Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    OMAHA DAijLiY BEE : TUESDAY. FEBRuAKY x8 ! 1882-
ivoljr influenced by the ndvlco ol
President Lincoln and Secretary
SUxnton , both of whom assured him
that ho cnuld , nt that time , bo of es
pecial vnluo in the house of represen
tatives , Ho resigned his commissioi :
of major-general on the Gth day ol
December , 18G3 , and took his scat in
the house of representatives on the
7th. Lie had served two years ant
four months in the army , and line
just completed his thirty-second year.
The Thirty-eighth congress is preeminently
eminently entitled in history to the
designation of the war congress. Ii
wan elected while the war was flagrant
and every member was choaon upoi
the 'issues involved in the continu-
nnco of the struggle. The -Thirty-
seventh congress had , indeed , legislated
lated to a largo extent on war meas
ures , but it was choaon before anyone
boliuvcd that secession of the states
would bo actually attempted , Tin
magnitude of the work which fol
upon its successor ) was unprecedented ,
both in respect to the vast sums oi
money raised for the support of tin
army nnd navy , and of the now ant
extraordinary powers of legislation
which it was forced to oxorciso. Only
twenty-four states wcro represented ,
and ono hundred and eighty-two
members were upon its roll. Among
thcsot were many distinguished party
loaders on both sides , veterans in the
public service , with established repu
tations for ability , and with that skill
which comes only from parliamentary
experience. Into tliis assemblage ol
men Garfield entered without special
preparation , and it might also bo said
unoxpocUdly. , The question of tak'
ing command of a division of troops
under General Thomas , or taking his
seat in congress was kept open till the
last moment , so late , indeed , that the
resignation of his military commis
sion and his appoaianco in the house
were almost contemporaneous. He
were the uniform of a major-general
of the United States army on Satur
day , and on Monday in civilian's
dross , ho answered to the roll-call as
a representative in congress from the
State of Ohio.
Ho was especially fortunate in the
constituency which elected him. De
scended almost entirely from Now
England stock , the men of the A ah ta
bula district were intonsly radical on
all questions relating to human rights.
Well educated , thrifty , thoroughly
intelligent in affairs ) acutely discern
ing character , not quick to bestow
confidence , and slow to withdraw it :
they were at once the most hopeful
and most exacting of supporters.
Their tenacious trust in men in whom
t.hoy have once confided is illustrated
by the unparalleled fact that Elisha
Whittlosoy. Joshua 11. Giddings , and
James A. Garflold represented the dis
trict for fifty-four years.
There is no test of a man's ability
iu any department of public lifo moro
severe than service in the house of
representatives ; there is no place
whore so little deference is paid to
reputation previously acquired , or to
eminence won outside : no place where
so little consideration is shown for the
feelings or the failures of beginners.
"What a man gains in the house ho
gains by sheer force of his own char
acter , and if ho loses and falls back
he must expect no mercy , and will rp-
colyo no sympathy. It is a field in
which the survival of the strongest is
the recognized rule , and where no pre
tense can deceive an4 no glamor can
. mislead , Th real man. U digcov'ored ,
hii worth , ia impartially . .w'oighed . his
, r nK-uirreveriiibly : decreed.
\iWith possibly a single exception
Garfield was the youngest in thb
house when ho entered , aud was but
seven years from his college gradua
tion. But lie had not boon in his scat
aixty-days before his ability was rec
ognized-and his place conceded.
with the confidence of ono who belonged -
longed there. The house was crowded
with strong men of both parties ; nine
teen of thorn have since boon trans
ferred to the senate , and many of
thorn have nerved with distinction in
the gubernatorial chairs of their ro-
upectivo states , and on foreign mis
sions of great consequonooj but among
them all none grow so rapidly , none
so firmly as Gariield. Aa is said by
Tevelyan of his parliamentary here ,
Garfield succeeded "because all the
world in concert could not have kept
him in the background , and because
when once in the front ho played his
part with a prompt intrepidity and a
commanding ease that were but the
outward symptoms of the immense reserves -
serves of energy , on which it was in
his power to draw. " Indeed , the ap
parently reserved forcei which Garfield
possessed WAS ono of his great cliarao
toristicfl. Ho never did so well but
that it seemed ho could easily have
done bottor. Ho never expended so
inuch strength but that ho seemed to
bo holding additional power at call.
This is one of the happiest and rarest
distinctions of an otl'octiyo debater ,
and often counts for as much in por-
auading an assembly as the eloquent
and elaborate argument.
