Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1882, Image 2
JffiE OMAHA DA1.LY BEE : THURSDAY. MAECH 2 1882- "XEROTINB SICCATIVE. " tTlio Subtle Explosive tlmt la Blowln Up British Ships. Boston Herald , Our last foreign files givp parlict Inn of the strange explosion vhic ocourod on board the British ironcln Triumph , the flagship of the 1'ncili squadron , while oil the Chilean per of Coqunnbo , on the 22d of last No vombor. Tlio report is noteworthy not only na showing the subtle nature of the explosive ngcnt , but also bo cruise it throws a broad tlnsh of pro bability upon the mysterious destruc tion of the British sloop-of-war Doto- rol , which , as will bo remembered , was blown up last .April in the Straits of Magellan. l''ortunatolyno ' shadow of doubt clouds the cutso of nxplosion on Iho Triumph. Jt was duo to the leakage of a can of xorotino niccativo. This fluidt which boars also the less scientific na'mo of the "patentdriers , " is used to prevent coirosion botwocn the double bottoms. Tlio dangerous character of tho'nrticlu boinn well un derstood , great care is usually taken in storing nnd handling it. On the Triumph the can of xurotino was kept Tjolow the paint room , in a. small un- dor-chamber , which could bo reached only through n hatchway in the lloor. Having occasion to use tlio lluicl , the painter's mate and two gunners , pro vided with bull's-oyo lanterns , raised the latch nnd took out the xorotino. Then they saw that the can had boon damaged , and that the iluid had boon spilled upon the lloor. The composi tion generates n volatile gas , which becomes highly explosive when mixed with air. Tlio gas rushed through the open hatchway , andin a moment , burst iuto flame. Three men woio killed on the spot , and seven others moro or less seriously injured. For tunately , the accident happened in a part of the vessel where the ( lames were abut in on all sides by iron walls. Otherwise , the destruction of the flag- Bhip coti'.d hardly have boon averted. Sincethe , arrival of the official report from the Triumph , the Commander at Portsmouth lias forwarded to the British Admiialty a statement in re gard to the Dotorol , giving good rea son for attributing the destruction of the sloop-of-war to the same subtle agent which caused the loss of lito on the ironclad. Thus it would aeoni that O'Donovan llossa , when vaunt ing , as ho still docs , his foreknow ledge of the fatal explosion on the Dotorol , is merely indulging in a very discreditable flignt of fancy , lie poses as Jm accomplice in the whole sale murder of an unwarned nnd unot- fcnding crow. But , apparently , ho is nothing more than an untruthful braggart boasting of complicity in a satanio crime that never was com mitted. The crimson stain upon his hand is only paint , or rather , it is a reflection from the exploded gas of xorotino siccativo. Jacob Martrolf. of Lancaster , N. Y. , nays your Syrup BUsBom works well for everything you recommend it ; myself , wife and children have all used it , and you can't find a healthier family In New York Stato-O-st. 6,18JU 1'rica CO cent * , trial bottles 10 cents. feb28-dodlw < i A Goat In a Masonic Lodge. New York Herald. The ladies of Tarrytown gave a sur prise patty to the members of Solo- nion Lodge , No. 100 , If. and A. M. , at their Lodge rooms , on Thursday night ; The Lodge had just about -closed ita session when the ladies and their , escorts invaded the secret and' solemn precincts of the Masonic brethren. The visitors were heartily welcomed , but were informed that there was still ono duly to perform before the Lodge closed , but that it could bo attended to at any time dur ing tlio evening. The .duty was the disciplining of a now and refractory member , who was accused of making too liberal use of his tongue concern * ing matters Masonic which the out side world had no business to know. Accordingly , after the reception , the announcement