Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1882, Image 1

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Yesterday's Proceedings in the
Senate and House.
-Renewed Discussion of the
Anti-Mongolian Bill in
the Former.
The House Committee on Ter
ritories in Favor of the Admission -
mission of Washington.
.Mlscollimooni Notes of A National
JJaUo al Associated I'rcsa
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 7. Mr.
Sherman reported the original bill
from the committee on finance to re
fund $10 silver certificates.
Mr. Dawes , from the committee on
Jndian affairs , reported favorably the
bill ratifying the agreement with the
Crow Indians for the sale of a portion
of their reservation in Montana required -
quired for use of the Northern Pacific
Mr. Saunders intrcducod a bill
making Omaha a port of delivery.
* Mr. Call introduced n resolution
asking the president if any represents
, tions had boon made by any agent of
'tho United States to Chili that the
United States would1 resent the dis
memberment of Peru.
Mr. Fryo introduced a bill placing
foreign vessels Bailing from American
ports under the same regulations as
American vessels , and relieving coast-
* crs from certain oppressive taxed. Ho
showed that there wore discrimina
tions against American ships in American -
-can ports. Mr. Bayard supported
the resolution and it waa referred to
the committee on commerce.
The resolution directing the secre
tary of war to give the use of hospital
tents to people rendered houseless by
.floods in the west was passed.
Mr Dawes addressed the senate at
length in oppositibn to the anti-Chi
nese bill.
Mr. Dawes spoke over two hours.
Ho denounced the measure as opposed
'to the principles of the constitution ,
-and said ono of its supporters ( Mr.
-George ) had intimated that the time
would come when similar legislation
would bo necessary in dealing with ;
the problem of African citizenship in
the south.
Mr. George explained he said the
time might come not would come
when people in the south would have
to take such stops.
Mr. Dawes called the attention of
-tho American people to the fact that ;
the measure involved a principle
which kept the negro iu subjection
and which it was thought was tramped
into oblivion by the smoke and con
flict of war. This was retrograde and
one ho entered his protest
-C against it.
v Mr. Edmunds expressed himself in
favor of the amendment limiting the
operation of the measure to ten in
stead of twenty years. It was the
right of all nations to determine the
condition and circumstances nndor
which immigrants should bo admitted.
The cases of the negroes and the Chi
nese were not analogous in important
respects. Race , religion , habits ,
modes of thought and development
of Americans and Chinese were Jon-
tirely different and the latter could
not assimilate themselves to our insti
tutions. Without homogonity a re
public could not exist , and in view of
the fact that the Mongolians hero
had shown no disposition or ability to Nt
adapt themselves to our institutions NtUi
ho thought suspension of immigration Ui
politic and would therefore vote ior to
the bill with the propcsod amondmcnt-
At 410 ; the senate wont into execu la
tive session and 4:25 : p. m. adjourned. an
An efl'ort will bo made to take final
action on the Chinese bill to-morrow.
The bill appropriating 820,000 to re
erect a statue to Chief Justice Marshall
01 :
shall ii : Washington , as passed by the
senate , was called up , Mr. Robcson ex pr
stated that thirty years ago several
thousand dollars was raised by the bar
of this country to erect a statue to
Judge Marshall. The sum had boon
carefully husbanded by the Phila'dol- Nal
plna bar and now amounted to § 20-
' 000. The committee had written to ris
Attorney General Browster , saying tin
that they would erect the proposed bo
statue in Washington if congress aft !
would provide the location , This ofwi
statement and the understanding that wi
only such a portion of the sum appro JU ( :
priatod by the biil as should bo found ma
necessary would bo used for the erec ju <
tion of the statue. The bill passed. da
After a long discussion aa to whether he
or not the tariff committee's bill had
precedence in the committee of the
-whole under the rule of "bills for rais
ing revenue , " the chair decided it had Na
not and that the claim of the Valentino ]
tine agricultural appropriation bill Lii
-was in order and that the bill must betaken cle
taken up. wh
'The house then took up the agri * Ph
cultural appropriation bill , which ap die
propriates $306,000 for expenses of
the year against $325,600 last year. .
Mr. Aikon spoke in favor of a liberal - Nat
oral appropriation for experiments in
tea agriculture. So
Mr. Turner followed with an attack hewe
on the tariff system , which ho declared we
greatly oppressed the agricultural thi
'Community. Ho referred to the difli- Rr :
culty in getting tariff or other legisla rot
tion through committees under the ma .
pros 3111 rules and in speaking of the inf
rules sent to the clerk's desk and had del
read the resolutions ot the democratic fro
caucui last night.
