Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
/ rAAW Jyrrtvy > ' / ? ? . \ * rirS / S\s \ * & : . ' / 4/ - . , x''w' ' * i * s xE'X'\/-7y rAr i < r OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY. MARCH 4 O Bivorton , Fremont County , lown , on the lied Onk nnd Hamburg Branch of the "Q. " E. Smith Caahior Nishna Valley Bank T. J. Brant Cashier Fremont County Bank Da\ia & Chandler , , . . .Elevator I. 11 Kidil. Grain , Coal nnd Live Stock Perry & Williams Lumber and Wngona II. Uoy it Co Livery Clark & lloberts , , General Merchandise F. M. Trobeo it Co General Merchandise Marvin & Williams ' . General Merchandise Cnlfeo & Andodson Groceries ,1. II. Hough Groceries Clark & Iloborts Drugs Ashborn Bros , Drugs J. 0. Thatcher Hardware A. Shoemaker Furniture Goo. Lerow . - Jowclry Dan Beam Harness M. 0. Marvin Photographer J. Q. Overman Lnko House John Christian Farm Implements Pioraon Bros Moat Market 0. 0. Jowott , Moat Market Chris. Jahnson , Brickyard Isaac Smith Mill 0. T. Chark \ ' Physician E. F. Cowgor Physician S. 0. Hatton Physician W. S. Palmer Law J. W. Beard Postmaster I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE MILLINERY MD NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Reooivmg Daily and Stook very nearly Complete STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of OIGAES ' MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents far BliHWOOD SAILS AND LAFL1K a RAMP POWDER 00. W. B. MILLARD. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! 1111 FAENHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. HOT IE ! & holesale Lumber , lo , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , M feb4.3mo THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and. Milling Company. . . . . . . . . Working Capital - $30C,000. . . . . . . Cmpltal Stock. , , . . _ . . _ $1,000,000 Pur Value of Shares , - - S25.000 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. ' 4 OJk'JbM.OJbJJbCJEti OB. J. I. THOMAS , President , Gumming , Wyoming. WM. K TJf/TON , VIco-l'roHldont , Cumminn , Wyoming E. N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummin ? , Wyoming ; . A. O. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. S. Bramcl. A. O. Dunn K. N. Itarwood. Francis Leavens. Oco. II , Falos. Louie Zohimn. Dr. J. C. WutUne. oo22mo5m QEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent ( or Sale of Stock : IV" > ' ° WHOLESALE LUMBER , GOAL & On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO Fire and Burglar Proo HE * JE3 1020 Farnham Street , POETRY OP THUI TIMES. Drcrtvned In the Mud. Drowned In the mud With eager feet She skipped fieri f9 the treacherous ttnot , And as the skipped , She tripped And ( dipped And fell with n dismal , painful moan , And agrimn , And hollow , sickening , ghastly thud , Into the mnd , the mud , tbo mud. "Drowned In the mud ! " The thrilling cry , JUtig In the cars of the passer by , They saw her * stop And drop And flop Into the reeling , surging tu h Of slush. They saw her mingle her crimson blood With the baleful brown of the mud , the mud. 'Drowned in the mud " O , maiden gay , Trippin ? across the strcit to-day , Beware your grip You'll trip And slip And sink Hko n lendcn plummet down To drown Deep In the depths of the murky Hood , The hopeless prey of the muJ , tlio mud. The Old Farm tiouao. Out in the meadows the farm homo lies Old and gray , and fronting the wet ; Many a swallow thither Hies Twittering under the oveninc'skies ; In the old chimney LulUU her nest , Ah ! how the sounds i.iako our old hearts swell ! Send them again on nn eager quest ; Bid the Bweot winds of lieivcn tell Those wo have loved so long and well , To como again to the dear old nest. When the gray evening , cool nnd still , Hushei the brain nnd heart to rest , Memory comes with a joyous thrill , Brings the young children back nt will , Calls them nil homo to the gray old neat. 1'atient we wait till the golden morn lliso on our weariness half confessed ; Till , with the chill and darkness gone , Hope shall arlso with another dawn , And a now day to the sad old nest. Soon shall wo 300 all the eager east Bright , with the day star at heaven's be hest ; Soi n from the bondage of clay released . lUso to the