Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1882, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Fob. 23. "
Wnnihor Report-
( Th following obiervatiorw are taken nt
the same moment nt tlmo At all the sin-
"Fua on the Bristol" 1'riduy niipht.
The now moon wai visible for the first
time Tuesday night.
There Were "no end" of nlelghs on the
utrflct yesterday.
Lot$100 each , $5 down and ? . " > per
month. Uemii" , agent ,
Supper and floc'nble at the 8th ntrcst
M. K. church Thursday ovenlug.
The G. A. H , bjyH ara prep'irlnjj for
agrand rendition of the "Union Spy. "
Thoanowh dhapi > ? iuing rajildly be
fore the hot rajs of the midwinter sun ,
There will bo n sUrc-optlcon entertain *
tncnt nt the First M , K. church to-night.
The poitofficc , government hcndqunr-
tcra and U , 1 * . hen'quarters observed
Washlngton'H Lirtluhy by keeping Sunday
ItiU'orl 's "Strategists"
> nro among
the big shnwd looming up for the Lento n
noasoii They will bo at Iloyd'it Mnaday
The fine weather yoUonlay ] ) renee ; a
speedy rolurn uf papoose Hiiiiiinor. The
ice men and coil denlors wdl imco mare
go Into mourning.
Some of the rtllrotd omployoi of the
eastern ro.idi have been n-rdnted for steal
ing coal from the companion yards near
the transfer dap t ,
The y ling ladles of Broivncll Hall at-
Jendo 1 cervices at Trinl'y yentcnlny in
: b 'y- ' ' ' ' ' ° pfoce slon attracted conoid-
, er al ttent'on en r nto.
John FIoiK' ' , of W V r ' . ' 9. indicted by
the grand jtity for sslliiig liiiuor without
a license , ht > H nklppoil the country and
left hU business in chart ; * ) of hU wife.
Mr. Park r , the foreman of the
Western Nmp.iuor Union , who was rootnt-
ly married , was presented Tuesday with
n fine rocking chair by the employes of the
Merchant * of Onmlia handling fur
nished goods will do well to look through
the ppring Block nw open of Shrove ,
Jarvis & Co. , Miilanl'n now block , Har
vey street , ft.b20-rno
An improvement in the running of
the dummy ' .rains could bo mndo'by in ale-
Ingbattur tlinu bo'.woen the Omaha depot
and the traiufer nepot and then allowing
more at the litttor paint.
. The llodgo Oounty Agricultural BO-
ciety will hold the Tenth Annual Dodge
" county fair at .Fremont , on Wednesday ,
Thursday nnd Friday , the .Gtb , 7th , and
8th days of September , 1882. .
The thermometer at Mac Mayor ft
] 5ro. from 12 m. yesterday until 2 p. m.
to-day Indicated the following : 12 m. 11 ;
2 p. m. 1' ; 7 p m. 0 ; 9 p. m. 8 ; 7 A. m 3
below ; 10 a. m. 10 ; 12 m. 12 ; 2 p. m.
The Omaha Glee Club cleared $100
over and above all expenses by the con
cert of Maud ty evening. K It had been a
fine night it might as well have beeu
81,600. Wo nro l d the boys got out so
The SwodUli Library association will
give a grand masquerade party at Tumor
hall on March 4th. The society It coin-
posed of about 150 memberri , nnd it h in
tended ti make the event one . f unsur-
pa.led jollity and fun.
For Sale at a bargain , the tock and
fixtures of theMichigm Tobacco Store ,
1417 Doughs ntreet , Omaha , liuslnetm
tint cU H , location good , riiit low , satis
factory reiuon's for Helling , Applv a the
f20ivn'in-w&f-inorn-tu-thu > at'tf
store. ' - - - - i '
Pioneer Hook and Imliier tompany
No. 1 , attention. AH incunborn of niid :
company are hereby requested to meet
Februixry 22d , 1882 , at 8 o'clock p. m. , at
Firemen's hull , to urrmigo for the funeral
ceremonies of our later member , I'M Lu
cas , liy older of I'llII Dorr , president.
Tho'bonolit for Maiu or Marali Fri
day evening will bi the boss entertain-
meutof tlio tc.uon. The gran I old "Fun
on tha lirUtoI" party will bo on dork and
the travesty on tlio ' 'Twi > Orphans"
whMi will be Introduced by Sheridan for
the first time will aluoo bo worth the price
of admission ,
A lively horse , owne.l by Auraliauia &
Lewis , the well known Do.inlas utroot
furniture men , took a lively notion on
Tenth rtreet ycsteiday and made a
sharp run for several blocks. He wan
finally pulled down by Mr. Lewis , who
was driving , and no ( hnaga remlted ex
cept to the lelih. ;
An individual who got a little off ii
honor of Wa > hlngton' birthday , uaidls
charged ye > terJay , the parties witl
whom lie roUod the disturbance not ap
pearing against him , There was no otiier
arrest Tuesday and Judge Ueneko ob
served th legal holiday by looking up hi
court room for the day.
A novel night was witnessed on lowe
Farnam street yesterday. An enter
prilling purchacor of one of th
B. & M. homes put it on run
nere , hitched a double team to I
and took it up atieo. on the lly. If a brio
block had got up ami walked uoriu th
street it would nut have nttacted more nl
tent'on. ,
A meeting in called at tha olllco n
Just CB K. N. tstonborf , ' ou Truth utroot
Saturday evening t7 o'clock , for the pnr
nous ot ( electing a proper representative u
con ml of the kingdoms of Sweden nm
Norway , Ueoliico of consul tain ? vacan
at present by the retnoya of N. N , Viivi
quest to K'Uitaa City ,
II , W. Ourlln , chief tlerk at H i
Realty1 ! ) establishment , celebrates h'
birthday and that of the father of liLi
country on the Mime date , Ho wan Imrn
more recently than Q. W. , however. Yes
terday "Ourt. " loceivcd nn elegant meer-
pcliJium pljio from his brother , Mr. Con
stance C. Curtln , of I'cnniylvnnla , chow-
ng that ho l not forgotten by the folks
at homo. Many happy rolnrn Mit nan.