The resolution passed authorizing
the secretary of war to use hospital
tents for the relief of sufferers by the
-overflow in Mississippi.
At 5:15 : p. m. the house adjourned.
iNatlonal AasoclaUd 1'ren fro
WASHINGTON , March 7. Secretary
Kirkwood has directed the commis
sioner of the land office to dpMjjnato
the superintendents of public schools
in Montana , Dakota , Arizona , Idaho ,
and Wyoming , to select soventy-two
sections of public lands in each terri
tory for education purposes , as pro
vided under the' act of congress of
February 18 , 1881.
The house committee on territories
have decided to report in favor of the
admission of Washington territory as
A state on the groiind that the census
of 1880 showed that it had n popula-
sion of .Tfi.OOO.lcqunllod at the time of
thnir admission by only five other
states. The taxable property of the
territory is § 25,000,000 ; tko territory
is free from debt ; ita agricultural ,
horticultural and mineral resources
are unexcelled , and the taxes but 2J
mills on the dollar. )
The report of the house naval com
mittee on the bill for a now navy has
been finished , and will bo submitted
by the chairman lo the house to
morrow. It is a voluminous affair ,
going over the past and present of the
navy and its needs for the future.
The committee consider it inexpedient
to make provisions t for armament of
the ships , owing tothe want of pres
ent information astJj the mostofToctivo
guns. Experiment * cn go on and if
the necessity ariscajbaval sloops and
private ostablishimuitB could speedily
turn out guns in loss time than ships
could bo built. V
Reports from thirty-nine postofficcs
in the United Statosjbr the month of
February show an average increase in
receipts of .25 per cent over the same
mouth last year.
Benjamin S. Parkbr , of Indianapo
lis , has been nominated consul at
Shorbrook. I
"Wonld-'bo Rapist Lynched. *
National Associated Prcro.
NASHVILLE , TonnY , March * 7s A
World reporter has just returned from
the scone of the lynching near Frank
lin , Ky. The facts of the crime are
as follows : The negro approached the
young lady , who was-onlier way home
from school , and made indecent pro
posals to her. She indignantly re
fused and ordered him away. Ho
persisted in his demands and , drawing
i knife , advanced upon her , when she
icrcamod and ran. Some wood-cutters
tearing the scream ran to her assist-
vnco and the brute made his escape.
The young ladyt belongs to ono of
ho best families of the state and the
sitizens were at once aroused and
itarted in pursuit. Ho was caught ,
edged in jail and the sheriff , appro-
lending lynching , took him out quietly
o send him to Bowling Green. A
neb , none of whom wore disguised ,
rent into the car , overpowered the :
uards , placed a rope around his neck , ,
arriod him to near the econe of his
t is a matter of congratulation that
10 did not succeed in his hellish de
igns and publiu opinion id that sec-
ion endorses the action pf. the mob.
Serious Railroad Accident
atlonal Associated 1'rcss. , .
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , March 7. A |
pocial to the World 'from Knoxville
lys the accommodation train on the Hti
Inoxvillo &Ohio railroad jumped the tisi :
tils of a trestle near Black Oak si
Lidgo. The engine , eight cars ana
no passenger coach fell a long dis-
tnoo and were badly smashed. The
dent of the killed and wounded has
ot been ascertained , as the railroad
ithoritics refuse to allow correspond
its to go to the scene on their rail
lad cais. in
tldi tla
xtrn Session of the Illinois Iiogis- a
Intnro. diw
itlonsl Associated 1'rca" . w
SPRINGFIELD , March 7. Governor fo
iillom issued a proclamation this af- si ;
rnoon convening the legislature in 01
: tra session March 23d. The legis- atC
turo is asked to make congressional C <
id senatoriiil reapportionment , to
limit to the people the question of
ding the canal to the federal gov-
nmont , to appoint a commission to
VIEO the criminal code , to correct an
ror made in the normal school up- so
opriation , and to provide for the
penscs of the special session. Noth- hi
> else is mentioned in the call. foi
A Rascally Juror.
tional Associated I'rcm. < 11
OHIOAOO , March 9 , In Judge Mor- in
1 court to-day , during the trial of sil
a caip of Purkhurst vs. Witbook , tiu
th litigants appeared and made OS ) :
idavits that John Prindevillo , ono
the jurors , had approached thorn
th a view of securing bribes. The
lgo severely reprimanded the guilty
in , who pleaded for mercyj The El
Igo then sentenced him to thirty em
ps in jail for contempt of court and 're
was immediately taken to a coll. am
Death of an Old Ml lit r.
tional Associated 1'rcnH
LANCASTER , PA. , March 7. Rev.
tidsoy 0. Ruttor , Presbyterian
rgyman , aged sovonty-fivo years , < Nat
10 was pastor of the church at
estnut Level for over forty years , cr
id yesterday. crrn
An Impure WelL Iu
.lonal Associated Press coi
LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , March 7.
mo excitement is being aroused apj
ro by the report that water in the
ill of one of the principal schools of
j city of Peabody , sunken in an old Nat
iveyard from which the bodies wore
noved about thirty years ago has 'h
.do several children sick. The best he
brmed believe that the water is nfi
lotorioua. It arises from matter nig
in adjacent drains. uni
loual Associated Vi < a .