palace the king's own feast , Birds of flight from the last year's nest. THE SOENT OF A DEAD EOSE , "I Blmll say no more ; you may take your own way , all of you. 1 shall never interfere with you again , for good or bad , BO good-by to you ! " and Aunt Paulot't hobbled ou"on her ebony crutch like the offended old fairy godmother. The fninily looked at ono another with blank faces aa the door clapped smartly after her. Aunt Paulott waa a woman of her word , and ) if she said she would go back to her husband's people , go she would undoubtedly , and then what would become of them all ? From that day twenty yours ago when she , a childless widow , entered her sister's scrambling , out-at-olbows household , to yesterday evening , she had ruli'd them all with a rod of iron , bv the might of a strong will and a long purse. Easy-going Mr. Hiltou , and his fair , stupid , good-natured wife , who spout placid existence doing good work on the sofa , her ideas seemingly bounded by the requirements of the last annual baby , wore mere ciphers in their own house , under her stern yet wholesome away. It Mr. Hilton , after ono or two cut ting remarks from her ladyship , had sadly resigned his ancient and com foitublo fashion of spending the evening ing in his greasy , old dressing gown and down-at-heel if the - - slippers ser vants shook in their shoes at the sound of Lady Paulctt's boll , and a hint of "Aunt Arabella" quelled the wildest nuraory riot yet the handsome pre mium which was to start clover Jack on the road to glory as an engineer , the allowance which sent studious Pierce to college and saved him from filling a stool in his father's oflico , Dora's pretty gowns and trinkets , Emily's singing lessons and the now piano , the summer trip to the seaside , the winter pantomime and Ohristmaa party in brief , all the comforts and luxuries of the family , from the pony carriage to * hu laat baby's christening robe , came from tbo generous hand of the same beneficent old despot ; and now , all were molting away before their astonished eyes like summer snowand , Aunt Arabella was ofTto spend the rest of her days with the George Pauletts and why ? Because , for ' sooth'pretty Dora , imtoad of carry ing out her uunt'o intentions and waiting till , in the fulness of time , Spencer Paulett should return from sea , fall in love with and marry her , has gone nnd engaged heruolf to the parish doctoi'rt long-logged Irish as sistant , with nothing in the world to offer her but a warm Irish heart , and a decent share of brains under his shock head of red hitir , and an income which is modestly described as boint ; mobtly oi ) the wrong fiido of his ac count book an yot. There was an appalled silence , bro ken only by the sound of thu old lady's crutch tapping off into the dis tance. Mr. Hilton retired behind his newspaper with the air of a man who had much to say on the subject pre sently. Mrs. Hilton sniffed feebly on her sofa. The smallest Hilton but ono satunder the table sucking its thumb and , vaguely conscious of the evil to como , prepared for a wail. In a dis tant window Dora wept and wept im- poryious to all her Cornelius's vigorous whispers of consolation , Pierce had withdrawn discretely when th(3 ( storm broke , through the window into the garden , ivhero ho was soon walking up and down in dis mayed meditation ; and Jack , surrep titiously shaking his fist at the uncon scious back of hiBwould-bobrothcr-in- law , followed Pierce , Meanwhile , up the staircase nnd down the corridor went Aunt Arabella briskly enough despite her lameness and her 80 years. She hud two little rooms in a remote corner of the house , sacred from the intrusion of the most audacious of Hiltons - tons , She entered the first of thorn , where a palo , ineok young female sat sowing. "Purkerl" "Yes , my lady , " "I want my trunks. Find thorn at once mid puck up everything thnt bo. longs to inc. \M\\K attendance on her imperious mistress had deprived Iho gentle Par ker of the power of expressing any sentiment but that of mcok acqui escence. "Yea , my Indy. " "Wo HO ty tl10 liral tr"n ( to'mor- row , so bo ready. " "Yes , my lady" "And lot some ono take two letters to the post for mo to-night. " "Yes , my lady. Lidy Pauloll