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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1882)
H , ir- rJ J jqt * . / " > / / / / jr sAnJ jO fiE f * OjiiAiiA DAILY 'MM : SATURDAY MARCH 4 , 1882. THE DAILY BEE CMAHAPUDUI8HINQOO. , PROPRIETOR8. 010 Furnhnm , bet. Oth and loth Street * . TKIIMS Of 8UDSCRIPTION. no copy 1 year , In advance ( postpaid ) 910.00 months " i' . . . 6.00 month " " . . . 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. , 1M OABD C1IICAOO , ST. rABL , MINRKAfOLlS iBO OMAHA RAILROAD. tw o Om h P&etcnfor No. J , 8:80 : n. m. Ac- eommadntlon No. 4 , 1:0 : fp. m ' Arrl.o Omaha Passcnccr No. 1 , 6:20 : p.m. Accommodation No. 8 , 10.60 a. a. dlAHNO OKAIIA BAST OR BOUTn BOtTOT. C. , n. & o. 7io : im. . 3:40 : p. ro. r V N. W. , 7:40 : a. in. 8:40 : p. tn. 0. , it. I. ft r. , 7:40 : ft. in. 8:40 : p. in. K. U. , St. J. i 0. B. , loiucs nt h n. in. ixiid 0:30 : tu , Arrl\csntSl. I/ouI Rt 6.80ft. m. nnJ 6:62 : Dl , W , , SUL. & P.emc3it8 ! a. ra. and SiOp. : Arthtm a jit. Louli at 0:40 : a. m. and 7:30 : IB wmr on BOtniiwwis. " 0 , 6 M. In Nob. , Through Kxpiww , jir > , ui. It. V 51. Lincoln Kxprui * flSO p. m. V V. 0\ctbiul ExvrotB , 12:15 : p. m. O , & It. V. ( or Llnooln , 11:45 : . ten 0. , t H V , for Oscoolft , 0:40 : a. tn. O , I' freight No. 5 , 6:80 : n. m. 0. P ' rclght No. 0 , 8:20 : n. tn. II. 1' . frcltfht No. 13 , 2.60 p. ra. U. P. ( rolclit No. 7 , 6:10n. : \ . cuilgrsnt. - . P. Dcincr oxi > rc , 7:3S : p. m. 'O. P. frelrht No 11. 11-30 p. m. U. P. Denver freight , 8:26 : p. in. iauvmdmo.v KAST AMI t-ooro. O. W. & O J CO ft. m. 7:26 : p m. .V N. W. , ? :15 : u. m. 7.26 p. tn. C I' . I. &P. , 0:45 a m. 0 05 p. tn. 4. 0. , SI. Joe & 0 1) . , 7:40 : a. m. e:45p. : m H.U19INI ) raOMTllll ( TIWIAND SOUTUWI81. O. * R. V. from Lincoln 1.08 p. m. U. P. Pacific Exprro 3:26 : p. m. n t M. In Nob. , Ihtough Express 1:16 : p m , B. fc 11. Lincoln Hxpross 0.40 a m , VTJ. I1. Denver oxprosn , 7:35 : ft. m. U. P. FrclRht No. 11 5:60 : p. m.'J U. P. Vo. 0 6iO : a. m. Kml &nt. U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:16 : p. ra. 'U. P. No. 8 9:00 : p. in. 1) ) . P. No , 12 1:45 a. in. C , t' . Dom cr freight , 1:10 n. ra. O. & It. V. ralxiMt , 4:46 p. ui. DtndUT TRAINS BKTWUKN OHAIIA AHU OOUXtlL BLUFIU. Usco Omaha at 3 00 , 0.00 , 10:00 : ftnd 11:00 : 'ra. ; 1:0 2.00. 3.00 , 4 00 ana 6 PO p. tn. Lo ivo Council niuff < at 8:26 : , B:2C : , 10.25 and 1:26 : . m. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 8:25,4:25 : : ami 6:26 : p. m. Buii-Hja The diiuimj lenvcs Omaba t 9X0 And 11:00 n. tn , ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves Council muffs at 9:26 : and 11:25 : U. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 : and S.25 p. in. Through nnd local paMdngcr trains between Omaha and Counrll Illtiflu. Lcn\o Omaha < 3:16 : , 7:46 , 8:60 : a. tn. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , 0:00 : p. in. Arrive Oinaha 7:10 : , 11:35 : , 11:15 : a. tn. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , 140 p. m. - Opening anl Closing of frlt-llt. ono. Clous. a. in. p. in. a. in. p. m. .11.00 D.CO 6.EO 2:40 : 6h'M"0 , I. ft iT.cinc 11:00 0-00 630 ! 2:40 : Chicago , B. tc Q 11:00 o.oo ese : 2:40 : 0'30 2:40 Blonx City nnd Piw.l'c. ! . 0:00 6:30 : 2:10 : Union Pacific . 4:00 : 11:40 : Oiral.r r. R. V . 4-.vO 11:40 B. .VM. In Neb . V.OO 8:10 : Otcbln & Sioux City. . . . 6-00 7:30 : D. J : M. Lincoln . 10-30 6:00 : H. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Dem cr KXB . 