Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA DAiiA Bfi.K : TUESDAY MARCH 7 188 * .
The Omaha Bee
I" Published every morning , except Sunday
The only Monday morning dally.
One Tw S10.00 I Three Month * . W.OO
Biz Mcnths. 5.001 One . . 1.00
OnoYenr . $2.00 I Three Month . .
Bk Month * . . . . 1.00 I One . . 20
tlon relatinit to Now * and Editorial mat
ers should be nddrewed to the EDITon or
Lottcrx and Remittances should be ad
PANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks and I'ojt-
office Ordcid to bo made payable to th
order of the Company ,
00 , , Prop'rs
IT wouldn't bo surprising If Mr.
Conkling should refuse the associate
justiceship on the ground that ho
"wasn't consulted. "
TUB governor of Kansas has a
nouncod that ho will not call an extra
session and three congressmen will bo
chosen at largo at the fall elections.
THB Denver Tribune asks : "IsOscar
Wilde n crank ? " Perhaps not. But
at the same time it must bo admitted
that ho is turning his joithotic tunes
into monoy.
JOHN M. PAIMEII won't fco Mr..Til-
den's running mate in the next cam
paign but ho has achieved his end in
getting a good deal of cheap notoriety
as the tail of the Grammorcy Park
UNDER a special statute the plumb
ers of Now York Oily wore required
to register as plumbers with the
county clerk on the first day of
March , It is evident that Now York
is determined to have a census of her
YAL'S northern Nebraska constitu
ents will read with interest the ao
counts of the Norfolk land office swin
dle published in yesterday's Br.i : .
Yal's good man Friday , Schwonck ,
wasn't the only party who had a fin
ger in the dirty pio.
ST. Louis complains of the increase
in the assessed valuation of her
property. There could bo a very con
siderable increase in Omaha before
her citizens would bo furnished with
any good grounds for complaint.
IT will now bo in order for the press
of the United States to got in a back
handed slap nt English journals by re
marking that assassination is the
legitimate outgrowth of .a monarchial
form of government.
IOWA'S legislature is constituted on
a solid basis. Tho' average weight of
the senators is ono hundred and
ninety-eight pounds , and the heaviest
senator tips thn beam At two hundred
and fifty , The average weight of the
representatives is ono hundred and
seventy pounds. No wonder lowans
look for heavy-weight legislation.
WHO has boon tolling tales out of
school ] The Philadelphia Press says
that Omaha has a bad detective force ,
like Philadelphia ; only in Omaha the
rogues who wear detective badges are
fighting it out among themselves and
the mayor is spared either the trouble
of causing an investigation or the reproach
preach of avoiding ono.
OMAHA cannot afford to shut her
eyes to the experience of other oitios
in paving. Every experiment has
proved that macadam and wood
block pavements art ) far , more oxpon
aivo in the long 'run than pavements
of durable materials , tiovon years is
thn average life of a wooden block
pavement , alter which time it must bo
replaced at an expense fully equal to
the original cost.
MONEY ought to bo very easy dur
ing the prdhont month. The govern
ment will disburse $32,800,000 on ac
count of pensions , bond redemption ,
and interest on the public debt.
About five millions of the the forego
ing sum will bo disbursed from the
New York sub-treasury. In addition
to tbo government payments , an aggre
gate of $15,000,000 will find its way to
the public in the shape of interest-und
dividends from bonks and other cor
porate institutions.
AUTIB3 who believe that in these
days of consolidations and peelings
Buch a thing as competition in railt
reading or telegraphing is possible , will
bo Interested in the fact that the wires
of the Mutual Union telegraph com
pany have been extended as far as
Kansas Oity , and construction work is
now being pushed westward , Tlio
route to San Francisco will bo from
Kansas Oity to Denver direct , thence
via the Denver & llio Grande railroad
to Salt Lake , thence la Ogden and
Yirginfa Oity to Ban Francisco. If
there bo no failure in present arrange-
incuts , the line will bo completed
through during the present year.
A writer in ono of our loading mag
azines bemoans the degeneracy of the
present ago when compared with the
early days of the republic. Politi
cally , socially and morally , if wo are
to believe this latter day Jeremiah ,
our people are worse than their pro-
dcccssors and the tendencies of the
times give no encouragement for
future which will bo more promising
than the present. A comparison is
drawn between the character of the
national legislature and that of the
assemblies of former years and the
question is asked "Where are our
Wobsters and Sumners and our Sow-
ards , our Clays and Calhouns and
Bontons ? " The tame line of enquiry
is carried out in the social and moral
world and what is termed the "stem
simplicity" of the Puritans is contrast
ed with the "luxuriou conso" of
their descendants.