pMRcd on to the next room , a bodrooom furnished with a magnificent erection ol mahogony nnd satin damask , largo enough to accom modate ton little old ladies likohorsolf. There was a wood fire burning , ren dering dimly visibloanciont pidor-leg- god tables , n corner cupboard with treasure * of old chSim and onamolj elaborate works of art in patchwork : counterpane , cushions , etc. , and "lluth Gleaning. " with faces and hands of painted kid faded by ago into a ghnitly whiteness. Lady Paulott sealed herself in n tall old armchair by the llro while Parker lighted a larco silver-branched candle stick and drew a table near to her. "My writing-desk. Parker , nnd you may como for the letters in half an hour. " "Yes , my lady , " and while Parkur hurried off to rummngo out her mis- tross's long-forgotten travelling equip ments , Lady Paulott in her neat old- fashioned hand indited two short notes , addressed the ono to "Mrs. George Paulott , Eastholm Hall , Wil mington , Yorkshire" ; the other to "II J. Bhcklott , Ejq , , Lincoln's Inn , London. " She had finished before Parker reappeared , nnd after sitting thinking for a few minutes drew from her desk a folded paper. It was headed "Memoranda of my Will , 1809 , " and contained sundry notes over which she pondered. \ "There are the letters , gParker. L\t them go at once but first bring 'no my drossing-cnso and jewel case. They shall hayo what I have be queathed to them now , before I go. I'll make no difference , and then I've done with them all forever ungrate ful sot ! " Parker laid a gorgeous inlaid dress- ing-cnso and a massive brass-bound cofl'er before her mistress , nnd depart ed. Lady Paulott drew the later to her with some difficulty. "It is time an old woman like mo should bo rid of some of these burdens , " she said , smiling grimly as she turned the key and disclosed case upon case of moroc co and velvet snugly stowed away. She turned them out and laid them all open before her a bravo show in the bright fire-and-candlo light. Parker meanwhile stopped noise lessly to and fro in the background , emptying the big wardrobe of its con tents and bearing them away to pack in the next room. "Lot mo BOO. Dora ? She's the eldest. She was to have my emeralds. Sho'll take it as a delicate compliment to the nationality of the man of her choice. Bah ! He'll pawn them ; what else can ono expect ? Well , well ; it doesn't matter. I always hated them , though they are the handsomest sot I possess. How well I remember Sir Josiali bringing them homo the day before I was presented at court , and I had thought ho meant to give mo pearls , and had ordered a palo amber dress 1 I cried about it , but I dared not ask him to change thorn , or refuse to wear them , and I felt sp disgusted. I know they looked detestable , arid I hoard one old lady whisper to another , 'Eggs and spinach , ' and the other said something about 'City'and they both tittered. Ono. teols these things when ono is young. "Well , I hope Mrs. O'fShano may be happier in wear- ingthorn. O'Shanol Pah ! luarosay , though , she'll bo as proud of the name as I was at that time of being Lady Paulott ah mo ! "What next , Emily ? My diamond brooch. Yes , hero it is. " It was ono of these quaint old-fashioned one ) in a silver setting -a largo spray of floWers - ors and loaves. "Pretty little gentle thing , its too grand for her now , but she'll bo a fine young woman some ot these days. , They say she's something like what I was , but without iny higlr spirits ! Dear ! dear ! what a gay young thing I was at'lier ' age , and what fine things I expected wore to happen tome mo in my life ! and what a dreary time I have had of it ! I must keep my eye on little Emily wherever I am they are all too apt to overlook hor. Yes , sha shall have the dia * monds. Mr. Paulott gave them tome mo on my wedding day. and I wore them at the ' grand bull his company gave when' the duke came into the ity to bo . made a cheesemonger. I can BOO myself now in my white Can ton crape with the French fringes and thu myrtle-sprig embroidery , and the Prince of Wales plume in my hair. Josiah said 1 looked quite elegant , only very young ( ho was sensitive about the.difference in our ages , poor man ) . I remember