MILWAUKEE , March 7. The whole-
0 paper house of Hamilton Bros.
1 made an asigninont. Liabilities Nat
i placed at $10,000.
NEW 5foRK , March 7. A dispatch ov
m Boston says the failure of Sweet am
Do. waa mainly duo to the shrink- ris
) of bonds , ' "The concern profess an
their ability to pay dollar for dollar
and will perhaps resume. There are
no rumors of it affecting any bank or
banks. Sweet has been ill and men
tally incapacitated for some time.
The next partner in charge was nlao
sick and absent at the time of the col
lapse. The house was in charge of
juniors of no experience who simply
lost their heads.
NEW I"ORK , March 7. William
Ruttor & Go. , manufacturers of
Morocco , this city and Walorbury ,
Conn. , made an assignment to-day.
Liabilities , $170,000 ; assets unknown.
The failure caused much surprise.
DBS MOINES , March 7. Morris &
Horapburn , dry goods dealers ,
assigned yesterday. Liabilities , $13 ,
000 : nssoU , $20,000. Among the
creditors are M. Field & Co. ,
Chicago , for $4,100.
NEW YORK , March 7. The old es
tablished house of Magnin , ( Juild &
Co. , imp&rtors of jewelry , failed to
day. Liabilities about $170,000 ;
assets , $140,000.
The Qirard bank , at Girard , Ks. ,
has suspended. It had a nominal cap
ital of § 500,000 , but only $50,000
paid in.
( < eo. E. Howard , grain commis
sion merchant of Girard , also failed.
Liabilities reported to bo $25,000.
Beeohor'i Xllnen.
National Asaociatnl Press.
CHICAGO , March 7. Dr. Eldridgo ,
the physician who was called last night
to attend Rev. Henry Ward Beochor ,
states this morning that his patient
rested comfortably all night and is
now as well as over. Mr. Boechor
says that for five minutes before ho
stopped lecturing last night hb was
unable to BOO a thing , owing to the
rush of blood to the head. His foot
and hands wore cold as ice. Ho has
had a Bovoro cold for several days ,
and this was augmented by the trip
from .Now York to Chicago. 'Tho ill
ness wns simply a fainting fit , result
ing from cold and fatigue.
MystoriouB Mardor.
National Associated Prcea.
BOSTON , March 7. Mrs. Harriet
Boll , of No. 5 Kirtland street , was
found by her daughter this morning
lying near the front door in the main
liall of her residence dead , her throat
; ut from oar to oar , but her blood still
.varin. Mrs. Bell , a few minutes bo-
'ore , answered the door boll and a
nan 50 years'of ago was soon hurry-
ng away from the house. Who the
nurdoror was , and why ho killed Mrs.
3ell , are mysterious.
Rolled Into the River
rational Associated Press.
-A passentior train going west
umpod the trackjit Clifton narrows. .
illing Engineer Thomas Smith and
atally injuring the fireman. The
ngino and baggage car rolled into
ho Kanawha river. The train was
urning a curve when the engine
truck a boulder , with the above re-
- * * Arlianiaa Democrats * -
atlonal Associated f lean
LiTTTU ROCK , Ark. , March 7. At
lie meeting of the democratic central
ommitteo here on the 14th inst. , a
voly time is apprehended. The ques-
on will be as to the matter of ropro-
Hitation. The call says the commit-1
30 is to meet to determine the time |
ud place for the convention for the
omination of state officers and fixing
10 basis of representation for tempo-
try organization of the samo. The
ord "temporary" causes much com-
lent ; democrats favoring the arnpnd-
lent to Mio constitution prohibiting
10 payment of certain bonds say it in
provision unheard of and is meant to
afcat them. They cannot understand
hy , after the basis of representation
T a state convention is fixed , it
touldbo merely to form a temporary
ganizution. What action of the
iito central committee will bo in ,
il. Smithcr , the chairman , nays , a
icstion for the committee.