8:00 : 6.30 O. , SlonxClty & 01. . P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 : LocnlmalUfor SUto ol lan > . Usvo but once a day , % lz:030 a. m. O-rc i on n Puii < ! ays f mm 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. V HALL P M. Business Hirecisory. Abstract and Real tttate. JOHN L. McCAGUH , oppoelto Post Office. W. B. BAKTLKTT 317 South IBth Street Architect ! . DUPKENK & MENDELSSOHN , AKCniTKCTS Room 14. Crclghton Block. A. T. LAKQK Jr. . Room 2 , Ciclehton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DsVINB & CO. , Vint. Boots ftnd Shoes. A peed assortment of boms : work on baud , cornel 12th and Harnoy. THOS. KRICK80W , 8. E. cor. 16th and DoUiflaa. JOHN FOUTUNAT08 , 80S 10th etrcct , manufactures to order goad wort t f lr prices. Jlcnalrlcp done. Dcd Spring * . ) . V , IiAKRIMEll Manufacturer. 1617 Douelust. Books , Nowa and Gtntlonery. J. I. FHUEUAUF 101D Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. HreHANK & bCIIROEDEIt , the oldest B. and E. houre In Nebraaka cntablUhed 1S76 Omaha. , OKNTRAL RECTAUUAM , 1IRS. A. RYAS , eonihnciit corner IfitLaud Dodge. Boat Board for the Monoy. fiitlcfnctlon Guaranteed. Ut ln ai all Houru. Board by the Day , Weak or Month. Good Terms for Cash , Furnlehc-d Itnoma Supplied. Carriage ! and Road Wagons. WM SNYDER , 14th and Harncy Streets. Clothing Bought. J. IIAllRId will pay hlghostCaeh price for second hand clothlnc. Corner 10th and Farnhain. Jewe era. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEBTUOLD , Rafra and Metal. Lumbar , Llmo and Cement. FOSTER & ORY comer Oth and Douglas Sta. Lamp * and dluiware. J. BONNER 1809 Douglas St. flood Variety. Merchant Tailor * . 0. A. LINDQUEST , Ono ol our most popular Merchant Tallara Is re- celrlng the latest designs for Spring arid Summer Gooda for gentlemen wear. Stylish , durable , and prices low as over 216 13th bet. Doucf.&Farn. Millinery. S. 0. A. ItlNQKR , Wholeulo and Retail , Fan- CT Gooda In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corset * , &c. Cheapest House In Iho West. Purchasers nave SO per coat. Order bv Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. rounary. JOHN WEARNE& SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson eta Hour nnd Feed , OUAUACITY MILLS , Eth ftnd Farnh ra 8to. , Wetehans Bros , , proprtctore. Urocers. Z. HI EVENS , 21et between Cutnlng and liar T. A. UcSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Streets. , Iron and Gteel. OLAN LANOWORTUY. Wboletale , 110 ftnt1 112 16th street A. HOLMES corner IMh and Callfoiola. Harneac , Saddle * , &c. U. WlilBT 20 18th St. bet FftrnlUmty. . Hotel * , /LTi/lULlJ JiuUbK.Cu ) . C&nno.iCUi H OOKAN HOUSE , P H. ( Jury , UIS Farim&m Hi. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F , Slaven , 10th St. Southern Hotel Gus. Hamel Oth &Leaveuwortb Drug * , Paint * ana tills. KUHN & CO. rairuiaclsts , Bine Vane Uooda , Cor , Uth and DOUJIH ktreeU. . J. WHITEHOUPK , Wholesale & RoUll , Uth et , 0. FIELD , 2022 North Bide Cumin ? Stret. 1'ARR , Dnugtst. 10th and Howard BtroeU. Dentist * . OR. PAUL , Williams' Block Oor. 16th & Dodge. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. LEilMANN & CO. , tew York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1818 Farn- him rirtct L. 0. Enewold also boots and shoea Tth & Paclflo. rurulture. af. . OROSS. New and Bcoond Hand Furniture nd BtovM , ill I DcrnrUs. Higbeet cash price ild for second k o ) xowt. BONNER 1809 DoturU it. Fine Kooda , kc. f tree Works. OL'ACA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES * rC 1218 lUraey St. , Impiote Ad Ice Boxes , lirr and Wood F ncef , Offlcj ( lings , Countlil Ploe Dd WalnutB Olgor * and Tobacco. VVE.ST A FRIT8CI1ER , manufacturers of ClRart , and Wholrmlo Dctalernl n Tobaccos , 1306DouiUa. V. r. LORRN7.RN munnlMturrr 1418 Fftrnham Florist. A. IMnaghnt , pUnU , cut flowers , s d > , ooqaeti ate. N. W. cor. 16th and DouclM street ) . Olvll Engineers and Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATKR , Crelghton Block , Town Surrey * , Grade and Sewerage System * k Bppclalty. Uommtsslon Merchants. JOHN Q. WII , L1S.14U Dcxlge Street. D B. nr.KMnn. For details see lirpo ftdrcrtlw- rnent In Dtltr and Weeklr. Cornice Work * . Western Cornlci' Works , llanulncturen Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Kooning. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best oinnncr. IVctory and Ort'ce 1213 Harnoy St. C. srr.CIIT , Proprietor. GoUanltcJ Iron Cornlc s , Window Cap i cto-i nunutictund ami put up In any part ot the countn. T. R1NI10LD 410Thirteenth utrcot Crockery. J. ISONNGR ISO ) Daujlii street. Good line. Clothing and FurnlihlnR Uoods. OKO. H. 1'CTKRSON. Also Hat , Caps , Boots , b'ioo.1 , > ftloiig and Cutlery , 801 8.10th street. Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Xi > i n. A Hftrney. Bhow Case Manufactory.l 0. J. WILDE , Manntactuier Mid Dealer In all kinds ol Show Casea , UprlRht Coses , A . . 1317 CftM St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaka Hhow Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street , between Loaxonworth and Uarcy. All goodn warranted Drst-claRS. _ _ _ PawniroKera. UOHENFELD. loth St. . het. ftt. tt lUt Utoves na mwnro. A. BURMESTElt , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roota and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J , BONNER. 139J Douglas St. Good and Cheap. fjeod * . J. nVAXS , Wholeiale and HoUll Reed Drill ? nd Cultl\ators , OddFclloxva Hall. Phytlclans anl Surgeons. W. B. GIBBS , M. D. , Itoom No t , Orclghton Block , 16th Street. P. 8. LEISENR1NQ , si. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Kjc nnd Enr , opp. postomce DR. L. B GRADDY , Oculist and Audit. S. W 16th and Farnham St Photocrapner * . QEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Galloiv , 212 MUei'nth btrcct. near Miuiaulc HMI. First-clan' ! V/orknnd Promptness - ness guarintocn Plumbing , Ga * and Ctoam Flttlnjj. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th bt. , bet. Karnham and Douglan. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATIUCK , 1409 Douqlaa Street. alntlnR rn npor nnglng. HKNRY A. KOSTKIW , 141 Dodge Street. Qhoo Btorcs. Phillip Lang 1320 Farnbam 6t. hot. IStb & llth. Qecond Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douirhs St. ! . Now and Second Hand i Furniture , Houio Furnishing Good3 , dc. , bought and sold on narrow wnnrlna. Ualooni. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tne nuw brlcX block on Douglaa Strict , has Just opened a moat cleinmt Bcci Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 ovcry day. " Caleulonia " J FALCONEIl 679 16th Street. Undertakers , CI7AS. IUEWE , 101V ! Farnham be't. 10th & lltd. 09 Cent Stores. V. O. BACKUS 1206 Farnham St. , F.ncT Goods S. T. JACKSON FJLAN > - ' ( A Graduate from the Unhcrslty of Pennnyi- vanla at Philadelphia of the Class of 1840. ) Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Omaha ani all others needing the same , pre dicating his claim therefor from 40 years' ox pcrlencu , sixteen j cars of which time he spent In south America , from vlilcli country ho has just returned , gaining whilst in the provinces mam remedies for- various diseases common to this country from the nath ca of the same. The Doctor makes a specialty of all Chronic Diseases , particularity those of females. Ho may be found nt hU rooms at the Planters' House , crrncr of Dodge and Sixteenth Streets. n23eodlwimo " " " * "OUR CIJETIMT , ' THE RW ILI/DSXRATED "WEEKLY , Tbe Demand Still Increasing1. 75,000 Copies of flo. 3 Called for , Among the contents of number 3 , whlchlsnow c tK'y ' and for sale everywhere , will bn found con tributions from such prominent authors as Philip Bourke Matston , Mary N. t'rescott , Donald O. Mitchell , Julian Hawthorne , Edward Everett Hale , Prof. Henry E. Shepherd Mabel Collins , George Parsons Latlircp , Dr. F , L. Oswald , lira. F. A. Benson and Harry Cast lemon , besides all tbe popular editors of our \arlous departments. All newsdealers booksellers and railroad agents keep on hand Nos. 1 and 2. Specimen copies tent free. Address , Our Continent Publishing Co , , PHILADELPHIA. THE KENDALL PLMTM MACHINE ! DRESS-MAKERS' ' COMPANION , It plaits from 1-10 of a n Inch to width In