Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAUA JJ.UlA BE' : WEDNESDAY , M AH Oil 1 188 :
WedUGBUav Morning , March 1 ,
Wnntlier Report-
iTho ( ollowlns obaorvallons nto token ftt
the BAtno mnmont nt time At nil the sin-
UOHR named. )
WlR IJRriRtMRNT , U , S , SlfMAt , SlIRVICK , 1
i Oiaiu , February 27,1SS2. (14B ( ; p. m. ) (
The fine Block of Whlpplo if , McMl- !
lan'n store In being nold nt auction.
Wanted nt once n second hand rifle
nnd shot gun combined , Dr. Stonu.
March cotuts In like n lamb and If
signs hold Into will go out like a raging
The Omaha bricklayers' union held
their regular monthly , mooting last night
at their hall on Douglai street.
BcmitituI rcmdcnco lots $100 each ,
65 down and $5 per month , licmis , agent ,
Fifteenth nnd Douglat street * .
A villlntions attempt wan niado on
Sunday morning to hum a double house
on .Sixteenth nnd Chicago streets.
Thord will bo another one of tlioea dc >
llghtful ttteroopttcon cxhlbltioiiH and HO-
oials nt the First M. K. church Thursday
Two dlsturborH of the poice wcio in
police court ycuturday. One win put
on street work for ten duyi and the oth r
for five.
t'lio U. S. court , in Hepsiou at Lincoln
adjouniH yi-sterday , nnd the clerk , Mr.
Elinor Frank will return homo with the
reconla to-day.
It it possible that the conviction of
Leon Lovl in the district court Momluy
'convinced Diorhaumthnt ho too wan likely
to go over the roul nnd hence his de
The bu.ird of county commissioners
met nt 2 p. in , yesterday to hear the testi
mony in the matter of the protest ngninst
granting llceinu to Mnry Onteri to sell
liquor in Valley precinct. .
The old hpok nnd ladder truck linn
been sold to Beat i ice for her fire depart
ment for the low price of SI 00. It ought
to have been bought and kept in Omaha
but the enterprise wan lacking for such a
The statement that the old M. K.
church WI\H t > i bo rented to the city for
the publtu library was erroneous. The
SwedUh Kvangolical Mission church have
poiltively scoured the property and will
have it after March 1st.
On nud after Wednesday , March ' ! ,
Mr. II. W. Yale ? will have a denk in Dr.
Peabody's office , over Nimlel & Krollo's
bat store , where he will hereafter devote
11 Ills attention to the interests of the
new Nebraska Nationul bank.
IJor Sale nt a bargain , the stock and
fixture ! ) of the Michigan Tobacco Store ,
1417 DoughH etreot , Omaha. Duslnein
first cla. < s , location good , rent low , satis
factory reodoim forsolling. Apply nt the
tore. fZOuvn-m-w&f-uiorn-tu-thu&sat-tf
The bricklayers of the L'cs Moloei
union have requested Daniel O'Kcefle ,
vice preaideot of the National Union of
bricklayers of North America , to visit
their city on next Thursday evening for
the purpose of installing their union into
the national body.
The Missouri river is now open at Ne
braska i Ity. At this point there U still
name ice in the stream but it In fast break
ing up or ii eltlng awny , A few loads
werj hauled through the streets last night
and the cukes looked as though they would
melt before tin y got to the ice h use.
Frank Walters Monday compromis
ed his old claim against M. U. Lenvltt ,
the minstrel man , The original bill was
$150 , but thirteen jears interest piled up
on top of the principal swelled it to $335 ,
Leavltt proponed to pay 9100 nnd call it
square and Mr. Walter au jpt'd thu pro.
A now case of small nx Imi developed
n the city , but it is support d to he the
only case which la In uxutenco iu idu the
corpoiato HmltH , J allim Kio munii , u la
borer on L'nvenuorth ttrcet neir thu gits
works , was taken ill da y before Monday ,
Tlio hou o hus been ciuu-i ntlncd and the
patient will 'o removed to the peat homo
M soon M ho is ( n a nut a' ' la condition.
Alice Oaten will b hero Thur > day
night. Thq Council Dlulf < > niipareilKayti
of thu play for that ovenin ; ; : The presen
tation of the comlo opein of ( Jlnillu Glrnlln
Monday ) > y the .Mice Oatw opera cr > m-
pany won greeted ivith a crowded hou e.
The plot of the play is mil deep , but intro
duce ) Boino re illy good nutic , and provok
ed considerable merriment. Altogether
the audience appeared to he well pleased.
A man named Juhn H zouvaa nr-
rested yesterday and put lutlio calaboos' ,
the charge , drunken nem and that ho was
aot Altogether straight , Ho had a num.
bar of imitation plain gold rings on his
person , and had tried to sell one of them
for gold. He Is probably the same man
who lias be 11 operating in Lincoln and
Plottomouth , and people will do well to
look out for him ,
Maine Now * .
Hop Bitters , which arc udvurtidud
in our columns , nro a aura euro for
aauo , Tnlliouuness and kiduoy com-
plainlB. Those who UBO thorn say
they cannot l > u too hiuhly lucoiu-
mended. _ Tlioao uiHicteil nhould givn
them a fair tiiul , and will bucoitiu
thereby ontliusmutio in the praiao of
their curative. Portland
mar Ld3w
Dr. A , II. Dotrm , fonndor of the
colobraieil Latnaitino Vucoino Fiinn
at Fond du Lao , Wm , iu now prom-
eating pure Bovine Virus at Lincoln ,
Nob. Ton Ivory Point * , 81.00 ;
Orusta , 82.00 ; culi with the ordtv.