Virginia Xiogisliitnro
tional Associated Press. in
RiOHHONi ) , March 7. The extra inM
ision of the aesombly convened toy - vi
y at noon , The governor sent in vim
3 message explaining the necessities m
f ; ui extra Hussion and expressing cli
o hope precedence would bo given RO
ese bills in which concerns the com- ell
jiiwcalth , and that no factious at- in
nipt bo made to relieve the majority
the assembly of the right or roapon-
lility of legislation. A joint reaolu- of
n was adopted which adjourns the hu
lembly until the 10th inst.
Snapomlod Sophs , OBI
ilanal Associated Press ,
[ IANOVKU , N. II. . March 7. Olios ,
ilridgo , of Fond Du Lac , Wis , ; Clar-
so Howlanl , of OatBkil' ' , V Y. ; Al Sc
id Edward Nutt , , of Giimi-oo , 111. , dr
Frank Middloton D iglas , of Isl
icago , are the Bophpmorux'upend ' - ca ]
from Datmouth college until Juno
th next , for kidnapping Arthur
wis , of Albany , All have loft town. ad
Star Route Criminal Oaiet. ye
tu ;
Jonal Associated frees.
PHILADELPHIA , March 7. The po ra
minal suits against star rnuto con foi |
dors and their sureties have been dr
remptorily sot for the May term of sai
3 United States district court , which
nnioncoa on the third Monday of
it month. The defendants to-day
soared and renewed their bail.
The Iron Mill Trouble * Over.
tonal Associated Press.
PHOINIXVILLB , Pa. , March 7. The Mi
ojnix insurance company started me
i West Merchants' mill this morn- cei
; and the North mill will go on to- cai
ht. A sufficient number of non-
ion men has been secured to run
) entire works day and night. Many OB <
the union men have loft for ether OBQc
Is. Qc
Indication * .
itonal Auoclatad Preu.
WASHINGTON , March 8. For the th
ror Missouri valley ; Rain or BUOW
i partly cloudy weather , slowly
ing temperature , falling barometer
d cast to south winds.
Improlwblo Story of a Union
liotweon Franco and Germany ,
Indignation Over the Sentence
Recently Passed on
Another War with the Capo of
Ctood Hope Colonists Said
to bo Imminent.
Miaoollnnoon * Now * that Coma
Over the Gallic.
Nattona Anoclat < l 1'rcM.
LONDON , March ? . Amazement has
boon created in political circles by the
announcement to-day in the Bt. James
Gazette of the discovery that there has
boon for some time a aocrot conven
tion between the governments of Ger
many nnd Franco. The Gazette says
ita information is by way of Brussels ,
and ia of a positive nnd of authentic
naturo. The Brussels news does not
give many details of the convention ,
but says the convention is & matter of
fact and arranged among ether things
the annexation of Luxemburg to
Franco under certain eventualities.
„ VIENNA , March 7. The Austrian
dommandor at Ragusa has placed Mr.
Evans , an English war correspon
dent , under arrest , claiming that not
withstanding ardors to the contrary
ho was sending information to his
paper , the publication of which would
give aid and comfort to the enemy.
The authorities of Ornopw ,
learning of an intended demonstration
to-day by students in that city against
the sentence of death recently passed
on ton nihilists at St. Petersburg ,
attempted to suppress it. A fight en which two students and four
gen d'armos ' were killed.
PARIS , March 7. M. Victor Hugo
has issued a protest against the sen
tences passed on the nihiluta at St.
Petersburg. Ho says civilization
lught to interfere and warns the czar
x > spare the people ; if not God spare
the czar.
The French chamber of deputies ;
> y a vote of 343 to 139 resolved to
consider Mr. Boyset a proposal look-
ng to negotiation of the Concordia
, nd a commission was. appointed to
> reparo a report on the subject to bo
ubmitted to the chambers as early as
> * 111
BERLIN , March 7 , . TJio NqnhGor- jd
nan Krauz Zoitung says tiiat Oe'neral jh
ikoboleffs speeches have ro impressed t
nd influenced the public mind in h
lussia and Poland that thoio is ini-
linent danger and a reasonable possi- '
ilty of a great war breaking out , in
r'liich Germany will find herself in-
olvod in complications which she in
t present anxious to avoid.
