Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    < * - 1
Deere & Oomp'y.
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
illne Wagon Do. Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deere & Mansur Do. Horn Planters , Stalk ( tatters , fto. ,
MolinoPnmp Oo , Woofl and Iron Pumps ,
. Wheel & Seeder DoFountain Oity Drills and Seeders ,
Moolianicsburg Maoh , Oo , Baker Grain Drills ,
Sliawnee Agricultural OoAdvance Hay Bakes ,
-Met Manufacturing Oo , - Eureka Power and Hand Shellers ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shelley Road Scrapers , fto.
Moline Scale OoVictor Standard Scales ,
Lt 0 , Fish Racine Buggies ,
. - All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
. . ' ' SZlZKTXft 3E-OJEC Ojflk'OC'.A.X.Oa-TTaESS.
Address All Communications to
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
iFlour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
/ , r
All Grocers' Supplies ,
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
, - - - .
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Capital _ _ . . - . . . - $300,000.
Capital Siock , - - - - - _ . 91,000,000
P r Value ol Shares , - - - - - - 826,000.
DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming.
WM. E. TILTON , Vice-president , Cummins , Wyoming
B. N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming.
A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming.
Or. J. I. Thomas. ' Louts Miller . W. K.-Braracl. A.O.Dunn.
B. N. Ilarwood. Francis Leavens. Oej , II. Falos. Lowli Zolman
. . .
Dr. 1 , C. Watklr *
oo22me5m QEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock : Bo " " "
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
O -
1020 Farnham Street ,
Almond trte < In Suitor nml Yuba coun
tif s nre in full blootn.
O. klftiut took In 31,000 from tncnt ]
seven Chinamen in one haul the UiifT fo
gambling on Sunday.
A Kern county firm arc so ple.wil wit
tlielr cxpoiliiiFiits In cotton growing Ilia
they will devote COO ncros to it the prcsen
song > n , .
The farmers in the southern inrt of th <
SUto have been aved from thrcatenei
fainlno by Into raiiui , nlilcli i > euctratc (
cloven inches of soil ,
Miss Florence Gripe , living near T6ha
ma , who achieved newspaper mention no
long ngo by challenging n married man t
klfs her alter which her mother had hln
fined 97 GO for the act , tins eloped.
The track'Walkcr on the Central 1'ncifi
railroad , who has his boat from C 'Ifax I
Capo Jlorn , was driven from his station 01
Tuesday evcnlnu last by three largu Call
fornia lions. ' 1 ho boasts came down frol
the mountain side , and were evidently
hungry , but the man declined to furnish
At Ilalleck Station the tliormoniato
marked 41 drgreos below zero on the 18t
Frost on the Cotnstock has pcnotratoc
mining shafts 7CO feet , freeziug driupln
water nt that depth from the surface.
The Ileuo Journal Htys It has reason t
believe that the net profits of the Centra
1'nclfio on its Noradn business last yon
wcro not loss th in 83,000,000. The wjor
of the company submitted to the secrtary
of state giro * no information whatever o :
the subject.
The Catholic church at lleno was rob
l d of S4G3 last Thursday night. Th
inenoy had been contributed toward
building a i rsnnage , and wasdcpo itd it
nmnalliron safe , which was taken from
the building and cut open. After ab
stracting the coin , the safe was taken bac
to its place.
Helena has decided to light up wit' '
electricity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Meagher countTlsto liavo a stone cour
hou e 40x00 leet in dimensions and tw
storioi high.
It is said that half of the silver half-dol
lars iu circulation in Montana arc bogus
They are inado by Chino o In S n Fran
cisco. The filling is base metal ,
A largo gong of njen on the N. P. grad
at Bel ford were informed that n reduction
of wages was decided upon from 82 t <
$1.70 a day of cloven hours. A squat
called on the superintendent at nlldnu'ht
and gaVe him a few minutes to get u
from his bed , put on his clothes , and lea\
camp. They spoke in such a manner aa to
leave no doubt as to what would be th
consequence of a refusal to obey thci
aiders promptly , and ho got up and walked
The Laramie rolling mill is working ful
thno theai days.
There are three murderers in the Lara
tnio jail awaiting trial.
The Union Pacific is putting down ni
artesian well at Harper station.
The Hnrtvillo mines in the Platte c
yon are panning out favorably.
The supreme court [ convened last Mon
day , with only four now cases on tin
A young man named Pratt was killec
Wednesday in ono of the numerous tie
camps near Tie Siding , by a tree falling
on him.
