Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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] ' & NEW YonK , March 3.
Monty closed nt 3 per cent. , but at
> tlmci to-day wi stringent and loMioil as
lilg'i M ' per cent , plus a premium of
\r 1-32 and 1-lCj.
Kxchangc closed firm.
4JX of ' 91 , rcgiste ed. ; 1 13J bid
4i'sof 91 , coupons 1 13g
-r , of 1K)7 ! ) , restored 117
do coupiiiH 118
Currency GV ° 3 1 25
do of ' ! > (5 ( 1 20
d.iol ' 07 1 28
Mo of US t 1 23
du of 'OS 1 20
C'sHCouttmiod 1 OOJ
6'sclo 1 02
Pacific railroid bonds closed a * follswBi
Union Ists 1 151(50. ( Wi
Union Land Grants 1 Vi\l \ 10J
Union Sinking FundoK'd at..l 1M
i. , ; 'Contois 1141 15
The stock , market to-day was not M
< active in early Healings ; n strong tone pre
vailed , aw i there was n general advance
.ofJ@2J percent , , Missouri Pacific and
Louitville A .Nttobvlllo .lending. .Subse
quently tli ia advance was almost -entirely
, ] o t. Duriuitf.the nfternoon n strong tone
again set Ini , AIM ! pricas advanced uteadlly
up the cloao1 of business , when theOiighcst
pricoc of ( .lie de.y were generally in nd <
-vanee. Prli : ci lor ithe day range.l from
J to Bfc per c snt I.ouUvlllo & 'Nashville
i was promine nt ia the upward movoirlent ,
advancing t > > * ) Jc on. the report that
ig iii. . . < i shares -of thai
syndicate had laid 30-.000 -
road hold by t he ityo.Louisville ( at 80c
The followin ? ro the closing bids :
-A & ODiE . . 30 Met. elevated. . 55
Preferred. . . . CO J.'referre I 03
JlinDUTel. . . . 47 . 'At & C C8 |
B. &A.I < . , pfd 64 At P 05 ;
C B'.Q. 3L&E 89.
CS..T. 48" 1M. & 0 28
N.JO 92i
O C &IO I'll ' Northwestern. .131
CP 891 , preferred..14'i
0 C C & I. . . . 7H -Nor. Pacific. . . . 32
43 & A 13i ( Preferred. . . . 70
0& 0 21 N\Y ElJvated.,105
1st pfd 3U -Nash & Chat. . . 70
2d pfd 223 NiY 0 131
C 1 33 } iQ&WV 24
J ) &H G 04 O.naha 33
D & H . . .1003 Preferred. . _ 103
DL& W 124 | ' ' ' '
Erie 373 IPaoMall ! . . . . . 41
E& W 30i TL'ull. Pal. Car. . 12
BTenn 12 < guick ilver . . . . 11
Preferred . . . . 19 ? 1'rolcrred. . . . 57
Adams 110 58
Fargo 120 1..V . 24
American 92
TT.S 79 11 * chett r 1C1
Houston & Tex. 02 c JTr.incisco. D9
H&StJ 90 1st. I'refurred. . . . .49
Preferred. . . . 82J Preferred . 90
IB&W 41 St. Vaal . 108
I. C 134 p , wf erred . . . .120
Kun&Tex 31J Stp M.&M. . .110
LS H4jj T P , .
LI 55 TTnio , lP oific.
L N A& 0. . . CO Waba > " 34
MLS& W. . . . 48J Prel Virod. . . . 5a
Michigan Ceu'l 82 $ Westei B'Union ' . .79
CHICAGO , aL rch.2.
Business at the bank-t wa < 01 \ljr \ tinoder
ate , but a better feeling prevail sd.JSIone ;
was easy at C@7 per cent.
Eastern exchange between ci .bank
was quotable at
The clearings of the associatei ibank
were $10,100,009.
The shipments of currency to the
ing district were light.
Omaha Wholeiale Market
Thursday Evening , March 2. J
The following changes are reported ii
to-day's market :
Wheat No. 2 declined ic ; rejected , d&
dined Ic.
Barley No. 2 declined Ic ; No. 3 ad
van edlc.
Corn Advanced Ic.
Oats Declined Jo.
Eggs Declined ic.
Potatoes Scarce and wanted.
Butter Continues utarce ; all good lota
told at quotation prices on arrival.
Local Grain Dealing *
WHEAT. Cash. No. 2 , 108i ; cash
No. A , 88Jo : rejected , GJc.
BAKLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 89c ; No. 3
60sRYE. . Cash. GOc.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 40ic.
STREET PRICES Corn , 40@45 ; oats ,
HAY $0 00@G 50 per ton.
KLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
* 25@350 ; "Pioneer | ' California , $400) )
patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
grade 63 85@4 25 ; patent , 84 50@B OOjgra-
ham rye , 82 50 ; Wheat , S3 00 ; Queen
! < ' Bee. § 4 25 ; Jasper , $3 87 ; Big Sioux ,
$3 50 ,
MILLbTtTFFS Bran , per cwt. 1 10
per tonlC.OO@17.00 ; .creenings , per cwt ,
SOo ; shorts , per ; wt 1.10 ; chopped feed ,
per cwt. 1 20 ; meal 'lolted , yellow , 1 40
white. $1 CO.
° OTATOES Nebraskas , 115@l 20.
ine.4 @ 5o per Ib.
WJI D GEESE Out of market.
JJU'lTKlt Choice , 35 ; poor , no mar
ket ; fair. 18@24 ; creamery , 49.
APPLES Good , sound , very scarci
at $5 50@G 50 per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; p r box , ? 4 2)(5 (
ORANGES-pcr box 4 00@4 25. *
MALLAGA ( JRAPES Per bbl.$8 50
LAI half hbl. , 84 50.
BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22c.
ONIONS 1 10@1 4t ) perbushol.
CRANBERRIES-Per bbl. , $10 00(5 (
11 tO.
OELEUY Per doz. , 65@70c.
DRESSED GEESE Ter Ib. , 9@llo.
OYSTERS Selecti45c ; standards , 35c
DRESSED TU11KEY8 12i@13c.
OHEE8E-10ai4c. (
58 2T a 9 00.
A. , , ,
i8ic ; Rio , prime to choice , 14c ; Old gov'
Java ; 2Gl@flJc , Jfochft , DSJc ; Arbuckle'j
ICc.TEAS. . Gunpowder , good , 45@55c
Choice , R0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45t
Choice , 60@75c ; Young Hyiwu , good , 3CG
60c ; choice , C5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Not Leal
35c ; Japan , choice , GO@7Bc ; OoJon. ? , good
85@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchonj
good. 35@40c ; choice. 35o)45c. ( )
SUGARS. Cut loaf , lOJc ; Crushe
lOJc ; Granulated , lOlc ; Powdered , lt.4 <
Vine powdered , Jlic ; Standard Coffee A
Y Diet New York Confectioner1 ! ! Standar
A , 98c ; Good A , 9gc ; Prairie Extra t
8go ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbla , 45o : ha !
bla , 47c ; kegs. 4i gallona , $2 10 ; choic
table syrup , 42c ; half bbla , 44c ; kegs , 82 K
SODA. Dwight's ft papers , 83 00 ; D <
land do , $3 00 ; Cburch'a , $3 00 ; Keg nodi
8TAROH.-Pearl , 4 Jc ; Silver GJos , 8
38fc ; Corn Stnrch , 8J@Oo ; Excelnfor
Qlos * . 7c ; Corn , 7t .