the coarsest felts or finest silks It docs all kinds and stjlec of plaltln ? In uso. No lady that does hcr wn dress tnaklni ; can afford to do without ono as nice plaiting Is never out of fashion , If e cn It sells Itself. For Machines , Circulars or Agent's terras address CONGAR & CO. , _ 113 Adama St. Chicago , 111 FAST TIME ! In going East take tbo Chicago & Northwest- Trains leave bnmhi 3:10 : 1 > . m. and 7:40 : a , in. For full Information call on II. P. DUEL , Ticket Agent , 14th and Farnham Sts J. UKI.L , U. P. Killway Depot , or at JAMKH T. ULAItK , Goner. Ajcni. Omaha. _ ) al7m&utf COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. McOTJLLOOH , Koom 4 , CrclKhton Illock , Fifteenth Street. l.inlO-Sin DR7F. SCHEHBR , Physician and Surgeon. " CIIHONIO DISEASES , IIHGUMATISM , Etc. , A SPECIALTY , ° - No. 1412 Farnham St , between I4th and 16th , Omaha , Neb. ] 88er" . BYRON REED & CO. OLDOT Real Estate Agency IN NKUKAHKAg Keep a complete abstract ol title to ( Ua Sutate In Onikha an I < ou/laa countv. m vt H. M NNWElLEii ZC..A.XX.XC.C > VX * Emplopent Agent Railroad Outfit on Short Notion. llth St. , Near Farnham. inl-toJ-tl MRS. DANIEL WEBSTER , The Peaceful Bud of a Long and Evoutful Life. History of the Courtship rmil Mnr- riaRo of Carolina Xoroy to Dnniol Webntor. N. Y. . . Time , * , . Feb. , . Jt. ' . . , ! - * r2s3fa i"tr" On the mam street of .Now Hochollo , about five minutes' walk from the depot - pot , ia a curious old liousu , built nearly a century ago by an old sea captain , mid which , for nearly half a century , has boon known to the vil lagers as the lioroy mansion. It is n wooden structure , \\ith n broad portico tico , nnd spacious , niry rooms , and is reached by a plank walk , lending from the street. In this place , re calling in numberless ways the memo ries of a by-gone time , there expired , at 10:10 : o'clock on Sabbath evening , Caroline Leroy Webster , the rudoWot Daniel Webster. The stately old lady had boon seriously ill only about a fortnight although she had been gradually failing for a year before , her powers giving way from advancing years. She was confined to her bed by in attack of rheumatic fever , which soon developed into pneumonia. As there was every indication that it jwas to bo the venerable invixlid'a last sick ness , her physician notified her sur viving relatives , and they came to the old-fashioned mansion. The patient's death was perfectly painlcfts , and it seemed to those who passed the last hour at her bedside rather as if she had fallen asleep than that she had died. Her last word was a request to her faithful maid , Miss Catherine Leonard , which that person could not obey before her mistress Lad passed away. At the beside wore the brothers of the deceased lady , Dnniol Leroy and William Henry Leroy , Airs. Jacob Leroy , her sister-in-law , and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar. The funeral will take plnco tomorrow row morning from Trinity church , Now Rochelle , nnd the body will bo buried in Woodlawn cemetery. The orrice will bo conducted by the llov. Dr. Canady. Mrs. Webster was thor oughly American in education , tastes , and sentiments. She was Daniel Webster's second wife , and was born in No- , York City in 1797- Her father was the late Herman Leroy , head of the once famous commercial liouso of Leroy , Bayard , McKiven & Co. , who had a largo trade in different parts of the world. Mr. Leroy was also the first IIoil and consul to the United States. Mrs. Webster's mother was Hannah Cornell , a daugh ter of the last of the royal attorneys general of the state of North Care lina. Caroline was one of cloven children , and inherited from her pa rents qualities that bespoke high birth and high connections. Even in her girlhood days she was noted for n certain stately and impressive do mcanor that caused her playmates to look up to her witli deferential re spect. She was bout to a