was made that for the entertainment of the ladies the disciplining would bo made public The Master , with the solemnity of an owl , took his seat and ordered the disobedient brother to bo brought be * fore him. A door opened and there appeared six masked men , represent ing devils , imps , sorpontand other reptiles , armed with spears , who marched slowly and solemnly toward the Master's seat. Behind these was the culprit bound with ropes and dressed m semi-barbaric attire. Bo. hind him danced a big billygoat , with long horns and ample beard. To each horn was attached a rope , in the hands of a man. Tno procession , inarched up before the Master , and the presentment was duly made. The Master , in eopulefrul tones , be gan to address the member , picturing to him the terrible fate in store for n man who betrayed his trust. The goat was diawn up closely behind the jjtikiiig brother , and just at tjio moat ' ' interesting point in the address the men in charge of the goat prodded him with sticks , and ho made one jgand lunge for the unfortunate man t in front of him , knocking him about .ton foot and unshipping the Master from his chair. The goat then turned hia attention to the masked members , upsetting a couple of them , and causing - , ing a general roar ot laughter from the ladies , JEHU'S STORY. - Driving a Coach In the Hooky Moun. tains. f Detroit Frco Press. : v * "Did you over meet with'an upset on these mountain roads ? " "No ; but I had a terribly close call near Grand canynon a year nao the 10th of August' ' Hero Frank grasped the butt of his whip rfnd curved the tip of the lash over the loaders' heads. The handle of the whip was highly ornamented. On the broad band ut the butt there was nil inscription of several linos. "I seldom handle this whip without thinking of that ride , " said FrunK , Hoeing that I was interested ho con. tinuod : "Wo had a load of nineteen pas. congers inside and outside the coach , and ton heavy trunks in tlio boot. Wo wore Roing from Silver Oliu" to Canon City. I had the best six-horse outfit on the line , und felt u pride in driving , although I know the load was too heavy for the coach in some places. At my aide oat a pretty Jittlo lady , * nd on the end of the seat was the wife of ono of qur directors , The director oat behind hia wife. Allj wont well until wo came to the top ol Greenhorn range. The drive down the range for two miles and n hnlf ie ono of the most perilous in the Rock * ies. In places there nro scarcely six inches lo spare to keep you from going over the precipice , and on the other siclo is n wall of rock. About 'half-way down is n point called Capo Horn. The road has boon built out around this rocky point , and the turn is so sharp that when the loaders of a 8ixhorso team have rounded the rock they are out of the driver's Bight. This place is tlio dread of all the drivers and teamsters on the road , The descent is about 2 ( > Q feet to the mile , and when once , 'ou start there in no stopping until u roach the bottom. . "Of course I felt a littla anxious when the leaders wont over the brow o { the range ; but my leaders were powerful and game , and trained to > boy every word of command and ouch of the whip , wliilo * the others were steady and fast enough to keep no out of hai m's way , As the coach > cgaii the descent 1 placed my foot on ho brake with a firm hold , The icavy load required extra pressure , and I gave it stoadily. Wo hadn't ; ot moro than twenty yards when the jrako broke ! In an instant the coach vas on the wheelers , and they were on .heir haunches , Btiorting and using .heir foro-lcga like plows. It Was HO uso. The leaders vent in the air like wild lorseft , and lo save themselves from icing crushed the wheelers sprang to heir foot and joined in the race. Ono roll came from the men on the coach , liorccd by H simultaneous shriek from ho women. After that they remained as still as death. The little woman ; rasped mo round the waist at the first ump of the horses , holding my arm is if in a vise. 