SA.LT , Dray load * . p r bbt , 2 10 ; Ash-
ton , In > ck % 3 f > 0 ; hbls dairy 00. 5 * , S 45 :
bblsrWrv. 100. 8 % 3 05.
UlllKU KHOlTS-Choloe halve * ;
MAohoS , \lc \ ,
i Hi boxes , lc | Michigan , 8lcj l\ew
Vorle apple * , 8Jc ! Prune * , old , < ijc ! now ,
7Jc ; Currants , 6J@8o ( IlUckbettic * , new ,
ailKKSK-Vull Cmm , Ho : IVt
Skim Ilia
WOODENWAllE Two hoop p-vllf ,
15) ) . ' ; thrcs hoop pMU , 2 201 No. 1 tnbi
9 fiOj No. 2 tub * , . 8 fiOs IK 3 tub * . 7 50
tiloncer wjliboards , 1 85 IKniblo Cr wn ,
200 ; Well bucket" , 325.
LKAO Bar , $1 05.
Sl'lCES. repiwr , | tOAll i > tce , 19oj
Clovw , 40c : Nutmecp , $1 00 : 25oOasMis ;
Vnco 61 00.
MATCHES I'cr oiuidlo , OOc ; ronnrl
CAKCII , 37.01 : siiunro owcn , 9T > .10.
PROVISION'S Nroakfast bacon , 12lo.
ihoice lard , lljc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; Bhouicl-
era , fl : hams , Uta ; bnoon. sides , lie.
NEW PICKLES Medium , in biwrols ,
81) 00 ; du in half bhli , 5 25 ; smalls , In . ,
12 00 do , in half bltlj , 7 CO ; gherWiM , in
Mil * , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50.
VTNKQAK Pure Apple extra , lOji
put * Apple , ISc : Prasshwr uuro unite , ICo.
HOM1KY 5J w , SB CO per bbl.
HKAN3 Medium , hand mckeft 8 20
i > er bushel ; navy , $ 1 00 ; calet navy , $4 OC
UOl'K-Sisal , 4 Inch nnd Ur cr , 8i@
9c ; i inch , OJo.
8OAPS Klrkifl Savon Imperial , 330
ICulc's satinet , S O ; Kirk's standard , 3 05
Kttk's white Uuwlan , 500 : Klrk'i
Ktrtoca , 205 : Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 3 W ; Kirk's mmjiiolix ! > 5 < g
I CANDLES Boxes , ' 40 Ibs , 10 oz , Bo.
I6cboxes 40 HM. , 1C oz. , 65 , ICc.
LYJJ AJnerioui , 3 40 : GroewHch , 340
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lowia
lye. 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 dor.
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in caste
1 flfl ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in CMC. 150.
FIELD SKKD lied clover , choici
> w , $0 00 l > er bushel ; nfammath clovci
new , S700 ; white clover , -nev , $1400
> lifa clover , mow , $1250 ; alsike , new
$1300. Timothy , good , > new , $300
bhio grass , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue erase
clean , § 1 25 ; orchard grass , $2 60 : red top
choice , 103 ; millet , commoner Missouri
80c ; millet , German , $100 to § 1 25
Hungarian. 80e.
HKDOESKED Osage oranco , 1 to s
bushels , $5 00 ; oeage orange , 110'bushbls o
over , § t 50 ; .hotwy locust , p rTa. , 35c ; pe
100 iba , . S25 00.
FIS U Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbb
S3 7E ; iS'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 6 80
No.U.whito fislvin 10 Ib kitsil > 00 ; fainil ;
10 ll > Jdts , 75p ; New Holland herring , pe'
keg , < 135 ; Huiwian sardines , 7 c : Colur"
bia river Balnioil , psr lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Goorgd *
Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen , boneless codhsh
9ic ; bcceleis fmh.Jc.
MAOJCEUEr lIalf bbls messmackere ]
100 lbs12 50 ; hf 5)bl No. 1 ex shore do
100 Ibs-10 00 ; hf btih , fat familv do , HO
Ibs , 3 85 ; mi s nuko'cercl , 12 Ib Jilts , 2 2
No. 1-ox'rhore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore
12 Ib do.1 00 ; fat ftmilv. 10 Ib do 75c.
CANtfUD GOODS Oystere , 2 1
( Field's ) , . ) > er case , -81 00 ; do lib ( Field's ]
per case , 12 50 : do 2t > ( Standard ) , ) per coat
J 70 ; do'llb ( standaid ) , per case , 2 30 ; d
2 Ib ( Klacli } , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( alack ]
per case , 2 00. Onions , 380. Salmon ,
Ib , per dozen , 1 C0@l 70 ; do21b , psr dozei
2 55. Sardines , smaU I'sh ' , Imported , on
quarter boatea per IKK , 14Jc ; Aniericar
quarter baxoa per bov , lie ; do half boxes
per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozci :
180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 H > pe
case , 3 30 ; Corn2 Ib ( Mountain
per case , ; oake corn , 210 ; d
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 6C
string beans , par case , 2 25 ; Limn -bean
.per case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 2.1
'Peas , common , ver case , 00 ; peas , choice
per case , 4 50. Blackberrks , 2Ib , per.casc
280 ; btrawberri s , 2 Ib , per cane , 75
rtspberrics , 2 IV , per .case . , 2 753 OC
'Damsons ' , 2 lt > , tper case , -2 45. Bartlot
pearn per CMC , Oo@4.0C. Whortlebai
riofl per case , 2-80. Egg plums , 2 Ib p < 3
ct o , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , jper cose. 4 CC
Green gages,2 Mi per case , 310 : do choice ,
Ib per case , I 50. 1'iuo Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 00(315 75. Feachet , 2 ID per case , 3 1C
do 3nb , case , G 00@6 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pe
case. 85 ; do pie , 6 'ft , per dozaii , 3 50.
KICK Carolina , @ 8c ; Louisiana , 7
@ 8lc ; fair , Gj@7 :
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Tec
nesg e.9c per Ib ; fancy white , . lOo per It
vihite Virginia raw , lOe ; roasted
AppletonXXJ 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot
FlF , 6jc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; 'CabotV
7Jfl ; Chittanango A , 6 c ; Ureat Falls E
T&C ; Hoosiar , CJc ; Honest Width , 7Jc ; In
d fna Head A , 8Jc ; Indiam Standard A
l * { Indian Orchard d. w. , Jc ; Lawrenc
Ji \ 7o ; MysUo River , 7c : Pequot A , 8c
; hi xwsnut XiL , 7c ; Utica O , Sic ; Wjichus
tt U. 71c : do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 121o ; Wai
ett 15B. Sic.