hearing Lord Henry Murray , the duko'a aido-du- cump , ask 'who the pretty little bride was , ' and a minute after lie came up and was prusentod. Ho led mo out , right to the head of the room , into the very sot with the duke and the lady mayoress , and I thought Josiah would bo so pleased. I could BOO him fidgeting about the whole time trying td catch sight of us between the people ple , and shaking-his head and making signs to me , till I almost forgot the figures and my dancing used to bo greatly admired in these days , " Lady Paulott smiled to herself * at thu thought , arched her neck , and made a little movement with her wrinkled old fingers as if gracefully bestowing the tips to some imaginary partner , "It was vexatious , and Lord Henry wan so kind and so droll. But Mr. Paulott gave me such n frown as ho lud mo out into , the tea room that I hardly know what ho said or how to answer him. Poor , dear Josiah I To think after all ho was only afraid that I was laughing too much , and Lord Henry might think mo a silly school girl , or that seine of the city ladies might fancy wo Were quizzing them. I cried all the way homo , and that was the end of my first appearance in society. " Lady Paulett laid by the brooch in its case after carefully rubbing it with a silk handkerchief , "Arabella , my god-daughter , must have the diamond earrings. I got them when I was too happy tor care about them , when our little son waa born , How kind Sir Joalah was then ! there wan nothing ho would not have dope for mo or baby Ho gave them to mo for the christening din ner , nml little Joa took notlco of them and laughed , when ho was brought dowii to hnvo his lionlth drunk. Such a noble little follow ho looked ; dark curly hair and blue eyes like my dear fiUho'r , taking notice - tico of everything , and only six weeks old I and that very day week ho was iuhiscoflln ! My poor little son ! " The old Indy snapped the cnso and pushed it away from her with a trem bling hand , " 1 hnd jusl begun to think that after all 1 might bo going to have some happino s in this world , when ho waa taken Irom me. Sir Josiah never sooniod to ciro for anything but his business after that. " "When I cftmo hero and saw Jack in his cradle ho looked so like my boy , I thought ho was given back to mo. Dear , good , loving Jack ! 1 can never cast him off I must speak to Mr. Hlaokott about thnt. Now. My dressing cnso ? Ah I that must bo Mrs. Puulott'sj her initials nro the same no mine. Sapphire nocklnco. Cnmoo sot. Pearl cross and oar-rings for her thrco daughters. They're iioh enough to hnvo as much jewelry of Uioir own as they want ; nnd the rubies I must keep for Spencer Pan- lutt's wifu , when ho gets one. ' "Why , that's the end of my list excepting Cecilia , nnd there are Olivin , Mnrm , Grace , the little boys nnd the baby nil como ninco I made it out , Well , I dare sny I can find some remembrance - mombranco of their old nuntio for each not that they'll over rcmembor mo. Ceci must have my workbox. She has my pretty tnsto in needle work" ( with n complacent glnnco ot the patchwork nnd tent-stitch in which the gold threads in lluth's gleanings nd llobecc'a's onr-rings still faintly glimmered ) . "Tho now crowoll-work isn't so bad. I could have taught her Bomothintr , if I hadn't boon going away. Porker ! " Parker , n moving heap of brocades nnd furs , gave n faint , inarticulate re ply. ply."My workbox ! " Parker staggered off and returned with a queer litllo Ohincso box with nn inlaid landscape , a pagoda with two Celestials walking in the skies nbovo it on the lid. "You're dreaming , Parker ! \Vhon did you find this ? I'vo not soon it thcso ton years ! " Parker scurried nway like a fright ened rabbit , to return this time with a magnificent article ebony nnd gold without , quilted satin , pearl and yet more gold within. A turqoiao-studuod thimble crystal smelling-bottle in case the fair worker should collapse under her arduous labors a pearl- framed mirror with which she might refresh herself by occasional glances curious implements apparently con structed to support the largest possi ble amount of gold chasing , without a point that would pierce or a blndo tlut would cut among them ; a re ceptacle for work , n" tin-lined , paddad , perfumed and empty , except for a half-made baby's cap with the rusty needle sticking in it. "Who was tlioro to work for when ho was gone ? " said thq poor old lady , looking at the morsel of dis colored cambric. "What had 1 loft in the world to care for thoni What have InowQf6r that matter/ / ' She began , with nervous impatience to open and close some of the cases almost at random. "I would'havo put them away forever long , long ago and boon a faithful nurse to my husband , if he would have lot me , all through these laat long .weary years of his life ; but ho never loved mo well enough to wish for mo ho cared more for his old housekeeper. 'My lady is young and should have her pleasure , ' I hoard her say once. Ho had , married mo for my good looks and was not to bo defrauded of his bargain , and I must dress and visit and entertain in our largo , dull and splendid house weary , oh ! so weary of it all. JIo was proud of mo in his way and gave me nil ho promised , when honskod mo to marry him. Much good it was to mo ; father and mother dead sister Sophia mar ried and gone noiono loft to admire , y splendor or profit by my wealth. " lore ' on'tored ' Parker , and began n'oioolcsaly to make up the .firo and put out her lady's ' dressing-gown and slippers as a gentle reminder of bed time , "Ah | it's late , Parker. Well , I'vo finished. No ; go and finish your packing and then como. What am I to do with this ? " This was thu little sham OhinoHO box a sadly battered and shabby little thing. The pink sarcenet lining wns frayed and gone , disclosing the bare wood-and-cotton-wood foundation , In the compartments were odds and ends of miscellaneous rubbish. The pocket and the lid bulged out with yellow scraps of paper , old-fashioned pattoriu for marking letters tied with faded ribbon , scrupj from nowspn- yors. There were curiously out silk winders of cardboard Vtith silk of dim and long-forgotten tints wound in fancy patterns , n Imlf-iaado hair chain , n string of author beads ; per vading all n faint sweet mnoll of roses. "I should like to have it put in my coffin , my dear old box ! No ono will euro for it , nnd I cannot , have it thrown uwny , or kept just to please the children. I had bettor look it over and burn all these poor little treasures. " The yellow papers drop ped ono by ono steadily into the fire old valentines on huge square shoots of colored paper wonderfully emboss ed and sealed with tender mottoes in tinted wax. school friends1 epistles crocscd and recrossed in colored inks. One she kept to the last. "Cornelia Clasko ! What a dour sweet creature she was ! Dead and gone this many a year. Wo were neighbors , and I used to go with her to dancing parties to practice the new stops , Why ! hero are the very gurnet clasps I lent her the ni ht she came in early to put up ihy hair in the now giraffe bows. Wo both wanted to look well that night , I remember , How wo joked ono an other about Mrs. Lowdor's fine Lon don cousins who woio to bo at her house for the party , and I would put on my old purple sdtinotto gown , just to show how little I cared for any ono noticing mo , ( I know very well how it became mo , though. ) After all , Mr , Pnnlott , the rich London mer chant , didn't comn , only the Bailer cousin , Hugh Lowdor. He had been in the Levant , and wo were all wild about the east and my Lord Byron's now popm just then , and expected something so romantic a lioro with n big black board , and storioa of cor- Biura and veiled beauties of the him cm , nnd murdnring despots pnshns. "It wns n disnppoinlmon. ID find only a big bluo-oyoil north fjun11 } ' * man , so shy and awkward thnt Iho girls turned up their noses nt him fern n inrtnor , till I taught him the figures , which ho picked up in flvo minutes , nnd then lie wouldn't nflknny ono clso to dniicu with him. "Ho came to cull on us next ( lay and brought mother n little Turkish bag nnd Sophia seine nmber bends , She lost half of thorn , nnd I saved the rest. JIo had a present for mo too , but was so ahy nbout giving it to mo. It wasn't good enough , ho said , yet it wns worth nil the rest , thnt dcnr little crystal nnd gold Ilixsk of nttnr of roses. How it hns scouted everything I" She bout over the