'For God's sake , woman ] ' I exclaimed , lot go of mo and take hold of the rods by your sido. Our only liopo of safety lies in ny being able to guide the horses. ' 3ho unwound her arms and I handled ho reins as best I could. "Down wo plunged , the coach winging and rocking like a toy. Phoro wasn't n place wide onouph to .agzag or break the velocity of do- con t. I turned my head for an in- itant toward the director. His wife lad fainted , and ho had all ho could it tend to in holding her in her scat. 'hero wore places where the outer dgo of tlio roadway had boon ground 11 , and in hugging the bank the whcolors nearly caused a collision sov- ral times , fairly bouncing and balnnc- iir the staqo on two wheels. At last lie horses dashed around Capo Horn , nd thorn I garo up the stage as lost , 'hose stages are so built that when ley overturn a pin drops out that onnccts the polo and horses to the each , and the driver has a chance to lave himself by being drawn of'by ] the lorses. When the leaders were ut of sight around the rock t Hashed through mo that I night save the little woman. So took a firmer grasp on the lines with my right hand , and was ready to swing my loft around her body. The stage wirlcd and actually made the turn on ho two outside wheels. Then , thank 3od , she settled down aqain and went on bouncing down the range. It comod an ago before wo reached the oval , where the horses ran two or .liroo hundred yards before I could stop them. AVhon I finally did got at ; heir heads to caress and encourage them for bringing us down safely , the respiration was pouring out of every pore of my body , although it was a cold day in tlio mountains. "When tho'director got in and ro- atod the incidents of the ride to other members of the company , they asked : 'What shall wo do for Frank ? 'Give dm a check for § 100 , " replied the director. They gave mo the chock , und the passengers clubbed together and presented mo with $105 in cash and this whip , which I shall carry as eng as I live. " Noting the Effect. U. Gibbs , of llulTftlo , N. Y. , writon : "Hearing your BUKIIOCK BLOOD BITTEIW 'avorably Bpoken of , I was Induced to > vatch t&olr cllectn , and find that in ihroniq lseaecN of the blo'oJ , liver and ddnoyx , your bitten have been algnally marked with tmccess. I have used them myself with best results for torpidity of ; ho liver ; and in the case of a friend of mine Buffering from dropsy the elfoct was marvelous. " 1'rlco 81.00 , tria1 size 10 ct * . frb28-doo < llw Xho Podoitrliuu. National Associated l'ro . NEW iTou * , February 28. The contest of pedestrians continues to at * tract attention by reason of the large scores being made. At 1 p. m. Rowell was 4 miles 1 lap ahead of : UH record , and Hughes G laps ahead of his old record. At 1:22J : Hughes passed his 200th mile and received n round of applause. Ho tvas then 11 miles 5 laps behind Kowoll , and but D miles C laps behind his record and was running at a good paco. Haaeal re ceived an ovation on completing his 200th miles , which ho did ut 207 ; p. in. , being 10 miles ! ) laps behind Row- oil and 4 miles 0 laps behind Hughes. At 3 o'clock Howell was about G miles ahead of his beat previous record. One of Iho most exciting events this afternoon was the race between Hart and Fitzgerald and Sullivan , who kept within three or four miles of each other ; ono would lead and then another. Viift , Seott and Panchat have with drawn. Tlio book makers stands are doseitod und despite their oilers of heavy odds on llowoll their uro no takers. The estimated receipts up to noon to-day were 817,000. Kentucky Uiilon Democrat * . NiUoij&l AnsoclatoJ 1'rcei LouiHvittK , Kr. , Fob. 28. An im mense attendance was to be scon this morning of union democrats hold in this city to-night. It was addressed by ox-Lieut. Gov. llichaid , T. Jacob , recently nominated by the now party Tor clerk of the court nt appeals , the most profitable olootivo ollico in the state. A platform was adopted with the followiiigpreamblo ; WnniKAK , The present organiza- : ion of the democratic party of Ken- ; ucky has been seized and is possessed jy the hand of bourbon proscription. ts whoso only object seems to "bo to distribute the otlicea of the state miong themselves , wholly i noiing ho union soldier and civilian element of the same and disregardinij all 'niicjplo of party and state policies Jiko in their unscrupulous scramble or nlacoj u proper self respect , n re tard forthodcconcius of manhood and no amuuitioa and courtesies duo co-equals , induces this our respectful but earnest protest , and it is ' Resolved , That the question involved in the Into civil war are no longer living issues ; they have boot spilled by the highest court known It civilized people ; and that the nnimos itics born of that dreadful strife should cease , that wo may advance our elate to the front rank of our sister tor states , wherefore wo invite all true men , whether domocrals , greenback era or republicans , confederate ot Union , civilian or soldier , to join un in our honest , earnest ofl'ort to cleat out the augean stable upon the folio A ing declaration of principles : First. To declare it to bo the duty of the people of Kentucky tlmt they promptly call a convention to harinon izo the constitution of Kentucky will that of the United States and to con form it to the civilization of the ago in which walivo , Second. The amendments to tlio federal constitution known is the thir teenth , fourteenth and fifteenth , nro part of the supreme law of the nation , irrevocable , and the higheat duty de mands that they have our cheerful support. Third. "la ho honest ] Is ho ca pable ? " The oldest land marks , shall bo restored and there shall bo no dis crimination for or against federal or confederate , union'on militaryfor tiny office within the gift of the people. Other resolutions protest against monopolies , doolaro in favor of immi- Ljration and opposition to the whip ping post. Borlons ColHilon. National Associated 1'rciu CUIOAUO , February 28. A serious accident occurred to-day at Home- wood station on the Illinois Central railroad , about 15 miles from Chicago. A freight train going north was switched onto n eido track in order to allow the Cincinnati express to pass. By carelessness the switch was left open and in consequence the express wont crashing into the rear end of the freight train. The cngino of the pas senger train was totally smashed and the engineer badly injured. A tramp in between the cars of the freight train was so badly hurt that ho cued soon after. The brakeman of the freight was also injured. It : ? : Killed His Brothor-ln-Imw. National Associated Treat. NAHIIVILLK , Tonn. , February 28. Yesterday at Springfield , in this State , about 20 miles distant from this placu , Doctor Nickoli and his father-in-law , Mr. Hopkins , had some trouble grow ing out of family affairs and in the af fray Nickoli drew his pistol on Hop kins but was prevented by friends from usinc it. To-day Mr. S. B. Hopkins , mem ber of the firm of Pearce , Hopkins & Co. , son of the Springfield Hopkins , got in a buggy , drove to that tow n , armed with a double barrel shot gun nnd it is charged , laid in wait in a sa loon until Nickoli came by , when without a word of warning ho shot liitn twice , killing him instantly. f i. is now in charge of the shorilF of that county. Ho is regarded as a very dangerous man , and this is the second man ho has killed in that place. An Extended. Popularity. Each year finds "BUOWN'H BHON- CHUL TiiociiKS1' iu new localities , in various parts of the world. For re lieving Coughs , Colds , and Throat Diseases , the Troches have been proved reliable. * fob24ood3tnwltj 1 i. ft. T. JACKSON FLAN , ( A Gnuhiato