V. newnpplicatian of power for drlv-
ng pump' , churnc , corn Micllcr.1 nnd
oth'r lltflit farm machinery , has been dc *
vl < cd nnd patented by Hnbart & Hannn ,
of Atlantic , la , , whoaro now In this city ,
tlr. Thog. Gllnon U organing ) n Block
company to mnmifixctiiro the motors hero ,
under the name of tha Oinnh * Motor Oo. "
The funeral of the late Kdward Hod-
Us , which took place at St. Mark1 ! church
'citcr.&y nfternoon , wan 1 irgely attended ,
lev. James 1'ntcrson conducted the
ervlces , Diilicp Cl trlcson being also In at-
endtmco. The burial took plnco at Pros.
) octlllll. The pall boarori were Judqe
jake , O. W. Llnlngor , II O. Clark ,
Mayor Doyj , N. Shelton and A. Swartz-
A meeting of the officers and teachers
of the Omaha City mlnnlon will bo held nt
he office of Wan en Swltzler , Keq , , on
Chureday ovenlng , tin 23d Inst. , at 7:30 : p.
in. , to comMer the advisability of build'
nif a homo for the frlemlluMi , All outside
of the tnlwlon who may feel an intercut in
his project are requeued to attend nnd
advise with them.
Ho Tackles a Rival Billiard
Toblo Man on General
And Now the Latter { Is After Him for
Last oveiling a gentleman whoio
amo ia Bruns and who represents a
Chicago billiard table linn r.ui across
Ir. Iloclistruasor , thu representative
f the Brunswick A Balko company
ml tnckled him on tlio relative mor-
8 of their respective firms , thu qual-
y of their goods and their prices ,
Liiminir , liis firm could discount
10 B.ilko company in < wory roapoot.
Mr. Huckatrassei ia m > ' .lie man to
ako water for any body and ho wont
or the stranger with vigorous facts
ml lifting pointedly put.
brims claimed during the contro-
uroy that Mrs. Jahn had told him
f nn overcharge made against her byte
to Brunswick & Bailee agent , and
iat ho had heard of it and'spoken of
, several times during the day. This
largo was denied by Mr. Uochstras-
or , who oflerod to produce his orig-
ml bill and his statement to the
Jinpany as well. Affidavits \voro
rcoly offered oil both sides , but at
ongth the dispute settled down np-
mrontly to a square proposition to fill
11 order for Mr. D , L. McGucHu for
oth for o'no table , the clothe
o bo of second quality of Simoni ,
> oth to put it in nt the same price , but
10 one furnishing an inferior article
o forfeit cloth and price to Mr. Me-
uokin. The two agents also put up
ton dollar note on prices , when each
> reduced his printed list and duvet-
pod the fact that limns was cariyiug
price Hat for two different houses ,
which differed considerably nnd might
> rcBUtnably 'bo ' used alternately , ao-
lording to circumstances. Bruits do-
ied that ho nwlo this USD of the
wo lists , but the discussion
waxed warm , and nt length thu
nonoy wan taken down , nnd Mr ,
Iruus , putting his case of sample
mils under hia arm , departed without
aying so much aa good night.
To-day Mr Hoohstrassur has boon
mnting him'to show up the bills and
ecoipts concerning the Jahns matter ,
vhioh allows that that lady paidJJ2.50
nstenduf over $20 , for having one
et of billiard balls colored. Mr , II.
lajaif ho can find Brans ho will have
um arrested for Blander , but up to
ast accounts ho had not mot the rival
gent , whoso claims ho demolished
ntirely last night.
A Reconstruction or the System In
the Omaha Exchange.
The Omaha Electrio company is
Iwnya up with the timca and goner
lly ahead. They huvo recently pro
urod two now switch boards and begun -
gun the work of making a radical'
n the system heretofore used
n this city.
The new system is that used in St.
nnd othur largo , cities , and is
thought to bo bettor that the present
one. Kadi subscriber , and there arc
iow about 400 in Omaha , will bo
designated by n number , and calls nre
given and nu&wuis returned without
any of the "hullo" busiiiem. Thu
caller gives the number of the sub
soriber ho desires to talk
with nnd his own number im
mediutuly niter , which ia at once re
poatcd ' > y the central office , whore
mother operator makes the connec
; ion called for ,
The operators-are to be divided into
Iwo aeta , each sot having its own work
to da without moviiiL'from their posts
The only instances where thu opera
tors themselves will bo required to do
the culling of n receiving subscriber is
whore there are several subscribers
on one line , but there uro very few o
thoao circuits. Another innovation
which will greatly nid the operators
and facilitate telephoning is the intro
duction of n water motor into the
central oih'co , which will relieve the
operator from turning the cranks by
hand when culling.
M. 11. Thompson , of the firm of Thomp.
son & IJ ker , bunker * of Albion , N b. , \ tIn
In the city.
