Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 I'ME OMAHA U/uLi BE ' . - JTUESDA * , FEBRUARY 8 1882
Tuesday Morning. Feb. 28.
Weather Report
( The following observations arc taken at
the same moment of time nt all the Kin-
tlons named , )
The wild g ( ! ! c.rj
city JuilcU
BUn'op O'C v ' i/'hlcngo
Sundiy night. *
The Fanni 'Ct > lli jj'nofit at Coun-
ell Bluffs taken 'til-night ,
Hcmcm ! or W. 0. T. U. toinpor-
MICQ ii.eetln . M. the UaiU | t cliurch to-
morrow night.
Henry Jenko noiiaultcil Win. Norton
Sun Jay afternoon , nnd Wlllinn has > worn
out a warrant for his arrcat.
Frame Walter * Rarnl hoed the receipts
ol the Loftvltt company Saturday night
for Ills old claim ngninst the ( . Tietor.
- It i * nice to Ho a father. At least no
thinki Chnrl > y Kmory , ID who e homo a
girl canto Sunday. Weight nine pounds.
Valentino Llppwaa arrested on Saturday -
< day for nto kling groceries and ol < ithln ( . ' .
Jle thought the world owed him a living ,
- The argument in the case of lictm
l , Indlcto I for rcciivln ; stolen cop-nr ,
o included in tlio district court -os-
The funeral of 1'a'rlck ' Moran , which
t < > ok place at 11 a.m. yeiterday , waslai ely
Attended , The coitogo was xeycral blocks
Thcdon efo which set In on Satur
day evening has gtvtan Omalia a London-
It tie appearance , yesterday. It Is novel ,
bu nut pleasant.
The iibem composed nml rend liy Lit-
rtlo Mack AtttioVoflliln4totiQrnttan celo-
bratinn' llt be published by rcit at In
i thanoxt i'fl'io of the Watchman ,
-G.y. BrUcoli ono of the live Incor-
.r-porators of the Gross Safe and Lu.k com
pany , Chlcai-o , with a capital of § 250,000 ,
i was licensed to urgnnl/o In Illinois
The m Tibors of til's ' Social Art club
arc re < iue ted to meet on Tuesday the 7th
prox at 3 p. in , at their room , in Clark &
Ko tirs * but ding , corner Twelfth and
Dodge streets.
A J. Cntchfield , the first postmaster
at Florence and father-in-law of .tli'ert
Able , died on Saturday lost , at the age of
63 years ad 4 months. He wn l/ut loJ at
lio'clook.y t' day.
ThaGU&ntean minstrels lett Bim-
day oV the n on train for California , oc
cupying a special car. They make only
one stop before i > la > Ing at San Francisco ,
viz. fSm-Jose. They ore a jolly crowd.-
A formidable document , htu been filed
In tha county clerk's office in the cbapo of
, ix > wer of a torney in the matter of the
estate of Edward GlllineUtcr , deceased.
It U written in Gorman , and covers a
whole quire of fo ilscap.
The masquerade of thp Punish A so
cla'l n. on Saturday night was a very ee
Let and pleasunt affair. About ono dun
dred couples wore prcHont , and the danc
Ing lastel until Irvine's or
heitr.t furnished the mu-Io.
Judgments were entered Saturday in I
ho district court in the caws iu whlc I
Groif & Montgomery were counsel fo
creditor ! of Whipple , McMlllcn & Co. ,
the jewelers. The attaclunuiU Issued In
tliclr favor were also coafinued.
- The torrl' h m rdor ca e at Oakland
< turned out to be infanticide. A young
Bwo.-o worn in , who had bean led astray
by a L ver , and had given birth t-i a Id
slutted its mouth with cott n and led
ilt. Her seducer has skipped the country.
G. M. Hitchcock has olTerod to lease
t-tho old M. K , church en Seventeenth
.ftrc'-i t'i the city for a public library
( building , and the library board bavo taken
.the MI Utor under consideration , and vil
-luuia to a decision at their next monthly
The Omaha Nail Works company
have recently made numerous Import inl
repairs and Iniproveinonlu iu their factory >
which is n iw runn n In oxtcllont uhapo [
They have ordo-a ahead for I'.OOO legs
and have oil hand plenty of iron rom
which t j mtlu < tbem ,
W. L. I/ndi | > y , a patient at the
email HX.X hn pltal. whu was taken out
sorao time ngo from the Slavou house
died at 1 o'clock Sunday afturuoou , and
WAI buried at the county farm Sunda .
Efodl y lormerly lived ot Council UluB >
wherrsome of bin relatlvoi now reside.
Mr. Shepherl , the handsome youni
clerk at the drug tore on the corner u
Douglas and Tenth utrceU , was si < Iced
by three ruffians on hit way home rom
the Danish masquerade Saturday night
He euctped by making good UBO of hi
limbs. Tre attack was m&de on t e 15.
Jkl. coroer.
j It would be ea y to write a colum
talout Leavltt's Giganteau minstrels , who
played m this city Saturday evening , but
it it sufficient to nay that it was the boit
minstrel performance ever given ia tli
city. Their entertainment is ahead 1
anythlnf ? of the kind over wen west of fthe
Missouri. _ _ _
A Heavy Swell.
Jacob H. Hloorner , of Vlrgille , N. V
pub H wlte1 "Your TIKIMAB' Kazoruio 0
groi iC.C3 ( badly swelled ueck'aud sera iruut
on my son In forty-eight hour' ; one I'l'H-
cation also removed the
palu from a very
ore to ; uiy wife's foot was also much i
flamed 10 much so that she could 'n
walk about the hotuo ; she applied the eland
and In twenty-lour hour * was entire
cured. " f2 < J-deod&w
Bibbou Ooupotu at Oruickahank' '
Sovent'y-flvo Laborers Strike
for Higher Wages.