Indian Orchard A A 9-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia <
39. 8Jc ; I ehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 44
lOc ; Pep pewft N 38 , 7c ; db O 32 , 71c ; do I
36 V3c ; c > E 39 , 8 3 ; Pocasset O 44 , 7Jo
Wamsutt a 4-4 ISo ,
BLEA ( " 3HED COrTONS Androscog
Kin L 4-4 , 10cBlackstonoA ; A imperial Be
do do hnlf bleached 4-t , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,89
York Miils. 1 3o ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperel
N G Twills , 12io ; Pocahoutas 4-4 , 9ic
Pocassft 4-4 , tic ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutb
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS Tit bleached Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Baltimore i lo , lOc ; Lone Star , 8 oz.
12c : Sav-ee. 18o.
UoOKS ( Colt red ) Albany K brown
8c ; do 0 , drab A > 4X ' Strl568 , " } '
XX brown
and drab
plaids , I2jc ; do A
stripes and plakls , .XSJo ; Arlington fancy
19c ; Brunswick bro 'n , Slot Chariot fancy
12io : do extra heivvy , 20c ; Fall Rive
brown , extra heavy , lUo ; Indiana J
brown , 13o : Ncponaet A brown , 15o.
TICKINGS Amo.Bkeapr A O A 32
me ; do XX blue 3V' , 18 Jo ; Arrowanna
9ic ; Claremont B B , .15Jc ; Conestoga ex
tra , 17Je ; Hamilton D , Ulo Lewiston J
30,15c ; Mlnnehaha4-l , Oo ; Omega supa
extra 4.4 , 28e ; Pearl River 32 , lojc ; Put
nara XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuoket
lOio : do S3 12c ; Yeomau'n b e 29 , 8J <
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and browr
IGlc ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; Arlingto ;
blue Scotch , 18io ; Concord 000 , blueani
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13j ; aoXXJ
do do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown.
9ic ; Mystic River DD stripe , KUc ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , IDJO ; UncosKlle ,
blue ami bro wn. *
CAMBRICS llarnard , 51e ; Eddystoni
lining , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner
glazed , fie : Manhattan filove finish , 5Jo
Newport do Co ; do glared , 5Jc ; Petjuoi ; di
EC : iJoukwood kid ( inijib. Co.
CORSKT JEANS Awiory , SejAndroo
coinjln sattoen , 8Joj Clarendco , CJo ; Cones
toga satteenif , 7c ; Hallowel , 80 ; Indiai
Orchard improved , 7jo ; Narr > ganaott , 7Jc
Pepperlll sattppn 9io ; Rockport , 7 o
PIIINTSAliens. . OJcincricaii , OJc
. ' . . ' ) . , J. , r V
Via , i < , < f * > ' , i
Conestoga. CJc ; Dunkirk , 4Je | ; Dunuell
Gi@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Co
Harmony , 5fcc ; Knickerbocker , OJe ; Mer
rimao D. 7o ; Mystic , SJe ; Spratrues , Co
Bouthbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , 6o ; Oriental CJc.
GINGHAMS Arnoakcapr , lOJc ; Amos
keatj dress 12J. ' Argyle , lOJc ; Atlantic
Do ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8&c &
Kenllworth , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOio ; Sua
BOX. 80.
Agate , ' Oc ; American , lie ; Artinlan , 20c
Cairo D and T , ISJo ; Clarion D and T
17ic ; Deccan Co , stripes D and T.lGc ; ICev
tone , 13Jc ; Nantucket , lOo ; Nonpareil
l/5o } Ocean D and T , 13Jc ! Royal , ICJc
Biuisex , 12o ; Tloga. 12ie ; Wachusett shirt
ln < { .jbeoks. 12o ; do , Nankin , 12io ; York
plain r nukln. 12ic ; do , checks , Btril > ea ani
fancy , 1 0 } do , 8 or , 20c.
BIIEKTIN'GS Androscojjidn lM,27Jc (
do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental <
42 , Jlc ; Fruit of tie Loom 10-4 , 27j ; Nei
York mills Oft , SScf do 78 , 80o ( do 58 , 22JD-
Pembroke 10-4 , 2T c ; Pequot 10-4 , 28Jct do
7-4,19c ; do 49 , ICc ; Pciiporell 90 , Z9c ;
do 07. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utlco 00,5tfo ; do
B8Klc ; rto48 , Wo
OlR rm and Tobaccot ,
CIGARS.-tc ? < xU$15.00 | Ooniwctlcut ,
135.00 ; Mixed , 9JW.OO ; Swtl Havana ,
* tfO.O3 ; CloarHftTOiia , fFB.OO.
1VBACCO I'liUG , OoVlcn llulo ,
-t Ib , COo ; 8t ttt > d Fawn , Glo ; Our Ropo.
mo quality , G2c ; Stnr , rmmil" , 14
U , butts , 60c ; Horse Shoo , pounds ,
21 Ib , bntt * , COc ; GJlt Edce ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , CO ; Araiy nnd Nnvy ,
loundn , SSe ; Bullion , iHnrads , GOc : I rll.
ard'ft CllinAX. pouirjA , Glo.
FINIJCUT In iwUs. Hurd to E t ,
T c ; Golden Throwl , "On ; Fountain , 80c |
.i'nvorito , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ;
j'ancy , o5c ; Daisy , Ol > o.In tin * foU
3atllnnO. S. , 5 Ib boxes , i > or Ib G3 < K Txri-
llard'oTiccr , Gfto ; Diauoiul Crown , < Xlo.
SMGKING All pn Jes Comniiri. 25 to
We. GranulaUd Blarfkwclla DtirLnm , 1 (
> z51c ; Dukes Ourliam , 1C oz , 50o ; Seal ol
S'oiih Carolim , 1G ox , 40 ; Seal of Nobnw-
en , 16 oz , 3Sc ; Jjouot1ck , t ox , llixjn bacs
Hsrlb , $ l.3.rM Marbwwi * Puck , V2 oz , tin
oil , 5 tic ! DOR TnlL Ofo.
Points Oil * and Vjrnlnh .