from the Unlicielty of \anlaat Philadelphia oitho Class of 1B4U. ) Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Omaha an ! all othuru needing the same , pre dicating his claim therofor from 49 years' ex pcrlcncv , sixteen j cars of which time ho spent In couth America , from which country ho hog just returned , Kainlnt , ' whilst In tlio provinces many remedies for t arlous diseases common to this country from the natives of the same. The Doctor makes a specialty of all Chronic Diseases , particularity those of females. Ho may ko found at his rooms at the Planters' House , earner of Dodge and Sixteenth Streets. _ n23opdlw&mo m" " * _ 1880. SHORT LIME. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , SUoe& Council Bluffs H TDl OltLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. No chungo of cra bctwcon Omaha and DI. ixraln nd but ono between OMAHA nud NEW YOIIK. Daily Passenger-Trains EABTEIIN AND WESTERN CITIKB with LKSB CIIAllQES and IN ADVANCE of ALL OTIIEH LINK ; . This entire line Is ( inlppad with TaUco HlooplDR Can , Falaco Day Coachoa , Mlllor't baftity riationn arid Coupler , and tlio cclobrutou WcHtlnghousa Air-brake. OTtea that your ticket roAdu VIA nANiiAi CITV , 'T. JOSEPH & COUNCIL I1LUITS Rail road , via St. Ja qjh and St. Louis. Tickets for Bale at all coupon stations In th < West. J. F. UAUNAUD , A 0 , DAWE3 , Oon. Supt. , Ht. Jouoph.Mol Don. I'AW. and Ticket Agt. , bt Joseph , Mo. Aauv llOBDin , Ticket Agent , 1030 Kurnliam utrcel , A , 0. UiBMilD Qnneral Auont , _ _ _ OUAHA.NK J. L WILKIE , MANUFACTUKKU OF PAPER BOXES , 218 and 220 S. 14th St. JanOJ6ui BYRON REED & . CO , OLDMT UTABUaUXO Real Estate Agency IN NEBHASKAtt Keep & comnleto Abstract of title to lit * viuta In Omahft in Dnurlu oountv. mm COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J , H , MoOUIiLOOH , Itooui 4 , Creljliton IJlock , Fifteenth Street. Iinl6-3ui d. P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 810 South ThlrttxmUi Street , w 1th l ff Jfw f\C ) * * rf" ' - t D. S , BENTON. ATTORNEY - AT/ LAW AKDAOU BLOCK , A remedy nlth tuch a representation M Itos- lettcr'n Stomach Hitters < ? c-cncs a filr Mnl If jon nro dyspeptic , jour malady Mill o\uitimll\ ) lo'd toll ; If joit rofeMe ( , hck flesh nnd feel despondent , It " 111 hoth Iniilil ami tlicer jou up ; If ion krpcomtlpaltd it " 111 rdlevuyou , nnd If Mllous , hcnlthlnl etlmululo ur liver. Don't ICH.O n Init make ( Ills effort In the right direc tion. tion..for f\\o \ \ > y all dwcaMsmiil dca'ors generally. fcM.ltoml CAUTION TO EGG SHIPPERS "Stevens' Patent Egg Case" Sus tained by the Courts , You are heroin notlBtd that vvo arc the solo owners of letters patent Ismicd to John L aid George W. Stevens , on tlio 20th day of Kobruirj , 1S07 , and reissued Feb. in , 167d , rcltsuo No 6091 , for Improvement In Kgg Cans. After nearly four team of lltlgitlon with "Schroder & Heavers" of Nuv Vork , and aft r a "final heart g" upon the merits , the eaid "Ste vens" reissued patent , No. a01 was decided to be a good and valid patent by His Honor IIov t If. Whcolcr , U. S. Judge , atNiw York , on the 13th day of Jul1891 ; ard thereafter , and on the Bth day rf An list , 1831 , a final decree > vai entered In said cause , awarding a perpetual In junction against "ochrodcr & Scavcra" and for an account for profits and damages. After the above decree vra filed , an apphca tlon was male by the paid "Schroder &Seavira" for n r choiring. Said rehearing' was granted , and on the lUth day of Jantnry , 1882 , His Honor Hoyt II > v heeler ntllrmcd his former doc - c slon , thus fully sustaining the patent affr a double hearing. On Fob. 10 , 1882 , His Honor Oeo. W. Me- Crary , U. 8. Judge at hcokuk , Iowa , granted an Injunction against Henry Wcis ( manufacturer of tnc "North star Cvso' ) , Ilurlington , lowa , restraining - straining him from further manufacturing selling or using tald casui In addition t > the