Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1882, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAliA bJ3J < ! SAi'UiiL > Af ) "MAKCH 4 P , T. MAYNE SUBSCRIPTION BATES. , Manager Council BUifTa Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Carrier , - - 20 Cents . per Weot By Mall , $10.00 per Year COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA : S COUNCIL BLUFFS. Offlco : Room Five , Evorott'a Block , Brondwny. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Several expect to bo baptized at the Baptist church to-morrow nft.'rroon. The outgoing trntn enstwnrd this after noon is o\cr the Chicago , Kock Inland and TAG ! fie. The toguUr soci l oi the Kastcrn SUr was held Inttt e\enlnf nt Mre. ] 'ph Kent * ington.'a t 3 ] There will bo ft number of live speeches nt the ropuMloan mass iiKeling this evening. Permit was yesterday given to Mr. Anderson 1'lnrnmcr and Miss I. XI. Itnrt o ! A.VOCO , to timrry. To-night the Llgfit Guards -expected to bo nt their armory In full uniform , pre pared for businessaad for drill. I'rnnkCrow , charged with amultlni ; ISoaureianl ; Miller , has been discharged , no prosecuting witncsi appearing against him. MH. Clark Is fitting up n store on Main street near First avenue , prepara tory to its being occupied by Cooper & WcGeo with a hartlwaro stock. Bemember the republican rally at the court hemps this evening. There will bo n wide awake tlmo and the meeting will b" ? decidedly interesting to all cltizcnx. At the democratic meeting at Do- hany's to-night J. H. Keatloy , G. A. Holmes , D. W. Price , Kobort Perclval and E. E. Aylcsworth are announced as speakers. There is tnnsh trouble about driving cattle through Broadway , and it causes much discussion as to the advisability of having tin ordinance enforced to remedy eomo of the evils arising therefrom. There la so much pulling and tugging over the heads of the three tickets now In the field that the other candidates grum ble at being left in obscurity and uncer tainty. With them It seems to be'overy man for himself. Vonghan'a vague promise to make liitnnclf a board of equalization , If elected mayor , as not catching very much fish. Befoio they blto voters ask him how he can do it , and why ho did not do it be- lore ! Tfie circuit court adjourned finally Thursday evening , The next on the boardH is the Bupromo court , to bo held hero March 18'and the United States court will follow March 27. Judge Loot- bonrow opens the circuit court for Greene county next Monday. J. II. Bell had a saddle and brldlo stolen Thursday night. Yesterday the taker was arrested in Omaha and on being squeezed told whore he had disposed of the property , and it was promptly returned to the owner and the Omaha authorities were told to lot the man go. The first of a series of services to young men will bo given at Broadway Methodist church to-morrow evening by the pastor , Rev. P. 1' . Breseo. The speaker is -earnest , honest one , and his discourses along this line will bo well worth a hearing. The alleged democratic organ ii find ing that the cartoons published poking fun at the colored folk is acting strongly against it. It begins to hedge , which ac counts for the wny In which It has of late t-eated with unusual reepott the worthy church enterprise in which the colored folk are'now ' interested , There is one cause lor congratulation. The aldcrmanlo nominations of both re publican and democratic conventions are for the most part good , and thcro Is the promise of an excellent city council in any event. With a wise , safe and progressive man at the head , the city's outlook will be n bright one. There will bo Unitarian ecrvioes held in Everett block on Pearl street at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Key. W , 3-3. Copeland of the First Unitarian churct of Om ha , will deliver his celebrated lee ture on "Tho Unitarian Plan of Salva tlon. " Mr. Oopelaud is a thorough scholai - and" draws full houses where he is ben 'known , Ail ore invited. Beats free , The "boom" is weakening badly When the first whoop was made all tha Vnughan deemed necessary was to sit li Ills office , and by the aid of an occasionn meeting let the boom boom , while score ol callers daily gave him