TAINTS IN OII/-\Vblto lend , Umatis
P. T. , 7c ; white lo&f. , O. P , & a.Co.imre
Or Mnrxcillei Rfoon , 1 to fi lo cans , 20c
French zinc , nsmccal. 12c ; Fwnch tine ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
We ; French zlnco. ! oil aait , 15c ; Ri\
and Inirnt umber , > 1 ll > cans ICc ; raw aiu
burnt Sienna , Ito : Vandyke brown , 13.
fe fined lamiibloek. l'2c ; c icli black , l"c
[ "ory black , ICc ; urop black , lOc ; Prusstai
blue , 30c ; nltrannrino blue , 18c ; chrom
gruon , K M , & 15. , Itc ; blind and shutto
. , 18c
chrome 'yellow , L. , M. , O. fc'D O. , 'l8c
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , I1 ? ; paten
Jryer , ( ic ; graining colors : lirlit oak , dnrl ,
o.vt , walnut. oheHtnut and AS\I l'2c
Dry ° lnli
Whlto leadyc ; French rinc. lOc ; Par !
vhiteing 2c ; whiting pildew. IJc
Vvlntiut ; ooml , 14c ; lampblack German
town , 14e ; laniplilack , ordinary , 8c ; Pros
slai ) blue , 45c ; ultrauiariue , locj Vandyke
brown , 8,0 ; umlicr , burnt , (4c ; umber , raw
lcslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; sionnn , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'
25c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green 1C. , ICc ; vennillion , Eng , , 70oj vcr
million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian reftd , Cookson'
'We : Venetian red Am. , lacired ; lead , 7Jc
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel
I > vf , K. , 12c ; ochre , rocheUe , 3c ; ochre
French , 2Jc ; ochre , Ajnerican , lie
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown. 2jo
Spanish bro\vn , 2&c ; Prince's mineral 3c
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon
Furniture , ertra , 81 10 ; furniture , . No. ]
$1 ; furniture , U. 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40
Coach , No.ll , $1 20 ; Damar , 51 50 ; Japan
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; nhellac , $3 50 : bar
oil finish. SI SO
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , HJelVj
headlight , per gallon , 12jc : ; 175 * headlight
per gallon , "Co ; cryBtolinc , iwr gallon , _ 20 <
linseed , raw , per gallon , CO ; linseed , boile <
per gallon , COc ; lard , winter A 'd , per alIen
Ion , 105 ; No..l , 80cj No. 2G5c ; castor
XXX , ppr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet
, -per gallon. 85c : sj erm , W. B. , per gallon
1 3j ; fish , W.vB. per gallon , GOc : neatsfooi
vextra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri
eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No
2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor
pcntiue , pur nullon , G-le ; naptuo , 74 , pe
gallon , SOc ; Gl , 20o
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates. 8340 ; plow steal , specia
cast , Vc ; crucible , 8c ; special > irGermanGc
caat tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set
22o@3 00hubs ; , per set , 1 25 ; felloea , sawe
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles
each , 75c ; wiuara nuts , per Ib , ,7@llc
waiiere. per Ib. 8 < § 18c ; rsvets , penlb , lie
coil-chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 8c
.iron . wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Gc ; iharro\
teeth , ' 4c ; horscBhoeB , per keg , 5 00-sprn ; !
steel. 7@8c ; IJunien's horseshoe ? , .5 3J !
iBurdon'a muleshoo , G 35.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , .8 7
Gd , 4iOO ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d
fine , 6 0 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing
4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 5a00d casing , 4 25 ; 1ft
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , : C 00 ; Gd finUb , 6 2.r
half kec * . lOo extra.
SHOI. Shot , $1.65 ; Buck shot ,
Oriental Powder , kegs. $0.40 : do. , ha
ikogs. S3.46 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Bias
ing , tecs. $3.35 : Fuse , per 100 feet SOc.
BAhKED WIRE In car lots,8 39 $ e
100 ; in less than car lota8 55 per 10D.
Morse * and Muki.
The market is brisk and all grades ar
selling well at p slight advance in prices
The demand ( ar good horsca exceeds tb
supply considerably. Prices range as fo
lows :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extr
draft horses , S175. to 225. ; Common dral
horse * . 9100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
890. to 8100. ; Esctra plugr , 8GO. to 75.
Common plugs , $80. to 840.
MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , 8125
to 150. ; 14 i to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.
14 to 14i hands , 875. to 100. ; 15J to 1
hands , SIX ) , to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per win
allen ; extra California spirits , 187 proof
t 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
1C7 proof , 1 24 per proof eallon ; re-distillec
vtiiUiea , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 60fc
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken
tudcv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , f6 00@16 00
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; domestic
1 40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 60@C 00 ; Nev
England. 2004 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 5C
1 75@4 00.
.CHAMPAGNES Imported per cane
2GOO@31 OjAnj rU a , case , .1200(2 (
1800 ,
CLARETS Per ease , 4 60@1G 00
WINES Rhine wine , per case , G 00(2 (
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Lumber. <
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 822 ' 00
No , 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; sheeting dressed
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards
dressed , 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft , and under , per M
21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00
24 ft. 2500.
FINISHING-NO , i. finish 11 , ii an
2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch 845 00
No. 2. finish li , H and 2 inch , 84500 : No
2 finish , 1 inch , 840 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch
83500 ; O. G. battens per xOO feet Hu
$1 00 ; well curbing , 822 00 ; rough i and
Inch luttotw per 100 feet lin. . 50o.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , 840 00 ;
835 00 ; C , $30 00 ; common stock , 822 50
FLOORING No. 1 , 840 00 ; No. 2
tX > 00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 yellow pine , No. 1
SIDING No 1 , 82400 ; No. 2 , 822 Ofi
No. ,3. 818 00.
SHI.P LAP-Plaln , 822-00 - ; O. G. No. 1
83200 ! No. 2,82200.
OEILING-824 ( XX3S.S7 00 ,
LATH AND SHTNGL. fi A starrest
. , S3 85 , No. 2 , $2 60 : ! fo. 3 , 82 Of
LIME-I'er barrel , 81 85 ; IniVIt Pfrbu
35c. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa flastei
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. SDu. 'Cane
felt ' i Ibs , 83 50. Straw board. * * CO
PAPER Straw paper , 8Jc ; rag i
4c ; dry goods paper , Jo ; tnanlla paper ,
news paper. 80.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $ , '
Morris Run BloBslmrg , 812 ; Whltebreab
lump , 80 RO ; Whitebrcast nut. 86 CO ; lowj
lump , $0 50 ; Iowa nut 80 50 ; Rock Springs
88 ; Anthracite , all sizes , 812 00@12 50 ,
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , We ; Babian
Copabia , per Ib , 75o ; Bark , Sassafras , pe
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 76c ; Cinchonldia
per oz , $1 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00
Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; Kpscc
gaits , per Ib. SJoj Glycerine , pure , per Ib
45c ; Lead , Acetate , I r Ib , 2io
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per M fi 30
Oil , Castor , No , 8 , per gal , 8125 ; OU
Olive , peT-gftl , $1,50) ) Oil , Origanum. 50o
Opium , fl W ) ; Oulnlno P. A W. A H. k 8. ,
per 01 , 82 40 ; Potassium , lodidci , per Ibi
$250 ; Salacin , per or , 40ot Snlplmto of.
Meqihlnc , per or. 84 OOj Sulphur llouc ,
p \b , 41o ; Strychnine , wor CM , 81 50.
