Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1882, Image 1

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The Senate Passes tlio Bill for
That Purpose.
Other Proceedings ih the Sen
ate and House of Represen
tatives Yesterday.
The Richest Member of Con
gress Abe at to Give Up
the World.
Logan's Scheme to Run the
Schools With the Proceeds
of the Revenue Tax.
MUoollanooai Notes from the
National Capital.
. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February 23. -
1 Mr. George ( Miss. ) introduced a joint
resolution authorizing the secretary of
war to issue army rations to the sutler-
ors by the overflow in Mississippi.
Mr , Teller introduced a bill provid
ing for the payment of female nurses
during the war.
The bill to place General Grant on
the retired list being called up , Mr.
Bayard offered as a substitute a bill to
give all ex-presidents a pension at the
rate of $12,500 per year.
Senator Brown made a speech in
opposition to the principle of pension
ing civilians. After speeches by
Messrs. Jones ( Fla. ) and Call in favor
of , nnd Mr-Jones ( Nov. ) against the
i bill , and by Mr. Hoar against Bay-
i nrd's amendment , the amendment was
lost by 51 to 5 and the bill passed
35 yeas to 17 nays. Messrs. Brown ,
Call , Jones ( Fla. ) , Davis ( W. Va. ) ,
and Ransom , democrats , and Davis
(111. ( ) voted yea , and there were no re
publican votes in the ncgaativo.
The senate spent ton minutes in
executive session without making any
. confirmations , und adjourned at 5.30
' p. m.
Mr. Chalmers ( Miss. ) sent to the
speaker's desk a telegram from Jack
son , Mississippi , showing great suffer
ing , caused by the floods. Ho sub
mitted a resolution authorizing the
president to issue rations and array
clothing to sufferers in the lower Mis
sissippi valley. Referred to a com
mittee to be reported at any time.
Mr. Bland presented an amend
ment providing that no ono shall bid
for carrying mails unless ho himself is
to perform the service. Mr. Bland
said ho wanted to Bee any ring broken
up , and the habit of carrying elec
tions by money stolen from the Uni
ted States in ths : way abolished.
yAIr. Converse opposed the amend
e/meat on the ground that it would cut
oil oomptiotion and discourage persons
from attempting to make lower rates.
The committee on patents agreed
to report the Stephenson bill provid
ing jurisdiction of the court of
claims extend to all claims against the
United States for the use of patented
inventions employed in the public
Mr. Hiscock had read a letter from
the postmaster general stating that 85
jr cent , of the star route contracts
it by the department were for prp-
ItSaional bidders who invariably bid
on an average of 20 per cent , lower
than other bidders , oven in the terri
tory where the work was done and
these professional bidders sub-lot
about 80 per cent , of their contracts.
It was therefore questionable if it
was wise to do away with such con
The house at 1:45 : went into com
mitted of the whole on the postoflico
appropriation bill.
Holman's amendment , presented on
Tuesday , providing that if a bidder
nub-lots at lower rates the government
may take the contract away and give
it the party taking the sub-contract ,
was after discussion adopted.
Consideration of the bill was con-
jjnued until 5 o'clock when the com-
: aittoo roao and the house unanimous
ly passed the senate resolution appro
priating $100,000 to bo used by the
secretary for the aid of sufferers from
Lbn overflow in the Mississippi valley
'and ' its tributaries.
The house than took a roccoss Until
7:30 : p. m. , the evening session being
for the consideration of the district
The house spent the entire evening
on the District of Columbia code and
at 0:50 : adjourned.
National Associated Prcaa.
CHICAGO , February 23. A Wash
ington special says the physicians and
family of Representative Thomas
Allen , of Missouri , have abandoned
all hope , and Judge Bucknor , last
night , made Mr. Allen's will. The
dying representative is the wealthiest
member of either branch of congress ,
his estate being valued at $15,000,000.
Ho was not able to roach Washington
to bo sworn at the beginning of the
session , and has hardly boon in his
aeat since his first appearance to take
the oath of oflico , His disease is can
cer of the bladder , All of his family
have been summoned , and most of
them are now by his bedside.
