Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA BE " : niURSDAtf , MARC ll 2 1882 1
Thursday Morning , March 2't
Wonthor Report *
( Tlio following observation * are taken At
the Knmo moment c ( tlinn nt nil the sta
tions named. )
WlB DUfARtMltXT , U , ft , RlO'AL 8IHVICK , )
OMAHA , March I , 1882. (1:46 ( : p. m. ) )
Dug Burnt wo * arrested yostonlny on
the charge of antnuUiig K , lire water ,
Unity ly cum moeti in the Unitarian
hurch to-day ( Thunday ) evening. HH
The fintit Kay We ft , Dimo.itlo nnd iin-
iwrloil c'gitrg ' nt Kiilin'n. Try them. 1m.
-Finest line of UdloV haud-baga at
Saxcn , junt In. tf.
There U a long truln npeodlofr woit-
ward thli aftornOiin over the Union 1'n-
cifio rsllr.-nd.
Some ono broke Frank Currlor's street
shunrcaie and xtolo y\hmMo plc >
.turoa therefrom ,
March comci In like A lamb nnd If
* 1gn hold Iriid will go out llko a raging
The Onmhfi bricklayers' union held
their regular monthly mooting Ttcsday
at their hall nn Douglas street.
naiutifiil rotulenca ioti $100 cnoh ,
: $5ilunrnand $5por month , lioinis , agent ,
iFiftocnt'i &nd Dotiglat ntreoU.
The pnUs and Inuilator * for the tele
graph line to Denver are up171 inlloi west
of Lincoln ,
The B. & M. from the went wan four
JLOUI-H late Tuesday. Tin detention WIH ;
teamed by a wreck at Dorchester.
The 13. k M. folks aru talking about
rgivlng the iiioplo of Ijtucnln a frco ride to
Denver when the ex to union in completed.
All reapeotahlo people nro iavlteil to
.attend Iho Hxvo'li h Library Uall In Turner
Hill next Satunluy ovonlng. ml-H
lle uUr mooting of Nobraika Engin *
'Co , No , 3 tvnlght. All member * nro re
quested tu be preHont.
The deikin ] the "county clerk's ofllco
vacated by Mr. J. B. J. Hy < w Is now oc
cupied by Mr. John Taylor.
The will of Henry II. IlixriU formerly
of tliH city , was filed with Clerk Baumer
Tucalny. It was datidj August 23d ,
A petition Is being circulated to
change the curb line nf Doilgo Direct HO ni
to leave only forty foot h I. wo in curves to
tLe javed.
Loula Berger wa tix'ion Into camp by
the offlcew yeeterday ou warrant sworn
to by hl < wife , charging him with writing
an insulting lettt-r to lier.
The statement that the old M. U.
church won to lie routed to the city for
the public library wna erroneous. The
Swedhh livttngelloal Mimlon church have
positively secured the property and will
have it after M rch 1st.
G. A. Llnqutxt , Merchant Tailor , removed -
moved to 1200 Faruhatnutreotvheroho la
fitted up in the most modern ntylo , re
ceiving a largo and chnko Hulootlou of
uprlnj , ' good , among which are
A special meeting of the Social Art
dub is called on Friday ( at the room in
Clerk & Kostorn building ) at 11 n. in. to
consider tin oxpndimoy of ? ctiring the
services of O car Wilde in a lecturer before
it. All member * are oxpoctud 1 1 bo pros.
A photograph of the New Grand
Central an it appeared yesterday would be a
pretty picture. Tlio wnlU have reached
the cornice in many p'.ncPit nod score * of
men nt work putting on ths caps up in
mid Mr , give the work a metropolitan air ,
For Sale at a bargain , the xtock nnd
fixtures of the Miohig n T.ilwco > Store ,
1417 Douglm street , Omitlut.
flrat cU B , location goo-l , r ut low
factory roe onj fornolllii Applv the
store. (20jvn-m-Witf-n 01 ii-t
The bricklnyera * of the I CM
union have requeited Danlfl O'Keeftf ,
Tlce proildo , t of the N ittiihitl Union of
( bricklayer * of North Anieii-a , to vlhlt
their city on next Tlmr.diiy evening for
the purpose of iiiHtalllng thvlr union into
th * national body.
In the police court yoUenluy the
docket was light und th ) audience Htill
lighter , for once hiving nu attraction 61s'-
where even at this early hour Two IIlid
viduuU were arraign d for diiturb ng the
peace , one going to jail und the ot'.er '
btirlng continued. A plain Slocmnb wnu
ent to Jail.
Tuesday another tttange phenouie-
non appeared In the Heivens , the monn
forming the renter nf attr ctl m , Ic 'a
* bout 2 o'clock when the eid orb wm
4eeo to be encir led by a d rk ring with
two attendant moons on tha right nnd left
edges of the ciicle. A ruy of light oroatod
the circle from top to bottom , while an
other united the two inoou , forming a
roiH. Quite a numborof poraons wituesi-
ed the night.
KNIGHT Myrtle A. , daughter of Jan
and Kate Knight , aged one yf ar.
Funeral took place March let , ut U p
01 , , from 91r > North Fifteenth street
Friends of thv rmni y uro Iavlteil.
RYAN Mi Annie , died nt her letl
d nco nn WelwUr Iwtween Hfteen
und Blxtoenth.
Kuueral notice heivufter , *
JUhT KK0151TE1) .
