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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1882)
THE OIvfAVlA uAjiL/A BE > . MABCii 4 1882 V r THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , jrfiroh , 4 r Weather Report- ( Tha following observations arc taken t the same moment ot time at all the sta tions named. ) irARIMIWT , U. S. Sl < mi < B RV1C , 1 OMAHA , M ch 3,1882. (1:45 : p. m. ) f RATIOS * . I Dent or. . . . 2J.02 Frc < h Clear Cheyenne . W.Ofl W Clear 'Wishiklo. , High Uioudy riltte. . . . . 10.03 Fresh Cloudy 30. K llriik Fair Ytnkton . . 3013 R Rrlok Cloudy Dos Uotnci W.H SB Frreli Cloudy Dtvonport. 1022 K llrliK Fair Bt. I' ul. . . 30.2) NK Fresh Utar Bt Louis . J0.ll Light O'car Moorhcul. , 3031 Ll < ht Cloudy Vincent. . . 303 } SK Fresh Cloudy Bismarck. . 30.0) Fresh Cloud T Duford. , . . 10.03 Fresh Cloudy Ouster . ffl 9 VW Frrah Fair Dradwood. . 29 00 3W l-rosh Cloudv A&ilnlbolne vw Light Cloud/ nlrer B fret 10 Inch above high watermark and frozen. BREVITIES. ELLIOTT innked connections city water works. KUIOTT ha tnkon ont a license to toy sewer plpo to connect closeti with oowcra. The finest Key West , Domestic and Im ported ctgara at Kuhn's. Try them. 1m. Ffneit line of ladles' hand-bags nt Hoxcs , Just In. lf- A California B'reet lady lu armed psr-W herself with a rovohir to meet burglars who are bothering hur. Disbursing OUicer Drexel distributed iiippHcs to the poor yesterday. The season In which coal Is demanded la about ovor. Builncsi upon the railroad * is Kreatly JncroasinR an I will probably hold up stilt until Juno. Beautiful residence lota-lOO each , 85 down nnd 83 per month. Bomia , agent , Fifteenth and Douglas Btreots. Two casas of d. and d. , or under Influence " oxcitnble " were recorded fluence of tbo "great , corded at the police headquarters last evening. One case of Intoxication was ciNposcd of before Judge Benoko jostcrday by suspension of sentence , and another was continued until afternoon. NOTICE None but respectable people will bo admitted to the Swedish Library masquerade given nt Turner Hall H.itur- day evening , March 4th. m3-2t Mr. J. II. Wall , Jr. , having resigned Ids position as superintendent of dining cars on the Burlington , Mr. J. 1' . Koash is appointed to fill the vacancy. A Swede was "held up" and robbed of a Bilk handkorciof at' 11 p. m. Thurs day , at the corner of 10th and Dodge. His three asi .Hants were scared away by the arrival of a colored man on the scene , On Tuesday evening next an enter tainment will be given at Masonic hall , at which Mrs. Latey , who ia hero from St. Louis on a visit , will appear. The tabv leaux of "TheEsthetic Sisters' will be given at the same time. Mr. Chas , J , Ryan , who was employ ed to take the the school census , is now at work in the 3d ward. It is hopod.paronta will assist him in every way possible , as his work Is both an Interesting and im portant one. For Bale at a bargain , the stock and fixtures of the Michigan Tobacco Store , 1417 Douglas street , Omaha. Business first olaae , location good , rent low , satis factory reasons f r selling. Applv , at the tore. faOevn-m-w&f-morn-tu-thu&sat-tf The now elevator at the transfer Is about completed , but will not Vo ready for use loefo'ro the crop for 188 J is reidy for storage. There Is a large amount of grad ing and tracklaying to be done before the building can bo utilized , which will be done by the Rock Inland company. * Supt. Plorco sayu they will begin nowlny spi ing wheat on the county farm next week , which will bo unuiually early for that class of work. They began now. ing in Burt county and at Kearney , Aurora and viclnitiei two weeks ego , There will bean otrly harvest If this -weather keeps on. It Is claimed that Graves , Galligan And 'SYindom , three witnesies In the Kos- tern cose were not to bo found Thursday when Officer Ryan hunted for them with subpoenas fo appear before the grand jury , and that they have not been seen since the night before. , ] They were among the mostiimportant witnesses. Hon. Via Bierbower Is In the city. CoL John Doniphan , of Si , Joe , b in the city. George T. Mllla ha * returned from New Orleans- . Col. J. J. Dickey has returned from the Mardi Gras. P. P , Shelby had returned from Kansas "City. "City.Mr. Mr. W. F. flweesy left Thursday for Washington , D. 0. Mrs. H. L. Latey Is in the city visiting her efstor , Mrs , Tom Rogers. Col. J.'J. Upham , of the Fifth cavalry , is la the city enrouto to Doadwood. Col. GuldoJIlgus is in the city returning to Atulnlboine. E. P , Vlnlnq and Mra. Vintug have re turned from New York. General Superintendent Iloldrego , ol the B , k 111 , , came In from the west Thuri day.W. W. F. McMillan , private secretary for F. T. Shelby , freight auditor of the Union Pacific , went east yesterday on a Vacation. . 