Only phyuiciivni aupnliud ,
A. H , DOHHISM. D , ,
Lincoln , Kub.
Winscit'a Wit and Villianios
Will Work no Longer.
Oapturo of the Rascally Con
tractor at Pueblo , Col. ,
by Sheriff Hyora of
Now nnd Sturtllilg Developments
Concomlng the Oporntlons of the
Man with a Dozen Aliases
nnd His Alleged Wlfo.
The ( light of George \Vinscit , the
"numorous" nnd rnacally 'contractor ,
who victimized parties in thin city ,
I'liittflinouth , and other places in No-
hrnskn lant winter , is yet freah in the
memory of the public , na well ns of hia
scores of victims , Ilia capture , therefore -
fore , qivos gran.aatisfiiction \ , nnd the
following tolosini n , which was received
ydstorday ny fr. 0. F. Driscoll ,
the nrchilect , wilt bo roaarded with
intorcst :
UKNVKII , Col. February 28.
Charles ! ' , DrihO 11 , Omaha :
Wlnacit prefer Col TJilo climate , but l
wi'l be home with him \Vrdiicndiy
morning. ] { . W. HYKIIH ,
Mr. Jlyors is the shoriir at I'lntto-
moiith , nnd l.o went west nfter Win-
acit lust Friday , the wily ox-contiac-
tot's location beiiiff discovered nt
I'aoblo , Colorado. Winscit is ar-
-.itod on the clmrqo of cmbczxlomonl
from Dr. Black , n well known busi
ness man of I'liittsmoulh , and from
Uio JI. E. churoli aocioty at the s.imo
jilico. The iiinount obtiiincd from
thuao crooked oiierntioim aRKt'OKntos
about 85,000.
When Winccit fled from Omaha ,
December 10th , i fr. Drmcoll staten
that a warinnt for him had been in
thu hands of Mi.rulml Angell , of thia
city , for two wuuks , which charged
him with thu crimes upon
which ho is now nrrentcd. Mr. Dris
cell determined , when he discovered
tint Winscit had cscapod arrcat here
to follow him up , if it took ton years ,
and ho accordingly resolved liunsolf
into a detective agency to work up the
c.iae. In order to carry our , this still
hunt successfully ho obt lined the ser
vices of a woman who found work in
Mrs. Winscit'tt houuo , and thronuli
whom many valuable fnc a concerning
the contractor and his pretended wife
were obtained. The letters which
wore received by Mis. Winscit indica
ted that her husband had gone lirnt to
Atchison , Km. , and had from there
taken 1m way west , but to what exact
point could not bo ascertained , na
most of the letters were without post
mark and were written in an inge
niously contrived cipher.
It was finally ascertained that Win-
acit was somewhere in Colorado. Mr.
Driscoll sent photographs of hia man
and a description accompanying to
most of the principal points in that
state , nnd last week JIG heard from
one of thcso in the shapu of n letter
from Pueblo , which stated that n man
was there corresponding to the de
scription , who was advertising himself
and doing business as a contractor
under the name of Winacott. Instruc
tions wore telegraphed to obtain this
Winscott'o signature , and this was
done , the paper containing it being
forwarded to Mr. Driscoll. The writ
ing clinched the matter. Sheriff
Hyora started on Friday lust and
Monday arrested Winscitt in Pueblo ,
finding hini _ without dilliculty. The
t > nor of the dispatch that Winacit
likes Colorado air would seem to indi
cate that ho has made objections to
accompanying thu ahorifT back here ,
but it is not probable that Uyors will
bo seriously delayed with his prisoner.
While Mr. Driacoll nan been watch
ing IVlra. Winscit for the purpose of
discovering her husbands where
abouts , ho has also been quiutly look
ing up the record of the contractor ,
nnd has brought to light enough facts ,
according to hia utatemont , to demon-
etratp that Winscit is a rogue and
criminal of the moat pronounced character -
actor , nnd that lie has been aided and
abetted for many years by the woman
whom ho cnllsilna wifo. Mr. Driscoll
saya emphatically that they are a
"hard pair" and have both been on-
gngod in enough villinnioo to keep
them behind the for life.
TheBf Indent ami ollior infonimtion
tmow ' .hat Winsuit und his wife have
long been eiigiiytici in swindling and
other criminal operations nil over the
west. In oi'dur to more aucct-Bsfnlly
curry on thin business ho has passed by
the names of Wm. Norton , George D.
Aimer , Win. Chancy , Qeo. Bromfmld ,
Win. Goodman , Wm. Davis and lut-
turly as W. W. Winacott. Among
other things it ia charged that Win-
scit is afugitivo from justice at Doni-
plian , Kas. , where ho is claimed to be
wanted on the serious charge of mur ,
dor. The particulars of thin crime ,
which was committed about five years
ago , arc briefly as follows : Winscit
and his wife were nt u ball , when an
altercation aroao over the hand of
Mrs. Winacit for a dance.
In the row which was created it in
claimed that Winscit pulled his revolver
ver and shot a man of whom ho was
jaalous , killing him inatnntly. Win
no it then eac&pod in the confusion nnd
run out into the darkness. A partic
ular friend furnished Mrs. Winsoit
with n mule on which she rode , while
her husband walked , all of the way to
AiolriiiBon , the pair arriving there
by daylight.