New DrcaBOoodn ,
New Calicos ,
Now Lttcos ,
New Huttonn ,
Is'ow Hosiery ,
at the Button Store , "
* ulood-10t Tenth nnd Jones.
See the 5 cent Calicos ut the " 1 lies
iou Store. " ' "l'4t
The Strike nt the Kivor Front
Increased in Its Pro
The Workingmen Parade the
Streets with a Brass
The Jrower Mon Join the Banks
or the Strikers
The Fight for Wages on Which Mon
Can Llvo.
The situation between the striking
laborers on the B. & M. grading cnn-
tract and Contractor Stcpanson an-
sutnod n moro aorious appearancn this
tonlay. The announcement that
there would bo men on hnnd who
would work r cm ] ted in a largo nnd
enthusiastic crowd being assembled on
the spot nt fl:45 : a. m. Further at
tempts at negotiation between the
contractor and the men resulted in
accomplishing nothing. The men
wanted § 1.50 per day nnd declined to
accept 81 40 which wns offered them.
After considerable parleying the
men formed in double line , nnd nftor
securing the Bohemian band marched
to StophonHon'fl brick barn on Tenth
ind Hartley where they displayed n
dummy rigged up to represent the man
10 Would work for 81.25 a day. It
wua stated to have been the intention
to entry it through the streets nnd
, hon burn it , but before that could be
done some of the men demolished it
entirely nnd scut tu rod the remains in
the street.
The sound of a band of
music at so early an hour in
the morning attracted considurablo at
tention from the mum streets nnd when
a few minutes later the striking work
men marched to the Popploton corner
there was at least three or four thous
and people there. The bidowalkH worn
black and windows everywhere cur
tained by n throni ; of heads. The
men carried at the head of the pro
cession a red ( lag on which
wore the words , "Striking for § 1.75
per day , " this being the amount de
manded after the refusal to go above
$1.40 , though Mr. Stephenson sub-
Buqiiolitly otlbrod to pay § 1.50. After
playing several airs the flag and band
led the way up the south side of
Farnham street , the band stopping
occasionally to serenade some of the
busincBB houses on that thoroughfare.
At Farnlmm nnd Thirteenth they
caught sight of Mr. Stephenson com
ing down on the nppositosido , escorted
byamiuad of the priico. headed by
the city marshal aiid doputy.
There was a great shout
at this but the contractor nnd police
passed on down without a word , the
procession thereupon reversing the
direction of the in arch. On Eleventh
and Farnam they mot the same party
coming back and another halt was
made , horns tooted and loud groans
and expressions' disapproval in
dulged in.
There was nothing in the actions of
the crowd , on the streets , to indicate
any intentions of violence but rather
a good humored poking of fun at the
contractor. Proceeding down Fnrnam
they halted to soronudo TUB
BKH nnd just as they did
so thn stars and stripes were thrown
out over the government building ,
which brought out prolonged choura.
The Union Pacific headquarters und
the Oanfiold house were UHO treated
to muaiu , the crowd making quite a
long stay nt this point. After playing
to the Union Pacific clerks nnd
ollicials , a man in the throng cried
out , pointing to TUB BEK ollice ,
"Thoro is our friend"and , turning to
the headquarters building , "Thoro is
our enemy. "
One of tliu muii informed n reporter
( hut they had rrrt-iveil word fri in the
mini in i ho U 1 * . thops and Smult-
ing worltH that U necessary they
would stop Work and help swell the
wvci'ssion. Ho said that the U , P.
foundry had iilroady shut down , nnd
that a portion of the moulders had
quit work mul that only a few
were at work in the
blacksmith shop , Inquiry did not de
velop any further fiicls , and shortly
before noon the crowd dispersed und
re assembled at 1 p. m.
About 500 mou assembled on the
dump nnd marched from there to
Tenth street , between Douglas nnd
Dodge , whore the sewer work was go
ing on , and where about twenty-live
ion were on the trench ,
[ lore ono of the party addressed
horn , and they all with tlueo oxcep-
ions ceased work ut once , and the
najority of llio visitors moved on tu
) ho cori'i'T , a few Htill runmiiiing , Ttvn
of the sewer mou got out of the ditch
on being told to do BO and the third
remained longer , when h was told to
; i t out or ho'd got dirt thrown on
dm. At this ho got out , and us ho
- was about to start away ho was
liaiidled in a pretty rough way and
iinally carried ou" bodily. Quito a num
ber had 'joined the strikers since the
. forenoon and there were many who
expressed the opinion that it would
' provo the beginning nf a strike in
which all the workingmen in lawn
would join. It is said that there has i
boon dissatisfaction for aomo time
I in various quarters ut the
reduction of prires when living ins
been HO much higher than usual , and
hence there was much conjecture us toby
the outcome of the example sot by
graders. A number of buuinoRs men
nnd others expressed themselves us
blaming Mr. Stephenson for the wliolt
trouble , Not ono has been heart
to blame men for not wishing to worl
at § 1 25 a day , as they say no mat
can live and keep a family on $7.50 i
was a ked by TUB BUB reporter as i
the application to the cUy authorities
to interfere : "I cannot interfere with
men for peaceably parading the
streets , " way the reply ; "tho law
gUM-nntcos them that liberty , " It is
reported that Mr. Stephenson intends
to KUO the city for not protecting him
with the police.