0. W. Ioad , C. H. Mead , W , Lyle Dickey , Samuel Orchard and K. L. Stone , rail for Havana 'on Sunday next from Jacksonville , Fla. P. 0 , Gcntech , superintendent of the Pad do express at Salt Lake , Is in the city , and Is the gueafe of Mr. Bccliel , auditor ol the company. Mrs. Chester U. DavL ) loft Thursday over the Rock Island for her former homo Rochester , N , Y , , Laving been , called there by the uerious Illness of a neat rela tive. DIED JI01L1J Otln Holle , at the resilience of J. Henry , No , 1215 Dodge utreet. Funeral will bo announced hereafter. Hoipo , Fine Frarnoa. THE CONTEST-CONTINUES The Workingmen Still Hold Out for Bight Against Might. The Organization , nnd Work Laid Out for Disclmrgo of the Mon Arrested for Rlotlnff. The time not for the trial of the mon arrested for participation in the labor troubles of Wcdnosdny was 2 p. in. , yesterday , nt which hour the cases were called , the tlolctidaiito being present and also their attor neys O'Urion and JJartlott and W. J. Council , Esq. Neither council for the state nor city , nor witnesses for the prosecution came into court and the pollco judge therefore dismissed the cases. In the case of the man Patterson , for whom Bonzon , the ice man and Andrews , the naio man , were bail , and wko was the ono whom Chief Engineer Oalligan struck with a revolver , so much indienalion was felt that the International labor union felt like takins it up and arresting Mr. Galligan for assault with a deadly weapon , in order to dvfino the duties of a special policeman and the rights of a citizen generally. The I. L. A. , was not at all satisfied to lot the case drop as it is , but on advising with the attorneys named they concluded to lot it drop this time , and in future hope the chief engineer will confine the exorcise of his energy to the fire department. Yesterday morning at a quarter before seven o'clock aboot two hundred strikers assembled at the dump. They wore quiet and orderly. Five or six men began to go to work , when the strikers induced them to give it up , but no violence , beyond n little dirt throwing , was attempted. During thn forenoon Mr , Stcpen- son had a man arrested as boint ; a leader in the disturbance and for speaking insultingly as the contractor passed him on the street. The man was taken to the police court , and after a brief examination ho was dis charged byJudgoBonoeko. YK8TKUDAY AFTEUNOON HUETINCl. At the meeting of the strikers yes terday afternoon President Walsh ac cepted the chair. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and stops taken to insure their publication in different languages and distribution among the members of the association. The following oxoocutivo committee were then chosen : \V. A. Fonda , chairman ; John Norton , Peter Boiscn , Peter Peterson , Antono Qiegor , Sla- vaky Tizar , P. Roy nnd Barney Shan non. TIIK rllOaiUMJVK OF THE DAY is to convene at the dumps in the morning and discourage any men who may have boon induced to resume work. The meeting then adjourned until 2 o'clock to-day at Kuony's hall , if that place can be procured : and , if not , the meeting to bo hold in-Jeffer son - square. This assemblage will doubtless bo a yory large one , as it is expected that many of the employes of the city will turn out to demon strate their sympathy with the causa of the strikers. The committees will proceed with their duties. The executive com mittee hold a olosod door mooting in Turner hall at 0 o'clock in the fore- 4ioon , After this mooting a subcommittee mittee from the executive committee will wait upon Mr. Stephenson , the B. & M. officials and the Union Pa cific officials , and apprise thorn of the ) ositicfn of the strikers , and endeavor to secure the figure upon which the strike is bar.od. The result of these conferences will bo reported to the general assemblage in the afternoon for consideration and action. RUl'OUTH AND HUMOUS. There are hundreds of reports and rumors in the air , some of which are true and. some without foundation. The difficulty is to determine which are the former. It is very much like the pertinent question naked by the Quaker when told that ho should not b.oliovo more than half the statements of a certain man , when ho responded , 1 'Yeaj but which half ? " Ono of the committee delegated to see the shop mon and all other