The writer referred lo furnishes a
very apt illustration of the tendency
of a certain class in every mmunity
to groan over the degeneracy of the
ago in which they live and to sigh for
the "good old days of the past. "
Such persons have existed flinco crea
tion and will probably last until the
Millenium puts an end to their croak
ing. Wo do not believe that the pco *
plo of to-day are possessed of loss
ability or intelligence or are worse
[ wlitically or morally than their pre
decessors. The world knows more
about itself and about the people who
ivo in it than it used to. A thousand
circumstances combine to impress
mankind with a vivid sense of the
'allies of humanity and of the evils
which prevail. The press , with its
myriad eyes searches every nook and
corner of the earth and Jays before us
every day a faithful picture of the
good and evil which has transpired in
, ho world during every twenty-four
tours. Wo are daily brought face to
ace with humanity at its worst and
tfl best. The proceedings ot
mrliamonts , the speeches and
quabblcs of legislators and
statesmen , the pretenses of doma-
; ogucs , ' the rascality of knaves and
criminals , are made known to us with
mpartial fidelity. Fifty years ago
imitod fa'cilities for learning of cur
rent events concealed them from the
50n oral view , and only great crimes
and scandals cscupod the seclusion of
ho localities where they were pro
duced. The proceedings of congress
were not' telegraphed daily in detail
o a thousand papers , and though the
debates wore as bitter and boisterous ,
and the speeches as long-winded and
empty as any of the present day ,
cnowledgo of them , so far as the out
side world was concerned , expired with
their echoes in the senate chamber
and hull of the house of representatives.
n the days of Webster and Olay and
Oalhoun and Douglas croakers pointed
o the palmy times' ' when Hamilton
and Jefferson and Adams were heard
on the floors of congress , and doubt-
ess as far back as the beginning of
.ho century the times were denounced
as degenerate as compared with the
lays of the old Continental congress ,
when Franklin and Hancock and
Withorspoon debated on the proroga-
ives of his majesty , George the
Third. It is safe to say that politi
cians in the past were as uttscrupu
ous as these of the present. There
voro fewer offices of public
rust then and consequently
ewer opportunities for public
ilundor and it was easier 'to conceal
official dishonesty.Today every
mm in public position ia the center
.0 which a thousand newspaper microscopes
croscopos are directed , quick to detect
and eager to herald every defect.
Dur public men are as brainy and as
able of those of the loot generation.
Their increasing numbers' is responsi
ble for the fact thai two or three do
not stand out nlono as representatives
of all the excellences of public orators
against the backgrounds of respectable
mediocrity. Twenty years honoo wo
shall hear the inevitable croaker coin-
gaining that wo have no moroIMnimu
or Edmunds or Shermans or Bayards
or Stephens or Lamara , and the next
generation will just as ourtninly la-
nont its political degeneracy.
The sumo holds true of our intollcc-
ual and moral condition. People on
the whole are much bettor in the
present one than over before. The
standard of excellence in every line of
ntollootual activity 1ms increased with
ncreasing knowledge. The general
state of society will compare favorably
with what it has been. If the vices
of society seem greater it is because
society is much larger and knowledgq
of its condition much more widely
diffused. But wo must not forgot
; lmt if increasing wealth has brought
an incrcasoiof vice it has also brought
a more liberal knowledge , a bettor
system of education , n more thorough
acquaintance with and practice of
sanitary laws and a great development
if the resources of the world , all tend-
ng to a bettering of the social and
noral condition of our poopln. The
'good old times" doubtlrsa seem bet-
or to us than they did to our ances-
oru who lived in them.
TKNNESSEB bonds have fallen fifty
> or cent , since the repudiation of a
tortion of the state debt. This means
hat it will cost the atato twice as
nuch to borrow money to-day as it
id two months ago.
The bill for the compulsory retire
ment of all officers of the army who
have reached the ago of G2 years or
who have served forty years , stills
hangs fire with the immediate pros
pect of going ofl. In the meantime
the hnuso committee on military nf-
fairs have decided to favorably report
the Magihnis bill increasing the pay
of officers below the rank of major
who have served for fifteen years in
ono grade. This measure while just
is entirely inadequate to deal with the
state of affairs now existing in the
army which , unless some remedy is
furnished , will continue to do grave
injustice to the younger officers , and
greatly impair the efficiency of the
Ono of the strongest objections to
the retirement bill is that pay on the
retired list is small as compared with
that on the active list. The highest
rank that most of the officers in the
service can hope to obtain after forty
yearn of active duty is that of colonel
and a largo portion will bo in even
lower grades. The system of retire
ment ought to bo generous to the
officers retired. In the navy , where
there is a compulsory retirement sys
tem , promotions are much moro rapid
than in the army , and officers , after
passing through nil grades , retire on the
rank and pay of rear admiral. In the
army there are now five major gcnoi-
ala on the retired list , while the navy
retired list has forty-three rear ad
mirals. There have boon only three
promotions since the close of the war
to the rank of major general , while
there have boon forty-five promotions
.o the rank of roar admiral. When it
.s considered that there are now near
ly one hundred first lieutenants in the
army who have served over twenty
years , moro than fourteen of which
liavo been in their present grade , it
can readily be seen how absolute the
stagnation is and how great is the
need of some remedy to start the ball
of promotion by lopping off some of
the aged branches at the top of the
Promotion , or the hope of promo
tion , in the army , as elsewhere , is a
strong incentive to notion and efficien
cy. It is a gross wrong on the part of
the government to toke away this
spur to an honorable nmbitipn , espe
cially when it is offered to another
oranch of the service no moro arduous
or important.
