Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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NEW YOIIK. March 1.
Money closed stringent nt G per rent
pltn 1-32 ot 1 per cent premium ,
Exchange cloteil firm nl I 8 < J@4 OOJ.
Governments closed trong.
Currency < > ' 1 2. " > bid
4'a coupons 1 17J bid
4Vs coupon * I bid
r/s Continued . . . : 1 02 bid
C'B continued 1 OOJ bid
IIAIMIOAI ) 1)0X1)3.
1'ncllic railroad bond * closed ns follows :
Union Isla 1 IS rj ! 14J
Union Land Grants 1 lf > C 1 lit ]
Union SinkliiR Ftiminlttl nt..l 20
ContraU 113i@ll4i !
The total nnioiint iMUtd from Ihe
United States treasury In warrants la' ' * * ,
month was $17W7,32 ! > .88.
Kntional bank uotci WOM outstanding
to-day to the nniounl of $701,031 7SC > , a
dccrc.uoof 8519,01 ! ) during Kolmiary , nnd
an increase of SIS.IOS.MI tinee March
The nuioual of tender note * out-
tnndiiiB allows n decre.vio of § 7,713,797
since Mnrch , 1881.
The ninount of currency onleturuling nt
The stock mnrket to-day WAS nctl\c , the
Rales for the day amounting to 4511,000
xharcj. At th ? opening Uicro was n Blight
dcclin. % but the market noon became firm
and advanced , n rise of } © 3 ] > er cent be
ing recorded before noun , in which the e
were large t ladings. After midday a
strong bearish feeling Htt in , and under
their manipulations most of the morning
advance was lot. During the afternoon
there were n few rallio' , but they were
subsequently lost , nnd near the close , wr
der the stringency of money , gieat de
pression i revailcd , the cloning qnotatioiiH
being generally the lowest of the day.
Early in the last hour Hannibal & St.
Jo fell from 111 to 81. and the preferred
from 93 to 80.
The following arc the closing bids :
1J J 1
CHICAGO , Murch 1.
The inquiry for money wad on n fairly
active scale nnd by nil clauses of borrowers
at G@7 per cant per annum.
The clearing of the associated bauka
were inrgerowins to the first of the month ,
and add up § 11,100,000
" "
"Kaitern exchange between city banks
was steady at OOo diic ount per $1,000.
Orders for currency were light.
Omalia WJiolosalo Market.
Wednesday Evening , March 1. f
Tlie following changes are reported in
to-day's market :
Wheat No. 2 advanced lu ; No. 3 ad-
van cdic ; rejected , advanced Ic.
Corn No. ; J advanced lo.
Oati Declined Jc.
K gs Declined 2c.
Acid Tartaric advanced lOc , and Cin-
dboridia advanced ftc.
iCastor Oil Declined 5c.
.Morphine Advanced 15c.
Local Grain Deal ings
\VHEAT. Cash , No. 2 , 109 ; caah
Vo. ; i , 88Jc : rejected , G3c.
R/VULjiY. Cash No. 2 , flOcj No. 3
65 c.
c.RY.E. . Cash , lillu.
* > ' { 5 CORN. Cash No. ' . ' , 41 ! . .
OATS. Cash. 31V , , .
STHJSKT PJUOJSS Corn , 40@45 ; oats ,
HAY SC 00@G SO per ton.
FLOUS Spring wlieat , straight grade ,
(325(2355 ; "Pioneer" California , $4 00 ;
patent , 63 75@-l BO ; winter .vhcat straight
grade S3 fi5 ® I 25 ; patent , ? 50@.r 00 ; gra-
bam rye , $8 fiO ; Wheat , * . ' : 01) ) ; Queen
JJee. 1 2.1) ; Tafli , > er , § 3 87 ; Big Siimx ,
i13 60.
KYK FLOUIK .53 25.
3IILLSTUKFd Uron , per cwt. 1 10
petonlG.OO@lf )0 ) ; < oroeuineu , per cwt.
jOrj bhortB , ptf jv/t 1.10 ; cbopjxsd feed ,
per cwt. 1 20 ; mesl nolterl , yellovr , 1 10 ;
whito. SI CO.
"OTATOI5S NVunwkan , 1 15@1 20.
d WBKT rOTATGES-Genuine JIiiBca-
Jne,4 ( o'So per lb.
WILD G15E8E Gut of market
JKGGS 14i@15c.
iiU'i'i'Jilt Choice , IS : poor , i o mar
ket ; fair. 18@,2 ; creamwy , 40.
APl'LKS Good , souivil , very HCMCG
at 5 COfflGiO per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; per box1 2" @
42 0 ,
OKANUKS-rjor box 4 OQ012r .t ,
MALAGA GUAPKS 1'er Wl.8 ) W ) ;
iperhalf bbJ.S160.
BKJ2SWAX Yflllow , 2022c. (
( ONIONS 1 101ID i ii bunh I.
' I'or doz , , l.Vi/7 ) c.
$8 23 a 9 00.
Croceri Lltt.
COFFEE. llio , lair , J2icj UIo , good ,
ISic : Illo , prime to choice , lie ; Old gov't
Java ; 2Gis28ic. ( Mocha , 28c ; AtbuckleV ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45MCe ( ;
Choice , fX75c ) ; Imperial , good , 40@40c ;
Choice , G0@70c ; Young Hyiion , good , 3C@
BOc ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
S5cj Japan , choice , C0@7fio ; Oolong , good ,
85@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
good. 85@10c ; clioice , 3545c. (
SUGAItS. Cut loaf. lOJc ; Cnwhed
lOJc ; Granulated , lOic ; Powdered , lOJn
Vinepowderod , Hie ; Standard CofT e A :
flic ; New York Confectioner's Standard
A , OJo ; Good A , OSc ; Prairie Extra 0 ,
SYHUPS. Sugar houno , bMn , 4r c : hnl !
bis 47c ; kcgf , 4 callous &J 10 ; choice
table nyruif12o ; half ubl , 44ej kec8$2 10.
SODA. Dwlght'n lt > tiixjiere , $ S 00 ; lc-
limii ilo , $3 00 ; Church's , $3 00 ; Keg * od ,
8TAKOH. I'carl , 4Je { Silver ( Moss , 84
8c ; Corn Starch , 63@0cj Kxcvlnior
lujK. e ! Corn , "Jc.
SAIiT. Druy load * , per bbl , 2 10 ; AMi-
ton , in suckn , 3 f > 0j bbl * dairy M , 6 * , 345 !
\jhisdnirv \ , loo. 3s a nr. .