laborers working for the various in dustries in the city reported last even ing that they had found the smelting works officials quito pleasantly dis posed toward the movement and that the latter had expressed the intention to pay as much for labor as it should generally bo considered worth. The officials requested that the committee refrain from talkingwith the mon and this was complied with. According to the same authority proprietors of the lumber yards said they would pay $1.75 if they couldn't keep the mon at work for less. The samo- committee stated thai they mot a decided rebuff trom Mastoi Mechanic Con dou at the Union P - cillo shops. Ho was reported as stat ing that if the mon didn't wish to work at the present prices they needn't to , and no had nothing to say on the subject. After failing to got a very satisfactory reception from Mr. Gongdbn the committee claim to have talked with forty or more laborers am all indicated their invention of joining in the strike. At the sewer work on Tenth street the boss was scon nnd ho expressed his dcairo to employ the boat mon and pay the highest wages. Those conferences , ns a whole , were considered as favorable to tlo ) movement. The prices at the smelt ing works at present for unskilled la bor are $1.50 and § 1 CO , At the shops it is otatod that the pay for un skilled labor reaches $1.80 , "nnd ranges between $1.00 and that figure. To-day the committee will visit the distillery , the packing houses and the nail works. UHANOU or 1IAHE. It wits stated last evening that the Burlington t Mbsouri company had determined to start their work them selves on Monday , and would put on men at $1.50 per day. They have uskod lor and obtained the promise of the mayor that twenty-five policemen , dhall be sworn in to guard the dump , and prevent the disturbance of ntiy Biioh mon OR will no to work. This "change of base , if it jo entirely true , relieves Mr Sto- ihcnson of any tnoro connection with : ho mnttor. RATHER ROUGH. Witness In the Pncklne Houoo Arson Case Who Complains Bitterly. 0. W. Witting , a brother-in-law of Martin Kearney , who ia undur indict- mcnt for burning Boyd'n packing louse , woa arrested in Iowa in De cember last and brought to this city , o testify against the accused , Mrs. Witting was also arrested at the same imo , and the two wore detained hero ns witnesses. Being nnablo to secure bonds for their appearance- , they wore consigned to the county jail , and ; here remained as prisoners up to ; wo or thrco days ago. They wore finally released on their recognizance , but had no money wherewith to' find food or lodging. Witting stated' yesterday that ho : iad rcquestcd the district attorney to give him an order on the county com missioners for maintenance , but ho liad received no satisfaction from him. [ To stated also that ho and his wife ! md been twenty-four hours without ; oed and were suffering. The district attorney was not soon by TJIK Br.E reporter , and his explan ation could not therefore 'bo obtained [ t is probable , however , that he has in authority to act in the promises before the county commissioners meet ing ; but the situation of affairs miikos it pretty rough for Witting and his wife all the samo. THE STROEBEOK CASE. It May Not Provo Murder , After All , As the Old Farmer Clings to Life. Stroobcck , the Keg Crook township 'armor , who was shot last Friday night , is still nlivo and may pull bough. Ho evinces the greatest to- lacity to existence and has a wonder- ul vitality. These conditions load to liohopo that ho will thwart the brutal attack made upon him by the would- > o assassins and robbers. .Too Bolts , who is in jail on the charge of firing ho shot which laid Stroobcck out , has nlked considerably since his "confes sion" published yesterday , and has ; ivon clues to the probable whorea- jouts of the other two criminals. Ho looms very anxious that they should 30 caught nnd summarily dealt with , as ho alleges that they led him into ; ho trap for the purpose of throwing the responsibility of whatever they should do upon him. Constable Edgerton of this city , and Oflicor Morse of Council Blufl's , go to Silver City , Iowa , to-day , and will further investigate the matter. The "Tray of Diamonds" to beacon at ANGELI , BOWEN & WIIIT&'S Jewel ry and Music House in Opera Block , is the finest ever displayed in Omaha and special bargains are olTered for : ho next few days. FINE MESSINA'CRANGES i6o per doz. at Little Al's , 1420 Douglas. Hospo , Looking-glasses. Go to the Boston Store for cheap Shoes. ml-4t Hospo , Room Molding. BOOKKEEPER ' ATTENTION Gents' Oversleeves at Bunco's. m3-2t EVERYTHING NEW. Our immense now stock of Dry 3oods , Notions , Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods , Boots and Shoes , and everything usually kept in a first- class Dry Goods store , now ready. Having purchased for cash and taking advantage of the low spring price ; and discounts , wo are now prepared to sell [ roods in any of the above lines CJIUAl'KU TUAN BVEK 11KF011K OFFERED IN OMAHA. Call early and satisfy yourself. No trouble to show goods or prices , and everything marked in plain figures. The old reputation of this stand for ONE FRIGE TO ALL , will bo maintained by us. WHO & WESTBERG , 10th 'irt T Mr nn WANTED. Two young ladies to write addresses. Address P. 0. Box 3G3 in your own hand writing with address , to com mence Monday morning. THE LOWE8T YET ! Good pair of Boots $1.00 Children's Shoes SJ5 Ladies' Slippers 30 Ladies' Shoes. , 90 AT JONABKN'H , 410 South lllth. For Paints , Oils and Window Glass cot Solomon's prices before purchos- ing. 11)3-21 ) NOTICE TO WEARERS OF SPEO TAOLES. Our attention has been called to the fact that others are representing to the public that they are soiling the Star Tinted Spectacles. The celebrated protectors to that valuable organ , siglu , can only bo had at the leading jewelry establish ment of EDHOLM & EIUOKSON , opposite the postofllco , they being the solo agents in this section. Then to those who are suffering with smart ing , tired and watering eyes , throw away your glasses at once , as they are only injuring your sight , and repair at once to loading jewelers and secure a pair of thosa genuine Star Tinted Glasses and secure immediate relief. EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , the Popular Jewelers , nnnoaito the postofllce. "t Hospo , Sheet Music , See the 5 cent Calicos at the "Bos ton Storo. " mi-it _ ITospo , Fine Yioliti Strings. is now receiving the choicest lot of line w ATE it coLoita and Genuine STEEL KNQiu VINOS over exhibited in Omahu. You are invited to see them. fub27.0t WICKEDNESS. Morn of It Coming to Light About the Bold Contractor Ho Didn't Ltko Ills Rldo to Omnlm. William Winscit , the contractor re cently arrested in Pueblo , turns out to bo really named Winsjott , the "Winacit" another of being his num erous aliases under which ho traveled in Omaha. The particulars of his ar rest in Pueblo by Sheriff Hyors , of Plnttsmouth , are quioto interesting. When accostodby thoshorifFho denied ( his identity with the Winscit of Omaha , and stated that ho nad never boon hero. Ho would not 'confess to his identity until ho arrived within ono hundred miles of the city , when ho admitted it. Upon reaching the street after hi ? arrest Winscott asked to go homo and inform his wifo. This was agreed to by the officer. .When Winscott was at dinner , at homo , and the ofllcor was in an adjoining room , Mrs. Winscott approached the latter with the question , "How did they got on to it that wo were hero ? " The ofllcor drew her out and she said : "Thoy must have had a detective ; for they didn't know I was here , I am suro. " When arrested Winscott was mak ing an arrangement at an architect's oflico to go into the construction of a largo block on a principal street m Pueblo in company with a well known contractor of that city. On the way in over the U. P. . Win scott Honmod to feel very badly at times and then would endeavor to getaway away from the sheriff by making va rious uxcu3us. It was thought best on that account to shackle him , which was done. When ho reached Omaha Winscott grow taciturn and did not speak to the officer or those who mot him. At Plattsmouth , ho was still more unwilling to talk and wont to jail without seeing any ono. Mr. Driscoll stated yesterday that moro of Winscott's cusscdnoss had cropped out to the surface since his arrest and that enough has boon learned to make it hot for him in several directions. THE FATAL PLAQUE. Death Takes Another Victim of the Small Pox. Another death from' small pox oc curred yesterday , not at the hospital but in the city. The victim was the little daughter of the German Luth eran pastor , who resided on Jackson street opposite the residence of Win. Brown , from whoso family the disease was probablv received. The remains of the little ono were interred in Pros pect hill at midnight last night by Mr. Houck. The first small pox patient who has recovered and returned to the world since the outbreak of the disease in this city , John J. Donnelly , was dis charged from quarantine yesterday and came into the city a free