It scorns that during the
forenoon f < the men unhitched nil
the horses from the wagons
and carlo and dumped the latter , with
plowo ' , etc. , into the pond near by.
Mr. . James Callnhan , who was super
intending the grading before it was
stopped , was hit on the head and
hurt wliilo resisting.
After leaving Thirteenth atroot tin1
strikers ] nnd the largo body of man
accompanied the procession to the
sewer ditch on Four.'oenth street be
tween Farnhnm and Harnoy where
about twenty five men \roro at work.
The strikers harangued and insisted
on these to quit shoveling and the
crowd gathered on the corner
of Fourteenth and Farnlmm
streets. At this juncture
upon the Bcono wiih the police force ,
Chief Engineer nnlligan nnd two or
thrco specials. The mayor snid : "I
command you in the name of the State
of Nebraska and as Mayor of the Oily
of Omaha to disperse. . "
The crowd at this raised u dissent
ing yell , when the mayor commanded
the ofllcors to nrrest the ringleaders ,
nnd four men wore quickly placed into
wagons nnd taken to jail. The by-
standing strikers attempted to inter
fere , but the oilicora clubbed them oil' ,
and succeeded in clearing the corner.
The mayor evinced the best of nerve ,
and by his pluck and authoritative
presence ' quelled what at onu time
seemed to bo nn imminent riot.
After the disporaing'of the cr < wd
at the command of Mayor Boyil ,
everything was quint up to six o'clock ,
and Farnum street uuumed its ordi
nary appearance , except , purhup.s ,
that more people were gathered on
the . , corners , discussing , projund con ,
the relative positions of the strikers
and the city oH'icialn. After supper
about two hundred of the strikers as
sembled on Howard street near the
dump and from there proceeded to
the corner of F.irnam nnd Ninth
streets , where an informally organ
ized meeting was hold.
At this congregation objut a hun
dred of the strikers remained and
they were addressed briefly by the
best speakers and by the chairman.
Ono of the speakers gave it as his
opinion that the Rtriketa would gain
their point by Friday , if they would
bo firm. Ho was of the opinion Unit
the men should never have allowed
the leaders to have boon arrested yes
terday , and said that if they had been
men inatuad of children they would
not have permitted it.
HHHThis latto'r sentiment was not as enthusiastically
thusiastically applauded us the man
speaking it could doairo , and the atten
tion of the crowd Boomed to bo alto
gether on other things.
After awhile it was determined that
the mooting should adjourn until 7
o'clock this morning , when the strik-
eis should all gather ut th dump nnd
watch matters there during the day
It was generally agreed that if men
attempted to work at the prices struck
against their tools should bp taken
from them , but no one to bo injured.
Liter , another gathering wns hold
at the corner of Ninth and Howard
streets. The mooting was called t
order nt 8i30 o'clock , und cries were
immediately raised for Edward Walsh ,
the bricklayer , who was supposed to
bo prosont. Walsh responded , and
said that before the strikers could
hope to do anything of good or bo olit
to themsolveathey must organize. They
should bo firm , but at the same time
they should bo very careful to bo law-
abiding. He thought that $1.75 waa
only enough for them to live upou
and would bo reasonable From sta
tistics it could be proven that
a boom for any city never lasted
longer than five years. Therefore
it behooved thorn to make hay while
the sun shines. No man could live
upon § 1.25 u day and it was unreasonable
enable to expect a man to work for such
RII amount. Ho then censured Mayor
Boyd's action in interfering with the
strikers on the corner of Fourteenth
nnd Farnam streets. Ho always
thought that in America every man
had a r' ' V to go where plenped ; to
discuss any question , BO long as ho did
not attempt to break any laws , and ho
entirely tailed to see where the
Htrikora hud attempted to do anything
out of the usual lino. Ho a ain asks
mon to refrain Irom injuring anybody
or anything.
The mooting was quite orderly and I
the speaker was moat enthusiastically
applauded throughout. It was agreed
that n mass meeting should bo held at
the city hall this morning at 0 o'clock.
The crowd then very quietly dispoa od.
The men who were nrrosted yostor-
duy uCiernoon , as being the loaders of
the striking nnd riotous mob on the
corner of Fourteenth and Farnam
streets , gave their immos ns Peter
Johnson , NioJ * Andurson , and Ernoit
Ucchtor. A special policeman ,
numod Van Norman , was subse
quently arrested for taking part in
the usaault upon the mon lorcoi1 out
of the water works trench on Tenth
In the case of each of the three
parties arrested on Farnam Htrtet the
bail was put at § 200 Anderson and
Rochter furnished the bail and were
released about six o clock in the oven-
The penalty prescribed by the statute
for the otl'enso of riotous proceedings
is 9100 line at the outside and three
months' imprisonment. The prison-
era will bo arraigned this afternoon
at two o'clock.
Dr. A. II. Dorns , founder of the
celebrated Lamnrtino Vaccine Farm
nt Fond du Lao , Wis. , is now propa-
tinting pure Uovino Vinm ut Lincoln ,
Neb. Ten Ivory Points , $1.00j
Oiuuts , 82,00 ; caah with the order.
Only phynieiiiHs supplied.
A. H. Douius , M. I ) . ,
fob22oodlin-nute Lincoln , Neb ,
And Tells a PJatisiblo Story
of the Shooting of
Stroobuch ,
Which , If True , Would Exonerate
Him Entlruly.