Merino unwwihod , light , l16cj rmvy ,
\3@lf > c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20ci
wasliwl , choree , 32oj fair , 80c ; tulv-dlngy
anil w. , 2Sc ; burry , blackotid coiled wools
2@Cc loss
Hide * Fun , Ctc.
UIDES t reoBTjutehtr' hldo,7cgrco
cured hides , 80 ; green salt , putt curd
lidos , 73o ; dry nintnound , WCftWc ) dry
calf nnd kip , lif@13o ; cry salt htucN found ,
ll@12c ; creon calf. wU 8 to IB H * . . lOQllo ;
green calf , wt , umlor-Q Us , pot in , oO :
irecnpclU , Hi 00@lin ; green Iamb oVln ,
SI 10@12Tii damaged hides , two-thlnl raJo ,
cut ficorcd nnd o io grub. clr. < cd two-
tiifds rnto , ) brnndol hides 10 IXTT cent , nff.
Co , i klns , No. 1 , I5c ; No. 2. SOc ; No. 3 ,
X No.-4 , lOc. Mink , No. L 50c ; No. 2 ,
"iOc ; No. R,15olfo. ! 4 , Be. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 25c , Skunk , No. 1 , block ,
Tic ; short stripe , 40cj nnrror ; etripo ' * )
'wood ttKpo , lOe. Tallow , Bio ,
Council Bluff * Mrvrliol.
OOUNCIL. llixnrra , March 2
FlouCryftal Mills 'Golden ' Sheaf ,
S GO ; CMIfoniu Kureka , patent , 3 8 ; best
brand of Kiir ns , 3503 90 ; ICanta and
Mlwr.irl lloir * , 3 50@4 20 ; graham , 3 75 ]
rye flour , 34 , ) .
Bran mid aborts 15 00 per ton
Chop Com 22 50 pof ton.
Wlieat-Ni. . . 2 , SI 12 ; No. 8 , 72e ; re
o.e\l ( , 62c.
Coin 46.
Oats No. ? M 40c ; re'eclod , 3.x , .
Barley No. 2 , OOofNo. 3 , 75o
Hay Loo5 00G 00.
Wood-fl 5 0 ® 7 00.
Live Hogg fl 25@R71i.
Cattlo-Sl lipnint * , , 4 505 00 ; milcl
cows SO OOl fi)45 ) 0 rfier head : butclieri
* tock , 3-iX ) & 50.
Shcop"-3 r5@435.
G HICcs5cG S'Mde , 7c.
Wool 15 © 25.
Butter ( dreamery , 30c ; In roll , wrapped
pod , 25o : ro HH not 'wrnppcd , 20j ; jiuuut
colors , 15S l20c.
Effltn l 'a * k. d , ttte ; freh , 12jc .
'Poti-.toe ' * 1 10@150 ; Salt Lake , 150.
Onions- U , @l M3.
DrtsRe < l Poaltry Cbtikons , 10a ; duckn
; gi-i8c . 8c ; turPo.VH , 124e. .
i\o Ob IckctiM w ! l"i ! per nozon.
CHIOAQO. Marcii 2.
Un 'cli.iinge tlic markets wern quit
I ho rexlit | < of 4-nsln were 198 carloads
embr cin g Ai of wheat , 01 of coin , 50 o
oats , . -I of rye , aiuhTO of barley
. .IViuiJJull nnd iuactivt , the nlytrad
Ing com > rit > cd n\all lots takuu on loeril ac
coii'it ; c oiuiiKin to clioice we tein spring
I 50 ; 3 linne'cita , 7 2.5 ; patent' , 7 5
8 5'i ; wi nttr wheat ( lourB , 5 00@7 23.
\Vh > u.t Xo. 2 fcpring was 1 airly aotlxi
lint at t inicrt Iniiliux voiy slowly , thi
iimount of biijinefw transacted wus Kc.irie
ly up t ) the avoragu of the past fe\r ilnyn
feeling weaker nnd jirlros averaged lower
nosomi ) anil , however , with froquen
ihictua.tioiisduring the session. The uiar
kut op cnotl a xliade lower , then rallied ic
but ui idcr free ollerings declined Ijo fo
( \pril nnd 2Jc for -May , then llucttutoi
and lit lally cloned about Ije lower for Apr ! 2j0 | lower fo'r J\Iay on the regula
bnatd , audou call at L 2oJ for cash ; I !
forMiirch ; 1 ICJ for April ; 121 for May
1 1 lor Juno ; 1 19J for the year No
.3 ( jtiie t and lower at 1 05@1 00 ; rejoctei
entire ly nominal.
Conn A fair speculative business \ra
-transacted , but the trade in the a regat
wnesuiallvr than for several days pant
Jrioes on the wlwlo.rjdigo were easy au <
declined i@lc aud clveod compatativcl ;
easy at inside figures.Qhippers purchase'
moderately of all cradoa , No. 2 closed o
caUjii 59Jc" for cash ; Wic lorMitrcb ; 111 \
for Aprih G2J@fi3o for May and .IUIH
G3jci.for July ; high mixed , Gljc ; rejscUa
Oat'i Quiet nnd firng , but not mucl
tradicg ; N . 2 closnd nt Sjo for caxh ; 40J
March and jvpril ; 4i5Jc for May ; 43JC fo
Rye Very quiet ; demand light ; No. S
87o ; 82c for.March ; 83o for April
Barlay Dull nnd easy ; JJo. 2 , 1 00 < <
1 03 for cash and futures ; No. 3 , 77c fo
Pork Weak account ; limited demani
.and f Me offerings ; mess closed at 1C 50(2 (
10 75 for .caab ; 10 50 for March ; 1C G7
tor Aprlh 1C 90@10 92J for May ; 17 11
for June ; J.G 774 for the year.
Lard Weak , hut about Htea'ly , closini
at 10 35 for , cash ; 10 32 J for March ; 1042 :
fox April ; JO 55@10 5J for Maj ; 10 G7i
for June ; IB 75 for July ; 10274 for thi
year.Bulk Meite Quiet ; denmu'l llghfc ; shor
ribs. 6 83@9,00 tor cash ; J Ol ) for April
9 11J for MttvJ 9 22i for June-
Whisky QuJet at 1 18.
Butter Weak and a shade lownr
creamery , choice to fancy , 42@45r ; fair tc
good , 3T@r,9c ; dairy , choice to tancy , 3Gg (
40 ; ; do lair to good , 25@35c ; frcun male
packing sloe * , 20@28c ; ladle packed ,
common to good , 18@22c ; ioll , 22 < gi26o foi
common to fair aud t8@30o for good tc
Kggs In moderate inquiry ; strietlj
fresh , 15J@lGc.
Reo'ta. Shipm'tf
Flour . 21,1)73 ) 181,8-15
Wheat . 9,880 5.77C
Corn . 33,491 GI.OIE
Oats . 20,220 24.S9S
Rye . 821 2,983
Barley . 14,705 62.93J
Chicago lilvo Stoolia
CHICAQO , March 2.