man and a well man. Ho is ono of the patients taken out from the Slaven house. Two more will be sent out as convalescents in the next two days , which'will leave but two at the hospi tal , , one cf the two being the woman who'was taken out from the Emmet House. All those remaining are now doing well , though Preston , who woe taken up while wandering about near Bell's 10th street drug store , had a slight sot back from inflammatory rhoumatisn. One now patient will be taken to the hospital on Monday night , being too bad for immediate removal. This is the party taken aiok in the vicinity of the gas house , and still being cared for down thoro. There are at present at the post house , beside the patients , Col. Houck , the steward , the two Francis can sisters and ono male assistant to Col. Houck. The warm spell is rapid ly lightening their labors and it is hoped that there will be no now cases whatever. THEODORE THOMAS and many others of the BEST MUSICIANS say that the "HTEOK" combines all the qualities of a "thoroughly perfect piano. Omaha musician ? , who know them , endorse the same. > same.ANGELL , BOWEN & Win IK , Agents. Hospo , Stee1 Engravings. The oost assortment ot 10 cent Ginghams at the "Boston Store. " ml-4t Hospo , Lambrequins. A airload ZEPHYR , the finest im ported , Hiokman's , 1305 Farnlmin St. tub'25-Gt Hospo , Pianos and Organs. CHOICE BUTTKU at WM. GENTLE- JIAN'H. . m-2-Ut Fresh Butter and Fresh E'jgs at T. A. McShancs. 2t OIIANOES , 25o per dozen at WM , GENTLEMAN'S. m-2-3t BOOTH'S OVHTEHH and fine FRESH FISH at MoVitto's. m-2-2t Boots and Shoos cheap at the "Boe- ton Store. " ml-4t FRESH EQOH , 7 dozen for ono dollar at WM. GENTLEMAN'S. m-2-3t TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of the over faithful wife and mother , con- tautly watching and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease , and the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomuch and bowela regulated , blood purified , malarialpoisonextorniinatod , she must know that Electric Bittera are the only sure remedy. They ar the best and purest modioino in the world , and only cost fitly cents. Sold Ish & MoMahon. (4) ( ) G. A. Linquist. Merchant Tailor , removed to 1200 Farnlmm street , whore ho is fitted up in the moat modern style , receiving a largo and choice selection of spring goods , among which are special novelties , m-2-in. "THE LITTLE DUKE. " Second Evening of the Allco Oatos Company. "Tho Little Duke" drew a largo audience to Boyd's opera house last night , and was very well presented by the Oatos Opera Bouffo company. Alice Oates took the part ot the "Duo do Raoul do Parthcimy" to the utmost satisfaction of all , and her per formance in part compensated for the shortcomings of other members of the company. Suck incongruities as arose so glaringly apparent when ono sees an artiste of Miss Gates' ability sur rounded by a company of only moderate - orate calibre are very annoying , but this , perhaps , may bo for the sake of the contrast. The audience were not overly en thusiastic , and were not stirred to real applause but two or thrco times during the entire evening. "La Mascotto" is To-night an nounced , and tit ( ho matinco this itfternoon "Giroilu-Giroila" will bo plnycd. PERSONAL. W. C. Drake , of Lincoln , i * the city. ' Wallace Wheeler , of Lincoln , Is In the city. " 0. 'Frilicc , ot"fteTJraslift City , ii in town. Samuel Mnhon , of Ottumwn , la , Is In town. John T. Cheney , of Missouri Valley , ia nt the Metropolitan. Prof. Samuel Atighey , came up from Lincoln yesterday on private business. W. 1) . Hiunlin , of Lincoln , was among the arrivals in the city last evening. W. B. GniTany , hailing from the Divide M. T. , ia registered nt the Withnell. Geo. M , Humphrey , of Pawnee City , is in the city , a guest at the Withnell. Ed. T. Cook , of Bone Creek , arrived in Omaha yesterday ana stopped at the Met ropolitan. Dr. W. W. Lcyan , of Osceola , arrived m town last evening. Ho is a guest at the Metropolitan. T. J. Nnsh , of Laramie .City , arrived In ( Jmabn yesterday. He is at the With- null House. T. M. Phelps , of CrestonIIa. , arrive ! in the city yesterday imd registered at the Metropolitan. W. O. { Holden , ES < I. , and wite , of El- itiira , N. Y. , arrived in the city yester day ? They aie on their way westward. Miss. A. C. Fletcher , of Bostonthe _ dU- tlnguhhed ethnologist , arrived in the city lets evening on her return from three months study among the Omalia'e , Winuc- bngos nnd Sioux. She U the guest of Htn. J. L. Webster. Hoapo , Regilding Old Frames. Rubber