DUIKU FHUlTS-ChoIco halves ,
Ib boxc , IHo ; Micliignn , 8Jc ; Jxow
Vnrk njtplcs Sic ; Prunes , old , CJc ; now ,
Ike : Currant * . t > if@fioj blackberries now ,
'ciIKr.rfi : Full Cream , Me ! 1'nrt
Jkim lljc ,
WOODKNWAUU Two hoop pall- ,
I ! Io ; tliroe hoop pulls 2 208 No. 1 tttbi
9 50 } No. 2 tubs , 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 CO
uioncer wr.shboanls 1 85 Double Crswn ,
290 ; Well buckets 325.
r.HAI > Har , 91 05. .
SI'lOKS. 1'epper , | tO ; Allspice , Ho ;
Cloven , -lOc : Nutmew , f 1 00 : 25cjCMam ,
Miieo SI 00.
MATCHKS Per caddie , OOcj round
cnsch , S7.0. ; t < mmro cases , ? .r > .10.
I'llO VISIONS Hreikfant bacon , ISi *
. holco Innl , 1-JJc ; dried beef , 13Jo ; should
era , Jic : hnms. IHo ; liacun , sides , lie.
NKW 1'IOKI.iKS Medium , In barrel ,
$9 00 ; do in half hbls 5 25 ; smalls , in bblx ,
11 ! 00 do , In half bbh , 7 CO ; gherkins , In
bbls It 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 CO.
VINKGAK Pure npplo extra , 1C :
wire atiiilo , 13cj PniMimtr imro rumle , IGc.
HOMINY Now , ? : . 50 per bbl.
UK ANS Medium , hand picked SI ' . ' 0
iicr bushel ; navy , Si 00 ; calef navy , SI 00
liOPK Sisal , i inch and larger , 8J@
9o ; .i inch , Die.
SOAPS-Kiik's Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Kirk'H satinet. 3 30 ; Kirk's Handani , 3 05 ;
Kiik'tf white llumiati , 5 00 : Kirk's
Eutoca , 20. " ) ! Kirk's Prniriu Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 1 55 ®
CANULKS Boxes , 40 lbn , Ifi oz , 8 ,
lGcboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , C . ICc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 :
Western , 2 78 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case ,
I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In cose. 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
new , § 6 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , $7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
U alfa clover , now , $12 50 ; alslko , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 ;
blue grass , extra clean , ? l 50 ; blue grass ,
clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , $1 00 to $1 25 ;
Hungarian. SOc.
HKDOESKEB Osage orange , 1 to
bushels , 5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , ? ! 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
1001bs..82.- > .
FIS jl Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
83 75 ; Xo , 1 white fish , DO Ib hf bbls , C 30
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 135 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum
bia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Co ; Gen. boneless codfish
9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
MACKE HEL Half bbln iness mackerel
100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do
100 lb , C 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackoiel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25
No. 1 ex shore , 12 II ) do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 11
( Field's ) , per case , S4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's )
[ > er cot > e , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Stundaid ) , per case
J 70 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; d (
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 70 ; do 1 Ib ( slack )
per ease , 200. OnioiiH , 380. Salmon ,
it ) , per do/en , 1 G0 ( < yl 70 ; do21b , per dozen
255. Sardines , small I'sh ' , imported , _ one
quarter boxes per box , 14ic ; American
quarter boxes box , lie ; do half boxes
per box , 2ljc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen
180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib pe
cnse , 3 30 ; Corn. 2 Ib ( Mountain
per case , 3 CO ; soaked corn , 210 ; di
'i Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 01
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima bean
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 25
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case
280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 0 (
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 215. . Bartlet
pears per case , 3 Oo@ I 00. Whortleber
* ries per case , 2 80. Egg .plums , 2 Ib pe , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 5 (
Green gages,2 Ib per case , 3 50 : do choice ,
It i > er case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10
do 3 Ib , ease , G 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pe
oase.385 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 8(5)8to ( ) ; Louisiana , 7
© ' 8c ; fair , CJ@7.
PEANUTS Roabted , choice , red Ten
nessce , ! ) c per Ib ; fancj' white , lOc per 11 :
ra'v white Virginia raw , lOc ; rcastec
Dry Goodi
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot
FF , 84c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7e ; Cabot W
7c ; Chittenatigo A , GJc ; lircat Tails E
8Jc ; Hoosicr , GJe ; Honeat Width , 7jc ; In
riian Head A , „ 8Jc ; Indian Standard A
83c ; Indian Orcharel d. w. , 8.Jc ; Lawrenc
LL , 7c ; Myatie River , 74c ; Pequot A , 8 c
Shawiuut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5ic ; Wuclius
ett B , 74c ; do A , 8ic ; do E 48,12Jc ; Wai
4-4 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3e ; Argyle 4-1 , 73c
Atlantic LL. CJc ; Badger Slate X 4 4 , 7c
Bennington C 4-J , CJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Cjc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconia O
39 , 8ic ; Lehiph E 4-1 , OJc ; Lonsdale 4-4
lOc ; Pcpnereil N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do 1
30 , 73c ; do E 33 , SJc ; PncaKiet C 4-1 , 7Jc
AVnmsutta4.J 13c
f,5n L 4-4,10cBlackstoneA ; A in perial ! l <
do do half bleached 4-4 , ! ) c ; Cabot 4-4,8 }
Fidelity ! . 1 , iljcFruit ; of th Loom , 11 ; d
can bric4-4,13cdo ; WnterTwist,10JcGrea ;
FallsQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-J,12 c
Lonsdale , 104c ; do cambria 37 , 13c ; ATe\
York Mills , 13c ; Pequot A , lOc ; I'eppcrel
N G Twills , 121c : Pocnhontas 4-1 , 9Jo
Pocokset 4-4 , 8ic ; Utica , lie ; Wnuwutt
O X X. 13c.
DUCKS-Trnblcached Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Baltimore do , ICc ; Lone Star. H 07
12c : Sav i/p. 18c.
( Colnred ) Alb.uiy K lirowri
8c ; do 0 , .iral ilc to Yvk. , stripes am
plaids , 12Jc ; ( to XXX brown and dral ;
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Ailington fancy
19c ; Brunswick brown , 840 ; Chariot fancy
12Jc ; do xtra heavy , 20ft ; Kail Hive
brown , cictea lieavy , llic ; Indiana
brown , ISc : Neponsot A brown , 15o.
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , ISjc ; Arrowanna
9Je ; Clarernojit B 15 , 15Je ; Conestnga ex
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , llio Lowmton /
30 , 15c ; MiniMiliaha 4-4. 20c ; Oinojra wipn
extra 4-4. 28c ; 1'oarl Uivur 32 , IGJ-ej Put
nam XX blur stripe , 12c ; SlietuckeL S
lOtc : do SS 1& ! Yeoman's blue 21) ) , SJo
DKNIJ1S , Amoskcak , blueandbrowr
ICJc ; Andover XJD blue , 15oj Arlingto
blue Scotch , 18Jf ; Concord OOO , blue an
brown , 12ie ; do AAA , do do 13i ; iloXXi
do do 14Jc ; Ifnymakcr's blue and brown
'JAc ; UyBtioli\or ( DD Hlrfpe , IGJc ; IVnr
ifiver , bluonn'l brown , Lijc ; Uucartvlll
blueand brown , J3ic.
