THE OMAHA DAlLi bEJD : MONDA 2T , P , T. FAYNE , SUBSCRIPTION BATES , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. , . Week Mnnogor Council Bluffs Circulation , . By Cnrrlor - 20 Cents per COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA By Mail , $10.00 per Yo r A COUNCIL BLUFFS. Offlco : Room Five. Evorett'a Blook , Broadway. H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. WE Iiavo received a number of on- quirica from our subscribers wonting to know if they could become shar ers in llto premium distribution bj prepaying for six inontha , Others have remitted directly to the Omnhn office and ordered their paper by mail thinking this WAS neceosary in order to secure a premium receipt. All sub- ocribora served by carrier as well aa mail subscribers will receive a pro- inium receipt by prepaying six months. Subscriptions received nt the Council Blufls ofllco , room five , Everett's block , Broadway. For the accommodation of our patrons who may wish to prepay our canvasser will visit them within the next two day * . The full pronrium list can bo found on aovonth page. Ilemombur only two tnbro days before this promiuin offer close * . MINOR MENTIONS , The Alice Ontci open company ap pear here to.nlght. Lc.ivllt'ii minstrels drew a crowded UOUHII FiMay night. Tha Congregational folk have ar ranged lor a social next Thursday. Iowa Wyoming c ml ImnOled only by J. W. llodefer , No. 2(5 ( Po rl St. Flltf. The Hound TaMe will n cet thin ercn. ing at the r < old n > o of A. A. AVnlker , In- itcail of the place previously announced , n change lutvhig been made. Perry Smith , an ol I and well known nwidoiit of Council IHulIc , died at lii- regldcneo , In this city , nt 3 o'clock yester day afternoon. Funeral notice hereafter. The boaid of rcgifltry will close itt books Tucsduy lilfjlit. Th > i o who arc en titled to a vote in the outning eh ctlon should see to it ( lint their naincn are upon the Hat. No nun U A true friend uf the work ing people who tries to get up n row be tween labor and cnpltal. The two muni pall together In order to have the cltj grow and prosper. Ona obtflr < i.erou < , female , too drunk And i.oisy to register at the Hotdc ! Fields , won yesterday caged at the jail un til tbU morning when'she will Interview lUco'der Umke. Th gang who were concerned In thi ' row nt Andenon'a saloon were before Jus tice Abbott Saturday afternoon to ana woi to the charge of assault with intent to kill , The canes wore adjourned until next AVed < Bcadtiy. The police beats are nccemailly Ion ? , there 1 elng but four men on duty at nlghl and two by daylight. Consisting tin ottered condition of the city , It make ; lorg Btroicho * for each man to watch , Thd gathering at the Owl Club pnrtj Triduy nlrfht at the Ogden house * as t arge one considering the muddy condltioi 'o ! the streets. The occaslon.pioved enjoyable joyablo on , In fact , every one of tliclr par Ueado. In the circuit court Saturday the jurj in the'twee of Slayter vs. Reel brought It a verdict ab.ut nton In favor of the de iendant. The twelve weio out just aboul Iwciitj-four hour K. Tlioco rt adjournec utitlt to duy. No trace baa bctn found of thqfellowi who Iri'ke Into the Chliago & Rocl bland office the other utglit. Conductor have I eii\ notified of the numberx of th Ucltelfl stolen , BO that their mo will b ( topped , The workingmen should not bo cai rie'd away by Vauglian'n pn mines c booHU. The Khould turn oat men wh are truer friends ot the wi.rl-.inR p'opli ad who are fully as inucli In earnest I wautlrg nubile Improvements an ho in , bi who don't talk all the time about