The network of proof against the
alleged murderers of Henry Stroobeck
in Keg Crook township , Pottnwatto-
mio county , lown , is clowly closing
about them. It was made moro se
cure yesterday by the confession of
Joncph Bolts , the colored man arrest
ed at the house of Mrs. Green near
Metz' brewery , in this city , nnd who
from his well known character was
suspected strongly of having been
the man who fired the fatal shot.
Betts immediately after his arrest
played innocent to perfection but the
proofs as to his complicity in the af
fair were too overwhelming and yes
terday ho made a quasi confession to
Henry Orobc , the ox-deputy sheriff
and \ the jailor , Mr , Joe Miller.
Bolts' story is a plausible ono , and
is confirmed in several details by
known facts Ho says that on Friday
afternoon last Murray und D.m Shon-
tor came over to Omaha from the
Blulft , and mot him near the headquarters -
quarters buildim ; . They naked him
to go across the river with them nnd
net as doorkeeper at a lecture to bo
given by Murray nt n school hi > usu in
the neighborhood of the residence of
Stroobech. Whether there ia any
such school house or not Betts don't
know , but it is known that Murray ,
who is an Englishman , has delivered
several lectures at different Uinvs.
The trio crossed the river on the-2
o'clock dummy , Murray payim ? the
fares of all three They reached tlra
vicinity of the suuposcil school houst ;
about ! 'u'0 ! o'clocK , but were lost and
could not find it , if it wiis thoro.
Joe then wanted to robarn to Couu- |
cilllufh , but the others1 refused and [ T
proyoaud hunting for a farm house ,
which they did , bringing up at Stroo-
boclv'o. Hero they encountered a
dog which was baligcront.and Betts
was assigned the duty of pacifying
wliilo the other two tried to find
lodgings at the houso. liuving got t
the dog quieted and finding that his
compauior.B had entered the house ,
Joe started to follow them. He got
only inside the hallway when-ho heard
the shot. Ho says ho think'3 ono of
the two fired it , of course , but don't
know which ono. All they got was
the § 0 , nnd of this small booty none
fell to his share.
The pistol was obtamod at a Coun
cil Bluffs-pawn-shop , a friend having
offered it to them for protection < m
the trip iff they would pay the amount
due on it. Ho claims Unit he VTOH nor.
lot into the secret of ilio object of the
visit in the slightest degree.
While this story may or may not bo
true it is-a- plausible ono , nnd further
confessions may be had uliioh may
help to unravel the mjstery.
Walton , who was arrehted as a wit
ness , being the party taken in to do
the work and who backed out , waa
taken over to- Council Bluffs yester
It was rumored on peed authority
last night that Strooboch's wounds
wore after all not likely to provo fatul.
Judge Savage Grants the Bequest
of tha- District Attornoj.
At the opening of the district court
yesterday District Attorney Burn-
ham made application for the calling
of n special grand jury to finish up
the criminal work of the tarm inter
rupted oy the illegality in tJio organ
ization of the regular body. The law
under which thia ia askivd is ia fol
lows :
Section 405 , Criminal Cede of Ne
braska : "After vho dUcluiryo of the
grand jury it shall bo lawful for the
court when it shall be deemed neces
sary , to order the sheriff to call together -
gother a new grand jury from the by
standers or neighboring citizens , of
sixteen good and lawful men , having
the qualifications of grand juroru ,
who snail bo returned and sworn or
utlirmed nnd shall proceed in iho same
manner. "
The state's attorney took the ground
that one of the cases thus interrupted
was tor alleged murder and that to
delay the action of the grand jury
and the trial of the case was to keep
n largo number of witnesses on hand
at a great expense to the state and
annoyance to thorn. The court
granted the desired order , and the
now jury will probably j/ot to work
to-day. In the meantime Kos-
tors renews bin bail , which he did this
torday morning.
It is stated by his attorneys that it
is not customiuy for a court to exor
cise this privilege except on extraor
dinary occasions , and they do not
think thia ono. But ono special grand
iury was over called before in Douglas
county and that was by Judge Luke
several years ago , when n murdoro
waa under arrest and had to bo deal
with by law at once or probably bt
lynched. There nro two or thro
supreme court di-ciaions bearing 01
the subject nnd the now indictmon
, will no doubt bo attacked by the do
Maine Neva-
Hop Bitters , which are advertise id
in our column * , nro n sure euro In
ague , billiousness nnd kidney con
plaints. These who use them HU
they cannot bo too highly rcomn.
mended. These nlliicted should givr
tliwu n fair trial , nnd will become
thm-by enthusiastic in the prniee of
tlieir curative. Portland Argus.
mar - -
Army Orders.
The following general orders have
joen issued from the headquarters of
the department of the Plutto , Omaha ,
Nebraska :
A general court martial is hereby ap
pointed to moot at Fort Bridger , NV.
T. , on the Otliday of March , 1885 , 01
ay soon thereafter as practicable , for
- the trial of Trumpeter James Collins
company F , Fourth infantry , awl jul !
other prisoners as may bo brought before
fore it.
Detail for the court Oflptnui * Ed
win M. Coato.1 , Fourth infantry ; Wil
liftin II. Binbeo , Fourth iufnn'ry
Henry McElorry , nsijslniit surgeon1
United States nrmy : First Dtutonai.i 13 , Hobcrtsoil , Ninth infantry.
Second Lieutenants Silns A. Wolf ,
Fourth infantryj nnd Edward II.