Boots for Men.Ladies and Children at the "Boston Store. " ml-4t Hospo , Water Colors. New Silverware received to-day at Edholrn & Erickson's. Twelve second-hand show cases for sale at Solomon's. m3-2t TOM SWIFT ON DECK. I desire to inform my patrons and the business men generally that I am bi tttr prepared to sprinkle the streets of Omaha during the coming season thim over before. With my own teams and the latest improved wagons I am confident that I can do the work to the satisfaction of all , and for less money than any competitor. It will be to the pecuniary advantage of bus iness men and residents in the sprink ling districts to makn no contracts un til after I interview th m on the mat- tor. THOS. SWIFT. Splendid stock of finger rings just in. FOHTY DOZEN latest styles. Call in JONAHEN'S. m3-2t Workingmen's Boots and Shoos. Best make. Every pair warranted. Prices to suit all at Fullriedo , Dou glass between 13th and 14th. Fine assortment of pocket cutlery and pocket pistols ut the lowest prices at JoniiBou'a , 13th and Harnoy. m3.-2t Quick Train Railroad Watches at Edholui & Erickson's. Parties contemplating the purchase of an Organ or Piano will do well to call on EDUOLM & ERICKSON'B. This afternoon another meeting of the strikers was held in Turner hall. There were about four hundred pres ent. Ask your Grocer for ITUESII I'KEHHKi ) YEAST rccoivorod Tuesday and FridujH. TUADK HUPPLIED BY WM. FLEMING & CO. , Agents. S , WANTED. A first-class crockery and glassware travelling Buk'tman who has anv estab lished trildo in the territories. None other need apply. Address "S"oaro Omaha Herald. . VACCINE VIHU8. Dr. A. H. Don is , founder of the colebtatod Lamiirtino Vaccine Farm at Fond du Lao , Wis. , is now propa- eating pure Bovine Virus at Lincoln , Nob. Ton Ivory Points , $1.00 ; Crusts , $2.00 ; cash with the order. Only physicians supplied. A. H. DOKUISM. D. , fob22oodlra-m&o Lincoln , Neb. CHEAP SHOES. Wo have just received a job lot of sample shoes for Ladies and Children , which wo are selling at less than wholesale prices. There is only one pair of atkind and they cannot bo du plicated at the prices wo are now sell , ing them. "Boston Store , " mlood-lOt Tenth and Jones. "HOUGH ON RATS. " The tiling desired found at livnt , A ' < druggist for "Hough on Hats. " It clear out rate , mice , roaches , fljew , bed bugs ; 1G boxes r No hcail-nche or hack-ncho for ladies - - - J- , " " , k "WINE OF OARDUI. Meyer's CATARRH E. Tlio Only Known Real Cnro. SPCIAL MOTTOES. TO LOAN-MONfc , . MONKV TO LOAN-C ll t Luir Olnco of D. L. ThomM UoomS Crclghton Block. V LOAAt 8 per con tin- torcst In nurai of 82.600 and upwtrdt , lor S to 6 yearn , on ( Iret-clfuw dty and ( am property. DXMII RIAL ESTATE \ aLoAa AOXXCT , IGth and loui > lii Sts. HELP WANTED. \ \ J ANThD A plrl at 314 If th St. , botTChT Yr cogo nnd Davenport. 302 4 - pleasant room nlth hoard , ( In prh ate family P' ccrrr-ct ( ) , by a gentleman andwltr. Aildrcea W. , Iloo offlco. .104 4 A stout girl to do housework , WANTKD bo itood cook nnd Ironcr. Apply at Mr * . Surrart'tf , north tide Chicago St , bet. - good I Itchcn girl nt llctncke'i WANTED-A , 12th ntnl Jackson Stx. 200-0' - 2 Hist claM Rlrl' . No other need WANTED- InqultoatN. W. Cor. tltli and Davenport Sis. , 2S03' " \TTANT D A slltiilU n by n J ourif insn In a YV good Liulncsjhouso , coiilil furnlth three to llvo toomand dollars , Ima a general bu Incg ) oil nation. AJJrcsn 7 . , thli office. 200-0 * WANTKD-On the llrstiUy of May , a houpo of 8 nr 10 rooms within 8 blocks of Pont Olllco. Addrora J. Martin , this oflico. 201-11 U dlnlnir room plrls at the Omaha WANTED . Appl > Immodratoly. 205-3' WAN'IKD Astronpboy or young man to do team and ( inn work , to whom con stant cmplcjment will be given at fair wa Apply at 217 d. 14th Mt. 294 4 A home ol 6 or 0 rooms for small WANTED wlth'n ' 1 mlle of V. O. , west or northwest portion ot lit preferred. Apply by letter stating terms , sc. , 10 E. M. R. , Eca otllcv. 2808 * WANTED Two yooii Ilarncgsiiukors ; goiul wages , steady employment. Enquire or a-Jdrii a Aaron Hcatty , Aurora , Neb. 263-7 "TirrANTED situation In a business house YV by a voung man who understands bookkeeping - keeping , Is also a good penman. Salary at drat not so much an object , as a place nhcro atten tion to bu > lno3j an < honest pcforiranco of duty will bn rewarded. Good references given. A-f- drees 1U 8. , Bee ofllca. 231-tf WANTED A compete lit girl to do general housework , at corner Hamilton and I'icr &ts. , Shlnn's addition. Good wages. 