it , The election of a progressive board < aldermen Is of much more Importance t a the worklngmcnand to the whole cit thao the tl ctlon of a mayor , Those ci terpnMngcitizens who wiwt to BOO tl city prow and to have IU finance * liamlh wkaly should make a can ful choice of r denrcn. ' , Chief Flo'ils says ho lint found 01 where all the i leu go to. Ho got a chlcki for dinner , and on havliu tin fowldrrsse nr rather unJreaied , there wore font eveu pi , K In UH glczard and liver , BOIIIO Uicin iu nlug right through , A y foi 'I i wl led ittea UK tunny pins on that In ( ires ing should IHJ exterminated. S f .ferry Ilia1 k , who han been on a li i pre ) jn the city fur several day * , and wl bus twice beui cal'cd upon to nay fine bad a valuable watch and chain wor hilly SIM ) . The | * llco took It and kf , It lacked up In the Bute , bul when h s < bered i p let him have the 'property ' , I coLtlnuod his tear though , and In Ws wa dfrlngi Friday night uiltred tbe watt and chiln , It having been taken fioui hi ty ffme one unknown tolilin , It Is a cad tlander on tbe workluguii tobavo the mayor of the citydenoun them aa no ignorant thatthcy do not ret tbe papers , and ha\e to depend on hi for Information. He probably said tl without thlnUng. Ho doea nuch tllnj for he sayH hhnnU , ' Stop and think ? don't want to utop nnd think , Life Is t elort. " He will ftul that the w < rkln men , whom he ; thinks so Ignornnt , do ht > and think A Ulet'tam iccelvcd from Utd Oak c ounces that Uo fellows uanted hrra well a > dtvoral other places , hive been n rested there. One of them li the cracl man , who broke out of thu culubooto LCI where he was being held pfndliifitutri . lions from Omaha , Clinton urul ] ] ' 'Wolnen , xi hero he had been doing crook , - work. ' 1 ho oilier man WM thu banki who did the ouUlde work iu effecting t 1 etcupe , ! < y taking off an outside nut wht allpwed of the I'lxnlug of tl < i door , MASKED MURDERERS. Three Rufflfina ALtnok a Gor man Farmer and Rjb Him. Tlioy Qlvo Him n ProbftDly Fatal Wound , A bold nml murderous uUnck wan niado Friday niglit lait upon nn in- ofFunsivo Oormnn fanner nnincd Ilonry StroebccU , living in Kug Creek township - ship , nunr Silvur Crook , nbout flftuuti inilua cait from this city. Throe masked mini cnino to hit liotiau , nnd nn hia oputiing t to door in ruaponao to thuir rnpa they Attacked liim fiurculy nnd domandul to know wlioru lun money wni , Seeing tliat tlioy had thuir revolvers drawn , ho naturally feared for hi. ) lifu , nnd slipping by tlioin ran out of the door nnd up the end , Tlioy followed in hot hnato nd oucceodud iti overtaking him , riioy brought , him back to the huuso , nd again thriuitonud him unless he lould show up wlioro he coin hia money. It appears uit hia wifp had improved 10 opportunity while they wore chaaiiiK her liuslnndin thu road , md had tnktm thu iiionoy and hid it behind n Imtrel. Thu fanner denied ! iat ho had any inonuy , nnd resisted their nttumptu to rob him , when ono of the gal 114 "rod tipuu him , thu allot striking him in thu abdomen , inlliet- ini ; a probably tntal wound. They ion wont through his pockota , souur- iK ) only a few dollars , nnd after mak- ng au unsuccuasftil search throuifh 10 house for the big roll of bills which tlioy heard ho had hidden tlioro , tlioy went on their way. The farmer had about 81,300 in the louse at thu time , ยง 1,000 of which was c irof ully hiddou away. The other > 300 ho had ruuoived only the day bo- ere , and it waa in a bureau drawur easy of access. It w.ta this roll that 10 wife throw behind the barrels , 'ho robbora therefore