good cheer. Th situation now In not so bright , and th office yesterday was closed , while the prc tended workim ? man's friend was ou hustling himself. He is getting too dei perato to sit still. The colored voters have arranged fo A committee to work in each ward for th purpose , as they state , "to see that ou l > eoplo are not bulldozed by democrat ! Ilk , they were at the last election. " The com mltteea named aw : Viral ward , Allo I'orbes , If. Wallaoej Second ward , Chw B. Jones , A. Hill } Third ward , H. Austlr II. Maydea ; Fourth word , J. W. 8. Bonki II. Watsonj at large , Cha . Curtis , Ar other meeting is arranged for to-night i ee Jfiro hall , Another hole has been punched in th Vnughan ticket by the withdrawal of 3i 11. Fonda , nominated for alderman. ] waa the , boa t that all the nominees ha In writing pledged themsclvea to stand bj but the boast seems to be bottomless , Th position of marshal , of one alderman-nl largo , and of the alderman from th Fourth ore already vacant , and eomo i the candidates for other positions on th ticket ppenly ft vow that they will worl and vote jwfalust the head of the ticket , There will be preaching at JJroadwa ; Methodist church to-monow by the pae tor , flov , P. F , Bresoe. Themorniugsuli jcct at the eervico beginning at 10:3 o'clock will be , "Tho Vuluo of UolH In the evening at the service beginning a 7SO ; o'clock the pastor will deliver the Jim of series ofour n ermon to youm ? men the subject Ijeiujr , "The Going Away f ran Oloine. " The subjects of the other tlire to be delivered ou tuccesslv Sund y evenings arc , "Tho Spending of the Fortune , " "Tho Ilcturn lloihe"nnd "Tho Hey that Stayed at Home. " The paper * in the olllco of the clerk o ( the courts have been cireftilly put In place and so completely Indexed that most of the papers now can readily bo found. This ii'ork of Indexing has taken two or three month' , and will require probably another nonth to make It perfect , The papers ate back for fifteen years , and have hltti- i to bc n BO kept that It often required riuch time to hunt tip any particular one no desired. The indexing has required work and tlmo , but the labor will bo ap * > rcclatcd by thoao who have business at hat cilice. "JUST FOR FUN. " That IB tUo Rooaon Assigned for the A ttcmpt at Sulcldo. Mrs. McCracken , whoso attempted uicitlo was chronicled iti yesterday's Bin : , hao concluded to Hvo , and is not n any further danger from the effects f the poison , of which she took such liberal potion. She and her hus- mud are comparatively now-comers lore , and together with her sister pro- ocdcd to occupy a houan on Grnco trout There has bcon aomo talk inong the neighbors and some gossip o the cfl'oct thnt the man was not her uiahand and Unit there was 'causo for gly utorica about the character of the louso. Thcro sceina to have boon some uwily trouble also , but the parties oncornod keep yory close mouthed bout it The woman had eomo iconito in the honso , wliich she liad ) eon using for the toptliacho , and 'hursday afternoon , while her hus- > and was 'away , she swallowed a uantity of it , supposed to bo about half an ounce. Her husband wus ummouud and Dr. Iliuichott also ailed in. The only reason nho would ssign for thus trying to end her Hfo was that she took the poison "just for in. " By the use of emetics and by 10 fact that Bho had taken such a argo quantity , her lifo was spared. ANOTHER POW-WOW Politics OftUsos Ono of the Hordlca to Roll Out , but Not in the Interests - torosts of ttio People. Another political pow-wow was ar- angod for Thursday night at Stroota- illo to work up a little enthusiasm or the Vaughan ticket if possible. 