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tno now brick block on Douglas Street , I Just opened a most elegant Bool Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 679 16th Street. Undertaken. CUA9. RIEWR , 10111 Farnham bet. 10th & 11 00 Cent Stores. P. 0. DACKU8 1205 Farnham St. , Fancv Ooi "PTLES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Las No One Need Suffer I A euro cure for Blind , Blooding , Itching o Ulcerated Plica haa been dlacotered by Dr. V llam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Wllllai Indian Ointment. A atnglo.box baa cured I worst chronic cases of 25 or 80 j cars standing. one need Buffer five minutes alter applying t Monderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Inst incuts and electuaries do more harm than goi Wllliam'a Ointment absorbs the tumora , alii the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night at getting warm In bed. ) acts as a poultice , glros stunt and painless relief , and is prepared ouly Plica , Itching of tboprh ate parts , and for no Ing vise. Head wnat the Hou J. KI Ccfflnbcrry of Cle and sa > a about Dr. William's Indian Pile 01 ment : I bao used scoroa of Piles cures , and affords me p ouauro to Bay thatl have noer fou an } thing which gave such Immediate and pern nent relief aa Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt price , 91.00. HENRY & CO. , Prop'r * * , CLIV LAND , OHIO ForealvbyO. F Oooduian. OctlOdnml&wnnwlv H. Emplopent Agent Railroad Ontflt on Short Notice llltb St. , Near Farnham. ml-ood THE KENDALL PLAITIM IADH1E DEESS-MAKEES' COMPANION , It plaits fro.ii 1-16 of a n inch to UJth In the coarwwt fclta or finest ellks It doea alf kinds and stj lo < of plaiting In use. No lady that doe4 her OH n drug * making c. .florj to do without ono aa nlca plUting lever out of fashion , If keen It Bella Ituelt. F rlachlues , CIrculara or Agent's terms address CONGAR & CO. , 113Vitaing St. Chicago , 111 _ FAST- TIME ! In going Rast take the [ Mcago & If ortliwest Tralni leave Omah * 3:40 : p. m. and 7:10 : a. n 'or full Information call on H. I' . DUEl > , Tick < Lgent , Uth mil Farnham Sts J. BELL , U. 1 latlway Depot , or at JAMES T CJ.AHIC , Oonei Ageni , Omalia ] al7m4e If -R T. JAOK8ON FLAN > , A.GraduaUifiom the Unlvciulty ol Peonsyi Minlaot Philadelphia of the C'laui of 184U. ) Tenders his profcKeional services to the citizen ) f Omaha and alt other * needing the name , pri Heating Me ihlm therefor from 49 j cars' ox icrlrnci' , sixteen ) cars of uhlchjtime ho spent I outh America , from wlilcli country he haajui cturncd , calnlni ; wlillst In the provinces man cmcdliN for various diseases common tothl nunlry Iron ) tri iutl\cs of tie we. The J'ouir mil i-unw | Hy of all C'hroit > I u4iti , particularity thoi > o of females. llama > e found at his rooms at the Haulers' JIousi rner of Dodge and Sixteenth Strecta. n23oodlWiStmo w" * COUNSELOR - AT LAW J. H. McOULLOOH , Room 4 , Crelghton' Block , Fifteenth Street. Ian16-3m DR. F. SOHBRBR , Physician and Surgeon CHRONIC DISEASES , RHEUMATISM , Etc. , A 8PKCIALTV. ' * ° No. U12 Farnham St , between 14th an 16th. Omaha Nub. | 28oo' _ ' . " - 'JBLACK.pnAUQHT" i-mp * I / " 'etion nnd hcnrtbnrn. TKN TtlO SAND MILES OP W1H The Eloctrlo Web thftt Covers N < York Edleon Underground \Vlr03. New York fctar. On a rough cnlculntion it is oatlin ; od-countint : the wires of the to graphic companius , tclophpno conn nics , distiict telegraph companioaai the Police and Fire Dopnttinonta tliero arc moro thnu 10,000 miles telegraph wires swinging ever Ni York city. They run in every imr inuablu ( lircctioii , nnd such n trcuu deus network ofviro is unheard and unknown in rxny other city , the Continental cities of Europe t number of telegraph wires in opei tinn is n more bagatelle comptvr with Now York's gigantic slumir It is being seriously agitated tl : seine concerted notion should bo t.n en with A view of placing all , nearly nil , the wires undonrround , place of