From Atohinson they wont into Wy
oming and from there drifted south'
ward to Texas , whore Winscit became
involved in eomo disreputable transio-
tion , for which they wore obliged to
skip out nnd narrowly oscapcu with
their lives. In Las Vegas , Texas ,
they passed by the iinmu of D'Almor ,
and were widely known on account of
their fast living and expensive habits
of both. There Winscit was engaged
in contracting for structures of every
name nnd nature , BO that ho left
many Borrowing and revenge ul credi
tors behind.
_ Missouri was next u scene of opera
tions , and thu contract fraijjl wna re
peated at St. Louis. When Wintcit
skipped from there , ho left his wife
that time and shu adopted thu same
tuctica as practiced hot ? , pretending
that she was unaware of his whorea-
boutK and that ho had deserted her
penniless , Through the assistance of
sympathizing friends aha bccamo pro
vided with rncnns nnd household
goods , and was apparently doairous ot
forgetting her absent husband , and
only referred to him with expressions
of dislike.
One day filio mysteriously folded
her portable possessions \\ithiii the
confines of a trunk and dia.ippoarud ,
When next heard of she wan with her
husband again , and they were re
peating the same game on other con
fiding subjects.
At Stanbury , Mo. , Winscitappcared
as a contractor , bearing the iiaino 01
Wm , Norton. He engaged to con
fitruct n bank building for U , L ,
Tomblin , Eq. , and mndo a bin
splurga < 'f ' his business. He became
an active member of the I , 0 0. F. ,
and gained thu confidence of the
lodge to euch an extent that the >
made him treasurer. After a utny ol
sufficient duration to establish eonsid
orablo credit. Norton determined ( H
skip out , aim did so under thu pretext
that he was uoing after evergreens for
trimming the Odd Fellows' hall Ilk-
borrowed n handsome overcoat just
before ho left and took it with him.
The fact that neither the ardent rhn
ciplo of good fellowship , the overcoat ,
nor the evergreens showed up
in that neighborhood after. nrd
demonstrated to the [ people of
Stanbury who had had business
dealings with Mr. Norton that they
had caat their bread upon waters from
whrnco it is extremely unlikely to re-
turn. It waa found upon examination
into his ulluirs that he had left the
town poorer by several thousand dollars
lars than before hn atruck it.
It was after leaving Stinbury that
ho came to Omaha and assumed the
position of foreman at I3oyd's opera
house. After the completion of that
structure ho branched out as a con
tractor and at the time ot his depar
ture , December 10 , ho had about forty
buildingu on his handy. His credit
became largo and ho borrowed con
siderable money to oury on his uper.t
lions in this city beside the ruiiounir.
ho obtained at Vlitttnnn nth. His
total indebtnosa ia about § 8,000 , Ol
this amount it h not thought that
Winscit carried away much , ns ho had
been mout lavish in hia expenditures.
Personally he was n most agreeable
gentleman to meet , and was very gen
erous with his frumiln. Ony of the
recently discharged U. tt M. con
ductors wears n handsome diamond
pin presented him by Winscit , in return -
turn for n fnvor donu the hitter in the
way of transportntion , while several
gentlemen in thu city have been madu
the recipients of handsome gifts of
various kinds.
Architect Driscoll has been inter
esting himself to nuch an extent in
the capture of Winscit , bicauso of
the embarrassment caused him by the
Iftttcr'rt leaving. Ho had dtawn plans
for Rovcntcon of NVinacit's contem
plated or partly finished structures ,
and wiia consequently blamed by some
of the pai ties who had advanced
money , because he had been associn
icd with the rascally contractor. This
persevering hunt for the man
and the aucccss attending
it will , doubtless , tully exonerate Mr.
Driscoll from any responsibility in
Winsctt's transactions , and at the
same time reflect great credit upon
him for keen detective ability.
Winsiit represented here that he
had been associated in years gone by
with I'iukerton's detective force. A
letter was sent to Mr. Pmkorton with
a photograph , and elicited a reply that
the official had never seen Winscit or
had him in hia employ. The whole
caieer of Winscit and his wife is
cbuded by discreditable transactions ,
and it is highly probable that they
have reached the end of their rope.
Gospel Temperance Meeting.
The W. 0. T. D. will hold a gospel
temperance meeting this evening at
the Baptist church , commencing at
7:30. : The public are cotdially in
vited. The following ia the
Goape , Song.
lieadim : Script re Mrs. li.irroiighn.
Gospel Sent ; .
Address Itev. Ingram.
Quait t ea Miss Steven * . Mian Lawton -
ton , Mr. Stevoiif , Mr. Warren.
Kccitutfon Mis < Carrie Stewart.
jtcading Miss Whituon.
Quartet ! o.
Gospel Seng.
The Governor Petitioned In Regard
to Clmrtor Amendments.
The committee appointed some time
ago by the board of trade to draft a
bill providing for the paving of our
atreot , has completed its work and
has united with our legislative delega
tion in u petition to Gov. Nance to
embody in hia call for n special session
of thu legislature , the matter of leg
islation for citiua of the first , class.
Messrs. Cowin , Doane. llowe nnd
Prilchntt , united in working up thu
bill , which is regarded ixa proof againat
nil attacks on thu constitutionality of
the bond clause.
Thu bill was endorsed by thu citi
zens' committee and by the represen
tatives of Douglas county on Friday
night , and its principal features uro na
follows :
The city council is given power to
pave any a trout which they deem ne
cessary to be pavedincise n majority
of holders on the street
desire mhavo it paved they may unite
in a petition to the council , and then
it ia obligatory upon the council to
have it done. The bill provides for
paving districts. One or more blocks
may constitute n district. This de
pends upon the number of property
holders uniting. Bonds not to exceed
8100,000 nro to bo issued annually , to
run ten years at 0 per cent. , and nro alien
lion upon the property , the city thus
guaranteeing thu payment. Thu city
in to pave thu intersection of streets
and thu spaces opposite thu alloytt.