tiny box , tender ly touching the shabby old odds nnd omla , nnd the rose scent Boomed to rise nnd fill the room. "And Josiah throw it in the lirol said ho bated the Binoll , nnd would like to have thrown my little box nflor it. Ho was angry , nil because ho found mo crying over poor fnthor's wrist-bunds I hnd been stitching the very day ho was tnkon ill with the favor thnt killed him. It was unkind of Joainh , nnd I think ho full aslmmcd of himself nftcrwnrd , for ho brouqht' my fine now work-box homo the very next dny. If ho hnd known nil I wns cry ing nbontl Not poor father only. I wns thinking of Hugh Lowdor. How luuidsomo lie looked nnd how kind , when ho came in to sny good- by before ho went wont to sea ngnin ! Ho took my hand , sowing and nil ( I could BOO the ma > 'ksyears after , whore I had pricked my Illigor when I henrd him como in. nnd ha said , oh so tenderly ) , 'Bella , have yoii ( courage to marry a poor man , or pntipnco to wait till I como back n rich ono ? ' And I had neither , "God forgive mo. " ns Ho hns punished met" She held the little box tightly in her hands , her whole ftgura shaking with emo tion. tion.Thoro There was n timid knock on the door ; she could not henr it then another. She rose from her clmir , looking strange and bewildered na the door softly opened nnd Dora stele in. Her poor littto face wns nil Unshod and swollen out of its piottmoss by hard crying , and her hair in a woebegone - begono tousle. "Anntio , I'vo ' como to say plenso forgive mo if I was rude to you this evening ; and plonso don't lenvo ns ! Cor cor nolius and I nro not g going to bo engaged any morol" Hero came a breakdown nnd n burst of stormy sobbing. "Every ono Bixys I'm ' s sacrificine tbo whole family by my nolfmhnoss , so I'vo given him up , oh ! oh ! oh ! for- ovorr Lady Paulott made no sign only looked with a half terrified nir nt bur niece , her old lips working noivously. "But I won't marry nny ono olso. Never ! " broke out Dora with n sud den energy. "I'll do anything else I can to please you , auntie. I can wait nnd wait , nnd perhaps , ho says , if seine dny ho comes back rich onougl to plonso you " . "You little fool I" broke in Aunt Arabella in her own sharp tone ; then suddenly chnnging to a piteous , slinky little voice : "Why nro you all so quick to take up an old woman's hasty words ? I'm sure I'vo never boon un kind to nny of you yot. Don't lot him go , Dora. Oan't your trust your old nnntie ? 'Rich onouch to please mo. Ohild ! child ! to think thnt some day I might have to answer for two more spoilt lives. " Dora looked all wonderment. "There , there ! Go to bed , nnd ii the others want to sacrifice you to their own interests , never yoi ) mind them. I'll lot them know to-morrow what think of such wicked BoluBlmoB-i. " She gently pushed her nmnzod little niece out , nnd shut the door. "Parker , are these letters gone ? " "Yes , myludy. " "Then lot spine ono take two telegrams - grams first thine to-morrow. " "Yes , my Indy. " "And Parker ! Have you finished packing fyr to-night ? " "Yos , my lady. " "Then put everything back in its place directly. I'm not going. " "Yos , my Indy. " [ Temple Bar. Beds of Down Fool Hard. All beds seem hard to the rheumatic. Then hnrken , yo iicovieh sufferers ! Ap ply Du. THOHAH' EOI.KOTHIO Oit , to your aching joints and muscles , llcly upon it that you will experience speedy relief. Such , at least , Is the testimony of these who have used it. The remedy Is like- who uuccesBfully resorted to for throat and lutm disease * , upralus , kruleos , etc. fobl'8-codlw A Cough , Cold , or Sere Throat bhould not bo neglected. "Brown's Bronchial Troches are n simple rem edy , and will generally give immedi ate relief. mh2-lw&wlt WESTERN CORNICE WORKS O. SPEGHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harnoy Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB , MANUFACTURERS OF &AIMIZED DUN Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON § SLATE ROOFIHB , Specht'o Patent Metalio Sky- Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING , I am the general State Agent lor the above no ot good ) . IRON Or tlngi , Daluitrodei , VorandaiJOfllce nd Dank RallliiRs , Window and Cellar Quardt ; alto GENERAL AGENT , Peenon and Hill Patent Inside Blind , novi-IM Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGEHCY , IBth and Dodge 8ts. , Omaha , Neb. This yeucy uoes uiKicn-Yalirokcrniobuiln Do * * ru ( peculate snd therefore ny barga oouku are laeurcil to r uci , lu tf il For Sale By BE MIS FIFTEENTH AND DOUGUS ST' , 178 , Homo 3 room * , full lot on Fierce near 2ltth utrcct , 1C60. 