LONDON , March 8. A dispatch from
iie Capo of Good Hope s.iys war is
nmincnt between the Rasulaa and
10 Cape colonists.
VIENNA , March 0. The Austrian b
jldiers in enforcing martial la\v in hi
osnia , shot mi innkeeper at Uesnu hiB
ir concealing amis. cc
KE. | p ,
GENEVA , 1L * Strong earth-
nako shocks owoinrcd on Saturday
ound Bella Insona , in the canton of
BELGRADE , March 0. By ununi- tliTi
vote of
ous Skuptschiim Prince
ilan has boon declared king of Sor- at >
VIENNA , March 7 The announce-
cut that Prince Milan has been du-
ued king of Soryia has created a tote
nsation in Ausstria in view of the to
ect it may have upon the Bosnian date
aurgonts. to
LONDON , March 7. Both the house
lords and the house of commons
it availing passed the address of
ngratulation to the queen on her
: ape from the bullet ot the would CKp. ,
assis , MaoLuan. .
During a huniuano in the North of fel
ptland throe hundred whales were st (
iven in Weosdalo Vol , Shetland
lands , and shoaled. They were
DUBLIN , March 7. Mr. Forater , in
dressing the meeting at Tullamoro
storday said ho ha'd visited the dis-
rbod districts in order to ascertain
raonally whether the reports of out-
aea ; were not exaggerated and had
and that they had not boon over-
awn. In regard to the suspects he
d they would never bo released till
a outrages ceased ,
Logan beat Gookon in the boat race
atorday , at London , by four
At the Mdmosburg election to-day
ilea , conservative candidate for
imbor of the house of commons , re
ived 491 votes , while Luco , liberal
ididato , received 435. ini
The lower house of the Prussian ' " '
it has passed the government bill m (
lablislanga legation at the Vatican ,
The czar haa privately received
moral Skobeloff at Gatschina. jr
A dispatch from Vienna says it IB al
mored that the English government
s proposed a conference to aottlo
o BasutoB question.
FlTM. no
Uonal AnocUtod Pieu.
0BBUN,0.March ? , Thegreatwii th
fire Uborlin over Imd broke out about
midnight. Goodrich's Iwok store ;
Fardonor , the druggist ; Bronson , the
hlstorio druRgist ; Carter < t Wood ,
hardware ; Tobin , harness maker ; the
Klls buildings , Horricks building ,
skating rink and three dwellings were
entirely consumed. All were wooden
buildings but ono. The loss is very
heavy , but mostly insured.
CONNKKSVILLE , Iiicl. , March 7.
The Coolcy Morrison furniture works ,
worth $100,000 took fire early this
morning and were totally consumed.
Sr. Louis , March 7. A fire occurred
at 11 o'clock to-day in the commission
store of D. II. Meyers , No. B Market
street , extending to the King box fac
tory in the Bamo building. The
stocks of each concern were totally
consumed. Loss , Meyers , 83,000 ;
King paper company , $2,000 ; damage
to building , $2,000 ; Meyers is insured
for $2,000 and the King paper com
pany for $2,000.
DETROIT , Mich. , Maich 7. Chris.
Kern's brewery burned this morning
at Port Huron. Loss , $12,000 ; in
surance , $5,000.
BALTIMORE , Md. , March 7. The
news reached linro last ni ht stating
the town of Prince Frederick , Calvort
county , this State , was almost entire
ly destroyed by fire Friday last , noth
ing being loft in the business portion
but the jail and two small nouses.
Among the buildings destroyed were
the now Methodist church , postoflico ,
court house , the office of The Cal-
vert Journal and a number of business
houses. Loss , § 50,000.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March ? . A fire
occurred in the carpet store of T. J.
Eflry A Co. , at Minneapolis to-day.
Loss on stock , $35,000 ; insured , $7-
500 ; on building , $10,000.
Proved Himiolf Innooont.
National Associated Prcn.
ST. PAUL , March 7. Joseph Budd ,
who has been in prison at Yankton
over sixty days for the supposed mur
der of 0. A. Beret four years ago on
the plains near Pierre , has boon re
leased , the evidence being entirely in
his favor. They were attacked by In
dians , who killed Borit , and Uudd
carried the body back with him a dis
tance of 400 miles to his friends. It
was at first thought ho killed
him to got his money , lint ho proved
to the contrary.
tTbo Adrian Baud Swindlers-
National Associated 1'roia
ADRIAN , March 7. The city coun-
: il has removed Frank Stanton as
: ity recorder. Governor Jerome has
joou petitioned to remove Mayor Na-
rin on the ground of malfeasance in
) fllco. Both men are implicated in
ho crooked bond transaction. This
s a more matter of form , as both men
oniovod themselves between two
United States Offloorn in Chill.
fj'Jonal Associated Prota.