fashionable boarding school in Now Brunswick , N. J. , where she re ceived , and on her re turn to her home at once began to make a brilliant impression in the leading society of the city of that day. She became widely known for her gifts as a conversationalist ana for her attractive qualities generally. Her father's house at this period was at No. 7C Broadway , then ono of the fashionable centres of the city , and it was hero that , in 1828 , she was first introduced to Daniel Webster , the senator from Massachusetts. Those conversational abilities , which had charmed so many of the visitors in her father's house , soon captivated the distinguished senator , and , after only a few months' courtship , ho married her. The ceremony was performed in Grace church in February , 1829 , in the presence of a largo and fashionable assemblage' . The bride wont at once to Boston , where she was introduced to Air. Webster's relatives , upon whom she appears to have made the same favor able impression she had wrought among her acquaintances in the Me tropolis. After a brief stay in Mass achusetts , the couple wont to Wash ington , where Mrs. Webster's recep tions soon became talked of as the most brilliant of the social gatherings then hold in the capital. She was now in her favorite element , and shone to advantage ai the hostess in numberless entertainments , which used to draw to Mr. Webster's house the elite of the capital , and foreigners of rank as well as distinguished American legislators. Ambassadors and literary men used to flock to the recaptions and thus gave to Mrs. Webster an opportunity of cultivating a wide and illustrious circle of friends. Among her intimates at this time were Henry Clay , John 0. Calhoun , Mrs. MadisonLord Ashburton , Lord Bulwor and Govern or Dix. In 1839 she wont to Europe with Mr. Wobstorand traveled through England and Scotland , During her sojourn in England she dined with Queen Victoria at Windsor castle , and was also n guoat of the Duke of Wel lington and other distinguished mem- bora of the aristocracy. While there she witnessed the Eglington tourna ment , and at a number of high social entertainments always won a fllmro of attention as the brilliant wife of the noted American. ' She dined with Walter Scott in Edinburgh , nnd , witli her husband , was the guest of many [ loraors i f title nml qiwlitv in Scot- jciiid ) ii. . i i v , i , inji/i j her love I i , it. i u ti\u Jund , uim though Bbo always spoke with flpirit and interest of her experience abroad , she was over wont to assort that America was the bestland after all , anil that she haa noon nothing to excel it in any way on the other side of the water , She would chat entertainingly for hours of nil she had seen there. Shu went to Murshfiold witli Mr. Webster after this trip and there en tertained Lady Emelino Wojtloy ; tltfc- daughter of the owner of Bolvort Castle , when that lady came to America. At the reception given to the lady at MarehQeld there were present Edward Everett , and many of the Perkinses , Wlnthrops , and other distinguished American families. The lady spent several days at Marshfield , and was charmed with the elegance and grace with which she was enter tained. After Mr. Webster's death Mrs. Webster returned to Now York nnd lived with , her brothers and Hiators. ' But two of the family have survived her the brothers who were nt the bedside when the deceased lady passed away After Mr. Webster' * death 100 citizens of Boston con tributed 81,000 , each to n fund of $100,000 , which was invested for his widow's benefit , and the interest of this aha received regularly , although she had inherited sufficient property from her family to supply hnr needs. Mrs. Webster was among the specta tors nt the unveiling of the Hunker Hill monument , nnd the last public event she aliened was the euro- mony of the unveiling of her husband's statute in Central Park in 1877. For three