177 , Houno 2 rootM , full lot on Douglas ncftr 20tii8'rcct700. 176 , lloixmlfiil rc Ucnco ! , full lot on Case ncnr tlHh street , (12,000. 174 , Two houstsMid I lot on Dodro near Cth street , $1 WW. 170 , HOMO Ihreo room > , tno closet * , o.c. , hall lot on Slit > car Draco street , $800. 172 , Ono nnd one-hill story brick house nn lwi lots en DonglM ncnr 28th ktrcot , $1,7CO. 171 , House tworoonupcntcrn | | , stable , cio full lot noir Pit rco nml 13th stro t , SOW. 170 , Ono nnd one-half story hoiifo lit rooms . .iinlrll , Inlf lot on Oomont street ncnr St. Mnrj'stuctmc , $ lt < M ; . No. 170 , House tlirco moms on Clinton sired near uliot toner , 832.1. No. 1(10 ( , House ati-l 'SSxltO Icet lot on street nenrVclist4 r streol , 83,600. No. 1CS , Itotito 0(11 ( roon s , lot 33x120 feet on inth m ar Hurt ttrcot , 5,000. No. 107 , Two story house , 0 rooms 4 closets , eooil cclnr , on Ibtli tttcol near roimlcton's $4,0K ( > . No . 105 , New house of fl rooms , half lot on Iwrd mar lUthKtrevt , $1,860. No. 104 , Ono niul ono hilt story homo 8 rooms on IBth street i ear LCOAorworth , $3,600. N , lot , Ouo nml oni-half htory touso ol fi roims near llanKOin 1'ntk , 91,000. No. US T o homes 6 rooms tach , closets , ctfli on Hurt eticct nenr 26th , $3,600. No. 167 , house 0 rocms , full let on 10th street Icacnnorth,400. . Nn. UO , Homo 4 lnrK rooms , 2 clooiti half ncro on Hurt street near Dut'on ' , 81,200. No. 165 , Tno houses , onu of 6 anil ono ot 4 room * , on 17th street ncar.Mivrcy $3,200. No. 164. Thrcohousra , one ol 7 nnd two uft norm eich , nn J corner lot , on Cosi near 14th strn-r , ? ,000. Nr. 163 , imnll houio and full lot on 1'ndflo nenr 1' Hi utreot , $2,600. No , 161 , Ono story hougo C room ? , on Leaven- worth nor 10th , $3,100. No. 160 , House thico roomg and lot 02x115 ncnr 20th unit Parnham , $2,600. No. IIS , Now houto of eight roomg , on 18th street ninr Lwnonworth (3,100. No. 147 , House of 13 rooms on 18th street nenr Marcy , $9,000 , No. 14U , llouM ) of 10 rooms and 15 lota on 18th street near JUrcy , $0.000. No. 145 , llouso two largo rooms , lot 67.t210 fee on Shorn nn n\cmioIOth street ) near Nicholas , S.60D. No 143 , House Troorrm , harn , on 20th street lienT cnumvorU , 92,600. No. 142 , ( ton o C rooms , UlUien , etc. , on 10th street , ninr Xlchola' , $1S7S No. 141 , llou o 3 rooms on J > iugls near 20th street , 8-JiO No. 140,1 nruo hou o and two ltt , on 2U ncir ranihamstrntt , (9,0 0. No. ISO , Hi u o 3 rooms , lot 00x1001 feet , on Douglas near 27th street , 81,600. No. 137 , House 6 roonn Mid halt lot on Captto a\onuo ncnr 23d scrcct , $2SOJ. No. 180 , llouso and half aero lot on Cumltie street near 24th 6350. No. 131 , llouso 2 rovins , full lot , on Itnrd uoin 21 B'rcct.-SiOO. No. 120 , Two noutoi ono ot 0 and ono of 4 rooms , on leased lot on Webster near 20th street , 82.KXI. No. 127 TH o story ) ouso 8 rooms , half lot on Webster near IDtli $3,600. No. 120 , Housa 3 rooms , lot 20x120 foot on 20th street nonr Douelns , J37& . No , 126 , Two utory hou e on 12th near Doilgo strict lotV3xOJ foot 91,200. No. 124 , Largo house and full block jicar Farnham and Gen ral strict , 8SCXW. No. 123 , Houio 0 rooms and Urge lot on Saun- dcra strict near Danacks , $2 100. No. 122. Homo 0 room ! and half lot on Web ster ncir 15th Htrcet , $1,600. No. 118 , llousa 1(1 ( rooms , lot 30x00 feet on Capitol aenuo near 22d street , 82,050. No. 117 , House 8 rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on Capitol a\cnuo near 22d $1,600. No , 114 , HOUBO S rooms on Douglas mar 20th trcot , J7W. No. 113 , HOUBO 2 rooms , lot 00x09 foot on near Cumli'g treot , $760. No. 112 , lirlck house 11 r-oms and halt lot enC C IOT near 14th street , $2,8'x. . . ' No. Ill , House 12 roomBonDa\onport | | near 2'Jth street , 87 , < XO. No. 110 , Brkk house and lot 22x182 feet on Cans street hear 16th , $3,000. No. 108 , Largo house on Harnoy Dear 10th street. 