This is 1'ijuul to one-third , so that
8100,000 is equal to § 300,000 of pav
ing , thu property owners paying for
two-thirds. Provision ia made for u
board of public works , to consist of
three men appointed by thu mayor
and continued by the council , their
terms to be one , two and three years ,
so that thu bourd will always have
two old members , The salary o ! the
chairman ifl not to exceed $2,000 per
annum , and the salary of the other
members ia nut to exceed $1,000.
The Striking Shovolora Stick
to Thsir RefitHnl to
A Few Mon Remain on the Ground
nud nro Protected by the
The condition of affairs in the
ahovelers strike for higher wages ia
unchanged yesterday. Yesterday
about two hundred and fif y moil con
gregated at the point where the H &
M. excavating is going on with their
shovels nnd indicated their \viljiiujncs.s
to go to work nt $1.50 a day Mr.
Stephenaon again refused to grant the
increase nnd the men did not resume
operations. They were poacablo and
orderly but remained on the spot for
a long time endeavoring to induce
throe or four men who had gone to
work to quit also.
The police worn upon the ground
early but found nothing to demand
their presence and after a time with
There docs not seem to bo any dis
position on the part of thu strikers to
take possession of the place or to com
mit any violence , but the men are
evidently of the opinion that they can
dissuade any other laboiera from going
to work and think that Stophcnson
will bo obliged to give in to their de
mands. They state that it will bo
nocoasary for him to get men to work
pretty soon , as the time allowed far
completion of the job ia limited.
At one p. m. ycsttr.lay nboutfiftccn
men attempted to go to work in the
cut , but the crowd again gathered and
interfered with them to such an ex
tent that all but four or five gaveiI
up. The only man who has not bjun
bothered by the strikers' intorferopco
is an elderly Iriuhnuin , h ith duif und
dumb. He keeps steadily at hia job ,
and as none of the crowd are especi
ally anxious to run againat hin pick-
itxo , they leave him alone.
Contractor Stcphonsou said s'u'tii-
ficantly yesterday that ho would
have men at work to day who
wouldn't stuiid any foolishness , and
intimated that if the strikers inter
fered with them there would bo some
sore heads in that vicinity.
The Flea in Abatement Sustained by
Judoro Savage.
The plea in abatement filed by the
counsel for Charles Kosters , wan
arpnod in the district cou t yeafo
d < iyby Messrs. Cowin and Stnythcand
District Attorney Burnhnm. So plain
waa the proposition on which the pica
waa founded and the law on thu nub-
ject that Judge Savacro did not con
sider it necessary to delay his decision.
The pica washeldgood. This decision
will alfect on two cases , that ot
Masters and Henry Si rt and both
will be hold over to awuit the action
of the grand jury next teiiri unless a
special grand jury ia called.
District Attorney Burnham saya he
will thia morning ask the court
to call a special grand jury and pro
cure new indictments against both
Kostors and Siort so that their cases
can be taken up this term.
The jury in the case of A. Biorbaum
was discharged at 1:30 : p. ra. and the
bond forfeited.
Bierbaum Breaks A-way from
the Bastile ,
And 13 Thought to bo Exploring the
Bottom of the Missouri.
There was quite a little sensation
in the district court yesterday
which is rather dillicult to deal with
on account of the uncertainty as to
whether the subject ia a villain or a
The trial of Abram Bierbanm , no
ausod of receiving stolen copper from
the gang of boys who hud been raid
ing the U. P. shops nnd yards , was
begun Monday nnd should have
benn concluded ycaterd.xv but for the
fact t at t e accusoa was conspicu
ously absent. It was reported on thu
street before the court officials were
informed of the fact' , that Biorbaum
had skipped the town , und his bondsmen - ,
men , Henry Spieglo and Imiac Brown ,
were buay hunting for detectives to
put on thu track of thu absent indi
vidual , fur whoso appearance they
had given security to thu tune of
91,000 ,
When court had been called yus
terdny und thu usual routine busi
ness disposed of , the jury who had sat
on Bierbaum'a cose waa in tlio box and
ready to listen to the concluding tosti
niony. District , Attorney Burnham
announced that the defendant waa not
in the court room and the deputy
sheriff railed him throe times without
succusa , after which the bondsmen's
names were called and the bond of
$1,000 forfeited.
Hon. J , C , Cowin , one of liici-
bnum'a counsel stated that hia clii'ii.
WUB absent and that he believed it to
bi through no intention to evade the
roault of the trial. IIo said thar
Bierbaum was seen Monday , wan
dering about the streets , tearing Jib
hair , groaning nnd carrying on
like one bereft of reason ; that
nlHiut 0 o'clock yesterday ho struck
oil' toward the river and hia friemlH
feared that he hud thrown himself in
and had been looking for him for nev-
iirnl hours. "lie haaieon \ , " said Mr
Cowin , "tho victim of n damnable
conspiracy and it haa preyed upon his
mind until ho haa gone crazy. " The
general naked , if it waa consistent
with the rules of the court , that the
jury bo not discharged but held for a
short time , aa ho expected Bierbaum.
would be found in n low hours.