CJAatlJIHCS WnnwrJ , 5ic ; .IMiiysloii
liniiif ? . 21 inch double face , ic ; Garner A
( rln/eil , fie Mnnbatton ( 'line finlfli , fi c
NwwjKjrt < ti lit ; doi/liw < l , "Je ; i'tJjiiot il
fie ; LoikwiMxi kM tiniili , Gc ,
COUSJ'/f JEANS Amor y , 8cAndroH ;
coggin satteetr. 8JClarejide ; Q , GcjCones ! (
toga satteenti , l\a ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indiar
Orchard Improved , 74o ; Narr jgatiKett , 74
J'epperill Batten Uin ; Hockport , 72o
i'HINTrfAllena , ic ; American , Cjc
Arnuld , 7c ; llerwitk , 4Vc ; Cocbeco , 7ci
Conebtoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4'ic ; Dunuell
GJ@7c ; JJddystono. 7c ; Gloucester , fie
Hanuony , .r > lc : Knickerlwcker , GJo ; Jfer
rirnao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Hprat'iien , lie
Soullibridfe'c , Go ; do. Gingham * , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , Me ; Oriental Oic ,
GINGHAMS Ainoskcag , lOJe ; Amiw
- - '
9c ; Oumborland , 7Jc ; ,
Kenilworth , SJc ; I'lun kett , lOic ; Sus
861. c.
COTTON A DES Abber villa 13k1 ,
Agate. Wo ; American , llej Artlelan , 20ci
Cairo D end T , ISJc ; Clarion D and 1 ,
17ie ; Deccan Co. stripes DandT , IGc ; Key.
itooe , 13io ; Nnntuckot , 1'Jo ; * Nonpareil
10P | Ocean D ftnUT , 13io ; ' ' ' -
' "
irimil A illllVlll * iM Uf \ 1UI :
fancy , 12Jc ; do , 8 oz , SOo ,
SHEETINGS Anilnxcogsln 10-4,27ic !
o 0-4 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22cj Continental C
2 , llcj Fruit of the Uwm 10.1. 27Ji New
fork mills 08. Jttcs do 7S , 30o ; do 58 , 22Jcj
'ombrokolO-l , 2"c ; Pequot 1,0-1 , 2850 ; do
4 , lc ! ) ; doIII , IGc ; Popporcll ! K5 , 20c ;
0 67. 21c ; do f > 7 , 18c ; Utica OC , afloj do
8 , 22ie ; tin 18 , 17o
OlRart and Tel > ncco ,
CIOAUH. Seeds,515.00 ! Connecticut ,
25.00 ; Mixed , fcCnOO : Sc < xl Hrwaun ,
50.00' ClcnrHavnna , $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hull- ,
\ lb , tiOo ; Spotted l-nwn , Glc ; Our Hope ,
no quality , G''c ; Star , pounds 21
; > , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds ,
1 lb , butts , GOc ; G'.lt Edge ,
Kiumlii , 21 Hi , butts , CO ; Army nnd Navv ,
> ounils , 5r > c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc ; Ixiril-
iirtl'a Climax , i > ouiuls , 01 o ,
l-'INE CUT In palls. Hani to Heat ,
fie ; Golden Thread , 70c ; fountain , POc ;
favorite , CMC ; lliwky Mountain , ISOcj
"aney , 55e ; Daisy , oi'c. ' In tin foil
MUiiA O. S. , 5 lb boxes , I' r lb ( We ; T/orl-
Hani's Tiger , G.c ; Dlainoml Crown , Ma.
SMOKING All grades-Common. 25 to
I3c. Granulated BlackwcHi Durham , 10
7.51o ; Dukoi Durham , 1C or , 50o ; Seal of
North Cai Hna. 1C or , 40 ; Seal of Ncbras-
< a , 1C oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags
> nr Ib , $1.35 ; Marburga' Puck , 2 or , tin
oil , r 5c ; Dos Tall. C5c.
Pnlnti Oils and Vnrnlihet.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
' . P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k C. Co.pure ,
ii ; Murscillea green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o ;
j' , gi' n fccul , 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst ,
JOc ; French /.ince , in oil a st , 15c ; linw
and burnt timber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and
jurnl SIcnnn , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13 , ;
efined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lpc ;
ory black , IGc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
) hie , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. At. it D. , lie ; blind and Hhutter
green , L. M. & D. , lie ; Purls green. 18cj
[ nil Ian rod , 15c ; Venetian red , ! > c ; Tuscan
lit , 22c ; American Vcnnlllod , I.&P. , I8c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c ;
" vellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 11 ; patent
"Irver , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark
> a'c , walnut , chestnut anil asb 12o
Dry ° alntt
Wliito lead , Oic ; 1'rench line. lOc ; Paris
whitcing 2Jc ; whiting gilders lit ;
vthUini ; com1 ! , lie ; Inmitblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pnis-
siai ) blue , 45e ; ultramarine , I8c ; Vandyke ,
irown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cookson's
We : Venetian red Am. , Ifjo ; red lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , lie ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 240 :
Spanish brown , 240 ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
81 ; furniture , U. 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , § 120 ; Damar , SI 50 ; Japan ,
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; Bhellac , 53 50 ; ban !
oil finish. SI 30
OILS 110carbon , per gallon , llicjl'50
headlight , per gallon , 12ic ; 175' headlight ,
per gallon , IGc ; crystoline , per gallon , 20c ;
linseed , raw. per gallon , GG ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , G8c ; lard , winter st 'd , per cal-
Ion. 1 05 ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , C."c ; castor ,
XXX , p r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; sj arm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; Bummer , 15c ;
uoldeu machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , SO ; f > perm , nignal , per gallon , 80c : tor-
pentine , per gallon , Glc ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon , SOc ; Cl , 20c
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , S3 40 ; plow steel , special
cast , 7c ; crucibleSo ; fpecialurGermanCc ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set ,
2 25@3 00bubs ; , per set , 125 ; felloes , unwed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; miuare nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , C@12c ; malleable , 8c ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; Horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c ; Burden's l.orheshoen , 5 S5 ;
Burden's mulcshoes , C 35.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 375
Cd , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d ,
fine , C 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing.
4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish. 5 00 ; Gd finish , 5 25
half kecs , 10e extra.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , $2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kega. SG.40 : do. , half
kops , ? 3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast
ing , kecrs. $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet SOc.