WASHINGTON , March 7. Rear Ad-
niral Balch , commanding the south
? acifio station off Valparaiso , reports
hat ho has paid his rcspcoU to Prosi-
lent Sanfa Maria , of Uiiilf , atfd 'on
ho following da/ the call wnsroturnod
iy the president and cabinet and high
tlicials of the army nnd navy. The
'resident expressed warm friendship
or the United States on the part of
Iliili , to which a like response was
mdo by the admiral. Ho says : "The
isits of the naval vessels of the
Jnited States at this pott have done
luch to all.iy the evil fooling lately
xiutin' , ' towards us by the people of
hili. "
Thirteen shipwrecked Japanese
lilors were picked up in a starvation
jndition 300 iniloa oft' Yokohoma
the American barque Carver , and
nvo boon by request of Walker
luinu received on board the Ponsu-
> l.i , and will bo cared for until an op-
jrtunity arrives to send them home.
Lost in the BU nrd.
itloiml AmoclMcd 1'rtta.
\ViNNii'io : , Man. , March 7. A sud
skater Jinn followed in the train of
10 severe bliz/ard of Saturday night ,
lie house of John Taylor was burned
Meadow Lea , some CQ miles wcfit mw
Winnipeg , and his wife and throe w
tughtois weio frozen to death fiom
posuro. Taylor was badly fro/.en ,
id Miss Roidon , who was on a visit I"
the family , had her fingers and
us severely frozen. One of the I"B
ughtors is missing , and is ippusod B
bo buried in adrift while om doavnr- Gi
B to find a neighbor's houso. in
cl ,
Foil Under the WUool ! an
tional Associated I'rusa. ba
CHICAGO , March 7. A soriLiis ao- di
lent occur 'd this evening at Hyde
irk , Goo , Schronder , while at-
mpting to alight from the Pullman IBwi
tin at Fifty-third street , slipped and bo
II under the wheels and was in-1 (
| Bt (
mtly killed. _
Sulforlnt : from Romori * .
lional A 8ocl ted 1'icu. th
BUOOKLYN , N. Y. , March 7. Mrs. 801
10 , Barry Wall , who shot and killed 801D (
r husband , remains in the room as- pr
; nod her in the civil portion of the tu :
1 The prisoner is completely pros-
itod and her time
sponilsall weeping th
pacing the floor of her room. Since
r admission to the jail lost Satur- u i
y she has not allowed a mouthful
food to pasa her lips , though many it.
licacioB have been prepared for her ,
10 appeals of her mother to partuko bo
nourishment have boon unavailing ,
she continues to refuse food the
untv physician will bo requested , teD dc
D what can bo done for her , .
2xploiou of a Rendering tiatji , la
tional Associated I'reu , fn
KANSAS OITV , March 7. A render- tit
3 , tank in the Kansas City Dcsaicat-
j and Refining works exploded this
arning. A good portion of the tote
ilding was ruined and iu a couglom- to
uted mass of debris. Bricks were BGT.
irlod to a distance of savoral hun- T.
od feet , The loss ia estimated at it !
out $10,000. , bi
Shut Down Became of a Strike.
tional Aiiaoclatod 1'rtua.
OHIOAOO , March 7. The blast fnr-
ice of the Union Iron and Steel
jrks , shut down to-day , caused by
10 strike ol 200 wprkmen.
. Affairs.
National AKKXlatal freM.
CiiiCAno , March 7. The Chicago ,
Pokin & Southwestern and the Illi-
inns Midland railways have been de
prived of terminal facilities at Peoria ,
and are no longer able to take busi
ness from that point. Both roads
were dependent upon the Peoria tfc
Pokin Union company , from which
they rented. It ia claimed that the
cut in cost bound rates has made it
impossible for the roada to pay their
terminal expenses. The cose haa gone
to the courts.
COLUMBUS , Ohio , March 7. The
quo narranto case of the State ox rol.
attorney general va. William H. Vanderbilt -
dorbilt ot al. , wherein was involved
the legality of the consolidation of
the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton
and Cleveland , Columbus , Indianapo
lis it Cincinnati railroads. The court
gave judgment of ouster against de
fendants. The opinion is not yet ob
tainable , but the decision is under
stood to bo based on the radical
ground that parallel and competing
lines in this atatp cannot consolidate.
This is yet pending error proceedings
from the local court , whereupon rests
the contempt proceedings against J ,
II. Dovoroux and others for organiz
ing at Cleveland , but to-day's decision
ia the key-note to all.