JamGi II. Porter , general western pa -
engr ogoiit ot the Western rail ,
way , was in the city yesterday ,
T. A. Johnson , of Kawllim , Wyoming
territory , in regi terd among yesterday' *
arrival * at the Occidental ,
Fred , McConn'll , general wtatom agent
of the Union I'ailfio railway , with heal-
quarter * at Suit I aku City , arrived from
the went TuewUy , f accompanied by
Mm. McConnell ,
The Moat Brilliant Event of An
Unusually Brilliant
Soaeon ,
The Festival of Fun nt Motz'a and
Tumor Halls.
Tueaday was the great torpa !
ohorcan event of the season. Boll
Turner nnd Met ? halls wore thrown
open for the eleventh annual ball o
the pioneer Gorman singing society
the Miunnorchor , and na much mori
room could have been used to groa
advantage. Both hulls \voro decorated
atod with evergreen nnd hunting , and
everything arranged in shape for Qer
mania's grcn cat event in Omaha ,
In Mot ? hall the orchestra of the
Omaha Musical union was stationed
nnd in Turner hall Irvine's orchestra ,
so that by this arrangement dancing
was kept up continuously. When ono
But was resting the other was in the
midst of the giddy whirl , and * vice
versa , so that those who desired could
dunce continuously the whole night
through ,
As early ns nine o'clock the halls
commenced to fill with maskers , and
ntbnlf p.-'ninuSloinhauflor'sorchostra
struck up n beautiful waltz which
ODonod the ball. The dancora con
tinued coming , nnd by 11 o'clock both
halla were crowded so densely that a
large share of t1"o on masque had to
content themselves with looking on ,
The galleries and entrance ways were
crowded by Bpectutors who came
early to gaze on the gay vertex of
frolicsome fun
The costumes were multifarious ,
nnd for the moat part grotesque , but
this wns relieved , now and then , by
several of the most elegant habits ever
soon on n ball floor in this city.
Aside from the dancing the ball
committed arranged for some very in
teresting specialties. About ton
o'clock EStoinhnuson's orchestruclcared
the stngo to miiko room for the pre
senting of n auries of sturcoptican
viuwa which were n success nnd gave
great eatisfnction to the dancers while
resting. These exhibitions were given .
nt intervals through the night.
Another novel feature of the even
ing was the Vienna Ladies' orchestra ,
composed of members of the Miunncr-
chor society uniformed and playing on ,
mimic band instruments.
Spring , Summer , Autumn nnd Winter -
tor , were befittingly represented.
Among the characters personated were
several good caricatures of priests , .
jockeys , military officers , minstrels ,
shepherds , shepherdesses and many
Several nations were duly repre
sented , to-wit : China , France , low
and high Gorman , etc.
The Mronnorchor contributed to the
uvoning'a enjoyment by giving some
boitutiful and spirited choruses.
The festivities were continued until
daylight , when the crowr" remaining
at that time was enough to fill both
halls. ;
Great credit is duo to the manage
ment of the Miunnorohor society for
the manner in which the whole pro
gramme was conducted.
The Tenth Street Railroad Grossing
at tue Union Pacific Depot.
The 1 onth street crossing' the
Union Pacific railroad at the depot
has long boon perilous. It has be
come , by the increase of travel and
the quantity of switching business
done there , absolutely dangerous and
aplace where neither women , chil
dren nor old men can bo insured reasonable
enable immunity from harm and per
haps fatal accident. It has also become
como n nuisance from the free license ;
allowed hackmen and hotel runners ,
Tuesday waa n cold day to travel
and autiicicntly unpleasant under the .
most favornblo circumstances. What
could rnako the traveler's life more n :
burden than to bo obliged to wait at
the crossings of the various tracks
north of the dupot platform until three
and at times four freight trains could
bo pulled by. Three narrow escapes
of women nnd children from burnt'
struck by cars milking flying switches
were obacrved in about ten minutes in
the afternoon. The Vigilance of the
flagmen alone saved those people from
being hit. Three freight trains or
auctions of trains on diffbrout tracks
stood directly in the way of travelers
alighting from nn eastern train and
iuu\to bo walked around.
The flagman cannot always bo vigi
lant and a fatal accident is probable
uro long if some arrangement is not
nude to stop the continuous swituh-
ng of one , two , and three cars nt u
imn. These cars are given momen
tum and then uro uncoupled from thu
engines and sent flying across the
street , taking most unexpected turns
ind switching in nil directions. Even
the natives of that part of the city
at times lose their reckoning in cross
ing ahead or between these dangerous
cars. A man hauled up nt Bolls'
drua ; store Tu sdny , after making
lively hop , skip and jump to got out o.
the way of a rapidly pproaohing box car
nnd said : "I crossed that track for
tea years without getting nervou
until within the lost BIX months ; bu
now there are tlnjes. at night especial
ly , when I fool decidedly shaky. ' *
From throe to five thousand peopl
cross these tracks daily , and , as th
southern portion of the cit ;
becomes moro thickly populated
the travel will increase accordingly
No remedy can bo devised wluc'
will entirely do nway with the risk t <
wagons and pedestrians as Ion
as the tracks have to be crossed , an
as long us the switching of c.m cor
tinucs. The first is an undoubte
necessity , nnd the latter may bo unn
voidable. It then follow * that th.
Boonor the proposed bridge or viaduc
over the tracks is constructed , th
bettor ,
There Is another fonturo of the Ui.
ion Pucifjo depot nnd thu crosainp.
north of it which can bo easily cor
rooted. That is the free license c
hackmen and hotel runners to pi. ,
their vocations at any nnd all places
Hacks are driven on the walk whicl
lead from the depot platform to th
street car atopping , and block up Ui
wny. The hotel runners 'follow pas
sengers from the trains for unroaaonn-
bio distances and mnko na much noise
M possible in their attempts to atttncl
the travelers' attention. Those things ,
which contribute io mnko the dcpol
and its approaches a nuisance , can
easily corrected , ntid the rail end anil
city ofllcials should turn their nttoiv
tion that way.