The legislature has repealed the law
preventing marriage b tween white or
iolored persons either Indian , African or
Mongolian ,
Charles Hutton , who has sit sections
of land under fence on the Laramie plains ,
out 3.000 tons of hay last summer and re
alized a profit of eight dollars per ton.
Fnur ynung children were badly poison'
ed in Cheyenne by eating _ boiled meat
coVered with Btrycrmite , which some per-
ion hung on a fence to catch a dog or two.
The children are recovering.
The legislative excursionists purchased
an elegant gold chain , mounted with na
ive quartz , which they presented to
.lobt. L'uv , superintendent of the moun
tain division of the U. P. Hy. , as a token
of their api reciation ,
A new stage line from Laramie to
Douglas Creek will soon be established.
? lie route is a good one , and as the spring
> oem will bring hosts of prospectors ,
miners and laborers to thejo camps ; n line
of that kind will pay well ,
The members of the legislature and
riends wore given an excursion to Denver
and other points in Colora to. by the U.
' . company , last week. The elixir of
i/oino and the r-vificd air of Leadville ,
was too much for the legislative ntomach ,
nd mineral water failed to ease their bur-
ens. The natural consequence was that
everat members throw up their boots out
f the car window in one of the picturesque
anyons on their return.
Considerable wealth from the Cummins
'ity mines is coming into Laramie , Six
acks of ore taken from the Golden Eagle
line went , by actual mill run , 5551,28 to
tie ton , in gold. The vein is said to bo
ver four feet wide and well defined. JTrom
lie Blossom mine four sacks were milled ,
nd it ran SiC0.22 to the ton. From the
Silver mountain , thirty pounds were
: sted and it went 81,512 to the ton. From
no Milet , cloven pounds were tested and
t ran 8097 to the ton , and assays from tha
ame mine wont $1,323 in gold and $135 in
ilver to the ton.
( /ambling i * profitable in Prescott. Ono
f the laro banks there cleaned up $25-
00 as the result of an eighteen months'
The city oi Ogden is agitating the pro-
oaitlon to giro $500,000 to the two rail-
ray companies tha U , P. und C , P. , if
lioy establish shops at the junction city
n a largo scale ,
Boulder has a butter famine.
Trinidad IH troubled with tramps ,
Fort Collins wants a branch of the B ,
& , M.
Sliovers of mutilato-1 slim- ire operating
n Denver ,
Twentyfour eprinklera nii : required to
[ irinkle the streets of Puebl .
The members of the postolllce depart
ment nf Denver receive about 818,000 a
'ear in enlariea nnd spend it.
llemorrhaglc , or black small-pox , Imi
nadu ita appearance at Catlln , a small
own forty lulled houth of Pueblo ,
About forty clerks find employment In'
he surveyor general1 ! ! office at Denver }
5(000 is paid them monthly , and the
IIico is nearly self-sustaining.
Borne very good ore , running as high as
150 per ton , IIUH been uxtiuetud from the
ioimnzi shaft , in the 'lltusvllla district , in
lie southern part of Fremontcounty. The
liaft is sixty feet deep.
, \ klick robber of registered letters has
ust been captured in Denver , Ho ope-
ated on ignorant Italians by writing the
ddrestesof their letters containing money ,
xtractingtho latter and defth substituting
now envelope filled with paper chips ,
A correspondent of The Laramie Times
ays : ' 'Leadville'u palmy days have gone
> y. On gome streets store after store lies (
ucant , and elf of the principal street the
tarks of the receding lever are apparent ,
'here are a few fine buildings. Notably
o , aretvto publlu gchoola built of brick
nd etone , and large and ornamental ,
'here are several fine business blocks and
liurches , but on the whole there is u very
ranulent air about the town. "
Peue ! county has Buffered seriously from
rftirie fires ,
The YanVton land office Is thronged
with land-seektrK.
Galena is raid to be the most Rctlv
camp In the Hills.
A lln quality of potter' * clay has boo
dNcovercit in Hand county ,
„ Scarlet fever U profiling In lhowc < t
ern part of Lake county.
A Lko county woman gave birth to he
twentieth child Sunday last.
The nineteenth relict of Drlglnm Ycmnj
N le tiring through the terntorj.
Wheat cold for ono dollar nnd tctcntccn
ccnUJn Fargo during the past uei-k.
Sioux FalU Ins u > cr $ > , lvO ) sin ncribec
toward the building of ft Masonic tempi
in that place.