Browne , Fourth infantry.
Captain Gerhard L. Lulin , Fourth
infantry , judge advocate.
A greater number of oflicors thnu
those limned cannot bo assembled
without manifest injury to the sor-
Captain Joseph Kcoffe , Fourth in-
ftuitry , recently promoted , will join
his company.
First Lieutenant Charles \V. Mason ,
Fourth infantry , recently promoted ,
will join his compnnv.
A Horrible Death Mot nt H Midnight
A shocking sight us that seen this
morning on Thirteenth street below
Jackson , where n large and fine look
ing cow hung by the neck nnd fore
feet in n well , dead of cowan , hi > r
tongue protruding from her mouth
from strangulation.
It nppoars that there waa a loose
platform ncrus.i the mouth 01 ? tlu *
well , which while strong enough , , trn *
too mall for tin nperturo it cover d
It had boon uasd for some time , , and
yesterday coal 'vngons wore drawn
over it in B.-rfety. It probably
worked to one aide , and about mid
night last nii > ht tie cotv , which be
longed to Mr. Allan Sutlcy , in wan
dering aBout , struck the platform and
both went down into the well , which
was dry and quite deep. After fulling
feet down until Jior head was-
below the ourfaco of the street several
foot tin- animal and the platform be
came wedged nnd wouM go no farther.
jln this position aho was discovered
nnd ! efforts laado to draw her out
? ri th a derrick nnd tackle
were without success nnd she
dually died from strangulation. This
morning her owner found her and
sesnred asaistntioe , but up to noon
hod not got her out , no * her weight
and | wedged in position were too much
to handle easily. Ho will > ndoavor
to : unko somebody piy ; for the cow iiB
he claims her Io38 is duo to.tho care
lessness of the wo'l ' owner or the city.
Shrowdnesi'tmdAbility. .
Hop Bitters , BO freely advertised in
all the papers , sec-alar and reliuiuus ,
nro liuving n liu'fio Bali' , and nro mip-
p'nnting ' all other medicines. Ther
is no denying the virtues of the Hop
plant , nnd tlio proprietors-of ihesi-
Bitters have shown great shrcudiit'S *
and iibilny in compwnidiui : it Bitters ,
wluist ) virtues are so palpable to every
ones observation. [ Examiner and
Chronicle. marl-d vv
VMnsclt Snfo ' * at Homo. "
George or \ VillimuVniaoit , the
xascally contractor shown up in Tun
BKE ou Tuesday , waa brought to this
city yesterday morning by Sheriff
Ilyera and taken to Plattsmouth.
Winscit was taken to n.hotel on Tenth
street for breakfast and put in a square
meal. He didn't look * at all worried
and ia probably relying on his iiioiui-
muntal cheek to carry him through.
Hazen and Nolign Try their Leer
Powers for thei Peaeesslon.
of Wilson.
Charlea Wilson , the man who was
arrested as the burgbu who robbed
the American House , was dismissed !
from custody yesterday , by a nolle
prosequi entered by the district at
torney , the principal witness against
him not being able bo appear in court.
Immediately upon , this action , Capt.
J. J. Neligh and Detective Hanen ,
each sUned after the prisoner , on the
run , for the county jail to secure him
ahead of the other. Neligh reached
the jail lirst , and on Hazen's arrival
ihoao was n contest of wordsad to
whether Wilson ahould bo taken to
Lincoln on Neli h's warrant for bur
glary or to lilair by Hazen for the
B. & M. robbery. It waa finally
agreed that ho should go thu state
capital lor trial on the chiirgu now
pending against him.
Goo. Wildhh , of Aurora , U in iho city
K. W. ( iiinther , of AUi'-n * in at tin
Gen. J. M. Thayer armed , m the oitj
Krauk Ireland , K.i. , of Nebraska City
is ngaiu iu the rity.
, J. Hlgsja , of Tine KiiUje , . isi iu thu city '
] ( i at the Withnell ,
Dr. 0. 1C. Thump * > u Ml yestenliy f' ' > a
St. Paul tm a buine s biii. [
Moj.T. . .T. UphAiii I * a giie.t at t'4i
Withnell , where lie arrived lant evening.
( J. B. and wj > fe and MrH. KJiza
Sutfen , of Missouri Valley , are at. the
A. 0. Will-ami1 , i Lincoln , urri ei in
tlia rity y itcnliy. He i < re Ut red at
HID .v'ttlmell.
I'nif. A. U Willi IIM caino up from
bii-t ovva.ii > ! ; and Htoppvl at
\liMter Mui&mlo Con iliin anil Supa *
liiten lent Stevena arrived in t > < | > eui ll cur
ti-riUy afUniiwn fiinn Gu-nnl Ulail
vhera they hve boiii ejwiilnhiS. th
dnno iu the lutfiet Klyli
a Edholm i\i \ Eriektti's.
SIKUV Kluko Flour nt
A Heiivy Swell.
. „ II. lw iicr , of Virtiillc , X. Y.
wrltea ; "Yrur TuoJiAy1 KoLronao Of
cwrud n bvlly awelloil iieck'antl mire thr < vi
i n my sou In furty-ehht IIOUN ; ono c.p
cation aUo removed ilia pain from a very
fore \KS ; uiy wlfuS fix ' waa aluo 'jtuichver !
llauxcd < n i.iuch an that ulie could m
- w ! k about I'M home ; t > he applied the ol
wul in tv iitV'four lioutw.w cutirul
Out n Coutt < rff Dluns SlolRh thnt Mndo
Trouble Tor Anna Dickinson.