WAHHINOTON , February 23. Mr.
Ilobortson ( La. ) has introduced in
thyliousoj a ( bill for the establish-
nit ot life-saving stations on the
Wfnissippi river , making keepers of
. .jacon lights keepers of such stations ,
and providing for volunteer crows
whore locations are practicable.
Senator Logan has carefully pre
pared a speech favoring the bill pro
viding that all revenues of the gov
ernment hereafter derived from the
; ax on manufacturers' snlo of distilled
spirits slmll bo divided among tlio
states and territories in proportion , to
Copulation oxcluuivuly for cducationnl
purposes. Mi. Logan will oppose"
both n reduction and repeal of the in
ternal revenue tax , but will urge most
onoraotically that thn proceeds that
\riso from the manufacture nnd sale of
liquors bo devoted to bearing the expense -
ponso of the great system of free
schools , and thus relieve the people of
that burdon. Ho has been collecting
Btastistics on the subject , and says
that they show that the expense of
carrying on the school system of the
states and territories d cs not * exceed
$75,000,000 , , which is just the sum
that is estimated will bo received from
tlio tax on liquor during the present
fiscal year.
Emory Storrs ended his argument
before the sub-committee of the
judiciary committee in favor of the
transfer to the city of Chicago of
Dearborn park reservation.
Quartonnastor-Gonoral lluckor was
to-day placed on tlio retired list.
The committee on commerce ot the
senate referred all the matter , relating
to intor-statc commerce to a subcommittee
mittee , consisting of Messrs. Ooko ,
Kellogg nnd Miller , of Now York.
BTho secretary of the navy has or
dered all midshipmen on foreign sta
tions to report at Annapolis for ex
amination for promotion before Juno
1st.The president will send the name of
Wm. H. Johnson to the sonata in
place of Internal Revenue Collector
Clark of Georgia.
Postmaster-General Howe decides
further legislation necessary before
stamp franks can bo used by congress
men instead of written names.
Thcro nro about ton applications for
District Attorney Corkhill's position
.on file in the department of justice.
Attorney-General Brows tor denies
that Fitz John Porter's case has peon
specially referred to him for an
opinion. Ho says the question is
being considered by the entire cabinet.
Discovery of Iron Oro.
National Associated Press.
Sr. PAUL , February 23. Iron ere
of a very superior quality , free from
sulphur , low in phosphorus , and
very high in metallic iron , has boon
discovered in large quantities ninety
miles north of Duluth. The iron is
said to bo equal in every respect to
that found in Northern Wisconsin and
Michigan. Eastern capitalists arc in
teresting themselves in the matter.
Ohio Iiogislntnro-
National Assomtcd Fresa.
COLUMBUS , O. , February 23. In
the house the following bills were in
troduced : Dunham , regulating street
cleaning in Cleveland ; Walker , abolishing
ishing appeal in will cases 'o the dis
trict court ; Walker , that a nominal
holder of reality is not to be counted
on petition for improvements ; Huntington -
ington , for special assessors in Cin
cinnati ; Warren , regulatingvoxpress
companies ; Peel , that prison-made
goods bp branded as such ; Robinson ,
that unincorporated banks report se
curities exempt from taxation ;
Walker , the redistricting bill.
The senate was not in session.
Weekly adjournment to-morrow.
Small Pox-
National Associated Freua.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Februarys ; } . Geor
gia seems destined not to escape the
small pox epidemic. Another cose
has boon developed near Forsythe.
People of the state are growing un
easy PiTTHituiid , February 23. Twelve
new cases of small pox were reported
to the board of health in Allegheny
to-day and ton for this city.
Mexico's Prenident.
National Associated I'rcns.
CITY OF MEXICO , February 23.
President Gonzalcs suffered another
relapse , and is again confined to his
bed , the difficulty being with his old
Arrival of Persecuted Jews.
National Associated Press.