THE Chicago Times says that the
mmodiato ofiVct of retiring all officers
at the ago of 02 would bo to create
two vacancies in the list of generals :
jlenoral Sherman was 62 lost month
and Gonornl McDowell was 03 last
'all. .As this luw now stands , the ro-
.iromont of General Sherman would
not open the way to any promotions ,
as the rank of general tormina tea with
the service of the present incum-
) ont. It is believed by many , however -
over , that the desire to do some
thing for two such distinguished and
> opular officers as Generals Sheridan
and Hancock would induce congress
.o renew the rank of general. ' In that
case Lieutenant General Sheridan
would succeed him and Major General
Hancock would bo promoted to bo
lieutenant general , and there would
bo two vacant major generalships to
bo filled. The senior major general
would then bo Schofiold , who was 50
last fall , and , as General Sheridan has
eleven years yet botwooahim an.d the
fatal 02 , there would bo no more pro
motions at the head of the list for
some time , in all probability. The
two brigadier generals who would sue
ceod Hancock and McDowell would bo
Pope and Howard , if the promotions
should bomado in regular order. Gen
eral Pope , however , would havebut lit
tie time to servo , as ho will bo CO in a
fuw days. General Howard is only
51. Two colonels would bo promoted
to succeed Generals Pope and Howard ,
and three colonels would bo retired at
once , making room for the promotion
of live lieutenant colonels. The three
who would bo retired are Getty , Bran-
nan , and Hunt , of the 3d , 4th and
5th aitillury respectively , each of
whom wus 02 last year. Besides Col.
Getty , there are eight colonels whoso
commissions date from July 28 , I860.
Those are Edward Hatch and Grior-
6on , ot the cavalry , and Gibbon , WU-
cox , Stanley , JRuger , Pennypacker and
C. 11. Smith , of the infantry. Col ,
Wiloox is 59 , Col , Gibbon 5G , Col.
Stanley 54 , Col. Ilugor 40 , and Col ,
Grieason 45. Gibbon and Wiloox
have each served thirty-five years
in the army , If they should
succeed the two promoted briga
dier generals , General Wilcox
would have to retire in April , 1885.
and General Gibbon could servo till
1888 , Among the other officers ,
Colonels J. II. Potter , of the 2-1 th
infantry ; J. P. Hatch , of the 2d
oavalry , and B. 1) . SturJ of tj o
7th cavalry , wo ' i luvo t * o years
moro to servo. Culuntls Noill , of the
8th c tvalry , and Ayres , of the 2d
artillery , would have live years moro
of service before them , and Colonel
Andrews , of the 25th infantry , seven
years ; Colonels Grover and Brackett ,
uf the 1st and 3d cavalry , nine years-
Colonel Curr , of the Gth cuvulry , ton
years. Colonel Murritt , of 'the 5th
javalry , is much younger than these ,
ind would have sixteen years of Bor
neo remaining to him.
CAUL Bcnuitz is out in The Evening
Post favoring Sargent's appointment
lo the Berlin mission. Ifo claims
hat Mr. Sargent will make a capable
uid efficient minister.
IT is considered very doubtful at
Washington whether any measure
will be passed by congress at the pres
ent soKsion looking to national railway
regulation. The lobby is unusually
strong and amply provided with means
and members are about as easily in
fluenced as over by monop ly monoy.
Still the hundreds of thousands of
names signed to petitions praying for
relief from railway oppressions may
make it necessary for the national law
makers to hide themselves behind
some law like Mr. Adams railway
commission bill which will bo entirely
worthless as a remedy for the abuses
and ovits which hang like barnacles
on our railway system , but at the
same time will bo apparently
a concession to the popular domand.
The Chicago Tribune thinks that the
railroads are wasting a good deal of
effort and their attorneys are strain
ing their ingenuity needlessly , in the
movement to defeat national legisla
tion for the regulation of railroad
common carriers. There is good rea
son to believe that congress "will avail
itself of the thinnest pretext for avoid
ing its responsibility to the people in
this matter. The boat evidence of
this disposition is to bo found in the
utter neglect of the outrageous extor
tion which has been practiced for
years by the Pacific railroads , which
were built with public money
and are operated under the
immediate authority of congress.
The acts of congress chartering
these companies expressly reserve the
right to alter , amend , or repeal , and
place the right of congress to regu
late tolls and fares beyond all dis
pute ; yet a persistent and defiant sys
tem of extortion has boon maintained
without so much as a protest on the
part of congress- The govonimont
furnished the money and lands to
construct the roads , and the stock
does not represent the investment of
scarcely n dollar. The fooplo have ,
consequently , the highest claim to
protection. Yet these Pacific rail
roads have maintained passenger
rates at the exorbitant figure of five to
eight cents a mile , and made freight
rvtos so high that it has boon found
cheaper to ship goods from the west
by way of Now York and around Capo
Horn and thus into the interior of
Calfornia and Nevada than to submit
to the practical confiscation by the
trans-continental railroads' Never
theless , congress , with full authority
to act , has never intcrforrcd to pro
tect irom this robbery the people who
furnished the money to build the
roads. Looking at the railroad ques
tion from this point of view , it must
bo admitted that there is small pros
pect for congressional regulation of
railroads which were not constructed
with public funds.
TUB decrease in the public debt for
February amounted to $9,783,511 ,
which , with the preceding eleven
months , makes a total reduction for
the year of S37.227J043.