Thu Stephenson Contract Temporarily
arily Suspended by n Disturb-
In ? Glomont Outaldo ,
Tlio work on the Burlington it Mis
souri depot grounds , at the foot of
Fnrnhnm street , being done under
contract by Hon. James Stephenson ,
waft temporarily suspended yesterday
by strike of coiifbined force. Seventy-
five men quit work nbout 7 o'clock
yo'tordny. The cnuHo wna nllegcd
to bo that tlio wngos paid them , $1.25
n day , were insuiliciont to hvo upon ,
The nctioWof the strikers was incited
.l > y a largo crowd of men , numbering
. " "or t'wo hundred , who gathered
. . . .roundand encouraged them to leave
I in a body.
Mr. Stephenson was upon tin * Hput
1it 1 the time , and promptly declined to
advance the rntn of wnge.i. He stnted
that the pay was ns big as ho could
afford to nllow the men while the
weather is in its pnnunt condition ,
and the ground could not bo worked
to advantage. IIo st.ttud also that the
men who were on the outside were
mostly of the class who wouldn't work
under any circumstances , nnd thnt
they were stirred up by n- few saloon
keepers nnd boarding luniso men with
stand-up collars , who a desire to
spite him.
When the sovo it ( ivo inyn pin.
ployed upon the jolt begun to Till
itito their places for woik the crowd
on the embankment commenced to
cry out to them to stop. OIK '
shouted , "If you don't p , it 'wvM
styio you , " and others on the outakK *
ofctikro ) ( d indulged in likcremarkv.
all ot , th lahorrra t. ouldered
' '
" ? " ' )
cited over whoti
ful interference of < rl ; , ° ? Wlth.
lie1" d "ooived
men. Ho said that
about five hundred applied ? ? * fro"1
men for work at 81.25 a
had been able to give o ,
sovonty-fivo of this number
tnont. They had worked nix day *
and woroapparently satisfied with their
pay , until a number ot men , who had
never applied to him for work at 11
and whom ho called "loafers , " had
been around among them and created
dissatisfaction. Ho alleged that if it
hadn't boon for this interference his
.men would never have thought of
striking. Ho intimated that , when
the weather gets bettor , he intends to
employ moro men and pay larger
wages , because ho realizes that $1 25
is low. But ho stated that ho had
governed his pay by that of the B. &
Si. laborers , who are working the
t-t.'am shovel and who have boon em
ployed several week * at § 1.25 a day.
The places of the strikers who did
not indicate a wish to resume work
were easily filled , yesterday , Mr.
.Stophonson receiving moro than a
hundred applications before 0 o'clock ,
and yesterday the work was preceding -
ceding as usual.
The causes of the strikers' action
are partially explained in the follow-
ng communication , which was yes
.orday received from ono of their
number :
To the Editor ol The Hoc :
About 200 men , employed on the
U. & M. depot grounds , made
strike for living wages yesterday ,
This occurrence cannot bo wondoroi
at when we take under consideration
the adroitness with which the con
tractor manipulated at the beginning
to establish a Chinaman's price fo
the labor. At the beginning abou
300 moro men were advertised fo
than there is room to work , and prob
ably that many moro thraivasintund
od to bo put to work. No man wa
, informed what ho wus to receive pi ir
day until the close of the second
. day's work , when crowds of men from
all parts of iliQ country , called
theru by thin unpiinc-u > lt.d man
ner of advorthor , to umko it nppeur
that the labor market wni full to over-
ilowing , had thronged thu biinki only
1 to bo ditf uiitud by the penurious price ;
for aluivolliig divt. At the high range
of pi ices for house runt , provisions
and fuel , wo cumot live nt $1,20
day for our labor ; 810 to $20 par
month for house rout , gl.OO per bu
, shel for pointoos , 40 conti nor pound
for butter , flour $4 u hundred , meat
, 10 to 20 cents n pound , coal $0,50 to
$8 u tu.i nnd other things correspond
ingly high , what show js there for th'
( laboring man ut these wages ) Noiu
nt-all , is the decision of any man whc ]
has a consoionco as lurio ; as a tobacco
, seed and will give the subject I
second thought. Alnudy two serious
; accidents have occurred on this work
, caused by tlio caving of the steo.
troucherous banks , which were "P.-
pressed from the public oar for obvi
of oui reasons. On Tuesday a lull
was mashed nearly to n jolly under
< '
lump of falling ea'rth ; on Tuesda iy
man waa carried to the hoapfta
. with a broken log ; both will probabh
) bo laid up for months all for 91.21
& . day , The
per aggressive power o
moniod monopolies is being felt to
day moro keenly by the laborers thai
any other class of people in this coun
try.Vo do not ask an oxorbi
tant price for onr labor , or
I h'lidsomo profit for
our services
the but wo do expect n living price for th
of i same , and boliovu that the railroa
company and the contractor nro ubl
to pay it. One dollur nnd fifty cent :
Is small enough wages for n man t
work for in Omaha
under the preset )
condition of things. We submit thea
, facts to a candid , intelligent poopli
- and believe that their unbiuso
opinions will bo ivith us.
, Jacob Martzolf. of Lancaster , N. Y
§ ys your Syrup rtloisom works well I ft
everything you recommend Ujmysolf , wll
and children have all used if , and yu
. can't find a healthier family In New Yor
. 6 , 18t'0. 1'rlce f > 0 Cfnt . t
bottles 10 ceoti. fol'28-dodlw '
The Piano of Masked Wahco
eiera "Pled" in the Bud.