Fifteen hundred dollars lm\o been ap
j > roprated ! for the building of a schoc
house in rianklnton. )
CSen. O. It. Grcenbcrg , of San Francis
co , has sold his interest In the Homcitako
mine to J. T. Gilmor , for the sum of $218 ,
O00. | „ . ; < n
Uoulder Park contains nn iniincni
amount of fine white sand alone fron
which glass ran bo inado. It is MM excel
lent for building purposes , j
The mica mines in the lonthcrn Hill
are being worked on a larger scale thai
e\er. Ono company shipped last wee !
6,000 pounds to ono firm la Glucaeo.
It Is predicted that more $ o\A \ will b
taken from the Uoadwood creek In th
next flvo years to como than has bcei
taken up to the present dato.
Three wheat growers near Htsiimrck fin
islml seeding their wheat Ft-brunry Ihth
expecting to gain two wcoVs growing tint
by so taking time by the forelock.1
Avein"of ore six fcot wide , w lilch away
from five hundred to cighthundrod ounce
to the ton , hns been discovered In the Uat
tier mine shaft at the carbonate camp.
A lonz continued dry spoil is inlorfer
ing considerablv with the mining btiiincs
of the Hills. Thomillsnt Lead ho beei
compelled to hang up stamps owing to th
scarcity of water.l * nh-
A grin mill aud elevator lun been erect
ed at Nordlnnd , Klngnbnry county , at r
cost of SI2.000 , which i the only concern
f the kind on the line of the Chicago am
Northwestern railroad in Dukota ,
Water was found at the depth of on
hundred and eighteen feet in the artesiat
well at Rapid City , Which immediately
roBe twontseven feet when the sides o
the hole caved in an t operations wore BUS
pmded , i1
The Kichlnnd county court homo is com
pletcd and occupied by the county oilicials
The building is a handsome , substantial
one , and was built nnd furnished will
three hundred ddliars less than the origl
ual $15,000 , ai.propriati' n.
The re is balm in Giicad to heal cacl
gaping wound ;
In THOMAS' EI.KOWIC OIL , the remedy li
Forintenial and for outward use , yoi
freely may apply it ;
For all pain and inflammation , you shotiK
not fall to try it.
It only costs a trifle , 'tis worth its weigh !
in gold ,
Aud by every dealer in the land thii
remedy is sold. Mar-7iMw
Russia Current Topics.
St. Loula Republican.
John AV. Foster , ox-minister to St.
Petersburg , has given almpo to his
views and impressions of Russia in 'n
lecture before the Young Men's Hebrew -
brow association of Now York. Show
ing the diverse and often antagonistic
elements of this great empire , lie says
the Bible has been translated into lit
different languages by the Greek
church , to meet the needs of the czar's
subjects. Aside from the great vnri
ety of races , there are also many ro
igious , as the Roman Catholic , Prot-
OBtrnt , Jew , Mussulman , Buddhist ,
and Fire Worshipper , all mingled
with a multitude of unbelievers of
different stripes. The government ,
really wonderful in spite of all its de
fects , which has evolved from
, his discordant mass , has for its centre
the great bo'dy of 60,000,000 of Sla
vonic Russians. The border around
Ilia central nucleus is made up of the
? inns and Lapps on the north ; the
L'ortars and Kalmucks on the east ;
Caucasians and Mussulmams on the
south , and the other Slav races on
ho south-\vest. After a brief sketch
of the manner in which the yoke of
ho Tartars was thrown off , and the
irm dominion of the czar established ,
ho lecturer discusses the emancipa-
ion ol iho serfs , and passes from that
o a view of the now political parties
hat have sprung up. Regarding the
unparalleled achievement of the eman
cipation , ho says this great act con-
istod in transferring from the landed
iroprietors , the late masters , to the
unancipatod pea antsovor300,000,000
acres of the best lands of the1 empire
at an expense of over $500,000,000
rom the national treasury. This land
s owned by communal organizations ,
which'4 are peculiar to Russia. At
tated intervals a division of lands
arid houses takes place among the
) ooplo forming an organization. The
and may bo transferred from ono ,
nomber to another. A man may bo
irofligate ; may sell his share for the
ime being ; but with each now era ho
gain starts with his tract of land. If
a drunkard should refuse to support
lis family , the wife and children
would bo able to got their support
rom the land , to which they would
till be entitled. The affairs of the <
villages or communes are intrusted
xcluaively to their own management ,
n a purely democratic method , and
hey deal collectively through an
leotivo head , the older , -with the
jovernmont , and the neighboring vil-
ages , districts or landed proprietors ,
'hoy keep order and administer
ustico , form rural guards for protec-
ion , regulate the distribution of the
and , apportion the taxes payable to
lie government , and are empowered
o raise revenue for schools , roads , or
thor improvements , in internal af-
aira they are supreme so long as they
> ay the imperial taxes and carefully
tbstain from the consideration of po
The Right Sort of General.