PHILADELPHIA , February 23. The
steamer Illinois , with 325 Russian
exiles , reached her dock at 3 o'clock
this afternoon , and the refugees were
at oncu transferred to quarters prepared -
pared in the old railroad depot , at
West Philadelphia. About two-thirds
of the party are men and the balance
women und children , all hailing from
Odessa , Warsaw and the province of
KiefF. They were in charge of J. R.
Littman , who was driven from Kam-
nit/ , Poland , about two months ago ,
his wife and six children being
left behind. Most of the exiles
toll terrible stories of the persecution
to which they were subjected , and
some of the women who had suffered
hardships were unable to stand on
their feet. Some of the refugees say
that when the riots occurred at War
saw , two months ago , they were
driven out of the city at the points of
bayonets without their wives and chil
dren , They were without money and
without friends , but contrived to got
beyond the borders of Russia. There
they were aided in their flight by sym
pathizing co-religionists and friends.
Among the party are sixty merchants ,
farmers , tailora and shoemakers , all of
whom suffered confiscation of property.
Tlio Northwest ImUnn Troulilo * .
National Associated 1'rcss.
OTTAWA , Ont. , February 23.--
There are further rumors of trouble
with Indians near Edmonton , where
Indians have been raiding a cattle
ranch. News has just been received
that Indians are rising in Canada
northwest , and have destroyed consid
erable property and several lives. Tlio
news is not officially confirmed.
OTTAWA. February 23. Mr. Uaun-
nonnan , M. P. , received a telegram
lost night from Fort Edmonton , N.
W. T. , to the effect that that ploco
had been mobbed and the Hudson
Hay company's buildings destroyed.
The government telegraphed for fur
ther particulars , but has received no
reply , as the telegraph lines nru down
west of Winnipeg.
Roapnoarauco of an Old Ne
braska Convict ,
He Being the Perpetrator of
the Oold-Bloodod Murder
at Wavorly.
Bllie , Who Turned State's Evi
dence in the Ashland
Murder , Retracts.
Arrest of a New Hampshire
Youth Who Tried to Ditch
a Train for Pnn.
General Note * of Crimon and
Criminal * .
National Associated Press.
LINCOLN , Nob. , February 23. The
discovery has boon made that llalvin ,
who is in the county jail for the murder -
dor of Jnmos Cook nt Wavorly Sun
day night , is none other than the no
torious Quin Bohanan , a former in-
innto of the penitentiary and n
desperado whoso name was once a
terror along the Missouri riyor.
While nn inmate of the penitentiary
Quin BMianan and a man by the
name of MoWatora headed a revolt
which WAS not quelled until the
United States troops wore called out
and the prison surrounded. The
mutiny lasted three days. Bohanan
and JMoWators took an active part in
the revolt , showing unusual courage
and norvo. Mo Waters was afterwards
shot dead by a guard. Bohanan
served out his time , and was dis
charged , since which time ho has not
boon seen hereabouts until ho appear
ed as the chief actor in the fiendish
murder of Sunday night. llalvin
was arraigned for murder.
MILWAUKEE , February 23. Sam
J. Whittakor , the man credited with
making and circulating nearly all of
the counterfeit ooin in Wisconsin ,
was captured yesterday near Green
Bay and brought to this city.
MONTOOMEUY , Ala. , February 23.
Near Bollecroon , Q. II. Barton , while
split-ing rails , got into a feud with
John Rockard and with two blows of
an are killed him and fled. Ho was
captured by Eugene Dobbs , James
and \Vm. Dcmpy and Mr. Bushfield.
While taking him back the party
stopped to rest , when the prisoner
suddenly drew a bowie knife and bad
ly wounded two of his captors and
fled. He was again recaptured and
placed in jail. At night fifty masked
men entered the town and going to
the sheriff's house demanded the keys
of , 'the jail and cage in which the pris
oner was confined. Af tor getting pos-
sesoion of them they proceeded to the
jail , entered and took the prisoner out ,
placed him on a horse and rode quiet
ly away. They carried him three-
fourths of a mile south and there
hung him to a tree. The body was
found in the morning.