271-tt TT7"ANTED Two good harness makers : steaily VY work. E. STACII , York , Nob. 23 Imo' Nurse girl , northwest corner of WANTED 23d nnd Hurt Sts. 267-tf ANTED tirst-class COOK , ono wto under YY stands meat cookln03 ell as pastry ; none but first-class need apply. Also a good hey ns natter. Apply at 1105 r'arnhaui : ! 0(10-eudl ( TT7"ANTED Funding bridge and -tchoul bondt. VV H. T- Clark , Dcllovuo. 26-tf TTTANTED 4 children 09 hoarders In a select VY school , at 10th and California St. L. B. LOOMIS. 757-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 011 RENT Nicely lurnlshcd front room for one or two gentlemen , second door from B. E. corner llth and Capltcl avenue. 217-3' FOR RENT Suit of nicely furnished rooms , southeast corner 20thand Davenport Sts.Q 30011 T7OR RENT One front room , furnished ; at X ! 313 N. 17th St. , cast side , bet. Davenport and Chicago. A. Hospe. 003 tf FOR RENT Furnished cottage , 605 18th St. , bet. California and Webster. Rent ex changed for board. 232-6 * TT10R RENT House far rent on 10th St. , hot. JD Leavenworth and Marcy Sti. a. A. Lin quist , 1206 Farnham St. 282-3 FOR RENT A nicely furnished room. Call with re erenco at G07J N. 17th St. 278-tf RENl-Fumlshca room OlUfuthbt. , bet. FOR and Webster bt3. 25-tf rents houff , lois , farms , stores , lands , BEMtS etc. OfflceailBth and Douglas Sta. Tnoil RENT Nicely furnished room. Apply at JJ 1220Fornham t. 21i-tf REET Store room In hrlck building , N. FOR . corner 10th and Cumlng. C. F Good man , 1110 Farnham St. 203-tf T710H RENT House on Sherman avenue , J' rooms , with liable. Ai.plytoN. WMe rill. 307 8.12th St. 207-tf KENT Rooms In Jacob * ' block. FOR 603-tf 170R KENT Furmsnuu UIHI iuom , N. E. cor JJ Oth and Jackson. 62-tf RENT irouso of eight rooms. Enquire FOR . Phlpos Hoc , 1512 U. Fifth St. 077-tf RENT 2 furnished room * ever lo. EOIl ' ExchangeN. B. cor. 16th and Dod ? sttot * . 28B-'f KENT Nicely furnished rooms with 01 ECU board. Reasonable prices. 2011 Cam at. T O FOR BALE T710H SALE A desirable location , 100 acres of Jt ? land with improvements ; good stables , co raU ! , etc. ; good house ot seven rooms , well fur Dished ; stage station , express offlco , etc ; title perfect. For further particulars address I'OSTMASTtR , ' Meadow Creek , 303-8 Madison Co. , Montana , "T7101ALE 1,600 young irrodcd ewes In lamb. Jj Address RODDI8 & HOE , 300 dtitwlt Omaha. i-ALE House and corner lot , cheap , J71OR ' , 81000.0U cash or 81100.01 on time. il'cCAOUE , Opp. 1'ost Olllto. 29) tf T IOR ALE Houto and t lot , good barn , In Jj Biuthi'maho. ' Price , * 1BOO. McOAOOB , Opp. 1'ost Offlco. 203-10 rnOlt SALE 32 residence lots on and near 16th _ P Uoot. I'rlce , IM to &J60 eath. Terms cft.y. WcOAdUB , Agent , Opp. Pott Olllce. & 60 tf SALU Ppan of good mulri , harness aid FOR Inquire of C. E. Donahue , at W. T. Seaman's , llth and Farnhara Sta. 283-1 * T79R SALE The choicest property on Park Jj avenue for the price. Fine lot , nice cot- tig * , &c. Enquire ot W. R. Hartlctt , real estate agent. 203-8 * 17011 PALE-Tcam of young horoi , wagoaand Jj harno b ; horcoj fi jtars old and about 16 ha dihlgh. lr. < iulreof J , VIckrnburR , at Ed- honi & ErlcksonX C.US-B kEMIS eo.U houses , lots , farms an-- " ) Oflicc , 16th and Douglas BU. 77011 8ALrAt Hall s feed mill , near Military Jj Bridge , 76 tons of No. 1 biled hay. Will be delivered to any patt of the city Alsi ground feed at tha lowett coth prlco. Vf. H. McCOY. 233-lm * TTtOR BALK 10,000 Black Caji Mammoth CUB- | Jj ter Hasberrj- Roots "Idle Wild Place.1 Lraveordtrnat 1414 I > odto ; St. JOHN 0.IL - US , Oommlsaloittore. 161 tf ITtOlt BALK Ono Perry organ , almost new , Hold Jj cheap. Enquire 314 8. 10th St. 2 5-8 ' NEW CITY MAPS , 10o. Mount , d BEM1B' , 82.60. OfJO. P. UEMIB. SALE Mules and harness at Kedman'i FOR street barn- 141-6 * OOH SALE Bicycle , 48-Iticli Standard Coluin- Jj bla. Apply Unlou Elevator. 263 tf SAI.K-A No. 1 * sii of htsry druft FOR . Enquire of U. f. 1'Aulsen , at FeUr Uoos * . MO-tl "nORSALK llotiso with 0 room * , barn and | j long k'lto of lot on 15th m. , 1 et Burt and. Webster. Inquire at Edholm k KrlckonX 2CO-R 170R SALE I're * milch covi , nl o nice fresh Jj butter , nt Ileal's groc < ry store , corner Tenth * * " " " * nnd Dodge. fcb3-lra S UK-Restaurant with good rntronag * FOR 10th Ft. ; rca-on for iclllnir , rnustgo oat to look after Important builncs * . nqulro at 410 S. 10th St. 17411 I71URHALKOH 1RAUK For city property , Jj ono Improved farm of 140 acres nltn two- good housesbuntt"3mllc ; from court house Innulio at the Hoard of Trade isloon. M , E. cor * ncr 16th mid Dodge SU. 05 11 T > KAUTIFUL RIMIDENOE LOTS-$100 each , X > ? 