'i'ho recent puHic.ition in TJIK BIK :
Ciiiicorning the hnrd time that the
Anna Dickinson jwrty , or u ptut
thcruof ] , had when IIITO recent/ ) , was
g'Veii upon the authority of Ths Lin
coln Globe , and connidorab/y / in
correct. The trouble experienced by
Iho party in finding the depot ft-asnot
duo to n "drunken Oimha hack
driver , " us stated , but to the weak
ness of a Council Bluffs' alei h. The
episode | occurred after the performa -
a ice in Councrl Dluffr , ns the party
wore bcini ; driven through the snow
storm to the tr.innfor depot. , ? ust as
the del pork hetiso was reached the
sleigh in which the party were st'owod
away broke down , smd it became ini-
poshibio tu go any further ,
The passengers started out on foot
to walls to the transfer i ml lost their
path in the snow storm. As a conire-
quenco they wandbred about on the
pmiriu for about an hour until they
finally stiruck the right road and ar
rived at the depot. 3t is needless to >
say that they suffered much and were
generally disgusted , but the cmise
therefor wn not the inebriety of a
hiicic driver nor the fault of iniy other
individual , but duo to thn weakness
of the con vo.vince : in wliich they stinted
Too much cannot be said of the
ever faithful wife and mother , con
stantly watching and caring for her
dear ones , never neglecting a single
duty in their behalf. When they sire
assailed by disease , and the system
ahould have n thorough cleansing , the
atonmch and bowels regulated , blood
purified . , malarial poison exterminated ,
she must know Electric Bitters
nro the only sure remedy. They nr
the best nnd puroot medicine in the
world , and only cost litty cents. Sold
by Tsh it McMiihon. M )
Tire Only Knovm Hcal'Caro.
ixs'KV f'.i U \ Nai. . - .
M ui ItooinS ( ; r < nvhtnn
/ ll/\'l't- ' l.OA > At B P
.Ul/U ttru-t In tamiol
'tHiiU , lot 3 to o jiMr * . on ihif-clasv city
rni iirojierty. Bejlifc K AL INi
AoKNt'T , Ifitli wid Douclait Sts.
W ANTi-.D Two if.wi lliirncssaiiktra ; go i
waste ? , ttuady umiilntinont. R&ijutru or
.rttij . Aaron f.'catU , Aurpra NtJV :83-7
AKTKD A ttooJ slow l > oy aii Illchtcr'J ,
1322 Farnham St. SSO- '
i'wlns In famllka r/v a younsr
Imly. who unntT-tand * Ur < 3.sf Ulnj , ' . AU
dresi Win * V. f. , I'co cmac. 275--1 *
AVtu-tkmln a.htuineai house
WANTED oung ma < i who un orut'in' tf book-
eeivInK , Is also a good penman , Solary at first
not.M > much an objrct , us aplace where at ton-
tl .n lo bui 111031 an-1 honest p.foro auce of duty
"llllin reuarded. Oed rcicrcncas Kivcn. A'l-
ilc6s K. 8. , Bio olOco. 3Sl > tf
ANTED Uood btnutglrl for jfentral hail c
worl : , must ho good cook Mid ir ncr. Ap
jr at 012 Jackton St. 370 t (
fVITANTED A goeil stfadyiboy from 15 to 1 !
| f joir > old 10 work In ktorv. Inqiilro at
! VX7 ANTiD ; A U.y nnt.undutlii yunrnof KO
VV Enqulro N. Kcirner 10th iri Douglas
. 270-1 *
i \\1 AN TED A competent < jjcl to ilo iciitri
VV housework , at corner iluatUkjii and 1'le
ta. , bhlnn'a ad 3tloii. Qood wagus. 271-tf
A man ti takje < ; ere of horses ail'
WANTKD worka&aubplauo. HuBt buv
rccommonilatlans , II. W. YA'L'aS. 2U7 E
TAO good harness m-vlcrs ; stead
WANTKD K. STACH , York , N'ob. ! Z3 lino'
WANTED That can Hot up lime
GOOPKK . ApplV Immediately to JOHN 0' ' 11
KIE , 1 imc Silns South llcnd , Caas eouity , Noli.
E ploymtntbx- youna roan'
WANTKD ( .tore. II Maniiwullir , e
ploymcnt ngeiit , lltiistreofr , niar Farnham.
PA1VTEI1 Nuwaalr ) , northwest corner o (
w 2SJ nnd Hurt SW. 2.17-tt-
A poiltlon ia steiic-rnpher ( b ? k
WAJfTUD m a Jlnt-clmw In the nrt and a l
to do verbatim reporting ; ' any > > l"il. " "S i1"
employed in the camts tor i. > t-rai xoar- jest
but m ulJ prufn a "ItUiilloii at aminucn-Hj De
tins wlary of SIJCO p f y nr. est n Iu .I'M IH
ultcn both K to rrornlcimra tor a d i.l > IJly If
Addrw * Win I ) . Own , lUweso , .
- - * - > ooitonp wo ijiidt-r
WANTEIV-rirbt-cii-i > > * el1ul | 1' " " * : " ° "c
bat Hrnt-claM iitulii.i'i'l * Aiwa Kooioy i *
walti'r. Ap > U atir-rtVirnluiu t ill
Kuiidliik iinrtirf urf
WAWTKD Clark. Uclluvue.
i VV7 iNTIJP 4.-Alldron M b arderUn -elect
VY uUiool , attlflth and Calllornla.St. U II.