Red-Handed Villains of Every
Grade Gathered at the
A Score of Scoundrels In Safe
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 2. Lincoln
is now establishing a very fair repu
tation us a place for crime ; and a resort
sort for criminals , The sheriff informs
your correspondent that crime of all
kinds is increasing very rapidly. The
offenses are the grossest known to the
law , as well as the most trivial. At
present there are twenty prisoners
confined in the county jail , each of
whom has killed his man. Quin Bo-
lianan , of whom so much has been
suid in the papers , is confined for
the murder of Cook at Waverly , and
the jury has just found a tuia bill
against him charging murder in the
first degree.
There seems now io bo little doubt
but that ho is a bad citizen , who is
wanted in various places for depreda
tions committed , and it is susplcionod
that ho was connected with train rob
beries of the most atrocious character.
There is something of an effort being
mndo to create sympathy in his favor ,
but there is a strong sentiment that
ho should hang.
Dill , who i.s now confined in jail ,
sho't and killed a cow-boy at Culbort-
son , Neb , , in a saloon near the last of
December. Ho was brought here for
safe keeping , as companions of the
cow-boy threatened to lynch him. He
will bo tried the next term of court in
the county where the crime was com
mitted. Ho will probably enter the
plea of self-defense.
September 16th , 1881 , a very delib
erate murder was committed by Alvin
J. McGuiro. Mrs. Broadwoll was the
mistress of a nefarious place on the
bottoms. Her place was frequented
by ono Ezekial Van Auken. At onetime
time ho called in a state of intoxica
tion and destroyed some furniture ;
for this he was arrested. The woman
then joined herself to one Alvin J ,
McGuire , in the bonds of matrimony ,
McGuire procured a pistol und when
Viii Aukun came to the brothel shot
him dead , Ho is still in jail awaiting
As if enough blood had not been
shod , on July 4th Frank Donmau , in
a beastly elate of intoxication "tabbed
to death the proprietor , Cackely , of
the St. Charles hotel.
George Travis U still in custody and
has just been indicted for assault with
intent to kill. The assault was com
mitted upon his wife , who was post
mistress at Waverly. His weapon
wits a knife and it is not yet fully
known what motive induced him to i
commit such a beastly crimo.
Theao are the criminals of the
most conspicuous character. There
uro a number hold for horse stealing.
Indictments have been found against
some and the grand jury is still hear
ing evidence. The remainder of the
county'swards are in for pottyoffenccs.
Some will go free and some ever the
It In Tilden's hand , but PA'mar ' declines
with thanks. Atlanta < ( institution.
The Itev. Thog. K. Beecher was nom
inated fur mayor of Elmirn on the green
back ticket.
Senator ITawley hajuccfpleH the invita
tion to d-lver the mem trial nciclrcsnat
OettTslntr/ , on Decoration oay.
John Kelly hao returned from Flnrldn.
He approves the notion of the Tammany
member * of the 1-cljlaluro.
Of the ejhty-H3ven ( ( members added' to
the house Mncn the apportionment of 1850 ,
the rapidly growing western a.ntci hare
called for lifty.five.
The Mississippi senate han parsed n bill
imposing a privilege lac on tailrnntU tha
discriminate in lieUit rates. The hou'
nf representative * li.ii ( mined n bill nmk
ing the judiciary elected by the ! giBlaturc
The TOXM ro ubllcans nro showing un
expected energy and there Is A dinpntiition
to fa what ( trength the party can de
velop. They hope to elot at leust on
nienib r of con rcM under the new appor
The OeorgU papers.glvo & large amoun
of cp.ico nntl time to riilicullng the inde
pendent movement in that state. Letter
tc northern p iperj ray that it troubles th
democratic leaiera more than they care t
admit. ' . „ KM
A correspondent of the Augusta ( G 1.
Chrot icl * , &c. , ays that when Senate
Dnwes is speaking he looks as if he wa
' 'cxcavnU 'g for truth , and spading away
crior. ' lie empties toe house with greu
rapidity , too.
The democratic members of the Ohio
legislature are scheming to secure nine o
th& twenty-one congressional disttict * into
which the utato will bo divided. Thr.y
can ncc .niplisli it , however , only by the
aid of ( Unsatisfied republican members' .
George Alfred Townsend. once the
partner of ( olonel Dunn Piatt. itives in
the Cine no ti Knqu'rer a rumor that
"i'latt , when in New York some time ago ,
was struck by a buoko man for $1,200 ,
and meekly gave hit check ou the Wesl
Liberty b.nk. . " Piatt's bills made In
Pori'J wherr he was secretary of legation
a n real many years ago , are still t npnid ,
and the pros nt attache * are occasionally
dunned for them.
The centennial anniversary of the birth
of Thomas Hart Benton will fall on the
Hth inst. "Old Bullion" ffr ed Mis
eouri in the United H'ates senate for thiity
consecutive years , but bi < memory , pays a
writer irTthe St. L'liils Republican , "it
n-glected by the state that he honored
an I that honored him , bee tuse in his old
age he was dictatorial and and
quarrelled with the gre t party that h d
bound her choicest laurels about his
brow. " The same writer says these things
should be forgotten and that the 14th nf
Murjli "should bo celeb at-d in every city
and town and ham et" within the fctate.