having them , as now , c structing the streets nnd Jlsliguri the housetops. A now danger from telegraph wii has recently boon developed by t introduction of Hho , electric lifj wires. Such n tremendous current electricity isJJ necessary in opornti these lights , that n human bmng mi ht liappen to como in Uncut c ciut would bo killed by the shu Tin ) repairing of the AN ires hll'uuU n plo munt to n small army of live 111 and others , who are constanly I'liiplt i'd on the work , as the win : * ute wnys brtuking or becoming cr i - < ( Not n storm comus along that dc not do great damage to the wires , n if they could once bo put undi ground nil imnienso saving would : suit to the companies ; but then t outlay necessary to the porfi isolatiod and the work carry out such a colossal iindortaki would bo very largo. There are il ons of patents nnd plans for putti the wires underground , but whotl any of thorn nro practicable for use an extensive scale yet remains to soon. soon.Tho Edison Elcctrio Light Co pany tire placing nil their wires unc ground , nnd have nearly ten miles ready laid. Ono ot the chief diflic ties in the way of placing the wi : beneath the surface is the v amount of sewers and pipes nlroa laid. Some idea of the way ( streets are already out up may gained from the following figur which show the number of miles ready under ground ; Sewers , miles ; wutor mains , 512 miles ; i pipes , 1 mile ; pneumatic tubes , mile ; .tubes for telegraph wires , miles ; tubes for electric light wires miles ; total , 1,789 CO-100 miloa. According to the Superintendent the Fire Department that dopartnn alone has some 900 miles of wire 01 ground , supported on about GC poles. They have four wires unc ground from Fire Headquarters , n about seventy-five wires under grou in Mercer street to the corner Houston strcetTi * These wore laid i wooden trough , and then a solution pulverized glass , rosin and oil materials was poured into the trou { forming n solid , compact mass , works well enough so farbut it woi require s'evoral years to test the p ent thoroughly , nnd the wires 01 have been down < xbout G montl From other sources it was learned tl the wires in all principle cities of ( Britian and the Continent nro placed beneath the ground , and tl the system works well. The 01 trouble experienced is locating a brc when ono occurs and repairing This would prove a serious trouble haying the wires under ground Now York , as the streets would continually dug up to got at the ma breaks sure to occur. The wires c coated with the best gutta porcha n placed in hardwood boxes or ir tubes. It has been found that , ev with all these precautions , the bcj are eaten through , and the gutta pi elm covering of the wires destroyed n voracious littlp species of woi against whoso boring proclivities ov iron is scarcely proof. Sometime whole section of a street has to torn up to discover the defocti wire. Maliio Nowa. Hop Bitters , which are ndvertis in our columns , are. n sure euro i nguo , billiousness and kidney co : plaints. Those who use them s they cannot bo too highly recoi mended. Those alliicted should gi thnm a fair trial , and will bccoi thcioby enthusiastic ; in the praiao their curative. Portland Argus. mar l-d2w An outbreak of Navnoo8 ] Feared. The following letter was rocoivi lioro yesterday from a trustwortl [ tcntlcmah iVho resides in proximi to the Nnvujo reservation , and n far from Port Defiance , at present c : upied as the ugoncy for the Nava Indiana : Fob. IS , 1882. Last Thursda rvlii hwas issue at Dofiuncothoro , wo iftuen Indians drunk on the parai ; round , making inquiries for Eat unn , the ngeut. That gentleman w > hhgoJ to tloe to his room and lot ninsolf up through fear of person riolonco. The Indians amuse thot ulvos hnggiug 2nd fighting , \vhii cared the cmployoj almost to dcat 'livy broke into etoro rooms , and 11 . ' .licit1 drunken dances they talkc ight. Boal-Cliinno.Theunnyor Sta Jaiior , one of the principal men ho Navajoeb , . 