DOVEU , N. H. , February 23. Ar
thur Hunter , 10 years of ago , was to
day committed in default of $10,000
bail for trial for attempting to throw
a passenger train off the truck ot the
Denver it Winnapisco railread by
tying a log to the rails over a
culvprt near Durham. The train was
moving slowly at the time and broke
the log's faslonings , else it would have
boon a terrible wreck and loss of life.
The boy was found sitting on the
fence waiting to see the smash-up.
Ho had hoard of the Colo's Grossing
disaster and wishing to BOO ono him
YOUNOHTOWN , February 23. On
the night of September 28 , 1881 , a
fast line train was thrown from the
track of the Pittsburg , Fort Wayne
& Chicago railroad near Alliance , 0.
The train was speeding at the rate of
forty miles an hour and dashed into a
freight train that had boon laid out
on a. side track. Tolmn , engineer ,
and Wm. Robertson , fireman , of Pitts-
burg , met with a sudden and horrible
death. Detective Johnson , Pinker-
ton's agency , arrested Nathaniel
Lewis , Emanuel Evans , John Lewis
and John Shaughnossy December 31 ,
1881 , for the samo. The grand
jury of this county found indictments
of murder against them , John Lewis
in the meantime turning state's evi
dence. The trial began to-day. The
first venue was exhausted this evening -
ing and another ordered for tomorrow
row , when court adjourned. Thoovi-
donee against the accused is strong.
It is claimed the murder of the two
men was ' caused by the alleged perpe
trators' , who claimed bad usage by the
railroad company while employed by it.
WAHHINOTON , D. 0. , February 23.
Lasyand Bruce , colored editors of the
Sunday Item , wore to-day convicted
of criminal libel against E. P. How-
land and M. Mason , dentists.
CHICAGO , February 23 , John
Dougherty , an escaped convict from
Lawrence , Mass. , was captured to-day
and will bo taken back to Massachu
OINCINNATTI , February 23. Suit
against the bondsmen of Ambrose ,
defaulting ox-United States court
clerk for $ -13,000 , has been compro
mised by the bondsmen paying
LEXINGTON. Ky. , February 23.
George W , Elite , whoso confession led
to iho conviction of himself , Craft
nnd Neal , ns perpetrators of the Ashland -
land tragedy , repudiates his whole
statement and claims ho is mnocent
and Craft and Nenl had nothing to do
with it. Ho snys ho was drunk when
ho made the charge nnd was compell
ed to adhere to it on peril of his life
CINCINNATI , February 23. Major
Hicks , the negro convicted of the
murder of Williams in Ludlow , Ky. ,
will certainly hang in Covington to
morrow. The gallows is orogtod in
the old work house , nnd the execu
tion takes place in the presence only
of officers and reporters.
TORONTO , February 23. In the J.
11. Miller extradition case , judgment
was reserved until to-morrow. The
result of Mr. Murphy's vi it to 'Ot-
Uwa was satisfactory , and it is not
likely the prisoner will leave Canada ,
except under the guarantee that he
will bo tried only for the ollonso for
which ho may bo extradited Mr.
Murphy received n telegram from Mr.
Hill , who instituted the proceedings ,
saying that Mr. Connors had boon de
ceived , and thnt the only true aflldavit
is that presented by Detective Kribbs ,
which Judge McKenzie would not
recognize. From this , it is apparent
that Miller will have to return to
Canada in the event of his extradi
tion. Miller himself says ho had
nothing to do with the robbery.