An Attempt to Wrook the "Indc.
pendent" OfDco Fnlled-Tlio
'Devil"Held the Fmti
Corrcupondcnco of The Jfc-e ,
WAHOO , Nob. , Fobrunry 2x ( This
week the local editor of the Independent -
pendent , A. U. Ilnnco-ck , wrote an ar
ticle on "Sundnynnd Sundry Drinks , "
in which he took occasion to refer to
the saloon lately ostauliiAod under the
now hotel , styling it Dickinron's
hell hole.
This man Dickinson soiled as comi
ty surveyor of Snundors county for n
number of yearn , nnd is n church
member , but is said to bo interested
in the now saloon above mentioned.
Last night about midnight flru
masked men broho into the Indepen
dent oflico nnd bewail demolishing tha
typo , but it seems the local editor anil
i no of the typos , W. M. D.wi's , had
been informed oft the likt-liSood of
such nn nttnck nnd had secreted
themselves in the office and , , armed
with n revolver and before the in-
trudcrs had time to'do much mischief ,
they were covered nnd ordsrod to'
throw up their hand * . Some of-thotn
complied but others were not tjo eas
ily intimidated and' ' a scufllo ensued ,
in which the maskadlinon oscnpod.
To-day Frank Dorsoy , Levy Voatch ,
Bob Kye nnd one Benson were arrest
ed us porpotraiors of thu net. 1-Vank
Oorsey gave bomb-in the amount of
§ 1,000 nnd the others $500 enchi to
appear next Thursday for trial If
the right ones are'found it is likely to
eo hard with them , ns it auroly
should ,
The fnrmera of this countj'nro -
Huskily bocomiiij interested i.i the sub
ject of "organization for self-protec
tion , " nnd on laat Sniwrdny cyiito a
number of our leadingjarmors mot nt
tin ) court house , in necordancu wit It
former ndjourmment , and organised A
branch of thu Parmoi'a Alliance by
-lecting the following : well-known nndl
\ecen3ful" farmers nsolticors : Prosit-
dejK- . , William Flutclier ; vico-prusi-
ir'-r-i ' Dt M'lCortlr secretary , .Wm , .
av' " ' ' thon.
BjF1 Armngocfiontsvtaro
Fudq to oi anj.j0 ijr4ncie8 in vnri6us
trts of the nnd.tho
" nOnttty ( following ;
" " " "
for thnt purpose : .
, „ , „ - . . . . . . . .o precinoi ; , , I [ Jl
miner , 01 I lllOITlffel * i i m f
103JOItvpwcjnct , wid T. L.
_ dams , of Mn7iotta\.ecjncj ,
- - to bo hoped. tft , . the produoorft
together ftna * 501" " - . lni foci Ulx > y
really nro , tie"onlrolhn8 lmowoaf
this nation.
NOTBa. ,
Messrs. Stownrfc ndm < ] 'haiw' '
turned frora.tho east with s3ffi.J
fine young mares , which they are
selling nt aood prices.
BusineM is good in Walioo and
much building is.contoidplatod aasoon
as sprinfjopens.
Those. farmo who. wore * sowing
wheat y few days aftp , are taking a
cst.Job Bhorinsin , . tho. typo , "who had
iis hasd crushed in > ho Tkibune job
a few diiyn ngo , is able io carry
is hand out o the oling ; td-day.
Olof Borpgron , the nuna , who was
brawn Irena the car whU unloading M
loraea at Council JBlufTs , a , few weeks ;
ago , still carries his broiwn arm in
sling. BYKBH.
Fraullne Alwlno Hsynold In "rLlttil >
Barefoot. "
Despite the inclemency ot. the
weather quite n respeotnblo concourse
of people assembled Sundny in Tur
tier IJidl to witness Frl. Alv iua Hey
nold as "Little Barefoot. "
The play represented waa ono of i
somewhat peculiar nature , the scene
being laid in a village in that part of
Germany known na tha Black Forest ,
nnd the inhabitants of this part of dent
country apeak an entirely diUoront
dialect from the oilier portions of
Uermany , nnd it requires considerable >
kill to itmUvtu the peculiar nccont of
his pooplo. The entire company
lmost without ono exception , imitu
- i d thii peculiar accent with remirka-
ble fidelity. Miss Reynold and Mr. [
Molchin wore singularly accurate in
, ihis respect.
Miss Hoynold rendered her part
n very nlouly , und was not quite so bois
teroua as she is on some oocasions.
und Mr. Molchin us John , a young ;
farmer , made the most of his part nnd
WAS niuoh applauded.
Mr. and Mrs , Grossmann ns farmoi
and wife were very wi-11 received , and
' ; Miss Grossmnnn ns Rose acted witli
her usual ohnrming grace ,
10 Mr , B.orgmnnn ns un invalid soldioi
went through his role in a very livolj
n nnd tolling manner , nnd Miss ion
ns a pretty little pun > nnt girl s
vuluablo nuxilliary.
Miss Buschmann and Mrs. Mndoi
- jlayod what little they had to lay
- irory eitioiontly , nnd McsHrs. I'eniior
Lutzo , Fischer , Lutsoh and lisa
i tlorrwig assisted in making the roprc
sontation of "Little Barefoot" quite
brilliant success.
Our attention bos boon called t
the fact that others are rcproaentin
to the public that they nro sollin
the Star Tinted Spectacles.
The celebrated protectors to that
valuable organ , sijh ; ( , can only b
had at the leading jewelry csiublb !
opposite the postoilico , they sing
the sole agents in this section. The '
to those who are sulleriiig with umarl
ing , tired and watering eyes , row
away your glasses nt once , as they m
only injuring your ait-lit , nnd repair i
once to leading jowulura and secure
pair of those genuine Ktur Tinte
Glasses and secure immediate relief ,
the Popular Jewelers , opposite
for the postoflioe. fo-28-Ct
Hlbbon Coupons at Crulokshank'
Hospo , Pianos uud Orgays.