above , tlio following In junctions have recent ! } been issued : Agaiukt John II. Palmer , of Ccihr Ilipld' , lena , h\ U. B. Julgcs McCrary and Lore at Dos Molncs , Iowa. "KgK Carrier and Tester Co , " of Chicago , by IIli Honor Henry W.Jlod ett , U. S. Judge at Chicago , which was app < alcd to IIh Honor Thjiiia * Drit'innond , U S. Judge at Chicago , who alllmiej the opinion of Judge lllodsfctt Feb. 11 , 1881 ; also against Chas. A. Gilliftp'e , of Chlcigo , by His Honor HonrjW. . Blodgttt , at Cblcaito , Jlareh 7 , lEbl , and ueveral others all fully sustaining the Stev ens' reh ucd patent CAUTION. Wo thcnforj hereby notify thu public that the use of rtmovabla dhidln ; ; boirclfi lietu ecu trtvs containing bottomless comiwrtuicnts ( with ut regard to thoRhapoof Iho conipartmcnU , or to the manner In which the pieces forming them aie put together ) la a direct Infr ngcment on the Stevens 1'atcnt Kgg Care , rclseuo o. 8091 and all pirtics making , BC ! lijf or using Egg Cases so constructed without our cement will be held nccountablo to us. BILLINGS , COIH'UN & CO. Chicago , February , 1832. tobZl-mcod-St GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK The OreatTRADE MARK English rem- edv. Anun- falling cure 'D " W 'or Seminal ( _ y/Mtdfr Weak-nose , Spcrmator- rhca , Impot- cnty , and all Diseases that4 follow as a BEFORE TAKINQ.Bequencc of AFTER TARINQ. belt-Abuse ; 03 Loss of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of VMon , Premature mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. tar Full particulars In our pamnhlU , which wo desire to send frco trmail to everyone. XarTho Specific Medlclno Is > old by all druggists at 81 per package , or 0 pack tea for 86 , or will bo sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , b ) addressing TI1EORA IEDICINE CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or ealo by C. F Good ; oc7mo cod To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpsou'e Specific It li a positive ruru for hpcrmatoirhca , Hemln * Wookncaj. ImpoUacy , and all dlscason rcfultlnfc from Self-AbUHO , at Ucntnl Anxiety , Lonai Uemor ) ' , Palnj In th Cacl. or "I If. and dlsoaset that lend to Consumption insanity an early grate 1 The ' Spce'Cc Medicine lo wlthxTondrr t'aninhlete tent free to Ml Write fcr tluoi and got full part - t culsra. "rice. SpoclBc , Kl.OO per ptcksge , oV six paok. ages for it 00 AJiln.M all ordcr9 tb II. HIMSON HKD1CINK CO. Ncs 104 aid 100 Main St. Buffalo , N , Y. SoM in Omaha b0. . F. floodnmn , ! . > V Hell , J , K. Iii'i , and nil fri.irilutwoiy where. i i Gentle Women Who mmt glossy , luxuriant and wary tresses of abundant , beautiiul IIair must nso MON'S KAT1IAIRON. This elecant , cheap article always makes tlio Hah * prow IVeely and lust , beeps it from falling ; out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair Btronfr , giving it a curling ( umlciuT and Uoopiug it in uiy tkbiicd position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kutuairon. PASTJTIMEI In going Eat take the Chicago < fe If orttiWBSt- - era -.Tratnii leave Oinolu 3:10 : p. m. and 7.40 a. ro. For full Information call on II. P. DUKL. Ticket Agent , 14th m ) Farnhaui Sit J. KKLl. U. P. hallway Depot , or at JAMES T. CLAHK , Uencr. Ajffi ) ) , Oman * , JaUui&o tf Mrs. J. O. Iloiiertaon , PitUtiuig , Pa , rito"I M suffcrlne from general ilchllltv , want of np- pttltu , tonitlpatlon , itc. , so that llfo was a Imr- dennftcrwlnir ; Iturdock fllood Hitters I felt bet ter than for j earn. I cannot pralso jour Hitters tOO Ullll.ll. " U. Olblis. of Uufhlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour Ilnrdock llfci Vlttcn , In thrpnlcill'cascsof the Mood , liter ( Vi.J kldnoM * , ha\o been slgrmlh marked ttlthsucccfs. Ihno usul them 111 } self with lent results , for torpidity of the ll\er , nmlin casoof a friend of inlno suffering from drop j , the cdcct wan man plow , " llnico Turner , Itorhcttor , X. Y.nrltci : 't hive been subject to serious disorder of the kldncjj. and imnblo to attend to ImsliiRM , Dili-dock Illooil Illtlcrt rrllocil mo before Imlf a bottle was used I ftc.1 confident that they will cntircl } turo me. " , K. Asciilth Hall , ninghanipton , N. V. , wrltci : "I miflcred llh a dull piln threiiKh mv ctt lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , nppctlto nnd color , nnd tonld with dlttlcuHy keep up nil diy. Took jour Durdock IllooUllittcri as di rected , and hax o felt no pain slnco first w cik af ter uidnv them. " Sir. Noah Hate" , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four ) cirx ago I hail an attack of bilious focr , and nc\cr fully recoitred. Sly dUcstho organs were weakened , nnd I would bo completely pros trated for daj . After using two bottles of jour llurdock Dlood flitters the Improvement was so \ bible that I w as astonished. I can now . though 01 J ears i f age , do a fair ajid roison'xbfo daj's work. C. Dlacket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Prcsbj tcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , rite * : "For j cars I Buffered greatly from oft recurring headache. I uw-d your llurdock Dlood Hitters with happiest risultn , anil I non find m' pelf in better health thnn for jcars past" Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : used llurdock Dlood Dltters for ncnous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend It toanjono requiring a euro for billlouencsn. " Mrs. Ira JIulln ll' nd , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several jcara I Imo suffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , djspcpsla , and complaint - plaint * peculiar to my sex. Since using jour Durdock Dlood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " FOSTER , MILBURN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , K. Y. Sold nt wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Tnla great ipeuflc cures that moit loathsome disuuc SYPH Whetliov ID its Primary , Secondary or Tortinry Stngo- Kcmov es all traces of Vcrcury from the sys tem , Cures Scrofula , OM Sore" , Rheuma tism , Eczema , Catarrh or an } Blood Disease. Cures Wlion Hot Springs Fail ! Jlalvcrn , Ark. , Slay 2 , 1881. Wo have casei In our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. S. S. McCAMMON & MUKRT. Memphis , Monn. , May 12 , 1881 We have Bold 1,290 botUes of S.S. S. In a > ear. Ithasglvcnunlv crsal satisfaction , t air minded phjslcians now recommend it as a positive specific. s. MANSFIELD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , Jlay 13. 1881. S. S. S. has given better satf faction thin any modlcino I hav o cv er sold J. A. Ucnvoi , Col. Miy 2 , 1881. Every purcha cr speaks in the highest term * of 8. S. S. L. MeUsot < > r. . Richmond. Va. . May 11 , 1881. You can rrfpr anjbody to 113 In regard to the intrits of b. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Ha e never known a. s. S to fall to cure a case cf Svphillg , when nropc'rly taken. II. L Dcmjiml. ! . n , . UiWurrtn. ptrry.Oa. The ahovo signers aregcntlcman of high stand- Ing. A H COLQU1TT , Governor ol Georgia. IF YOU WISH WE W LL TAKE YOURSE CA TO BE PAID FOll WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopj of ittle book 'Message to the Unfortunate. 81.OOO Rnward will be paid to any chemist who will llncl , on analsls 100 bottles S S. S. , one partlclo of Mercury Iodide Potas sium or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Fropa. Atlanta , Ga. t Price of regular size reduced to 81.75 per liot tie Small size , holding half the quantity , prlco , 91.00 Sold by KENNARD & CO. , and Druggists Generally JOHN HrABLKU , KIIOMK bCIUMP , Pirslduit VIce Prca't. W. S. UnsiiKR , Sec. and Trcas. THE NEBRASKA liNuTiOTURIE CO Lincoln , Ndb , MANUFACTUHERS OF Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Ducket Elevating ; Wind- mlllt , &c. We are prepared to do job work and uianufac- turlr g for other parties Addrcs all orJcrj NhUIlASKA MANUFACTUIU.NO CO LINCOLN , NUM. lanmOS rJ'ho Great English Remedy Vcvtr falls to cine iS'crvouslJoblllty , VI- Utl Exhaustion , Einls- dons , hcmlnal Weak- Wa-es.LOSTMAN- HOOD , and all the jvilcffcctH of jouth- fill follub and extcs- ief. It stops perma ucntlyull vvtaUcnlng , involuntary lout t a > d Iralim upon the fcjif- em , thrinovllabort.