An interesting fight is goingonin Mary-
lind between ex-Senator Whyte , now ol
Baltim ro , an I Senator Gorman. The
1 liter desires a re-election , and the former
ia known to be laying pli.ns to resume hlu
lenatorial chair. The fight involves the
control of the democratic party In ths
state. Governor Hamilton side * with Mr ,
Whyte , and both are dis ributing the pat
ron , go of their ollices to ktn ngthen the
anti-Gorman patty. Senator Biyurd U
thought to Lie giving Senator Gormun his
aid. This gives the c > ntest a national im
portance , as it will probably prevent another -
other Bayard dilegatj'.m ' from Maryland
to a national convention.
A Washington dupalch says of Ar
kansas politics : "Ttiu fight in that state ,
it can be s'u'd ' , has fairly begun , and while
Stephen' W. Dortoy is no longer a reel-
dent thorn and is gone , ho ii nof forgotten
It is largely that element of the Repub
lican party of Arkansas of which ho was
fur vcaM the acknowledged .eader that
is now coming to. the front against play-
ton and hia followers. The latter for
some month * has been active , and in the
way of appointments to federal offices
has secured that pieatige which will give
him a great advant ge over those who
havri just organized to oppose him.
Friends of both aide * are satisfied-that
the war now inaugurated will bea long
und lasting ne , and the opposing faction
will ; it fs'said , produce- , the 1-aJerfortho
fusl.m ticket at the next election in that
state. ' "
Sargen' has ono redeeming quality he
began Jife as a printer.
01 Secretary Frelinghuysen it is charged
that he is socially very cool. ,
The Prince of Wales , it is paid , has re
ccntly taken to American whisky , and it
now addressed as "Your Kycnesa. "
Kato Field contributes ton weekly pub
licatlonan article entitled "Knee-Bieechec ,
Why not ? " It'n all right , Kate ; dren3 to
suit yourself.
If SkobelefT makes aoy moro speeches
the < zar will shut him up in one of the
back counties , and put him on a diet of
terrapin iindJohanuUber or.
Mr. Lebaudy , the leading French spec
ulator in the last panic , in suid to have
made $5,000.000. Sirs. Lebuudy'u Koster
bonnet will be worth looking at.
Bradhugh. the atheistical member of
pailiatnert , u described an "an imposing
looking mun , his physiognomy denoting
thelpoiiaesaion of uncommon intellect.
President Arthur keeps the hours of a
hard wording journalht up until two or
three in the morning ; but he takes longer
for hUdlnuer , neveu until ten , and when
it is over he swallows a glaaspf Apulliuurii
with hi * cigar.
The London tailor who mukes clothes
lor the-princo of Wales widely advertiioj
, lmt faU ; but the tailor who makes clothes
for David David is not so personal. He
merely .dlapUys a set of surveyor's .Inatru-
mtmU iu his window.
A salute was tired at the Nashville areo-
ill Wednesday on the arrival of ex-Uol ,
l''reil. Grant. It is hardly fair to form * u
opinion of Nashville , however , until it is
seen what the boys do when Fred leaves.
Mrs. KImball , of Chicago , has finally
discovered tha chief cause nf the evil of
intemperance "poor bread and poor
housekeeping. " Now , if the young lady
about to wed dnesn't understand the se
cret of mukimr biuad and Keeping house ,
eho may anticipate the result ,
Senst r Sawyer is one of the most prac
tical of rich men. He callsd hia young
tlauyhteia to him ona day , and asktu
them , as a testimony of their affection foi
him , to learn to make their own clothes
and tu cii.k a good dinner. The young
giil cheerfully promised , and not long
after invited thtir parent a and a few
friends ID tlit e with them. They cooked
the ptrfect dinner themtelvo , and each
wo e a dainty gowu made by her own
hands. So plea e t KBS the xenutor that
he gave to ranh i f th < m a thfi k tor ? ' . ' " > , -
Why Notl
Providence Journal ,
Why does not the national house of
representatives dispose of the con
tested election cases in General Ghnl *
mor's district ? Ilepuhlicun ballots
were thrown out bucauHQ they had
upon them a printer's dush thut did
not belong thtre The house ought
to lose no time in throwing out the
man who upeaks into congreun by such
> trick.
True EnoutfU ,
Philadelphia Time * .
Oonkling should take the place
offortd him by the president. The
next president inuy not bo willing to
offer him anything.
Cotaooratlve Cost of Producing In
British and American Soil.
JMTIM Wlltlion In low * BeRleter.
Mr. George Cowan , n Scotch farm
er , testifies before the Parliamentary
commission to many facts of interest
to Iowa farmers. I glean from The
Galloway Gazette. Ho says the aver
age rents per aero in the southwest of
Scotland are § 6. They keep half
their land in grass and pasture , it
rarely taking n crop of hay , using
straw for fodder. One-third ol the
land in crop * , being one-sixth of the
farm , is manured every year. Six
cwt. of crushed bones per acre nro
used to ctcoout the barn yard manure.
It is n dairy district : they make Ohod-
dor cheese. The cheese from n cow
brings § 57. The whey from three
cows feuds ono swino. The cons go
f om 8 to 10 weeks dry.