The Swedes and Norwegians Tnko
Action on tlia Consular
A well attended nicotine of tjio
Oinalm citizwis from Sweden nnd
Norway , was hold at Judge Ston-borg's
ofl'co on Siitiitday overling , puraunnt
to tSo call puMihhrd in TUB Bii : : .
Tlio meeting * wns called to order"by
ox-ClJy Marshal Wcstf-nlnhl. who 7as
chosen ns chnirtr.nri , Mr George Han
son bcin elected'secretary.
Mr. Westordnhll explained the ofc-
ject of the meotinjtynnd ho wnr
responsible for tho'call.
The following rc oJuiio was unan
imously adopted :
WhoreHon. . .Sr ! * * . Vindquost
Swedish and Norwct-ivi "Vice Coun-
sul for the State of Nebraska , hns
ceased tvbw a resident1 of the City of
Omaha nnd State of > Nebrnska nnd
now reaitZfeo in the Stutu of Missouri ,
thus croatim * a vacancy in the above
mqntioned > oonsnlntc ; nmt.
The Swedish and1 Norwe
gian bomaitucnsof ubraskarboth ait
regard their number , tHeir varied in-
terent , nndlHheir freijuo-il'trnneactionB '
with thoirfurrnor homeland relatives
in the old -jountry , in ounviewrought
to have n ropresetitntivofof'tho Swed
ish nnd ITtioirfgiaii gcvurnment. in
their midob ; tl&un-fore \ i
thu-Swedish and
Norwegians bora citizoiisoi the City of
Omaha , iamaaa meeting assembled ,
urge upon the pcopor .ir.thbritn > 8 the
advisability , and necessity pf ifillibg. the
rncancy now in > w r npituon < uxiiting ,
it an early date.
Jtesolve'iTK | i M coiuuiUcu ofi JLre
> selectui-btn en-respond mth therep- :
7escntativii3- Shw SwcdtlianA JSor-
ginormucut in Washington , as
wull nn wittMhehiMne irowrnmont iu
Stuckholu > if iittivwiiu-y aij-l'to-hvy be
torn them oun viw-ws mid d wires iu.thia
tuiitter ; ai ; < Ube is further
Resolved ; T > jui tb saidi comraittee
bo authorfcod > ipapectfullyiBuggest
to the saiil'autiochies , thrjt < we should
deem it a privilege , and courtesy , , if
allowed to-limits such eui jastionchas
would le dK.o ? 3eloctioni .
< tU > > of'
per and campokaiit person for thaposi-
The chairman appointol the fellow-
ing comraittco * : Chaa. SnUiblm.clluir-
man ; A. Hi Swodby , S. Jj Larso-n ,
. Mitterrtifl } G. Androeni
It wn rcsolied , as
mltto" I'jarn the decision of. thoi au-r
thoritics-at Stockholm aad Wnahmg-
ton , tluvt'tliijjwill immediately call
public meetings and report1. pregcs&s.
The eomm&teo will act withi all
possibledispatch in the mattorr
WhatailQ : ays in Roply/o , tau > Qloo
CteO's Complaints. .
A\ Jaw days ainco THKK Bus con-
tainod'asintomont ooixormngthe dis-
aatisfnotLBn of the boys of tlus Glee
club-at tiho fact thiit Miss. Fannie
Koklogg ; had consoitod. to , remain
ovoiy a week and . .JUIR.ah , Council
Buiuwhen she hai > . provicu3ly do-
clarsd it impossible bo .bo abeont from
Doaton over one Sabbath , and thus
fceti to the club tie. opportunity to
8accuienn | engagement at the Bluffs.
Miss Kelloij" was interviewed
by a BCB reposter Swnday after
noon. She seemed much sur
prised to loam that the Glee club of
Omaha were at all opposed to her
singing in the BluCd , and said : "When
I made the arrangements with the
Omaha Glee clxb to sing at their con' i
cert in Omaha I asked them if they
could uivo me a week's engagement at
a certain price. They did not defii- .
nitely inform , me , tyufc afterwards con-
eluded that they could not do so , and'
I consequently thought that I was faeo
to make such engagements as J saw
fit , if I did not interfere thereby with
the sale o their tickets for the Omaha
concert. I have done nothing that
could a oct thorn in any way what
ever. I would have been very
glad to have sung in Gsuiuil
JLJliilli under their auspices and
am surprised that they did not fix a
date for mo , as I understand that they
were offered 8200 by the Episcopal
society to give a concert in the Bluffs.
Why they failed to make an agreement -
, mont with the society , I do not know.
- The occasion next Tueaday evening
upon which I am to sing is not in any
sense a concert. It is a musicale ,
given by the Occilian olub , at which
no < one , except myself , making any
nrotonaions in a professional musical
line will appear. It will all be homo
, talent nnd strictly amateur. It was
the oricinal intention of the olub to
give th inuaicalo in their rooms , ns
they are in the habit of doing , but
they decided to open Dolmnoy'u opow
house to ncoommodato those of my
friends who may wish to bo present.
I desire you to stnto that I have given
up two cnfju eiii'iiits In the cast which
would have > ii-ldcd mo much more
money than I make hero , in order
a in ccma and ucconunodato the
Omahasjleo club. I should havi
been at least § 300 better off by re
; maining nt homo , and I would not
have consented to coiuo nt all , were it
not that I wished to visit my friendi :
. - in this city. So , instead of the
a Omaha Glee club being the losers ,
am the ono who suffer in a pecuniar
sense. In order to remain hero ,
have boon obliged to obtain an extcn
sion of my leave of absence from
Boston , which is something I did not
, think last week it was possible for mite
ng to do. "
- In these times ot quack modioin
, advottisoments every whore , it is . uly
gratifying to Jlnd ono remedy that
worthy ot praise , and which ally !