KANSAS CITY , February 23. Some
ton days ago Police Commissioner
Craig , accompanied by Sheriff Tim-
bcrlnkoof Clay county , wont to Adaira-
villo , Ky. , and arrested one Jesse
Hito , who was living with his father
on a farm ono and a half milf > s from
that place. Ho was brought hero in
irons and lodged in jail. Ever since
ho has been known as the "mysterious
prisoner. " The officers would give
no information concerning him nor
would the prisoner say n word to nny
reporter. Night before last ho was
taken to Gallatin , Daviesa county ,
whore it appears indictments had been
found against him for participating in
the Winston train robbery , where Con
ductor Westfall was killed. Yester
day morning Hito was arraigned in
court when ho entered a
plea of guilty of robbery
and was at once sentenced to twenty-
five years in the penitentiary. This
morning ho passed through hero in
charge of the ah or iff of Daviess coun
ty , alid by the afternoon was in the
penitentiary and in convict's garb. It
is known that Hito nlao participated ,
in the Blue Cut train robbery on the
Chicago & Alton road a short time
after the Winston robbery , Ho is a
cousin of the James boys , and has a
brother , Woolson Hito , who is a mem
ber of the gang. Jesse Hite is but
23 years of ago , and it is believed
only became a train robber last sum
mer. Ho admits having fired eleven
flhotn in the Winston robbery , bu.
claims ho did not kill the conductor.
JOLIKT , 111. , February 23. Major
McOlaughry , the warden ot the state
penitentiary , has after consulting with
the authorities at Washington , con
tracted to receive and take charge of
all convicts sentenced by thn courts of
Wyoming territory and 157 of them
will bo sent to the prison hero from
Cheyenne before March.
The Dominion Parliament.
OTTAWA. February 24. The civil
service bill was introduced into par
liament by the government to-day
and passed first reading.
The bill legalizing marriage with a
deceased wife's sister passed on second
end reading , on a division , by 103 ma
In reply to Mr. Gault , Mr. Longo-
vin stated in the house to-day that
the government had not taken into
consideration the propriety of assum
ing control of the telegraph system
uf the dominion and running it in
connection with the postoflico.
Hark from iho Tamil-
National Associated I'rosa.
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , February 23.
Ex-Governor Palmer , it is rumored ,
has received a letter from Samuel J.
Tildon , positively announcing that ho
will again bo a candidate.for president
in 1884.
Virginia Legislature.
National Associated Press.
RICHMOND , February 23. In the leg
islature to-day S , Brown Allen , the
readjustor candidate 'for auditor was
elected , receiving 70 votes out of 125
cast. Francis L , Brockott , the dem
ocratic nominee , received 49 and J. E.
Mnsaey , the present auditor and can
didate for re-election by , the bolting
readjustee , received -but 0 votes ,
When the hour for election arrived
Mr , Newborry , the loader of the bolt-
era , moved to adjourn ; the read just-
era defeated this by a vote of 117 to
10. This ends the famous dead lock
in the legislature , the successful can
didate being the nominee of Mr. Rid-
dlobprger , Senator Mahono and the
readjuators' caucus.
Notional Press Association.
NEW YORK , February 23. Herman
Batjpro & Brother , wholesale dealers
in wines and liquors , made an assign
ment to-day , giving preferences for
5100,28 ! ) . Their liabilities are re
ported at $200,000 ; assets , estimated
at from 8150,000 to $175,000 The
firm has been in business twenty-fivo
years and had an extensive trade.
Mostro A Doptz made an assign
ment to-day. Liabilities , $25,000.
The Mutual Electric Light Supply
company of the state of .Now York
has failed and a receiver has been ap
Paddy Ryan.
National Ansoclatod 1'rwt *
CHICAGO , February 23. Paddy Ryan -
an , ox.chumpion pugilist , arrived hero
to-day and was given a reception by
his friends. He says Richard K , Fox
will back him for $5,000 for another
match with Sullivan assoon as ho gets
his now truss to working well.
In Some Localities in the River
Valleys ,
The Water of the Ohio nnd
Mississippi Falling and the
Danger Lessening.
Houses Being Boocoupiod and
People Preparing to Re
sume Business.
Narrow Escape of a Boy from
Being Drawn Through
the Rolls.
Miscellaneous MinhnyR of a Sorioiu
nucl Fatal Nature.
National Associated I'IOM.
ST Louis , February 23. The de
lays and damages caused by the flood
( ire rapidly being overcome. Nearly
all the roads sent out trains this morn
ing , Telegraphic communication with
many points is still interrupted. No
more direct trouble is apprehended
from the river.