Ttro ncres nro required to pasture n
cow. Five per c nt. of the cows huvo
to bo renewed from old ago and other
causes. Ayrshire cows nro used alto
gether. Seven thousand five hun
dred dollars arc required as capital on
a 200 aero farm. lie believes wheat
growing with profit not possible ow
ing to American competition and
thinks American moats , live and dead
will increase very greatly He thinks
cheese making the , safest department
of farming , as the climate is more fa
vorable to cheese making than the
American climate , yet admitB that wo
send sonio brands of cheese about
equal to their best. They pay n cot-
man , who boards himself , the cquiv-
lent of $200 a year. Single men board
ed by the farmer got $100 to $120 a
year. The farmer pays 5 to 0 per
cent , for the use of money from th
banks. Ho thinks if our railways d <
not keep rates too high that they ma ;
look for Jowur scales of prices regard
ing all our exports in abundant years
There are many suggestive things ii
the testimony of this farmer. The ;
got help for ono hilf of what the low
farmer pays , and the use of mono
for fifty per cent. less. The hig !
yield from their cows is ono of thi
causes of their ability to pay sucl
rents. After many decades of goo
farming It takes two acres to graze a
cow. Our land as well managed woulc
keep a cow on an aero. They buy oui
maize to finish oft their pigs , whicl
will cease when our farmers refuse t
raise it for that purpose. They can
not pay renta at all comparable to thi
present when wo make as good cheos
is they do as wo undoubtedly wil
very soon. Heavy immigration ii
raising wages there , and increase o
population will bring outs * nearei
theirs. Money is accumulating here
whieh will give us as cheap capita
when wo want it as they have. $7 ,
500 to stock a 200 aero farm shows u
that we are understocked for want o
plenty of means. They do not feed
maize to their milch cows , they feed
turnips and oats. Our dairymen wil"
learn in time that wo feed now to (
much corn to cows for their good as
breeders or for the highest profit in
milk. They make close calculatfons
over there. Mr. Cowan" thinks i"
they do their best and we do our bes
in checso making , their climate wil
enable them to soil in their own mark
eta for two cents a pound more than
we .can sell for , but our strong soil
will far more than counterbalance boll
that margin and freights , The powe
of our soil to raise grass and grain has
never been suspected as a controlling
factor ; foreigners only estimate thi
expense of our land , not its excel
When wo begin to econrftnizeclosely
wo will use our straw for fodder as
they do , instead of burning it or rot
ting it. Iowa wastes fearfully in thi
line of fodders. These rent paying
farmers must utilize everything that
will turn a penny profit. Wo need
not , a ? fair management will givu
profits , but the tendency here is toward
closer economy , and soon every farm
er will fully stock his place , utilizing
everything that grows , and growing
nothing of no utility. They find it
most profitable to keep half the land
in gross , but buy manure to keep i
up ; wo must keep more than ono-hali
in grass , as buying fertilizers is no
practicable. They know from experience
enco that ruin would follow any moro
exhaustive system , and wo will learn
that , too , by experience. There is
marked difference hero now between
Farms that have been in grass since
the settlement of the prairies and
these that have been rotated in
, 'rass.
Aged Gratitude-
FUKT , Mich. , June 22 , 1881.
H.V. . WXBNER ' & Co. : Sirs I am
72 years old , and huvo not been so
veil in 26 years as I am to-day , thanks
x > your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ,
the best remedy in the world
inoh7-dlw IUWIN WILDER.
Very often we see a person suffering
ram some ' form of kidney complaint ,
ind is 'gradually dying Sy inches
Phis no longer need be so , for Electric
Jitters will positively cure Bright's
liseaso , or any diseases of the kidneys
or urinary organs. They are especially
adapted to thn class of diseases , acting
lirectly on the stomach and liver at
ho same time , and will speedily cure
whore every other remedy has failed.
> old at fifty cents a bottle by Ish &
MoMahon. (5) ( )
I' e ! ilcnt. Vlcu 1'reg't
W. 8. DKIHIIXR , Sec. and Treas.
Linco n , Ndt ) ,
Mapowt.ra'm Rnll r
u'l , nay fl..kv , ducket . Icv-tlnc Wlnu.
iillli , &c.
Wo arc prvrArtxl tu do Joli uork ami man u lac-
turli K tot otmr pirtlc * .
Addrt * all ordcrt
utNcow , NKR.
Ianm9 8
Eicklel Durnall , of Utah Territory , and Frank
Duruall , ol tl'obtatu ol lova , will Uko ubtlco
.hit Jcine M Itlicru did , on the 17th Oar ct Jauu-
iry , 1B % fllo In the County Court ot POUL'JM
bounty , a petition to rhu tlo judgment la-
soiemity tilwlo uld court anltit tha atd
fcollel and Frank Vurnall , on the 6ih day ol
January , 1876 , lor the mm ol 8100.46 ,
ill ) cintd , and vrnjiuK tint uxvcutlun bo
maided ( or the tuf m- remaining > tu , and It
tag iliereinun orJerul that thcsaia Lztklel
[ > urr. ll at.d Frank Uurnall thow cauou on or
jufor * the 0th day cl Marcn , 1S&2 , wb ) the aald
[ udarwent khould not be revived.
liv Clarliou k Hunt , bl * Alt. rneji.
iMi I'l.FitrurjSd.lfcSJ. EyKr-Ut.