The great measure of Garfiold'a fame
was filled by his service in the house
of representatives. His military lifo ,
illustrated by honorable performance ,
and rich in promise , was , as ho him
self felt , prematurely terminated , and
necessarily incomplete. Speculation
as to what ho might have done m iho
field , where the great prizes are so
few , cannot bo profitable. It is autli-
ciont to say thai aa a sodior | he did
his duty bravely ; ho did it intelligent
ly ; ho won an enviable fame , and ho
retired from the service without a blot
or breath agaihst him. As a lawyer ,
though admirably equipped for the
profession , ho can Scarcely bo said to
have entered on its practice. The few
efforts ho made ut tlio bar were'dis
tinguished by the same high order of
talent which hu exhibited on every
liold where ho was put to the test , und
if a man may bo accepted as a compe
tent judge of his capacities and adapt
ations , the law was the profession to
f which Garfield should Imvo devoted
himself. Hut futo ordained otherwise
and his reputation in history will rest
largely on his service in the house of
representatives. That service was exceptionally -
coptionally long. Ho was nitfu times
consecutively cannon to the houseun
.honor enjoyed by not moro than uix
other representatives of tljo more than
tire thousand who have bean elected
from iho organization of iho jjovcrn-
moot to this hour.
as a debater on an issue squarev )
joined , whose the position had beeij
chosen and Jho ground laid out , Garfield -
field must .Jio assigned n very high
rank , Moro' , perhaps , titan any man
with whom ho was associated in pub
lic life , ho gave careful and systematic
study to public questions , and ho
came to every discussion in which ho
took part wjth olabornto and complete -
ploto preparation. Ho was a steady
and indefatigable worker. _ Those
who imagine that talent or genius cat
supply the place or achieve the rcsulti
of labor will find no oncouragcmon
HI Oarfield's lifo. In preliminary
work ho was apt , rapid and skillful
Ho possessed in a high degree tin
power of readily absorbing ideas am
facts , and like Dr. Johnson , had ( hi
art of getting from a book all thai
was of value in it by a reading nppar
cntly so quick and cursory that it
Hoemud like a mcru glance at the ta
bio of content. . Ho was a pro-cmi
nontly fair and candid man in debate
took no potty advantage , stooped tone
no unworthy methods , avoided perso
nal allusionsrarely appealed to preju
dice , did not seek to inflame passion.
Ho had a quicker eye for the stroiit ,
point of his adversary than for his
weak point , and on bin own sldo ho so
marshaled his weighty argumdnts as
to make his hearers to forgot any
possible lack in the completestronyu
of his position. Ho had n habit o
stating liiH opponent's side with such
amplitude of fairness and such liber
ality of concession that his followers
often complained that ho wns _ giving
his case away. But never in his pro
longed participation in the proceed
ings of the house did ho give his case
away , or fail in the judgment of com
petent and impartial listeners to gain
the mastery.
These characteristics , which market
Garfield as a great debater , did not ,
however , make him a great parlia
mentary loader. A parliamentary
leader , as that term is understood
wherever free representative govern
ment exists , is necessarily and very
Htnctly the organ of his party. An
ardent American delinod the In
stinctive warmth of patriotism when
ho offered the toast , "Our country ,
always right , but right or wrong , our
country. " The parliamentary loader
who has a body of followers that will
do and dare and die for the cause , is
ono who believes his party always
right , but right or wrong , is for his
party. No more important or exact
ing duty devolves upon him than the
selection of the field and the time for
contest. Ho must know not merely
how to strike , but whore to strike and
when to strike. Ho oftpn skillfully
avoids the strength of his opponent's
position and scatters confusion in his
ranks by attacking an exposed point
when really the righteousness of the
cause and the strength of logical in-
tronchmont are against him. Ho con
quers often both against the right and
the heavy battalions ; as when young
Charles Fox , in the days of his tory-
ism , carried the houseof commons
against justice , against its immemorial
rights , against his own convictions , it
indeed at that period Fox had convic
tions , and in the interest of a corrupt
administration , in obedience to a ty
rannical sovereign , drove Wilkcs from
the s'jat to which the electors of Mid
dlesex had chosen him and installed
Luttroll in defiance , not merely of
law but of public decency. For an
achievement of that kind Garfield was
disqualified disqualified , by the texture -
turo of his mind , by the honesty of
his heart , by his conscience , arid by
every instinct and aspiration of hit
nature. '
The throe most distinguished par
liamentary leaders hitherto developed
in this country are Mr. Clay , Mr.
Douglas , ami Mr. Thaddous Stevens.
Each was a man of consummate abil
ity , of great earnestness , of intense
personality , differing widely , oaoli
tromtho _ others , andyot with , a signal
trait in common the power to com
mand. In the give and take of daily
discussion , in the art of controlling
and consolidating reluctant and re
fractory followers ; in the skill to over
come all forms of opposition , and to
meet wit-H competency and courage
the v rying phases of unlooked for
assault or unsuspected defection , it
would do difficult to rank with these a
fourth name in all our congressional
history. But of these Mr. Olay was
the greatest. It would , perhaps , bo
impossible to find in the parliamen
tary annals of the world n parallel to
Mr. Olay , in 1841 , when at sixty-four
years of ago ho took the control of the
whiij party from the president who
liad received their suffrages , against
the power of Webster in the cabinet ,
against the eloquence of Uhoato in
the senate , against the Herculean ef
forts of Oalob Gushing and Henry A.
Wise in the house. In unshared lead
ership , in the pride and plenitude of
power ho hurled against John Tyler
with deepest scorn the mass of that
conquering column which had swept
over the land in 1810 , and drove his
administration to seek shelter behind
the lines of his political foes. Air.