yonra preceding Lor death she had boon in the habit of staying at the Leroy liounn in Nu\v Koehollo , the builder of which h d in his lifo-timo often c.irriod across the sons mercantile goods "for her father's house. Her sisior-in-huv , Mrs. Jacob l.ioroy , had been sliuiug with her since November last , when Mrs. Wulnter first began to bu tilling , although she was nblo to bo up and around the old IIOUEO daily. Her courteous manners were the subject of ndmiring comment among all who came in contact with her , nnd she treated high nnd low with-oqunl kind ness and politeness. Those wuouro more intimate were often entertained by her anecdotes of her hits- band'.i career , of which nhe remembered distinctly ami could narrate scores She was -vury unos- tontatiniu in her later yean , and loved the quiet retirement of the ronmntiu hoiiuo that iim an added inteiestund historical value from the fact that she lived and died there. Her family weio among the oldest settlers in Pel- ham , nnd the family name is well known all over tin county. Air. Win. Leroy , ono of the surviving brothers , is 80 yours old , and lives at Davoti port's Noel ; , Ne * Itocholle , and the other lives in thip city. Both arc re tired brokers. from tlio TiiiK , John liacon , Jjiporto , Intl.uitoa : "Ilurrnh for Sriima BLOSSOM ; it's all \ou reconnect ! it to bo. My djspcpsia lins nil imiinhul. Why don't you nihtrtlto it ? Wh it nllowntiLO will ynu uuilti > i ! I tulco a tli > 7on 1 ottlcs , HO lliat I conM olillKO my liicucU eco MonnlljV" IMco fO e < ? ntfl , tvinl buttles 10 ut-nu. fo 8 u dhv Tliu ntw iTu-nlt Colljjo ( nt Canterbury , 12iil.iid. | ; uill jiKM'idu .u.itluii u fir 1,00 ot the \ ouths evlltil , uilh thuriii lniei. i.-t , fioin KiiiticH , MM. ' Inm M. IMiliceistniVat iv Hnr- > aid ji\lnity t Si-hoo ) , .i8 iis.illi'il ! pastor of a now religious bodety at Host u lust Sunday. St Paul , Minn. , h to h\o n $ .10,00 Christian tcuuuury for > oung lailicB. It is to provide imsectarinii education of the hi 'lu'tit otdcr. The population of Toronto , Canada , numbers oil , 415. I'lio churches can ac commodate 111,800 persons , and Ilia attend ance on a recent Sunday snowed 38,700 , or n percentage of worshipers of 11 92. Paris linn ninety-two , , Sui dny vchoola , with 810 teacbcrH , and 7-100 Bcholara. Most of these schools nsotholntcrnationnl Hcrios of lessions , for which lesion-paper * nnd other expository helps aio published in Franco. Chicago has the largest Hebrew popula tion of any other city of equal Humbert ) in the world. There are fifteen synagogues in the city , which have an average attend ance of 1,300 , making in the average about 20,000 Israelites who take part in religious services. There are at the present day established in the Fiji Islands about -000 Wcsleyau churches , and 1.-100 schools Iho com municants are numbered by thoucnnds. The schools ara attended by nearly 50,000 chil.lren , and out of a population of about 120,000 , over 100,000 nro ro koned as reg ular atten 'ants ' at the churches , The Protestant Episcopal church in Missouri is in a very flourishing' condition , Tlioro are nowfourteen Eph copal churches in St. Louis , and over seventy in thft State. There nro also 125 mission ntn tions in the State. Theroarosixty clergy' men connected with the diocese , nnd 5,500 coimuunicantu in thu State. The church has paid , oinco 1SC8 , over 8200,000 of church debts and nt uretcnt only n very few of tlu churches In the Blate have obli gations hanging over them. The church property of the State is valued at over 31,000,000 Mnino'Nows. Hop Bitters , which are advertised in our columns , nro n sure cure for ague , billiouBi'css and kidney com plaints. Those who use them say they cannot bo too highly recom mended. Those afliicted should give tlif'u a fair trial , and will become thbi , by enthusiastic in the praise of their curative. Portland Argus. , mar l-d2w IMPIETIES. Epitaph for