IJA BED WIRE In car lots,8 30 per
100 ; in less than car lots , 8 55 per 100.
Horses and Mulct.
The market is brisk and all grades are
selling well at i * sliitht advance in pi ices.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices range as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extra
draft homes , $175. to 225. ; Common dra/t
horses , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
3110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
390. to $100. ; Extra plugf , SCO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , $20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125.
to 150. ; 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 14 i hands , $75. to 100. ; 13J to 14
hands. § 00. to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 225 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits 187 proof ,
1 Si ) per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits ,
187 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
v Hikien , 1 00@150 ; fine blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania rye8 , 2 00@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , * C 00@1G 00 ;
domestic 140@1 00 ,
GINS Tar ported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic.
1 10@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now
England. 2 00(3)4 ( ) 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Jmrortort per cuse ,
2GOO31 UjAmsTUij case , 1200 ®
1800 ,
CLARETS Per case , J 50@1G 00
WINES Rhine wine , per case , C 00@
20 00 ; Catawbn , per cae , J 00@7 ( X ) .
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $22 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; sheeting dressed ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common boards ,
dressed , 20 00.
FRAMING 1C ft. and under , per M ,
21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
2 ! ft. 2500.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 1J , 1J and
2 Inch , er/O 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch 845 00 ;
No. 2. finiih 14 , H and 2 Inch , $4500 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finMi , 1 Inch ,
83500 ; O. G. battens per 00 feet lin. ,
81 00 ; well curbing , 822 00 ; rough J and 2
Jich haltoni per 100 feet lin. . 50c ,
STOCK BOARDS AHtuck , $10 00 ; U
8S5 00 ; 0 , : 00 ; common stock , ? 22 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , $10 00 ; No. 2 ,
WTi 00 ; No , 3 , ? 2200 yellow pimi. No. 1 ,
HiniNn-No i , 24 ; No , 2 , # > 2UO ;
No. 3. $1800.
SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. O. No. 1 ,
$3200 ; No. 2,82200 ,
CEILING 82 J 00 ( 1537
hlnglew , 3 85 , No. 2 , $2 ,10 ; i3 ! , $2 00.
Lath , $3 M ) .
LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; .bulk per bu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Ir "va plaster ,
bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tantd
felt 100 ll.H , $3 50. Straw i > oard , CO
PAPER Stinw paper , 3Jcj ragaper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lOc ;
news paper. 80
COAl , Cumberland blacksmith , l j
Morri * Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whitehreafi ;
lump I , $0 50 ; WhltobreaHt nut. $0 TO ; Iowa k
lump 1 , $0 50 ; IOWA nut $ C 50 ; Hock Springs ,
$8 ; Anthracite , all sizes 812 00@12 DO.
Orucs ,
Cftrlwlle , DOc ; Add , TaHarlc , GOc ; Balsam
Ho ,
100 ;
Dover's powders per lb , $1 40 ; Epscrc
salts per lb. 3ic ; Glycerine , pure , per lb ,
45o ; Taii , Acetate , p r lb , 2lc ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per * l 30 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , $1 5(1 ( ; Oil , Origanum. 50o
Opium , SI M ; quinine P. k W. ft H. A S. ,
i > or of , S2 40 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb ;
8250 ; Salacin , per or , 40c : Sulplinto of
Morphine , pcroz , $4 00 ; Sulphur Hour ,
l > er lb. 4io ; Strvchnlne. oor oz. SI 60.
Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy ,
13(3U6c ( ; medium unwashed , light , 1820c ;
ashed , choice , 32c : fair , 30o ; tub-dingy
nd w. , 28c ; burry , blackand colteil wools
Hides un , Etc.
IIDKS lireon butcher's hlilc , 7ogieo
urcd hides , 80 ; ( jrtcnl nail , tuitl curd
ides , 7@7Jc ; dry Hint , sound , 13@1 Ic ; dry
alf . nnd kip , 12@)13c ) ; dry salt bides sound ,
1 l(3)12c ] ) ; grecn-cnlf. wt , 8 to 16 Ibs. 10@1 le ;
rconenlf , wt , under 8 H > s , per skin , 60- : ;
rcen poltx , $1 00l 15 ; green lamb skins
1 lOt'il 2. ) ; damaged bides , two-third rale ,
ul m-oix'd nnd one grub , classed two-
Urdu i.itp. ) branded hides 10 per cent. off.
\ > , m skins No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
> 0. : No. I , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , Mc ) ; No. 2 ,
We ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 ,
to ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
fie ; short stripe , 40oj narrow strip * 25c ;
rend Htrlpe , lOc. 1 Allow , 6jc.
Couuoll Blutln Dlnrltot.
COUNCIL DLurrH , March 1
Flour Crystal Mills tioluVn Sheaf ,
GO ; Ciillforni.i Kurekn , patent , 3 8 ; best
rnml of Kin as 3 50 3 1)0 ) ; Kansas ami
Hssouri Hour , 3 50 © 1 25 ; graham , S 75 ;
yo flour , 3 10.
Bran ami Shorts 16 00 per ton
Choi ) Corn 22 60 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , SI 12 ; No. 3 , 72ei re-
octed , 52c.
Corn 18.
Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 3ot.
Barley No. 2. i)0c ) ; No. 3 , 75o
liny LOO.O , 6 00@G 00.
Wood 6 60 © 7 00.
Lho Hogs 5 25@5 75.
Cattle-Shipping , 4 60@6 00 ; milch
COWH 30 00@I5 00 per head : rmlct , rs
itock , 3 00@3 50.
Sbeep-3 75@4 25.
G Hides 5eG 8 bides 7c.
Wool 16@ ! > 6.
Bnltcr Cremnery , 30o ; In rolls wrap
4 > ed , 25c : rolls no * wrapped , 20jmixi {
co'or-s 16@20a.
] . ; BKs .Packed , lOe ; froh , 12i .
Potatoes 1101 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 61) ) .
Onions 1 25@1 40.
Dressed Poultry Chit kens 10 * ! ducks
c ; geese , 8e ; tur1 ev * , 12Je.
lOIjfvo Chickens 2 25 per Anren.
frndno .
OrilCAOO. Mutch 1.
On 'change there wan . wenki-r and
easier feeling.
njjTro rcctiptt of grain were 1153 car loncls ,
embr cing 17 of wheat , SI of corn , 251 of
oats , fO of rye , nnd 33 , i ( barley
Fiour C.J ict , wllliout ( .pcciul eliaiu" ;
common to choice western spring , 1 ( [ i' '
7 00 ; Minnesota , 6 i Offfi" 25 ; patents 7 if )
@ 8 50 ; winter wheat Hours , 5 00ff7 ( 25.