Col. Smytho made u similar state
ment to the court , and accordingly
the jury WM merely oxouued until
1:30 : p. m. , when it was believed the
whereabouts of the mUsiiw man
would become known. Tim nnproa-
sipn conveyed by his counaol is that
Bieilnum has committed auicidu from
the cllcctsof worrying over hia trouble ,
but the conduct of his bondsmen
dots not indicate that they are very
tntiguhio of any nuch aot having been
committed. Tut : 13in : reporter talked
with an officer who was conversant
with the facts in the cnsonnd ko scon *
ed the idea of Bierbaum having suici
ded , lie declared him to bo n ku'
man nnd laughed nt the idea of ncm
spirncy. "Ho haa skipped the tovui ,
that's nil , " was his emphatic remark.
It hna been stated on the street that
Biorbaum paid his bondsmen tin
money before ho left but this was not
likely and it is really a matter of
doubt as to whether ho was driven to
tnko his own life or haa yonu off to
escape retribution for his crime.
A Midnight Marauder Rifles the
Clothes of Two Mon.
A potty burglary occurred atAm
merman's saloon on the corner of
Thirteenth and Hnrnoy streets Sun
day night Two of Xiininonnan'n oin
ployes , Henry Stringer and Philip
Snyder , were Bleeping in a stntill room
back of the bar room , nnd the bur
glnr entered from u back dour by
torcing the look. 'Tho marauder \ \ -nt
through the clothing of the sleepiiitf
men and obtained abotH $2o in mom- }
and a silver watch valued at , § 10. Thu
thief retired quietly and in good order
mid the depredation not discov
ered until this morning.
Captxtro of Another Man Implicated
In the Affair.
The report was received poiter-
day that Murray , who io implicated
in the murder of Henry Stroebech at
Keg Creek township , Iowa , had been
captured at lied Oak , in that state ,
and is on the way to Council Bluffs.
Joe Betts , the negro arrested ot
charge of doing the shooting , is in ( be
county jail in this city , and will prob
ably bo taken to the Bin Us yesterday
on a requisition. Bolts was detected
through his desire to see hia girl ,
Muria Campbell , a colored woman of
unsavory reputation. When arrested ,
ho was sleeping with her at
a house occupied by a colored
man named Green. The house won
surrounded and Betts induced to sur-
rpndtr ut the muxzlo of a mvolvnr
The idi'oiter was very cool iinMl h
reached the jail , where ho eei-nivd n
wi'-iki n Bomewh it. The woman ful-
lowt'd the officers to the jail nnd WHS
Micro detained , as it is snspiciouorj
ahi ) may prove an important witness.
The ollicors in this city who assisted
Edgcrton , and Sterling in mak
ing the arrosb were I'oiiuoiuen Buck
leyand Jauobaon and Special Police-
iiiun Hill. °
An Entirely Now Paving Proposition.
To the Editor of Thu lice :
There is a deposit of clay w ithin the
city limits which if converted into
well made and thoroughly burned
bricks will resist a pressure of three
to four thousand pounds to the square
inch just the thing to pave our
streets. Three courses should be
used : the first laid ilat tmd cemented ,
the second cource laid on edge and
cemented , the third and lust course
laid like the Nicholson blocks , which
touch each other at the base , leaving
n apace of say one-half inch between
the balance of the bricku for asplml-
turn. One thousand such bricks will
lay eight yards , costing $1.25 per
ynrd , the bricks being furnished at
810 per thousand. Stiectu pavud
thereby will bo impervious to mois
ture from below or above , dry , com
pact , solid , durable and cheap , and as
fur boa'uty they would delight the eye
of Oscar Wilde. If the bricks should
bo chosen to j.avo with an extensive
manufactory would bo added to our
progressive city and thousands saved
on freights. The bond burden , too ,
will set lighter on the shoulders of
the tax payers and all will bo proportionately
tionately happier. E. B. HUWT.
Organization of the Alto , Mining Com
pany in Omaha.
Articles of incorporation weio yes
terday lileu in the ofliro of the county
clerk by the " Altn Silver Mining
Co. , " the iucorporniors buintr , Miles
H , .Earl , Louis E Heauinont and
James S. Patterson.
The company is organi/od for the
purpose of carrying on business in the
town of Bellevue , Alturas county ,
Idaho ) or elsewhere as the business of
thu company may require. The head
quarters will be in Omaha. Thu na
ture of the business will be to acquire
title to miiiea of coal or other fossils ,
, uul ludiM of iron , lead , o.ipper , silver ,
L > "ld and other mutulH or ores , and to
ilrvolup the ramn.
Tin. cupitivl stock is $100,000
I'iviiU'd into mm hundred thousand
uhau'tt of ODD dollar each. The ex-
jstei co of thu corpoi.ition is fixed for
ti pen d < > f one hundred and ten years ,
U uninatiiii' in li)2. ) ! The highest
uuinunt of indebtedness allowed in
$75,000. The ntl'airs of the company
urti to be managed by n board ot fire
directory , elected , for a term of one
year each , but for ilui Urst year they
are tu bo managed V > y Milea II. Karl ,
Louis E. Bcaumout and Jiimca S.
_ _ „ . , . . . -
A Heavy Swell.
. 'wMl H. Hlour. r ( of Vlrplllo , K. Y , ,
valies ; "Your THOMAS' KCI.UTIIIU On.
cmcd a badly swelled neck and sore threaten
en my sou iu forty-eight hour * ; oim appli
cation nho removed thu pain front a very
nore too ; my wife's foot waa aleaimich in.
flamed A > much so that she could not
wall ; about thu hoime ; "he applied the oil ,
ami in t\\intyfour hcmn\ WAS entirely
cured,11 -deod&w
A Spirited Cocking Main Between
Onraostora from this City nnd
Council DlurTs.