LITTLK ROOK , Ark. , Marcli 7. The
city attorney reported to the council
to-night that the St. Louis , Iron
Mountain & Southern railway , in ex
tending its track into the city limits
on the river from the railway without
first obtaining the permission of the
city council or paying damages to ad
joining property owners , were guilty
of trespass and liable to such owners
in action for damages and liable to
have the track removed as an obstruc
tion and a nuisance in the public
INDIANAPOLIS , .March 7. Judge
Parrojt , of the Vatidorburg circuit
court at Evansville yesterday , on
complaint of John N. Rrockman , of
Brooklyn , and E. S. Babcook , of
Evansville , appointed Josophus Col-
lott receiver of the Indianapolis &
Evansville Straight Line railroad
company. The road is believed to bo
insolvent. There is a largo amount
of interest duo'on bonds , wages due
trackmen , bridge builders , and the
duty on iron now in bonded ware
houses. The road is almost completed
between the Ohio & Mississippi rail-
roadaud Evansville and a largonmount
of grading is done between this city
and the Ohio & Mississippi road. R.
G. Harvey , the president of the road ,
has been trying to build it without
sufficient backing , but it is believed
Mr. Collott and others will take it in
hand and complete it.
CmcAuo , March 7. The Chicago ,
St. Louis & Now Orleans railroad has
issued a now time schedule , taking
effect March 5. The schedule gives ,
in condensed form , the time cards of
connecting lines , and is of much value
to the public as well as to agents
Eloctrio Briefs-
National Associated I'rcsa.
OETJIOIT , Mich. March ,7AWmf ,
Livingston , Jr. , was elected president
jf the board of trade to-day.
ALBANY , N. Y. , March 7 , The
[ ovornor has respited Tpndram , the
iow Yorlc murderer , until April 7th.
WAHIIINOTON , Marcli 7. Mr. Sco-
ille said this morning that it would
irobably take all the week to com-
iloto the examination of the bill of :
DETROIT , March 7. John Douglas ,
solorod ) , accused of pension frauds ,
iod suddenly and in great agony at
lie jail to-day , ot supposed rliouma-
ism of the heart.
NEW YORK , March 7. A dispatch
om Philadelphia says the anthracite
ial companies of Pennsylvania have
, 'reed to suspend mining three days
lis week , commencing on Thursday ,
nd will suspend the production of the
imo dayn every week this month.
PirrHiumn , PA. , March 7. D.tvid
"avarra , exhibited in the Sixth street
useum heru as thu fat boy , died this
orning of smallpox. Navarra wa ?
idoly known throughout the country
id had exhibited for several
sars. His weight waa over 700
YOUNOSTOWN , 0 , , March 7. John
ush , who eliot Joseph Burbock near cil
reenford , this county , on the 2d ve
st. , had a hearing to-day on the I.
nrgo of shooting with intent to kill , I.da
id was held in ? It,000. He secured
\ ] , Ho will undoubtedly bo in- ,
ctod for manslaughter. bn
LITTLK ROCK , Ark , , March 7. It at
getting to bo developed that the atW
thholdmg of pensions by agents has
come somewhat general in this Wf
OHIOAOO , March 7. The Wood Na
imp Manufacturers' association of
o United States began a three days' an
asion to-day . at the Tromont house , SI
jlogates to the number of fifty wore So
csout. No business of a public na- Pr
ro was done. in
March T. A special to mite
u World from Dechord > Tenn- , says to
theru and
voinan appeared to-day
6 a 2-year-old child , , sending it to a or
'roor' house , who refused to receive
'Hie little fellow haa received
uubor of visitors and no cause can Sp
assigned fo * her cruel desertion. .
WASHINGTON , March 7. The pBoslr.
iiit of the Lucas aociutv of Sous of ua
. George this morning forwarded by to
bio to Queou Victoria the cougrati * *
lions of the society upon hoi oscapu
om the recent attempted aasasina-
Mr. OAUMKL , Pu , , Mireh T. A
rriblo sulphur explosion occurred
i-day in Schnauk's colliery by which
ivon men were frighkfully burned.
lie explosion was eausod by the
nition of gas from A naked lamp on
10 hat of a minor who entered a >
rcaat against the rules , where aul <
liurous goa caroo in contact with his
NBW YORK , March 7 , Arrivod-
ho Rotterdam from Rotterdam , the
Lialto from Hull , the Persian Mon-
rch from London ,
Continued Widespread Desolation
in the Lower Valley ,
People Fleeing for Their Lives
with Ruin Behind and
Newly Planted Fields Covered
with Nine to a Dozen
Feet of Water.
General Now * of tlio Modern Do-
National Associated Trem.
NEW ORLEANS , March 7. A special
from Greenville , Misa. , Bays the water
is still rising. It is now six to twelve
nchos higher than ever known boforo.