- does as rccommcndod. Electiic.Bil
tors , wo can vouch for as being a true
are and reliable remedy , imd ono that
will do as recommended , Thoyinvar
a bly cures utomauh and liver complaint
diseases of the Kidneys and Uriimr
difllculties. Wo know whereof v. .
speak , and can readily say , give hem
a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle
Ish & MoMahon (3) ( )
Ac-'rload KmiYii , the finest Jr
ported , Hickmau's , 1305 Famham iSt
Rumors of the Theatrical World
Wblclt nro Not Oondrraod.
It wnii icpor'.cd joslodiy thai
M. B. Lcnvitt , rrinnagcr Utanntcan
tnint-lrols , had sccuiod n year's lease
of Boyd's ' t/pera house. Inquiry re-
votilod tire fact that ho had made nd-
Vtiucfl to secure such n tense , but had
not succeeded. Mr. JJoyd staled posg
itivoly that ths opera houio was not
lensoc ) to any one. Ho said that Lea-
vitt oft-red him- four thousand. dollars
forthc'housu for the next year , but
ns ho Jl.'tl not car * to give it away , the
proposition was not accepted. Ho
thought that Lt-avJtt in ton fled to have
. . ,
-.r ruu it for him.
It is al > o reported that ITdwin CNf-
[ ford , who played hero recently wijh
his company , has none in with Man-
nt-er Hnll'ert , of the Academy of
Music , and1 that they will run a first'
class vnriet theatre in the plr/jo , The
manager no * being in Jho cityrit wasj
impossible to 'learn tliu truth of the
rumor , but it does not BOOMS very
li'lely that any such arrangement has
bctn made
WllB-t WhiskJT Will Brine a Me . to
If WW1 Stuck to.
Altout half _ at ten o'clock TCS-
tordny , n man named John CJ > n-
nelly tried to cut1 his thrwt with a
lazorsnd was prevented from so do-
.ing b r his cousin/a young lady wbo
i s employed at the boardintjhouso kept
by Patrick Fordro-n Touth-streot , b -
tweon'F.irnham ant ! Douglas.
Connolly is , it appears is a drinking
m an and has had' an attaAof tLu
" ( horrors" from which huvns sullbr-
in a at * the time of bin rash net.
Sunday he ti'ied to borrow a
pe nkr.ife from some of his fellow boar. ,
do rs to cut his throat with bnt did not"
suicood. <
. Testerdny Mim ConnoHy was in
tin i second story of i the hoiae at work
wh un ahu saw bar cousin rise up in
bed and-draw something front i under
hia pillow. She soon discc-rored that ,
lik 'WUIKI razor anil'.tho ' first" thing she
know Qdnnolly wi\s- trying ko draw ii
across his throat ; Shp interferrocl
just itinio to save his life and the
only iiijary ho received waaa
scratch across the throat. The razor
waa taken away and the would , be-
Buicidowaa taken , to jail to sober
and resover his senses. .
in PuakoificH duaiiy thw '
Averil.C ! BAbcotJc TJ H ,
Bartlctfc J. 13retfn '
BrowntlJi liuuuioft' B Brown \V K.
Bmuhjun J Brown W.V
Gurtl * Chenoweth-JiP *
Clark J.i Clear 11 J
Collinn , i , hn Cm nut J
Clmpiu.T Cotter J
Carln.uest A. Carl II
Doolutle D A Derfeli G
IeuinH ) DavU II C ;
Devor.J. , Eliott J
Kricktom J Dnzian P
FroitAV it 1'rilitiy Lop.
FlogdJA KenyJ
Fafj n J A Fisher J A
Kib r S H Garley J O
iaJicr W. Grant Ii
uiiodman < T A Grove C It
Gordon 1' W Giliuer J. T
Gcsf , rd Gallon J
Gehbert J..T Glower M
Hou e S W Harris &
llugglns P 111 Hayes V
HemraenH Ha.kelLH
Hamburg J Hillgren J
31111 C Hampton G
lathe E Jnhnstone G
.h.nea . L E King W
, Kupjer J Kean J
Klemm ( J- Kellogg J K
Kennedy JEC Leyl-nd L
Lonj { 0 H. LeKF
Landucbec H Lew s J A
Ln cor man O Moore I" K
McBrifiB-G. L Miller J W
Mnratoa.C H Mathews G
„ _ D ilarpsmy M J
Muillwuso I Miller J
Morrfc W T Moore A
Mast A Murk 1.1 K
Nielsou N F Ninheiijerl'
Nnvieck L Orley K M
O CXJimor Pawnknole h
1 - ckliam K B 1'elton L
i eudergoat P J Potter S W
Putin II F Plmlon J
IVcklmro 1) liny C K
Uugglos W B 2 i yiiiors 1'
Stainson O Smith O
Sheridon P Lundlu A
Sander F A Simpson H S
Smith H Stetryuiann H
Shaoham D Spel'man ' D
Minpson G H Slain J
Smith OH S ewftrt J
Sperry W Stamer G
St Ijawrince JII Thomas J M
Tillson T D Truly A
Wagner Prof Wllcox S JI
Williams J Wnl.h J
Walte O Wells H
, Wilson H G Walch A
SpanldtnK & Howe > Bufoid ft Co
Kn.lcrs . J 0 & Co
Anderson Miss Chris
i , , , , , Bagley Mrs Jnmos
Buttler Mru Fi 'ella ' Br..inurd Ml.s Fan-
liowor Mi s Kniina nle
. Benl Mi KHjn Bowew M s Helen
Cnywood Alias Luly Clark Ml * Flora
Cionkhlte Mrs OrColley Mw Mary A
yille Cnrlsaon Mins Soha
Curtis Mrs A K Maria
Demic u' MUs Dora Fcenan Miss Clara
Fitzuoruld MUs Joslo FltzaeraW Mies
Forbo * Mrs Sarah Briilget
Foot M- ! Catharine Ford Mr * Mariah ,
- Frost Mrs Frenke Mru Louisa
Field MM Rosa A Gerhtrd Miss Mary
Garvey Mlsa Katie Gary y Ml. . MfRgle
Harrison MisgMa HelSor MUs Helen
_ .ja Hirl-or Mrs Hiram
1 Hansom Mrs Jennie Haye. M a Henry
) Hiiriiiun illuio
; Holmes Miss Hattlo Itaruuu " .Us Soph-
J Joneen Mrs 5
- .fohnson Bettie 3tme KH/iiioth Atti
Johnson M athllda Keoler Mrs Julia
Koch Mrs Theresa. King Kliiurva
MUs O K Level Mis
Llnch Miss Mary Li'tell Ml 1
McGrahe Ms Mul-Maitlii Mia > nk
He Mnoru MUi l.nllt )
Kliuisen Cece'ia McKenzle Mw Wzzl
Moorls Mrs J K M incomers Miss I
Moore Mrs Kato B Nowhall Mrs NetU
. Newhall Mr * N ttie ohiuun Mlis A
is i Jlucks MI Autnista Pier/on Kniuia
lUnse Ml s Murtlia I5lht ( ; M'w M C
lltchurdsonMiM KIU lUnrh Mrs Jennie
- zabeth Bh pani Mrs
Tlmm MU Mattle Taylor MM It L
Tatmon Mrs Ler y T-e * rs MUi MayWeed
- Wood MUi Maud WWttler Mrs Kinil
/.Ink Kulngauder
TIIOH. F , UAI.L , ro-itinnster.