'ho school house was well filled with crowd in wliich sympathizers and urioaity seokora were about evenly mixed , and considerable noise was raised , but the extravagant talk of the hiof orator did not have the oxpoct- xl ofl'oct on all. In fact ii ia stated > y rosidonta of that portion of the ity , that instead of making votes Vaughan lost somb , ono man counting up sixteen by name who have ro- louncod their allegiance , so disgusted wore they with the "taffy" given horn. About the only effect of the meet ly was to got out ono of the long lost lerdica. Of course it was not rolled out in the interests of the people , but simply in the interests of Vrughan , who wn.itod to have a few of his up- own friends there , and who took lown one Hordio load. Those who xnight tickets in $5 bundles some time ago , and who are anxious to got a alianco to use them , naturally think .hat if the Hordics can bo run to a political meeting , they can bo run for purposes of buaincss. Probably on ) lection day other Hordics will roll out. When Vaughan wants to bo no- cimmodatod ho can run thorn , but whou the people want to bo accommo dated the streets are in too bad condi- ion. Changing Hands. The following transfers of real estate are roportoU- from the county records by J. W. Squire & Co. , ab stractors of titles , real estate and loan agents ; Council Bluffs : T. Turner to J. Kilpaok. s front hi awO , 77 , 42-8050. E. N. Robinson to J. A. Upson ' sc 10,77,42-8500. E. R. Paige to H. H. Motcolf , 6 in 37. Everett's add city $300. II. 0. Bebtnsoo to P. JR. Bebenaeo Jr. , no so 31 , 75 , 42 $687. Ji Jones to N. D. Lawrence , 3 in 1C and 4 in 10 , Bayliss' 1st city $7.000 > - ojsw5 , 74 , 42 82,150.40. 0. 0. Morriman to P. aur'ni" 17 7T , 40-1,280. , J. W. Downs to II. Jt. Footo. par of lot 4 , in blk 24 , Noola.-e550 J. E. Calvin to 0. Sabin , lot 9 inl Oakland.-e900. H. Leslie to n. Suhuoninn , w A nv ° "w ° 77' 38'-2 - - ' ' ' , 51835 B. F. Clayton to D. Hougos , s A s and no so 34 , 74 , 40. 82,400 " J. Gray to E. II. Anderson ' n A s 27 , 77 , 38.-82.800. E. II. Page to Oliver & Graham , lo M. Kollohor to J. P. Oouldon. n aw 21 and no nwi'8 , 77 , 41-$2.000 M. Oonloy to G. Manning , sean 8 J n o 12 , 77 , 40-$0,000. JnHSSry * ? H < Gl Kl" ' n , Y B w 0 , 70 , 38 ; o i s o and s 0 n o 1 70 , 30-85,000. H. G. Killiou to J. H. llonrv li w 20 , 7fi , 88-$2,2Ca > * H , G. Killion to J. H. Henry , n nw 29 , 70 , 38 - 2,200. 0. 0. Morriman to J. w n w w H w 9 , 77 , 38-S900. P. Poirman to F. Frencli , n o a J3 and n w sw 3-1 77 , , 43-81,300. ' A Poor Friend. Worklngmcn of Council Uluffdi Do not bo deceived with the light weight champion of workingmen , Mr Vaughan as ho insiatod , i taking ou on injunction ageing a workingmai to restrain him from following his | trade , simply because his shop nd- joined a house owned by the said Mr. Vaughan , who promised to pay the lawyers for driving him out on the prairie , but failed to pay them. Ho IB n poor man to talk nbont being our friend. MECHANIC. COUNINQ POINTS. A Variety of Items Fro i a Lively Burg. Corrciporulcn : e of 1 ho w. COUMNO , Iowa , March 1. Wo of his part of the footstool , yclopt Corn- ng , nro now having the town all to ourselves owing to the amount of mud [ opositcd on the roads and streets ) cmg so deep and of such a consisten cy that farmers can not got to town , iut they improved the pleasant weather while it was hero , and many of thorn now ntjoicp in the thought , hut tlioir wheat is in the ground and eadyj for growing weather when it Iocs come. There liaa been consider able wheat sown mid still "thoro is nero to follow. " On the 9th of February Drs. Fish- ) lat and Cridor , two traveling physt- ians , had a little set-to hero , each blinking the other was infringing , on iis torriloi-y. Tlioy wore both mad nd called each other quack's , etc. , md both threatened legal proceedings , > ut left without doing anything of hat sort. On the 14th George Bigger , ayoung nan of this place was found dead in iis bod. Ho retired the night provi- ua in good health , but during the ight the summons came for him to 'join that innumerable caravan , " and 10 was wafted away into the great un- mown , without warning. A prominent druggist and physician > this place , who a year ago said that 10 "would never soil any intoxicating quors of any kind and would never roscribo them. " has boon sued for ? 