Wli'-nt ' No. 2 spring was fairly active
in specnl itivu account and tlio feeling un
settled. During the o , rly portion of the
session the market was weak nnd prices
decidedly lower , influenced by a change in
the woitlior , which was warm , clear and
spring-liUf , nnd to a reported liberal de
cline in Fome cf the winter wheat markets.
The deliveries on March continct were
nbo reported > ery fair. Opening gales
wen * made at iv decline of about li@18o
for Auril and l@llc decline for Afny , and
quickly declined i@c. more tlian quickly
re icto'l nml with Blight lluctuations nil-
vaneed l\@li'c for Apiil and IJa for INIay
above iuaide prices reached , H actuated nnd
finally closed nbout Jo lower for April nnd
Jc lower for May on the regular bnatd , nnd
oncnll nt I 20J for Murch ; 1 27tf for April :
1 2Gj@l ; 2GJ for May ; 1 23 for Junejl 22J
for the No. 3 spring qniel nt 1 Cli
© 1 07 ; rejected noiniiiiil.
Corn A fair apecnlative butincss wni
tranHiicted but in unsettled feeling prevailed
vailed nt times nnd prices lluctnitcd con
siderably. Deliveries on March contracts
were quite liberal , which hud the effect to
reduce prices 4ic below tlio doting fig
ures of yesterday. Later , the feeling was
steadier and the market wns stronger in a
genernl.iy , accompa-iied with an ini-
] > rovernent of Jc , then ruled completely
caiier. No. 2 closing on call at ( iOo for cnBli
and Morch ; GJc ! for April ; G.TJe for May ;
G3g@G3ic for lime ; G4Jc for July ; reject
ed , 5'Jig,59ic. (
Oats In good demand , but sparingly
offered ; No. 2 closfd firm nnd higher at
40io for casli and March ; ll c for April ;
44o for Mny ; 43Jc for June.
live Steady , Uut lower ; 83ic for March ;
84Jc for April.
Barley Dull mid neglected ; nothing
done ; No. 2 , 1 02@1 0-1 for cash ; No. 3 , 80.
Pork Steady and active ; mess closed at
17 00 for cnsh ; 1G 85 for March ; 17 15
for April ; 17 35 for May ; 17 66 lor June ;
1G 074 f ° r tlio year.
Lard Steivly ; 10 40@10 4fi for cash ;
10 4.-10 474 for March ; 10CO@10 G2J for
April ; 10 76 for May ; 10 82J for June.
linllc Mo its Moderately aclivo ; short
ribs , 0 00 for March ; < J 10 for April ; 0 30
for Mav ; 'J 37S for Juno15 ; ! ) for /uly.
Whisky Steady at 1 18.
Butter-In easy demand and less urgent ;
creamery , choice to fancy , 4"4fio ; fnirto
good , 3G@10c ; dairy , choice to tanoy , 38@
t2c ; do tair to good , 25@35c ; fresh ma e
packing sloe' , 20@28c ; packed , common
to good , 18@20c ami 'J8@30c for good to
1'Jggs In ample supply nnd moderate
local and shipping request at 15@lGo for
strictly fresh.
Kec'tfl. Slilpm'ts
Flour i6,67fi 111,002
Wheat 15,503 10,486
Corn (11,802 ( Gr ,8.r)3
Oats 38.G89 211,031
Hye 2)15 ! ) 2,100
Barley 10'JOO 10,880 !
Kanhan City Zilvo Stock-
Cnttlo Receipts , 1,302 head ; shiprncntn ,
UG4 head , Market slow and about ] 0c
elf on shiiiporH' stuff ; other grudeti about
Hteady. Nallve shipper ? , 4 75@C 00 ; mi >
tivo btonkorH , 3 G ( $4 16 ; native feeders ,
4 25@J GO ; live COWH , 2 25@4 75.
Hugs llccelpts , 3,308 head ; shipments ,
1,00 , ' ! huuiJ. Alurketslow nnd 10ooff on
coarse he'ivy stuff ; select liogx aliont
Hteady ; good to choice steady at G 40 ®
0 65 ; mixed packing , G 10i ( 35 ; light
shipping , 5 Tfifeli CO.
St , JJouii Produoo.
ST. LuUIH , March 1.
Flour Dull nnilweakfanuy , I ) 35(2,0 ( , f.0 >
ciinli o , 0 15 ; XXX , 'i 306 40 ; family ,
6 G56 60 ; sup rfino , 4 15 ® I 25.
Wheat Lower and deproitpud ; No.
led , 1 21 for Oislij 1 22 } for March ; 1 ! ! lj
@ 1 H. " > 3 for May ; 1 18J for June ; 1 10) )
for July ; 1 UOJ fur the year.
Corn Woik anil lower ; d'Jj for ,
O'Jofor March ; ( > Ua for April ; ( I3jo for
M.iy ; G.'Uc for June ; Grigo for July.
Oats Hull and lo\ur ; ) iiu for
M',0 ' fir Mi nli ; 4" f.ii \ rjl11 ;
U > -Autivo and higher at 88 ( 8'Jc.
IJi-.rloy Firm ul OOo.
LeadITnchaiiged ; refined , 4 83i ) hard ,
Hutt'r l/nchnngeil ; c t-nmery , 41@48c ;
dairy 37to3So.
Flax Seed Scarce at 1 M ,
Wliiiky Steady at 117.
Pork Lower ; 173/J for caih ; 17 30 for
April ,
hard Nominally lower at 10 60.
Kec'ts. SliipniK
Flour , 3.800 4,0ii ( i i
Wheat 10f.55 . 420 !
Cora 6,470 73,201
Outs. . 'iSll ; none
Uurloy. , 6,000 none
" " ' *
Bulfulo Live Stock.
. . . . . i Dull ; receipt ,0i caroshipment * ,
41 caw good Yorker , ( i 76@0 fcOj light
'MJH , 0 XJ5@I ( C5
Iilvo Stock.
CiliOAno , March 1.
The DrmcrV Joiinial reports ns folluwst
. Hogs Receipts H',000 ' head. In the
maikct for coiuiuou to good m'xed ' there
wacry little life. The rtc-lpts wore
con < Upr.iblv larger than h.vl liecu o\p < "
cd and the business of the day do e
in adrngeinir , unsnt ! factory way nt an
average decline of 5i$10j. ( The range In
prices was C 000 50 ; heuy packing ml
shipping weaker at C 50fa7 ( 15 ; Phlln < lcl *
pldai nnd lard hog7 2J7 40 ; 11 lit ,
lull and lowrr , ranging C UidtG 50 ; Mind \ < *
ind cnll.s entirely iiniidnal at 3 0"i ( ) ( W.
Caltlo-Uccel , t' , 0,100 head. Ship.