- r
Among local sporting events none
hail attracted more attention than the
cocking limn nhieli occurred about
two inilea north of the city Monday
afternoon , The fact that the fighta
were to bo between Council Bluffs
birds and those from this city intensi
fied the interest felt by sporting men
on both sidea of the river. Thamatch
waa made for $100 , but the amount of
money left on this sidu y the BlufT-
itea considerably oxccndod five times
that amount. About four hundred
spectators , saw the main , which in
cluded five battles. ThoOmnlu birda
won four out of five The fighting
was sharp nnd in all caaei but ono de
cided by the death of the vanquished
It ia claimed by the Council BluH's
parties that they wore permitted only
to drop "ataga , " or birds less than
two years old , in the pit against- full
aged cocks , and that they did not ex
pect to win under those conditions.
The long gall's woio used , alao , which
the Blutla men claim was an addition-
ul disadvantage to their > oung birda
which were without experience An
other main haa been ugreed upon nnd
will probably tnkti place willim a
week or ten days. The light will
probably bo for § 200 , and will bo decided -
cided by ton battloa , in which only
old birda will bo matched.
Th'o antidotal theory , now admitted Io be
the only treatment uhlch will eradicate Catarrhal -
rhal Poison.
llov. Chas. H. Tn > lor , UONoblo street , Itrook.
lyn , N. Y.t "Ono package effected n radical
euro. "
llev.Oeo. A. Iluls , CoblcMIl , Schoharic , Co. ,
N. Y. : 'It restored uio to my ministerial 1
born. ' ?
llov. W. II. Suinnor , Krcilorlck Mil. : "V no
results In BV cases Inry family. "
llov. Oco K. I'ratt , St. Stephen's Ilcctar
t'hia : "Quito wonderful ; let ire distrlbiit
jour 'Treat ! c. "
Ohia. II. Stanhope , Newport , H. I. : ' I waa
too deaf to hear thochu'ch bells ring ; hearing
restored. "
GcorRO W. Lauibriirh' , 7 ! ! IHd.ll slr.'i-t , Haiti-
more , Md , : "Siilfcred 9 years ; perfectly
curtd. "
Mrs. M. E. Slienney , 3i'22 Satnh street , at.
. , ouii : "The llrst ural bru'ith InOye.irs- "
51ri. J. W. Purucll Golden City , Col. : 'Used
nly no pa"IChge ; pi.tltcl ) nrnl ; Buffered 24
years. "
lr F. N Clart. ! > ' tUi , i.M ntoiierj : streit ,
San V'ranclw : ' "iifT-rid 1 J < ' rs ptrf-ctly
cured , " Ui'
Dr. Wol De Meyer's. Popular "TKEA TISE"
on Catar li mallei ! free. The grat Cure U de
livered by Driiifsrists. or by O B. Devvey & Co. ,
182 FuItiM btreet , Hew York star I 00 ,
POVET TO LOAN Oill at f.-iw mil.of D
M Thomas RoomH Cri-l.hv > /'OvX / ,
| , . > bU.ii.N--A ! pei .i.r.tfii.
. .1/1 "v t > r - ' . In - fiuaol < } .i-S < \i it
i , ( or 3 to 5 yuifts on rtMtiIrt"H \ if'I
n prf.twrty. U AI , KbV > T nUN
WANTED Good ttout girl for general hou o-
worl : , must be good took and ir ner. Ap
ply at 012 .lackron St. U70-tf
A good trady boy from 15 to 18
WANTED toork In torr. Inrulre | at
nthrodor & Beck's drugstore. 272-1
\ " \ ' ANTED A girl as cook and for gincral
\ \ Housework , ( no washing. ) Apply 1117
Howard St. 974 28' .
Sou-Ins in families by a jounir
WANTED yho uniler tnndi dro e making. Ad
dress Jliei V. . , Tlee ottlce. 27S-2S *
" \TrA" > TKD A b y not under Iu years of ngc.
YV EnoniraN. t1. cirner 10th a "I Douglas
streets. 276-1 *
A competent girl to ilo pcntnl
WANTED , at corner Hamilton and 1'ici
* ts. , Shlnn's addition. OooJwagf . 271 tf
2 unfurnUliol rooms frr man and
WANTED mimt bo moderate In pricn. Ail-
dress II. , li-e olllcu. 207-tl
A man ta take euro of horses nu-1
WANTED work about place. Must lu\u
recommendations. II. W. YATES. 2U7 5
VTTANTKD ttn coed harness makers ; steady
VV work E. STAC1I , York , Neb. 23 Ima"
' WANTED That can set up llinu
COOl'Ell . Apply Immediately to JOHN a Hit
HIE , t.lme Kilns South Ilund , Caw county , Noli.
JO'J-1 ' *
E ploincut hv a youiiu' man In
a grocery i-toro II Mannwellir , cm
| lo > mciit agent , llth .street , near Furnbani
'ANTED A R.tuot on In a drees maker's
W family , vhero' ' ui Itarn dres.-m kinjf ,
or house kccpernud to tw Aildiu a ono \teeK ,
Ml6h JN. . a , City.