1ms boou making it voi ubious by throatoniox to take n nd all other white meu in Defium long u ith him. Wo are oil prepare have written to place him on h uard. AVe 'havo cleaned our gui nd prepared our Mmnunitinu 1 iwr , wt > uit im . < n o.ual on MIIU calo. The Star-Gazer says tliat "a ho Americans are liars , AS they huv o frequently fooled us , " It-seen aid hero now , worse than I hu\ eon it for years , and ivo may bo a ( icked any uioiaont. Friona'ly Ii inns are. coining to us from tinu i imo to warn us of danger. Wo to\ \ ipon this information for safov Vhy can not the government clmn ho agent hero and Bocuro peace an ecurity ( o the settlers of the couj ry ? Wo do not care who is sent , s hat ho bo an honest man , and on an control and ditoct the Indians i ho ways of penoo and industry , Cei duly the Nnvajoes uru susceptible c lie highest cultivation under propc mnagomont. The country is rapid 1 Qttling tupj and it is n question c great importance to the Indians , t whites , nml the government , thai man of character nnd responsibility placed in charao of this imports ngbAcy. Yours truly , M , 1) , Yonra of SniTorinR. MM. Jtarnhart , corner Pratt and Uroi way , liutTiilo , WAH for twelve yean a fercr from rncumatiim , and niter ttyi every known remedy without avail , w entirely cured by THOMAS' KCLFCTBIC O LIST OF LETTERS KemalnlnR In rostolTice during the f March 4,1S82. , OKNTLF.MEX. Archer J W Anthony W U Albro A W IJourlcer 1 * lirncn H Bcrghuul C lleiincficn J T inn J C lionlcj O UoydTF rolmorgtn .1 Olnrk V ,1 aimi.lu K T Ctiniinlnfrii K W Cdjliis A Carcton J Q Omrk , T Clemens G W Clark U 13 Deimnoro 0 A KitKcllnml C Kkatrom 0 Fisher W W Foster W FUlier A Forcl N O Frankfort W J Fox .1 A Gilbert L li Glees J Green J Getty W P froCll ! -2 GuuM A UrllHth ' .V.C uckiua M B llatriu J X Hnrfrndou J llcchter I " .1 l" llcllman 1) .UmUT .Tones W T Jon DS W II JohiKcn S .lorl II M .Toynt t \i KHUIU w T A Kucken W KliiKcley K KellcyDC 2 Kennedy WH JoydT I < lilniito V Llttlefielcl M Lane J M Lynch J K IjiiiiBtvrer G F Iiuninx II luw U 1' & Co Ltiicluer D Ltnbury F MofUtt K Jlikkelson T L Jlorrow G Mohlcr II Miirnnn J Matthews O Mlherly K-2 Morgan O Mniunos J Mnlitnify J Miu | > liy At McGntroTH McCirt.l O MoMllleii C McCtillom .T.T M cl/ennnn A McCnlmn A II Norton 11 Nlcl-on M O'Boyle J 0 Ilcarn , T 13 O'Horron T O'Connoll T Pfamikuche 13 1'e.rcoFH l'it kney L 0 I'e'ern u ' n.Jtcia A Itii in-oii L Heed J Uio r.l II Knilgets .T It 15lUi rtl on P Kosiitur ,1 A Ulc , url . .n C Snltcr C A S cvfio A Sanhee S Sun < M A Sh.-rtley .r Sclmltk .T Stiim ,1 0 Scheulchet H s ott .r M. n SchlosI P Sxelis enl * S irensou T C Stem ) N Svzcnnyk G Slottn-ley Sluw it k Co TlluIIIprOll ThmnviV Ttmruutix L Trtiuklu NV Tims crPA Thorp J 0 ToltRon O L Thomas 11 Veshr ck J Wollhehr W Warren F A V.'ngncr ' li Weaver A J WilkinsAF WardJ N Warner F M Wnlkey G Wiggins II G Wilko4lt ( } Wellnitz M Wehning J Wilco\ C LADIES. Barton Miss J BengtRen M rs M Butler Miss G Carpenter Miss N Classen Mn 13 Cnsxicly Misa A Callahan Misa A Carmody Miss M EKSOX Mis MB. Easterling Miss J ] Koluxfee Mrs M ! Fegan Mra M A Grow Miss 13 C Guntlier 13 Glebe Miss J-2 Harris N Hansen Mrs J Hurcly Miss J .lacoli-eu Mis3 A Kc. necly Mix J Kline Mra ! Ml Kraty Mrs W King S G Kellogg Mrs J K Lytlo Miss Ncllio Lundxren A Larson Misa M ! S McDowell B Mason Misa 0 Miller L Mauck Mias M Mahoney Miss M Moore Mri K B McCtflieMissJB Morrisey M rs A. B Noonan Mary Nichols Mias G O'Drfy Mrs M Piekctt Miss M Perum Mrs L A Peterson Mrx V.eaherMiss F Kus Miss M P llosenheim Mrs L Stevens Mrs W Shouing Mw S Taylor Miss E Thomas Mrs II Vahden Miss H Wilcley M E Wiberg Mis 1 UEOISTEI1EH LKTIEIW. Branch Mrs E Lcnf Mrs P Levy J Sacksse Misg A Andeit J Muller P Mchring F A Hagerstrom A Eisbrrt M FOURTH CLASS MATTEH. Uupley J Hall J Townsend E Quick S King G Hill 0 Clnpp 0 W Horning A M Kin0' A N McUoy F C Burrows D W WTHOMAH HALL , Postmaster Sliro-Rrdnoss nnd Ability. Hop Bitters , so freely advertised all the papers , secular and roligioi are having a largo sale , and nro su planting all other medicines. The is no denying the virtues of the H plant , and the proprietors of the Bitters have shown great shrowdnc and ability in compounding a Bittoi whoso virtues nro so palpable to eve ono's observation. [ Examiner ai Chronicle. marl-di A Surprised Confidence Man , New York World. "Can you toll mo where Clmthn street is1 asked a handsomely drci od young man of a World report who was standing at the Iwad of Oh ; ham street square last night. ' promised to meet a friend in the saloon , which ho said was on Ohathn street. But I am a stranger in t ! city nnd have lost my nny. " The reporter was waiting for a C Icstial guide , Ho Jeo by name , wl Imd promised to make a tour of t ! Chinese quarter with him , Ho thoi fore felt justified in saying ; "I tliii that is Chatham street over there , am a stranger , toobut I cuino up th street from my hotel and I was told was Chatham. " Thank you very much , " said t ! nice young man , "What n disagre able night it is ; won't you have drink with mo ] ' ' The reporter acquiesced and wi UH new friend entered a saloon. "I nko prmin of your bent brandy in iiujji.lon tn'iliitr. " CfmihuiM i > < juu saloons have but ono kind ot brand a very bad kind , and the dibtinotii nado is in the price and not in tl jottlo , While discussing the liijui Jio nice young man glibiy deacai.ti m the marvelous flights to bu eeon ho city by strangers , mid after dl posing of the fourth brandy and so ] tar proposed that the reporter shou iccompai y him to the saloon ceep his engagement. "If my frioi an't there , wo'll U't > oil'on a quiet li It * 'racket' that's what they all i ' it " su'fc ? The reporter demurred at first , bi mal/je / , unwilling to spoil a good etor ; turtud with the nice young man dev ; 3hatham etroot. "Hero wo are , " 1 omnrked , as lie stopped at the hoc f a pair of atnira leading to a diuropi t4 blo "dive. " and showing n wondo ful familiarity with the placn. "Con down , wo won't stay long. Icaniho you things you i\o\or dreamed of of in thu couiitiy. It's n live place. " The reporter , at this point , wishii to make some , return lor 1m compa ions goncsosity in paying $2 for i cents' worth of wretched liquor Hire back his coat intending to offer hi some cigarettes. Before ho could en ry out his intention the man tunic and dashed at full spend up Clmtha street. Ho had caught a eiiinp e of lire baclgo , which closo'y rmombl that worn by policemen and dote tires , and li , d tint wnitcd to go < that little racket he crossed. Too Lrtto to Mend. The . .1. Aiclcn , William street , 13t llnirali ) , wiltc * ; ' Your Sruiso Utossi ha < worked on 1110 opleii liil. I had no n i elite ; u edto lopp I ailly and > , ft up th'morning unrrfre < liid ; iuy breath w \crv ( ilfetiMvo anil 1 sutlcrod from nave lieadnclie ; ilncenlng your Spring 111 < HDiii nil these } m | > t"tim lia\e vntiiMu and 1 feel quite well. " Price f > 0 ecu trlul bottles 10 c < nU. inar'-illw THE UIC1I AND THE I'OOIl. Uofutnl of tlio SnylUR tbnt the lit Grow Hlchor , tuo Poorer. N'on YnrkTImo * . Are "tho rich growing riuhurai the poor pooroi ? " Alr. MullniUM' known English statistician , leiut much atusod nclnge. Cotnp.iri 1840 tilth 1877 the probntu returns the United Ivtngdoiu showed UH dividing all classes into rich , midc' class , mid worUini ; cluss in 18HO , England , of the first there were 2. 1 per cent , of the BL-COIH ! 21.20 , of t last 70.40. In 1877 it was roiircsoi od by 3.70 , 20.