Jacob Smith , Clinton Street , Buffalo ,
ays be has used Hi'lilNO I3lHHOjf in his
amiV as a general medicine for cases of
ndlgestion , blllnuMiesa , bowel am ) kidney
complaints , ami disorders arising from
mpuritlea of the blood ; he speaks highly
f its efficacy. Trice 50 cent * , trial hol
ies 10 cents. ui-7-d-lw
Cuming Street ,
JJ. . NOBES , Propr.
Fresh and Salt Meats of all
Kinds , Poultry , Pish , &o. ,
in Season.
For Sale By
l1 lot on 1 > Iorca roM
177 , HouieSroomi , lull lot on DoiiclM tiror
20lh trcct$7 < .
176 , llcoutllul rrnlilence , full lot on Cwn nc r
10th street , $18,000.
174 , Two houses Mid 1 lot on Dodro ncur Vlb
krcct , Jl 600.
170 , House thrco room * , Ivio closcU , clc. , lull
lot on 21 t i vr Orare utrcot , ( teOO.
172 , Ono i l ono hilf dory litlck hou o an
two lot < on DougliM mnr SSth utrict , 11,7(0.
171 , HOUM two rooms , cllci tcrn , u l > le , etc
lull lot near I'll roc nml nth Mrctt , 8CM.
170 , OnoiMiil oiio-half utory homo Bit rcomi
AIH ! Htl ) , lulMot on foment Direct nc r St.
lI rj > Tcnue , fl,8M ) ,
No. 170 , House three rooma on Clinton street
nrnr ( hot toner , 325.
No. 109 , Homo an ) 33x120 ( e t lot on
ttrrct near Weli t > r street , f3fOO.
No. HW , Homo ot 11 roon n , lot 33x120 feet on
18th m nr Hurt street , { 5,000.
No. 107 , Two story houne , 9 rooms ! cloietn ,
sooj cellar , on Ibth ttreit near ro | < | > lcton >
f l.tlOO.
Ko . 105 , New liotiic ot 0 room * , hall lot on
Iinrtl 11. nr IHtti strctt , 81,850.
No. 101 , Ono MH ! one lull story house 8 room *
on 18th strict rnr l.cmn worlh , J3.MX ) .
N , IU1 , One and on-h l ( Mor ) lot o of 6
rooms near Itantcom 1'atk , Sl.t'OO ,
No. 168 Tn o liounen f > rooms each , clocctfl , etc
on Hurt street near 2Jth , S3 , MX ) .
Ko. 167 , house 0 roonn , full lot on 10th street
near Ixwcnworth , ? 2,40 ( ) .
No. MO , House 4 Iftrp' rooms , 2 closeti
half aero on Hurt street near Dntion , $1,200.
No , 16t , Twohousw , ono ot 6 anil ono ol 4
rooms , on 17th street near Murcy , (3,200.
No. 154 , Three housed , one of 7 and two oft
rooiri men , And corner lot , on Cuss near 14th
struct , $5,000.
Nr. 163 , small home anJ full lot on 1'aclflc
near l th ttreet , ? 2 , & < Xl.
No. 161 , One storj honeo 0 room ) , on Leaven *
north neirlCth , S3.COO.
No. 1(0 , Ilouso tinea rooms and lot D2xllt
noar2Gth and Kurnhmn , J2r > 00.
No. 148 , New house of eight rooms , on 16th
street mar li < a\cnnorth JJ.IOO.
No. 147 , llouxo of 13 rooms on 18th Mrevl
near Jlarcy. 85,000.
No. 140 , lloui-o of 10 looms and Ijlota on 18tJi
street near Marcy , JO. 10.
Ko. 145 , House two largo rooms , lot 67x210fco
onHhcrnan avcnu > ( lGUi etroct ) near Mchol&a.
Si. 600.
No 143 , House 7 rooinx , tiarn , on EOth etiect
near Lcmcnwortti , ? 2MX ) .