[ > mg gnides and hoavt , rough fat cattle
wore dull nnd idow ; eummon , 4 Sfttjiiri 00 ;
fair , D 10 : < 25 ; medium , 53 : > @ 5 15 ; mi id ,
" . lMX55 ! " 0 ; choice , 5 80jiC ( 00 ; export , I ! (10 (
Cf C 10 ; a goo 1 feeling prevailed in the RO market for nil good cln fe of butc'io ' >
* tock and trndlng wan n tivo at strong I
ialei < ; poor to fair canning stock freely of
fered and values inther weak ; cow > " 2 2.1
© I 75 ; bulls 3 75IiV > 00 ; Htoi-rn , 4i06 fi 2. ;
Mockers and ftedors mo i > ctl > n but v.l-
ucs weak ; KtncktTK , 3 00n I 00. fotiUrs
4 S0@5 15.
.Sheep Ro.elpts . 30liO hwl. Maikol
i > .ik , slow nnd lower , ranging 1 00i. < I "ii.
St Loiiin Iiiv < ! Stoolt.
St. I otiis March 1.
CuttleMnrktil fairly ncllxi ? an 1 p ic
n shade lower ; cixpottvrs C ( H)5i ) ( 25 ; f Ir
to choice shippers I 40ff5 ( 70j medium t"
choice , ICO ® 100 ; nathe utookei-H , 3 50ii ( )
4 25 J cows ami lulfriH , 375&i'150 He
ccifits 1G37 heuil ; HhiptucntsCO
I lcg-Sl w ami l.iwer ; Ugh' ' , C 6l@C ) 20 ;
Yoikirn , 030@G4'i ; packing , C 150iC 70 ;
butcher. ' ami foli-ct , 80617 ? 20 ; pigs ,
5 GOfiiTi HO. Receipts , 4 , | . | ( ) bend ; sMp.
iiioiii1,138 lu'.nl.
VKW YoiiK , March 1.
Flour Dull * ud r.vii'r ; miner wheat.
extra , I 7 < ) ( < ! ,8 75 ; Miuniwita i xtra. 4 4. > ( ii3
8 5U ; ooutlirru llnur dull ; o immiin to choirc
extra. 5 ItlfijTS 00.
Wheat- I nsi-ttli'd but closltu ; very
firm at nn advance of Jtjijle ; Iso. 2ioil
wi. tir , 1 : < 2Jffl ) ! ir > 3 ! No. 2 white , 1 SKTi )
1 33 ; nimiidoil ' Hp'ing , 1 30 ; No. 2 roil ,
Mhrch.'l 323 < il ) S3V do Apill , 1348 ©
1 31 J ; do May , 13. (0)1 ( ) 30 } .
Corn Opened lower ; kuh-.eiiuently bo-
cnmc strong nnd rrco\ereit most of tin
doclino. flu 'ing firm ; ungradoil mived , ( ! '
( iili'.lh ' Nn. 3 , i > 5t@tlG ; nti'uiiior ti ixed , 07) )
( riiirj : To. 2 , 15 WCl u ; No. 2 mlxfd , C7 (
158J ; do April , ( ' . © GySc.
Hjc Dull ami lowci ; 8lc.
Unrli-y 1 lull nnd heavy.
Pork Dul1 , unsettled nnd nom'nal ' ; ol
mess 1C 75 : new , 1775.
Laid Un-vttlcil , wfnk nnd lower ; 1070
f..r ; 0 1)7 ) 10 70 for March ; 10 77J (
10 80 for April.
\Vhl ky Niimlnul.
Petr 'lonm Firm and ipilct ; United.
ji' ! < rudi In bariels Ci@7jc ; refined ii
i 1 1 els "Ji1.
No'.tr K orli Dry Oooda-
NMV YOIIK , March 1.
The diy gi'ods tindo was unfavorably
intliieiiccd In-day by the inclemency of th
ucitlier , wliicli itiitiuiited against tha dit-
.libutinii of many spring nnd summer
'abi ics. There was , however , a moderate
call for htnpltt cotton nnd woolen good * at
drat linmis. The jobbing lindo was less
ictive than yesterday , but thcro is n more
cheerful feeling In this branch of the bnsi-
ness nnd the i ullook is considered ein-our-
igiug. The cotton goods nmrkct haw been
chnrni lerizod by the ciiejnl features re-
ported of Into ; there is n t-tondy demand al
first lintidei fur modcralu BZO I pniccls ot
brown , bleached and colored cottons ,
and jobbers are dolnif a fair i usincss in
( inckngo and assorted cloths , but both
wholei-ale nnd buyers hcom diapered
to govern tluir puruluiHcs l > y iictunlvnnts
and there is not the lonst totidcney townul
spcculiition at present. '
Pcoria Prodaco.
PKOIIIA , Match 1 ,
Wheat Milling snm , len scarce and in
demand. No sales reported.
Corn Holders gcnei ally firm nnd ask-
Inn higher , hul buye s respond reluct
antly ; No. 2 white , G5e ; yellow. GOa ; high
mixed , 59'jo ' ; mixed , fiJc ! ) ; rejected , 58ic.
Oats Oifcrings light and holdo s linn
at the advance ; No. 2 white , 44&c.
Bye Dull and irregular , without nota
ble change in value * ; No. 2 , 87ic.
Barley Dull , ard nmneiuis tamplcs
held o'rer for want of huj ers ; quoted nt
7 c.
c.Highwincs Market firm at the decline
nnd now quoted nt 11G.
Hoc'ts. Shlp'1 *
Com 22,500 3,40'
Oats 3,550 14,875
Hye 1,450 G.500
Uarloy 2,7/iO / none
Higfiwincs none 1,125
Philadelphia Produce.
Wheat Firmer al 1 32@1 32J for cash
1 32J for March.
Corn at GSJofor cash ; GS c 'or
Oats Firmer at 4)3@fO ! ) c for cash nnd
Mnrch ; fOJc for April.
Hyo-Quiot at 85t- .
Baltimore Produce.
BALTIMOHK , March 1.
Flour-Quiet ; C 00@7 00 for family
4 75@ ' ) 85 for export.
Wheat-Southern quiet ; Knit * , 1 27 ®
1 33 ; Lougboiry , 1 330140 ; No. 2 red win
ter dtcadv at 1 2'JJ for caBh nnd March.
Corn Yellow steadier at C8c ; mixed
quiet nt G'J c for cash.
Clnolnnuti Proiloua.
| ClNciNNATl , Mnrch ;
Pork-Qiilctatl77' > ,
Lird Prime uteatii , 1015.
Bulk Meats- Clear sWes ! ) 7r > hd.
Bacon Clear sides , liglit snpjily at
10 60 bid.
Flour Kasy and dull ; family , G 50(3) ( ( )
720.Wheat Uu'l ; No. 2 ted , 1 28@1 40.
Corn In active drmand ; No. 2 red ,
G24c.Oats Kuaicr ; No. 2 mixed , 41c.