4,000 damage by the wives of parties o whom it is alleged ho sold whiskey , lirough which they have sustained ; rcat damage , and thcro is not a phy- ician in the town but Is glad that this [ ling has happened , for the reason tiat the said physician has refused to pnsult with any other of the physi- ians lioro , giving as his reason that liero was not ono in town who know nough to consult with himTheso anos will bo tried in the circuit courb t the May term If thorp is anything wo need in this own it is nn opera house or a hall ; ur entertainments are now all being lold in the court house , and a poor ono it is , not having a seating capacity or all who dcsiro to attend , neither .o wo have any accommodations for .ho troupes , no stage nom , so wo do not got any first-class troupes. The Nonpareil man was down hero ast week. Ho said : " \Vo'don't give liio ) any machines ( hie ) with our pa- icr ( hie ) , but wo have got the paper. " But the parties to whom ho was tnlk- ng did not scorn to graap the idea to he extent that ho wished them to. , ' asked a man yesterday on the trcot who had a Nonpareil in his mnd , "Why don't you take a good paper ? " Ho said , "Oh , I got this for lothitig , or I would subscribe fur THE JEE. TUB BEE is the paper that wo lopoiid on down hero for news. " The insurance agents have formed a ocal board hero , and all companies eprosonted in town are members , ex- opt ono. The ether agents do not oem to have any fear of that ono. The attorneys have also formed a mi' aesociation , which has boon the noans of promoting much good among ts membnM NEXT. , IOWA ITEMB. Scarlet fever prevails at Davenport. The registration at Sioux City shows a total of 1,477 voters. Fifty men are now employed by the Slarshalltown sugar rofinory. The Burlington city council has raised the salary of the mayor from $100 to 8300. Polk Wells , the notorious Hivorton bank robber , is reported dying of his wounds nt Sidney. An old man was recently robbed at Villieca of 885 in money , a railroad pass and n now hat. Ton grains of strychinno was th fetal dose that Caraton Ibon took in Davenport and gave the coroner a job. Governor Sherman conferred the degree of doctor of medicine on fifteen graduates from the homeopathic de partment of the state university at the commencement exorcises. At the dedication of the Moth odis church in Vail on the 19th the sum of 81,083.11 was raised , an amount sufli- ciont to clear the property of debt and leave something comfortable in the treasury. The manufacturers of Dubuque employ - ploy 3,729 hands , and use steam en gines having an aggregate of 2,222 horse power , Ou the road the job bers and manufacturers together are represented by 200 traveling Bales- men , JJelaniaro county has forty.fivo creameries , which produced last year 4,000,000 pounds of butter. Linn county has thirty-fivoFayotto twenty six and two in process of erection , Marshall fittoon , Scott two , Var Buron ono , Muhaska two , Mills two , and Cans ono. The following are the ofllcorschosoi by the State Encampment G. A. R , , at the recent session : Goorqo B. Ildf-lo , of Newton , department com uinudor ; F. DcFord , senior vice commander ; G. L. Wright , junior vice oomnmndor ; D. B. Lucas , chap lain ; A , Hummer , surgeon. Olmrlca Camp , a Jones county far mor. was arrested last week for soil ing loaf tobacco without a governnion license. The tobacco was raised oi his farm , and sold by him to his neighbors. Ho had a largo supply on hand when arrested , nil of vhiol was confiscated. He was hold to bai in the flum of 8500 , to appear at the next tonu of the United States dis trict court and answer the charge. D. B. Smith , ox-deputy treasury o ; Lee county , has been convicted o , embezzling S1COO of the county ( umls. The penalty is imprisonment for a term of years , with a fine cominoimt- rate with the amount stolon. Smith's friends < no fighting the case with a will. A now trial 1ms boon asked for , and failing in this the case will bo ap pealed to the supreme court. Over § 10,000 of the county funds have mysteriously disappeared in the past four years. The Dubuque Fair association an nounces its programme _ for the fall meotingand othorsplondid attractions. A competition drill of the best com pany in the United States will bo n prominent feature , for a prize of 82,500 , the decisions to bo made by Generals Grant. Sheridan and Han- cook. General Grant has already promised to bo present. Another fea ture will bo the grand soldiers' re union o' the Northwestern states. A prize in also oflercd for the best brass band , open to the entire country , of § 1,000. TLo Iowa Cnpltal. SK ] Jal