No. 142 , House & rooms kitchen , iilc.on 10th
street near Nicholas , 81b7J
No. 141 , Houio 3 rooms on Douglas Hear ZOth
street , 81)60
No. 140. 1 nrRo houvo and two lots , on 24t
near FatnhaniBtrott , 88,0 0.
No. ISO , Iluusoa rooms , lot 00x100 } foot , on
Douglas near 27th street , 81hX > .
No. 137 , House 6 reemit half tot on Caplto
\ctuieiioar 23d street , SL'tli :
No. 130 , House and hull rue lot on Cumlug
street near 24th 8350.
No. 131 , House 2 ro m , full lot , on Irani
nein 2Ut street. $ SOO.
No. 120 , Twn houses o c of 0 and ono of 4
rooms , on leased lot onVclMir near 20th street ,
82,60(1. (
No. 127 , Two story 1 onto 8 rooms , half lot on
Wohstor near 10th 8J.00.
No. 120 , House 3 rooms , lot 20x120 feet on
20th street near Douglas , $ < I7B.
No , 12S , T o utory house on 12th near Dodge
street lot 23x00 feet $1,200.
No. 124 , targe house and full block near
Farnham and Central strut , 63,00V.
No. 123 , HouuoC rooms und larifo lot on Saunders
dors street near Barracks. $2 100.
No. 122 , House 0 rooms and half lot on Web
ster near 15th street , $1,600.
No. 118 , IIouso 10 rooms , lot 30x00 feet on
Capitol a\cnuo near 22d Direct , $2,060.
No. 117 , IIouso 3 rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on
Capitol acuuo near 22d 81,600.
No. 114 , Houses rooms on Douglas near 26th
rtrcet , 8760.
No. 113 , House 2 rooms , lot 00x09 fcot on
near Gunilng street , & 7M ) .
No. 112 , Brick houao 11 rooms and half lot on
OUH near 14th strut , ? 2buO.
No. Ill , House 12 roomsonDa | > eiir > ort near
20th street. $7,0 0.
No. 110 , llrlck house und lot 22x182 foot oil
CUBS street near 16th , $3,000.
No. 108 , I argu houpo on Ilarncy near 10th
trtct. $ a,600.
No 109 , Two houses and 30x182 foot lot ao
Cass mar 14th street , 8J.600.
No. 107. House. G rooms and half lot on liar
near 17th strict , $1,200.
ho. 100. House ami lot 61xl08fcot , lot on 14th
near Ulcrco street , $000 , . . . , , .
No. 106 , T o story house 8 roems rflHiljl ° l
on Sow-aril near Saunders btrect , $2,800
No. 103 Ono and one half story house 10 rooms
Vchsttr near lOtli street , $2,600. '
No. 102 , Two houses 7 rooms each and j lot on
4th near Chicago , $1,0 0.
No. 101 , House 3 rooms , ccll.r , etc. , lj lotnon
South avenue near Pacific streoi , $1,060.
No. 100 , IIouso 4 rooms , collar , oto. , half lot
nlzard street near I Oth , $2,000.
No. OT , Very largo homo and full lot on liar
icy near 14th street , $9 000.
No. 07 , Largo houio of 11 rooms on Sherman
Venue near Clark street , make an offer.
No. 00 , unu and ono half story house 7 rooms
ot 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , ou Sherman aroma
ma near Uraco , $7 ( < 00.
No. U2 , Largo1 brick house two lots on Davcn ,
rt street near 10th $18,000.
No. 00 , I.argo house and full lot on Dodo
oar 18th ftrott , $7,000. . . . . . „ . .
No. 80 , Lartro hauso 10 rooms half lot on 20th
car California street , 87,600.
No. 88 , 1 argo house. 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful
xjrncrlotonCahs nrar 20th , $7,000.
No. 87 , Two story house 3 rooms 6 acres o
and en Saunders street near Barracks , $2,000.
No. S51wo stores and a rcsluince on leased
mlf lot.near Mason and 10th street , $800.
No 84 , Two story homo 8 rooms , closets , etc ,
vlli6acreaol ground , on Saundcra trcotnt r
No. 83 , House of 0 rooi'B , half lot on Capitol
venue near 12th street. 8.2,600.
No 82 , Ono and ono half story I ouio , 0 rooms
ull lot on 1'lorco near 20th street , $1,800 ,
No , 81 , 'l o 2 story liouscs , OIMJ ol 0 and one
rooms , Chicago St. , near 12th , $ J,000.
No. 80 Ifouso 4 rooms , closets , etc. , largo lot
ii 18th utro't near White Lead works. $1,800.