Douglas achieved u victory scarcely
loss wonderful when , in 185-1 , against
the secret desires of a strong admin
istration , against the wise counsel of
the elder chiefs , against the conserva
tive instincts and even the moral
sense of the country , ho forced a re
luctant songross into a repeal of the
Missouri compromise. Mr. Thaddous
Stevens , in his contests from 18G5 to
1808 actually advanced his parliamen
tary leadership until congress tied
the hands of the president and gov
erned the country by its own will ,
leaving only perfunctory duties to bo
discharged by the executive With
two hundred millions of patronage in
liis hands at the
opening of the contest -
test , aided by the active force of
Howard in the cabinet and the moral
power of Olmno on the bench , Andrew -
drew Johnson could not command
the support of one-third in either
house against the parliamentary up
rising of which Thuddous Stevens
was the animating spirit and the un.
questioned loader.
, . great men Gar-
hold differed radically , differed in the
qua ity of his mind , in temperament ,
m the form mid phase of ambition.
Ho could not do what they did. but
.ho could do what they could not , mid
In the breadth of his congressional
work ho loft that which will longer
oxortapotontial influence amoiHMiion.
and which , measured by the eovoro
test of posthumous criticism will
, eo-
' aud luor °
These unfamiliar with Gaiilold's in
dustry , nnd Ignorant of the details ol
his work , may. in some degree , menu-
uro them by the annals ot congress.
No ono of the generation of public
men to which ho belonged has contrib
uted so much that will bo valuable for
future reference. His speeches are
numerous , many of them brilliant , all
of them well studied , carefully
phrased , and exhaustive of the subject
under consideration. Collected from
the scattered pages of ninety royal oc
tavo volumes of Congressional Ilccord ,
they would prosontnn invaluable com
pendium of the political ht&tory ol
the political history of the most im
portant era through which the nation
al government has over passed. When
the history of this period shall bo im
partially written , when war legisla
tion , measures of reconstruction , pro
tection of human rights , amendments
to the constitution , maintenance ol
public credit , steps toward specie re
sumption , true theories of revenue
may bo reviewed , unsurroundcd by
prejudice and disconnected from par-
tizanism , the speeches of Garfield will
bu estimated at their true value , and
will bo found to comprise n.vastmaga-
zino of fact and argument , of clear an-
alyns and sound conclusion. Indeed ,
if no other authority wcro accessible ,
his speeches in the house of roprescn ,
tativos from December , 1803 , to June ,
1880 , would i ivo a well counseled bin-
lory and complete defense of the im
portant legislation of the seventeen
ovoutful years that constitute his par
liamentary lifo. Far beyond that his
speeches would be found to forecast
many great measures , yet to bo com
pleted measures which koknowworu
beyond the public opinion of the hour ,
but which ho confidently believed
would sccuro popular approval within
the period of his own lifetime , and by
the aid of his own efforts.
Differing , as Garfield docs , from the
brilliant parliamentary leaders , it is
not easy to find his counterpart anywhere
wherein the record of American pub
lic lifo. Ho perhaps moro nearly re
sembles Mr.Se\vard _ , in his supreme
faith in the all-conquering power of a
principle. Ho had the love of learn
ing , and the patient industry of in
vestigation , -to which John Quinoy
Adams owes his prominence and his
presidency. Ho had some of those
ponderous elements of mind which
distinguished Mr. Webster , and
which , indeed , in all our public lifo
have loft the great Massachusetts sen
ator without au intellectual peer.
In the English parliamentary histo
ry , as in our own , the leaders in the
house of commons present points of
essential difference from Garfield.
But some of his methods recall the
best features in the strong , independ
ent course of Sir Ilobort Peel , and
striking resemblances are discernible
in that most promising of modern
conservatives , who died too early for
hi ! country and his fanio , the Lord
George Bcntinck. Ho had ull of
Burko's love for the ttublimo and the
beautiful , with , possibly , something
of his supor.Vbuiidanco ; nnd in his
faith and his magnanimity , in his
power of sUtnment , in his subtle
analysis , in his faultless logic , in his
love of literature , in his wealth and
world of illustration , ono is reminded
of that great English statesman of to
day , who , confronted with obstacles
that would ( Luint any but the daunt
less , reviled by those whom ho would
relieve as bitterly as by these whose
supposed rights hu is forced to invade ,
still labors with serene courage for the
amelioration of Ireland , and for the
honor of the English name. 1 '
Garfiold's nomination to the presi
dency , while not predicted or antici
pated , was not a surprise to the coun
try. His prominence in congress , his
solid qualifies , his wide reputation ,
strengthened by his then recent elec
tion as senator from Ohio , kept him in
the public eye as a man occupying the
very highest rank among these enti
tled to bo. called statesmen. It was
not moro chance that brought him
this honor. "Wo "
high must , says
Mr. Emerson , "reckon success a con
stitutional trait. If Eric is in robust
health aud has slept well and is at the
top of his condition , and thirty years
old at his departure from Greenland ,
ho will steer west and his ship * will
reach New Foundland. But take
Eric and put in a stronger and bolder
man and the 'ships will sail six hun
dred , ono thousand , fifteen hundred
miles farther and reach Labrador and
Now England. There is no chance in
results. "
As a candidate , Garfield steadily
grow in popular favor. He was met
with a storm of detraction at the very
hour of his nomination , and it con
tinued with increasing volume and
momentum until the close of his vic
torious campaign :
No might nor nrentnessa In mortality
Can censure 'scapoLackwoundlnt ; ? ca
Tha whitest virtue stdkes. What king so
Can tie the gall up in the glanderous
Under it all ho was calm and strong ,
and confident ; never lost his self-pos
session , did no unwise act , spoke no
hasty , or ill-considered word. Indeed
nothing in his whole lifo is moro re
markable or some creditable thun his
bearing through these five lull months
of vituperation a prolonged agony
of trial to a sonsativo man , a constant
and cruel draft upon the powers of
moral endurance. The great mass of
those unjust imputations passed un
noticed , and with the general debris
of the campaign fell into oblivion.
But in n few instances the iron en
tered his soul and ho died with the
Injury unforgotten if not unfor-
given. EsSKSI "
Ono aspect of Gariiold's candidacy
was unprecedented. Never before , in
the history of partisan contests in this
country , had a successful presidential
candidate spoken freely on puihur
events and currot" 'ii-ucsv To ttompt
anything of the kuu seemed novel , .
rash , and even desperate. The elder
class of voters recalled the unfortunate
Alabama letter , in which Mri Olay
way supposed to Imvo signed his polit
ical death warrant. They remembered -
ed also the hot tempered effusion by
which General Scott lost a largo hharo
of his popularity before his nomina
tion , and the unfortunate speeches
which rapidly consumed the remain-
< Jrr < The younger voters had soon
Mr. Grooloy in a series of vigorous
and original addresses , preparing the
pathway for his own defeat. Unmindful -
mindful of these warnings , unheeding
the advice of friends , Garfield spoke
o largo crowds as lie journeyed to
mid /rom Now York in August , to a
aroat ; multitude in that city , to del g ? j
Bj. ,
lioni and deputations of every kind
that called at Mentor during the sum
mer and autumn , With innumerable
critics , watchful and eager to catch n
phrase that _ might bo turned into
odium or ridicule , or n sentence that
might bo distorted to his own or his
party's injury , GArfield did not trii > or
halt in any _ ono of his seventy
spcooho * . This scorns all the moro re
markable when it ! s remembered that
ho did not write what ho said , and yet
spoke with such logical consecutiveness -
ness of thought and such admirable
precision of phrase as to defy the acci
dent of misreport and the malignity of
In the beguiling of his presidential
life Garficld's exporic-noo did not yield
him pleasure or satisfaction. The
duties that engross so largo a portion
of the president's time wore distaste *
ful to him , and wore unfavorably con
trasted with his legislative work. "I
have boon dealing all these years with
ideas , " ho impatiently exclaimed ono
day , "and hero I am dealing only with
poraoiiH. I have been heretofore treat
ing of the fundamental principles ot
government and hero I am con
sidering all day whether A
or 15 Hhall bo appointed to
this or that ofllce. " IIo was earnest
ly seeking some practical way of cor
recting the evils arising from the dis
tribution of overgrown and unwieldy
patronage evils alw'ays appreciated
and often discussed by him , but
whoso magnitude had been moro deep
ly impressed upon his-mind since his
accession to the presidency. Uad ho
lived , a comprehensive improvement
in the mode of appointment and in
the tenure of office would have boon
proposed by him , and with the aid of
congress no doubt perfected.
But , while many of the executive
duties wore not grateful to him , ho
was assiduous and conscientious in
their discharge. From the very dut-
sot ho exhibited administrative talent
of a high order. In this respect in
deed ho constantly surprised many
who were most intimately associated
with him in the government , and
especially those who had feared that
ho might bo lacking in the ex
ecutive faculty. His disposition of bus
iness was orderly and rapid , His
power of analysis , and his skill in
classification , enabled him to dispatch
a vast mass of detail with singular
promptness and ease. His cabinet
meetings wore admirably conducted.
His clear presentation of official sub
jects , his well-considered suggestion
of topics on which discussion was in
vited , his quick decision when all'had
boon hoard , combined to show a thor
oughness of mental training as rare as
hit natural ability and his facile adap
tation to a now and enlarged field of
With perfect comprehension of all
the inhoritonces of the war , with a
cool calculation of the obstacles in his
way , impelled always by a generous
enthusiasm , Gurfield conceived that
much might bo done by his adminis
tration towards restoring harmony bo.
tweon the different sections of the
Union. Ho was anxious to go south
nnd speak to the people. As early as
April ho had ineffectually endeavored
to arrange for a trip to Nashville ,
whither he had been cordially invited ,
and he was again disappointed a few
weeks later to find that ho could not
go toSiJuth Carolina to attend the cen
tennial celebration of the victory of
the Cowpens. But for the autumn
ho definitely counted on' being pres
ent atthrepnipjnorablab5scralliea jn
the south , the celebration at Yorktown -
town , the opening of the cotton ex
position at Atlanta , and the meeting
of the army of the Cumberland at
Chattanooga. Ho was already turn
ing over in his mind his address for
each occasion , and the three taken
together , ho said to a friend , crave
him the exact scope and verge which
he.needod. At Yorktown ho would
have before him the associations of a'
hundred years that bound the South
and the North in the sacred memory
of a common danger and a common
victory. At Atlanta he would present
the material interests and the indus
trial development which appealed to
the thrift and independence of every
household , and which should unite
the two sections by the instinct of
self-interest and solf-defonso. At
Chattanooga ho would revive memo
ries of the war only to show that after
all its disaster and all its suffering the
country was stronger and greater , the
union rendered indissoluble , and the
fututv , through the agony and blood
of ono generation , made brighter and
bettor for all.
' 'Garficld's ambition for the success
of his administration was high. With
strong caution and conservatism in
his nature , ho was in no danger of at
tempting rnsh experiments or of retorting -
torting to the empiricism of states
manship. But he bulipvcd that re
newed and closer attention should be
given to questions aftecting the mate
rial interests and commercial pros
pects of fifty millions of people. Ho
believed that our continental relations ,
extensive nnd undeveloped as they
are , involved responsibility , and
could bo cultivated into profitable
friendship or bo abandoned to harmful
indifference or lasting enmity. Ho
believed with equal confidence that an
essential forerunner to a now era of
national progress must bo a fooling of
contentment in every section of the
Union , and a generous belief that the
benefits and burdens of government
would bo common to all. Himself a
conspicuous illustration of what abil
ity and ambition may do under repub
lican institutions , ho loved his coun
try yrith a passion of patriotic devo
tion ; and every waking thought was
given to hpr advancement. Ho was
an American in all his aspirations ,
and.jiu looked to the destiiiy and in-
HuoBcd of the United States with the
phl'rtdoptiiu composure of Jefferson
and'the demonstrative confidence of
Jolnf Adams. >
Tile political events which disturbed
the 'President's serenity for many
weeks before that fateful day in July ,
form an important chapter in his
career , and , in his own judgment , in
volved questions of principle and of
right which are vitally essential to. the
cotutitutiniml administration of the
Federal Government. It would bo
nut of place hero and now to speak the
Innguufjoof controversy ; but the events
referred to , however they may con
tinue to be a source of contention with
othurt , have become , so fur as Gar-
leld is concerned , us much a matter
of history as his heroism at Ohicka-
uauga or his illustrious service in the
Houso. Detail is not needful , and
personal antagonism shall mil bo rekindled
kindled by any word uttered to-day.
The motives of these opposing him
are not to bo hero adversely inter
preted nor their course harshly char
actorizcd. But of the dead prcsidnnl
this is to bo said , and because his owi
speech is forever silenced nnd ho can
bo no more hoard except through the
fidelity nnd the love of surviving
friends : From the beginning to tin
end of the controversy he has so much
deplored , the president was never for
one moment actuated by any motive
of gain to himself or of loss to others.
Least of , all men did ho harbor re
venge , rarely did ho over show resent
ment , and malice was not in his na
ture. Ho was congenially employed
only in the exchange of good otliccs
and the doing of kindly deeds.
There was not nn hour , from the
beginning of the trouble till the fatal
shot entered his body , when the Presi
dent would not gladly , for the eake of
restoring harmony , have retraced any
step ho had taken if such retracing
had merely involved consequences
personal to himself , The pride of
consistency , or any supposed -sense
of humiliation that might result from
surrender ! ! u his position , had not
a feather's weight with him. No man
was ever leas subject to such influences
from within or from without. But af
ter most anxious deliberation and the
coolest survey of nil the
Circumstances , ho solemnly be
lieved that the true prerogatives of
the executive were involved in the
issue which had been raised , nnd that
he would bo unfaithful to his supreme
obligation if j' ° failed to maintain , in
all their vigor , the constitutional
rights and dignities of his great office.
Ho believed this in nil the convictions
of conscience when in sound nnd vig
orous health , and ho believed it in his
suffering nnd prostration in the last
conscious thought which his wearied
mind bestowed on the transitory strug
gles of lifo.
Moro than this need not bo said.
Less than this could not bo said. Jus
tice to the dead , the highest obliga
tion that devolves upon the living , de
mands the declaration that in nil the
bearings of the subject , actual or pos
sible , the president was content in his
mind , justified in his conscience , im
movable in his conclusions.
in Garfiold's character was deep and
earnest. In his early youth ho
espoused the faith of the disciples , a
sect of that great Baptist communion ,
which in different ecclesiastical estab
lishments is so numerous and so in
fluential throughout all parts of the
United States. But the broadening
tendency of his mind and his active
spirit of inquiry were early apparent
nnd carried him beyond the dogmas
of sect and the restraints of nssocia
ticn. In selecting n college in which
to continue his education no rejected
Bethany , though presided over by
Alexander Campbell , the grcnlost
preacher of his church. His reasons
were characteristic ; first , that Bethany
leaned too heavily toward slavery ;
and second , that being himself a dis
ciple and the son of disciple parents ,
he had little acquaintance with people
ple of other beliefs , and ho thought it
would make him moro liberal , quot
ing his own words , both in his religi
ous and general views , to go into anew
now circle and bo under now influ-
The libernl tendency which he nn-
ticipatcd as the result of widerculturo
was fully realized. He was emanci
pated from mere sectarian belief , and
with carer interest pushed his investi
gations in the direction of modern
progressive thought. Ho followed
with quickening step in the paths of
exploration and speculation so fear
lessly trodden by Darwin , by Huxley ,
by Tyndall , and by other living scien-
tists'of the radical and advanced type.
His own church , binding its disciples
by no formulated creed , but accepting
the Old and New Testaments as the
word of God with unbiased liberality
of private interpretation , favored , if
it did not stimulate , the spirit of in
vestigation. Its members profess
with sincerity , and profess only , to beef
of one mind and ono faith with these
who immediately followed the Master ,
and who were first called Christians at
But however high Garfield reasoned
of "fixed fate , free will , foreknowledge
absolute1 ' ho was never separated
from thb church of the disciples in his
affections nnd in his associations.
For him it held the ark of the covo-
nant. To him it was the gate of
heaven. Tho-world of religious belief
is full of solecisms nnd tantradictions.
A philosophic observer declares that
men by the thousand will die in de
fense of a creed whose doctrines they
do not comprehend and whoso tenets
they habitually violate. It is equally
true that men by the thousand will
cling to church organizations with in
stinctive and undying fidelity when
their belief in maturer years is radi
cally different from that which in
spired them as neophytes.
But after this range of speculation ,
and this latitude of doubt , Garfield
came back always with freshness and
delight td the simpler instincts of re
ligious faith , which , earliest im
planted , longest survive. ' Not many
weeks before his assassination , walk
ing on the banks of the Potomac with
n friend , and conversing on these
topics of personal religion , concerning
which noble natures have an uncon
querable reserve , he said that ho
found the Lord's Prayer and the sim
ple petitions learned in infancy in
finitely restful to him , not merely in
their stated repetition , but in their
casual nnd frequent recall as he wont
about the dnily duties of lifo. Cer
tain texts of scriptures had n very
strong hold on his memory and heart.
Hu heard , while in Ediilun- ) HI nu
years ago , a i itiuinunt Scuu jpi ului
who prefaced his sermon with reading
the eighth chapter of the Enistlo to
the Romans , which book had been the
subject of careful study with Garfield
during all his religious lifo. IIo was
greatly impressed by the elocution of
the preacher and declared that it had
imparted a now nnd deeper meaning
to the majestic utterances of Saint
Paul. Ho referred often in after
years to that memorable service , and
dwelt with exaltation of feeling upon
the radiant promise and the assured
hope with which the great apostle of
the Gentiles was "persuaded that
neither death , nor life , nor angels ,
nor principalities , nor powers , nor
things present , nor things to come ,
nor height , nor depth , nor any other
creature , shall be able to ( separate us
from the love of God , which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord. "
of General Garfiold's religious opinions
ionsas , indeed , of , all his opinion ! ,
was his liberality. In all things ho
had charity. Tolerance was of his
nature. Ho respected in others the
qualities which ho possessed himself
sincerity of conviction and frankness
of expression. With him the inquiry
was not so much what n man believes ,
but docs ho believe it ? The lines of
his friendship and his confidence en
circled men of every creed , and men
of no creed , nnd to the end of his lifo ,
on his ovor-lcnutlioning list of friends
were to bo found the names of a
pious Catholic priest nnd of an honest
minded nnd generous hearted frco
On the morning of Saturnay , July
2 , the president was a con
tented and nappy man not in an or
dinary degree , but joyfully , almost
boyishly happy. On his way to the
railroad station , to which he drove
slowly , in conscious enjoyment of the
beautiful morning , with an unwonted
ttetiso of leisure nnd a keen anticipa
tion of pleasure , his talk was all in jtho
grateful and gratulatory vein. Ho
felt that after tour months of trial his
administration was strong in its grasp
of affairs , strong in public favor nnd
destined to fjrow stronger ; thnt grave
difficulties confronting him at his in
auguration had been safely passed ;
that trouble lay behind him and not
before him ; * that ho was soon tp meet
the wife whom ho loved , now recover
ing from an illness which had but
lately disquieted nnd nt times almost
jimcrved him ; that ho was going to
lis Alma Mater to renew the most
cherished associations of his young
manhood , and to exchange greetings
, vith these whoso deepening interest
lad followed every stop of his upward
rfogro&B from the day he entered
ipon his college course until lie had
attained the loftiest elevation in the
; ift of his countrymen.
Surely if happiness can ever como
'rom the honors or triumphs of this
world , on that quiet July morning
James A. Garfield may well Imvo been
i happy man. No foreboding of evil
inuntod him ; no slightest premonition
if danger clouded his sky. , His torri-
jlo fate was upon him in nn instant.
Dno moment ho stood ' erect , strong ,
confident in the year's stretching peace
: ully out before him. The next he
ay wounded , bleeding , helpless ,
doomed to weary weeks of torture , to
silence , and the grave.
Great in life , ho was surpassing
great in death. For no cause , in the
very frenzy of wantonness and wicked
ness , by the rod bund of murder , l > o
was thrust from the full tide of this
world's interest , from its hopes , its
ispirations , its victories , into the visi-
} lo presence of death - nnd ho did not
quail. Not nlono for the ono short
nomont in which , stunned nnd dazed ,
10 could give up lifo , hardly aware of
ts relinquishment , but through days
of deadly languor , through weeks of
agony , that was not less ngony because
silently borne , with clear sight and
courage , he looked into his open
; rave. What blight and ruin mot his
mguiahod eyes , whoso lips may tell
That brilliant , broken plans , what
lafiled , high ambitions , what sunder-
nij . of strong , warm , manhood's
riondships , what bitter rending , of
sweet household tiesl Behind him a
) roud , expectant nation , a great host
) f friends , a cherished and hnppy
nothor-weariug the full , rich honors of
ipr early toil and tears ; the wife of
lis youth , whoso whole lifo lay in his ;
; hp little boys not yet emerged from
childhood's d ay of frolic ; the fair ,
young daughter ; the sturdy sons just
springing into closet companionship ,
claiming every day nnd every day m-
warding n father's love and care ; and
n his heart the eager , rejoicing power
o meet all demand. Before him ,
lesolation and great darkness ! And
lis soul was not shaken. His coun-
-rymen wore thrilled with instant ,
irofound and universal sympathy.
Masterful in his mortal weakness , he
lecamo the centre of a nation's love ,
mshrmed in the prayers of a world.
But all the love and all the sympathy
could not sharp with him his suffering.
Efo trod the wino press alone. With
infaltering front ho faced death.
With unfailing tenderness he took-
eave of life. Above the demoniac
lias of the assassin's bullet ho hoard
; ho voice of God. With simple resig
nation ho bowed to the Divine decree
As the end drew near , his early
craving for the sea returned. The
itatoly mansion of power had been to
lim the wearisome hospital t of pain ,
and ho.begged to bo taken from its
> risen walls , from its oppressive ,
itifling air , from its homelessness and
ts hopelessness. Gently , silently ,
ho love of a great people bore the
> ale sufferer to the bngcd-fpr healing
of the sea , to live or to die , as God
should will , within sight of its heav-
ng billows , within sound of its mani-
old vo cos. With wan , fevered face
onderly lifted to the cooling breeze ,
10 looked out wistfully upon the
ocean's changing wonders ; on its far
ails , whitening in the morning light ;
on its restless waves , rolling shoro-
vnrd to break and die beneath tlio
loonday sunj on the rod clouds of
evening , arching low to the horizon ;
on the s'orene and .shining pathway of
.ho stars. Let us think that his dy-
ng eyes read a mystic moaning which
> nly the rapt and parting soul may
enow. Let us believe that in the HI-
once of the receding world ho heard
ho great waves breaking on a further
here , and felt already upon his wasted
brow the breath of the .eternal
Noting the Effect.
11. Gibbs , of Uuifalo , X. Yi , writes ;
'Hearing your BUIIDOCK Ul.oon IJllTEim
vmn'ily 8 | > oVi > n of , I wai Inilucpd to
\iitili : ti ir ilac'n , nil find 'hi" in
Llnonio uuu kto of the bluud , liver nnd
Idilneyk , your liittera have been signally
marked with success , I have used them
myself with beat results for torpidity of
the liver ; nnd In the case of a friend of
mine Buffering from dropsy the effect waa
marvelous. " Price SI.00 , tria' size 10 cts.
( A Graduate from the Vnhdeity of 1'cmisw.
vanlsat rtillaikljjhUolUie
Claw of IblU. )
Tendcri hl > j.rofewiloiial service * to the citizen *
ot Omaha anl all otliera iuUlu ; the imo , pre
dicating hta claim then-for from 10 ysars ex
lrlenw , eixtceiijcariot nhch | time liubuout In
ooutli America , from which country he h Ju t
returned , mining hlUt In the | > ro > lncc many
rcmeulci for tarloua ilUuisca common to thft
country from the natives of the tamo.
The Doctor makes a gp cl Uy of all Chrou'.o '
I > Iicisc . parttcularlly thoxo of females. He may
lu found at hU rooms at the 1'lantors' Houtoi
corner of DoJgoiuid Sixteenth Street * .
n 3eodlw4ine w * " *
A remedy with such a representation as Ho -
cttcr'n Stonmch Hitters Reserves a fair trial If
jou are djspeptlc , your mahdy will eventually
ylo d to It ; If you are fpcblo , lack Mesh and foci
lespondcnt , It will both huilil nnd cliccr jou up ;
it.von areconstlpattd It will rcllc\o joti. nnd if
bilious , healthful gtlmuluto your liver. Don't
ilespo n but malic this effort In the right direc
tion ,
Kor sale by all druggists and dealers generally.
foblSto ml
"Stevens' Patent Egg Case" Sus >
tained by the Courts ,
You are hereby notified that wo are the sole-
owners of letters patent issued to John L. and
George W. Sto > ons. on the 20th day ol February ,
1307 , and rcltsucd Feb. 19,1878 , reissue No 8091.
for Improvement In Kg ; Cases.
After nearly four .ears of litigation with i
"Schroder & Heavers" of Now York , and aft-r a '
"final hoarl g" upon the merits , the said "Sto-
\ens" reissued patent , No. 8i91 was decided to
be a good and valid patent by His Honor Hoyt
H. Wheeler , U. S. Judge , atN w York , on the.
13th day olJuly , 1831 ; atd thereafter , and on
the 6th day of Au ust , 1881 , n final decree woa
entered In earn cause , awarding a perpetual In
junction against "Schroder & Sen era" and for
an account for profits and damages.
After the obo\o decree w-a * filed , on applica
tlon was maile by the said "Schroder & Scavcrs"
for a rehearing. Said rehearing was granted ,
anJ on the 2dth day of January , 1882 , Ills-
HonorlloytH tv heeler affirmed his former dec -
c slon , thus fully sustaining the patent aft r a.
double hearing.
On Fob. 10 , 1882 , Ills Honor Oeo. W. Mc-
Crary , U. 8. Judge at Kcokuk , Iowa , granted an
Injunction against Henry Weld ( manufacturer ot
tne "North Star Case" ) , Burlington , IOWB , re
straining him from further manufacturing
Belling or using said cosoi
In addition tj the above , the following In
junctions have recently been Issued : Agahst
John H. Palmer , of Cedar R" > pld > , lo a , by
U. .S. Ju-lgcs McCrary and Lore at DCS .Molncs ,
' HggCa-rler and Tester Co. , " of Chicago , by
IIU Honor Henry W. fllodgctt , U. S. Judge at
Chicago , which was appealed to Ills Honor
Thomas Drummond , TJ. S. Judge at Chicago ,
who alflrme.1 the opinion of Judge Dlodgctt
Fch. 14 , issl ; also against
Chos. A. Ollllsplc , of Chicago , by Ills Honor
Henry W. Blodgctt , at Chicago , March 7 , 1881 ,
and several others all fully sustaining the
Stevens' rcisMicd patent
CAUTION. Wo therefore hereby notify
the public that the use of rnnovablo dividing ,
boards between travs containing bottomless
compartments ( with ut regard to the shape of
the compartments , or to the manner in which
the pieces forming them are put together ) la a
direct infringement on the Stovers i'atent Egf |
Case , reissue 1 0. 8091 and all parties making ,
scl'lng or using Egg Cases so constructed wlth'out
our consent will bo held accountable to us.
Chicago , February , 1832. feb21-mcod-St
English rem-
edy. An un
failing cure
i for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhea , Impoi-
ency , and all
1 Diseases that4
follow aa a
Self-Abuse ; as Losa of Memory , Universal Lassi
tude , Fain In the Bock , Dlmnesa of Vision , ' Pie-
mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema
ture Grave.
jHTFuIl particulars In our pamphlet , -which
wo desire to send frco r. r mall to every one.
tarThe Specific Medicine Is lold by all drugglsta * *
at 81 per package , or 0 poetics for $5 , or will ,
be sent free by mall n reel ptof the money , by
addressing THE ORA 1EDICINE CO. , *
o.N.Y. /
or Bale bv C. F Ooodr " ocTme-cod SIt
To Nervous Sufferers.
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specifle
It Is po8tlvocuro | forUp rmatoirhea , berulra
rVcoknodS , Irapotancy , and all disease * resulting
from Self-Abuse , aa Mental Anxiety , Loam
Memory , I'.ilna In the Back or Bide , and disease *
" that load to
insanity an >
early grars
Tne SpoclOc
Medicine to
being iisod
with wonder
ful success.
Pamphleta 1.
nt lr * In nil ' . "tlta for tliem nd gat full par- .
' , ulor * . , ,
frlre , 8jHiiinu , 91.00 per puckaja , orx ) > ack-
agcsifor } ! i 00. Addroui all 0tilers tn
NOB. 104 a nt 10(1 ( ilain St. Buflilo , N. V.
Solil.ln Omaha by C. P. Goodman , J. W. Belf ,
J , K. Isb , and all mrKrUn. ( vorvwhsre.
B % .d ul
WIio vrant glossy , luxuriant
nnd wavy tresses of abundant , ,
ueautiiul Hair must use
decant , cheap article always
makes the Hair grow freely-
nnd fust , keeps it from fulling
out , arrests and cares grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
itching , makes the Hair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it la
any desired position. Bonu-
f'fnl , healthy Hnlr is the sure
I'lSlllv Ol * ualUg
O. 0. Dodge , ol the firm of Price , McDmnott
It ttodgo , aa Plumbers and Gas Fit er , at Oniitm
vasdU&ohcdas too. a. Dodco. who astlgnei ]
a Thomas 1'rlco all his interest Set > t. 20th , 1681.
md Thouui 1'rlce assumed the thlrJ tliaro ol
limllablltlo * for said O. O , Bed e. In corn - ' .
' > n of said trarufir. O , Q. C
Joe Uecknrnn has removed to No , 216 South
rblrtccnth street , between Farnham anil
Jouglas. IIo now lias a fine , roomy store with.
, n extensive cigar manufactory In rear.
Jan f *