dlpatcli to TIIK Ilir. . Dp.sMoiNES , March 3. The senate yesterday adopted the prohibition amendment by a vote of 35 to 11 , a gain of five votes over last session , when it was 30 to 19. The house devoted the otitiro session to a discussion of the joint memorial and resolution instructing Iowa con gressmen to vote for a law placing the surviving soldiers of the Mexican war n the pension list , the question being on the amendment to exclude all who served in the confederate army. Mr. Hopkins and the ollicers of the Wabash road are in the city on n tour of inspection. They came to complete ; ho necessary arrangements for formal nauguration of operations on now incs in the state. This morning the party took a special train on the St. Jouis , DCS Moincs fc Northern nar row gauge , insp cting the line to the crossing of the Dos Moines river , iwonty-two miles from the city , and returning wont over the DCS Moines t Northern narrow gauge to J oiler- son. These roads are feeders of the Wabash. The party is expected to ro- .nrn to the east this evening. Deliberate Suicide. Special DijpntJi to TIIK Ilr.K. HASTINGS , Iowa , March 3. Last evening Mr. V. Plumb , a highly re spected citizen of Mills county and upwards of sixty years old , deliber ately fired a { pistol ball through his icad as ho sat in his parlor while his vifo was preparing supper , causing nstant death. He was wcalthynnd no cause is thus far assigned for the rash act. / Was Ho a Hog ? Bochester ( N. Y. ) Express. "Is my writing toaehcr ahog , mam ma ? " asked an inquisitive little boy. "Why , Johnnie ? " "Because ho says ho always wants a whole pen. " "Oh , no , ho isn't a hog , no's a mo nopolist. " "But what is the difference , moth er1' ' Putting her first finger against her teeth and dropping into an attitude of deep thought , the old lady hesitated a initiate , and then said : "That's something no woman can tndout" And she was right The boy some day will swing the tomahawk as Tam- unny's lender and go to Florida for tiia health. The germs of the disease are there. Shrewdness and Abilit . , Hop Bitters , so ireoly advertised in all the papers , secular and religious , are having a largo sale , and are sup planting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant , and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding n Bitters , whoso virtues are so palpable to everyone ono s observation. [ Examiner and Chronicle. marl-d2\y COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NO'liuti. Special advertisements , sucn < u Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Dent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo IneertoJ In thlf column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PKI LINK for the flnt Insertion and F1V1C CKNTt PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office , Room C , Etcrett's Block , Broaduay. TnORSALEOR 11ENT An almost new pool J ; UUofarealo T rent , Aildnwi L. , llox 1270 , Council Blutfi , Iowa. -li 3to a 'AM'KD To rent a enull cotfnjat once , Address 0. M , or enquire at ilrr rlllcc. fell.-I-if FOU SALE. Twenty 3-jcar old MULES , fiom 16 } to 10 hands hi.1 ! Some a oilnm'ci ftloo for talu. ilaso iVlto , lUorj liable. To rent A ten room homo In WANTED peed neighborhood or t o imiller liouiet tide u/ tide , Address I' , O , Uox 707 , Council Bluffs , or aimlp at 13 KK olllco. Council Illulls. ' _ 40-tf Everybody In Council BluOs It WANTKD TUB DM. 20 cents per week , de llvcred by carriers. Oltlce , Kooui' 5 , E\i > rctt' ( UlocK , H road * ay. "VSrANTED To buy 100 toni broom corn. YY For particulars addrcsi Council UluOi Broom Factory , Council Bluflii , Iowa. 6S8-28tf 'ANTED A first-class broom tier , Utyni W & Co. , Council Bluffs , lotto. 