No. 77 , 1 argo house of 11 rooms , closets , col-
ar. ttc. , with 1 } lot on t'arnham near 10th utrcot ,
S 000.
No. 70 , Ore anJ ono-half story house of 8 rooms ,
ot 00x81 ftct on Can near 14th stn t , $4UX ) .
No , 75 , House 4 rooms and basement , ( Jo
OU132 feet on Uaroy near 8th street. $076 ,
No. 74 , Largo brick house and two full lots on
Da\uniort ) near 16th street , $16,000 ,
No. 73 Ono and one-half story homo and lot
0x182 felt on Jackson near 12th street , $1,600.
No. 72 , Large brick house 11 rooms , full lot
n Ia\uuport near 16th street , $6,030.
No. 71 , Largo homo 12 roomi , full lot on Call-
ornta near 20th street , $7,000.
No 05-Htabli' and 3 full lots on Franklin ctroot
ear Baunders , $2,000.
No. 04 , Two story frame building , store Ulow
nd rooms above , on Icuod lot ou Dodge niar
6th street , $800 . . . .
No. 03 , House 4 rooms , basement , etc. , lot
3x230 foot on 18tn Btrcot mar Nail Works ,
Wo2 , New house I rooms one story ,
n Ilarnoy near 21st street , $1,760.
No. 01 , Largi house 10 rooms , full lot on Ilur
csrZlbtstreU , 85,000.
No. 00 , House 3 , half lot on Dmnpoit
car 23d street , $1,000.
No 60 , Four houses and half lot ou CusneAf
3th strett 8 ? 600. , . . , . . „ , .
No. 68 , House ol 7 rooms , full lot Webster
ear list Jtroot , $2,600. . ,
No. 67 , bouso ot 6 rpoms , lot COxllO feet on
1st street niar Ht. Mary's avenue. $3,000. .
No. 60 , Hoimo of JO looms , full lot on Callfor
il nc r2Ut street , $3,600.
No , 60 , Housed rooms , two full tots on 19th
reel near I'ai * . $3,000.
No. 40 , llrlck lioubo 11 rooms , full lot on Pun-
am near 17th strict , $0,000.
No. 48 , House of 0 rooms , h ll lot on Pailfl
oar Oth str let , $3,000.
No. 43 , IIouso aud two lots on Chicago lie *
2d street , $7,600.
No 37 , Hou 9 of 8 rooms. 1 } lots on 10th IICA
tfliholasstrcit. $3,060 , . . . . .
No. 30 , Two 8 story brisk housis with let
4x132 feet on Chicago niar 18th street , 15,69
No. 45 , Large house 7 rooms , closets , itc.J
8th struil nearCUrk , $3,000.
No , 41 , Housv aud full lot on Chicago out
2 t struct. $5,000.
Ko. 48 , Largo houio wlthjlull block nwt ih
15th and Douglas Street ,
. , - 3XT3H3B
Manufacturing Company ,
finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork
The only nnd/j / Uioiml plato that
origiiml firm
is giving for In-
llogora Hros ,
stanoo n single
All ou > Spoons ,
Forks and plntod Spoon a
Knives plntcd triple thloknosa
with the rrrontost
plate only on
of cnro. Enoh
the a o o t i o s
lot being hung
OH n Bcnlo wliilo where ospo d
being plntod , to to wear , thereby
inauro n full deposit -
making n single
posit of silver on
plntod Spoon
wear as long na
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to
our soc-
. .
Rival. Oriont. Tlouod
All Order * In the West should b Addressed to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
OMAHA , - - - - NEB.
Wholesale Lumbe r ,
No , 1408 Farnhin Street , Omaha , Nek
always gives satisfaction , because it makes
superior article of Bread , and is the Ghear
est Flour in the market. Every 'sack .
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
VM. \ . YATES , Cash Grocer.
Latest Novelties
200 Styles to Select from.
From 1 cent to $1.50 per Dozen.
603 North 161 h Street.
We have in Stock
Of all Kinds Qualities and Grades in Omaha.
ZR \
Give us a Gall and be Convinced.
; ( SuccoBBora to Wooloy & Davis. )
105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice.
( obO-lni-eod
Opera House Clothing Store !
3" . IP. LTTIsTHD.
Daily Arrivalx of Now SDriug Goods in
Clothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods I
Anil Sold At
I am aellmi ? the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Pine Shirta , known ,
aa tha BEST fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made ,
tHI t