The Drovcr'tf Journal leports as foil iws :
Hogs Recoiptf , 18,000 head. The mar
ket fur common to good mixed ranged
5@10o lower , was exceedingly slow and
overstocked with stale hogs. For common
packing iho demand wai very weak ami
price J ranged at G 00@J ( 45. Heavy puck-
tug and shipping wore also weak nnd
lower , no iiuerest being taken In the mar
ket. i.nd the ruling prices were G 50@7 1 ;
Philadelphia and lard hogs , 7 20fe7 4j.
Light hogs in largo supply nd market de
moralized ; sales at U 35(3)0 ) 45. A few
prime pigs brought G 50. Skips and culls
were entirely nominal at 4 75@5 90.
Cattle Receipt' . 0,800 head. The con
dition of the maiket was not greatly al
tered , and prices of the day were quo ably
steady. Well fjd fat cattle in some cases
sold rather better , and light medium kind *
were weaker , while jjood fat heavy cattle
sold strong. Common shipping fair
5 25@5 40 ; medium , 5 40 ; good , 5 B0@
D 55 : choice , 5 75@U 10 ; mixed butcher
stock ttrong aud scarce for dtsirablo
grades , but weak and lower for at ok
cows at 2 04 CO ; bulls , 4 10&5 00
utters , > 1 G5@7 10 ; stockeiB and feudtn
stronger , ] ) artioulurly on good well growi
utock. Light ( .attle were more active , ir
hympathy , the ran e in prices was 3 G5@
4 40 for stackers , aud 4 70@5 00 for teed
era.Sheep Receipts. 2,000 liead. Maikel
a trifle butter and demand fair ; common ,
3 Ml ) 25 ; medium , 5 00(5,5 ( 35 ; good , 6 6 <
(2575 ( ,
ilry CJj.iiItt
NfcW YOIIK , March 2
There has been increased activity in th <
juDbing branches of trade , and a satlsfao
tory business In staple , and dopartmtnl
goods was done to-day byasvoral leadlnf
firms. The ilemund at firat hands wai
somewhat Irregular but the Bales ro chec
a fair aggregito amount. Aooounta froir
the west and northwest continue encour
aginh' but buslnoia is till ! backward h
some parts of the south and sMithw t
Tiiere Ii nothing new to report la con
Section with the cottou goods market
br0wii , beached ) and co nred cottons con
tiniie m uteady but moderate demand a
first I'unds and a more active buauiesa wa
reported by jobbers.
Txtrjjontlno Market.
WIUUINQTON. N. 0. , March 2.
RoHln Firm ; strained 1 DO ; good , 1 05 ,
BplrltoDull at SOo.
Tor-Firm at 1 IK ) ,
Turpentine No cjuotatloni.
Row York lrodno
NKW YOHK , March 2.
1'lour Dull nd In Imrers' favor ; No.
, | 27 ( i ) < 75 ; superfine , 3 l)0@l Kl ; outlu
rn flour dull ; ouminon to choice extra , f > 10
WheatHtavy ami un tllcd nnd 1 (
lJcjlnrN'o. ( . 2 red , I 321 ® ! ! a n.
tradetl whit 1 SS iil 32j | No. 1 while.
1 30 < SU 3.'h No. 2 red , Mrch , 1 31J
@l 2j ! do Apill , l.Vi ; do May , 1 323 ©
3. " > .
Corn Oi > ciicil a oh ulo lower , but flowed
vlth ii-oro Btrtiigth ; No. 3 , V5l(5l5c ( !
toauicr G7J@G8c ! l > o. 'J , C iff G0o ; N'o. 2
iihcit , Match , G7 c ; do April , C.yiG9Jc ;
lo , May , 7017i8o.
OaU Ijowcr ami wotk , and fixlrly nc-
Ivc ; N'o. 1 white , .Mot No. 2 o. MJc ; No
I mixed , MJ. . ; No. 3 do , alCTWic ; Ixnl
ucntern , ID fi'Jc ! No. 2 uilxiil , April lllj (
Vlr ; d'i. M y.
Rye HpnvyjSllt'Wo. ; t
Barley Dull.
1'ork Dull nnd uiichnnguJ ; old
10 75 ; new , 17 75.
Lard Firm and fairly nrtluij 10 05 fet
c > h ; 0 00 for March ! 10 G7J for April
Whl-ky Nominal.
IVtrolcum-Q let and ntevlv ; United.
l.Jo ! cmdd Iti liatrolx , ( W4CJ)71ic ; refined
"ti bairi'l * , "Jo.
Untlcr'-Dull , unsettled ntul dtomiliig ;
t t2."i ® 'cs ' wcstctn , ir > @H ) Kl lu , 01
crcainpry ,
St. LouU Prodnon.
ST. Louis , March 2.
Flour Very iiulct nnd low on fancy
0 ! ! 0@G 50 ; uhui.e , . 90G.I.G 00 ; XXX , 5 '
6 3o ; fam ly , 5 55(8)5 ( ) U5 ; Mip.'rlinc , 4 1 |
§ 4 25 ; line , 3 GOfeS 75. x
Wheat bower and demoralised ; No
2 ted , 1 18fi"1 Ol l' ! 1 181 flr March
12llorAptlli l'Jij ! for May ; 1 l i fii
Juno ; 1 O'J for .lulj ; 1 u5 fur tno | N-
3 nil , nominal ; Nti I , nominal.
Corn Lowe aud wo k ; 58.o } for caali
58 0 for March ; f'.tjo fur April ; ( HJo feM
M > y ; 02o for June ; G4o for .Inly.
Oats Dim ; ri\ill ; 4Ijo fur uuh ; 40J
for Ma ch ; 42Jc lor Airil | ; 43jo for Mnj
R\o-Quiet ntDOc.
Barley blow ntl0@82ic. !
Lead Dull ; roliuod , 111 mlnal at 4 871
hard , 4 85.
ButUr Quiet ; o eamery,44@lGcdiilr ; ]
37ri)38c ) ,
Iiif8 Steady at IGlc.
Flax Seed-Steady at 1 30.
Whisky 117.
Pork Quiet and weak : 1740 for rflsl
17 10 for March ; 17 10 for April ; 17 2 fi
May.Lard Nominally lower ut 10 40.
Roc'ts. Shlpmt
1'lour 8,083 5,41
Wheat 23.3G2 5,4 !
Com 12,055 22,8 :
Oats 8.GOO 0,51
Barley 500 noi
Bt Iionli lilro Stock-
St. Louis , March 2.
Cattle -low ntul unchanged. V.xpoi
< rc , 'G ' 00 ® t. 25 ; g nd to choice vhlppoi
5 G i@5 90 ; medium to choice butohci
4J50@575 ; natho stockcr * . 4
cows and Jieifors , .350@450.
bead ; shipments 100 hoiid.
5 7a5'.nO. Rccoipts , 4,114 bund ; slil
, 1,800 head.
' Fooria Prortnoo.
I'KOUIA , March 2
Wheat Good millinir tiaiu.les scai
and In demand ut 85o.