81,600. NoAo.9 , Two hauicq and 36x182 foot lot on Costfaar 14th street , $3,600. No ! . 107 , House 6 rooms and hilt li on Ixard near 17th strtot , $1,200. No. 100. House nd lot 61x108 feet , lot on 14th near 1'lcrco htrcet , $600 , No. liO , Twontory hnuso Brooms wl till } lot on bewnrd near Saunilors street , 33,600 , , . No. 103 Ono and ono half story house 10 rooms \Vcljstcr near 10th street , 32,600. No. 102 , Tno houeoi 7 rooms each and J-lot on 14th near Chicago , $4,0.0. ' No. 101 , House 3 room ? , colhr , etc. , 1 } lotion South ux ditto near Pacific ecreo ; $1,650 , No. ICO , llouso 4 rooms , collar , etc. , half lot on Irani Htrcot , near 10th , $2,000. No. 09 , Very hrgo homo and full lot on liar ncy near 14th etrccr , $9 000. No. 07 , fjariro homo of 11 rooms on Sherman a\CDUu ncnr Ulark street , make an oUcr. No. UO , uno nnd ono half mory house 7 rooms lot 210x401 foot , stalilu , etc. , on Sherman a\c- nuo near draco , J7100. No. 02 , Largo brick houto two loti on Davcn port street near IBth $18,000. No. 00 , Largo houeo and full lot on Dodo near ISllntro.r , $7,001. No. 69 , Largo hauao 10 rooms halt lot on 20th , near Calllornla struct , $7,600. / No. 83,1 argo house 10 or 12 roomt , beautiful /r ( ornorlotonUaus ntar20th , 67,000. No. 87 , Two story IIOLBO 8 rooms 6 acres eland land ( n SaunJcra street near Barracks , $2,000 No , 86 Two etorcsnnda rcsluince or , leased half lot.noir Aloaon and 10th street , $800 , . No 84 , Two story liou'o 8 rooms , closets , etc. , with fi acres of ground , on Sauudera street nt-ar Omaha Ilirrncks , $2 600. No. 83 , Homo of 0 rooT , half lot on Capitol avenue near 12th street , $2rXW. No 82 , Ono and ono halt story 1 ouso , 0 rooms lull lot ou riorco near 20th street , $1,800. No , 81 , 'iwo 2 utory bouses , ono of 0 and one 0 rooms , Chicago St. , near 12th , $3,009. . No. 80 House 4 rooms , closets , etc. , large lot on 18th BtroU near Whlta Lead works. $1,300. No. 77 , largo house of 11 rooms , closets , col lar , ot ] . , with 1 } lot in Farnham ncarlOth street , 13,000. No. 70 , Ocoaniono-half story house of 8 rooms , lot G6x8 > feet on Cats near 14th utreot , $4,600. No. 76 , House 4 rooms and basement , , lot 101x132 fctt 01 JfnrcynearSthstrcDt , $ ( I76. < - No. 74 , Largo brick houio and two full low on DaxcnpOrt ntur l&tli street , $16,000. No. 73 Ono mid ono-lulf story house and lot UOxWu ' on Jaocpti rear 12th street , $1,800. No. ; . * , ' .fr o brick liousoll rooms , full lot nilliiu ii it ntnr 16th street , $5,0)0. No 71 , nr u lion o 11 r.mins , full lot on Call- fjrnlinrn "Oh street S7OJ' ' > . No 66 , M able and 3 full lots on Franklin street n ur eaui.ilin , j',000. No. 01 , TAOttor ) frame hulldlnir , store below uiul loom * above , on loxud lot on Dodge near , tli btruct , * 800 No. 63 , liousu 4 rooms , basement , etc. , lot 03x230 feet oil IBth btrcot mar > all Works , ! o. 02 , Nothoueo 4 rooms ono story , full lot on Hartley near 21st street , $1,760. No. 01 , Larg house 10 rooms , full lot on Bur roir 2lu street , $5,000. No. 00 , HOUBO 3 roi ms , half lot on Djvcnport near 23d btrcit , $1,000 , No 69 , Knur houses and half lot on Coua near lath street $2600. No. 68 , House of 7 rooms , full lot Webster near 21st street , $2,600. No. 67. house of 0 rooms , lot 00x140 feet on 21st etrcot near St. llary'u avenue. $3,000. No. 60 , Houne of 10 rooms , full Jot on Calllor nla near Zlbt street , $3,600. No , 60 , Homo 0 rooms , two full lots on 10th ttroet near 1'oul , $3,000. No. 40 , lirlck house 11 rooms , full lot on Farn ham mar 17th ttreet , $0,000 , No. 48 , HOUBO of 0 rooms , half lot on Facia near Oth at root , $3,000 , No , 46. Large houtu with full block near bho towtr , 82,000 , No. 46 , Large housa 7 looms , clositi , etc. , 18th Btrcotntar Clark , $3.000. No. 4 i , House and full lot on Chicago near 21st stnot , $5,000. No. 43 , House and two lotion Chicago nea . 2d street , 87,600. No 37 , llousu of 8 rooms , 1) lots or. 10th near NlcholoVstruct , $3C50. No. 30 , T o 2 utory brick homes with lot 44x182 fott on Chicago near 16th Btrett , $5.60 each , BEMIS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th and Do agta Street ,