n carpenter Passed to the higher piano , A pillar of the church , to bo of any ser vice , should , like any .other pillar , have capital. Uutler's Analogy. Professor : ' 'Mr. T. , youm.iy pa s on the 'i'uturo Life. ' " Mr. T. : "Not prepared. ' Eomo western inlniaterH are complain- ini ; because tholr i-alarics are so low , Well , shouldn't salvation bo free ? Talk about modern miracles ! Mr. Cab- haifehoid any a ho cured his boy of some bad habits by the laying on of hands. Mlhraukea lias nrgnniied six Baptist congn gallons during the past j car , and she now flatters lieinelf that she is entire ly su > rounded by water. There is a llitla Inconiistency in having a handriuiiitly fmined m6tto , "Stand up for JCHUV ln ldo your house , and an Icy sidewalk in front of it. [ Iiotou Ilerjld. A Huston young man attended n prayer meeting and heard so many confession * of criniB that ho concluded It was no plnco for him. Ifo felt as though ho needed bott r society. TNew _ Haven llcglster. An M' ' vy Iwnk 'J' li r list wt"l : Ire. li.ixl i iiolhc Yi vjj ( { JlenV Chrix'.iuu ubhotiat on on iho subject of money-mule- Ing , lfogaothooungniou ClnifctlntiH several ruuu tits lor making money , hut omitced the best twado your taxes if you can. ' The way In wiilch two Presbyterian ministers of Han Francisco got caught up In a revival meeting led by I'.armon is thui told : When the meeting w.ii about half over they htarted to go out , their exit being necessarily slow on account of the great crowd , They hud got but a llttlo way when , to their astonishment , they heard themselvevaddreased thus : "Thoro are two moro sinners who are starting to go befoie they have got salvation. Hold on there ! Come right up to the altar , and have your sins , which are many , forgiven before leaving , " . An Episcopal clergyman , who has recently - cently taken charge of a parish In a small town in Now York , was called upon to attend a funeral a few dayu after lie had aesumed the performance rif- his duties , AM lie entered the house of intiurnlng ho was mtt by a member of Iho bcieaved family , who said : "You nro an Kplucopul- Ian , I believe. " "Yen. " "Well , nlr , I don't know much about your practices , but I believe you like to undrwn and drew ft Rood deal , Perhaps you would like to so up stairs and put on your shrowl. 1 ho clergyman went nt once. A Hpnvy Swell. . ' ' . I. . . . ir , . . ' VlulPe. X. Y , ' v , u , iMivV l > iicvMtr On , ciirnl .1 limih " u 'ii ukiuvl H'IIM thrott on my son in f > .it ) ilylit lim.r ; iiun ( > pll- cntlon nNo rommod th ludu from vi r fore too ) my wife's fool < nlso much In. Imnieti .o much so Hint Mm could nirt walk nbout the house ; kho nppllcd the nil , and In twenty-four hour * nt entirely cured. " . f2S-drxl&Wjj TRUTH ATTESTEO. . Known Poopl n Wholly In onlcr ( hut tie iniWIo in\v Inlly rmllra Ilir of tbe utAtrinonU , .11 well ai tbp tnlno of the nitlcld of \ < hch ! tlio ubll lihcr wlUitlio f clinllo ! ijn lures olivirllon lie odlnccrHy l liojonl iiuon tlon. ThoTtiitbof tlmfo tntlinonlals Is ftlmo Into , nor can Ilia fact * llioj ntinotiiico bo lit- liorcil OMAHA , Nun. , May 24 , mi. H. H. WARMIR&CO. : DFAR SIR : I Ime Irdpicntly u l Warner's Sato Kldiio > MulLUcr Cure for loeil MToctloni tttcnilaiit upon oc\cro tlicninatlu ftttAckx , anil tm\onUn ) ilcrUint bciunt tlirrcfrom. I bi\\c aluo usnl the Siifo Kertinolth MitMactory rv- etilto. I conslilcr UIOAO innllclncscrthy ol conndouro Deputy Trcwnrer OMAHA , NRS , May SI , lihl II" * T WARNRR k Co. , Hoclicitor , N , Y : ( iRNin : I tiMe OM ionr * < afo KMncy niul I l\or Cure tliHi-prlnn anil htrln\lKOrttnr , ntul 1 Hud I the bitt iciiuih I i\cr trk-.l , I h i iiicd 4 liotllcB. a i | It IIM mailo inc IcilbctU'i than CMT 1 ulil licforo lutlie U , P. It. Hliopi. OMAHA , Nmi , May 24 , 1MI. II. II. WAKMUI & Co : Sins : For inoru tlitn In y nrn I lia\o ulTro1 nuch In oin ciilcniu from conibltit-il klilnej ami llxor