LOUIHVIU.K , February 23. As a
train on the Louisville & Cincinnati
Short Line was passing over an em
bankment in the eastern part of the
city this morning , the embankment
uavo way , throwing the engine and
tivo men in the water. Engineer Rol
lins was killed. This embankment
was all that protected a great part of
the city from being flooded by the
Ohio , nnd the result of the disaster
was to submerge nearly a square mile
in that part of the city. The suffer
ing and damage will bo groat. The
river foil about a foot during the
night , and is still going down gradu
CINCINNATI , February 23. The
water is slowing receding , and prepa
rations have commenced for rooccu-
pyinc the abandoned places.
EVANRVILLE , Ind. , February 23.
Nearly half of Union and Knight
townships are under water , and at
Newburg large aland slides have taken
place , threatening several buildings.
Bothot's mill is badly damaged. All
railroads loading into the city except
tfio Evansville & Terre Haute have
abandoned trains. The Louisville &
Nashville transfer track has been badly
damaged and the bridge across the
Wabash river is threatened.
National Auoclatod Press.
CINCINNATI , February 23. Ed *
ward Samuel , a carpenter who had
the contract for building the gallows
from which Major Hicks is to bo
hanged on Friday , foil from the top of
the gallows and fractured his skull.
The gallows are being erected in the
yard of the Covington jail , where
Hicks is confined. The injured man
was taken to St. Elizabeth's hospital ,
where his injuries wpro pronounced
fatal. Hicks is quite indifferent as to
his fate.
MAIDEN Mass. , February 23. Wil
liam 1'hnmix wont homo last night ,
and not finding anything to cat par
took of poisoned fish which his wife
had placed in the meat box to kill rats ,
and died from the effects this oven
CHEKTER , Pa. , February 23. The
fire which broke out at the Seaboart
Paraflino works at South Chester a <
noon to-day was started by the ex
plosion of a tar still , which instantly
ignited. The flames sprqad to nine
storage tanks containing 200 barrels
of distilled oil. Three of those wore
consumed. The remaining six are
still burning. The explosion throw
the tar to a great height ; it foil upon
and sot fire to 100 barrels of oil
which were burned. The cause of the
explosion is not known. The loss wil
bo $100,000. The damage will bo re
paired in ten dayH.
YOUNOHTOWN , O. , February 23.
Nicholas Pueblo , employed in the
rolling mill , while engaged in running
a hot bar of iron through swiftly re
volving rolls , had his hand caught in
the machinery and but for the assist-
ano of 1'is father who threw a sledge
hammer and ho.ivy billets of iron into
the rolls , the boy would have himself
passed through them. As it was the
boy's arm was crushed and his side
lacerated. Ho will probably recover.
KANHAH CITY , February 23. The
unfortunate woman who leaped from
the third story of the Brovoort house
lives. Her name is Susie Drow.
She says ho was nurse at St. Luka'u
hospital , Chicago. Sho.says also she
has a sister named Nellie Drew who
is a nurse in the above named hospi
tal , Her injuries wore very Horiouu ,
und the city physician has little hope
of her recovery ,
ST. LOUIB , February 23. A terrible
explosion , attended by a probable loan
of life and a serious injury to a num
ber of persons , took place at the Vul
can iron works , at Carondolot , this
morning. At 11 o'clock fifty-five men
wore engaged in the blooming mill ,
when the boiler burst , shattering that
part of the building to pieces and
throwing boiling water in every direc
tion. The foreman , Mike Cokoly , was
found in the agonies of death , having
boon burned from head to foot , bcsidei
having his logs broken. F , Chambers
Patrick Dolan , Thomas Ikonnan and
John MoUrido wore scalded , but will
probably recover.
Robert Colter , Oliver Ando and
Mike Cronin wore also sligtly scalded.
The cause of the explosion is attrib
uted to the muddy water with which
the bailer was supplied. An investi
gation will take place , when the
cause of the disaster will bo more
definitely known.
WOONSOOKKT , Mass. , February 23.
Estabrook Wire's boot-tree and
icrow nail manufactory nnd the Kim-
; > all clinching screw works , atMilford ,
were destroyed by fire last night.
Loss $30,000.
HALIFAX , N. S. ? February 23. A
ire this morning in Jericho waro-
louse , Water street , caused a loss of
$30,000 ; insurance , $17,000.
Railway Matter * :
National Aisoclatcd I'rvm.
CiitcAdo , February 23. A mooting
of the Chicago division of the Western
Trunk Lines Passenger association
was hold to-day. The meeting was
for the discussion of matters pertain
ing to tlio charge for transportation
of cargoes , to the charge for the trans
portation of theatrical companies
traveling in their own cars , and to
the establishment of commutation
rates. These matters were discussed ,
and committees were appointed to
recommend action thereupon ,
CinoAoo , February 23. Tho'moot-
ing of the southwestern railroad asso
ciation to-day considered the case of
the Hannibal it St. Joe road without
iction , und adjourned till to-morrow.
National Associated 1'rcss.
WASHINGTON , February 24. For
, ho lower Missouri valley ! Slightly
warmer , fair weather , winds mostly
south , stationary or lower pressure
Marine Intollinonoo.
National ABtuxlatcil Frcsa.
NEW YORK , February 23.-Sailed
Clio Leasing for Hamburg , the City
of Montreal for Liverpool , the State
of Florida for Glasgow , the Denmark
or London.
Arrived The Labrador from Havre ,
lie Qucnn from London.
PHILADELPHIA , February 23. Ar
rived The Illinois from Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL , February 23. Sailed
Cho Lake Cluunplain for Now York ,
ho Indiana for Philadelphia.
Arrived The Hibernia from Port-
and , the Arizona from Now York.
QUEENHTOWN , February 23. Sailed
On the 22d , the City of Paris for
Now York.
The Suit Against the Standard
Oil Company ,
National Associated I'roso.
HARRISBURO , Pa. , February 23.
When court convened this afternoon
Deputy Attb'rnoy General Snodgrass
opened argument for the common
wealth in the carfff of ? tho' 'Standard '
Oil company. He cited at length
the laws relative to taxation on other
corporations. Mr. Olmstod then ad
dressed the court for the company ,
refuting many of the points hold by
the commonwealth. His address was
very comprehensive and lengthy.
National Associated 1'roes.
LONDON , February 23. Dr. Carver
to-day killed but 72 pigeons in a
match in which ho backed himself for
1,000 to kill 75 out of 100.
In the house of commons this after
noon Sir Charles Dilko , under uecro
tary for foreign affairs , in reply to t
question , said no disturbances was op
prohonded between Russia and Aus-
tro-Hungary or Germany.
LONDON , February 23. Numerous
arrests have boon made throughout
Ireland , it is supposed on account of
a now Fenian conspiracy th'at has
been reported to the government.
The house of lords last evening ,
notwithstanding the throat that the
government would refuse to appropri
ate money for such purposes , ap
pointed six liberal and two conserva
tive peers as as a commission to in
vestigate the working of the Irish
land act.
PARIS , February 23. In obedience
to the order of the czar summoning
him to St. Petersburg to explain hie
spceolics on the Sclav-Teuton ques
tion , Gen. Skobolotf loft this city to
day for St. Petersburg.
The French government IIRB ollerct
to place English imports under moiil
favored clause except colonial pro
ducts , which will remain subject tc InnII' laws ,
M , Jloustan's appointment artFrcnch
minister at Washington is gazetted.
Hlierlir McLuno , of Plum Creak , In In
the city.
fj. W , Ballnntliio , of Lincoln , nrrivei
in Omaliu latit evening.
1C , K , Warren uutl Frank Ireland , u
Nobraulca City , are In town.
CharloH M. Water * , of UalvestonTexan
fa a guest at the Wltlinoll ,
Dr. ( raf ! , uf Kawlltm , came iu frou
the went yesterday afternoon nnd btoppct
Ira A. liruwuo and AT Horn , of Mon
tana , are In the city , They are at tlm
Leu { ( . W. D. Almy , M. V. Sumnernnc
Frank Cuertlu are all Htojipiiif ; at the
V , 1 > , Wlnu , of Lincoln , r arrived It
Omuha yesterday afternoon. Ho In toj ,
plug ut the Withnell Houne.