secured only $ G which waa in the farmer's pockot. The report reached this city last night that the wounded man died yea- torday. The oflipora are on the track of the robbers , with good show of cap- rUring thorn. AB soon as the report of the murder reached Council BluHs the oflicers of lat city wore on the alert. Yester day morning information was received vhicli indicated that the murderers light have cotno to Council Bluffs iid crossed thu river to Omaha. Act- ijt upon this cluu , Oflicera Marsh ind Sterlingof Council bluffs , crossed 0 Omaha and begun n thorough oarch of the city. Lust evening , at ight o'clock , it was rumored that they wore on the trail of the men BUS- licioncd of this dastardly crime. "BOOM I BANQ t I Much Nolao , but Pew Shot's at the Vaughn Meeting Saturday Night A Tlokot Completed. The Yaughau meeting at the court louse was largely attended on Satur .ay evening , every seat being taker nd many being obliged to stand , 'horo ' wore many iu the audience win ere not Vaughan sympathizes , how vor , being drawn thither by curios ty. Dr. 0. Cook was chosen chuir man , and on taking the position tolt a story or two , gave the ntartling in 01 iimtion that ho was a workingman and sat down. Mayor Vaughan was the chic ipoiikur of ( bo evening. His spued ominded ono of tlio fool's gun "bailor it wont and never wont oUV It was full of statements which hi < ept lominding his hearers were start ing ones , but though there was a fro quunt outburst of applause on tin part of his herdsmen , no onu was si startled as to faint anay. As at thu previous mooting he an iiounced thut u plan had boon laid fo breaking up the crowd in a row , bu he had prepared for it , and any sue ] attempt Mould bo promptly quelled This sort of a scare being a littl ancient no one was startled , aiu of course tliero whs no row. Ho estimated thu size of the audi ciico Jrom 1,000 to 1,200 ; a littl lattT in his epuoch ho placed it a 1,200 to 1,500 , and a little later dropped pod to 500 to 700. Ho ranked al of tliojo as his friends nnd read ticket which , with himself at the head ho desired them to ratify by a shout which was given lustily. The tioko stood : Alderman , First ward , J. C Lee ; Second Ward , 0. A. Tibbitt Third ward , doorj < o Uloxsom ; Fourt ! ward , B. 11 Fonda ; at largo , J. A Churchill and O. M. Aus.'in ; civil en gincor.T. F. Boxlbockj city treaauroi John Clausen ; city auditor , M. 0 GnlUn ; city attorney , William Mydii tor ; police Judge , E. E. Aylowortli superintendent of murkots , II , A ObHnger. The oily marshal's place was lol vacant. The written acceptance < the others nominated was preavntet As for himself Ynuiliun ( announce that ho would not witlidraw undt any circumstance. If ho did ho wanl od to have the people tar and fentlu him. him.Tho The chief points of his address woi to the eil'ect that the rich men woi being tnxrd loss in proportion thn those in humbler eiicumstancrs , an that it was re.illy the poor men wli were paying the taxes , Ho did in clearly show that ho had done air thing thus far iu his ullicial career i remedy this evil , and did not make- very apparent how his election won ! causa the wrong to bo righted. Aboi the only conclusion to bo drawn fro : his showing of figures and facts aim this line was that thu reckless expend turoj.of the pnst year had beun tl expenditures of the workingmen money , The other point attempted by hi was to further the belief Unit his elo tion meant imjnovemcnt anil boo lor the city , and il he was defeati the city would bo stagnant nnd become como n country village , while th workingmen would ho driven to star Aside from those points ho read ai editorial of the Nonpiroil miataiifim his administration a.i directly as thn paper dared to , lie denounced botl the late conventions ns packed , hi charged Dr. Liwrcnco with wantini to bo mayor BO ho could start ol for Europe with a title. Ho doicribot himoolf as weighing 109 pounds , hav ing lived here fourteen years , nm having five children. lie said Bow man had promised him that ho wouh not run against him. Ho went fo both the 1'nsoys , announced that il onu miloon there was found the otlio evening sixteen solid 'voters fo Vaughan , declared that ho wotiU rather bu mayor of Council Bluffs thai king of Franco , overlooking the fac that France is a republic without : king , and urged all to go in for bi ; expenses , roll up a city debt , and le the coming generations look out fo paying it off. Ho again raised th of intimidation and corrup tion of voters , urged all to take wha money was oll'orod them , and thoi vote as they pleased , and take th names of all threatening them , am ho would get a lawyer to proaccut them , and would shako the whol country up from ocean to ocean , litth as ha waa. Following him came Dr. Starr , win comiiidiicod with , "You'd scarce ox poet ono of my age , " and winding u | with telling why , after helping tin democrats to nominate n ticket , hi turned over to Yauclinn. His rcasot waa that the convention was packet ! Ho offered to pay par for warrants. John Aides followed with anothoi speech , shooting around generally. The whole bent of the meeting , a : on thu previous occasion , seemed ube bo to array labor against capital and to mislead the uorkingincn into tin belief that Vaughan was thu only mar who could right their wrongs and can for their interests. His attacks 01 citizens and Ins personal tlings ma } not have bsen beneath him , anc doubtless were not ; but thov were bo' noaili any man Worthy of represent ) ! ! } thu working peoplo. The "Stop Thief" Cry. The Daily Nonpareil of the 2-ltl inst. says , in an article on the "Tom peranco Question , " thab "it is posi ttVoly assorted that since the attomp to enforce the prohibitory law in Kan sas , the consumption of liquor in tha state has been inert ased , and with i there has been a painful and demoral izing increase of intoxication. " "It is positively assorted. " To bi sure it is. There isn't a saloon-keopo or distiller or brewer in the broad lam that doesn't cry out in righteous in dignation at the awful failure of th Kansas prohibitory law. Oh 1 how th consumption of liquor in that state ha increased , they groan , and how pain ful and demoralizing has boon the in crease of intoxication. Behold their elongated faces , th whites of their eyes turned heaver ward , the rotund seat of their afloc tions heaving like the billowy sea , bt causa this measure , so dear to th hearts of temperance people evorj where , has proved a failui o. How natural it is for man to bowa that which advances his interest : Suu the dejected and sorrowful prossion on the face of the grocc when his business ia proaperoui Note the merchant atruggling wit "the blues" and almost ready to con mit suicide when his store is thronge ith _ cash customers. Observe th laboring man , depressed and cat lown , deeply intorotted in th 'workingmon's" party , organized i ho interest of some political deac Doat , when there is an active deman 'or his labor at big wages. It is equally natural for a whisk seller to feel lugubrious and induljc in tearful lamentations over a cond tion of things that promotes his infi mouj trailio and multiplies the .nun bur of his wretched victims. The Nonpareil man again takes u the sorrowful strain in this wise ; "Experience , however , points I lanionlnblu failures , wherever it ( pri libition ) has boon tried , and practici reformers have given it tip as an in possible thing to accomplish. " Clioriw : Tried ; found wanting ; why more ailo ? A sorry failure buohool bouhon ! Will give some proofs of the failu of the Kansas and other prohibito laws in our next. L. W. TULIKYH. A Brilliant Reception Qlvon to Ml KollogffundMrs. Eddy. A brilliant reception was given Mi Funnio Kullogg and Mrs Charles I Eddy by Mrs. Samuel H-ias , on Co tor street , Friday evening. T guests began to gather early , and , n < withstanding the bad condition of t streets , thu capacious parlors we BOOH thronged witli old-timo friun of Mrs. Eddy and Miss Kellogg. was a very pleasant affair , and afford happy chance for many of the t friends of these ladies to gruot tliei Among those present wo notic Hon. and Mrs. W. F. Siipp , Hen Metcalf , Mr. and Mrs. L. 0 , Bal win , Mr. aim Mrs. J. L. Stewart , 11 0. S Pease , Juduo. and Mrs. J . Oasady , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ofllct Mrs. J.V. . Chapman , Mrs. A. B. Bi nan ) , of St. Joseph , Mo. ; W Sapp , Jr. ; Mr. Frank Murphy. , Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. George Pa'rl Captain D. F. Eiohor , Mr. and Mi George Gornor , Mr. and Mrs. W. J Robinson , Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Fislu Mr. and Mrs. W. O Wirt , Mrs. W. : Hanna , of Leadvillo , Colorado ; ft and Mrs. J. M. Motoalf , Omaha ; Charles Stewart , Mrs. I. McDowell , Mr. and Mrs. T. Ehvoll , Major and Mrs. Lymr Mrs. John N. Baldwin , Mrs. 11 comb , Mrs.V. . 0. Amont , Mr. a : Mis. J , J , Brown ; thu Misses Bron of Dubuque ; Hov. nnd Mrs , Olelai Miss Julia ami Mr. Charles Ollic Dr. and Mrs. Woodbury , Mr. n Mrs. W. J , Hancock , Miss Borl Mueller , W. J , Maxwell , Misa Qr Denning , Mrs. Oaborn and daughter Miss Lou Osbornt1 , Dr. and Mr ? Lawrence , Mrs. K L. Shugart , Mr nnd Mrs. W. II. Tro.vnnr , Mr. nn < Mrs. Janicis I'ortorfiold , Hon. nnt Mrs. W. II. M. Piisoy , Mr. nnd Mrs , , OharloH Cook , Mr * . Kncppor , Mr * . S , S. Stevens , Earnest Hart , Horace Evans , Air and Mrs. tJu > . Bobbing' ' ton , Mies Liurn Baldwin , Colonel ai , < Mrs. D. H. D.tiloy. Dr. nnd Mrs. Pinnoy , Mrs. J. W. Laing , E. E I Ayleswortli , Mrs. S. Fnrimworth , Mr. and Mrs. N M. Pii'oy , Mrr. O'Bryan Mrs. Bradbury , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. S to wart. Tlio Three Tickets. For the convenience of voters Tin UK ; gives the following three tickoti now in thu field : UKI'UIIUIUN. Tor Mayor , ln N. 1) L\WIIE.VCK. For JU < | KO ol Su , t-rior Court , GFHIUIK ' AHSOX. For 1'ollco JiulKc , OKoiuinCAiiso.v. For City Sollo tor , \V. i .MA NI : . For 0 fy 'I'rcaMiiur , O. A I. DnowN. For CI y Auditor , F. A. HCIIKK. l' r ity .Marxhal , 15. W. .TACKH-K. I''or City Knginour. THOMAS To-mviSi. : < . For Huiieiintcinlt'iit f Market ? , J. 1 * . WILLIAMS. For Aldermen ut Large , .7. I1. GOUUIKN , WM. SlLDENTOl'K , Fo"Aldcrni' n , First " nrcl Al.KX. 001) . S'coHil W nl P. . .IJEVoi , , Thirl Ward K. O NKWKLI , , Fouith Wanl-U. L. SiiL'OAitT. OEHOOItATIC. I or M vyor , BOWMAK. For JiuUjo of ths Siipi-rinr Court , K. K. A'VLrawoiiTll. For Police.fuilR > , i ; K , AVI.HSWOIUH. Fur City Solleiior , G , A. lloi.MKM. For City I leiibiuer , JOHN GIAUSKN. For Uity Auditor , M. G. Ummx. For City Ma-Bhal , C. K , STONK. For City Kng ncer , .1. F. BnoDnECK , Vor Superintendent of Marketa , W ILLS COOK. For Aldermen at Large , A. 0. Gn/.llAM. W. C. JAMKS. For Aldermen , First Ward JOHN C. LKE. Second AVurd 1 > . F. KicilKlt. Third Woid GKOROK ULAXIM. Fourth Ward J. J. biiowN. THK VAUOHAN T10KET. For Mayor W. 11 VAUOHAN. For Judge ot the Supreme Court , E. K , AYLEHWOKTII. For Police Judge , E. E. ATLESWOHTH. For City Solicitor , AV. A. MYKHTKK. For City Trtasurer , JOHN CI.AUBKN. For City Auditor , M G. GUIKKIN. For City Marshal , For City Engi eer , J. F. BnoDBtcK. For Stipe i intcndent of Markets , H. A. OurjscKii. For Aldermt-n at L irge , J. A. CHURCHILL , G. M. AVAHHBUKN. For Aid rmen. Fir t Word J. C. LEH , Secoud AVnrcl C. A. TIBBETS , Thhd Ward GKOBOK BIJVXHIM , Fourth AVard-E. R. F SDA. PERSONAL. ' ! Attorney Sims btartetl to day for Gutli rie Center to atttnd to some legal bus : J. H. Henry , of Wulnut , wai iu th city Saturday , l < 'oUiri ( ; after BOine intei CtttB pending In the circuit court. A Marshalltown saloon-keorio when asked why lie charged iifteo cents a drink , replied : "Well , it1 very simple. The coat of the whisk ; you got ia tivo cents a glass. I go live cents a glass for handling it , am you pay the other five cents toward I iep , costs and attorney's foes. 1 coats you very little , but it woul amount to a largo sum from us. " COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA ! NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adtortlauinonta , euch i Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To lion Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In It column ftt the low rate ol TEN CKtm PK LINl'i ( or thu. first Insertion and FIVE CK.Nr I'KIl LINK ( or each eubscquent limertlo Leave odrertlwiinenti at our otDce , Room lllocli , Ilroadnay. ANTEI > To rent u utiiill cattaKo nt rru W Addra-H C , 11 , or cnquiro at HKB KOH HALE Twcntj3jear o MVLK1 , ( rom 16) ) to 10 lini'dn high Sue aitodmuoi ' ( or iulu. Mn-o iVliv , live btab c. \\7ANTErt ' To rout A ten room house V > BOlllO good utlfthtorliooU or twonnull houmi nda ( > / Mo. Audrcsg I1 , O , Uox 71 Council HiuH. . or a'l'li | | at UEH olllco , Coun ItlurTn. 4B-U Kicrjbodv In Council BlufTt WANTKD Tim UKK. 20 cents per coki lUerixl by carrlura , ulllte , Uoom t , Kruot UlocK , lirosdttay. " \rAMTED To buy 100 tou broom coi VY For particulars adJrcw Council lllu liroom Factory , CouuUI liruflu , Iowa. 65S-20tl A Ont-cl&w broom tier. U j WANTED Council Bluff * , Iowa. 6RO-80 ? OH BALK Old iwiwrs 40c | < or hundred , L1 The Boo olllce. Council Dluils. < M-2T tl riA UHICK-MAKKllH. KOll 3A1.K-B acrct L moroot land adjo'iilng the brickyard llanner & Hal io , ' on tlprur llroa'wav ' , r partlculara apply to David ilalneiortolUiiiu olllca at the Board 1 1 Tnulo rorinn. Council lllu - , with pony , to carry ] WANTKD-Iloy olllco , Council lllu : octlS t ( Notice. On Ing to the Immonuo vucotiu ot the n Qolatlne Dromlda Inttantaneout Proc at the Exccltlor Oallory , Filth strict , Coi cl | DtutTi , the | > rcrirUtar dcslrcj thoju l h Chlldrcu'K riiturc to call bet H ecu the hour 10 and li o'clock k , m. , 04 on Ing to the Pr of Dutlnei * kuch UT&acouieut U uocuiur ] a\olJ delay , M ) tn 0. OARKE , Proprloto FACTS WQRTH KNOWING ' _ . I - 1U11TIL 1 I 1 "Good morning , Mr Jones , You seem ir good humor thic morning. " "Yes , I have been tc the and Qnd anything and every. thing Iwant , OF FIRST QUALITY ANiJ AT VERY LOW PRICES , [ tell you , I can Save Moues low out of mv salary , and Live ? irst-OlasB , too. It pays to gc there. " "Where did you eay itwoh ? ' BOSTOS TEA OOMP1 FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St COUVOILBLUB'P , IA. UONT FA L 1O SEK THE OTCCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY , 2Q2Broaa ayGOUNOILBLUFES , The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keen everythi"g : yoii wan' n First 01 ss , ( Jno'OB Olea It will j/aj you to , look ouf establishment tablishmont thro : gli Every thing bold for Cask , and at tk < veiy i losett nia'giLB. We havi a line of lOo CANiNED GOODS. And we ako sell the finest. Im ported tn ootls , Eastern ana West n Goot s put up All Oaimei Goods reduced 10 per cent. Send for our Proes. t-triot atte tion p.iid 10 Mni Orders. Agent for Wash-burn's Super lative FLur. P , J , OSBOaM & CO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogdei House , COUNCIL BLUFFS ! RON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MININI AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNOIL BLUFFS , lOW-fl Wu K'VC ' Hinil.ll attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnace ! HOISTERS AND ' GENERAL MILL MAOHINBR1 HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WOR ] will reichc prompt attention. A general ' gortiuont ol Brass Ooods. Bwlting , Pioini AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Ooa OHAS. HENDRI1' , President [ MAURBR & ORAIO , ARTISTIC POTTERS Bleb Cut Glaus , Fine French Chlnn Silver Wuro &c. , 840 DROADWAT , COUNCIL , lll.UlTo , I0 > \ KELLEY & M'CKACKtiN IVla ble and Granit < t7INorth Fifth SL , Council Dlu < " 4 ft n Drs , Woodbury StSon , Cor. I'eari A 1st Ave. COUNCIL 1ILUKFS v * W , S. AMEOT. JAOOI1 SI AMENT & SIMS , Attoraoys & Oounsollors-at-La COUNCIL BLXJFFS , IOWA , W. VV. SHERMAN , "HAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY S S Pine Work a Specialty. K. II. SIIHRMAK , Huslncss WSI. CIIWSTOPIIEU , Mechanical Manager. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. Jmckering , Wobei. Jjiudeman , J. IP and other Pianos , $200 and up-ward. Bnrr.ett , Weotorn Cottage , " Tabor and Pnloubet Organs , $50 and upward. Muoi- ivr isal Merchnnoise of every diecripiion. , Italian Strioga a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , I'OVB , Guinea , Fmioy Goodb , Wholesale andite- TT tail. Piouofl and Organs eold for Cash and on Time. e.tock IB large , lull and com- plete. vueicaF Journal tree on applica S tion Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. o IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCEASING AGENTS Ana Dealers In all klnda ol Produce Prompt attention irtvcn to all consignments. NOS. 22. 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. V7" . EC. ZFOSTIBIR -WIH , St'PPJ.Y OX S.IOUT NOT1CE- Cut Flowers , Greenhouse r nd Vegetable Plants In their eoatnr. On'crs jromptly llllui itjd ilclhrird to Kxprcrb olluc frco of chargr. Send for Catilogue , COUNCI , BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. - First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E A. "Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DKA..FHS IX Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICED DUPLICATED , GOTTJKTGXX. E * . coo IK : , REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL * BLUFF BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMPERS , STEAM AND CAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass , Goods , Iron and Lead 'Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. I WE OA UY THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail MOPS Promptly Attended To and , \ . Highly Appreciated , ( HR ) PRICES ARE VERY LOW , Call and See Our MEW SPRING STOCK , which has B'agun to Arrive , " ? T T"Kn"WE1'V ftr Z1"8 . AjJ.lH.Ub.liiJ. QC 412 BBOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IQWA.f ; M WEST SIDE SQUARE , CIAB.INDA IOWA ,