Kyo Easier nt 021c.
Barley Little clnnge no fall ; 90c.
WhlrtUy Better deiunnd nt 11C.
Plttabunc Oil Market.
I'lTTHiiunn , March 1
The oil maiket op ned nt 82e , and
clojed at noon at H'Jo ' ; for April ;
8.Sc ) ; May , 85/c ; / ; June , 872o ; New York ,
71c ; ShiprnentH Uiiitrd. 6.'IGIO barrclhj
on tidewater , 572 bnirew ; hartoi , 00-
470 barrolH. I'itthburg nle8 , 'lOO.COO bar-
ruli. PitUburgex h.nge Block , 105.00.
Liverpool Produce Market *
, Murcli 1.
Flour American , 10-il2H. Gd ,
Wheat WinterUn 10if ( 110 < Jd : white ,
OH'Jd10 ; sjirin ; , 'J < i'J * < ! f\Ot \ 4d ; club ,
Corn SH lid.
Olnvelnnd Murliot.
CI.KVKI.A.VD , Maich 1.
Petroleum Firmer ; standard white , 110
teat , 7c.
Tolorio Proanoo.
TOI.KDO. Murch 1 ,
Wheat-QulutNo. ; 2. J 25A for cash nd
March ; 1 3'J for April ; 1 281 for May ; 1 20
for Juno ; 1 15 for July ; 1 11 for August
and the ye r. , ,
Corn-Quiet end littludoing ; high mixed ,
Olc : No , 2 , do for cash ; OUj lor Murch
ami April : Digo for May.
UatH NuthiPK J | > I"K'
Turjioiitlno Market-
WII.UINOTON. N. O. , March 1.
Ilosln Firm ; ntrafnwl 1 ( K ) ; good , 1 85.
Spirits-Dull jit 60c.
Tar Firm t 1 00.
Turpentine No quotatloni.
En it Liberty JLlvo Stooh ,
KAIT Iiinnntr , Pa. , March 1.
L'Attlo KIrinj host , 0 0 < ? , C 50 ; fair lend
nd , ft 2 @ 5 7i ; cmnin n , 4 [ iQ@s > 00 ; re-
celp'n : i7UicMlMilpmctit4 ) , 31 head
lliyd- Slow ; roiclpt'i. 1,000 heaOili ( ) .
incnU , f.OO . hca ; 1'lill.ulcliihln * , 7 IOS7riO ( ;
Yorkun- ( i ( itHJTO 7fi.
Sheep --Kalr ! receipts , 1,80 head ; nldp.
incut , ' , 2.CIX ) head ; prices raugr from 4 fiO
to It : .0.
mill" patent thur ( red
brand ) . Our h t Hnrekn patent ilour
( bluohiniul ) . The only pitint Hour man.
ufaetnrcd on the Pacific coast. Wo claim
II in the \\lutmt , utrongeot nnd liestfmnlly
Ilour in the tatr . Afk y < nr grocer for it
Ti > t mid run will IIMI no other.
i K M. Md'tiKMiY k 'o. ,
T. il. MVAX , A PIII ,
CrxMnl Milk t1 ucilhtulfa. .
FtnolrmrN jvruicn Salvo.
The beat sulvo in llio world for outs ,
iruisi'i , sores , ulcers , sail rheum ,
'over sori'B , totter , , clwppod hands ,
iliillblnins , coma and nil kinds of
'Kin ' eruptions. Thin snlvo ia guar >
\uteed to give porfuol satisfaction in
ivory cnfe or money refunded.
ii t r box. For Rnlft by
. Om h
A Countrymnu I'nys u HlBh Prlco
for a Copy of tlio " Revised
VorBloii. "
CliU' , oTlmci.
Of nil the trades and occupations ,
tlmt ot book soiling is porlmps the
lunat eventful. Cliicuuo bupport but
two book establishment * of Any nizc ,
nnd tlio duIuuRH ofho ch'iks' lives is
almost proverbial. Hut little has
over been written about ( his branch
of industry , uud tlio most notable in
stance , tlmt in the "GiUk'd Ago , "
only proves tlmt even if n "good
thing" did occur in n bookstore , il
would be one oliiincu in u thousand il
anybody would appruciiito it. Oec.i
sionally , bowovor , something will
occur that illuminate the
dull existence of tlio book-
nmn like n streak of trenclo on
a boy's cbin. On an atorago of twice
a month tlio store will bo eiitored by
a raw looking countryman or n wasted
resident of the city , who slides up to
the nearest clerk , and , after hesitat
ing a few moments , asks him in a
stage whisper whether he has any
"French books. " The cluik , if ho is
a new man , generally answers him it
the allirinativo , and conducts him to
tlio French school books , and kavea
linn to wrestle with the awful mys
tericsof Olendoifa method ; but pres
otitly ( bo customer returns , and tell
the chrk that that is not the kind In
wanted. Ho indicates that ho kind
lie wants
The clerk , by a surgical operation
tbou understands that the country
man is looking for forbidden literary
fruit. Inquiries for books of thi
class have become BO numerous as t
bo annoying. Last week a clerk
one of the book stoics determined t
"fix" the next man. He according !
took a damaged copy of the revise
version , and , doing il up very care
fully in a piece of manilla paper ,
sealed the package with rod sealing-
- wax nnd dropped it behind a row of
books. Ho had not long to want. In
. a day or two a "hog man" from
Iowa , with the odor of a
packing house about his clothes
came into the stare , and after
s craning his boots on n black-walnut
book-case of the Enstlako pattern , ho
approached the wily conspirator , wont
through the usual formula , and wound
. up with an inquiry for "Fanny Hill. "
' 'I ho clerk replied by a vigorous slmkb
of the head , but something encour
aged tlio grander , nnd ho inquired
again. This time the clerk also shook
his head , but not quite so vigorously ,
and the excited "hogman , across
whose mind visions of the book and
its pictures floated , insinuated , pro
; tested , and bogged the clerk to give it
to him. That individual at last by
degrees admitted that he had a
copy , but tlmt it not for sale
The excited purchaser pulled out his
roll and offered 820. llio clerk said
the price was only $5 , but that ho
would not sell the book , as ho thought
that the purchaser would at once in
; form the government and thus get the
( inn into trouble. At last the clerk ,
with a mysterious uir , led him into
the basement and produced the book.
IJut before taking the man'u ' money
ho made him sweiir ou n Webster's
unabridged that ho would not open
the pnckngo until out of town. This
lie fathfully proiniued to do , and ,
passing ovoi the 5 , ho bolted out f
the place with bis pri/.e
Knowing that ho would open it on the
lirst opportunity , an oflico boy waa
cent to follow him. He did so and
soon returned , Tlio hid said that the
customer entered the station
and eat in1 the window for some time ,
now and then taking furtive glanceH
at the corner of the puckngu , which
pooped tanlali/inuly out of lu's ulster
pocket , whistling to hinuelf all the
time like a strungo lad ift u dark lane.