Corn l iru ; , with light odurlnga , mail
of tlu- l > ettor grades , with gond pteady i
minil.on all accountH ; jNo. 2 white , G
yellow , C0nlorv mixed , G3Jc ; high mlxi
59ic ; mixed , Wi ; rejected , 59c.
Uat Opened with holders asking 44 ;
14Je for No. 2 white , hut ruled ( lull o
closed quiet at > quot'itions ; No. 2 whi
I4o ; mixed , 43c ; rejected , 43Jo ; rojecl
mixed , 42fa
Jlye Dull liutjiricea fairly st eady wi
out notable change ; No. 2 , 8'Jc.
Barley Fairly steady Ihut vury < 1
and coniparfttively few tcansact.umH'-q.
ted ; No. 2 , deliverad , 1 04.
HighwmeH Warketfirm at the deel
and now quoted at 1 1C.
Rec'ts. ,3hip
Wheat . . . 1,800 n
Corn . 55,000 32 ,
Qata . 11,350 . W ,
Rye . 4,050 1 ,
Barley . 1,650 J ' ,
Hbjhwlnoa . nouo
11 8 Pork Unsottletcd and easier i
1725(3)1770. ( )
L rd Knsier : prime steam , 10 4" .
Bulk Meats Clear sMes , 9 75.
Bacon Good demand ; clear side :
Flour Easy and dull ; family , G 25i
Wheat Dull and easy ; No. 2 red
i orn Barely steady ; No. 2 mixed
4 Go.
Rye Dull and onsy ; No 2 , 94c.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 90c
Whisky Nominal at 1 10.
P hllaaolDbla Prodnoe.
Wheat Eatier at 1 81 j@l 32 for casl
and March ; 1 33J for April.
Corn Steady at G7i < &GS.ofor } cash am
March ; G8Jc lor April.
Oats Easier at 40g@Mi4.e for cash uni
Rye-Quiet at 85@87o ,
Baltimore Produce.
BALTIUOUK , March 2.
Flour Quiet
Wheat Southern Urn ; 130@1.15 ; Lun %
heiry , 13S@143 ; No. 2 red whiter ntcad
at 1 2812 for caxh and Mnrch.
Corn White southern steady at G9c ;
mixed western quiet Mid easier at G7ic foi
cash and March.
E st Liberty Jjivo Stock ,
EAST LlliKllTT , Pa. , March 2.
Cattle Slow aud a shade off ; receli ts
991 head ; shipments 007 head.
Uogs Slow ; rci elpts. 1,000 boa- ' ; ship
moots , 100 hea' ' ; Philadelphia * , 740@750
Yorkerx , 0 CO@G 80.
Sheep Dull nnd a shade off ; receipts
1,000 , head ; thlpniotittf , 800 head ,
Buffalo Idvo Stock.
EAHT BWVALO , March 2.
Hogs Dull ; recelptsG3 earn ; shipments
45 cars ; good to extra , ' 0 70@0 00 ; inedluu
heavy , 700@7 10.
Toledo Proanoe.
TOLKDO. March 2
Wheat Virm ; No. 2 , 1 25J for cash
1 24 for March : 1 20i for AiirH : 127i foi
May ; 1 25 for Juno ; 114i for July ; 1 Hi
for August : 1 llj for the year.
Corn ylrinj No , 2 , G2Jci for cash ant
March ; G'2)o lor Apr 1 ; CligGJjJc for May
Oata Nothing doing ,
Liverpool Produce Market.
LiVEiirooL , March 2.
Flour American , J012 < . fid.
Whtu. Winter ! ) * JdKilOi la ; \\lilte
0 9d@10 Id ; spring , Us li@104 4d ; club'
Corn-5 lli. '
Pork 77s.
Lard-54 8d.
Clavoland Market ,
OLUVEiut D , March 2.
Petroleum Vitiner ; standard white , 111
test , 7c.
Sacramento mills patent flour ( ret
brand ) . Our best Eureka patent flou
( blue brand ) , The only patent flour innn
ufucturtd on the Pnclflo tonnt. We claln
It is the whittBt , utiongest and bentfamll1
flour in the state. Ask your grocer for It
Try it and you will use no other ,
K , M. MoCiiKAKV k Co. ,
_ , Sacramento ,
T. J. EVANS. Agent ,
Crystal Mill * , Council Bluffs ,
Tlio Wonthor of the Winter Month
of Fobrunry ,
The inolcorological tunnniry forllto
month ( if February has just boon is
sued from the signal nlllco and shown
BOIIIU iiitoruatiug figures ,
The liican barometer waa 30.107)
nnd thuthormomolorSO.a. The mean
humidity wits 03i , aud the mean
daily rainfall .021 inches ,
Tlio hiKhest b.\roniolcr , on the 10th ,
\vis ' 'O.SoIl nnd Iho Icowcit , on the
a7lh , 121).097. ) The highcnt tomttora *
turo , on the IHh , wan 03.8 and tlio
lowust , on the Ulst , 5 7. The greatest -
est daily rniiiju of tomporaluro wnw on
the 31 ° and the lowest , ou the 20th ,
1)8 ) ° . The prevailing direction of the
wind wna Boutli ; nnd to total move
ment 0,01)3 , ) milcsr
There were 13 clcnr dnys , 11 fair
( leys and 1 fogsy day. Thuro wuro
but six days on which rain or snow
fell , but tliuro were frosts on the 2 , . ' ) ,
J , 8 , 0 , 11) uud U4.
With the exception of the yoara
1877 and 1878 , thu past February win
thu warmest recorded during twelve
years in Oiimhn.
The predictions of Vonnor nnd nl
local wouthcr prophets were mi ultoi
VhloiIUjri n jkiulcix Snlvn.
The < > o.ti d.iuu inthu worul for outs
iifli'S , AUIUH , ulcers , salt rhuum
fuvur HOI us , luttur , chapped handa
oliillbluni , cortio and all kinds o
skin nruptioiin. This aalvu IH guar
auioi'd u > give perfect ( mUsfuotum it
ovorv uwo or money refunded. Piico
'Jlio t > nr l > ox. li'or sale by
' "u iV MoMAimrr. Om uh
How Ho Lost His Memory.