660 80' 7\OU 8ALK Old paper * * 0o per hundred , al ! The Bee ofllcc. Council Minn's. sei7-tl mO BIUCK-MAKKRS , FOR BALB-6 acres oi J more of Uud adjo'iilng tha brickyard ol llamier & llaluci' on Upper Broaduay , Foi particulars apply to David llalnes or to Manner1 ! otllcu at tuo Board of Trade rorins , Council Bluffs , 77fV-de22 Urn Boy , with pflny , to carry papers WANTED at Bm office , Council Blair * , ctlS tf Notice , Owing to the Immense success of the now Gelatine Bromldo Instantaneous Procen at the Excelsior Qal'sry ' , tilth street , Coun ell DIufTi , tno ufoprlttor deslro Chose w lahlnfl Children's Pictures to tall between the hours ol 10 and 12 o'clock a. TO. , as owing to the Presi of Business suvb arrangement Is noccsury tc 01m U. BARKE , proprleto FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr , Jones , You seem 'in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find aaything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money now out of mv salary , and Live First-Glass , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you Bay it wab ? " B08IOB TEA OOMPT FINE GROCERS. 1C Main St. and 15 Pearl St , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. DONT FA'L 7O SKE THE STOCK OF W. W. BUCHAKAJST o t * JEWELRY , CLOCKS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 2D2Bi'oailwayiDllDH01L BUFFS , The Leading GEOCERY HOUSE IN TOE OITY. We keep everythiog you want in First 01 IBS , Choice. Oleai GROCERIES and PROVISIONS It v/ill pay you to look our es tablishment through- Every thing sold for Cash , and at the very dossst margins. We have a line of lOo CAIOED GOODS , And wo also sell' the finest Im ported Goods , Eaetern and West ern Goods put up . All Canned Goods reduced 10 per cent. Send for our Pncesi tltriot attention paid to Mail Orders. Agents for Washbnrn's Super lative Flour. F , J , OSBORIJE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OJflco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BtUPFS , IOWA , Wo give epoch ! attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND QENER&L MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will tOLclvo prompt attention. A general aa scrtmcut of Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , ' AND SUPPLIES FOR jPig Iron , Coke , Coal OH AS. HJLNDRIF , President. & CRAIG , ARTISTIC'POTTERY , Bleb Cut Glass , Pine French China , Silver Ware &o. , 810 BROIDWAT. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Dluff- Dps. Wqodbury & Son , Cor. Peart & 1st A > c. COUNCIL IILUFrU W. B. AMKNT. JACOD BIM8 AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , JUWA. W. W. SHERMAN , -MANUFACTtmKn OF ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY Fine "Work a Specialty. E. II. SIir.nMAN . , Business Manager- . . WM. CliniSTOninn , Mechanical Manager. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA > My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. \ Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Jbiokeriug , Weber. Liindeintin , J. Mueller and other Pinnoa , $200 and upvnrd. Burdett , Western Cottage , ! Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 and upward. Musi IMC cal Merchandise of every diBcription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , SheetMusicToys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and He- TJ Xi tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica S XiO tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , BOBBER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention chen to all consignments. N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEAHL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W. HI. IFOSTIEJIR -WILL SUPPLY ON SHORT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. . Orders promptly filled and dclh crcd to Express office free of charge. ? md for Catalogue , CSOTTKTCXX * I DEALER PAPER , BOOKS : STATINERY , _ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Ceuncil Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago-E ; A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. M E T C A L E BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALEI18 IX Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots. Improved'and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa , nnd a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLUFF HARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS APD CAEPET HOUSE. Broadway,1 , Cor. Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. nmr-2-Sm - - TCP i i I WB CAURY THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW , Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which \ has Begun to Arrive , Z. T. 'LINBSEY ' & CO. , 412-BEOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,