- , . 'jtultuf ' thiBooviInrac- tlce < , wh cli krosn dcstructtvo to inliul and body and make lifa mliieriblo , often kadlnn' to Iniaril- < y and dttth Its rvn thcim the .N'irvenllmlii , ( mcinorjf IllocKl , Mm le * , lilfu 'l on > \ Iterrn- dnitlvo Or < us , It ro t roj f i II 'ho or u ic Innctli-iu their former vUor i'i < t vltslltj , nu- oing llfo cheerful und mJoj ublu. Priu > , sJ3a bottle , or four times tru < | uanilty S10 , Sent by esprit. e cure from ebscrratlon , to ariyaddrtsn. onrcLOlptof prlco. Ko. C. O. D. Hcnt , except on receipt of 1 as a guarantee. Letters rj- quc tlncanswersfnut ; inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'a P odfihon are tlio licit and cheapo yspipaU and billions cure In the market. So ) all driift'lsts. 1'rlco 60 cent ) . DR. JJiMin's ItiuKnr lUsiKur , On KKIICUM , Curutall llndot Kidney an I bladdercomplalnte , coiiorrbca , cleet aud Icucorreca. For ealo ry all daurfg ta : 1 a bottle. ENGLISH MFD1CAL INSTITUTF. TlBOlhoBt. , bt. Louis , Ma. JanSWv Glarkson & . Hunt , SucoesMw In tllcbirdi ft Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW B UtbBtfMt' OmhtNch. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL- HOTELS. FROPlllKTOm TOWN ? ARLINGTON , J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TEU.INIU8 , Mllford , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StromsburR , N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL ? . SEYMOUR , Nabrnika City , Neb , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WecplnRWnter.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hnrdy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb' COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. OTOREY. Olarlndn , Iowa. ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Nob. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUD , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Cretton , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Exlrn , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M , REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. DURGESS , Neoln , la. , CITY HOTEL , DI D.WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQS , Corning , la NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , etanton , PARKS HOTEL , Shenandoah , la , MERCHANTS HOI CL , J. WBBOULWARE , DurllnEton Junction , Ma COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dayld City , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdalGrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOUQLAO HOUSE , J. 8 DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , H. M. & M. PEAVY CLOTHIERS ' 1309 Farnham Street. JanSOeojlmtcflm 'JJJbzL-Ej © LACK' PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE \ Is the placeYK > Buy Bargains. VERYTHING MARKED IN 'RED FIGURES. Look for the Red Ink M BUTTONS BUTTONS I JUST RECEIVED THE Latest Novelties 2CO Styles to Select from. From 1 cent to $1.50 per Dozen. GUILD & McINlOS 603 North I6lh Street. ATTENTION ! SVIEN. We have in Stock THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF BLANK BOOKS ! Of all K'Tids Qualities and Grades in Omaha , ALSO BARGAINS IN Give us a Call and be Convinced , GILW R. DAVIS & CO. , , * ) i < ss it t V ' > oi"tv Davi . ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. fcbO-lra-eol POWER AND HAND V , aSSS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , < W HU.I.KI V.ACIUNKUV , , - " " HALLAOAYIW1HD-MILLS , CHURCH AHD.SCHOOL BELLS A. L , SRANG , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha