Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1882, Image 7

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Addrces of Prosldon * Mornn nt the
Convention at Cedar Rnnlda
County Reports.
Tlio sixth nnnunl convention of tin
Northern Iowa ttuttcr , Chccso , nnil
13ig { association began at Collar llnnids
last Wednesday , with over two hun
dred dolcgatcs iiresont. President
Jloran delivered tlie following ail
dress :
NVo represent m interest whoso ad
viitico in the hut three or four year :
3in8 boon mnrvolons , and now tikei
Tank with the fofuinost in the state
jvti interest that is as yet in its in
fancy ; ono that enables thu foKiiur t
concontMto the ( production of liii farn
ao that C per cent or loss of its vainer
or less pays the freight to the far cast
rn markets , as against SO pur cen
when the mr material was shipped
It enables him to cultivate his fan :
more proiitx'oly Hun over 'before , nn <
have it grew richer year after yeni
"Under the old system of farmin
wlioat and com were the ptincipii
crops , and. in a fo\v \ yeurs farnih B
c iltivated'becamo poor , and the yioli
oe grain uncertain.
The wheat crop ill tJiws atato has bu
come so uncertain that farmers nii
fast abandoning it. .More pastnr
land and loss wlioat , ra mixny cows n
the farm will feed , well selected , wel
housed , and well milked : as : niui ;
pigs in can bo profitably kept. Sucl
seems to mo will beetle model fnrm
the future. With farms so stockei
wo shall have n creamery to ever ;
eightor ton sqiuro miles. The fat
mor , in lion of shipping his corn
oats and hay to a distant market , a
an expense of 50 per cent of the !
value for freight , converts them
through the medium of the crcamerj
into butter and choeso.
Ono of our prominent citizens owi :
ing a number of 'farms ' in the vicinil
of one of our creameries has stockc
them with nearly 400 cows and railed
od both farms and cows to a nuinbc
of tciutns at such figures as pay hii
Rood interest on the investment. H
' told mo lately that , on the 14th i
this month , every dollar of rent ha
leon paid for the past year , and adc
cd : "Where would 1 have been
those tenants had depended upon
1 wheat crop ? "
Our grand state , washed on the on :
and west by two great rivers , wit
their tributaries reaching through an
through , checkered with railroad
traversing her beautiful prairies , i
now conceded to bo the banner stat
in the manufacture of line butter. isli
has won this proud position on man
a contested field of friendly strife wit
sister states. 'Her seoyraplucil pos
1 lion , soil , climate , beautiful uud oler
running streams and abundance c
strong living streams of water , a
point to Iowa as the future canter <
of the dairying interests of the Tin
tod'States. 8ho is so located that tl
east and west , the north and the sout
all draw upon herlarge ]
for her product. Her market > is neat
at home. Instead of shipping hi
butter to commission houses uts fern
erly , a very Icrgo per contage is so ]
at home , aud at bettor aver.igo prici
than can bo obtained by consigning i
distant markets Through the modiui
of the Cedar Itapids Dairy board <
trade the buyers and sellers ai
brought together. Sales arc mac
every Wednesday. Scarcely a sal
day passes but buyers from the eas
. west , south and north are there i
person or aro-ropresented. The on.
limit to the Bales has been the oinoui
offered. Although this i * a young ii
stitutionscarcely a year old , iinnien
quantities of 'butter and cheese lun
been sold , and the outlook for tl
present year is that the sales will 1
mpro than doubled. Statistics are b
ing prepared allowing the couipnratii
amount of butter sold nt homo an
consigned during the past year. Tl
, past year hao booii ono of great jppo
pority and activity. Hundreds
. creameries have .been built in 01
, atato , and the .production of icreax
cry butter' has been mu <
igreter tlmitover before. Notwitl
. standing thu. the demand has mo
than kept pace n-ivith the tuppl ,
Largo BOctioitB'Ofour ' country , whe
roauiury butter xwas scarcely fcnov ,
three years ago.are now calling Cor i
, Tlio rich and the poor use it oven i
, present high priuos. The public ios
is being educstod. Give the poop
-of > this country .fine creamery butti
_ at fair prices and ttho whole quesiit
< > t hew to deal with-"oleomargarine ,
'tbuttoiino , " and such substitutes 6
Tbuttor is answered. Tliere will {
.noneiinanufactuied-for there will t
flioplace for it. It ii , therefore , 01
ipleaiuro as well OB our duty , ropn
fcsonthjg as wo do this rcat interest , I
anoot together and advise with oac
other that wo may discuss and udoj
.such measures us will secure to ot
stato-tho proud position she now 01
cunies. in order to do this wo mui
koqp well to the front in practia
knowledge oHhobest toola to bo use (
the best .methods . of cariug for the co
and iiandliug her product until mad
into butter or choeso.
Th * seorotury then oillad the roll c
counties :
liutUr .couuty reported twelve fa <
tariff ) , a. few of them only nmkiti
Delaware county reported forty-fiv
creameries , uuiuifacturing last yiia
about 4,000,000 pounds of buttoi
Cows yield annually from 850 to gJ (
per liwid. TJie first creamoiitB wer
started in the couuiy aw an o.xporinioii
.in 1872 , and it was then prophesie
ftheru would bo a failure , but the bill
ier nude in them js now the stasidir
afoxcellonco the world over. Th
farmers of Delaware county /fee / ly of avvoot corn , which is th
oi" . 'i ensilage purpomw. ,
J' tto couotv
reported twonty-if
"uiujeiJtd , all in Ui'in pui j"r g
Linu county reported thirty-fiv
creameries in operation and ton mor
jn process of construction. One fin
iimdo during the year 250,000 pound
of butter.
Marshall county has fifteen cream
erios. The flood of
July and the we
\ weather in September inado the sen
BOH an unprofitable ono , but on th
whole the increase in growing and
few years more will bring n , , ref ,
change for the better.
Scott county reported only twi
creameries , but many private dairies
V.ui Huron county reported only oin
Mahaska county him tvw , Mill. .
county two , mid Cass county one , bu
all wore lepresontod as turning tjjoi
Attention in that direction.
A Maryland Qlrl Marries Her StepFather -
Father and Then Her True Lovor.
Ulllmoro Depute ! ) .
A wedding took place in Damo'a
Juartor District , Somerset , county ,
Mil. , on Feb. 5 under circumstances
which have probably never been imr-
alol ( in this country. On the oktc
mined II. E. Whyte , a boy aged 1 ?
uid of excellent character , married n
> rctty little brunctto named Kiln
Shores , nged 14 , thus giving to tin.
jirl a second husband within a pcrioi
of two years , On Fob. of HJ80 , pro
ciaelj ; two yeura from the- date of thii
narriago , the residents -of Dame'i
Juarter were gtv.xtly excited bylearn
ng that Sydney Shores , A farmer age *
jf > years , had married Tjlla Shores
ho llSyear-old daughter of his deceased
ceased wife by a former husband. Tin
: eiemony was performed by the Ilev
Hachurias Uowen , a Methodist Upisco
[ ul clergyman , who , ns shown after
ivartls , was deceived by Shores as ti
the child's ngo and did not knov
t'ixt she was'his step-daughter. A
that time there were threats of lynch
ng the bridegroom , and a mob visitei
iiis house one night to hang him
Shores , however , who is an oldsoldie
showed fight ami boat off the mob
After the man had lived with th
child as his wife for four days th
county authorities took cognizance c
the alY.iir and arrested him. Shore
was committed to jail in default u
b.\il. and the girl WUH t.xken charge c
by friends and removed from Shorci
liouso. The feeling against Shore
was further aggravated bv the fac
that his wife , who was the widow c
his unclehad , only been dead a mont
when ho married the girl. Sum
months lafcyr Shores was tried at th
county court , convicted of misdc
meaner and sentenced to pay a fin
of ? 50U , and stand committed to jti
until it was paid. The clergyman wti
acquitted on the ground that ho ha
notknowii the facts of the case. Shore
being a poor man could not pay hi
fine and would , doubtless , have bee
in juil to-day had ho not succeeded i
escaping last year , since which time h
hns hot boon heard of. Moanwhil
the girl-wifo , by friends , applied for
divorce , which application was hoar
last fall and granted. Throughou
her troubles , Whyto , her second hu :
band , displayed the most Quixotic BC
licitudo for her and 'finally ' induce
her to marry him last week as stated
Mrs. Whyto is an lunusually prett
woman , well educated , a nd intelligent
Several prominent residents of"th
county have taken an interest in 'th
welfare of the young -couple and wi
help to establish the bridegroom i
Populatlon-of Rotno.
The Homo Board of Statistics hav
completed their share of the work c
the general census of the populatio
of Italy taken on the night of the 31f
of December , 1831 , and the resu !
shows that the population of < llom
and her suburbs , including the Agt
Romano , numbered on that nigh
.167,327 males and 132,905 fomales-
a total of 300,292 souls , subdivided i
follows : In the cityJ.45,694 males an
120,430 females total , 272.G24 ; i
the suburbs 9,102 males and 3,5G
females a total of 12,543 ; and on tl :
Agra Romano , 12,541 males and 3
484 females -total , 15,725. Then
suits of the censue taken in 1871 woi
as follows : In ho oily , 119,107 male
100,441 females total , 219,008 ; i
the suburbs , 7.394 males , 2,354 fi
miles total 9,748 ; and on the Agi
-Romano , 12,700 males , 2,422 fcmali
total 15,128 , making altogcthc
,130,207 males , 105217 females <
tal 244,484 souh. ( These figures-Clio
therefore , that the increase of tli
population of Rome in the lust te
years has boon 52,410 souls in tf ;
city , 2,795 in the suburbs , ond,5
on the Agro Romano , giving a tot ;
increase of 55,808 souls. What is e
pecially notoworthyiis the majority i
the number of malas , which , und <
Pontifical rule was always great , i
Rome , and the little difference i
that respect which has taken plac
since 1871. In thai year the propoi
tion was 118 males to 100 fomaloi
and the census now iaken gives 111
males to 100 females.
For-iho past two years the publisi
era of this paper have given to tli
subscribers of THE WJHJELY BEK tli
-best liuo of premiums ao inducoineni
/to subscription which have over boo
.offered by any nowspaporan the com
tiy. The plan has proved a SUCCOBI
'It has givdn universal satrkifaction i
tiho patrons of the paper , aud has ii
creased the subscription list to a di
gnoo far above the expectations of ii
Many patrons of TUB DAJCY Bt
have asked why wo do not aflbr thei
the eamo inducements held out to sul
scribes of ( CKK WEEKLY BEE. Jn r
spouse to the inquiry wo make tl
following offer : Each subscriber I
TJIK DAUY , BEE who pays his arrea
of subscription and remits pro-pa ;
mont for mx months and every no
subscriber who remits pro-payuiw
for six mouths will be entitled to 01
of the premiums mentioned iu 01
list. Tlieuo- premiums will bo di
tributcd I'D Uio aauw impartial mui
nor which inu'kod.our first and socou
This scheme was first devised i
collect subscriptions iu arrears fret
patrons of Tins WEEKLJT BEK. Its sue
cess exceeded our oxpeotationsV
have now no buck collections on ou
weekly edition , hare established th
prepayment aystum , quadrupled ou
circulation and correspondingly enhanced
hancod the value of our adrcrtiein
frpaco. A nunibor of subscribers t
Tin : DAILY BKE are now in arroart
and if by an extension of the cam
plan wo can induce them to pay tli
amount duo us , wo can well afford t
nuke thin liberal offer. By thi
means wo hope to still further increas
the large list of THE DAILY BEE , an
having established the propaymon
system wo propose to maintain it
as wo are doing with our Weekly edi
: ion.
To those who are not familiar will
) ur plan of distribution or thoinanno
.n which the premium' ' * * > r ° secured b ;
UB 1V ° append the exp.'anfttjgn roadi
o our weekly subscribers , which ftp-
dies equally to the subscribers of
Two years ago the publishers of TUB
UE devised a scheme for collecting
> ack pay from delinquent subscribers ,
ccuring renewals and extending the
iirculation of this paper by a distri-
) iition of valuable premiums. The
access of thidt experiment , both in
the collection ofback pay and increase
f prepaid subscribers was so encour
aging that thu publishers ventured
ipon the same system of premium dis
tribution * on a moro extensive scale
. \st year. It was demonstrated thai
wo eouldbelter afford to distribute the
nonoy usually paid to agents , local
collectors and attorneys , directly tc
our patrons by offering them extra
ordinary inducements to square no
counts and pi opay for anot nor year ,
lly this method wo have succeeded ii
two years in mmdrupllng the circuhv
tion of Tin : WIIKKLY BEK and extend
ing its influence far beyond tin
boundaries of this state.
During the first your only a portioi
of the articles distributed worn pro
cured in exchangee for advertising
When the marked increase in circula
tiou bccamo known to merchants am
manufacturers last year they willingly
placed their machinery and mcrclmn
( life at our disposal in p lying for ad
vertisinj ; . That enabled us to di
what seemed incredible- namely , fur
nish a metropolitan weekly for twc
dollars a year and give our subswibon
premiums that aggregated in \ aim
§ 20,000. And yet it was a paying in
vestment for us , and gave genera
satisfaction to our patrons.
What grow out ot a desire to colloe
back pay has developed into a nev
and practical idea. Wo have discov
crod that we can afford to make ou :
subscribers sharers in the income o
the paper from advertising. In othei
words wo can afford to divide the ad
vertising patronage of the paper will
its subscribers , inasmuch as the incomi
from advertising grows with the in
creased circulation. Advertising spaci
in THE BEE that was worth ono him
drod dollars five years ago will com
madd ono thousand dollars to-day
This fall moro goods and machinery
have been offered us in exchange fu
advertising than wo could accept ii
vfow of the limited space wo dovoti
for that purpose. What wo have con
tractcd for makes the grandest i
most varied list that has ever boci
offered for distribution by any news
paper , and that too without paying ;
dollar in money. The only outlay ii
cash wo expect , to incur in connoctim
with those premiums will bo for postage
ago and .oxprcssago. This explain
exactly how wo procure our premium
, ind why wo can give away property ese
so much value.
All the premiums in our liet ar
worth at retail just what wo ropresen
them. In contracting with munufac
turers and wholesale dealers wo accep
them only at wholesale rates , bu
that docs not lessen their value t
those who receive them
THE BEE has for years stood in th
front rank of newspapers west of th
Mississippi , and to-day circulate
more extensively than any paper wea
of'Chicago and north of St. Louis.
largo number of eastern people wh
dcsiro to procure a far western pappi
with a view of' acquiring reliable in
formation about the -resources and dc
velopment of the country west of th
Missouri will doubtless avail themselves
solves of the opportunity now offore
them. Having for moro than tonycai
been under ono management pursuin
a course that has established for it pul
lie confidence at homo and a wid
reputation abroad , THE BEE could m
afford to engage in any undortakm
that was -conducted fairly and hoi
cstly. The distribution in 1880 .an
1881 gave general satisfaction to on
subscribers. The coming distributio
will bo made in the same impartii
manner , by a .committee whom th
subscribers ptusont may select froi
their own number , and -in nuch mainer
nor as they tiiink fair and equitabh
Last year all the premiums gave goc
satisfaction , excepting some engnu
ings which were not appreciated. Thi
year no engravings , maps or picture
have been plaood among the proir
Our old patrous need no assuranc
.from us of the reliability audstabilit
of THE BEE , nor do wo need to infon
them that the principles it tdvocatei
and the fearless defense it cnako i
behalf of the producers , makes it a
.most indisponsible to the induatrii
.classes of the great west.
.No intelligent norson would oxpei
that every subscriber will receive
$050 threshing machine , a $500 p
ami , a ? . ' ! 00 harvester , or a $150 01
gan , but all have an equal chance i
the distribution.
Each subscriber that pays up Ms ai
rears and repays another year , an
every now subscriber that remits pr <
payment for one year , will rcceiv-o
premium worth at least One Dollar i
retail. As a matter of fact , TJI
OMAHL WEEKLY BEE ia worth tli
subscription price , Two Dollars
year , tc every faamer ; mechanic c
merchant. Without boasting , wo ai
ucrt that no weekly paper , east c
west , can compare with it in variot
and choioo selections , general nowi
intoruating correspondence , and nether
other paper in America contains i
much far western news , ranging froi
the Pacific coast to the Mississipi
river. With the proof of good fait
and honest dealing before them in tl
numerous acknowledgments wo pul
Huh , wo can Hafoly enter upon our 01
lurged undertaking of this year , coi
fitiontly believing that itu success wi
be mutually satisfactory and aJvar
tatous. E. ROSEWATEU ,
Managing Editor.
If you are suffering from a sovoi
cough , mid , asthma , bronchitis , coi
sumption , loss of voice , tickling 5
the throat , or any affection of tli
throat or lungs , wo know that DJ
KINO'H NEW DISCOVEKY will # lvo yo
immediate relief. Wo know f hut
drcds of cases it has completely euro <
and that where all other mOdic.MK
had failed. No other remedy 0.1
show one half as many pormaneii
cures. Now to give you oatisfactor
proof that Dr. KINO'H NEW DJHOO\
EKY will euro you of Asthma , Broil
chitiu , Hay Fever , Consumption , Sc
vero Couglm and Colds , Hoarseness
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if yo
will call at J. K. Lin &
Drug Store you caii got a trial bottl
'roe of cost , or a regular size bottl
for $1.00. ) anlCly(2) ( )
The following is a description of the
lost valuable premiums that are to
> o allotcd to the patrons of THK Hr.K
on March 4 :
vhich is the most valublo among our
iromiunia , is from the CIIASK VIANO
JOMI'ANY , of Richmond , Indiana.
[ 'his conminy has the reputation of
naking the most durable instruments
uado in America , and for tone and
uno their 1'ianos nro second to nono.
Possessing line water power ami a fao-
ory built with special reference to the
manufacture of the best instrument at
.ho least possible cost , this company
lave advantages onjoyeel by no eastern
'actory. ' They have near at hand in
arge quantities the finest dmhur in
iho world , mid have an opportunity to
make the first selection , and s.ivc
; ho high freights which must bo paid
; > y eastern manufacturers , and conso-
| iiontly can furnish a better piano for
; ho money than any other makers.
The College of Music at Cincinnati ,
ono of the largest institutions of the
vind in this country , after trying the
pianos of all the best makes discarded
ill others and are using only the
CHASE , and decided that it possessed
all the qualities necessary to with
stand the tiarushij.'H of n crnuino mus
ical warf.iro This spuaka < 1umrfl in
'avor of the e excellent instrument ,
iho product of western cu'orpiiso niul
skill. All flisinti-rested \peits ad
mit that tliuAo pianos are ni\de ' < it ( i
than those frcm any other fnctioy ufil
that they tire the most Forieibk .
The piano wo offi'i is then
style seven and for I'h'gance ol
iipni'arauco , beauty of tone ami
lolulity of structure c.-.iiimt bo ex
celled. 1'arties who tire not familia ]
with this make of pianos would di
well to wiid ) to tin- met ory for an il-
The other pi.tno on our Hat is tin
n.nj'o niid qiia.ity as the no w
gave last yi-ar , anil will be anpre'ciutoi
by tiiu party fort unitto unnitgh to receive
coivo it.
The first ono on the li t is fron
i ts VSon's to'ol > iiit < ii uioii'iy , o
c'ljc , 111. , will 'ins ' a topuintioii foi
' ii \v-ik i ver tin ; Aholo country
' ' - > O < ' Ucd'il 'ritHalu-r is ftoii
K . t ! . . P of Utibiiison Vi
< 'o , ! In-1 The Robins
Hi. .1 , i.u ' .vuiu estiiblislud il
i S4 : , mid . . . < iiu o the oldest thrcflh
ininnchino biiiulviH in the country
The machiiHG if 'his iinu are i UBI
ivc-y p'n'o irii . 31r.i"o * i Oregon
Eveiy iur > ui.u Jc..L. . . > ' . . .nli ( lie :
superiority. Our contract with tin
Robinson machine works is for a complete
ploto thrcbhor ready to attach oitho
horse or steam power , both of whirl
they manufacture , and under our con
tract they will furnish the party win
receives this machine , either power a
850.00 less than their regular price
This discount to bo given in additioi
to any cash or other discounts offoroi
by the firm.
The reputation of the Marsh hui
vesters is so well established that n
special description of them is deoino
necessary. Wo will only state thn
this is their latest improvement. Thi
machine was -on exhibition At the Nc
braska state fair last Siiptolnbor , am
was admire1 by every ono , and th
workings of it declared superior t
Jiat of any other harvester made.
This machine stands at the head c
the header family and has met wit ]
most surprising success. The factor ;
at Hastings , Nebraska is kept bus ,
the year round , and thn past yea
has not been able to muko enough t
fill all orders. These headers do mot
woik with less power than any othc
style of reaper , and with IOBB loss c
grain than 'by ' any other modo-of hai
which wo offer as premiums are guai
antced to bo first-class in every n
spoct , simple in construction , durabl
and easily managed. These mills ai
intended for grinding feed and ai
valuable to every farmer ; they -can 1
adjusted so .as to grind raoal. fin
enough for table use. The fortunal
farmer who recoivcs-ono of those mil
will certainly l > u well pleased. Tli
mills are complete with pulleys , an
can bo attached to any power. Thu
are manufactured by the America
G rinding Mill Company , Chicago , 11
These are the came style of Mil
wo gave as premiums last year , an
* ere appreciated more than any othc
prumiums of equal value.
The Sewing Machiuo which wo gh
is premiums uro all now and lirn
claso , manufactured by the Sing (
Maiiufnctuiing company of No
York , who have a reputation and d
! nisiii s't in every city and village i
ho United States and Europo. Even
liody knows the valuoand.uaofulncss <
ihomt machines , and knov that the
no worth just what wo list then
I'heir immense Hales show how . wo
thcsoSowing Machines are appreciate !
HOWK 80 A 1,1 ! .
IB one of their best make and has ca
pacity to weigh a wagon with il
heaviest load , and will bo a promiui
that any ono will appreciate.
which is offered as a premium , is tl
HIIIJIU style as the ono we gave la ;
ynir and which was considered one <
the finest farm wagons ever madi
Those wagons are made by the Kanst
MunufacturiiiK Company , of Loavoi
worth , Kas. , a western firm with trul
western enterprise. They aronnakiii
a llrat-class wagon and will soon I
supplying the entire trade of tl
is the old reliable rotary drop , mai
by Boodle & Kelly , of Troy , Ohli
Those goods are as staple as wlii :
sugar and ure indispensable on ovoi
well regelated farm. Wo are safe i
recommending it aa the beat cor
planter made.
Those mills are now and simpli
separating cockle chaff and all sec
from the wheat , is also used an a tsur
, -joparator. This mill works wilh a co
taaiity and rapidity not attained byiui
grain manipulating device horetofoi
placed on the market. It f uniiBhi
its own motive power und needs n
blast or agitation. Every farmoi
grain iJealer and miller should Imv
ono. TlVe ono on exhibition at tli
la1 Nebraska /state / fair was acknorr
edged by every ono M a ' 'groat mvuu
tion. "
The coeds in this line have been
ecuriHon h "in jrvrlry firm of
idlu h i vV Knok . 'ii. I'lu * firm htvi '
net M lYiiiuikiihlo sueci-ss in
Omaha. Coi.m'g hi-m a fo'V ji' r. <
go. they have built up a wonderful
ratio , extending through the western
tales and territories. The have also
mdo a reputation for honest goods
ml fair dealini' , and the fiu-t that
hey furnish thuso good * is sufficient
; uaranteo that they nro jmt as ropto-
Tin1 "i tvwr.Ls CAitri.T
a from th 'iilinblo Carpet 11 > ' ! ! <
f J. B. Dct , i r lie has doiio bun-
less in Oinalui * i- , a-n , and is \OM
ciiown < RnUi'ho"t itto entire 8' 'ti * .
'ho Carpet is the boat Hody Hrushols ,
nd wlien Mr. Dolwilor saya it is
vorth forty-five dollars it represents
ust that much money.
oiinr.ii rou oooiw.
The order on L. H. Willioms iv
Sons , which wo give as a premium ,
vill buy just as many goods from that
mi as would the wmio amount in
ash. L. B. Williams * Sons is thu
ildost Mid Ini-gesl lotail dry goods
loixiiu Oinahii , and besi ea dry goods
nrry n 1'U-go stock of boots and nhoiM
, nd geiit'rt funiishing goodi and have
i mot chant tailoring department
rhey are a strictly cash housi > " > .
invo a wide reputation for Hollmgo i.
1111) ) the party vho looi'ivi's tins )
niimi will rovl. " u b w l' '
1'iin Itooki \ \ > < mi I- ivo all S > MU ,
Itll Hint Oi.iBs ll U - - 'l bnUlli1
itihlo niul goo.l biyle , nii < .i cannot i .
ii t ttiiyivluiiu inivUul hs thn
vo list them This yea we'iv' ' :
uapo , pictures or engnivuig a.ut ni'
iibtitiod in eaying that our list c
ainb the most vni ud at'd vnl'i ' b '
of premium * iv oil'iod i < y.m < i
recclM'd from parlies to whom Ilir
valuable premiums \UTO allolcil In our dis
tribution last jenr : , Col. , April U , * t.
Editor of tlieOiunlialteo
DicAlt Sin : I ha\o Just rcochoi ! the
bcaiiildd \Vldtesewlni : machine , nl > en
ui u premium \\ltli your paper , fur \\lilch
plcasi- ' accept many tliaiikH from your much
' MitSscrlber. K SMITH.
StDNKY , Nel > , Stay''T81.
r.BNTLKJIKNYou : \ \ 111 pit-use ncropt my
( hanks fer thu watch I n-ri'lMHl in-day , In
Bond running order. You have acti-cl .so
lair towards uuMliiit 1 .shall OUT continue
a subscriber to Tim Hitr. , ltlili I confess
in Itsylfls worth more than tlu > subscription ,
andItUquite evident 3,011 , areas particular
la forwarding tlui awards to succo.vstul
drawcrs.aslf jouwero to receive payment
Mr them Ajjaln thanking you moil hoait-
XnNiANeb.JIarch 17 , ' !
Kccclved of Ilia Omalia I'lilillslilne Co. n
cold walch. as prcinliini with Tun OMAHA
WUKKI.V Hr.K. Thu watch \\ns all Hint It
was rei > reMiitod ! In the prcnilntn llsl.fulli
worth 37B. Accent my thanlcs for tin
wntch. I consider Tun HICK \\as worth tin
subscription price , without a iwiulmii
JASll'-o liA\ . )
SriUNnvii.i.K CITY , Utah Co. I
U T..lulV . ' * ! - I
KIND 8111 : I received the .stfiu-nlmllnp
watch awarded mo nt your dlstrlnuthm 11
did not conio iw soon us expected. A ifimil
many hailed mo and wanted to know If I
had rccohtd the watch awarded me , anil
now I say to them , > cs , a Kood stem w hulcr
as represented In your valued paper 1
like jour paper very iniicli , and llnlvmi ti
roiitliini'ti ) lake your paper as lone as itu
outspoken nn inonoponoH and .speaks fortli
Irci'ilnm The people like > our paper , for It
i-lM-.s the necc.ssary news I am takhu ; dif
ferent papers 1 llkoyoiir paper fully the
ln-st , jindltls the llrsl p.iper l take uptfl
look tlironcli to see thu neneral news. I
deslio to sustain your paper and \slsli yov
lucci-hH Jly kind rcprds.
HUiniKUi : ) i' . HUTCHINHS
Wn.bow OHKKIC , Montana , Sept M , ' 81
Oninlui J'ubllshlni ! Co. , OinaliaNcb :
( iiiN'iN : - llavoreeelved one huntlliRca.s (
sti'inwlndlii8teh ! , and "IHo hooks n-
pioinliuns v\llliTnie HKK for 'HI. Aecepl
my thanks forsainti. Will take subscription1
lurvm.lf 1 1'iui make wiujes. 1'leasu to lei
me know icrnis. and MM id iiremluin list n'
soopU.slbe. , , ,
[ Mr Woodward was uwauled llrown' . '
cultivator , but llvlni ? In a plaeo where It wn1
of no IMC to him , ho was allowed tosclccl
another premium of equal value. ]
SOLON , Neb. , April 2" , ' 81.
Omaha l iibllshlni ; Co :
( ir.NiKi The ; ( walrh awarded meal
your Keoond annual distribution ol | irun ; <
linns Is received I am well pleased will
it 1 think the paper alone Is worth tin
inonev l.'in ' ; ; may Tine HKK contlnuu u
buz/ . ' U HKNDUIOKS.
HWAIIUKRII , DodKOCo. , Neb . Juno 20 , ' 81
Omaha J'ubUsliliii ; Co. ; .
. : The htem wlndll r .sllv" wnteh that 1 rccelM-d In y <
last iiremUim distribution Is at linnil.
liuvo foniMl It to bii a perfect lime
Keeper , ami consider II wiiilh the prlei
_ ( illOVE , Mo. , JIIIIP 7. 'hi.
Omaha 1'nblU him ; Co :
hiitH : 'Ilii * sliM-i wuteh iiwaiili-il me n
> our dlstnliuiL.iii of premium * cnmo U
hand nil rlK'if ' It 1 * .1 Kowl tliiip-li-i-i ; | - ]
; unl I urn unl v'li'.i-r.i tvllh It 1 tlilnl. llu
iiiinor'i-i w.irdii tinliiumn UIIIMHII hii
inlw. 1 .n \ iMtiHired \'i Ixiili
Vouiii icspi-i'lfiill ) .
lll.UICHl-UU'IUH ' , ( iltKOCu. Null. , I
April 21 , ' l I
liKAit Siiifl : THK OMAHA HKK prl/o
silver watch. Is tolinml , fop \\hleh reeelvi
my liiei-ro thanKs. llcforo rcrclvliiK It
wasiJicptlcalnbout thi ) worth of the article
but 1 nm most uitrutvibly .surpihed , for It I' '
both it Kemiluo K" < > d watch ami an excel
lent time-keeper. I cou ldcr your pape
Hood talno for thn two dollrr Independent
ly ii ( tin ) iirl/e , for It contains n hire1
variety of readlni : matter , bealries the enr
rent neuHof Iho week.
1 am jours respectfully ,
I.KIIANO.V , N. II. , Sept 3 , ' 81 ,
Ilecclvcd of you this day ten booI.N , 1 ai
much pleased with them : think tlieyni
richly worth ten dollar * Von innkuaMlKh
mlHtuko In my inimo on the wrapper n
my paper , which has sent ninuicif tliemt
another man , nllhoiiKh I found them nil a
last. You wrlto It C.irlos , It should b
Charles Ji llou < { h
HIIKI/ION , Neh.Muy tl81.
Editor llro :
DKAlt Hut : My bolt of lonsdiilu ( nil/c
duly rcvulved. In itiallty | and quantity I
exceeds niy expectations , J'leaso uecpp
mythank.s for full complhineo of conlrae
on award of No. ana. An a now reader n
TUB IiKK , I must pay Unit 1 am well plcnsci
with thu choice rcadliiK matter It contains
Very renpectfully yours.
ll. 1' HAMMONB.
MII.LAUD HTATIOK. Neb . I'eh , i8 ! , 'HI ,
To-day I received the wcbster'H llu
abridged Oletlonary , nwarded mo as i
premium with Tun OMAHA WKHKI.VHKK
Iho dictionary U thu he-it made mid Isn
irood us ritlire.sunted. I am yery muel
pleased with It I think Tin ; IIKK Is th
Lest paper published In this country ,
J. 1' , MAHTl'NS ,
KKNNIMOIIKVls , , Mny 3 , ' 81
Omaha rnbllshlmCo :
igUKAi ; Hut : -My premium b > THK hu
ciimo to hand In uood urdei , i-onsbtliiK < i
one holt of luii'ilalo innsllii , n No I nrlteh
I 'lease neeept my tlmnkw hojihiK that Tin
HKK may continue Its iood work of do
iimmdnt , ' the inoiiopoly mid iioollnu frani
of tliu UCS'.IIH I nm Inferoiti'd In Ihularm
IliK Interest of Nelnaslui. uxiicctlii ) ; hoon t
till Boniu of flu ferlllo boll.
Yours resjic-ctfiilly ,
DUNOAN , Neb , iuiiu' ) ' ' 81
Kdltor Omaha lleo :
Your iireinlnm for life. Kcholarslilp ilul
lecclyeil , anil urn much ohllKO.Yours
Yours truly.
MW . v. 0. WITUJ1HV ,
- \
J. J3LftU
A" nn l'i lucerne1 1. tn OIP nitmn * of TUB HKH who r > * In nrrcars fr > r tholrmil fctlp
: lon to squaid UiL.r a o.n..tinil Kic.irho , ntroimga of'lej wh dcsiro to * ? ctirtt
> } \\f \ dtill | ft | > r ' Inch tiuli'Mi < N ill th" lei ( ? raplilo n ws of the iUy the fullest m w
t tenon -f ntu j 'iir .nl in the .ve t , foiil ' an ! miUpukcn m Hantimenfc < n i nn ' .ti- .
in ; nlxii i-f lie r'fflitiol ' HIM pooplr ns nvnlnst dishonest rings , nn npiiorn'iit
if r iii'.p' . M In rmv pnrlv , the pu > ll hcr < ol TlIK IlKK hwndccM I to offer a ll-t > <
ViluO-i Tuiniiidiloli ' u w hibu nil ttul rvnd ( llhtrlluilol inang tin Riiiii < crliicrc
IIM , Hi i i"l -I t ' thel < t ilny < Mnich , 1832.
I'itis ( t Son's ' Threshing Mnchin . $ 500 00
11 Gold Mcdtil" " " . 50000
Wliilni'V-iMiu'sh Twine Binder , . . 1100 00
Luwis llotulur , . _ . , . 5JOO 00
lilanny Mower und Uuimor combined , . 1 J50 00
I'orlabfu Grist and 1'Ved ' Mill Knestiicr's Patent , . . . . 150 00
I Four Ton SxU litmo Wagon Scale . 1(50 ( 00
I No. 5 "American" Grinding Mill with bolting tttuch-
mciil. and Corn Shelltir , . 150 00
1 No. 0 "American" Horse Power Mill Grinder iu:1 :
Cob Grinder combined , . .120 00
1 No.i "American" Pulley Mill Grinder with bolting
attachment , . 0000
1 Leach Standard Wind Mill , . . 90 00
1 Standard Mower , . 5)0 ) 00
I Farm Wagon , complete , ( Cnldwell ) . t)0 ) 00
1 No. 8 " American " Power Grinding Mill. . 5)0 ) 00
lNo.8 " Double " " " . 10000
lNo.7 " " " . 80 00
1 No. 6 ll ll " . 75 00
1 No1 " " " . CO 00
8 No. It " u " . 88 00
1 Np. 1 1 Power and Farm Mill , combined , . 50 00
2 No 2 American Wind Mill Grinders , . 80 00
" u " ll . 8500
1 No. 1
1 Farm Wagon , complete , . 85 00
1 Hopkins .Mower , . 80 00
1 No. 2 Triumph Steamer , complete , . ( iO 00
" " " 50 00
INo. 1 .
( > Churns rom Oval Churn Co . 80 00
2 Sets Farm Harness , . 00 00
U Sulky Plows , . 195 00
10 KJ-inch Hi-urn Plows . a ai Oil
j rhumpion Corn Plainer , . 50 00
1 No. 2 King , ( JouKlM 'I ' and Seed Seperator , . 45 00
1 No. 8 ' . u " . 05 < > 0
1 Chase Grand Square Piano . § 700 00
1 Grand Sqnaro Piano , . 600 00
1 Grand Parlor Organ , . 800 00
I Parlor Organ , . 150 " 0
25 Singer Sowing Machine' , . $1500 00
1 Mossier Bahmann Ollice Ljafe , . 250 " "
3 Austin Kottiry Washing Machines , . 80
1 Base Burner llard Coin Stove , . 40
1 Cook Stove , . 40
1 No 8 Kendall's Plaiting Machine , . 20
1 No. 2 u u " . 1 ( > u
1 Brussels Carpet 80 yards , . ' 45 00
Order on L. B. Williams & Sons , . 25 00
5 Bolts Lonsdalo Muslin , . . . 25 00
1 Life Scholarship Omaha Business College , . 50 00
SO Residence Lots iu Council Bluffs , . $5200 00
1 Hunting Case Gold Watch , . 100 00
1 " " . , . . 90 00
1 ll " " " Ltulies , . . . . . : . 75 00
50 Silver Watches. Hunting Case , Stem Winders . 1000 00
50 " " " u . 1500 00
1 Elegant Silver Tea Sot. . 90 00
5 Silver Plated Coke Basbtj , . GO QO
6 S < ts c'il tor } ab'o ' Spoons , . 60 0(1
8 tOO Standard British Novels , . ; . . . $5250 00
8000 " Ameiican " . 8750 00
1500 ll " " . . 1500 00
750 Endymion , Beiiconsfiald's Last Work , . 1125 00
500 Shakespeare- . C25 ?
300 Bricks Without Straw , . ' . 875 r
800 Byron's Works , . . . . . 800 C
300 Life of Edwin Forrest , . i . 300 .v
u " . 200 (
200 Nairn , :
200 The Roman Traitor , . ! . . . . . ' . 200 G
250 Arabian Nights , . 250 00
250 Robinson Crusoe , . 260 HO
500 American Popular Dictionaries , . 600 00
4800 Poetical Works. Tennyson's , Wordsworth's , Long
fellow's , Pope's , &c. , - . 4800 00
3 Sets Diek-ii's Works . 60 00
1 Set Irviusr's Works , . 35 00
2 Websf r'ri ' Unabridged Dir.tionurii'- . . , 22 Ott
Invincible Threshing Machine with single gear 10-
horsi' nmvor und everything complete from Uoh-
eris , Thorp & Co. . Three Rivois , filiehigi n $660 00
Dccri1 I ! ilary Corn Planter 60 00
" Spring Cultivator 32 00
AXX Plow , . - 19 00
ABO " 22 00
AOC " 18 00
14-intli " I mm Deere & Co. , Council Bluffs 23-00
4-1 on Victor Scale 160 00
N ) . 4 Dimiont Warehouse Scale from Molinu Scale
lie 106 00
I 12-foot Croft Power Wind mi I I from B. C. Leffel
& Co. , Springfield , Ohio , 130 0
60 Shares of Jcfin Mountain Gold and Silver Mining
and Milling Co.'s Stock , ( one share premium ) par
value ol ! stock , $26 00. Market valun of stock
( $6 60) ) 390 00
1 Jitickoyu Spring Walking Cultivator 36 00
3 Plnin-top Cook Stoves 76 00
2 Extension-op ! " ; . ' 68 00
2 Sets Wagon Skeins from Moline Steve Company. . 7 00
I Base Burner Hard Coal Steve 40 00
600 Elegant Alhtims , ( $ 2 60) ) 1260 00
5 Sets 1 Jickeiif' Complnto Works 110 00
6OO Albums . . . 600 00
6O Fine Parlor Brooms , ( $ tt 00) ) J60 00
850 Stauilanl British Novels 1062 60
1,300 Ht'Ht Anicrivan Novels I.65O 00
1 Huckut Winitiiiill < . , . 110 00
1-3 Section Ilainnv . 16 00
1-2 Ruction lli'.rnnr . 10.00 .
Pair Kino Thorough Berkshire Pigs , 100 Off tfoa
The dull lljiitlnu of tLcfiu ] ir < 'iriliium will talco place on the 1th dny jo March , 1SB7 , ITB
All mtlclM tliut can lie neiit by mall w 111 be forwarded noatp.ildtu the nulncriber'B ad- cr
ilrchH. Articled tn be Hhlppuil by tixprebs or freight u 111 bn forwarded tn their dentina-
t'oa ' with lHIlit ) | ( pajulile by the loiiHlxnct' . Lls- *
Thu fculibiilptlim | riw ol THE DAILY HKK Is Ten Dollars par amm n.
Dheit your luinlilnnro to Tun OMAHA I'UIIUHHINU COIIFANV by niunoy order or
iiiglhteied KVtiii , wlo will fonvni i you a iiumheicd piemluiii receipt , which will be
ieiUtcrciM { In iirtiiiliini book. ICnch miilttnnce should also give explicit direction M
to ixtolnlllro nddrOBS. J'nitita to whom nrticlea arc allotted that are too bulky for
mail will bo notliicd mil ttquestcd to give directionshw and wlieu ulipiuent ia to b
Tha dUt < ibiillon will lo iiiado without dUcrimtnatlon or fnvoritlxui , through ncom-
inilteo clcutedby theMibccnbciB pruuent ul the time the awunlu aru made. All wa
iiini a in thin echenio la to collect our back dues and ueciiro naymente tor the coiuinp
year , nd lo txtend our clicuUitioii ovur n cicntcr tcrritory.1 |
tltt >
00. , intl
, ver
Omaha , NolirMlcn this