Hospe , Fine Violin Strings.
Hosi'K is r.ow receiving the choieei
lot of fine SVATEH coLOiwnnd Oenuin
) . tjTKKL KWjiiAViNaH ever exhibited 1 i
, You are invited to BOO then
A -Midnight Marauder Rlflos the
Olothos of Two Mon ,
A petty biirglnry occurred nt Xiin
mormnn's saloon on the corner of
Thirteenth nnd Harnoy streets last
night. Two of Zimmerman's em
ployes , Henry Stringer and Philip
Snyder , were sleeping in n small room
back of the bar room , and the bur
glar entered from a bacJs door by
forcing the lock. The marauder went
tlirough the clothing of the sleeping
men and obtained about $2ir in money
and a silver watch valued at 910. The
thief retired quietly and in good order
and the depredation was not discov
ered until tha morning.
At Che meeting of the PionooirH'ook
and L&ddur company , Nb. 1' ' , hdd at
the firemen's hall on Wednesday even
ing , Fobrunry 22 ; 1882 ( the following
Tosolutiins were adopted * ;
Whereas , In view of the loss 'wo
have sustained by thu d > * cense of friend
and brother fireman , Edward 0. Lu
cas , and of the still heavier loss i > us-
mined * 1 by those who wore nearest nnd
dearest to him , therefore , bo it
Resolve 1) ) That it is but n just tri
bute to tha memory of the * departed ,
o siiy-tlnxt in regretting his removal
from our inids * . wo mourn for ono who
wai > in every way vorthy o5 our ro-
spoot and regard.
That wo sincerely COM-
dole with tbo family of1 the deceased
on the dispensation with which'it has
pleased Divine Proridonco hi afllict
thouij and commend thnm fcr consolation
lation to Him-who eiders all thing >
for the best , and wbyao ohastisomonto- |
are meant immercy.
Renolvtsd , Tint liis henrtfolt tosti-
iiuuiial of our synijxjthy and ) sorroxv
bo for.vardod to thu f.iniily of our departed -
parted brother , and a copy bo fur-
nished'to the-dnily papers of Omaha. .
By the coramitteerD.
D. S.
Gco. SoiiMii/
Homy. Orders.
1 Th3 > folliwiif { y ordbn has-
been iesuod fn u the hundqjiartora of
the department of the Platte , Omaha ,
ITobraska : .
j Mivjor Edwin V. Suninor , Fifth
cavalry , no\r in this city on public
'business , will return to hia station.
TLoqpatftonnaator's dopatttncnt
'will ' furnish the - - - .
noci-ss-iry tmnsjicrt--
'tion. '
Tlio following iinmeil recruits enlisted -
listed at FoffOinahii , Neb , niv as
signed us follows , and xvill Via aviit to
fc'ioir hUtions nt the first mvornblo i > p-
Charles Rie" , tu company Ej Ninth
Newton McClinians , to company F ,
Ninth infantry.
The Only Known Real Care.
O.NKY CO LOAN U ll at L w Omen of D.
I. , . ThoinmRncinir ( irMirhton nionh.
, TO LOAN At a per con tin-
_ terest In Hums of $2,600 and
upwards , tor 3 to 6 yearn , ou tlrat-class city and
innn property. IRMB ! : RXAI FATATI and Lft N
AUKNOY , 16th and DourUri Sts
A man to take care of horse ? nu-1
to general work about place. Mutt have
jecommenUatlons. II. W. YATriH. 267 6
\X7ANTKD Two good harness makcre ; stead ;
YV work K. STACHh York , .Nob. 23 Imo *
' \ VAMfcLiTnat can set up linn
Ouul'tu . Apply Immediately to JOHN CiIR-
HIE , Lliuo Kilns South Bend , C'osa coui.ty , No' ) .
109-1 *
WANTED E i plo"Uicnl by a youni ; man in.
a grocery store. II. MannwelUr , ei >
Vlojmont agent , llth street , near Furnhain.