For Sale By
178 , House 3 room ) , full lot on.Pierce Dear
2Wh street , $1CH ) .
177 , Homo 2 rooms , full lot on Douglas near-
2Gth street , $700.
176 , nrantlliil residence , full lot on CftMEcar-
10th street , $12,000.
174 , THO houses and J lot on Dodre near 6lb > >
itrcct , $1 K > 0.
170 , House three room * , two closets , o'e. , half-
lot on 21et car Oraro ttrcet , $800.
172 , Ono and one-halt Btory brltk homo an
two loti on Douglas near 2Sth strict , $1,7(0. (
171 , House two rooms , wcllcistern. stable , en
( till lot near Pli rce and 13th sire t , $960.
170 , Ono and one-hall story homo six room *
ind well , half lot on Convent street near St.
Mar's arenue , 81,850.
No. 170 , House i tree rooms on Clltton street
near shot lower , $326.
No. ' 160 , House an'1 83x120 feet lot on .
street near Wcbst- street , $3,6/0. (
No. 16R , House ol 11 rcon s , lot 33x120 feet on.
19th mar Hurt street , $6,000.
No. 167 , Two story house , 9 rooms 4 closet * , .
good ccl'ar ' , on 18lh trccl near I'opplcto&'fi "
4 , < > 00.
No . 1C5 , New house of 0 rooms , half lot on
Izard n ar 10th street , $1,850.
No. 164 , One and ono hull story house 8 rootnt-
on 18th street' cnr Leaver worth , $3,500.
Ni 161 , Ono andcmhalt story louse of 6
rooms near Hanscom Park , $1,600.
No. 153 Two houses G rooms each , closets , etc
on Burt street mar 26th , $3,600. '
No.157 , house6rooms , full lot on 19th ttreek
near Leaen worth , $2,100.
No. 166 , House 4 largx rooms , 2 closets
halt acre on Burt strooi near Dutton , 11,200.
No. 166 , Two housed , one of C and ono of 4
rooms , on 17th street near Marcy. (3,200.
No. 164. Three hous-n , one of 7 and two ofB-
roon s each , and corner lot , on Cast near 14th
tre-t , 81,000.
Nr. 163 , small house and full lot on Padfle
near 12th itreet , $2,600.
No. 161 , One story house 6 rooms , on Leaven-
worth neir 16th , $3,000.
No. 160 , Hoi se thteo rooms and lot 02xll&
oear 26th and Farnham , $2,600. .
No. 148 , New house ot eight rooms , on 18th I
strcit n-nrL < ! avcnworth $3,100. , -A.
No. 147 , House of 13 rooms on 18th street '
near Marcy , $5,000.
No. 146 , Hou e of 10 rooms and IJlota on 18th ,
street near Marcy , fO.UOO.
No. 146 , House two large rooms , lot 67x210 fee
on bheru an avenue (16th ( street ) near Nicholas ,
No 143 , House 7 rooms , barn , on 20th street
near Loavenwortri , $2,600.
No. 142 , Hou-o 6 rooms , kltchtn , etc. , on 10th
street near Nicholas , $1,876.
No. 141 , Houto Sroonjsen Douglas Bear 2Cth
street , $960.
No. 140 , largo hou'e and two lots , on 2It . '
near Farnham stro.t. $8,0 0. V
No. ISO , Hi use 3 rooms , lot 60x100 } feet , on y
Douglas near 27th street , 81,600.
No. 137 , House 6 room * at d half lot on Capita
avenue near 23d sirect , 82,300.
No. 136 , House and half acre lot on Cum lug
street near 24th $ S&0.
No. 131 , House 2 rooms , full lot , on Izard
nein 2Ht street. $300.
No. 129 , Two houses ono of 6 and one of 4
rooms , on leased lot on Webster near EOth street ,
No. 127 'Two story I ouse 8 rooms , half lot oa
Webster near 19th $3,600.
No. 126 , House 3 rooms , lot 20x120 foot oa >
26th street near Douelas , $ B76.
No , 125 , Two story house on 12th near Dodge-
street lomxGt ) feet 81,200.
No. 124 , Large house and full block near
Farnham and Cen'rul street , $ SOUu.
No. 123 , House 6 rooms and large lot an Saun-
dera street near Barracks , $2,100.
No. 122 , House 6 rooms and half lot on , Web-
stcr near 15ih street , 81,600.
No. 118 , House 10 rooms , lot 30x00 feet on-
Capitol avenue near 224 street , 82,960 ,
No. 117 , House 3 rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on
Capitol avenue near 22d $1,600.
No. 114 , House 8 rooms on Douglas near 26th
> treet , $760.
No. 113 , House 2 rooms , lot 66x09 feet on >
near Cumin ? ttreet , 8760.
No. 112 , Brick house 11 rooms and half lot on
Oiss near 14th strict , $2,800.
No. Ill , House 12 roomsjon ( Davenport near
20th BtreU , 87,0 0. .
No. 110 , Brick house and lot 22x132 feet on
Cass street ncar,16th , $3,000.
No. 108 , Largu bouse on Harney near 16th-
street. 83,600.
No 109 , Two houses and 36x132 foot lot oo
Cosi near 14th street , 83,600.