Oeo. W. Jlussoll and J. W , llan , of
Hlilnoy , are doing what they can to gel
around with the boyu and ace Omaha.
Mr * . Seam , of.H.xn Fraileco , arrlvei
from that city yesterday , She will visit
Iu Omaha a number of elays.
Minn Addle Woodg , of Nevada , was an
bound imincn cr on the overland
.ruin from the west yesterday afternoon )
Mm. Magglo Moberly Arrived on tbo
rnln from the west yc tcnUy afternoon
nnd soon convinced her many Omaha no
qtiftintnncc * that the wn < In the city on
) n lnc . That bunlncM lit reported to bo
ho Btnrtlni ; of a well-conducted morning
ivpcrlna certain thriving city of the
Billy McCune " " li
, our "dandy copper ,
totting hln nrmi In almpe from a severe
itraln which they nufTorcd n taw days ago.
\ nmaany team went dashing up Doug.
as street nnd everybody but Ullly got out
of the wny. When the cutter nnil fright-
mod team went dialling post McCuno
nade n Hying leap nnd landed In the
Ictgh. Ho took the lines In hand and
irought the lumen to time In lens than a
The thing donlred found at lixnt. Auk
Iruggiit for "llough on llatn. " It clcam
iut raU , mice , roaches , flics , bed bugs ; 15c
The Old oat Established
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
DudnoM tnnnctal wna M that of tn Incor
porated oank.
Account * Von I In currency 01 cold tnbjcct to
Icht chock without notice/
Certificates ot depiiilt Miicd r v blo In throe ,
ilx uid twelve month * , jmrtng Interest , or on
Icuumtl without Interest
Advance * made to cuatomen on approved teen
Itloa t market ratca of Intercut.
Duy and tell irold , Mil ) of exchange , irovcrn
mont ftate , county and dtv bonJa.
Draw ilfrht draft * on England , Ireland , Scot-
and , and all parta of Ktiropo.
Sell Kuropcan pnmoge tickets.
United States Depository
- r OMAHA. -
dor. 13th and Farnam Ste.
Organised a * a National Bank Aufroat SO , 1808.
CAPITAL AND rnoFirisovEn . 000,000
niuUH KOC.TTSU , President.
AOODHTUI Koran * , Vice President.
H. W. YATU. Cashier.
A. J. I'prrLKTON , Attorney.
' Jn'iit A. CauouTOM.
V , II. DAVIS , AMI. 0sblei.
Thl bank reotlTM depodU wtthoti regard to
amount ! .
IwuMtltt * cutlfloatas beajrtaf loter V i _
Draw * 'draft ! on' Ban Francuoo and principal
cltlca ot the United BUUs , alto London. Dublin i
Edinburgh and the principal dtlei ol IheoonH ]
nont of Europe.
Belli pamoger HckeU for emlgranbrby iha to ]
man tine. mavldtf
Real Estate
5,000 PIECES
For Sale
S. W. oor , Douglas and 14th Sts.
218 and 220 S. 14th St.
, gOM 4 , WlflRI
Real Estate Ageney
Keep a couiploto abstract cl title to fin
tutatt In Omaha an Douf Iu countv , mart
Geo. P. Bern is
16th and Dodge Oil. , Omaha , Neb ,
Tbli coney dooaBTRimYn brokerage btulneas.
OONI nt ipeculate and therefore any bargain *
o oki ate Insured to r oni. Instead
Nebraska Land Ageii
IS06 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebra
* CtOC3 > J J J - rf"fB . "iFffy
Caro.ully solettod luuil In Kaauirn Nobiaaka (01 (
aale. Great IlarfaiiiB In Improved lirme , and
Ouiuha city property ,
I.mirnr'rV I-
Orrica Front Koomi ( upitaln ) In Hanioom
new lirlck bulldluir , U , W. corner VfteonUi nd
arnhatn Btrecta.
Beauty , health , nnd Impplncs * f r ludk'u