The Programme of the Lenten Benson
Pastoral lottcra have been isauod
by tlov Jamea Williams , of St. Mar-
naoas , nnd Dean Millspaugh , of Trin
ity , appointing the order of Lcnion
services , aa follows ;
Ash Wednesday 11 n. in. , offering
for Bible nnd Prayer Book sojiety.
Sundays As usual , with special
sermon in the evening.
Wednesdays nnd Fridays 4 p. in
with meditation or lecture.
lloly Week D.iily at 4 p. m. ; Good
Friday , 11 n. m. , offuring for foreign
missions ; Enstor even , baptism at
p. m.
G.'iecKing street , botwocn Oald-
well and Hamilton , Fridays 7:30p : m.
St John's Liko's addition , Tues
days 7:30 : p m.
Cuthedml Mission C.iss street ,
Thursdaj s 7 p. in.
Trinity Mission ( Colored ) Eighth
and Dampy Huv. W. A. Green ,
deacon. Sundays 11 a. m. , 3 and 7:30 :
p.m. ; Wednesdays nnd Pridays 7:30 :
p. in ,
Confirmation Instruction - Wednes
day and Friday , Masonic Hall , 4:30 :
p. m. ; Monday , rector's study , St.
Marjs hvunue , f.'M p. m.
RAHTUI smivicfi. * * . ( TIIIMTV CATHK-
Hnlv communion , 7 30 n. m. ; con-
iitm.ktiuii and holycoinmunion , 11 n.
in. ; children's service of enrols , 4 p.
n , i During for diocesan missions.
Trinity Mission. ( Colored ) Morn-
nt ; service 11 a. m. ; confirmation ,
' :30 : p. m.
Holy Eucharist.Ash Wednesday
it 10:30 : a. m. ; Sundays nt 7:30 : nnd
.In. m , ; Thursdays at 7 a. m. ; holy
Liys nt 7 a. m.
Daily Services. Mondays , Tues-
lays , Thursdays nnd Saturdays nt
:15p. : m. ; Wednesdays nnd Fridays
t 7:30 : p.m.
Holy Week , Good Fridays excepted )
-Colobratiom daily , at 7 and ! ) n.
n. ; vespers , at 7:30 : p. ra.
, Good Friday. Service ! nt 9 a. m ,
.2 m. nnd 3 p. m.
Easter Day. First celebration at 5
L. m. ; second celebration at 11 a m. ;
ihildron's service at 3 p. m. ; vespers
it 7:30 : a. m.
Parish Meetings. Ash Wednesday
it 7:30 : p. m. ; Ea&tor Monday at 9
t. in. .
Offerings Ash Wednesday , , domob-
io missions ; Good Friday , , foreign
Missions ; Easter morning- Parish ;
Easter evening , diocesan missions.
The sacramental rite of contirma-
ion will bo administered on Easter
Sunday evening.
Bishop Olarkion's appointments for
Liont are aa follows :
Sunday , February 26 , Hastings ,
Sunday , March 5 , Columbua and <
Thursday , .March 0 , Lincoln.
Sunday , March 12 , Central City and
GSrand Island.
Sunday , March 19 , Omaha.
Sunday , March 2G , Nebraska City.
Sunday , April 2 , St. Marks.
Easter Sunday , April 9 , a. mr
Easter Sunday , April 9 , p. m. , St.
Which was More or Less Patriotical
ly Observed.
Yesterday , the anniversary of
ho birthof the father of his country ,
vas observed in a fitting manner by
.hose who could afford to honor tbo
lato. Such were not newspaper men ,
or all the dailies came out just asif
joorgo had never been born.
The bank clerks , post-oftico and rail
road employes , all got a rest , and will
; o to work to-day wishing that
President Wash ! gton had been bora
The pupils of Miss HcChoanno's
class in thu Central school , gave u very
pleasant exhibition Tuesday , there
being nearly 300 yisitors present. Ad-
ireaaea wore made by President Long ,
f the board of education , Superin
tendent Lane , Dr. Denise nnd othur
gentlemen. Exhibitions were also
given in the Cnss street , East , South
and soverul other schools.
The pupils nf the West school , un-
dur thu ( lifc-C'iuii t f Miss Hartley and
Mrs , ( liali , guvo an exhibition yistei-
dny with thu following
Hewling "l.lfui.fVnahlngtou" . .
. Altlmr MontpOincry.
lUcltatlon Lit tu i reddle" .
. ; . Charlie TOW..I- .
Chorus "Keep t , the Hight" .
Uecltatlnu"The Kitten.Oco. . Uulfett.
Recitation "A Song for little May" . . .
. . . Por&GroiT.
"General George WashingUm , "
Carrie rtttct
i h rus "Jolly LHtle Cloaker , " . . . .
KeollaUon "If Yim rieage , " . '
. AIUOH Peterson.
Recitation "Dressing Mary Ann , " .
. . . . . KibelDIck ,
Kway "Washinf ton1 * Character , ' .
. . . . . . Lulu Webb
Sonp-"ThoUoyWhoWouliNot Toll s
Lie , . Be le Kerr ,
VecttaUon "Thank giving Day , " .
. . Jokle Ubh
Uecllotiiw - "Little Ueglnnlpc * , " .
. , . May 1'epper
Kssay "George Waihington " . . . . , .
. , . . . . Arthur .Montgomery
lleadlug "Washington , " . . . .Alice Lund
Choru "S jhool SOUK. " .