( IOMI9 T67-W
6T IlKNT HouiK ) far rent St. , M
Iicrwuuvorth aiwl Marcy St.v O. A. LJi
alilt Ht0.y ! rnnBm'8l. S8i-3
IiiitUEaT A nUcly furnlfilfd room. Oal
with. M ercnce > C07J N. .jlh St. 27MI
U'INT-2 ' bon < one lAnd f ni 5 rt > om"
Fn 18th nJ Paul KU. luqiira ! ' IH.'i
THOM HEN'l-Kumlshea m OlUlUlh Ht.kct
'J ' ; Ulltori'la and Websayr St . _ Sfl5-tf
O KJI18 rents l outf T : ots7farnisrBtorcg. ) a"nJs
D roonn , etc. Office 16th aiid.I > oul | i > St
OUIlli T NlfelvfurnlsheUrxim. Aw > lva
liftl Farnham - j. SIS-U
UKET Sto room In orlck UilUlnir , N
FOil . lorner ICjh Bill Uiuvlnif. 0. V Uood
man , 1 U" Fariili. m St. Mt-tf
IUNT-Stralllir.r . , unlUble for \\onot
corner r rtihain tunl 2 h Ht. Apply to
It. bhrcte. VX ) '
Tnoil HiWiT noiw mi Sherman ' " > '
roowitlutttVc , A ply to N. W Mo
rill. 307 .ilthb- _ gytf
T BOOIIW In Jacolu' b'ocl. '
* " *
OOH. liENT Furniiniu nun loom , Jf. B t/
K Uth and JitkuM. s-- "
' 1OH HihT : llouro of tight rooms. KiKjul
jj J. Pliui * oc , 1512 bf filth SV 077-tl
UKNT t furniihfd loemw cor M-
e . IJCil.
, lOll HKNT Klccly imuUl.cJ rooms with
h without Ixwril. J\-WOU \ 'jlo prlcet ) . 20
t st. " '
ITIOIl 'AMI Team ofyounff her o , wajronaml
1 harnMhoiMifi ( | ! yew olJ and about 16
li d lileh. Inquire of J. Vlckcnburc , nt K l-
honi A hrlckton'K. tCS-S'
BEMIS feN hou < - , loK , farms MI " "
onicc , irnhund i > ugKiiUs.
j ptr outfit eon lstlric of n , No. 6 Taylor &
ion prr i , cha c ? , Ifft , &c. , tc f complete , for
nsldu 7 ro'iiiniia folio. For particulars cnll on or
address M , llunhim , r i U. llirtvrell , Clark * ,
Neb. S65-lt
8AI.JC At Hall } etil mill , near Military
1 ItrMpo , . " 5 tons of N'o. 1 bile.i hay. Will bo
Itllvercd to any pv t of the city All > ground
eed at the bvreit cntli prlitr.V. \ . II. McCOV.
PUIl SALK wen yncrct beautiful land , well
locatfd with goftd rcsMeiico , barn , out-
well nr'l cittern ; pUce woil fenoeds
erms onty > V. If. HAUTI.ETl1 , Itcnl EsUto
Aycnt. 2S9-1
riOU SANK IO.O.JO Ulack Cap Mammoth Clus-
L1 tcr llMticrrjr Hoots "Iillo Wild Place.1
, MVX > ordtrunt 1414'Dotlgo St. JOHN O. Wllr
L11 , Commlsslo < Han. Ul U
IF.M18' C1TV MAI'S , 10e. Mount l
I > Mar * . 8-J.SO. OEO. I' . HEMIS.
. . * ! ' harness fr ? Ucdnmn' *
It'tu etr ct linrn- Hl-B'
[ 7(011 ( SK At Solomon's , 1204 Fftrnhatn Hi. .
i ! KOld'fteh , sliver nsh , . ecl , alllfraXnn , devil
ill , Impcrifcd canary birds , t ilklmr i r.rrotgold
nchcs , red Mrili , inocMnp birds , fish globes and
aquariums ; . * ! ! nlzoi and a/Its , at pries resem
ble. 14Mf
71O11 SAl.K Car-loud of hones at IHllranco'i
J sale Bttt ) e , Z10 S. 10th > 3 . J6J-1 *
ITlOn SAM : llleyclo , 4ln * Standard Colum-
L1 Ma. Apply t nion Elector. 203-tt
[ T10K SALK rioiHo wllh 6 rooms , h rn and
I1 ion ? loa o-nt lot on Uith Ht. , bet. Burl and )
Ttbstcr. Incfirn t Kdhnlm If Krlckson's. r
FOR SAMC-At reasonable n itro' , a rntnur-
ant w'th tisturcs complete ; dolnir good
Inquirer t 410 SouihlSth Ht. 263 H
70K SALK-A No. 1 yan of henry draft
_ ' horses. Kn i-j4ro ot G. T. I'a'ulscn , at Peter
Ocas' . S48-Sf
1'rciinllch cows , al * > nice fresh
t ; butter , ut IJual'tf j > vc ry etoro , eorncr Tenth
nd Dodge.