Very little land appears above water
from the river front to thu hills beyond -
yond the Yazoo. This district' is
known as the Yazoo Delta , the most
productive cotton country in the
Bouth. In Bolivar county the lossjof
a took will bo almost total. Laborers
are panic stricken and demoralized ,
The most sanguine look upon the
present as a greater disaster than
over known before in the history of
the bottom country. As the extent
becomes knownit begins to appal every
MEMPHIS , March 7. Captain Gor
don Webster , of Indian Bay , Ark. , a
hundred'miles up White river , ar
rived to-day in the interest of the auf-
forors by the overflow tn his vicinity.
Ho reports the water 2 foot 11 inches
higher than over boforo. This is at
tributed to the backwater from Hel
ena , largo volumes of which rushed
across the low country and as
sisted in filling up the White
and intervening swuaipa. Indian is
deserted by all except oi.o family , who
are camped on Indian Mound. Oth
ers have sought quarters on ilio bluffs
on the St. Charles or adjoining hills.
More than half the stock belonging to
the people of Moroy county ia
drowned , and COO to GOO residents are
destitute and needing immediate as
sistance. Several fields newly planted
are covered with from nine to
twelve foot of water. A mad woman
was wandering on the streets at night
with an infant clasped tightly to her
breast and three children , the oldest ,
being six years old , clinging to her
skirts. She was unable to toll any
thing , but from the oldest child's
broken sentences it was gathered that
she had lost her husband in the over
flow and on account of trouble and
other privations was probably crazed.
LITTLE ROOK , March 7. The oldest
inhabitant nuver saw any thing to com-
parowith-tho floods. Along the Memphis -
phis railroad at some points there is
live foot ot water in section houses.
The Virgin's Apparition.
Natloual .AuocIateJ Frua. „ f . r >
TROY , N. Y. , March 7. Father- -
Quigley says thrt Mr. Jones , who as
sorts that in his house ho sots every
lay a miraculous apparition of the
Virgin Mary , has boon much impress-
id with narratives about the appari
tion at Knock , Ireland , told him by a
) lind friend who wont there to bo
urod , but who came back still blind ,
> ut full of stories of marvel-MS cures ,
father Quigley , in a public letter ,
ays ho did all in his power to prevent
ho stories of the alleged miracle bo
oming public , that two of the three
orsons who claimto have soon the
llcgod miracle tire blind nnd have
rarm imaginations.
Ihn Pniinuin Canal.
atlonal Aneoilatcd'l'rora
PANAMA , February 25. On the
IJth instant the Panama Canal com-
uny awarded to Messrs , lluomo ,
lavon & Lynch , of San Francisco ,
10 contract for the excavation of six
lillion cubic metres from Colon to ,
' t
atuna , a distance of about eight' \
ilcs ; the price agreed-to being IV
ancB per cubic metro. The duration
' the work is to bo throe years.
Bogus Chock.
cclal Dlipatch to TllEiIlKK.
LINCOLN , March 7.A well-known
tizon of Lincoln found himaolf in a i i
iry bad predicament this morning.
II. Whitmoro haa a law suit yester- '
iy , and to adjjwt the matter of costs
vo the justice a check on one of the
inks. The chock was presented late
night , when the justice learned that
hitmoro had no deposit. Whitmorei
is arrested and sent to jail ,
TaDiatributo SujiyUos-
tional Associated I'rces.
ST. PAUL , March 7. In accord- . .
co with instruction from General ,
loridaii , Capt. D. W. Benhain ,
ivonth , mfantry , has boon ordered , to
ocood ai once to Chicago and report
parson to the adjutant general , ,
ilitaty division of tha Missouri , , for
mpoEary duty in connection , with.
0 disiributioii of supplies to suffor-
1 by the floods in the valley of the.
wet Mississippi.
Snloido of a Bridegroom-
< .UHIipatth to Tup BKB.
NEBRASKA Gtyr , March. 7. Ferdi-
uid Boccard , a farmer residing seven
lies northwest of thu city , commit *
id suicide this morning at 3 o'clock
Y hanging himself , Ho was married
i Sunday to hia brother's widow ,
'o cause ia assigned for the act.
The ChojniiiU O
Itlontj Associated 1'tcsa. , ,
CuioAno , March 7. Jno.
ocently editor of The Daily
nd appointed consul to Ohemi
iaxony , departed laat evening for his
oat , and wan presented with a fine
old watch chain and dial at the do
tot by hiit friends , .
' - - i .11"w
Tbo thinif dealred found at last , Aik
IrugtrUt for "Hough on KatS. " It clear
mt r U , mice , roaohsJ , fllw , Ud bag * ; 1A
bom .