Detroit Kreo I'tea
Hu lind askotl tliu man in the son
behind him for a chow of lino-cut , an
after stuiling hnlf the contents of tli
box into Inn mouth ho had put i ho bn
itBolf into hia pockot. When rcmindo
of this ho replied :
'Ulcss nio-blosa mo ! Why BO
didl llopo you won't take offonsi
sir , for I hud entirely fornotton i
Dour mol but I find frosli ovitleuct
every day thnt I am not what I use
to bo. 1 see that I am losing m
memory. "
"That's too bad , " said the othoi
"How loni ? have you boon thus n
"Exactly thirtuon years ago tc
day. "
"Did Bomo nccidont happen to y (
then ? '
"Accidontl Blosa you , my do
sir , it was a terrible thing. I w
hung by a mob. " '
"Is that so ? I don't want to
impertinent , but I should really li
to hear about it. "
"Certainly no impertinence abe
that. I wns in Denver. My busiiu
there was to sell pianos and orgat
Ono night I called at a house to t
ml about the sale of u piano , and I fou
to.oil the lady murdered in the hall. Wh
oil I was standing tliuro , horror-atru
h- and terrified , several parties came t
accused mo ot the dead , and in 1
) W minutes a mob had a rope around i
IO- neck. I was dragged to a tr
given two minutes to pray , and tl
no pulled up. "
11 the nock ? "
U. Hung by " Yea a regular 'hangman's ' noc
00 and the end of 'tho ' rope wua mi
fast nnd I was loft swinging. "
, nn ' 'Groat Scots' ! and aud but 3
didn't diol"
" . -dunno , " softly answered
piano man. ' 'I ' date ray loss of mi
.ury from tlio niinuto they began p
ing. on the robe. .Perhaps I was
Mown nnd resuscitated perhaps
uvrpso was taken out and buried.
I ' itold > you baforu , my memory
8U flly failed mo. '
. > tlio ether puzzled over it , b
his Ul > 30 > R ° ro ' " lc nco anc u >
'urted put :
ly bl
K * $ > miator , I believe you ai
yj.iconsnrnod Hat ? "
likoas not ! " blau
ronliod u lp"mo lnau > "Whor
maii'd ' mo mory bogmsito fail ho i
hit the * h "r he " y'U ' H t -
you any good oh
The Singular Ol
dtuto Man Mi
Uufl lo Kxnritg. .
Enroll Silver , ' s
, m
d f j ,
ld house no loiiger i
to decay The buildu V nA tjv , , i
settled i . .to . the soft aoi , '
around it has been rai
roof of the building is
with the ground. Last
Mr. Charles Ewoll , of t. ' , ' 7
named firm , was looking t gi _
iromiscH and noticed a barrel . j
ing rear the ice-house. Looking *
the barrel lie was astonished to he.
confused murmur like human voic '
coming therefrom. Ho at once sum-
tnoned the ownori of the voices tc
come forth , and in a short time a boy
with a blackened face rose up out ol
barrel. Before the horrified gentle
man could ask for an explanation
another good-sized boy squeezed hie
way out of the barrel. Then another
ana still another came to the surface ,
until about thirty boys , most of thoiu
with blackened faces , caper
ed round the barrel , making
mysterious remarks aboui
"tho cave , " "tho captain , " andaundrj
jthur things supposed to belong tc
bandits , brigands , and that class ol
heroes. It was easy enough to under
stand how ono boy could hide himsoll
in a burr el , but how thirty could fine
room was n nuzzle only solved by ttu
leader of the dusky band , who ex
[ lljillUil Ultlv bilk \l \ > y a iluU llltldu tt IUU
nol from the surface down into the ok
ico-houflo , and placed the barrel a
the mouth to conceal their work. Tw <
or three of the older boys pressed tin
younger ones into the service , and tin
compact tan bark in the interior liac
boon excavated and divided up inti
rooms , iw the "captain explained "fo
the oflicora and the common work
inon " The work was begun bofor
Christinas and was just about fmishoi
when discovered.
Proposala for City Offlcea and Marlie
Sealed proposal ) , piano and epoclficj
oiis , in Mail , will bo received by tli
unclurultfiied for Ihe erection and mufntei
ance of city offices and market housi
until Friday , March 3d , 1882. 12 o'cloo
uooii : J. J , L. 0. JEWKTT ,
feblO-20fc City Clerk.
II ,
Employment Agent 1
Rnilronil Oatflton Short Notice *
llth St. , No-ir Purnham.
Joa liccknmn hv nhiol l to No , Silt South
Thirteenth street , between Parnlmm MiiT
Do fflvi. Ho no * hit * a fine , roomy ttore with
MI exUnslro clpnr in nntnctorv In rear.
Jan0 * m
Ii &BRO.
Made to Order on Short Notice
Harness Stem
nlSUl to
rixuiri * Work ,
nil Krcnch I ) Jiib o Thick Flat ami Dent Show
Caxo ( llixcs
0. J. WILDE ,
1315 Hnd 1317 Oasa Street ,
Business transacted sixmo as that of
an Incorporated bank.
Accounts kept In currency or gold subject
to tight chock without notice.
Certificates of deposit Issued payable In
three , six nnd twelve months , bearing Inter
est , or on demand without Interest ,
Advances made to customers on approv
ed securities at market pates of Interest.
Duy and soil cold , of exchange , gov
ernment state , country and city bond * .
Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland ,
Scotland , and all parts of Europe.
Sell European passage tickets.
United 31'ates Depository
> o
[ O
Oor. 13th ivncl Fftmaui Sty.
u lU'.lonaluk \ \ Au.u-i 16 , ISJJ
P )
an A.Nui' .oruaovtu :
> o ,
KCITOM , VroMriont.
on ubiun KOUMIH. Vice
U. \ \ . YAII" , Cauiiur.
\ . J , ropM.r.TO > i , Akwrnoy.
1 ? '
, do P. U. DjLVfK , Ami < M bloi
* .11 t\r-\\ \ . " rlrM lopfelVi wliin-i r5if nl to-
ou uinunte.
IMUIXI tl .o coi Uilcatui hoitini ; tnturoal.
ho V > ( Awa ilrafth on 3an FraccloLO anj printljp U
; rltlni of the Unltorl SUtivj , nl o Ixinilnn , nnMlo
111- hillnl.i.fRh an l tti | irl di l clllw ol tuocoutl
ill- n it or Karoiic. . . .
Soils iwraiscr lf' " > li < " -lrf - ' y the la
Bllt nun line nwvldM
l'e ldont. Vlco Pres't
W. S. VIISUSB , Sec. anJTreas.
ovr THE
a Lincoln ,
A4drcs all order *
) rle
_ _ _ IanmB-8
> ck M. B.
an . .
llyml ho Oral Insurance Agent
y * I'boonlx Atwnn-o "o. , ol Condon ,
iVO CMhAsactts. W.S04.604.00
id- Wcntchcsscr , A. Y. , Capital t.000,000.00
- The MerchmitJ , ol Newark , N , J | ,
P" " ' - . v I.276.COO.OO
Olard Ffro , Phllulelphlit , CapUali.joo ooo ' 0
.firemen's Fund l239,0ie'.0 !
British America Assurance Co 1,600,0.0.00
,0fflco , Boyd's ' Opera House ,
'liirn V&steam & Bas Fittmgl
TurbineN Water Motor.
Pumpi , Pip * & $ * * * * ' Bt [ *
Oor. 14th and r ° y. Om ho.Neb. ,
A WATKH Vorou. . VjCo" TANT Or rioiti
. . . A.
KO. W. DOMl.
Dexter L.
Uoom 8,0rolhton I
Guming Street
J , J , NOBES , Propr ,
E'resh and Suit Meats of all
Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. ,
In Season ,
ao aaxi