'NTF.D > 'ur o glr , northwi'st irrnu of
W 23d nnd Hurt ts , 267-1 f
. Thu fir t if .March , iiun .1111 w f , >
WANTc.D . A it ' < : in prefer c . A | er-
manent placi ] for It.o Igh ; partite. ulclrc j ,
T nrnley llroH. 25 1
A poiltlon a3 8teticri.pher ( ; i > y a
WANTKU man llrnt-tlaiui In the urt und aoie
to do \ erhat m nportlni ; "I any kind. Has been
I'.np..ycd In tlio touils for iteverai tear" part ,
lint w nld prefer a xltuaiion at amanuentis. ! >
i-lrcK Hilary of $1200 far y ar. I'est icfo'onrut
Khen both RI to U'ornl ' > cter a'd abilitr If
ri-nulred. Addicaj Wm , U. Case , Onweuo , h. Y ,
2.12 V
L' ANTUI1-A flrbt claw eook. Apply at 2ni&
\ COM St. 211-tf
AfififlK Tfood cook iTorand Pacific hotoV
ColumbUK. Wooinan preferred. 107-tf
\TrANTEU tiir t-clas..iii. > oit , onu wi a uudtr-
YV .standsmeat cooklutrnswellaspantry ; none
but flr < t-class need pply. Also a good > > cy aa
waltir. Apph a 1105F.nih.n-t Ma-eodl
ANTKD Fundloir hrldiri1 nil -oijtoi bouih
VV II. T. CUrk. l > cUae. ( . ZO-tf
ANTKD 1 children M b-ardern In * "elect
W nchool , at 10th and California St. I , . B ,
LOOM IS 757-tt
i I * ltll < < - AND LAND
I710K IlKNT A ntcwly ( iirnliiheil rOMi. Call
" - ' K , 17th St. 27tl
OH K < iNT S house * one fl ami t ti ( > roome ,
F corner IbUonil Paul Sis , Inquire 1HO
I7HH ) IlKNlFnrnUhiM room ClulUthMt. , i t.
D fnllfor , U ami Wub-Ur bt < . Wf tf
I..MIS ixnlelioiifp' , | ot , lann , . ton's , U.H ,
ro-inni , biu. OlliccH 16th and Dougui bti
-'T Nliely furnlih d room , Apply nt
Farnlmu ? t. _ -'la tf
" 1701 ! , KENT A handiuiicly fit nlihcd narloi
1 } roomII.IBO an ! jo\o room nltb board ; low.
et prleos. llrlck liont , JJOiaCaii-A8t. 217-11
IttCT Stotu room In bikk building , X.
EOK . corner 10th ami Cmniiij. C' , K liooil
man , 1110 Farnliiiu St. "OJ-tf
T.10U hENT-8j all barn , nuitablc tor J horewi
L corner Farnbam nud tilth St. Apply to J ,
11. Shreu , HOT llMlic.r Bt , 'jW U
W'.NT Ilmijo on Uhemlitn i
Eon , with liable. ArplytoX , IT die
rill , SOT S. llh ! ! St 2oMf
171011 RKNT-ltooma In Jacob * ' block.
TTIOU KENT I'll ri.ii.neii Hun loom , N. . \
JL1 OthAndJtckiun. 62-tt /
"T7IOH.RRNT llouso ol fight rooiru. Enqui
J.1 J. I'hlpw Hoc , 1512 S. Fifth St. 077-U
JIENT V ftirnlohod room' over Mol
FOR ' ) ' > otKiiuN.K. . car. lOtlinul Dodg-
TO OK KENT Nicely iMrnlshod rooms wltli or
I.1 lthoit hotrd. UvMOnablo prices. 7013
Cni St. M
171011SALE Team of young hnrroi , wagon And
{ . ' harno < i ; horse * ft years old nnd About 10
IIA di lilftli. Iniiulrc of J. Vlckcnburg , At Ed-
hnin k KrlplvflonV tG5-B !
SAI..K Cnr-loid of hones At Dlllranro'g
FOH stable , 2108.10th St. 201-1 *
71011 SALE Illcjcle , 48-Inch Standard Colum
bia. Apply i rilon l'.le\ator. 2C3-tf
TOOH SALII House with 0 room ? , barn anil
.1 ; long IcAto of lot on Kith St. , hct. Hurt and
Webster. Inquire At KJliolm & Erlckson's.
nollStLH-At reasonable figure' , a rcstnur-
JL nntu'lli I Minus complete ; doliu good
IniMncs. ' Iniiilu | > At4'OSouihlOtliSt. ' 263 If
7IOIISALK Kroticltch cows , nbci nlco fresh
j butter , at Deal's gioc'ry store , corner Tenth
anJ Dodge. feb3-lm *
DH S V H-Ilestaurant with good patronaga
j on 10th St. ; rcvon for lelllng , must go ea-t
to look niter Important bualncs" . bnqulro nt
410 8. 10th < ( . 174 tl
BUMIS soli houses , lots , farms nil"1 '
Ulllcc , 16th and Douglas Sts.
SAI.U OK THADE-A ccn.plcts newspv
1 per outfit consist iif ( of n No. 6 Taylor &
Son press , chafe ? , tjt'c , tc. , Ac , comiilcte , lot
inslilu 7 to IIIIIIH folio. For partlculara call on or
addressM. ; Dr.nlmn , or.1. C. llarhvcll , Clarks ,
Nob. i5B-lt
EOR SAIi-A : No. 1 span of heavy draft
horses. Enquire of G. T. PauNen , at 1'otcr
Jons' . 248-tt
SALK-At Hall s feed mill , near Military
Bridge , 7D tons of No. 1 bilcd hay. Will bo
dblhcrcd to anypattof the city. Alsj ground
feed at the lowitt cat-h price. Vf. II. HcCOY.