Ilia imagination worked upon his cu-
rionity at lant , and ho seated himself
behind the stove in the rear of
the room. After looking cautiously
about for BOIIIU time ho carefully took
out the puckago and eyed with great
eagerness the sealing wax which kept
from him the object of his curiosity.
At last , however , ho began pooling
off the paper covering , stopping now
and uuain to HUO if ho was watchod.
After a long while ho euccocded in
tearing oil' the entire wrapper. With
limiting heart and glistening
nye ho opened tlio volume and
lookrd in. The by paj that
the expression uhiuli came over the
face of the countryman w n u ntudy
for u painter. He ant for sumo win-
ut05 looking ut the volume , nighod a
nigh or two , then opened the ntove
door and consigned the gospels to the
name fate as wna usually meted out in
the past to lioccaccio. The clerk
poultotod to $ fi , minun the cost price
of the testament , and in looking for
another damaged copy.
tlfi MAM
'o t for htuifr trio rnont direct ,
aloft line connecting the RM t Motropoll * . 0111
AC10 , ami the " . * < nFR.f , N'oRfii-E.miRi , 1 1 n
ml SOLTll-nsTiiiiN Linus , ulilili tflrmlii.ito there ,
tth KANHM CUT , r.HAVuswoRnr , Atcnifion ,
lli.i'rrs unil OMAUA , the UOMMIBCIIL
( ram w hlch rullntc
i\tt > cnctrotei the Continent ( rora tb Mkruilt
h cr to tlio P cine Slot * ) . The
o the only line from Chlcuto owning trv * In
itmwiw. or which , l > y Its own roart , rciches th
xiiils ! rv1oc mnio.1 , No TitAwmui nr UAnniAQii
fo VIRSINO cosK-nioiBl No. htuKIIInir In 111
rntllnUxl or nnclaan cm , a o\orv ivwonyer
itrrkil In roomy , clrun unit vcntlbrod coiohot
| > oii KAII Kxprrat Tr lru
BAT CiRfl nt unrhnlo.l m Knintonct , , 1'in.LUin
'ALACS ' KMRpis-o O.Mis. and ournwn worM-l.vnoui
) INIII CARS , ni < on which rncnUMO sorvc'l of nn >
ntinouwctl oxccllonco , at the low rate ot Sx7imrt >
FINK Ciurrs lAcir , with mnp'o ' tlmo tor rmllhfu I
nlpj immt.
Through CAN botvrecn OhIckKO , 1'oorU , MU )
\T uVfo anil Missouri Hlr r Points ; nnj close conj
irotlonH t all iralnU ol lntor ootlon with othfI
Wo tlcnot ( Jo not torcct thli ) dlroctly to every
il/ico ot ImjKirtrvnco In Kangu , Nobrwl ; V Blick
Illlo , Wyoinlnir , Utiih , Maho , NovtvU , C llfarnt , , \V'r.ihlm.-ton Territory , Colorado , Ariton
ml Mow Mcjlco.
AH' ' | herimnvcmonto regarding hvc * co M
nny other HMO , ir < ' r.M.'s of fnro nlnny. ) * s ( ow M
campoMton , who lutnlah but % tltha o tb com.
ort ,
Dora mul incklc of sjwrtsmin tree.
Ticket * . m i and foldcn nt all prlnclr *
11\cvf \ It ) ( In- United Statca and Qan 4a.
H. H. UAHLB , K. ST. J011N ,
li . 1'trn't & ( Jon. Otn.Tkt KcdPan'rAg
Uin .T i nli in > Chlcaro.
Sioui Oity & Pacilic
Huna a HnlUl Train Through from
Council Bluffs to St. Paul
Without Change Time. Only 17 Hour *
rr rt
and all point * lu Northern Iowa. Ulnncsota and
Dakota. Thla line It coulppod with the Improved
Wcetlnfhoiipo Automatic Air-1'rake Mid Mills
t'laUorm Coimlor and IlnfTor : and for
la unimrpniAod. I'liltman I'alaro rilocnlng Car
run throiiRh WITHOUT CIIANOi : between Kan
lias City and St , Paul , \\K. \ Council ItluRa and
Bloux City.
Train leave Union raclflo Transfer at Coun
cil Illuffa , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrival ot Kansas
City , St. Joseph and Council llluffn train from
the South. Arrhlnj at Sioux City 11:15 : : p. m. ,
andnt thoNuw Union IuXt | at Rt. 1'nill at 12:30 :
jtarltoniomlicr In raking tlTo-Kloux City Route
you cot a Through Train. The Hhbrtcst Line ,
the Quickest Tlmo and a Comfortable Uldo lo the
Through Cam between
OrHcu that your Tlckuti lead via till ) "Sioux
City and Pacific Itallrovl '
riiipcrliitonilcnt. Oon'l Pass. Agent.
P. E. U011INSON , Atis't Oen'l Pass. Ag't. ' ,
Ml nourl Valley , Iowa.
} . II O'HHYAN , Sonthwi'trru Aircnt ,
Councl Itlutfi. Iowa
Gen'l ' Insurance Agent
, xcxi x xc.xi esaa rsrar s c
I'hocnlv Atsiirnn'c "o. , of London ,
CoshAsacttH , ? 5.3P4,604.00
WestchoBscr , . Y. , Capital 1,000,000.00
The Merchants , of Newark , N. J. ,
Capital 1,275,000.00
atari ! Flro , I'hllulolphla , Capital. . . . l.'OO.OOO.O
Firemen's Fund 1,239,016.0
llritleh America Assurance Co 1,500,000.00
DffloB , Boyd's ' Opera House.
Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting L
Turbine Water Motor.
Pumpi , Plpo Fitttue and Brau
Oor. 14th and Harnuy , Omaha , Nob.
PropoialB for City Offices and Market
Sealed prop 'Hiil < . plana ami Bpccilica-
tioriH , in detail , will be received by the
undendgned for the erection and m.iinten-
ance of city oIHcen and market houses
until Friday , March IU , 1882 , 12 o'clock
noon. J. J. L. 0. JEWETT ,
feblQ.2Qt City Clerk.
' ) O. W. KUANI. A , u.
At torneys-at-Law
Dexter L , Thomas ,
lloom S.Croljhton Block *
Guming Street
J , J. NOBES , Propr.
Fresh and Salt Meats of all
Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. ,
in Seaaou.
C3O > MC JE1 _ AKTOP g " * " "
OnFarihamStlJot ] , , 11 & 12 ,
' (
. . XCi : DEEOTCTEt S.
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
.two UoJlara Per