A sltuafon In a drees makanti
WANTED , where 1 can learner
or house keeper and t DOW. Address ono weak ,
Miss L. N. O. , City. H30-ii8'
WANTED Nurse girl , northwest cornur. of
23d and llust Hts. 2KT-tf
The Hr.t of March , man ami wife
WANTED . Ancilcan-iprefer o1. A.jor-
nuinent place for the i it'll t parties. Addrus * ,
Toualey llroa. 2531
" \T7 ANTEl ) 'A po-ltioii ai stoncsrnpher , i.y 01
\y joiiiutauillrbt-claas in the art.ami anla-
to doverlmt ui. leportliifc'of any kind , Hun bcun
employed In the iwnU for uo\erai tearn past ,
but w uld prefer a situation ai ainsnuajttlj. tlo
Blrts salary of $1200 per y ar. feat rtfo-enics
ghcnhoth OH to moral character a d > ulillitj II
rtqulrod , AJilruMWni I ) . Case , Onveuo , N T.
. . ANTKUAt the Ui luu 1'aclflc hotel ) Coiui
1 ' cl' HindKlrl who can sui\t a. MwbiR
maihli ojjid who ) cninju'lent to take cli r-j of
the line i de _ > utn-i.t of the ho'eh. AmtUtlle -
air d l.idy pmlored. Inquire at , tw hoUl'or ' at
the U. frj.Utnbne Hall , Ouialu. 2Ti2J
YX7 ANIED A nrst cla a cook. Appljat.2nlB (
W Cas3 i. S41-U
* lint-class OTft vouo woo uuder-
WAiNTKU cookliiLT j\r3l fcipigtry ; none
babQiwt-d u need apply. Ai o , good hey as
w ltor. Apply t 1106 Fauib in."It 9B&cdl
\-ir MVKIJ tuucllnu brld < > ar-.i school bonfl * .
VV w T. qUrk.BelUvue , 28-U
- 4 chlli.wi as W jdoru In Of el .U
WANTKD , at lOtU.Mid CaSfornia St L , II ;
lUMXMia ' 767-tf
'I710R HKNT-fpu tf > t > no 6 undone
J } oornr 18tl , andj lwiUs. . luqulra llfk
VBth St 2I 1 *
' \ < UoUrii south front wow , h .
4 nished ; > U 1001 K r iiliiin St. ,
t-urnlsheu room Ol l'Jth Bt. , btt.
EJW rents houn ? ' . loU , 'awi . utortii , lanils ,
roomBeic. Olllccs Uti uU Douglas bts.
? , UKNT House of B xoomt on I'aclflc St. ,
JOH . 10th and llth. In < u re of 0. 1 > . lilrkctt.
* S17-i7'
UK T NUcly furnUhnl roonu At > | ih' at
FOR Farnham ft 218-tt _ _ _
' * KENT A hand omely fu nlthed mrlor
room , alio an alcoto rooai 1th hoard ; lowe -
e t price * . Url'k honte , JJiaCassSt. 317j >
IT-IOR REET Store room In brick bulldlnjf , N.
1 } K. corntr Hth and Cumlnif. 0. F 0 , > cd
man , 1110 Kainhm 8t. 203tf
in 1T10H KENT Sirall barn , suitable f'ot
. L coiner Farnham Mid * 2lthHt Apply to J ,
U. ShrviM ) , 1197 llaruoy St-
T IOU RKNT Hondo on Shetmnn avcnte ,
jM roomi , with jUble. AfrlytoN , W. JI
rill. 807 3. lith ! St _
T OR RENT Rooms In Jncobj' Mock.
1 < 003-tf
TOR ItENT Furnuneti nun luctn , K , I' tor.
Jj Oth and Jkckjon. f > 2-tl
1OR BEST House of fight toonn. Enqulro
JU J. I hlr-M lice , 1612 b. Filth St. 077-tf
lH HKN1 8 furuntliuu roomovi - > i.J
ui nr ' Kich nK * > , N. K. cor. Ifl'h ' nJ l > t\if \
lf. tSV-ll
71011 HKNT Nicely Jurnlahcd rooms with or
JL wlihoiit bcnrJ. Huasoimblo prices. 2013
Cagfl St. " " "
[ 71011 f AMI Team of young horse ) , wajron nntl
Jj hrt > no-- > ; hornet 5 years old nnd about 10
ha il.-i Mph. lhiilmof | J. ' Vlckenburg , at Ed-
honi & Btkkson'n. 05-5
171011 SALE Cnr-lond of hortcs at lllllranco's
J } sale-liable , 210 S.lOth.S. . 204-1'
17011 SAU * Illcyclo8Inch Standard Colum-
J,1 bla. Apply unloiIlo-ntor. Z0.1 tf
71011 SALE Homo with 0 rooms , barn and
. ; Ion ? 'unto of lot on 15th St. , bet. Hurt and
iVcbstcr. laqutra at EoMnlm k Krlckson'n.
! - reasonable flKiuo- restaur
I1 ant w'lH I xtunn complete : dolnr BOOI ! ( \
Utialnca lii'llilroftt 410 bou-h 10th St. 263 It
T710H3ALK 1'ro n.llch co s , al-o nice Ircfh
JU butter , aCIlcal'sgroc ry store , corner Tenth
and Dodge. fchS-Im *
F0113 V.n llcstaurant ulth jtood patronage
on 10th M ; . ; reason lor icllliip , inu tKO ca-t
to look after Important buflncsn. inquire kt'-
110 3. 10th St. 174-tt
"I71OK MALI ; t ll 1KAIJL. A vuinpiei nuw-p.-
L' per outfit conslstu.i ; of a No 6 Taylor &
Son prrss , clmsci , Ivi'C ' , &c. , Au , couiplcto , for
Inside 7 co umns folio. For partlcu'ar-i ' cnll on or
uddruws 51. lhmh im or J , 0. Man til , Clarke ,
Neb. 465-lt
BKM1S so Ix houses , lota , farms and lands.