UeclUtiou-"Ncll and Her Bird. "
. . . IClln
Uecltntion "A NVUli , " . Subio Dick
Mutio"Yankee Doodle , "
Kidney Complaint Cared
1J. Turner , llochester , N. Y , , wjit
have been for o\er a year uubjeet to so
rionn disorder of the ft id ne ye , ixiul oft
nimble to attend to business ; I | > rocum
ynur DuiuiocK lii.oou HmKiw , anil
relieved before half a buttle wait used ,
liituml to continue , ns I feel confident tbu
they will entirely cure in ) . " 1'iico $1 00
trial sites 10 cents. 21. Iw
A Strikmer Demonetratioa of
Omnha'a Prosperity.
The Future Biff With Promise for the
Onto City.
The lot nt the northwest corner of
Farnani nnd Twelfth street , so long
known as Brash's corner , wns Tues-
dny transferred to n now company
iust organixod to go into the banking
jusincaa in this city. This company
consists of A. E. Touztlin , vice prosi-
lent of the 0. , D. & Q. railway ; 11.
W , Yntes , at present cashier of the
First National bnnkj S. 0. Johnson ,
of Slcclo , Johnson , t Co. ; W. V.
Morse , J. S , Collins , of G. H. & J.
S. Collins , ,1. S. Brady nnd W. U.
McCord , of Nave , McCord & Brady ;
Hon. J. M. Woolwonh , Hon. J. W.
Savage , nnd several ether men of
wealth , energy nnd enterprise.
These parties propose to go to work
mmediatoly and nrcct , on the silo
named , for which the purchase
iricd wits § 10,1)00 ) , n magnificent four-
lory bank building , 22 by 132 feet , of
irick , with marble front nnd nil the
nodprn adornments known to the
architect. As an instance of the olo-
; anco of the now bank , it may bo
itated that the counter , which will beef
of marble , gold inlaid , will cost alone
310,000. The structurowill bo ono of
which Omaha will bo justly proud ,
nd will bo ono of the chief features
f Farnam street.
In these splendid quartern the com-
> auy will open up a now bank , the
fth in Omalin , with a cash
apital of 8250,000. The nnmo
las not yet boon made
niblic. but what's in n nnnu1 ? Fho
ontlumen composing the orgumzttion
re men who huvo proran themselves
ble financiers anil' who have to-day
nmenso investments in Omaha ,
'hoy believe that there ia room t here
or another bank , the deposits in
! io four institutions we now have
mounting to 5,500,000nnd there is
o doubt but they will build up a fine
usinosB in a short time. The advent
f the Missouri Pacific and the con-
lotion of thoB. & M. to-Denver will
dd very materially to the banking
usiness of the eity , nnd
licso gentlemen appreciate thnt
act , as well ns another , which
s that Omaha has but
nirly started in on its era of proaperi-
y , the consummation of which will
Inco it in line with Chicago and other
lotropolitnn cities in wealth'nnd im-
This now movf will dnubtluro-revive
: io old iiitiiitioiia of otlu r bniikini ;
ousea of Omaha to enlnrgo their
icsent quarters and purliaps * erect
ow buildings , which will competa in
lagnificenco with the now house. A
ear ngo Caldwell & Hamilton ,
Countzo BrosiT the Millnrds , and
' 'rank Murphy all nnnounccd their
itention of putting up now buildings
r adding seraral stories to. the
Id ones. The Millnrds are at work
lid. the others will soon follow tliuir
xnmplo. Mr. Bvash will nt once va-
ate his store and move further up
farnam street , and the old frame
will bo immediately moved into
'ivelfth street , so that the excavation
or the bank building can be made at
n early day , it being the intention to
omploto and occupy it by spring.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are all the transfers
f real estate recorded at the county "
lerk's office the 18th , 20th and 21st- >
s reported by John L. Mo-
3aguo , real estate agent and con-
eyancer :
Catherine Gallagher ot al. , to Mrs.
5aumann , acre on Sixteenth street ,
IT d $950.00.
Claus Siovors and wife to Henry
laobo. the a e | oJ n o i of sec 15 (
own 15 , range 12 ; east , w d § 75.00.
Henry Bnabo and wife to Claus
iovers part of s.w of n w | of sec
4 , town 15 , range 12 east , w d $75 OOj
Heirs of A. vi. IMchardson to the
J. & S. W. It. It. Co. , i lot C , block
20 , nod , $400.
W , C , B. Allen , to the 0. & S. W.
I. R. Co. , lot li , block 154 , q c d ,
S. D. Mercer and wife to the O. &
3. W. R. 11. Go. lot.O , block 1GL , q
d , § 200.
M. Tootle and wife to the 0. & S.
V. . R. Co , , lot 5 nnd 5 lot 0 ,
block 150 , w d , $137.50.
S. S. Caldwell nnd wife to the Oi &
S. W. R. R. Go. , lot 7 , block 132 , q
d , ? 400.
Hiram Lix Monte and wife to G.
M. Hitchcock , lots 3 and 4 block 80 ,
w d ; $15,000 ,
A. J. Hnnscom and wife to. Chris-
ian Sampson , lot J , block 3 , Hana-
com place , williOO.
Albert Nejdl and wife to Frank
vaplan , the E f , lot 10 , block 5v
Countze'B d , add , w dj $350
Charles L. Thompson and wife ,
Margaret Solomon , the 5 of sec-
ion G , town 15 , range 13 , east , w d ;
James Krappell midwife to Albert
Nejdl , lo't 10 , block 5 , Kountzo'a 2d ,
w d ; $775.
Lewis U. Coleman and wife to Win.