-JO , nnd 00.1)0 ) per cm In 1840 England had nu aggregn wealth of 80 per cent as her snare the means of the whole United Kin Scotland showed i aoni , but in 1877 creased menus , and that of Engla fell some 3 per cent. If in 18lOt ( .mounts of the property on whi probate cr succession duties wore pt represented a total vnluo of men equivalent to 54,010,000 , this about 2 Id average per inhabitai In 1877 it was 131,400,000 , or 3 1 per person in the United Kingdoi It is in Scotland that there is me wealth in proportion to persons th perhaps any ether country in t world. During the thirty-seven yet from 18 10 lo 1877 her wealth has i creased from 190,000,000 to 97' ' 000. "or to-day she 1ms 277. to ovc innabHnnt. "Forty yonis age writes Mr. Mulhill , "Scotland swar ed with beggars to such a degree tl the Sheriffs declared the state of t country was so alarming , nnd t farmers wore so poor that tli bled their cattle ajid cooked the blc as food. " With increased moai as the Duke of Argyll has conclusi1 ly shown , comes a greater demand the individual for food. If statist are to relied upon , in thc.yont If each person in the United Kitvgdi consumed twenty-two ounces of t fifteen pounds of sugar , 209 pounds wheat , nnd 84 pounds of moat. 1880 the quantities used wore tea , ounces ; sugar , 54 pounds ; wheat , i pounds : meat 118 pounds. "Where1 the middle class is the most comfc able the 'country is most prospero This is three times as numerous Franco as in Germany , and lowest Russia. In fact , Russia is n coun of Princes and peasants , nnd the fii some 24,740 have an average inco of § 185 each. Some idea of the crease , however , of the cost of liv may bo had from the following sti ment : Whereas , from 1830 to li an English family of five could 1 comfortably on 92 14s , from 1871 1880 it would have cost 107 4s. Wl our own census is presented in nil various aspects , a very curious anf BUS can bo made on this interest ! subject. It does , not seem , th that in any country "tho rich growinericcor , and the poor poorer NOTICE. 0. fl. DodRO , of the firm of Trice , JIcDcrn & Dod e , m I'mmlicra and Oas Flt'er , nt Om 9 climolveJ as to O. 0. Doiltfo , who astlg to Thomas 1'rlco all his Intercut Sept. 20th , II and Thomas Price iwsumci the third Hhan flnnllablltlcs for ld 0. d. Dodiro. In cor-1- 'n of salit transfrr. O. 0. r 1880. SHORTJLIHE. 188 KANSAS CITY , 3tJoB&CoiuiBil.Blui U TIIV OHLT Direct Line to ST. ANDT1IKKA8T From Omaha and the Weai. No change of c rs between Omlhit r.uti nt ixi\ and but one lietwcun OMAHA auil NEW YOUK Daily PassengerTrasn IliUUIHU JkUi EAHTKKN AND WESTKItN OITIK8 with i 1 ! CIIAIIOKS and IN ADVANOK of AtL OfUER LINKS. Tblb entire line la equiiiixid with I'ullmi I'ttUcu SlouiiInK Cars , I'ftl&ca ! ) ) > Coaches , Mllli Stktv Platform and Coupler , and the celebrn WiMlnghoiie Alr.liraku. fST to that jour ticket ruvili VIA nANa OITlf , T. JOSKl'll & COUNCIL IILUKKS U rui'l , vl& fit. JOBO ) h uud St. LouU. TlckoU fnr ulg at all couion etatlun * ID ' Wett. J. F. BAUNAHD , A. 0. DAWKS , Ocri. Bunt. , St. Joaciih , lie Inn I'me anil Ticket AKV , , St. Joxepli , Jlo. AMDT UOHDKN , Ticket AKCII ) , 10 0 Karnham atreet. 1 A. II. UtHNi v ijmiuri l Airilit , OMAHA. NB _ _ HetekaLandAgen' ' OAVIS & SNYDER , Ot . Omaha , N br , . , ociucuiU UnU .0 Kuuturli Nu nle firtat llnrfftli : * If lmrirn\nr | turns , a | . * i M prrttM rt I t IM.Ie' < "t.iK li , t DexterL.Thomas&Bn nuy AND EBM. AMU > U IUASBACTIOM COMhScrHD 1USKIWI11I. Pay TftxeB , Berit Houses , , jr 10V WANT TO BUT OB BRU ) l * | Clearing Sale f .A. LACK'S PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE Is the place to Buy Bargains. VERYTHING MARKED IN JBED FIGURES , Look for the Red Ink M rks. V Practiual Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES , - Family orders attended to with despatch , and ev&ry- thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at 0 210 South Tenth Street. CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTYi AND- Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AKD WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market -Prices. We carry the "largest stock ana make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILIR 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA , - - - - NEBRASKA , t rru \l ' ) V ORCHARD & ; BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO ; , O A R P ETSI G R O O E R SI