BU.K Itcstaoiajit with K ° oH patronage
on 10th M. ; rcixsjn for idling , ruustKO ev *
o took after buslncs' . tnnulro at
10 S. 10th St. 174-tf
LOT3-3100 c ch ,
L > ? 5 UOTn and S5 pirmonth , KICM1S , Kgtnt ,
5th nnd Doug'na ' 3ts.
OK SALE A i ocil aeeonil hand street hack
fur aalo , nt a low bargain , by Dr. I aac
A-arda , 1109 Fnrnham street. 74 tf.
IY1OK SALK House and lull lot In good loca-
U tlon , cheap. Price , ? 1250. Easy tsrnu.
IcCAOUl,1 ; Opp. post tHee. ISO
OUSAlKBc8tbullcKo3lot In Shlnn'a ' ad-
dltlon , J42 font cast frmit by 120 feciltspth.
p piHtuHAe. W tf
OR SALK OR UENT A ( rrocery store and
P butcher shop , doinfgooil business.ID -
qnlra at this olllcu. 012-tf
FOR. SAJj&-2 nlco couatera and 2 silver plated
show casrs , at Oto , Peterson's , SOI1 Bout h
Oth St. 741-tf
SAluK Urulllcxcha ge for Omaha ) iro-
Foil , an Improved etw on of Hud adjoln-
tic ( a station on U. 1' . R. Itt < II. DUNHAM ; 118
'arnham S4. , Omaha. V20 3mt
SAuE ! Or trade far- ' city property , on
FOR of honoi , Imrnca * * nd uagon , AiiJrcs
S. Y thlsclliCiJ 7S2 t (
HALK A tOed sovcn-ycar-old hort
\Varrntcd to urivc einglo or doub'a. E.1
quiiu of OcorKB Canliuld , CanOolcl houso.novlStf
\V A'DKliKL'l , UfSCOVKKV AWUlam's
cyo jaho nivlo In Gtnaha , Ncl ) ; , atitl has
un api.lJCd to hundndi of cases an < l lun never
en know"10 fall yut. \good \ for the eor-
eHt and w i > kext of i-jei forffounff and old. AH
hat arc suffering with aoe ojes tiy it for your-
; olf. ( llllce , W. corner of ilCtn and iDouclns
itOmahi , Neb. l'rk 35c , 60c and M.03 per
bottle. iW-4
Ul1 By the sabaorlber near West
Oiiiiha , Douglas . , Neb. , 1 Iwy inaro
a-i nt twelve yo < raold , 1'ilatk bay hario colt
about 1 ytar old with huVcr on , 1 darkibay mare
colt aboultwo j(5aroldi Owner can ba > c cells
uy calllnu and payln * bUi K. W > CAliSENTER.
Hret cbn tabld baatJ , at 2011
ROOMSAnd " ml-lia'
2 unfuoiishcd roonuAruianttnd
Hifo , murtbe znoderato In [ uicu. Ad-
drcaa II. , Ufo olHco. S07-tf
> 1RHET WKAVI.V" Done bv Mra. C. niglcy
i N. E. cor. 15th i nd JacUon. sta 28S-1'
_ L cn > In frequoi tjiec.lpt of cppllcatlona for
operator" . UGLIj i AMES , KiW Farnham ,
Agents Remington Tj-po-\VrlWrj. febl8-lra
\ . RK.NT Choice of 30 Cull iota to loasb
S\W. Cro'Rhtin ' C"IIcgc. Serbia per year.T
Uojter Thomas & liro.k Ilooiu 8 , Creiihtonh
, * tiOuachi dojvn and 40 per month
, eteht(8)poti )
. notei securerf ,
by real state irvuriiiaito for tala. Addieas P , W.
Hex ( . . 208-7
TIANO AMI OnaAHsInstTUCtion by
S. 9tl
HlOIIESTtriUCEpaldifor all lilnds cl. , UODV
nietaV and rage , by. L Qalliiaky & So , , 102
DouglM St. -W-lm
F 10th and DavMipon1 ! M ; . OM-ll
riitJI08pj.'A..trJ KiU | > oriuii > lJ3D'IjoJK < '
street. Ofrvtt
M iOt d Uy 'jjjji ! rionod man. Small salary.
I' , u. lta.1 JsQl Ui y. _
riUr MSIIhl > .ilOOMS Wniiln Kirco blocks ol
f jm. < toillio In < | Ulro at IfilO 1X1 e. 920-tf
) y. IN CllA\O.S and Oil ,
lno dd.r.ntlve MRS. D. ) '
' * 'A rt ' | KM" ' " " ' " 1. . S4g tf
> AUBU IU iV At A. Bat ! r'B Feed Store
130SM Jf-T , 4US To nit , Strtot , between Parrttun
urxl H fJiojr. Will , ' rlth Uie ld of guas4l a
spirits , < / < t ln for auv onoidlanre at the pitek
ao d vi * vnt , Mi.l cdi.ertalt conditions In the fa
ture. Ptoots ami fib > cs mle to ; rJcr. I'orfeck
- " ' > tlcn putrM toed ii2l" '
Absolutely Pure
- Ihlspowi'tr ncur varies. A marvel of pur
. Ity , strength aril wholesomcnrsi. More econo
mic 1 thin the ordlnari kludi , and cannot ba
> ald In coiupctlilon with the multitude ol low
01 lo t , short weight , olara or phoipbato powdtn.
20U Bold only In ran. KOTAL DAMR9 1'OWPW C v
103 W U St. , New Tort.