5 down and tS per month. HE11I3 , agent , , 16th and Douglas Bts. SALE HOUBO and full lot In good loca tion , cheap. Price , 81260. Easy tormiv McCAOUE , Opp. post olTlce. Ktf FOR 8ALE-Bt t building lot In fc'hlnn'u ad dition , 142 feet cost front by ISO feet depth. McCAQUK , Opp. post Olllce. H U TJIOR SALE OR RENT A grocery store and * JL butcher shop , doing a good business. In- qulraat thisofflce. B12-tf FOR SALE 2 nice counters and 2 silver plated show cases , at Oco. II. Peterson's , 804 South lOth St. 741.11 FOR SALE Or will oxcha go for Omaha pro- perty , on Improved see on of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. R. H. U. DUNHAM , 1418' Farnham St. , Omaha. 710 3mr. , SALE Or trade for city prtporty > . on EOR of homes , harness and wagon. Addrea f.thl80fflCai 702 tf EOR fiALE A good sovon-ycar-old her Warranted to drive single or double. Eu qulro of Grorgo Canlkld , Oanflold liouw. novl3-tf MISCELUANEOUS. BROKE LOOSE From 13th nnd Chlciiro Sts. . four year-old black mare with halter , bridle- and saddle. The finder will bo ronUrdcd by tear- In ; property with Fnron & Cole , Farnhnni Bt. 307-3 * mWO ROOMS , Suitable for light house-keeping. JL furnished or unfurnished , at 2210 Capitol arcnuo. 'toi 0' rpWELVE Second-hand show caics for file , at JL Solomon's. 207-8 POUND-Fcb. 28th , near U.J1. depot , O aha. a locket Owmr can obtain by addressing lock box 1352 , Council Bluffs , proving property and paying for this advertisement. 234-3 * A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY William's eye salvo made In Omaha , Neb. , nnd has been applied to hundred * of cases and h-vi never been known to fail yet. It Is good for the sorest est nnd w c-ikcst of eyes for young and od. All that nro suffering with sore ojcs try It for your self. Olllce , ti W. corner of ICtti and Douglas SU. , Omaha , Nob. Price 26e , COc and $1.00 per bottlo. 279.4 EOOMS And first class table board , at 2011 Cass St. ml-lm" 2 unfurnished rooms for man and WANTED must bo moderate In price. Ad dress II. , Dec olllco. 297-tf TNSTRUCT1ON ON TYPE-WItlTEUS-Wn JL are In frequent receipt of applications for operators. HELL & AMES , 1600 Karnhun , Agents Ilcinlngton Typo-Writer. fchl8-lm SAVE KENT Cbolco of 30full lots to loaso- near Crolghton College for$2o per year. Dexter L. Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Crcltrhton Block. 20Mf LOTS , SHO each , $5 down nnd $ j per month H KM1S , Agent. A In semi-annual , eight (8) ( ) per lcent. . Intereat notes secured by real , state mortfiaffo for tale. Address P. e. Itax f2. 208-7 FOIt 1'Al.K , BUICK IWlAliKOOK . BRICK TOR SALE T. Murray. 110-tt PIANO AND ORGAN Instruction by Miss E. S. ParBit , S. 20th St. , below Pierce. 91-tf TjWRMSHED ROOMS FOR RENT S. W.Cor. I ? 19th and Davenport I-1. PQfl-tl OP SMALL ' USINESS MAKAOHJIENT wanted by experienced man. Small salary. 1' . O. Box 602 City. { 7WRNISIIED ROOMS Within three blocks or JD poatolllio. Inquire at 1619 Pod e. 020-tf "PORTRAITS IN CUAKJN Fastile and Oil. JT also decorative painting. MRS , D. B. \ WARDNER. room 1. Jacob' * Block. 612-tt BALED HAY At A. H. Bander1 ! ) Feed Store 1018 Uarncy St. a9-tf EDWAED KUEH MAGIBTER OF PALMYSTERY AND CONDI TIONAL1BT , 493 Tenth Street , between Farobua andHainey. Will , with the tM of guardian spirits obtain ( or any one a glance at tha poet and present , and on certain conditions In r.Jiu fu ture. Bootn and Sboca made to ; rdtr. ' " " ' \ctlcn ruarautced s-f POWDER Absolutely Pureu This powder neur varies. A marvel of pur Ity , trcnt'th and wtiolcsomeness. More econo mic .1 thin the ordinary kinds , and cannot be gold In competition with the multitude of low test , ehort weight , alum or phoiphnte powders. Sold c nly In cans. HOTAL IlAHihO J'OWDKR Co. , 108 Wa'l ' ht. . New York SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS , Joe Deckman has removed to No. 216 South Thirteenth street , between Farnhim and Dot-fUs. Ho now baa a flne , roomy stare with an extensive cigar manufactory In rear , Jan" BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE. JAMES E. DOYD . Proprietor. K. L. MARSH . Manager. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! Three Vfhts and Saturday Matinee , Commencing Thursday , March 2d- Dates OPERA BOUFFE Oomuany , 36 ARTISTS 35 Headed by the Peerless Queen of Opera lloutfe , Thursday , March f d , GIROFL5-GIROFLA. Friday , MatcS 81' ' , THE LITTLE DDKS. fatnrday , Mirch 4th , \ . Nod\ani-o la ptlo 8. fcale of .1 cjm- mcnc slues ay motnlinf at l ) . m. tutbfri