Utlk'0.16th and IDouglai Sts. _ _ _ _ _
TTIOH SAIE--A > No. 1 ppaii of heavy draft
Jj horses. Enquire of 0. T : 1'auUen , at Peter
Hoes' . 4ltf
ITIOH SALE At U&U's feed mill , near Military
L1 Itrulge , 75tonnof No. 1 btlod hay. Will be
delheriil to any ptrt of the dty. Ala i ground *
feed at the lowett each1 prico. W. II. McCJOY.
OR S A I.KTcniy acres bcautllul land | wolli
locntnlith coed rcolilcncc , barn , out
houses , well Midi cistern ; placn well fcnccil :
Tofma en y. \V. 11. . UAUTLKTi , Real Estate
Accnt. 2S9-1
on SALE 10,000 Dlack Caii Mammoth Clus
ter Kasbcrrr. Hoots "Iillo Wild Placo. '
Lenvo ordirsattUUiPodge St. JOHN G. WIL
LIS , Commlssio i ttorc. 1. < 1 tf
EMIB' ' NEW CITY MAPh , 10. . . .l.i.uit di
> Maps , 89.60. f { ) . i1 nw\ic. |
FOR SAI.E Mules and lurncssit Hedman'a-
Idtu street barn- 141-R *
SA' E At Solomnn's , 1204 Farnham St. ,
Kold fish , ullvepflsh , cU' , nlllgators , devil
fiah. Imported canary hlrda , t.lklne rarrof , oldi
niichcs , red blrds moclInjf birds , fish globes and
aquariums , all ulzes and ttjlc , at pricoi reason-
ble. 142-tf
Jj $5 down andSSporirxintti. BEMIS , a > nt ,
16th and Douglas. 3ts
" 171 OR SALE A good second haid etioebhaak
JU for sale , at a low harsaln , by Dr. LuACi
Kduards , 1109 Farnham street
1.1OR SALE Houeo nnd full lot in Rood loca-
1 lnn , cheap , ' 'rice , S1250. Easy terms.
McCARUK , Opp. post ( .fflco. 15tf
[ 71Or > s I- ) : B < -4 building lot in hhlnn'B ad
JL1 A , D'J fvtrf eait front b > 120 feet ilepth.
McCAUllE , Ou | > . ) xwHicc. . 14 tf
SALE GH REVT A grocery etore at dx
ImtchorBhoss doiiiK * * Rood bnsjnetw. In-
qnlr at tlila oflkii. 912-tf
FOK SALE i ! nice coiiutcirs nn J 2 clh or i
fh tv canes , at G > o. II. l'ctoi o * > ) , SOIJonthi
10th St. 741-lf
SALh ur will exctia gu for umaua | ir < .
EOK an Improved see on of land adjoin
mi ; a station en U. P. U. H. JI. UVKKAM. Uli *
Farnham St. ,
SALB 1'r trade for cltj-
EOU 01 horses , harness anil wi 'on. i
H. Y. . thisnfllci -i
' 17IOR SALE A gooa wvcii-jeAr-old
JJ Warranted to drive slnglu or double. ISO
qillro of Oi-orgo Cantlold , OanfiolJ houne.
WKAVINO Done bv UTS , C :
_ N. E.csor. Ifithrnd Jacksom dts
Wlthboard in name family on nearbjr. J.
H. A. Smith , with LlnlDgar IL Ketaa ) ( Co _
245- ? { *
J. ar In frequent rcc Ipt of applies * , „ . , ( or
operator * . HELL & AMES , 100 * J > ramm
Agents Remington Type-Wrltar. Iul is-lm
QATE RENT Choice of 30-full lota to lease
O near Creighton OMIegp for$2ai- per j car.
Uaxtcr L. Thomas & Bret. Room. f-H , ' CrclKhton
DIock. 20tt
T OTS,3HOeachSS don.ond ? 6j r month
I i iEMIt , Ageiit.
In semUnnunll , lsht(8)pcr ( )
cent. Intonrst. w itca s-cured
by rani etato mortKagufor i lo. J ' 'Idicss ' I' . O.
HoxBS. 2087
203-tf ESTACIV *
_ ii-H ai >
TJIANO AND OHOA .lD8truntf on Dv R
& Tarfi t , " . SOta.Sti , below perce. | 01-tf '
H10IIEST PRICE paid for il 1 kinds of Iron ,
metal and rags , by I. GW Insky & Co. , 102
Douylan St.
- m
f 19th and DaionfiprfcMt. 090-tf
rnwo KURNISIIBD uo ) a S FORUBNT - Io-
1 quire at IIosrx.'g rt'JEr .porlnm , 1619 Dodge
_ _ . _ _
u anted b exporitmr id man. Small salary.
. O. Box E02 City ,
Within three blocks ol
J po < tofflie. at 1610 Dod o. VU6-U
OBTHAlTaOU ( AvON-1-OHtilu and OU ,
' * 1"11"MRS. . D. R.
. ryom X , lacob's Block. 642-tf
B A. ! ! 1J.1'4' V "A' ' * " H nder > i Food More
1013 Ilarney &t.
T1ONAL2WW , > T jnth Street , between Karnbam
andlla > ; sy. W , | , wth | toe aid of guardian
nplrlts , a aln o * any ono a glance at the uaal
and , u > 4 on certain conditions In the fa
turo. ntotitkU' Show made tofdur. . Perfect
Absolutely Pure ,
This powder never Tarlos. A rnarrel of pur
- Jty , itrength and whols ouirnciu. More iconn
mlc 1 thin the- ordinary klndi , and cannot ba
sold In comixtlilon with the inultltudo of low
teat , thort weight , alum or j hoiphate | iowden.
gold only In cam. Hunt. lUKlxa rowcK Co. ,
104 VTtJJ St , Now Tork.