Hugwlorn , lot 2 , block & , Shinu'U 2nd
add , w d ; $334.
F. B. Lowe to Albeit AHendorff ,
Iot2 , block 4 , Paik JHieu add , w d ;
J. N. H. Patrick and wife t A. J.
Hanecom , lots 1 ami 2 , bWk 115 , w
d ; $4,350.
A. S. Paddock and wif * 1o John
McQinnis , 32 iurtw : in ticc'.iom 10 and
15 , of township 1C. rai'gu 13 , w d
Jas. Mclaughlin and wife to Hur-
rinqton it Holiday , part of IIM | am
B\T | of sco 4 , town 15 , r.ingo 10 east , ,
q oil ; 81,200.
If you vish to avoid great dancvi
and trouble , besides n no small hi ]
of expanse , ut this season of thu year
you should take prompt stops tu koer
disftaso from your household. Tl-.t
system should bo cleansed , blrot
purified , stomach nnd boweU tegula
toil , nnd prevent and cure diswiaok
ariaing from spring malaria. Wo knou
of nothing thnt will BO perfectly nm
surely do this as Electric Bitters , am
at thu trilling cost of fifty cunt a. lot
tie. [ Exchange.
Sold by Ish & McS ) nhon. 1
Army Orders.
The following general i oiler has
been iasued from the Jifnthj i.rtors ol
the department of the PJav , Omnlm ,
Nebraska :
A board of survey i . consist of
Capt.Viii. . A. Elderkin . . .mmisaary
" | fubsiitniicp , U. S. A. ; Grtut. Jiimes
II. Lord , assistant quariorma&ter , U.
S. A. ; Second Lieutenant Prank L.
Dodds , Ninth infantiy , will convene
at. camp at Ohoyeiinu depot , \V , T. ,
nt 10 oWock n. in. , February 24,1882 ,
or ns BOOH thereafter as practicable
to examine into nnd report upon am.
fix the rosponnibility for the leas of
certain nrticloa of ordnance atores
nnd camp and garrison equipage , al
leged to linvu been lost or stolen by
dosortorn , the property of the United
States , for which Cant. Edwin I'ol
lock , Ninth infantry is responsible
_ Leave of abaencu for onu 'month ,
with permission to npply to , the ad
jutant gonernl of thu army for nn
extension of two months , is granted
Poit Chaplain Thomas B. Van Home.
U. S. A.
Sergeant Win Balford , company I ,
Sixth infantry , now at Fort Omaha ,
Neb , , will rejoin hia company at Fort
Douglas , Utah.
The quartermaster's department will
furnish the necessary transportation ,
Tnu euluistonco department will fur
nish commutation of rations , at au
thorized rates , for the journey , if it bo
impracticable to furnish the aoldior
with cooked ntimip ns provided in
army regulutiont , 2229.
The following named recruits en
listed nt Fort Om xhn , Neb. , and Fort
D. A. Ruasell , W. T. , respectively ,
are unsigned ns follows :
William Johnson to tro IP I , Fifth
James Moliedy to troop C , Third
Recruit Johnson will bo sunt to the
station of his troop ut thu lirat favor
nblo opportunity.
Dr. A. H. Derris , founder of the
celebrated Lnmnrtino Vaccine Farm
nt Fond du Lac , Wis. , ia now propa
gating pure Bovine Viru-j at Lincoln ,
Nob. Ton iTory Points , $1.00 ;
Omits , $2.00 ; eash with th * order.
Only physici.iim supplied.
A 15 DtiisKis , M. J ) ,
I8b22oodlm-in e Lincoln , Nob.
OiiANOEH-20 cents ,
LEMONS 25 cents
febB2-2t at WM. GKNTLEMAS'H.
Only Buovm Ron ! Cure.
TO LOAN Call , lt 7. w uniot of D ;
MONEY Ho in h Crchrhton Dlock.
QffKA ° LOATuAt H per centln-
5p/vOUJuV7W tereHt In Min of 82,600 anit
upwards , for iStn 6 ymrn , ou IVi t'la * clt > and
fann prop. > rty. URUIM REAL KHIATW &i > Lflxt ,
AOHNCT , 15lh and Uouplas Sta.
Competent clrl for BeneralhouBc-
WANTED Apply at 1911) Oh ragn S . MRS-
J. 13. WILBUR. 235-23
\TT ANTED Two furnUhtd looms with board. '
VV In harao fimlly or near < by Address II.
R. Sivlch , with LtnluKcr k .Mdlrolf & Co. 237-1 *
lOOs od men for railroad work. .
WANOTU eiler , Employment Agent , 11 lr <
strco , near Farnham. " * 222 23 *
200 teams , 100 good te stcrs , to-
WANTED on the ra -tiMi"oh. . Ap-
ly at once to II Mannwci ) r , omjiloj merit :
agent , lllh street , near Farnhun. 2 3-23 *
Hf TASTED My a young cun 17ears of ag
VViplacutoworkfor 'dshoint ami go to
hool. Wiling to make niemclf generally uso-
nl. Adilro's J , James , room 6 , CrelKhtoa
look. 23J23 *
[ \ ; AKIED-T'TwoKlrlsutitho faclllc Home. .
VV 223 ° 2 *
IAiSTKU GUI for general housework. Ap
W ply a2 U& California St
IIT./NTED IlouHowlth. 0 riouis , good loca-
VV tlon. Applv 1C11 CalifrnU St. P. T.
Inrtln. 220-25 *
TK1) 2 good dlni. g room glil . flood
WAI wages to good lulp Apply at once at
urhUis Houtu , 1'lattsnwuth , Neb. .2'J ' 2 %
LTTANTED Rinplo } incut by 2 Ocrman girK
VV H Jlaiiimuln/i eingjojment agent , llth
t.ncar Farnham , 2Hi22'
ftTANTED OooJlcook t Orand Pacllloiiotel ,
VColumbus. . Wo-wmii prelcrrtd. l 7-tf
'ANTf. I ) Small girl to take rare of * baby ,
W norttwcstrorner 2JdandJu ! tSt < . 1H7-22'
ANTED -Good dining room girl ai-llio ht.
W ChcrlcsHotol. IttJ-tf
iiret-olass COOK , one wbo uudir-
WANTED nuAticoolilnvas well as pastry ; nond
iut first clacs iiicd apply Alxou giud noyau
wait'.r. AppU ut 110S jTirnhim t 083-oudl
\A7 A.VIK1) r'uudlnic brldiru aud ncbool bondv
VV II. T OUrk. rwievue. ! 8-tf
"ITlT'iNlED 4.chihlrrn as b nrdemln acelect
W si heel , at 10th and California. St. L. B
LOUMIS 757'tf
HINT A nicely furnluhdd front room , .
EOU , fortwo getitlemeit wltkor without
beard ; 1118 Howard St. , near Ulh , 234-23 *
IOR RF.NT Elegantly ( nrnlthMl rocms with
fltsxlni ( ( , bo rO , gn , b yiro * u and wa en
. - . T Nicely fiirnlahfJl room. AppVat
FOX.-RU. r > rnhtm at. _ 2ia > bti
TTI .T A handsomely fiiintuhed tarlor
Jj room , also an alcov room with boar * low.
Cri < M. Ilrlck honit , 2013 Cots St. 217-t
IIM3T Store room In bric't hcllJl'ig , N.
FK E. rortiiT lUth uad Ctiuillig. C , K Uo U
turn , 1110 Fatnhi m W. > 3-tf
17O1I ItKNT S.filll' Jr'i , suitable fw 2 Lortn * .
I' comer KnruUm and 2llh St. Appl ) toJ
RBhic\c _ , _
HhNT llou'e on Sherman , < , . " " . 7
FOR , with tiblc. A J.1HO.N. " '
rill , 07 M. bt _ „ 2"7-H
* . - far0110 iuJ ] fait of Mill
FORK.NT-A mil ii.ouxCilJ < fc Omaha It
ll.o\crrnoliui.drtdarrrii lUCJltUatlon , Ap
on & Hunt , J4lhStnfarrarrh in
MOK 1 FXr-KuriiWicdioouHi , noilli cst cor ,
lj 20th amltV-n. ' ' " -23'
KhST Met hnuH1 , i rooms , S clonuti
FOR i niry , water works In hou > . I , , Pn- < .
tan , 1112 S 13th ht iSl-SI
\ RbNT Mwsly luruUhod rooiii ) , at 1 1
j Chicago St 17II ] 0
-nOH REST FurnUhud with or without b'nn
I' a front room , plta'antly located on lli t floor
at No. 315 N , l4tu St. , out Mo , liet , Davclijior
and Chicago. Two geatlimou or end lfg
| ircferr d , lnqulrc.011 rreuiiii ( , CO M
SPBDI1L HOTIOB8 nnnnnni.-if
poll IIBS1- Rooms In Jacob. ' block
1,10111GVT ( FutnUhcil roouix. Lrjir.ib o lit-
JJ cationsonthwcstc.rncr llith anJ lt-rn-
FOU KKNT FiirnlihMl fiont loom , N. K. coi.
Oth and Jac.swi. 52-tt
REST Homo of rKht | ooms. lniiilr : |
J. l'hltH > 9 Hoc , 1&J2 u , Klltli t. 977'tl
I710K RENT Ono ol the be < t stores on rumlnv
J.1 St. , 20x21 , by January 1 , 1SS2. 820 tf
FOR RENT ! furnished room * over tit *
chant * ' Exch > ni ; , N. R. cor. lOtli and UoJe-
„ _ i-ati"
Nlctlfttunl h < l roouw with or
without board. Jioasonnble prices. 201S
-OH bALb
WOK SALFAt HM'i feed mill , ne r
, LllrklRo , 7A tons of No. 1 b > led liarWIIUo
uelh rcd to aiiy put of the city. Als i jround
feed t the lowttt cmh price. W. II. McfoY.
ilOn 8ALE-a o d liulldlnRj. Enquire of
L1 DewcyJt ttono. 2342i
7IOH SALE -iwoiityAcroi beautiful land , well
L' Iocat with no d rtsldoncu , liarn , out-
loiiso , well and cUttrn ; placn well lenro.l :
Terms cnsy. W. K. UAUTLET. , Itcal totate
Aycnt. 2S9-1
TTIOIISALE Rccond hand aKotn and haracsj
JU by D. L , ThoniM , HoomB OrdfrhtonUlock.
M Kills runts housn , lots , forms , storcaJ nd .
JD rooms , etc. Ollkes 16th and
OH HALE Fri-sh uillon I.O B , also nlco froin.
butter at Ioal'a Grocery ttoro , corner Tenth
anil Doilpc. _ ' 'chS-lm * .
FOH SAI.llcsUinnt with good patronacei
on 10th St. ; rcanor for sell ng , must KO co t
, o look nfttr Impoi taut huslncsi Hunulru at
4108. 10th St. 174/tf
PI Oil SALK 10,000 lllnek Cap Mammoth Clu -
JJ tcr llasborry Hoolu "Idle Wild Place- . '
-eavo ordiriint 1414 Dod e St. JOHN d. WIL
LIS , Oomm'dilo ' t toro. tf
KM1B' NEW CITY . 10c. Jlount *
B Mapa , J2.60. OKO. 1' . ItKMIS.
F OU SA1.K Mules arttf Aarncss it KfdmanV
Ittn Btrret bam' I41-01
FOU SK At Solomon's , 1204 FarnhamSt. . .
Kold fish , silver fish , acl' , alllg-atorH , dorli
flsh , Imported canary birds , t.lkltii , " nrrocolil'
nncheo , red birds , tuocvlng birds , llsli nlobon audi
aquariums , nil sizes and > tuks , at unco roa on *
ablo. 14-Mf
_ _
OH SALE A | : oed scconil ha il street hack
for unlo , at a low bargain , by Dr. Isaac
vnrch , 1100 Farnham stroot. . 74 tf.
EOU SALh : llousoaiid full lot In oed loca
tion. cheap. Price. $1250. Easy terms.
SIcCAOtyK , Opp. post clHce. 16tf
fJlOU SALE Best building lot In Shlnn's ad-
fj ditlo : > , 142 feet cast front'120 ' ! feet depth.
IcCAOUZl , Op ] > . post office. U tf
FOU SALE Oil RE.VT AKfoccry dtoro and
butcher shop , doing a good buslnosj. In-
qulra at this office. 012-tf _
FOR S AIiE 2 nice counters and 2 silver plated
fihmv cases at Gco. U. 1'ctctuon'e , 04 South
Oth St. 7 l-tf
GWU HALK Ur will exctm ge lor Umana pro-
" potty , MI lmpro\cd sec OB of land adjoln-
ng a station on U. P. R. R. II. DUNHAM , 1412
Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 3m
nOR SALE Or trade for clty property , oiT
L H > an ol horses , harncas and wagon. Addrei
s Y. , IhlaolHca ; _ 722 tf
J.MJU -ALE A itoou sovcn-j ear-old hor.e (
HSrrinfwl to nrho single or double. Kn
air , .if ( , porK'i.anii lil , Caufluld hoiuc.
PMITNKII with ? 5nfl niitMl fora t cry proflt-
ithlu miiiiifiictiirlii ) : li'islniis No risk ;
. ipcriunt cleur profit. AdJseniV , Sjothis
in o. rtn : 24-
iMIS HU Iu ua , loti , farnH un i UnU * .
Ortice , D ujla. St .
> OOMS ami rtrst class board at 2011
t Cissbi. 2.42 *
- ITirnlmtu St , nch < t keys ,
about , 1882 I. tiuirc at corner 2bth.
ndDodguSt. James C Jnhn.on. 216.22 *
r > E\UTItUS.KESIDnNOE LOTS $100 each ,
L > SSdovn nadSS p rmonthk CKill-t , Kgcut ,
dth and Douglou 3tH ,
L are In fraquent.rcc | pt of applications for
perutora. 11ELL & A3IKS , 1600 Farnham.
Agents Remington Typo-Writer. fcblS-lra
cd caw with horns turn
ed In a littla J ast i n oo Pierce St.
thull'a addition , accompanUd br a calf. Apply
to 2l3Ho\\ani > . 12tU and ISth. 293 tf
RENT Choice of 29 full lots to leaser
j near Crci0jton Cnlleso for2 per jcar.
Jcxtcr L. Thotnas & liro-y. Room 8 , Crcl hton
Hock. aotf
f OTS , $ UOsacb , ? 5 downandj&por month
U iHMla , Agent. _
J la < CoNib. , 2SO ncnu broken dwol Ing
lous1 , barn , cottle eealcr , . lari j body of heav y
Irabcr and rjnnlne waterj tf in flu from U. lR. .
t. Apply ta-or address- \V. T. Richvdi ,
Unaha , Ntl . 207-1 m
In soBl-aniHinl. elsht ( apcr >
. ccntlnteitst notes 8oureJ
iy real btati > mortKan'e-for tala. Addie's F. O.
oxG2. 208-7 *
/CHOICE nrst-clasi lobU board$4.00prrwack ,
J at CO&.lSth tit. , bitr.Oatitorala and \Webstar.
il , FOHNiSBEO , Sultablafortwo.
Jj gcntUmon , op l&tbnndi
Ititli , aouthskle. 160 tf
T > RICK.FOR HALITl Jturray.
JD 119-n
TIA.\OANnOIOANlR ! tnictlon by , 11183 K.
J. 8. rarfl.t , fi. ajtb Hfc. bdow Pierog. Ot-U
HIOI1KST PRICH paid far all klnli.ol Iron ,
nutal and rr H , by 1. Oallnsky & Co. , 101
RENT 3. W.Cor.
quire atlojt \ : . 'o- Art Emporium , 1619 Dodtcc-
trcc& 998U
_ _ _
LYL wanted 1. ox wriunccd mau. Small salary.
' . U. Itox.SO City. _
17 mtNIBHKlIiROOlfd WltMn three blcck ot
J poHtolllcq ; Inquire at 161 Pod e. Oi6-tf
in ORA10.M 1'aatilo and 01) ) ,
MHO dooorntttf palntliu. MRS. D. R.
'VAHDNER. ' room J . Jacob's Block. M2-tf
TYALEI ) HAY A t A. H. Sander's Feed Store ,
J > 1013 liwneyS j. lfl-tf
Absolutely Pure0
Thli pott Jcr never \fttles. A mar > el of purity ,
atrsiuth and wholeaomonfu. Meta oononil l
tluu the ordlnarj klmls , BI il cannot bo old In
competition with the multitude of low Uil ,
short welcht , alum or pho ph ta powdeu ,
So.dou.yfn . . , , , , .