) SAL K wcniyatroi beautiful land , well
1 located with Rood residence , barn , out
houses , \\rll i\nd cistern ; place well fenced :
Terms orsy W. I ! . IJAUTLETl' , Heal Estate
Auont. 2SO-1
SAf.E 10 000 Black Cop Mammoth Clus
ter Itasbcrry Hoots "Idlo Wild Place. '
L a\o ord.rsat 1414 Dodge St. JOHN 0. WIL
LIS , Commlsslo btoro 151 tf
KMIS' NKW C1TV MAPS , 10o. Jlour.ti d
B Maps. E2-EO- OKO. P. r.KMI %
TJ10H SAI.K MulcH anil linn es it Ucdnmn'a
C 1CW street barn- 141-B *
Eon SA' E At Solomon's , 1201 Farnbam St. .
gold fish , silver fish , ccb > , alligators , devil
Unh. Imported canary birds , tilkln ? parrot ; , gold
finches , red birds , mocMng birds' , fish globes nnd
aquariums , nil sizes and ttyka , at iiricoi reason-
nble. 112-tr
JD $ S dortii aii'J $5 per month. BKMIS , agent ,
15th and Douglas St
SALE A tofld secoiul liaoil street hack
EOH rale , at n low bargain , by Dr. Isaac
hdwardii , 1100 Fiirnlmm etrnet. 74 tf.
"T710U SALK House nud full lot In good loca-
JJ tlon , rheap. I'riio , 1250. Easy terms.
McCAGUK , Opp. pott clllco. 16t !
SAl.n-Dost building lot in Shlnn's ad-
ditlon , 112 foot oiat front by 120 feet depth.
JIcCAGUE , Opp po t olllro. 14 tf
HALi : OU UKNT A grocery 8to a nnd
FOK - shop , doing a good builness. In-
> l\ilri at tlMt oiliii" 012-tf
SAIJ2 i nlco counters and 2 slher plated
sh w rae * , at Gto. H. Peterson's , 804 South
10th St. 741-tf
TJ10U SALK nr willoxcha go for Omaha pro-
JC pojty , nn Improved sec on of land adjoin-
In ; ; n utation on U. I' , n. H. II. DUNHAM , 141S
Farnhara St. , Oiusha. 720 3mt
Ortrftiie for city property , on
1 . -pan o' horse : ) , harness and w-jgon. 3mtX
S. Y. , thUoffloi 722 tf X
T710R riALE A good sovou-ycar-old horee
J Warranted to arlre single or double. En
quire of OCOIRO Cnnlleld , CanQild houic.novlStf
CAUPKT ( VKAVIN'J Done bv Mrs. C. lllgley.
. N. U. cor. 15th i nd Jackson Bts
_ L With board In tame family or nearby. Ad-
drc s H. A. Smith , with Liningcr & ilctcalf Co.
J.are In ftequo' t rcc ipt of applications for
operutor' . HEM , & AMES , 150d Farnbam ,
Agents Itcmington 1'ipc-Wrlter. fobl8-lm
Uf NT Choice of 30 full lots to lease
SAVE Crelghton College for32o per jcar.
Dexter L. Thoains iS ; 15ro. , Koom 8 , Crclghton
Block. 20tf
T OTS , Sli 0 eacJi , § j down and $ j psr month
E1II' , Agent
> ii In ? cmi-annual , ci 'ht(8) ( ) per
. , "U cent. Interest notes ajcured
by reul state inortuajjo for M lo. Address P. 6.
Hex C'2. ' 20S-7
HICK TOl' A-- .
> 20"-K . .MTABUOOR S COK.
FOU1SAI.E T. ' Murray.
BIUCK 119-tf
"PIANO AND OIIGAN Instruction by MliS E.
JL S. Parfl t , . 20th St. , below Plcrco. 01-tl
TTIGHEST PHIOE paid for all kinds of Iron ,
11. m.-Ul and ra u , by I. Gallnsky & Co. , 102
Douglas St. 49-lm
r 1 Oth and Davenport bt. OM-tl
rnwo KUKNISHED uomis FOR RENT in-
J ipnrc nt flosno'a Art Emporium , 1610 Dodge
at root. 838-tf
MANAG by experienced man. Small salary.
I' . < > . ) loM. . ! City
7IUKMH.Il.l > UOOMS Within three blocks elI
Iiiiulron.tl511 | > I.od ) o. OS6-tt
I klill'l KAl'lh i.s OUA1UM i'oiitllo ana OH ,
! IMJ i-oiMir tUo palntlnsr. MRS. D. U.
WA ' < It.VKK. r . i 1. Jacob's Block. C12-
> rt..r.l' nAY At A , 11. Handtir'si t' Btore
I > idiyt uiiuy Bt. sin-tf
TIOXAUHT , < idT ) Mth HtrM/kb = FuriihiMM
andHamoy. Will , with the tld cf guardian ,
qilrlts , nlirAlu for any onebirtwcp at tn pant.
mi' ' prtmvnt , and on ' .xrulo conditions Iu Uio tu
tniu. Boots and bbono mndo to jrdcr. Perfect
Absolutely Pure
Ililj [ xiwiU-r nrrrarlts. . A mirvcl of pur
H ) , Htrcngth and nbolcaomenc. . ! . ! . More econo
mic 1 thin the ordinary klndi , and cannot bo
iw > IJ In compatliIon with the multitude of low
lest , abort Height , alum or rJioapriAte powd rs.
Bold only la cans. UoTAl UUIXQ TOWDM C .k
10-J W. l | St , , New York ,