No. 107. House 6 rooms and half lot on Izar
near 17th strct , $1,200.
No. 106. House and lot 61x198 feet , lot on 14th
near Pierce street , WOO.
No. It 6 , Two story bouse 8 rotms with 1 } lot.
on heward near Blunders street , 82,800.
No. 103 One and. ono hall Btory houeo 10 rooms-
Wobsttr near lOtti street , $2,600.
No. 102 , Two houses 7 rooms each and } lot oo
14th near Chicago , $4,0.0.
No. 101 , House 3 rooms , celt r , etc. , 1 } lots oa
South avenue near Pacific sues , $1,650.
No. 100 , House 4 roomi , cellar , Lie. , half lot .
on Izard street near 16'h ' , $2,000. ' < ,
No. 09 , Very Urge houi-c and full lot on liar ' Ii
noy near 14th street , $9 OOi ) .
No. 97 , Large houbo ol 11 rooms on Sherman
avenue near Clark street , make an offer. '
No. 06 , One and one half s.ory house 7 roomy-
lot 210x401 feet , stable , etc. , on Sherman * are
nue near Once , { 7 ( .00.
No. 2 , Largo brick house two lots on Davcn
port street near 19th $18,000.
No. 90 , Large house and full lot on Dode >
near 18th rtro-r , $7,00" .
No. 89 , Large Immo 10 roams hall lot on 20th *
near California stn c , 87,600. <
No. 88 , I argo houe 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful ) . . fc.
corner lot on Cats n ar-/Oth , 87,000. Jj
No. 87 , Two story house 3 rooms 6 acres o r
land t n Maunders street near Barracks , $2,000.
No. 86 Two stares and a rcsli.ince ou leased
half lotnear Mason and 10th street , $800.
No 61 , Two btory hou e 8 rooms , closets , e'c ,
with 5 acres of ground , on Sauuders street near .
Umaha U .rritcks , $2 600. '
No. 83 , Houtuof 0 rooi-s , half lot on Capitol
atenue near 12th street. $2KK ) .
No 82 , One and one hall story I ouse , 6 room
full lot ou Pierce near 20th street , SIBOO.
No. 81 , Two 2 story houses , one of 9 and one
6 room ) , Chicago St. , near 12th , (3,000.
No. 80 Housa 4 rooms , closeti ) , etc. , large lot
on ISth streit near White Lead works , $1,300 ,
No. T7 , I aive housv of 11 rooms , closets , cel
lar , ct.- . , with 1) ) lot. n FarnhamnearlUthstreet ,
No. 78 , Oceanlono-half story house ol Brooms ,
lot Udx8 feet on Cassnear 14th street , 84(00.
No. 76 , House 4 rooms and basement , , lo
161x132 J d on Murcy near 8th ttrout. IU76.1
No. 74 , Large brick house and two full lota on
Datcnport ucar 16tli Direct , $15/00.
No. 73 Ono and ono-ha'f story house and lot
36x132 feet un Jac son near 12th ctreet , $1,6 0.
No. Tit Large brick house 11 rooms , full lot
DO Dave port near 16th street , $5 0 JU.
No. 71 , Large hou e 1 ! rooms , full lot on Call ,
ornla near 20.h njroet , $7OUO. '
No. 6 $ , Stable and 3 full lots on Franklin street
icar gaunders , f ? ,000.
No. 64 , T'o ttory Irame building , store below
ind looms above , on lo.ued lot on Dodge near
16th street , $800
No. 63 , House 4 rooms , basement , etc. , lot
13x230fett on loth street mar l > nll Works ,
it o. 62 , New hou e 4 n cms one story , lull lot
an Harnuy near 21et street , $1,760.
No. 61 , Lar i house 10 rooms , full lot on Ilur
near 21 t street , 83,000.
No. 60 , Houbo 3 ro ins , half lot on Ducupori
near 23d stre.t , 1,000.
Na 6U , Four houses and half lot on Caus near
ISthstre.t $2600.
No. 68 , House of 7 rooms , full lot Webator
liear { 1st street , $2,600.
No. 67. IIOUHO of 6 rooms , lot 60x140 feet or >
! l t street near Ut. Mary's avenue , $ J,000.
No.68 , HoukooMOio-ima , full lot on Callfor-
ila nwr tint itlrcet , $1,600.
No , M ) ll.ii-oH loMni , two full lot * on 19th >
rcot i c r lUiil , J,0kj.
Nu. 49 , ItrtcK iinuatt 11 rooois , full lot on Fam-
lam it ar 17th street , $ d,000. . .
No. 48 , House of 0 rooms , half 'ot on Facia
iear9th strict , $3,000
No. 43 , House and two lots on Chicago nes
2dttrtct $7,610 , .
No 37 , lloune of S rooms , 1 ! los on 19th ne
Itholan strut , J3.PW . . . . , .
No. 86 , Two 2 story brick houses with lot
4 xlSJ feit on Chicago nror 18th street , $6M >
No. 46 , Large house 7 looms , closets , etc. ,
8th btroU neai Clark , $3,000.
No. 44 , llotueand full lot en Chicago nca
No. 40 , 'Large house with'.fuU block nuar the <
iwcr , $3,000.
jorb nun u ij * Street ,