illgeaira , lid hi\\c IH.OII uu Mo to work inyurln y erR tin nUo belli ) ; nlTic'vJ l.'rluln crent main moillcliirs ami doctor" but I urcw vorio nnJ wet o ila ) b ) day , \\oatoM 1 hiul llrlk'bt's Dlfcaso , ami I nHioit niji'df ilcntl III i-oulil not Iitt o opraUy rcliof. I took jour Hntp KUInoy imJ Llvor L.IUP , knnuliiK nothing cl c waac\cr knonn lociirotha illscaso. nn > l 1 bav not been iliiuppolnted. Tin iniHllclnolma ciirul mr , niul Iain pcifoi * ly neil to ilar , ontlrbl } through > our balu Kldtie ) nnd LlvorUuro 1 wish jou all BUCC 88 In publlihlnt * this valuable rcineuv throiiKh Uio ucrld t' . P. U. It. Hhopj nl rquilly H'rontf ' cndorpcinontn In cnnclitro hope a aban- ) \oluntarllyfU t'ii , she Ins the . l cr o ( WatnorV Sifo Kldnoy ixnd i.1 ot " ' ' ' all d pcaso * of il ) UklncjH. Ihui If any rro tiho ruuus this trouUo tdnrnibiir the L-ra.l Sioux Cit & Pacific . . THE SIOUX OITY KOUTB Huns n Solid Trxln llirough from Council Blutta tc St. Without Change Tlmo , Only 17 Hour * IT is 2LC < O > UILK3 THK 81IOHTK8T HOUTE ritOM OOUNCIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , MINHKAPOLIS ( DULirni OK U1SUAHOK and all polnta In Northern Joira. illnnototi nnd Dakota. This line Is equipped with the linproi ct Woatlnghoii3o Automatlo Alr-brako ad Ulllo rinttorm Coupler and lluffcr : aud for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsurpassed. Pullman I'alaco Hlccplng Cat run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan eas City and St. Paul , ila Council Illufla and Sioux City. Trains learo Union PoclDc Transfer at Coun ell Bluffs , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrhal ot Kansat City , St , Joseph and Council JJluOa train from Uio South. Arriving at Hloux City 11:35 p. m. and at the Now Union l ) pot at St. Paul at 12:31 : noon. iLN 1IOUK8 IN ADVANCE OF UOUTK. isrllcmomhcr In ralclni ' , the Sioux City ttoutc > ou not a Through Train. Iho Shortest Line , the Quickest Tlmo and a Comfortable Itldo In tin Through Cara between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. jtarSoo thatj our Ticket * read via tbo "Sloui City and 1'aclflc Itallroad " J. 8. WATl'LES , J. n. BUCHANAN Superintendent. CJcn'l Pass. Agent. P. K. KOBINhON , Asx't Clcn'l Paaa. Att , , lllssourl Valley , Iowa. J. II. O'BKYAN , Southweitorn Agent , Councl Ulna's. Iowa Real Estate 5,000 PIECES OF PROPERTY ! For Sale By JOM M. CLiEKE S , W , cor , Douglas and 14th Sts fobS-cod-tf KENNEDY'S EAST- INDIA 2 s j ! & | i a y > s * j o ! g H 1 ' ' ? / JTO' I. * ] 2. ? 38 S ' IJ' ' SI C U V " { ' 5i'4 / OQ y i , ! T A , .UK n . { .LEE & CO , Hole ManufHOturm-a. OMAHA. J. L WILKIE , MANUFAUTUIIEK OF PAPER BOXES. 218 and 220 S. 14th St , JanOJfim d.P.ENGLISHr ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 South Thirteenth Street , with W , J.CONNELL , ATTORNEY AT - LAW , Orw t rent Ilooaii ( up otaln ) In Han com now brick building , Nr. . CJrnor Flto nUi nt unliam Btroeti , BASWITZ & IWELLS , Under Boyd's Opera House , The Season is advanced nnd in order to make room for anlm. morse We will , for the next 30 days , ofFer our entire stnok You will do Well to call at BASWITZ & WELLS' "Palace Shoe Store of the West. | Mi3l-d1m JdO - , vrvu r lOiil 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Nfth. IT ORCHARD & BEAN , J , B , FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O C E R SI Attention Is Once More Called to ( the Fact thai Rank foremost in the "West in Assortment and Prices of CL FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR , ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Gaps We aro'propared to moot the donianda of the trade in regard to Latoat Styloi N " and Patterns. Fine Morclmnt Tailoring in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St BUTTONS ! BUTTONS I JUST RECEIVED THE Latest Novelties 200 Styles to Select from. From 1 cent to $1,50 per Dozen , GUILD & McINNIS 60S North 161 h Street. " Ni"